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Sec 5 art III Consti Law

Religion may be defined as "any specific system of belief, worship,

conduct, etc., often involving a code of ethics and a philosophy."

Aglipay V Ruiz "a profession of faith to an active power that

binds and elevates man to his Creator.

under the Constitution, are entitled to their respective beliefs.

In other words, religion embraces matter of faith and dogma,
as well as doubt, agnosticism and atheism.

No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the State cannot establish one religion or consider as state religion
free exercise thereof. Non-establishment clause In connection with the Separation of Powers of church and state
PH have no state religion to do so would be violative to section 5
The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without dis
crimination or preference, shall forever be allowed. No religious test shall be
State cannot Establish religion it doesn’t mean state cannot
required for the exercise of civil or political rights. Free exercise Clause
sponsor an event which involves the government despite of the
The separation of Church and State shall be inviolable religious activity going On.

Aglipay V Ruiz of the observance in Manila of the 33rd

According to US SC, EVERSON VS BOARD OF EDUC. International Eucharistic Congress under the sponsorship of the
Catholic Church. assailed the measure and contended that it
violated the Constitution because it benefited a particular
first, the statute has a secular legislative purpose; religion.
second, its principal or primary effect is one that neither advances nor inhibits
religion; and As the purpose of the stamp issue was evidently to focus
third, it does not foster an "excessive government entanglement with religion ." attention not on the Eucharistic Congress but on its site, the idea
OTHERWISE IF sponsorship, financial support, and active involvement of the being to attract tourists to our country and not primarily to
sovereign in reli gious activity WOULD VIOLATIVE TO CLAUSE." publicize the religious event, it was held that the stamp issue was
not invalid.

Subject to the four exceptions specifically mentioned, payment of public funds is prohibited
to ecclesiastics only "as such," which means that they may be paid such funds if they serve
the government in a non-ecclesiastical capacity. Thus, priests who served in the
Constitutional Commission of 1986 were entitled to be paid per diems from public funds
for services rendered by them not as ecclesiastics but as members of the Commission.

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