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5 Ways To Team Build

What does it take to build a strong, cohesive team? You have the groundwork
laid. And it’s a firm foundation.

Yet you will have to do more if you want to team build. Let’s look at what it will take.

1. Host get-togethers outside of the office:

A team that plays together stays together. At my newest organization, we’re doing
something called Team Bolding. It’s a play on the words Team Building and our
company name.

There’s been a couple of activities that really made people talk. A visit to the local
trampoline park. Hanging out at the local Parties In The Park. And more.

Getting your team members to associate outside of work is a great way to build the
morale and camaraderie of your team.

2. Get rid of office contests:

Hosting sales contests where your sales team are pitted against one another seems like a
great way to build momentum. It is… But it builds negative momentum.

When you’re making your team members compete against one another, you’re creating
angst and frustration. You’re not team building. You’re team destroying.

Be careful of trying to build your team through competition.

3. Have celebrations and parties:

Did something great happen in the office or on the production floor? Be willing to
celebrate the victories you and your team experience.

You can even go above and beyond and celebrate personal victories. Did Bob and his
wife Kathy have a child? Throw a party! Did Jennifer and her fiancé Dave get married?
Celebrate their joyous union!

Find things to celebrate and show your team they all matter.

4. Hold lunch and learns:

People love food. By providing lunch, you can get many team members together and
help build positive feelings about the company.

Bring in a catered lunch. Have someone share what they’ve learned recently. Ask great
discussion questions.

You’ll not only grow your team, you’ll find your team growing closer.

5. Create anonymous shout-outs:

People love to be celebrated. They love to hear their name mentioned along with
something good. You can help facilitate this and encourage your team to grow closer.

Create a box for your team to share shout-outs to other team members. Every time a
team member sees another team member doing something awesome, they can write a
note that will be celebrated in front of the whole team. This lets people know others are
noticing the hard work they’re doing and it’s appreciated.
Author Bio
Joseph Lalonde is a leadership expert who specializes in helping emerging leaders deal with the
struggles that come from leading. His passion is in seeing leaders thrive regardless of their
situation. He believes they can succeed!
He shares nuggets of leadership wisdom at his blog: He's confident
that young leaders can use these nuggets to grow their skills and lead better.
Knowing you have potential, he offers coaching to those looking to increase their leadership
potential, work on personal development, or live a more full and enriching life.
If interested in his coaching services, check out his coaching page:

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