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After the abrogation of Article 370, the clauses under Article 35 also got disintegrated. This
decision means that there would be no separate constitution and flag of J&K. The rest of the
Indians may buy land and property, avail of educational scholarships, and apply for
governmental jobs there.

Thus, I completely support this decision as it is a win-win situation for Kashmiris and Indians as
the Indians can now invest and buy land in Kashmir, which would increase the price of land
there. The local Kashmiris would get more money when they will lease out or sell their lands to
others. More companies would invest in Kashmir. Education opportunities would also be
enhanced when the rest of the Indians would avail educational scholarships and may even apply
for governmental jobs. All these factors would lead to overall economic development, leading to
the creation of more jobs. Increased economic development and employment would also lead to
a reduction in crime and terrorism.

Another reason why it is beneficial for the Kashmiris is that they would now come under the
Indian laws avail benefits like the Right to education and the Right to information. It is also
beneficial for the Kashmiri Pandits who had to flee would now be able to return to Kashmir.
Lastly, it also creates a psychological impact of unity as a single flag and constitution would
make the Kashmiris feel further integrated within India.

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