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LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................................................ ii

1.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 1

2.HISTORICAL BACK GROUND...................................................................................................................... 2

3.ABATTOIR SITE, LAYOUT AND DESIGN ................................................................................................... 2

3.1.Abattoir site, layout .................................................................................................................................... 2

3.2.Road accessibility ....................................................................................................................................... 2

3.3.Abattoir design ........................................................................................................................................... 3


4.1.Meat inspection ........................................................................................................................................... 5

4.1.1.Ante-Mortem Inspection...............................................................................................................................5

4.1.2.Post mortem inspection ................................................................................................................................5

5.CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................16


Table1; ELFORA abattoir essential facilities and their uses………………………...……………3

Table 2; Major pathological findings encountered during post mortem examination and their


The abattoir experience was conducted from November 2021 to March 2022 in ELFORA
abattoir which is found in bishoftu town. Bishoftu is a town located in the East Shewa Zone of
the Oromia regional state, Ethiopia, approximately 45 km south east of Addis Ababa. The
livestock production system in the area is both intensive and extensive type .Its topography is
undulating and characterized by flat land on the north and east parts of the city,locked by several
lakes, while the south is dominated by hills. The town is located at 8° 450Nlatitude and 38°590 E
longitude at an altitude of 1,880 m above sea level. The mean annual rain is approximately 1,150
mm of which 84% rains from June to August. The district has a mean annual minimum and
maximum temperature of 8.5℃ and 30.7 ℃, respectively (Ayelet, et al.,2013).
Abattoir means any premise and building established for slaughtering of food animals in order to
get the products for human consumption. Meat inspection is the process which comprises ante
mortem and post mortem implemented by the veterinarians for the objective of prevention of
zoonotic diseases from animal to human, for protection of the well being of man and protection
of life from abnormal conditions. The process includes inspection of the live animal, carcass, and
internal organs, planting facility, equipments, personnel and transportation system (Charles,

Meat inspection is conducted in the abattoir for the purpose of screening animal products with
abnormal pathological lesions that are unattractive and unsafe for human consumption. Meat
inspection assists to detect certain diseases of livestock and prevent the distribution of infected
meat that could give rise to disease in animal and human being and to insure competitiveness of
products in the local market [Hinton, M. and L. Green, 1993,Vanlontestijn, J.G., 1993).


ELFORA is a private agro-industrial company established in December 1997. ELFORA is a

subsidiary of MIDROC Ethiopia Investment Group. ELFORA was established through the
acquisition of eight livestock and meat processing plants with a total value of US$ 54.7 million.
The word ELFORA stands for natural products without the exposition to artificial feeds or
chemicals. "ELFORA" comes from two "Borena Oromo" words, "ELA" and "FORA". "ELA"
means Permanent Water Point, and "FORA" means Rainy Season Grazing

The objective of doing this experience was as follow:

➢ To enable students practice how to perform ante and post mortem inspections efficiently
and pass appropriate judgment to protect human health
➢ In order to ensure the health status of animals slaughtered for human consumption.
➢ To provide the sound and wholesome meat to the community by relating the theoretical
aspect with the practical one.
➢ To get enough knowledge about the general situation of the abattoir
➢ To assist students in acquiring knowledge and skills on the basic considerations of
abattoir sites, layout and designs, facilities and sanitation.



ELFORA abattoir was established far away from the town and it was located at reasonable
distances away from rivers and houses, church and farm. However, due to rapid expansion of the
town (urbanization), now the abattoir is surrounded by different buildings such as local
houses,poultry farm, big mount,church etc.


ELFORA abattoir is found in bishoftu town and it has better road accessibility,even its far away
from main road it has good access of road to transport the meat to the bole international airport.


ELFORA abattoir have essential facilities and their uses are summarized as follows

Table1: ELFORA abattoir essential facilities and their uses

Livestock receiving area The area where animals are received.
Animals are to be inspected by a Veterinarian.
Healthy animals are sent to lairage while sick
and injured animals are to be sent to isolation
Lairage place where animals are provided rest before
slaughter. Rest is to be provided up to 24 hours
to overcome the physiological stress involved
in transportation of animals.
V race the pathway that connects lairage with the
slaughter hall. pathway would be tapering with
slightly narrow and slightly wider in bottom and
at the top respectively
Slaughter hall premises where stunning, bleeding and
dressing of carcasses takes place in the
abattoir. Animal need to be stunned before
slaughter for painless killing $tunning will be
followed by bleeding. dressing of the animals
has to be done on rail for ensuring hygiene.
Tripe and gut room $pace for cleaning of stomach and intestine.
Byproduct store room $pace where storing fat, skins, head and feet
Offal room place for trimming and storing of liver, lungs,
Isolation pen Place where accommodating sick or suspect

Chilling room for chilling of carcasses after dressing.
temperature maintained in carcass store room
would be 70 degree celcius and that of offal
would be at 30 degree celcius respectively
Cutting room where carcasses are cut into cut up parts/ retail
packs and packed as per consumer requirement
temperature maintained at cutting room will
100c .
Freezer room $torage of packaged meat at -17c to -200c till
Veterinary room $ection for Veterinarians who undertake ante
and post mortem of animals
Changing room Uses for changing dress of slaughterhouse pers
effluent Treatment plant facility for treating the effluent generated from
an abattoir before releasing to drainage
emergency slaughter hall this is the miniature abattoir for lairaging and
harvesting of diseased and suspect animals
Compound area whole slaughter house premises must be
completely compounded along with plantation
across the boundaries and lockable gateway.
electrical and generator room to ensure supply of adequate electricity in the plant
Toilets Adequate toilet facility is required to maintain
water storage sumps $umps for storing the required quantity of
water for adequateand timely supply of water.
Parking For parking vehicles transporting animals meat
and the personnels

In general.

➢ building floor made up of easily cleanable and non slippery material.
➢ walls have white ceramic tiles to promote sanitation and light refection
➢ buildings have efficient drainage and the drain have effluent flow inopposite direction from
edible product flow
➢ In abattoirs, overhead rail system ensures the basic requirements of hygienic conditions
during slaughter and dressing



The objectives of meat inspection are

➢ To ensure that only apparently healthy, physiologically normal animals are slaughtered for
human consumption and that abnormal animals are separated and dealt with accordingly.
➢ To ensure that meat from animals is free from disease, wholesome and of no risk to human
These objectives are achieved by antemortem and postmortem inspection procedures and by
hygienic dressing with minimum contamination..


Before animals were allowed for slaughter, ante-mortem inspections were carried out on each
animal presented for slaughter. The ante mortem inspection includes general physical
examination i.e. observation of gait, posture, body Temperature, respiratory rate and heart rate
were taken and finally judged according to the result..Relevant information such as number of
animals, species, and sex, origin of animals and date of ante-mortem inspection were registered
after communication with workers and attendants.


Post-mortem inspections were done by visualization, palpation and incision of organs and
carcass. The organs and tissue inspected were testicle tongue,, masseter muscle,lungs, heart,

liver, spleen, kidneys and carcass. Judgment was based on the result of postmortem findings and
it is summarized as follows in the table below.

Table 2 Major pathological findings encountered during post mortem examinationand their
judgment are summarized as follows

Antemortem (am ) inspection postmortem (pm ) inspection

spp age Ante judgment Organ/ca Postmortem finding judgment
mortem rcass
finding inspected
ovine 3 normal approved Liver multiple cysts in the liver. Liver,lung,GIT
lung GIT exudates and collapse of lung popliteal LN were
tongue portion, consolidation of lung. condemned
lymph Gastrointestinal tract infected bruise trimmedoff
node with bunostomum parasite and the carcass ap
carcass Carcass bruise and popliteal proved
LN swell
ovine 3 normal approved Liver exudates and collapse of lung Lung,liver,GIT,
lung GIT portion,consolidation of lung, popliteal LN cond
tongue Gastrointestinal tract infected emned whereas
kidney with bunostomum parasite bruise trimmedoff
carcass bruise on the abdomenmuscle and THE carcass
and swell of popliteal LN approved
Cysts of different size on the
ovine 4 normal approved Liver Cysts of different size on the Liver,lung,testicle
lung GIT liver condemned
heart lungs exudates and collapse GITforeign mater
tongue of lung portion,consolidation ial removed and
carcass of lung GIT approved
testicle foreign material in GIT Carcass skin trim
and etc. testicle trauma(hemorrhagic) med off and the

the presence of skin on the ca carcass approved
rcass due to improper flaying
ovine 3 normal approved Liver black parasite debris in the Condemned-Liver
lung GIT liver lung,testicle
kidney lungs are increased insize and GIT- foreign mate
carcass weight and do not collapse. rial removed and
testicle GIT-foreign material bruise trimmedoff
Testicle hemorrhagic(trauma) carcass- approved
Carcass-bruise were observed
ovine 5 normal approved Liver The cysts are visible in the Condemned-Liver
lung GIT heart and different size on the heart,testicle,kidn
heart liver ey GIT
tongue Testicle-hemorrhagic(trauma) Bruise-trimmed
kidney kidneys swell and filled with off
carcass blood carcass -approved
testicle Gastrointestinal tract infected
with bunostomum parasite
ovine 3 normal approved Liver emphysematous lungs condemned -Lung
lung, Heart- the cyst appears on the heart
GIT heart with cyst degenerate and approved- carcass
heart calcified.
capri 3 normal approved Liver Liver infestations with cystic Condemned-liver
ne lung,GIT ercus,tenicollis and emphyse lung,kidney,GIT
kidney matous lung. testicle
spleen White spot on kidney carcass -approved

carcass Gastrointestinal tract infested
testicle with bunostomum parasites
Hemorrhagic testicles
ovine 3 normal approved Liver Cyst of different size on liver. condemned- Lung
lung Dark brown swollen lung are liver,GIT
GIT increased in weight and size trimmedoff-bruise
kidney and donot collapse. Carcass and popliteal LN
tongue bruise and popliteal lymph no approved -carcass
spleen de swell
carcass Gastrointestinal tract infected
testicle with bunostomum parasite
ovine 4 normal approved Liver emphysematous lungs condemned- Lung
lung GIT Calcified cyst and cysticercus liver,kidney.
kidney tenicollis infected liver bruise trimmed
spleen bruise on the abdomen muscle off
carcass of the carcass foreign material
testicle white spot kidney removed
Foreign material in GIT carcass -approved
capri 4 normal approved Liver emphysematous lungs condemned -Lung
ne Lung Cyst of different size on the liver GIT
GIT liver and infected with cystice bruise trimmed
kidney rcus tenicollis off
carcass Gastrointestinal tract infected carcass-approved
testicle with bunostomum parasite
bruise on left side of thigh
capri 3 normal approved Liver Multiples hydatid cysts on the condemned-Lung
ne lung GIT liver and lung liver
tongue Calcified liver and lung Carcass-approved
kidney emphysematous lungs

capri 3 normal approved Liver Cysts of different size on the condemned-Liver
ne lung, liver, and liver infected with GIT lung
GIT cysticercus tenicollis carcass -approved
kidney Emphysematous lungs
carcass Gastrointestinal tract infested
testicle with bunostomum parasite
capri 4 normal approved Liver Black parasitic debris in the condemned-liver
ne lung GIT liver, and lungs, lung GIT kidney
heart Liver infested with cysticerc carcass- approved
kidney us tenicollis at same time with
carcass adhesion of lobes
testicle Whit spot kidney
Gastrointestinal tract infected
with bunostomum parasite
emphysematous lung
capri 4 normal approved Liver The lungs are increased insize condemned- Lung
ne Lung and and do not collapse liver
GIT Dark brown swollen liver and bruise trimmed
Heart infected with long thread like off
Kidney parasite Foreign material
Carcass Foreign material in GIT removed
testicle bruise on the right side of thi carcass- approved
gh muscle
ovine 4 Normal approved Liver Dark brown swollen calcified Liver,lung,kidney
lung liver .Cirrhosis of liver GIT-condemned
GIT The lungs are increased insize carcass -approved
Heart and and do not collapse
Kidney White spot on kidney

Carcass Gastrointestinal tract infested
testicle with bunostomum parasite
Capri 4 normal approved Liver calcified ,cirrhotic liver long, condemned-liver
ne Lung threadlike parasite on the liver lung
GIT liver infected with cysticercus Carcass-approved
Heart tenicollis
Kidney emphysematous lung
ovine 4 normal approved Liver Dark brown swollen and cirr Lung and liver
Lung hotic liver condemned
GIT emphysematous lung. Carcass-approved
tongue The lungs are increased insize
spleen and and do not collapse
capri 4 normal approved Liver calcified ,cirrhotic liver long, condemned-Liver
ne Lung threadlike parasite on the liver lung GIT kidney
GIT calcified and emphysematous bruise trimmedoff
tongue lung carcass- approved
kidney Gastrointestinal tract infested
carcass with bunostomum parasite
testicle White spot on kidney
Bruise onthe abdomen muscle
capri 3 normal approved Liver emphysematous lung. Condemned-Lung
ne Lung The lungs are increased insize and liver
GIT and do not collapse carcass -approved
tongue Calcified cyst on the liverwith
kidney different size

capri 3 normal approved Liver Cirrhotic,calcified infested wi Liver lung GIT-
ne lung th cysticercus tenicollisliver condemned
GIT Gastrointestinal tract infested carcass -approved
kidney with bunostomum parasite
carcass emphysematous lung
capri 3 Normal approved Liver emphysematous lung. condemned-Liver
ne Lung lungs are increased in size and lung
GIT and do not collapse carcass -approved
tongue liver infested with cysticercus
kidney tenicollis
capri 4 normal approved Liver emphysematous lung. Lung kidney GIT
ne Lung lungs are increased in size and -condemned
GIT and do not collapse Carcass-approved
tongue Enlarged kidney with white
kidney spot
carcass Gastrointestinal tract infested
heart with bunostomum parasite
bovin 5 normal approved Liver Lung-Fluid filled calcified hy Lung liver heart-
e lung datid cyst condemned.
massater emphysematous lung bruise trimmedoff
muscles Liver-Fluid filled calcified hy carcass approved
tongue datid cyst
carcass Carcass- bruise on the right sc
heart apular muscles
Heart-accumulation of watery
in pericardium of heart
bovin 5 normal approved Liver Lung-infested was swollen Lung liver heart-

e lung ,firm and infected with fluid condemned.
massater filled hydatid cyst bruise trimmedoff
muscles Heart-accumulation of watery carcass- approved
GIT in pericardium of heart
carcass Carcass- bruise on the right
heart thigh muscles
kidney Liver was enlarged ,infected
with liver flukes,calcified cyst
hydatid cyst
bovin 5 normal approved Liver Liver-infected with hydatid condemned- lung
e lung calcified cyst and liver flukes liver, heart kidney
GIT lungs are increased in size and bruise trimmedoff
carcass and do not collapse carcass -approved
heart Kidney swollen and enlarged
kidney carcass bruise on the abdomen
Heart-accumulation of watery
in pericardium of heart
ovine 3 normal approved Liver multiple cyst and cirrhotic on Condemned-Lung
lung liver liverkidney
GIT emphysematous lung carcass- approved
carcass Kidney swollen and enlarged
ovine 3 normal approved Liver exudates and collapse of lung Condemned-Liver
lung portion,consolidation grayish lung GIT
kidney green and calcification of lung bruise trimmedoff
heart liver infected with cysticercus carcass- approved
carcass tenicollis
GIT bruise on right hind thigh

Gastrointestinal tract infested
with bunostomum parasite
ovine 4 normal approved Liver Cyst of different size on the condemned-Liver
lung liver. The liver infected with lung
kidney cysticercus tenicollis carcass -approved
heart emphysematous lung
ovine 3 normal approved Liver Cyst of different size on the Liver lung heart
lung liver. The liver infected with condemned
kidney cysticercus tenicollis the carcass
heart emphysematous lung approved
carcass Heart-accumulation of watery
GIT in pericardium of heart
capri 3 normal approved Liver Cyst of different size on the condemned-Liver
ne lung liver. the liver infected with lung heart kidney
kidney cysticercus tenicollis carcass- approved
heart Heart-accumulation of watery
carcass in pericardium of heart
GIT lungs are increased in size and
and do not collapse
Kidney swollen and enlarged
ovine 3 normal approved Lung Black parasitic debris cyst of Liver and lung
liver different size calcified and condemned and
kidney small to medium sized the carcass
heart hydatid cyst on the liver approved
carcass emphysematous lung
ovine 4 normal approved Lung emphysematous lung condemned-lung
liver carcass bruise GIT
kidney enlarged popliteal lymph node carcass bruise and

heart Gastrointestinal tract infested popliteal lymph
carcass with bunostomum parasite node trimmed off
GIT carcass- approved
capri 4 normal approved Lung multiples and calcified cyst on Condemned-Liver
ne liver the liver lung ,GIT ,kidney
kidney The lung increase in weight carcass- approved
heart and size and donot collapse
carcass Gastrointestinal tract infested
GIT with bunostomum parasite
enlarged and swollen kidney
capri 3 normal approved Lung Dark brown swollen showing Condemned-Liver
ne liver necrotic areas surround ed by lung heart GIT
kidney zone of hyperemia.long thread Carcass-approved
heart like parasite on the liver
carcass The lung increase in weight
GIT and size and donot collapse
Gastrointestinal tract infested
with bunostomum parasite
Accumulation of watery fluid
in pericardium of heart
Ovine 4 normal approved Lung Cyst of different size and liver Condemned-liver
liver with calcified cyst long thread lung,GIT
kidney like parasite on liver carcass bruise-
heart emphysematous lung trimmed off
carcass carcass bruise and enlarged carcass -approved
GIT popliteal LN
Gastrointestinal tract infested
with bunostomum parasite
ovine 3 normal approved Lung Fluid filled hydatid cyst and Condemned-Lung
liver swollen firm, calcified cyst on liver GIT kidney
kidney the lung Bruise-trimmed

heart Dark brown swollen showing off
carcass necrotic areas surrounded by carcass- approved
GIT zone of hyperemiaof liver.
Enlarged and swollen, white
spot kidney
Carcass bruise
Gastrointestinal tract infested
with bunostomum parasite
capri 3 normal approved Lung emphysematous lung condemned- Lung
ne liver fluid filled hydatid cyst and liver heart
kidney calcified cyst on the liver carcass -approved
heart Accumulation of watery fluid
carcass in pericardium of heart
capri 4 normal approved Lung Long thrad like parasite,cyst condemned-Liver
ne liver of different size (fluid filled lung, heart, GIT
kidney hydatid cyst) calcified cyst on Carcass-approved
heart the liver
carcass The lung increase in weight
GIT and size and donot collapse
Accumulation of watery fluid
filled hydatid cyst on the heart
Gastrointestinal tract infested
with bunostomum parasite
ovine 4 normal approved Lung cysticercus tenicollis.calcified condemned-Liver
liver and hydatid cyst on the liver lung
kidney emphysematous lung bruise-trimmedoff
heart carcass bruise carcass-approved
ovine 4 normal approved Lung The lung increase in weight Condemned-Liver

liver and size and donot collapse. lung GIT heart
kidney Calcification and fluid filled Carcass-approved
heart hydatid cyst on the lung
carcass Dark brown swollen showing
GIT necrotic areas surrounded by
zone of hyperemiaof liver.
Gastrointestinal tract infested
with bunostomum parasite
Fluid filled hydatid cyst on
the heart


• Persons engaged in the unloading, moving, lairage, care, restraint, stunning, slaughter
and bleeding of animals would be sufficient number of personnel, who are patient,
considerate, competent and familiar.
• The management of the abattoirs and the veterinary services must be ensure that
slaughterhouse/abattoir staff are competent and carry out their tasks in accordance with
the principles of animal welfare.
• The behaviour of individual animals or groups of animals vary, depending on their breed,
sex, temperament and age and the way in which they have been reared and handled.
• The lairage designed and constructed to hold an appropriate number of animals in
relation to the throughput rate of the slaughterhouse/abattoir without compromising the
welfare of the animals.
Therefore based above conclusions the following recommendation was forwarded.
• Competence may be gained through formal training and/or practical experience
• animal handlers should be experienced and competent in handling and moving farm
livestock, and understand the behaviour patterns of animals and the underlying principles
necessary to carry out their tasks.
• the abattoir should have a dedicated plan for animal welfare.

• As far as possible, established groups of animals should be kept together and Animals
hostile to each other should be separated


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