Lab 1 - Study of Hooks Law and Deformation

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Experiment 1: Study of Hooke’s Law and Deformation

Total Marks: 20

Student Name: ________________ Reg. No. ___________ Date: __________

Problem Statement:

To study the response of homogenous metal rod under the application of axial forces.


When a force is applied to any homogenous metal structure, it causes the stresses in the
structure as shown in Figure 1. Stress is defined as “Force per unit Area”. Since the applied
force is normal to the structure’s cross- section, the stress produced is called normal stress. Its
formulae is shown in equation (1).

𝜎= (1)
where, σ = Normal stress (MPa)
F = Applied force (N)
A = Cross-sectional Area (m2)

Figure 1: Normal Stress (σ) due to axial Loading

Due to the applied force, deformation also occurs in the structure which produces the Strain as
shown in Figure 2. Strain is define as the “Change in Length per unit length”. It is given by
equation (2).
𝜀= (2)

where, Ԑ = Normal Strain (No unit)

ΔL = Change in length (m)
L = Original length (m)

Figure 2: Deformation due to axial loading

The stress and strain produced are proportional to each other. The constant of proportionality
is known as Modulus of Elasticity (E). In equation (3), E is independent of geometry and is a
material constant.

𝜎 = 𝐸𝜀 (3)

Equation (3) is defined as Hooke's Law, it predicts a linear relationship between the strain and
the stress and describes the elastic response of a material. In materials where Hook's Law
describes the stress-strain relationship, the elastic response is the dominant deformation
mechanism. Within the elastic region (A), if the structure is unloaded, it returns back to its
original shape without any permanent deformation as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Stress-Strain diagram under tensile loading

Deformation in a homogenous structure under axial loading is dependent on the amount of
applied load, the length of the structure, its cross-sectional area and modulus of elasticity. It
can be calculated by equation (4).

𝛿= (4)

Numerical Problem:

1- Determine the Normal stress and strain of a metal rod of gauge length 4.5 cm and cross-
sectional area of 20 mm2 under the applied load varying from 0N to 50N. (Use load
interval of 10N)
2- Calculate its deflection for each loading. The material specification is given in Table 1.

Table 1: Material Specification of Tension bars

Modulus of Elasticity, E
Material Type (N/mm2) Poisson ratio, μ

Steel 210000 0.28

Copper 191000 0.305

Brass 123000 0.33

Aluminium 88000 0.33

Answers of numerical problem should be inserted Table 2 to 5.

Table 2: Numerical Calculations of Stress, Strain and Deflection in Steel

Applied load Stress Deflection

(N) (MPa) (mm)






Table 3: Numerical Calculations of Stress, Strain and Deflection in Copper

Applied load Stress Deflection

(N) (MPa) (mm)





Table 4: Numerical Calculations of Stress, Strain and Deflection in Brass

Applied load Stress Deflection

(N) (MPa) (mm)






Table 5: Numerical Calculations of Stress, Strain and Deflection in Aluminium

Applied load Stress Deflection

(N) (MPa) (mm)





Experimental Setup:


FL100 Strain Gauge System, shown in Figure 4, will be used to conduct experiments for the
evaluation of Strain, ε, for different materials.

Figure 4: (a) FL100 Strain Gauge Training System, (b) Strain gauge arrangement on the
tension bar (full bridge).

For experimental determination of the tensile stress, two strain gauges each are fitted to the
front and back of the specimen; one strain gauge is attached in longitudinal, the other is
transverse direction. The strain gauges on each side form a branch of the bridge. Such a
configuration is characterized by the following: Utilization of linear and transverse strain
increases sensitivity.

Thanks to the arrangement on opposite sides, superimposed bending stresses have no influence
on the measurement result. The output signal UA for the measuring bridge is referenced to the
feed voltage UE. The sensitivity k of the strain gauge enables the strain ԑ to be calculated for
the full bridge using equation (5).

1 4 𝑈𝐴
𝜀= ∗ ∗ (5)
2(1+𝜇) 𝑘 𝑈𝐸


1- Strain gauge of different materials

2- Amplifier

3- Weight hanger with weight blocks

1- There is no plastic deformation in the structure during the course of this experiment.

1. Fit the tension bar in the frame as using the holder with hook.

2. Connect up and switch on measuring instrument

3. Use offset adjuster to balance display.

4. Load bar with large set of weights. Increase load in stages and note down reading.

5. Readings are only very small on account of the weak tensile stresses. Zero balancing is
therefore to be performed with extreme care.


Measure the following parameters on the apparatus and fill in Table 6.

Table 6: Deflection values under varying applied load

Type of Material Applied Load (N)

(Readings in mV/V)
0N 10N 20N 30N 40N 50N




Calculations and Results:

1. Evaluate the strain using data recorded from the experiment using following equation?
1 4 𝑈𝐴
𝜀= ∗ ∗
2(1 + 𝜇) 𝑘 𝑈𝐸
where, UA/UB is reading in mV/V & k = 2.05
2. Make a table to compare the strain calculated from numerical and experimental data
and calculate the maximum percentage error. Comment on the difference.

3. Plot a graph of stress vs strain, numerical and experimental both, for each material.

4. Calculate the Modulus of Elasticity, E for each material from experimental data and
calculate percentage error.
5. Plot a graph of deflection against applied load from numerical and experimental data
for each material.

6. Briefly explain Poisson's ratio?


7. Differentiate between true stress and engineering stress?


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