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Educating for better tomorrow Resonance” DATE : 18-08-2019 CODE-1 MAIN PATTERN CUMULATIVE TEST-1 (MCT-1) TARGET : JEE (MAIN+ADVANCED) 2021 COURSE : VIPUL (JB) | BATCH : 07,08,09,10JB EIS ese ao) PART-A: PHYSICS speed ‘Sica, speed of ly > speed of parte so tne taken by fy lose. 2 Apart, starting av sot a= ae fore foo 3. Astana, thrown wo 2imes > T>21Imes (Le, 10.02) 4 Thevelcty Sol. V=asbx (inereases a8 xinereases) My % oy aud s «|Al=|61=1 So R= VA? +B? + 2ABcos0 a R0=120" 6 Postion of Sol 7 A parila moves Sol. Given fgure represents a rogar pertagan so magnitude of AE=10mete m 2 on salvng (1) and (2) we get =20mie PN Resonenc: 8. Sol 10. Sol Sol 2 Sol 8 Sol 1“ vectors Pa-0 (20-3) Fer ground Hy 9 22 1 (vy) 200 The apace : wij 5k Poni vet ot J Poatonvectr ot HOB = ai-+5)+68 Dtplacenent vector AB = OB -OA siijeé Twopatele Hants os i ty ea>ey mete WR (v?sina ‘The csplacement Aigoye s=r0t- 40.2) 3002) v=10-0. 10 02 R=WA? +B? + 2ABcos 0 AnSeBandon 60 =R= SVEN pig OC Ta RAB FR WC a aR a ap SO 2 nets wnsesraes a neal eoilGrevmanes cin Educating for blir tonotrow [rps or sa ow Onsen boy so tgnst~ 2 ean fonste Senn n= 8 soe 1 1 ne dgnt= Le rons? 2° 2 48. Twostenes so Wi stce Vig: Re 49. Abalis town Sol Atheighest pani v= 0,50 A=0 20, Themagntuée Sol. AB sind = V3 AB cost tan = V3 oH 3 21. A parile moves Sel. The ines elaenship beeen V and xis rmx + C where m and Care postive constans ‘ccseration a=mx—me once the graph relating ato xs 22, The aceseration wk dt Sot joa] ve vo * fed) — ala) 24. Aparcleis Sel. It cloar rom the figure that acceleration dees net change sgn, Le, does not change in direction. Only the magnitude ‘of acelertion frat neresses and than decresses. Hence deplacement soo Keeps on increasing, 25. Ancojectis 1a sot. Ace 1 g2= 45m 20 Bo=45 3 w= 48 215 5 ms. a q 28, joao hoops E51 tne ght af each ball (2x20 = 2Y2ATg = 2,)2%20 - 4s00 8-110 Hence, te terval betwen towing Wo successive balls = 18. Intialvelocty = J2gH = V2 10%20 =20m/s Hence required postions above his hands re HAO? = 15m 10x22 = 20m a. Wy =Vq= 18 ms 28. Apariceis Sel, Let abe the redo prodiced by resistive force the time ascent and descent respectively Ifthe parte rises upto sneigh h and tbe 4 2 Aone wen ne Leary? ont ne Sa) 2 raid a _ for p ty Vora ~ Vt0+2 “V3 (2 ane. f2 \3 Soi, Time keno reach te grange a2 n= r sivonay ne > o ‘Since horizontal esplacoment in te ts 20 mt 2 @ 2gv? ne Educating for better tomorrow fron INRESONEN CE’ bests res=ssnicm amaares = a0. ys yin Vr 1 1 124008V A . g000 A 2ev But 2. < ho for photolactrle eect sa cos yx = Bae Oe” Desa So, (1) and (4 are incorrect. . ‘Ato Y= —_1 we, 2 hen o x10 © ~ a2” en PART-B : CHEMISTRY ee 1. Which ofthe folowing tor photoelectric ttect ¥ 2 Vo Soi Equal males ogo STP oecpy same volome. = 25s tPhn 32, An dement havirg . 7 Srey 108 crm Men emai % a 4 40 2B, mdermase a) = 233 gram gam Hence wil ease potelectic oe ; a to ppetn f= 9 1014 y= Bs, malar mass 9) = 332 gram = 22 gram , 2iemee2 3x10" 1m (et moles are taken of both of the gases . So average 3x10 veer rane = etl mass = 100004» ig ooleeee ‘Sono photoelectric effect. 3a a sodium street lc («+32 hone a c 3x 10% 20 sot ve Se SO wpa tors! sa 2.” B000%10" 4 et eset ‘34. A person adds ge ead Soi, No ofexbon dm in ghcose — 48, When the along et Sol, (1) Egy = 102 x22 wv, for ay 988 OZ (5,2, cena (2) Ey By =-00522 +151 22 6v +0662? ov for2=2,E4-€92 2040 hich be nll region. (9) 2-6 ie abropten nein visble eon in Heke (4) Eg-Eq=-05422+ 08522-0322 27. Which fhe otowng So. (Sanaa EP RF ond Isueae moe [isola faa Sol. For H stm (2—> 1 tation, He! (¢—» 2) transton loeease t [2 [Exams e— c » ne asremte sd U* (@ +) tas, aie enagy wl be same lets wla|see Me 2s te loa | [2 [2/80 m2) Isconts 3G Evens ayes) [2 42. Which fn aowng o-cn ceo 3|3 Sol, Fer bath SO: 8 07, Alcmiiy = total number of atoms in 1 mmoeeule=2, eaeaee 48. vee iterent Sol, Volume of 1 gas = 3 «224 =67.2L Volume of" gas= 2» 224 = 44.81 Volume of It" gas = 4 « 22.6 = @.6L 0, order of volume wil bel > > Educating for better tomorrow fron [Re & Cop. Ofce OG Tew AAS ESZIAA Near CN aan od Kea Fa) SO [Website ww resonance. n [Ene 08 586565 cm DET 44, Which araph shows sol E = Ea 45. Energy of electron AS.6Z7 5 47. Inuitien tthe Sol. Compaund having same type of stoms and same IMD possess same general formula, i Sol. Correct common name is: PhC—Ph-Benzophenone 48, Which of the 8.432 S CHeGi-GH-CH-GN Br Ph 4-Bromo-S-pheny pentanitile 50, Wht isthe coroct oa 8) ory on 2-Chler-S-nydroxybenzenecarbony chlode 51. Theoret IUPAC wi" 5 24-0ibromo-Soxabutansmide Sol. CHi-O-CH-CHCH-CHs; CH.-O-CH-CH,-CH, i cH, oH CHHO-CH-CH-CH; CH,-O-G-CH, cH, cH, fercHt-0-cri-cH-chh: CH-CH.-O-CH-CH, CH, o. Sol. 6 Ratio a to x bond Number of bor bonds chy i Ch GH CH - Gory by On oH (Hy-GH-CH-E-Chy_2Aethy24-pontnedot by bw (Clg -CH- CH eicarbontnle CH, ~CH-G 1.2.-propanatcar CN CN CN Faliowing compounds as = How many tertiary On (Onvy ene tetany seahol with CsH0) Relation between Eth a 2 Ph-£-0-C.Hs and CH, CH,-C-O-Ph ate metamers, Teta psional isomers. ead PART-C : MATHEMATICS afta 859, 22 701] “4m 2] slogan Educating for better tomorrow fron INRESONEN CE’ bests res=ssnicm amaares = ‘The solution of Sol. Sincod 0, Leta) ae voxee aemetet a © = & necotrange eit nd, (0)= e>0 20 2. Wxcona ¢yaina=2a. 5 cee Sel, cand fare th rots of et eee ) xeoe0+ysn0=2 1(0)= <0 2a-xeos 0=y ne ()8@) seeebeere Asks Booed taxes 0 ete ares (8+ Reon — da x cond + da?= yO Soi cneaculston we get 25.— 3p cos a+ conp = — 48% Syste mee. wy 7 Haboder ye daty? Soi D= toa bch Taal sanyo ty CL aberas ances bids Debio ot bt + 2a! ct) y Tilee ba wet wey] >0 ap Toots are real and ict sae Sat Dat (1-008 at 008 f)= 13 y= ciaeweP to0~ tat oem 0 4. iru. pyawtie nate, ater Sol P+ px vant c= beak fk 1) Zesbeee? tepeqer=(t—oit~PMt~y) ae at psasee-(1+0Kt=p)G+y S ether 2) = 0 = 10) or f0). 42) <0 (rk @eria (te) pI) he © and 2 wre rata or one rot es in (0,2) INRESONEN CE’ bests res=ssnicm amaares = Educating for better tomorrow rte itn 28 25] em, viPRceeTL CRIN 85, The produc of roots. 88, Ifthe equation e+ x Sol, x= ax + ae Ko Sol, Since roots of 242+ x4 1 = 0 are imaginary eB 2 ergus2 244 89, Which ofthe following, Sol, 2>08¢ q) Futherin a) ~ Pro seco hao, k= 2accepted 2a 88, ithe aterenco between, 80, coeu + cos =a ee sou, 22890 , $0080 36080 5 sensi g Lat, be rats of above equation cos cost aspen = 2040082013 ops = 2e0820=1 5 = 2esla—Bh 1 la-pi= V3 Le = econ asp + sha inf) (1) = (a=peet Now a+ «2+ Ren cos + Zina sn 3 (oe pF 4o 0330 sottem (1) 22890 a ate 2 = f-4en — eoteb3 87. The complete set ot. Sol 0<0 4-27 4-26 — 54 +6)<0 e+k-2<0 2 ke <0 [Re & Cop. Ofce OG Tew AAS ESZIAA Near CN aan od Kea Fa) SO PN Resonance [ietsterwmeresnne Ema cornet Educating fr better tomorrow [rw ab 8555) cm vnsesunooTP.cmu=09 Resonance” MAIN PATTERN CUMULATIVE Educating for better tomorrow TEST-1 (MCT-1) TARGET : JEE (MAIN+ADVANCED) 2021 DATE : 18-08-2019 CODE-1 COURSE : VIPUL (JB) | BATCH : 07,08,09,10JB ANSWER KEY PART-A (PHYSICS) ey 6 a 8 2 8 @ 0% @ Mm B 2 M 1% @ 4% (1) 1% (1) 160 2) BR) 1H) DC), (t) 22) 23) Bt) Ht) wD) ae eo) PART-B (CHEMISTRY) a.) 32) ) Ht) 851) HK) 8.) 38 3) 383) (1) A.) BQ) 45 (3) 46) 47.1), 8) 4) (YB. Q) 52 4) 53. (4) SK.) 55,3) 5,3) S(t) 5B (1) 59. (4) 60. (2) PART-C (MATHEMATICS) ON ye 02 0) 09) 08) 00 Or 68. (1) 68,2). )7CN)sTSO)TH OY 75. (2) 76 «(4) «77. 3) 7%), 7H (4) H(t) BH.) 8 1) 83) BHT) 2) BH 4) (1) BB). 89. (2) 90. (2) 1 Em: enictresonne PR Resonance

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