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1) What is meant by ‘Principles of management’?

2) Why is it said that principles of management are flexible?

3) The principles of management are not rigid prescriptions. What does this
highlight about the nature of principles of management?

4) Name the principle of scientific management which emphasizes on study and

analysis of methods rather than estimation.

5) Give the meaning of ‘mental revolution’ suggested by F. W. Taylor.

6) Name the technique of Taylor which separates ‘planning’ and ‘execution’


7) Which technique of scientific management aims at elimination of superfluous

varieties, sizes and dimensions of the product?

8) What is the objective of ‘method study’ as a technique of scientific


9) What is the objective of motion study? 10) What is determined by ‘time-study’?

11) Different techniques were developed by Taylor to facilitate principle of

scientific management.
One of them is ‘fatigue study’. What is the objective of this study?

12) Name the technique of scientific management which helps in establishing

interchange ability of manufactured parts and products.

13) Ojas a manager does not distribute the work among his subordinates, either
according to capability or proportionately. Which principle of management is
being overlooked?

14) Rachit, a manager, expects his subordinates to adapt to the new environment
and working conditions without giving them time to settle down. Which principle
of management is being overlooked?

15) Give any one reason why principles of management are not rigid
16) ‘Accurate cause and effect relationship cannot be established by principles of
management’. Why?

17) How are principles of management formed? Why?

18) Which principles of management envisage that each group of activities having
the same objectives must have one head and one plan?

19) What light does the idea of ‘Gang plank’ show ‘about the nature of Fayol’s
principles of management?

20) What does the principle of ‘Initiative’ indicate?

21) In one of the principles of scientific management, Taylor emphasizes that

there should be equal division of work and responsibility between workers and
management and management should work almost side by side with workers
helping and smoothing the way for them. Identify the principle.

22) ‘Prosperity for the employer cannot exist for a long time unless it is
accompanied by the prosperity for the employees. Both should realize the
importance of each other and feel that they are part of same family’. Identify the
scientific principle of management highlighted here.

23) ‘Fayol insists that good sense and experience are needed to ensure fairness to
all employees who should be treated as fairly as possible’. – Identify the principle
of management highlighted by this management.

24) The purchase manager of XYZ Ltd. gave order to supply raw material @ ƻ
1,200 per quintal to his relative while same quality raw material is available @ ƻ
1,000 per quintal by another supplier.
Which principle of management is being violated in the given case?

25) Kartik a worker in Gupta Ltd. through his personal experience was able to
identify time saving technique of production. He approached the management
with his suggestions but it was not appreciated by his seniors. Which principle of
management is over looked here?

26) For the last three years, Verma Ltd. is not functioning smoothly and
systematically. The relations between management and employees are becoming
unhealthy. After a complete analysis, it was observed that employees are not
working effectively and efficiently to produce maximum output and management
is not fulfilling its promises of better environment, increments, promotions, etc.
Which principle of Henri Fayol is being ignored in the given case?

27) Vinod is appointed as a mechanic in repair and maintenance department of

Bright Industries.However, he is not allotted a particular workshop and everyday
he has to carry tools from one place to another. As a result, the workers have to
search for Vinod in case of any in the machine.Which principle of Fayol is violated

28) Bright Industries has adopted a new policy of cost cutting. Instead of
appointing employees on permanent basis, it has started recruiting them as
‘trainees’ on temporary basis to avoid increment benefits. It immensely
benefitted the company in financial terms. However, after one month, the
trainees started leaving the company due to feeling of job insecurity. As a result,
financial savings made by the company were spent in the process of new
Identify Fayol’s principle not observed by Bright Industries.

29) Madhup is a worker in Bata Shoe Company. He is regularly provided

instructions by one of his supervisors. Another superior lays down the sequence
of operations. His speed, efficiency and quality of work are also supervised by
different superiors who specialize in their respective fields.

Name the technique of scientific management followed by Bata Shoe Company.

1) Management principles are the statements of fundamental truth which provide
guidelines for managerial
decision-making and action.
2) Principles of management are called flexible because these can be modified as
per the demand of the situation.
3) Management principles are flexible.
4) Science, not rule of thumb.
5) Mental revolution means a complete change in the attitude or mindset towards
each other from competition to cooperation.
6) Functional foremanship.
7) Simplification of work.
8) The objective of method study is to find out the one best method of doing a
particular job.
9) The objective of motion study is to identify wasteful motions and eliminate
them to determine the best way of doing a particular job.
10) It determines the standard time taken to perform a well-defined job.
11) The objective of fatigue study is to determine the amount and frequency of
rest intervals in completing a task.
12) Standardisation of work.
13) Division of work.
14) Stability of tenure of personnel.
15) Because they are flexible in nature i.e., they can be modified by the managers
according to the given situation.
16) Because principles of management mainly apply to human behaviour. In real
life, situations are not identical.
17) Principles of management are formed by practice and experimentation.
18) Unity of direction.
19) Fayol’s principles of management are not a set of rigid prescriptions on how
to manage. Rather,they are flexible guidelines which can be modified when the
situation so demand.
20) The principle ‘initiative’ indicates that the workers should be encouraged to
develop and carry out their plans for improvement within the prescribed limits of
21) Cooperation not individualism.
22) Harmony, not discord.
23) Equity
24) Subordination of individual interest to general interest.
25) Initiative.
26) Discipline.
27) Order.
28) Stability of personnel.

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