Standard Training Policy External and in

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Standard Training Policy

External and Internal

I. Policy Statement

The Learning and Development Team, as one of the subdivisions of the Human
Capital Team, is committed to the development and career growth of the Vertaccount
employees through provision and facilitation of internal and external training
equipping each with the necessary technical know-how and soft skills.

II. Purpose of Training

This training policy is developed to achieve the Vertaccount's vision of bringing

the company further and higher through:
A. recognizing the importance of honing the employees' corporate skills properly,
B. maintaining a well-balanced and conducive learning environment regularly, and
C. providing an equal opportunity for continuous learning to every employee.

III. Scope and Delimitation

This policy shall cover all Vertaccount's employees whether employed in part-
time or in full-time position.

IV. Types of Training

The training to be conducted shall include, but not limited to, the following:
A. Vertaccount University
B. Peer Learning
C. Coaching/Mentoring by Immediate Superior
D. Classroom Training

V. Identifying Training Needs

Employee training needs shall be identified through, but not limited to,
conduction of training needs analysis, quarterly performance evaluation performed
by the Performance Management Team, post-training assessment and/or
analysis/suggestion of the Management Committee.

VI. Communication of Training

All training shall be communicated through Wrike not later than 21 days before
the said training by the Technical Trainer for Technical Training and by the
Performance Management and Learning Officer for soft-skills training.
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Standard Training Policy
External and Internal

VII. New Employee Training – Onboarding

Training required as part of the new employee onboarding shall be designed

by the Technical Trainer subject for the review of the new employee’s supervisor.
Completion of the training shall be not later than two-weeks from the date of hire.

VIII. Training Request

Intention to participate to a training/training program shall be communicated

to the immediate superior. Such superior shall make a formal request through Wrike
to the Learning and Development Team subject for review and approval.

Training developed by the Technical Trainer or by the Performance

Management and Learning Officer shall be submitted to the director of the Human
Capital Team subject for review of the Management Committee and for the final
approval of the CEO.

IX. Penalties and guidelines for no show, late, non-compliance, emergency, etc.

• Attendees are expected to arrive at the venue of the training 10 minutes ahead of
the training time scheduled.
• Arrival later than the scheduled time shall be considered late.
• Arrival 30 minutes later than the scheduled training time shall be considered
• Three (3) late shall be counted as 1 absent.

No penalty shall be imposed aside from the non-credit of attendance for items #3, 4
and for no show.

X. Record Keeping

All training materials/tools shall be uploaded to the Vertaccount University for

employee's easy access. Copy of these shall also be saved in the Training Shared Folder
for convenience.

A database of all the training attended by a Vertaccount employee, including

his/her competencies, shall be documented.

All communication, request, registration, submission and approval relating to

training shall be done and documented in Wrike.

Attendance sheet can be documented even electronically only unless it will

become part of government compliance task, by then, it must be printed and signed.
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Standard Training Policy
External and Internal

XI. Post-Training Assessment, Feedback, and Evaluation

Quizzes or any form of training assessment and evaluation shall be designed

by the training facilitator and to be submitted to the Technical Trainer and
Performance Management and Learning Officer for review and approval not later than
7 days before the respective training.

Training feedback form, evaluation form and assessment form shall be sent
electronically not later than 5 days after the training held. Results shall be
documented, tabulated and presented to the Learning and Development team not
later than 14 working days after the respective training.

XII. Training Budget

No defined annual budget shall be allotted to the employees’ training. Training

Fees, allowances, employee reimbursement and other cost shall be requested through
Wrike to the director of the Human Capital Team subject for final approval of the CEO.
Every cost shall be substantiated.

XIII. Effectivity

This policy shall take effect immediately after two weeks after the
Communication through Wrike.

XIV. Policy Revision History

Version Date Date Author Remarks

Submitted Approved
v.1 2020-01-17 Romnick Bercasio Credit to Angelica Rubio

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