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The role of the community health nurse in the participating family’s community is to focus on the health

needs of the aggregate or group. Community health nursing refers to a systematic, comprehensive focus
on wellness, health protection, and disease, and injury prevention for the population residing in a
specific area. The nurse functions as advocate, case manager, consultant, health care provider,
educator, and collaborator with other agencies for healthy outcomes of the entire community.

Community nurses play a large role in influencing not only one community but reaching out to other
nearby communities as well. One of the key factors is that the community nurse has direct contact with
the population in need. People in the community have a resource that can guide them to better health.
And it is important because there are members of society who do not have access to healthcare. Nurses
work in communities to reach people who need assistance with treating medical conditions and
maintaining their health.

Community health nursing involve assessment of a community, diagnosis of needs in the community,
planning how to increase health awareness in the community, implementing of the plan and evaluating
the outcome of the plan.

Community assets and their accessibility are also identified. Diversity in cultural, ethnic, economic,
educational, linguistic, medical, physical, and social are recognized during the community assessment. I
have the opportunity to practice as a community health student nurse when I was second year and that
was very interesting clinical experience even though it’s virtual because of the pandemic and I was able
to learn to see and know what activity and program and also for leisure time relatively in health. And in
this summer I am very excited, nervous and a little bit scared because we all know that this is not easy.

And also analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills are important when providing care to clients.
Analytical reasoning involves analyzing a situation, being able to look through the problem and think in a
multi-dimensional way of the situation. Critical thinking is the objective analysis and evaluation of a
situation with the intention to form a judgment or solution to the situation and it’s not easy of being a
health professional and being student because you need to do it correctly and applying the code of
ethics and also it includes effective communication and it is crucial to know and remember the nursing
scope of practice and nursing code of ethics. It is important to check with American Nurse Association
Standards to learn and update the professional nursing standards in clinical practice. The standards of
professional nursing practice include assessing, diagnosing, planning, implementing and evaluating in a
patient care. Ethical practice is pertinent in provide nursing care. According to the code of ethic in
nursing, nurses have the duty to advocate for equitable care for their clients, student nurses have the
obligation to keep client confidentiality within legal and regulatory parameters. I also have to deliver
care in a manner that preserves and protects client’s autonomy, dignity, rights, values and beliefs. Lastly,
student nurse should know and aware of the assigned mission.

I expect our CI to provide us with a holistic approach, entertaining attack, real-life examples, and hands-
on training, as well as provide enough feedback on my abilities; I want a one-on-one talk for the
feedback so that I can use what I’ve learned and achieve my objective.

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