Final Examination CA LAC

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Name: Cayabyab, Leif Azhley Instructor: Joelyn Guadal quiver

Course & Year: BSCRIM 2A Date: June 08, 2022

Subject & EDP:CA-221- 23408

1. Court - Conduct cross examination of the witness before the issuance of the
warrant either warrants of arrest or search warrant, and 2. To conduct
arraignment and to hold trial before giving final decision of the case.

2. Law Enforcement - to conduct investigation on the alleged crime committed by

person and to assist complainant to file a case.

3. Prosecution - evaluate the findings of the police submitted to their office and
Receive complaint filed by the victim and to be responsible to file information to
the court, and act as a legal prosecutor of the offended party.
4. Community - Help and coordinate the program of the government specially on
the maintenance of peace and order.

5. Correction - Reform the convicted offender through the rehabilitation program

inside the correction, and reform the offender through rehabilitation program such
as giving an opportunity to every offender to continue his study by way of
vocational training program.

6. The Tower of London - originally built as a fortress for defense of the city. This
is a famous symbol for such a cruel punishment.
7. The rack - a kind of device that drags apart the joints in the feet and hands
8. Iron maiden - a box-like device with the front half hinged like a door so that a
person could be placed inside.
9. Banishment and Exile - serious offender were transported to banishment or
10. Correction as a process is the orientation of the criminal offenders to prevent
them from repeating their delinquent actions without the necessity of taking
punitive action, but rather an introduction of individual measures for reformation
11. Alcatraz Prison - an Island in San Francisco Bay. The site of infamous prison
noted for its inhuman treatment and tortures. The island was discovered in 1545
and 1850, it was fortified and used as military prisons.
12. Prison - refers to a penal establishment under the control of the Bureau of
Corrections and shall include the New Bilibid Prison and other correctional
13. Bastille Prisons - A fortress prison in Paris, France; Bastille was a symbol of
royal absolutism before the French revolution in 1370.
14. Inmate – refers to a national prisoner or one sentenced by a court to serve a
maximum term of imprisonment of more than three years or to a fine more than
one thousand pesos.
15. Toul Sleng Prison - One of the most notorious prisons in Cambodia that even
humbled the killing field in Battabang province. It is Toul Sleng prison.
16. Prison Record - refers to information concerning an inmate’s personal
circumstances, offense committed, sentenced imposed, criminal case number in
the trial, and appellate courts.
17. Detainee - a person who is confined in prison pending preliminary investigation,
trial or appeal; or upon legal process issued by competent authority.
18. Competent Authority - refers to the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Regional
Trial Court, Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court, Municipal Circuit Trial
Court, Sandigan Bayan, and Military Court, including the House of Representative,
Senate, Commission on Elections, Bureau of Immigration and the Board of
Pardons and Parole.
19. Carpeta - refers to the institutional record of inmates which consists of Mittimus
Commitment order, Prosecutor’s information and the decision of the trial court
including the Appellate court
20. Sachsenhausen Prison - Built in 1939 outside the Berlin proper as germany’c
concentration camps for the dreaded Nazi’s Sselite forc
21. Auschwitz Prison - built by Germans near Cracow Poland, it was popularly
known as the death camp headed by Rudolf Hoess.
22. Jail - is a building or place for the confinement of arrested or sentence persons.
23. Insein Prison - is a pygmy in size compared with other prisons in western countries,
but it became focus of world attention when political dissents were placed behind
24. Death Convict - refers to an inmate whose death penalty is imposed by a Regional
Trial Court, which is affirmed by the Supreme Court.
25. City Jail, Provincial and Municipal Jail - house both offenders awaiting for court
actions, those serving short sentences usually up to three years only.
26. City Prisoner – one who is sentenced to a prison term of one (1) day to three (3)
27. Lock – up cells - is a security facility for the temporary detention of persons held for
investigation suspects, violator of city ordinance.
28. Prisoner - Inmate who is convicted by final judgment.
29. Detainee/PDL Persons Deprived of Liberty - Inmate who is undergoing
investigation/ trial or awaiting trial / sentencing.
30. BuCor - houses offenders who are finally convicted by lower court and are waiting
for the results of their appeal and those who are convicted for more than three years.
31. Self-Discipline - The ability to act regardless of emotional state, or the ability to
withstand undue and unjust influences.
32. Teamwork - the combined effective action of all personnel.
33. Commitment - strong sense of dedication to the ideals of the organization and to
the public that it serves.
34. District jail - Within large cities or a group of clustered municipalities, a District Jail
headed by District Warden.
35. Escape - an act of getting out unlawfully from confinement or custody an offender.

36. Instrument of restraint - A device, contrivance, tool or instrument used to hold

back, keep in, check or control an offender.
37. Insular Prisoner – one who is sentence to a prison term of three (3) years and one
day to death.
38. Municipal Prisoner – one who is sentenced to a prison term of one (1) day to six
(6) months.
39. Provincial Prisoner – a prisoner who is sentenced to a prison of six (6) months and
one (1) day to three (3) years.
40. Safekeeping - the temporary custody of a person for his own protection, safety or

41. Jail - a place of confinement for offenders under investigation, awaiting or

undergoing trial, or serving sentence.
42. Prisoner - an offender who is convicted by final judgment.
43. Commitment Order - A written order of the court or any other competent authority
consigning an offender to aa jail or prison for confinement.
44. Contraband - any article, item or things prohibited by law and/ or forbidden by jail
45. Detainee - a person accused before a court or competent authority who is
temporarily confined in jail while undergoing or awaiting investigation, trial, or final
46. Offender - either a prisoner or detainee confined in jail.
47. Transfer of an insane inmate - an inmate who has been confirmed to be mentally
abnormal or insane maybe transferred to mental hospital with the approval of the
Prison Director.
48. Penology - a branch of criminology which deals with management and
administration of offenders.
49. Rehabilitation - a program or activity directed to restore and offender’s self- respect
thereby making him a law-abiding citizen after serving his sentence.
50. Mittimus - a warrant issued by the court bearing its seals and signature of the judge,
directing the jail or prison authorities to receive offenders for custody or service of
sentence imposed therein.
51. Detention Prisoner - a prisoner is detained when he is place in confinement or
when there is restraint on this person.
52. Rights of Detainee - a detainee may, aside from the rights and privileges enjoyed
by a finally convicted inmate to wear civilian clothes, to grow his hair in his
customary style.
53. Camp Sampaguita - houses medium security risk prisoners and located near the
Reception and Diagnostic Center.
54. Bukang Liwayway Camp - houses minimum security risk prisoners who work on
various projects of the institution.
55. Place of Confinement - an inmate shall only be confined in a place declared by the
President of the Philippines or by Executive Order to the place of confinement of
national inmates or by specific direction of the court.
56. Colonist - one who has passed as the 1st class inmate and has served one year
immediately preceding the completion of period specified in the following
57. Sentenced Prisoner - the word “sentenced” has assumed a special meaning in our
statues to specially refer to judgment rendered by the court in a criminal case.
58. Second class inmate - a newly-arrived inmate; an inmate demoted from 1st class
inmate or promoted from 3rd class inmate.
59. Revocation of Colonist Status - the grant of colonist status may; for cause, be
revoked at any time by the Superintendent with the approval of the Prison Director.
60. Minimum Security - this shall include those who can be reasonably trusted to serve
their sentence under less restricted condition.
61. Place of Confinement - an inmate shall only be confined in a place declared by the
President of the Philippines or by Executive Order to the place of confinement of
national inmates or by specific direction of the court.
62. Medium Security Risk- this shall include those who cannot be trusted in less
secured areas and those whose conduct or behavior require minimum supervision.
63. Old inmates - an inmate over sixty (600 years of age maybe be executed from
mandatory labor.
64. Place of work assignments - only Medium and Minimum security inmates maybe
assigned to work in agricultural field projects within a prison reservation.
65. Security Compound - a prison shall; whenever possible, have a separate prison
compound for the segregation of inmates according to their security classification.
66. Prison labor of detainee - a detainee may not be required to work in prison;
however, he may be made to polish his cell and perform such other labor as maybe
to deemed necessary for hygienic or sanitary reason.
67. Pastoral Visits - an accredited priest, minister or pastor maybe allowed to hold
regular service and to pay pastoral visits in private to inmates of his religion at such
hours as maybe prescribe by the Penal Superintendent.
68. Proselytizing - No prison official shall proselyte inmates under his supervision or
allow any inmate to do so without the consent of the inmates concerned.
69. Trust Fund - compensation credits earned by the inmates as provided for in the
preceding section and all monies received by him from any source shall be
deposited in the Trust Fund provided for the purpose.
70. Compensation credits - compensation credits shall be allowed in the payment of
those classified on workmanship as maybe prescribed by the director.
71. Proselytizing - No prison official shall proselyte inmates under his supervision or
allow any inmate to do so without the consent of the inmates concerned.
72. Worship Services - attendance by a inmate of worship to service and similar
religious activities shall be on a voluntary basis.
73. Work Programs - work programs shall be conducted in prison to promote good
work habits and self – esteem among inmates and not as a means of exploit cheap
prison labor or as a punishment for deviant behavior.
74. Eligibility to Marry - the request of an inmate or detainee to marry shall be
approved provided the inmate or detainee is legally eligible to marry and its mentally
competent and the intended spouse has verified, in writing in an intention to marry
the inmate or detainee.
75. Privilege Communication - All personal communication of an inmate to a prison
chaplain or priest either as a formal act of religion or as a matter of conscience, shall
be treated as a privilege communication.
76. Privacy of Visits - Prison guard shall supervise the visiting area in unobtrusive
manner; they shall not eavesdrop on conversation or otherwise interfere with the
privacy of the inmates and his visitors.
77. Request to marry - an inmate or detainee who wants to get married shall submit a
written request thereof with the superintendent.
78. Dietary requirements - inmate observing religious feats or celebrations maybe
given raw rations or special diets in accordance with their beliefs.
79. Eligibility to Marry - the request of an inmate or detainee to marry shall be
approved provided the inmate or detainee is legally eligible to marry and its mentally
competent and the intended spouse has verified, in writing in an intention to marry
the inmate or detainee.
80. Visit of legal counsel - An inmate maybe visited by his legal counsel of record at
reasonable hours of the day or night.

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