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Name: Cayabyab, Leif Azhley


Title: Important Words/Topics in CDI 221 (Traffic Management and Accidental


1. Highway – It means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way
dedicated to a public authority when any part of the way is open to use of the
public for purposes of vehicular traffic, whether or not the public authority is
maintaining the way.
2. Traffic – It refers to the movement of person, goods, or vehicles, either powered
by combustion system or animal drawn, from one place to another for the
purpose of travel.
3. Traffic Management - Is best understood by understanding the following
commonly used words and terminologies.
4. Transportation – Is the movement or conveying of persons and goods from one
location to another.
5. Sledge on Runners – A simple sledge, probably man drawn.
6. Sledge on Rollers - The movement of heavy burdens was to place them on
sledge which rested on a series of rollers.
7. Traffic Engineering -It is the science of measuring traffic and travel the study of
basic laws relative to the traffic law and generation; the application of this
knowledge to the professional practice of planning, deciding, and operating traffic
system to achieve safe and efficient transportation of persons and goods.
8. R.A 8749 (Clean Air Act) – An act providing for the regulation of motor vehicles
emitting toxic gases like the use of the diesel and leaded gasoline.
9. Road Safety - reduced risk of accident or injury on the roads.
10. Road engineering - planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance
of roads, bridges, and tunnels to ensure safe and effective transportation of
people and goods.
11. Travois – Serves as a platform on which the burdens are placed.
12. Arcima – It was a small conveyance that is large enough for only one person.
13. Emotionally Low – we feel moody, irritable or depress.
14. BIORHYTHM - The theory which asserts that man exhibits a constant variation of
life energy and mood states. Man’s theorized cycles and interpretations rhythm is
peculiar characteristics of most natural phenomena.
15. Physical Low – we tend to tire quickly and to succumb to illness easily.
16. Emotional High - we tend to be creative, artistic, cheerful and happy.
17. Physical High - we tend to be energetic, strong, full of vitality.
18. Intellectual High - we are able to think quickly and logically.
19. R.A 5448 - Act imposing a tax on private owned passenger automobiles, motorcycle
and scooters, and a science stamp tax, to constitute a special science fund defining
the programs, project and activities of science agencies to be financed therefrom
and for other purposes.
20. R.A 8750 - it provides for the attachment of seat belts for all types of motor vehicle
and imposed penalty for the non-compliance thereof.
21. R.A 10586 - An Act penalizing person driving under influence of alcohol, dangerous
drugs, and similar substance, and for other purposes. It also repealed the mandatory
drug testing of driver’s license applicant.
22. R.A 413of- dated June 20, 1964. this is the basic law regulating land transportation
in the Philippines. It has repealed Act No. 3992 (The Revised Motor Vehicle law).
Further, as amended by RA Nos. 5715, 6374, PD Nos. 382, 843, 896, 1057, 1934,
1950, 1958, Blg. 43, 74 and 398.
23. PD No. 96 - Regulating the use of sirens, bells, horns, etc, by prohibiting the
attachment of any siren, horn bell etc. On motor vehicles which produce unusual or
startling sound as well as blinkers and other similar devices unless the vehicle
belongs to the AFP, NBI, LTO, PNP, BJMP, Hospital and Fire Departments and are
specifically intended for use in emergency.
24. R.A 6539 - the Act which is known as the “Anti carnaping Act of 1982”, the act
preventing and penalizing carnaping.
25. Safety Campaign - This is a mass publicity aimed to make users behave more
safely. These basically focus on public information attitudes, and particular or
specific behaviors, or combinations of these Safety campaign is also known as road
propaganda which may be intended simply to inform or it may be felt that the public
is already aware of the recommended behavior by need to be persuaded into
adopting it.
26. Intellectual Low – concentrating or remembering is difficult or we are likely to
use for judgement where any of the curves crossed the center line.
27. R.A 7924 - The Act creating the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority,
defining its powers and functions, providing funds thereof and for other purposes.
28. PD No. 207 - Declaring as part of the laws of the Philippines the Vienna Convention
on Road Traffic, Sign and Signals.
29. R.A 7924 - The Act creating the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority,
defining its powers and functions, providing funds thereof and for other purposes.
30. R.A 8794 - The Act imposing penalties on overloaded motor vehicles.
31. Professional Driver - Every and any driver hired for driving or operating a motor
vehicle, whether for private use or for hire to the public.
32. Articulated Vehicle - Shall mean any motor vehicle with a trailer having no front
axle and so attached that part of the trailer rests upon the motor vehicle and a
substantial part of the weight of the trailer.
33. Motor Vehicle - Shall mean any vehicle propelled by any power other than muscular
power using the highways, but excepting road rollers, trolley cars, street-sweepers,
sprinkles, lawn mowers, bulldozer, grades or etc. used exclusively for agricultural
34. Passenger Automobile - Shall mean all pneumatic tire vehicles of types similar to
those usually known under the following terms: touring car, command car,
speedster, sports car, roadster, Jeep, cycle car , coupe , landaulet, closed car,
limousine, cabriolet, and sedan.
35. Driver - Shall mean every and any licensed operator of a motor vehicle.
36. Diplomat- these are issued to foreign diplomats and consuls assigned in the
37. Parking or Parked - Shall mean that a motor vehicle is parked or parking if it has
been brought to a stop on the shoulder or proper edge of a highway, and remains
inactive in that place or close thereto for an appreciable period of time.
38. Dealer - Every person, association, partnership, or corporation making,
manufacturing, constructing, assembling, or setting up motor vehicles; and every
such entity acting as agent for the sale of one or more makes styles, or kinds of
motor vehicles, dealing in motor vehicles keeping the same in stock or selling same
or handling with a view to trading same.
39. Gross Weight - The measured weight of a motor vehicle plus the maximum
allowable carrying capacity in merchandise, freight and/ or passengers, as
determined by the commissioner of the LTO.
40. Public Utility Vehicles (PUV a.k.a for hire) – these are registered primarily for the
conveyance of passenger and other commercial goods, passenger jeepney, taxi
41. Government – these are motor vehicle owned by government offices and are used
for official purposes only.
42. Private (not for hire) – these are motor vehicle used for the personal use of their
43. Highways - Every public thoroughfare, public boulevard, driveway, avenue, park,
alley and callejon, but shall not include roadway upon grounds owned by the private
persons, colleges, universities, or other similar institutions.
44. Garage - Any building in which two or more motor vehicles, either with or without
drivers, are kept ready for hire to the public, but shall not include street stands,
public service stations, or other places designated by proper authority as parking
spaces for motor vehicle for hire while awaiting or soliciting business.
45. Conductor’s License – Conductors of public utility vehicles are also mandated to
procure their license from LTO.
46. Driver’s License – A document issued to a qualified driver of possesses the
statutory qualification as provided therefore.
47. Non-Professional Driver’s License - Is issued to owners of privately-owned motor
vehicles or those not hire or paid driving (effect of Sec. 3,e,R.A. 4136)
48. Government MVs – Red (maroon) with white background usually starts with letter
49. Professional Driver’s License – Is issued to a driver hired or paid for driving or
operating a motor vehicle whether private use or for hire to the public.
50. Student Driver’s Permit – Is issued to persons who desire to learn how to drive.
51. Motorcycle – Private motorcycle have green characters on a white background with
the letters “MC” stamped on the upper left-hand corner next to the registration
sticker. Usually in the format AA 1111, but with the rise in the number of motorcycles
on the road, the 1111 AA format has also come into use.
52. Trailers- these have yellow or green plates that mostly have either “U” (private) or
“Z” (for hire) in the middle of the letter block.
53. Electric vehicles- orange plates are used (white symbols on orange background).
54. Public Utility Vehicle or For Hire MVs- black with yellow background usually begin
with either the letter “N” or “P” or “T” or “U” in NCR. Since 1995, they always have
either “V”, “W”, “X”. Or “Y” in the middle of the letter block. Older license plates
starting with “N” and “P” may have other letters in the middle of the block, although
the “V” “W” “X” “Y” letters are also present (form late 70s NVA-101 to early 1995
55. Private or not for Hire MVs- Green with white background, on newer vehicle, the
first letter usually indicates the region where the vehicle is registered. For example,
beginning with “N” the vehicle is registered in the National Capital Region (NCR).
56. Speed limit and Other Rules on Speed - Any person driving a motor vehicle on a
highway shall drive the same at a careful and prudent speed, not greater nor less
than is reasonable and proper, having due regard for the traffic, the width of the
highway, and of any other condition then and there existing, and no person shall
drive any motor vehicle upon a highway such speed as to endanger the life, limb and
property of any person, not at a speed greater than will permit him to bring the
vehicle to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead.
57. Mandatory Drug Test- it is mandatory to all driver’s license applicants except for
student drivers permit to pass drug test conducted by duly LTO accredited drug
testing centers.
58. Driver Examination – All driver’s license application must obtain the passing score.
59. Lateral Placement - Lateral placement means to the proper positioning of the motor
vehicle while traversing on a traffic way or while on parked.
60. Maximum Allowable Speeds - The maximum allowable speed shall be in
accordance with the preceding paragraph and for the specific speed limits on
specifics sections of highways, see Chapter IV, Sec 35, para b of RA 4136.
61. Exception to the speed limit - The rates of speed hereinabove prescribed shall not
apply to a physician or his driver when the former responds to emergency calls.
62. The Road Test - Will be undertaken under the auspices of a ‘DRIVING SKILL
63. Written Examination – will contain questions concerning proper driving procedures,
road rules and regulations, emergency procedures, etc.
64. Duty to procure license – Sec.19 to R.A 4136 states that no person shall operate
any motor vehicle without first procuring a license to driver for the current year.
65. Division Islands - These are constructed primarily to divide the streams of the
motor vehicles.
66. Overtaking and Passing - In overtaking another vehicle, a driver should pass at a
safe distance to the left of the vehicle being overtaken and shall resume driving on
the right side of the road only after passing clear of the overtaken vehicle.
67. Pedestrian Island (Pedestrian Barriers) - These are constructed between the
pedestrian sidewalk and the road pavement to prevent motor vehicles from using the
sidewalk for parking and passing purposes.
68. Right of Way - This principle refers to the legal or customary precedence (priority in
place or time) which allows one vehicle to cross or pass in front of another.
69. Driver to Give Way to Overtaking Vehicle - The driver of a motor vehicle about to
be overtaken must give way to the overtaking vehicle and shall not increase his
speed until the overtaking vehicle has fully passed by (Sec. 40, R.A 4136).
70. Traffic Islands - These are the raised portion in the middle of the traffic way
constructed to separate the streams of motor vehicles traversing on opposite
directions and at the same time preventing motorist from using the opposite lane for
71. Restrictions on Overtaking and Passing - To avoid accident or any unusual
incidents, overtaking and passing on the following places are restricted (Sec, 41,
R.A 4136).
72. Rules on Right of Way - Sections 42-44, of R.A 4136 provides for the rules on
giving the right of way.
73. Traffic Islands Defined - These are areas within the roadway constructed in a
manner to establish physical channels through which vehicular traffic is guided.
74. Exception - On the highways with two or more lanes where traffic goes in one
direction, another vehicle may be overtaken on the right (Sec. 39, R.A. 4136).
75. Stop Lines - These are painted across pavement lanes at traffic signs or signals.
Where these lines are present, you should stop behind the stop line.
76. Objects Markings - These are markings placed on objects on the road or beside
the road like humps, rocks or similar hazardous objects on the side of the road.
77. Channelizing Islands - These are constructed to channelize or direct the flow of
78. Pavement Markings Defined - These pertain to all lines, patterns, words, colors or
other gadgets except signs set into the surface or applied upon or attached to the
pavement or curbing or to objects within or adjacent to the roadway, officially placed
for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic.
79. Curb Markings for Restrictions - These are markings placed on the curbs or
edges of the traffic for restrictions on the parking regulation purposes.
80. Reflectorized Markings - These are markings or gadgets designed to reflect and
become luminous when hit by vehicle’s headlight. These are placed or installed in
the middle of the roadway to supplement separation lines or on object at the side of
the roadway which are too near or within the road pavement itself.

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