Digital Marketing

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Details of Internship:

Name of Student: Debasish padhy

Name of Industry/ Databeat


Name of Manager/Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Name of HR Manager Ashmik Pratik

Period of Internship 90 days

Start Date 18th January,2021

End date: 18th April ,2021

(Manager/Lead) (HR Manager)

(with stamp)

DAY-1 DATE:18th January

Time of Arrival 6:00 PM Time of Departure 3:00 AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

● On-Boarding held at 6 PM at evening

● Learned about Company policies, other formalities use by Clockify

Basic Concepts of AdTech:

Digital Marketing refers to advertising through digital channels such as search
engines, websites, mobile apps, emails, social media, etc.
The Purchase Funnel:
Depicts the journey towards buying a good or service.
1. Attention: Tells do we seek the attention of the user so that we can turn them
into customers.
2. Interest: Filters the people who have an interest in the things displayed on
3. Desire: People who desire to own the commodity.
4. Action: sThe actual buying is done or doing some kind of action in response of
the Ad.
From this purchase funnel we can measure the number consumers we get by the
end of the campaign.

The Advantages of Digital Marketing:

● Measurability: This is a real advantage over the traditional way of marketing , we can
measure the reach , the number of actions with due course of the campaign.
● Affordability: This is cheaper than the physical ways of Advertising
● Speed: Our Advertisement can reach people easily and within no time just with a
● Engagement:

Every Campaign has its defined set of Goals , Audience , Strategy and Channels.

DAY-2 DATE:19th January

Time of Arrival 6:00 PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:


The Publisher is someone who owns a blog or a website , for example Times of India
The publishers goal is to maximise the revenue and make sure that all of the inventory is sold.
The Advertiser is the one who has to advertise something.

Advertiser Publisher

The one who pays money to get his The one who gets money to put the
Advertisement Shown Advertisement on his page

Buys the inventories at a cheaper rate Solds the inventory at maximum price
● Maximise reach and ensure target Ads ● Create high quality content
● Maximise reach and user engagement
● Protect and enhance brand image
● Monetize user engagement
● Increase Sales
● Measure Consumer success
● Track consumer Journey and generate

● Reach Target Audience ● Maximise sold impression
● Optimise Ad based on Data ● Optimise Ad Inventories
● Measure Performance ● Data to support the optimization
Ad Call:
When the computer asks the server to see a webpage, then once the webpage is loading it
calls the as from another server. This then sends the Ad to the computer to be a part of the
The Anatomy of the AdCall
➢ When we browse a website the site web servers returns a bunch of code telling
to browse what to display
➢ Within this code , the re lies a link points to ad server which decides what ad to
show then returns the ad for the supply side platform
➢ The browser calls the SSP which starts an auction on its own requesting a
number of demand sources
➢ The DSP’s and the Ad networks within their own set of buyer relationship to find
which Ad they should show to the user and how much they will pay for it
➢ DSP’s may run their own auction to decide which is the most relevant Ad
➢ Then they submit the bid back to the SSP
➢ SSP selects highest paying ad and psses it back to the browser
➢ Now browser directly calls the winning DSP and redirects the Ad server to call
the Ad

Supply Side Platform - SSP

A supply-side platform connects publishers with multiple Ad Exchanges and allows
them to connect with advertisers whose audience profiles fit their inventories.
The components of SSP are:
● Backend Infrastructure
● Integration
● Ad Exchange
● Trackers
● Reporting Database The features of SSP are:
● User Interface
● Analytics and reporting
● Header Bidding
● Yield Optimization
● Inventory Management

Demand Side Platform - DSP

A DSP allows you to connect with a wide range of global inventory sources
(publishers who have ad space for sale), analyze what they have to offer you (based
on the info from your DMP) and make a wise choice of where to spend your money.


This works from the advertiser side This works in the publisher side

It aims to buy more ads in less amount This tries to sell the Ad space at higher

Buyer centric approach Seller side platform

DAY-3 DATE:20th January
Time of Arrival 6:00 PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

● Programmatic Transaction:
The selling and buying of impression in an automated Fashion (When the
request goes out highest paying bid wins)
● DMP- Data Management Platform
A DMP has the ability to sort and classify this information to create distinct user profile
lists (known as audiences or segments) and then integrate with other platforms (DSP
and SSP) in order to help you reach the appropriate audience with your campaign. In
today’s digital world, you shouldn’t be without a DMP..
● Traditional Media Buying
In Direct ad buying or selling the advertisers and publishers negotiate deals upfront upon a
fixed price for the inventory. There’s more transparency, inventory is premium and
The drawbacks were tracking and targeting was difficult in this method
● Programmatic Media Buying
Programmatic channel is fast-growing as it gives an advertiser the right of buying the specific
user that they want at a lower price.
In simple terms it is the Right Add to the right person at the right time. ●
Real Time Bidding
When the SSP offers its inventory for sale through the ad exchange, the DSP decides
whether or not to bid on it and how much to pay for the ad space available. From the
information provided by the DMP, the DSP knows which ad space is optimal for each
advertiser’s audience and can bid accordingly.
Every time a user visits a website, the publisher’s SSP offers the impression of the
banner that will be displayed to the user for sale through the ad exchange. This takes
hardly any time at all—the entire bidding process takes place in the blink of an eye
(less than 300 milliseconds) and the creative is placed in the space that has been
purchased instantaneously when the user loads a web page.
● used creatives to attract customers
● A creative may include sound, video, animation as well as traditional text. The
size and form, both of which are regulated by IAB standards, as well as the type
of action it promotes (clicking, downloading, filling-in information) influence the
cost and the success of the campaign.
DAY 4 DATE: 21st January
Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Pricing Models

1. CPM - Cost Per Mile or Thousand CPM= ( Cost % Impression )*1000 Cost = CPM *
(Impression %1000)
Impression= (Cost %CPM)*1000

2. CPC - Cost Per Click

The CPC pricing model charges the advertiser for every click on their ad. The
clicks usually equate visitors finding their way to the advertiser’s website. In this
pricing model, nothing else matters except that there were clicks on the ad.
CPC= Cost%Clicks

3. CPA - Cost Per Action

In CPA, the publisher typically charges an advertiser based on actions visitors
take upon encountering their ad. The action may be to sign up for a trial or to
download an application. Advertisers can choose what specific action is to be
CPA = Cost % Action
Cost=Action *CPA
Action = Cost *CPA

4.eCPM - Effective Cost per Mile

Effective CPM is the actual CPM that is being applied,it helps to measure how
well ads are performing.

5.CTR - Click Through Rate

Click through rate measures the effectiveness of any advertisement. It is the
percentage of people who click on your ad after seeing you ad.
DAY-5 DATE:22nd January
Time of Arrival 6:00 PM Time of Departure 3:00 AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Real Time Bidding

The buying and selling of online ad impressions through real time auction that occurs
in between the time it takes for a web page to load.
It takes place in no seconds and billions of times every day.
Open Auction is the official term for RTB Inventory:
The Ad Slots are termed as inventory.
Ad Network:
● It connects website to website that wants to host advertisement Its key function is ●
aggregation of Ad supply from the publisher and matching it advertiser’s demand An
AdNetwork aggregates inventory from publishers and sells the ad inventory to advertisers where as the
AdExchange enables RTB
Started Learning MS Excel;
● Way of reference : Colum Row [A1]
● We can Reference Cell inside a worksheet by:
1. Relative reference
2. Absolute Reference
● Relative Reference : RE=eferencing from one location to another -similar kinda formula
● Absolute Reference:When one or more cell is fixed
We use $ sign to denote this Example: $A$5
● Order of Operation: PEMDAS or BODMAS
P---Parenthesis B---Brackets
E---Exponents O---Order of
M---Multiplication D---Division
D---Division M---Multiplication
A---Adition A---Adition
S---Subtraction S---Subtraction

● Excel Function: A predefined formula that perform a calculation

● Sum Function; SUM(ColumRow:ColumRow) ● There are 3 parts of a functions:
● Possible Range=1 to 255
Statistical Functions:
○ Function to find minimum :MIN(A5:A9)
○ Function to find Maximum:MAX(A5:A9)
○ Function to find Average;AVERAGE()
● Count Function: counts the number of cells in a range that contains numerical values
● Auto Sum------Alt + =
● # sign occurs when the width is narrow
● New row:
○ First select the row
○ CTrl+ [+]
DAY 8 DATE:25th January

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day: Types
of Ad:
1. Standard Flash or Standard Ads: This is the most common type of Ad with
reasonable file size. This helps in providing more information creatively within less
2. Expandable Ad : They have a behaviour of expanding on clicking the banner
3. Roll Over Ads : These are a kind of expandable ad which expands on roll over not
4. HTML Banners: They are safer but not used much these days HTML Ads also use
JAVA Script.
5. Floating Ads:These are the ads that hover over the content of the page seems like its
floating and have no base. This ads are impossible to ignore
6. Interstitial Ads:’Interstitial ‘ means in between . This is a kind of full page ad which
appears before the actual webpage.
7. Video Ads:This kind of Ads are flash Ads having video on it . They need more
8. Pre-Roll Ads: This comes under video Ads , are shown before the actual videos are
9. Overlay Ad: Overlay Ad is again a kind of graphic ad which is shown in bottom third
while a video is playing
10. Sidekick Ads: This is a type of expandable ad , when we click on the collapsable
banner the content is pushed to left of the room to for an extra large unit
11. Push-Down Ads:It is a type of expanding ad that pushes down the content of a
webpage, when the Ad expands moving the site out if the way to display the Ad 12.
Floor Ads: This kind of Ads are shown on the end or the bottom of the page filling
100% of the width of the webpage.
● Waterfall setup, quite simply, works like this: A ladder of networks and/or exchanges,
arranged top to bottom in order of performance to the publisher – based on the
networks’ past record in terms of yield (eCPM), fill rate, latency, and more
● The impression(s) is passed from network to network, from the top-down, until it is sold.
● This process of redirecting an impression from one SSP/exchange/network to the next
and so on until it is sold is called daisy chaining. Yes, waterfall and daisy-chaining are
the same.
● It’s a matter of prioritization. As you move down the waterfall, the CPM price floors
decrease, but there’s also less access to the best inventory for advertisers to bid on.
DAY 10 DATE:27th January

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Header Bidding:This sequencing of networks and/or exchanges goes away with header
bidding. Quite simply, the inventory is up for sale — a “notification” goes out to multiple
demand sources (SSPs, networks, or exchanges) simultaneously. Publisher’s ad server
collects the bids.
The Demand Source that puts out the highest bid (after conducting a second price auction
amongst its own buyers) wins, gets congratulated by publisher’s ad server, and sends the
winning buyer’s creative across to be served on impressions bought.


In the Ad Exchange Service, advertisers and ad networks are considered "Buyers", and
publishers and publisher networks are considered "Sellers".
DoubleClick Ad Exchange is a real-time marketplace partnered with the Google Display
Network for buying and selling advertising. It represents another market for advertisers to bid
on display advertising across the Internet.


● Yield management gives you the opportunity to maximize the value of every.
● For yield management to increase revenue, it is vital that the right Ad is placed in the
right spot. With the right placement, the ad will have a higher click rate and maximize
revenue for both the publisher and programmatic advertising company.
● yield management is an approach that you can use to maximize revenue when your
business has a fixed, perishable resource and can “place” customers into select groups
that will pay different prices for the same resource.
● Optimization is the process of generating the most revenue from every channel and
placement.Maximizing the revenue by focusing on the right objectives and performance
● Some of the optimization techniques are:
○ Implement Header Bidding
○ Audience Extension
○ Review Ad placements/Ad units
○ Comparing the advertising partners performance
○ Implementing/changing the floor CPM’s
○ Stay up to date with Trend
DAY 11 DATE:28th January

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Viewability is an online advertising metric that aims to track only impressions that can be
actually seen by users. For example, if an ad is loaded at the bottom of a webpage but a user
doesn't scroll down far enough to see it, that impression would not be considered viewable.
The IAB defines a “viewable” impression as one that’s at least 50 percent visible for at
least “one second”.
In general, about 54% of Ads aren’t viewable for various reasons. One of the common reasons
is that users don’t scroll down till the bottom of the page so the ads placed at the bottom go
unnoticed and those impressions are wasted.

Factors are involved in viewability:

● State of publisher viewability
● Ad size
● Ad positioning/ place where ad is placed (ATF, BTF) ● Viewability across different
industries etc.

Ad fraud refers to activities that aim to get commission for ads which are never really seen
DAY 12 DATE:29 th January

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:
Ad Manager:Ad Manager is a platform to grow your digital ad revenue in all the new ways and
places people are watching, playing, and engaging.

● Make every ad fit

Deliver ads that match the site's look, feel, and function with customizable nati ve
● Sell any way you want
Apply data-driven and programmatic ad buying to every format.

● Stay ahead of the curve

Deliver engagement through a wide variety of ad formats, such as out-stream videos,
reward ads, and more.
● Engage audiences with video everywhere
Make the most from every impression with a variety of video ad formats, including in-stream,
out-stream, vertical, and rewarded video. For additional reach, bring high-performing YouTube
formats — like bumpers and TrueView — to sites and apps.

● Bring the best of digital to TV

Effortlessly monetize premium video content across digital, over-the-top, and linear streams.

● Make ads measure up

Access new signals and viewability metrics from streaming devices to effectively measure ads.
Rich video insights help optimize ad strategy with a holistic view of all audiences.

● Improve revenue and customer experience

Revenue shouldn’t come at the expense of user experience. Manage demand sources from
one place and maximize competition for inventory, without compromising the speed or security
of the site.

● Harness the power of programmatic

From reservations to open auctions, Ad Manager uses data-driven insights and automation to
help users capture advertising revenue more efficiently across all of your inventory.

● Ramp up reservations
Gain more control, add value to inventory, and lock in revenue with direct-booked campaigns
or Programmatic Guaranteed.

● Automatically optimize ads:

Use Google’s machine learning expertise to grow advertising revenue and automatically
optimize every impression — without the need for an in-house data scientist. ● Easily
surface advertising insights
Get actionable insights delivered straight to the Ad Manager dashboard.

● Plan ahead
Know exactly what ad inventory is available and how to maximize sales across devices with
next-generation forecasting capabilities.

● Bring your data together

Connect data with integrated tools, including Google Analytics, Data Studio, and BigQuery to
see the big picture and make smarter decisions.

● Power up your reports

Segment and report on both past and future performance with the Query Tool. Access raw,
event-level data with the Data Transfer tool.
● Create Safer Ads
● Serve Safer Ads
● Control Creatives

● Opportunities are weekly suggestions for how you might earn more revenue, such as
changing a pricing rule or unblocking a general Ad Manager category
DAY 15 DATE:1st February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:
First thing to do in the admin tab:
● Find network setting
● Give your account a name
● Set time zone
Exchange rate refresh can be done:
● Daily
● Monthly
● Fixed i.e manually
Next Important thing: Link ad exchange and Adsense account(
Navigate to Admin > Linked Accounts. Select either AdSense or ad exchange Select
either New AdSense link or New ad exchange link.
Enter your web property code
Enter your display name
Enter email
Validate account
Save Button
Log into AdSense or ad exchange to enable the link..)

● Users are people who can view or manage the orders, line items, and other items in
your Ad Manager network.
● Assign user roles
A role is used to define which permissions a user has within your network. They’re set
up on the Roles page.
The Roles page lists common roles, such as Administrator, which has full access to the
network, and Trafficker, which has access to trafficking and reporting features. You can
customize these roles or create new ones that meet the needs of your users more specifically.

Ads.txt is an initiative from the Interactive Advertising Bureau, also known as the IAB, to
improve transparency in programmatic advertising.
Also known as Authorized Digital Sellers
Creates own ads.txt files to identify and publicly declare who is authorized to sell your
inventory. The files are publicly available and crawlable by buyers, third-party vendors, and
An ads.txt file can help you protect your brand from unauthorized inventory that’s intentionally
mislabeled as originating from a specific domain, app, or video. Declaring authorized sellers
can help you receive more advertiser spend that might otherwise go toward unauthorized
Your ads.txt file should publicly declare the account for each exchange or supply-side platform
(SSP) that’s authorized to sell your inventory.
DAY 16 DATE:2nd February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:
Delivery Ads using Goggle Ad Manager
● Order: An order is the campaign that’s setup between publisher and advertiser
● Line Items: within each orders there are line item, which carry out specifics of order or
determines what serves on the site or app
● Creatives: within each line , we find associative creative , display files of the Ad
● Always use an naming convention : advertisement_campaignname
● Delivery > Orders > NewOrders
● Ad line item >Select Ad type

Distinguish between Line Item Types

● The type of line item ,depends upon the need of the campaign
● Line items have different priority
● Higher the priority more likely the line item will serve
● Sponsorship line items must meet their goals as they are contractually obligated to
serve a certain percentage of impression
● Standard Line items are obligated to serve a certain percentage of impression
● Non guaranteed line items are eligible to fill remaining unsold inventory on a site or
Priority Item type Guaranteed or Non- Guar anteed
4 Sponsorship
Guar anteed Line item
6/8/10 Standard
12 Network Non -Guar anteed Line item

12 Bulk

12 Price Priority
12 Ad Exchange

16 House
DAY 19 DATE:5th February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day: Display

● Only one
● One or more\
● As many as possible
● All

Rotate Creative:how often each ad is shown over others

● EVENLY: Each creative is shown evenly
● OPTIMISED:optimised via popular creative based on click rate The
creative thst id clicked mostly is shown 75% of the time and the other
rest 25%
● WEIGHTED:Rotates on the display weights we determine

COPPA: Children Online Privacy Protection Act

Ad manager makes sure that the non - guaranteed inventory sells at the highest price
at the right time without compromising guaranteed campaigns
(In other words competition between AdX and DFP line items for same impression
based on the CPM)

Temporary CPM:The guaranteed line item competes using a temporary CPM or "opportunity
cost" that Ad Manager calculates automatically.

Steps for dynamic Allocation:

● A website makes an Ad call
● Network selects top guaranteed line item candidates and calculates a
temporary CPM based on line items current delivery progress

● The Ad server chooses eligible remnant line item with highest CPM
● Ad exchange is called to see if any ad can beat the maximum of guaranteed
CPM and remnant CPM
● Ad manager selects the line item with highest CPM to serve ads Protecting
guaranteed ads in all cases

To inspect delivery:
Delivery > Delivery Tools> select
DAY 22 DATE:8th February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:
Optimise Creative with Ad Mana ger


Display Video
Narrative Format : Advertiser provides components instead tag
Ad manager taker the components and maked ad
Third Party Creatives :When browser loads the page it calls Ad . Ad
manager returns a snippet of code . Which redirect the browser to third
party server hosting the ad

The discrepancy rate is 20%

Using Marcos in Third party creative in Ad manager to make sure that 3rd
party impressions are property registered
Click Macro : tracks Clicks
Cachebuster Macro: Inhibits brower from serving cached image
Creative Templates are forms to use for Trafficking Creative

DAY 23 DATE9th February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:
Forecast Your Inventory Using Ad Manager

Forecast : Check how many impressions are likely to be available

Prevents overbooking

How? The Ad Manager looks at past 24 months: history ,traffic volume and predicts
future . It uses resent past or last 28 days data

● Use forecast for guaranteed line items ● Stages of Forecasting:

○ Selling Campaigns
○ Trafficking Campaigns
○ Monitoring Campaigns Forecast
says :
● Weather a line item is likely to meet the goal
● If it is likely to impact other line items on its way
● Information about other impression or click Settings for building forecast:
● Inventory size
● Line item size
● Date range
● Delivery and targeting (optional)
Delivery> Line items> Check Inventory

● Setting Forecast before trafficking allows to check weather there are enough
impressions available in your network to be sold or booked as line items
● Setting Forecast during trafficking must set up a new line item that is ready to
● Setting forecast during delivery

Progres = (% of impression goals delivered )/ (% of time elapsed)

Contending Line Items:The contending Line items selection reveals the comparison
between different line items in your network (Maximum line items display=3000)
DAY 24 DATE:10th february ,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Creative Reports in Google Ad Manager

To create new :- Reporting>Reports>New Report

Date Types:
1. Dynamic:Dynamic date ranges produce rolling reports based time period
2. Fixed:-provides snapshot ofspecific moments in time
3. Custom:- allows to provide a start and end date.

Types of Report:
1. Historical: Answers the questionHow do I do? Presents data of past date
2. Ad Exchange Historical:how manager networks primary ad exchange account
is performing
3. Future sell Through Report: What can I expect?
4. Reach; Whos seeing my Ads? Estimated number of visitors
5. Partner Finance: It helps to track assignment and reflect host partner revenue
splits based on advance finance configuration
6. AD Speed: View ad speed data related to ad request flowing through your ad
manager network

DAY 25 DATE:11th February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:
Explore programmatic Capabilities in Google Ad Manager

Private auction ;Specify inventory at floor price to limited buyers

Open Auction : Specify inventory at floor price to all buyers
Programmatic Direct :Directly negotiate campaign with a single buyer
● Programmatic Guaranteed: Offers buyers reserved inventory ( CPM or CPD ) ●
Preferred Deal:

To do this create a programmatic Direct proposal
Sales>Proposal > New Proposal
After all details
Create proposal line item

● Open Auction Reports;-

○ Set report type to Ad Exchange Historical
○ Create a filter for Transaction Type and choose Open Action
○ Choose TransactionTypes under Dimension

● Private Auction :-
○ Set report type to Ad Exchange Historical
○ Create a filter for Transaction Type and choose Private Action
○ Choose TransactionTypes under Dimension

● Preferred Deal:-
○ Set the report type to Historical
○ Create a filter for programmatic Order and set it to is True
○ Create a filter for Programmatic Channel and set it to is Preferred Deal
OR create a filter for line item type and set it to any preferred deal

● Programmatic Guaranteed:-
○ Set the report type to Historical
○ Create a filter for programmatic Order and set it to is True
○ Create a filter for Programmatic Channel and set it to is Programmatic Guaranteed
OR create a filter for line item type and set it to any preferred deal
DAY 26 DATE:12th February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:
Protection and Rules

1. Use Protection to Manager Ads:

Unified Protection :- helps to control the ads that come on a website
● Ad content protection
● Competition protection
● Inventory Exclusion Protection

Ad Content Protection: Control kinds of ad

Competition Protection:- Prevents ads from certain advertisements brands or
categories from appearing next to ads
Inventory Exclusion Protection :- Exclude inventory from open auction

Ad Experience : You can control what kind of Ad and Ad Behavior eligible for your

2. First Look
Let you give preferred inventory access to select high CPM third party
buyers helping you to maximise your yield
Admin >inventory>pricing Rules>First look pricing
First Rule:-Specific Inventory dont want for first look
Second Rule:- Specific Inventory make available for first look

3. Unified pricing rules(UPR’s)

Allows to conveniently manage pricing of your inventory across all
indirect sources of demand from a single page in google ad manager
House Campaign :- Which could drive subscription or purchases
Inventory > Pricing Rule

DAY 29 DATE:15 th February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:
Broad to Narrow Approach

Rule 1:- Run of Network(RON)

Rule with broadest targeting will be considered the catch all and will apply
lowest CPM

Rule 2:-Core markets

Create UPR to reflect a segment of inventory that reflects core markets

Rule 3:- Tier 1 Market

Create UPR to reflect a segment of inventory that reflects non-core but

Rule:-4 Ad Size

Rule 5,6,7:- Inventory Type

Rule 8:-Channel Conflict

Rule 9:- High Performing

Locate Ad Styles and Backup rules

Inventory > Ad exchange rules> Ad Types and backup

* New rules are automatically set to higher Priority

Sticky Ads: Fixed ads that stay visible while the user scrolls up or down
Refresh Tiggers : Updates ad content without actually updating or refreshing page
User action
Event - Driven Content - Refresh on publisher invited events
Time internal refreshers
DAY 30 DATE:16th February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Review and Manage Ads

Troubleshoot Bad Ads :
Bad Ads are unwanted ads that you don't want may be from competitor , violates
policy, miscategorized etc

Click String :- URL takes

Click String ;- URL takes user to bad ads

Manage Ad Using the Ad Review Center

● Filter and Search :-
○ You can filter and search for any particular ad that appears on site
● Review Ad Details:-
○ Ad type , buyer , the site on which the ad served and the number of impression
per day over the last 30 days are all details you can review

● Allow or Block Ads:-

○ You can block unwanted ads that dont fit your policies or are not aligned with
your content and services

● Report Unwanted Ads:-

○ You can quickly and easily report unwanted ads that you think violate Google
Policies via the Ad Review Center

Filtering options:
1. Text :- Find ads with matching ad text or destination URL
2. Publisher Domain :- Based on which of your sites they appeared on
3. Newest Ads:- Search for that have appeared on your site in the last one or three or
seven days
4. Ad Network:- Search for ads from a specific network
5. Size:- based on size of ads from a specific ad network
6. Ad Type:-Filter by image , text or rich media ads
7. Click String:- Based on Tracking URL
8. Publisher deals :Based on programmatic deal or private auction
DAY 31 DATE:17th February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Video Ads:

1. Linear Ads:
i. Video ads that appears before content- Pre Roll
ii. Video ads that appears after content- Post Roll
iii. Video ads that appears in between content- Mid Roll
2. Non-Linear Ads: Display ads or video ads that appear during video content playback
without disrupting playback
3. Companion Ads:Can display on the page around the video player
DAY 31 DATE:18th February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:
Special Targeting

Key Values:- Custom targeting & target the line items to serve some specific part of the page

Used for:-
● Identity pages on a website
● Specify parts of page
● Help target other inventory

Key names should be:

● Not case sensitive
● Cannot start with number
● No space in between

Key will have multiple values

Key Values:
1. Dynamic Key Values: every value need not be passed dynamically from page
2. Predefined; Key values have to be defined before line item targeting or ad request

● Exact Match
● Begins with match(*)
● Include match( )
● Begins with and includes

NB:Key values can have space but not ‘’_’’

● Characters per key - 20
● Characters per value- 40
● Active values per network-25,00,000

● Active values(dynamic and predefined) per key -10,0000

● Reportable Key values-30,000
● Custom Dimensions-10
● Custom dimension key value-20,000
DAY 32 DATE:19th February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Ad Selection Process
Unified Pricing Rules:-
● Auction happens based on the floor
● Previous setup: Second price auction or AdX rule
● Now:UPR or first price auction

● If want to take part in auction , minimum floor= UPR

● If greater than UPR floor , the floor is for it
● Highest floor became base floor for all types only when there is overlapping targeting ,
i.e targeting same inventory
● Disadvantage:when no UPR bids, ad slot goes unfill to overcome this we do
● Delivery Capping: Capping the impressions
● When target is overlapped higher priority wins ● When it is on scheduled other
gets chance ● Delivery Pacing:
○ Underdelivery(<100%)
○ On scheduled(=100%)
○ Over delivery(>100%)
● Priority
○ Sponsorship
○ Standard
○ Network
○ Bulk
○ Price Priority
○ House

DAY 34 DATE:22nd February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru
Main Points of the Day:

Ad Selection Process:

Step 1: Ad request passes information to ad server

Step 2: A list of matching line items and yield group is created
Step 3: The best line item is selected
Step 4:The best creative is selected
Step 5:The creative is served

Choose of line items

● Type
● Priority
● Rate

Selection of Creative:
● Call of particular size
● With frequency capping is prioritized

When DFP and non-DFP items compete there dynamic allocation comes to notice.

DAY 35 DATE:23rd February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Demand partner:
Methods to call the demand partner:
● HardCoded
● Tag Based
● Header Bidding

DAY 36 DATE:24th February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

In this method of calling SSP we put the code of the partners on the webpage This code is
given by SSP to publishers. Once a user access webpagage , this code will run and make call
to the SSP

● No competition with direct partners
● It will yield low CPM as only one partner is bidding
● Low utilization of inventory
● Publishers dont have any proof of numbers
Advantage: easy to implement

DAY 37 DATE:25th February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Tag-Based Execution:
In this method of calling a SSP we put the code of the partnered in one line item which are set
up at lower price priority with a CPM .This code is given by SSPs to the publishers Adops
team track this code as creative in the SSP line item which is set at lower priorities

This type of line item targets all sites at lower priority and those CPM are calculated based on
historical performance
Partner will pay on their own numbers

DAY 38 DATE:26th February,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Passback:•Sending Request to one partner , when they are filled and left with unfilled
impression , we passback to another partner and this occurs like a waterfall.

Methods of passback:
1. Partner- Partner Passback
2. Partner -GAM Passback

● We use P-G passback for better reporting

DAY 41 DATE:1st March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Dynamic Allocation: Provides Publisher a real time competition for their impression between
AdX and all of the other demand partners set up interconnectionaly inside DFP.
But as this has disadvantage of using historical CPM , to overcome it Header Bidding came to

But as this has disadvantage of using historical CPM , to overcome it Header Bidding came to

DAY 42 DATE:2nd March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Header Bidding:
● Key-value targeting
● Calling multiple partners at the same time
● Header bidding is a programmatic process that enables publishers to collect multiple
bids from various SSPs at the same time before their ad server is called

DAY 43 DATE:3rd March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:
The benefit for the advertiser is that they have better chance of winning the impression
.Publisher on the other hand can earn more

Timeout: Wait for the partners to submit their bids for a particular or specific time

Google Publisher Tag(GPT):

● Call to the ad server
● Has information about user requirements and ad tag

DAY 44 DATE:4th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Key Values used in HB:

Advantages of HB:
● Higher CPM
● Higher Fill rate
● Greater insights to inventory value Disadvantages of HB:
● Latency
● Duplication of bids
● Compatibility
● Performace

DAY 45 DATE:5th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Types of Header Bidding:

● Client Side Header Bidding
● Server Side header Bidding

TAM: Line items are setup for each price they bid
EBDA:No need for line items, we create yield groups

Disadvantages of Server side HB:

● Lack of transparency
● Bid latency
● Cokkies mismatch rate

● EBDA takes 5% of the revenue share

DAY 48 DATE:8th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Header Bidding Partner performance:

● Bid Rate:How many times partner sends a eligible bid
● Win Rate: Ratio of number of auctions won by the partner to the number of eligible
● Ad server win rate:Ratio between number of times impression served by partner to
number of auction won by partner
● Time-out Rate:Ratio of number of times partner timed out to number of request
● Error rate: The number of there occurred a error per bid submitted
● Request CPM: (Revenue/request)*1000
● Bid CPM:The average CPM from bids of the partner
● Win CPM:The average CPM of winning partners

Formulas used:

•Bids= Total Impressions

•Wins = Total Targeted Impressions
•Win Rate: Total Targeted Impressions (For specific key value) / Total Impression
•Request = Number of AdX Request = TCS+UI
•Bid Rate =Total Imps/Request
•Bid Revenue= Bids*Bid Value/1000 = Total Impressions*Bid Value1000
•Bid CPM= Bid Revenue*1000/Bids = Bid Revenue*1000/Total Impressions
•Win Revenue = Wins*Bid Value/1000= Total Targeted impressions*Bid Value/1000
•Win CPM: Win Revenue*1000/Wins= Win Revenue*1000/ Total targeted impressions

DAY 49 DATE:9th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Flow of Headder Bidding:

DAY 50 DATE:10th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

EBDA matrices:
● Yield group Callouts
● Yield Group successful response
● Yield group Bids
● Yield group bids in auction
● Yield Group Auction Won
● Yield Group Impression
● Yield Group estimated revenue

1. Yield group callouts: Number of times a yield partner is asked to return bid to fill a yield
group request
2. Yield group successful responses: Number of times a yield group buyer successfully
returned a bid in response to a yield group callout, even if that response is "no bids
3.Yield group bids: Number of bids received from Exchange Bidding buyers, regardless of
whether the returned bid competes in an auction. This number might be greater than Yield
group callouts because a buyer can return multiple bids.
4.Yield group bids in auction: Number of bids received from Exchange Bidding buyers that
competed in the auction
5.Yield group auctions won: Number of winning bids received from Exchange Bidding buyers,
even when the winning bid
6.Yield group impressions: Number of matched yield group requests where a yield partner
delivered their ad to publisher inventory
7.Yield group estimated revenue: Total net revenue earned by a yield group, based upon the
yield group estimated CPM and yield group impressions recorded. This revenue already
excludes Google revenue share.
8.Note: - GAM provides only last 45 days data for Bid Metrics of EBDA partners

DAY 51 DATE:11th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

troubleShooting Tools:
● Googlepublisher Console
● Ad Widzard
● Google Chrome developer tools
● AMP Validator
● Page ruler
● VPN(Hola)
● Charle
● Page speed insight

Chrome developer tools”

● Inspect element
● General: status, request URL
● Response: All the response
● Request: all the request send to ad manager ● Query string parameter: id, size

Page Ruler; measure ad size on page

DAY 52 DATE:12th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:
What is UPR?
● Technically a common pricing rule which applies to all eligible line items except
sponsored and standard
● All programmatic demand directly completes with ad exchange
● For overlapping pricing rules, UPR priorities rules with higher floor price

DAY 55 DATE:15th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Steps to set up UPR Rules:

1. Full transparency in UPR gives your direct advertiser great advantage to purchase
inventory from AdX at lower price than direct sales rate and our moto is to eliminate
this . To do this we have to set advertiser specific pricing rules
2. Identify the top earning Ad units. The Ad units which atleast contribute 80% of the
3. For the top learning ad units, pick UPR floor under tolorable loss
4. Activate the optimised pricing. It dynamically optimizes theUPR floor

Limitations of UPR:
● 200 rules per network are possible, but publishers with huge traffic need hundreds of
● All the buyers will have same floors. As publishers generally set higher floor for
AdWords, which is not possible
● Cannot set any priority rules , higher floor price rule preeceds always
● When the transition is done, the domain and page url information of your inventory are
100% transparent to buyers. This allows your advertisers to perform accurate channel
optimization to purchase your inventory (or audience) at a discount from programmatic
channels instead of direct sales.

DAY 56 DATE:16th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

What is A/B testing?

● A/B testing (also known as split testing) is a process of showing two variants of the same web page to
different segments of website visitors at the same time and comparing which variant drives better

● Typically, most targeting and delivery rules are set at the flight-level. These rules
include budget, impression goals, active day parts, tracking methods, dates to run, etc
. In order to run an A/B test, typically a copy of a test flight is created which differs only
in the “single” variable that needs to be measured. As listed above, common test
variables are creatives, pixels or landing pages, algorithms, audiences and regions.
Once these two flights have completed their course over a specific period of time, a
pre-chosen KPI is analyzed to study the performance of the variable in test (see Figure
1 for an example case). The time period chosen to run the test should be enough to
obtain a significant result.

A/B Testing in UPR

● When we set a UPR floor , the demand bidding less than Floor price , dont get a chance to participate in
the the bidding process , so the remnant inventory goes unfilled
● To set the floor price , such that revenue loss is optimised we need to perform A/B testing
● We divide the inventory into :A Controll (80%) and B Test(20%) and check the performance ● The KPI
we use here is request CPM rCPM=(Revenue*1000)/AdRequest

How to create UPR rule in GAM?

Navigate to Inventory > Pricing rules to create a new unified pricing rule. You select the
inventory to apply the rules for, set floor prices or target CPMs and then, save. We can also
specify pricing for selected advertisers/buyers/brands optionally while creating a UPR

DAY 57 DATE:17th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Common Video errors:

● 101 VAST schema validation error:This fatal error can be caused when the
buyer's response is missing required elements or attributes of the XML or
contained unrecognized elements, according to the IAB standard.
● 300 Wrapper error:This fatal error is a general wrapper error and is not
● 301 VAST redirect timeout reached:This fatal error can be caused when a
VAST redirect tag does not return a response within the timeout (5 seconds is
the default) specified in a wrapper element. It could include request errors,
such as an invalid URI, unreachable or request timeout for a URI, security, or
other exceptions related to requesting a VAST URI. It could also be due to a
high latency connection (for example, 3G) or simply a slow response from a
● 302 Wrapper limit reached:This fatal error can be caused when the
wrapper limit defined by the video player is reached. Either too many wrapper
responses are received without an inline response, a circular loop of daisy-
chaining exists (one network bouncing to another and another), or too many
empty VAST responses from video fallback.
● 303 Empty VAST response returned:This fatal error can be caused when
no ads are returned in a VAST response after one or more wrappers. This also
includes empty VAST responses from video fallback.
When working with third-party networks, the fill-rate can be less
than 100%. If so, this is an expected error. For example, if the third-party
expects to fill 60% of the time, you should expect 40% errors.
● 400 General linear error: This fatal error can be caused when a video
player is unable to display the linear ad. It may occur when the MediaFile is not
a valid video file of the specified format, or because the browser restricted
autoplay with sound, or another unknown reason.
● 401 MediaFile not found:This fatal error can be caused when a file cannot
be found from a MediaFile URI.

DAY 58 DATE:18th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Ad Stack:

Ad stacks are ad tech complexes that already involve media-buying, media-

selling, and data activation solutions under one roof. In other words, they
encapsulate essential components for media-buying and selling that otherwise
are scattered across the vast programmatic ecosystem.

● the ad stack is the series of companies and technologies on the internet that gets an
advertiser’s message in front of the right consumer at the right time, so they will take
some sort of desired action like buying a product or contacting a sales rep.
● Cross-platform and cross-channel, it allows publishers to deliver
advertisements on the right device, in the right format, at the right time.
● A full stack has a complete view of all inventory as well as each buyer-seller
commitment, which means it can address publishers’ needs by allowing for
holistic campaign management.

DAY 59 DATE:19th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

A/B Testing:


A/B testing, aka. split testing, refers to an experiment technique to determine whether a
new design brings improvement, according to a chosen metric. In web analytics, the
idea is to challenge an existing version of a website (A) with a new one (B), by randomly
splitting traffic and comparing metrics on each of the splits.

A/B Testing Process:

The following is an A/B testing framework you can use to start running tests:

Collect Data: Your analytics will often provide insight into where you can begin
optimizing. It helps to begin with high traffic areas of your site or app, as that will allow
you to gather data faster.

Identify Goals: Your preferred choice of KPI are the metrics that you are using to
determine whether or not the variation is more successful than the original version.
Goals can be anything from clicking a button, better user experience or even more

Generate Hypothesis: Once you've identified a goal you can begin generating A/B
testing ideas and hypotheses for why you think they will be better than the current
version. Once you have a list of ideas, prioritize them in terms of expected impact and
difficulty of implementation.

Create Variations: Using your A/B testing software, make the desired changes to an
element of your website or mobile app experience. This might be changing the color
of a button, swapping the order of elements on the page, hiding navigation elements, or
something entirely custom.

Run Experiment: Kick off your experiment and wait for visitors to participate! At this
point, visitors to your site or app will be randomly assigned to either the control or
variation of your experience. Their interaction with each experience is measured,
counted, and compared to determine how each performs.

Analyze Results: Once your experiment is complete, it's time to analyze the results.
Your A/B testing software will present the data from the experiment and show you the
difference between how the two versions of your page performed, and whether there is
a statistically significant difference.

● Get Better ROI from Existing Traffic
● Make Low-risk Modifications
● Achieve Statistically Significant Improvements
● Profitably Redesign your Website
DAY 62 DATE:22nd March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Data Studio basics:

Data Dashboards includes the following steps:
1. Collecting
2. Preparing
3. Analyzing
4. Reporting
5. Sharing
6. Collaborating

Data Dashboards helps to visualize KPI s and other data at a glance, at one place at one time

Dimensions are attributes of data------------ Green

Metric is quantitative measurement ----------- Blue

Dimensions are the category, metric measure dimension value

Each dimension and metric have a scope

Types of Dashboard:
● Google Ad words Dashboard
● Strategic Dashboard
● Social media Dashboard
● Visitor Demographics Dashboard
● Departmental level
● Website Analysis
● SEO Dashboard
● Content Effectiveness Dashboards
● Marketing Dashboard
● Sales Dashboards
(i) IAB requires publishers to refresh ads reasonably (based on the niche).
(ii) Refreshing ads in very short time intervals can lead to low-quality impressions that no advertisers want
to bid on.
(iii) In fact, demand partners can block you from their exchanges because of increased ad requests per
user/per session.
7. To Set the refresh rate in ad unit settings:
The default value is No refresh. If you select Refresh rate in seconds, Ad Manager will auto-populate a value of
60, which you can change to any value between 30 and 120 seconds.
a. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
b. Click Inventory and then Ad units.
c. Click an ad unit's name to open its settings.
d. Select Refresh rate (30-120 seconds) and change the value. e. Click Save.

DAY 64 DATE:24th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Goggle Tag Manager

Tag Manager gives you the ability to add and update your own tags for conversion tracking, site analytics,
remarketing, and more. There are many ways to track activity across your sites and apps, and the intuitive
design lets you change tags whenever you want.

There are three main parts to Google Tag Manager:

Tags: Snippets of Javascript or tracking pixels

Triggers: This tells GTM when or how to fire a tag
Variables: Additional information GTM may need for the tag and trigger to work

You can set up and track basic events like PDF downloads, outbound link clicks or button clicks. Or, complex
enhanced ecommerce product and promotion tracking.If we want to track all outbound links on the website. In
GTM, choose the category name, action and label. We chose offsite link, click and click URL.

In Google Analytics go to Behavior > Events > Top Events > Offsite link.

Select either event action or label to get the full reports. The data that we set up in Google Tag Manager is now
appearing in the Analytics reports.

DAY 65 DATE:25th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Passback Tag- Passback tags are bacially a JavaScript code just like other tag.
1.Passback was introduced to minimmize the unfill impressions and increase the ad fill rate.
Example: If we are trying to monetize the ad inventory. so we reached an network A and requested to return an
ad for inventory.
But network A doesn't have eligible ads to deliver.Then we found that network B can return ads to that inventory.
In this case to make both ad networks run at same time and deliver an ad if the primary network return nothing.
for this we need to use the "passback tag".

Example code:
<script async src=""></script>
<div id="gpt-passback">
<script> window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []};
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.defineSlot('/6355419/Travel/Europe',
[728, 90], 'gpt-passback')
.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.enableServices();

DAY 66 DATE:26th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Predicted Viewability Bucket:

The estimated percentage of viewability based on an ad slot's historical and environment
data, grouped into buckets.
Possible values include:
20% to 49%

How can we use this report for your client's purpose?

● Share of impressions falling into different viewability bucket for different

Pages,ad types etc

● Predicting the performance by Ad-Slot Position

Is there any relation between Predicted Viewability and CPM for the slots?

If we are dealing with viewable CPM (The average cost for 1,000 viewable impressions), the
viewability bucket can help us a lot. It can help us know the CPM for a particular viewability
bucket based on the the historical data hence estimating revenue will be easier

DAY 69 DATE:29th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

What is Ad Refresh?
Ad refresh is the process of requesting and rendering a new ad on the existing ad unit — while the user is on
the page. The new ad will replace the existing ad.

Who are not eligible?

1. Sites with higher bounce rates
2. Websites with lower than avg sessions duration and time on page
3. Google AdSense doesn't allow adrefresh
4. Viewability of adslot should be more than 50%

How does Ad Refresh works?

Ad refresh works based on different types of triggers
i) User action-based
ii) Event-based iii)

Impact on Site Performance

1. Increase in RPS since we can get more impressions in a single sessions
2. Increase in Imp/Pv and Imp/Sess
3. Drop in CPM which is due to low viewability rate of an ad
4. Increase in page load time, when a ne set of ad creatives are loaded during a refresh the browser will
make a new set of HTTP requests to the server, and additional bandwidth will be consumed.

DAY 70 DATE:30th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:
Prebid concept:

Prebid.js - It is an open source header bidding solution or a wrapper that can be implemented on header section
publisher's page. There are currently 200+ server-side bid adapters available(Bid adapters are SSp's or
How it works -
1.If there's no header bidding or prebid wrapper tag, whenever a user loads a page, 'ad tag' on the page will
send ad requests to your ad server. But with the prebid wrapper tag, the ad server code is paused,
allowing the
prebid.js (prebid wrapper) to fetch bids and creatives from various SSP's and Exchanges.
2.Prebid.js passes information about those bids (including price) to the ad server’s tag on page, which passes it
to the ad server as query string parameters.
3.The ad server has line items targeting those bid parameters.
4.If the ad server decides Prebid wins, the ad server returns a signal to Prebid.js telling the library to write
the winning creative to the page.
Drawbacks -
1.Requires Ad-ops team to setup, monitor and maintain the solution.
2.Page latency.

Prebid Server - It is an open-source solution for server-to-server header bidding solution and here auction
happens on third party server unlike prebid-client where auction happens on the user's browser. It supports
all major ad
environments like Web, in-app, AMP, video. There are currently 75+ server-side bid adapters available How it
works -
1.working procedure is similar to prebid-Client but here the server calls various SSP's and Exchanges instead of

DAY 71 DATE:31th March,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Prebid Mobile - Prebid Mobile is an open-source library that provides an end-to-end header bidding solution for
mobile app publishers. To use Prebid mobile, Prebid server configuration is compulsory. It can be implemented
through the
Prebid Mobile SDK integration. SDKs are available for iOS and Android How it
works -
1.Prebid Mobile sends a request to Prebid Server. This request consists of the Prebid Server account ID and
config ID for each tag included in the request.
2.Prebid Server constructs an OpenRTB bid request and passes it to the demand partners.
3.Each demand partner returns a bid response to Prebid Server. The bid response includes the bid price and the
creative content.
4.Prebid Server sends the bid responses to Prebid Mobile.
5.Prebid Mobile sets key/value targeting for each ad slot through the primary ad server mobile SDK.
This targeting will activate one or more of Prebid line items that were previously configured in the primary ad
6.If the line item associated with the Prebid Mobile bid wins, the primary ad server returns the Prebid Mobile
JavaScript to the ad server’s SDK.
7.The Prebid Mobile creative JavaScript will fetch and render the corresponding creative content from the
Prebid Server demand partner.
(i) IAB requires publishers to refresh ads reasonably (based on the niche).
(ii) Refreshing ads in very short time intervals can lead to low-quality impressions that no advertisers want
to bid on.
(iii) In fact, demand partners can block you from their exchanges because of increased ad requests per
user/per session.
7. To Set the refresh rate in ad unit settings:
The default value is No refresh. If you select Refresh rate in seconds, Ad Manager will auto-populate a value of
60, which you can change to any value between 30 and 120 seconds.
a. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
b. Click Inventory and then Ad units.
c. Click an ad unit's name to open its settings.
d. Select Refresh rate (30-120 seconds) and change the value. e. Click Save.

DAY 73 DATE:2nd April,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:
Why do IAB Categories Matters?

1 – Trust & Integrity:

If we're looking to buy or sell advertising space, we should be able to trust the person we're dealing with.

we don't want anyone endangering it, especially with their shady advertisements or inventory.

2 - Quality Control:

As we all know, a non-contextual, non-targeted mobile ad is an ad that no one wants to see. With IAB
categories/taxonomy, the likelihood of a consumer seeing a mobile ad that’s spammy or non-relevant is reduced

As mobile ad campaigns are submitted, demand-side platforms and advertising exchanges collaborate to tag
them with the appropriate IAB category. Because some publishers block specific categories, tagging ads with IAB
categories ensures that publishers do not receive unwanted ads and that advertisers' ads are placed in the
appropriate context.

3 - Brands

Big brands won't get involved in anything they don't trust.

It's the "You know it's good if a brand is using it" mentality that forces organizations like the IAB to create
stringent guidelines and best practices.

DAY 76 DATE:5th April,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Poor eCPM(Reasons):

There can be many reasons for low eCPMs or poor ad earnings.

This can include displaying ads from an ad network that does not correctly support your traffic geography or
utilizing a poor ad network.

Alternatively, you might not have enough advertiser competition for your traffic. You might also have a slow
website, a bad ad, or you aren't using the right ad units. It could even result in some pages being removed from
your ad network and ads not being displayed correctly.

Actions to be Taken to Improve eCPM

1) Try out different ad networks.

Ad networks, as we used to say, are simply demand and supply aggregators. It is ones responsibility to ensure
that ones users see ads that are relevant to them.

2)Experiment with different ad formats.

This is a difficult section. Some ad formats may always work for others, but they may not work for you. As a
result, you won't be able to increase your eCPM by using a standard set of ad formats.

3)Changing the Ad Positioning

Experiment with various ad placements on various sections of the page, using a variety of ad sizes. To calculate
CTR and the best position on the webpage, keep your statistic tools handy. If done correctly, the right
placements can bring in a lot of money.

4) eCPM keeps you up to date with the industry.

We've all seen how the demand for a particular format rises as users' habits change. You must track the industry
average CPM/eCPM of various formats in order to keep up and evolve.

5)Generate Search Engine Traffic

The greater the number of visitors, the greater is the opportunity of them interacting with ads.
More ad impressions, More CTRs, and hence higher daily profits.
Social media, on the other hand, helps in getting the content quickly go viral.
This provides thousands of unique website hits in a short span of time that significantly increase your eCPM.

Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are there to let people share content with one another.

6)Make your site User Friendly

Non-mobile-friendly websites will lose a lot of organic traffic.
More than 3 billion users are using smartphones worldwide.
Buyers would love to bid more for your impressions on mobile if you provide a better user experience.

7)Try Active View Ad Refresh

Ad refresh can help publishers increase eCPM per session. Basically the ad units refresh themselves after certain
triggers such as user action (click, hover) and time (after 60 second).

8)Work on Your Viewability Score

Your ads are no good, if users are not seeing them. Viewability has become an important factor for advertisers
now to purchase an inventory. This is why we advice publishers to work on their viewability score and combat
banner blindness.

DAY 77 DATE:6th April,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Ad Stack:

Ad stacks are ad tech complexes that already involve media-buying, media-selling, and data
activation solutions under one roof. In other words, they encapsulate essential components
for media-buying and selling that otherwise are scattered across the vast programmatic

● the ad stack is the series of companies and technologies on the internet that gets an
advertiser’s message in front of the right consumer at the right time, so they will take
some sort of desired action like buying a product or contacting a sales rep.
● Cross-platform and cross-channel, it allows publishers to deliver advertisements on
the right device, in the right format, at the right time.
● A full stack has a complete view of all inventory as well as each buyer-seller
commitment, which means it can address publishers’ needs by allowing for holistic
campaign management.

The Advertiser
The first party in the ad stack is the advertiser. Whether they are a brand or the brand’s
agency, a humble marketing intern or a full-fledged trading desk, they are trying to find their
target audience or consumer, get a message in front of them in the form of an ad impression,
and move them through the funnel to complete the marketing objective.
The Demand Side Platform (DSP)
DSPs provide the UI and functionality required for an advertiser to create and manage their
many advertising campaigns. They can choose the demographic, behavioural and other
targeting dimensions of their ideal audience and restrict the kinds of impressions that match
their objectives (mobile vs. desktop for example). Many also allow advertisers to integrate
their direct campaigns (where they have made deals with specific publishers) with various
types of open real-time bidding (RTB) campaigns in one platform.
The Ad Exchange
Ad exchanges work the same way by connecting DSPs with supply side platforms (more on
them in a minute) who have access to the ad impressions advertisers want to reach. In a
fraction of a second, the exchange compares the details about the impression (like online
from the publisher or first, second and third party data about who will see the impression) and
the specifics of the advertiser’s campaign (audience & pricing settings they chose in the
DSP’s UI).
Once it has a list of all eligible advertisers (those who would want to buy this specific
impression), the exchange passes forward the ad of the highest bidding advertiser and

charges them for the impression. Automatically, ad exchanges perform this function for all
kinds of ad formats and all kinds of users, literally millions of times a second. 24/7, 365.
The Supply Side Platform (SSP)
The SSP represents the other side of the exchange Like the DSP, the SSP is a platform that
allows publishers (of both websites and apps) to manage how they monetize the impressions
they show their audience. Among many other features, SSPs allow publishers to integrate
their existing direct relationships with access to open exchanges, pass along data about their
users for more informed ad buying, and set the minimum price an ad impression is worth to
them (often opting for other monetization options when active bids are below their threshold).
Silagara allow publishers more control than ever to manage the experience of their users so
it is inline with their brand, and keep users wanting to come back. Publishers
Finally, and probably easiest to understand, are the publishers . Throughcreating content ,
developing compelling mobile apps, or whatever it is they do, publishers bring users into the
ecosystem by engaging them, curating them, and learning as much about them as possible
(in an uninstructive way) so that they can show the right advertiser’s ad, at the right time, and
make money.

DAY 78 DATE:7th April,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

● Demand-side platforms. A DSP is created to serve the needs of advertisers,
marketers, agencies, and media buyers who want to purchase digital inventory online.
DSP automates the process of inventory purchasing via algorithmic buying and targets
the users in case their data corresponds to the chosen targeting settings.
● Supply-side platforms. A SSP is an equivalent of the demand-side platform created for
publishers, media-sellers, and app developers who want to monetize their inventory
with targeted ads. Programmatic automates real-time auctions so that inventory could
be sold automatically and without remnants.
● Ad networks. Ad networks accumulate inventory from publishers and aggregate it on a
single platform in order to resell it to advertisers for certain commission. Ad networks
share the same goal with ad exchanges, however, they have differences in inventory
management and basic principles of work.
● Ad exchanges. An AdX is an open marketplace designed to let advertisers and
publishers trade directly utilizing RTB protocol. Ad Exchanges can also provide access
to a greater pool of inventory because they feature more connections. Additionally,
some ad exchanges can aggregate inventory across particular traffic type, vertical, or
● Data management platformsDMF aggregate customers information. They can be used
for multiple marketing purposes but practically most often used with DSP’s in order to
make targeting more precise and sophisticated

DAY 79 DATE:8th April,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:


Digital marketing is always going to be a changing industry because the online world is
changing rapidly. It only takes a few months for a once essential resource to be out of
favor because a hot new site or tool has popped up that everyone uses instead.

Some of the challenges could be: Increased security risk, Cluttered Market, generating
leads, Ad blockers, increasing costs etc.

The Top 10 Challenges Entrepreneurs Face Today

● Creating Consistent Branding. ...

● Generating Traffic and Leads. ... ● Managing Your Website. ...
● Securing an Effective Budget. ...
● Understanding Tools and Technology. ...
● Creating the Right Content. ...
● Finding the Best Marketing Talent. ...
● Determining Your Marketing ROI.

DAY 80 DATE:9th April,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

What is Bad Advertising?

Bad advertising will ruin your brand image

A form of bad advertising effect is “False Advertising”. This is when a business uses a
baseless, misleading, or dishonest content to market or promote products/services.
No marketing team is perfect and mistakes can occur, but when paired with deliberate
ignorance and possible intent to appear clever in the eyes of the public, the result is
false advertising. Some advertisements miss the point by misleading their audience
and in turn leaving a sour taste in the mouths of consumers. Over time, negative ads
can lead to biases about brands by everyday people.

Consumers will choose which products to steer away from, and typically this
consumer behavior is due to the association with a negative brand image campaign.
Sales will immediately suffer and it will take large amounts of resources to draw those
customers back into your reach.
DAY 83 DATE:12th April,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

What is ad fraud?

Ad fraud is any attempt to defraud digital advertising networks for financial gain. Scammers
often use bots to carry out ad fraud, but not always – there are a number of methods that
scammers can use to trick advertisers and ad networks into paying them. Ad fraud that uses
bots is typicallyclick fraud

What kinds of online advertising fraud are there?

There are a variety of ways that cyber criminals can carry out ad fraud. Some of the methods

● Hidden ads: When an ad is shown in such a way that the user doesn't actually see it.
This kind of fraud targets ad networks that pay based on impressions ( views), not
● Click hijacking: This is when an attacker redirects a click on one ad to be a click for a
different ad, effectively "stealing" the click. For this fraud attack to work, the attacker
has to compromise the user's computer, the ad publisher's website, or a proxy server.

● Fake app installation: Ads are often shown within applications, especially mobile apps.
For this fraud method, teams of people ( often in click farms* ) install apps thousands
of times and interact with them in bulk.

● Botnet ad fraud: Scammers can use botnets to generate thousands of fake clicks on an
ad, or fake visits to a website displaying the ads. See below for more on how this

*A click farm is a group of low-paid workers who click en masse on targeted links, usually at
the direction of scammers or cyber attackers.
DAY 84 DATE:13th April,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

How does bot-driven ad fraud work?

Scammers can use click bots to produce fake clicks on digital ads that appear on properties
the scammers own, generating revenue for them.

Click bots are programmed to imitate real users and click on certain links. Often these bots
are distributed across multiple devices in a botnet. In this way they appear more legitimate,
since each bot will have a different Ip address because it's coming from a different device.
A botnet is a group of Internet-connected devices that have been compromised by an
attacker. Each device will have a bot installed on it, possibly in addition to other malware

How is ad fraud related to click fraud?

Often, ad fraud is a type of click fraud. Click fraud is a broader term that covers all kinds of
use cases for fake clicks. It is typically carried out either by click bots or by a click farm –
social media bots can be responsible for it as well.

DAY 85 DATE:14th April,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

● Before WRITING ○ Your Plan

○ Your Reader
○ Your Voice
● While Writing
○ Message
○ Language
○ Heading
○ Sentence Paragraph
● After Writing
○ Review it

Your Plan

● Define the desired outcome ● What needs to be

● Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals
● S-Specific- clearly defines the objective
● M-Measurable-make sure track your objective process
● A-Achievable- Set out steps to achieve your goals
● R-Realistic- Make sure having a right resource to meet goals
● T-Time Bound

Your Reader
● Who are you writing to?
● Understand what readers want? (length and vocab) ●
How can you reach your reader?

Your Voice
● Who are you writing as?
● What impression do you aim to make?
● What is your voice? (Use adjectives for making impressions) ●
Stay consistent!
DAY 86 DATE:15th April,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

5 Steps to Bussiness writing Mastery

1. Your message aligned with your plan
2. Simple language to connect to reader
3. Use heading to grab and hold the attention
4. Faster to point by shortening sentences
5. You of the paragraph to improve readability

● Write down your goals
● Write about the topic
● Avoid unnecessary details
● Guide your reader

● Use simple language
● Avoid fillers
● Use shorter words ● Know your reader

● Headings are summary
● They grab your attention
● Sub-Headings hold your attention ● The 4U Formula
○ Useful-Shows a promise and a benefit to the user
○ Unique-Contains a fact or opinion that the reader must not be aware of
○ Ultra-Specific- make a subheading to hold the attention
○ Urgent- it takes users to take action

● Short and to the point
● Max 2 points per sentence
DAY 87 DATE:16th April,2021

Time of Arrival 6:00PM Time of Departure 3:00AM

Name of Lead Sudhanshu Vudaru

Main Points of the Day:

Site QA:

Site QA means going to client website and checking for each and evry function, controls
behaving as expected or not.

We can go the inspect element and check for the websites details

Also we can use AdWizard Extention

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