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in the wonderful knowledeo- aoculred by

the people ot this Commonwealth whether
iflsttm gatlg <^Mt
'«rhlch is tbo possosslon ot wealth, here and
now. Nor does having filled tho highest
office in the land count for anything in
they shall amend their constitution or not,
may be a good joke for the home Repub' MT. WASHINdTON BAPTIST CHURCH.
BLAYATSKY OU BDTLER. them throughout a series'of incarnations
andm the holiness of their lives. Xheycan-
not live longfcohturloflin one body. Though,
licnn politicians tor whom thoy are to act as since there are cases in the medical records
F R I B A T . MARCH 8 . itself. It it said that ex-President ARTHUR, stool-pigeons, but it is altogether too thin. Ot longevity reaching 17C years, there is
a ifreat "society man," failed to got ontroe The Great Theosoph Roasts ooou ng noth impossible in a man, knowing the
t secrets of certain plants and alchemy,,
to tho inner circle bocanse ot his compara- Tho baso ball tourists have loachod the m a k n g h i s body last even far lieyondthat
tiTe poverty, and that it deeply ombittorOd Red sea, and their good hits as correspond-
enta recall some of Mark Twain's exoeiri-
the "Professor," period. But this, howovar, very few of
them do. Our masters do not sit astride on
his lost days.
largest Circnlation In New The Dvorshttdowlne fame of General
GRANT indncod tho 400 to soften a little in
encos in those parts. The winding-up game
will probably take place in tho Garden ot
Authors' Readings in the Himalayas or approve of clielas ruining
young girls. Their morality is ot the high'
est order and knows no compromise.
And Says Kli OIiDiitrt is "an Impossible closing
Knowing all this, I have no hesitation in
this letter by saying that tho grand
England. behalf of his widow. With mawkish con­
descension tho Now York Tribune finally
New York World: If the Republican Animal in Salnre," secret society of 6. N. K. H. does not mean,
as claimed, the "Society ot the (Jeul of
loaders choose to make use of a canting Nations, Knowledges and Religions"; hut
announced in its society columns that tlie Pharisee to collect corruption funds for the that verily, for every sane man not blinded
fChe average olrculatioa.of THE noble 400 had,decided to "take up" Mrs. purpose ot carrying elections, that is a mat­
BOSTON DAILY GLOBE GRANT. With a dignity that will always ter of their private consciences. But when While "G. K. K. E," Stands for "GuUs withfor—
prejudice, these initials should stand

for the month of February, do this lady honor she promptly inlormod they reward this purveyor to bribers by Nabbed by Knaves and Easoals." Gulls Nabbed by ICnaves and Rascals.
Lgiving him a cabinet office it is a shameless Yours very obediotitly,
1889, w a s their lordships and ladyships "that she did o&enco against public morals. Professor Goodwin's 17 Landsdown Road, Holland Park. .
not oare to go into sooiety." They wore
To the Editor of The Boston Globe: London, Feb, 1 0 . ISiSO.
135.803. as ninch astounded at her rojootion of this
exalted blessing as though she had decliuod
It is not too much to say that no president
ot the United States was ever so averse to
making a show of himself as GBOVBR
Big Speech. In your issue of Feb. z, in the report of
the interview between your representative CRUSHED BY THE ELEVATOR.
an invitation to enter paradise. and "Professor" Butler, as well as in sev­
triie averaee circulation of THEJ CLRVULAND. The servant of 60,000,000 eral otner papers ot .New York and Boston, Frightful Accident at Jamaica Plain,
BOSTON SUNDAY GLOBE The last man to bo re,ieoted by the immor­ people goes back to private life and to Work 1 was called by that too speculative gentle­ in Whioh Watchman Frank Sauor
during the month of Feb­ tal 400, as rumor has it, is Gnovnn CLEVK" as chough nothing had happened. Such un­ man a "fraud." Moreover, it was stated Loses His Life.
tA.VD. While these imperious exclusives common manliness will find its duo recog­ by this same "professor," iu answer to A singular elevator accident occurred at
ruary, 1889, was
have been lounging in their clubs in gilded
splendor, the nation's honored servant has
nition in the calm pages of history.
He Ftafls for • iBterDatloiial tlie reporter's question, whether "All
tho Thoosophs were favorable to his move­
B. F. Sturtovant's blower works, Jamaica
Plain, last evening, in which Frank Sauer,
Tho Home Market Club has returned ment," "No, thoy hate us for our many for iUleeo joara night watchman of tho
for four long yoari seldom left his arduous home minus its bird. Tho aoroamet is now virtues." And ho added to this piece Of factory, was killed. It was a few moments
work till 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, dis­ in the hands of Iresident HARBISON, who Dubliise effrontery a calumny, viz., that all before o o'clock, tho hour of shutting
playing a love and capacity for work that is promises to look it over later. It is said to tho Tlieosophs and "Mme, Blavatsky her­ down, aud the watchman was making au
targest Gircnlation in New marvellous. Now, when retired from his
cares ana labors to earn his living in New
be a mixture ot cockatoo and buzzard. self cling to the pernicious doctrine that
the way to conquer the passions is to ex-
examination ot tiio building. In the rear
part of tho foundry there ia an elevator,
A sweet cider campaign must seem rather Iiaust them t trough gratification." running from tho basement to the second '
England. York by honest work, tho ex-presidont and
his lovely wife are not good enough for this
tame politics to Senator HOAR and Gover­ Mark Twain, Dr. Molmcs A more iou or a blacker lie could novor
bo uttered. Since 1 8 7 6 , almost before the
floor, used for hoisting pig iron and
coal. Standing on tho floor, Sauer started
nor LoNO, but they say they are ready to Theosoph oal Society was first formed, I
conceited 400. Probably Mr. CLEVELAND'S stand in the gap with Brother WORTHINO- this elevator from the basement, in­
and Others Aid Him. had unrelentingly exposed the criminality tending to ride up to fasten the windows
political constituency causes him to smell TON of cocktail fame, if called upon, and of this vile doctrine. The secret origin ot
help sa^e the young men. my countless enemies lies there. I had on the floor above, there being just time
too raiiK of mechanics, farmers, denounced P. B. Kandolph and his enough' beforo the engine would stop.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES. laborers, and other people who earn their doings and teachings in certain eso- When tho elevator reached the first floor
iNGALLS has been re-elected president terico-magnstio centres lor t h e the watchman jumped for it. but missed his
TM« D A I I T GLOBB—One copy, jin month, 60 own living, to suit the lofty noses of tho 400. tical carrying out of his doctrines,
And .IS It does not .appear that Mr. CLEVE­ pro tempore of the Senate, and the country footingand fell .nistou theodge. Tbeeleva-
j e n t i ; per year, JG.OO. rostago prepnld.
may rest assured that the Senate will con­ which he had established in Boston, call­ tor continued to ascend and crushed the
TnK SUKDAT G L O E E - B y m&U, 8 2 . 0 0 per ycnt,
PoBtige prepaid.
LAND has ever manifested tlie slightest de­ tinue occasionally to make a circus of itself Crowded House Siiows; Its ing them Kosicruoian mysteries. I de­
nounced tho "Pantarchy'' of shameful unfortunate man against the casement of
sire to become one of them, their rejection for tbo next two years. INGAI.LS and "cold memory in New York, established by the doorway. Ho was rescued by Daniel
THK WEF.K1.T GLOBi-By m»U, 8 1 . 0 0 peryenr.
irofttAce prepaid.
of him seems premature. tea" are all that relieve the dryness of the
"Millionnaires' Club."
LGVQ for Literature, Stephen Pearl Andrews, and the still more
infamous Psychic club.s connected with Mrs.
Ferrie who came to his cries of agony. The
lower part ot the trunk of his body was ter­
Victoria Woodhull. Fearlessly pointing out
$ta WMhlngtou Strret Boiloii
But, thank.s to the persistency of solid <, the trail of the serpent whorevor I found it,
I roused the enmity ot t h o thousands ol
ribly crushed. Ho died at 7..30 p. m. The
deceased was C7 years old, resided on Green­
horso-scnsa- in the bulk of the American Why send way off to Georgia for Prohibi­ HAVERHILL, March 7.—The accompany- height, .and tho walls are 28 feet in the
Entered at the I'ost Office, Boston, Maa«., it seo- tion speakers when there are plenty of good ins- cut is one of the neat little structure, clear, the roof being Un shed open almost their followers who were all Spiritualists. wood avenue and leaves a widow and three
i onO. elms matter.
people, Jlr. CLKVKLANO will be far more to the apex, with hard v no crossed trusses And now tho man pointed out as children,
honored by tho alights of these bogus Republican orators out of a job right over When the "Irish ercon" curtain of the just completed, which tho Mt. Washington finished natural color. The coiling is fin­ a great hiorophant of the revived priaplo
in Rhode Island, who would gladly come Boston Museum "rolled together like a Baptist Society dedicate Sunday, March 10, ished in equal panels. .Over the entrance orgies ot Lampsacus in Shawmut avenue, THE OPERA AT THE BOSTON.
patricians than by their recognition. They up and uncork their bottled wisdom on the scroll" yesterday afternoon, and hid itself and which is to be tneir future church, isahorseshoeshaped balcony. turns the tables upon those who had never
W H Y DID MAYOK H A E T INTESEEKE? have fatted on tho system of class monopoly heard of his name till three months ago.
question of whether prohibition prohibits? der the naked cherubs who liavo played home. The auditorium is lighted by pairs ot Tho famous Adhy-Apaka and Vidya-Nyaika Katalio In " T h e Daughter of the Jteg-
His Honor Mayor HART, it ancoars, lias which he manfully challenged at tho risk of tlio cornice since tho imemory ot man The edifice is built after the modern stylo elongated, deep-silled windows set With are called in the most unwarrantable way linont"—Tonight, "Faust."
stained, cathedral and onameilod glass, also by the newspapers "theosophio knaves," Louise Natali's second appearance during
iutorfcred Tjctwccn the board of dirootorB ol his re-election. They have elected their GROVBR CLEVELAND, Esq., is now estab­ can recall, it revealed a rather pretty tab­ of architecture, with a Queen Anne roof. by fan-shaped stained glass windows in the
The interrior arrangement is a model roof. The memorial windows m the facade " t h e o B o p h i o swindlers," etc., though neither thopresent lyrioseason of the new American
pulilic institutious and Captain BKRIIY, prcsidont,but in good time they will find that lished in business as a lawyer in New York, leau. Tho stage was full of people, and had ever belonged to our Tbeo- company was made last evening, 'i'heis
the pconle have elected that tho class legis­ and has already gone t o work, after just though many of ihem have swayed vast well worth oopying,and is the result ol com­ were presented by W. Proctor, Mr, M. C. sophical Society. Why a mass of honest are not many prima donnas who can win
The Republic has told tho story ol this in- three dfeys' vacation. Anybody desiring the audiences and iirovokod laughter or bining numerous features observed by the Prescott, Marshall.
It. H. Archihald and Mrs. J. W. p e o p l e should be So flippantly identified plaudits one night in "Lucia," and gain
terlerence in a very straiehtrorward and lation which creates such as they must services ot a mighty level-headed coun­ brought tears to many eyes, few or none of pastor and building committee in similar with a gang bent on obtaining money from them again,two nights Iater,as Marie in "The
exist no more. The organ is to be placed on the right of people under false pretenoes-for their pre­
circumstantial m a u n B r . While tho board sellor will P l e a s e a c t accordingly. We em have been actors in the present nar­ builaiugs. an ornamental pptint, and under the plat­ tences are false, as 1 will prove—shows the Daughter ol the Regiment," Natali embod­
charge him nothing for this puff. rowed moaning of the word. They were The exterior is relieved by a modest spire, form is a conveniently arranged baptistry. utter disregard in this age ol ours lor truth ied the warm-hearted v i v a n d i e r O i defiant ol
•was deliberatiuB on the evidonco in the conventionalities,with much spirit; and hei
c a s e , and was about to adopt tho report dis­ TJNFEKMENTED CIDEB, TOO. all actors on a larger stage than any city airy-appearing bell tower, a corner tower The whole is thoroughly ventilated by a 01' justice. But this is the ooneotn of Amer­ singing by no means proved laoltlng la
•COODBV-COD BLESS YOU!" affords; they were all dramatists of tho aud several large fan-shaped stained glass laree double-flued chimney.
windoiis. 'fhe total cost ol the entire building will
ican Tlieosophists, and if they do not choose
to stand by their Jlag and ,nr6vent it trom power. Though it suffered inevitably by
missing Captain BEuny, Mayor H.^nx por- A few days ago a Boston clergyman wrote highest sense of the word, yet none of them The situation, on the corner of Washing­ amount to only 9 1 1 , 0 0 0 , which the com­ being covered with mud, so much the worse comparison with L'Allemand's ' wholly
Bonally appeared and, at his reauost, the to THE GLODE, claiming that in case ot the rEugone Field In Chlcaco Nowi.] wore tights and nouo of them doponded ton and Freeman streets, i s not only pleas­ mittee consider is very moderate in con- lor them. deiiglitlul vocal work, her Interoret-
contemnlated action was postponed. This adoption of tho prohibitory amendment I Itlte ttia Anglo-Saxon apecoli upon the ever present promoter for their ant but historic as well, the site being onoo si uerati on of tho size, beauty and con­ a t i o n ,ol the music was deoiaedly
With Its dlroot rovealliiBS— cues. known as the "old Slooum place," where venience of the .structure, and they invite I am said, in many papers, to-have repudi­ e l t 6 c t i v 6 with the audience—the "Haif
happened, according to the Repuhhe, last cider could still bo sold as apple-juice bo- lived the veteran of that iitiPiiB. the inspection of other societies about to ated and exposed Vidya Nyaika. alias Eli to Thee, France," and the interpolatei
It t.ikea a liold and fiecius to reauh The ground noor is occupied by two spa­ build.
Saturday. fore fernieutatiou had set in. "Way down into your fecllnge; They were authors, and they had met on cious Ohmnrt. 1 confess to the repudiation and "Una Voce" Irom "The Barber ot Seville'
and well- ighted chapels, separated
that occasion to give public readings from large sliding doors. Both rooms are hnislied Freeman, by The committee consists of Pastor L . A, I indorse the expose, though not done by b e i n g particularly well received. Doni­
Mayor HART, being interviewed as to this We replied that that was not at all cer­ That aomo folk deem it rude, I Know, chairman; W. S. Bray, treasurer; myself. Tlie Theosophists who brought it zetti's military onera is not one ot thrUluiB
And therefore they abuse It; their own works in order to advance the in ash, natural wood, with the walls fres­ J. N. Cass, .secretary; D i Ai'chibald,-Samuel about have only done their duty. Another interest, but it runs its well-foreseen course
extraordinary episode, is reported as g i T i n g tain ; that the language of the law seemed But I have never found it so— passage of an international copyright bill, coed in light brown tints. The larger room, W. 'Taylor, George Thompson, F . Aronlbald, preposterous boast ot tho too "oc­ pleasantly enough with the now Amer­
Efiuivocal and contradictory accounts o£ his to include in tho nrohibition all kinds of Before nil else 1 choose It. for which all ivuthors of brains have been the dimensions ot which are 4 1 x 4 6 feet, is H. D . Marshall. cult professor" is that I am jealous ican opera company's cast. William Castle
action. There is a lack of clearness and cider, even that which contains no alcohol. I don't objeoi that men should ate praying, lo, these many years, and against designed to be used for social meetings. The society has been in existence some­
Sunday school exorcises, prayer meetings, thing over tliroe years, llov. L. A. Freeman
of him., 1 never heard his name till
the last days of December;! did not even aoted Tonio oxoellentlT, Tonight's opera is
frautiiess in his honor's statements of the Since then the Supremo Court of Vermont Tlie G.illic they Imvo paid for— , hich all seliish publishers, aided by more etc. Connnectod with it are two roblng- being its first ordameii pastor. The congre­ know he was the editor of the Esoteric, 'Fatist," For the farewell matinee tomor­
has made a decision which bears out this
With "au revolr," "ddleu, ma chere"— soltish congressmen, have been objecting rooms, a spacious library and two clothing-- gation has been rapidly inoreasing and the which being at first a very decent magzine row, "The Bohemian Girl," with Verdi's
matter ana his relations thereto which ia For th.nt'o ^Yhat French was made for. rooms, i^umber is expected to swell when once the I noticed favorably in Lucifer, though even "Masked Ball," long unheard iu Boston, as
v i e w . Vermont has a prohibitory law of nearly over since printing was invented. then I was forced to point out that the major the closing e v e n t ol the engagement. 'Xhe
not exactly what tho p u b l i c expect from a But when a orony takes your hand
Who wore they';' The auditorium is approached by two, little chapel on Beacon street, where the
similar wording, and the court decides that At parting to addro«a you. short flights of stairs on either side of the meetings have been held up to date, has part of its contents was drawn without artists ol the company are to appear Sunday
mayor who is supposed to bo the He drops all foreign llnyo, and Leading the left flank of the advancing front entrance. It is capable of seat­ been exchanged for the now church, acknowledgment from theosophical pub­ n i g h t in a highly-attractive concert oSering.
ideal exponent of ofljciiil candor tho sale ot cider is prohibited "whether such llofiavs, "Goodljy—God blessyoni" array, his gray hair standing like quills ing GOO persons. The posts are 16 feet in S. L . FORD. lications. > His name was first men­
cider has become fermented or not," upon the fretful porcupine, was Mark tioned to hie by an American gentleman
and Iionosty. To a Herald reporter 'J'l)ls seems to me a sacred plintso who told me that ho was, only two years
tho Jilayor said, after raiding the l^aw is law, and one Supremo Court is Twain, writer,, lecturer and mill- Mrs. Julia Ward Howo—"Our Country," "Bala- So link thy ways to those of God, ago, a medium tailing fortvuies at $1 per Entertained by the Ladies.
With reverence Impasaloned-—
much l i k e auotlior. Should the proposed A tiling come down from rlHhteoua days, oimaire, a man who has made more •klava," "IJallle Hymn of tho liopiiWlo." Bo follow tlrm tho heavenly haws, sitting. This was just after I had received Tho Ladies'Physiological Institutei.Iieia
Kepublic's v e r y e x p l i c i t statfjuiont, that liiuclitor ill otliors than any other person nichard Malcolm Johnston—"Tho Engagement of That stars may greet iheo warrlor-btowod, that most marvellous mystification ot the an entertainment in Wesleyan Hall last
amendmeut pass in this State, it is entirely Quaintly but nobly fashioned; ages, the "Call to the awakened from tbo
"he had nothiuc whatcrcr to do w i t h the It well hecomca an honest face— living, and an individual who has the happy Miss Doolana Ijlues." And storm.sped angels hail thy cause.
interior of tlie inmost," and my friends evening, consisting ot a very interestma
matter," and went on to coint o u t tliat un­ Drob;ible that tho courts would enforce the A voice that's round and cheorfnlj culty of coining other peoiilo's smiles into F. IlopkUison Bmlth-"Bohlnd the nialto." Oh, land, tlie measure of our-prayors, asked me what it all meant. programme of vocal and instrnmeatt,l mu­
punishment of a farmer or grocer who It stays the sturdy In his place dollars of his own. He looked the same as John Boyle O'Kellly—"A tow Epigrams," "En­ Hope of tl^B world In grief andwroufit sic. Excellent music was rendered by Miss
der the public statutes tho board of direc­ In your issue of Feb. 0 one C. H. Maokay, Nettie Lovering, .^nd readings by Mrs. Wa-
tors bad absolute power to discharge Cap­ should sell cider, oven though the cider And soothes tho weak and fearful. ever. If it were not known that he was sign Kpps, tho Color Hearer," "A Wonderful Be thlno tho blessln;? ot tho years. an "ardent disciple" of Butler's, speaks of
Into tho porches of tha cars Mark^wain ho might be mistaken for a Country, Par Away," "In Bohemia." The gift ot faith, tho crown of song. "tlio well-known Blavatsky" and traces the terhouse and others were repeatedly en­
tain BEUKV, ToaKooord r e p o r t e r his honor wore tho fresh juice of apples, containing ]t steals with subrlo unction, present expose ot Butler &• Co. to the jeal­ cored. Violin solos and duets by Masters
gambler, an auctioneer or a clergyman, No George IV. Cable—Selections from "Au Large." This done she at once read her greatest Bisbee were finely executed. Miss Smith
cave the samo ovasivo reply, going to the not one atom of alcohol. And In your heart of hearts appears doubt he would have succeeded in any ot Colonel Thomas Wentworth Higginson—"Heirs of production:
ousy felt by her of their selection by tho G.
To work its gracious function; N. K. K. Permit the "well-known Blavat­ and Miss Morse sustained their parts admir<
language of tho statutes and quoting it as if It is a foolish .amendment, and otlght not these callings. As it happened ho fell into Tlmo" (unpublished), "Sixty and Six" (nnpub- llATTLE UTMH 0 1 THE BEPHBtlO. sky" to answer that she condemns ably and wero enthusiastioally'applauded.
And all day long with pleasing song
it was i n any way an answer to the Kepub­ to be voted for by any one who is not a It lingers to caress you—
literature, and so lie was at the Museum llsLedj. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming o t the no person or persons, but ugly
yesterday. Lord; things and actions she must aud
lic's statement of facts. crank on the subject of prohibition. I'm suro no human heart goes wrong A ripple of loud applause, tempered by He is trampUn)! out th»wlntago whore the grapes ol always will condemn. As to Vldya-Ny- Throw Wot People's Faults
'Now this is not ingenuous. Mayor HART is
That's told "Goodby—God bless you!" At his side, austere, dark and dignified, murmurs of admiration, hailed Dr. Holmes' wrath are stored; aika-Ohmart and Adhy-Apaka-Butier. they in their teeth, for there are few teeth that
BLOOiaiHa AND BOOMIHG SPSIHG. was the sweetest singer that had ever black, his advent upon the boards. Dressed all in may be told m the Words of Job: "Thine have not faults ol their own.. There is but
I love the words—perhaps, heoanse, slender figure looked lithe and Ho hath loosed the fatal lightning of His terrible own mouth oondemneth thee and not 1;
charged with having m person appealed to crossed the Atlantic to make his home in boyish in the one way to preserve them without spot or
Everything points to booming times in AVhen I was leaving mother, extreme. Jfctls step was firm •wlft sword. yea, thine own lins testify against thee." blemish, and that is by the daily use of the
the board of directors of public institutions gtandlng at last in solemn pA,uae in America, John Boyle O'Reilly, poet, and rapid, and had it not been for his JIls truth Is marohlng on. For a single glance at the 2 0 0 pages of the best dentifrice in existence, fragraiit Sozo-
not to proceed to tho dismissal of Captain real estate this spring. Suburban sites seem Wo looked at one another. athlete, editor andfriend of liberty. Like a cracked v o i c e , that finely-shaped head of I havo seen Him la tho watch flras of a hundrad "Call from tho Unseen and Unknown for ,D0NX, cool, refreshing and agreeable.
EKBHY. Editor MAOtjiuis of the Republic is to be in brisk demand, and new homes are And I—I saw in mother's eyes urymau ho sat and scanned tho faces of all, his would have been taken as a libel upon an Esoteric College" and their "Special
and pulled his moustache with as much one ot the most youthf uLand honored citi- circling camps; message from the interior ot the inmost to
The lovo she could not tell me— •/eus of Massachusetts. He said thathis first They have bullded Him an altar In tho OTentttg-dows If Your Dog
not a man who is given to making s t a t e ­ blossoming everywhere. A love eternal as tho skies.
the awakened," is sufficient to form
ardor as he would have twisted tlie British reading had a certain hidden significance to and damps, an unwavering opinion. This bumptious Is sick,-feed him o n Spratt's Excelsior Dog
ments of this kind, nnless he knows them Klectricity and improved transportation Whatever fate befell me; ion's tail. him. The poem, the world-known "Last I can read His righteous sentencs by the dim and pamphlet can only be the produc­
Leaf," was written in his early manhood, Bread, f o r sale b y t h o J o h n P. Lovell A r m s
to be true. The Mayor does not directly Eorvioo are soon to bring the outlying She put her arms about my neck
A few seats away from the poet was the yeas and years ago. Of course, all know flaring lamps. tion of a lunatic or a charlatan; moreover, Co,, 147 W a s h i n g t o n St., 4 l b s . f o r 25 c e n t s .
country into nearer communication with And soothed tho pain of leaving,
Hla day-Is marching on.
it is the work of one entirely ignorant oi
deny the truth of tho charge, but he tolls a And, though her heart was like to break, great prose poet. Colonel Thomas Went- what the "last leaf"- means. It was the Eastern philosophy and speculating on the
reporter that "be has nothing whatever the icity. Tho elevated I'oad agitation is She spoke no word of grieving. worth Higginson, wlio has usually succeeded dried, shrivelled reminder of I havo read a flery gospel writ la burnished rows ol existence ot the same ignorance among SPECIAL NOTICES.
She lot no tear bedim her eye. in anything he has undertaken and whose steel; those he appeals to. Such phrases as "the a
to do with tho matter," which is plainly an being pushed, and rapid transit of some I-a»t Y e a r ' s Verdure, priori aud Sambudhistio Philosophy ol nSE BROWN'S C.VMPHOHATED SAPONA­
For fear that might distress me, Career In Many FloiiU AS you deal with my contemners, so with you my Kapila," "the laws of Ens, Movens and CEOUS BzN^iFRioK for the teeth. Dellelous. 2S cts,
attempt on his part to h a v e the public sort is only a question ot the near future. But, kissing me, she said goodhy. the leaf that clings to the empty limb grace shall deal.
has proved him to bo one ol the best sam­ through t h o s u o w B and winds of winter. He Let the hero born of woman crash the serpent with Aum" (! ?), on page 3 2 , are more than
believe that he has not h a d anything to do Business, which has been somewhat dis­ And askod our God to bless me. enough to turn tho most gullible stomach, BKOWN's HOTJSEHOLDTAITAOEA,
arranged by a singularly mild winter, ples of Puritan manhood that America af­ then placed his manuscript on the stand, bU heel. as they have no meaning m any Eastern THE GREAT PAIN KBLnTVEB.
with i t . Tlie public statutes do not help fords. Since God Is marching on. ikhool of philosophy and are a mere jumble For Internal and External Fains, RhQumatlsm, Pola
shows every sign of activity when the WHAT PEOPLE TALK ABOUT. and putting delicate hands, palms down, ou ot contradictory terms. Again on page 1 7 2 In Stomach, Bowels or Side, Colic, BlarrhoBa, Colds,
him in tho least. Of course they give all In the centre of the stage wore four per­ either side of it, began to read. Sprains, Burns, Scalds, Cramps aud Bruises. 25c.
spring fairly opens. Presidents may oomo sons, throe of whom are dear to New Eng. He has sounded forth £ha trumpet that shall nevor we find a presumably Hindu sage, "bent
the power over Captain BEKUY to t h e board Yes, Fine Not Exceeding S200a call retreat. under the weight of centuries." appealing
and go, but the wheels of trade and industry land hearts, and the fourth, though not so I saw him onco before
to the guidance of tha Jewish Kabalistio
of directors; we all know t h a t . All the 1 believe there Is a statute law against the salo of well known, made a good impression on As he passed by the door, He Is alf ting out tho hearts ol men before His judg­
will move, in spite of the bad commercial lottery tickets in this State. ^If so, what Is tha pen­ representative New Enclanders yesterday. ment seat. Yahvoh, the Christian Messianic cycle, the
more pre-ssing is it that Mayor HART should Tbese were Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, Dr. Oli­
And again Brahminioal Aum, and ending by the Tibe­
Ohl he swift, ray-soul, to answer Hlml bo jubilant,
explain why ho undertook tho extra official and industrial policy which is to be contin­ alty? SAMSON,
ver Wendell Holmes, George W. Caole and The pavement stones resound,
my leetl
tan "Om mani padme hum;" the last word ol
ued with HABULSON, Richard Malcolm Johnston. Mrs. Howe was A s h e totters o'er the ground which formula he misspells Aum, thus
task of shielding an officer whom the Pay the Dollar and Then Sue Them. With his oane. Our God is marohlni; on. showing the most complete ignorance of
as womanly as ever; Ur. Holmes' eyes the most elementary facts of Eastern phil­
Btatutes expressly place under the control There is "biz" in tho New England air, I buy furniture of an instalment house. After re­ flashed with the fires of CO years ago; Mr.
In the beauty ot tho Ullcg, Christ was born across
ceiving the goods I notice that the bureau is not per­ Cable showed signs of fast becoming a Yan­ And should I live to be osophy. Moreover, the entire pamphlet is
of the board. and tlie spring procession will move with fect; upon making Iho first payment I notify the The last leaf on the tree the sea. bodily stolen and travestied from well-
kee in spite ot his Southern bringing up, With a glory In Ills boaom that transfigures you known theosophical text books.
His honor should be above all prevarica­ all its accustomed briskness and promise. firm, who promise to repair It, but fan- to do so: and Mr. Johnston won the admiration of all In tho spring,
after making several subsequent payments, and re­ the ladies with his handsome gray liair and Let thorn laugh as I do now and mo.
tion and eauivocatioa in talking to tho pub­ fusing to pay the balance (which is 8 1 ) until the his handsomer white moustache. At the lone, forsaken bough As He died to mako men holy, let us die to make So, lor instance, on page 25,1 find, '"The
, EDITOKIAL POINTS. men free. human heart has never fully uttered itself,'
lic. Did he or did he not go in person to bureau Is repaired, they send a man, y h o says he Where I oUng,
says Fostus.'' This is given as a quotation
the rescue of Captain BERRY? The Kepub- The title "Ex," wliich so many statesmen cannot repair it ua It is a manufacturer^' Imperfec­ Hack of those four, modestly ssi-vted While God Is matching on.
from the author ol "Festus" himself, but
ave profixod to their badges of distinction among the members of the committee, were often The reading was natural, intense and
lic says he did; he does not say that ho did
tion, and so reported to the Arm. They now threaten
F. Hopkinson timith, a builder of beautiful omvered pathetic.. Frequently his voice Novelist Johnston Is a big, broad-shoul­
this week, confers a sort of perpetual tenure to take the f urnltnro if I do not ijny Iho dollar; can
word-castles, and Charles Dudley Warner, emotions called and his body shooK under the dered, handsome man. His reading was
not, but uses words which show that be of office, And yet it is not very satisfying. they do so? j . p, the editor, essayist and humorist, who up by the words. good, though the story he undertoolc was l.wero awarded the hl^fhat dislinetton by, a medioal
, would like to have It understood that way. always pleases his readers but seldom makes rather long. The original climax at the I., page 1 , of the preface. Again on pago jury at tho Internatlon JEihlbltlon at Bmsaeli,
Hard to- Get at the income. them laugh. end put the audience in good humor again, 180 ol the 'Call," the well-known have proved to be a flrst-oloas remedial agent In aU
•'••Will Mayor HART please toll the people The lightning photographers divide the and made the people ready to hear the of the 'rheosophioal Society, Catarrhs o l the orgaaa o l respiration ana digestion.
lively fluid into three classes: twisted, I am a poor man that pot injured o short time ago Cloai' down to the right on a big sofa was with no gestures and very few rhetorical beautiful word-groupings of F. Hopklnaon motto "There is no religion higher than truth." Is
just why he went tip to beg a respite for curled and straightforward, tho latter re­ wlUlo in the employ of a certain company of this Dana Estos, art otitic, publisher, man of pauses. When he took a seat his face was Smith. Mr. Smith was the most stylishly filched without a word ot acknowledg­
Captain BERRY—because it is useless for olty, who Is doing a large business, and also em­ many talents and bosom ;(rion(l of James G, red from the efforts he had made. Ap­ dressed man on the stage. He was also a ment. On every page I can trace ideds jjteaorlbed by physicians In dlaeuiesTrfflw^uia
ferring probably to banged lightning. ploying a large number of men. T'he company ad­ Blaine, chancellor and priuce regent of the plause came in gusts. He bowed several Iiandsome young man, and had a good stolen from our theosophical writings, chest and asthma. Tho benefit d u l v e d ftom ibtii
him to pretend any longer that he has had its that It la fully liable for tho Injuries that I re­
United States ot America. Conveniently times and still the people would not be voice. In addition to reading the old favor­ mainly from tho "Theosophist" and "Isis use Is nnsurpassedj and even la tha most chroiiUl
"nothing whatever to do with the inatter"— Tho citizens of lilden, Me., after disposing ceived, hut states that It is poor and not worth any­ close to Mr. Estes was the chairman of tha
day. Professor W. W, Goodwin ot linguistic quiet. Finally Professor Goodwin got un ite, "Behind the Kialto," he g;ave a fine Unveiled," and often whole sentences. coses thoy soothe, ease, and stUniilate.
and how he justifies his intervention and of the usual town meeting business last thing, and this I tblnlt Is all a bluH to load mo fame. and, paying Mark Twain a pretty compli­ character the Sacriste."
sketch called "Tho Old Chair of There is not an original idea or thought in . B O P : M I H r E B t A g . P A S T-I X l a i g latS
Wednesday, formed in lino, marohca to the astray. I nnd that these parties have about 830,000 ment, introduced him as Mr. Clemens. The the whole pamphlet from first page to last. preferablu to all similar, preparations, because they
squares it with his high-studded programme Professor Goodwin rose with the curtain, numorist slouched forward lazily, and said: And then came the only John Bovle Some of these may seem trifling details,
liquor saloons aud warned each dealer to to 840,000 worth ot real estate property, and this stroked his bald head and his gray whiskers, "I am not used to that name, ladies and O'Heilly, who read as he lives and talks and but they are mighty landmarks to those are a natural remedy, an uiilulnlt«rat«d prodnot of
of municipal reform and non-partisan puri­ oloBo UP busino.sB and leave town without they liavo all covered by mortgages, both personal which and at once launched upon the duties to gentlemen, so you will excuse me it I am a writes, naturally. He hits a fine voice lor who are robbed of their ideas and writings, the springs, containing In an undlmlnlsheil degrei
and real estate, for more than its full valuation, and he was assigned. In substance he ~ ttle embarrassed. sounds strange to mo. reading, and interpreted his poems just the and see their highest ideals desecrated and all the sanative principles of these springs,
fication? delay, on penalty ot a near visit of a dif­ moreover their business Is done all by notes, leaving said that no reasonable man could doubt Laughter.) All myItlife I have tried to keep way his readers feel them. When he made the prey ot venal speculators. iiiSMiffwmiii M " * " P A S T I J ^ M a ata
ferent character. Northern Maine seems to themselves secured beyond the power of the law, so the justice of the demand for an inter­ ihoso two names separate
THE "UPPEB 400." have fallen in love with the methods of that If any ot their poor workmen are crippled or national copyright law. Such a desire could. You see I want to keenasthat much as I finished with "In Bohemia" ho fairly out­
name— did himself and brought forth much well-
Theietore I do not hesitate to proclaim -prepared exclusively under the personal supervision
tho writers of this "Call" crows in peacock's
This was once a nation of substantially southern Mississippi. would naturally spring up in the mind ot
killed they are not able to recover one penny from aiiv man eudowed with common honesty or merited applause. The epigrams with feathers, thieving magpies repeating the ancf control ol W . SXOELTZING,; 11. D., K. S,
Sanitary Councillor.
plain people. The Innocent boy ot by­ them. 1 would like to ask If tho law would allow common sense. Like the love of liberty, it which he opened his readmgs were; words ol others and turing them to a most
was inborn. He feared, he knew that Con­ ens Joys have three stages. criminal use by playing on tSeople'a feelings BopjBN__MMyBSAi:. vM'rTt^va an
gone days sat by the humble candle ot bis Nantucket presents a good field for fun­ those parties to carry on their business by simU ;o get money, so that the "awakened" will unequalled aa solvent in coughs and catarrha, even
Tvlcked and shameful plan, and also I would like to gress had been reluottrnt, tardy and negleot- auent, humorous and beautiful speech Her hiilr was a waving bronze.
father ana read the lives of WASHINGTON, damental study of the land question. know
Much of tho land never having been if there Is any way that 1 could find out what lul In falhng to pass such an act. This ot his on "New England Weather." The world Is large. .ndeed awaken to find their pockets havo in the most chronlo coses. Their saccoai is uniur.
been entirely emptied. passed.
JEFFERSON and JACKSON. His most sub­ claimed by anybody until quite recently, they are worth. I am Ihformed that by going to tho meeting was for the purpose of waking up It Is good to read, it was good to A man will trust another man.
secretary of tho State or to tho attorney general that our legislators to the importance of the sub­ hear read, and very much sii when read by Life la a eertaluty.
Occult knowledge is not to be sold. .As JgQPEJ? KIgBlBAX. P A S T H J - E S a t a a
lime dream was that one as humble as he and never having paid any taxes, the ques­ I mlglit eain some Information from these patties ject. The fear that foreign authors would Its author. He stood on h s left foot and said in my editorial in tho January Lucifer;
come iu here and hold control in our markets held the book in his left held, whilo his The world w a s mado.whon waa born. "He who has anything to teach, unless Uke superior remedy In whooping-cough and dlphtii^rlaf
might yet possibly reach the highest honor tion now arises whose it is under the vague Dear sir, 1 would like to have your advice on this was born in ignorance and bred in fear. No right toe beat time on tjie floor, and his A soft-breasted bird trom the sea. Peter to Simon ho says to him who offers In the former thoy lessen the paroxysms ot tiib at.
taca, while preventing tho latter disease, which can.
among the prizes of the world, that of be­ old "sheeps' commons" system. It was so case, 8 0 that these parties will not beat lue, for.l am author witii brains should dread such com­ right hand twittdied and moved to empha­ The seleotions which George W. Cable him mousy lor bis Knowledge, 'Thy
poor that even the sheep forfeited their not ablo to work, 1 want to find out oxactly what petition. Those who had not power to stand size his words, Leaning his shaggy head a read from his "Au Lange" were fairly money perish witli thee, because thou not take hold la a throat not affected by oatand).'
ing president of the United States. titles. tlioy are worth and their incomo yearly from thalr against foreign writers had better go out of little toward his left shoulder he poured out good, and were read in a happy tripping hast thought that the gift ol (our liffiiwffla-MSffSnlwiM'M'^'iHi
business. s. B. K. the business now. Many persons think that a fiood of beautiful words, and kept his way that pleased all.^ The scene from his inner) God may bo purchased with rlvs iaoreosod value trom the fact of havhigavery
But, if the assumptions of that lofty trl our rights to an author's works are simply auditors between titters and tears from the chapter on the "Pot Hunter" was very fine, money,' is either a black magician or au favorable Influence upon the the organs ot digestion.
West Virginia now has three governors. rights to interfere with him. Thus it comes beginning to the end. and^won him applause until he blushed impostor." As tho "Esoterics" make no
bunal of self-elocted, blue-blooded million­ It is probable that two of them will retire to 1 don't know exactly ^vhat this man waitta to to pass that the rights of a foreign author secret ol having obtained m one mouth a O P E W MIWJBKAI. PA8TII.T.11S puahl
naires in New York, known as "the 400,' private life as soon astbe third begins to know. A groat many firms and corporations A good-sized, bald-headed man m gray again and again.
consist of the fact that he has no rights. whiskers was introduced as Oharles Dudley AS m i g h t have been exiJected, the two more than -SIO.OOO, and as they moreover to ho kept in every home. AU mothers aro repom-
»re to be taken seriously, the honor of hav­ draw tho salary, business on notes, and I cannot see any way In For half a century a few publishers have set Warner. His selection was road in a clear e f i o r t s of Colonel Higginson were excellent. invite peoplo to give all they have (not a mended to urj^e'their children during the cold season
which "S. E. K." can got at the Incomo of this com­ all our prayers at dohance. They will do so tone of voice and without any effort to be His philosophy penetrated the heaviest portion ol their superiluity), I leave the to allow a pastlUs slowly to melt in tbeli mouthi
ing sat as the chosen executive o f flO.OOO, The exiled boodlers iu Cauadahave organ­ pany. If It Is a corporation, they are obliged to niu as long as we let them. We have obtained a rhetorioal. Holding his book in both hands armor, and his h u m o r cut w i t h o u t wound­ reader to draw his own conclusions.
DOO f r e e m e n is trivial as measured b y the ized a trust to prevent legislation designed a statement with the comiulsslonBr of corporations. bad reputation at home aud abroad, but we he ground out his quaint proverbs in rapid ing. To j u d g e from these, his latest aud as And now for the reason wliy I feel in duty while out on errands or going to school.
are not all thieves and pirates. What is sucoesston^ aud was accorded careful atten­ yet u D p u b l i s h e d productions, It would seem bound to oxnosa the false Vidya Nyaika
Inexorable standards under which they per­ to disturb their rest, after having set UD more, we do not meau to be. tion from first to last. that his pest e f f o r t s are his latest. and Adhy Apaka. Had they c aimed as for sale at nsarly all druggists at BOo. a box. Shoulel
mit a man to tread the threshold of "sass- housekeeping on a magnificent scale in the Engage a Lawyer and Sue. Professor Goodwin was very compliment­ And then, after n e a r l y t h r o e hours of their teachers some adept from t le planet­ your druggist not keep them, kindly address tha
Dominion, Their heavy pot offers a tempt­ I contracted with a roofer to put iitWiew roof on my Kinds, Our law protects foreign goods of all ary iu his introduction of Mrs. Julia Ward literature, the assembly departed. The ary spheres, or boasted ot the powers ot
iety" and be recognized in the inner circle ing prize to crafty Dominion politicians who liouBo for g a s . 1 was not satlstied with tho way the but it refuses Howe, He said he liad heard her speak fiu- house was filled with the brains and wealth obeeyahs or voodoos, or oven after tho man­ Sole Ajjeucy for tho United States,
of their caste. work was done, as be hardly used any new gravel, T o Uoltl Out a Ilnnd eutly and correctly iu of Boston and e v e r y t h i n g went oft in a fine ner of P. B. direct communi­ Sodeu Minural Surlisga Co. (Xiimltedii'
now and then work up a scare on them. and I told him at tlie time that 8 3 0 was enough, to foreign puthors, A foreigner may come m a n n e r , Tha m a n a g e m e n t n e t t e d a good cation with Rosicruoia (whoever this young 15 CEDAR ST., NEW Y O R K .
AVbo are the immortal 400? Lineage they ISIx Ulftoreut LancaaBes, lady may be), I would have laughed aud
lie would not lake it. So I gave him 832.00, and over here with a London-made overcoat on She was a poet as well, and he took pleasure r o u n d sum for t h e g o o d c a u s e iu which this held my tongue in silent pity for those
l a v e nonesuch as attaches to heroic d e e d s , The peoplo of Cape Cod are propounding he gave me a written guarantee on the receipt for his back, and no one can molest him; he association is at work.
in hearing her sing, and felt sure the audi­ caught by their baits, I am not a detective
Bterling virtues and honorable achieve­ with great earnestness a question: Why 10 years, through any defuot of his work. B o w may come with his pockets full of British ence would do tho same. bent on discovering frauds. That I leave to
tax dogs BO severely, and practically ex­ havo written twice to him aud my wife has been
ments, which Bomotimo.'i enable worthy empt .sheen? Perhaps this is the tribute twice to his oQice during tho hist mouth, telling gold, and we greet him cordially; but let A^VTHOKS A T T H E ST. BOTOI,PJI. the honora]ile agents of tho Psychical Re­
"Balakava," her first selection, was read search Society. But once they havo done
'aires to reflect honor even u p o n tho me that the Republican Legislature pays, to him that the roof was leaking, and to come knd fix him bring the works of his brain with him in a clear vein aud very dramatically. At DoTotees ol tho Ilnb's Patron Saint their utmost to throw discredit aud suspi­
It, He has paid no attention whatever to my Istters. let him brltfg over ct- 810,000 ooem to one cion ou those whom the Theosophical So­
dlocrity of their snccessors. Of substantial free wool. intense points she waved her hands and aioet F a m o u s Men.
S o w what I want to know is can I not compel him of oar pubhshors, aud tho labors of years, ciety calls mssters.^by putting over their
The members ot the St. Botolph Club ten­ heads a mythical Vidya Nyaika, I cry
virtues this gilt-edged gentry claim n o n e , to stand by his written agreement? My ceilings a n d
and, perhane, ol a lifetime, are stolen, and raised her tone much higher than usual.
The Springfield Union says ot. President he cannot object. Publishers oity printers, Before reading lier second selection "Our dered a reception at their elegant clubhouse Halt." „ "
Intelleottial worth they have none, nor do D w i G H T of Yale that upon being asked by the paper on tho wall are getting destroyed. Is he bookmakers and binders, but they rob poor
they aspire to any. And y e t with abso his wife why he put iu a telephone, on the not bound to make them good? Have I got to pay authors all tho timo. They will not pa- Country," Mrs. Howe gave a brief history on Newbury street, last evening, to the I proclaim the sage, "bent under the
services of a lawyer, or will tho lawyer oolleot the poet. But we say that ail labor shouli ot its origin. It was composed, she said, at gentlemen who participated in the "Au­ walgut of centuries," an impossible animal
lutely nothing of those cardinal virtues, taking charge of the university, he replied from lilni? The tool Is not two years put on till be paid. We demand it. Lot all property the instigation ot a music firm, which .had thors' Beading" at tho Boston Museum, in ia nature, aud one supposed to have his
seat astride on tl;B top of the Himalayas
which, coupled with a lifetime of endeavor, "As - president of this university X must AprU IB. J. u be guarded wttli eciual care. offered a big prize for a patriotic song. the afternoon, Me&bors ot the club were only to visit Hiram Butler's temple of mys­
bear the result ot tho base ball, foot ball and Yet all publishers are not pirates. If a Later on Dr. Holmes had stolen the music invited to meet informally tho distinguished teries, no "Mahatuia or Hindu adept on a
now a n d then enrolled one of the old Greek rowing contests just as soon as they are
I do not see but what you wllUis-ve to sue the foreign author goes up on Park street he to set to one of his poems. As she said this guests, " i h e Autocrat," than whom no mission In the interest of humanity,'^ but a
among the gods, this empty-headed and over. Yale's success is next to my heart. rooter on his agreement, a n d will htivo to employ will be paid for his mental toil, If he mere lay figure used to gain money aud
should go to Park street, to one of our vice sne turned and looked Dr. Holmes squarely one is bettor known, Samuel L. Clemens,
hollow-hearted caste hold the sceptre of Evetything runs to muscular culture, mus lawyer. It is sad, but lawyers are nootissnry ooca- piosideuts, or to any honest publisher, he in the face, causing everybody to laugh, the only Mark Tw.ilu, Charles Dudley property under false pretences.
The Hutlerites havo already flung into my
"social standing" over a host ot agonized cular Christianity and musoular conscience Blonally. If you recover damages you will get coats, would be told that brains had the same then she read; Warner, Georee W. Cable, F. Hopkinson teeth the aoousatinn put forward by the
but will have to pay for services bealde. value in this country that thoy had at bis Smith and Ktohard IMajcoim Johnston Psyohio Hesearob
liavesi who are eager to obtain a recogai, nowadays, home. ODB COnXTBT.
were the gentlemen in whose honor the re tion was never proven, ^ while, it was
Society. But this accusa­
tion from them. The White Caps near New Haven have You Can "Leave It" to Twelve Men, Ml honor is due to tho gentlemen who On primal rocks she wrote her name, ception was held. After they had met the absolutely proven aud a d u tted by the
Humiliating aa isthe f act. thesecret power been using the horsewhip. It would be well Will you please Inform m o l t a town lias a legal sa\Hthat foreign autnors should have titles Her towers ware roared on holy graves, members of this club, a toothsome collation society in their report that I had
iu their books. Let us give a warning to The goidau seed that bore her came never taken a penny from any one, rejected
of these exalted so«al tribunes lies in noth, to try tho homctopatbio theory ou them
rluht to take a mau's house for the purpose of build­ Congress, and .ess - ' • the
on with Bwllt-wlnged with prayer o'er ocean's waves.
was provided by the etaword. all offers of mouey aud given all I had or
that "Uke cures like." A little whip Judi ing a town house on tho said land, and pay him good work. We laim it i s a fuuda- earned by my literary work to the cause of
ing higher in human aspiration than the ciously applied would probably cure their what tliey choose for it? Aud, again. If Che pArties mental principle n government tnat The forest bowed his solemn crest "TAKE A CAKE?"
Return of Colored Boys in Blue. Tlieosophy. This has little resemblance t o
refuse to seU, can they break and enter the same aad honest, woU-dirootod work should he enti And open Hung bis sylvan door; Mr. Butler's doings. The wliolo thing, in­
m e r e possession of unearned duoaUi. U their Uabitof using the whip on others.
wes^th was not handed down to them
remove the furniture to tho damage of tho owner tied to oorapensalion. Wo believe the man
who furnisnos the idea has us much right
Meek rivers lud the appointed guest The Harwood Rifles, Company L, Siith deed, lies iu a nutshell.
Infantry, V. M., Captain George W,
before paying for tlie same? Q. j . L,
to pay as lie who sets the type. If there ho To olttsp tha wldMunbructog shore. Among other things, I am accused of hav­ Says: "Illko Itexoeedbigly." '
through no merit ot their own, they "strueli Br. W. T. HAUIUS, of Concord, leading Brady, will arrive here from Washington ing "invented" the Mahatmas. Let It be so. TA-KA-ULAKX; Is a now Cereal, Bngar Corn
light of the Concord School of Philosophy, a man In Oongress who differs trom this Tin, fold by fold, the brotdored land this morning at 8 o'clock, via the New York There are then but two alternatives; (l) Flour, which cooks lu IB minutes, and makes OMd-
oil," got in a comer on copper, or coal, hold They can take your hoaso and move you out, bat opinion, he should be sent home. To swell her virgin \twtmoata grew,
& New England railroad. Tho company Either I havo invented them and forged die l.'uktis, ileiiis and Rolls that are far mora deU*
a winning hand in stock eamblisg, monopo­ aud expounder of transcendentalism aud if you are uoi satlslled with tho damages you are en­
Hegelian metaphysics, would moke a good titled to a jury to assess them.
Professor Goodwin closed with a compli­
mentary notice ot President Eliot's labors
WliUe sages, strong In heart and hand* their n u m e r n u B letters; or CJ) I speak the clous than any made from wheat Hour or corn mQal,
left New York yesterday afternoon at 4,ao truth. If 1 have Invented the Mahatmas, I Aa^ your grocer for a package.
Her virtue's llery girdle drew.
lized Western lands, or Inaome way or other national commissioner ot education. He in behalf of the inoveiiient, and regretted by tho Norwich line. have certainly n o t invented Mdva Nyaika POTTEW Oc W m o H T I N e T O K ,
amassed wealth without earning it. And would probably soon enlighten a now ig­ Have the Man Summoned, that be oquld not be present to preside. Ho Oh, exile of the wiath of kings I and Adhy Anaka, who would thus be 4 6 8 BOSTON. TuF6t mbS
then sat down and blushed whilo the ap­ Oh, pilgrim ork of Uberty eutitled to^rank as my humble but rather
yet the very cream of eoasip amouK New norant nation on the real thingness of the To the Kdltor of 'Ihe Globei plause rolled through the theatre. The lofugo of dlvlnest tbmga; Ask for a Bait Line, clumsy Imitators,, were it n o t that a n
A dies Intestate posseased of real,and personal The following order of exercises was dis­
York newspapers is held to be the tull thing. ______
property, Icaiing a widow and five ohlldi-en. An tributed at the door, and was, with ouo or Their record must abide in thee. A petition ia being circulated asking the adopt such as described in t h e "Call
details of their dinners, balls a n d daily Many an umbrella will disappear during adtalmstrator Is appointed,. but has uovQr settlod. two ttxoeptlons, carried out.- West End street railway to extend its line to the Awakened" is a creature that can
First In (be glories of thy front from Cottage Farm to intarseot with the eyiatonlytn the dollrlaus aightmaro ot a
doings in general, whicli thousands ot the next forty days, tor no better reason ttirmlne After 1& years how can I (one ot the heire) de-. Dr. OUvar Wendell Holnie8-"Tho Last Loaf,"
the amount of personal property due me "Brothtr Jonathau's Lament lot SlBterCarolIno,"
Let the crown jsweltrutb be fauna; line from Brighton to Park square, to oper­ drunkard truth, 1.
or a lunatic. And it I speak t h e
e., it I am really acquainted with
than because it is lent. Many will therefore
envious aspirants tor recognition all over feci it their duty, when they get a grip ou and what stops are necessary to take to obtain It?
Shy right band.filng with generous want ate a belt line on that route and to re-eatab- and am t h e devoted jtlNC. H A T S , that take tUo
"Dorothy Q.," "The Chambered NautUus." Love's happy ohaia to furthest bound, servant ot real living
lish the Columbia street line lu Cambridge. adepts in t h e occult sciences, then I ouglit E. CiUI niHl-aee thorn.
the country deroui ewerlr. ttuch property, to hold last. X . T. Z, Samuel L. Clemens—"Speech- on th« Kow Eng­ Let jottlea with the faultless scales to know W h e t h e r thoro is such a being as
It is said that the Immortal^OO eichev Have the admluislrator summoned before the land Weather." Hold fast the worship of thy sonsi A OLKAK, soft, white skin, free from plm- Vidya Nyaika. I say that this ideal Is a STYLE AND PRICE WARRANTED.
mere lineage and the deeds of ancestors The Importation of two Georgia politicians Probate Court toVendcr an ai^eouht.
lato.ila^e'Aohuaetts via WaahioKCvp, to teU i'SQf ^a'jjUtwiriJu.
Charles Uudley Warner—'The Yankee Pmioio-
Thy oommoro» spread her shining sails
Where n s dack tide of taplue tuns. e
le, spot or blemish, produced byCcTicuKA
grotesque caricature.
Real adepts are men as all others, except PARKER'S, 278 Washington §1

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