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EDUC- 205


What are the areas in administration for physical education and sports you think your
station should prioritize? Expound these ideas focusing on the implications of these areas
to quality delivery of physical education and sports programs in your school.

Areas What is the current What do you Why should this area be given
situation? propose? a priority?
Facilities At the moment, we only To construct This is considered critical in
have one gymnasium that dedicated courts for developing and fostering
we rotate using, which was specific sports. specialized skills in sports, as well
originally a basketball as maximizing training time.
court but has been
converted into a
badminton court,
volleyball court, dance
practice space, and other
Sports Equipment The amount we have set To increase the The availability of sports
aside for sports equipment amount or budget to equipment with high quality is
will not be sufficient to purchase sports relevant in the rigid training of
purchase the essential equipment. athletes.
materials and equipment.
Coaches In our school only few are To hire skilled and How the athletes are trained and
very knowledgeable experts in a specific prepared in a specific sports is very
coaches that could filled of sports. important to win.
properly train and develop
our athletes.

What are the existing laws in the Philippines that are relevant in protecting physical
education students and student athletes from a gender-based sexual harassment,
exploitation, and abuse? expound your answer in the context of physical education in


Introduced by: Sen. Joel Villanueva
Section 5. Rights of Student-Athletes.
Article 5.4 Other Rights
f) It is the right of the Student-Athlete to be treated with respect and
dignity and be free from any form of discrimination on account of age,
sex, gender, language, ethnicity, religion, ideology, disability, education
and status.
g) It is the right of the Student-Athlete to be free from abuse or violence,
be it physical, verbal, sexual, emotional, psychological, spiritual, or
cultural in nature. Abuse or violence may occur between the Student-
Athlete and her coach, a school official or employee, or a fellow
Student-Athlete. To this end, Student-Athletes shall promptly report any
incident involving abuse or violence in order to familitate a fast and
satisfactory resolution thereof.

This Act Providing Magna Carta of Student – Athletes, unfortunately is still a bill. Which, in my opinion, is
critical for every student-athlete to be guided and protected. There has been an alarming rise in the issue of
various forms of exploitation and taking advantage of players by coaches. If this bill becomes law, such
activities will be penalized appropriately, and perpetrators will be held accountable; as a result, such unlawful
acts will be steadily reduced, if not entirely eliminated.

Furthermore, as a PE instructor, this will serve as a guide for us to understand our limits as coaches. That we
may be able to recognize that our role is critical and that our actions will shape the future of the young people
who rely on us. As a result, in all facets of their development, we must be very responsible and careful in all
we decide to do with our learners.

How will you promote gender sensitive and safe space for students in physical education
in your own station?


As a member of the LGBTQIA++ community, I've personally witnessed gender discrimination, thus
developing gender sensitivity, and creating a safe atmosphere for athletes is one of my top objectives. I
would treat all my athletes equally and without prejudice because this will make them feel accepted and
safe in my team and developing a positive coach-athlete relationship will encourage athletes to view
every training session as an opportunity to improve their athletic skills as well as camaraderie and
sportsmanship. Furthermore, treating them fairly and giving them equal opportunities will allow you, as a
coach, to see their full potential as well as the areas that need to be improved or developed further.

This work is a terminal output of this course. Use your previous and current knowledge in
delivering your answers so that it becomes evidence of accumulated learning. In this way, they
will be at your disposal as you need them in the circumstances you think it's applicable and

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