Torts Attack Sheet 1

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INTENTIONAL TORTS Reasonable Care – What a reasonable person would do under circ.

Battery Standard of Care Modifications

 Intent - to make contact / KTASC / Transferred Intent Invitee – Reasonable Care Licensee – Reasonable care to warn of
 Harmful/Offensive - Any physical impairment / risk created by D Trespasser – Refrain from wanton/willful conduct
Reasonably offensive (McCracken) / Unconsented (Cohen) Common Carriers – Utmost care/ Extraordinary Care
 Contact – Direct / Extension of body (Fisher) Non-paying guests – Lower duty of care than reasonable care
Assault – Intentional Scare or Incomplete Battery Constant Trespassers – Known trespass in area + artificial condition
 Intent – to cause battery / deliberate scare / KTASC created/maintained + condition likely causing death + owner doesn’t
 Imminent Apprehension – Apparent ability of D think trespass discover it = Duty of reasonable care to warn of it
 Apprehension Occurs – Reasonable person would feel Trespassing Children – Know kids trespass here + knows condition
apprehension / V perceives Assault dangerous + children don’t discover/understand condition cause
False Imprisonment youth + Utility of cond./burden low to risk + Owner fails RC to stop
risk or warn = Liable for physical harm of condition
 Intent – To confine to fixed boundaries
Duty to Rescue
 Cause Confinement – Perception of boundaries / Moveable
Causation of Peril – D conduct causes harm to P (Tubbs)
boundaries / genuine restraint / Circumstantial (Whittaker)
Vol. Undertaking and Reliance – Vol. undertaking by D +
 Harm or Conscious – Harm caused / V conscious of detrimental reliance P (Erie R.R.)
confinement Vol. Undertaking and Deterrence– Vol. Undertaking of P +
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress deterrence other rescuers (Lacey: Rest on Oars)
 Intent/Reckless- intent to cause harm / disregard of high Induced Dependency – P has an induced dependency on D for
probability / KTASC / Transfer to Family protection/precaution (Kline)
 Extreme/Outrageous – Outrageous! / Beyond all bound’s Breach
decency (Siliznoff vs. White v. Monsanto) BPL Test – Burden < Probability x Gravity of harm (Carroll Towing)
 Severe Emotional Distress – Fright / Horror / Crying / Safety Statutes – Statute protect life/health + P a person statute
Retreat / Physical Manifestations meant to protect + harm statute meant to prevent (Martin/Tedla)
Trespass - Physical entry + Unauthorized + Intended / Caused by Custom- Common practice / Foreseeable, Feasible, Judgment and
recklessness / negligence / result ultrahazardous activity Experience of many – less evidence of Neg. than S.S. (Trimarco)
Nuisance - Intentional/unreasonable + caused by negligence/ Res Ipsa Loquitor – Exclusive control by D of instrumentality /
recklessness/hazardous activity - Detracts from enjoyment of land. Accident not normally caused w/o neg. – Shifts Burden to D (Shutt)
Trespass to Chattels - Dispossessing / Impairing condition value CAUSATION
quality / depriving use substantial time Actual Causation – Cause in Fact
Conversion exercise dominion/destroy / Harm = value of chattel “But For” Test – “But For” D negligence / P not suffer harm
Privileges for Intentional Torts Loss of Chance
 Implied Consent Relaxed Cause – Substantial Factor: Full recovery (Cahoon)
 Implied by Actions - Nonverbal conduct (O’Brien) Separate Injury - % change negligence caused + % recovery
 Implied by Law – extend operation for unforeseen Alternative Causation - One D did it but don’t know which / flips
circumstances (Kennedy v. Parrott) burden to D to prove exoneration (Summers v. Tice)
o Exception – No medical emergency, acquire Joint & Several Liability – Ds act in concert or create indivisible
express consent first (Bang) injury – Substantial Factor Test / both liable for full amount.
 Implied by Participation – Violent activity / game Market Share Liability – generic product/latency of harm/cause by
consent to violent behavior product/ D liable for % market share of product
o Exception – No consent to behavior outside Proximate Causation – Policy limit on the liability of D
framework of game/rules (Hackbart) Foreseeability Test – Was specific type of harm suffered by P a
 Express Consent – Informed/substantially thoughtful/only foreseeable harm that could result from D neg.? (Marshall)
to parameters of agreement Andrews Kitchen Sink – was negligence substantial factor in harm?
 Self Def. Non-Deadly Force- Reasonably think about to not many intervening causes? not too attenuated by time/space?
intentionally harm you / no duty to retreat/comply Intervening Causes – Do not break proximate causation D liable for
 Self Def. Deadly Force – Reasonably think deadly force damage from intervening causes – rescues / some criminals / medical
immediate / retreat not in dwelling / defensive deadly malpractice / weather (Herrera)
(Courvoisier) Superseding Causes – Breaks chain of causation and relieves D of
 Defense Others – Force victim could lawfully use liability– Intentional conduct/criminals acts/reckless acts (Stahlecker)
 Def. Property Non-Deadly – request stop/believe futile / Neg. Defenses
intrusion only prevented by force / entry not privileged Assumption of Risk – Appreciated magnitude/quality risk +
 Def. Property Deadly only to protect life (Katko) Voluntarily undertakes risk anyway (Hennessey v. Pyne)
Contributory Neg. – P falls below standard of care that D is judged =
 Shopkeeper – Merchant detains a reasonable time/manner
Full bar to recovery – Separate Neg. Analysis (Butterfield)
for reasonable grounds of shoplifting (Not Coblyn)
 Exception: Last clear chance – D had last clear chance to
 Consent – Don’t try to leave seen as implied consent to
avoid accident / negates P negligence (Davies)
confinement (False Imprisonment)
Comparative Neg. – Pure (recovery = to % not at fault) / Modified (=
 Necessity – Preserve human life (Ploof) / get around
or > than D no recovery)
obstruction / save goods/property from damage (Sindle) STRICT LIABILITY - liability without fault or use of utmost care /
 Obligation – Repay for damage necessary use causes Unilaterally Imposed / Above background Risk level / only liable for
(Vincent) what makes it ultra-hazardous (Fletcher v. Rylands)
NEGLIGENCE Wild Animals – Animal must be wild + D had ownership/possession
Duty Domestic Animals – Dog or Cat + must know vicious tendencies
FZOD – Foreseeable Zone of Duty – (Cardozo) Duty to those in Ultrahazard. Activity – high risk of harm (Siegler) / RC can’t
foreseeable zone of danger from negligent conduct eliminate risk / Activity not common / No value to community
DTODTA – Duty to One Duty to All – (Andrews) If one person Defenses – Assumption of the Risk / Contributory/Comparative
could be harmed by negligence, duty owed to world Negligence / Value outweighs Risk

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