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Jenny Rose W.

ELEM ED 103 – WTH 1:30 – 3:30 PM


After understanding the different underlying principles under the conceptual framework of mathematics
education, propose activities that would best represent the principles that you had learned by completing
the matrix below:

PRINCIPLE (How can the
(Include: Title/Name of Activity
Note: Base it on the K-12 principle be related
and Activity Description)
Mathematics Curriculum to the activity?) 

Experiential and visualizes, and divides the It’s Groupings Time! The principles are
Situated elements of sets into two related to the activities
groups of equal quantities - Learners will count the because learners
to show halves. total number of blocks (20 experience dividing
pieces). Then, they will and comparing the two
M1NS-IIIc-74.1 divide it into two equal group of blocks,
groups. observing that it has
- After that, learners will the same quantities,
count the numbers of both and conceptualizing
groups. the problem. Learners
- Learners will be able to also tried it again by
compare and observe that using different
they have an equal materials.
number. Furthermore, they will
- Learners will be able to be able to analyze the
conclude that when a problem in the situated
whole group divides into learning activity
two equal quantities, it because they have an
will have the same idea of how to answer
number. the given problem.
- Learners tried it again but
this time using a group of
pens (10 pieces).

Problem Solving!
- After the activity earlier,
problem-solving will be

Vida has a total of 20 candies, she

wants to give them to her two best
friends, Anya and Lira. How will
Vida divide the 20 candies
equally? Answer it by drawing.
The principle is related
to the activity because
it involves the
Reflection Paper
experience and
visualizes, and divides the
feelings of the
elements of sets into two - After the activity in the
students. Furthermore,
groups of equal quantities experiential and situated
Reflective through reflection
to show halves. learning, tell the students
paper, learners will be
to make a reflection paper
able to determine
M1NS-IIIc-74.1 on their score in the
what’s their weakness
situated activity.
and how will they
come up with a

The principle is related

Cards Time!
to the activity because
adds mentally 2- to 3-digit
using flashcards helps
numbers with multiples of - The teacher will
the learners to solve
hundreds using appropriate flashcards that have math
Cooperative the problem mentally.
strategies. problems such as 42 + 56
Also, it promotes
= ? learners will answer
cooperation and active
M3NS-Ie-28.8 the math flashcards
engagement in the
problem as a whole group.

Active Prior Knowledge

- Ask the students if they

are familiar with the
words missing terms or
The principle is related
continuous patterns.
to the activity because
determines the missing - Give a problem of missing
we just recalled the
term/s in a given terms in a given
lesson in grade one
continuous pattern using continuous pattern using
(M1AL-IIIg-1). After
Constructivism two attributes (any two of one attribute and ask the
recalling the pre-
the following: figures, students what they have
existing knowledge of
numbers, colors, sizes, and observed in the problem
the learners, I provide
orientations, etc.) and ask the students to
another example to the
answer the problem.
students but this time it
M2AL-IIIj-3 - After that, make another
was much harder than
example but this time it
the previous one.
will be two attributes, and
ask the students to answer

- Present a 4pics1word to
the students. (Pictures that
can easily identify by the The principles are
learners) related to the activity
identifies, names, and
- Ask the students, what because learners will
describes the four basic
they have observed, and be able to discover
shapes (square, rectangle,
identify and name what is new concepts and
triangle and circle) in 2-
Discovery and inside the picture. identify and analyze
dimensional (flat/plane)
Inquiry-based - After identifying the the four basic shapes
and 3- dimensional (solid)
names of the inside of the in the problem. It also
pictures, ask them to promotes active
answer the problem. engagement in the
(Provide clues if it is class and sharing ideas
really necessary). with their schoolmates.
- After answering problem
one, proceed to problem
two until problem 8.

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