Reflecting On 25 Years With MYC: Natalie Meyer and Linda Z. Penn

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supported the supposition that viral integra-

M YC — T I M E L I N E
tion into the host genome could inappro-
priately activate a nearby cellular oncogene
Reflecting on 25 years with MYC (FIG. 2a). In 1981, B. Neel and colleagues
demonstrated the existence of viral–cellular
RNA chimaeras and showed that viral inte-
Natalie Meyer and Linda Z. Penn gration sites were evident at specific sites in
the genome, yielding similar hybrid RNA
Abstract | Just over 25 years ago, MYC, the human homologue of a retroviral
molecules in independently infected birds2.
oncogene, was identified. Since that time, MYC research has been intense and the Unlike the acutely transforming tumour
advances impressive. On reflection, it is astonishing how each incremental insight viruses, the viral coding regions of their
into MYC regulation and function has also had an impact on numerous biological slowly transforming cousins were not
disciplines, including our understanding of molecular oncogenesis in general. Here involved and were often mutated and/or not
we chronicle the major advances in our understanding of MYC biology, and peer transcribed2,3. Complementary DNA from
five of the viral oncogenes that were known
into the future of MYC research. at the time, including v-myc, was hybrid-
ized to the avian lymphoma RNA, allowing
Research on MYC began at a time when the MYC1. Instead, three novel mechanisms identification of increased levels of MYC
genetic basis of cancer was largely unknown. of oncogenic activation were identified: transcripts fused to proviral sequences in the
A quarter of a century has now passed since insertional mutagenesis, chromosomal tumours4. MYC was the first cellular onco-
the human homologue of v-gag–myc was translocation and gene amplification gene that was shown to be activated through
discovered (BOX 1). The lessons learned from (FIG. 2a). A major development within the retroviral promoter insertion, and this hall-
studying the highly regulated and multifunc- past decade has been the realization that mark observation was independently con-
tional MYC protein have proved instructive MYC deregulation is not restricted to gross firmed within the year 5. A short time later,
to researchers investigating a broad range genetic changes at the MYC locus. MYC can murine leukaemia proviral sequences were
of fields, including cell biology, cell cycle, be deregulated by any one of several mecha- found adjacent to the Myc locus in mice and
apoptosis, development, signal transduc- nisms that target its expression and/or rats6. Taken together, these results implied
tion, transcriptional and post-transcriptional activity either directly or indirectly (FIG. 2b). that the researchers had uncovered a surpris-
regulatory mechanisms, non-coding RNAs, These new insights suggest that the impact ing reality: neoplastic transformation could
stem cell biology and the molecular basis of MYC deregulation on human cancer result from the activation of a non-mutated
of cancer (FIG. 1). This Timeline will focus incidence is higher than previously thought, cellular gene. On the basis of this pioneering
on MYC regulation and function directly and is not restricted to translocations and work with Myc, insertional mutagenesis has
pertaining to tumorigenesis. We have made amplifications of the MYC locus. been widely used as a tool to discover many
a valiant attempt to highlight the many mile- cellular oncogenes7 (FIG. 1).
stones in this journey, which is fully archived Insertional mutagenesis. Leukaemogenesis
in over 19,000 published articles (TIMELINE). induced by the acutely transforming virus Chromosomal translocation. Molecular
avian myelocytomatosis retrovirus (MC29) is analysis of mouse plasmacytomas revealed
Mechanisms of MYC deregulation due to retroviral transduction and generation that the production of Myc mRNA resulted
The oncogenic activation of MYC was of chimeric v-gag–myc (FIG. 2a). However, the from a consistent recombination between
initially perplexing. Other oncogenes iden- neoplastic mechanism of the slowly trans- the immunoglobin (Ig) heavy chain locus
tified at the time, such as HRAS, were ver- forming retroviruses was at first perplexing, and the Myc oncogene8,9. Gross chromo-
sions of normal cellular genes activated and was finally unravelled through studies somal translocations had been identified in
by mutations in the coding sequence. These of avian leukosis virus (ALV). Analysis of human malignancies, but until human MYC
mutations were conspicuously absent in DNA and RNA from ALV-induced tumours was localized to chromosome 8 no direct
biological role for these rearrangements had
Box 1 | The discovery of retroviruses and MYC been assigned10–12. In Burkitt lymphoma,
chromosomes 14, 2 or 22, which harbour
Researchers studying the molecular basis of cancer owe a great debt to P. Rous. In the early part of the Ig heavy and light chain genes, are
the 20th century, long before the molecular isolation of genetic material, he demonstrated that an translocated with chromosome 8. The MYC
entity causing cellular transformation could be transferred through cell-free filtrates. A retrovirus, locus was involved in these translocations,
now known as the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), was shown to be the infective agent. The
leading to the proposal that the juxtaposi-
identification of reverse transcriptase in 1970 revealed the replication mechanism of retroviruses,
and the purification of this enzyme provided an essential tool for the synthesis of DNA for use in tion of MYC to Ig loci was responsible for
hybridization studies. This enabled the isolation of the transforming sequences within RSV, as the lymphomas (FIG. 2a). In the same year,
these were evident in the DNA of the infected cells. The gene responsible for the transforming the oncogenic breakpoint cluster region
potential of RSV was termed src. Using information gleaned from the isolation of src, the (BCR)–ABL1 fusion was mapped to the
transforming sequence of the MC29 avian tumour virus was identified through hybridization site of chromosomal translocation in the
studies and later named myc, for myelocytomatosis (the leukaemia caused by this virus). When the Philadelphia chromosome, but this abnor-
same gene sequences were identified in the DNA of non-infected cells, a theory developed: viral mality generated a novel fusion protein13.
oncogenes were commonly captured from the normal cellular DNA. The detection of transforming In the case of MYC, overexpression of a non-
sequences in tumour retroviruses revolutionized the study of molecular oncogenesis, leading to mutated gene appeared to be adequate for
the identification of countless cellular oncogenes, as reviewed by H. Varmus269.
tumour generation. Extensive analysis of the

976 | DECEMBER 2008 | VOLUME 8


Burkitt lymphoma and plasmacytoma trans- regions and double-minute chromosomes. the identification of MYCL1 (which is
location breakpoints, as well as the coding The manner by which these aberra- also expressed normally only during
region of the activated allele, has advanced tions can drive cancerous growth was development), it became clear that a well-
our understanding of MYC regulation. This also determined through studying MYC. documented genetic abnormality evident
chromosomal translocation was modelled Examination of homogeneously stain- in lung cancer is the deregulation of one
by J. Adams and colleagues in the Eµ–Myc ing regions and double-minutes in colon of the three transforming members of the
mouse, which develops a clonal lymphoma cancer cell lines and leukaemic HL60 cells Myc family (MYC, MYCN and MYCL1)23–
in the B-cell compartment 14. Activation of revealed that these cells harbour multiple 25
. More recently, the use of genome-wide
human MYC as a result of chromosomal copies of MYC16–18 (FIG. 2a). Amplification scanning strategies revealed that MYCL1
translocations is common in haematopoietic of a new Myc member, MYCN, (which is is amplified in several types of cancer,
tumours15. normally only expressed during develop- including ovarian carcinoma26. In con-
ment) was discovered in a panel of human trast to chromosomal translocations in
Amplifications. Cancer cells contain neuroblastoma cell lines and tumour haematopoietic cancers, activation of the
many types of karyotypical abnormali- samples19,20 and was quickly associated Myc genes by amplification is commonly
ties, including homogeneously staining with poor patient prognosis21,22. With detected in solid human tumours.

MYC–MAX–Mxd therapeutics
TRRAP and Functional Novel oncogenes and
HAT activity cooperation screens tumour suppressors
Regulation of identified as MYC
Pol I, I, III genes regulators
MAX and CACGTG Regulatable
E-box binding transgenic mice
Regulation of
non-coding RNAs Activation and repression
of specific target genes

Cell metabolism E1A MYC and loss of

and protein synthesis E2f p53–ARF–MDM2 axis GSK3–FBW7 regulates
protein stability
bHLH–LZ structure and An oncogene that
superfamily defined Transgenic mice
drives apoptosis
Control of replication Deregulation through
and genomic stability MYC and BCL2 MBI point mutations
Global chromatin Genome-wide binding Oncogene coperation: IRES
remodelling MYC and HRAS regulation

Controls cell Essential for cell Chromosomal

competition cycle translocation Deregulation of normal
(dMyc) MYC expression

Essential for Novel mechanisms

cell growth of deregulation Transcriptional
Essential for elongation block
Gene Two mechanisms
Stemness amplifications
Potent oncogene for mRNA turnover

Cell fate


Figure 1 | The MYC tree of knowledge. The lessons learned from MYC research branched out and helped to advance many fields.

Nature Reviews | Cancer


Timeline | MYC research and cancer

• Myc knockout mouse is
• Two mechanisms • BCL2 cooperates embryonic lethal241
• Human homologue • Phosphoprotein of control rapid with MYC in vivo81 • MAX is essential for
MYC discovered269 short half-life32,33 mRNA turnover63, 64 • Transactivation96 MYC transformation100
• Translocations8–12 (1984–1985) • Transcription control of MYC • Identification of • Sequence-specific • Identification of MAD,
MC29 v-gag–myc • Amplifications16–18 • Confers growth factor by elongation block43 HLH and LZ92,93 DNA binding97,98 the first member of the
identified269 (1982–1983) independence84 • Blocks differentiation158,159,161,162 (1988–1989) (1990–1991) Mxd family101

1979 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1993

• Chicken homologue • Identification of MYCN19–20 • MYCL1 identified24 First structure–function • MYC drives cell cycle; • Identification of MAX99
identified269 • Nuclear localization29 • First transgenic mouse analysis for mammalian MYC–ER developed127 • First MYC-induced target
• Insertional • Mitogen-stimulated, immediate early model, Eµ-Myc14 cell transformation95 • Myc autorepression116–118 gene identified128
mutagenesis2–5 response gene30 (1989–1990) • Potentiates apoptosis198–200
• Unusual gene topography41 (1991–1992)
• Oncogene cooperation, MYC and RAS78

APC, adenomatous polyposis coli; HLH, helix–loop–helix; LZ, leucine zipper; TRRAP, transactivation/transformation-associated protein.

The control of MYC expression Two questions immediately arose: response elements and their regulators
With the realization that the gross genetic what are the agonists that regulate MYC were slowly defined. However, deciphering
abnormalities that activated MYC in cancer expression and is the control at the tran- the complex regulatory mechanisms of tran-
universally led to deregulated expression scriptional or post-transcriptional level? scription initiation was more of a challenge
of the intact coding region, a series of Insight into these issues seemed to be the than for other genes (for discussion, see
new questions arose. What is the normal key to understanding MYC function and REFs 39,48,49). In 1986, MYC was identi-
expression pattern of MYC? How is this so a flurry of research ensued. This period fied as the first eukaryotic cellular gene to
expression controlled in non-transformed of intense discovery, competition and be regulated by transcription elongation
cells? excitement was peppered with controversy. control43,44,50,51, and an elongation block was
In the early 1980s, the function of MYC Many research groups produced convinc- shown to occur during cellular differentia-
was investigated using antibodies directed ing, high-quality data that argued for com- tion. Loss of this control mechanism is
against the gag portion of the MC29 pletely distinct mechanisms of regulation. evident in cancer. The MYC promoter is a
v-gag–myc fusion protein. It was shown Although these were hotly debated issues key convergence node for multiple signal-
that v-myc is a nuclear protein that binds to at the time, it is now clear that a multi- ling cascades that result in an impressive
double-stranded DNA27,28. S. Hann, while tude of signal transduction pathways and regulatory network (reviewed in REF. 52).
in R. Eisenman’s laboratory, demonstrated numerous regulatory mechanisms have The constitutive deregulation of MYC
nuclear localization for the endogenous evolved to keep MYC expression under transcription can occur by both direct
human protein shortly thereafter 29. In tight control. and indirect effectors, leading to cellu-
1983, Kelly et al. established a direct link lar proliferation and transformation53–59
between mitogenic stimulation of quies- Transcriptional control and mRNA turnover. (FIG. 2b). Study of the regulation of the
cent cultured cells and a rapid induction In the mid to late 1980s, MYC transcrip- MYC promoter continues to provide new
of MYC mRNA. Maximal mRNA levels of tional regulation was a primary focus insight into novel transcriptional control
this immediate early response gene were for many laboratories. The first order of mechanisms52,60.
reached within 2 hours of mitogen treat- business was to clone and compare MYC Research into mRNA turnover was a
ment in the presence of cycloheximide, genomic DNA from a wide variety of spe- top priority from the mid 1980s to the
an inhibitor of protein synthesis30. The cies (reviewed in REFs 39,40). The gene was early 1990s. Transcription alone could not
mRNA31 and protein32 demonstrated found to have unusual topography, with a account for the enormous differential in
extremely short half-lives, and both were large non-coding exon I, followed by cod- mRNA expression following either prolifera-
expressed at constant levels once cells were in ing exons II and III. Several minor TATA- tive or anti-proliferative stimuli38,61. Rapid
the cell cycle33,34. The phosphorylation pat- less promoters were mapped as well as the MYC mRNA turnover was dissected first
tern of MYC was also described and, like two major, classical TATA-containing pro- in cis then in trans using novel method-
expression, was invariant throughout the moter start sites at the 5′ end of exon I41,42. ologies involving both cell-free systems
cell cycle33. Anti-proliferative signals were Two polyadenylation sites were also identi- and intact cells62. Two distinct and widely
shown to trigger rapid downregulation in fied, as were several unusual products of applicable mechanisms of mRNA decay
MYC expression35–38. Clearly, these data antisense transcription43–45. To understand were discovered. The first is a translation-
indicated that MYC expression, and pre- how extracellular stimuli controlled MYC independent mechanism, involving poly(A)
sumably MYC activity, was tightly regulated transcription, DNAse I hypersensitivity tail shortening that is regulated by AU-rich
in non-transformed cells and designed to sites were mapped in association with sequences in the 3′ untranslated region63,64.
respond quickly to proliferative cues from transcription43,46,47. Finer mapping was The second is a translation-dependent
the extracellular milieu. conducted using several assays and distinct mechanism that is regulated by a region

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• Abrogation of the
p53–ARF–MDM2 pathway • Activates RNA polymerase III
cooperates with MYC in transcription148
vivo217,218 • Myc conditional knock out • Chromatin immunoprecipitation is
MYC triggers MYC-null rat • Inducible transgenic models mouse155,156 applied to MYC, first look at profile Regulator of induced
p53 fibroblasts developed195,248 • Myc represses transcription by of regulated endogenous pluripotent stem
activation209,210 developed133 • Regulates cell growth172,173 blocking transactivators213–215 promoters123,267,271,282 cell279,280

1994 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2007

• Potentiates genomic instability176,177,179,180 • MYC deregulation linked to Regulates angiogenesis191 Target gene criteria and • Regulates non-coding RNA151,152
• Identification of Drosophila activated signalling cascade, database developed56,139 • Stimulates RNA polymerase I
melanogaster Myc237,238 (1996–1997) APC pathway in colon cancer55 transcription146,147
• MYC recruits TRRAP106

of mRNA corresponding to the carboxy- additional to this core model have recently collaboration between the anti-apoptotic
terminal domain of the protein, known as been proposed, suggesting several potential gene BCL2 and MYC by Vaux in the Adams
the coding region determinant 65. Increased approaches for neoplastic intervention73–75. laboratory 80. Numerous cooperation studies
mRNA expression is evident in tumour cells. Additional mechanisms to regulate MYC involving MYC later indicated that an often
However, this was initially controversial: expression have been described within the important function of cooperating muta-
was this a cause or consequence of cellular past decade, and include the discovery of a tions is the abrogation of the apoptosis that
transformation? Evidence that deregulation short form of MYC that arises from transla- is induced by oncogenic MYC (see below).
of MYC mRNA expression was able to drive tion initiation at residue 100 (REF. 76), and Cooperating mutations can decrease the
cancer development was shown with trans- cap-independent translation of MYC77. latency of disease or alter the tumour spec-
genic mouse models14,66. The increase in MYC stability is an area of much interest at trum, as was evident when Strasser et al. in
MYC mRNA stability in human cancers can this time and further insight into the role the Cory laboratory crossed Eµ–Myc with
result from direct and indirect mechanisms and regulation of the expression of the Myc Eµ–Bcl2 mice81. The cooperation model
(FIG. 2b). protein(s) and its activity in transformation is has held true for tumour development in
likely to expand further in the coming years. human cell systems as well82.
Protein expression and regulation. The
control of MYC expression was analysed Oncogene cooperation How does MYC function?
in the mid to late 1980s. Although multiple It was also through studies with MYC that Despite the enormous progress during the
open reading frames have been identified, the concept of oncogene cooperation was first decade of research in understanding
two encode universally expressed proteins established. H. Land, when in the labora- the regulation and oncogenic potential of
that migrate as p64 and p67 and arise from tory of R. Weinberg, greatly advanced our MYC, the function of this nuclear phospho-
an AUG codon at the 5′ end of exon II and a understanding of transformation by cellular protein remained unknown. MYC expres-
CUG initiation codon at the 3′ end of exon I, oncogenes when they attempted to trans- sion was associated with growth of the cell,
respectively 40,67–69. Phosphopeptide analysis form primary rat embryo fibroblasts instead and overexpression conferred a reduced
revealed that specific serine and threonine of using established, immortal fibroblasts. dependence on serum for rapid proliferation
residues of MYC were phosphorylated In these cells, expression of oncogenically of tissue culture cells84. Two popular models
in vivo (reviewed in REF. 70). The two resi- activated EJ-RAS (an oncogenic variant of emerged: that MYC was directly regulating
dues that have primarily been in centre stage HRAS1) did not cause transformation as it DNA replication or that MYC was func-
over the last 15 years, Thr58 and Ser62, are did in the immortal lines. When EJ-RAS was tioning as a regulator of gene transcription.
important for transformation and regulate co-transfected with either v-myc or Myc, Support for the former came from an intrigu-
both MYC stability and activity 71,72. On the however, the cells formed foci in vitro. This ing correlative observation in Xenopus laevis
basis of evidence from several groups, it is was the first evidence that cooperativity showing that maternal MYC was recruited to
thought that proliferative stimuli activate between cellular oncogenes was required the nucleus during a period in early develop-
specific kinases to phosphorylate Ser62 and for cellular transformation78. These results, ment that was transcriptionally silent and
increase MYC stability. Phospho-Ser62 can in combination with E. Ruley’s work estab- characterized by rapid replication85. Despite
then serve as a platform for phosphoryla- lishing that the adenovirus early gene reports that MYC had an important role in
tion of Thr58 by glycogen synthase kinase 3, E1A could also collaborate with activated replication, excitement was replaced by frus-
enabling the tumour suppressor FBW7 to T24 HRAS, supported the idea that mul- tration when these initial results were difficult
bind and then recruit the SCFFBW7 complex tiple genetic changes might be required to reproduce86. Interestingly, recent publica-
to direct MYC ubiquitylation and protea- for tumours to develop79. Building on tions have re-awakened serious interest in
somal degradation. Levels of regulation these findings was the demonstration of understanding the role of MYC in DNA



a MYC–MAX heterodimers bound a CACGTG

Retroviral transduction LTR Gag 6Pol 2 3 LTR E-box sequence with high affinity 99.
v-gag–myc Using a series of elegant MYC- and MAX-
interdependent binding mutants, B. Amati
Retroviral promoter or
LTR Gag Pol Env LTR
and colleagues in the Land laboratory showed
enhancer insertion that MYC–MAX heterodimerization is essen-
tial for MYC transformation100. Although
Ig MYC appears to be dedicated to MAX, MAX
translocation binds to members of the Mxd family through
the HLH–LZ region101 and these interac-
Gene amplification tions provide yet another mechanism to
functionally regulate MYC activity (recently
MYC MYC reviewed in REFs 102–105). The MYC–MAX
complex can activate gene transcription by
Activated hormones, growth several mechanisms. S. McMahon, while in
factors or their receptors,
such as ER, AR, PDGF, EGF, HGF, Wnt the laboratory of M. Cole, identified TRRAP
protein) as an MBII binding protein that was
essential for the transformation activity of
Activated second messengers
MYC106. They subsequently demonstrated
such as Src and Ras that, through TRRAP, MYC recruits histone
MEK acetylation complexes to chromatin, includ-
ing the GCN5-containing SAGA complex 107.
Accumulating evidence suggests that MYC
ERK also regulates chromatin structure through
its interaction with other protein partners
including INI1 (also known as hSnf5), which
Activated transcription is part of the SWI–SNF ATP-dependent
factors such as Notch
Notch Gppp
chromatin remodelling complex 108. This is
MYC AAA Stabilization of MYC consistent with a recent study by Knoepfler
Nucleus mRNA such as by CRDBP
et al. in the Eisenman laboratory showing
MYC Stabilization of MYC that loss of MYCN expression results in
such as by loss of FBW7
widespread changes in histone methylation
and acetylation, leading to chromatin inacti-
Figure 2 | MYC deregulation. Deregulation of MYC expression can occur by many mechanisms.
Nature Reviews | Cancer vation, which again is functionally linked to
a | Originally discovered as a consequence of retroviral transduction, the v-gag-myc gene enabled
acutely transforming retroviruses to drive tumorigenesis. This led to the discovery that deregulation GCN5 (REF. 109). Eberhardy and colleagues
could also occur as a consequence of gross genetic abnormalities that affect the MYC locus, including in the Farnham laboratory showed that MYC
retroviral promoter or enhancer insertion, chromosomal translocation and gene amplification. b | More can also increase transcription following
recently, it has become clear that MYC can be deregulated by many additional mechanisms, including the recruitment of RNA polymerase II by
activation of hormones or growth factors, their receptors, second messengers or transcriptional effec- promoting elongation through the PTEFb
tors that converge on MYC expression. Alterations in mechanisms that directly or indirectly stabilize (positive transcription elongation factor)
MYC mRNA and/or protein can also deregulate expression of this potent oncogene. complex 110,111. New evidence from Cowling
and Cole suggests that MYC can also promote
RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain phos-
replication87–89. However, in the late 1980s existence of the leucine zipper (LZ) domain92. phorylation and mRNA cap methylation112.
further studies on replication were quickly Shortly thereafter, a helix–loop–helix (HLH) Clearly the role of MYC as a positive regula-
overshadowed by strong evidence that MYC domain was identified within MYC93 (BOX 2). tor of gene expression is well-established,
could function as a regulator of gene These regions were essential for transforma- mechanistically diverse and important for
transcription (reviewed in REFs 39,90). tion94,95. C. Dang’s group then showed direct transformation (reviewed in REFs 113–115).
transcriptional activity of MYC by fusing the
MYC as a transcriptional activator. In the amino-terminal domain of MYC, including MYC as a transcriptional repressor. One
mid 1980s it was shown that ectopic MYC the MYC homology box II (MBII) region that of the first indicators that MYC might also
expression could modulate promoters linked is crucial for cellular transformation, to the function as a transcriptional repressor came
to indicator genes91, but it was the charac- DNA binding domain of the yeast GAL4 pro- from studies published in the 1980s that sug-
terization of two important domains that tein96. Building on these studies, and what had gested that MYC participates in a negative
revealed the sequence-specific DNA bind- been learned from other basic HLH (bHLH) feedback loop. For example, several groups
ing and transcriptional activity of MYC. and bLZ proteins, DNA binding by MYC was observed that the non-translocated, nor-
S. McNight’s group noticed sequence similari- observed at last97,98. In 1991, E. Blackwood mal MYC allele in Burkitt lymphoma was
ties between several known DNA-binding and R. Eisenman provided another crucial not expressed. In 1988, it was shown that
proteins, including MYC, and through missing link. They identified the MYC the product of the v-myc gene was able to
molecular modelling hypothesized the partner protein MAX and showed that downregulate endogenous MYC116. Soon

980 | DECEMBER 2008 | VOLUME 8


after, ectopic MYC was shown to suppress which is responsive to 4-hydroxytamoxifen distinguished bona fide MYC targets,
transcriptional initiation of endogenous only, allowing in vivo use131. More than but this was a slow and labour-intensive
MYC in a dose-dependent manner 117. 15 years later, the MYC–ERTAM allele is still screening process137.
Structure–function analysis demonstrated widely used, and this conditional fusion
that the regions of MYC required for trans- hormone strategy has been used to regulate Large-scale analysis. With the new mil-
formation95 were also required for nega- a number of other proteins in a wide variety lennium came expression microarrays,
tive autoregulation118. Moreover, loss of of cell types and mouse models132. providing an opportunity to conduct large-
autosuppression was associated with more Another strategy to delineate direct tar- scale analyses of MYC-regulated genes.
aggressively transformed cells119. The idea gets exploited the MYC-null rat fibroblast cell However, the resulting gene lists showed
emerged that MYC repression of target gene system that was developed by J. Sedivy 133 and little overlap between studies. Perhaps one
transcription might also contribute to trans- evaluated whether regulation of expression of the greatest challenges that research-
formation. Despite further support for this was dependent on MYC during mitogen- ers face with MYC is that changes of the
provocative association120,121, knowledge stimulated cell cycle entry 134. This approach mRNA expression levels of MYC-regulated
of the molecular mechanism of MYC as a further supported evidence that GADD45A genes are relatively small, exacerbating the
repressor lagged behind that of MYC as and CAD were direct targets of MYC repres- poor signal-to-noise ratio that was associ-
a transactivator. Insight emerged when the sion and activation, respectively 135,136. ated with early expression array analyses138.
Ziff laboratory showed that MYC could Combining both the cycloheximide Several criteria for distinguishing true
repress promoter activity by a mechanism and MYC-null cell approach certainly transcriptional targets were delineated56,
that was uncoupled from E-box MYC
binding sites and dependent upon initiator
elements in the basal promoter region122. Box 2 | Regions of human MYC and their roles in transformation
The MBII and the bHLH–LZ regions were IIIa IIIb
also essential for this repression. MYC N I TAD II IV BR HLH–LZ C
Understanding of MYC repression was PP NLS 439
significantly advanced with the identification
of bona fide repressed gene targets and the Sequence specific DNA binding Dimerization domain
MYC-binding proteins that are required for
repression. The present mechanistic model
is that MYC–MAX complexes interact123 MAX N BR HLH–LZ C
with transcriptional activators that are bound 151
directly to DNA through enhancer or initiator
MYC homology box is a region that is highly conserved between MYC, MYCNNature Reviewsunless
and MYCL1, | Cancer
elements, including nuclear factor Y (NFY), otherwise stated95,113.
SP1 and MYC-interacting zinc finger 1
Transactivation domain (TaD; amino acids (aa) 1–143)
(MIZ1)124. These multi-protein complexes are
The TAD can confer activation of gene transcription to a heterologous DNA-binding domain.
thought to displace co-activators and recruit
co-repressors125,126. Genome-wide analyses MYC homology box I (aa 44–63)
This domain is essential for primary REF co-transformation with activated Ras. Deletion mutants are
demonstrate that MYC represses at least as
able to transform Rat-1A cells. Within this region MYC is highly regulated through phosphorylation
many targets as it activates, further emphasiz-
of Thr58 and Ser62.
ing the role of repression in MYC function,
including transformation. MYC homology box II (aa 128–143)
This domain is essential for transformation of REFs and Rat-1A cells, important for transcriptional
repression and activation, region of interaction with TRRAP (transactivation/transformation-
Identifying MYC target genes associated protein) and other cofactors involved in transformation.
One gene at a time. Ten years after the
MYC homology box IIIa (aa 188–199)
identification of human MYC, its first tran-
This domain is conserved in MYC and MYCN but not in MYCL1. It is essential for Rat-1A
scriptional target was identified. A success- transformation, and shows intermediate transforming potential compared with the activity of the
ful strategy developed by M. Eilers while in wild type and of an MBII deletion mutant in vivo.
M. Bishop’s laboratory involved the fusion
MYC homology box IIIb (aa 259–270)
of human MYC to the hormone-binding This domain is conserved, but no specific function has yet been assigned to it.
domain of the oestrogen receptor (ER), result-
ing in the conditional, rapidly regulatable MYC homology box IV (aa 304–324)
This domain is required for focus formation of Rat-1A and RK3E cells. It is dispensable for REF
MYC–ER fusion protein127. MYC–ER activa-
co-transformation focus and Rat-1A soft agar assays.
tion could drive quiescent cells to enter and
progress through the cell cycle127, and activa- Primary nuclear localization signal (nLS; aa 320–328)
Subcellular localization to the nucleus is encoded primarily by this region.
tion of MYC–ER in the presence of cyclohex-
imide identified α-prothymosin (PTMA) as Basic region (Br; aa 355–369)
a transcriptional target of MYC128. Additional This region is essential for full transformation of primary and immortal cells, and is responsible for
specific binding of canonical and non-canonical MYC E-boxes to DNA, with MAX.
MYC target genes, including ornithine decar-
boxylase 1 (ODC1)129,130, were identified with Helix–loop–helix–leucine zipper (HLH–LZ; aa 370–439)
this approach. Modifications to the hor- This domain is essential for full transformation of primary and immortal cells, and is responsible for
interaction with MAX.
mone-binding domain by Littlewood et al.
in the Evan laboratory created MYC–ERTAM,



Table 1 | MYC-regulated activities and gene targets associated with transformation

Functional class Description of function examples of responsible genes*
Cell cycle MYC–ER activation drives quiescent cells to enter Cyclin D2, CDK4 (induced); p21, p15, GADD45
and transit through the cell cycle; primary cells from (repressed)
conditional knockout mice arrest in the absence of MYC
Differentiation Deregulated MYC blocks differentiation of many cell CEBP (repressed)
systems; MYC accelerates epidermal differentiation
Cell growth, metabolism and MYC expression levels are associated with body size Lactate dehydrogenase, CAD, ODC, ribosomal
protein synthesis owing to regulation of cell size and cell number proteins, EIF4E, EIF2A (induced)
Cell adhesion and migration MYC drives tumorigenesis in part by allowing for N-cadherin, integrins (both repressed)
anchorage-independent growth
Angiogenesis MYC induces angiogenesis in a wide range of tissues IL1β, miR-17–92 microRNA cluster (induced),
thrombospondin (repressed)
ROS, DNA breaks and MYC can contribute to instability, trigger telomere MAD2, TOP1, BUBR1, cyclin B1, MT-MCI
chromosomal instability aggregation and increase ROS production
Stem cell self-renewal and/or Ectopic MYC can potentiate induced pluripotent stem To be determined, potentially genes associated with
differentiation cells; MYC can control the balance between stem cell cell cycle, immortalization, adhesion and migration
self-renewal and differentiation
Transformation MYC can drive focus formation and anchorage- Multiple targets are thought to contribute to
indepenent growth in vitro and full tumorigenesis in vivo; transformation
MYC is often deregulated in primary human cancers
This information is adapted from Dang138. *For further information see MYC Cancer Gene. CDK, cyclin-dependent kinase; CEBP, CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein;
EIF, eukaryotic translation initiation factor; ER, oestrogen receptor; IL1β, interleukin 1β; MT-MCI, MYC target in myeloid cells 1; ROS, reactive oxygen species;
TOP1, topoisomerase 1.

and a database (MYC Cancer Gene) was is consistent with the ability of MYC to Cell cycle and differentiation. It was clear
developed by C. Dang to manage and cat- regulate transcription mediated by all three from the start that MYC had a unique and
egorize MYC-regulated genes according to RNA polymerases146–150. Much excitement crucial role in cell proliferation. In cells with
these criteria139. has been generated recently about the role activated MYC, G1 is often shortened as cells
In recent years, the chromatin immu- of non-coding, regulatory RNAs, and MYC enter the cell cycle, and MYC is essential
noprecipitation assay (ChIP) has allowed research is at the forefront of these studies for G0/G1 to S phase progression57,70,155,156.
researchers to better identify true direct as well (FIG. 1). The first oncogenic micro- Work from many groups over the past 15
targets of MYC. Thanks to this technology RNA polycistron was shown to be regulated years has revealed the mechanisms of cell
we now know that MYC binding to genomic by MYC151,152. The fields of tumorigenesis, cycle regulation by MYC56,157. For example,
loci is highly dependent on chromatin struc- epigenetics and non-coding RNA collided MYC abrogates the transcription of cell cycle
ture and modification, such as CpG and/ in a report demonstrating allele-specific, checkpoint genes (for example, GADD45
or histone methylation140,141. Combining the oncogenic upregulation of H19 by MYC140. and GADD153) and inhibits the function
sensitivity and specificity of ChIP with high- For full coverage of MYC target genes we of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibi-
throughput array technology (ChIP-chip), or refer the reader to several in-depth review tors, either through direct repression of
with high-throughput nucleotide sequenc- articles113,124,153,154. gene transcription or indirectly through
ing (ChIP-PET and ChIP-seq) further degradation or sequestration. MYC also
advanced the field142–145. For the first time, How does MYC transform cells? promotes cell cycle progression by activation
the entire genetic programme of MYC target In parallel with the hunt to identify MYC of cyclin D1, cyclin D2, cyclin E1 and cyclin
genes could be visualized. By integrating target genes and their mechanisms of A2, as well as CDK4, cell division cycle 25A
these data with the complementary expres- regulation, there was an equally vora- (CDC25A), E2F1 and E2F2. This example
sion array data, MYC-directed pathways can cious appetite to identify and understand further reinforces the notion that multiple
be distinguished. the main biological activity and pathway pathways are regulated by MYC in order to
Experiments performed with these controlled by this potent oncogene. The drive any one biological programme.
new assays suggest that MYC is a global successful MYC researcher who cracked Although ectopic MYC expression can
transcriptional regulator. Unlike other the case would be heralded for providing dramatically block the differentiation of many
transcription factors, MYC can bind to a major molecular advance in our under- different cells types, MYC can also stimulate
approximately 10–15% of the genome and standing of cancer aetiology: the race was cellular differentiation158–162. Several groups
can regulate both genes encoding proteins on. Little did we know that MYC would be have demonstrated that MYC downregulation
and those encoding non-coding RNA prod- multifunctional and achieve its notoriety is required for cells to exit the cell cycle and
ucts of several functional classes138,143. A as a potent oncogene by regulating many undergo differentiation. This important point
common feature among these many arrays pathways that collectively contribute to of regulation is further enforced by the induc-
is the plethora of genes that regulate the neoplasia. A brief overview of the numer- tion and function of the Mxd family members
cell cycle and metabolism, including genes ous proliferative activities directed by MYC in response to differentiation cues102–105,163–167.
that encode ribosomal proteins as well as is provided, along with examples of the MYC is now well-established as a regulator
RNA binding and processing factors, which genes responsible138, in TABLE 1. of differentiation and more recently has been

982 | DECEMBER 2008 | VOLUME 8


shown to modulate cell fate. The role of MYC showed angiogenesis that was associated by work in Myc-null cells: in the absence of
expression during normal development is with MYC deregulation191. Downregulation Myc, cells are resistant to diverse apoptotic
associated with proliferative expansion and of thrombospondin is vital to angiogenesis stimuli205,206. The precise molecular mecha-
cellular migration. Loss of MYC expression and is potentially achieved through MYC nisms of how MYC induces apoptosis remain
in specific cellular compartments leads to induction of the miR17–92 microRNA unclear; however, once again it appears that
striking phenotypes168–171. The relevance to cluster 192,193. S. Pelengaris and G. Evan multiple pathways are regulated by MYC to
tumorigenesis is intuitive, with deregulated have shown that, in pancreatic islet cells, potentiate this biological activity (recently
MYC preventing differentiation and pro- increased MYC expression and release of reviewed in REFs 202,207,208).
moting migration, leading to the features interleukin 1β (IL1β) is crucial for the ini- In 1994, the Eick and Hay laboratories
of aggressive, less differentiated, metastatic tiation of angiogenesis194,195. More recently, provided evidence that MYC deregulation
cancers. L. Soucek and colleagues have shown that activates the tumour suppressor p53 and
the recruitment and degranulation of mast triggers apoptosis209,210. Zindy and colleagues
Cell growth, genomic instability and angio- cells is essential for the subsequent main- in the Roussel laboratory showed mecha-
genesis. In the second half of the 1990s MYC tenance of angiogenesis during tumour nistically that deregulated MYC upregulates
was hailed as having three new talents that expansion196,197. It will be interesting to ARF, which in turn activates p53 to regulate
promote tumorigenesis: regulating cell size, learn whether new insights into the role of a cohort of target genes involved in apop-
altering genomic stability and triggering the MYC in regulating normal vascular devel- tosis and growth arrest 211. MYC directs the
angiogenic switch. The ability of MYC to opment and inflammation also play a part latter by repressing the expression of the
promote cell growth (causing cells to dou- in tumorigenesis. CDK inhibitor p21 through interaction with
ble in mass and size) was shown in normal the transactivator MIZ1 (REFs 212–215).
and tumour cells, both in vitro and in vivo Role in apoptosis Interestingly, MYC-induced apoptosis is not
(described below). MYC enables cell growth The role of MYC in cellular transforma- always dependent upon MIZ1 interaction212,
by providing the cell with an abundant tion and proliferation was already well- which demonstrates that multiple pathways
supply of several classes of basic building established when a remarkable observation are regulated by MYC to potentiate apopto-
blocks as well as increasing cell metabolism involving MYC was reported in the early sis. The importance of the ARF–MDM2–p53
and protein synthesis172,173. When MYC is 1990s: ectopic expression of the protein pathway in MYC-induced apoptosis is
activated, cellular growth is no longer rate- sensitized cells to undergo apoptosis198–200. highlighted by the accelerated tumorigenesis
limiting to the proliferative process. Several In the absence of specific survival factors, evident with the loss of these tumour sup-
MYC target genes are thought to have a role deregulated MYC expression invoked a pressors in mouse models of MYC onco-
in this activity, including those associated default pathway of cell death200,201. Again, genesis216–222. The interplay between this
with cellular metabolism, ribosomal and observations that were first made while stud- pathway and MYC activity continues to be
mitochondrial biogenesis, and protein and ying MYC were relevant for other oncogenes instructive for understanding MYC and can-
nucleic acid synthesis. Interestingly, micro- (FIG. 1), including E2F1 and E1A (reviewed in cer. For example, evidence from the Hann
array analyses show that these are universal REF. 202). Researchers now had an explana- laboratory shows that ARF and MYC can
targets, commonly regulated by MYC in a tion for the clonal nature of MYC tumours partner to selectively control MYC as a tran-
wide variety of cell types138,174,175. and the cooperation observed between MYC scriptional regulator, leading to apoptosis186.
The second reported skill of MYC was and BCL2 (REFs 81,203,204). Deregulated Moreover, functional cloning has identi-
initially described by S. Mai and colleagues, MYC alone promoted a hyperproliferative fied additional oncogenic regulators of
who showed that specific gene amplification state, which was kept in check by a con- the ARF–MDM2–p53 axis, such as BMI1,
occurred at a high frequency in cells with comitant increase in cell death. Abrogation TWIST1 and CUL7, which can cooperate
deregulated MYC176,177. Additional research of MYC-potentiated apoptosis is crucial for with MYC in human disease223–225.
shows that MYC can promote chromo- cellular transformation and, once this occurs, MYC can also sensitize cells to undergo
somal instability 178–180. However, because clonal tumours can result. The crucial role apoptosis by altering the balance of pro- and
the processes appear to be highly context- of MYC in apoptosis has been supported anti-apoptotic factors, priming the cells for
dependent, the role of MYC in genomic
instability has been a subject of debate and Box 3 | MYC messages from the fruit fly
controversy 181–184. Several mechanisms have
been proposed, including increased levels of The diminutive fruit fly is a result of mutation in the gene encoding the MYC orthologue, dm, and
reactive oxygen species, alterations in chro- Laura Johnston and Peter Gallant — while in the Edgar and Eisenman laboratories — showed that
mosome structure181,185, overcoming the p53 dMyc controls cell growth at the level of cell size270. A. Trumpp, while in M. Bishop’s laboratory,
showed that decreased Myc expression also leads to a small mouse, but the mouse has a reduced
checkpoint 180,186,187, and induction of a DNA
number of cells, rather than smaller cells156. A potential common mechanism for the ability of MYC
damage response and/or replication89,188–190. to control body size was highlighted by genome-wide analysis of dMyc binding271. Like mammalian
Losing the high-fidelity organization of MYC, dMyc binds to a large number of sites in the genome and controls the transcription of many
the genome is a hallmark of tumorigenesis genes including key regulators of ribosome biogenesis, which are essential for cell growth.
that can clearly be associated with MYC Another feature of the dMyc and dMax flies that appears consistent with mammalian MYC is an
deregulation. intact autosuppression mechanism272. Moreover, another dMax interactor, dMnt, the orthologue of
The ability of MYC to promote the ang- mammalian MNT, has recently been identified239,273. In a recent genetic screen, R. Eisenman’s group
iogenic switch is a non-cell-autonomous has identified a novel dMyc-binding protein, the Trithorax group protein Little imaginal discs (Lid),
activity that was also uncovered in the late as being functionally involved in dMyc-induced cell growth, and this interaction is intact in
1990s. A. Thomas-Tikhonenko introduced mammalian cells274. In addition, a recent novel and unexpected discovery from D. melanogaster
research is the ability of dMyc to regulate cell competition in a dose-dependent manner275,276.
Rat-1A cells in vivo as xenografts and



Table 2 | Representative mouse models used to study Myc function

Model Strategy Tumours refs
Transgenic models
MMTV–MYC MYC expression under the control of the Mammary adenocarcinoma developing after first 291
hormone-responsive MMTV promoter pregnancy
WAP–MYC MYC expression under the control of the Mammary adenocarcinoma, expression in tumour 292
mammary-specific, hormone-responsive WAP material becomes independent of hormone stimulation
Eµ–MYC MYC expression under the control of the Clonal B-cell lymphoma 14
immunoglobulin enhancer
Myc-null models
Myc-null Homologous recombination to eliminate Myc Embryonic lethal 241
Conditional Myc-null Uses the Cre–loxP system to allow for targeted Used to study the role of Myc in tumorigenesis and 155,156
recombination of Myc allele normal tissue development
Inducible transgenic models
tTA Tet-O-MYC Ectopic MYC expression in the absence of Regulatable tumours in T cells, B cells, liver and bone 248
rtTA Tet-O-MYC Ectopic MYC expression in the presence of Regulatable tumours in breast 252,253
MYC–ERTAM Ectopic MYC activity in the presence of TAM Regulatable tumours in skin and pancreatic islet cells 194,195,293
ER, oestrogen receptor; MMTV, mouse mammary tumour virus; rtTA, tetracycline-on transactivator; TAM, 4-hydroxytamoxifen; tTA, tetracycline-off transactivator;
WAP, whey acidic protein.

death when conditions are appropriate. undergo apoptosis and that suppression of Myc-null mice using Cre–loxP technol-
In the Eµ–Myc model of lymphomagenesis, this activity is vital to tumorigenesis. By elu- ogy 155,156. Initial fibroblast and haematopoi-
the Cleveland laboratory showed that MYC cidating the pathways through which MYC etic cell studies re-affirmed an absolutely
indirectly suppresses the anti-apoptotic drives apoptosis, we imagine that the MYC- critical role for MYC in the cell cycle.
proteins BCL2 and BCL-XL226–228. This is deregulated tumour could be forced to Conditional knockout mice of MYC and
consistent with evidence showing that MYC self-destruct by resurrecting these abrogated MYCN are now being used to identify the
triggers apoptosis through BAX229,230 and pathways, as was recently demonstrated by precise role of Myc in both tumour and
that MYC protein expression is crucial Goga et al. in the Bishop laboratory 202,236. normal tissue, including the recently identi-
for the conformational change that activates fied role of Myc in regulating stem cell self-
the pro-apoptotic protein BAX205,231. In this Insights from model organisms renewal and differentiation109,168,171,242–247.
way, MYC activity directly influences cyto- Use of the fly as a model organism to Several transgenic animals have been
chrome c release from the mitochondria, study MYC function became a serious developed to elucidate the mechanism
and therefore the activation of downstream focus of attention about 10 years ago whereby deregulated MYC contributes
effector caspases. Indeed, Eischen et al. when Drosophila melanogaster dMyc and to tumorigenesis (TABLE 2). In 1999, new
showed that loss of BAX impairs potentia- dMax were cloned and shown to bind mouse models were developed that used
tion of apoptosis by MYC in vivo232. The as a complex to the canonical CACGTG two mechanisms to temporally control the
Prendergast laboratory showed that MYC E-box sequence237,238 (BOX 3). Given that the expression or activity of MYC. Felsher and
sensitizes cells to undergo apoptosis by both MYC–MAX–Mxd network has been shown Bishop used the Tet-on and Tet-off systems
p53-dependent and p53-independent mech- to be conserved in flies, one would predict to allow ectopic Myc expression to be regu-
anisms233. The latter is shown by the indirect that this model will continue to surprise and lated by the presence and absence of tetracy-
upregulation of the pro-apoptotic BIM mol- advance our understanding of this multi- cline, respectively, whereas the MYC–ERTAM
ecule. This was triggered by the observation talented protein in both invertebrates and system of the Evan laboratory allows ectopic
by the Cory laboratory that Eµ–Myc;Bim- vertebrates154,239,240. MYC to function in the nucleus only after
null or Eµ–Myc; Bim-haploinsufficient The common house mouse, Mus mus- treatment with 4-hydroxytamoxifen195,248.
animals quickly developed lymphomas culus, has been invaluable in revealing the In these experiments, deregulated MYC
without inactivating the p53 tumour sup- effects of altering MYC expression on both expression is used to drive tumour growth in
pressor pathway 234. Interestingly, the Lowe development and disease. In the interest of specific cell types and then MYC expression
laboratory engineered mice to express MYC space, only a limited number of insights can is turned off, allowing researchers to observe
mutants that are evident both in Burkitt be highlighted (TABLE 2). In 1993, a crucial the consequences of MYC inactivation. In
lymphoma and in v-myc isolates that are requirement for MYC was established when all of the regulatable models tested so far
known to have reduced apoptotic potential, Myc-null mice failed to develop beyond (TABLE 2), inactivation of MYC is sufficient
and these animals succumbed earlier to embryonic day 9.5 (REF. 241). Mycn knockout to cause regression of the tumours, through
lymphoma. These mutants were unable to was similarly lethal at embryonic day 10.5, pathways that appear to be specific to the
upregulate expression of Bim (also known whereas, curiously, Mycl1-null mice are cell type and tumour249,250. For instance,
as Bcl2l11)235. Many elegant experiments viable163. In 2001, two independent groups in transplanted tetracycline-responsive
clearly show that MYC can sensitize cells to reported the generation of conditional osteosarcoma tumours, inactivation

984 | DECEMBER 2008 | VOLUME 8


of MYC resulted in the regression of Box 4 | Stemness and self-renewal potential

tumours and differentiation into mature
bone. Following differentiation, reactiva- The newest addition to MYC’s already illustrious list of abilities is regulation of cell ‘stemness’277.
tion of the MYC allele did not lead to new Through conditional knockout mouse analysis, the Trumpp and Eisenman laboratories have shown
that MYC and MYCN were essential in the normal developmental control of haematopoietic and
tumours; instead, the MYC-expressing
neuronal stem cells, respectively168,171. Mouse embryonic stem cells are dependent on leukaemia
cells were eliminated through apopto-
inhibitory factor (LIF) for maintenance and the Dalton laboratory showed that MYC is essential
sis251. By contrast, inactivation of MYC in and can functionally substitute for this activated signalling pathway278. In 2007, MYC was one of
mammary epithelial tumours caused initial four genes in a cocktail that was shown to re-programme pluripotency in a normal terminally
regression, but neoplastic properties were differentiated primary fibroblasts to generate an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS)279,280.
quickly re-established upon reactivation of Thankfully for the purposes of regenerative medicine, MYC is dispensable for iPS development281.
MYC. Some tumours even escaped depend- However, the implications of this novel stemness function of MYC in the context of controlling the
ence on MYC and returned without reacti- putative tumour stem cell cannot be ignored277. Evidence from several mouse models, including
vation252,253. Interestingly, in pancreatic islet the Felsher model of MYC transformation of hepatocellular cancer283, supports the notion that
cells, researchers were unable to establish MYC deregulation has an important role in the initiation and maintenance of the tumour stem cell.
It is intriguing that the tumour stem cell signature is evident in tumours that are undifferentiated
tumours upon MYC–ERTAM activation with-
and aggressive — molecular and phenotypical features that are reminiscent of MYC-activated
out co-expression of anti-apoptotic BCL-XL
tumours83,144,260,284–286. Further links between stemness and MYC emerge with every update of
or the loss of tumour suppressors ARF or PubMed. For example, S. McMahon recently showed that a novel member of the stem cell
p53 (REF. 216). Inactivation of MYC again led signature, USP22, is a co-activator that is essential for MYC transformation287. Clearly this field is in
to regression, and reactivation in this genetic its infancy, but it promises to determine whether the frequently poor prognosis of MYC-activated
context led to rapid tumour restoration194. tumours is due to MYC enabling the expansion and maintenance of the tumour-initiating cell.
These studies and others will hopefully
determine the conditions under which we
might expect cancer patients to benefit from it an attractive candidate for targeted therapy. on relative affinity, histone marks and
therapeutic targeting of MYC, and those Whereas MYC research was often pioneer- chromatin configuration141,267. Clearly, all
instances in which this approach may not ing in advancing our understanding of gene signalling is significantly determined by
be beneficial or may be optimally used in regulation and function, targeting MYC as the type and transformation state of the
combination therapy 254,255. an approach in the fight against cancer has cell53,150,268. Understanding signal integration
lagged behind. Further understanding of and outcome, as it relates to MYC regula-
Future directions MYC structure would strongly support efforts tion and function, remains a challenge that
This Timeline provides an opportunity not in drug design. A number of anti-MYC thera- needs attention. Embedded in this task is
only to reflect on and chronicle the journey peutic strategies are currently being investi- the incorporation of the many feedback
of the last 25 years of MYC research, but also gated, and have been recently reviewed261–266. and feed-forward pathways in which MYC
to critically evaluate where we are now, be A breakthrough in the development of an participates.
informed by how we got here, and decide the effective MYC therapeutic could mark a key Answers to several additional discrete
next steps. Where are the immediate gaps advance in cancer treatment. questions regarding the mechanism of MYC
and opportunities? Two major areas as well MYC is often described as functioning action remain a focus of future research
as several additional outstanding and impor- in a context-dependent manner, yet this endeavours (BOX 5).
tant questions are briefly highlighted. For remains ill-defined at a molecular level. This journey of discovery has shown
further insight and discussion, please see the MYC is downstream of many signal trans- that MYC is like no other oncoprotein
Luscher and Larsson summary of a recent duction pathways, functioning as a central — always full of surprises and rarely con-
MYC conference256 and the articles edited by hub that integrates multiple intracellular forming to the expected models. Clearly
Cole and Henriksson257. and extracellular cues. MYC then proc- with MYC research it is important to think
Exploiting MYC to improve patient care esses and interprets these instructions, outside the box, design well-controlled
at the level of customized diagnosis and much like the central processing unit of experiments, and let the data guide the
treatment is essential. We now have the tech- a computer. Such a network manager is interpretation of results and the design of
nology to develop a diagnostic tool to score essential in higher organisms, which might next steps. Stay observant and do not shy
oncogenic MYC on the basis of activity as explain why MYC is not evident in worms away from bizarre, unexpected results; they
a transcription factor, independently of the and yeast. We envision this central process- are probably real.
multiple mechanisms of MYC deregulation. ing unit function at a molecular level as
Certainly, the recent recognition of MYC- the regulation of post-translational modi- Summary
associated genetic fingerprints in primary fications, which then alter MYC activity A friend and colleague, J. Woodgett, recently
human tumours is an exciting develop- through any number of changes, including jested that MYC researchers would probably
ment258–260, although further testing and expression, stability, cofactor binding and never be unemployed. MYC has been, and
validation is required. This line of exploration DNA occupancy. MYC may bind to many still is, a challenging yet fascinating study.
will also advance fundamental research and sites in the genome to remain nimble and Many new insights into the regulation and
address whether MYC controls the self- orchestrate the genetic programme that function of MYC have pushed the bounda-
renewal potential of tumour-initiating cells is dictated by signalling. The number of ries of our understanding of the fundamental
of certain cell-types (BOX 4). Is it this feature MYC molecules per cell is also influential, mechanisms of normal and neoplastic cell
that distinguishes MYC as such an aggres- as MYC function is often dose-dependent. growth, death and development. The next
sive oncogene? The large fraction of human Evidence from B. Amati’s group suggests phase of MYC research promises to be as
cancers harbouring deregulated MYC makes that DNA binding site occupancy is based challenging and rewarding as the first 25 years.



17. Dalla-Favera, R., Wong-Staal, F. & Gallo, R. C.

Box 5 | Key unanswered questions Onc gene amplification in promyelocytic leukaemia
cell line HL-60 and primary leukaemic cells of the
• Are there transformation-associated mutations in MYC that have not yet been identified? With same patient. Nature 299, 61–63 (1982).
high-throughput sequencing of whole genomes of normal and tumour cells, this interesting 18. Collins, S. & Groudine, M. Amplification of
endogenous myc-related DNA sequences in a human
question will soon be answered. Similarly, do MYC-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms myeloid leukaemia cell line. Nature 298, 679–681
have a role in cancer development and, if so, how? (1982).
19. Schwab, M. et al. Amplified DNA with limited
• Does MYC binding to chromatin serve transcription-independent functions, including the homology to myc cellular oncogene is shared by
regulation of chromosomal integrity, gene expression, chromatin structure, cellular replication human neuroblastoma cell lines and a neuroblastoma
tumour. Nature 305, 245–248 (1983).
and genomic instability? Prompted by several recent reports, these lines of investigation require 20. Kohl, N. E. et al. Transposition and amplification of
further attention. oncogene-related sequences in human
neuroblastomas. Cell 35, 359–367 (1983).
• To learn how MYC is able to distinguish itself as such a universal and aggressive oncogene, a vital 21. Schwab, M. et al. Enhanced expression of the
next step is to functionally discriminate the genes, pathways and biological activities that MYC human gene N-myc consequent to amplification
controls to drive transformation. To distinguish which are functionally crucial, approaches that are of DNA may contribute to malignant progression
of neuroblastoma. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA
likely to be fruitful include high-throughput or gene-specific small interfering RNA screens. 81, 4940–4944 (1984).
• As a regulator of gene transcription, how is it determined when MYC will function as a 22. Brodeur, G. M., Seeger, R. C., Schwab, M.,
Varmus, H. E. & Bishop, J. M. Amplification of N-myc
transcriptional activator or repressor? How are the many mechanisms of MYC regulation of gene in untreated human neuroblastomas correlates with
expression integrated or coordinated at any given target? Which targets are regulated by MYC advanced disease stage. Science 224, 1121–1124
alone and which are dependent on MYC in conjunction with a cooperating transcription factors?
23. Zimmerman, K. & Alt, F. W. Expression and function of
• Are there MAX-independent functions of MYC? Are there functions for MYC outside of the myc family genes. Crit. Rev. Oncog. 2, 75–95 (1990).
24. Nau, M. M. et al. L-myc, a new myc-related gene
nucleus? amplified and expressed in human small cell lung
• How does MYC direct cell competition and is this important in cancer? cancer. Nature 318, 69–73 (1985).
25. Zajac-Kaye, M. Myc oncogene: a key component in cell
• How is MYC regulated in the stem cell and how does MYC regulate stem cell fate? cycle regulation and its implication for lung cancer.
Lung Cancer 34 (Suppl. 2), S43–S46 (2001).
• Given the incredible selective pressure to block MYC-potentiated apoptosis in the tumorigenic 26. Wu, R. et al. Amplification and overexpression
process, it seems logical that many more mutations exist to affect this important cooperating of the L-MYC proto-oncogene in ovarian carcinomas.
event. These will probably be cloned using functional cloning strategies. Similarly are there Am. J. Pathol. 162, 1603–1610 (2003).
27. Abrams, H. D., Rohrschneider, L. R. & Eisenman, R. N.
cooperating mutations that overcome the MYC-induced DNA damage response? Nuclear location of the putative transforming protein
of avian myelocytomatosis virus. Cell 29, 427–439
• MYCN and MYC are interchangeable for development288, but are they functionally equivalent in (1982).
transformation? Why is MYCL1 so different? 28. Donner, P., Greiser-Wilke, I. & Moelling, K. Nuclear
localization and DNA binding of the transforming
• Given that so many viruses harness MYC to promote their own life cycle (for examples see gene product of avian myelocytomatosis virus.
REFs 289,290), it is likely that the cancer cell has devised similar mechanisms to exploit and Nature 296, 262–269 (1982).
deregulate MYC protein for further expansion. Viruses have always been a rich resource for 29. Hann, S. R., Abrams, H. D., Rohrschneider, L. R. &
Eisenman, R. N. Proteins encoded by v-myc and c-myc
understanding oncogenesis. What additional lessons can be learned? oncogenes: identification and localization in acute
• Is MYC stability altered at specific subcellular locales, or when in partnership with certain DNA, leukemia virus transformants and bursal lymphoma
cell lines. Cell 34, 789–798 (1983).
RNA or protein molecules, or as a mechanism to regulate function, or in response to becoming 30. Kelly, K., Cochran, B. H., Stiles, C. D. & Leder, P.
decorated with one or more post-translational modifications? Cell-specific regulation of the c-myc gene by
lymphocyte mitogens and platelet-derived growth
factor. Cell 35, 603–610 (1983).
31. Dani, C. et al. Extreme instability of myc mRNA
Natalie Meyer is at Amgen Canada, Inc. Mississauga, 8. Shen-Ong, G. L., Keath, E. J., Piccoli, S. P. & in normal and transformed human cells. Proc. Natl
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stem cells without Myc from mouse and human perhaps it is our addiction to, solving the MYC puzzle.
fibroblasts. Nature Biotechnol. 26, 101–106 (2008). Without you there would be no progress or story to tell.
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c-Myc in Burkitt’s lymphoma cells. Proc. Natl Acad. and small, that could not be cited here owing to space and
Sci. USA 100, 8164–8169 (2003). reference constraints. We particularly thank our colleagues
283. Shachaf, C. M. et al. MYC inactivation uncovers who took the time to review and discuss this article with us,
pluripotent differentiation and tumour dormancy in including M. Cole, C. Dang, B. Luscher and B. Neel, as well
hepatocellular cancer. Nature 431, 1112–1117 (2004). as our anonymous reviewers who provided additionalguid-
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guides creation of epithelial cancer stem cells. the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research network through
Cell Stem Cell 2, 333–344 (2008). funding provided by the Province of Ontario, the National
285. Ben-Porath, I. et al. An embryonic stem cell-like Cancer Institute of Canada with funds from the Canadian
gene expression signature in poorly differentiated Cancer Society, the Canadian Institute for Health Research,
aggressive human tumors. Nature Genet. 40, the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program
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3C interacts with and enhances the stability of the INI1 | LIF | MAX | MDM2 | MIZ1 | MNT | MYC | p21 | p53 | SP1 |
c-Myc oncoprotein. J. Virol. 82, 4082–4090 (2008). TRRAP | TWIST1 | USP22
291. Stewart, T. A., Pattengale, P. K. & Leder, P.
Spontaneous mammary adenocarcinomas in FURTHER INFORMATION
transgenic mice that carry and express MTV/myc Linda Z. Penn’s homepage:
fusion genes. Cell 38, 627–637 (1984). MYc cancer Gene:
292. Schoenenberger, C. A. et al. Targeted c-myc gene aLL LInkS are aCTIVe In THe onLIne PDF
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