Varginha Incident - Paccaccini

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Incident in Varginha
Space Creatures in the South of Minas.
Vitório Pacaccini

Why has there always been a pre-judgment on the part of the population in general
about people who report unusual facts, considering them fanciful, mystical, fanatical,
mentally unbalanced or in need of appearing in the media? The truth becomes obscure
under the applause of ridicule, the abject, the laughter and the jest.
Thus, most people are quiet in abysmal silence for fear and fear of exposing to the public
their, sometimes, difficult and frightening experiences of having experienced something
strange in the face of the unexplained or outside the common standard of world mediocrity.

When we propose to write this book about the incident in Varginha that brings up
once again the theme Unidentified Flying Objects, their crew and all the mystery included
in it, we did it with the concern of only reporting a real and true occurrence, despite to
the fear of the Armed Forces of any and every country when they want to take ownership
of this matter, believing that such phenomena occur due to the deadly weapons of
human beings themselves, their enemies, in the belligerence of armed confrontation, as
if any military were not human either.

In the same way, we seek to exclude any religious principles, if they have molded
patterns that in no way explain the power of the Supreme Creator of all things, since only
the earthlings had the task of creating doctrinal norms and ethical standards according
to the interests and desires of the founders of religions.

We wanted, as our only concern, to write about the obvious, that is, about what
humanity has been witnessing since ancient times, which is the insertion of
extraterrestrials on our planet Earth, a tiny point in the immensity of galaxies, coming
from wherever they come and being them whoever they are.

The Ufology study of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) or UFOS (Unidentified

Fying Objects) or, if you prefer, OANIS (Unidentified Aerial Objects), in our view is
experiencing, at the end of the 20th century, its greatest moment of greatness. Hence
the fierce controversy between skeptics and believers. But the crucial question is not
presented to us as a simple believe or not. To us, understanding seems much more
correct, that is, regardless of whether we believe or not, and therefore, before the blind
and absolute acceptance of the evidence of the fact that gave rise to the disquiet, let the
search for understanding prevail (in the face of the questions , and without weighing
emotions), whether or not a given fact had the possibility of its existence.

We do not intend to present here any method of ufological research, nor to

influence people, nor even to prove that certain planets existing in God's infinity are
inhabited by this or that race. We would not dare to do so, nor do we have the capacity to do so.
Our sole and only intention is to bring to light, without subterfuge and rhetoric, a faithful
testimony that something different from what we can judge as "normal"

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took place in January of this year 1996 in the city of Varginha, located in the southern
region of the State of Minas Gerais, 300 kilometers from the capital, Belo Horizonte.
Culturally heterogeneous, it is home to numerous large companies and industries. With
more than 100,000 inhabitants, for some years now it has held the title of "dry port" for
coffee, whose world price began to be quoted there.

Varginha is located in the region of the cities of São Tomé das Letras, Três
Corações, Pouso Alegre, São Gonçalo do Sapucaí, Campanha, Três Pontas, São Bento
do Abade, Córrego do Ouro, Passa Quatro, Andrelândia and Alfenas, where the casuistry
is common. of great UFO activity, whose public appearances are seen by thousands of
civilians and military, leaving Brazilian and foreign ufologists excited.

But many of those who call themselves ufologists, without ever having bothered
to carry out field research, following trails, shortcuts and difficult paths in search of
witnesses, flew as fast as they could to label themselves owners of the truth about and
of the creatures of Varginha.

Books and newspapers have already been published. Lectures were given in
auditoriums at extortionate prices for an audience interested in the subject, but without
where and how to look for the UFO groups closed in their cocoons. Unfortunately, they
heard long explanatory lectures about the "ETS of Varginha being intraterrestrial". That
the "typology of the ETS of Varginha" is the same as existing creatures here, there, there...

To this we prefer to refrain from commenting on the "street vendors" in search of

unwary, but enthusiasts of the Ufology theme, if no creature belongs to us, nor will it
ever belong to us.

We have written this book telling only what we could gather in terms of research
with civilian and military witnesses, as we left our professional duties to focus on an
incident that occurred. And nothing else.

Our work also has the purpose of thanking those who had the patience with us to
receive us in their homes, their offices and for having waited for us during furtive
encounters to give us their testimonies supported by the trust and respect placed in us.

And if there are more writings about the creatures of space in Varginha, what will
certainly occur will be, either a prolongation of what we have done so far (and this
should be welcomed with pleasure and applause), or mere conjectures of self-absorbed
gentlemen in their daydreams cloisters who embarked in a leaky canoe, eager to
navigate the waves of their own tiny oceans of words, attached to the waves of their
shipwrecks or, if you prefer another image that better fits their posture... that of not
having wings for a greater flight than to take care, then, of the wreckage of their lost
illusions as they aim to project themselves in the shadow of what is universal and
universal, that is, the search for a sufficient understanding of Unidentified Flying Objects
and their crew.

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Our report is related to the first half of this year and due to the fact that four
people, the girls, Kátia Andrade Xavier (22 years old), the sisters Liliane Fátima da
Silva (16 years old), Valquíria Aparecida da Silva (14 years old) and Terezinha Clepf
(67 years old) have seen a creature different from the standards we understand as a
"human being" being different from any other known animal.

They could themselves, for the sake of personal tranquility, have assumed a
silence of mutual agreement and not divulge anything. They faced the mockery of
public opinion, the criticism of skeptics, the ironies of the religious, the insults of
unscrupulous people, in addition to gossip and jokes of all forms and background, to
the point that any other people were removed from such testimonies and made the retraction. with effu
However, they assumed, with rectitude and honor, what they saw independently of the
judgment of a plebeian avid for execration and in rejoicing for the jocular.

Therefore, we dedicate this book to Kátia, Liliane, Valquíria and Terezinha Clepf.

Vitório Pacaccini

Belo Horizonte, August/October 1996.

Chapter 1

It is ridiculous and an unreasonable pretension to make man the center of the world,
considering him as a unique and supreme being when the Universe has 100,000
million thousand stars.

Prof Harlow Shapley

My interest in Ufology comes from when I was a child, in Três Corações, influenced
by my parents, Eduardo Tavares and Rosa Pacaccini, the first adepts of Ufology I met,
because even before my birth, when they were still dating, what gave them the greatest
pleasure was to watch the series of Flash Gordon that, leaving the pages of the comic
books of 1934 created by the artist Alex Raymond, inaugurated, in 1936, science
fiction in the cinema screens, with Larry Buster Crabbe (the swimmer) becoming a
space hero in the fight against the perfidious dictator Ming amidst the strange
landscapes of the planet Mongo, and Jean Rogers (as the character Dale Arden).

I remember that in the vast library of our house there was a book with a blue cover
called Flying Saucers, by Desmond Leslie and George Adamski, researchers of the
50's, and who brought the subject up in as specific a way as possible for the time. .
Known worldwide, this book showed a flying saucer on the cover and, on the inside
pages, some photographs of unidentified flying objects. It caught my boyish attention,
and its reading was very confusing to me, but on the other hand it gave me enormous
and ever-renewed pleasure in leafing through it again and again.

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From our Colorado RQ television set, in black and white, with an external antenna
and all the possible and unimaginable ghosts, in addition to a sound full of hiss
and noise, what was best for us were the festive nights when the series The Tunnel
of Time, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Star Trek, Lost in Space and The
Invaders, in addition to any other science fiction film. After watching them in an
almost state of ecstasy, even in that poverty of sound and image, we stayed in the
usual futuristic comments, without even realizing the proximity of the future itself
happening in our lives through scientific and technological advancement,
culminating in what it seemed impossible: if from the beam of light emitted by
Flash Gordon's weapon, the laser beam of now emerged; from the paraphernalia
of flashing lights in command of the most diverse figurative alien spaceships in
cinema, to today's computer. And to tell the unreal figures of beings with strange clothes, to an Ap

It would not be very strange, therefore, to realize that, if there was such an advance
of human intelligence in such a short space of time, also in relative proportions,
there could be such similarity in another dimension in the time-space of parallel or
intergalactic worlds, respecting the concepts of evolution. of a race?

Imagine a strange flying object coming from space at incredible speed and from it
another smaller one, with four feet supporting a body of imprecise shapes,
detaches from it; and when landing on solid ground, two human-like beings
emerged, with heads of a single eye like that of an insect and reflecting a blue dot
that had been distant in the dark space; who would say the image of these two
beings, jumping with euphoria and called Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin,
celebrating on June 20, 1969 the first man landing on the Moon, is real? Wouldn't that also be fictio

Or fictions were the countless biblical accounts, the best detail being that of
Ezekiel, 14:E V4; And, behold, there came a whirlwind of wind, and a great cloud,
and a globe of fire, and a splendor around it, and in the midst of it, that is, in the
midst of the fire, was seen a kind of shiny metal... And for several verses?

Fiction of a non-existent cinema? Science fiction literature on wax tablets and

parchment, or simply tribal legends passed down from father to son at a time when
writing was the privilege of a noble caste? And, even so, how to describe an
advanced technology for the cultural standards of a people convinced that the
Earth is the center of the Universe?

Today I believe that, of all the members of my family, I was the one who continued
with the greatest interest in space phenomena, blindly believing in the existence
of a single creative principle, both in relation to us earthlings and those from other
parts of the Universe.

After all, if we know of the existence of billions of stars only in our galaxy and
many others around our galaxy, famous astronomers such as Carl Seagan and
many others have already demonstrated, through several researches, the possibility
that other planets, even within our galaxy, can sustain life as we conceive it.

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To imagine, however, that man is alone in the Universe and that he alone is a
more advanced living specimen just by establishing language, verbal
communication and developing technology, including space technology, destined
for other planets, is not intelligently acceptable the conception that we are the
likeness of God. And this is not even the best way to better understand the
Cosmos. Why the insistence of many in wanting to extend a discussion that will
lead nowhere, just in terms of arguments that the human race is superior to the
animal race, because we are more developed in relation to them? Now, it is
proven today through the Genome Project, which is mapping the DNA of humans
and other species, that the gene chains that make up our DNA are also found in
plants and fish, that is, in practically all beings. living organisms, including
microscopic ones such as bacteria and protozoa.

This leads us to believe, therefore, how much more our race has evolved on Earth
than the others. However, little is known about the meteorite from Mars, Allan
Hills 84001, containing mineral carbon globules, which would be the result of
microorganisms, where researchers and scientists claim to have found evidence
of life; In addition to the coincidence that now there is news from NASA, that
photos were taken by the Galileo spacecraft, revealing new evidence of the
possibility of extraterrestrial life and that, due to the suspicion of scientists, that
there is an ocean under the ice cap that covers almost the entire one of the four
largest moons of Jupiter (planet 1,400 times larger than Earth), among the more
than sixteen already discovered, and named Europa! If scientists believe the
photos sent are brittle ice caps close to matching Earth's arctic ice cap, then
three basic things are needed for life to exist: liquid water, heat (which Europa
can have, if there is ice melt) and organic chemistry normally transported by meteorites that hit th

The incredible and recent discovery of the Russian physicist Eugene Podkletnov,
Professor at the Finnish University of Tampere, working on his research with
superconducting materials that have the lowest resistance to the passage of
electrical energy, was because he received in his laboratory a visit from one of
his colleagues, also a scientist, who arrived there smoking. Cigarette smoke, as
it passed over his experiment, began to rise, as if aspirated towards the ceiling.
Looking for an explanation for what had happened, Podkletnov placed a golf ball
above the experiment, hanging from a sensitive scale. What I would never have
dared to think was that the most fascinating discovery for practical results in the
very near future was taking place there, at that moment: the golf ball had lost 2%
of its weight. Doubling the experiment, he obtained 4%, with the same result
occurring with other objects of different materials. Podkletnov realized that his
experiment was creating an antigravity shield resulting from the force of several
superconducting rings working in a similar way to what happens in a magnet
whose gravitational field results in millions of magnetized particles oriented in
the same direction. Now, in superconductors, rotation, at a certain speed, causes
the particles of the material to create a tiny magnetic gravitational field. But the
theoretical physicist at the Max Planck Institute, the most respected research
center in Germany, Giovane Mondanese, believes that the phenomenon, now
discovered, is the result of what Albert Einstein imagined in 1915 (!), when he conceived the Theo

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large enough, it will be possible to shape and distort the dimensions of space
and time, even inverting them. So, then, man will be able to move through the
hours and days as if they were meters and kilometers.

Therefore, such a discovery by Podkletnov, which took place in 1996, with details
of the experiment appearing in the October editions of the Journal of Physics &
Applied Physics, of the British Institute of Physics, stirs scientific circles beyond
the Germans, from laboratories in Italy , from Canada and India trying to reproduce
the experiment, whose results are very encouraging. In this unusual way (and
what discovery wasn't like that?), Podkletnov, creating a machine capable of
defying gravity, is awakening the imagination of science fiction, not only of those
loved by my parents, but a more recent film: Blade Runner, with unforgettable scenes of cars and
between buildings.

And Ronald Koczor, now NASA's Chief Engineer, said that "if the antigravity
effect is real, we want to be the first to master it." Therefore, very soon we will be
able to do the same thing that space creatives have been able to do for millennia.
But are we copying them in their inventions, or is it not yet another part of our
collective memory awakening to the possible?

In this way, in the natural advance as Science walks, even if stumbling on

discoveries, there will certainly also be the day of space travel with humans on
board and covering light years away from our Earth, opening a window to other
dimensions, whose reality, as we know it today (and thoughtless yesterday), it will never be the sa

I believe that it is timely to quote a text by the ufologist from Rio de Janeiro,
Marco Antônio Petit, to warn us to keep in mind that our Universe, with billions of
galaxies, may not be more than a single cell in an even larger structure. the limits
of the eternal, such a task will always be accomplished. We do not have the ability
to understand the All, but certainly from our attempts, that the Eternal, God, the
Universe itself, knows and will know itself. We are your only and invariable path.
Therefore, we do not have the right to self-destruct, because if we do, we will be
limiting our own perceptions of the “Greater Divinity”.

Leaving Tres Coracoes, I went to Stillwater, in the State of Minnesota, in the North
of the United States. From there, I moved to Burlington, in the state of Vermont
bordering the province of Quebec, Canada. And, some time later, I lived in the
French part of Canada, Montreal, province of Quebec, living with the Rippon
family, whose boss I affectionately called pa4 an engineer who was part of the
Barrel Team working in a division of General Electric, where developed several
cutting-edge technologies. At the time, the F 16 fighter plane was being prepared
with the Vulcan six-barrel rotary machine gun, which fires 100 rounds per second.

There was greater interest on my part in knowing a little more about the human
capacity to create foundations for tomorrow, as my father was a person with a
close relationship with other scientists, including NASA members, who were
involved in space programs developing satellites. With some of them I had the opportunity to

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talk and hear stories about space development, if there were even those who had been
with Von Braun, the German who developed the V2 bomb for Hitler and who, at the end of
World War II, went to the United States, later being the main person responsible for the
project Apollo.

Such contact with these men was a valuable stimulus to sharpen my curiosity and my
knowledge of science and technology.

Returning to Brazil, and studying, in 1980, at the Pontifical Catholic University, where I
graduated in Business Administration and Accounting Sciences, with a postgraduate
degree in Foreign Trade, I was a student of Professor Húlvio Brant Aleixo, Emeritus
Professor of Applied Psychology . Always an attentive teacher, my memories of him in the
classroom are pleasant. One day, when I knew he was a ufologist, I told him of my interest
and mentioned the book by Desmond Leslie and George Adamski.

Shortly thereafter, he invited me to visit the CICOANI group's ufological collection that is
kept in his residence. I was impressed by the seriousness of the group's work. I had no
idea how rich UFO research was, with two files in 15 square meters of study area, 2,550
slides, 70,000 newspaper and magazine clippings, 400 tapes with interviews and more than
150 books on UFOlogy published in several countries, in addition to the cataloged sheets
of reports made when returning from more than 3000 field expeditions for research where
there had been sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena.

From our coexistence and conversations between classes, my enthusiasm for learning
grew every day. In parenthesis, and in justice to him, I mention an unpleasant fact and of
terrible offense to his person, when certain riffraff at the University, moved by interests
subordinated to the pettiness of their minds, set a real trap against the master, alleging the
negligence of his program of teaching in favor of preaching about UFO research in the
classroom. A thug who aspired to ascend to better places at the University itself, because
my master had never bothered to mention at least mention his extracurricular research.

On the contrary, we were his students who asked him to tell us about his work and reveal
facts to us, at the very least. But the master's greatness surpassed his intimate desires to
spend hours on end on a subject he loved. As a professor of Psychology Applied to
Administration, he was at all times in the classroom. Still, they dismissed him, with an
accusation without legal support or favorable argument.
An attitude that denotes, in poverty of spirit, satiating the hunger of the envious.

With him I started to take my first steps in UFO research, being introduced to the Civil
Investigation Center for Unidentified Aerial Objects CICOANI, the first association of its
kind created in Latin America, founded in 1954, nine years after the Second World War. So
an old group doing research long before aviation broke the sound barrier; the existence of
the first Russian artificial satellite, Sputnik; the laser beam and the now popular personal
computer, suggested in the 1940s only as a product of science fiction.

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I started my participation in the group's meetings in 1980 and became a full member,
knowing the most extraordinary cases that the group had researched before my arrival.
Accompanying the expeditions both by night and by day, going into places of difficult
access, traveling on dirt roads, penetrating through dense forests, climbing mountains,
crossing rivers, risking their lives to keep vigil or in search of witnesses who said
having sighted some unidentified aerial phenomenon.

With Professor Húlvio being an extremely skilled psychologist, I started to learn

interview techniques or how to lead witnesses to the revelations of the occurrences,
extracting only the truth from them and eliminating any other insertion of mystical,
religiosity, folklore or pure and pure lies. simple. From Professor Húlvio himself, we
have the best summary of this work. "Approaching Unidentified Aerial Objects (NAO)
observers, collecting data from their experiences, interpreting them in search of
objectivity are tasks that require the application of psychological techniques, which, in
turn, imply the use of statistical techniques, mainly sampling and correlation. As the
OAIVI problem is of planetary scope, its data may be significant insofar as, originating
from different geographic and cultural areas, they reveal a consistent interrelation”.


Man must surely believe that the incomprehensible will become comprehensible, or
else he will cease to seek.

W. Goethe

On Sunday morning, February 11, 1996, while looking for my newspapers and
magazines with the newsboy, I came across the news, in the State of Minas, about three
girls who saw a strange creature believed to be an extraterrestrial. In addition to their
photograph, there was that of the ufologist and lawyer Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues,
from that city, confirming the veracity of the facts.

At night, in my apartment, I watched the program Fantástico, on Rede Globo de

Televisão, covering the same subject, but not very enlightening, just collecting
testimonies from Kátia de Andrade Xavier, 22; and the sisters Liliane Fátima da Silva,
16; and Valquíria da Silva, 14, where they saw the creature. Plus the testimony of
Ubirajara, reporting that there were rumors about the possibility of the involvement of
the Fire Department and the Três Corações Army, known as the School of Sergeants of Arms.

And then the ESA, with a contingent of more than three thousand men, is considered
an excellent school in Brazil, which is one of the few countries in the world to train
sergeants. In other countries, a sergeant is generally promoted just for being a corporal
and having served one more period. In the 50's, the Brazilian government created it,
understanding that the sergeant is the link between the troop and the command; just
because the theory had been proven in practice, by the performance of our soldiers in the Second World

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At the mere mention of this School, it seemed to me that Varginha's case took on an
extraordinary shape in relation to many others researched in Brazilian Ufology.

I decided that I should call the members of CICOANI to a meeting in my apartment,

scheduled for the 13th, Tuesday, precisely to define whether or not we would also
investigate that event. And, if there is a collective agreement, we can determine what
our work schedule would be. Besides, with the proximity of Carnival, I was even
planning to spend a few days with my family in Três Corações, a city 25 kilometers
from Varginha, in the south of Minas.

On Tuesday afternoon, still in Belo Horizonte, and without showing my anxious interest,
I started to call friends in Três Corações and those in neighboring towns, requesting a
confidential survey of the extent to which we could verify the veracity of what had
happened, mainly because the ESA had been mentioned in the reports and whose
entity, since my childhood, had always been unknown to me inside, I completed a
riding course there and eventually the School was open on festive days such as
Soldado, da Pátria or in some specific celebrations, for the visitation of school groups.
Many of my friends went through it while serving only the period of enlistment, and
others, preferring to pursue a military career.

At the meeting, at 19:00, with the presence of Professor Húlvio, Manoel Simões Neves,
a member of the group for 23 years, professional photographer and responsible for
the photographs and slides of CICOANI and always present in field expeditions and
Mrs. Miraci Santana Guy, another member old man with almost 30 years of work for
the group and resident in Nova Lima, a peripheral city in Belo Horizonte.

As I was one of the youngest members of the group and having taken on fieldwork
several times precisely because of my physical condition and age group, in addition
to the availability of time for being single and from the south of Minas, I thought I
should volunteer, reporting back to the group when necessary.

On Wednesday morning I traveled, before Carnival Saturday, because the roads would
still be empty. And as the month of February is the rainy season in the South of Minas
and the Fernão Dias Highway is very dangerous due to its poor conservation, it would
be worse with the greater volume of vehicle traffic on the holiday.

On Wednesday, February 14th, already in Três Corações, I made my first telephone

contact with Ubirajara, without forgetting to mention CICOANI and Professor Húlvio.
Very cordial and receptive on the phone, I congratulated him on the research work in
which he was engaged, putting myself entirely at his disposal to help him in whatever was necessary.
Because of our proximity, with Três Corações being, on average, a twenty-minute drive
from Varginha, we made an appointment for Friday, February 16, when I would go to

That same afternoon I received a call from "Sergio", a friend, advising me that it was
possible to introduce me to a military man who had been directly involved in the
capture of the strange being. We would, however, have to meet late at night, and on a road

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secondary, precisely so that the witness would not be seen by any other person
alien to our interests. And I recorded your statement.

On the morning of January 20, at approximately 8:30 am, an anonymous phone

call informed 134 Companhia do Corpo de Fogo that a strange animal was in the
Jardim Andere neighborhood. It didn't take long for a vehicle to arrive with four
members of the Fire Department commanded at the time by Major Maciel.

They brought the necessary equipment for that purpose: nets, gloves, ropes and
others in case it was necessary to use them. They went through the place and, on
Rua Sweden, in front of number 3, there is a ravine and, just below, the railway
line passes. After this begins a small forest bordering the Santana neighborhood.
Some adults and children who were watching the creature, some of them throwing
stones, causing it to go down the ravine and into the woods, continued to follow
the firefighters' movement.

At approximately 10:30 am, they found her. Her eyes were large, red, like a frog's.
But the eyes are not turned inwards, just like ours. They are outward, without
pupils or eyelashes or eyelids. The mouth is just a small tear and two holes for
the nose. It also didn't have ears. Just three lumps sticking out of the sides and center of the head
It was a strange creature, with large and disproportionate feet, which also had no
clothes and, even so, it was not possible to know its sex. I had a protruding belly.
And that bulging belly was the reason for more talk in town about the pregnant
ET. Without putting up any resistance, it was apparently domed (only emitting a
bee buzz). It allowed itself to be captured by a net, being carried to the fire
department vehicle. However, a little further back, an Army truck had parked,
under the surveillance of two sergeants and an officer who could be a lieutenant
or higher, and who helped the firefighters to put her alive, still wrapped in the net,
inside a crate. of wood, being covered by a tarpaulin from the truck itself, which,
incontinent, departed from there to ESA, while the Fire Department vehicle
returned to the barracks.

Finally, I went to Varginha to meet Ubirajara, whose meeting was scheduled for
2:00 pm. It was Friday, February 16th, the day before Carnival Saturday. Earlier, I
called Professor Húlvio, letting him know of the contact I had had with the military
witness. Very impressed with my report, he thought this acquisition was extremely
important, informing me that Dr. Eros Jardim, vice-president of CICOANI, a very
noble person, was in São Lourenço, accompanied by his wife, Dona Amazilis,
spending the Moments days in the famous hydromineral resort, an hour and
fifteen drive from the city of Três Corações. And that even Professor Húlvio had
already communicated with him about my stay in the South of Minas.

Also on Friday morning, Doctor Eros called me. When he became aware of my
meeting with Ubirajara, he was interested in going with me to Varginha, who was
also eager to hear Ubirajara's stories.

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We agreed a time and Doctor Eros left São Lourenço to meet in Três Corações. He, his
wife and I continued our journey to Varginha, where it was easy to locate Ubirajara's
residence: a white house on a corner. We were attended by his son Rodolfo, a friendly
and pleasant young man of twelve, extremely dynamic. When I identified myself in front
of Ubirajara and introduced him to Doctor Eros and his wife, who also did not know him,
he directed us to the living room, when after a few moments of pleasant conversations, I
asked him to tell us about the facts known until then. by him. This, because we needed
to better situate ourselves on the occurrences.

Until then, Ubirajara did not know about the recording of the soldier. But, because I didn't
know him and didn't know what kind of person I was dealing with, until that moment I
hadn't decided whether to show such a statement, convinced that I was conducting my
parallel investigations alone and in my own way. I was undecided. Fortunately, when I
realized its seriousness, in addition to the ethical and worthy posture of a ufologist, I
changed my way of thinking. I was told that doubt is the best companion before certainty.
And it was great to know my concerns were wrong. Throughout our conversation,
Ubirajara has shown that he has been dedicated for twenty years in his fieldwork and
that he has correct knowledge about scientifically based UFO research.

That's when he told us what we knew until then from the newspapers and television. On
Sunday, the 21st of January, he had heard the first rumors about some girls who had
seen a strange creature, the day before, Saturday, the 20th, in the Jardim Andere
neighborhood. He had been traveling to São Tomé das Letras where he was developing
a new research, and has published a small work on such facts, as well as a video edited
by himself,, although in a domestic way but very well done.

It is interesting to note that Ubirajara also resides in the Jardim Andere neighborhood.
And if we establish as an imaginary measurement a point in a straight line between his
house and the place where the girls saw the strange creature, it will be, if measured well,
about five hundred meters, no more.

Amidst the rumors of the disse-me-dise, of the most diverse assumptions among people
in the neighborhood and extending to the entire city, it was only on Monday, the 22nd,
that he sought to find out who the girls were and where they lived. By mere coincidence
he discovered that they lived close by. He went to the house of the sisters Liliane and
Valquíria, both residing in the Santana neighborhood, also calling Kátia.

In the first meeting, they narrated the episode to him with extreme emotion, crying at
times if the fear still visibly stamped in their eyes persisted in them.
He listened to the whole story and asked them to take him there to do a recap; even
showing where exactly they were coming from, and what they actually saw.

Again the panic installed in their eyes was repeated. Then came the nervous crying to
the point where they could not get the necessary control to fear anything else. And the
instant they were asked to approach the wall where the creature was crouching, the bigger

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made the discomfort, because there was left in them an extremely notorious and evident
psychological factor.

That Saturday, Kátia was cleaning a house in the Jardim Andere neighborhood.
As the work was a lot because the house was big, Liliane and Valquíria, being available,
were called by Kátia to help her. Finished work and returning on foot, preferably, since the
Santana neighborhood, where they live, is a neighbor of the Jardim Andere neighborhood,
separated by a large wooded area and with its own paved street, in addition to cutting paths,
avoiding following the course natural from the streets where they would take many turns,
they entered those vacant lots.

Exactly where Jardim Andere is located, close to three blocks before its end, there is a steep
slope, leading to a large wooded area with some houses under construction. Walking
together, they came face to face with a crouching creature, next to a wall erected with
prefabricated cement bricks, which is a mechanic shop.

Hence the scare. First, that of Liliane who saw her, if she was a little ahead of the other two,
at that moment stopped to better adjust the plastic bag that Valquíria was carrying. With
Liliane's scream starting to run, the two also saw what wasn't an animal and didn't look the
least bit like any animal you could name it.
It wasn't a human being either... For the skin was dark brown, slimy, as if smeared with oil
all over the surface of the body, with three frontal bumps on the braincase, large red eyes
without pupils and sticking out of the face. Small mouth and nose.
Thin arms and legs. Protruding, thick veins protruding from the neck and going over the
shoulder. Big feet, disproportionate to the rest of the body.

Even with Liliane's scream, the creature remained crouched and with its hands between its
legs. Just turning to face her and not moving was enough for panic to set in. Though they
only had the vision for a moment, they retreated and, even in the rush, looked at the
crouching creature all the same.

It was a hot, sunny afternoon, and there was no one else visible around. In the rush they saw
people only when they had passed through the paved street inside the woods and in the
neighborhood where they live.

They arrived at Liliane and Valkyrie's house. They found Luisa Helena da Silva, their mother,
who realized how frightened the three were, crying convulsively, legs and hands trembling
and stuttering when reporting the fact that they had seen "the devil". This, because it was
the only reference to which they could associate that thing.

Practicing Catholics, Luísa believed in her daughters, believing the revelations to be strange,
in addition to the distressingly nervous state in which they appeared; and determined to put
an end to all the hustle and bustle of those three, she left the house with the feeling of getting
a ride in a car to shorten the distance she would have to walk. And he got it, luckily, with a
neighbor passing by at that moment. He explained the situation to her, and a moment later
he was there. But nothing different was seen. The creature wasn't around. Even so, she
found two huge footprints, quite different from common feet, which she herself didn't know exactly about what

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who could have done that. And there was a very strong smell, as if of ammonia, hovering
in the place where the creature had been. But Luísa was not able to find chemicals in
cleaning supplies at home: detergents, bleach, similar products, anything capable of
reproducing the same smell.

Faced with the revelations and emotional factors that the mother and daughters
demonstrated in that confession, Ubirajara was impressed by what he heard, and began
to give veracity to those facts.

We were listening to his report without, until that moment, the opportunity had arisen for
me to mention the military testimony in my possession. He told us of a torrential storm
with hail the size of ping-pong balls razing houses, tearing down walls, roofs, flooding
streets and, with such violence, which had not been seen in the city for a long time.

So many confusing reports, in a short space of time, made him go to the Fire Brigade
Company, eager for concise information. The commander, Captain Pedro Alvarenga,
denied that the corporation had responded to any call in that neighborhood, stressing
that no vehicle had been moved to that part of the city.
She showed him a report of incidents, claiming to stick only to calls at other points where
hail damage had occurred on Saturday, around 5:30 pm, after the girls had seen the

However, due to the captain's attitude and the refusal of the requested information,
Ubirajara was not convinced, preferring to question Lieutenant Colonel Maurício Antônio
dos Santos, commander of the Varginha Military Police, who also denied everything, to
the point of claiming to know nothing. and have nothing to add about the extraterrestrial...

Interesting to note that before it was the devil; later, the animal and, suddenly, the
extraterrestrial And as there were more rumors reporting that the creature had been
captured and taken by soldiers from the Fire Department to a hospital, he sought out Mr.
Adilson Usier, administrator of the Varginha Regional Hospital.

"Here at Regional, for sure and I am convinced, no one with characteristics above the
human being has been hospitalized".

He went to seek information at another hospital, Humanitas, also finding negatives of all
kinds. No one spoke, didn't know, or was allowed to say anything.

Perceiving official sources as useless, he thought it was good to call on some

acquaintances to help him with inquiries to third parties. And he learned, from a friend of
his, that he was a relative of a person working at the Regional Hospital. He managed to
get in touch with her, and she reported that that day a large number of people outside the
hospital had been seen by wool. And he mentioned the fact that a certain sector of the
hospital had been hastily interdicted with allegations by the board of the beginning of
renovations in those premises... Evidently invented as an excuse, after meetings at the doors

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closed, where the director summoned the medical professionals, forbidding them to
mention what was going on there, as this matter, being highly confidential, could not,
under any pretext, be disclosed, under any circumstances.

And, from the same person, I learned of another also professional, who confirmed the
strange movement in the hospital, the interdicted sector, the prohibition of anyone
disclosing what was happening, and the presence, yes, of a creature under observation...
More: that this same professional, when showing interest in seeing the creature, was
advised by a colleague (or new witness) not to do so, because she would be very impressed.

Thus, due to so much truncated information and situations that had no analogy with
each other, Ubirajara thought that something very strange was actually happening. And
he decided, after the official denials, to bring the matter to the attention of the press. At
the same time, he got in touch with Professor Irene Granchi, our first lady of Brazilian
Ufology. She, residing in Rio de Janeiro, called Luiz Petry, one of the editors of the
program Fantástico, on Rede Globo de Televisão, informing him of the events. That's
when Petry called Ubirajara and immediately traveled to Varginha, with the intention of
preparing the first television program. At the same time, Ubirajara kept in touch with
reporter Evaldo Reis, from the Southern Branch of the Estado de Minas newspaper,
who published a great story on the subject.
And these were exactly the articles I saw in Belo Horizonte.

Returning to our presence in the visiting room of the house in Ubirajara, with Doctor
Eros and his wife by my side, and listening to what he was telling us, it was when I
began to perceive the chronological coherence of the facts, where Ubirajara showed
himself in a correct position. to proceed with the investigation. And from that moment
on, I had no doubts about also helping him amid the seriousness with which he was
reporting to us the evidence of a subject much deeper than all his research up to that
point. I understood that I could not fail to give my share of collaboration, help him in
whatever depended on me and also accentuate my work as a researcher in the best way I could.

Even though he was still impressed by the reports, Doctor Eros claimed he needed to
return with his wife, because he did not want to travel at night. I preferred to stay that
day in Varginha and gave him explanations on how to get out of there, which was the
road to get to the Três Corações interchange, and how to go to Cambuquira, then
Lambari, to its final destination, São Lourenço.
And, in the absence of Doctor Eros, Ubirajara asked me:

So, what do you know?

I started my speech when Angélica, a brunette of unique beauty, wife of Ubirajara, came
into the room, accompanied by her daughter, Sthefani (eight years old), elected by me
as the most graceful cheek of Minas! After greetings and a formal conversation,
accentuating light comments about the happenings in the city, they left the room,
leaving us alone. That's when I finally had the opportunity to take the tape recorder out
of my briefcase and ask him to pay attention to what he was going to hear. I let the tape I'd recorded the
Listening to the testimony of the first soldier, I felt Ubirajara become restless. lit a

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cigarette after another, extremely euphoric. Finished the audition and after his
surprised smile, he confessed with emotion:

Pacaccini! You have breathed new life into my investigations! Now it's serious!

In fact, he had stayed, because I realized, after his report of an hour and a half or
more, that until that moment he had in his hands, in addition to the girls' statements
and a series of truncated information, the loose pieces of a puzzle. At least there, and
this time, there was a concrete and irrefutable fact! It was, therefore, time to begin to
establish a minimum of order in the events that followed. We went over the data
possessed and, at that very moment, we began to understand the situation. If on
January 20, around 10:30 am, the Fire Department had captured a creature in the
large wooded area separating the Jardim Andere neighborhood from the Santana
neighborhood, and delivered it to the Army, which, incontinent, removed it from
Varginha, taking it to Three hearts; it was very unlikely and even ridiculous that the
same army had returned with this creature at 3:30 pm to leave it crouching by the
cement wall in that vacant lot and three blocks above where it was found only
because the girls passing by would see it. -there!

Clearly, that didn't make any sense. From there, we began to better understand what
happened, because the number one evidence was contained in the recorded
testimony. And the second, indisputable, was with the girls. Exposing this to
Ubirajara, I noticed that he was also suspicious, but insecure. There was the ufological
nose, but not enough, as a result of the series of disconnected information. And even
though there was incontrovertible proof, both on the tape and in the girls' accounts,
the times at which the rumor had spread were in contradiction, because those who
saw the incident of the capture, the army trucks, the entry with her into the hospital,
was a (happened in the morning). And the time when Kátia, Liliane and Valquíria saw her on Saturday
Simply not checking the schedules, it could only be two... the creatures!

In an indescribable euphoria and grateful that I was with him in the difficult and
arduous task of research, he took me to the annex he had contracted in his house,
an auditorium with magnetic board, sound equipment, a living room, a small and
functional kitchen and sanitary installation. In the room is where the collection of his
works is: clippings and documents filed in folders, in addition to video equipment,
computer and sound equipment for editing tapes, in addition to a small mixing and effects table, camc

This is my corner! He said happily as he introduced me to his favorite place in the

house, where most of his time is spent there reading and cataloging magazine
articles, newspapers and correspondence about UFOs. Even without knowing me
and my person, as he had not introduced me socially although we had the same
concern as ufologists, he confessed how much he would like to have more contact
with me, beyond that day, because I had given him extremely valuable information,
which was about the recorded tape, and this denoted a shared trust, which is not
very common in this field of researchers.

And you, will you be in Três Corações during the carnival days?

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I will, yes I said, waiting for news from my informants.

I make a point of taking it today. And can I pick you up tomorrow?

Sure! Thus, we can gather all the results of our research and recap many points that
are still unclear about the creature and the rumor that goes around the city.

I felt it dawning on him and on Angélica, his admirable companion, who had come to
our presence at that moment, that we were establishing a partnership that would bear
fruit with our works that had hitherto been parallel.

Chapter 3

If one knew how to scientifically

study the testimonies, justice would be a science.

Aime Michael

The next day, Saturday, the 17th, as agreed, I returned to my new partner's house
after lunch, staying there all afternoon, until dusk. We recap what we had achieved so
far. He informed other closest ufologists, announcing this meeting with me, giving
them information about my person and always in a very complimentary tone, which
greatly praised me.

He told me about his friend, the engineer Claudeir Covo, whom I knew by name,
without ever having had personal contact with him, but knowing him as the greatest
expression of Brazilian Ufology, announcing what was happening in Varginha. Also
to Professor Irene Granchi, residing in Rio de Janeiro, citing my name to this
researcher, who I also did not know personally, although she had been in Varginha
before my presence in the South of Minas. And that, from his return to Rio, he called
every other day, in order to follow up on our investigations.

In the midst of all this, Ubirajara held on to the latest information obtained, even
commenting with other ufologists who called there, but preferring to give more time
in order to delay the military's testimony to the press.

That was when Luiz Petry, editor of Fantástico, from Rede Globo de Televisão, was
warned again, because, having made his first program in Varginha, he had asked
Ubirajara to notify him as soon as any news emerged in the case.

And with the testimony of the military in our possession, a second program was
generated, aired on Sunday, February 25th.

It is important to mention here, in a paragraph, all our caution, because people, in

those days, tended to believe that everything was just a kid's joke about the creature.
As we were close to Carnival, there were jokes, ironies and rumors

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of a painted puppet left in the corner of the wall, held by nylon ropes and activated to scare
anyone who passed by... Or, about someone in costume, with the intention of making fun,
to scare! Thus, the news broadcast with the new information obviously protected from the
sources, would show everyone the seriousness of this discovery.

Ubirajara called Petry, telling him the news and mentioning me.
He immediately informed us that he could send a news team to Varginha, after Carnival.

As life has its surprises1 I had gone to Três Corações with the intention of spending a few
days with my mother and getting away from the hustle and bustle of Belo Horizonte, and
also to gather some information about the Varginha Case, I realized, however, that after
Carnival, I couldn't leave the South of Minas. First, because Ubirajara and I decided that no
news about Varginha's facts would be provided unilaterally, as we were working together.
Second, the return of the Rede Globo reporting team, arriving for the recording of the
second program where I appear on the scene of the investigation. Third, because we decided
that everything to be said would necessarily have to go through a mutually agreed sieve
after analyzing what could and could not be disclosed. And this gentlemen's agreement has
been established from that moment to the present day.

And knowing that the television team would come, I started going to Varginha practically every day.
I alerted my informants in that region where I would be, whether in Três Corações, or at my
partner's house.

On this occasion, Marco Antônio Petit called us from Rio de Janeiro, another great Brazilian
ufologist with enormous and valuable services rendered to Ufology, in addition to some
curious people from the South of Minas. Ubirajara made the presentations of those I didn't
know, as happened with reporter Evaldo Reis, from the Estado de Minas branch, who started
to have greater contact with me in the back-and-forth of field research.

On Carnival Sunday, the 18th, I looked for a couple, my acquaintances. The husband is an
ESA soldier. I told Ubirajara that I would get in direct contact with other military personnel,
because if we already had confirmation that the Fire Department was involved, it would be
important to know about the creature taken by the Army truck to ESA, only through someone
from there.

E. in one of the phone calls, I managed to get in touch with them, arranging a meeting at my
mother's house for the next day, Monday, 19.

I confirmed with Ubirajara.

At approximately 9 pm, the couple arrived. I had not yet told them my purpose. Everything
was restricted to a social gathering. Pleasant conversations between one drink and another.
Until almost midnight he still hadn't gotten into the matter. Making preambles, preparing
them as is my custom for many years if it is common for the witness to fade away, depending
on how it is approached. Considering that I was facing a military from within the gates of
ESA, I was more cautious when undertaking conversations about numerous

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subjects, including showing him my 9mm short caliber self-defense weapon, popularly
known as the 380 caliber, my registration and possession of a weapon, also commenting on
my course taken in Belo Horizonte, at the Majaluwa School, with Professor Marinho, a one
of the greatest specialists in firearm defense training in Brazil, when I graduated from the
course he taught. I also said about my affiliation to the Clube Mineiro de Tiro Prático, which
I attend in the mornings on every weekend.
I also mentioned my contact with the Minas Gerais Practical Shooting Federation itself. It
was at this school that I learned a lot about defense, dangerous circumstances, psychological
posture in the face of the element of surprise and so many other extremely refined defense
techniques. This was very important in my life, because it made me a calmer person than I
normally am.

Continuing the presentation of my semi-automatic pistol, fully customized, which is an

expression used among fans of practical shooting: customized is a weapon, let's say,
poisoned, prepared. Mine, for example, has all the refinements: gas compensator, light
trigger, the softened locks, the enlarged hammer, the handle made of redwood obtained in
Belém, when I put it in the hand of a gunsmith and he made everything under measure. With
insert for the fingers and finishing from the locks, the hammer, the trigger, to the ejector pin
of the magazine, all plated in gold. A beautiful piece, in addition to being an extremely
efficient weapon, when there is a need to establish a defense action.

At this point I began to realize that our subject turned to armaments.

He gazed, admiringly, with the semiautomatic pistol. We repeated the beer and one more
canapé, when I invited us to leave the living room and go to the TV room. At that moment,
my mother had retired to her room and, in the new environment, I showed them a very
interesting ufology video, produced in Germany, narrated in English and with subtitles in
Portuguese, where several ships were filmed in different situations of apparitions. . He was
very impressed, to the point of confessing his liking for the subject. It was what I needed.

Do you know why I'm showing you this tape? Because, in addition to being a businessman
in Belo Horizonte, I am a Ufology researcher.

He looked at his wife and they smiled.

So you're a researcher!? I said, surprised.

I am. Eighteen years ago! And I told them about my experience at CICOANI, the research
trips, my fieldwork, and how much I was directly connected to the investigations of the
Varginha case.

from Virginia? admired. Are you investigating Varginha's ET, too?

Body and soul I said. I made contact with Ubirajara, who started the research. But so far we
have obtained extremely precious information. Furthermore, knowing that this is all very
serious, I am willing to carry out the investigation... needing your help, of course!

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The wife was apprehensive, expressing concern that her husband was an ESA soldier. I
reassured her, saying that ufological research makes use of its witnesses, knowing how
serious it is to expose the testimony of any person to the public. I told them about the
research, which was carried out with great care to preserve the integrity of witnesses,
both civilian and military, at any time and at any time. I alluded to the reasons why many
people, even in anonymity, prefer to exempt themselves at these times, fearful of falling
into public ridicule. In the case of a soldier, for example, I invoked prison in the barracks,
lowered morale, court-martial and loss of job!

I asked him to record a statement without identifying himself, because I wouldn't be able
to memorize everything he said. And such testimony would be absolutely restricted to
the field of research. If, however, there was a need to show the tape to someone else, he
would remain anonymous, under any argument or pretext of identification.

And something very interesting happened at that moment. When I put the tape in the
recorder, he just asked me that at no time and for any reason be identified.

The wife, still worried:

Look, this can harm us! I told the husband.

You can rest easy, I replied.

Even so, he clung to the bible found on the shelf. And while I was talking to her husband,
I didn't look at her face anymore, noticing her agitated as she turned the pages, fearful
of possible reprisals and consequences arising from the act of her husband bearing
witness to the forbidden.

I let him narrate whatever he wanted.

It all started with the biggest rumor within the ESA he said. After the first program of
Fantástico, in which ESA images appeared, nothing was officially commented on among
the military, leaving each one of them with a huge question mark, as it was the first time
he had witnessed it in his several years as a military officer, which, with mention of the
Army by the spoken, written or televised press, there was no direct information to
subordinates by their superiors in command. If, for example, the local radio reports on
Army training at Pico do Gavião near São Tomé das Letras, where it is common for him
to be present, or any inland newspaper publishes a note, no matter how small, within
ESA nothing will go unnoticed. .

When he saw the report, he commented with his wife about the confusion about to
happen in the military, with the Army being involved. The next morning he left home at
the usual time, going to the ESA At the place where the military eat their meals, which in
their jargon is ranch, when going for breakfast, he was expecting to find some
communiqué or notice alluding to the report. Found several soldiers commenting

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the subject of Varginha's creature, and the fact that ESA was wrong to stop the Rede
Globo reporting team from meeting there to gather some information. A huge barracks
did not let them into the School, only claiming the absence of the public relations
officer and the general, not being able to attend to them. It was an unqualified mistake,
because if the command had had better training at the time, they would have welcomed Luiz Petry with
In order to hide facts, what should be done is to take them to a room, offer them
coffee, introduce them to the public relations officer, generating various subjects.
It would be good to take the opportunity to mention a "we don't know anything
because we were in troop training at the barracks and no vehicle left here".
Any excuse like that and reporters would be satisfied. On the contrary, they rudely
stopped Luiz Petry at the entrance, on the grounds that there was no one to talk to.
Now, in a military contingent of more than three thousand men, it would be impossible
for there not to be a single person who could assist them! Ridiculous!

He, like other of his companions, waited for the time when they would be called to be
officially notified by a superior or by the general or colonel himself, about the
performance that the School had in the media. But that day, no one spoke about it.

Then, he revealed to me that ESA has an INFORMEX Army Newsletter, which is a kind
of radio-telex directly linked to an Army command in Brasília. Every time a barracks of
a military unit is mentioned in the press, the information usually arrives with
instructions on what will be said to the troop according to what had been announced
about a particular military unit, supported by a higher education. But no INFORMEX
was transmitted to either the troops or the staff. And, when this happens, the high
command of that unit does so, because the Army is a prestigious entity that is
extremely linked to the community, and cannot be cited at the pleasure of any

It was very strange such silence, especially since it was the news about the capture of
a creature. How could there be no information, if the School was directly involved and
appearing on television all over Brazil? The ESA people themselves became
suspicious, of course. Something was wrong in the air, because it was not possible
for an event like this and no officer to report anything. No guidance was mentioned
either in the Agenda or in subsequent days. They just didn't bring it up. It was the first
time in the life of this soldier and that of many others he knew, within the ESA, that
the occurrence of an event of worldwide repercussion caused the Army not to issue
any enlightening statement.

Another important revelation was the existence of an Army Secret Service unit within
ESA facilities, the so-called S2. Working in a room that is always closed, to which very
few have access, because they are directly commanded by Brasília.
When someone wants to talk to the person inside, he has to ring a bell. A person
comes to the door, closes it outside, and asks what you want.
This way no one has access to the interior of the room. Secret Service personnel are
free to wear their uniforms. Some even wear a beard, long hair. Common types to
infiltrate the midst of the community. They even have vehicles for civil use.

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Another data posted by the military tells us that the S2 rotate periodically in such a way that
it is difficult even for those who are serving in the ESA to know their names, or who is or is
not in the Secret Service. There are those who are suspicious, and that's it.
The next day, when I called Ubirajara, I announced:

Mission Accomplished! You can wait for me, I'm bringing news.

When showing the tape of the other soldier (on Carnival Tuesday, the 20th), Luiz Petry had
not yet arrived.

My goodness! Ubirajara exclaimed, realizing that I was really involved in the research and
sharing with him all my discoveries that, without a doubt, were beginning to outline a
successful activity in the South of Minas. More would be. However, it would be a matter of
time before new information came to my hands, although the ones already possessed would
give us a certain direction towards the truth. And, sharing this intense pace of activities with
Ubirajara, we still decided to keep this material and see later, by mutual agreement, what it
would be possible to pass on to Luiz Petry.

Activities continued. Ash Wednesday came, the 2 1st, and great was our expectation of the
arrival of Rede Globo scheduled for the following day, Thursday, the 22nd.
At Ubirajara's house the phone kept ringing. The second television program hadn't happened
and ufologists or onlookers kept calling. It was also when some reports of UFOs began to
appear flying over the cities around Varginha, within a radius of 150 kilometers: Boa
Esperança, Andrelândia, Alfenas, Fama, Três Corações, Cambuquira, Campanha, São
Gonçalo do Sapucaí, Monsenhor Paulo, etc. In all, we found more than twelve cities. People
gave us serious information, others joked about having seen something strange a month
ago, forty days ago, last week... Ah, those phone calls!

After answering one of the calls, Angélica, always pleasant, joked that she would start
charging for the secretary service, because there was no more peace in the house... And
Ubirajara continued introducing me to people, his acquaintances, who always called talking
that the polls get a boost because of my presence.

But, among those many phone calls received, someone remembered seeing a creature on a
farm near the city of Alfenas, 80 kilometers away from Varginha. We wrote down the address
and information on how we would get there.

Chapter 4

The need for certainty is a natural human need, but it is at the same time an intellectual vice.

Sir Bertrand Russell

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On Thursday, February 22nd, I flew with her in the car of Rede Globo, from Rio de Janeiro.
There were Luiz Petry, Quito (camera operator, who documented the video clip They
Don't Really Care About Us, recorded by Michael Jackson on Dona Marta hill), a
camera assistant and the driver.

I personally didn't know them. Ubirajara, yes, because he had been with them on the
first program of Fantástico. In a corner I reminded Ubirajara of my fears about
absolute secrecy in relation to the people who gave me their testimonies, trusting
my discretion. And he was getting tense, because he could see my intention of
showing nothing to Petry. Concerned, because he is a very honorable person, he
knew that if I said no, it would be no. It was part of our partnership agreement
established on the criterion of mutual respect. The negative of one would be that of
the other. There was only one thing to consider: he would continue to say what he
thought was appropriate about their first meeting and the extent to which I had not
entered the research. However, we would try to inform Petry as much as possible, keeping our sourc

We held a meeting and shared the news, when he asked us to listen to the tapes of
the two soldiers. I was reluctant, in an explanation of the danger if the press were to
report everything that had been recorded as a scoop. The witnesses could be
identified, and a huge responsibility would fall on me. I wasn't willing to take that much risk.
Petry took the opportunity to talk a little about his journalistic ethics. After we said
goodbye on that first meeting, he and the team went to the hotel. At night we would
have dinner with them, laying out the rules for what would be recorded the next day.

As we were both at home, we had a long conversation.

This is very serious. It's serious! From the first Fantastic, in which everything was
aired, still full of reticence because there was no testimony from the military, to now,
with new revelations, the step we are taking to better clarify the case could endanger
our witnesses.

Is afraid?

In a way, yes.

So am I, but there's no way I can't break the news. Did you ever find a reason not to
trust Petry?

Not on him. But you know what a newspaper company is. There are employees for
various sectors. When a person is assigned to do a report, for example, he never
goes alone. It leaves the field and returns with a series of confidential data or not.
Sort the facts...


So, honestly, I have no reason to distrust Petry, as he seemed to me to be a really

ethical professional. But he, as good as he is, is just an employee. AND

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if someone inside, misuses what we pass on to him? Petry himself would not have
control either. If one of your superiors decides to transfer you to another Globo
program, or even if you lose your employment contract and go to another
company, what would be done with the leftovers, which could not be disclosed at
that time? In what new hands would the entire documentary be? Our deponents
would take the worst. And Petry is not the owner of Rede Globo.

Ubirajara agreed with the above. And we started thinking about what could be
disclosed in the tape transcripts without identifying the witnesses, and what could
not be disclosed under any pretext. In addition, we made the previous script of
the scenes and interviews that were to be filmed. That night was long, worrying.
For me, sleeping was not an easy verb to pronounce late into the night in Três Corações.

On Friday, the 23rd, in the morning, the shooting of scenes began. From the
testimonies, we let Petry listen to the recordings, understanding that they are very
important in the history of Brazilian Ufology e. as part of history, it was not our
privilege to belong to ourselves alone. However, it required special care in its
development. And Petry was extremely correct, listening to the recordings in
complete amazement, but agreeing that many of the excerpts would reveal who the informant was
It was then decided to use snippets of short speeches, some operated by
electronically distorted voices.

And we traveled to Alfenas looking for Antônio Cândido de Morais (Toninho), who
had seen a creature on a farm. We did some shots that were even used in the
program aired on Sunday, the 25th, because Petry wanted work.
to advance
We arrived
his at
Toninho's house * we couldn't locate him, because he was working as a gardener
at the Banco do Brasil AABB Athletic Association in Alfenas, eight kilometers
away from the urban area, on the banks of a small dirt road.

Having collected the testimonies of some people, there was some controversy at
the time, because one of them, claiming to know Toninho, a gentleman who
appears in the second Fantastic, and intending to be intimate, got caught up in
silly reports about him. An irrelevant detail when mentioning that he was "a very
good boy, I've known him for many years. He's a boy who doesn't drink, doesn't
smoke. He's a perfect boy, so to speak". It turns out that Toninho, when giving the
interview to us, was smoking. In this way, this contradiction that appeared in
Fantástico remained. Irrelevant, but all the same, we would gladly explain.
However, what we really wanted was the testimony of this witness stating what he
had seen: something simply incredible”. And he told us that, early in the morning,
he got on his bike and went to AABB on the dirt road with pastures on the sides
of the fences, eucalyptus, trees and cattle. Halfway along the route, he met a very
strange creature. He stopped pedaling, braked and began to contemplate what he
thought was a monkey; then an anteater. And, from the detailed description, we realized that it was

Such a creature has already been seen both in Brazil and in Europe. Toninho tells
that she is the size of a man of medium height, in addition to the entire body of
dark fur. He spotted her twenty-five meters away. It was close to a valley of eucalyptus trees, besid

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right in the direction to AABB. On the left side there was a fence delimiting a pasture and that, the
night before the sighting, there had been a herd burst, to the point that the cattle broke some fence
posts, spreading out in a wild run.

Although I have some idea about the farm and procedures of beef cattle, or even if I didn't, it's still too
strange to make him leave the usual ruminating to confused gallop in a directionless point, even to
the point of breaking fences of barbed wire.
There was, therefore, a reason or something terrifying for the animals to behave this way. The foreman
of this farm (the one who didn't know that Toninho was a smoker), took us to see the fence next to a
dirt road, where the cattle, with their meekness, are used to passing cars, pedestrians on foot or of
bicycles. In other words, those cattle are used to the presence of humans in their grazing routine. Not
even the dogs there would be able to scare them away, as they know the animals are big for them. But
when Toninho referred to the creature, the place where he had seen it was exactly in front of the
pasture, only on the right side. And "that thing" had been twenty-five meters away, close to the
eucalyptus trees, staring at him, standing in the road next to his bicycle. The huge, oval-shaped head
with two large, bulging eyes.

My hair stood on end, such a fright I got! Said to Fantastic. And he completed the interview talking
about getting on the bike and pedaling, still looking back and seeing the creature staring at him, but
walking towards the eucalyptus forest.

I thought about the curiosity of being faced with a testimony about a creature well known by Brazilian
ufologists and, no, the one we were looking for, which was the one from Varginha. Luiz Petry, very
prudent, thought it best not to release this information, if the program was aimed at the case of the
Varginha creature. If this other one were mentioned, it would confuse people or very few would be
able to assimilate the differences when, for most, it would seem more like science fiction.

We returned to Varginha at lunchtime and went to look for the bricklayer Henrique José de Souza
who, on the morning of January 20th, while paving a house under construction, saw the Fire
Department vehicle at the site of the first capture together with his workmates. , a few more onlookers
gathering in the street.

What you saw? I asked.

The Fire Department, which stopped on the street and went to where there were people pointing out the
ravine through which something different came down.

Did they see you take this thing?

They saw.

I learned later that, on two occasions, Henrique was summoned by the police to keep silent.

During lunch we went over the plan.

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We had received information, through a friend of a farmer in Varginha, known to Ubirajara,

that one of his foremen had seen a ship. We thought it would be good to go get the
information. The farm is located on the way between Varginha and Três Corações, on the
same road I used to take every day, round trip and approximately ten kilometers from

Our contactee was Eurico de Freitas and his wife Oralina Augusta. And what he told us was
of paramount importance in the Incident in Varginha. So important that it entered the
recordings of Fantástico, although in short scenes, quick dialogues and nothing very
conclusive, because on television a minute that is worth gold. But for us, priceless.

There, I returned several times not only to introduce other ufologists to them, but to take
other professionals from newspapers, magazines, as well as television channels, including
foreign researchers who were beginning to give an international meaning to the Varginha

Eurico told us that, in the early hours of January 20th, that is, on the night of Friday to
Saturday at 1:14 am (and here it is good to open a parenthesis to remember that on that
same January 20th, the Fire Department had already captured a creature at 10:30 am and
that the girls spotted the other, on the same day January 20, at 3:30 pm!), woke up in a start
due to a great commotion and looked at the digital clock radio on the bedside table. It was
the cattle, at a disorderly gallop amidst the mooing and noise.
And he commented to Oralina, waking up with a start:

There are people stealing cattle. I'll go see!

As the house where they live is opposite this pasture that extends up the hill, through which
the main road Varginha Três Corações passes, he left the bedroom and went to the living room.
He opened the window to see the event.

There was a submarine flying over the pasture, Pacaccini! He said looking into my eyes.

Submarine? I confessed unbelief.

It is yes. A submarine about the size of a minibus, with rounded ends, with a lump on top.

A dome?

IT IS. But I couldn't get a good look at his top.

Oralina, realizing that her husband was leaning out of the living room window, also went to
see. And confirmed with me:

It was a cigar flying over the pasture!

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He probably didn't identify the top, the dome, the convex part on top of the device.

The submarine was flying about four meters from the pasture, and with a slow pace that was
pleasing to the eye. It even seemed almost stopped. It made no noise and there was no light
shining anywhere. It was just blowing smoke all over it. And it went, it went. It took time to
disappear up there, behind the hill.

And how long did this sighting of yours last?

More than half an hour. We stared at him because we had never seen anything like this, the

And you, do you believe in flying saucers?

We've heard about it, but we don't believe in these things, no.

Impressed by what he saw, he wanted to leave the house, go outside, to take a closer look.
Oralina didn't leave, out of fear. They just watched. They saw the object and the contours because
the night was clear.

It was gray in color confirmed Oralina. And on the tail was the smoke, with something moving
like a tattered cloth like that, shedding hair and waving in the wind, trying to explain it in his own

We understand that it was some part or element of the ship with that function or, otherwise,
suffering damage. Eurico even mentioned another example:

You know, when you take a stick and set it on fire and run out to see the sparks fly? That was it,
but the fire wasn't colored. And it had smoke on it!
And then?

Then he disappeared behind that hill and pointed it out. It was only in broad daylight that Oralina
and I went to round up the cattle, not one of them missing.

Ubirajara, Luiz Petry and I were flabbergasted because this ship, very close to the ground, sighted
for more than thirty minutes and with enormous slowness, was a very rare event to see. The
subject entered the program.

Considering the South of Minas is a very cold region, fog is common. If the ship was smoking, it
could also be camouflaging itself in clouds of steam. Of the two possibilities, one: either it
generated its own smoke in the sense of deceiving, or it was defective.
Not emitting noise, not giving off smell, not having lights on and flying very low over the pasture,
perhaps it would be an appropriate object for this type of mission, making a survey of the ground
or places to spawn some kind of creature or even to perform any specific task. And in rural areas,
the possibility of anyone seeing it would be very remote, with a perfect camouflage in the foggy

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The other possibility could not be ruled out either: that the ship was defective. Who
knows if, flying at the slow pace as seen, it looked for a place to land, its crew
members certain that the device would not float for a long time? And the smoke,
wouldn't that be part of the defect?

What appeared to be a submarine, could it not be some damaged part of the object,
detaching itself from an unseen whole?

We couldn't say for sure, but it was easy to reflect on the obvious.

However, this second possibility, until that moment, we did not consider relevant.
Hence, we do not care at first. Our reasoning leaned more towards the first hypothesis:
that the spacecraft was collecting plant, animal, mineral specimens, in short, some
element of the soil. Maybe even bugs, worms or the like. The possibilities were wide.
Or, still, the creatures (the one captured by the firefighters and the one that was seen
by the girls) were left there with the purpose of developing some kind of mission that
didn't work, and that they may have been infected by some bacteria or protozoan or
even some kind of virus from our atmosphere, non-existent where they came from,
and because of that, they got sick because at no time, both the captured creature and
the one that had been in a crouching position and witnessed by the girls, showed any
reaction of defense or aggression .

We had the first hypothesis, but it was necessary to guide us in the sense of working
better in conducting what we were investigating. And at first, nothing made any sense
to us. Why would beings from other planets come here to let themselves be captured
so easily?

Despite this question, we were fully aware that our logic might not apply to the

But if we draw a straight line on a map starting from the point on the farm where
Eurico and Oralina live, we will see that at a distance of two to two and a half
kilometers this same line will meet a forest and, a further two kilometers to the in
front, the forest that separates the Jardim Andere neighborhood from the Santana neighborhood.

Another question that always came to my mind, to the point of being asked with my
partner in the days before the second Fantastic, was about the obvious possibility for
me that someone, at some time, and somewhere, had filmed or photographed at least
one of the creatures. Nothing and nothing could deter me from this hypothesis. After
all, in the care of the military, having had the involvement of the Fire Department, the
Military Police, the Army, with entry and exit through two hospitals and, inside, with
the help of doctors and nurses, could anyone, really anyone? , did you not remember,
at any time, to photograph or film? No ESA S2, for example? Will it be?

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Constantly thinking about this, the idea came to me of the need to obtain correct information, in spite
of rumours.

My reasoning was linked to the possibility that at ESA there might be some department or sector that
would take care of this particular issue. Yes, there should be, such a department or sector, where
some military would be in charge of taking care of a laboratory responsible for photos and videos
recording troop training at Pico do Gavião for further studies, in future instructions; filming war
equipment, parades, ceremonies, etc.

And because my reasoning was worrying me, it remained for me to find out, to inform myself about
who or which people would be in charge of this task within the ESA.

I tirelessly questioned this matter with Ubirajara, letting him know of my interest in resorting to one of
my informants to help me in this search, presuming that the two military deponents already knew
nothing about videos and photographs, as they would certainly have revealed it.

On the same Friday, the 23rd, when we were returning from Alfenas, after our meeting with Antônio
Cândido de Morais - “Toninho”, a gardener at AABB, and with the couple Eurico and Oralina, already
close to Varginha, I told Ubirajara and Petry of my need to go to Três Corações. In Varginha they would
outline the script for the filming to be done on the following day, Saturday, with our participation:
Ubirajara and I.

It was getting dark when, at my mother's house and after making a few phone calls, I received a call
from "Bruno", my friend, announcing that he had discovered a person known to someone else who
had authorized traffic within the audio and video sector at ESA. I took a deep breath, stricken with
great euphoria and, at the same time, disquieting concern in my heart because the "acquaintance"
mentioned by my friend was not my "acquaintance".

Can you introduce me to her? I asked.

No problem. And he recommended: You have to be interested in wanting to do some footage, because
that's what I told him. Even if it's for a party celebrating someone's birthday or something.

I agreed.

Wait at home, I'll try to talk to my friend right now. Maybe he'll even call you to arrange a date.

I thanked him with indescribable enthusiasm. It remained to wait. Thus, each minute became too much
time on the living room clock, becoming an unbearable long, distressing, anguished wait. I tried to
invent what to do, but it was impossible to concentrate on any other activity other than sitting on the
sofa in the living room, imagining long flights in my mind at risk of cloud by the blue of the sunset sky
in the window frame.

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I contacted the partner, passing on the news. That both he and Petry were on alert,
because at any moment, as my meeting with the military went, and if everything went in
a favorable way for our intention, I would call at any time so that both could hear another
testimony from a new witness. .

It didn't take long and the person who called me was the third person, a friend of my
friend. He introduced himself, offering to go with me to meet a friend of his, a military
man, who, in addition to doing his usual filming work for ESA, also lent himself to filming
weddings and birthday parties.

We scheduled our meeting for 8 pm. We introduced ourselves and went looking for the
soldier at his residence. Not finding it, we prefer to wait a while nearby.
We took a few turns in the car and stopped at a bar near his residence. At 21:00 we went
back to his house and found him. I introduced myself and explained my intention to
record a birthday video. Very helpful, he invited us in. In the living room, our conversation
was restricted to filming time and prices. Suddenly, he got up to invite us to a room
where there were some video tapes, photo albums, the camcorder and a somewhat
rudimentary but satisfactory mixing equipment. When showing us some of his work, I
noticed in him a certain pride in what he had. I asked him if he would like a beer, as he
had left some cold cans in the car and was afraid they would get hot. He agreed and
went to the car to get them.

There was a graduation video of military personnel within the ESA and others, of tours
around the city and countryside. Looking at the clock, it was almost 11pm. Eager to
discuss the subject that had led me to look for him, I was worried about the idea that,
next Sunday, the program Fantástico would air with my image and, certainly anticipating
that both of them would see me with absolute surprise, more than ever I needed to
confess my reason for being there. But, until that moment, he found no means of getting
into the matter directly. At the end of a video showing common images of the city of Três Corações, I com

Well, recording a video is very good. Too bad no one had a camcorder in hand when that
creature appeared in Varginha, huh? That would have ended all this controversy.

They agreed with me, commenting among themselves on the veracity or otherwise of the creature.

If it were true, you who take care of the videos at ESA would have known about it. And
as they didn't call him, it's because there was nothing to be filmed, he said to the military
in an attempt to get him to tell us what he knew.

The truth is not quite like that, he commented, finishing his beer. If I really happened to
have had an ET for wool, I wouldn't be filming it, because no one would know about it.

No? I interrogated.

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No way. It would be in the hands of the secret service and high ranking officials. They would film
and photograph everything with their equipment. They wouldn't call a common sector like ours,
because the whole barracks would know. But you know what I think of all this?

No, I don't know.

This business is a big rumor. Invention of some madman.

I took the cue and, claiming that the hours were advancing, in addition to the end of the beers, I
suggested a meeting on another day. We said goodbye and I led those who were with me to
where we met.

When I was alone in the car, on my way back to my mother's house, I imagined the surprise they
would both have when they saw me on Sunday at Fantástico. But it was very little imagined.
I learned, some time later, that, that Sunday, the soldier appeared drunk, after the screening of
Fantastic, at the house of my friend's acquaintance cursing with all possible and unimaginable
curses the ufologist... who had gone to his house.

Before putting the car away, I still stopped for a while in front of the garage. I concluded that it
was necessary to look for the first soldier ever interviewed by me. I thought I'd find him at home
at that hour, even though it was Friday night and he was single. As he resides far from where I
was, I still decided to take the risk.

The house was all in the dark. I knocked on the door a few times calling for him. About to give
up, I noticed the window opening and he was a little suspicious and without turning on any light.
He smiled when he realized it was me.

I came to warn you that the recording we made with you, I'm going to use it on Fantastic!

What? scared.

Calm. Calm! I reassured him. I'll just use a few small snippets and change your voice anyway.
Nobody will know who you are.

Our Lady, what a fright, man! He confessed with relief.

But now I need your help again.

Which is?

I gave my word not to reveal who you are and I will always keep it. It just so happens that I have
a trusted partner and we are working together on the investigations. He is a lawyer in Varginha.
Along with him is the editor of Fantástico, who is also fully trusted.
Now, what I want from you is to introduce you to both of them.

In secrecy?

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Promise. It turns out that you, being with the three of us, will be easier for all of us
to take off the tape just what you allow, or if we can't, you'll record it again and in
your own way, you know?

For a while he didn't respond. He stared at the streetlight across the street.
When he looked at me again, he said:

You can talk to them and I agree.

But it has to be now.


How else? Please! Tomorrow the television crew returns to Rio.

Look, I trusted you and so far I have no reason not to. If you're saying they're people
you trust, I agree. And where will the meeting be?

I asked him to change clothes and get in the car. We went to another place and I
called Ubirajara's house. Who answered was the always patient Angélica, in her
usual politeness on the phone, informing the restaurant where Ubirajara and Petry
were having dinner. Let me call his cell phone.

When he answered, I told him that the jaguar was going to drink water, jargon from
ufologists, informing him that someone was going to make some important
revelation. We agreed to meet in half an hour at a certain place in Três Corações,
entirely reserved for both of us to face the military witness.

They arrived in twenty minutes and from her they heard exactly what they had heard
in those 42 minutes of tape recorded by me. They were so impressed with each
answer the more they resolved to question the soldier. In the clarity of the details
with which he was willing to extend as much as possible in order to resolve any
doubts, he enchanted us the most. And for almost two hours they were able to
conclude how serious and serious what happened in Varginha that January 20th
was, mainly because there was the confession of those who had become aware of
the direct involvement in the capture, at 1:30 am, of the first creature hitherto involved in a web... of g

Chapter 5

It was looking for evidence that I found difficulties.


With the second report in Fantástico, the situation seemed clearer to everyone,
although skeptics not only from Varginha but from many other places still took the
matter lightly, mocking "why in Varginha?"

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We understand that it could be anywhere, because sightings, abductions, strange

reports narrated by reputable people occur anywhere on the face of the earth. In
Serra do Cipó, in Minas Gerais, on both banks of the Rio das Velhas, for decades,
CICOANI has investigated impressive phenomena there every month. And ufological
episodes were present practically every day. In the 70s, something new, unexplained,
happened weekly. Cities in Minas like Lagoa Santa, Jaboticatubas, Jequitibá, Baldim,
Vila Amanda, Funílândia and many others have in their residents countless witnesses
who also ask themselves: "Why here?"

We can cite the article in Fantástico, on Sunday, September 8, 1996, which deals in a
forceful way with the research carried out by the ufologists of Sumaré, São Paulo,
the Mondini brothers (who were in the South of Minas during the meetings with the
other ufologists in support of to the Incident in Varginha), about the fact that a
spaceship in Piracicaba,
, illuminated, whichincame
the interior
to landofburning
São Paulo,
part had a discoid
of the shape,
vegetation extremely
on the ground,
and from which three creatures of short stature, large eyes, also large and pointed
ears, wearing a specific uniform. Could it be that the population of Piracicaba did not
ask itself: “Why here?”

Now, Varginha was not chosen because it is a special city. Not for any specific
reason. It is just a city belonging to a State that, in turn, is part of a Country that is
the context of a world, ours, blue seen for the first time by Yuri Gagarin, astronaut
(27 years old), on the Vostok rocket, for a hour and a half in space, April 12, 1961. A
nameless spot for someone who comes from outside, from somewhere where we
don't know what it is, nor do we suppose our capacity for imagination to be great.

For us, living within Ufology for many years, everything is enough in an inconclusive
investigation. We even come close to a truth with attention, methods of interpretation,
curiosity and the desire to know that we are part of a universal whole. Just this. If
the creatures were captured, we know because we were just trying to raise the
possibility of how and what happened. And what brings us to reality is the possibility
that something has gone wrong with the outsiders. For these were our aspects at
that time. More: because everything suggested through the testimonies of the girls
announcing that the creature seemed to be feeling sick, seeming to have struggled
or struggled a lot, as it had a "sick" aspect.

With all this evidence, but now, we accentuate the belief that something went wrong
in the mission of these beings from space; and that really, in our atmosphere,
something came to harm them to suddenly find themselves in an unfavorable
situation, and not being able to be rescued before their capture. We will, however,
touch on this subject a little later.

We have collected the images and sounds of everything that has been reported so
far. But Rede Globo lacked the image of the person of Ubirajara and mine made
inside his studio, with a statement from us, so that Luiz Petry could return to Rio de
Janeiro, taking with him the harvest of our research and having his more than seven
hours of car travel to reflect, prepare and edit the second program that, airing on Sunday,

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February 25th, literally reverberated like a bomb throughout Brazil, to the point that none
of us could imagine that, if before the program had 36 IBOPE points, it went to 42 that

And, in the explanation given by Luiz Petry, one IBOPE point represents 800 thousand
people1 Thus, considering that 36 points are equivalent to 28,800,000 people connected
on the Rede Globo screen, and, computing another six points taken with the program of
the Varginha Case , add up to 2,400,000, making a total of 32,000,000 million people, or
more. It is as if the entire population of several small countries grouped together are
watching on national television.

And the phone, it never stopped ringing. There were radios, newspapers, live interviews
and even over the phone. a chaos1

Viewers in the armchair - I watched the program together with Ubirajara, in Varginha.
From the tension in which we found ourselves, we moved to jubilation. Luiz Petry won
us all over for having a great professional behavior, being in our most unrestricted trust.
I would even say that we owe him a lot, because he had the courage to approach a
subject that has almost always been handled by the press in general, in the most
imprecise and inadequate
way, lies,
of inventions,
which, withcreeds,
work, none of that happened, referring to the facts and sticking to the honesty of the
witnesses, and the effort of our work in search of the most serious documentary in
history. of Brazilian Ufology and... why not say, worldwide!?

After the presentation of Fantástico and in the following days, there was a general uproar,
not only in Varginha, but also in several cities in the south of Minas. We had the
opportunity to verify an immense number of sightings that were already taking place
days before the appearance of the creatures. Perhaps because people had no one to tell
without being ridiculed and, when they saw the news and understood the seriousness
with which the work of ufologists is taken, a huge amount of testimonies began to
emerge, leaving both Ubirajara and I perplexed due to such request from both of us.
They were people of different social levels encouraged to call us.

We left our headquarters, which became Ubirajara's office, every hour, sometimes taking
different directions to answer calls. There were times, however, when Ubirajara, being a
highly regarded labor lawyer in the city, could not fail to also assist his clients in Labor
Court hearings, such as studying cases or making petitions. Thus, I had to take control
of the interviews and researches, preparing reports, maps with visitation itineraries to
the people who called us, and establishing contacts with ufologists from all over, always
calling us to ask for information. Very important was the support given to me by the
secretaries Celmeiri Bonifácio and Geani Ferreira, both competent employees of the law
firm, always willing to help us, so much so that it is my duty to record my gratitude to

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In the usual trips to various cities, towns and villages, within a radius of 150
kilometers around Varginha, with the kind Angélica passing messages or
information on her cell phone, we liked to remember songs that marked our time
as teenagers, he being ten years older than I.

We talked about dances at social clubs, orchestras such as Cassino de Sevila,

Waldir Calmon and others, in addition to the countless records of famous groups
playing at friends' houses when they had parties on Sunday afternoons. Bee Gees,
Elton John, Rod Stewart, Electric Light Orchestra, the Backman Turner Overdrive
band (and more towards the 80's the Toto Group) and a series of others between
ballads, blues, rock. And many of these records were obtained in Belo Horizonte
through friends who even sent them by post, given the difficulty of reaching the
interior cities, news and releases.

More than vanity for many, it was also a time to learn music to play an instrument.
No one in my class, as far as I know, has become a virtuoso. However, a rhythm
was copied on the guitar inspired by bossa nova. Some guitar accompaniments
taken from certain sets or bands. Some studied accordion using the method of
Mário Mascarenhas. Of the girls, there were those who risked playing the piano.
And having had contact with several instruments, I got attached to them and even
today I like to play just for the ever-renewed pleasure that music gives me in the enchantment of em

Humming a few songs, commenting on the orchestras, the Bossa Nova and Jovem
Guarda movements, we laughed at our shyness and our great achievements,
nothing more than furtive glances and the occasional dance, if those 'older than
us, with pimply faces, they had greater privileges and better trivial conversations.
These few moments were great when we could cool off from the stressful journey
of back-and-forth looking for witnesses, cases, information. And about the hits of
the 60s and 70s (now re-released given the musical poverty of today), we kept
challenging each other in the memory of this or that song to sing, even if out of
tune, while looking at the road winding in front of us .

There was no longer anyone in Varginha who did not know what had happened.
The comment became the topic of the day. We knew a little about everything. Sign
of the times, End of the world, said the credulous. Fancy fabrications boasted
some. Lack of things to do, joke in bad taste, others smiled, with ironies and jokes.
But there were also those seriously interested in at least understanding what was actually going o

And we paid attention to everything, even though we were overwhelmed by a

brutal fatigue in the comings and goings, to the point that in a single day we went
to four cities: Monsenhor Paulo, São Gonçalo do Sapucaí, Campanha and Três
Pontas, close to each other, it is true, but meeting from the many people calling
us to tell facts, relate stories and even those who just wanted to ask us about the
event, to even give religious or mystical lectures! Others, seeing the planet Venus,
very visible at that time, believing it to be a flying object that remained in the same
place. This is due to the fact that they are not used to looking at the sky and
noticing certain natural occurrences in space, concluding in their own way that the passage of clo

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illuminated, created the sensation that the object "turned off" "turned on". Thus, 99% of what was
seen did not correspond to the expectation of being a UFO. However, that doesn't mean it didn't
happen. On the contrary.

On the 13th and 16th of February, the sightings were very pronounced. Having the rare opportunity to
take so many testimonies and collect reports, we still asked everyone to also use the radio and the
local SBT and Globo repeaters, as we had the channels open and we would lead the witnesses
ourselves even if they did not wish to be publicly identified. . This concern of ours in suggesting
anonymity is due to the inherent difficulty of witnesses who are always afraid of making themselves
look ridiculous before the population. We realized how we always understood this almost unison fear
of people, both civilian and military, with a high degree of education or none at all. But there were,
yes, and many, the reports that led us to the certainty of people who saw UFOs. We can mention a car
salesman, both he and his wife who were extremely terrified when they saw a flying object
approximately one hundred meters high above their house and who did not want to provide better
clarification in a public statement, for fear of reprisals from the ETs in their lives. He said:

I'm very scared! I'm very scared!

As we traveled to Campanha, Mr. Norberto de Souza told us that, at dawn, he saw a spaceship
hovering over his house, in time to call his wife, mother-in-law, then the family members to see her at
about two hundred meters above sea level, about.

Another information provided was that of two ladies, Solange de Faria Junho (insurance broker) and
Sandra Aparecida Ribeiro (saleswoman), traveling along the Fernão Dias highway, from São Paulo to
São Gonçalo do Sapucaí, a city one hour away from Varginha, were followed by a luminous object for
forty minutes on the road, to the point of giving them a terrible feeling that they were going to be
rammed, as the object flew from one side of the car to the other and over it, in an almost close
approach. Sometimes he took distance, returning to behaving in the same way. When they arrived in
São Gonçalo do Sapucaí, exhausted by anxiety and panic, and the object having disappeared in an
instant of time, a few hours later they could see it again hovering over their house; giving them the
opportunity to call the whole family to the backyard to witness it, in addition to hearing a sound like a
whip spinning in the air and the flashing of lights coming from the object and which, in a split second,
disappeared into the darkness. .

In Alfenas we were with Mr. José Batista, who does maintenance on washing machines. He told us
that he was traveling during the day to serve a client in Fama, Alfenas district. Returning at night, he
saw an object of purple light tending to violet, which placed itself on the right side of the moving car.
At that moment, he took the opportunity to call his wife, Helena, through the radio receiver announcing
his return and to talk about what he had witnessed.
But there was enormous static leaving only a noise until it was completely silent.
At that moment, he noticed the engine rattling and felt the hairs on his arms and head stand on end,
in addition to the sensation of the whole body swelling, and the fingertips becoming fluorescent for a
moment, until they returned to normal, when the object moved away from him and disappeared along
the side of the road.

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We also investigated the case that took place in Monsenhor Paulo, 16 kilometers away from
Varginha, where you go along a dirt road and mayor Walter Xavier da Silva (Valtinho) has a
small, but very beautiful farm just 6 kilometers from the center. Wool arriving, one night in
March, and before putting the car in the shed that serves as a garage in front of the
headquarters, he saw a yellow-gold light on a hill, 400 meters away, not being attached to
any pole due to at the time it was. He played with his wife watching that bright point be that
an airplane.
"But plane stopped?", she replied. As the news of the creatures from Varginha echoed, she
still commented with a smile that it was the E71. The wife laughed. Wanting to call the
foreman to also participate in that sighting, he decided to reverse, positioning himself so
that the yellow-gold light came to be in front of him. Again he joked with his wife: If that light
is from the ET's flying saucer, then it's worth contacting him!" and activated the car's hazard
lights and then the high beam, low beam command on the headlights. The yellow-gold light
also flashed. He decided to do it again twice and twice it was the flashes of light that started
an approach flight over the hill, heading towards them. In a fright, Valtinho accelerated the
car entering the garage, although his wife wanted to watch.
Walking hurriedly to enter the house, they confirmed the presence of the strange object
hovering over the eucalyptus trees seventy meters from where they were.

They told us it looked like a bus, but with rounded edges and that the yellow lights were
very clear. No noise, except when it decided to leave, making a sound like the scratching on
the gearbox when the car is going to shift into gear. And, gaining height, disappeared at
high speed.

In telling us this fact, they were frightened in every part of the narrative. We took the
opportunity to confirm the distances of the mentioned places and film, in addition to
photographing these witnesses.

The news came to our attention that on March 5th, that is, 16 days after the capture of a
creature by the Fire Department, and the sighting of another creature by the girls, a military
man contacted us by phone. with the editor of
local SBT, announcing that they are in possession of six photographs and a recorded film about the
He announced that he was willing to "sell" the material for R$30,000. The reporter asked for
a deadline of three hours, enough time to wait for authorization from one of the company's directors.

After three hours, the soldier called again and negotiated a much lower price: R$ 10,000 for
the delivery of the material. They arranged the meeting for the evening of the same day, in a
square away from the center of the city.

With approximately 20 years old, the soldier arrived very nervous at the meeting, saying he
was a relative of the person who had made the first contact with the reporter, and justifying
that they were both students at ESA, where they had the opportunity to film and photograph
the creature. But, at that moment, when meeting with the reporter without the company of
the relative, he did it to tell that the other's mother, knowing that there was a plan to sell the material for TV, wa

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too nervous and afraid, not only of the repercussions; however, much more for what would
come of that attitude, since her husband was also in the military.

He described to the reporter how the filming and photos were taken, saying he had never
seen anything like it. Such was the impression made by the sight of that creature that had
not been able to sleep for three nights. Said oily skin, large veins, wide eyes, two nostrils
without a nose and a very thin mouth. The creature was inside a closed environment and
tied to what appeared to be a table, but he wasn't sure why it was covered with a cloth.

As the young soldier recounted, trying to control his nervousness, the reporter who until
then had doubted what was being said in Varginha, such were the rumors that had become
nonsense (and because he himself had not had the flair of journalist or reporter to at least
reflect that popular sayings have always existed because they are born from a true truth...
and where there is smoke, there is fire... and where there are rumors, there is a truth hidden
somewhere...), he began to believe that something really very serious had happened. And
he only started to believe it because, even though he promised absolute secrecy of the
names of the two soldiers when the photos and film were delivered... extort someone.

At the agreed time for the new meeting, the soldier did not attend the place. Only at night
did he call the television and set another appointment for the next morning, and that it was
at noon. He was more agitated than before. He had a nervous appearance, he looked around
all the time, showing a fear of being followed stamped in his eyes.
He said that on the night of that first meeting, ESA soldiers were at the relative's house,
forcing him to hand over the material. Then they took him to the School.
All this, it is understood, because the relative's father was also a military man and had
informed the ESA.

So far the story has been told the way we know it by the journalist himself. However, it
leaves us an opportunity to give an opinion on the existence or not of tape and films of the
creature. Knowing that the Fire Department, the Military Police, the doctors, the nurses, the
ESA soldiers, the S2, and others who were directly dealing with the creature, would anyone
have made even a record? No photo? No movie?

In our view, it is obvious that the opportunity did not go unnoticed among so many people.
Photographed or filmed, it is certain that, sooner or later, we will be able to see and show
the world the film or the photos, or both at the same time. We were close but, due to the
inexperience of a reporter who, regardless of knowing how to deal or not with the subject
that is Ufology, having two meetings with the young soldier, showed all of us that he did not
have the slightest intuition to, at a time like this, and, in the unique possibility of negotiation
to get their hands on a document of worldwide repercussion... ; he allowed himself to remain
in himself as a puppet of doubt, in the "he doesn't love me, he loves me", unleashing his
own mediocrity in the still wavering of "it's true... it's not true..." while the military

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Chapter 6

The unconscious can reserve essential messages for the ears that are known to


We were entering the month of April, when we decided to arrange a first meeting
with the ufologists who called us periodically and any others if they were interested.

It happened on a weekend, when Claudeir Covo, Edison Boaventura Júnior, Jamil

Vila Nova, Norma, the CISVE group, chaired by Professor Irene Granchi, Marco
Antônio Rodrigues da Silva, the brothers Mondini Oswaldo and Eduardo, went to
Varginha, , the great exponents of Brazilian Ufology, lacking, for particular reasons,
Marco Antônio Petit de Castro and AJ Gevaerd, editor of the UFO magazine. From
other regions such as the North and South, great names in Brazilian Ufology did not
come only for reasons of distance and time.

In this meeting we outlined to them what concrete we had in our possession and
what we knew. We introduced Kátia, Valquíria and Liliane, whom they were able to
interview, also accompanying them to the place where the creature was sighted,
with them repeating the same sayings mentioned in numerous interviews for
newspapers, magazines and television channels. At no time did they detect any
sign of hesitation. They realized that nothing was contradictory to them. We also
had the opportunity to recap our contact with the first military witness and the history of how I got it

Again I had doubts whether or not I should show the tape so that everyone could
hear the soldier's testimony. Sometimes, even unintentionally, a researcher may
comment on a fact with his wife and suggest secrecy. Not an abysmal secret. A
secret to avoid comments. But she tells her sister, in family intimacy, and also asks
for secrecy. Thus, the secret walks innocently from word to mouth until it opens up
into a channel for the identification of the witness.

Once again I was faced with the same doubt that had occurred when I needed to
show it to Luiz Petry. Should it open a new and equal discussion with Ubirajara? A
highly revealing 42-minute tape on who the deponent was, in addition to the other
tape where a second serviceman told about the ESA Secret Service, should they be exposed? I conc

What if they wanted copies of the tape? I asked Ubirajara. Its disclosure would be a
success, but I would be discredited before the people who trusted me with their
testimonies, just as I would be responsible for what happened physically and
morally to them.

Ubirajara pondered with me, noting the presence of all very worthy people. At that
moment, because I didn't know any of those people until then, and as good as they
were, I opted to protect my witnesses in due secrecy.

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We concluded, however, that only one of them could show the tapes with the
testimonies of the two soldiers. Still, with reservations. We trust Claudeir Covo with
the opportunity to listen, considering his 35 years of investigated cases, and the
credit of thousands of hours in UFO vigils in different parts of the national territory
and for the fact that Ubirajara has known him for over 15 years.

I agreed, because after all no one owns unidentified aerial phenomena, flying saucers,
extraterrestrials. Except for the Armed Forces... which ironically outline through their
military might the petulance of considering themselves the owners of the world of
force... and exclusive owners of extraterrestrials!

Claudeir was really impressed after learning the facts and the testimonies. He had
done so in a corner of the office, behind closed doors, finding out about the deponents
and that, like us, he also undertook to keep these sources an honorable secret.

As I watched him, with keen attention to what I was hearing, I was suddenly reminded
of an old historical reading about José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva when he warned
Dom Pedro II that if he did not put the crown on his head, surely someone else would.
it failed.

At first I couldn't understand the reason for that memory, or what it suggested like
that, it was so reticent. And that's exactly what started to bother me for several hours,
until, suddenly, I understood the simplicity of my unconscious fear:

At every moment we were passing on to reporters, ufologists and even the curious,
correct and always new information, resulting from our fieldwork, which were added
to the interviews, the statements, the photographs, the recorded and filmed tapes,
making it one of the most serious existing dossiers on the capture of extraterrestrials
in the world.

We were able to reverse the understanding of this event in the face of the previously
skeptical population that made fun of everything, showing everyone, through our
work and the insertion of always up-to-date data, the seriousness of the investigation
that we were imbued, in addition to the exposition of logical reasons referring to the
public opinion about something very serious that happened in Varginha.

With this event that led us to the indisputable reality about the creatures in Varginha,
I realized that we had not even made a chronology of the entire occurrence until that
moment. Necessary, even if for the purpose of memorization, so that at no time there
were inconsistencies in the progress of investigations. I exposed it to my partner,
and started the necessary measures.

I was concerned, therefore, that our work, when disseminated, suffered all kinds of
misrepresentations if there were no absolutely honest screening criteria to only
inform the press of any and all news, as long as it could be proved.

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Otherwise, an event of such order, being in the midst of rumors and the pleasure of
each reporter, the mystics, the pretentious or weekend writers, because surely these
are the ones who will select the cultural garbage in clippings of newspapers, including
chronicles, footnotes, and poems (!), in a salad with a chilling commercial flavor...
simply enjoying the wave of "ET de Varginha"...

In the afternoon, I managed to introduce Dr. "João Pedro" to most of the ufologists, a
scientist from Unicamp that I had managed to contact, and who had gone to Varginha
only for this meeting. In a lecture he gave in the auditorium, I asked the audience that
his name not be aired outside that room.

He spoke about the Genome Project, the mapping of human DNA, also talking about
mitochondrial DNA. Requested by me, he spoke about the evolution of the human race
since its remote origins, scientifically explaining that the species Homo Sapiens is
well confirmed within this evolutionary framework. Therefore, in the scientific
environment, the genetic interference of extraterrestrial beings in the evolution of the human species is

He regretted that samples were not taken in the place where the creature was seen by
the girls, neither from the vegetation, nor from the soil, not even from the air itself, if
the smell was very strong according to Dona Luísa, who had been there moments
later. At the end of his lecture and after being very well greeted, I went with him and a
few months later we collected soil and vegetation samples, in the assurance that he
had given us of the possibility of microscopic traces in the place.

On his return to Unicamp, he tried to send the samples for analysis, but was not
successful because all the chemical reagents and machinery imported at high costs,
necessary for the analysis, were required by a team made up of scientists from various
areas working in secrecy that would only later come to the our knowledge. More: due
to the fact that their requests, coming to the attention of Unicamp's management,
would automatically be embargoed if they knew the purpose and reason of that request.

Were it not for the seriousness with which we sorted the reports around the events
(removing the unreal, the fanciful, even the lie at times); all the information that we
passed on to be broadcast in newspapers, radio and television was guided by the
absolute discernment of what was a true fact and what had the appearance of truth.
Thus, our years of work in UFO research resulted in more and more credibility each
day, so that other researchers knew of our involvement, believed in us and sought us
out, intending to continue with us in their research. Otherwise, Ubirajara and I would
certainly have been laughed at in vexatious laughter, labeled irresponsible on such a
serious matter.

We did the best we knew how, aware that we were on the right path to the truth.
However, we had the opportunity to perceive, at various times, how much the
individualism of ufologists harms the research work itself. We also understand how
the life of each Group is solitary, protected in domes, hoarding only for itself what had
been a diamond harvested in the pan of research, as well as if

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had come from the waters of a river of their own, and from a single source gushing
from outer space all phenomena to the welcome of a privileged few.

This is a delicate subject, but it should only be mentioned as a reminder of what we

might call foolish jealousy, this individualism so common and all too persistent
among ufologists. Like misunderstood children and because they think they are the
owners of certain gardens for their field research work, they know very well how to
get angry at the reception of notes or materials made by others, if they cannot each,
individually, keep them as if if only those gems were his gifts. Others, more radical,
prefer to archive private treasures in order to, when hindering, just to be satisfied
to be putting aside the parallel researches of other groups, of other ufologists, of
all those who, being in the same area of work, only look for an answer in among the
thousands of pieces to the many and disquieting questions about life outside.

We concluded, therefore, in our meeting, on the urgent need for all Brazilian
ufologists to unite their work, exchange information, add knowledge. Finally, we are
close to the great truth, which is, that if we are not alone in the universe... that at
least we are not alone here on Earth.

Also in April, shortly after the meeting with the ufologists, I spoke with American
Cynthia Newby Luce, a master in Anthropology and Psychology from the University
of Pennsylvania and a 20-year resident in Brazil. Great friend in pleasant
correspondence and phone calls.

From the American journalist and writer Bob Pratt, trained in Washington, co-author
of the book Night Siege, together with Professor J. Allen Hynek, scientist and
greatest American ufologist who died in the 70's, founder of the J. Allen Center
Hynek for UFO Studies in Chicago, Illinois, I also heard.

World-renowned ufologists and profound connoisseurs of Brazilian Ufology,

coincidentally both wanted to know about the events in Varginha. Friends of mine
for a long time, since when we went together to Serra do Cipó, on a CICOANI
expedition and that, at that time, Cynthia represented the American institution
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which is a worldwide network for exchanging UFO information.

Although resident in Brazil for so many years, Cynthia does not have complete
command of our language, and Bob Pratt, much less, always resident in the United
States. So, I told them over the phone and in English, a language with which I have
close contact with everything that happened in Varginha, mentioning the testimonies
of those who saw the creature being captured; the sighting of another creature that
happened with the girls Valquíria, Kátia and Liliane; the presence of the military in
the city, in short, I managed to make the most complete summary so far.

The next day, Bob called me, informing me that he was coming to Brazil. I was glad
to have him in my regard for the enviable UFO culture. And I arranged with Cynthia
to wait for him at Galeão International Airport, in Rio de Janeiro. I thought it was great and I made the

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knowing that they were going to Três Corações, where I would welcome them to my mother's house.
I immediately called Ubirajara, warning him about the arrival of the two American ufologists.
Cynthia, he knew her personally. I needed to meet Bob.

Finally, the couple in Varginha! Along with them, also the press, radio, television.
I accompanied them to and from the places where events took place, in the presentations to
Kátia, Valquíria, Liliane and mother Luísa. In the interviews, in general, I stayed as an
interpreter. In my heart I was happy with the result arising from the honesty of our work,
when I even translated for them the testimonies of the military.

Just as we were in the car, the cell phone rang. It was Angélica, efficient as usual, in informing
us about four very strange gentlemen, very well dressed, but in the manner of FBI agents in
the 50s, getting out of an imported car and knocking on the door of the house.

We went to find out and it was the physicist Aldo Novak, 33 years old, from São Paulo, and
three other companions, members of the Brazilian Star Fleet Science Fiction and Dissemination
Club, based in São Paulo, where thousands of associates (Trekkers are from the series
StarTrek (Star Trek) wear USS ENTERPRISE uniforms "boldly going where no man has gone
before"... and also vice-president of the Arquivo X Brasil Club (a club coming from the
Brazilian whooping cough of fans who watch the American show Arquivo X, presented by
Rede Record and on Fox pay channel, weekly telling stories about UFO sightings, aliens and,
of course, about government and military plotting suspense for hiding information... (in the
series, to the FBI couple, Fox Mulder / David Duchovny and Dana Scully / Gillian Anderson)
but, in real life, so would any citizen of the world!

And through the same process of visits and interviews, Aldo and his companions wanted to
hear the tapes with the testimonies. I'd rather not. We thought it best to lengthen the
explanations, in such a way that a greater and more complete understanding of the
circumstances would be possible.

However, although they were satisfied after listening to our explanation, only not being able
to listen to the tapes, on the occasion Novak and his companions declared to support and
recognize the value of our works, offering us the opportunity to report to the members do
Clube, during a first event in São Paulo.

Satisfied by the ride and by parading dapper and coquettish in the clothes of American
science fiction agents, they returned to the capital of São Paulo, boarded in an imported four-
wheeled terrestrial ship,... so that Novak himself declared to Istoé magazine (1401 7/ 8/96)
that "the military is hiding something for the first time. It may not be an ET, but there is
something strange"; making it clear that, despite the regrets, and still not being convinced of
being or not authentic according to the magazine's own text, the case of Varginha, considered
today the most important of Brazilian Ufology.

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For us ufologists, such a statement doesn't matter to us, as long as everything

that happened remains a good pretext for Novak to remain in the skin of the big-
eared Spock... of course!

After the highly favorable opinions in the evaluation of the correct psychological
behavior of Kátia, Valquíria and Liliane in front of the cameras, microphones and
reporters eager for news, five days had passed that we enjoyed the company of
Cynthia and Bob.

There was no longer any doubt hanging in the air about the veracity of the facts.
The population, in general, and the entire press understood that something very
serious was really happening in the South of Minas, and that the Varginha case
was not being treated differently by the military. On the contrary, all that
surreptitious movement on January 20th was part of an entire global context of
cover-ups by the military, which is not exclusive to Brazil.

Until that moment, he had already approached other military personnel, who added
a lot of valuable information, not only relevant to the performance of the Fire
Department, but also to the Military Police and the Army. Regardless of my
contacts, I sometimes tried myself. We put together several clues and information.
We knew of the existence of an entire cover-up process, not only because of the
direct participation of the military, denying their involvement; also because of the
enormous risk to which the soldier was subject if he were publicly identified.

Thus, we acted with the utmost care in looking for some other soldier who would
be ready to help us. As Ubirajara is highly regarded in Varginha for being a person
deserving of great esteem, we were in danger, if anyone at least noticed that we
were looking for military deponents, when we went out to drive around the city
with a script ignored even by those who stayed in the back at the office. We tried
the best possible deception, whatever we were doing there was always someone
from the press around us.

When Cynthia and Bob expressed their desire to be in Belo Horizonte to learn
about the latest findings from CICOANI, and I had to go too, for personal reasons,
and look at my closed apartment, with condominium fees, electricity and telephone
bills, Cynthia and Bob came with me.

Also desirous of being in contact with Professor Húlvio, I asked the master to, as
far as possible, organize the exhibition of the new and numerous ufological cases,
with the intention of making the couple aware of the work of CICOANI, as there
were two They had been with us for the last time, as they did the first time in 1992,
when I was even the one who did the translations and streamlined the
conversations, and the second time, in the same way, in 1994.

However, as I had been out of Belo Horizonte for more than two months, feeling
that the few members of CICOANI were far from what was happening in the south
of Minas, if none of them and at any time had shown an interest in collaborating in any way

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way, with my research and, even less, to travel to Varginha. More: I clearly perceived
their displeasure because I was disseminating information from my research in the
newspapers and television and not to the group, as the group mistakenly got used to
having Professor Húlvio as its spokesperson. So I began to understand the distance
between them and me. If before, oblivious to the events, this had been causing me a
certain strangeness, it was also no surprise to me later to understand for some time
that CICOANI, very active and organized at the beginning of its foundation, is resolved
to keep quiet about the results of long and exhaustive research was carried out and
no one else became aware of them, because it became the patrimony of a few still
belonging to CICOANI, never having a consistent publication in newspapers,
magazines or books. And when it sometimes occurred, it was only scattered notes
dealing with some occasional event on the surface.

Unfortunately, in my opinion, Professor Húlvio, although always admired by me, not

only in his human greatness, but as an exponent, honest, charismatic person during
these forty-two years, did not provide himself with the necessary technical/
administrative tools for effective management. of CICOANI, if it was intended to do so
during all this time. Otherwise, an aggregated, active and cohesive group would have
been made of it, in constant work of dissemination through periodic exhibitions of the
enormous amount of material collected in this almost half century of CICOANI's life
and existing in archive: photos, films, reports, slides, newspapers, magazines and
books, in addition to lectures for ufologists and practical courses for beginners, given
by CICOANI members, giving them the opportunity to express themselves as well,
incorporating into the lectures an idea of a team and, not letting it appear that the
group necessarily orbits in around one person.

Just as I became aware of the group through a personal invitation from the master, in
the 1980s, I think of the countless interested parties who remained without references
from CICOANI during all these years just for lack of information.

It is regrettable, today, to realize that CICOANI is no longer a research center.

It became just a civilian group with a few remaining and dispersed.
When one and the other sometimes meet as part of a work meeting, the event becomes
a simple contemplation of everything kept in the teacher's residence and that, staying
there, will certainly revert to a private heritage of the family when the teacher.

It's a shame, because the collection belongs to everyone in the group and to many
outsiders as well, considering that UFO research is carried out in the open, in
unrestricted space and in archives for public consultation.

To his American friends the master attended to them solicitously, as is his custom. At
Cynthia's request, they met in my apartment for a nearly two-hour conversation. I was
not present, not even when the professor took them on a trip to Serra do Cipó to learn
about recent cases, although in all of them, when they occurred, I had participated
and helped in the

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A few days later I learned, through a phone call from Cynthia, that, back in the United States, Bob
Pratt. He'd had a heart attack, putting four bypasses. Having recovered from the surgery, still there, in
his seventies, he continues his work as a researcher and publicizing the Varginha Incident through all
the American media.

Chapter 7

Curiosity drives human intelligence from night vision to mid-light

RL Bruckberger

I was in Três Corações back to the Incident in Varginha. The phone rang and it was one of my
informants reporting on "Capelli", a civilian who needed to tell me a matter concerning what was
appearing in the newspapers and on television. I asked him not to give me anything else over the
phone, because I had a strong suspicion that my devices had been tapped. I arranged to call him from
a pay phone to arrange a place where we could meet.

Around 2pm it was agreed. Arriving at the place a little early, I was waiting in the car. At that moment,
an acquaintance of mine, "Evandro", who I hadn't seen in a while, when he saw me parking near his
commercial establishment, crossed the street to greet me for what he was following our work in
Varginha. And he confessed that our meeting was very providential because a military friend of his
had confided to him very enlightening details about the same creature that the newspapers and
television were talking about. I asked you to arrange a date for the three of us. You promised to call.
He hugged me, returning to his trade.

A few meters from the car was the "Capelli" waiting for a moment to approach. His embarrassment
was perceptible, Embarrassed even to meet me on the sidewalk of a public road. I invited him to go to
my mother's house. There, anywhere, we would be fine.

After making me promise countless times to keep absolute secrecy about his person, and not
revealing to anyone how what happened to everything he witnessed, his account was based on the
description that, a few months ago, he was in an isolated place fishing in a place of an acquaintance
of his, he had the opportunity to see "that fantastic thing looking like a bus, obviously keeping the
proportions", emitting a beam of very beautiful blue light, brightening a large area around where he
was. "In a few moments that thing was disappearing, disappearing and disappeared into the air".

Your story was this.

We left by car and I left him in the same place where we met.

Back home, I kept thinking about how a civil witness, with no involvement with the Varginha Incident,
only to report that he saw a light, a

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elongated object that from a distance looked like a bus or something similar,
demanded from me so much promise of secrecy, secrecy, trust, because if at any
moment its name was mentioned, I was afraid of being ridiculed.

And so are the countless witnesses, always afraid of exposing themselves to ridicule,
boos, and mockery. Many, even, keep to themselves for a lifetime what they once
witnessed, just for the sake of exemption to be part of the list of crazy people or
lunatics. It is at these times, therefore, that I most believe in the testimony of Kátia,
Liliane and Valquíria. And how they had the stamina, honesty and courage to always
be supporting the curious, the press, the ufologists, the televisions, everything they
saw and the way and where they saw the creature. Repeating their truth, and without
the slightest fear that even today they are a reason for laughter, teasing and jokes by
neighbors as well as at school, at the church they attend, in traffic and on the streets
they pass in the company of reporters or researchers... still wanting to see them and
hear them repeating, repeating, repeating ad nauseam. What they saw, where, when and... why they sa

After the meeting with the civilian, I preferred to stay in Três Corações, waiting for my
childhood friend to call, putting me in touch with another military witness. I thought
it best not to go to Varginha that day.

Around 7pm, "Evandro" called. I was next to the person I wanted to talk to. He told
me where they were, and as quickly as I could, I parked my car next to them. I was
introduced to the ESA soldier who, luckily for me, was accompanied by another
soldier, his friend.

I thought it was good to choose another more discreet location for us. We got in the
car and, saying goodbye to "Evandro", went to my mother's house. I pulled into the
garage, closed the solid wood gate, then headed into the living room where we
started brainstorming.

From my own experience, I have the habit of, in a research of a ufological nature and
being in contact with a witness, I make a preamble first so that she does not feel shy,
overwhelmed and fearful because her testimony seems impossible or unreal. Even
more in the case of a case like Varginha, with international repercussions, considering
the fact that two ESA soldiers are in front of me, having everything to lose, in addition
to being extremely harmed.

I told them about myself, even mentioning that I had met other soldiers as well and
whose names I would not reveal even though they were companions in uniform
precisely so that everyone would remain in complete anonymity. I ended my talk
about what I had discovered so far and left them free to give their testimonies
regarding what they knew about the Varginha creature, whose revelations secured
the most important concrete fact in world Ufology.

Memorizing that this first creature was captured on January 20th around 10:30 am by
soldiers from the Fire Department and immediately removed from Varginha by the
Army, finally the opportunity to resolve doubts had arisen with the military at

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in front of me, willing to tell everything that happened, knowing that they had been
with people directly involved with the Incident in Varginha.

At 9 am on the 22nd of January, a convoy with three Mercedes Bens model 1418
trucks, with camouflage paint, canvas on the bodies and driven by soldier Cirilo,
headed by soldier Cirilo, another by Corporal Vassalo and the third by Private De
Mello. They had eight more civilian cars for company driven by officers and
members of the secret service. At the entrance to the city, on the main avenue,
where the lane is double, in addition to an accessory lane where large companies
are located, the van in front stopped them a block from the Paes Mendonça Supermarket.
Strangely, they remained parked there until 11 am, returning to the Três Corações

Even stranger was the return of all of them, parking in the same place, at 2 pm.
Suddenly, the Kombi, always ahead of the convoy, headed towards the center of
Varginha when, at the same moment, a beige beetle was parked, driven by a
lieutenant S2 with another soldier S2 at his side who, after using the radio
communicator, left the car ordering Corporal Élber, driver of the first truck (and
who was replacing soldier Cirilo, who had been on the convoy in the morning),
ordering him to follow him to the center of the city, and the other two trucks to wait right there.

It didn't take long for the first truck to come back, heading straight for Três
Corações. At that moment the same lieutenant in the beige Beetle, returning,
ordered the second truck in which Corporal Vassalo was to follow him to the center of the city.
Again, without delay, the second truck returned, proceeding in the same way as
the first, heading straight for Três Corações. Again the lieutenant ordered the
third truck in which Private De Mello was to follow the same route, that is, to head
towards the center.

Until that moment no soldier understood what was going on in that mission, if
they just had to ostensibly circulate through the city, in such a way as to create
doubts. Next to the banking establishments a truck parked and drove off. Another
maneuvered in front of a car dealership. The third circulated along the Bus Station.
Aside from that, they passed through busy public places. Transiting through
several streets precisely with the purpose of no one knowing "from where" or
"where" the trucks were going or returning. Even less what, after all, they were doing there.

It is interesting to open a parenthesis to consider a fact that was under our

suspicion: the presence of trucks, both in front of the Regional Hospital and the
Humanitas Hospital, which is much more equipped than the other and there are
usually even heart surgeries. Built in a point in the city strategically close to the
highway when a small road was built with the intention of relieving the traffic of
the center, removing the intercity buses from the urban area, a condition was
created precisely for those who from Humanitas need to be attended, coming from
the surrounding cities, not having to travel to the urban area. And more interesting
now is to consider that none of the trucks used this side road when they entered.
But resorted to it when in retreat!

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But it was precisely in Humanitas that the vehicle and several soldiers from the
Fire Department were, in addition to the vehicle and soldiers from the Varginha
Military Police. And, in general command of that operation, was Lieutenant Colonel
Olínipio Vanderlei. Parked was the Beetle and the two officers, with one of them
carrying a clipboard and taking constant notes, while the other coordinated a
series of activities, with a JVC camcorder in tow. Great was the commotion in
those premises, with several people wearing aprons, fourteen or fifteen were
doctors, paramedics and a few nurses, some wearing stethoscopes around their necks, but all wea

Through the huge side gate, all the trucks entered the yard backwards, leaving
only the fronts exposed on the sidewalk. At this time, the drivers and their escorts
were not allowed to dismount, while civilians and officers climbed in and out of the
bodywork. With several cloths spread out, plus the tarpaulins of each truck, they
made a kind of tunnel going from the back of the truck to one of the rooms that
gave access to that patio. This being repeated in each of the trucks. In parenthesis:
the soldiers in the room testified about this moment, emphasizing that this
procedure had occurred in exactly the same way with each truck so that the
occupants themselves would not find out what was actually happening and which of them was tran

And from one of the rooms came a wooden box, open at the top, containing an
apparently dead creature, dark brown in color, with large red eyes, protruding and
without pupils, with no visible eyelids; with huge feet, forked in a "V" shape and
completely disproportionate to the body; hands with three fingers; and with the
part of the knee somewhat bruised or bruised, it could clearly be seen that she was
lying on her back and appeared to be covered with oil all over her body, but giving
off a terrible smell of ammonia.

Always observed by doctors, a captain of the Military Police and also by other
people around her, when being carried out of the room, she was placed on two
easels by soldiers from the Fire Department. One of the doctors, as if in a final
examination of the creature, with tweezers opened a small tear that apparently
would be the mouth, pulling out the thin, black and long tongue. After releasing
her tongue, she returned to her mouth, even though the creature was probably dead.

They closed the box by locking it with a kind of butterfly screws. And they finished
the job by covering it with a piece of tarpaulin and transported it to the back of the

And one by one the three trucks were returning to Três Corações.

This information was extremely precious to us, because the creature that the girls
saw next to the wall, at 3:30 pm, looking sick; it certainly led us to believe that it
was her, coming out of Varginha dead and inside the wooden box. What we didn't
know until that moment was how it had been captured.

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Coinciding the characteristics of the creature with the one seen by the girls, this was
more than the stereotype of her, because we were absolutely sure that it was not the
one that had been captured by the Fire Department on the morning of January 20th.

In our understanding it was clear and evident that the first creature captured in the
morning had been taken by the Army and, in no way, would they have returned with it
in the afternoon, leaving it leaning against the wall only to frighten anyone who passed
by; in this case, the girls. Thus, we were absolutely sure that they were two creatures.
It is concluded, then, that the Army sent her directly to a technologically capable
location, if everyone knows that this location does not exist in the city of Varginha as
in any other city in the South of Minas. And given its proximity to the State of São
Paulo, it can be concluded, without any margin of error, that it would probably be taken
to a military base in Campinas, or to a military base in São José dos Campos, precisely
because they were close to the University of Campinas Unicamp and USP, in São Paulo.

At 19:00, the convoy finally arrived at the outskirts of Três Corações, finding an entire
military police apparatus prepared to stop traffic on the streets through which the
convoy would pass, including on the wrong road, only to go straight to ESA, where the
trucks were kept in a shed and under reinforced surveillance, because since the
convoy left in the morning, the barracks was in a strange troop movement. The guard
was doubled, placing armed guards in all corners of the barracks, in administrative
areas, close to the payment posts and in several other places that normally do not
require such vigilance.

And, during the night, there was a meeting attended by Lieutenant Tibério, of the Army
Police, Sergeant Pedrosa, who is an S2 and right-hand man of Lieutenant Colonel
Olímpio Venderei, plus Captain Ramirez. They drew up plans and arrangements for the
following day, in a strategy that, still at 3:00 am on January 23, this convoy, with the
same drivers and accompanied by sergeants in each of the trucks, headed for the
Army Cadet School, from Campinas, with Sergeant Pedrosa in charge while they were
on the road, since Captain Ramirez had left before them in an Engesa jeep.

When the convoy arrived, Captain Ramirez himself was waiting. And the drivers were
dismissed to eat, rest, finally, take the rest of the day for a break, being told that they
would return to Três Corações the next day, January 24th.

At this point in the testimony, our suspicions were further clarified, when the presence
of Sergeant Pedrosa within Unicamp was also confirmed.

I must confess that since the beginning of the testimonies (although I had taken the
camcorder out of the suitcase, in addition to the tape recorder), until then they were
still afraid to record what they themselves, the military, took turns in the narrative, with
one completing, at sometimes the other's speech. And in the face of denial, I thought
it best not to bother them anymore. However, I told them about my partner, Ubirajara, and that it wouldn

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not to know of the occurrences, because he was a person of my strict confidence.

They claimed that they would return to the subject at another time, but not at that time,
because it was past midnight and they would have to report to the barracks early in the morning.

I took the car out of the garage and left them separately close to where each one lived.
Back home, I preferred to go slowly through the deserted streets. It was not 3 am and
there was no train in front of me, but a better understanding occurred in me in the
realization that it is at night when all cats are gray...

At home, I found my mother still awake in the TV room. There he had been reading a
book. Due to the silence of the room with the device turned off, throughout my
conversation with the two soldiers she had been listening without purpose. She told me
that she was amazed, to the point of paying double attention to the danger I was exposing
myself to in carrying out my research so deeply. Personally, she had not been involved
in my work at any time, but they will follow closely as it was natural for this to occur.
However, based on those testimonies, she herself came to believe that, with the
involvement of the Army, the course of the Incident in Varginha could take on another
dimension, being fearful of knowing of my involvement.

We commented on this fact, but I tried to reassure her as much as possible. I would
leave the house only when necessary and at specific times, obviously protecting myself
as much as possible. My contacts were usually made at night, and no other names were
mentioned over the phone.

The next morning, before going to Varginha, I called Ubirajara's office, asking Celmeire
not to let him leave, because he was carrying information that would shake the walls of

And I found him anxious.

Let's sit down, we need to talk calmly, I told him. But first I'll take a pen and explain how
the situation is. And as I narrated what I had heard from the military, I began enumerating
the names of the other military personnel involved.

Ubirajara was flabbergasted.

God of Heaven! exclaimed! Look at the thing finally setting up! And we were suspicious!
And now? How can I disbelieve all this? He became thoughtful but content. And you, did
you record everything?

Not this time.

And will it be possible to record it?

Definitely yes. It may take time, because the two soldiers are a bit withdrawn.
But I will.

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I felt his euphoria when he realized my increasing commitment to making our partnership a sum of
efforts in the largest ufological research undertaken by two people who, at first, did not even know
each other.

Ubirajara was silent for a long time, inquiring:

If they took the creature to Humanitas, why has the Regional Hospital been mentioned in the rumors?

From what we could conclude and from the ancillary information that we had already collected, the
creature would have had a very quick visit that weekend at the Regional hospital because it has an
emergency room and serves a large part of the population, including the most needy. From this it can
be concluded that it would be too fearful to keep her inside the hospital, despite the fact that some
employees have commented on the strange movement that took place there. But even if the creature
stayed for a moment, who, after all, had captured it? Had someone taken her to hospitals? And in
which vehicle, if Army trucks were only used to remove the creatures from Varginha? If the first was
captured by the Fire Department (on Saturday, January 20, at 10:30 am) and, the second, taken from
the Humanitas Hospital (on Monday, January 22, in the afternoon)... , after all, captured the second
creature`? We knew that sooner or later we would find out. We would not lack time to research.

Chapter 8

Man's inquisitive soul rises above yesterday's dogmatic creeds to tomorrow's religion.


On one of our departures from Varginha, my partner and I were traveling along Fernão Dias highway,
BR386, when we realized that we were close to Passatempo, a city practically located between Três
Corações and Belo Horizonte. There resides the well-known ufologist and researcher Antônio Faleiro.

Shall we make an entrance and pay him a visit? He invited Ubirajara.

I agreed.

It was late afternoon and we had been shooting all day, ending yet another routine of interviews and

I didn't know him personally and, for me, I would gladly form a friendship with another researcher who
has made an enormous contribution to Ufology, having even built an observatory on top of a hill
located about 15 kilometers from the city, intended for observation of Unidentified Flying Objects.

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He received us with pleasure and satisfaction, being a kind and extremely good-humored
person. As he was very well attuned to the information about the Incident in Varginha,
known through reading the newspapers and television, until that moment we still could
not pass on to him all the current news regarding the new testimonies obtained. We
should still wait a while until we ourselves could bring them to the public at an opportune
moment and with the greatest number of ufologists, plus the press gathered.

Guests who went for a coffee accompanied by cornmeal bread, cheese bread and many
other delicacies, which is characteristic of miners in the reception of guests at their
homes, our conversation was unique and only about Ufology in general, being that my
presence before Faleiro and me telling him about CICOANI would surprise him for not
having known me for a long time. I justified my absence from the ufological environment
because I was always involved in one or another field mission and research, without
having had the opportunity to exhibit my works because until then they were transferred
to GICOANI, there being kept in archives purely and simply.

Although what he knew was based only on newspaper clippings and on the two programs
of Fantástico, the little novelty we mentioned to him made him astonished, to the point of
exclaiming in his own Minas Gerais way:

Now, then, is that thing is going to stink! And when will this information leak?

It won't be long, I replied and we laughed relaxed.

Are you going to make it public?

When the time comes, yes!

Virgin Mary! And he scratched his chin, in a gesture of bewilderment and satisfaction.
And you have my full support.

For a while longer we lengthened our conversation and it was time for us to leave.

We said goodbye in a warm hug, taking the return road to Três Corações, where I would
stay and, to Varginha, the final route of the Ubirajara. It was night, and the highway was
being redone, with the traffic of heavy trucks passing us honking, plus the intercity buses,
in addition to the passenger cars with the recklessness of some drivers. Aside from that,
there were still momentary stoppages in some stretches. As Ubirajara was very tense
behind the wheel, to distract ourselves we returned to talking about songs and singing
them in our own way and for our necessary relaxation.

The next day, as usual, he was back in Varginha coordinating the incoming information. I
thought it was good to make a script for the week, so to speak, writing what we had
achieved so far and what was missing. And set priorities in terms of how many interview
contacts we would have to make during that day, at least.

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The phone wouldn't stop ringing. When it wasn't the spoken or written press or
television asking for more information, it was people from the city and nearby places
reporting sightings. It would be very difficult for us to have a personal meeting with
each one to call us. Aside from that, there were always periodic calls from Claudeir
Covo, from São Paulo, professor Irene Granchi, from Rio de Janeiro, AJ Gevaerd,
editor of UFO magazine, from Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul and other ufologists.

Eduardo Bertoldo Praxedes, an employee of Parmalat Indústria e Comércio de

Laticínios Ltda, also called us. Parmalat, an industry that exists about four kilometers
before the entrance to Varginha, in a very strategic point, because it has an extensive
view of the road coming towards Três Corações Varginha. A long slope culminating
right in front of the industry, where there is a bridge over the Verde River and, after it,
the road makes an open curve to start the ascent towards Varginha. He told us that, in
the month of January, together with another co-worker, they saw several times an
unusual traffic of ESA trucks in a constant back and forth in and out of Varginha.
He made us aware of this movement in the morning and in the afternoon, for practically
an entire week.

This testimony was very important to us, because Eduardo had the opportunity not
only to see the convoy, but what caught their attention the most was the reasonably
fast pace at which the trucks were moving, even having soldiers armed with rifles in
their bodies covered with tarpaulins, very typical for troop transport.

He was giving us this information, because it was common for him to see, from time
to time, one or another ESA truck passing along the road bound for Varginha at a
normal speed allowed for trucks and in the routine of buying parts, groceries and other
private individuals, since the city is much more developed than Três Corações and
other fines in the region, as it is a remarkable industrial center: in the south of Minas.

But a train? With armed soldiers? On a back-and-forth all week? So Eduardo

questioned, including what it could have been if there was no civic parade, because it
was not a festive day to commemorate the city's birthday, perhaps relevant yes,
because there could be rehearsals for the parade of soldiers, schools and schools.
But it was also no presidential event or event of that magnitude that required so much
coming and going from the train. We weren't even close to the 7th of September. So
why would it? It was very strange, having the employee himself asked us if we knew
more news than what was being reported in the newspapers and television.

I thanked him for the call, letting him know that, at an appropriate time and within our
interview schedule, we would contact him so that he could show us where he was, his
angle of vision, introduce his partner, if possible, and also give us the testimony of
both but this time, engraved. He agreed, and our meeting took place days later, having
in our files more of these testimonies as they were quite blunt.

It was more than halfway through the month of April and there was already a turmoil
in our lives. I slept, had lunch and had dinner on the Incident in Varginha. In addition to the usual calls

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telephone companies, a lady from Duque de Caxias, State of Rio de Janeiro, after
seeing us on television and having filmed a UFO, wanted us to analyze it. It was a
fully defined flying object, discoid shape, all lit up. We showed Claudeir Covo that,
studying the video together with us, he found it true and was quite impressed.

When Ubirajara told me that Professor Irene, Granchi had asked him to give a
lecture in Rio de Janeiro, he informed me that he had made a commitment to her
at an opportune moment. Until then, she and I had not met in person, and even
though my name had appeared on television and in newspapers, at no time had the teacher mentio
I commented on how strange it would be for me to go along, taking part as a
speaker. He told me of the need to count on my help to make the lecture complete,
because not everything he would remember. We would write a script and share
our lines, avoiding natural fatigue in an uninterrupted explanation of two hours or
more. I pondered with him again about my staying in Sul de Minas while I was away. However, it w

The lecture would be on Saturday and then we agreed to leave at dawn. I returned
to Três Corações to rest a bit, although I would go to bed at 1 am, having to get
up at 3 am, since the Ubirajara would pass by my mother's house at 4 am, from
where we would go to Rio de Janeiro, passing by Cambuquira, Lambari, São
Lourenço, Serra da Mantiqueira and Via Dutra, where I took the wheel until the
final stop in Copacabana, where we stayed.

Because I did a postgraduate degree at Fundação Getúlio Vargas after leaving the
Catholic University of Belo Horizonte, I knew very well how to get around Rio de
Janeiro. As I was very tired, I preferred to sleep a little, skipping lunch, while he
thought it best to take a taxi and reconnoitre the place near Faculdade Gama
Filho, where the lecture scheduled for 18:00 would be given. He was with Professor
Irene Granchi and they both talked a little in the auditorium.

Back at the hotel, he found me relaxed, wearing a suit and tie, ready to go, just
waiting for the arrival of a person belonging to the CISNE group, who would
transfer us to the lecture venue, on the eighteenth floor of a high-rise building.
where an always wonderful Rio de Janeiro was revealed.

Finally, I was introduced to Professor Irene Granchi, whose treatment of me had

been too formal. I called Ubirajara all the time to introduce him to one or another
member of the Group, while I preferred to enter the auditorium, sitting in one of
the numerous chairs. At that time I saw Marco Antônio Petit arrive, a person highly
regarded in Brazilian Ufology due to his published works. My partner came to
meet me, bringing him to his side with the intention of introducing us. Luís Petry,
editor of Fantástico, also arrived, wanting to talk to us.

With everyone present already installed in the auditorium, Professor Irene went
to the stage for a brief reference about why we were all there and, feeling honored
by the presence of Ubirajara, weaving him effusive praise and, at the end,
mentioning my name saying that I would have a few "things" to add.

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Ubirajara began his speech by making a series of explanations. He told some ufological
episodes known worldwide and others researched by him in the South of Minas, illustrating
his speech with the projection of slides. Finally, when addressing the Incident in Varginha,
the auditorium became more attentive. He mentioned the girls and the rumors that had
happened until the moment I got to him, when I was in the south of Minas. From then on, he
preferred to call me so that I could continue the lecture. I went up to the stage in a good mood,
inviting those present to listen to the "little things" the teacher had referred to. And I started
to correctly, objectively and clearly expose the Incident in Varginha. However, as I was talking,
including about the details of our research, I noticed a change in the teacher's facial
expression, which used to be very serious, to one of surprise, admiration and redoubled
attention to what I was saying. In the end, I believe that we had successfully accomplished
our objective. The teacher looked for me to congratulate me, confessing not knowing how
much I was involved. And the initial cold contact turned into warm affection.

As we left the hall, we went to dinner, and Luís Petry, the psychologist Dr. Gilda Moura, who
sixteen years ago examined the first case of abduction, when the contactee was suffering
trauma and profound sequelae, also went. Author of UFO - Alien Contact, Editora Ateneu,
confessed to us her interest in going to Varginha to be with the girls and learn more about the
incident; and the possibility of Dr. John E. Mack's departure. Professor Irene Granchi invited
us to go to her apartment the next day.

In the morning, Marco Antônio Petit went to the hotel, wanting to have a private conversation
with us. And in terms of the person he is, adding to his long friendship with Ubirajara,
although I had only known him since the previous day, I agreed.

We decided to go to Shopping Rio Sul for a morning walk, when we sat in a cafe and told him
everything we had achieved so far in our research.
He was impressed, because some data I had purposely not mentioned in the lecture, leaving
them for another occasion, in another place.

Petit showed interest in promoting a UFO event in Rio de Janeiro, wishing to have our
presence. Later, the event took place, having attended the Ubirajara because I was scheduled
with other commitments.

At Professor Irene's house, I was able to enthusiastically admire the great collection of the
renowned researcher. I watched some movies, saw photographs and slides.

It is a collection that, like that of CICOANI, needs to be computerized given the enormous
amount of ufological gems. I asked the plastic artist Francisca Granchi, his daughter, to take
on this task. Both CISNE and CICOANI should be open heritage to thousands of people
interested in Ufology.

Our meeting was very fruitful. At 2pm, we decided to head home. Petit went with us to a point
in the city, where he got off. And, as on the way back, while we were on Via Dutra, I drove.
When I arrived at my mother's house, it was night.

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As the testimonies of those two soldiers who told me about the convoy were not recorded,
I started to work towards at least getting their interview with Ubirajara. I told Claudeir
Covo and Luís Petry. To him, Claudeir, always attentive to events, I explained some more
details, claiming how good it would be if he were in Varginha for a personal contact.

Two days later, after a long conversation, I managed to get the military to meet these
people and tell them everything they knew. I lectured them on each, ending, as usual, by
reminding them both of the complete and absolute security of anonymity.

On the weekend, Petry and Claudeir went to Varginha. Only one soldier could go with me,
because the other was on duty at the barracks. We traveled at dawn, with him sitting in
the back seat of the car, to hide if necessary.

And in the auditorium attached to the Ubirajara house, everyone could finally hear,
amazed, the details of the operation removed from the Humanitas Hospital, in addition to
the names of the soldiers and officers involved. Extremely impressed, Petry wanted to
know how we were going to make it into Fantastico. He said that there were no conditions
because the soldier was active and would suffer the punishment of jail and countless
other annoyances. I suggested that the same feature be used as in the second program,
when the other witness had her image protected and her voice electronically distorted.

Everyone asked questions to which the answers were absolutely satisfactory.

After the meeting, I returned to Três Corações, with the soldier in the back seat, leaving
him in a place close to his residence for fear of being seen together at that time, in front
of his house.

Chapter 9

On the cosmic scale, only the fantastic is likely to be real.

Theilhard de Chardin.

A judicial authority passed on to Ubirajara very important information that came to answer
our questions about the involvement of the Varginha Fire Department and Military Police,
in addition to ESA. The information referred to the capture of the second creature seen by
the girls that Saturday afternoon, January 20th. Like a jigsaw, many of the pieces were
put in place, but there were still assumptions about it and so far we couldn't find a way to
explain to ourselves how it all came together.
will occur.

Well, this person told us that at a barbecue between friends, an element who works for
the Varginha Military Police confided about the veracity of what the ufologists, referring
mainly to Ubirajara and me, were able to ascertain. The creature

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actually was inside a PM vehicle after being captured alive on the night of the 20th.
Without showing any resistance to the capture, and as they didn't know what to do with
her, one of the soldiers inside the vehicle suggested the name of a doctor, her
acquaintance, claiming he could see her and help them with what to do with her.
Certainly, a medical opinion would be worth a lot in those circumstances, even more in
their supposition that it could transmit some disease or have a problem, if at any time it
had manifested a reaction of attack or even of defense.
Passive and withdrawn, it was as if waiting for them to ask for help and get help, which
would be of vital importance for everyone, especially in a unique case never experienced
by the police.

That's when they took her to a Health Center and called the doctor, who went outside to
attend to them.

Doctor, we have this thing in here and you could help us with what to do with it.

He looked at the creature and walked away, annoyed to find out what it was, claiming he
didn't want his name linked to "that" because he had a name to protect.

But, doctor, what are we going to do with it?

I don't know! I don't know and I don't even want to know what to do with this thing. Go
with her to the Regional, which is the right thing to do! I don't want to get involved with
that, at all, because that's not from this world! And he returned to the Health Post,
without paying attention to the other soldiers inside the vehicle.

So exactly what we suspected happened: the involvement of the Fire Department, the
Military Police and the ESA was configured. It was difficult to pinpoint the exact time
when everything had happened and the time of passage between the Regional Hospital
and the Humanitas Hospital, possibly that same night.

It is unfortunate to say, once again, how reckless people are to publicize their names to
a fact of this magnitude. They remain small, not managing to see more than an inch of
vanity beyond their noses, pretending to be imposing figures in a society of mediocre
and cheap alike. And this was the doctor that we made contact with and that we were
treated to the level of his arrogance.

With the days getting colder and colder, warm clothes began to appear with people all
over the South of Minas. On the afternoon of April 26, we received a call from Mr. Marcos
Clepf, a name of German origin, a person linked to the Varginhense political milieu,
having been a councilor and, for this very reason, very well known and respected in the city.

He told us that he had information that, in fact, for a whole week, made him reflect on
whether or not to make it public, fearing that he and his family would be ridiculed. But,
uncomfortable as they were, they decided, by mutual agreement between the family
members, to tell us what happened to his wife, Terezinha Clepf, 67 years old.

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We went to their house and she told us that on April 21, Sunday, at 9 pm, she had
been with her husband at a party at the rustic restaurant located inside the Varginha
Zoo. Simple restaurant, but very popular for these types of events, given the beauty
of the place.

It was approximately 9 pm. She had had dinner, had a cup of coffee and decided to
leave the table, as her husband and other gentlemen were talking and none of them
smoked. Not wanting to bother them with the smoke, he had decided to leave the
table, heading to the veranda, which was a bit dark due to the large trees and
because the external spotlights in that sector and the porch lights were not on
(when we found out later, by the direction of the Zoo are defective).

Dona Terezinha sat down on a chair, lit a cigarette and saw in front of her, at a
distance of five meters from where she was, the presence of a creature standing,
leaning against the outside of the metal railing. He confessed to us his momentary
fear due to fright and for thinking he was, at first, a loose animal, although he had
never seen anything like it. I couldn't quite make out what it was because the light
was coming from the restaurant. It had two large, red, wide, pupilless, luminescent
eyes, staring at her. The nose almost none and the mouth like a small horizontal
tear. He noticed that the skin was dark brown, oily. There was on the head an
appearance of a golden helmet or cap. They both looked at each other for
approximately seven minutes in silence. The creature didn't move, though it
somehow opened and closed those eyes as it continued to look at her.

Terezinha says that the eyes resembled the "rear lights of a car braking".
Overcome with great fear, she preferred to slowly get up from her chair and go back
inside the restaurant. Still at the door, he turned his gaze to the outside, continuing
to see the creature still inert, in the same place and staring at it as before.
Frightened, she joined the others, preferring to say nothing about it for fear of some
panic coming from other people or causing some inconvenience, or becoming a
victim of the joke of some witty present there. She looked for her husband, calling
him to leave. When they got into the car, he was willing to comment on what had happened, showing

At home that night, he hadn't been able to sleep. The image of that creature stunned
her, lingering in her memory. And in the days that followed, an inner fear, Unusual.
She remembered the creature that two months ago had been seen by the girls she
didn't know herself and commented on it with her family. Until, finally, he was
telling us the fact, believing that, in some way, he could be useful in our research,
because until then he had been following our involvement through newspapers and television.

At the end of her story, we asked her, Marcos and the children if we could disclose
it to the press, considering that we were witnessing a testimony given by a reputable
lady who was aware of her role in society. Such a statement would have an
enormous force of credibility for anyone listening to his story. And that such
sighting should not be more restricted to the family environment only. They agreed with us and the

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public, with Terezinha being harassed by the press in the following weeks and months.

After the press released Terezinha Clepf's statement, the person who contacted us
was Dr Leila Cabral, director of the Zoo for many years. He reported that a week before
the 21st, that is, the week before Dona Terezinha had the sighting, five healthy animals
until then died in an unexplained and mysterious way. A tapir, two deer, a blue macaw
and an ocelot.

When performing the autopsy of the tapir, which Dr. Leila affectionately nicknamed
Banzeco, for being healthy and playful, the report identified death by "unidentified
toxic substance". In deer, "caustic intoxication with no apparent cause". In the other
three, "nothing that justified death".

The biggest surprise for both Dr Leila and the veterinarian Marcos de Araújo Carvalho
Mina: the animals died abruptly and unexpectedly. The Zoo is very well taken care of,
the waters are treated and the food selected. We are witnesses of the zeal there. Even
so, if there was a toxic product, it would be detected in the examinations of the
animals' viscera. However, when "unknown toxic substance" appeared and in the
other animals "no definition", something or something unexplained had really

Due to the fact that Terezinha Clepf had given herself to public testimony, Dr. Leila
linked the facts because everything had happened the week before the sighting of this
creature. She, however, with the golden helmet on her head, would she be from the
others' "family"? Or could it be that the South of Minas has become an ideal place for
the observation of increasingly strange beings? For some reason they were there. But doing what? And

We were talking about it when Dr. Marcos, when commenting on the news that
appeared in the newspapers and on television, recalled having crossed with an army
convoy on the road, when he was going to pick up his daughter at the Country Club of
Varginha, located four kilometers from the city exit. , whose entrance is just in front of
Parmalat. This on January 22nd, on a Monday!

At the end of April, a series of sightings took place in the south of Minas. Among those
that we are aware of, the most important was what happened about the multinational
Standard industry recently installed in Varginha, where more than thirty people,
including workers, administrative and executive staff, left work and went to the patio
to witness the occurrence.

It was eleven o'clock, the blue autumn sky, without a cloud, when a silvery discoid
object, approximately two hundred and a few meters high, coming from the horizon,
hovered above the industry. At the same time, another object identical to the first came
from another direction, hovering below it. They approached slowly and, as if on a
hitch, took off at high speed, disappearing into the horizon.

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A dentist from Três Corações, asking for his name to be covered, fearful of being the butt of
jokes, told us that he had a balance from Varginha heading to Três Corações and, when he
decided to take a shortcut, entered an 8-kilometer side road at the interchange of the highway.
Fernão Dias. This is because he doesn't want to cross the entire industrial district of Três
Corações, since this 'neighborhood road would leave him earlier, in the Cotia neighborhood, where he has his o

It was around 8pm when, suddenly, his car started to fail. He thought of the strangeness of
the fact that it was a new car, just purchased. Suddenly, he saw on his left side, part of a
huge object, with some curvatures, flying high above him with the other part covering the
car in frightening proximity, making him fear a contact that would surely cause a disaster.
There were edges where several yellow and red lights flashed, projecting complete luminosity
to the object.

He told us that at that moment he panicked. His legs were shaking, his hands on the steering
wheel were paralyzed and the engine was losing power, even though he tried to accelerate. I
looked at the object and it was there, huge. Fear made his body rigid. Sweat running down his face.
He turned the wheel onto the shoulder and the car came to a stop, off. From that moment he
closed his eyes in terror of observing the object, although he noticed the flashing of the
lights. Absolute silence for a short time until, suddenly, the engine started working again
with the object moving away. He accelerated what he could and, hallucinated, set off towards
his destination at a speed that he himself had never reached.

Because I have known him since my childhood, and his family as well, I did not detect a lie in
that testimony, knowing his honesty and honesty. It happened and that's it.
But he confessed that he would never forget those moments in his entire life.

On April 30, I was interviewed by Veja magazine by telephone, along with Ubirajara, in his
office, which had become our headquarters. They asked us if we could put them in touch
with the girls. I volunteered to do so the next day, Wednesday, May 12, a public holiday.

We agreed that Kátia, Liliane and Valquíria would talk to them so that they could have their
testimonies recorded, even though we were scheduled to take a short trip in order to confirm
some information in outlying cities. But as Ubirajara was absent for private reasons, this task
fell to me.

I left Três Corações early on the holiday, going to Varginha as usual for two months with the
sole purpose of meeting up with the girls. I would stop by Liliane and Valquíria's house.
Then, with them, we would go to Katia's, heading to the telephone booth, from where we
would make the call to the magazine.

At least twice a week we met with the girls, with the intention of informing them about
someone who was about to arrive, in order to see them, arranging the day, time and place of
the interview and also because we had become friends. As this time we didn't have anything
planned, I preferred to go early, wanting to see them still at home, because they could go out
for a walk, taking advantage of the day off.

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Upon arriving, Dona Luísa came to tell me about the strange occurrence on the night of April 29, at
10:30 pm, when four men wearing dark suits, two dark-haired, appearing to be about forty years
old, one fair and the other blond, as she said " none for sure, seemed to be from Varginha by the
way of talking, but both with an accent from the South of Minas”; getting out of a black car parked
near her house, when she and the girls were getting ready for bed.

When they clapped their hands at the gate, Dona Luísa was not bothered by the time, because her
eldest daughter, Juliana, was at school and her husband working at the bus company where he is
a collector. Valkyrie went to answer it, announcing the men's presence. I thought it might be
Pacaccini or Ubirajara with reporters or something like that. As I went to the bedroom to change
my clothes, the men entered. going down the small walkway that goes to the end of the lot where
the shed-like house is built at the back of the land and on a slope with the street level.

Although well dressed, who would they be if they didn't identify themselves?

They said they wanted to "chat" with me and the girls about the ET they saw. They said that was
the only time they could be there. And they asked to lock the gate because the matter was private
and we couldn't have anyone visiting at that time. When I wanted to know their names, they said
their names were not of interest to me. One of them asked the girls what they had actually seen.

And as they answered, one of them took notes in a small notebook. The other two remained silent
the entire time. What kinds of dreams did they have for the future life?
How much did you earn as a maid? And the husband's salary, was it good enough for us to live in
peace? And what did we need to overcome our humble life?

With simple, direct, objective answers, Dona Luísa was fearful and terribly afraid to prolong the
conversation. That's when one of them claimed that they would cover with a lot "but really a lot of
money, the family's dream". But the girls, she and her husband would have to leave Varginha. They
would go with them, on a previously established date, to move to another city where the girls would
record a statement denying the whole story. In other words, the girls would have to deny what they
saw, claiming that the creature was a joke they invented and, having gone too far, the time had
come to deny the whole story. So they would be paid with a lot of money! An unspecified "a lot",
but according to them, plenty of money to make the dream of owning a home and several others
come true.

“They said they would be the gold mine and that my daughters and I never thought of having”.

As Dona Luísa told me what had happened, I felt fear in her eyes. She was so worried, she told me
she wouldn't say yes or no. With no phone and no means at that time to contact Ubirajara or me,
he preferred to remain on the defensive. When I asked if Pacaccini or Ubirajara had sent them here,
they said they had nothing to do with Pacaccini or Ubirajara, and for us to forget about them. And
that in

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time for the girls to deny everything, it wouldn't be on the "mixed" TVs here in
Varginha either.

As the conversation went on until just before midnight, he offered the four men a
cup of coffee. So scared, she left a kitchen knife in her hands when she went to get
the coffee bottle, even realizing that men were not malevolent people but, intuitively,
she understood that the girls' silence, the denial of history, the change of the city,
making the family's dreams come true, it was all getting very strange.

Strange bribe, yes! And the big ones, starting from four men who at no time
identified themselves! I told Dona Luísa that this fact should go to the press. She,
however, argued that she was too scared because they promised to come back to
find out the answer, and because I said that if the girls were supposed to deny
everything, how could I be sure I got the money? That's when one of them said, if I
was afraid to take all that money, I just had to give them a document for them to
open a savings account for me.

Liliane and Valquíria were waiting for me to go to meet Katia. And they, the three of
them, would talk to the reporter from VEJA magazine, from the telephone booth.
But it was necessary for Dona Luisa to finish the story. I asked if they didn't have a
phone number to give me, as I would think about it. They said no, they would come back.

I reemphasized the need to announce the fact to the press and reassured her that it
would be better if everyone knew, because then she and the girls would be being
watched by their own neighborhood even when (and if), in the quiet At night, the
spokesmen of any authorities would appear again, wanting to cover the sun with a
sieve... not to mention the noses of others, with the intention of not feeling the
bribe's stench, worse than the creature's stench of ammonia.

We would say it better, paraphrasing the great Brazilian Aparício Torelli Barão de
Itararé, when he referred to the existence of something in the air... besides
airliners... ; if the right thing were now to say about something in the air... besides
Unidentified Flying Objects!...

The team of comedians from Casseta & Planeta got in touch with us expressing the
desire to make a program about ET in Varginha and would like the girls, me, and
Ubirajara to appear. We were against this possibility, especially because, before
they called us, any derogatory or humorous reference would seek to harm our
research, jeopardizing our work started since January, in addition to jeopardizing
the credibility gained, despite having given to the girls and us a lot of annoyance
for the nasty comments and criticisms. Even more so with the Casseta & Planeta
program, projecting images of the girls and ours all over Brazil, in an unintentional
inversion of values, certainly because the team is talented, fun, with a different and
current mood. Our concern was linked to the huge television audience that, finding
the "ET" being interviewed funny, walking on the street, drinking beer in a bar; such
pictures would not be appreciated and understood only as a

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distraction on a serious topic. On the contrary, it would be creating yet another argument
for non-believers to add to their motives "the certainty" that space creatures and their
flying objects are nothing more than great nonsense and, by extension, ufologists,
constantly labeled as pathetic and lunatic. .

Ubirajara's answer was tangential, that is, avoiding the pure and simple negative, he
invoked the need to talk to the girls first, claiming they did not have a telephone at home
and because only they could decide. There was reluctance on the other side of the line,
but Ubirajara had the right attitude in sustaining the difficulties inherent in the meeting,
leaving the girls and Dona Luísa to decide for themselves.

After the call ended, we went to their house for an explanatory conversation. The Casseta
& Planeta team would arrive in Varginha on a Thursday, May 2, leaving on Saturday, the
4th. We remember how much they would be harmed if they participated in the program
they liked, but in this case, it would be derogatory. They agreed with us knowing that
the arrival of the team would certainly be covered by Globo and that they would go to
their house. To lock the gate with a padlock and not go out. We gave the necessary
recommendations and waited. The team arrived, and we were greatly impressed by the
behavior of the Globo de Varginha staff, who until then had been adopting a certain
partnership with us when looking for us to obtain new information and to air it. However,
even explaining to them how bad it would be for the girls, it was no use, as they were
applauding the Casseta & Planeta team due to the "greater success" in promoting the
city. They even offered money to the girls, who did not give in to our requests.

That morning when they gave the telephone interview to Veja magazine I was very
worried. I got a place from an acquaintance of mine and prepared them to take them,
with luggage and supplies, staying there for two or three days. As for Dona Luisa, there
was no problem. Working all day as a maid, she would know how to behave and stay
away from embarrassing situations.

Before continuing the trip, I stopped in front of Globo de Varginha and, without getting
out of the car, asked the doorman to call Janete, the editor-in-chief. It didn't take long for
her to appear, looking scared at the girls, the luggage and the fairground bags.

I am passing by with the intention of informing you that we are very sorry if the reasons
for not using the girls for the joke were explained. And nobody gave us credit.
Now, I'm taking them out of town.

Janet was disappointed.

Look, Pacaccini, I totally understand and I hope you don't get hurt. You know I work for
the company and Casseta & Planeta has a lot of audience. You're sorry, but I have no
control over this. And as for who came to the girls to offer money, I couldn't help myself.

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thank you. Around the city there were posters and banners nailed and hanging on the
posts: "Varginha City Hall congratulates the Casseta & Planeta team that comes here in
this cosmic city".
More and many allusions to the caricatured ET saluting the team!

When they arrived, the city almost stopped. In the square, next to an armed platform, the
junk of equipment got out of the cars. Even Mayor Aloysio Ribeiro de Almeida was present.
And work began. They approach a passerby; ask someone something; to the third: what
do you think of this or that? And they went on.

When the program aired on the 7th, I went to watch it at my partner's house, because the
local Globo wanted to get our opinion. When it was over, he said that the country is
democratic, the humor is healthy and that that program, under no circumstances, affected
the investigations in which we were involved, because, also, we contributed nothing to this program.
I don't usually watch this and other comedy shows on television, because they are all dull,
laughable and weak at their core. Anyone who can remember a little of the radio programs
they've heard and a few others on television from good years gone by, knows what I mean.
But it was still interesting for the people of Varginha if the city was being talked about and
shown to all of Brazil through a humorous program, although weak, but a thousand times
preferable to approaching a great tragedy or a miraculous robbery, or a surprising crime
of passion, well suited to taste. and on the agenda of journalistic and television news.
Fortunately. Varginha continued after the joke the same peaceful and pleasant town.
He had his moment of relaxation and continued in the daily life of a big, good, peaceful
and rural city.

The girls returned home and our routine continued without any further mishap.

Another soldier came to tell us how they proceeded with the trucks in the courtyard of the
Humanitas Hospital, when the creature was removed for transport to ESA. As he had been
afraid for some time, only that day he agreed, believing in the importance of his testimony.
And, although what he told us was repeating the same information already obtained by
me, even when he left his testimony recorded, he was another soldier entering our files
and further emphasizing the truth of the facts.

Believing that there is a large amount of information not yet reported, we scheduled for
May 4, Saturday, a second meeting with the greatest Brazilian ufologists who were ready
to take cognizance of the occurrences.

This meeting went down in the history of Ufology in Brazil when, for the first time, around
a single issue related to the sighting of the creature by the girls and the unfolding of the
facts, we had the opportunity to recap with them what had already been published in the
press, plus data much more forceful and impossible to be at least contested.

On Thursday, May 2nd, Luis Petry arrived for the meeting with the ufologists designated
for Saturday, the 4th. We told him everything we had learned, since our last

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meeting, and was surprised by the news, as well as worried at the same time by the
impossibility of putting all this information in front of the cameras.

On Friday, the three of us left, he, Ubirajara and I, in Rede Globo's own vehicle.
We drove around several points in Varginha and headed to Campanha, then Alfenas.
We returned for lunch. It was not 2 pm when Claudeir Covo came to join us, arriving from
São Paulo for the meeting.

My greatest wish was that both Petry and Claudeir could talk to the judicial authority that
had confirmed the capture of one of the creatures by the Varginha Military Police. And even
though she is difficult to find, given the diversity of her working hours, we were lucky to be
able to locate her in a public building of the State. We went there as discreetly as possible,
and while he was not attending, a lawyer friend of Ubirajara met him casually, informing him
that his maid has a daughter who lives in Três Corações, in a suburban neighborhood, and
that a military man from ESA, in a very discreet little party had confirmed the capture of the
creature as real, although the news was confidential.

We asked the lawyer if we could speak to the maid, the girl's mother. Incontinent she called
home and called her. He talked to her in our presence. Suddenly, the lawyer invited us to
go to her house, claiming that our dialogue with the maid would be easier. At this point, it
was possible to talk to the judicial authority that we were waiting for. After the presentations,
Claudeir Covo and Petry heard the confidence of confirmation that the creature had indeed
been taken to the Health Post and, later, to the Regional Hospital.

Soon after this contact, we went to the house of the lawyer, a friend of Ubirajara's, to talk to
the girl's mother, who was aware of the events.
You can go talk to her, yes, iau! I see no problem.

We explained that we would be as discreet as possible.

I know. It is by the carriage that we know who is coming inside. And you guys are nice
people, huh. Write the address there!

Toward dusk, we decided to travel to Três Corações to speak with the girl. Ubirajara could
not go due to other commitments. It was just Petry, Claudeir and me.

We found the girl and said her mother had given us the address. She thought it best that
we go later in the evening so we wouldn't be seen. In view of the agreement and our
explanations that we came to, we asked the daughter to take us to the military's house.
Taking advantage of the free time we would have, we took a walk around the city, around
the ESA and headed for dinner at my mother's house.

We reached the dark, unpaved street. There was no bell, but a chained dog barked
incessantly. Several times I knocked on the door and shouted the name of the soldier.
Until a light came on and I could see his face a little scared as he looked at us,

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recognizing the girl next to us. I told him I didn't want to bother him, but we needed to talk
to him.

At this moment, Petry turned on the tiny tape recorder in his shirt pocket, intending to collect
all our lines.

He attended us visibly embarrassed, opening the door and apologizing for having slept at
that hour due to the tiredness of the day at the barracks. He invited us in and, in the room, I
made the presentations as if we were teachers: from Rio de Janeiro, from São Paulo, and I
from Belo Horizonte. I was afraid of being recognized due to the great reports that had
circulated in the week's periodicals, bringing my photo like Claudeir's, in addition to my
presence in television reports. I announced our intention to listen to him, but before I went a
little longer, exposing the rumors about the creature and the occurrences surrounding its

He asked if our conversation was being recorded. He said he didn't have to worry about it
because, even recording, our intention would never be to harm him. Still, he was fearful of
reprisals from the corporation. He criticized Ubirajara because until that moment it was the
only name he knew, in his misinformation, claiming that he wanted to be successful with the
case, in an attempt to trumpet a matter that was not at all true!

I politely replied that it wasn't quite like that because he himself, at a party a few days ago,
had mentioned, in the presence of many people, that the creature's case was true! He looked
at me shyly, but even so, he tried to articulate with those expressions of the negative,
positive, last form of the military, showing to a layman and not to us, how much he was
oriented to get out of "risk situations".

I patiently explained to him about our work, the UFO research, the anonymity of witnesses.
We were looking for the truth there. And I was incisive in saying, looking him in the eye, that
he could also tell us what he knew because we were sure of his knowledge through other
soldiers who had deposed for us. Besides, the girl next to us had overheard him say about
the capture.

I was talking about another subject and she was wrong. Must have misunderstood.

I understand no! replied the girl, looking at him and hiding a soft laugh, realizing he was

And the more he denied it, the more evident the lie. The girl commented that she had listened, that
her mother had also heard, and many other people present at the little party.

But he continued to deny it with a certain pomp in his speech, very well articulated in his
conversation. And the hilarious thing was to come: we were there, looking for information,
beginning to fear that the tape would run out and that, when it automatically turned off, it
would make noise. Petry marked his time of progress on his watch. And preparing for the worst, started a

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cough accompanied by insistent throat clearing, waiting for the tape to end.
He coughed, cleared his throat and rubbed his chest. I wanted to laugh a lot, but I managed
to get around the laughter, in front of the military man, being serious, serious, even pernostic.
Another cough from Petry, his hand on his chest again and the recorder off. General relief!

Realizing that our attempts were useless, we decided to apologize for the inconvenience.
We thanked her, left the girl where she lives and traveled back to Varginha.
We found Ubirajara at home. Asking if there was any news, Petry turned on the recorder and
there was an unparalleled laugh. Watery eyes. Hands on our bellies... and a rare moment of
relaxation that hasn't happened to us in a long time. Anyway, it was worth it. Is very!

Chapter 10

If you like to listen you will learn, if you listen you will be wise.

Ecclesiasticus, 6-33

During the day, people from the press arrived: TVs CNT (from Paraná), the repeaters of SBT
and Globo (from Varginha), Globo itself from Rio de Janeiro; newspapers Estado de Minas,
Hoje em Dia, from Belo Horizonte; Correio do Sul and Rádio Vanguarda, both from Varginha,
and several FM radios from the South of Minas. Huge number of professionals and ufologists,
approaching the auditorium that, if before it was small, had become smaller that day.

For the first time, in front of the cameras and microphones, we were slowly recounting in
detail the sequence we researched.

We mention the name of Terezinha Clepf by authorization of her and her family.
We mentioned the case of the two ladies driving to São Gonçalo do Sapucaí and being
followed by a flying object. The dentist, who had his car followed by a luminous flying object
when he was going to the office in Três Corações, on a side road, and having problems with
the car. By the way, he was present in the auditorium. He did not authorize his name to be
mentioned, nor his image to be engraved; unless they had an electronically distorted face
and voice. But faithfully, he narrated what had happened to him, describing the object and
commenting on his panic. We also mention the death of animals at the zoo, with the testimony
of Dr Leila Cabral and Dr Marcos.

One of the soldiers with whom I was talking at my mother's house, knowing about the removal
of the creature from the Humanitas Hospital, whose speech I could not record at the moment,
until then I had not been able to get him to testify, although I had told him in the times we saw
each other about the importance of the same, claiming that the recording would be a security
for him, in case something happens that could harm him: some penalty in the barracks, or in
the Justice, or even his disappearance from one hour to another. So, with him recording
everything he had told me, we would be able to prove the episode and blame who or that
prosecutor for the prosecution. I repeated this to him every time we met. The last one, on
Friday, when we saw each other by chance, I told him about the meeting that would take place on the

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in the afternoon, with the presence of the greatest national ufologists, in addition to the

In the middle of the meeting, exactly when Ubirajara and I were explaining how we were
proceeding in some situations based on our research, Angélica, our faithful squire,
appeared in the auditorium signaling to me that someone on the phone needed to talk to
me. I discreetly walked away from some suspicious looks and went to answer it, leaving
Ubirajara to proceed alone. It was the soldier getting ready to record. I was at the Tres
Corações interchange and I suggested that I immediately take the first bus. And, when
arriving at the Varginha bus station, make another call, and I would pick you up. Knowing
that the trip would take thirty minutes or less, I returned to the meeting as if nothing had
happened, but notifying Angelica that there would be another call from someone at the bus
station. And we continued the explanations in a calm and meticulous way so that everyone
could understand what had actually happened after the sighting of the creature by the girls.

When Angélica returned with the notice of another phone call, I discreetly asked Marco
Antônio Petit to help me. I didn't call Claudeir or Ubirajara, because the former was finishing
reviewing the manifesto that we were going to present at the end of the meeting, and
Ubirajara, because he had the floor at that moment. We were slowly leaving the auditorium
and this caught everyone's attention because, suddenly, for them, something strange
happened with our withdrawal, even more so because I was the one who had the floor and
I had to call Ubirajara to proceed. But Luís Petry, looking at our movement, came to know
what it was all about. I argued for the need to be away for a moment, assuaging his curiosity.
This is because although Petry, in addition to Claudeir and Ubirajara had already been
introduced to him through me, none of them could go with me so as not to create great
suspicion. It pained me to have to lie to Petry after him, who had been supporting us for a
long time and also because the military didn't want anyone from the press, if he only trusted
me. But I was sure Petry would understand the situation later.

The camcorder was in the trunk of the car, but I alone would not have been able to film the
soldier at the same time as I would have to ask him some details relevant to his narrative. I
explained to Marco Antônio Petit as we headed to the bus station about the task to be
accomplished at that moment. We met up with the military man and followed him to the
empty house where Ubirajara's father lived, close to his office. In the backyard, next to a
wall, I set up the tripod, fixing the camcorder and asked Marco Antônio to adjust the focus
and start recording. I sat down next to the soldier, said my name, his name, the time and
the day. From then on, and for thirty minutes, live and in color, we witnessed one of the
most incredible narratives known to Brazilian Ufology. Every now and then he looked at
Marco Antônio in awe, although what he was listening to we had already told him when we
went to Rio de Janeiro. Very different, yes, there is no doubt, to hear a fact from a third
party and personally hear it from whoever was making the story!

When the recording was over, we took the soldier to the bus station, with him telling us
about another companion of his, also from the ESA, willing to reveal aspects of the case to us. would just tak

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courage and, without haste, would contact me. We returned to the heat of the meeting, with
everyone already suspicious of our retreat. I resumed the narrative from the point where
Ubirajara was: telling cases of flying objects in various regions of southern Minas. And the
people settled back into their chairs to listen to me. Then Claudeir presented the Ufologists'
Manifesto. And when I mentioned the names of the military involved, the biggest surprise
was among those present in the auditorium. I discussed the capture operation, commanded
by Major Maciel, of the Varginha Fire Department, on Saturday, January 20th, and a second
operation to remove a second creature at Humanitas Hospital, on Monday, 22nd, commanded
by Lieutenant -Colonel Olímpio Vanderlei, with the participation of Lieutenant Tibério,
Captain Ramirez, Sergeant Pedrosa, an ESA convoy was sent, with the truck drivers being
Corporal Vassalo and the soldiers De Mello and Cirilo. Information came to us that it was in
the morning, when they were parked in front of the Paes Mendonça Supermarket, returning
to Três Corações at lunchtime. In our assessment it is because the creature inside the
Humanitas Hospital was not yet ready for the trip. Hence the reason for the train to have
returned in the afternoon; enough time for "clean-up" arrangements between the Army and
the hospital management. We mentioned the fact that, in the afternoon, instead of the soldier
Cirilo being on the convoy, Corporal Élber went. At this moment, I confess that silence in
the auditorium is unforgettable, noting that many of those present were surprised at my
courage in mentioning the names of the soldiers and, at the same time, tense and fearful in
the expectation that at any moment the Army would invade the premises. as if we were in
the barbarism of the years of the dictatorship, beating everyone with clubs, forgetting, of
course, that Brazil today is a clean country. I suggested that they resume calm, even if it
was apparent, and return to the subject at hand, claiming that from the simple expositions
of the occurrences, we had at that moment the official proof that nothing was beyond the
absolute truth!

I remembered my many years involved in ufological research, the field trips, the cold nights
when I had been attentive to scrutinize the stillness of darkness in the perspective of some
phenomenon that might or might not happen; the frustrated interviews and those that were
positive; of the recordings made with numerous testimonies of witnesses; of the photographs
taken; of the reports filled out for CICOANI and that went directly to the archive and became
part of a collection from which it would not leave for the benefit of anyone else. And, once
again, I understood that Ufology must and must be active but, at the same time, companion
and participatory.

Bringing me out of my melancholy thoughts in a moment of jubilation, Petry came to talk to

me. He understood what had happened and smiled. He told me the third Fantastic would be
a blast! After all, it was the first time that a program of this magnitude, reaching the entire
national territory, would air a documentary on the same subject three times.
This would not have occurred if we had not presented him and other professionals from all
over the press with plausible and incontestable data so that they could carry out their work
in this opportunity without squeamishness and fear of making a mistake when emphasizing
the creatures of space in Varginha.

At the moment when Ubirajara was speaking to the audience, in addition to other ufologists
who also had comments alluding to the creature, I went to Dona Luísa's house to pick her up and the girls,

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at this prearranged meeting. When we arrived, still on the street, the press withdrew
from the auditorium, coming to welcome us in an indescribable riot. Cameras on,
reporters asking questions and me trying to protect them. Although I tried to explain
to them that the interview would be in the auditorium, there were still some reporters
arguing with me about how much I was getting in the way. I paid no attention and led Dona Luísa an

Guys, they came here to talk to you! Inside is better! With difficulty they agreed and
followed us.

Dona Luísa described the four men's visit to her house. Said about the bribe and
how much she wouldn't bow to that shame. And the girls once again repeated
everything they saw, adding comments on the criticisms, ironies and affronts they
were being victims of by many townspeople, eager to tarnish an unmistakable truth.

At the end of the interviews and testimonies, the ufologists present thought it was
good and opportune to publish a manifesto, the first and only of Brazilian Ufology,
in which the support of several groups joining the Varginha case became historic.
There had never been such a sincere manifestation on the part of the researchers.
They came out of their cocoons, spontaneously, to spread their wings with the
intention that Ufology would fly high in the sense of giving understanding to those
many people who still believe in farce, lies, carnival group fantasy... and others
more, judging only be necessity of some wanting to appear in the media. But, we
are sure, millions of Brazilians believing as we never doubted, that what happened
in Varginha, due to its originality and veracity, was too serious to be enough to be enough in newsp


The Brazilian ufologists, represented below by the recognized research groups to

which they belong, after more than three months of intense investigations, as well
as comparisons of information of different types, have no longer the slightest doubt
that it occurred in Varginha, Minas Gerais, in the days 20 and immediately following
January 1996, a real and complex operation, involving military authorities and civil
professionals, which resulted in the capture of creatures not classified biologically,
parascientifically, called EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities), which were kept
under medical observation and later removed from the city.

This is a unique fact in Brazil, whose confirmation can bring immeasurable and
immeasurable scientific knowledge, perhaps positive philosophical and cultural
impacts of gigantic proportions. However, there is a consensus among ufologists
from all over the planet that there is clearly a worldwide process of covering up and
disinformation of facts of this type, and the indisputable evidence of such a
procedure is known, the reasons for which are numerous and obvious. Ufology and
related studies have been fighting for over fifty years for real information and public
recognition of such events to take place, as the right to the truth is one of the main goals of all Huma

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If you were a direct or indirect witness of the events in Varginha, which are now having repercussions
practically all over the world, please contact us to help in the definitive clarification of them, which
mean a spectacular and remarkable acquisition in History. Absolute secrecy will be maintained,
together with researchers, collaborators and responsible members of the press, who are united and
looking for the right moment to reveal everything, in a sober and convincing way.

Our contact numbers will be provided through the number (035) 2221020, in Varginha MG.

AJ Gevaerd
Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research (CBPDV)
Campo Grande, MS

Claudeir Covo
National Institute for Investigation of Aerospace Phenomena (INFA)
Sao Paulo-SP

Edison Boaventura Júnior and Jamil Vila Nova

Guarujá Ufological Group (GUG)
Guarujá / SP

Irene Granchi
Center for Research on the Nature of Extraterrestrials (ClSNE)
Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Marco Antonio Petit de Castro

Fluminense Association of UFO Research (AFEU)
Niterói / RJ

Marco Antonio Rodrigues Silva

Unidentified Objects Study Group (GEONI)
Sao Paulo-SP

Osvaldo and Eduardo Mondini

Center for Ecological Studies and Research (CEPEX)
Sumaré / SP

Rafael Cury
National Association of Ufologists of Brazil (ANUB)
Nucleus of Ufological Research (NPU)
Curitiba / PR

Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues

Varginha / MG

* Victory Pacaccini

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Civil Investigation Center for Unidentified Objects (CICOANI)

Belo Horizonte / MG

In the evening I returned to Três Corações with indescribable fatigue, even though I knew
that the next day, Sunday, I would have to be with Ubirajara and Petry again, because he
would be returning to Rio de Janeiro taking a lot of material to prepare calmly, during the
week, the program Fantástico, which would air on May 12.

At the beginning of the week, I was approached by another ESA soldier who had been
mentioned by his military companion, also from the ESA, and whose Marco Antônio Petit
and I had recorded at the time the meeting with the ufologists was taking place. We arranged
a meeting in a secret place and, at night, I took him by car to Varginha, when I had the
opportunity to introduce him to Ubirajara and Angélica. But Ubirajara had to leave because
it was time to teach at the Varginha Business School where, as a professor, he had this
appointment a few nights of the week.

I went with him to the office inside the house. There we proceeded to the recording, when
he, in addition to complementing the one already mentioned by another colleague in
uniform, reported that the command of the capture operation had been in charge of
Lieutenant Colonel Olímpio Vanderlei, who was at the Humanitas Hospital; when the convoy
took the creature away. And more: it confirmed the movement of the train, the schedules, and the people invol

Finished the recording I felt how nervous he was still, but sure that he could trust me
forever. I took him back to Três Corações and went to my mother's house. In my room with
its open window, I stretched out on my bed, looking out into the night, proceeding slowly
and coldly with its silences and mysterious darks.

Monday! I told myself.

And another week was just beginning!

(*) Belonging to CICOAM until then, and currently carrying out independent research.

Chapter 11

I have seen many theories fall to facts, but I have not seen a single fact fall to theory.

Francesco Severi

Over the course of the week, the volume of calls received was terrible for us. Newspapers
published photos and interviews. TVs were featured in their news. And the third Fantastic
aired on Sunday, May 12th.

New and impressive reports have been confessed to us.

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And this increasingly leads us to reflect on the urgent need for greater awareness
on the part of UFO groups, which is to bring the results of their research and
fieldwork to the public with absolute clarity and simplicity, urgently limiting the
space today. invaded by countless fakers who promote courses and lectures at
extortionate prices, claiming to be contacted by aliens (and giving them strange
names) but that they would even flee the city if it were necessary to prove all the
above. More: having gained magical and extrasensory powers, they arrogate to
themselves the right to be able to change the lives of unsuspecting people (the
same interested in the subject, but who have no group to turn to...), making them
rich in this and that, and for this or other reason to make them confident of their
spiritual greatness, etc. To all this, the false friends of the ETs add the biggest lie
when they mention having been abducted and traveled in wonderful ships
towards I don't know where... to better apply their knowledge acquired through
the extraordinary messages... own pecuniary results, that is, in the financial return of the rogue!

From what we know and can prove, it is the existence of people who, indeed,
were abducted; they traveled in various types of ships; had direct and even
sexual contact with extraterrestrials. But these same people are still shy when
revealing the facts, precisely because they are unprotected and with the natural
fear of being molested. Those who have courage and are encouraged to testify,
do so with honor and pride, never with the pretense of superiority and grandeur
of such privileges. Still, never charging any audience for their testimonies.

So that the UFO groups and most of their members resolve henceforth to step
down from their pedestals and move away, at least once in a while, from their
personal archives, and bring their research to the public... in lectures and
conferences, where the inquiring spirit is greater than human vanity!

A person called us asking if he could meet us at night. At the appointed time, he

arrived. Came with another one. Both looked to be forty-five to fifty years old.
They identified themselves and requested confidentiality of their names about
what they were going to mention. And one of them told of an acquaintance of his
having given a ride to a military man, when he commented on the truth of
everything that happened with the creature, as he knew details of its capture
since March, but he was afraid to tell someone that was not entirely reliable. As
our name was directly linked to the creature through our research and the
seriousness with which we worked in the best possible elucidation of the case,
they came to us because they had talked to an acquaintance of a certain military
and there was no longer any impediment for them to be contacted. He gave us
their names and, from there, we started to study a way to get closer, since they didn't know where

The next day, I asked an acquaintance of mine to make a phone call at the service
of one of them, with some excuse, in order to get his address. And it worked! In
possession of it, in Varginha I confirmed the location and, eight times, I went to
look for it at the residence, not succeeding due to the uncertainty of the time with
which I would return home.

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Finally I found him and he answered me at the gate of the house. But, seeing me and
knowing who I was, he didn't want to talk to me either inside or close by, much less
at the door, because of the neighborhood. He claimed that I was a known person and
that would draw the attention of anyone who saw him with me. We agreed a quiet
place and went separately for wool. He was in plain clothes and tried to be as discreet
as possible. We talked pleasantly while I tried to feel, on his part, if there was really
anything to say about any fact connected with direct knowledge about the creature.
Then, then, we would sail one. Another location for the second date. I would take Ubirajara to meet hi

But he was willing to tell about the creature seen by the girls on the afternoon of
January 20, and what really happened after the capture operation, confirming that
the PM's high command was involved. It happened that same day, the 20th, at night,
with the participation of plainclothes elements, using civilian cars, the P2, from the
secret service of the PM and the B2, from the secret service of the Fire Department.

With this statement, we were more certain of the veracity of the fact, because we had
already collected information from a judicial authority that had told us the same
story. However, since that time, the rumor had been circulating around the city of a
dead soldier involved with the creature. At the time, we didn't pay attention to the
fact because we had to be sure first of the truth about the creature and what they did
with it, and then yes, and what we were doing in the following months, go after the
witnesses and their testimonies, to reach a final understanding of what had actually taken place.

And this witness now confirmed that a P2 (from the Varginha Military Police secret
service), a participant in the capture, had died of a generalized infection. I confess
that I was surprised by the information, because that first rumor was taking shape at
that moment. Furthermore, when mentioning the capture on the night of January
20th, after the hailstorm that had occurred with enormous turmoil in the lives of
many, with roofless houses, walls torn down, people in need of help. And he was
mentioning a second capture if we know that the first took place in the morning and
with the involvement of the Fire Department, and the Army took this creature to ESA.
Hence, why this second capture went unnoticed, being at night and with the other
creature hidden in a vacant lot in the Jardim Andere neighborhood, close to the
place where the girls saw it in the afternoon, with the military in civilian clothes with
passenger cars .

Still somewhat shocked by the confirmation of the soldier's death, I asked him to
give me more information. He claimed that the victim had probably come into direct
contact with the creature, dying a few days later with a generalized infection,
attributing this, due to the comments of co-workers that it was motivated by
something coming from the creature, or some kind of germ, or virus, or some
microorganism that is part of its genetic makeup but, for us humans, totally lethal.
For the moment, I remembered the animals in the Zoo, who had died in a surprising way.

At that point in our conversation, a complementary piece of information emerged

that, for the first time, surprised me: the military would continue to tell more details
if money came in for the information. And the more I insisted that he keep talking about the death of t

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military or even about the capture, the more he demonstrated knowledge of the case by
citing parties. But to reveal them there was a price to be paid, claiming the need to settle
overdue commitments, that was his opportunity, even suggesting that we plan a second
meeting with us. However, until then, it confirmed that the capture operation actually took
place, and there was communication between the Varginha PM and the Belo Horizonte PM
high command.

I told him that the information he was passing on to me was extremely important but that
I needed to bring it to the attention of my research partner. And that I would like, in a next
meeting, to count on the presence of Ubirajara with me. He did not object, as if the
Varginha case did not concern him. He knew everything was secret, but for him, aware
through his command that it was absolute secrecy, he didn't care, because none of it
concerned him. We arranged a new meeting for the following day, at 1 am, at a
predetermined location.

I returned to Ubirajara's office. I waited for him and told him everything. In a mixture of
surprise and sadness at the death of the soldier, we started to ask ourselves several questions:

If the creature had some microorganism lethal to the human race, were the doctors,
paramedics and nurses at the Humanitas hospital already aware of the infected military
and, for this reason, were they wearing surgical masks? Or was it due to the bad smell
exhaled? But does the surgical mask protect against bad smell?

If the reason for the contamination is true, did the military act silently in the captures, only
in order to protect the population from panic and, mainly, from the curious, because they
wanted an approach without knowing the imminent danger of contagion?

Also, if this is the real reason, wouldn't we, in our research and dissemination of facts, be
harming the efforts of the military to keep such a secret?

But, irrespective of the danger, the ufological investigation exists in its larger conception
precisely to bring to the public the understanding of the phenomena if, at the same time
in the specific case of Varginha, to go deep in the question of how many creatures could
exist after all, if of two of them we already knew: the one that had been captured on the
morning of January 20th, and the one that had been sighted in the afternoon by the girls.

We understand that the population in general should know, but how far would we be
getting into the matter of national security? Had we reached that point?

At the same time, does not belong to us humans the right to know the truth of the facts,
even if told by the military, in the sense of being cautious if we are in any imminent
danger? Or will they be armed enough to handle the unpredictable?

The next day, a little before midnight, we left by car to meet the soldier waiting for us at
the agreed place. He got into the car, sitting in the back seat. and we stayed

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walking through deserted streets at that hour, talking pleasantries. But, because the
night was very cold, we returned to the office. There, again, the inquiries for him.

However, he claimed that the soldier's pay was small and he was in need of money.
He also justified that the information in our possession would be very valuable, because
we would certainly sell it to the press and TV. Without any embarrassment, he asked us
for R$ 3 thousand. We explained that it was always our own expense to cover expenses
related to gasoline expenses for travel, telephone bills, food, and many others, in addition
to breaking the routine of our professional work, all due to UFO research never paid. On
the contrary, we always have such a burden to bear for the benefit of one objective: to
bring to the public correct information about what happened in Varginha, in which all
expenses are at our own risk.

On the other hand, we let him know how much we already knew, alleging the possibility
of even coincidences of information. However, we confess our surprise with the news of
the death of the soldier, considered until then as one of the countless rumours.

In my heart and in Ubirajara's, we wouldn't pay. But we weren't going to tell him either,
at least not right now. We would try to contact you in the near future as possible.

We talked a little more, promising a new meeting. And, when I left him near his house,
and due to the late hour, I took Ubirajara home, continuing my journey towards Três

Of the two gentlemen who had looked for us at night at Ubirajara's house, looking 45 to
50 years old, one said he knew a friend who gave a ride to a soldier. This soldier is the
one with R$ 3 thousand in cash. The other told us a very important fact, told by his sister,
resident in Alfenas, whose maid, "Dagmar", has a daughter, "Lindaura", working in a
military man's house in Varginha.

One day, she called her mother in Alfenas, very nervous and agitated, to tell her that,
while doing her normal cleaning work, she saw the military boss gathered in the living
room with two or three other military friends. While doing the room service, one of them,
out of curiosity, glanced through the crack in the door at what they were watching on
television. It was a video showing two creatures, which she immediately associated were
the same ones that had already been talked about in the city and mentioned in the
newspapers and on TV. According to the explanation of "Lindaura", they were two
horrible creatures, where one seemed to be in a kind of tank full of water and was eating
a fruit. The other, lying in another tank of water, looked dead because she didn't move. She told her mothe
"Dagmar" recommended that she keep quiet, keeping it a secret, as she was in a military
man's house, and knowing something where she had not been called, she ran the risk of
being sent away, even more snooping into the lives of her bosses. But, at the same time,
he talked to the boss's sister who told us this.

At first, this coming and going of people here unidentified may seem confusing. However,
as it is necessary to preserve our witnesses, we believe that we are being understood in
the effort to bring to the public the results of our

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research, seeking to elucidate how the whole tangle of the Incident in Varginha and its
plot for the elucidation of the facts actually occurred. Patience and curiosity have
always been the main requirements of a ufologist, if it is on the trails of research that
the arduous path can gradually become an avenue of complete understanding. Added
to this is the fact that we are not trying to prove the existence of extraterrestrials and
their flying objects. It was never up to Ufology to prove this. Our intention is to show
that if it weren't for the tangle of what I said, what I heard and someone who knows
someone because of the individual fear of ridicule, we wouldn't be able to unveil the
horizon of facts for all people, desirous of make them understand the need to prepare
ourselves better psychologically to understand certain phenomena that have been
occurring in this world of which we are a part.

We went to Alfenas and got in touch with "Dagmar", mother of "Lindaura" eyewitness
of the existence of the video with the creatures. But she withdrew in every way when I
asked her daughter to give us her testimony.

No way, doctor. My daughter works at a military boss's house and we are very afraid to
deal with these people in uniform. Then she loses her job and is still punished on the
street. You're sorry, but I won't let her talk to you, no. Way way! It's even better for her
to forget about these crazy things about having seen some little monsters and the
doctor, not even remembering that she came here.

He moved away from the door, locking it from the inside, leaving Ubirajara and me outside.
We prefer to retreat. Admonishing them would be to end with the possibility, who
knows, of the girl, one day, deciding to tell?

Despite this, we had obtained a lot of information with more witnesses involved and
new narratives.

Chapter 12

About UFOs we take them very seriously.

We have no choice, for we have already lost many
men trying to intercept them.

gal. Benjamin. Childlaw

Chief of US Continental Air Defense

On the 6th of May, Monday, we received a call from the psychoanalyst Dr Gilda Moura,
with whom we had been, Ubirajara, Luís Petry, Professor Irene Granchi and myself, at
the dinner after our lecture in Rio de Janeiro, promoted by the CISNE group. . She said
she wanted to go to the South of Minas in order to learn more about the development
of the Incident in Varginha. And he announced the arrival of his friend, Dr. John E.
Mack PhD in Psychiatry from Harvard University, where he also teaches there, arriving
in Rio de Janeiro, meeting with her and then heading to Varginha.

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It was a joy on our part and an immeasurable support that we received, as Dr. Gilda
has been developing an excellent work with people who have seen UFOs or strange
beings, or even those who have been contacted by them. Through interviews to
better elucidate the occurrences that somehow left records in the subconscious of
the interviewees, or even hypnotic regression as one of the medical techniques to
resolve doubts, heal hallucinations, contain the emotional stress that occurs in each
case and in its particularities.

While Dr John Mack (62 years old) proceeds in the same way, he adds to his
professional curriculum the deep knowledge and experience in dealing with these
cases, the fact that he wrote the book Abduction, in addition to being a consultant
for the film Intruders. ), adaptation of the eponymous novel by Budd Hopkins, 1982,
USA, directed by Dan Curtis, with Richard Crenna, Mare Winningham, Susan Blakely,
Daphine Ashbrook, Ben Vereen, Steven Berkoff, Jason Beghe, GD Spradlin, narrating
the nightmare of two women from different cities, who in their dreams see strange
beings entering their homes through doors and walls, leaving them completely stunned.

And, after some time, the fact is repeated and they see the children similar to them,
but hybrids conceived outside their wombs, but with their human characteristics.
The doctor, in the film, represents the person of Doctor John Mack who, in the United
States, has already carried out hundreds of regressions with American women
abducted, kidnapped, taken to the interior of ships and molested with terrible
experiences for times after being contacted again, leaving us to see their children
fertilized in their eggs, but generated somewhere in space with the mutations
pertinent to the authors of the paternity. This has been the work of the renowned
doctor John Mack, ready to embark for Brazil and meet us in Varginha.

The arrival of the two was accompanied as expected by the press. However, before
giving interviews, they asked us to bring them up to date. And we did so, as an
interpreter for Dr. John Mack, although Dr. Gilda Moura was also fluent in English,
having traveled to the United States for courses, congresses, lectures and

Without revealing the sources, we shared with them not only the sequence of events,
but also showed videos and photographs. On a magnetic board in the auditorium, I
was able to make a quasi-schedule of dates and events. At times, when we took
short breaks for coffee or water, Dr. John Mack wanted to know about me and my
professional life. Always smiling and radiating all the sympathy of a simple man,
despite the many titles he had won. Together with Dr. Gilda, he was impressed and
repeatedly congratulated us for what we had been able to find out so far.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in the auditorium, the two being interviewed by
Rede Globo, Estado de Minas, Hoje em Dia and other media outlets, with me
continuing to act as interpreter.

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It was getting dark when we went with them to the house of the Liliane and
Valquíria girls so that they could meet them. After the presentations were made,
and with Kátia's absence, as she could not attend because she was traveling,
there was a request from them if the regression could be carried out with them.
With all due respect to the psychiatrists, both I and Ubirajara, we thought it would
not be necessary. We claim that the mere fact that they saw the creature in a short time would not
Furthermore, even though we may be wrong with our argument, we mentioned
that, regardless of the doctors' wishes, if something strange happened in the girls'
revelations when in regression (because those who experience them bring up the
root cause, reviving it), and if they revealed any detail that was not inherent to the
case, it would be uncomfortable for them and all of us with the press present,
being able to even create a moment against their will and even focus on legal
reasons that Ubirajara very well explained. We would be shy and the press could
publish facts that would have nothing to do with what we were working on.
Therefore, a very well-prepared and detailed interview would be enough to gather
the necessary elements, if nothing else had happened with the girls besides the
reported sighting without any approach or greater involvement that had caused
unconscious damage. Surely they would find another way to ensure the veracity
of the story they told. Also, Dona Luísa was interrogated, but not with the same
intensity as the girls, if what she told was about the attempted bribery, repeating the same usual w

At some specific moments, when Dr. John Mack addressed Dr. Gilda in an almost
colloquial tone, I averted my eyes to some point, but I tried to hear them, because
I was committed to my partner to pass on the information, if since During our
conversation in the auditorium, I repeated the same gesture: narrating the
translated questions and answers to him.

Along with the doctors, the journalists asked questions. Lots of people inside a
small, simple house. Cameras and spotlights with the press wanting to report on
the meeting that night, still. Claudeir Covo returning to Varginha to attend this
meeting together with Edson Boaventura and Jamil Vilanova filmed the doctors,
the girls and the press. It was for our collection. These did not comment. I, too,
lending myself only the necessary translations, Dr. Gilda Moura, Mr. Marcos Clepf
and Mrs. Terezinha Clepf, as I did when we met with Bob and Cynthia. The doctors
asking and the girls answering. When we were satisfied, we returned to the
auditorium and, once again, they attended to the reporters, judging consistency
in the reports if professionals who are naturally guided looks, expressions, red
faces, shyness, embarrassment, in addition to technical and medical observations
for the which never fit our judgment or interpretation. But, scientifically, they gave
a favorable report regretting, but understanding, the absence of the much desired
regression that was performed.

The press, once again, in possession of these results, announced how much we
were on the right path in our research. When in doubt, it was enough to ask Dr.
John Mack, depositary of his own name, titles and résumés in the authentication
of the truth he had heard, also guaranteed by Dr. Gilda Moura. Dr John Mack himself said: I attest i

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any court and I put my Harvard professorship on the line if what I heard from the
witnesses is not true.

We ended that night and, the next morning, we went to make the paths to show
the place of the sighting of the creature, the wall, the forest, the Regional and
Humanitas hospitals and, also, to take them to meet Terezinha Clepf, a very lucida,
whose testimony was consistent with what had already been disclosed, adding
only that for several nights she had been possessed with great fear, imagining
the creature from the Zoo watching her through the cracks in the doors and windows.

There was also a meeting with Kátia, returning from a trip, whose interview
procedure was identical to that of Liliane and Valquíria.

After the interviews, we returned to the auditorium. As it was Sunday, Fantástico

would be on air at 8 pm with the third focus of the incident in Varginha. I preferred
to watch it without translating it, but I recorded it. And yes, slowly, almost scene
by scene, I was able to let Dr. John Mack learn about the meeting, the manifesto,
the names of the soldiers on the convoy, the various depositions and the attempted bribery.

Someone on the phone was calling me. It was "Sérgio", a scientist from Unicamp.
Not finding me in Três Corações, he looked for me in Varginha. It confirmed the
creature's autopsy performed by the no less famous doctor Fortunato Badan
Palhares. This informant-scientist had the opportunity to carry out his surveys in
his own workplace, which is also within Unicamp. Particulars about this would be given to us later

When reporting this information to their partner, Doctors John Mack and Gilda
Moura wanted to continue their journey there the next day, asking me if I would
go with them and leave them in touch with the scientist. I had the unpleasant
mission of disappointing them by justifying the impossibility, because "Sérgio"
would be harmed if they became aware of this contact, as Dr. John Mack is another renowned scie
More: I argued about the involvement of the Army and that the Brazilian scientific
environment is completely different from the American one, because all here,
especially those who were linked in different ways to the creature, were under
military orders of absolute secrecy. And that the scientific area itself, unfortunately,
living under the tutelage of the government, does not have autonomy for its
research work, even more so in the case in question where denial and
misrepresentation would be the main tonic. Making this very clear, the doctors
returned their interests to our work and to the faithful testimonies I told them, but
I promised that, whenever possible, I would bring more information to the
knowledge of both of them; asking them to be understanding of the ways in which Brazilian ufolog

After the presentation of Fantástico, on Monday, the 13th, we decided to leave

Varginha to avoid the turmoil that we would have to face again. We went to
Campinas from where we received information that was not yet concrete about
the permanence of the creatures at Unicamp, because we were sure that the ESA
convoy took them there.

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Also on Monday, around 9 pm, Rodolfo, son of Ubirajara, called on his cell phone
to report that an informant of mine was seeing a UFO flying over the city of Três
Corações that night and needed to talk to me. Let the informant wait, as he would
contact him immediately. And I learned of an elongated object that, for more than
an hour, hovering over the city seen by hundreds of people. Even he had tried to
film it but, due to inexperience with the camera, the image was not clear. Zooming
in was not possible because the camera itself had few resources. When trying to
get closer, the image would go out of focus. You could only get an idea of the
object blinking and changing the colors of the lights. Thank you and we hung up.

It even looks like urucubaca! I told Ubirajara. Did you leave there and then a UFO
appears over my city?

He laughed, because I have never seen even a strange light in the sky. Nothing
different that would lead me to believe was from the space visitors. In my entire life
and eighteen years of UFO research, interviewing people, hearing scientifically
proven stories and reports about sightings, landings, abductions; following the
veracity of the Varginha Incident, I never had the opportunity to be an eyewitness.
Irony of luck, perhaps. Countless times, like that moment, I teased people as I did
my informant, for not having gotten the perfect image of a formidable apparition.
Certainly not even the hundreds of people have managed to do it, because it's
natural for everyone to be scared and, faced with the uncertainty of looking for the
camcorder or the camera, missing that moment of enchantment when seeing it end
in the same way as it started, without a prior signal. However, I understand that, in
the way of each one, the event is recorded in the retina of the eyes, in the stupefied
emotion and in the memory files. It must be, yes, an unforgettable moment.

In that same call from Rodolfo, we were told that the reporting team from Istoé
magazine had arrived in Varginha, awaiting our return.

After this period, ESA was often mentioned in the news, with its image appearing
and the subject running wild across the South of Minas. Brigadier General Sérgio
Pedro Coelho Lima thought it was opportune to speak out. But in this regard we
believe, with certainty, to have been by order of the high command of Brasilia. He
sent a letter to the press in the south of Minas (the one in Varginha mainly, because
in Três Corações there is nothing to compare it to, unfortunately). AM and FM
radios from all nearby cities also received communication.

We were warned by some journalists, our friends, and on the appointed day and
time, everyone went to ESA. Rádio Vanguarda de Varginha, Rede Globo, SBT, 7V
Educativa are all local; reporters from the Estado de Minas branch, from Hoje em
Dia and several representatives of numerous small newspapers in the region attended.

With all the pomp and circumstance, General Coelho Lima tried to use superb
language so as not to be ostentatious and, at the same time, for the press gathered
there, to deem everything elegant; although his purpose was to curse everyone. He
said that in relation to the facts alluded to by the press there was nothing to declare. That ESA had

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open to all and that the rumors raised about the corporation were frivolous, driven by hidden
intentions with the purpose of denigrating and tarnishing the well-known and traditional School
of Sergeants of the Arms of Três Corações. And that no element or material from the school had
any relation to the subject. He thanked the audience and, leaving the room, closed the press
conference, without further ado. There was a moment of stunned silence between everyone. The
press conference scheduled for the general to manifest himself, he did so in a way that the said
was left unsaid. In short, he was unhappy in his, shall we say, explanation if, first, he explained
nothing and, second, he had already determined to his subordinates to inform everyone present
and in advance that he would not answer any questions.
Now, this attitude was quite typical of those authorities forged in the barracks that engendered
the 1964 coup, doing it like a black cloud blowing torture and persecution on the Brazilian horizon.
For this reason we have been asphyxiated for more than thirty years. But, as nothing is perfect,
democracy dawned and men of common sense woke up in the beloved homeland.

The press gathered in the ESA hall only wanted to hear confirmation of a truth that everyone
knew. Wasn't there an opportunity to tell everything? Did the creature the girls saw actually not
exist? Weren't they also captured by the Army? If the general were willing to use his benevolence
in answering some questions, if he behaved mildly and confirmed the truth, even claiming it was
a military secret, such a common and well-known resource about cover-ups in relation to this
matter in all countries of the world , certainly would not have had the opportunity to worry from
the beginning with so many rumours, fuss and assumptions.

But at the end of the supposed speech and before retiring to an adjoining room, he was questioned
by a reporter from EPTV, the Globo broadcaster from Varginha, who had come ahead of the

General! General! Where were the soldiers mentioned by Pacaccini? What were they doing on the
day of the creature's capture? And why did the train go to Varginha?

Seriously, and sternly, he replied:

They were working for the Army and for the benefit of the Nation! And turned his back to leave.

The reporter insisted:

And can you prove it?

The general turned tense and circumspect:

Prove to whom?

The press! Isn't she the one who wants proof of the facts?

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I don't have to prove anything. What I had to say was said in this note. He left the
room, entering the adjoining room, the door of which one of his subordinates slammed shut.

In the general's unexpected departure, the reporters were convinced that

something extraordinary had really happened in Varginha. When they returned to
the newsrooms, then yes, the entire South of Minas and Brazil became aware of
the evasions. I had contacts with other military personnel besides those whose
testimonies I had recorded and their opinion was that the general had "burned the
ESA film". No way should he have behaved that way. And if any person in the
region had doubts about the creature, they were definitively resolved. Everything
had been embodied in a no in favor of a yes! And the same military with whom I
was able to talk made it clear that if before there were colleagues in the corporation
knowing nothing or those aware fulfilling orders of absolute secrecy, and of the
existing speculations; after the press conference, then yes, all of them, indiscriminately began to u

Now, to make room in the mind to "understand" is to cause a great advance in

certain people who are systematically opposed to everything. In a beneficial way,
it was causing positive results for the ill-fated collective.

About this it is interesting to transcribe a text written by the journalist Rita Moraes,
enclosed in a box of the report on the Incident in Varginha of the magazine IstoÉ
(1390 22/5/96, page 129), a report that we will talk about later but, as it is opportune
in this time to close this topic, we will advance what was mentioned about "A Mystery of Ten Years

The military authorities of Brazil, at least publicly, do not usually dedicate space
in their agendas to deal with ufological phenomena. Exactly ten years ago,
however, the Air Force deployed three F5 fighter jets and three Mirages 111 to go
in pursuit of alleged UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). The operation that
mobilized the country's air defense system was launched by Colonel Ozíres Silva.
On May 19, 1986, shortly after being named president of Petrobras, the colonel
was returning from Brasília aboard a Xingu plane and as he approached the São
José dos Campos Air Base (SP) he saw some luminous discs also recorded by
radars. of the plane. Ozíres himself decided to start a pursuit of those lights, while
radioing the Integrated Center for Air Defense. After three hours, the lights
disappeared as they appeared, mysteriously.

At the time, the then Minister of Aeronautics, Otávio Moreira Urna, assured that
the UFOs "were at least 20." Aviator Colonel Ney Antunes Cerqueira, then head of
the Center for Air Defense Operations, assured, however, that only three UFOs were recorded.
To clarify the episode, Brigadier Moreira Urna promised an official report on the
Air Force's investigations within 30 days. To this day, the results of this
investigation are kept under lock and key and few want to talk about it. "I don't
remember things from ten years ago", dodges Colonel Cerqueira, now head of the
Flight Protection Service in São Paulo. Others, with better memories, avoid
commenting on the results of the investigations. "It was an exceptional occurrence,
but we didn't arrive at any explanation", maintains Brigadier Moreira Lima.
Searched by Istoé; in São José dos Campos, where he lives, and in São Paulo, where he works, fo

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to the report Despite the official silence, the ufologists do not intend to file this case
definitively. The episode will be the subject of a book, now in its final stages, by the
president of the National Institute for Investigation of Aerospace Phenomena (INFA), Claudeir Covo.
"Citizens have the right to know about this case. I count on the release of the Air
Force report to finish the book", claims the ufologist.

Claudeir Covo awaits the release of a report But how many others are there to be
released? We do not question General Coelho Lima's denial if this is part of the Tom
& Jerry game, that is, military versus ufologists. But at least let a spokesperson of
yours obscure the obvious... in a pleasantly affable tone.

Chapter 13

It is the duty of Science not to put aside facts that seem or remain inexplicable.

Dr. Alex Carrel

Tuesday, at 12:00, we arrived in Varginha, coming from Campinas, where we carried

out one more stage of what we intended in relation to our research. We had just
entered Ubirajara's house when the maid came to inform us of an anonymous phone
call received the night before. It was an adult, male voice threatening us with death,
claiming that we were going too far and that the time to stop everything had come.
If we continued, we would bear the consequences.

We reflected on the fact and were not startled or afraid. After all, it was to be expected
that sooner or later, this kind of behavior could come from someone walking hand
in hand with cowardice or envy. Narrow-minded, miserable people. For me, whoever
behaves in this way imitates the whitewashed tombs! On the outside, the
representation of purity, innocence, the immaculate image, but on the inside, the
excretion, the rotten, the worms! That kind of rabble never scared me because if they
don't have the courage to speak out face to face; represents the role of a zero on the
left in society, and even less so for me. I argued that it would be better to be careful
when going out into the field to work inside Varginha, surrounding towns and on dirt
roads, as these would be very conducive to ambush, ideal for those who behave
anonymously, as they would never have the courage to act openly. in public.

After lunch, we received Luiza Villamé, a reporter for IstoÉ and photographers
Ricardo Giraldez and Carlos Fenerick. It was not necessary to give all the
explanations, since they were aware of the events. However, they wanted access to
the depositions of the military, forcing us to the old claims of secrecy. They listened
attentively, with Luisa patiently taking notes. They asked us to show them the
sightings, captures, and also wanted to meet the girls, Terezinha Clepf and the
couple Eurico and Oralina. We did what we could to help them. But it was little. They
touched on the subject of the testimonies of the military and if it was possible to
have a photo of one of them, a transcript or anything that would justify a "journalistic scoop".
I pondered it with my partner, concluding that it would be possible, yes, a photo, as
long as the image of the face was changed, so that no one could identify it. If it helped, we would.

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They agreed and we went to our collection. We took a videotape where I was interviewing
a military man. We stopped the image in a certain scene and had it modified on the
computer through the mosaic effect, so common nowadays on television news, especially
when they focus on minors in their testimonies. We printed it in color, but his face was
still distinguishable. We redid the process, adding to the mosaics, changing the hair,
adding sideburns and changing the color of the shirt.
Getting the print right this time, we gave it to Villaméa, whose reproduction was printed
in the magazine.

In all our conversations, we made a point of exposing the seriousness of what had
happened in the city and how important the press coverage was, making the fact a
milestone in the history of Brazilian Ufology, because never before had a subject of this
nature been on the cover of a magazine.

As they would stay another day in Varginha, on Wednesday I invited them to go to Três
Corações where, at my mother's house, I could try to meet at least someone who had
seen the object that had flown over the city while I was away. I arranged with them to
meet me there at 10:00 am, because that same day I would take them to the couple Eurico
and Oralina as usual with the reporters, including two teams of Argentines who were
there, because for me there was no problem some if I didn't have the professional
commitments that Ubirajara was unable to do in many of our meetings.

When they arrived, I had spoken with my informant, the one with whom I had talked on
the cell phone while I was in Campinas. He told me about an ESA soldier, a very good
friend of his, that he had also seen the object, the slow maneuvers and shenanigans, in a
relatively long time and not just for a few furtive moments.

This military man told us that within the ESA, numerous colleagues in uniform were
filming and photographing the object. I didn't know how to say their names, but we didn't
care about this sighting. After all, the whole city had the happy opportunity to see the
same spectacle. But it raised the hypothesis that the military might have been recording
everything, probably paying attention to any maneuver other than the object, as the space
creatures could be aware of the captures and were probing the barracks.
Hence the attention of the military focused on filming and photographs, because they
knew very well the reason and the fear. They articulated their due precautions.

As this soldier could not appear in the report of IstoÉ magazine, because he had given
me other information, after other phone calls I found two friends, one of them a father,
whose daughter also saw the object and drew it. I made an appointment with them and,
when telling us what he was like, we were surprised, as they referred to him as looking
like a submarine. The two friends told us that it was a little rounded at the ends, with a
small dome in addition to some windows. And the girl, somewhat oblivious to the
conversations, made the drawing as she had also seen him, apparently at a very low
height to be able to add so many details. The drawing (also published in the magazine)
represented almost the same submarine narrated by the couple Eurico and Oralina,
leading us to believe in an enormous similarity with the same type of object, also having dimensions

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small, in addition to the "top" said by Eurico. It just didn't smoke. But in the clear night
of Três Corações, could that object have been hovering over the city for almost two
hours with the sole purpose of making everyone's eyes happy? Certainly not. It had
been flying over the city for some reason. But which? Doing what? It's because? Or
would its crew be other creatures in the rescue of the lost ones? When walking away
after so long, was this flyby for nothing? I can not believe,

Once the work was done with Istoé magazine, at the end of the following week the
magazine was on newsstands. And the print run sold out all over Brazil. It was only
possible for me to acquire it after asking the newsboy in advance to keep it. The same
happened in Varginha, with the population becoming more and more impressed and
astonished, transposing distrust into credulity. After all, the subject of the creatures
had a cover and six pages in color with photos, illustrations, testimonials, including the
box we alluded to on page 135.


05/16/96 to 05/22/96

11:20 am Eduardo Mondini receives a call from Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues, from
Varginha MG, informing him that an anonymous call from a person from Jundiaí-SP
would have informed him that on Monday (13105) at dawn, something had transferred
from the Campinas- SP (1 Armored Infantry Brigade) for the 2' GAC (2' Combat Artillery
Group) in Jundiaí-SP. The person would have seen military trucks entering the 2' GAC
and that there was a strong security guard watching the barracks.
Ubirajara ended by requesting support from CEPFX to confirm these facts, as the person
(who was a woman) seemed very sincere.

11:30 am Eduardo calls Osvaldo Mondini at Indarma asking him to get in touch with
"Rubens", CEPEX representative in Jundiaí-SP so that he can check with the 2' GAC
the information passed by Ubirajara.

11:43 am Osvaldo calls "Rubens" and asks him to verify with the 20 GAC the information
about the military convoy that would have left Campinas and entered the barracks in

18:00 "Rubens" calls from Jundiaí-SP to the residence of Osvaldo Mondini, informs that
he went to the 2' GAC by bicycle and went in to drink water (excuse me ready to enter
the barracks). "Rubens" asked the sentries about the convoy and they could not inform
anything, they said that there was no strange movement in the barracks, even because
on Saturday (18/05) the beret would be handed over to the recruits and the barracks
would be visited by the family members of the embedded military. "Rubens" also
informed that his mother has a friend who is married to a captain of the 20 GAC and she
had told him that her husband had been incommunicado for 15 days at a farm or farm
in Bragança Paulista-SP. This captain's wife tried to speak to him several times and was
unsuccessful; he also said that when she asked him about Varginha's ET, he didn't talk.
It was also informed that there would be a meeting of generals in

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Bragança Paulista-SP with the presence of the Minister of the Army, Gal. Zenildo Zoroaster de
Lucena. The reason for this meeting, the exact date and place, no one knows.


2:10 pm Carlos, Marco Antônio and Eduardo Mondini (from CEPEX) leave the CEPFX
headquarters in Sumaré-SP for the 11' Armored Infantry Brigade, Instituto Médico Legal,
Viracopos International Airport, in Campinas-SP and the 2' Group of Combat Artillery, in Jundiaí-
SP with the mission of photographing, filming and finding some clue of the passage of the ET
of Varginha through these places.

2:47 pm We enter through the guardhouse that gives access to the 11' Bld Inf Bld on the Via
Anhangüera side, passing the 2nd Logistic Battalion (20 BELOG), 280 Armored Infantry
Battalion (28' BIB), 20 Army Police Platoon (2' Pel PE), Brigade Headquarters, Brigade
Command Company and 2' Armored Communications Company (2' CIACOM). We filmed what
was possible with a camera hidden in the moving car. Throughout the barracks there are
guardhouses with armed soldiers guarding the entrance of each Company.

15:00 We stopped in front of the Preparatory School for Army Cadets and calmly took several
photographs and footage of the entrance gate and the sides of the school.
These images and photos were easy to register, since the school is open to the public and we
pretended to be tourists.

3:15 pm We arrive at the Amarais Cemetery and take images and photos of the IML outside.
The operation was easy due to the fact that Sunday is a day of great visitation to the cemetery
by people who have family members buried there. We didn't notice any strange movement, the
doors were all locked and we could see only one employee who, upon seeing us, kept looking
suspiciously from afar.

15:45 We arrived at Viracopos International Airport where we went to find out if there were any
military planes parked, and what we found were two ANTONOV cargo planes. One of them had
normal commercial line paint and was carrying conventional loads. 4:16 pm As we were
leaving, we noticed another ANTONOV parked at the Federal Express terminal and it did not
have commercial lines paintings, but it had, in addition to the Russian flag, the Russian
government emblem on the tail, which means that the plane belonged to the Russian
government. We asked an employee who was passing by the place about the plane and he
replied that it belonged to the Russian government and that it had arrived at the airport on the
15th of this month and was empty awaiting cargo. The official also said that the plane would
go to the US. We found it very strange that a plane of that size was literally parked waiting for
cargo and wasting time and money, usually commercial cargo planes just pass through
airports, loading or unloading and take off as quickly as possible to save time.

16:57 We arrived at the 20 GAC in Jundiaí-SP where we were attended by the guard corporal,
"Everton, who confirmed the arrival of the vehicles from the Campinas barracks. We told him

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that we wanted to visit the barracks and the same said that it was not possible, the visits had to be
scheduled with the public relations of the barracks during the week. The military asked where we
were coming from and we said that we were coming from São Paulo to Campinas and decided to
stop to visit the barracks. We asked him what link the 2' GAC would have with Campinas and he
said he had no link (the question was asked to check the information on the arrival of the vehicles).
Corporal "Everton" asked the reason for the question and Eduardo said that on Monday (131 05)
he was passing in front of the barracks and saw the arrival of vehicles at the barracks coming from
Campinas. The Campinas barracks has at 2' BELOG a whole maintenance structure in vehicles and
the excuse given by the corporal is not valid.


5:00 pm Eduardo receives a call from Claudeir Covo from São Paulo who informs him that he
would be coming to Campinas-SP to check some information he had received from his friend
"Míriam". Claudeir said that he could not give the information over the phone, for obvious reasons,
and that he would talk to Eduardo in person. Eduardo makes an appointment to meet Claudeir
Covo at 19:30120h00 in front of the Campinas-SP Highway Police station on Via Anhangüera.

20:20 Claudeir Covo arrives at the appointed place together with Antônio Cruze, joins Eduardo
Mondini who was already waiting for him and everyone leaves for "Míriam's" house, in the Jardim
Proença neighborhood, in Campinas.

9:30 pm We arrived at "Míriam"'s house where we were received by her husband and there we met
"Santiago" (Cante) who gave us the following information: A friend of his from the Badan Palhares
team would have informed him that the ET's body would be in the Hospital Clinics (HC) at Unicamp.

That the ET would have been taken to Campinas because the HC is the best equipped in the
country and that the military authorities would have chosen the city of Campinas because the trip
from Três Corações-MG to Campinas-SP was not very far and so the body would not be too much
time exposed to the conditions of travel.

That Unicamp had an underground laboratory built in the 70's to

serve military interests. This laboratory would be under the HC at Unicamp.

That one of the creatures would have run away and been shot in Varginha.

That coroner Fortunato Badan Palhares would be studying the creature's body with a German

That the creature would have arrived in Campinas-SP and went straight to Unicamp.

That Unicamp had First World equipment and that entry into the underground laboratory would be
controlled by magnetic card and fingerprint.

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That Badan Palhares would have autopsied the creature.

That the bones of Araguaia would have been an excuse used by the military to justify the presence of
vehicles at the HC and IML of Campinas-SP The bones would have been at the HC since 199 1.

That all the military involved in the case of the capture of the ET of Varginha would be being transferred
from the unit.

That a relative of "Miriam" who lives next to the Humanitas Hospital in Varginha (MG) would have seen
quite a lot of movement in the hospital on the night of the capture.

That several people would have seen UFOs in Delfinópolis MG on the night of the ET capture.

That military would have seen an ET rescuing another creature. The one on the ground being rescued
would have been shot and the other was trying to rescue him and when he saw the military he ran
away. All this would have occurred after the hailstorm (second capture).

That no one was injured in the capture operation, but that "Míriam" had said that one of the soldiers
involved in the capture was missing and is believed to be dead.

11:20 pm We leave "Míriam's" house and head to our homes. 05/22/96

4:00 pm Osvaldo receives a call from "Jader", our contact at Unicamp, and he informs that his friend
"O Arnaldo" would have managed to speak with a person who is Badan Palhares' right-hand man.
about the creature and that a few days ago, certain people invaded the Amarais cemetery and messed
with some things in search of the ET and who later went after one of those responsible for the cemetery
and he didn't answer them. But the "right arm " confirmed that the creature is really in Campinas, but
did not want to "open the game" regarding the place where the ET would be. He also informed that the
creature would have arrived at dawn and who received the ET's body was a German who works at HC ,
but he doesn't get along very well with Badan, as they had a split some time ago and in the face of this
incident, Badan would have obtained funds to set up his own research nucleus within Unicamp. He is
not a great scientist and highly regarded at Unicamp, and it will be difficult to get more information, as
he is one of those involved in Unicamp's research, being a very chucra person, because what Badan
tells him, he answers amen. (Words from "right arm").

8:30 pm Eduardo Mondini receives a call from Carlos; Eduardo Bazan (CEPEM member) who informs
that a professor friend of his told him that a doctor friend confided to him that, passing by the barracks
of the 1st Armored Infantry Brigade, he gave a ride to a soldier and in the middle of the way this doctor
would have asked the soldier if the story of the ET coming to Campinas was true and the military
confirmed that it was and that he himself would have seen a document on the table of one of his
officers talking about the ET.

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While the investigation of the Incident in Varginha continued, the daily routine of
the national news continued. But we must emphasize as a curiosity and of great
importance the presence of the US Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, coming
to Brazil to sign with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Felipe Lamprea, a cooperation
agreement for the peaceful use of outer space.

This, at the time, caught our attention because it was probably another argument
in the sense of involving the Brazilian government, in a more forceful way, in this
cover-up process, whatever the current knowledge of Brazil and what it comes to
acquire about human beings. extraterrestrials or extraterrestrial life. This agreement
will at some point make it possible for a Brazilian astronaut to go to space...

A very apropos occurrence, correlated with this visit by Secretary Christopher,

was also, at the time, the presence in Brazil of the general administrator of the
United States Space Agency Nasa, Daniel Goldin. He visited the facilities of the
National Institute for Space Research INPE, signing space cooperation agreements between the tw
There have already been agreements like this in the past, but this is the first time that the main director of
NASA has come to the country to get to know the national scientific apparatus.

We, who are involved with the Varginha Incident, cannot dissociate the presence
of these people from the Minas Gerais episode, mainly because this meeting took
place in early May. Coincidences aside, isn't it surprising that some soldiers come
to confirm the presence of two Americans formulating these types of agreements
in the effervescence of the Incident in Varginha, whose dimension of events ran
the world through the press? Weren't those moments of so much soft talk about
sending Brazilians into space and visits to military installations with more bilateral
agreements all done to justify their presence, including NASA within Unicamp's

Another parallel fact observed and of great importance is that, at the same time,
the Chamber and the Senate in Brasília approved a project granting the Brazilian
Air Force powers to shoot down aircraft in clandestine flights that do not respond
to the identification order, aiming at the combat drug trafficking and smuggling.
But why wasn't this done years ago if the news on drug trafficking routes is not
now? From clandestine airports? Of hundreds of planes involved? Because now?

How long will we take our actions without the interference of foreigners? What is
the foreign authority greater than ours? If one day they said: what is good for the
United States is good for Brazil, should we live choking on this all our lives?
How long will our Tupiniquim vision continue, creating folklores about space
creatures and their flying objects such as Mãe d'água, Boitatá, Boiúna or Taúba?
Our military should not be subjected to that. After all, is it correct to believe that
the fruit that has fallen in our backyard will always belong to the alleged owner of the land?

Chapter 14

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The only way to discover the limits of the

possible is to venture a little beyond it, into
the impossible.

Clarke's Second Law.

The editor-owner of the most prestigious Brazilian Ufology journal, AJ Gevaerd, arrives
in Varginha, who has been in regular contact with us. With him were the editors of the
UFO magazine, Danielle de Oliveira and Adriana Parias. They were received at
Ubirajara's house and, in the attached auditorium, I patiently explained the entire
history of the facts, from the moment I arrived in Três Corações. Then I went to meet
my partner, taking the tape with the testimony of the first soldier that I had recorded.
For hours we passed on all occurrences to him and his team. From the simplest, such
as mere aerial sightings to the chronology of captures, about the girls, Terezinha
Clepf, the Zoo, etc. Later we proceeded to the visitations and photographs. The girls,
Terezinha, the couple Eurico and Oralina were interviewed. I took Gevaerd to the
branch of the newspaper Hoje em Dia. We were solicitous and cooperative in
everything, with the intention that he would make a worthy report on the fact with the maximum fidelity.

And the editions of UFO magazine followed one another with quite blunt articles.

Number 43 (April/1996) focuses on news about the Varginha Fire Department hiding
information; number 44 (June) about the military hiding information; the 13th (July)
was UFO Especial, with all the occurrences, interviews, testimonies; number 45
(August) with new revelations about the involvement of the military increasing the

In all editions the articles were highly praised. But UFO Especial had its print run of
18,000 copies sold out in a short time, requiring new printings, such was the success
throughout Brazil.

From another phone call he received, "Caio", who has many contacts with the military,
announced that he had important information, but he had been afraid to disclose it to
us until he was able to ascertain the seriousness with which we were working and, at
no time, let it slip away. to the press any clue that identified at least one of the military
personnel involved in the research through their testimonies.

We made an appointment and went to his house in the company of my partner,

Gevaerd, Danielle and Adriana, reporters for UFO magazine. It was surprising what he told us.

On January 20th, that is, on the same day the girls saw the creature, at 3:30 pm; still
at 1:00 pm lunch time for him, a resident of the Santana neighborhood, a little below
the Jardim Andere neighborhood, he parked the car. From the door of his house he
saw a stopped military truck at the top of the hill, which is the end of the Jardim
Andere neighborhood. He told us that until then he knew nothing, because only days
later he had found out, through the news and, then, he was able to order the schedules
until he realized that between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm, he had witnessed a search for new creatures. At tha

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curiosity turned to the place. But, wool arriving, the truck no longer turns. He saw
seven soldiers down below, heading towards the forest, the total of which caught his
attention by the way they walked: a little apart from each other but all paired up as if
making a sweeping barrier walking towards the existing forest next to the line. iron.
They were wearing combat uniforms, camouflage ones, and carrying rifles.

He said he was surprised, as he had never seen anything like it there in the
neighborhoods and stood to observe amidst some others who were also curious. The
soldiers entered the forest and, moments later, he heard three bangs. It didn't take
long for two soldiers to come out of the woods, each carrying a field bag. By the
volume of the same, the content was evident. One of the bags gave the distinct
impression that something was trapped and was moving. In the other bag just an inert volume.

But the question remained: what were the military doing there? Why the sweeping
walk? What was there in the woods that demanded so much attention from soldiers in
combat uniforms? If, in the morning, there were soldiers from the Fire Department
capturing a creature and handing it over to the Army; after all, how many creatures
would be in the woods; if one looked alive and bagged; the other, suggesting that she
had been killed; and, at 3:30 pm, the girls saw a creature propped up against a wall
with a skinned knee, showing no reaction, presumably not because it was scared and tired?

For us, it was another statement that made us euphoric, because little by little we went
part by part, gradually forming the puzzle.

Some time later, we gathered the information through Claudeir Covo, who undertook
research together with the Mondini brothers and members of the INFA group, in
addition to the helpful help of Edson Boaventura and Jamil Vilanova, who came to
discover that one of the creatures had been shot not because it had attacked the
soldier, but for his fright when he was face to face with something terrifying for "our
standard of beauty" and for inexperience, nervousness and the worst, unaware by his
superiors of the importance of what he was doing there, even more considering that a creature had bee

Due to the events and the great news, the mayor of Varginha, Aloysio Ribeiro de
Almeida, invited me and his partner to a meeting in his office, scheduled three days in
advance. We accepted, but when we arrived, Mr. Aloysio had to leave the city for
reasons of travel due to activities related to his position.

The deputy mayor, Paulo Vitor Freire, welcomed us. Congratulating us, at the same
time extending words of solidarity to us on your behalf and on that of the mayor,
highlighting the seriousness with which we had been working on the research.

He asked us if there was reason to panic. After all, the city lived moments of perplexity,
fright, fear, rumors about the creature in the daily life of Varginhenses citizens.

I confess, at the time, I thought that the question had to do with what we knew from
the testimony of a person, about the death of the soldier.

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In the event of an extraordinary event, he requested that, together, we study a way to

alert the population. We would do that, without a doubt; or it would have made the
Army more appropriately, if it was responsible for the capture and possession
through its technology and medical resources capable of having detected from the
beginning any imminent danger that could affect the population.

In the evening of the same day I receive a call at my mother's house. It was a military
officer from a state neighboring Minas Gerais, who identified himself, commenting
on our dedication to research and feeling obliged to inform us that, being a military
officer, he could not leave the fact to be mentioned, only restricted to the military
means, as it was a matter belonging to humanity.

He said that events related to UFOs and their crews were not exclusive to the skies
of Brazil, as such events occur frequently throughout the world.
It confirmed that the Integrated Center for Air Defense and Air Traffic Control -
CINDACTA I, in Brasília, had numerous cataloged information about such phenomena
and that it was aware of facts that the population in general cannot even imagine.

Also in January, he said, from the Canoas Air Base - RS, a Buffalo cargo and troop
transport aircraft took off, bound for some point in the south of Minas Gerais, carrying
a portable radar, but with a reasonable range. . He didn't know where he landed, and
we don't even know, because if it was in Varginha it would draw everyone's attention,
because at the airport there that model of aircraft does not exist and, if there was a
landing, it was in previous years, with no news of this.

The cargo consisted of three smaller containers and a wooden crate, with several
military personnel on board together. In the first container there were generators. In
the second, reception equipment and computers. In the third, a small portable
workshop. In the wooden box there was the dismantled antenna. In short, it was a
sophisticated portable radar with camouflage paint, whose destination was the South
of Minas. The reason: the installation of the same in an isolated area, that is, to remain inside the fores

Why that? First, there is no such radar system in Varginha. Not even within the ESA,
which is a school for sergeants of arms, but focused on the instruction of infantry,
cavalry and war engineering. Thus, this radar would be controlling air traffic including
and more purposefully, UFOs, being easily located and reporting even landings and
crashes. Second, being portable, ESA would be happy to keep abreast of the reports,
taking control of the situation, not depending on Brasília or Rio de Janeiro. Third, the
ESA would be able to track some apparitions and be on high alert when necessary.

And that's what happened, according to the confidence of those who spoke to me.
This fact was also later confirmed by the wife of a high rank within the ESA, telling us
about her husband who, during Holy Week, was not allowed to leave the barracks, if
they were on standby "for fear of retaliation", according to the words of this lady, in
case the objects seen so often by the population resurfaced.

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After all, weren't they, the military, responsible for the capture? Of death? From the train
to Unicamp?

It is important to emphasize that in this same period, American soldiers arrived at ESA by
helicopter. An area had been closed off and several intelligence agents from many parts of
the country were sent there. Some residents of the region, especially those from the Santa
Tereza neighborhood, which is adjacent to the barracks, said they had never seen such
movement before, if several residents have been there for years, a fact that caught the
attention of even the most unwary.

Adding up my secret contacts with the military, there were already more than 15 and all of
them confirmed, from the first to the most recent, the presence of foreigners within the ESA.
Discreet and in a smooth operation. This is because, even in Brazil, the military forces still
do not have sophisticated technology to deal with the UFO phenomenon, while the
Americans have rescue teams, scientists, and specific weapons for when it is necessary
to use them. In short, an entire infrastructure to deal with these cases. After a few days, I
found out what the Americans were doing there: in addition to providing logistical support,
they were participating in this operation.

Chapter 15

This world is a prophecy

of the world to come:

Edward Young

Also in the month of May, the various military personnel who were helping us passed on
the information of the opening of a kind of internal investigation carried out by ESA in
order to determine the reason for several military men mentioned by name when the
creature was captured and transferred from the Humanitas Hospital to Unicamp. .

This internal procedure at ESA is normal, given the huge contingent of more than 3,000
men on its premises. The fact that gave rise to the investigation is determined, whoever
has to punish is punished and life continues in continence with the duty fulfilled,

But in the specific case of the creature, they called the people who were cited and arranged
for each of them the necessary witnesses in order to deny their participation in the Varginha

On the day that the names of the military were mentioned by me in the meeting with the
ufologists and the press when Claudeir Covo read the Manifesto, I was told that they had
arranged an occupation for Lieutenant Tiberio in a certain place, having a witness to
confirm; Corporal Elber, ditto. The same with Captain Ramirez, Sergeant Pedrosa, Private
Cirilo and others mentioned.

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They also offered me copies of the document with several pages. In this regard, I thanked him for his
good will but dismissed the offer, as these military informants were friends and if I accepted, we would
all be in error. After all, these roles would not represent vital importance in research. Just knowing
about the existence of this inquiry was enough for us because, once again, we were not far from reality.
The Varginha Incident was not limited to the sighting of a creature by the girls. It went further. It was
much bigger than imagined. It became a great tree with many thorny branches for us.

Once that documentation was prepared, all those cited had to sign on their respective pages, together
with the forged witness with the sole purpose of, when and if some or all of them come to leave the
corporation one day, and for some reason decided to tell what they knew , the Army would be able to
prove the lie by publicizing the signed document.

On Monday, May 20, Doctor Leila Cabral, director of the Varginha Zoo, called us to tell us that Ildo
Lúcio Gardino (21 years old), her Biology student in the second year as a substitute at Colégio Batista,
told her of having seen a very strange and ugly creature on the side of a road. And that she, Dr. Leila,
was worried about the student because she felt nervous and very tense. I tried to find out what time I
would meet him and, on the same day, I went to him. We talked in the courtyard before his class started.

After my usual introduction to ufological research and the secrecy to protect the deponent if necessary,
he did not object to this.

I came alone from Três Corações to Varginha driving the Besta (Korean station wagon). It was past
seven in the evening. A few kilometers from the arrival, where the road has a sharp curve and then a
big straight uphill, there, I saw, after this curve, a creature trying to cross the road towards the woods
on the other side, after a pasture. This creature was standing, slightly bent over, when I clapped eyes
on it. The car had slowed down due to the curve. About forty meters in front of me the headlights
illuminated that dark brown thing, with hair all over its body, its eyes reddened and large reflected by
the light of the car and, in a smart and protective gesture, he brought his hands to his face and
crouched down.

And why didn't you stop the car? I asked.

You're crazy! Not knowing what that was, I wasn't going to do it, ever!

Wouldn't it be a monkey?

No way. It was, indeed, a very strange animal, with a kind of small horns on its head.

But not even inside the car, with the windows closed, the headlights on, blocking the view of this
"thing", so you still didn't have the courage to brake?

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Nor! Not in the world would I do that. And the fear? I accelerated and touched
forward, passing close to her as I took a closer look. The thing got up and went back
to the bush where it came from. And I left.

Could it not be a calf? I asked to study his reaction to the answer.

Two-legged calf? And hairy? Big red eyes and big? What what, just!

An anteater?

Why, he is hairier on the tail and has a thin snout and four legs. No, no, what I saw
was really weird.

I confess that I was impressed with what he told, understanding that there were
more creatures on the loose in the region. This one is different from Varginha. Due
to the fact that it has hairs; But this, for us ufologists, is not surprising because
when we went to Alfenas at the beginning of the investigations and talked to
Toninho, a gardener at the Banco do Brasil AABB Athletic Association, the creature
he saw was hairy and had big eyes. The ones the girls saw differed by their smooth
and oily skin, but also with large eyes. In any case, this typology does not belong to
our environment. Although there are different characteristics among humans such
as Indians, blacks, Japanese; tall, short, thin and fat; hairy and bald, yet the Homo Sapiens species r

I asked Ildo to recreate our conversation the next day, when I was going to introduce
him to Ubirajara. He agreed and we agreed on a time and place to pick him up in
Três Corações, where he lives and works.

We met him and headed for the exact spot on the road where he had spotted the
creature. We got out of the car and realized that behind the trees after the shoulder
and exactly where that creature was, if we draw a straight line we will be directly at
the house of Eurico and Oralina, the couple who saw the "submarine with the top".
Would it be possible that this creature was together with the others and, from there
leaving the "submarine", followed a different path?

The Ildo simulated the behavior of the creature he had seen. We recorded everything
on video. When we returned to Três Corações, we tried to find out who owned the
land on the other side of the road towards which it was heading, as we intended to make a night of vi
According to information provided by Eurico, in all that forest, on both sides, there
are many rattlesnakes, jaracuçu-cruzeiro and other venomous types, and it is
common for him to kill several monthly when he finds them in the place where the
cattle graze. And, as the forest is very dense, it would be impossible to predict what
is there, with no means of getting there by car or on horseback. On foot, a reasonably
large and attentive team is recommended to promote vigil during the night.

We made the record finding it very interesting that on the 15th of May, when this
creature was sighted by the Ildo, almost four months had passed since the 20th of

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January, the date on which the girls saw a creature close to the wall in the Jardim
Andere neighborhood. Why the persistence of creatures walking on wool? Was it some mission?
Were they looking for the ones that were captured? Were they lost by the incident that happened? After
all, who are they? Where did they come from? Where were they going? And what, in fact, were they doing
there in the south of Minas?

It is important to point out that a few days later, following the Wall Street Journal
reporter in the interview with the couple Eurico and Oralina, I had the opportunity
to comment with Eurico about the sighting of Ildo. To which he replied scared:

Pacaccini, don't tell me such a thing! Now it makes sense for the dog to be barking
crazy that week. Even at night, scratching with her paws at the door of the house
and in a pitiful whimper.

In the second half of May the television producer, Goulart de Andrade contacted
us from São Paulo showing interest in moving to Varginha with his team with the
intention of recording a documentary. He airs his program Comando da Madrugada
on TV Manchete on Saturdays around midnight.

Goulart arrived by plane with his wife, while his support team traveled from São
Paulo in a Chevrolet Veraneio. We followed the normal route: he met the girls, the
sightings and captures, Terezinha Clepf, doctors Leila Cabral and Marcos, at the
Zoo; in short, all the details scripted by us.

At the Regional Hospital, he spoke with the administrator, Mr. Adilson Usier, who
denied any involvement of both doctors and employees in relation to the creature.
He took the opportunity to present a document to demonstrate that all the
movement that took place on the premises of the hospital, on the night of January
20, was taken by the Fire Department due to the suicide of a detainee of the
Varginha prison, whose body had been admitted to that same prison. night of the
20th. But this argument was immediately answered by Goulart de Andrade, because
we gave him a copy of the expert report, acquired through a lawyer friend of
Ubirajara, giving the motive, the day and the time. After the interviewer heard all of
Mr. Adilson's arguments, he took a piece of paper from his pocket and, in front of the cameras, live

Look, Adilson, I'm sorry, but either you were completely wrong or there's another
reason, because I'm here with the report in my hands and that person died on
January 30th!

Another contradiction of Mr. Adilson Usier was to inform the Fire Department that
he had taken the body to the Regional Hospital. It turns out that Captain Alvarenga
himself had commented on Mr. Adilson's mistake, as the Fire Department had not
taken any dead to the Regional Hospital.

Closing this picture, we took Goulart to the Zoo, where he talked with doctors Leila
Cabral and Marcos. About the death of the animals, the analysis of the autopsies
and, more slowly, the showing of where Terezinha Clepf had been, in addition to the exact

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position of the creature she saw. I also took him to the couple Eurico and Oralina.

The documentary was complete when Goulart asked me to take it to Três Corações
because he wanted to do an interview with General Coelho Lima or whoever could
help him. I went with him but did not enter the barracks. The general responded
sympathetically, but was laconic, denying any involvement by the ESA and claiming
that he was no longer authorized to discuss the matter. Only Brasilia could speak.
Once again we realized the extent of the Incident in Varginha. I told Goulart about
the "internal investigation" promoted by ESA.

When the visits, interviews and reconnaissance tour ended, we said goodbye and
Goulart de Andrade returned to São Paulo. On Saturday of June 1st, the program
was aired for two hours and fifteen minutes! Time that has never been used on
television dedicated to a single UFO subject! So appreciated by everyone, the same
program was repeated the following week.

We had not participated in the final part of the pictures. Goulart had been at Unicamp
interviewing Doctor Badan Palhares, who denied everything about the creature's passage there.
But he took the interviewer to a room where there are a series of refrigerated drawers
intended for the storage of bodies for autopsies at the Amarais cemetery. The
Mondini brothers had already learned about the doctor's various incursions to the
place, as well as the security scheme set up by the military, but this tour did not
convince anyone because Varginha's creature had entered Unicamp in January and
the program was being recorded at the end of May! It becomes evident that no
creature would still be there, in the refrigerator, waiting for the program Comando
da Madrugada to arrive there and find it stretched out on the table. The right thing
would be to search underground laboratories in some corner of Unicamp or in
nearby military bases, on the day following the arrival of the creature, delivered by the ESA military.

Even in the face of Dr. Badan Palhares' denials, we do not put him here as the black
sheep or the villain of history. If by military and superior orders you had to deny any
participation, we accept. After all, cover-up and evasion are common practice in
cases involving the Armed Forces. The Brazilian scientist must resign himself to
being under the tutelage and surveillance of the government. In addition to him,
other scientists also, because the country, as rich as it is due to its men of science,
continues to be increasingly poor in the acceptance of openness to knowledge and
participation in new horizons of research.

Chapter 16

Certain advanced extraterrestrial

civilizations may try to bring help to
humans, but they will do so through
humans who are sensitive to this communication.

Appel Guery

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At the end of May, my partner commented on the 14th Congress of Ufology, in

Curitiba, Paraná, from June 6th to 9th, coordinated by Rafael Cury, president of the
Nucleus of Ufological Research (NPU and the National Association of Ufologists
from Brazil (ANUBI), insisting that I go with him to present the incident in Varginha.
its members such events. On the other hand, I was not encouraged to go because,
in the event's program, there was only the name of Ubirajara as a speaker about the
Incident in Varginha. my intention since the beginning of the research was to
contribute with all my enthusiasm and dedication, driven by the desire that the
evidence about the creatures would not simply remain in scattered notes in a
collection destined for oblivion. nto some file over time.

Now, if all my life I believed in the popular maxim that where there is smoke, there
is fire, I would not let my enthusiasm wane even at the beginning of February, having
decided that I was looking for even the slightest trace of spark, precisely because I
intuited the dimension phenomenon, when I was able to interview the first soldier in
Três Corações even before meeting my partner. Also, moved by the greater will to
make everyone aware of the indelible truth of the facts and their unfolding.

I confess my disinterest in going to Congress. But, with so much insistence on the

part of Ubirajara, Claudeir Covo and Gevaerd, I began to feel out of place, in
remaining unyielding. We were.

We arrived in Curitiba on Thursday and I had the opportunity to meet many

prominent people in Brazilian Ufology that I didn't know personally, in addition to
the great personalities of the world's Ufology, such as the therapist John Carpenter,
from the United States, current president of the Mutual UFO Network. (MUFOM),
Graham Birdsall, from England; Canadian physicist Stanton Friedman, co-author of the best seller U
held in the last ten years more than five hundred lectures in American universities
on Ufology; Roberto Pinoti, from Italy, and Salvador Magdalena Freixedo, from Spain.

Also Travis Walton, abducted in Arizona, near Snowflake, having disappeared for
five days. Upon returning to Earth, he told his story in the book that gave rise to the
film Fire in the Sky (Fire in the Sky) directed by Robert Liberman and played by DB
Swenney, James Garner, Robert Patrick, Craig Sheffer, Peter Berg, Henry Thomas,
Bradleu Grgge and Kathleen Whilhoit in 1993.

In addition to Brazilian abductees Dino Kraspedon, resident in Uberaba, MG, and

Emanuel Sanches from Paraná.

Among the national speakers were Ana Santos (from the CEEAS group), Ademar Eugênio
(URANTIA), Gevaerd (CBPD), Claudeir Covo (INFA), Edson Boaventura (GUG), Irene

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Granchi (CISNE), Reginaldo Athayde (CPU), Romio Cury (GÊNESIS), Marco Antônio Petit
(AFEU), Ubirajara and I went to help.

In this respect it was very beneficial for me. Most of them knew about me from the
newspaper and TV news, most wanting to find out about the Varginha Incident even
before the day of the lecture scheduled for Saturday night. Some said that they had gone
to the Congress moved much more by the interest aroused in relation to the Incident in
Varginha than in the others scheduled for presentation. In this regard, I was quite
disappointed if the Congress was open to other lectures on extremely interesting
subjects. Gently expose this to people.

Finally Saturday night arrived. After our lecture, until we got into the Incident in Varginha
itself, we had to shorten our speech as much as possible because the subject, being a
little extensive, would not fit in the deadline they gave us, as soon after there would be
the fellowship dinner with booked in a restaurant. However, I made a commitment to the
public that, if there was an opportunity given by the organizers of the Congress, the
following day, Sunday, we could continue in the afternoon.

And at this dinner party, Ubirajara, when demonstrating his desire to be photographed
alongside certain important people in the world Ufology scene, suggested that I approach
them because of my facility with English, while Claudeir took the photos.

But, early the next day, Ubirajara had to leave Curitiba for personal reasons, leaving me

In the morning, some foreigners, having problems with the translation in the Congress
auditorium, and aware that I could give them a separate lecture in English, asked me to
repeat everything I had said the day before, anticipating what I would deliver in the
afternoon. I went to the hotel where Stanton Friedman, Graham was staying. Birdsall,
John Carpenter.

They turned on the camcorders fixed to the tripods, listened attentively and wrote down
many details of what I said in relation to the entire Varginha Incident, protecting the
names of my deponents because there was no rush or time set to finish. Sometimes one
or the other would interrupt. My speech for a question, when I was able to resolve the

There were two hours of explanation and today I believe that all of them took the
information to their respective countries in the most reliable exposition I could make.

In the afternoon and with extra time, I took the stage and concluded the Incident in
Varginha with the support of friends and companions who were with us: Marco Antônio
Petit, Gevaerd, Edson Boaventura, Jamil Vilanova, in addition to Claudeir Covo, of course.

Back in Varginha, my partner and I decided to make a nightly incursion to the place
where student Ildo had spotted the furry creature on the night of May 15th. We were

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aware of the existence of many snakes by Eurico's information. And the landowner had not objected
to our intention.

Claudeir Covo was interested in participating, just that same day he would have to be on Sílvia
Popovic's program, on TV Bandeirantes in São Paulo. Before, he had suggested to us that the
incident in Varginha, to be addressed in the program, should have someone to expose it. As we
couldn't go, it was up to him, a resident who is in São Paulo and also our companion in the various
and opportune times he participated with us in the research.

We took our camping gear and weapons: a .38 that Ubirajara had inherited from his father and my
semiautomatic 9mm, Browning. I was worried about his partner because he didn't have any
experience or training in shooting, and in the event of a serious mishap, I couldn't even imagine his

We arrived by car and parked it facing the road on purpose in case a sudden pullout didn't require
maneuvering. We climbed the hill to the top, in complete darkness, with no moonlight that night and
the treetops being very thick. With our flashlights in our hands, we could barely see the trails and
the shortcuts because the fog at that time and in some places seemed to be watching us.

It is evident that we were not intending to shoot what we saw. It would be the last resort and only to
protect us. The intention was even that, when we settled there, we spent the night scrutinizing the
characteristic noises of the forest for something to reveal to us surprise. But the minutes were
getting slower, ticking off waiting. We elongated conversations while the hours seemed asleep. The
weather shivered with cold. From 8:30 pm until almost 3:00 am we could hear the sound of the wind
in the branches and some chirping of nocturnal birds. And my ramblings extended far beyond that
hostile environment. What could a creature strayed from its course do here or anywhere else in that
region? Outside its natural habitat, wherever it was, what was it thinking? And if you did, how would
you feel? We, with our precarious means of defense, were somehow safe, as a few hundred meters
below we had our vehicle parked waiting for us to leave and return to our homes. But what about
her? On which flying object?

Which house? In what place? And in what where? I confess to having felt agony without description.
A nameless anguish. And all the experiences lived until then in the research of these four months
came to my mind, more because I felt the loneliness of each one of the creatures and what happened to them.

Pacaccini! Pacaccini! Ubirajara called me. Yea!?

I think we should go. Now?

IT IS. It's all very calm. If the creature were around here, it would have movement in the woods. What
do you think? It's almost three o'clock.

I agreed. Gradually we gathered our things and started the descent. Aside from the fear of the
unforeseen, nothing occurred to us. We got in the car and left. And so, in the same way and
countless times in my eighteen years of UFO research, more

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one night of vigil I was able to live with intensity. Many would have given up, but for me, perseverance
is the greatest ally in achieving any goal.

I returned to Varginha after lunch. He had left Ubirajara at home, going to Três Corações that morning.

Claudeir Covo came from São Paulo and we met at his partner's house.

We received a call from a soldier from another state, commenting that he could not remain silent in the
face of what he knew within the FAB. He said only about the fall of the flying object, the "submarine"
and that it was also rescued by the military.

As we were talking on the phone, we ran the risk of the possibility, at that point in time, that the
Ubirajara's device was wired. The partner told him about my residence in Belo Horizonte, when he
asked about the time when I would go there, as I intended to visit some relatives who live in the Capital;
just coincide the dates, that we would meet. He announced my return soon, and that I would contact
him, as long as I dictated his number or someone else for a message. So it was done.

We saw through the written, spoken and television press the story of a "werewolf" in the rural area of
Passos, in the south of Minas. We were attentive because, according to the news, it was a hairy
creature that had attacked four people in the same region, on different days, but always at night.

I talked with Ubirajara about the possibility of going to investigate, but, as I was busy with his processes
at the Labor Board of the District of Varginha, I decided to go to the place with my partner and friend
Claudeir Covo.

The next day he arrived. We established an itinerary of what we would do in Passos, a two-hour drive
from Varginha, and continued our journey. When we arrived, still in the morning, we met Luciano
Olímpio dos Reis (19 years old, 1.93m). He told us that at the end of May he was unable to pinpoint the
day, it was after 11 pm, with the dark night, he was returning home along a dirt road, when he appeared
among the trees, close to the barbed wire fence bordering the path, a creature furry, walking towards

It could only be a werewolf! Said, having no other comparative reference.

And attacked you?

He made a kind of growl that I've never heard from any animal and I don't know how to imitate either,
and he came at me. In the first lunge, he ripped my jacket and my shirt with those sharp, cat-like nails.
Then I fell straight back to the floor. But when I fell, I kicked his chest, and he lost his balance, jumping
backwards. I got up off the ground and ran, with him chasing after me and knocking me down again.

Was it tall like you?

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Lower. One meter and seventy more or less. But then I had fallen and he was on top of me. I
kicked him again at the height of the bag, and, while he was panting towards it, I got up again,
running in the direction of Dona “Tita's” house, nearby. The horse that was outside took the
biggest fright and galloped to the other side. The animal then ran after him and I jumped over
the wall, knocking on the door and asking for help. That was all, but the scratches stayed on
my chest!

We asked more about the creature, having no information. Luciano said of other people
having gone through the same situation as him. All you had to do was find each one and
check it out. But we needed to go back because it was after 4:00 pm, we were going to have
lunch and Claudeir would return to São Paulo immediately after having supported me in this
stage of the investigations, he being of an admirable dynamism. I still insisted on the same
question I asked Ildo:

Couldn't it be an anteater, for its sharp claws and being tall when in an upright position?

It was no, only! Anteater is furry, but its snout is too long for us to notice, even in the dark.
And I think he's not an animal that runs and pushes. Doing it this way he attacks for good.

And wouldn't it be a monkey?

What what! For a monkey it had to be a gorilla, but he doesn't exist around here, no. And if it
was, then the animal that weighs more than two hundred and fifty kilos would have been
slaughtered for good!

After all, what animal do you think it was?

It was a werewolf for me. No one takes this out of my head.

We understand that it could have been a creature not yet classified, nor belonging to our
midst, precisely because it was hairy. I use the memory of the ones that Toninho and Ildo
saw. They have equal descriptions and will certainly be developing some type of activity in
the South of Minas.

Before returning, I asked Luciano if he could make a drawing, albeit rustic and modest, taken
from his memory, of what he had actually seen.

I don't know how to do that, if I haven't seen him properly. Besides, my scare was too big for
me to have a headshot of him. Yes, he's a werewolf, and we already know what he's like.

The following week, Ubirajara, in the company of Marco Antônio Petit, undertook a trip to
Passos interviewing the three people who lived next door to each other in the rural region,
and who had experienced the same nocturnal encounters and in similar situations as Luciano,
but all claiming the darkness of the night in the impossibility of describing clearly the

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characteristics of this creature, they just agreed to be hairy, with long nails and a
different behavior from known animals.

Chapter 17

On the cosmic scale, only the

fantastic is likely to be real.

Theilhard de Chardin

As we were alert to the possibility that one of our informants would discover the family
of the deceased soldier, when he called us we wrote down his name and address. We
were at the end of June, around the 20th. I told my partner of my intention to go look
for them in a place far from the center of Varginha where the family lives.

I expressed the desire to go that same day. Ubirajara could not because he would have
to teach. So let me go and look for him later, at night, at college.

Arriving there, I was identified by everyone due to the various news on which I appeared.
I offered my condolences and asked what the son had said before his death, explaining
that a colleague of his, in uniform, had talked to me about the incidents. In an
unexpected surprise with the information I gave them (even saying almost in a
summary about all the events), they looked at each other, understanding the
seriousness of my presence that, if it weren't for a greater reason, it wouldn't have
happened. The mother, Mrs. "Geralda", took the floor, mentioning that on January 20,
her son, a P2 from the PM's information service, had been on a mission. And that on
the night of the great rain he had gone home to change his clothes because he was
dirty and very wet. A white, official car, without the paint that characterizes it because
it was used only by the P2, had taken him and waited for him at the door. She even
asked if he would have to leave again, when he confirmed he was on a very important mission, returning

"Francisco", the father of the deceased boy, is a driver. He told me that even before
the first rumors began to appear in the city and Ubirajara released the still incipient
information in the press, he had talked to his son exactly about what he thought of the
matter of extraterrestrial in the city. He had as a reply to the almost order to his father,
not to be able to talk to anyone about the matter, as he was sure this was just the
beginning of a big mess! It's going to be a lot of trouble, Dad! You can wait and see, he said.

The grandmother, Mrs. "Benedita", present in the room, commented to me that when
the first reports appeared on the local news mentioning extraterrestrials in Varginha,
she remembers very well the night she was at her grandson's house. She, her military
grandson and his wife were watching television when the news covered the subject.
Immediately the grandson got up from the couch and turned off the device, saying: Don't watch this, tha
suddenly showing enormous annoyance as if this news affected him directly, although
his attitude was incomprehensible to his wife and grandmother. But isn't it because he
himself was already impressed?

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At the moment I didn't think about the sensation or warning about what was about to
happen. Then, on reflection, I pondered to myself the reason for that sentence. Had
the healthy young military man in his mid-twenties been directly involved in the
operation of one of the captures? Very strange was the fact that; A few days after the
20th of January, when the second capture took place with
a strong
the night,
apparent reason. If it had been due to rain and getting wet, still a strong flu or even
pneumonia would not have knocked him down to the point of prostration, visibly
dying on a deathbed inside the ICU of the Regional Hospital. And the family, in turn,
not getting any medical information while the boy lost the movement of his legs and
arms, eating with someone to help him put the food in his mouth, dying without any
doctor clarifying the cause, the reason, the generalized infection... just recommending
a wake with the urn sealed, quickly and arranging the burial a few hours later.

At that moment, I told the family about the soldier who had come to me asking for
money to give us certain information; and of having commented to me about the fact
that another soldier, on the night of the capture, had very close contact with the
creature, dying days later because he had been contaminated with some microorganism.

They were flabbergasted. intrigued. Suspended in the air of your shocks. There, in
that moment between them, I could do nothing more. We talked a little and I said
goodbye with the promise to see them again.

I went to college and explained to my partner the content of our conversation. I

thought it was good that he, as a lawyer, went with me the next day to talk to the family.

It wasn't past 9 am when we got there. Dona "Geralda" received us, calling Mr.
"Francisco". Other children came into the room, including the widow. He listened to
the particularities relevant to the matter and explained to them that an action for
damages against those responsible was appropriate, explaining how the family should
act. However, this fact required a delicate preliminary investigation, since the
deceased, being a military man and in whose work mission he could have come into
contact with something that would later victimize him, the family would have to be
absolutely sure about his involvement in the capture. of a creature well known of its
existence but always denied by both the Fire Department, the Military Police, the Army, and the hospita

In the following days, I pondered some questions whose answers I still can't say
today. Did the military, in fact, participate in the capture and its brutal and unexplained
cause of death was due to contamination with the creature? Could this have been the
reason they rushed the burial? When they denied the passage of the creature in the
two hospitals, mainly in Humanitas, would it be only for reasons of safety or concern
for the community, not going to those facilities anymore? Or would it be for fear of
such a fact coming to public knowledge, bring catastrophic financial damage?

Deny was the easiest verb in the conjugation of coverages and denials. But in a
sentence the subject is mentioned even if hidden for the best interpretation of the
final wording... and, in this case, an untruth!

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As a result of the contacts I had with foreigners at the Curitiba congress, nuclear
physicist Stanton Friedman, a highly requested person by the American and
Canadian media, commented on a program on an American television network about
the incident in Varginha, emphasizing everything I had said. him at that meeting held
at the hotel Sunday morning. The producer of this program airs them on the cable
channel, F0X. They contacted me by phone six times in Belo Horizonte, when I had
already returned to my professional activities. At each contact I was able to explain
slowly, in English, everything that happened in Varginha. As there was the
endorsement of world-renowned ufologists, they moved towards Varginha and we
met there, when they recorded a special to air in November this year, in North America.

I informed Claudeir Covo and Marco Antônio Petit, that in my company and from
Ubirajara we redid with them the always script of visits and interviews.

It was interesting, when the scenes of the Regional Hospital were taken, that we
found a doctor whose name Claudeir and I are going to preserve, telling us that the
creature really did pass through wool, but the hospital management kept silent,
because the moment it was not suitable to mention the matter, and it could be
disclosed only when it was in their interest and for the future.

Finished filming, the team congratulated us for the work done and left.
I also returned to Belo Horizonte. What I was able to do in the investigations I did
with dedication and zeal. But my professional responsibilities relegated to the
background were starting to take a toll on me. It was almost starting all over again.

Needing to return a few days later to Varginha, Ubirajara told me that the family of
the deceased soldier had filed a lawsuit for compensation against those responsible.
But nobody inside the Forum gave him news about this process.
When looking for him, I went with him and we found him strangely still at the Police Station.
My partner, being a lawyer, asked for views. After studying it, we understood that it
was destined for the file considering the irregularities in it.

We looked for Mr. "Francisco" and Mrs. "Geralda" informing them of the occurrence.
The next day they consulted the file, finding serious contradictions in it, to the point
of disagreeing with several parties. The main one is that the autopsy report has not
yet been attached to the process. After all, why? In one of the laboratory reports,
yes, there is a small amount of toxic “in the body of the military. As for this, we
remember that five healthy animals from the Zoo also died suddenly, with the
autopsy performed by veterinarian Marcos Mirna revealing that one of the animals
had an unknown "toxic substance" and, in the other four, "no definition". . Weird!
Very strange! But we will remain vigilant, following the course of events. One day,
further back in time, the truth will certainly show us the real picture... even under
this surrealist evidence...

With the progress of our investigations, I mentioned to Ubirajara how good it would
be if we could, at least for our better understanding of the Varginha region, do

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a reconnaissance flight. The partner fully agreed with my idea and, always dynamic,
got in touch with a businessman friend of his, who owned a twin-engine Senica.
We set the date and time with your private pilot, calling Claudeir Covo to come and
join us in this stage.

For an hour we flew over a large area, observing the main points where the various
events of the Varginha Incident took place. Thus, we were able to get to know the
relief and the forest, deriving from this flight the map presented on pages 54 and 55.

It was the beginning of July and, once I was in Belo Horizonte, I called another state,
getting in touch with the FAB military who had called us, warning us that the
spacecraft had crashed. He told me that within three days at the most we would have
a personal meeting, as he really needed to be in Belo Horizonte to deal with private matters.

Our meeting took place in my apartment, when I was able to record his statement,
lasting more than an hour, where he explained that on that occasion, in January,
several UFOs were being detected by CINDACTA radars and other radars in Rio de
Janeiro, saying which was nothing new because several commercial pilots were
reporting lights in the sky following their aircraft and who gave the warning about
the object falling in Varginha was the American government that had the opportunity
to track the trajectory of these objects through their satellites when they were still in
the air. stratosphere. There were several objects that dispersed across the planet.
Some came to Brazil, more precisely to the south of Minas. Sighted by American
radars through a luminous point they call a plot, this same plot suddenly disappeared
from the display screen. Flight control officers drew two conclusions: either the
object had landed, not taking off; or indeed had fallen. Armed with this information,
the Americans notified CINDACTA, which, in turn, communicated with the commands
of the Brazilian Armed Forces, who immediately carried out a survey on which
military unit would be closest to the place and able to take action. Thus, ESA was
indicated, even more so because it is a military unit focused on field operations, that is, infantry opera

Another information is that American officers trained to deal with this type of
situation went to Brazil to help dismantle the object that did not crash or explode
violently, resulting in hundreds and thousands of wreckage. At that moment, the
explanation of the couple Eurico and Oralina came to my mind about the long and
slow flight of the "submarine" at about four meters above the pasture, on a rural
property, a few kilometers from Varginha. At that time we thought that the object had
been camouflaging itself amid smoke, in order to spawn the creatures for some kind
of collection of material on the ground, although we had never ruled out other
possibilities. But, with the military deposing these facts, everything became clear,
dispelling the remaining doubts. That object was about to fall. Therefore, the smoke
that Eurico and Oralina described was not intentional. Certainly the space creatures
looked for a suitable place where they could land, aware that the object would not fly
any longer. And the description of the couple coincided with that "spark of fire",
meaning clearly to us the imminent situation of the falling object, beyond the farm
where they live, in the dense forest extending for more than four kilometers to
Varginha, where the new peripheral neighborhoods. Among them is the Andere Garden, built in a fore

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In the neighborhood there is the railway line and the rest of the forest where it all started with
the first creature being captured by the soldiers of the Fire Department and handed over to the Army.

He said more in his testimony, knowing several officers who serve in the ESA and who are
known to him whose names I keep confidential. All confirmed that they had been visual witnesses
of the object's wreckage that arrived at the barracks in trucks, having been later dispatched to
some point at the São José dos Campos Aerospace Institute, in São Paulo; there were the US
Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, and the director of NASA, Daniel Goldin, in addition to
employees of NASA itself. The soldier had been very clear and sure about this.

But from this information, I began to realize how difficult it will be to continue research in this
"official" labyrinth. As far as we could get, we did it with absolute success.
But the doors will be narrower and narrower for us; the windows will close; no cracks will exist
for us to look at. Still we will proceed. Other ufologists too. One day the truth will come out in a
clear and clear way, when all the people involved in this disastrous cover-up operation, believe
themselves to be the winners for having underestimated us.

Chapter 18

The myth (of the flying saucers) is a way of thinking

that assumes that if you don't understand everything,
you can't explain anything.

Claude Lévi-Strauss.

That life surprises us is nothing new. For this reason, we could not fail to mention the strange,
in our view, extraordinary case that we were able to collect from the filmed files of Ubirajara,
containing the admirable testimony of Mr. Geraldo Simão Bichara, today resident in Varginha,
and owner of a hairdressing salon, but August 26, 1962 had been abducted, and whose
particularity was that the fact happened inside the ESA facilities!

Being in the military at the time and on duty that night, at 24:00 he had replaced, in the routine
surveillance, his companion on guard in the ammunition store. Within minutes of having
positioned himself at his post, all the lights in the city went out.
Including those in the barracks and surroundings. And there appeared over his head a circular
light, looking like a searchlight, about twelve meters in diameter. When he was frightened by
what he thought was a Russian device (and here it is necessary to remember that in 1962 we
were at the height of the cold war between the two great world powers, the Soviet Union and the
United States), he wanted to shoot alarm, but he felt completely immobilized. I could only see
and hear what was happening. He tried to scream to call his companion Mauro, the day nurse at
the vet, but the scream was stuck in his throat. He wanted to run, unable to move, paralyzed as
he was. In the meantime, he watched the beam of light hitherto directed at him move slowly and
silently to the side of the pharmacy, causing a strong vibration in the fourteen metal doors of the

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Engineering sector and on the metal cannons kept in the shipyard, forty meters away
from where he was. When the treetops were lightening and they reached the
paddocks, all the riding horses closed in their stalls and even the sick animals in
need of daily care neighed in sudden reaction, rehearsing kicks, with some enraged
ones reaching the point of breaking the currents of the bay, in the chest. . And the
light continued through the grass until it reached the bed of the Verde River, going out exactly when t

However, there was a two-hour period that was blocked in his mind. As much as he
tried to explain to himself and others, he couldn't. He had been staggering at the
guard post. After several hypnotic sessions with memory regression, the kidnapping came to light.

I knew that, when looking up, I saw an object hovering about twenty feet high from
where I was and from which two red-orange stairs descended until they reached the
cobblestones. Two beings descended through them wearing a kind of one-piece
overalls with both wearing strange hoods. One of them approached the soldier,
taking him by the arm with a warm glove, while the other remained in a kind of vigil.
He, Geraldo Bichara, and whoever was holding him began to float towards the light,
towards the stairs, and on one of them he placed his right foot, clad in his boots, on
the second step. The being, with the other hand, held the step at the level of the
collarbone and the ladder was retracting and raising them inside the object. The
other remained on the floor, waving as if he were shooing away insects like moths
that were resting on his clothes, showing concern even when the two entered the
object. As soon as they hit the floor, the stairs descended again.

Geraldo Bichara looked into his kidnapper's face, seeing nothing but, in place of the
eyes, two dark holes where normal human eyes could not be distinguished: the white
around the pupil and the iris. Just a few sparks and white streaks. At this point he
began to feel dizzy, his vision darkening and he lost consciousness. When he
returned to the perception of what was happening to him, he did not know how long he had been like
He was lying on a kind of board coming out directly from the wall of the object, being
able to observe that over his head there was a kind of shower with nozzles pointing
downwards. Stunned and with a severe headache, he still noticed the device
retreating into the wall of the object when a kind of microphone and an apparent net
was placed on it, refreshing his head, but making the environment cold as if he were
in a cold room. At that moment he felt a smell that he came to compare to crushed
coffee leaves. Also, another smell, worse, of ammonia, getting sick, when a kind of
white slime began to appear in his mouth, causing him a lot of nausea. He asked the
beings beside him for water in the intention of being able to wash his mouth but they
did not give him confidence, continuing to do only what was in his interest.

Restless, he looked to the left, spying a visor approximately 40 by 40 centimeters,

with a sign above, in high relief, in the appearance of a black cross. In front of him,
there was another larger viewfinder, about 80 meters by 2 meters, in which and
through it he could see other compartments with several crew members wearing the
same uniforms as those who had come to pick him up on land. And an absolute
silence existed in that place. Knew each of them exactly the tasks to be done.

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Geraldo had a foaming mouth and restless eyes. As he became aggressive, he observed in a corner
of that compartment his rifle with the bandolier and the saber. He had the urge to take it, but as he
left that bed-frame, he felt he lacked the strength to lift the weapon. He held the bandolier, which did
not come loose. And a crewman came to meet him, waving for the rifle to be returned to him.
Perceiving useless attempts through signs, he walked away from the room, reappearing in the
company of two others, one of them bald, very white and with a completely different uniform from the
others. As he approached Geraldo, he handed over the rifle without the stranger asking him to. But
fixing his eyes on the one who had always been by his side, he saw the sparks and white streaks
again, when everything went dark, and he lost consciousness.

Upon giving himself up, he staggered in the same place where he had been, at the guard post.
Very confused, walking with difficulty, he still watched the two crew members return to the object,
with each one holding the ladders to retract. In an instant, he saw him walk away, heading to the right
from where he was, where the Santa Tereza neighborhood is. There, Geraldo Bichara saw, hovering
higher than the previous one, another large object.

The command ordered everyone to shut up and to this day they deny this incident. But it is
interesting to note that several people in the city remember this blackout, and some even saw the
discoid, silver-colored object flying in intense brightness over the city of Três Corações.

ESA is already our old acquaintance...

We ended the Varginha Incident here as far as we could get. As the reader can see, there is no end.
As long as there are leaden clouds in Ufology and especially in the case in question, research will
continue, as this is our task. But there will be a time when all things will return to the magic circle of
life, just as there is a time to plant and to reap; of conquest and delivery; of searches and encounters...
there will also be a time when everything that has been written can be seen and proven!

And the creatures... captured and "released"... where are they?


The man is not finished. It is on the verge of a formidable mutation that will give it the powers that
the ancients attributed to the gods.

L. Pawels

The religion of the future will be cosmic and will transcend

a personal God, eschewing dogmas and theology.

Albert Einstein

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There are moments in life when, without convincing explanation or any justification,
we stray from our paths and let ourselves be followed by the shortcuts of intuition
that lead us to places that are always unimagined. It is on this inner journey that we
go free, unprotected and restless with ourselves. And almost always, when we get
lost in the labyrinths of our deepest selves, we learn a little more about the nature of
human beings. There is, in him, a different desire that makes him anxious to find
what he has never lost; seek what he never sought; know what you never dared.
And for sometimes anguish in the midst of his apparent fragility, even so, he is
troubled by the restlessness about the reason for this ineffable search. Is it not
because in us pulsates the Life presented every day as the greatest privilege coming from the Suprem

We could give this the most diverse names: curiosity, dissatisfaction, search,
search, destiny, and so many other subjective labels. I believe, however, that nothing
is accidental. An unknown force within us moves us. We are part of a whole and we
shape ourselves in the collective unconsciousness. We walk because we are the
same as all people who also move from one point to another during their very brief
existence within Time. But, what to do at the stops along the way? What to harvest
to take with us one day, as a greater good, a prize, a proof of our passage through
this path and to another where, where, surely we must go if life is too short to be small?

I believe it is due to our tenacity, to our effort in, while living, to understand the very
filigrees of Life. And, through them, let transcend the rectitude of purposes and
honesty towards our principles before our fellow men.

What would have happened if the flying object had not fallen, but just flown over
Varginha and continued on its journey? Where did they come from, where were the
creatures going? And what exactly were they doing there? But, falling, was it by air-
ground force attack? Defect cause only? Would there have been air combat with
another unidentified object, from an enemy faction, also with interests in our Planet?

What would have happened if Kátia, Liliane and Valkyrie hadn't deviated their steps,
looking for a shortcut, and sighted, without purpose, in a corner of a wall, a
frightened creature? And who was she? And why her?

If, for me, the infinite is within God, then there will be no mystery that He cannot
ever explain. For us, however, what sense is there in the perplexed inquiry about the
unknown, if we do not even perceive ourselves as a tiny particle of a Whole?

We are speculators of Everything and we understand very little of Nothing. We do

not stop for the simple contemplation of life in plants, rivers, birds, in short, Mother Nature.
We are always busy coming from nowhere to nowhere.
Absurdly in search of a map, a script, a passage that can give us a direction to our
wild directions. But, we stumbled on Time. And, fallen on Earth, we had to take care
of our wounds, because the Earth, our Earth, doesn't seem to be what we like,
doesn't serve us, doesn't satisfy us.

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We have our "household" problems to solve and we never understand each other as a
family. And why is it that space neighbors have surrounded us for millennia? Is it to help
us or ask for silence due to the noise of the atomic bombs that we are dropping in the
"backyard of our house", in a diabolical feast?

Sometimes we are surprised by certain phenomena from the outside and we start to
judge them as if they were just fantasies or hallucinations of our minds, while we are
amused by our own human tragedy, applauded by the great nations that, when faced
with world hunger, world, the wars of the world, prefer to cover their eyes so as not to
see themselves involved in its small grandeur, if they prefer to disregard the human race
itself, which, on the one hand, has been willing, with great difficulty, to enormous
peaceful transformations both in Art , in Music, Literature, and in cutting-edge technology,
in addition to the psychosocial; on the other hand, they are no more than belligerent
groupings with arms concerns, fearful that someone will turn out to be better than the
other. And they are content with this billing tie over the agony of the people whose
money will one day be of no use.

Well, that way, we're not going anywhere. On the contrary, we will remain in the always
fresh start of our own ills. We will grow to the measure of our smallness if we do not
stop to understand that, if we were forged by the mystery of terrestrial Life, other lives
out there were also forged. Some may be worse than us, others better, if they have
already overcome the need for genocide and grown up.

Perhaps it was the first time that Varginha's creatures came here, not knowing where
they were, nor what the humans' reaction would be when they found them.

Perhaps they could be intelligent beings who arrived on Earth for the first time and, due
to an incident, had no more time to return and no luck in confronting our hostile reaction
to the unusual, the unexplained.

Perhaps because they are genetically altered creatures, created by other evolved beings,
precisely to fulfill the mission of studying our behavior in the face of a possible visit that
is always undesirable for us, if we triumph because we also have angry little gods,
disguised as scientists who, like spoiled children, they fumble the unknown in
experiments whose radioactivity causes mutations that shame our Creator.

Maybe they just came to collect plants and water, because where they are from, they've
already wiped out everything as well, out of ignorance, we're exterminating our reserves.

Perhaps they are biological beings, clones created in large numbers with the aim of
scouring space as we have already done, sending insects, dogs and monkeys out into
the unknown.

Maybe because the creatures are from a population in some "corner" of the Universe
being decimated because of some virus, bacteria or something terrible of that kind and
have sent us the sick to, who knows, find in some living being around here the antibodies

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necessary to cure their diseases... just as we are going through the same research
process to cure our terrible diseases.

Perhaps because they want to make a genetic improvement, mixing genes of

other races with their genes, in the intention of creating a superior and resistant
race in the same way that mad scientists tried to do the same during the Second
World War, seeking the supremacy of the Aryan race.

Of everything, we know nothing. We hypothesize like we dust our coats.

But if we give ourselves even a moment for a reflection free of prejudices and
taboos, we will have to ask ourselves very credulously that space travelers also
have the same similarity with ours: head, trunk and limbs. Whether beautiful or
ugly, big or small, that's just a concept. But beyond our vain philosophy... are not
these creatures of the present, for example, ourselves who, in the past or in the
future, are still contemplating ourselves in the mirror of Time?


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