Startup 1 Unit 1 Test

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Name: Marfredy Minor Romero Class: English Date: 17-03-21

StartUp 1 Unit 1 Test

A. Listen. Choose the correct answer.

(Audio track: StartUp1_Unit01_Test_01)

1. Office Station sells .

a. pencils
b. erasers
c. pens
2. Office Station sells .
a. cabinets
b. cell phones
c. phones
3. Office Station sells .
a. desks
b. boxes
c. shelves


A. Listen to the sentences or words. Choose the answer with the correct stress.

______ 4. (Audio track: StartUp1_Unit01_Test_02)

a. Good-bye.
b. Good-bye.

______ 5. (Audio track: StartUp1_Unit01_Test_03)

a. See you soon.

b. See you soon.

B. Listen to the sentences or words. Choose the answer with the correct stress.

______ 6. (Audio track: StartUp1_Unit01_Test_04)

a. di|rec|tor
b. di|rec|tor
c. di|rec|tor

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______ 7. (Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit01_Test_05)

a. tea|cher
b. tea|cher


A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of be.

8. She is an illustrator.

9. We are photographers.

10. Pedro is a nurse.

B. Complete the sentences with a or an.

11. Tom is a flight attendant.

12. Tina is an engineer.

C. Write the plural form of each word.

13. a sticky note: sticky notes

14. a cabinet: cabinets

D. Choose the correct answer.

15. She has nice shelves.

a. have
b. has
c. need

16. You need a big dictionary.

a. need
b. has
c. needs

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A. Write the correct sentence to complete the conversations.

a. Nice to meet you too. d. Good morning.

b. I’m fine. Thank you. e. Fine, thanks. And you?
c. See you tomorrow.

17. A: Good night.

B: C
18. A: Nice to meet you.
B: A
19. A: D
B: Hello.

B. Match the words to the pictures below.

a. a chef d. a manager
b. an accountant e. a doctor
c. a scientist f. an engineer

A chef 20. A doctor 21. An accountant 22.

C. Match the words to the pictures below.

a. a pen d. a cabinet
b. a sticky note e. a printer
c. a pencil f. a notepad

A printer 23. A pencil 24. A sticky note


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A. Write the correct sentence to complete the conversation.

a. I’m fine. c. What's your name again?

b. My name is Kristine Tucker. d. Hello, how are you?

26. A: Hi. My name is George Fairfax.

B: I'm sorry. C ______
A: George Fairfax.
B: Nice to meet you. B
A: Nice to meet you, too.

B. Write the correct sentence to complete the conversation.

a. I’m fine. d. Nice to meet you, too, Sofia.

b. What’s your last name again? e. I’m sorry.
c. Nice to meet you, Tim. f. Fine, thanks. And you?

27. A: Sofia, this is Tim. He’s a programmer.

B: I’m Sofia. I’m an accountant.

C: D

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A. Skim the contact information. Choose the correct answers.

28. What is Taka’s office location?

a. doctor
b. Tokyo, Japan

29. What is Daniel’s job title?

a. 419-223-8530
b. Vallejo
c. nurse


A. Rewrite the sentences. Use capital letters for the proper nouns.

30. The accountant in chicago is stephanie porter.

The Accountant in Chicago is Stephanie Porter

31. The dentist works in jakarta, indonesia.

The Dentist works in Jakarta Indonesia

The D

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