Submitted To:: Ma'am Sabeen Imran

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Submitted to:

Ma’am Sabeen Imran

Submitted from:
Noor-Ul-Huda (BS-IAS-163-S-F-18)
Mobeen Ahmed Murtaza (BS-IAS-144-S-F-18)
Malaika Arshad (BS-IAS-134-S-F-18)
Ayesha Naveed (BS-IAS-127-S-F-18)

Course title:
Industrial Relation & Labour Law


Noor-Ul-Huda (BS-IAS-163-S-F-18)
 Company profile:
The Parks & Horticulture Authority Lahore, more commonly referred to as PHA
Lahore, is the primary government body responsible for the development and maintenance
of public parks, playground, greenbelts and open spaces in the City of Gardens. 

The PHA Lahore was established in September 1998 after the merger of the
horticulture departments working under the Lahore Development Authority.

According to the PHA Lahore website, it oversees 828 parks and 276 green belts
in each zone of the sprawling metropolitan. The authority is also responsible for 34 major
projects to make Lahore a clean, green, and healthy city.



Here are the main functions of the PHA Lahore

 Development and maintenance of public parks, playgrounds, green belts, and open
spaces among others

 Organizing cultural festivals, horticulture programmes, flower shows, public

exhibitions and other events in the city

 Regulation of outdoor advertisement activities, including billboards, shop boards,

streamers, as well as ad campaigns on public transport service among others
 PHA Lahore also sets up botanical gardens to enhance the natural beauty of


An Act to provide for the establishment of

Parks and Horticulture Authority in the Punjab

  It is expedient to establish the Parks and Horticulture Authority in the Punjab for the
regulation, development and maintenance of public parks, green belts and green areas in the
Punjab; regulation of billboards, sky signs and outdoor advertisements; to promote open and
unrestricted views of the Punjab.

 Interviewee Profile:

Name: Mehmood-Al-Ahad

Age: 57 years old

Designation: President of trade unions

Work Experience: 30 years of experience related to trade unions. He started
their career from Voith Laboratory (multinational company). After that they did trade unions
activity in different organizations like Lahore Development Authority (LDA), Pakistan
Railway workshop and recently they are working in Parks and Horticulture authority (PHA).

Contact and email:


 Application of provincial act or Federal act:

It lies under the ambit of provincial industrial relation act.

 Formation of trade union:

There are 6 to 7 unions in PHA out of which 2 are active unions and the rest are not
active. These unions exist in PHA since 1998. The trade unions function is to solve the
problems of workers and employees. Trade unions also serves as a bridge between workers
and employers in order to solve the issues.

 Related to CBA:

For CBA election is held between two unions (also known as referendum).
The one who wins become CBA and the other one become Non-CBA. In PHA
worker unions is CBA for a long time because unfortunately referendum is not held
in PHA for about 27 to 28 years. That’s why activities like labour welfare, giving
charter of demand wasn’t done by CBA for many years.

Mobeen Ahmed Murtaza (BS-IAS-144-S-F-18)

 Shop Steward
The duties of a shop steward include organising workers; representing workers to
management; negotiating workers' issues with management, ensuring implementation of
agreements, building support for the union.

In PHA, there is no such shop steward position but there is committee consisting of 5
people which represents 50 employees. The purpose of this committee is to negotiate issues
of those 50 employees with organization and to find a solution for them according to their
needs. In this way this committee act as Shop Steward.

 Work Management Council

The Council will function for securing good labour management relation and will look
after the following matters like improvement in production, productivity and efficiency and
betterment of employees.

In PHA, there is no Work Management Council. According to him this is a bookish term in
reality there is no work management council active in PHA.

 Role of HR:
HR can play a key role in ensuring there is good communication between
management and labor about the concerns on both sides and how this might be

In PHA, there is no such HR department. He further explains that in private sector there is
a requirement of HR department for the betterment of employees but in government sector
there is no such need of HR department.

Malaika Arshad (BS-IAS-134-S-F-18)

 Dispute settlement
Dispute could arise between union and management or between leader and management.
The settlement depends on the dispute’s extent. Most of the times the union leader solves the
dispute through negotiating on a table. They settle their differences there only.

But in some cases, when things go out of their hand, then the union starts strike to build
up pressure on the organization. Strike is last option for union, in case there is no logical
decision taken. They start strike, to make sure that their demands are accepted.

In a recent incident 2-3 months back, the other union that is also CBA, gave charter of
demand to the authorities to offer permanent jobs to contractors and daily workers. Also, they
negotiated on the salary raise of workers. As it was raised by 25% in other organizations of
Punjab except here at PHA. Then workers went on strike and at the end the authorities raised
the salaries by 25% to settle the dispute.

 Labour inspection

Labour inspection is an essential part of the labour administration system, as it supervises
the enforcement of legal provisions, particularly with regard to workers. Also, provides
information and advice, as well as training.

In public sectors of Pakistan it is rarely done because of poor management system.

Although it is common in private sectors. But in public sector only 40% organization do
labour inspection.

In PHA, no labour inspection is done. As most of the workers are not even registered
properly. They are not given any social security like EOBI. Out of 6-7 crores minimum of 50
lac employees are registered.

 Impact of Covid

During COVID, labour class is affected the most. In PHA, the employees were given 50% of
their salaries. The PHA authority tried its best to relief their employees.

In terms of precaution, the staff was rotated in shifts. As the main task to water plants,
flowers, maintaining grounds, parks is necessary so 50% of employees were allowed to be on
duty. Other than that, post COVID everything is running smoothly as before.
Ayesha Naveed (BS-IAS-127-S-F-18)

 Challenges:
There are so many challenges in PHA:

• One challenge is source of income. The biggest challenge is meeting the wages of
labour due to inflation.

• The government has set up a number of institutions to facilitate labor which are not
functioning properly. Suppose If there are 7 crores workers, then only 40 to 50 lacs
workers are registered. The rest are not registered If only 4 to 5 crores out of these 7
crores are registered in these institutions, then many problems can be solved.

• COVID was also a big challenge. The biggest challenge was the pay of the workers
but the public sector workers were paid as compared to the private sector where many
workers were fired and some were paid only 50% salary.

 Analysis:

There is no such issue of implementation of labor laws in the public sector. This
issue is more prevalent in the private sector and even in the private sector only 10% of the
institutions have implementation of labor laws but not in the other 90%.

 Recommendations:

 The pay scale should be revised throughout the country because these pay scales have
been in place for 60 to 70 years.

 Basic salary should be revised.

 The minimum wages should be settled from a new level according to the ground

Organogram of PHA

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