INFOMERCIAL LISTS (Beautiful Scars) : Title COVID-19 Voice 1

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INFOMERCIAL LISTS (beautiful scars)


VOICE 1 : She’s having difficulty in breathing and chest pain. I think she’s

: having a panic attack.

VOICE 2 : Someone please help!

VOICE 3 : My daughter!

VOICE 4 : Calm down. She’s showing serious symptoms of COVID-19.

: She needs to be rushed to the hospital, now!


JINGLE : And we know that this will make us sick

: But it’s never been too late to save

: It’s the time to give ourselves some rest

: Follow rules to save our dearest friends

V. AUTHORITY : Over 3.69 million cases has been recorded of COVID-19 in the

: Philippines. World Health organization provided tips for us to

: follow in order to keep ourselves and our love ones safe.

TAGRIDE : Wear mask, keep a safe distance, and be vaccinated.

: This information is brought to you by the Department of Health

: and this station.



VOICE 1 : Mom look! Outside! The dirty water is coming!

VOICE 2 : Chiki, come help your mama


VOICE 1 : Mom! I’m scared!

VOICE 2 : Don’t worry my dear. Mom’s here.


JINGLE : I am grateful that you are alive

: But there is a pain that you cannot hide

: So please be aware of flood hazards.

: Because every day flooding may happen

V. AUTHORITY : The death roll of the Philippines continues to rise days after

: Super Typhoon Rai made landfall as the fifteenth storm to the

: country this year.

: Plan, assess, and prepare for upcoming typhoons

TAGRIDE : This information is brought to you by the Department of

: Environment and Department of Natural Resources

: and this station.



VOICE 1 : Doc, how’s my vitals?

VOICE 2 : Hija, I’m your mom.

VOICE 1 : Ha?! Then who are those people besides you?

VOICE 2 : My daughter you’re hallucinating.

VOICE 1 : OMG! What’s happening to me?!

VOICE 3 : It’s because you’re suffering from dengue.


JINGLE : You need to start taking actions now.

: Neat our surroundings, clean and green.

: We all need to take care of our Earth

: This is for our future children.

V. AUTHORITY : According to World Health Organization, dengue is a viral infection

: transmitted to humans through the

: bite of infected mosquitoes. They had released a total number of

: 8110 dengue cases with 51 deaths in the Philippines.

TAGRIDE : This information is brought to you by the Department of Health

: and this station.



VOICE 1 : Ipanalo na na-ten ito!


VOICE 3 : Isko Moreno…

VOICE 4 : Ping Lacson!

VOICE 5 : Pacquiao!!! …

VOICE 1 : My vote is definitely for that person.

VOICE 2 : Yeah, me too. I won’t waste it this time.

VOICE 3 : Hello ma’am/sir. I think we should think about the future

: of our next generation-

VOICE 2 : Future? Hahahah

VOICE 1 : We should focus on the present dear.

VOICE 3 : But ma’am/sir…

VOICE 1 : You’re not even a voter yet. Who are you to disagree?


JINGLE : We are the youth, the future of the world

: Our voices should be heard, it should never be fall.

: Let us all unite for the sake of our kids

: Eradicate the hatred, let love always win.

V. AUTHORITY : Young people are empowered to play a vital role in their own

: development and the community. Helping people to be

: informed, developing knowledge on human rights and

: citizenship, and promoting positive civic actions. With the help

: of the youth, people on higher generations can be more

: knowledgeable for the upcoming elections.

TAGRIDE : Youth! Let your voices be heard!

: This is a message from the Commission on Elections and this

: station.


VOICE 1 : Hey! Have you heard the news about the Senior High School

: having face-to-face classes?

VOICE 2 : What?! That’s not fair!

VOICE 1 : I know! But this is for our own good. We will soon experience it as

: well soon anyway


JINGLE : We can all learn if we do face to face

: We will soon see our friends and class

: This is what we need this time of the year

: Let us all learn all together.

V. AUTHORITY : According to the Department of Education, face-to-face classes

: has been allowed to over 10,000 public and private schools.

: They also propose to open school year 2022-2023

: on August 22 using blended learning with more face-to-face

: classes.

TAGRIDE : This information is brought to you by the Department of Education

: and this station.


VOICE 1 : I can’t do this anymore!

VOICE 2 : Daughter, what are you doing!?

VOICE 1 : Mom! I can’t live like this forever! I’m going to end it now!

VOICE 2 : I’m here for you darling. We can do this together.


JINGLE : We need to pay attention to mental health

: It is not a joke, we should always tell

: Give our fellow people the help that they need

: We must be here whenever they need.

V. AUTHORITY : The Department of Health estimated that at least 3.6 million

: Filipinos are facing mental health issues during the pandemic,

: including depression, substance use disorders, and mood

: disorders.

TAGRIDE : Lets spread awareness, and be educated.

: This information is brought to you by the Department of Health

: and this station.



1 VOICE 1 : Hey ugly! You look like Shrek!

2 VOICE 2 : For sure. You Shrek! Shrek! Shrek!

3 VOICE 3 : Please stop it!

4 VOICE 1 : Aww, she’s crying hahahhaa. What a pity.

5 VOICE 4 : Students stop it! I’m not tolerating this kind of behavior.


7 JINGLE : We all have to stop this bullying

: We should not forget that they get hurt

: Treat everyone nicely, cool, and fair

: We deserve respect and that’s all care.

V. AUTHORITY : Bullying is an unwanted behavior that continues to rise up to this

: day. One-third of Filipino children reported to experienced such

: treatment in the Philippines.

TAGRIDE : This information is brought to you by the Department of Education

: and this station.


VOICE 1 : Hey! Have you heard Aling Chiki’s daughter Lala got pregnant?

VOICE 2 : O-M-G! So that explains the bump on her belly!

VOICE 3 : Aling Bebang, may I buy a shampoo?

VOICE 2 : Hija, is it true that you’re pregnant?

VOICE 3 : What? That’s not true! You should never believe in rumors

: especially if you don’t know anything.


JINGLE : You need to all avoid spreading these false news

: Never be an option to believe

: Know your source, and check who’s reliable

: Only spread the real, and not what’s wrong.

V. AUTHORITY : According to the latest survey of Pulse Asia, 88% of Filipino

: internet users are aware of fake news on social media.

: However, 12% of those are still finding it difficult to spot who

: brings false information on the internet.

TAGRIDE : Know your source, spread awareness, and always stay true.
: This information is brought to you by this station.

Few years ago, we were brought into this world, so fragile, embarking on an uncertain

path. When we were in kindergarten, many of you, just like me, have probably sobbed

in class after losing your parent out of your sight. Back then, we were very innocent and

dependent on our parents as we thought that we couldn’t survive a day without them on

our side. We were too young to understand that they had to go to work or return home

to take care of our other siblings and household duties. But as time went on, we grew

accustomed to the school life and and we became drawn to the new environment

friends, new learnings and experiences. Yet, at the end of the day, we would always

find our parents waiting for us at the door with arms wide open. They have never

stopped playing those roles for us even until today or maybe even after we graduate

from college.

As we proceeded through our high school life, we experienced new things. we came

across new people,  acquaintances, and friends.  We started to keep secrets, and

distance ourselves a little from our parents.  We kept exploring into what this world had

to offer.  We began to make choices and decisions on our own without knowing or

simply rejecting the possible consequences ahead.  As we got older, we also started to

act insensitively when our parents didn't give us what we wanted. When they refused to

provide us the things that were less important in order to satisfy our whims, we hated

them and compared them to other parents.  We were unable to comprehend the

struggles and obstacles that they had to overcome in order to keep us in school. We

disregarded the efforts they put in to put our academic needs first. For all of those

things, we like to say we are sorry. Sorry for being insensitive and for not having thought

of the sacrifices you had to endure for us.

Today, as we commemorate this momentous milestone, we would like to express our

gratitude to you for your unwavering love and support. Thank you for the wonderful

lessons you have given us. Thank you for the strong morals that you instilled in us in

order to become better people. For the numerous times you took us back into your arms

after we messed up and offended you, for forgiving every lie and mistake we made and

for always reaching out.  There are no words to describe how grateful we are, our dear

parents. We are who we are today because of your hard work, guidance and

encouragement. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for your patience and

for never giving up on us even when we made it difficult for you. Thank you for always
believing in us. We dedicate this success to you. You are the greatest treasure that we

received from our Almighty. Whatever we reach in life, we will always owe it to you.


Let us bow our heads and feel the presence of the Lord

Heavenly father, we praise and glorify you today. We thank You for providing us with

this opportunity to celebrate our graduation. Lord, we offer all the fruits of our hard work

to You. We thank you for all the gifts that You showered upon us. All these gifts have

helped us to achieve so much this year. Bless this day o God and surround us, the

graduates, with Your grace. Give us hope so that we can face the future with

enthusiasm and with open hearts. Give us the mental clarity we need to pursue the

plans and goals You have for us. Keep showering us with love, strength, and

compassion. Forgive us from all the sins that we have committed. May we live

passionately to honor and glorify Your name. All of these we ask, in the name of Jesus,


Our beloved parents, honored guests, school administrator, faculty and staffs,

fellow graduates, friends, ladies and gentlemen a blessed day.

As we scrutinize the significance of this very momentous event, an event which I

believe that is very important and plays significant role of our becoming a versatile and

competent graduate. It reminds us that today is not simply a day to celebrate our

accomplishment but also a day of benevolence, a time to express our gratitude to the

people behind the success, a tribute to our dear parents and guardians.

It is with distinct pride that I talk before you today and an honor to pay a tribute to our

dear parents.

Parents are the gems in everyone's life, without whom we cannot envision our future.

Our success in life, all our accomplishments, and the unwavering love and support we

received from them are unfathomable. Our lives, without your contributions, are

incomplete. Thank you so much for your never-ending love, support, and sacrifices.

Thank you for guiding us, training us, and shaping us to what we have become now. As

we close this door and open another, a big thank you for all your hard work, discipline,

and love. Your presence in our lives made us of what we are now, ACHIEVERS. And

we salute you, our mother and father, tatang, inang, anti, angkel, our wonderful and

mighty heroes. Today is not just our day; it is also your day.

Every parent gives up their aspirations and sacrifice a ton so that their child can achieve

their dream. We will never be able to express our gratitude to you parents enough for

everything you have done for us throughout our lives.

Today, it is a small approach to show our thankfulness to our parents on behalf of

everybody present in this event. God has blessed us in several ways, but never forget,

the biggest blessings was our parents. So, we must give them the best.

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