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Present Simple

Utilizamos el Presente Simple para hablar sobre nuestra rutina, cosas que hacemos en
nuestro día a día. Para decir cuan seguido hacemos ciertas cosas, utilizamos Adverbs of
Frequency ( Always, Often, Usually, Sometimes, Never).
Affirmative Negative
I have breakfast every morning. I don’t listen tu music.
You eat chocolate. You don’t have breakfast on Saturday.
He has breakfast on Tuesdays. He doesn’t have breakfast.
She drives a blue car. She doesn’t eat vegetables.
It eats cookies. It doesn’t walk to the park.
We drive to work every day. We don’t drive a bus.
They ride a motorcycle. They don’t ride a bicycle.

 A la tercera persona del singular ( he – she –it) se le agrega –s o –es.

- Agrega –s a la mayoría de los verbos: drive/ drives
- Agrega –es a los verbos terminados en –o, -x, -s, -ss, -sh, -ch: watch/ watches
- Verbos terminados en consonante + -y, quita –y, agrega –ies: study / studies

1. Write the verbs in 3rd person:

2. Choose the correct answer (affirmative form)

1. We play/ plays video games after 4. My parents sleep/ sleeps in a big bed.
5. My students study / studies a lot of
2. Elizabeth ride / rides a bicycle. English.
3. I like to read / reads books. 6. My brother drive / drives a red car.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. My grandmother usually __________________ (dance) Salsa.
2. My brother and I ________________ (ride) a bicycle every Saturday.
3. I sometimes ______________ (read) a book at night.
4. My friends _____________ (go) to the park every Sunday.
5. My dad __________________ (drive) to work every day.

4. Choose the correct option.

1. My brother don’t play / doesn’t play basketball after school.
2. I don’t read / doesn’t read a lot of books.
3. They don’t sleep / doesn’t sleep in the blue sofa.
4. He don’t work / doesn’t work in a factory.
5. The teacher don’t speak / doesn’t speak German.
6. Mary don’t sing / doesn’t sing for the school play.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct negative form of the verbs.
1. My friend Alan ________________________ (not play) football after school.
2. I __________________________ (not read) Geography books.
3. My grandmother _______________________ (not cook) tamales.
4. My friends and I __________________________ (not go) to the park on Wednesday.
5. The teachers __________________________ (not play) basketball.
6. My dog ________________________ (not sleep) in my bed.

6. Order the words to make sentences.

1. never / go / I / to school / in the afternoon.
2. doesn’t / Lucía / eat / chicken / in the morning
3. My sister / with my mum / has lunch / usually
4. don’t / my father and I / cook / on Saturday
5. never / go / My friends and I / to / the football stadium.
Objects pronouns: Se los utiliza para hablar de posesión.

7. Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun.

A Listen to _________________. I am at the front.
B. Bob and Frank are brothers. Their parents love ___________. _________ are very nice.
C. We’re at school. Mary Jo is with ______________. ______________ is the Music
teacher. We like ________________.
D. Do you know Albert Sands? He is the new nurse at the hospital. ___________ is very
good and his patients like _________________.
E. Maggie, are those your books? Bring ____________________ here.
_______________are on the floor.

8. Complete the sentences with: her him it me them us you

1 I have my breakfast at home. I don’t have it at school.
2 I clean my teeth every morning. I also clean __________________ at night.
3 Where are you? I can’t see __________________ .
4 I haven’t got a rubber. Can you give  _____________ one?
5 Your brother is in bed. Don’t wake _____________________ up!
6 It’s my mum’s birthday but I don’t know what to buy ___________________ .
7 We’ve got a lot of difficult homework. Can you help ________________?
9. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective.
1. John has a bike. ___________ is fast.
2. I have a dictionary. _____________ is old.
3. You have an alarm clock. ____________ alarm clock is noisy.
4. France is in Europe. _____________ capital is Paris.
5. Brian and Mary like _____________ new teacher.
6. We have a house. ____________ house is small.
7. She is my sister. ________________ name is Susan.
8. You and Mike have friends. ______________ friends are nice.

Vocabulary: occupations
10. Write the occupations.

11. Read and write the occupation.

A. I work on a plane with five other friends _____________________.
B. I work on a plane. I’m at the front of the plane _______________________.
C. I work in people’s homes with their children __________________________.
D. I work outside. I help build houses ____________________________.
E. I work with animals___________________________.
F. My job is very dangerous and difficult. I wear special
G. I design and decorate houses ________________________.
H. I work with lots of creams and lotions ______________________.

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