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Design and Application Manual



6.1 Introduction

6.2 Design Parameters

6.3 Operating Method

6.4 Selection

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Design and Application Manual


As part of a complete pigging system, pig traps allow pigs to be inserted into and
removed from a pipeline which is to undergo a pigging program and which is likely to
be under pressure.


a. Pressure Gauge
b. Vent
c. Pressure Relief
d. Drain
e. Pig Signaller
f. Kicker Valve (Launcher) Bypass Valve (Receiver)
g. Mainline Bypass Valve
h. Mainline Trap Valve
i. Quick Release Closure

Fig 1. Typical Trap Configuration (Horizontal Launcher/Receiver)

Pig traps can be, and frequently are, referred to by

different names some of which may be no more
than alternatives and some which more accurately
describe the trap’s function. Popular alternatives
are: Launchers, Receivers, Scraper Traps, Scraper
Barrels, Universal Traps, Bi-Directional Traps,
Sphere Traps. The name may also describe the
orientation of the trap, giving a clue to its intended
purpose: Vertical, Horizontal, Inclined, Declined,

If a pipeline is to be pigged, launching and

receiving facilities (pig traps) must be provided.
For large diameter pipelines this results in pig traps
up to 56” (nominal pipeline diameter) weighing
many tonnes and represent a significant capital
investment. Any company that manufactures this Fig 2. Trap Types & Orientation
type of equipment requires the scope and
experience to do so and must possess excellent engineering resources, both in its
equipment and its staff Entrusting the design of these systems to non-specialists
armed with a few proprietary catalogues is a short-sighted and all too frequent short-
lived economy.

Pipeline Engineering’s technical engineers have many years of experience in pig trap
design and are fully conversant with all the major design codes and make full use of
state-of-the-art CAD facilities. All welders are fully qualified to both American and
British welding codes while the Inspection and Quality Assurance systems ensure
control at every stage of the manufacturing process from order to delivery.

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a) What is a Pig Trap? A simple definition is – a piece of pipeline equipment

that allows easy loading or unloading of a pig into, or out of, the pipeline.

b) What is its purpose? To provide in a safe manner and without flow

interruption the means to either insert and launch a pig into the pipeline or
receive and retrieve a pig from a pipeline.

Although the definitions are simple, in reality it is quite different because a Pig Trap is
a vessel that:-

• Gives access to or from a pipeline.

• Provides a means by which this access can be closed between the surroundings
and full pressure capability of the pipeline.
• Provides for the access to be opened or closed with speed, convenience and
• Provides and internal holding or storage position in which pigs may rest until the
desired travel movement is achieved or after travel is terminated.
• Provides a means of converting the pig from its free expanded state into its
compressed travelling state.
• Includes, or is associated with, a means of controlling flow, pressure and/or
mechanical movement to give the pigs a positive driving force into or out of the
• Has properly engineered safe and practical provisions for connecting to the
• Is properly supported in a way which will neither impose excessive strains on the
pipeline nor will accept more force than it is safe, or desirable, from the pipeline
and its associated systems.

What does a Pig Trap comprise of – simplistically:

I. A quick opening closure or blanked flanged end.

II. A major diameter section, referred to as the Barrel.
III. A reducer – normally eccentric on a launcher, concentric on receiver.
IV. A minor diameter section corresponding to the line pipe size and referred to
as the Neck Pipe.
V. Various nozzles such as vent, drain, pressure indicator, kicker, or bypass,
release, equalising and pig signaller
VI. Lifting lugs, supports and earthing lugs

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Figures 3a and 3b show typical components found in most types of trap and which

1. A short minor diameter pipe section, often referred to as the NECK PIPE
2. A REDUCER. This may be eccentric or concentric
3. A longer major diameter pipe section, often referred to as the BARREL
5. An END CLOSURE or a blanked, removable flange

Fig 3a. Horizontal Pig Launcher

Fig 3b. Horizontal Pig Receiver

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We have already said that pig traps are pressure vessels and, as such, pressure
vessel design parameters must apply. However, unlike pressure vessels that contain
only fluids, pig traps must be capable of retaining line pressure whilst allowing pigs to
be launched and received. It is the type of pigs to be used which determine the
overall trap dimensions.

Metal bodied intelligent pigs are both heavy and long and must be considered along
with the internal pressure requirements when designing supports, lifting lugs and
assessing foundation loadings.

Trap design must also satisfy applicable codes. These may be piping codes, in
which case the trap is treated as part of the pipeline or there may be a specification
‘break’ between the pipeline and trap, resulting in a trap design which must meet
pressure vessel codes such as ASME VIII or BS 5500.

Whichever approach is used, the designer must ensure all appropriate loadings and
conditions are addressed to produce a safe working design.

Pig traps are designed and manufactured within the limits set by the Design
Parameters. These are:

1. Basic design parameters

2. Functional design parameters

There are instances where the requirements of the basic and functional design
parameters are not compatible and a compromise must be reached. One frequent
example is that of a trap having a design code of BS 5500 with a requirement for a
full line size kicker connection. As the code states that the nozzle should not exceed
one third of the ‘run’ size some form of compromise is required. In this case a full or
reducing tee – designed to one of the major pipeline codes – is often acceptable.

Basic Design Parameters cover the following aspects of pig trap design:

1. Design Code, Pressure and Temperature

2. Materials and Certification requirements
3. External loadings from pipework or external pressure (e.g. sub-sea)
4. Cyclic requirements and nozzle reinforcements
5. Support and lifting lug design
6. Wind, Blast and Seismic loadings
7. Ice and Snow loadings
8. Inspection and Welding requirements
9. Transportation loads

Design Codes can be any of the National or International standards, such as: BS
5500, BS 8010, BS 4515, ASME VIII, ANSI B31.3/4 or 8, Stoomwezen (Dutch), AD
Merkblatte or DIN Standards (Germany).

Pressures can be client specific or based upon the ASME/ANSI

Pressure/Temperature ratings. However, the design pressure of the trap should
never be less than that of the pipeline.

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Temperature is also client specific but it should be remembered that the maximum
design temperature should not be less than the maximum temperature which the pig
trap system could attain, or to which it could be exposed during operation, start-up or

Materials are often specified by the client. However, it is better to allow the
manufacturers of the pig trap to select the trap materials. This approach ensures that
the most suitable, cost effective and readily available materials are always selected.

To aid the selection process, the line product must always be specified and whether it
is ‘sour’, toxic or corrosive. This will influence the selection of not only the metallic
elements, but of the elastomeric materials which, typically, constitute the sealing

All components in sour service should be resistant to HIC (Hydrogen Induced

Cracking) and conform to NACE specifications.

Finally, all materials should be compatible with its mating material, particularly with
regard to its weldability, wall thickness and material grade.

Certification can apply to just materials or extend as far as the manufacturing and
design appraisal.

• For materials only – this is usually limited to a certificate showing the chemical
and mechanical properties of the materials being used and issued by the
• In the case of material traceability, certificates verified by an independent third
party inspection authority may be required, in which case they are issued in
accordance with BS EN 10204.3.1.C.
• Where certification is to cover manufacture and design appraisal, this is carried
out by an independent third party inspection authority, usually appointed by the
end client, with the scope of inspection being against an agreed quality
control/inspection plan.

Welding should conform to procedures in accordance with the design code used for
the trap whilst all welders, including operators of automatic welding equipment,
should be qualified in the procedures used. All completed welds should be examined
by a qualified weld inspector.

NDE/NDT (Non-Destructive Examination, also known as Non-Destructive Testing)

requires that all circumferential and longitudinal butt weld, where practical, should be
examined by radiographic methods. Welds that cannot easily be radiographed
should be examined ultrasonically or by magnetic particle inspection.

Pressure Testing:

• Hydrostatic – upon completion, each vessel should be subject to a hydrostatic

test pressure at least equal to 1.25 times the design pressure.
• Generally there is no upper limit for the hydrostatic test pressure, however, any
pressure above 1.5 times the maximum working pressure should not be allowed
to exceed wither intentionally or accidentally to the degree that the vessel is
subjected to visible, permanent distortion.

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• Pneumatic Test – Some codes allow for the vessels to be pneumatically tested in
lieu of hydrostatic testing. However, it should be noted that AIR or GAS is highly
hazardous when used as a testing medium. It is strongly recommended that
special precautions be taken when air or gas is used for test purposes.

Data Dossiers: Copies of all certificates, examinations and inspection reports,

together with weld procedures, other client specified documents and “as built”
drawings, should form a data dossier for presentation to the client with the completed

Functional Design Parameters can be explained most effectively by describing, in

detail, each of the trap components.

The barrel comprises the major diameter section of the trap, designed to be oversize
so that the pigs can be easily loaded and unloaded. It is usually equipped with a
quick opening end closure or, for temporary traps, a blind flange.

For conventional pigs, the diameter of the barrel is generally 2” larger than the
diameter of the line pipe whilst, for intelligent pigs, it is recommended that the
diameter of the barrel is at least 4” larger than that of the line pipe.

Barrel length is dependent on operating procedures, service, pig type, available

space, etc. However, for launchers deploying conventional pigs, the recommended
length of the barrel should be 1.5 x pig length, measured from the kicker connection
to the reducer weld. For receivers, the recommended barrel length is, again, 1.5 x
pig length. However, this dimension is measured from the kicker connection to the
closure weld.

When deploying intelligent pigs, barrel length should be decided only after
consultation with the pig manufacturer.

For multiple sphere launchers or receivers,

inclined or declined trap barrels should be 2°-5°
considered, along with a mechanism for
releasing the spheres (e.g. fingers, flaps or
valves). Historically, trap barrels have been
inclined at angles anywhere between10° and
45°. However, Pipeline Engineering Fig 4. Recommended angles for
recommend that barrels be inclined between Inclined/declined traps
2° and 5°.

The barrel is also equipped with a reducer that is

either concentric or eccentric, depending upon the
client’s preference. However, an eccentric reducer
allows pigs to be loaded more easily and is
recommended for horizontal traps whilst a concentric
reducer is preferred for vertical traps or when an
internal tray, or basket, is fitted to horizontal traps.

Fig 5. Types of Reducer

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Neck Pipe is the minor diameter section of the pig trap and is usually only between
500 and 1000mm in length (with the exception of intelligent pig receivers where it
may be as long as 4 meters) and is positioned between the reducer and the pig trap
valve. On launchers, the neck pipe provides head space for the pig and, during
pressurisation, prevents contact between the steel nose of the pig and the trap valve,
which may be damaged if struck by a pig under sufficient pressure.

For traps up to and including 24” line size, the neck pipe is usually attached to the
pipeline system by a flanged connection. For traps above 24”, connections to the
pipeline system are usually welded.

For receiving traps, the neck pipe usually incorporates a pig signaller.

Nozzles is the collective term for the connections from the trap to its associated
piping system.

On simple traps there are normally only 3 nozzles:

• Kicker
• Drain
• Vent

On more complex traps, additional nozzles are incorporated for:

• Blowdown
• Balance lines
• Pressurising lines
• Thermal relief valves

The kicker nozzle is usually the largest nozzle on a trap and is often referred to as
the ‘bypass’ or ‘bridle’. Pipeline Engineering defines the kicker nozzle as the off-take
on the trap barrel which connects the barrel to the bypass line pipe. The bypass is
the off-take after the trap valve on the main pipeline.

For launchers, kicker connections are attached to the barrel near the closure end
whilst for receivers, the connection is made near the reducer end.

Universal and Bi-directional traps incorporate a single connection located midway

along the barrel, or twin connections with one connection in the launch position and
the other in the receive position. Ideally, the diameter of the kicker nozzle should not
exceed 25% of the main line pipe diameter.

Kicker connections should not be positioned at the 6 o’clock position, historically this
position causes most damage to pigs.

Drain connections should be provided near the end closure for horizontal launchers
and near the pig trap valve for vertical launchers. For receivers on liquid or gas lines
where liquids could be present, a drain point should be provided near the trap valve.
For receivers that are sloped for the use of spheres, two drain points may be located
together near the end closure but should be separated by half a sphere diameter.
This prevents the drains being blocked by the spheres.

For traps up to and including 14”ns (nominal diameter of the pipeline), the diameter of
the drain nozzle should be 2”. For traps above 14” ns the diameter should be 4”.

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Vent connections should be provided near the closure end or highest point. A further
connection may be considered near the trap neck end flange to ensure
depressurisation behind the pig in the event of it becoming stuck in the neck pipe.

Size of vent connections should not be less that ½” ns.

Blowdown. On high pressure gas systems, consideration should be given to the

provision of a blowdown line incorporating a globe valve or restriction orifice for
controlled depressurisation.

Size should not exceed 2” ns.

Balance Lines can be provided on launchers to enable the barrel to be filled and
pressurised on both sides of the pig at the same time. This prevents a pig moving
forward from the launch position hitting, and possibly damaging, the trap valve or
moving backwards and losing the seal in the reducer. For receivers, balance lines
will prevent any possible pressure differential across the pig and should always be
considered for inclusion. Balance line connections are approximately 2” in diameter.

Pressurising Lines may be required around kicker valves for several reasons:

• Speed of operation
• Control of barrel pressurisation
• To avoid damage to the kicker valve seats or other internals

Pressurising lines around bypass valves should also be considered to equalise

possible high pressure differentials. Pressurising line connections are usually smaller
than balancing line diameters.

Thermal Relief Valve connections can be provided at locations where the

anticipated shut-in pressure of trapped fluid could exceed the design pressure.

Pressure Indicator (Pressure Gauge) should be fitted towards the closure end and
visible to the operator. May be incorporated with the vent connection. Size should
be in the region of ½” to 1”. Gauge dial to be 4” or 6” size.

Other items that may be fitted to the Pig Traps:

Supports, as the name suggests, should permanently support and restrain the Pig
Trap. They should be designed to carry the weight of the pig trap system filled with
water (or other fluid if their density is greater), together with the weight of the
associated heaviest pig.

Supports under the barrel should normally be of the sliding type to compensate for
expansion of the unrestrained part of the pipeline. Other supports may be fixed if the
design calculations indicate that sufficient flexibility is incorporated in the pipework to
compensate for any axial and transverse movements. Where cathodic protection
isolation joints are used, the supports should allow sufficient movement to avoid
stressing of the joint above its design limits. Where isolation joints are not used the
supports may need to be electrically isolated.

Lifting Lugs are designed to facilitate the lifting of the complete trap during
installation stage. Unless specifically requested, they are not proof tested.

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Earthing Lugs are designed to help prevent the build-up of static electricity. Static is
a seriously under-estimated yet ever present hazard. Being invisible to the naked
eye, it tends to be ignored. Yet an undischarged build-up of electrostatic can take
hours, even days, to relax back into equilibrium, resulting in a potentially lethal
workplace. If the accumulated static is suddenly discharged within a hazardous
atmosphere, the resulting spark may easily act as the ignition source for an

End Closures are fittings, including removable parts and assemblies, which provide
quick and easy access to the barrel when open and which seal the barrel when
closed. All closures should be fitted with a vent/safety bleed device that forms part of
the door locking mechanism and which, along with a system of interlocks sequencing
the operation of the various valves and end closures, is designed to ensure the safety
of personnel operating the trap.

Pig Signallers (also known as Pig/Scraper Detectors) are devices set on or into
the pipeline which indicate the momentary presence of a pig at a precise location.
Signallers should be installed on both sides of the trap valve. For launchers, the
signaller should be sited on the main pipeline and separated from the pig trap valve
by a distance that is at least the length of the longest pig. For receivers, the signaller
should be positioned on the neck pipe and separated from the pig trap valve by a
distance that is equal to the length of the longest pig.

Sphere Release Mechanisms may involve any of the following:

• Mechanical fingers
• Flaps
• Valves

Mechanical Fingers are the most popular but

are not really practical for use with traps in
which the spheres exceed 20”ns. Above this
diameter it is more practical to use flaps
which are designed to absorb the high loads
that a large sphere, weighing up to 500 kilos,
can impose.

Fig 6. Sphere Release Fingers

It is normal to fit two fingers or flaps to launchers so that multiple spheres can be
loaded into the barrel after which single spheres can then be launched, at a pre-
determined rate, by sequencing the operation of the fingers or flaps.

For declined receivers, it is common to fit a single finger to prevent the sphere from
rolling onto the operator as the closure door is opened.

Fingers and flaps can also be used in traps intended for conventional and intelligent

Sphere Valves are basically ball valves where the hole in the ball does not go all the
way through. A sphere enters the valve and on rotation through 180 degrees the
sphere drops out to roll and engage with an inclined tee for pick up by the product
flow. On rotation back through 180 degrees the valve is reloaded.

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If pigging facilities are required then consideration had to be given to providing
vertical launcher for the pigs with the sphere valve and its storage magazine forming
an angled branch into this. Naturally this method is both costly and bulky.

Other factors also influence pig trap design. These are related to:

• Layout
• Ancillary Facilities

Layout involves the siting of pig trap systems and the possible adverse
environmental effects that could result during construction and operation.

Pig traps should also be sited so that the end closures are pointing away from
personnel areas and critical items of equipment. This will minimise any damage
resulting from the unlikely event of a pig being ejected from the trap whilst under

Ancillary Facilities generally refer to pig handling equipment and systems. Nothing
does more to improve efficiency, safety and cleanliness of pigging operations than a
purpose designed system. With the correct equipment, heavy pigs and spheres can
be moved efficiently between traps, benches and vehicles, free of the danger and
dirty conditions usually associated with manual operations and the largest pigs and
spheres can be correctly and safely handled into, and out of, their traps.

Handling equipment should always be designed as an integral part of trap

installations. Typical arrangements are as follows:

• Davit and Bench

• Cassettes
• Cradles

Davit and Bench refers to a manually operated system consisting of a cradle bench
with a winch and a free-standing swing jib crane. The cradle bench can be either
trolley mounted or suitable for fixing to the floor next to the end closure door.

For positive launching, the pig is inserted into the reducer by a winch-operated
pusher mechanism on the cradle bench. At the receiving trap the pig is attached by
cable to the winch and withdrawn onto the cradle bench. The free-standing jib crane
is used for hoisting and positioning of pigs.

On multiple trap installations, all traps can be served by a single mobile handling

Cassettes, also known as magazines, offer a solution to the problem of limited space
on offshore platforms. They enable pig or spheres to be pre-loaded in multiples at
the onshore terminal and then transported to the platform as a single unit. The
cassette is loaded into the launching trap from where the pig or spheres can then be
launched at a pre-determined rate. At the receiving trap the loaded cassette is
removed and the complete unit can again be transferred, after inspection, to the
launcher for re-loading.

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Cradles, also known as half baskets or trays, can handle pigs or spheres of any type.
When used with launching traps, the cradle is loaded externally and then moves the
pig or sphere into its launch position inside the trap. For receivers, the incoming pig
comes to rest on the cradle that can then be withdrawn from the trap. Any debris
collected in the trap as a result of pigging will also be removed. A free-standing jib
crane can be sited next to the trap to handle and position the pigs.

The systems described are designed to provide a cost-effective means of handling

pigs and spheres throughout the operational lifetime of the pipeline. It is important
that all pig handling systems are manufactured as an integrated part of the trap in
order to preserve its integrity as a pressure vessel.

There are several types of trap which do not confirm to the conventional horizontal
layout and which are known as Special traps. The following are examples:

• Vertical traps
• Temporary traps
• Bi-directional traps
• Sphere Launcher and Receiver

Vertical Traps are usually used where

space is at a premium (e.g. offshore
platforms). Their design and
configuration shows very little difference
to that of horizontal traps. In fact, the
only major differences occur in the
design of the supports and of the end
closure hinging. End closures swing to
the side on horizontal traps but, for Fig 7. Vertical Trap with Stepped Basket
vertical traps they have to be either (and pig)
sprung, fitted with a counterweight or
jacked out on a davit and screwed rod).

Vertical receivers are usually fitted with an internal stepped basket into which the pig
arrives. As the pig cups expand, the step prevents the pig dropping back into the
reducer. The basket also allows the pigs to be removed easily.

Temporary Pig Traps should never be used as an excuse to avoid the design
parameters previously discussed as most of them still apply with equal force.
Because of the circumstances which prevail on
construction sites (where there is often an absence
of trained routine) greater attention must be given to
safety. Remember – pressure can kill. However,
where there is less incentive towards the time and
labour saving properties of modern quick opening
closures, temporary traps can be designed and made Fig 8. Temporary Launcher
to less stringent codes than those required for long (With Pig)
term capital equipment – although quality assurance
must never be neglected.

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Bi-Directional Traps, with sleeves, were originally designed for shuttling spheres
back and forth but are equally suitable
for use with bi-directional pigs. These
units comprise a sliding sleeve inside
the major barrel that can be
positioned so that a single pig or
sphere can be pre-loaded and held in
the trap until it is ready for launch.
Initially, the flow inside the trap
bypasses the pig until the sleeve is
moved into the launch position at
which point the flow is directed behind
the pig launching it into the pipeline.
At the receiving end, the sleeve is
positioned so that flow passes through
it (the sleeve) until the pig arrives.
The incoming pig is then captured by
the sleeve and moves along the trap
until the flow can bypass the pig.

Fig 9. Bi-Directional Trap

Sphere Launchers and Receivers (Automated Pig Traps)

Automatic pig launching and, to a lesser extent, receiving may be considered for
unmanned installations where there is a requirement for frequent pigging of lines.
The types of pigs used are either sphere or batching pigs. The general principle for
the handling of each is the same. However, advantage is taken of the spheres ability
to roll.

Pig launching is usually achieved from a vertical launcher whilst for sphere launching
vertical or inclined can be utilised.

The rolling feature of the spheres makes them readily adaptable to unmanned
faciliti4es in that the operator can load a trap with several spheres and the launching
can be activated either manually or automatically. Various launching mechanisms
are available, as already described, and the selection is largely a matter of client
preference, bearing in mind the design constraints of each.

In the case of sphere receivers, the barrel is declined and it is best to have a
horizontal pup pipe near the closure with a sphere stop fitted so that incoming
spheres do not impact against the closure door and also to prevent spillage onto the
operator when he opens the closure door for unloading.

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Safety and Interlock Systems

Safety issues are always at the heart of pig trap design. Whilst pigging is a common
procedure, typically carried out when a pipeline needs purging, cleaning or surveying,
it can involve a high risk of human error, high enough to warrant pig traps being
described as ‘primary grade sources of hazard’.

Probably the greatest associated danger is when a trap is opened accidentally whilst
still under pressure – usually to insert or remove a pig. To overcome this danger it is
vital that a system is incorporated which ensures that the trap is fully vented before
the door can be opened. Venting depressurises the trap and removes the force
necessary to propel the pig.

Pig trap systems also involve other more complex, procedures. Even in a basic
system, safe operation of the closure require it to be correctly sequenced with certain
valves which are incorporated into the trap – these being the pig trap valves, drain
and kicker valves. The pig trap line valve governs the piping connection between the
pig trap and the main pipeline whilst the kicker valve is on a secondary piping
connection used to move the pig into and out of the trap. Both valves must be
closed, isolating the trap from the main pipeline, before the trap is drained.

By establishing safety guidelines, a certain level of control over pig trap operations
can be imposed but these usually rely on the voluntary compliance of personnel
operating the plant, pig traps and handling equipment. IF these guidelines are
contravened due to human error, or malicious malpractice, serious accidents will
occur. Accordingly, the need for a safety system that positively controls the entire
process, without dependence on human judgement, is clear. The many separate
operations involved when launching and receiving pigs must be made to follow a
safe, predetermined path and the most widely accepted and reliable method for
achieving this is by Key Transfer Interlocking.

Mechanical key transfer interlocking has developed from the principle that actions
performed in the correct sequence are safe but potentially lethal if performed out of
sequence. Therefore, the use of trapped key interlocks in pig trap operations will limit
the sequence of valve and end closure operations to a single, unchanging path. By
fitting interlocks to all relevant valves, as well as to the end closures, it becomes
impossible to load or retrieve a pig without first depressurising the pig trap.

In summary, key transfer interlocking provides a logical method or controlling pig

launching and receiving procedures, no matter how complex. It ensures that
procedures can only be performed in the correct sequence and eliminates the
possibility of human error.

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The following section describes typical operating sequences for launching and
receiving pigs in liquid service pipelines. The sequences are general in nature and
are intended solely as a means of explaining the working principles of some of the
many types of trap in existence. They (the sequences) are not definitive and should
not be used for training pig trap operators, nor should they form any part of the
operating procedures for specific launching and receiving installations.

1. Launching Key

a. Pressure Gauge
b. Vent
c. Pressure Relief
d. Drain
e. Pig Signaller
f. Kicker Valve
g. Mainline Bypass Valve
h. Mainline Trap Valve
i. Quick Release Closure

Assumptions prior to launching:

• Trap is full (of pipeline product) and is under pressure

• Valves (f), (g), (h) are open
• Valves (d) and (b) are closed

Launching Procedure:

1. Close valves (f) and (h)

2. Open valve (d) followed by valve (b). Air will displace the liquid and the trap will
3. When the trap has been fully drained (0 psig), open the closure door and push
the pig into the trap until the first cup (or seal) forms a tight fit in the reducer
4. Close and secure the closure door, following the manufacturer’s operating
procedure, and close valve (d)
5. Open valve (f) slowly. The trap will begin to fill and any residual air will be
forced out through valve (b).
6. Slowly continue to fill the trap. When the trap is full, close valve (b) and allow
the pressure to equalise.
7. Close valve (f)
8. Open valve (h) and then open valve (f). The pig is now ready for launching
9. Partially close valve (g). The liquid flow through valve (f) behind the pig will
increase. Continue to close valve (g) until the pig signaller (e) indicates that the
pig has moved out of the trap into the mainline stream.
10. When the pig signaller (e) has indicated that the pig has left the trap, fully open
valve (g)

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3. Receiving

a. Pressure Gauge
b. Vent
c. Pressure Relief
d. Drain
e. Pig Signaller
f. Bypass Valve
g. Mainline Bypass Valve
h. Mainline Trap Valve
i. Quick Release Closure

Assumptions Prior to Receiving:

• Trap is empty of all product and is at atmospheric pressure

• Valves (b), (d) and (g) are open
• Valve (f) and (h) are closed
• Closure door is closed in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating

Receiving Procedure:

1. Close valve (d) and slowly open valve (f). Th trap will begin to fill and any
residual air will be vented through valve (b)
2. Close valve (b) and allow trap pressure to equalise through valve (f)
3. Open valve (h). Trap is now ready to receive pig
4. On its arrival, if the pig stops at the point marked ‘X’, partially close valve (g).
Increased flow through valve (f) will force the pig into the trap
5. When the pig signaller (e) indicated that the pig has entered the trap, fully
open valve (g) and close valve (f) and (h)
6. Open valves (d) and (b). The trap will drain


To provide the user with the most suitable equipment for their application, Pipeline
Engineering would appreciate the following information:

• Pipeline diameter and wall thickness

• Pipeline pressure, temperature and product
• Design requirements: code, pressure and temperature
• Inspection/certification requirements

© Copyright 1999
Pipeline Engineering & Supply Co Ltd Page 16 Section 6

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