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BI www May 13, 2022 To Whom It May Concern: Itis with pleasuse that I wnite this letter of recommendation for Stacey Banks, as she applies for a position in your district. While in P-CCS, I wosked closely with Stacey in the Assistive and Instructional Technology (A&I) team for Flymouth-Canton Community Schools. Stacey works as an Assistive Technology Consultant for the Ath largest school district in the State of Michigan. Stacey is an inspising, creative and adaptable professional. She has an expest command of special education theory and staategies and best practices to help ALL students succeed Thited Stacey in 2016 to join the A&IT team. Since that time, she has made significant contribution to the department's work Stacey leamed our Assistive Technology Evaluation processes, our depastment and strict protocols and proceduses and was able to intestwine her ou knowledge and skills to support, yet also improve our practices. She organizes and maintains the depastment website, bsings outside the box thinking to problem solving and brainstorming sessions and keeps the focus on the best interests of students. As well, she has been integral in the planning and implementation of professional development and/or training for district staff students and families Stacey cisplays a very unique skill set charactesized by a combination of passion, creativity, personality and educational expestise. Stacey demonstrates she is committed to the academic and behavioral achievement of students on grade level and those who have learning challenges. She’s shoum pasticular passion forstudents ‘who ate struggling to succeed in school settings. She encourages, yet challenges staff to consider insteuctional practices that reach students on the pesipheral. She does so by modeling innovative technology and academic solutions, and provides structured coaching feedback to build staff capacity. Thighly respect Stacey and the work she’s contsbuted to the A&IT team and to the distsict. I always look forward to heating what she has to say, I appreciate her “can do” attitude and willingness to coll up her sleeves to get the job done. I believe the same could be saidl by her colleagues and peess. Stacey is eagerto take on new challenges, leam, create and produce. She is able to supervise, support and enhance the skills, of others, Thave no doubt she would make an excellent addition to any district Sincerely, Since Fart Dx Johnita R Poster Echication researches/Manages/Founding member VEN Consulting LLC

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