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Chapter 135: Just This Once

After a long while, Yin Shuguo asked uncertainly, “Is she really going to make a call?”

Yin Jiujin gave him a faint look.

“…” Yin Shuguo was speechless. Was this girl deliberately avoiding the topic of school?

“Is school that scary? I’m not asking her to get first place. I’m just asking her to go through the
motions to get a diploma.”

“According to Little Yu’s past information, she stopped going to school after graduating from junior
high school. However, before that, her results seemed to be not bad either. It’s said that she’s in the
middle of the class. Why is she so against going to school? Could it be that she’s afraid that she can’t
keep up?”

Yin Jiujin picked up the tea on the coffee table and took a sip. He glanced at Yin Shuguo and didn’t
say a word.

Moderate grades? All the information they could find about the girl’s past was fake, let alone
information like her grades.

As for not being able to keep up?

He didn’t think that the number one killer in the killer world was an ignorant person.

Moreover, he believed that even if she did not have any education, no one would dare to say
anything when they were together in the future. Taking a step back, even if someone really said
unpleasant things behind her back or provoked her, even if she didn’t make a move, he would still
teach those people a lesson.

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After all, the young lady wouldn’t lose out.

The reason why he wanted the young lady to go to school was because he thought that she most
probably had never led a normal girl’s life all these years. He wanted her to go to school like the
others of her age. After school, she could go shopping with the girls of her age that she had made
friends with. Occasionally, she could go on a vacation with them.

That was all.

“I’m asking you a question!” Seeing that he ignored him, Yin Shuguo couldn’t help but say angrily,
“Forget it. You don’t even worry about your girl. Why should I worry on your behalf!”

“Who’s the Little Rain that Little Yu is talking about? The daughter of the Huo Family who came to
North City with you recently?”

Yin Shuguo knew that Huo Siyu had come to North City and Qin Hao had asked Yin Jiujin to help take
care of her. Later on, Huo Siyu went to the Yan Family to attend a birthday party and then followed
her to Mount Jing to celebrate Yan Jinyu’s birthday.

Even if he didn’t investigate in detail, he knew that Huo Siyu must have already known Yan Jinyu.

Yin Jiujin nodded and finally answered, “Yes.”

“You introduced them to each other?”

Yin Jiujin fell silent before nodding.

He was the one who introduced the two of them to each other, but they had actually known each
other for a long time before that and were on very good terms.

“It’s good to introduce them to each other. Since you’re interested in Little Yu, she won’t be able to
avoid this circle in the future. The daughter of the Huo Family in South City will eventually marry into
the Qin Family. It’s good for Little Yu to be on good terms with her.”

“However, it’s not a good thing for Little Yu to reject going to school so much. Persuade her properly.
Let’s not talk about others for now, but your mother…”
At this point, Yin Jiujin suddenly put down his teacup and stood up. Yin Shuguo stopped speaking.

He sighed inwardly.

Forget it. It wasn’t like he didn’t know what his second grandson was like. What he hated the most
was them meddling in his affairs.

“You’ve always had your own ideas. I believe you’ll settle the matter yourself, so I won’t interfere
anymore. Go and call Little Yu down. Since your grandmother is good friends with her grandmother
and they’re no longer around, even without this engagement, I’ll still treat Little Yu like my own
biological granddaughter. She only came back after being missing for many years and met such a pair
of parents. I’m afraid she hasn’t even eaten a real family reunion meal. Since I’ve come to Mount
Jing, we should eat dinner together.”

Yin Shuguo wasn’t a talkative person. Or rather, his personality when he was young was actually
similar to Yin Jiujin’s now. However, he always spoke more when he was with Yin Jiujin.

Yin Jiujin looked at him and said, “Thank you, Grandfather.”

Yin Shuguo suddenly felt a little stifled.

His second grandson seemed to have become more humane because of Little Yu.

“Grandfather, you don’t have to interfere with Little Yu’s school matters. I’ll settle it. As for my
mother’s side, Grandfather, help me pass it on to her when you return to the capital. It’s best that
she doesn’t interfere with Little Yu’s matters, nor do meaningless things behind my back. Other than
myself, no one else can decide who I marry.”

“Jin’er, what we did back then was also for…”

Yin Jiujin looked over coldly and interrupted him, “Grandfather, don’t say anything about for my own
good. Back then, I told you not to ask about that matter from the beginning. I have my own
judgment and my own plans.”
Yin Shuguo moved his lips. “…In the end, didn’t we follow your wishes and didn’t interfere?”

“Yes, because I threatened you all,” Yin Jiujin said calmly.

“Before that, I’ve reminded you all three times to ignore that matter.”

Yin Shuguo was silent.

Yes, he had reminded them three times. Although it was a reminder, it was more like a request.

Jin’er, who had found his life goal when he was eight years old, had given up on living a comfortable
life and joined the army. He had also made a name for himself in the army. His background and
excellence determined that he was destined to be arrogant. However, he, who was so arrogant, had
asked them three times. And they still didn’t agree after three attempts.

They always felt that their actions were the best for him.

That was why he gradually drifted away from them. He left the capital and came to North City when
he was 16 years old. Even if he often returned to the capital because of business, he would only
return to the Yin Family once a year.

He had become abstruse and ruthless, and his temperament had become even more unfathomable.

Jin’er was the one who was hurt the most in that incident. However, at that time, as his family, not
only did they not stand by his side to support him, they even did things that he disapproved of under
the pretext of for his own good.

“I’ll only remind you once this time.”

In other words, regarding Little Yu, they no longer had three more chances like they had many years
ago? Once they committed one crime, there would be no possibility of Jin’er’s relationship with
them being eased up? Or it might get even worse?

Yin Shuguo heaved a sigh of relief at that thought.

The others in the Yin Family, including him, didn’t dare to interfere in Jin’er’s matters again after
experiencing that once. Only Jin’er’s mother…

It seemed like he had to remind her properly when he returned to the capital this time. They
shouldn’t end up like strangers. It was even possible that Jin’er wouldn’t return to the Yin Family for
the rest of his life.

“I’ll go upstairs to call Little Yu first.” After saying that, he left.

He went upstairs and went straight to Yan Jinyu’s room.

After knocking twice, the young lady’s clear voice came from inside, “The door isn’t locked.”

Yin Jiujin pushed the door open. The young lady wasn’t on the phone. Instead, she was sitting at the
desk and playing games on her phone.

The girl looked at him and smiled sweetly. “Brother Nine.”

She called out to him with such a sweet smile.

At that instant, Yin Jiujin’s heart skipped a beat. The earlier familiar frustration had dissipated.

He walked towards her slowly.

The stool in front of her desk wasn’t leaning against the backrest. Yin Jiujin walked over and bent
down to hug her from behind. He leaned his chin on her shoulder and kissed her cheek. “Didn’t you
say you need to call?”

Yan Jinyu glared at him angrily, “Brother Nine, you know that I’m looking for an excuse to walk
away.” Her eyes were clearly not looking at her phone, but her hands were still on the phone as she
quickly played games.
“Do you really not want to go to school that much?” As he spoke, his lips would always caress her

Yan Jinyu couldn’t help but shrug.

With a big move, the game ended and she placed the phone with a black screen on the desk.

“Brother Nine, you know that I don’t have to go to school at all. I’ve learned everything that needs to
be learned.”

“I didn’t ask you to go and learn anything.”

“Huh?” Yan Jinyu tilted her head and looked at him, puzzled.

Looking at her large blinking eyes, which were round and very cute, Yin Jiujin’s handsome face
darkened. “We’ll talk about this later.”

Then, he raised her chin and kissed her lips.

The kiss lasted for a long time.

After they were done, Yin Jiujin directly carried Yan Jinyu up. He sat on the stool that she was
originally sitting on and placed her on his lap.

Now, Yan Jinyu didn’t have to spend so much effort to tilt her head up like earlier to look at him.

“What should I do to make you go willingly?” Yin Jiujin asked.

Yan Jinyu shook her head fiercely. “Nothing will make me willing.”

“Brother Nine, I really don’t want to go to school. Really!”

“Even if I’m not asking you to study and only asking you to experience school life and make friends of
your own age, you’re not going?”

Yan Jinyu was stunned and looked at him in a daze. “Brother Nine, you…”

She lowered her eyes slightly and then raised them again with a smile. “I’m not going. I don’t want to
experience school life, nor do I need to make friends of my age. I just want to stay by your side and
protect you.” She only had a few friends. As for experiencing school life…

It had never happened in the past, so it seemed meaningless now.

She had long passed the time when she was young and carefree… No, it should be said that ever
since she had her memories, she had never experienced such a time.

And she wasn’t even one year old when she had memories. That was commonly known as early

Thinking about it this way, the innocent school environment seemed to be even more unsuitable for

“Don’t you like that I’m always by your side, Brother Nine? Do you find me annoying?”

“No,” Yin Jiujin hurriedly said. “I can’t be happier if you stay by my side. Why would I find you

“Forget it. Since you don’t want to go, let’s talk about this later. Aunt Cheng should have prepared
the dinner. Shall we go down and eat?”

“But Grandpa Yin…”

“Grandfather won’t interfere in this matter anymore. There’s no need to worry about that.”

Yan Jinyu’s eyes lit up, “Really?”

Seeing her surprised look, Yin Jiujin couldn’t help but smile and nod. “Yes.”

“Brother Nine, how did you do that?” Old Master Yin clearly still looked like he wanted to send her
to school immediately.

“…Grandfather isn’t an unreasonable person. I said that your foundation is poor, so you won’t be
able to keep up even if you go to school. Before I send you to school, I have to hire a few tutors for
you.” Yin Jiujin’s eyes flashed with emotions but it happened too quickly, so Yan Jinyu didn’t manage
to catch it.

“Huh? Tutors?”

“Of course it’s a joke. Even if you really need a tutor, we don’t have to look for one. I can teach you.”

Hearing that, Yan Jinyu heaved a sigh of relief.

It was not that she was afraid of those tutors, but she really hated being controlled.

It would be fine if it was someone else who had found her the tutor. However, if it was Yin Jiujin who
had personally gotten her a tutor, she really couldn’t ignore him. After all, it was Yin Jiujin’s kind

“That’s true. Grandpa Yin just said that Brother Nine has a double degree doctorate from the
Imperial Capital University.” Yan Jinyu paused. “Brother Nine, I really don’t have any education. I
don’t even have the junior high school graduation that you think I have. In the future, I’ll return to
the capital with you. Aren’t you afraid that someone will laugh at you because you have a fiancée
who doesn’t have any education?” Chapter 136: The Pampering Of A Beauty

Yin Jiujin flicked her forehead. “Silly.”

At most, there would be people who weren’t afraid of death discussing it in private. As for laughing
at him? Those who were capable weren’t so superficial, such as Huo Xuan and Qin Hao. Those who
weren’t capable wouldn’t dare to laugh at him either.

Besides, with the young lady’s identity, which wealthy family’s daughter could compare to her now?
To laugh at him? How many people would envy him if he knew her identity?
Of course, for the sake of the young lady’s safety, he wouldn’t easily expose her identity.

Actually, Yin Jiujin was really thinking too much. If others knew Yan Jinyu’s identity, they definitely
wouldn’t be envious of him. Instead, they would be even more afraid of him.

Master Nine was already so scary, and now there was the number one killer…

However, even though Yin Jiujin knew that it was impossible for anyone to laugh at him because of
this, he still looked at Yan Jinyu and asked, “Will you allow others to laugh at me?”

Yan Jinyu said without thinking, “Of course not! I said I would protect you!”

Yin Jiujin chuckled. She was always silly and ignorant.

“Yes, you will protect me.”

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However, he realized that Yan Jinyu was really thinking about this problem seriously. After a long
while, she said, “Brother Nine, why don’t I go and get two post-graduates certificates? Don’t worry,
this kind of thing can be easily obtained. It definitely won’t be fake.”

Even if it was fake, no one would be able to find out.

It would be even better for her if someone questioned her and wanted to confront her. Anyway,
there was really nothing that she didn’t know of. It was just nice to convince people.

“…” Yin Jiujin.

“There’s no need for that.” It wasn’t that he felt that she didn’t have any proof of education that he
wanted her to go to school. He just wanted her to have a carefree ordinary school life like other girls
her age.
Yan Jinyu blinked and asked uncertainly, “Is there really no need? Brother Nine, don’t worry. It’s
easy for me to get a few certificates.”

It was easy for her, it was so for him too.

He raised his hand and pinched her face. There was a smile in his eyes. “Yes, I know you’re very
capable, but there’s really no need for that. Forget it. If you don’t want to go to school now, let’s
forget about this topic for now and talk about it in the future.”

Yan Jinyu wanted to say that it wasn’t that she didn’t want to go now. It was that she never wanted
to go.

“Let’s go downstairs to eat,” Yin Jiujin said as he carried her up. He had the intention of carrying her

It would have been fine if it was any other time, but with Yin Shuguo around today, Yan Jinyu felt a
little embarrassed. She jumped out of his arms, “Brother Nine, I’ll walk by myself.”

Yin Jiujin didn’t insist. He only smiled as he watched her walk out the door first.

Other than him, no one should know that the famous number one killer, “Chi,” was actually a little

He was the only one who knew about her unknown side.

This was good.

During dinner, Yin Shuguo indeed stopped mentioning about letting Yan Jinyu go to school. Initially,
Yin Shuguo wasn’t a very warm person. He only occasionally chatted with Yan Jinyu during the meal.
The content of their conversation was unimportant.

They chatted while Yin Jiujin listened by the side and occasionally picked up food for Yan Jinyu.

They finished the ordinary meal.

However, even so, this was the warmest meal Yan Jinyu had ever had since she returned to North

At least, that was what Yan Jinyu felt. At the same time, her impression of Yin Shuguo had changed.

One could tell whether a person was really good to another person, especially how an elder treated
a junior.

Yin Shuguo cared for Yin Jiujin from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, Yin Jiujin really respected Yin Shuguo.

The grandfather and grandson seemed to be “not getting along”. This made Yan Jinyu even more
interested in the “conflict” between Yin Jiujin and the Yin Family.

However, she wouldn’t investigate this for the time being, nor would she ask Yin Jiujin about it.

Her thoughts were that she would find out sooner or later when she went to the capital with Yin
Jiujin one day.


Yin Shuguo didn’t stay in North City for long. That night, Aunt Cheng got someone to clean up a small
building in the small courtyard villa for Yin Shuguo to stay in. The next morning, he set off for the

After what Yin Shuguo had said previously, Yan Jinyu had already stopped following Yin Jiujin to the
company for three consecutive days.

On the fourth morning, Yin Jiujin, who had finished his breakfast and was about to leave, walked to
the entrance. He saw Yan Jinyu, who was leaning against the door with a bottle of yogurt as usual
and watching him leave. “Are you really not coming with me?”
At that moment, Yan Jinyu was wearing a light-colored floral dress. Her naturally curly black hair
hung down to her waist. She took a sip of yogurt with a straw in her mouth. “Mm-hmm.”

Yin Jiujin glanced at her and suddenly asked, “The medicine that Huo Siyu sent over seems to have
been finished. Should I get her to send some more over?”

Yan Jinyu’s expression froze. “Brother Nine, all medicine has poison in it. I’m not sick. If I keep
drinking medicine like this, I’ll get sick even if I’m not sick.”

What a joke. It wasn’t easy for her to spend two weeks to finish the medicine. She didn’t want to
drink it anymore. She would hug Yin Jiujin and kiss him for a long time every time she finished
drinking it, so the medicine didn’t seem to be that bad anymore.

They had already finished the medicine for a few days, but Yin Jiujin had never mentioned it. Why
did he mention it today?

Of course, Yin Jiujin had to mention it. Every day, she would take the initiative to kiss him after she
drank the medicine. Ever since she stopped drinking the medicine, he was the one who took the
initiative to get close to her occasionally.

This was nothing. Yin Jiujin could still accept it. The crux was that Yan Jinyu had not accompanied
him to the company for three days!

In the past, Yin Jiujin didn’t feel anything without Yan Jinyu by his side. Now, he was already used to
having her company every day. He could see her when he raised his head during work. Suddenly not
seeing her one day… No, for three consecutive days had made Yin Jiujin very uncomfortable.

He was not used to it and his temper had become much worse.

Over the past three days, the Empire Group had been filled with a sense of oppression. Everyone
worked carefully, afraid that they would have to face Yin Jiujin’s anger if they made a mistake.

Lin Zimu, Cheng Lin, and the others who often followed Yin Jiujin could tell how Yin Jiujin’s temper
had been so bad recently. Although they didn’t say it out loud, they really hoped that Yan Jinyu
would follow Yin Jiujin like she did before.
After all, that was the period when they had felt the least pressure after following Yin Jiujin for so
many years.

“You always drink yogurt like this every day. It doesn’t seem to be very good for your body.” Yin
Jiujin’s tone was strange as if he was angry.

Yan Jinyu was very smart, but she was usually too lazy to think.

Seeing Yin Jiujin like this, she seemed to understand something.

The smile on her face became even brighter. “I didn’t drink much either. I only drink two bottles a
day.” It was a habit, but now, no one needed to give her a limit as she would only drink two bottles a
day now.

“Brother Nine, have you never drunk yogurt before? Don’t you know what yogurt tastes like?”

Upon hearing that, Yin Jiujin looked at her faintly.

He had never drunk yogurt before, but he knew what it tasted like.

Every time he kissed her, his heart felt sweet, but his mouth felt sour and sweet.

She smiled slyly. “Brother Nine, do you want to try it?”

After taking a sip, she casually threw the empty yogurt bottle back and it accurately fell into the
rubbish bin in the house.

In the next second, Yan Jinyu ran over. Just like many times before, she hung onto Yin Jiujin and
hugged him with both hands before kissing him.

After experiencing it a few times, Yin Jiujin skillfully held her up when she pounced over.

The sweet and sour taste filled his mouth.

After the kiss, Yan Jinyu pouted and looked at him, “How does it taste?”

However, she suddenly met Yin Jiujin’s abstruse eyes.

Yan Jinyu’s heart trembled.

This wasn’t their first kiss, but it was the first time she had felt Yin Jiujin’s aggression so strongly.

Yan Jinyu was wearing a long dress. She jumped on him as soon as she ran over. She didn’t notice
that Yin Jiujin habitually supported her with one hand. Just as his other hand was about to support
her back, he accidentally brushed past her thigh and his hand didn’t move away.

Most of the clothes Yin Jiujin had prepared for Yan Jinyu were long dresses. Hence, this wasn’t the
first time she had worn a dress to jump on him, but it was the first time such a situation had

The temperature of his palm grew higher and higher, burning her skin.

Coupled with his aggressive gaze, Yan Jinyu’s ears suddenly turned red.

She had failed to seduce him and was now being seduced instead!

“Little Yu, it seems like you don’t want me to go to work.”

Sensing that his hands were getting naughty, Yan Jinyu hurriedly jumped down from his body. Her
legs couldn’t help but soften, “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

After saying that, she ran to the sofa in the living room and sat down with her back facing him. “Go
to work. I-I’ll continue watching my television!”

Yin Jiujin chuckled when he saw her flee.

Yan Jinyu’s face turned even redder.

“I’m leaving.” Yin Jiujin felt that he would be in a good mood for the entire day.

Hearing the sound of the car engine starting and the car gradually driving away, Yan Jinyu raised her
hands in frustration and patted her flushed cheeks.

Her dignity as the number one killer was offended again.

Her pounding heart only calmed down after a while.

Yan Jinyu got up and returned to her room.

The thing she wanted had arrived yesterday.

Although she had been staying at Mount Jing for the past few days, she either went for a walk in the
sea of flowers or swung the swing in the courtyard. Most of the time, she was lying on the sofa
watching television.

Of course, this was only an image. Actually, for the past few days, she had been thinking about what
kind of ring she should polish for Yin Jiujin.

Since the materials were here, she would start preparing today.

This was the first time she had spent so much effort to prepare a gift for someone.

The birthday present she had given Yan Jinyun previously didn’t count. After all, other than the
purple diamond, that bracelet was considered a finished product. The ring that she wanted to give
Yin Jiujin would only be made from raw material. Putting that aside, for the style of the ring, she,
who was usually too lazy to think, had thought for three days.

If someone asked her why she spent so much effort to prepare a gift, she would tell that person that
Yin Jiujin was hers. She would be happy to pamper, protect, and indulge him. Chapter 137: Meeting
With Jinyun
Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Yan Jinyu finally left Mount Jing today. However, she wasn’t with Yin Jiujin. Instead, shortly after Yin
Jiujin left for the company, she got Uncle Cheng to send someone to drive her down the mountain.

Yan Jinyun called her to meet up.

In the cold drink shop, “Summer Time”.

Yan Jinyun was already waiting when Yan Jinyu arrived.

Instead of sitting in the private room, she casually chose a seat by the window.

Yan Jinyun was a cold beauty to begin with. Now that she was sitting here alone and in a more
conspicuous position, it was inevitable that the customers in the cold drink shop would instinctively
look at her. Of course, there would be people who wanted to hit on her, but Yan Jinyun was too cold
and had an aura. In the end, the people who wanted to hit on her only had the intention but didn’t
have the courage to do so.

However, they kept looking at her from time to time.

Hence, the first thing they saw was the cold beauty smiling in a certain direction.

“Sister, over here!” They saw her waving and shouting.

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Following her gaze, everyone’s eyes lit up when they saw the girl in a pink floral dress coming over.

What a beautiful pair of sisters! Her sister was already so eye-catching, but they didn’t expect her
sister to be even more conspicuous than her.

The onlookers had a feast for the eyes.

Yan Jinyu ignored their gazes and walked over to sit opposite Yan Jinyun. “Are you done?”

Perhaps it was because of the tacit understanding between the twins, Yan Jinyun could understand
what she was asking even if she didn’t say much. “It’s about time. The Yan Corporation’s people had
almost been sorted out. There basically won’t be any big trouble. The Luo Family had already
completely changed to Qiu to be in charge the day before yesterday. Yesterday, the Yan Corporation
and the Luo Corporation had already signed the following cooperative agreement.”

Yan Jinyu raised her eyebrows. “So fast?”

It had only been a month or so, but it was faster than she expected.

“Naturally, I wouldn’t have done it so quickly if I was the only one who contributed. Just those old
fogeys in the Yan Corporation are enough for me to deal with.”


Yan Jinyun didn’t intend to hide anything from Yan Jinyu. She outrightly said, “On the Luo Family’s
side, it seems like Luo Yikun has been helping Qiu. Zhang Mei’s crime has been confirmed, and she
has been convicted in court. Luo Wanhong, who found out about the cause of his ex-wife’s death
and his daughter’s background, feels very guilty about Qiu. In addition, he has been deceived by his
wife for many years, and his biological son is lying in the hospital half dead. He completely isn’t in
the mood to manage the company’s affairs, so he handed everything to Qiu.”

“But this Luo Yikun…” Yan Jinyun frowned.” In the past, I only thought that he was a useless second-
generation heir. I didn’t expect… It can be said that if it wasn’t for Luo Yikun’s help, Qiu wouldn’t
have taken over the Luo Family so quickly. ”

“Luo Yikun is really a secretive person. Fortunately, his intentions are not with the Luo Family.
Otherwise, in the future, the Luo Family would be the Yan Family’s strongest opponent in North
City.” Of course, in the eyes of outsiders previously, the Yan Family’s strongest opponent was the
Luo Family in North City. However, only those who knew about it knew that the Luo Family in the
past was completely incomparable to the Yan Family.

That might not be the case if Luo Yikun was in charge of the Luo Family.
“It’s fine if he wants to take over the Luo Family. Don’t you still have me around?” Yan Jinyu said
with a chuckle.

“As long as I’m around, no one can touch the Yan Family, let alone the Yan Corporation.”

Yan Jinyun was stunned when she heard that.

It wasn’t that she doubted Yan Jinyu’s ability, but she was simply touched by her words. Speaking of
which, the Yan Family had owed Yan Jinyu. If it were anyone else, it would be good if they didn’t take
revenge, but she was still so protective of the Yan Family…

Or rather, she was so protective of her.

She actually treated Yan Jinyu so badly in the past…

As she thought about it, she felt even more guilty.

There was no meaning in saying the words “I’m sorry”. In order to make up for the Yan Family’s guilt
towards Yan Jinyu and reduce the guilt in her heart, all she could do was to properly manage the Yan
Corporation and develop it. She wanted the Yan Family to become Yan Jinyu’s strongest backing
when she married into the Yin Family in the future.

“I know, so I’m actually not too worried,” Yan Jinyun said.

Yan Jinyu glanced at her but didn’t continue on with the topic. She only said, “If you meet Luo Yikun
in the future or Luo Yikun makes any unusual moves, don’t fight him head-on. Just tell me directly
and I’ll deal with it.”

“Luo Yikun is probably not someone you can deal with.” Even if she hadn’t investigated carefully, Yan
Jinyu could still sense it.

Of course, she could only sense it.

Luo Yikun didn’t hold any weight in her heart because of this. If Luo Yikun wasn’t a member of the
Luo Family in North City, she wouldn’t even have noticed him.

Even if Luo Yikun was indeed not simple.

Hearing her say that, Yan Jinyun’s expression turned cold. “Alright.” She still trusted Yan Jinyu. Since
Yan Jinyu had already said so, she naturally wouldn’t suspect her.

“Sister, you…”

Yan Jinyun wanted to ask Yan Jinyu where she had lived and how she had survived all these years.

She was about to say something when she suddenly changed the topic, “Have you been living well in
Mount Jing recently?”

With Yan Jinyu’s sharp senses, she naturally sensed that Yan Jinyun didn’t want to ask this at first.
She didn’t expose her and said with a smile, “Very well.”

“How’s Yun’er doing in the Yan Family?”

Yan Jinyun’s expression froze slightly, and she forced a smile. “It’s quite good.” She then added, “Dad
and Mom have always treated me very well. We’re the only family in the house, so what’s wrong
with that?”

Looking into Yan Jinyu’s fixed eyes, Yan Jinyun suddenly couldn’t hold it in anymore. Her eyes
instantly turned red, “Sister, I don’t understand. Why are they doing this? Am I not the heir of the
Yan Corporation? What’s wrong with the Yan Corporation falling into my hands? Dad clearly knows
that if the Yan Corporation is still under his control, it will only go downhill and might even be
destroyed. Why is he still so upset that the Yan Corporation is in my hands?”

“Ever since I took over the Yan Corporation, he looks at me like I’m his enemy.”

“What exactly does Dad want? Does he really want to see the Yan Corporation destroyed just like
that? Or does he not believe that I can manage the Yan Corporation at all? But now, I’ve clearly
stabilized the Yan Corporation. All the businesses are proceeding in an orderly manner. Everything is
developing in a better direction. Why did Dad…”
“And Mom too. It’s still understandable that Dad treated me that way. After all, I’ve snatched his
power and embarrassed him. But what about Mom? Her interests haven’t been harmed at all. I still
give her her pocket money as usual. I even give her more than when Dad was in charge of the family
in the past. She still goes to play cards and shop every day. Why is she always mocking me?”

“It was clearly not like this in the past. They used to treat me so well.”

Yan Jinyu’s eyes flickered slightly. “Why are you lying to yourself?”

Yan Jinyun paused and bit her lip tightly.

“Actually, you already knew that they were people who only cared about their own interests, right?”
To put it simply, they were selfish.

Yan Jinyun was silent.

“The prerequisite for treating you well and loving you is that you haven’t harmed their interests. Dad
is a person who values face and power. One day, his power was suddenly snatched away by his
biological daughter and he lost all his face in the high society circle in North City. Do you think he
won’t blame you?”

Yan Jinyu didn’t want to make things too clear by using the word “blame”. Actually, in her opinion,
Yan Qingyu not only had resentment towards Yan Jinyun, but also hatred.

If not for the fact that the Yan Corporation was in Yan Jinyun’s hands and Yan Jinyun clearly had the
support of her, Yin Jiujin’s fiancée, the Yan Corporation would have been finished if something
happened to Yan Jinyun. Yan Qingyu would probably still treat Yan Jinyun…

“As for Mom, she often showed off in high society with the image of a harmonious family with a
doting husband and an obedient daughter. Now that she’s like this, she won’t be able to hold her
head up high in front of those wealthy ladies and mahjong buddies… Moreover, you’re her daughter.
In the future, regardless of whether it’s a marriage alliance or something else, you’ll have to marry
into someone else’s family.”
“B-But, should I never get married after taking over the Yan Corporation now? Besides, even if I get
married, would I be stupid enough to hand over the Yan Family’s assets to someone else? Or is it
that in Mom’s eyes, I’m stupid enough to find someone who wants the Yan Family’s assets?”

“Alright, even if I’m really stupid enough to give all my assets to someone else, am I so heartless that
I won’t care about her life?”

“And Dad, am I not the heir that he thinks highly of? Although it’s a little early to inherit the family
business now, isn’t it because there is no other way? If I don’t take over, based on how Dad and
Mom treat you…”

At this point, Yan Jinyun suddenly paused. She hesitated for a moment before saying, “At the
banquet that day, almost all the famous people in North City were at the Yan Family. With Dad’s
actions… even if Master Nine couldn’t be bothered to make a move on the Yan Corporation, those
guests will still think that Dad has offended Master Nine.”

“In North City, who would dare to cooperate with someone who has offended Master Nine? Dad
clearly knows it too.”

“Sister, since you don’t want the Yan Corporation, then the Yan Corporation is destined to be mine.
Then, is it really that important to Dad whether it’s given to me earlier or later?”

Suddenly, Yan Jinyun thought of something and said with difficulty, “Or is it that Dad never planned
to hand the Yan Corporation to me from the beginning?”

“No, you’re really the heir that Dad thinks highly of,” Yan Jinyu said.

“However, you can only take over the Yan Corporation when he dies of old age and can no longer
see anything.”

Yan Jinyun’s face turned pale.

She actually knew it. She was just…

She was just unwilling to admit it.

“You can move out,” Yan Jinyu said after a long while.

Yan Jinyun smiled bitterly and shook her head. “It’s still fine. I’ve lived there for 18 years and I can’t
bear to leave.” It wasn’t that she couldn’t bear to leave, but if she really moved out like this, this
family would probably really be dispersed.

Yan Jinyu glanced at her and changed the topic that was a little depressing, “Let’s not talk about this
anymore. I heard that Cousin Feng Yuan entered the Feng Corporation and even helped you a lot
during this period of time?”

At the mention of Feng Yuan, Yan Jinyun’s attention was indeed diverted.

She nodded. “Yes, He has helped me a lot.”

“Yun’er, your relationship with Cousin Feng Yuan…”

Yan Jinyu didn’t continue, but Yan Jinyun put away her complicated emotions and smiled. “Sister, I
really don’t know if it’s because we’re twins. I’ve hidden my thoughts so deeply that no one has
realized it but you actually saw through it so quickly.”

“That’s right. I like Feng Yuan. Very much. I don’t know what’s so good about him either. He’s clearly
so unpleasant with his words, and he’s so annoying and useless.”

Suddenly, Yan Jinyu smiled. “Oh, I forgot to say that Cousin Feng Yuan is standing right behind you
now.” Chapter 138: Running Away In A Panic

Yan Jinyun’s smile froze and she almost knocked over the cold drink beside her.

She turned back stiffly and saw Feng Yuan, who was standing there in shock. He seemed to be
holding a small cake in his hand.

Feng Yuan swore that he was really just passing by. He saw Yan Jinyu and Yan Jinyun sitting there
and felt that it would inevitably hurt their stomachs if they just drank cold drinks without ordering
anything to eat. He suddenly recalled that other than drinking, this cold drink shop didn’t seem to
have any snacks. Hence, he bought a small cake from the cake shop next door to send it to them.
He did not expect to hear such words the moment he arrived. It was simply a “bolt from the blue”!

Yan Jinyun liked him! Yan Jinyun liked him!

Yan Jinyun, this black-hearted girl who never had a friendly expression on her face every time she
saw him, actually said that she liked him! She even said that she liked him very much!!

If he hadn’t reacted fast enough, the little cake in his hand would have fallen to the ground.

It must be an illusion!

It must be an illusion!

“Y-y-you… I-I-I…”

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Yan Jinyun’s expression froze for a long time. When she saw the cake in his hand, her stiff expression
slowly faded.

She just looked at the shocked and panicked Feng Yuan and said, “That’s right, I like you.” There was
no coyness, and there was no avoidance in her eyes.

When Yan Jinyu heard that, she picked up the drink that Yan Jinyun had already ordered for her and
took a sip.

Her personality was very similar to hers. If she liked him, he liked him. She was direct and had
nothing to hide.

“I’ll treat you two to cake!” Then, he ran over and placed the cake on their table. Then, he turned
and ran out of the cold drink shop. He knocked into things three times when she ran out. The first
time, his hand hit the table in the shop, another time, his leg hit the chair, and another time, his face
hit the closed glass door.

It was tragic and funny.

Yan Jinyun’s expression didn’t change when he quickly turned around and left, but the light in her
eyes gradually dimmed. However, when she saw him escaping in such a panic, the sense of loss in
her heart dissipated inexplicably.

She wanted to laugh.

Hence, she really curled her lips and laughed out.

“He left just like that, and you’re still smiling. Aren’t you sad?”

Yan Jinyun smiled faintly and shook her head, “I’m not sad.”

“I was a little disappointed initially, but now, I’m not even disappointed anymore.”

Yan Jinyun looked at Yan Jinyu, who was supporting her chin with one hand and playing with the
beverage in her hand with the other. Her posture was a little lazy, and she continued, “Although
Feng Yuan doesn’t do his job well and has nothing to do all day, and his mouth is vicious, he still
looks barely passable. He plays basketball well and is good at racing. He’s very loyal to people.
Basically, other than his academic results, he’s quite good at everything else. Among the three
school beaus of the Boyu High School, he’s one of them. There are actually many girls who like him.”

“I’ve witnessed many young girls confessing to him before. He has never fled in such a panic like
now. He calmly rejects everyone who confesses to him, including Xu Xiaoxiao, who has courted him
for three years and dated him for a period of time.”

“After we went to high school, the person who pestered Feng Yuan the most was Xu Xiaoxiao. Feng
Yuan had always ignored her. They even got together because Xu Gui had asked Feng Yuan and Feng
Yuan valued righteousness so he agreed casually.”
Although she understood, Yan Jinyun still minded every time Xu Xiaoxiao was mentioned, especially
after she realized her feelings for Feng Yuan.

“That was considered my confession to him just now. This is the first time he fled in the face of
someone else’s confession. It’s enough to show that I’m different in his heart. As for the rest, since
there’s this difference and he’s the person that I, Yan Jinyun, fancy, he will be mine.”

The title of North City’s top socialite did not come out of nowhere. Yan Jinyun had always been a
proud and confident person.

Yan Jinyun looked at the small cake on the table and asked Yan Jinyu, “Sister, do you like this cake?”

Yan Jinyu shook her head. “No, it’s too sweet.” She liked sweet and sour things, such as yogurt.

She could be considered as liking it for the time being. After all, other than yogurt, she didn’t seem
to favor any other food.

“It’s what I like.” Yan Jinyun’s smile widened. “I only eat this flavor whenever I have cake.”

Yan Jinyu raised her eyebrows slightly, “Then go ahead.”

Yan Jinyun nodded and brought the cake in front of her. She didn’t seem to have any intention of
asking Yan Jinyu if she wanted to eat it.

If it were Yan Jinyu, she wouldn’t share the things that Yin Jiujin had specially bought for her either.

Deep in their bones, Yan Jinyun and Yan Jinyu were actually the same kind of people. They didn’t like
others to have designs on their stuff, even if they were their closest sisters.

“Aren’t you worried that he’ll be in danger if he runs out like this? He doesn’t seem to be very calm.”
Yan Jinyun, who had eaten two mouthfuls of cake, heard that and raised her head to smile at her.
“I’m not worried. When he ran out, I glanced at his car parked outside. Xu Gui is sitting in the front
passenger seat. Seeing his flustered look, Xu Gui won’t let him drive.”

Yan Jinyu smiled. No wonder she wasn’t anxious at all.

Even with her sharp senses, she didn’t notice that there was someone else in Feng Yuan’s car parked
outside, but Yan Jinyun did.

Indeed, things were different when one was interested.

“But Sister, did you say those words on purpose because you saw Feng Yuan?”

Yan Jinyu smiled faintly, “Yes and no.” At the beginning, when she mentioned that Feng Yuan had
joined the Feng Corporation and that Feng Yuan had helped Yan Jinyun a lot, it was entirely because
she didn’t want to stay on that slightly depressing topic. However, just as she finished speaking, she
saw Feng Yuan pushing the door open and walking towards them.

The table that they were sitting at wasn’t far from the door of the cold drink shop. It was only a short
distance away, and Yan Jinyun had her back facing the door. She had long seen through their
thoughts about each other, so she wanted to help them.

Now that the Yan Family had become like this, Yan Jinyun was having quite a rough life. With Yan
Jinyun’s character, she probably wouldn’t just find anyone to rant about her sufferings. Of course,
she was an exception when facing her sister. She could sense that Yan Jinyun was a little reliant on

It was only right for a younger sister to rely on her elder sister.

However, she couldn’t accompany Yan Jinyun every day after all. Hence, she could only make
someone who could accompany Yan Jinyun appear as soon as possible.

This was also why she suddenly opened her mouth to entice Yan Jinyun to say those words.

“Don’t care if I did it on purpose. This is always good, right?”

Yan Jinyun didn’t deny it.

Knowing that she liked him, if he cared about the fact that the two of them had known each other
for so many years and even argued with each other the moment they met, there would be no more
girls like Xu Xiaoxiao who would mysteriously appear beside Feng Yuan.

As long as he remained single, everything was fine.

Feng Yuan was the only weirdo who would agree to date someone’s cousin because of their

Yet, she liked such a weirdo so she was a weirdo too.

“When did Sister discover it?”

“Probably the day I came to this shop for the first time.” However, she was only suspicious at that
time and was not sure. She could tell it slowly from the few times they interacted later.

Wasn’t that the day… when she got someone to block Yan Jinyu?

At the mention of this, the guilt in Yan Jinyu’s heart rose again.

Seeing that there was something wrong with her expression, Yan Jinyu smiled and changed the
topic, “What about Yun’er? When did you start to like Cousin Feng Yuan?”

Yan Jinyun put down the spoon that she used to eat the cake and took a sip of the cold drink beside
her. “I don’t know. Perhaps it was not long ago, or even earlier.” Ever since she started kindergarten,
Feng Yuan would send her birthday presents every year. Even until today, she still kept the birthday
gift that he gave her at kindergarten.

She only kept his gift.

There were already 14 gifts from Feng Yuan in the storage box on her desk.
“I really realized my feelings on the day I met Luo Yilin.” She was referring to the day Luo Yilin tried
to find someone to abduct her.

“If I had known earlier, Xu Xiaoxiao wouldn’t have been involved at all.”

“Let’s not talk about this first. I still have something to tell Sister.”

Yan Jinyu looked at her and gestured for her to continue.

“Sister, do you still remember Zhao Yue?”

Yan Jinyu always had a good memory. “Yes, the person whom I sent into the hospital together with
Qiu Jian.”

Yan Jinyun’s lips twitched. There was nothing wrong with saying that.

“That’s her. She has already been hospitalized for some time. The Zhao Family naturally knows that
her hospitalization has something to do with you. However, due to their fear of Master Nine, the
Zhao Family doesn’t dare to come and question us. They don’t even dare to talk about this

They were indeed smarter than the Qiu Family, Yan Jinyu thought.

“This matter was supposed to be over, but Master Nine suddenly attacked the Qiu Family some time
ago. The Zhao Family was afraid that Master Nine’s next target would be them, so they pleaded with

Actually, once Zhao Yue got into trouble in the Qiu Family, Zhao Yue’s father had come to look for
her and she easily dealt with him. After that, she didn’t even call Yan Jinyu.

She only mentioned it since she asked Yan Jinyu out today. Chapter 139: Persuading

“Oh right, the Zhao Family also said that if Master Nine doesn’t pursue this matter, their Zhao
Family’s largest development project will choose to cooperate with the Yan Corporation. To the Zhao
Family, it’s the largest development project, but it’s not that important to the Yan Family. However,
the more money we make, the better.”

“Speaking of which, the Zhao Family is really shameless. How did they figure out that we need to use
Master Nine to deal with them? If anything really happens, I, alone, can make the Zhao Family
unable to turn over a new leaf in North City.”

“I didn’t tell the Zhao Family about this. Even if I didn’t really do anything to the Zhao Family, it’s a
fact that Zhao Yue once caused trouble for you. Just making them feel uneasy for a period of time is
already a very easy punishment for them.”

Yan Jinyu chuckled, “You’ve already said everything. What should I say then?”

“Speaking of which, if it wasn’t for the fact that those people from the Qiu Family were brainless,
they wouldn’t have ended up like that. I don’t even care about the Qiu Family, let alone the North
City’s Zhao Family.”

Yan Jinyun was also very speechless at the mention of the Qiu Family.

A big group of them rushed to the Empire Group to apologize to Master Nine. She really didn’t know
what they were thinking. Didn’t they think that that would anger Master Nine?

Who would find someone to apologize by making a scene at their company?

Alright, even if they wanted to go to the company, was there a need for so many of them to go?
What did they take the Empire Group headquarters as?

“What about the project with the Zhao Family?”

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Yan Jinyu smiled and asked, “Why not? Didn’t you say that the more money we earn, the better?
You can decide for yourself regarding the Yan Corporation. You don’t have to ask me.”
“Of course, I’m not asking you everything. After all, I’m the one in charge of the Yan Corporation
now. I’m thinking that since this matter is related to you, I have to let you know.”

Yan Jinyu nodded in satisfaction. “Mm-hm.” It was very difficult for someone who always relied on
others to grow up. Yan Jinyu was very satisfied that Yan Jinyun could understand that she was the
one in charge of the Yan Corporation.

“Sister.” Yan Jinyun suddenly looked serious.

However, Yan Jinyu was stunned for a moment. “If there’s anything, just say it.”

“Do you want to continue studying in school? I’m the one in charge of the Yan Family now. If you…”

Yan Jinyu stopped drinking and her face twitched.

Couldn’t she escape from this topic?

She suddenly regretted it very much. Why did she create such a persona back then? If she had
known earlier, she would have made up a superb past for herself.

She had completely forgotten that her initial thoughts were that such a past would always be easily
pitied. Perhaps, seeing her return to the Yan Family, her parents…

Forget it, let’s not talk about them.

It was more convenient to get close to Yin Jiujin with the persona of a weakling.

After all, her main purpose for coming back was to get close to Yin Jiujin and then contact the Yin
Family through Yin Jiujin to find out the cause of Bai Ye’s death.
At that time, this was what she found after three years of confusion that could barely be considered
as the “meaning of life”.

Now, it was all in passing.

“There’s no hurry.”


“Alright, Yun’er. You also know that what you know about my past that I only studied in junior high is
fake. I really don’t need to go to school. Don’t interfere in this matter anymore.”

“Even so, you’re only the same age as me. Even if you skipped a grade, you should only be in
university. You can’t have skipped a few grades and finished studying in university, right? I heard
that Master Nine got a double doctorate in the capital’s universities. Even if you really graduated
from university, it’s still not enough. Even if you skipped a grade, can you still finish your doctorate at
this age?”

“Don’t lie to me. A person like Master Nine only got two doctorates at the age of 20. You’re only 18
now. No matter how good you are, can you be better than Master Nine?”

“Alright, I’ll take it that you’re really very formidable. You’ve also gotten a doctorate at this age.
Then, can you get a double doctorate like Master Nine?”

“After all, going to school is very beneficial to you. Our Yan Family’s status is far inferior to the Yin
Family’s. We can’t compare to the Yin Family in terms of family background. You have to make
others unable to find an excuse in your education. Isn’t it good to let others feel that you and Master
Nine are made in heaven?”

“…” Yan Jinyu. She was really not used to Yan Jinyun being such a “busybody”. Didn’t she always like
to say one thing and mean another? Why did she have to be so direct?

Her head hurt.

“Well, I did get a double doctorate. No, not just a double doctorate. I could get a few doctorates if I
wanted one or even a couple of postdocs.”
“…” Yan Jinyun. Who would believe you?


“Aiyah, the person who picked me up is here. I’ll get going first. Call me if anything happens.”

Yan Jinyun thought that Yan Jinyu was looking for an excuse. She followed her gaze and saw a car
parked outside the shop.

The person who got out of the car was Yin Jiujin.

He seemed to have gotten out of the driver’s seat. In other words, he drove here alone to pick Yan
Jinyu up.

It was almost lunchtime, so he specially came to pick Yan Jinyu up for lunch?

As Yan Jinyun was thinking, Yan Jinyu had already walked out of the cold drink shop quickly and ran
straight towards Yin Jiujin.

From Yan Jinyun’s angle, she could only see the pretty girl in a pink floral dress throwing herself into
the arms of the man in the white shirt. The man hugged her tightly and lowered his head to kiss her
forehead. Then, the two of them seemed to say something before they got into the car and left.

Yan Jinyun chuckled.

Forget it. Master Nine was still around after all. Moreover, Yan Jinyu was quite capable herself. Even
if her education level wasn’t comparable, she probably wouldn’t suffer much.

She didn’t expect she would become so naggy one day.

She felt that she didn’t look like Yan Jinyu’s younger sister at all just now. Instead, she looked like her
mother. Oh well, so be it. Who asked her to take up all the maternal love that belonged to Yan
However, she had forgotten that she might not have had that so-called maternal love before.

After Yan Jinyu left, Yan Jinyun didn’t leave immediately. Instead, she calmly finished the small cake
before slowly taking out her phone from her bag.

She had already sent the chauffeur back. She needed someone to pick her up now.

She had just confessed and should strike while the iron was hot. The most suitable person to pick
her up now was naturally Feng Yuan.

However, before that, she needed to send the third wheel away.

Hence, Yan Jinyun sent Xu Gui a message.

She called Feng Yuan after 10 minutes.


“Brother Nine, why did you suddenly come over?” Yan Jinyu, who was sitting in the front passenger
seat, asked Yin Jiujin as she held her chin.

“I heard from Uncle Cheng that you went out. When I found out that you were here, I thought I
would pick you up for lunch.”

“Yes, it’s rare for Yun’er to be free. It’s also Saturday today. She doesn’t have to go to school, so she
asked me to come out and have a seat.” She wasn’t lying. As for what she had told Yan Jinyun, it
wasn’t that she couldn’t let Yin Jiujin know. It was just that she felt that those matters were
unimportant and there was no need to specially mention them to him.

“If there’s nothing else, don’t stay at Mount Jing constantly. You don’t want to accompany me to the
company but you don’t want to go to school either. If you have time, you can ask your sister out to
sit like today or go shopping for beauty treatments. Don’t you girls like these?”
“Next time.” Looking at him, Yan Jinyu smiled very brightly. “However, Brother Nine, since you know
that I have an appointment with Yun’er and you want me to go shopping with Yun’er for beauty
treatments, why did you come to pick me up so quickly?”

“I didn’t know that the person you were meeting was your sister.” That was not a lie.

“Then, who does Brother Nine think I’m meeting?”

“…I thought you were alone,” Yin Jiujin said without changing his expression.

He didn’t know who she was meeting, but he knew that she must not have been bored to the point
of wanting to go out alone. She had spent so many days on Mount Jing alone. He couldn’t help but
feel uneasy when he thought of her identity and had no idea about her social circle.

What if she was meeting a man?

Yan Jinyu looked at him and smiled mysteriously, “Alright, then Brother Nine, where are we going

“Min Ting just arrived in North City. He booked a place to discuss something with me and I came to
pick you up.”

Yan Jinyu’s eyes darkened slightly. Talk about something?

He had specially come to North City to talk to Yin Jiujin about something. It was most likely related to
“Elegant Bamboo”. After all, Yin Jiujin and Min Ting had gone to Elegant Bamboo together last time
and that had happened.

With Yin Jiujin’s ability, it was impossible for him not to find out who the boss behind Elegant
Bamboo was.

If they found Meimei, they would definitely think of Feng.

“You guys will be talking about something. Would it be inappropriate for me to go?”
Upon hearing her words, Yin Jiujin frowned. “There’s nothing inappropriate about it. Don’t say such
things in the future. As long as it’s related to me, there’s nothing you can’t know.”

When Yan Jinyu heard that, her heart skipped a beat. Then, she smiled sweetly, “Mm-hm, I

After a while, they arrived at the place Min Ting had booked. Under the lead of the waiter, Yin Jiujin
led Yan Jinyu to the private room.

The waiter knocked on the door, then pushed open the door and retreated to the side respectfully,
“Master Nine, Miss Yan, please come in.”

The two of them walked into the private room. When Yan Jinyu saw the person sitting inside, the
smile on her face suddenly froze.

Meimei. Chapter 140: Seductive Fengling

After Feng Yuan ran out of “Summer Time” in a panic and went straight for his car.

He opened the car door and started the car in a panic under Xu Gui’s surprised gaze. However, he
failed to start the car four times in a row.

Xu Gui finally could not take it anymore, “Yuan, what are you doing? Is there a dog chasing you?”

“It’s scarier than being chased by a dog! Go, go, go!”

Xu Gui was a little frightened when he said three “go” in a hurry. He even looked so flustered. He
quickly put his phone back into his pocket. “Get out of the car and change seats. I’ll drive!”

Feng Yuan didn’t answer him, perhaps because he was too panicked and was in no mood to care or
hear him.

Xu Gui patted him, “Yuan, let’s change seats. I’ll drive! It’s not safe for you to drive like this!”
“Oh, oh.”

They changed seats and the car drove away.

After they got to a place that Xu Gui thought was safe, which was a block with relatively high human
traffic. He found a parking spot and stopped.

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Only then did he realize that there was something wrong with Feng Yuan.

It seemed like he was flustered, but not entirely. It seemed like he was scared silly because his lips
looked like they were about to curl upwards. He looked a little stupid.

Anyway, something was very wrong.

“Yuan, we’re safe here now. Tell me, what exactly happened just now?”

Then, Xu Gui saw Feng Yuan turning his head stiffly to him. He really turned his head very stiffly and
that frightened Xu Gui.

“Yuan, Yuan, are you possessed?”

“I think so.”

“…” Xu Gui shuddered.

Why did he have to speak with a stiff face? It did seem like it! Did he hear what he asked? It really
seemed like it!

It was scary!
“Y-you have to talk properly. It’s broad daylight. Don’t make it so eerie.” Xu Gui was actually
exaggerating. It was just that Feng Yuan was really very strange now. Xu Gui had never seen him so
flustered in all his years of knowing him. He was just a little agitated for a moment.

“Gui, what should I do?”

Xu Gui felt goosebumps all over his body.

“Please call me by my full name as usual. Thank you!”

“But Yuan, what… happened to you? You were actually forced to this extent. By the way, didn’t you
go to deliver the cake to the two young ladies of the Yan Family? Why… Could it be that Second Miss
Yan is tired of arguing with you and can’t help but give you a fatal blow?”

Hearing the words “Yan Jinyun”, Feng Yuan trembled violently.

It was Xu Gui’s turn to be shocked, “Am I right?”

“It’s more serious than giving me a fatal blow!”

“More serious than giving you the fatal blow? She confessed to you?” Xu Gui really said it casually,
but he saw Feng Yuan’s expression change drastically.

Xu Gui instantly knew that he had guessed correctly, “Damn! It’s true!” He had indeed seen correctly
that day. There was really something wrong with Yan Jinyun’s glance at him!

“What did Second Miss Yan say?”

“S-she… just say that she likes me.”

“Then? Then how did you reply to her?” Although he had already guessed it, after confirming that
Yan Jinyun really had feelings for Feng Yuan, he was still extremely excited.
The Second Missy of the Yan Family, the top socialite in North City, the cold goddess, the belle of
Boyu High School, the person who could steadily rank in the top three in every test in Boyu High
School, a school full of favored children.

She seemed to have a good temper and was easy to get along with, but she was, in fact, not easy to
get close to.

To describe it in eight words, it was: A Flower At The Top Of A Mountain!

The key was that she had taken over the Yan Corporation, which was worth tens of billions, at the
age of 18 and became the head of the number one family in North City.

Such a person actually took a fancy to Yuan. What earth-shattering good did Yuan do in his previous

“T-then, I ran away.”


“I ran away. I’ll return everything to her.” Feng Yuan suddenly felt ashamed. He had never been so
embarrassed in his life. That was Yan Jinyun, who had always been at odds with him. When had he
ever weakened his aura in front of her?

“Yuan, are you stupid? That’s the top socialite in North City, the head of the Yan Family in North City!
In such a short period of time since she took over the Yan Corporation, the Yan Corporation has been
well managed by her. Even my parents kept praising her when they were eating. They even said that
the Yan Corporation would definitely flourish in her hands! She has both looks and figure, so what’s
wrong with that? You actually ran away just like that. Where are your bearings?”

“What top socialite? She’s just a black-hearted person who likes to put on an act.”

“Yuan, ask yourself honestly. Is that really what you think?”

“The public’s eyes are clear. Other than you, I’ve never seen anyone say that about her. Besides, do
you think that the person whom Eldest Miss Yan is biased towards is really as bad as you say? That
day at the underground racing arena, you saw Eldest Miss Yan’s ability with your own eyes. Do you
think Eldest Miss Yan looks like someone without any judgment?”

“Putting everything else aside, just take Second Miss Yan for example. She took over the Yan
Corporation at 18 years old and even completely controlled the Yan Corporation in such a short
time. She made all the businesses in the Yan Corporation proceed in an orderly manner. If it were
you and me, we might not be able to do better than her.”

“Yuan, just admit it. Second Miss Yan is really outstanding.”

Feng Yuan was crushed.

Yes, she was very outstanding.

Even his parents had been praising Yan Jinyun to him recently. It was fine with his mother. She was
usually very talkative, but his father…

He didn’t look like someone who would always praise the younger generation, but he would hear
him praise Yan Jinyun every day.

Wasn’t that proof that Yan Jinyun was outstanding?

He could not compare to her excellence.

Xu Gui had long seen through Feng Yuan’s thoughts, but he didn’t expose him. After all, he felt that it
was impossible between Feng Yuan and Yan Jinyun in the past.

Seeing that Feng Yuan had unconsciously revealed such a dejected look, Xu Gui sighed softly and
said, “Yuan, don’t think too much about it for the time being. Just tell me, do you hate her?”

Feng Yuan shook his head decisively.

Although he wanted to diss her the moment they met, he really didn’t hate Yan Jinyun.

If he really hated someone, he wouldn’t even bother to speak to her. He wouldn’t go up to her and
diss her the moment they met. He would even choose a birthday present for her every year. He
would hate to see her sad and bullied.

“Then, do you like her?”

“I don’t know.” After saying that, Feng Yuan himself was stunned.

It wasn’t that “I don’t like her”, but “I don’t know”.


“Yuan, you don’t hate her but you don’t know if you like her or not. Since she likes you, why don’t
you consider it? Anyway, you’re single now and she’s single too. I think someone like Second Miss
Yan probably won’t easily like someone. If she’s rejected, I don’t know how sad she will be.”

After saying that, Xu Gui sighed.

Brother, this is all I can help you with. Everything else will depend on your destiny.

This time, he finally spoke to Yuan to make up for the fact that he caused Yuan to have such an
indescribable girlfriend because he couldn’t stand Xu Xiaoxiao’s pestering.

Indeed, after hearing Xu Gui’s words, Feng Yuan fell silent.

He knew Yan Jinyun the best. He could tell if she was happy or angry with just one look from her. Of
course, he knew very well when Yan Jinyun was the most serious.

She was extremely serious when she said that she liked him earlier.

She wasn’t joking.

She really liked him!

Yan Jinyun was such a proud person. She definitely wouldn’t like anyone easily. Once she liked
someone, perhaps… it would be forever.

But why did it have to be him?

What did he have that she liked?

It wasn’t that he looked down on himself. He couldn’t even stay by her side and protect her when he
met Luo Yilin that day.

As Feng Yuan was deep in thought, Xu Gui’s phone vibrated. It was a message.

Xu Gui’s lips twitched when he took it out and read the message.

It was a message from Yan Jinyun. She actually wanted him to leave quickly and not be a third wheel
for them!

A third wheel?

He had put in so much effort to put in a good word for them!

She actually despised him so much!

Of course, Xu Gui was only complaining in his heart. He still didn’t dare to provoke Yan Jinyun.

It was not that he was afraid, but…

Uh, he was the greatest contributor to Xu Xiaoxiao and Yuan being together. Yan Jinyun must have
had feelings for Feng Yuan for a long time. Perhaps, he had already offended her!
He quickly replied: “Alright, I’ll leave now.”

“Yuan, I suddenly have something urgent to attend to. I have to leave first. Don’t think too much.
Calm down first before driving away.”

Feng Yuan was feeling complicated, so he didn’t think too much about it and nodded, “Alright.”

Xu Gui was initially a little worried about leaving Feng Yuan alone, who was in a daze. However,
when he thought about Yan Jinyun, he suddenly wasn’t so worried anymore.

Ten minutes after he left, Feng Yuan’s phone rang. At that moment, he was deep in thought and it
shocked him.

He almost dropped her phone when he saw the caller ID.

He had never felt the phone as hot as he did now.

It rang a few times before he picked it up. He quickly put it on speaker and then stretched his hand
far away. It was as if it wasn’t a phone but Yan Jinyun whom he didn’t dare to look at or approach.

“Feng Yuan.”

“…Yes, I’m here.” He was a little afraid.

Feng Yuan also realized that he was a little afraid. He cleared his throat and tried to make himself as
imposing as possible, “W-What’s the matter?”

However, the truth was that he was still very afraid.

“I just met with Sister. Master Nine had picked her up and the driver who sent me here has already
returned to the Yan Family. Come and pick me up.”

“Why? Is it inconvenient?”

“…No, no. I’ll do it now.”

After saying this, Feng Yuan’s expression was very complicated.

Why did he agree?

Shouldn’t he be used to saying things like “Can’t you get a taxi or ask the driver to return to pick you
up? It’s not like I owe you anything “?

“Alright, I’ll wait for you.”

I’ll wait for you…

Feng Yuan fell silent again.

He was silent for two minutes before he forced himself to calm down and get into the driver’s seat.
He then drove towards “Summer Time”.


At the same time, in a high-end restaurant.

In the private room.

Seeing the two people walking in, Min Ting stood up. “Second Brother.”

Then, he looked at Yan Jinyu, “Eldest Miss Yan, we meet again.”

Seeing Yin Jiujin frown, Min Ting was about to explain why there were others around when he heard
a scream, “What are you doing?! Do you want to burn me to death!”

There were three people in the private room. Other than Min Ting, there were two other girls.

It was one of the girls who screamed.

She was screaming because the other girl… perhaps they should call her a woman instead.

The girl was almost burnt by the cigarette butt that the woman threw out.

The woman was wearing a red cheongsam that outlined her perfect figure. Her chestnut-colored
hair was slightly curled up to her back, and she had thick makeup on her face. Her lipstick was bright
red, but the makeup was not the kind of richness that was vulgar, but enchanting.

She had a very seductive face.

She sat at the dining table with her legs crossed. The fingernails on her slender fingers were dyed in
a very seductive color. She held a lit cigarette between her fingers and blew out a smoke roll with
practiced ease.

She looked extremely seductive.

Until the door of the private room was pushed open and someone walked in.

Her first reaction was to throw the cigarette away. She didn’t care if it landed on someone.

She sighed inwardly. Damn it. Beauty Yu saw me smoking!

Beauty Yu was very difficult to deal with. If Beauty Yu went back to complain, Min Rufeng that
hypocrite would make her unable to get out of bed!
However, even though she was nervous, not everyone could bully the second-ranked killer on the
Assassin Ranking, especially when the other party was the daughter of a wealthy family who clearly
did not have any ability and always acted high and mighty and looked down on others.

She looked over with her seductive eyes. “Why are you so agitated? You didn’t get burned, right?
Also, don’t speak so loudly to me. I, Xi Fengling, am not a good-tempered person. If you make me
unhappy, I’ll slap you twice. I’m afraid your little face won’t be able to take it.”

“You. How dare you!” Qin Bailu’s expression was as ugly as it could be when she was disrespected in
front of the person she loved.

Xi Fengling smiled charmingly. “Do you want to try?”

Qin Bailu instinctively trembled.

For some reason, she felt a chill down her spine when she saw Xi Fengling’s smile.

“Don’t speak if you don’t want to try.”

“…You’re the one who almost scalded me. Can’t you let me complain?” As she spoke, she was about
to cry.

Xi Fengling’s smile became even more charming. “I’ll advise you not to cry. I hate it when people cry.
If you want to leave this room dead, just cry.”

Qin Bailu’s tears froze.

She had heard of Xi Fengling.

A woman who was actually doing so well that no one dared to provoke her. Even very few people in
the capital dared to bully the Second Young Master of the Min Family because he had her backing.

Such a person was a true ruthless character!

She did not dare to provoke her!

Just she waits! One day, she would return all the humiliation she had suffered today!

Seeing that she had finally settled down, Xi Fengling leaned back in her chair and looked seductively
at the two people who had entered the private room. She blinked at Yan Jinyu, and then when she
saw the smile on Yan Jinyu’s lips, Xi Fengling’s body froze.

Oh no! Beauty Yu didn’t seem to intend to pretend that she didn’t see her smoking!

How would she dare to look again? Beauty Yu’s angry look was frightening.

She pretended to look away naturally and looked at Yin Jiujin with a charming smile. “You must be
the famous Master Nine, right? Seeing is really better than hearing. You’re indeed handsome and

Qin Bailu looked at her in surprise.

How dare Xi Fengling?! That was Master Nine! How dare she use such a teasing tone to speak to
Master Nine!

Min Ting’s expression froze too.

He was afraid that he would be implicated if Xi Fengling angered Yin Jiujin.

After all, Xi Fengling only appeared here because of him. Chapter 141: Master Nine’s Double

What they saw was Yin Jiujin glancing at Xi Fengling indifferently and saying in an ambiguous tone,
“You’re the same too.”

What was the same?

It couldn’t be that he had also heard of Xi Fengling before, right?

Min Ting was stunned, and Qin Bailu was even more stunned. At the same time, she hated Xi
Fengling even more.

She was so slutty that she would only use such a seductive attitude to attract men’s attention!
Although the Second Young Master of the Min Family didn’t have any real power, he was still a
gentle and elegant handsome man and he was actually charmed by her. That wasn’t all, even Master
Nine was so polite to her!

Qin Bailu’s understanding of this was right. Although Yin Jiujin’s expression was calm and his tone
wasn’t very warm, his attitude was indeed very good to have responded to Xi Fengling like this.

Few people could get a response from Master Nine, who was cold and distant, especially when Xi
Fengling had spoken in such a teasing tone.

Even Min Ting thought that Yin Jiujin would be angry. It was no wonder that Qin Bailu’s hostility
towards Xi Fengling increased.

After learning that Yan Jinyu knew her and had personally gotten someone to send an invitation to
the person in charge of Elegant Bamboo Clubhouse, Zhao Kun, Yin Jiujin got someone to investigate
the relationship between Yan Jinyu and Xi Fengling.

They were not investigating their backgrounds, but their connections.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XNOVEL.COM

If Xi Fengling really had something to do with Yan Jinyu, he would have to investigate before he
could be at ease.

Of course, nothing was found.

However, after knowing that Yan Jinyu was the number one killer, “Chi”, he had guessed the
identities of Xi Fengling and Huo Siyu. Yin Jiujin had even roughly guessed who “Feng” was.
In the capital, almost everyone knew about Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling’s relationship.

Even Yin Jiujin was told “Min Rufeng’s lover” when he heard Min Ting mention “Xi Fengling” for the
first time.

Before he saw Xi Fengling, Yin Jiujin was still a little worried. Now that he saw her, he wasn’t so
worried anymore.

He saw Xi Fengling throwing the cigarette away in a panic.

The reason why Xi Fengling was flustered and anxious was because she had seen his girl.

They were all people ranked at the top of the Assassin Ranking and were definitely ruthless figures.
It was usually very difficult for such people to really trust anyone. If she didn’t really treat the other
party as one of her own and cared about the other party very much, why would the second-ranked
killer in the killer world, “Mei”, be so panicked when she was seen smoking?.

Since she was someone who really cared about the young lady and was also one of her “partners”,
so what if he treated her better?

To be able to get the young lady to call them “partners”, they must have experienced a lot of
hardships together. Perhaps, when he was not around, these “partners” had even saved the young
lady before.

They were all smart people so Xi Fengling raised her eyebrows at Yin Jiujin’s behavior.

She naturally knew that Yin Jiujin had sent someone to investigate her. She also knew that Yin Jiujin
couldn’t find anything.

However, Beauty Yu had sent them news a few days ago that Yin Jiujin already knew her identity.
They had long known that Beauty Yu was always by Yin Jiujin’s side. It was only a matter of time
before her identity was exposed, so they weren’t very surprised.

They were surprised that Beauty Yu had remained by Yin Jiujin’s side after her identity was exposed.
She had definitely acknowledged Yin Jiujin.
While she was happy for Beauty Yu, she was also naturally a little worried. She wanted to see Yin
Jiujin with her own eyes before she could feel at ease.

Hence, she used the excuse of Min Ting finding trouble for “Elegant Bamboo” and that she had to
come to North City to settle it personally.

Since Yin Jiujin knew Beauty Yu’s identity, he had definitely guessed theirs too.

She didn’t think that someone like Yin Jiujin would treat them differently because of their status in
the killer world.

He must have treated her like this because of Beauty Yu.

In other words, he had become kinder to her “family” because of his feelings for Beauty Yu.

She was afraid that Beauty Yu would be deceived by others because she was young and had never
experienced love, especially when the other party was an unfathomable person like Yin Jiujin.

Now, she was finally relieved.

“You flatter me. I’m just a small fry who runs a small business to earn a living. I don’t deserve Master
Nine calling me ‘the same’.”

As she spoke, Xi Fengling’s gaze turned to Yan Jinyu. “This must be Master Nine’s fiancée, the eldest
daughter of the Yan Family in North City, Yan Jinyu, right? She’s quite the beauty.”

“My name is Xi Fengling, the boss of the “Mei Feng Bar” in the capital. The clubhouse in North City
called” Elegant Bamboo “is also mine.”

Yan Jinyu smiled. “I know the person in charge of Elegant Bamboo Clubhouse, Zhao Kun. He helped
me out some time ago. I even gave him an invitation to the Yan Family’s banquet on my birthday.”

“So you’re Elegant Bamboo’s boss.”

“In that case, you’re almost considered as one of our own.”

“However, please don’t call me ‘beauty’. You’re the one who’s really beautiful. Especially your
smoking posture earlier. It’s extremely charming and seductive.”

Xi Fengling’s lips twitched after hearing her words.

She knew it! She just knew it!

Beauty Yu must have held a grudge. She remembered how she used to nag at her when she drank
yogurt and how she kept staring at the money flow on her card. Once she found out that she bought
more yogurt, she nagged again…

It was a pity that she had always avoided Beauty Yu when she smoked. Now, she was caught red-
handed. Look at Beauty Yu’s tone. Those who didn’t know better would think that she was mocking

Actually, Beauty Yu was “taking revenge” on her!


“Y-yes. You’re too kind. I’m just so-so.”

Seeing this, Min Ting and Qin Bailu, who were completely unaware, were the most taken aback.

This was especially so for Min Ting, who had interacted with Xi Fengling many times. He knew very
well what kind of personality Xi Fengling had. She was charming and seductive but she ruled with
iron fist methods. Usually, the more charming she smiled, the more unlucky the person who
offended her would be.

When did he ever see her so… afraid before?

Was she afraid? If he was correct.

He had also interacted with this eldest daughter of the Yan Family once before, so he didn’t think
that she was someone who knew how to “mock” people.

Could it be that they had some enmity before?

However, it didn’t look like it. Was Xi Fengling the kind of person who would be afraid in front of her

Min Ting thought that the two of them might have had a feud before. He knew that Yan Jinyu
definitely wasn’t as simple as she looked on the surface. He had seen the surveillance video of her

It was possible that Yan Jinyu had interacted with Xi Fengling in the past.

If Second Brother hadn’t told him not to interfere, he would have investigated Yan Jinyu’s
background long ago. Now, he was extremely curious.

After being treated so disrespectfully by Xi Fengling, the jealousy and hatred in Qin Bailu’s heart
grew even stronger when she saw Yan Jinyu now.

She was just the daughter of a small family in North City. What kind of magic did she have that could
make these people treat her so differently!

She could always find another chance to kill her!

However, she wasn’t in a hurry to make a move yet. She had never been able to ignore what Qiu Jian
said that day about her being used as a tool as well. However, after thinking about it carefully, she
didn’t find anything unusual.

Other than her, only her mother and Qiu Jian knew that she hired assassins to kill Yan Jinyu. How
could she be used by others?

Later on, she went to ask Qiu Jian about it. Other than laughing and cursing, Qiu Jian didn’t say
anything useful. She was like a crazy person.
After that, she never looked for Qiu Jian again.

Looking at Xi Fengling and then at Yan Jinyu, Min Ting restrained the surprise in his heart, “Second
Brother, Eldest Miss Yan, sit over here please.”

As the two of them sat down, Min Ting glanced at Yin Jiujin and said nervously, “These two are
Second Miss Qin and Boss Xi Fengling.”

“I happened to meet Second Miss Qin on the way when I came over. After greeting her, Second Miss
Qin found out that I had booked a place for lunch. She said that she was alone and would be eating
alone. She asked me if I would mind eating with her, so… we came together.”

In other words, he didn’t invite her. Qin Bailu had shamelessly followed him here. However, since
the Qin and Min families were in the same circle, he couldn’t reject her.

“As for Boss Xi, I met her in the hall of this restaurant. Boss Xi is also alone. She asked me to share a
table with her. I thought we all knew each other, so I agreed.”

Of course, it was not entirely because of this.

It was obvious that his Elegant Bamboo’s exclusive private room had been tampered with. He had
already secretly caused some trouble for Elegant Bamboo, and Xi Fengling, the boss behind Elegant
Bamboo, happened to appear in front of him at this moment and ask to share a table. There must be
something going on!

Xi Fengling wasn’t the kind of person who would share a table with someone.

He wanted to see what she was up to, so he agreed.

However, after Xi Fengling entered the private room, she sat there obediently and smoked. She
didn’t do anything unusual.

“I was about to call to inform Second Brother in advance when you and Miss Yan came.” This was
the truth. He was indeed about to take out his phone when he saw the waiter push open the door.
Yin Jiujin glanced at him indifferently, and Min Ting’s body stiffened.

He knew that Second Brother would be angry.

Not to mention that Second Brother would be angry because two outsiders had appeared in the
private room when he asked Second Brother out to discuss matters. Second Brother had never liked
to eat with people he didn’t know, so it was normal for him to be angry now that there were
outsiders present.

It was fine with Xi Fengling. After all, she was someone important and was someone close to Min
Rufeng. It was understandable that he agreed to her abnormal request to share a table.

However, Qin Bailu…

She was indeed considered an outsider.

Yin Jiujin glanced at him and didn’t talk too much about this topic. “Get the waiter to order.”

Min Ting was surprised when he lowered his head and asked Yan Jinyu softly, “Are you hungry?”

“…” Min Ting was speechless. He was so cold to him, but so gentle and caring to Yan Jinyu. This
difference in treatment!

Yin Jiujin sat on the seat facing the door of the private room. Yan Jinyu sat on his left, and Min Ting
sat on his right. Next to Min Ting was Qin Bailu, and next to Qin Bailu was Xi Fengling.

It was a round table, so Xi Fengling was on Yan Jinyu’s left.

Yan Jinyu smiled and said, “I’m not really hungry.”

Yin Jiujin reached out to take the menu from the waiter. “Order whatever you want to eat.”
Yan Jinyu was about to say that she was fine with anything he ordered. However, Xi Fengling, who
was smiling charmingly at them, suddenly said, “There are more ladies here than just the little
beauty, but Master Nine only gave her the menu. Aren’t you being too biased?”

Yin Jiujin looked up coldly. Before he could show his displeasure, he saw Xi Fengling say with a smile,
“Of the three ladies here, I’m obviously the oldest. Why don’t we go from oldest to youngest?”

Most women hated others to talk about their age, but Xi Fengling said that she was the oldest. Even
though that was the truth, Min Ting and Qin Bailu still looked at her strangely.

Just as they thought Yin Jiujin would be angered, they saw Yin Jiujin take a deep look at Xi Fengling
and hand over the menu.

Never mind about that. He even said one word, “Please.”

Min Ting’s jaw almost dropped while Qin Bailu stared at Xi Fengling with hostility.

Only Yan Jinyu looked at Yin Jiujin with a smile that was not only pure but also gentle.

Ever since she moved to Mount Jing, she had basically been eating with Yin Jiujin. She didn’t say
anything when she ate at home. Whenever she ate outside, he would first ask her what she wanted
to eat before giving her the menu. However, almost every time, she would say that she was fine with
anything and just let him order as he pleased.

After she said that a few times, Yin Jiujin’s mood clearly wasn’t right so she casually glanced at the
menu and ordered a few.

She was right. She wasn’t picky with food and could indeed eat anything. However, she would
always pick up a few more bites among some of the food.

She couldn’t remember, but Meimei, Feng and Little Rain could.

Yin Jiujin had probably thought of this when he handed the menu to Meimei.
Actually, it wasn’t that Yan Jinyu couldn’t remember what she liked to eat. She was just too lazy to
choose from those dishes on the menu. If it was a single restaurant or a simple menu, she would still
order what she liked. For example, when she went to eat steak last time, she had ordered what she

Although Min Ting was shocked, he could still tell that Yin Jiujin had an exceptionally “good temper”
towards Xi Fengling. Chapter 142: Unusual

However, he didn’t ask or say anything.

After Xi Fengling finished ordering, the menu was handed to Qin Bailu. Just as she was about to pass
it to Yan Jinyu, Yan Jinyu didn’t take it. Yin Jiujin casually ordered two more dishes.

After the dishes were served and they ate for a while, Min Ting suddenly realized that the dishes that
Yan Jinyu picked up the most seemed to be ordered by Xi Fengling.

His eyes flickered.

He said casually, “Miss Yan’s taste seems to be similar to Boss Xi’s. Miss Yan prefers Boss Xi’s dishes.”

Qin Bailu looked up.

She didn’t realize it before he said that, and afterwards she discovered that it was indeed.

Not only did Yan Jinyu favor Xi Fengling’s dishes, but Xi Fengling also didn’t eat much of the dishes
that she ordered either!

Recalling Xi Fengling’s actions and Yan Jinyu’s decision to give up on ordering, Qin Bailu began to size
them up.

Did Yan Jinyu and Xi Fengling know each other?

/ please keep reading on MYB0XNOVEL.COM

Not only did they know each other, but they were also so familiar with each other that they even
knew each other’s preferences?

Min Ting’s thoughts were similar to Qin Bailu’s. Both of them tried to see something from Yan Jinyu
and Xi Fengling’s expressions.

What they saw was Xi Fengling smiling charmingly and saying, “Third Young Master Min, now that
you mention it, it does seem to be true.”

Then, she winked at Yan Jinyu. “Little beauty, looks like we hit it off very well.”

“Indeed,” Yan Jinyu smiled and said.

She had been maintaining such a clean and clear smile. There was nothing else in her eyes, making
her look extremely innocent and harmless. Of course… It was even harder for others to see her true

This was Min Ting’s thought.

After seeing Yan Jinyu, who was so good at racing, Min Ting naturally didn’t think that she was as
innocent and harmless as she looked on the surface.

She wasn’t really innocent and harmless, but she hid her true self very well.

At the same time, he also felt a little wary while thinking more highly of Yan Jinyu.

“I still have to stay in North City for a few more days. Can you be my companion for the next few
days since we hit it off so well?”

Before Yan Jinyu could say anything, Yin Jiujin’s eyes darkened.

The young lady’s “partners” were really cut out from the same cloth!
After Huo Siyu left, Xi Fengling came!

They only knew how to snatch her away from him.

However, he had forgotten that recently, Yan Jinyu didn’t follow him to the company anymore. He
only saw her in the morning and when he returned to Mount Jing after work at night. Yan Jinyu
spent the rest of the time alone at Mount Jing.

Besides, he had wanted Yan Jinyu to ask Yan Jinyun out for more shopping. That wasn’t what he had
thought at that time.

How was going out with Yan Jinyun any different from staying with Xi Fengling? However, he only
blamed Xi Fengling for snatching her away from him and not Yan Jinyun.

Could it be because Yan Jinyun didn’t “snatch” her in front of him?

Although he felt uncomfortable, Yin Jiujin knew how to restrain himself after being taught a lesson

Yan Jinyu, who had also been taught a lesson once, didn’t answer Xi Fengling immediately after
hearing her words. Instead, she looked at Yin Jiujin. Seeing that his expression was normal, she
smiled and said, “Sure!”

Xi Fengling saw everything.

She realized even more clearly how important Yin Jiujin was to Beauty Yu.

She sighed softly. She didn’t know if this was good or bad.

Xi Fengling and Huo Siyu shared the same thoughts. On the one hand, they hoped that Yan Jinyu
could find the “meaning of life” for her and wouldn’t be as dispirited as before. On the other hand,
they were worried that Yan Jinyu would care about Yin Jiujin too much and get hurt.
Although based on Yin Jiujin’s current attitude towards Yan Jinyu, it seemed impossible for her to get

“It’s settled then. Leave me your phone number later. I’ll meet you tomorrow.”

Yan Jinyu smiled and nodded, before looking at Xi Fengling deeply.

“…” Xi Fengling was shocked.

Beauty Yu indeed had two faces!

One face made people let down their guard and feel pity and love for her; the other face made
people feel fearful when they met her.

“By the way, Boss Xi seemed to have said that Elegant Bamboo Clubhouse in North City is yours
too?” Min Ting suddenly asked.

Xi Fengling turned to him with a faint smile. “Yes, it is!”

“Speaking of which, Third Young Master Min seems to be a regular at Elegant Bamboo.”

“Something happened at Elegant Bamboo some time ago. I heard from Zhao Kun that even Third
Young Master Min and… Master Nine was alarmed?”

“It’s not exactly a shock. It’s just that a wall in my private room suddenly collapsed so it’s true that
my mood was affected.”

Xi Fengling smiled. “Oh? I wonder if Third Young Master Min’s mood has improved after all these

“Of course.”
“That’s good. I knew that Third Young Master Min wasn’t a petty person, and he definitely wouldn’t
take it to heart over such a small matter. From the looks of it, those people who appeared in Elegant
Bamboo to cause trouble recently have nothing to do with Third Young Master Min.”

“I originally thought that if those people were related to Third Young Master Min, I would just beat
them up and let them go. It would also be considered as giving Third Young Master Min some face.
After all, Third Young Master Min is his cousin, so I have to give you some face.”

Min Ting’s expression froze and then his eyes turned sharp.

He was actually trapped by Xi Fengling!

With just a few words!

He was the one who started this topic first. He should be the one who had the upper hand!

He had wanted to find a chance to get those people back, but it seemed like he couldn’t do it now.

“Someone went to Elegant Bamboo to cause trouble? I’ve been in the capital recently, so I’m not
sure. I wonder if Elegant Bamboo’s losses are serious?”

“It’s a little serious, but losing something like this is something that can be discussed with money.
I’ve already asked Zhao Kun to tell those people to contact their relatives and friends. If they can
compensate with money, they can leave unscathed.”

“…” Min Ting. He didn’t know if he was too stupid or Xi Fengling’s words were too abnormal. He
clearly thought that if Xi Fengling said that it wasn’t serious, he would say things like “Those people
are just hooligans, just teach them a lesson and let them go”.

At the very least, it was good that Xi Fengling had made things clear. This way, he could still
interrogate her. The collapse of the wall could be explained by cutting corners, but there was clearly
a problem with Elegant Bamboo’s surveillance that day. It couldn’t be all a coincidence.

However, Xi Fengling wanted money!

Was she someone who lacked that bit of money?

She was clearly trying to put him in his place! She wanted him to suffer in silence!

What Min Ting didn’t know was that he had sent someone to create trouble in Elegant Bamboo and
if it wasn’t for the fact that he had a good relationship with Yin Jiujin and that Yin Jiujin was someone
Yan Jinyu cared about, this matter wouldn’t have been resolved with just a few dollars.

Xi Fengling had never been an easy person to antagonize. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to
stay on equal footing with a young master from an influential family like Min Ting on her own and
“without any background”.

“Is that so? Then, I hope that those people’s relatives and friends can gather enough money to
compensate for Elegant Bamboo.” Of course, the people he sent were not his trusted aides. They
were only hooligans who were found outside. However, if he abandoned those people this time, it
would affect his trustworthiness. It would not be so convenient to find people to do things for him in
the future.

However, it was good that Xi Fengling didn’t say it out loud. This way, everyone could still pretend to
be friendly.

Since Elegant Bamboo was Xi Fengling’s, if there was really something wrong with the wall, it must
be related to his second cousin.

He could not figure it out. The Min Family was established as a family of doctors. The power was in
the hands of those people who studied medicine. What did it have to do with him, a hedonistic son
who “wasn’t in the business”? No matter what, the power of the Min Family would not fall into the
hands of a hedonistic son like him, right?

If Min Rufeng wanted to seize power, so be it. Why did he have to keep watching after him?

Their second branch wasn’t cut out to learn medicine so it wasn’t their place to be in charge at all.

Not to mention him, even his father had started doing business when he was studying medicine in
university. After graduating, he opened a hospital and moved behind the scenes. Although he didn’t
do business openly, he had made a lot of investments in secret. Even though he had invested in the
hospital, it could not be considered as making money with his “medical skills”.
Min Rufeng was monitoring him. Could it be that he was afraid that he would support Min Nan?

Tsk, did his relationship with Min Nan look that good?

Min Nan, the eldest son of the Min Family, had the same father as Min Rufeng.

“I think so too. Otherwise… it’s too cruel to break someone’s arms and legs so often.”

She said “often” and “too cruel” again.

Min Ting’s lips twitched.

Even Yan Jinyu looked at Xi Fengling speechlessly.

What was the point of breaking someone’s arms and legs? As killers, and top killers, had they not
done enough jobs such as ending someone’s life?

What was too cruel…

Only Qin Bailu heard Xi Fengling say “break someone’s arm and leg” in such a casual tone as if she
was already used to it.

Her face turned pale when she thought about how she had almost offended Xi Fengling. The
chopsticks in her hand fell to the ground with a soft thud.

Other than Yin Jiujin, who was calmly putting food into Yan Jinyu’s bowl, everyone, including Yan
Jinyu, looked over.

Seeing that her face was pale, Xi Fengling smiled charmingly. “What’s wrong, Second Miss Qin? Why
can’t you even hold your chopsticks properly? Are you frightened? You shouldn’t be! Born in a big
family like the Qin Family, you should have seen more dirty methods. Why would you be frightened
by such a small matter?”
“Perhaps, Second Miss Qin has seen a lot of assassinations. It’s even possible that Second Miss Qin
has sent assassins before…”

“What nonsense are you talking about!” Qin Bailu interrupted her with a pale and panicked

She quickly looked at Yin Jiujin and explained as if she was afraid that he would misunderstand,
“Master Nine, don’t listen to her nonsense. I’m only a university student. Other than studying, I
usually practice ballet. It’s impossible…”

Yan Jinyu smiled and interrupted her, “What does your matter have to do with my fiancé?” Chapter
143: Jinyu “Protecting Her Food”

Yan Jinyu suddenly spoke and revealed such a smile.

While Xi Fengling sighed at how Beauty Yu really “protected her food”, she could not help but feel
sorry for Qin Bai.

Second Miss Qin, please take care of yourself!

Min Ting and Yin Jiujin looked at Yan Jinyu when they heard that, especially Yin Jiujin. He was initially
unhappy that Qin Bailu wanted to explain to him for no reason, but his eyes regained their usual
dark glint. When he suddenly heard Yan Jinyu’s words, his anger suddenly dissipated.

Her fiancé…

Yes, she was very accurate about his identity.

“Actually, I’m in a good mood today. I can pretend that you don’t exist if you don’t make your
presence known. You just need to persevere for a while more and this meal would be over. Why
don’t you keep a low profile? Can’t you just leave as you came after this meal? Why do you have to
make your presence known?”

“Whether you are beautiful or ugly, thin or fat, good or bad, why do you have to explain it to my
man? Why? Why are you afraid that he will misunderstand?”
Looking into Yan Jinyu’s smiling eyes, Qin Bailu’s pale face turned even paler. She didn’t know why,
but she actually felt a chill down her spine!

“Who are you to make him misunderstand?”

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“Be sensible. Don’t think about my people. You are still useful to me so I don’t want to touch you for
the time being.” Yan Jinyu smiled at Qin Bailu, who was trembling unconsciously. “Speaking of hiring
killers, I really met a few killers a few days ago. Second Miss Qin, do you think I know who employed
those killers?”

“H-how should I know!” She was shocked.

“It’s not important whether you know it or not. What’s important is not to think about my man.
Remember that. Otherwise, once I’m unhappy, I might not want to keep you around anymore.”

“Do you know what I mean?”

“It’s…” Yan Jinyu smiled and made a throat-slitting gesture.

She did it cutely, but Qin Bailu was so frightened that she screamed. She knocked over the bowl in
front of her and the chair behind her. She picked up her bag and ran out of the room in a panic.

“Tsk, you’re really so easily frightened.”

Yan Jinyu looked at Yin Jiujin and smiled. “Brother Nine, was I very frightening earlier?”

Only then did she realize that Yin Jiujin had been staring at her. His obscure eyes seemed to hide
some emotions that she was familiar with.
Yan Jinyu coughed awkwardly, “Brother Nine.”

She wanted to remind him not to mess around.

Yin Jiujin looked at her deeply and restrained the emotions in his eyes. “It’s not scary. It’s very cute.”
She was so cute that he almost couldn’t control himself and pulled her onto his lap to kiss her.

If not for the fact that there were outsiders around and the young lady was thin-skinned, he would
have already done so.

Don’t think about her man…

He was very satisfied to know that he was hers.

It was clearly a threat, but she was smiling so foolishly and making such a cute move.

Yan Jinyu smiled even brighter when she heard Yin Jiujin’s words.

Upon hearing Yin Jiujin’s words, Xi Fengling was shocked and shivered.

He was indeed someone that Beauty Yu had taken a fancy to. Even she was frightened by Beauty Yu
earlier, but yet he still found her cute!

Alright, if she didn’t know Beauty Yu’s nature, she would indeed find her cute. However, didn’t Yin
Jiujin already know Beauty Yu’s identity?

He should know that Beauty Yu was not joking.

It could only be said that he was indeed the famous Master Nine whose name alone could scare a
group of people!

Min Ting, who was already frightened by Yan Jinyu’s words and actions that scared Qin Bailu away,
was now extremely frightened.
He was speechless for a long time.

However, he could tell that although Yan Jinyu always had a smile on her face and looked very
harmless, she was actually the person that he couldn’t provoke the most.

She had been looking at Qin Bailu with an extremely kind smile and the most non-threatening calm
tone when she spoke. Even he felt an inexplicable chill when he sat beside her.

Look at Qin Bailu. She was considered one of the top ladies in the capital, so she was naturally not
timid. She was actually so frightened.

And Second Brother…


Where did Second Brother find Yan Jinyu cute? Could cuteness scare Qin Bailu away?


“Eldest Miss Yan, was what you said about Qin Bailu hiring someone to kill her true? Is Eldest Miss
Yan alright? Also, why did you say that Qin Bailu is still useful?”

Min Ting’s exquisite face was filled with conflict.

“I’m sorry. I’m actually not someone who would get to the bottom of other people’s matters. I just
feel that I don’t understand what you guys are saying. I feel like I can’t blend in. This feeling makes
me very unhappy.” However, Second Brother refused to let him investigate!

“Of course, if Eldest Miss Yan finds it inconvenient, you don’t have to say it. Just take it as me talking
to myself.” However, he was really very curious!
Yan Jinyu didn’t reply to him immediately. Instead, she looked at Yin Jiujin.

With just a look, Yin Jiujin understood what she meant. He didn’t say much and only said, “Not you
guys’ enemy.”

He was talking about “you guys” and not “you.”

Naturally, that included Min Rufeng.

In other words, Min Ting was not Min Rufeng’s enemy.

Yan Jinyu believed Yin Jiujin’s words, while Xi Fengling believed Yan Jinyu’s.

Hence, after hearing Yin Jiujin’s words, Xi Fengling didn’t say anything. She only took a sip of the red
wine beside her hand and looked at Yan Jinyu as she swirled the wine glass.

The reason Yan Jinyu wanted to confirm with Yin Jiujin was because she could tell that Yin Jiujin and
Min Ting’s relationship was really good.

She would always be by Yin Jiujin’s side in the future and would definitely have many chances to
interact with Min Ting. She had to know if Min Ting was one of her people so that she could be sure
if she should guard against him.

In addition, seizing the power of the Min Family had always been what Feng wanted to do the most.
If he was sure that Min Ting wasn’t an enemy, she could rope him in and help Feng.

She really needed to think more. Look at her now, such a brilliant idea just popped up in her head.

“It’s not a big deal. There’s nothing inconvenient to say about it.”

Yan Jinyu smiled and continued, “A few days ago, I did meet a few killers who blocked my way. I was
with Brother Nine at that time.” It wasn’t a lie, but she didn’t elaborate.i
Min Ting wasn’t Yin Jiujin. Although he wasn’t an enemy, there was no need for her to tell him too
much. It wasn’t that she was afraid that he would find out, but she couldn’t be bothered to say it.

“Those killers were hired by Qiu Jian of the Qiu Family in the capital. However, there’s no longer any
Qiu Family in the capital now. I’m sure Third Young Master Min knows about this too.”

“Miss Yan, do you think that Qin Bailu actually hired those killers?”

Before Yan Jinyu could reply, Min Ting continued, “No matter who hired the killer, is there
something wrong with that person’s brain? She actually chose when Second Brother was present to
attack you. Are they here to kill you or to court death?”

“They’re probably looking for death,” Xi Fengling answered.

Seeing that Min Ting was looking over, Xi Fengling smiled seductively, “Why are you looking at me
like that? I didn’t say anything wrong. With Master Nine around, aren’t those people looking for

“I have a feeling that’s not entirely what you mean.”

He looked at Xi Fengling, then at Yan Jinyu. “I don’t know why, but I just feel that you’re very familiar
with Eldest Miss Yan. It’s as if you’ve known each other for a long time.”

“Didn’t I say just now that I hit it off with the little beauty? It’s probably because we hit it off and are
destined to be friends that’s why you feel that I am familiar with her.”

“…” Min Ting. Did she think he was stupid?

Xi Fengling took a sip of red wine and placed the wine glass on the table. She changed her posture
and crossed her legs as she looked at Min Ting. Although she still had her charming smile on her
face, her expression was obviously more serious. “Alright, let’s cut the crap. I shared this table with
Third Young Master Min today because I have something serious to discuss with Third Young Master
In the beginning, she naturally didn’t want to talk about serious matters. She simply knew that Min
Ting had asked Yin Jiujin to meet him here and saw that Min Ting had brought Qin Bailu along, so she
specially followed him over.

Firstly, it was to meet Yin Jiujin.

Secondly, it was to teach Qin Bailu a lesson.

They actually dared to find an assassin to deal with Beauty Yu! Even though those lowly assassins
were completely unable to do anything to Beauty Yu, if Beauty Yu went all out, they probably
wouldn’t even have the chance to attack. They would have died the moment Beauty Yu sensed their

But no matter what, she could not forgive her for trying to kill Beauty Yu!

If Beauty Yu hadn’t said that Qin Bailu was still useful, she would have already killed her in the
capital. Why would she leave her in North City to be an eyesore to Beauty Yu?

From the fact that she had subconsciously thrown the cigarette at Qin Bailu instead of backward, it
was obvious how much she disliked her.

It was a completely subconscious action.

Even though she hadn’t suggested sharing a table for business at the beginning, now that she heard
Yin Jiujin say that Min Ting wasn’t their enemy and that she and Min Rufeng had returned to the
capital for three years, she more or less understood Min Ting. After hearing what Beauty Yu said to
Min Ting later, she already had a plan.

Because she had already guessed Beauty Yu’s plan.

This was a tacit understanding that had been cultivated through years of life and death together.

“Business?” Min Ting frowned slightly.

He was not stupid. He could roughly guess what she was about to say.

“Yes, serious business. I think Third Young Master Min also knows about my relationship with Min
Rufeng. I won’t hide it from Third Young Master Min. Min Rufeng only has one goal—the Min Family.
I know that Third Young Master Min doesn’t want the Min Family’s power. Of course, Third Young
Master Min doesn’t seem to have what it takes to control the Min Family either.”

Min Ting, “…You don’t have to emphasize the last sentence.”

“Min Rufeng wants to take over the Min Family. Third Young Master Min doesn’t have the heart or
the ability to do so but you also have to rely on the Min Family to take advantage of the situation. Do
you want to cooperate with us?”

“It’s true that I want to rely on the Min Family’s influence and I’m indeed not interested in the Min
Family’s power. However, in terms of medical skills in the Min Family, Min Nan is the best in
medicine among the younger generation. If Min Rufeng wants to seize power, what’s his advantage
compared to Min Nan?”

“Third Young Master Min will see Min Rufeng’s advantage sooner or later.” Min Rufeng was not
good at anything else. Tsk, she dared to say that it was very difficult to find a match for him in terms
of medical skills.

“Third Young Master Min, do you think I would like Min Rufeng if he’s really useless?”

Min Ting did not doubt that. Xi Fengling didn’t seem to be after Min Rufeng’s looks. After all, in
terms of looks, he was better than Min Rufeng.

At the thought of this, Min Ting’s lips twitched.

What was he thinking about?

Xi Fengling was not his type. Fortunately, she didn’t like him, or he wouldn’t have been able to take

“That’s true, but my second cousin has been back in the capital for three years. Why is he still jobless
now? He’s even more carefree than a playboy like me.”
“If he really has the ability, three years is enough for him to reveal his talent. Why is he still unknown
until now? Even the reason why he isn’t bullied in the capital is because of you.” Chapter 144: The
Min Family Back Then

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Min Rufeng relied on her so that she wouldn’t be bullied?

Didn’t that mean that Min Rufeng was a freeloader?

Min Rufeng was living off her?

Xi Fengling only wanted to laugh.

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Although she was ranked above Min Rufeng in the killer world, in terms of skills, she was really
inferior to Min Rufeng. Otherwise, why would she be controlled by him in every aspect?
However, if she really fought with Min Rufeng, she might have a chance of winning.

“That’s naturally because he has something else to do.”

“Anything else?” Min Ting frowned. Xi Fengling was in charge of bars and clubs. He really couldn’t
think of anything else Min Rufeng had to do.

Could it be that other than these bars and clubs that he knew, Min Rufeng had other things to rely

“Didn’t Third Young Master Min say that the Min Family chose its successor solely by medical skills?
Min Rufeng naturally went to study medical skills.” There was actually nothing wrong with saying
that he specialized in medical skills. The strange things that Min Rufeng fiddled with every day were
all targeted at some difficult and complicated diseases.

Min Ting’s lips twitched. “Are you joking?”

Three years ago, Min Rufeng returned to the Min Family. At that time, Min Rufeng was 23 years old.
He, who was a few months younger than Min Rufeng, had already graduated from university.
Naturally, the Min Family couldn’t send Min Rufeng to school to learn medicine from scratch.
Although Min Rufeng was adopted by an ordinary working family all these years after he went
missing and the couple who adopted him passed away in a car accident, he still went to university.
However, Min Rufeng’s major…

It wasn’t that it was not related to medicine, but it was a little different from the current medical

Min Rufeng’s major was Chinese medicine.

Among the 20-odd hospitals that his father had invested in, there were only two Chinese medicine
hospitals. They were the relatively small ones among the many hospitals under his father, and the
profits were relatively low.

Among the more than twenty hospitals that his father had invested in, there were only two Chinese
medicine hospitals. They were the relatively small ones among the many hospitals under his father,
and the profits were relatively low.

Xi Fengling raised her eyebrows and smiled. “Third Young Master Min, do you think I’m joking?”
“Speaking of which, Third Young Master Min will find out sooner or later whether Min Rufeng is
really capable or not. Recently, hasn’t Min Rufeng officially started work at the largest hospital under
the Min Family—the Imperial Capital Hospital—to work? Is he relying on the protection of the family
or is he really capable? I believe everyone will be able to tell soon.”

Min Ting knew that Min Rufeng had entered the Chinese medicine department of the Imperial
Capital Hospital.

However, didn’t Min Rufeng spend every other day away from the hospital?

He didn’t think that Min Rufeng would go to work seriously at all, so he didn’t take him seriously.

“Actually, we don’t have to wait too long. Third Young Master Min can find out about Min Rufeng’s
current situation if he goes to the TCM Department of the Imperial Capital Hospital to investigate
now. Speaking of which, if it wasn’t because the Min Family has to be judged based on their medical
skills, I really don’t want him to go to the hospital to attract all the ‘bees and butterflies’. I’ve gone to
visit him a few times and I always see the young nurses blushing and giving him things. They’re
either bentos or gifts.”

“I’ve also seen a young, beautiful, and cold female doctor asking him out for a meal.”
“Those young nurses can be said to be targeting Min Rufeng’s barely passable face or his identity as
the Second Young Master of the Min Family. But what about that young, beautiful, and cold female
doctor? I heard that that female doctor doesn’t even care about the Eldest Young Master of the Min

“…” Min Ting. Why did she keep emphasizing the words “young, beautiful, and cold female doctor”?
He felt a very strong tinge of jealousy from her.

However, if what Xi Fengling said was the truth, Min Rufeng might really have some ability.

He had heard of that so-called young, beautiful, and cold female doctor. After all, she was someone
that Min Nan, the dignified eldest son of the Min Family and an outstanding person of the younger
generation in the medical world had pursued for years to no avail.

In terms of looks, Min Nan was not much different from Min Rufeng. That female doctor did not
fancy Min Nan but fell for Min Rufeng. It was definitely not because of Min Rufeng’s looks or his
family background.

In that case, what she liked should be Min Rufeng’s talent.

“Alright, even if Min Rufeng really has some ability, how would I know that Min Rufeng can defeat
Min Nan? Min Nan has Eldest Uncle and Eldest Aunt behind him. Min Rufeng… Forgive me for being
blunt, but so far, I don’t see any advantage in him.”

“If you can see an advantage from the beginning, wouldn’t everyone else have seen it too?” Xi
Fengling smiled and continued, “Min Rufeng’s greatest advantage is himself.” There were also her,
Beauty Yu, and Little Rain.

However, Xi Fengling didn’t say that out loud.

“Since I’ve already said so much, I might as well say more. Min Rufeng has been back in the capital
for three years. Other than studying his medical skills as usual, he has also investigated a lot of
things. The reason why he didn’t expose his talent early was because he didn’t want to be on guard
at all times and had more time and opportunities to investigate clearly.”

“Investigate… what?”

“What do you think, Third Young Master Min?”

Min Ting paused, “How would I know what Min Rufeng is investigating?”
Did he really not know?

Of course not.

He just didn’t want to believe that it was what he thought.

Seeing Min Ting’s slightly stiff expression, Xi Fengling didn’t expose him.

He only said, “Min Rufeng was brought back to the Min Family at the age of five. At the age of 10, he
was brought out by Mrs. Min and ‘got lost’. Not long after he was lost, Old Master Min, who brought
him back to the Min Family to personally teach him, passed away.”

“Since Third Young Master Min is only a few months younger than Min Rufeng, you were almost 10
years old back then. You were already at the age where he can remember things. In Third Young
Master Min’s memory, was Old Master Min healthy when Min Rufeng was lost?”

Min Ting pursed his lips and said nothing.

Xi Fengling smiled when she saw this. “It seems like Old Master Min’s body was very healthy back
then. Taking a step back, even if Old Master Min is old and his bodily functions have decreased, he
shouldn’t have reached the point where he would fall sick and pass away from illness because he’d
lost his grandson.”

“Then, why did Old Master Min suddenly pass away?”

“Third Young Master Min, don’t think that I’m trying to drive a wedge between you all. Min Rufeng
and I have been together for three years. It’s impossible that we didn’t find anything.” They did find
something, but they couldn’t find any conclusive evidence for the time being.

“Besides, Third Young Master Min, why do you think Old Master Min insisted on bringing Min Rufeng
back to the Min Family back then? You have to know that a top family like the Min Family in the
capital hates illegitimate children the most.”

Not to mention Min Ting, even the other people in the Min Family and the onlookers who were
discussing the matter didn’t know the reason when Old Master Min insisted on bringing Min Rufeng
back to the Min Family.

“Because Old Master Min has taken a fancy to Min Rufeng’s medical talent. At the age of five, Min
Rufeng could memorize the ‘Herbal Compendium’ when others his age couldn’t even read. His
understanding of medicinal herbs has reached an astonishing level.”
Looking at the surprised Min Ting, Xi Fengling smiled and said, “Back then, Old Master Min had
planned to nurture Min Rufeng as the heir of the Min Family.”

“After Min Rufeng was lost, Old Master Min used all the connections in the Min Family to find him. If
Old Master Min hadn’t suddenly passed away, Min Rufeng would have been found long ago. Why
would he have been wandering outside for so many years?”

At first, Xi Fengling wanted to say that if Min Rufeng had not been brought to Ghost Slaughter Island,
with Old Master Min’s actions back then, how could he not have found Min Rufeng?

Actually, even if Min Rufeng arrived at Ghost Slaughter Island, with Old Master Min’s actions back
then, it was only a matter of time before he found Min Rufeng. However, Old Master Min suddenly
passed away.

If it was only the Min Family involved, she and Min Rufeng wouldn’t have to investigate for three
years without finding anything concrete.

She could vaguely sense a hint of the Ghost Slaughter Island in Old Master Min’s death back then.
However, Ghost Slaughter Island had been destroyed by them three years ago. If Old Master Min’s
death was really related to Ghost Slaughter Island, Min Rufeng would have avenged him without

Retracting her thoughts, Xi Fengling looked at Min Ting. “Third Young Master Min is a smart person.
You should understand now that I’ve said so much, right?”

Min Ting was silent.

“Of course, if Third Young Master Min and Old Master Min don’t have a deep relationship and don’t
care if Old Master Min’s death was an accident or deliberate, it’s not good for us either…”

Hearing this, Min Ting interrupted her angrily, “Who said that I don’t have a deep relationship with

Old Master Min had two sons and one adopted daughter. Min Ting’s father, Min Xiangbei, was Old
Master Min’s youngest son. Min Xiangbei’s wife passed away early, and Min Ting was only three
years old at that time. Min Xiangbei was infatuated with his late wife and didn’t remarry. He could
only numb the pain of losing his wife through busy work, so he naturally ignored Min Ting.

Old Master Min had basically raised Min Ting.

That was why he was so agitated when he heard Xi Fengling say that he didn’t have a deep
relationship with Old Master Min.

Min Ting actually believed Xi Fengling’s words, even though she only said it without any evidence.

Because before this, he already had doubts. It was just that he had hoped that his Eldest Uncle and
Eldest Aunt weren’t so evil.

They treated Min Rufeng badly, but they treated him, their nephew, rather well.

“In that case, does Third Young Master Min mean to cooperate or not?”

Min Ting stared at her and then realized that they were not the only ones in the room.

“Boss Xi, aren’t you afraid that you’ll ruin things by saying these words in public?”
He trusted Second Brother. Second Brother had never been a busybody. It didn’t matter that he
heard them talk about this.

But what about Yan Jinyu?

Why wasn’t Xi Fengling worried that the Min Family’s members would hear these words through Yan

Although Yan Jinyu didn’t look like someone who would poke her nose into other people’s business,
what if?

Xi Fengling didn’t look like someone who would trust others easily.

With that thought, Min Ting was even more sure that Yan Jinyu and Xi Fengling knew each other.
Chapter 145: Feng Yuan And Jinyun

“Bad things? Could it be that Third Young Master Min feels that Master Nine will spread the contents
of our conversation?”

Min Ting’s lips twitched. “Boss Xi knows what I’m talking about.”

Xi Fengling smiled charmingly. “Third Young Master Min’s worries are unnecessary. I’m a very good
judge of character. I hit it off with the little beauty and already treat her as one of us.”
Min Ting wanted to say something when Yin Jiujin glanced over indifferently and immediately shut

Looking over again, they saw that Yan Jinyu, the main character of their discussion, was currently
lowering her head and eating the food Yin Jiujin had placed in her bowl. It was as if she wasn’t
listening to their conversation at all.

However, after he looked over, she suddenly looked up at him.

After flicking a glance at him, she lowered her head and continued eating.

However, it was this look that made Min Ting suddenly feel that she wasn’t their enemy.

He didn’t know why he suddenly felt this way. Clearly, there was no emotion in her eyes at that

“Third Young Master Min, don’t worry about anything else. Just tell me what you mean.”

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Before Min Ting could reply, Xi Fengling smiled charmingly and said, “But it’s fine if Third Young
Master Min doesn’t agree to the cooperation. Min Rufeng and I will go and talk to Second Master
Min. Compared to Third Young Master Min, Second Master Min should be more capable. Second
Master Min is Old Master Min’s son. If he knows that his father’s death was caused by someone, I
believe he will be very willing to cooperate with us.”

“…” Min Ting.

What was this? If he wouldn’t cooperate with her, would she go look for his father?

With his father’s character, if he found out that his grandfather’s death was caused by someone and
he knew who the murderer was, wouldn’t the Min Family be turned upside down?

In the end, the cooperation was naturally achieved.

Although it was not explicit, since they were already in a cooperative relationship, Xi Fengling
naturally wouldn’t do anything to Min Ting’s people, even if those hooligans had indeed caused
trouble in Elegant Bamboo.

However, she didn’t tell Min Ting about that.

Since Min Ting didn’t mention it, she would pretend to forget to give up on the money. Money was,
of course, the more the merrier.

After lunch, Min Ting left alone. Even though they had reached an agreement, there were still some
things that he had to investigate.

For example, Min Rufeng’s recent situation, the cause of his grandfather’s death, and Min Rufeng
and Xi Fengling’s life before they returned to the capital…

Anyway, he had to investigate everything properly, even if he couldn’t find anything useful in the

However, there was one thing that Min Ting had never thought of investigating. That was whether
Yan Jinyu and Xi Fengling knew each other in the past. To be more precise, he wouldn’t investigate
anything that was related to Yan Jinyu.

Because Yan Jinyu was Yin Jiujin’s fiancée whom he was extremely protective of.

After Min Ting left alone, other than Yan Jinyu, Xi Fengling was also in Yin Jiujin’s car.

They didn’t return to the company or Mount Jing. Instead, they found a relatively quiet cafe to sit in.

Yin Jiujin wanted to send them to the cafe before returning to the company, but Yan Jinyu stopped
Yan Jinyu still had a smile on her face. She hooked onto his little finger and actually sounded a little
coquettish. “Brother Nine, don’t be in a hurry to go back. I’ll introduce someone to you.”


On the other side, Yan Jinyun was already waiting at the entrance when Feng Yuan arrived at the
“Summer Time” cold drink shop again.

Feng Yuan stopped the car and hesitated for about a minute before rolling down the window. He
looked at Yan Jinyun with a complicated expression. After pondering for a long time, he said, “…I’m

An inexplicable cowardice.

Normally, when he encountered such a situation where Yan Jinyun asked him to rush over to pick
her up, the first thing he would say would definitely not be this. His tone was still so weak! He would
definitely diss her in an unfriendly tone to satisfy himself before shouting fiercely, “Yan Jinyun, get in
the car quickly! I came all the way here to pick you up. Do you still want me to open the door for you
like you are some big shot?!”

Things were different now.

He admitted that he was a coward.

Yan Jinyun walked over, opened the door of the front passenger seat, sat in, and buckled her

Yan Jinyun had already returned to her usual demeanor. Other than not rebuking Feng Yuan, there
was no difference.

If he didn’t know her very well, Feng Yuan would have suspected that the confession was just his

After she got into the car, she remained silent.

This made Feng Yuan, who was already nervous, even more nervous. His hands gripped the steering
wheel tightly, and his palms were sweating. The car drove very slowly. He was afraid that he would
accidentally cause an accident if he panicked, even though his driving skills had always been good.

After a long while, Feng Yuan asked, “…Where are we going?”

Yan Jinyun didn’t look at him. She continued to look ahead, “Let’s find a quiet place to sit for a

Because he could not see her expression, Feng Yuan did not know her current emotions.

Clutching the steering wheel tightly, she said, “How about we go to the park outside Boyu High
School? I remember that you like to sit on the bench under the tree beside the river in the park and
read. Few people go there usually. It’s very quiet.”

Feng Yuan didn’t notice that after hearing his words, the corners of Yan Jinyun’s lips curved slightly.

Not only did very few people go to the bench under the tree by the river in the park, but very few
people even went to the park.

Boyu High School had a park with a better environment and was bigger than that park. Usually, the
students of Boyu High School would go to that park if they wanted to go to a park or find a shade to

Boyu High School was in the suburbs, so there were few residents around.

Unlike her preference of peace, Feng Yuan had a jumpy personality and played all day.

Other than class time, Feng Yuan spent most of his time either at the basketball court or leaving
school to go to the internet cafe outside to play games. Occasionally, he would go straight to play a
few racing games. Otherwise, he would invite a few people to sing and drink.

Such a Feng Yuan actually knew that she liked to go to the park outside the school and even knew
where she usually liked to sit.
Feng Yuan didn’t seem to find it strange, nor did he realize that his question was so natural.

“Yes, let’s go there.”

This place was not far from Boyu High School. After half an hour of driving, the two of them arrived.

They sat in silence the rest of the way.

After parking in the park, the two of them walked towards the big tree by the river.

Yan Jinyun walked in front, while Feng Yuan followed a few steps behind her.

Yan Jinyun was wearing a long white dress today. Her straight black hair hung down to her waist.

The wind blew. Her black hair flew and her skirt ruffled.

Her figure was slender and even her back view exuded a different charm.

Based on looks, figure, and temperament, Feng Yuan had always known that Yan Jinyun was very
outstanding. It was just that in the past, he had paid more attention to her inner self under these
appearances. He only felt that Yan Jinyun was very pretentious and didn’t admire her much.

Now, she looked… very beautiful.

At this thought, Feng Yuan quickly shifted his gaze away nervously. At the same time, he despised
himself inwardly.

What was going on? Could it be that because Yan Jinyun confessed to him, he realized that Yan
Jinyun wasn’t as annoying as before? Instead, even her back view was very pretty?

After a while, Yan Jinyun arrived at the bench where she usually sat quietly and read.
Yan Jinyun walked over and sat down, but Feng Yuan couldn’t move his feet when he was about 10
steps away from the bench.

He didn’t dare to walk over. For a second, he almost ran away.

He thought Yan Jinyun, who didn’t fall in love easily, would be very sad when she was rejected after
confessing to someone.

He couldn’t leave her here alone.

Seeing that he wasn’t coming over, Yan Jinyun looked up at him, “You’re standing so far away. Am I
poisonous that you can’t get close to me?”

“No, no…”

Feng Yuan braced himself and walked over, but he didn’t sit down on the bench. Instead, he stood
beside the bench near the big tree. “You…”

He wanted to speak but realized that he didn’t know what to say.

Ask her if she really liked him?

Not only would this make him seem narcissistic, but if she replied with a “yes”, how would he

He stood while she sat. Yan Jinyun looked up at him, “Do you want to ask if I really like you?”

“…” Feng Yuan trembled in fear.

He also felt an inexplicable strange feeling.

Seeing his frightened expression, Yan Jinyun smiled and said, “I really like you.”
“Feng Yuan, what’s so good about you? You don’t have any good points and you said horrible things.
Your attitude towards me is also bad. What exactly do I like about you?”

“What do you mean by no good points?! There are still people in school now. Go to the school and
ask anyone to see if I have any good points!”

“No merits? What a joke! If I don’t have any merits, why would I be one of the three school beaus of
Boyu High School? Boyu is an elite school in North City. There are many outstanding young masters
from influential families. I’m still so popular in school, so how could I not have any merits?”

“Also, when did I say horrible things? If you didn’t diss me every time, why would I…” At this point,
he suddenly paused.

He realized that he could not control his temper and retorted habitually.

He carefully looked at Yan Jinyun’s expression.

He was afraid that she would be hurt by his attitude and his words. Chapter 146: I’ll Wait For You For
Two Years

However, he saw an extremely “hypocritical” smile on Yan Jinyun’s face.

Yan Jinyun said, “Feng Yuan, why are you so careful? It’s my business if I like you. If you’re willing, we
can just make do with each other. If you’re not, just pretend that you don’t know about this. Is there
a need to do that?”

Pretend not to know about this?

How could he pretend not to know?

She said it so easily!

“Besides, I’ve seen many girls confess to you in the past. Didn’t you respond very well? Those who
should be your classmates, continue to be your classmates. Those who should be ignored, were
ignored. It doesn’t seem to affect you much. Why is it that it affects you so much this time? You can
completely deal with me like you deal with other girls.”
“You make it sound so easy! You’re not the same as those people…”

Feng Yuan then realized that Yan Jinyun was actually so special in his heart! She was different from
other girls!

Did he really treat Yan Jinyun… as a childhood friend?

Yan Jinyun smiled at him. “Are you trying to say that I’m different from those people?”

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Feng Yuan’s expression stiffened slightly. He looked very unnatural and didn’t dare to meet her eyes

“Since I’m different from those people in your heart and we’ve known each other since we were
young, we know each other’s temper very well. Why don’t we just make do with each other?”

“How can we do that!”

Seeing that Yan Jinyun’s smile was frozen on her face, Feng Yuan panicked, “I-I didn’t mean that. I
mean, it’s that we can’t make do with relationships. No… I’m not saying that being with you is just
making do. What I mean is, I can’t make do with you… No, what am I talking about!”

Yan Jinyun, who was initially a little disappointed, burst out laughing when she saw this.

Feng Yuan’s face turned red.

However, Feng Yuan’s panic subsided slightly because of her smile.

After a while, when he looked at her again, his expression became more serious. “Yan Jinyun, I hope
you can think about it again. I don’t want you to be careless in matters of the heart.”
“I’m not careless,” Yan Jinyun said. “On the contrary, I’m very serious. Extremely serious.”

“Feng Yuan, you don’t have to say all this nonsense. I’ve already said just now. If you’re happy, we
can just make do with each other. If you’re unwilling, just pretend that you don’t know about this.
I’m not someone who keeps pestering you. Do you think I’ll pester you every day like Xu Xiaoxiao?”

“Tsk, you like Xu Xiaoxiao and you don’t like someone like me. I really don’t know what kind of taste
you have!”

“…I didn’t like her!” Feng Yuan’s face was flushed red, but this was the first thing he refuted.

“If I really liked her, I wouldn’t have broken up with her so easily. I wouldn’t have stood by and
watched as she was sent overseas by the Xu Family!”

“That’s why I said you’re a jerk!”

Feng Yuan was furious and said without thinking, “I’m a jerk and you still like me?”

He only reacted after saying that, thinking that Yan Jinyun would be angry. However, he saw her
staring at him and saying with a complicated expression, “Who knows why? I’m probably blind.”

“…” Feng Yuan. Who exactly was the one who said horrible stuff?

Yan Jinyun retracted her gaze and stopped looking at him. Instead, she looked at the clear river
water in front of her and said without emotion, “Feng Yuan.”

Her sudden call stunned Feng Yuan, “Huh?”

Yan Jinyun looked at him and smiled lightly. “Thank you.”

“Th-thank me for what?”

“A lot, I guess. I can’t explain it to you within a short time. Think of it as a thank you for your recent

“…There’s nothing much for you to thank me for. I’m not very good to you either. In fact, I’m a little
nasty. As for my recent help, I actually didn’t help much.”

Yan Jinyun smiled and didn’t say anything.

It was fine as long as she knew if it was good or not.

How could someone who knew so much about her preferences and that she often came here to sit,
treat her badly?

Even though his words were really unpleasant sometimes.

“Feng Yuan, after knowing each other for so many years, we’ve never chatted so peacefully alone
before, right?”

“There are still times when we’re pleasant, but we’ve never had a peaceful conversation alone.”

Yan Jinyun chuckled, “Is that so? Then why are you still standing? Come and sit down. Let’s not talk
about anything else. It’s rare for you to have such an opportunity. Sit down and talk to me for a

Feng Yuan looked at her and hesitated for a moment before walking over and sitting down.

However, he deliberately distanced himself from her.

“You’re sitting so far away. Are you afraid that I’ll eat you up?”

“…No, I didn’t!” He shifted, then shifted again to sit a little closer to her.

He looked so cowardly with that behavior.

Actually, even Yan Jinyun, who had known him for so many years, rarely saw Feng Yuan being afraid.
However, she had seen him so many times today.

There was still enough room for a person between them.

Yan Jinyun smiled brightly, “Sit closer.”

“No, there’s no need for that. I think that’s enough.”

“Sit closer!”

Feng Yuan shuddered and quickly sat over, “This is not…”

His voice was stuck. His neck was suddenly hugged, and then in the next second, he felt a soft
sensation on his lips.

A faint fragrance greeted his nose.

Feng Yuan was in a daze.

He even forgot to push her away!

The kisses of a teenage boy and a teenage girl were usually very pure.

The light kiss quickly ended.

Yan Jinyun let go of him and sat back, but she didn’t look away. Instead, she stared straight at him.
“I, Yan Jinyun, have never been at a disadvantage. Since you’re the first person I’ve liked in my life,
even if we can’t be together, I can’t lose out either. I’ll give you my first love and you’ll give your first
kiss to me. It’s very fair!”

Although she sounded calm and imposing, her ears were actually red.
Feng Yuan, who finally came back to his senses, blushed, “Y-y-you…”

“You’re a girl. You’re the one who’s at a disadvantage. Are you stupid?!”

Yan Jinyun looked at him with a smile in her eyes, “It’s me who likes you, not you who likes me. Even
if I take advantage of you, how can I be the one who loses out?”

“But Feng Yuan, didn’t you date Xu Xiaoxiao for a while? Why is your first kiss still available?” He
didn’t deny it just now, so she could be said to be in a very good mood now.

Kissing Xu Xiaoxiao…

Just thinking about it gave Feng Yuan goosebumps.

It was completely unimaginable!

“So, so what if it’s still available?” After saying that, he felt that he was not imposing enough and
added fiercely, “You should be glad that my first kiss is still here. Otherwise, you would have lost out

Yan Jinyun narrowed her eyes and smiled. This action was very similar to Yan Jinyu’s at times.

She said, “Feng Yuan, you’re the one who should be thankful. If you have given your first kiss to
someone else, you’re finished.”

Feng Yuan instinctively shivered, “W-what does it have to do with you whether my first kiss is here
or not?”

“Of course it’s my business. Didn’t I just take it?”

“…” Feng Yuan.

“You make it sound like I didn’t take yours!”

Both of them were taken aback after he said that.

Forget it. They looked away awkwardly at the river in front of them at the same time.

No one said anything. They fell silent for a long time.

After a long while, Feng Yuan spoke first. He looked at her, “Yan Jinyun.”

Yan Jinyun looked at him.

“I, Feng Yuan, am not someone who takes advantage of others. I will be responsible for you.”

Yan Jinyun’s eyes darkened slightly, and she couldn’t help but clench her fists. “I’m the one who took
advantage of you. You don’t have to push all the responsibility onto yourself, let alone force

“Not at all!”

“North City’s top socialite. You don’t know how many people like you. Not to mention others, just
that cousin of mine…” At this point, probably thinking about the unhappiness that day, Feng Yuan
paused for a moment before continuing,” My cousin has the best reputation among the younger
generation of the North City’s families. He’s already so infatuated about you, let alone others. ”

“If I really get together with you, I wonder how many people will envy me.”

“What they envy has nothing to do with me,” Yan Jinyun said. “Besides, there are also many girls
who like you and you just broke up with one not long ago.”

“…That’s all in the past. Why do you keep mentioning it? I’m not done talking. Don’t interrupt me!”

“Alright, go on.”
Feng Yuan instantly became serious, “I’ll be responsible, but not now. Can you… wait for me for two

There was no need to ask further. Just by looking at his expression, Yan Jinyun understood what he

She never expected that Feng Yuan, who had always been so ostentatious, would also show such an
“unconfident” expression.

It must be because he was helpless when they met Luo Yilin that day and she had already taken over
the Yan Corporation now.

No wonder such a playful person like him would enter the Feng Corporation now.

It was just two years. She could still afford to wait.

“Alright, I’ll wait for you.”

Then they smiled at each other.

In the quiet park, the wind blew the branches softly and made the small river ripple. An unknown
bird flew past, its chirping crisp and happy. Chapter 147: Friendship Between The Four

“Meimei, this is Yin Jiujin, my fiancé.” Yan Jinyu smiled and introduced Yin Jiujin to Xi Fengling, who
was sitting opposite her.

Then, she said to Yin Jiujin, “Brother Nine, this is Meimei. Her name is Xi Fengling, and she’s one of
my companions.”

Seeing that she introduced Yin Jiujin to her before introducing her to Yin Jiujin, Xi Fengling couldn’t
be bothered with her calling her “Meimei”.

It had only been so long, but Yin Jiujin was already closer to Beauty Yu than her.
However, since Beauty Yu had introduced him seriously, she naturally had to treat him seriously. She
stood up and stretched out her hand, “Second Young Master Yin, nice to meet you.”

Hearing that Yan Jinyu introduced him to Xi Fengling first, Yin Jiujin felt much happier than Xi

A simple action was enough to show that he held more weight in the young lady’s heart.

She even valued him more than former partners like Xi Fengling.

Yin Jiujin rarely bothered when someone wanted to shake his hand. Of course, very few people
dared to take the initiative to shake his hand.

Xi Fengling was one of the few bold people.

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Moreover, she was someone whom Yan Jinyu had introduced him to seriously.

Yin Jiujin naturally would give her this face. He stood up and shook her hand politely. “Nice to meet

The waiter came to order.

The two of them sat down.

Yan Jinyu’s coffee was ordered by Xi Fengling, so Yin Jiujin casually ordered a cup.

After ordering, Yan Jinyu looked at Yin Jiujin and asked with a faint smile, “Brother Nine, you should
have guessed Meimei and Feng’s identities, right?”

Yin Jiujin glanced at her with a smile on her face. Even he couldn’t help but sigh inwardly. If he
hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, it would be very difficult to imagine that she would have such an
identity with her innocent appearance. It was even harder to imagine that she, who had such a past,
would actually have such a clean and bright smile.

He raised his hand and rubbed the top of her head gently. “Yes.”

Then, he reached out to hold her waist and looked at Xi Fengling. “Thank you for taking care of Little
Yu in the past.”

Xi Fengling glanced at his hand that was holding Yan Jinyu’s waist.

Was this a declaration of ownership? Or was he taking advantage of the situation?

However, now was not the time to think about this. Upon hearing Yin Jiujin’s words, she smiled
charmingly. “Second Young Master Yin, you’re being too polite. Not to mention that Beauty Yu is
someone I treat as my biological sister, it’s only right for me to take care of her. Just look at Beauty
Yu’s ability, she’s actually the one who takes care of us most of the time.”

When Yin Jiujin heard that, he looked at Yan Jinyu.

His young lady taking care of someone? Of course, he didn’t believe her.

After interacting with her for so long, he could tell that the girl was actually very lazy at times. She
was so lazy that she couldn’t even be bothered to choose the dishes she liked from the complicated

How could someone like her take care of others?

The care that Xi Fengling mentioned was probably not ordinary either.

“On the other hand, I hope that Second Young Master Yin can take care of Beauty Yu more in the

“I’ll naturally take good care of my people.” Yin Jiujin’s grip on Yan Jinyu’s waist tightened. This time,
it was undoubtedly a declaration of his ownership.
Xi Fengling smiled. “That’s for the best.”

“However, I still have to remind Second Young Master Yin that Beauty Yu does have a family.”

“During this meeting, I’ve also confirmed that Second Young Master Yin really values Beauty Yu. It’s
just that Second Young Master Yin values Beauty Yu, but the others in the Yin Family might not. I
hope Second Young Master Yin can keep an eye on them and not let them find trouble with Beauty
Yu. Beauty Yu’s temper is bad, and our tempers are even worse. If someone doesn’t know what’s
good for them and comes to find trouble with Beauty Yu, we won’t show any mercy on Second
Young Master Yin’s face.”

“Since Second Young Master Yin already knows our identities, you should also know that countless
people have died at our hands. Killing one or two people is normal for us. I believe that even in the
Yin Family, there are very few people who can surpass us. If we really want to teach or kill someone,
I believe very few people can avoid it.”

“Let’s not talk about the others. Just look at Second Young Master Yin. I might not be your match
alone, but if the three of us join forces, Second Young Master Yin…”

“Meimei.” Yin Jiujin didn’t say anything, but Yan Jinyu interrupted her with a faint smile.

“The Yin Family is the Yin Family, and Brother Nine is Brother Nine. The Yin Family might treat me
badly, but Brother Nine won’t.” She knew Meimei’s intentions, but they were all people she cared
about. She didn’t want to have an unhappy encounter for the first time they met.

Most importantly, she trusted Yin Jiujin. It was impossible for the two sides to be in conflict.

She was still confident about that.

“Besides, Meimei, I’m not a child. If someone finds trouble with me, I’ll return it on the spot. Why
would I need others to stand up for me? You and Feng have a lot of things to do. There are many
things that you need to worry about. You don’t have to waste your efforts on me all the time.”

Xi Fengling’s smile faded, “Beauty Yu, are you planning to abandon us?”
Yan Jinyu smiled helplessly, “What are you thinking about? I’m just telling you that I’m not a child
and won’t be bullied by others. You don’t have to waste your efforts on me.”

The two of them were only focused on talking, but they didn’t realize that the way Yin Jiujin looked
at Yan Jinyu had darkened.

The young lady didn’t seem to… like to trouble others?

Even if that “other person” was her trusted partner.

Moreover, the young lady was very protective of him.

Perhaps, even she didn’t realize that her protectiveness for him had reached the point where she did
not care who the other party was.

Just like earlier.

Of course, this didn’t mean that she treated Xi Fengling and the others as outsiders. It was just that
in her heart, he was clearly more important than Xi Fengling.

Actually, it wasn’t what Yin Jiujin thought.

To Yan Jinyu, he and those three people were actually equally important. There was no need to
compare them. She wouldn’t especially lean towards either side, especially when there was no
conflict between them.

Yan Jinyu only “didn’t trouble others” because in her opinion, Xi Fengling and Min Rufeng had each
other, and Huo Siyu had a new life. They all had a new life, so there was no need for them to worry
about these unimportant matters for her.

Yes, it was a small matter and unimportant.

She didn’t care if the Yin Family would come and find trouble with her. If they tried, she would just
teach them a lesson. Anyway, she wouldn’t be at a disadvantage.
“I’m very happy that Little Yu has a friend who cares about her like Miss Xi. However, Miss Xi, you
don’t have to worry about these things at all. I’ve said that I’ll take good care of my people, including
protecting her.”

When Xi Fengling heard that, she retracted her complicated gaze and looked at Yin Jiujin. “Of course,
that will be for the best.”

She sighed inwardly.

Beauty Yu was always like this. Anything that could be settled usually wouldn’t trouble others, even
if it was them. She also knew that it wasn’t because Beauty Yu didn’t believe them or wanted to
distance herself from them, but Beauty Yu had always been such a person.

After Ghost Slaughter Island was destroyed, Beauty Yu seemed to have made it more obvious that
she didn’t want to trouble others.

Perhaps, Beauty Yu felt that they had a new life and did not want to disturb them too much.

Otherwise, after destroying Ghost Slaughter Island, Beauty Yu would not be unable to find a reason
to live while they were still by her side.

This was also the reason why they were so glad that Yin Jiujin had appeared.

Although she understood, Beauty Yu’s actions of seemingly protecting Yin Jiujin still displeased her!

She was only threatening Yin Jiujin with a few words so that he would know that Beauty Yu had
backers too and wasn’t easy to bully.

Beauty Yu, on the other hand, ruined her show!

As she thought about it, Xi Fengling glared at Yan Jinyu angrily, but she met Yan Jinyu’s smiling eyes.

What a clean and innocent expression and gaze!

Her heart softened and she could not glare at her anymore!

Hmph, Beauty Yu only knew how to use her “face” to bully others! Anyway, it wasn’t the first time
she had been “bullied” by Beauty Yu using her seemingly soft and cute face.

She still remembered that when she first met Beauty Yu at the base of Ghost Slaughter Island, she
was surrounded by six or seven people.

That was her third year on Ghost Slaughter Island. She was 11 years old that year and had survived
the third round of elimination. Her skills were already very good.

Beauty Yu was six years old then.

Seeing Beauty Yu’s exquisite and slightly adorable face, she thought that those people had teamed
up to bully her. After all, Beauty Yu then looked so harmless.

Hence, she rushed over to save her.

However, the people surrounding Beauty Yu had entered Ghost Slaughter Island at the same time as
Beauty Yu. They were a batch ahead of her. Even if she was skilled, it was impossible for her to deal
with so many people at once.

In the end, Beauty Yu saved her.

Although Beauty Yu was only six years old, she was very skilled.

However, that was Beauty Yu’s first time killing someone.

To save her.

At first, she didn’t know that it was Beauty Yu’s first time killing someone. She only knew when she
saw Beauty Yu vomiting until she was trembling.
Seeing that Beauty Yu was trembling and vomiting so badly that her face was pale, she panicked. She
didn’t know what to do, so she handed over her unopened packet of yogurt…

Later on, their friendship deepened.

Beauty Yu had killed someone for the first time for her and it left such a serious psychological scar on

That was why they had a close relationship.

Min Rufeng entered Ghost Slaughter Island at the same time as her. She knew that Min Rufeng’s
medical skills were good and had seen Beauty Yu lose control of her emotions many times. Hence,
she brought Beauty Yu to Min Rufeng and realized that Min Rufeng knew Beauty Yu.

Beauty Yu had once saved Min Rufeng.

After that, the friendship between the three of them deepened.

As for Little Rain, she was also “deceived” by Beauty Yu’s face.

She had rushed out to protect Beauty Yu when she was already beaten half to death, but in the end,
she was saved by Beauty Yu.

If Min Rufeng hadn’t intervened that time, Little Rain probably wouldn’t have survived.

Although the relationship between the four of them grew stronger and stronger later on, she had
the deepest relationship with Beauty Yu.

Beauty Yu arrived at Ghost Slaughter Island when she was two years old but only killed people when
she was six years old.

She didn’t kill, not because she did not have the ability to kill. Otherwise, Beauty Yu would not have
been able to safely spend four years on Ghost Slaughter Island.
She didn’t dare to kill.

And Beauty Yu, who did not dare to kill anyone, had killed someone for her just like that and gotten
a psychological scar.

It didn’t matter if she was apologetic or if she really felt sorry for Beauty Yu. She would treat her well
for the rest of her life anyway.

“Let’s get down to business.” Yan Jinyu’s words pulled Xi Fengling back to reality. Chapter 148: Too
Much of A Coincidence

“What did you find?” Yan Jinyu usually didn’t pay much attention to Xi Fengling and Min Rufeng’s
actions, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t know anything.

Even if she didn’t investigate in detail, based on her understanding of the two of them, Yan Jinyu
knew that they had spent three years planning before they started to act. Something must have
stopped them during this period of time.

Yan Jinyu knew that they had been investigating the cause of Old Master Min’s death for the past
three years. With their capabilities, if it was only the Min Family who made the move, they would
have found out long ago.

Hence, she had long guessed that someone else had killed Old Master Min.

It was just that she did not ask too much.

In her opinion, no matter who the killer was, Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling were enough to deal with

Until Xi Fengling appeared in North City.

Did Xi Fengling come to North City personally to settle that small matter from Elegant Bamboo?

Of course not.

Why did Xi Fengling have to personally handle such a small matter?

To visit Yan Jinyu in North City?

That was even more impossible.

Yan Jinyu had already said that she didn’t want them to come to North City. It was also at the critical
moment when Min Rufeng started to attack the Min Family. It wasn’t a big deal, so there was no
need for Xi Fengling to make a trip to North City personally at this time.

With the tacit understanding that they had cultivated over the years and Yan Jinyu’s quick thinking,
she quickly realized that there must be a reason behind Old Master Min’s death that forced Xi
Fengling to personally come to North City to discuss with her.

Xi Fengling smiled. “As expected of Beauty Yu. I haven’t even shown anything, but you’ve already
noticed so much.”

She glanced at Yin Jiujin, who was still sitting there. It seemed like Beauty Yu didn’t intend to avoid
Yin Jiujin.

Forget it. Beauty Yu wasn’t someone who trusted others easily. Since she trusted Yin Jiujin so much,
her companions who had gone through life and death together with her naturally wouldn’t doubt

“Old Master Min’s death seems to be related to Ghost Slaughter Island.”

When she said that, Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin both looked at her.

After that, Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin looked at each other before turning their gazes to Xi Fengling.
Their smiles remained, but their eyes darkened. “You’re saying, Ghost Slaughter Island?”
“Yes, although we didn’t find any conclusive evidence, Old Master Min’s death back then was indeed
related to Ghost Slaughter Island.”

“Old Master Min suddenly passed away when he used all his connections to find Min Rufeng.”

“The Min Family said that Old Master Min passed away because he was too sad that Min Rufeng was

“In fact, other than Min Guili, Meng An, and Min Nan, even Min Xiangbei and Min Ting had never
seen Old Master Min’s body. It was said that on that day, Min Xiangbei had brought Min Ting to the
cemetery to pay respects to his deceased wife. When he received the news and returned to the Min
Family, Old Master Min was already cremated, leaving only a pile of ashes.”

Min Guili was Old Master Min’s eldest son and also Min Rufeng’s father. Meng An was Min Guili’s
wife and also Min Nan’s mother.

“If Old Master Min really passed away from illness, there was no need for Min Guili’s family to
cremate him in such a hurry so that Min Xiangbei wouldn’t even be able to see Old Master one last
time. Min Xiangbei’s wife was buried in the capital. It would take only a maximum of three hours to
drive from the cemetery to the Min Family.”

Obviously, Old Master Min had not died of a normal illness.

“Ghost Slaughter Island has never been gentle with their actions. They must have left traces on the

“And the reason why Ghost Slaughter Island is in such a hurry to get rid of Old Master Min might be

“It has something to do with Feng,” Yan Jinyu replied with a narrating tone.

At the same time, her eyes darkened.

Xi Fengling exhaled lightly. “Yes.” Even she didn’t dare to think in that direction because the more
she thought about it, the more she felt that this was a conspiracy.

It was a shocking scheme.

In order to not let Old Master Min find out where Min Rufeng was, he killed Old Master Min! That
was the head of the Min Family, one of the three top families in the capital. He was not a small
character. Furthermore, Old Master Min had the ability to investigate Ghost Slaughter Island back
then. It was obvious that he was not a simple person.

It would take a huge risk to kill him.

Ghost Slaughter Island did not hesitate to take this risk just to make Min Rufeng stay!

As for why they wanted to keep Min Rufeng and not because they were afraid that Old Master Min
would find out about Ghost Slaughter Island and expose its existence, that was because even if
Ghost Slaughter Island was about to be found by Old Master Min, Ghost Slaughter Island had no
intention of letting Min Rufeng go.

Clearly, as long as they let Min Rufeng go, they could resolve the risk of being exposed at that time.

Afraid that after letting Min Rufeng go, Min Rufeng would leak the existence of Ghost Slaughter

Wouldn’t it be fine if they simply killed Min Rufeng and threw his corpse out of Ghost Slaughter
Island so that the Min Family could find his corpse?

That year, Min Rufeng was 10 years old. Other than his natural talent in medicine, he had no skills at
all. Killing him was much easier than killing the head of the Min Family!

Xi Fengling couldn’t imagine what would have happened if they hadn’t planned to destroy Ghost
Slaughter Island.

Everything was too coincidental!

Beauty Yu was the fiancée of the Yin Family’s Second Young Master. Little Rain was the daughter of
the Huo Family in South City and the fiancée of the Qin Family’s Eldest Young Master in the capital.
Min Rufeng was the Second Young Master of the Min Family.

Among the four of them, only her background was slightly ordinary. She was an ordinary orphan.

What exactly did that person Ghost Slaughter Island want from the beginning?!

Perhaps she was thinking too much?

After all, even if they were brought to Ghost Slaughter Island back then, they had survived countless
near-death battles. That person could not guarantee that they would survive until the end…

Yan Jinyu naturally thought of this too.

Of course, the naturally sharp Yin Jiujin had also thought of it.

After a long silence, Yan Jinyu said, “It’s a coincidence.”

Yin Jiujin and Xi Fengling were puzzled.

Yan Jinyu restrained the emotions in her eyes and said, “I still remember what happened before we
arrived at Ghost Slaughter Island. The person who brought me to Ghost Slaughter Island was actually
trying to get me to make up the numbers.”

“This was what he said when he met me near the abandoned factory in the southern suburbs of
North City. He probably thought that I was young, injured, exhausted, and about to faint, so I
couldn’t hear him. Even if I heard him, I wouldn’t understand him. So, he said to himself, ‘I didn’t
catch that child. Since there’s one here, I might be less punished if I bring her back.'”

She spoke calmly, but Yin Jiujin’s heart clenched.

Wasn’t the abandoned factory in the southern suburbs of North City the place where the young lady
was brought by the kidnappers? That was where the second daughter of the Yan Family was
redeemed by the Yan Family. In other words, that was the place where the Yan Family called the
police and caused the kidnappers to kill her after redeeming their second daughter!

She was on the verge of losing consciousness…

In other words, the girl had escaped from the kidnappers on her own!

The girl was only two years old then…

It was said that the kidnappers were two men!

When they arrived after calling the police, there was nothing left on the second floor of the
abandoned factory except a pool of blood.

The two elders of the Yan Family had many guesses about this.

Firstly, and the worst guess was that the girl was already… gone.

Secondly, the young lady was taken away by the kidnappers and then led a wandering life outside.

Thirdly, the girl was saved. That was the best outcome.

However, no one expected a two-year-old girl could save herself and even succeeded!

As he thought about it, Yin Jiujin couldn’t help but tighten his grip on Yan Jinyu’s waist, pulling her
tightly against him.

His thin lips were pursed tightly and his expression was dark.

If those two kidnappers weren’t dead, he would definitely make them suffer…

Suddenly, Yin Jiujin paused.


The Yan Family had found out about it a few months after the young lady was kidnapped and
disappeared. It was said that they had met a formidable opponent and were dealt with. However,
his intuition told him that things should not be that simple.

If the two kidnappers’ deaths were not simple, then the young lady being kidnapped might…

It seemed like he had to investigate this matter properly.

Previously, he only cared about finding the young lady’s whereabouts. After bringing her back to
North City, he thought about how the kidnappers back then were already dead and so he didn’t
investigate what happened back then in detail.

At first, he was busy dealing with the trouble that Huo Xuan had created and didn’t have the time to
investigate. Later on, after he returned to North City and learned that the young lady didn’t seem to
be as simple as she seemed, he didn’t think of investigating further.

It wasn’t that he did not want to investigate what happened back then, but he did not want to
investigate her.

He was afraid that the young lady would think too much when she found out, so he simply didn’t
investigate. He thought that if the young lady wanted him to know, she would naturally tell him.

He had been too careless over this matter.

Yan Jinyu naturally sensed the change in Yin Jiujin’s emotions. She raised her head and smiled at him
before placing her hand on his hand that was wrapped around her waist as a form of consolation.

She looked at Xi Fengling and continued the topic, “Back then, they probably only saw Feng’s
medical talent. So many people enter Ghost Slaughter Island every year, but there aren’t many
descendants of influential families. However, every child is more or less unusual. They’re either too
smart or extremely outstanding in some aspects.”. Chapter 149: Simple and Brutal
“It was hard for the person who brought me to Ghost Slaughter Island. The children that others
brought with them all had their strengths, apart from me. Not only was I young and silent, but I also
had injuries on my body. Later on, I heard that not only did his punishment not lessen, it even

She said these words in a teasing and relaxed tone, but the two of them felt extremely heavy-
hearted when they heard her words.

She was still young, injured and wasn’t speaking. For her to survive in that ruthless place on Ghost
Slaughter Island, it was obvious how much hardship she had suffered and experienced.

Xi Fengling’s heart ached even more.

Yin Jiujin secretly made up his mind that he would definitely treat her better in the future and not let
her suffer any grievances!

After calming down, Xi Fengling said, “That’s true, but Beauty Yu, I think it’s too much of a

“Min Rufeng. Was he really so important that they are willing to risk exposing themselves to kill Old
Master Min?”

Yan Jinyu raised her eyebrows. “Otherwise, how did Ghost Slaughter Island get destroyed?”

Xi Fengling fell silent.

Indeed, wasn’t Ghost Slaughter Island destroyed by the four of them together? As one of the four,
Min Rufeng was indeed capable enough.

It was not impossible for Ghost Slaughter Island to value him in the early years.

“I still think this is too much of a coincidence. It’s a pity that Ghost Slaughter Island is destroyed now,
and that person has long disappeared together with Ghost Slaughter Island. Otherwise, I would have
definitely investigated thoroughly.”

Yan Jinyu narrowed her eyes and smiled, “Yes, it’s destroyed.”

“Therefore, even if they had a huge scheme back then, it is already meaningless.” Even if Ghost
Slaughter Island was not destroyed, even if Ghost Slaughter Island had ulterior motives, it did not
matter. The four of them were no longer the children who were controlled by Ghost Slaughter

Hearing Yan Jinyu’s words, Xi Fengling’s heart finally relaxed slightly.

Looking at Yan Jinyu, she suddenly felt a little emotional. “Beauty Yu, if Ghost Slaughter Island really
had a scheme back then, how unlucky would they be to bring us… No, the three of you who are
related to the three big families in the capital to Ghost Slaughter Island? We even destroyed their

“And the person who brought you back to make up the numbers. If he’s still alive, he’ll probably
regret it so much that he wants to kill himself.”

The child that he picked up on the road was brought back just to make up the numbers and reduce
his punishment. In the end, not only did the punishment not lessen, but it even became more
severe. That child, who was to make up the numbers and whom so many people had not thought
highly of, ended up blowing up their nest.

“He’s long dead.”

“I killed him.”

Yan Jinyu said calmly.

She had tried so hard to escape from the kidnappers and was just short of returning to the Yan
Family safely. However, she was brought to Ghost Slaughter Island by that person.

Everything that she had experienced from that point onwards was due to that person.
After she was capable enough, how could she not settle the score with him?

However, her clearly emotionless words made Yin Jiujin and Xi Fengling speechless.

After a long while, Xi Fengling said, “Beauty Yu, then this…”

Yan Jinyu looked at her and smiled lightly, “There’s no need to bother about this. We’ve already
destroyed Ghost Slaughter Island. Is there an enemy that we can’t deal with? Not to mention that
Ghost Slaughter Island has long been gone, even if it’s still around, we can destroy it once, so why
can’t we destroy it again?”

Xi Fengling thought about it and it did make sense.

She smiled in relief. “I indeed have to look for you to tell you this. Otherwise, I’m afraid I’m still in a
dilemma now.” She might even be a little worried.

“Focus on your work. If you need help, just ask. It’s been three years. You and Feng have spent too
much time in the Min Family. You will only be as carefree as me the sooner you settle it”

“…” Xi Fengling

“…” Yin Jiujin.

“If we can’t find any evidence to prove that Old Master Min’s death is related to the Min Family, so
what? When did people like us ever need evidence to deal with others? There are many ways to
make people die quietly.”

“…” The both of them again.

“…As expected of Beauty Yu. It’s simple and brutal. I think you do make some sense.”

Yan Jinyu grinned.

It was clearly a smug smile, but in Yin Jiujin’s eyes, it was also extremely silly.

Hence, he felt that the young lady’s simple and brutal way of handling things would definitely not be
at a disadvantage when she went to the capital with him in the future. However, he started to worry
again the very next second.

“Beauty Yu, have you ever thought of experiencing school life like Little Rain?” Recalling Yan Jinyu’s
words about her being carefree, Xi Fengling suddenly spoke.

Her thoughts were similar to Yin Jiujin’s. She didn’t intend for Yan Jinyu to learn anything. She just
wanted her to go to school, make friends, and shop around like an ordinary girl.

After all, that was an experience Yan Jinyu had never had in her 18 years of life.

Yin Jiujin didn’t expect Xi Fengling to mention this too. He looked at her in surprise. Then, he became
even more certain that Xi Fengling was really concerned about Yan Jinyu.

He didn’t interrupt and simply looked at Yan Jinyu.

As expected, the smile on the girl’s face froze.

Yes, she must be thinking of excuses again.

She stared at Xi Fengling and then narrowed her eyes. “Meimei, did you smoke just now?”

Xi Fengling’s smile froze.

Oh no! She was so focused on talking that she forgot about that!

She knew that Beauty Yu did not like to go to school. Or rather, she did not like to be controlled. Not
to mention Beauty Yu, the three of them did not like to be controlled by others either.
However, she just wanted Beauty Yu to experience the life of an ordinary girl…

If she had known that Beauty Yu had something on her, she would never have mentioned anything
that she was unwilling to do!

“…Beauty Yu, I think you’re mistaken.”

Yan Jinyu smiled silently.

Xi Fengling was frightened, “Alright, you didn’t see wrongly. I admit that I lit a cigarette and even
took a puff… Two puffs, really! I only took two puffs!”

“Beauty Yu, if you pretend that you didn’t see it this time, I won’t nag you the next time I see you
drinking yogurt. I won’t complain about you either. How about that?”

Drinking yogurt…

Yin Jiujin picked up his coffee and took a sip.

There was an indecipherable look on his face.

It seemed like he was right to limit the amount of yogurt for the girl. Huo Siyu and Xi Fengling, who
were very familiar with the girl, seemed to worry that the girl was drinking yogurt without any limit.

“I rarely drink it now.”

“So Meimei, this condition is not negotiable.”

Xi Fengling was taken aback.

It was not because Beauty Yu’s subsequent conditions could not be negotiated, but because she said
that she rarely drank yogurt now.
She then realized that Beauty Yu had not drunk yogurt since she met her today. All in all, they had
met for about four hours.

Beauty Yu had not touched yogurt for four hours!

This had never happened before!

Little Rain had previously mentioned to them that Beauty Yu’s situation seemed to have improved.
She said that it might be because she had returned to the Yan Family and resolved the obsession in
her heart, or it might be because of Yin Jiujin.

At that time, both she and Min Rufeng were skeptical.

She didn’t expect it to be true.

She didn’t care if Beauty Yu would stir up trouble again. She was extremely excited when she
thought about how Beauty Yu’s condition had indeed improved.

No one wanted Beauty Yu to walk out of that trauma more than her.

After all, Beauty Yu’s trauma was closely related to her.

Although she was excited, she couldn’t show it too obviously on her face lest she provoked Beauty
Yu again.

She tried her best to put on her usual charming smile, “Beauty Yu, are you lying to me?”

“If you think I’m lying to you, you can supervise me at any time. If I drank too much and get caught
by you one day, you can nag at me as you please.”

“Alright, I’ll believe you for now. Beauty Yu, can you forget about me smoking? I won’t mention
about you going to school ever again.”
Yan Jinyu narrowed her eyes and smiled, “Sure, sure.”

“…” Yin Jiujin who witnessed their exchange.

The young lady was really trying her best to avoid school.

“Do you still want the coffee?” Yin Jiujin suddenly asked.

Of course, he was asking Yan Jinyu.

Yan Jinyu looked at him and shook her head. “No, I’m done. What’s wrong? Does Brother Nine have
something to do? If you have something to do, you can go ahead first. Meimei and I will sit for a
while more.”

“No, I want you to accompany me somewhere.”

“Where are we going?”

Yin Jiujin didn’t answer directly. Instead, he glanced at Xi Fengling, who was sitting opposite him.

At that moment, Xi Fengling actually understood the meaning in Yin Jiujin’s eyes.

He didn’t want her to follow them.

She took a sip of coffee and crossed her enchanting legs. She raised her eyebrows, “I still have
something to do, so I won’t be joining you guys.” She said to Yan Jinyu, “Beauty Yu, I’ll call you
tomorrow morning and bring you shopping.”

Yin Jiujin glanced at her again.

His gaze became much kinder.

Not bad. She had a good eye. Chapter 150: Where Are We Going?

In the car, Yan Jinyu tilted her head slightly and looked at Yin Jiujin. “Brother Nine, where are we

Yin Jiujin tightened his grip on the steering wheel and said, “Let’s go home.”

Yan Jinyu narrowed her eyes and quickly glanced at his hands that were holding the steering wheel
tightly. Then, her gaze returned to his handsome face and she observed him carefully for a moment.

Her intuition told her that his initial plan wasn’t to return to Mount Jing.

She smiled. “You’re going back already? Isn’t the company busy?”

“There’s no hurry.”

“It’s still early. I’ll be staying at home if I go back now. Since Brother Nine isn’t busy, why don’t you
accompany me to a place?”

Yin Jiujin was slightly taken aback.

Then, he looked at her with a complicated gaze.

“Where are we going?”

“The abandoned factory in the southern suburbs is where the kidnappers brought me after I was
kidnapped. After 16 years, I want to go back and take a look.”

“You…” She was indeed as clear-headed as he thought.

His initial plan was to go there, but he hesitated after leaving the cafe.
He wanted to go and see that place. He wanted to know how the girl, who was only two years old,
had escaped from the kidnappers. He suddenly recalled that the kidnapping back then was not a
good experience for his girl after all. She might not want to recall what happened at the abandoned
factory, so he changed his mind at the very last minute.

They were not going somewhere else, but back to Mount Jing.

After hearing so much about what had happened to the young lady, he couldn’t calm down for a
long time. He didn’t want to go anywhere and didn’t want to investigate too much for the time
being. He just wanted to accompany her quietly for a day.

He didn’t expect the young lady to be so understanding. She could actually tell when he didn’t show
the slightest intention of going to that old factory.

Yan Jinyu smiled at him. “Brother Nine, you don’t have to worry too much about me. You can do
whatever you want and say whatever you want. If you have anything you want to know, you can ask
me too. I’ll tell you everything.”

Her indulgent tone.

Yin Jiujin’s complicated emotions couldn’t help but dissipate. His lips curled up slightly as he held the
steering wheel with one hand and placed his other hand on the top of her head. “You!”

Yan Jinyu took his hand down and held it. She looked at him with a smile on her face, but the
expression in her eyes became more serious. “Really, I’m not lying to you. I’ll tell you whatever you

Looking at his hand that was held in hers, Yin Jiujin’s eyes softened. “I know.”

“But I have nothing to ask for now.”

“I might get someone to investigate something soon. I’ll let you know first.”
“Brother Nine, go ahead and investigate whatever you want to investigate.” She did not ask what he
wanted to investigate because she had roughly guessed it.

“Also, if Brother Nine wants to know anything, just ask me. I won’t hide anything from you.”

“Yes.” Yin Jiujin smiled as he retracted his hand and focused on driving.

They headed straight for the abandoned factory in the southern suburbs.


“Why are you so flustered? Didn’t you say you were going to see Master Nine? Why are you back so

In the presidential suite of a five-star hotel in North City, a woman in a red dress and a pair of 15-
centimeter high heels, was holding a glass of red wine. She sat on the sofa and looked at the person
who pushed the door open and came in with a slightly unhappy expression.

Even though they were both seductive, this woman was not as pleasing to the eye as Xi Fengling. Her
face was completely incomparable to Xi Fengling’s beauty.

She was too inferior.

Not only was she inferior, she was also older.

She was a woman in her forties.

“Mom, I…” There was still fear on her face. Who else could it be but Qin Bailu?

The woman sitting on the sofa was Qin Bailu’s mother, the current wife of the head of the Qin
Family, Bai Shuangshuang.
She came from an ordinary family and relied on her own efforts to become a master in the ballet
world. In the end, she became the wife of the head of the Qin Family in the capital and was a
legendary woman.

This was what the outside world knew about her.

Seeing her expression, Bai Shuangshuang put down the wine glass and asked with furrowed
eyebrows, “You didn’t get to see Master Nine?”

Seeing that Qin Bailu was pursing her lips and not saying anything, and her face was still a little pale,
Bai Shuangshuang’s expression fell, “Didn’t I specially find out for you that Min Ting arranged to
meet someone in that restaurant, and the person he arranged to meet might very likely be Master
Nine, so I asked you to think of a way to stay by Min Ting’s side?”

“Isn’t Master Nine the person Min Ting arranged to meet? Or did you fail to stay by his side?”

“N-no, it wasn’t that…”

“What else then? What could actually make you look so embarrassing! I’ve taught you since you
were young that no matter what happens, you have to maintain the demeanor of a well-bred young
lady. Look at you now. Have you fed the things I taught you to the dogs?”

“Last time, you didn’t leave a good impression in front of Master Nine, so I specially took time to
accompany you to North City. I waited for three days for a chance for you to ‘coincidentally’ meet
Master Nine, so that you can perform well in front of Master Nine and make a good impression in
front of him.”

“Min Ting may look like a playboy on the surface, but he’s actually quite capable. From the fact that
he’s on good terms with Master Nine, it can be seen that Min Ting’s news might be related to
Master Nine. Do you think it’s that easy to investigate him?”

“Is this how you waste my efforts?”

Qin Bailu’s face turned even paler. “Mom, I…”

It was not difficult to tell that Qin Bailu was very afraid of her mother.
“Alright, sit down and talk. Look at you now! You’re making me lose all my face!”

Qin Bailu walked over timidly and sat down. However, she didn’t dare to sit beside her. Instead, she
chose a seat farther away from her.

“Tell me, what exactly happened?”

“I successfully entered Min Ting’s private room and saw Master Nine, but…” Qin Bailu bit her lip and
looked at Bai Shuangshuang a little timidly before continuing,” But, in Min Ting’s private room, other
than him and me, there’s also Xi Fengling. ”

“Who else did you say was there?”

“Min Rufeng’s lover, the boss of Mei Feng Bar, Xi Fengling.”

Bai Shuangshuang frowned, “That vixen-like woman?”

Bai Shuangshuang was the seductive kind of beauty. Oh, no, it should be said that she was the pure
and seductive kind of woman. After all, she had studied ballet, so sometimes she could look very

However, she was more inclined to be seductive, and Xi Fengling was the pinnacle of such beauties.

In the capital, there was no woman who was more seductive and beautiful than Xi Fengling, so Bai
Shuangshuang knew about Xi Fengling.

She also had a bad impression of Xi Fengling.

“Why is she here? Did Min Ting invite her? She’s Min Rufeng’s lover. When did Min Ting become so
close to her?”

“No… She just happened to bump into him. She said that it was boring for her to eat alone and
wanted to share a table with Min Ting.”
“Share a table?” Bai Shuangshuang sneered, “To think that she could think of such an excuse!”

“Did Min Ting agree when she asked to share a table?”

Qin Bailu nodded.

“Then, are you being bullied by her?” Before Qin Bailu could reply, she scolded her again, “You’re
the legitimate daughter of the Qin Family. How could you have suffered under a woman who has no
background and serves others with her looks!”

Qin Bailu didn’t say anything. Her face turned red and white.

Almost everyone in the capital knew Xi Fengling, and those who knew her knew that although she
had no background, she was not to be provoked. Even the Second Young Master of the Min Family
was under her protection.

She didn’t believe that her mother did not know about this.

Yet, she still said that to her.

However, she did not dare to refute her.

“It’s not just Xi Fengling. When Master Nine came, he even brought Yan Jinyu along.” Speaking of
Yan Jinyu, Qin Bailu couldn’t help but shiver.

Yan Jinyu clearly had a smile on her face, but there was no warmth in her eyes as she made the
throat-slitting action. That image was deeply imprinted in her mind.

As soon as she thought of it, she felt a chill rise from the bottom of her heart and spread to her
entire body.

Hearing this, Bai Shuangshuang uncrossed her legs, and frowned deeply, “The eldest daughter of the
Yan Family in North City?”
Qin Bailu nodded.

“Is Master Nine really treating her differently as the rumors said? He even brought her along to meet
Min Ting.”

“Yes, Master Nine treats her… very differently.” How was it just different? All these years, she had
never seen Master Nine treat any woman so well! He actually sat beside Yan Jinyu and kept putting
food into her bowl so gently!

Master Nine had never even treated that person in the capital like this before!

No, perhaps he did. She just didn’t have the chance to see it.

After all, Master Nine wasn’t someone who anyone could see just because they wanted to. Perhaps,
in a place that she couldn’t see, Master Nine might treat that person as specially as he treated Yan

That person was someone Master Nine cared about!

But no matter what, she had never seen how Master Nine interacted with that person in private.
However, she had seen with her own eyes how Master Nine treated Yan Jinyu differently.

As she thought about it, Qin Bailu felt fear and jealousy towards Yan Jinyu.

Bai Shuangshuang still found it hard to believe.

She had once seen Master Nine at the Yin Family and Min Family’s banquets. He was a fiend who
wouldn’t even give face to his elders. How could he really accompany a little girl to shop and eat like
the rumors said?

“Even if Master Nine really brought the daughter of the Yan Family with him, you wouldn’t be so
flustered. What else happened?”
“She… Yan Jinyu is very frightening!”

As Qin Bailu spoke, her body froze and then trembled. “Mom, I-I’m a little afraid. Yan Jinyu warned
me not to have designs on her man. If I continue to do this, I think she’ll kill me…”

“How dare she kill you?”

“I-I don’t know. I-It’s what she said.”

“You believe her just because she said so? Is that all you’ve got? She’s just a little girl who grew up in
a rural orphanage. What ability does she have to kill the dignified Miss Qin?”

“But Mom, Qiu Jian is still lying in the hospital. The injuries on Qiu Jian were all caused by Yan Jinyu.
Doesn’t this mean that Yan Jinyu really has some ability.

“Mom, is Yan Jinyu really as simple as we thought?”

Bai Shuangshuang’s expression froze, “So what if she’s not? She only knows a little about racing, how
much ability can she have? Not to mention that she was abandoned by her parents, even if she’s the
daughter of the Yan Family in North City, how can she compare to you? Don’t forget, you’re the
daughter of the Qin Family in the capital! The Yan Family in the capital, at most, is a second-rate
family, but our Qin Family’s status is above first-rate. We’re a top-notch family in the capital!”

“Besides, if I ask you to give up on marrying into the Yin Family and Master Nine now, will you

Qin Bailu was stunned. Then, a ruthless glint flashed across her eyes. “No! I definitely won’t give up
on Master Nine! I definitely won’t give up on marrying into the Yin Family!”

“Mom, I want to get rid of Yan Jinyu. I have to get rid of her!” Chapter 151: The Abandoned Factory

Bai Shuangshuang was just about to scold her for being unperturbed and losing her composure
when she saw Qin Bailu’s expression turn cold. “However, the matter of getting rid of Yan Jinyu is
not urgent for now. Mom, Qiu Jian said that someone is using me as a tool. Do you think her words
are trustworthy? Or is it that there’s no such person at all? Did Qiu Jian deliberately said that to
scare me because she was angry?”
Hearing that, Bai Shuangshuang’s hand that was lifting up the wine glass paused again, and an
unknown gleam flashed past her eyes. “The Qiu Family is bankrupt, and Qiu Jian has fallen to such a
state. How can you believe what she’s saying now? Don’t scare yourself!”

“Mom, do you mean that Qiu Jian is lying to me? There’s no such person?”

“Do you think your mother is someone to be trifled with? If someone really wants to scheme against
my daughter and use my daughter as a tool, how would I not know? Bailu, how did Mom teach you?
You must not be surprised when you encounter something. Your brain isn’t a decoration. Can’t you
feel if someone uses you as a tool?”

“Mom is right. If someone really used me as a tool, how could I not notice?” As she spoke, her
expression was sinister. “Good Qiu Jian, you actually dared to lie to me!”

She looked at Bai Shuangshuang, “Mom, can I ignore Qiu Jian? Whenever I think that it’s all because
of her that Master Nine has a bad impression of me, I can’t wait for her to disappear immediately!
Now, she actually came to lie to me! Even if I can’t make her disappear, I don’t want to be
responsible for her medical fees and let her take advantage of me for nothing!”


“Is that what I taught you? Everyone knows that you two are best friends, but you abandoned her at
her most difficult time. Do you still want your reputation after all these years?”

“I’m sorry, Mom. I got it now.”

The unwillingness in her eyes was seen by Bai Shuangshuang. She leaned lazily on the sofa and
swirled the wine glass in her hand. She took a sip of red wine, and an unknown gleam flashed past
her eyes, “However, since you don’t like Qiu Jian so much, there’s a way. It can protect your
reputation and you don’t have to care about her anymore.”

Qin Bailu’s eyes lit up. “What way?”

“Once and for all.”

“M-Mom means…” She wanted to do a throat-slitting action, but she suddenly remembered that Yan
Jinyu had done it before. She shuddered and quickly put down her hand that was raised halfway. Her
expression was a little stiff as she said,” Let’s end Qiu Jian straight away? ”

Bai Shuangshuang glanced at her, “Be smarter. Don’t let anyone find out about you.”

“I know, Mom, don’t worry! After her family went bankrupt, her parents brought her brother away
to avoid creditors. They have abandoned their seriously injured daughter in the hospital and she
attempted suicide in her despair. As for me, I’ve always been a kind person who will never abandon
my friends!”

“You’re not too stupid.”

“Then, Mom, what about Yan Jinyu? Since there’s no one who uses me as a tool, I don’t have to
spend too much effort on this matter. Then, can I focus on dealing with Yan Jinyu?” Yan Jinyu was
already one of the biggest obstacles in her path to marry Master Nine and enter the Yin Family. Now,
she was threatening her too. She couldn’t let her live!

“You can’t kill her the first time, and you still want to kill her a second time? Do you think Master
Nine is just for show? Since Master Nine wants to protect her, you shouldn’t target her for the time
being. It’s to prevent Master Nine from having a worse impression of you. Be smart. What you need
to do now is to change Master Nine’s impression of you! Even if Master Nine doesn’t like you, at
least don’t make him hate you.”

Qin Bailu clenched her fists unwillingly. “Yes, Mom.”

Bai Shuangshuang’s gaze landed on her again, “You don’t have to be anxious either. What’s yours
will be yours sooner or later. Don’t worry, Mom will help you. Besides, Mom did marry into the Qin
Family without any status or background. You’re the legitimate daughter of the Qin Family, aren’t
you more advantageous than Mom?”

“What you have to do is to know how to endure. While you work hard to fight for it, you have to
wait for the right opportunity. Now that Master Nine is beside Yan Jinyu, you can’t touch her but
can’t you touch others? It’s good to have one less enemy.”

Qin Bailu looked up at her in surprise. “Mom means… the Min Family…”
Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Bai Shuangshuang’s angry rebuke, “Idiot!”

Qin Bailu was shocked.

“The Min Family’s status is comparable to the Qin Family. Do you think that you can do anything to
the Min Family? I want you to deal with that woman! Didn’t you tell me that Master Nine has that
woman in his heart?”

“B-But Mom, isn’t that person… isn’t Master Nine protecting her? Master Nine sent someone to
protect her. I didn’t have the chance to do anything to her.”

“Can’t you look for an opportunity if you don’t have the chance? If she doesn’t go out, you’ll think of
a way to lure her out. Are those people still able to protect her if she goes out? As long as she isn’t
protected by them, there will be a chance to attack!”

“B-But, what method do I have to use to make her go out? It’s said that she hasn’t stepped out of
the house for eight years.” If she didn’t bump into them coincidentally, she would probably never
know that such an unknown person would be related to Master Nine and they seemed to have a
deep relationship!

Most importantly, Master Nine treated that person…

“Can’t you think of a solution yourself? Are your brains for show? I’ve taught you for so many years,
and you still want me to help you do everything?”

Seeing that Qin Bailu’s gaze seemed to be filled with “disbelief”, Bai Shuangshuang restrained her
emotions and said, “Don’t blame Mom for being ruthless. I have to give you a chance to practise.
When you really can’t deal with it, Mom will naturally help you. Just like this time, didn’t Mom
accompany you to North City and even spent a lot of effort to find an opportunity for you to get
close to Master Nine?”

“Who knew that you would be so useless? You ran back in a panic after being frightened by
“Forget it. Since the matter has already passed, there’s no point in mentioning it again. Since you
didn’t grasp this opportunity, I’ll find another chance to let you show your face in front of Master
Nine. I’ll book an afternoon flight back to the capital. You’re tired too. Go take a shower and rest for
a while. I’ll call you when it’s time.”

Hearing Bai Shuangshuang’s words, Qin Bailu finally restrained her slightly complicated emotions,
“Alright, thank you, Mom.”

She was definitely unwilling to accept it, but she also knew that Yan Jinyu wasn’t the only one who
was obstructing her from marrying into the Yin Family. Since she couldn’t deal with Yan Jinyu now, it
was the same for her to target someone else.

Furthermore, Qiu Jian actually dared to lie to her. She would definitely not let her off easily!

Qin Bailu stood up and left. Bai Shuangshuang looked at her back deeply, then lowered her eyes,
making it difficult for others to see the emotions in her eyes.

She took another sip of red wine.

She didn’t expect that the daughter of the Qiu Family, Qiu Jian, actually knew so much. Did she
accidentally hear it? Or did someone tell her?

It didn’t matter how she found out. She was destined to die.

Speaking of which, she was still glad that Qin Bailu had such a temper. Even if Qiu Jian knew the
truth, she didn’t tell her.

Although she said that she wanted Qin Bailu to deal with Qiu Jian, she was actually just eliminating
the suspicion. How could she let Qin Bailu meet Qiu Jian again?

She took out her phone and sent a message.

The content of the message: “Qiu Jian, the daughter of the Qiu Family, seems to know something.
She’s in the capital’s hospital. It’s more convenient for you to make a move and let her have an

In the southern suburbs of North City.

An abandoned old factory.

Yin Jiujin parked the car outside the factory. The two of them got out and saw ruins.

Looking at the dilapidated factory door, Yin Jiujin’s expression was tense as he stood rooted to the

Seeing this, Yan Jinyu walked forward and held his hand. She smiled at him, “Brother Nine, let’s go

Yin Jiujin looked at her deeply and moved his lips to say something, but he didn’t say anything in the

He held her hand tightly and led her slowly into the old factory.

However, she didn’t notice that when Yan Jinyu’s gaze landed on the old factory in front of her
again, her eyes suddenly darkened.

Back then, it was here that the kidnappers hid in the main door. Her parents took 100 million dollars
as ransom here. After knowing that they could only save one person, they chose to save Yan Jinyun
without any hesitation. Then, they exchanged with each other and left with Yan Jinyun.

They didn’t look at her or ask if she was okay. They didn’t even tell the kidnappers that they would
prepare the ransom immediately and ask them not to hurt her.

The kidnappers even had to shout when they were about to leave, “If you don’t get 100 million
dollars in ransom in a day, we’ll kill her!”
It could be said that if the kidnappers had not shouted, they might have forgotten that she was still
in their hands.

At that time, she was watching from the door.

No crying, no shouting, no arguing.

Until the kidnappers brought her back to the building in the factory.

Yes, a building. There were many abandoned old warehouses here with only one two-story building.
It seemed to be the place where the workers lived before the factory was abandoned.

Her emotions were inevitably affected as her thoughts drifted away. The frustration that she had not
felt for many days seemed to be slowly getting stronger again.

At this moment, Yin Jiujin suddenly stopped in his tracks and lowered his eyes to look at her. “Why
don’t we go back? Shall we come again in the future?” Chapter 152: The Danger Back Then

Yan Jinyu was stunned. She clearly didn’t show anything and even hid her emotions so well but yet
he could still sense it.

Was it because of his sharp perception, or was it just because he cared about her?

“Since we’re already here, why make another trip?”

“On the other hand, Brother Nine, before we go in, can you…” She smiled.” Kiss me first? ”

Yin Jiujin’s heart skipped a beat.

It was a heartache.

His heart ached for her.

The young lady was not someone who would ask for a kiss for no reason. At least, up until now, the
young lady had never asked for a kiss from him.

If she wanted to kiss him, she would always kiss him directly.

But now…

She looked calm on the surface, but she was probably feeling terrible deep down.

She was just an 18-year-old girl. How could she be so calm?

He let go of her hand and held her face, making her look into his eyes.

“Little Yu.”


“You don’t have to worry so much in front of me. You can laugh when you’re happy and cry when
you’re sad. This is your privilege as my fiancée.”

Yan Jinyu suddenly couldn’t hold back the smile on her face. She wasn’t that weak. She had clearly
endured so many difficulties. Why did she…

…feel like crying?

What a joke!

Ever since she had her memories, she had never cried. Now that she had skills and knowledge, there
was nothing that could stop her. Yet, she actually had the urge to cry!

Before she could think further, she felt a cool sensation on her lips.
Yin Jiujin had lowered his head and kissed her.

His lips were cold, but the kiss was warm. It warmed her heart.

His kiss was very gentle, so gentle that the frustration in her heart that she had not completely felt,
dissipated bit by bit. It was so gentle that for the first time since she had remembered, her eyes were

Yin Jiujin wanted to take a look at this old factory. He knew that Yan Jinyu’s mood would be affected
if she came here again, but he insisted on bringing her along.

Although he had changed his mind at the last minute, his determination to come here to take a look
had never changed. His intention to bring Yan Jinyu along had also never changed. He only wanted
to find a suitable opportunity to come over.

He knew that Yan Jinyu would remember those bad experiences back then, but he didn’t change his
mind about bringing her here. There were three reasons.

Firstly, he wanted to see the place where she was in trouble back then with his own eyes.

Secondly, he wanted to know how she had escaped from the two kidnappers who were much larger
than her back then.

Thirdly, he wanted to use his own method to completely get her out of that mental trauma.

Although he did not know exactly how her mental trauma came about, he knew that it was definitely
related to her past experience.

Usually, psychological trauma could stimulate a turn for the better after experiencing familiar

Although the process might be a little cruel, evasion was often not the solution.
Yin Jiujin was someone who was used to being ruthless to himself. When dealing with problems, it
was inevitable that he would choose a faster and more direct method.

All he could do was accompany Yan Jinyu and give her a gentle kiss when her emotions were

Like now.

After a long while, the kiss ended.

Yin Jiujin gently pulled her into his embrace.

After a while, he let go of her and lowered his head to kiss her forehead. “Tell me about what
happened back then?”

Then, he saw that her eyes were a little red and moist. Yin Jiujin didn’t say anything and just lowered
his head to kiss the corners of her eyes.

His kiss made Yan Jinyu’s heart skip a beat.

She didn’t avoid him and simply wrapped her arms around his waist. “Alright.”

“Brother Nine, follow me.”

She brought Yin Jiujin into the old factory and walked straight to a room on the second floor of the
only flat building in the factory.

The building was already very dilapidated, even more so than 16 years ago.

Fortunately, it was a brick house. Otherwise, it would have collapsed long ago.

Yin Jiujin allowed Yan Jinyu to lead him into the room.
The house was already very empty. Other than a few broken bricks and a few pieces of rotten wood,
there was nothing else on the dusty ground.

“A lot had changed here,” Yan Jinyu said.

“After those two kidnappers kidnapped Yun’er and I from the amusement park, they locked us here.
After that, the Yan Family brought the ransom over and we were brought downstairs together.”

“At that time, the door of the factory was not so dilapidated so it could be closed. The Yan Family
stood outside the door with the ransom, and the kidnappers brought us to stand at the door.”

Yan Jinyu smiled at Yin Jiujin. “I won’t mention anything that the outside world all knows.”

Wasn’t what the outside world knew about the Yan Family was them saving one daughter and
abandoning the other?

Yin Jiujin pursed his thin lips and restrained the emotions in his eyes as he looked at her silently.

However, she continued to smile and said, “After Yun’er was brought back to the Yan Family, those
two people brought me back here again.”

“Previously, Yun’er and I stayed in this room for half a day. Later on, I stayed here alone for half a

Hence, she was locked up for an entire day.

Had she eaten all day?

Just as Yin Jiujin thought that, Yan Jinyu said, “I think I didn’t eat anything then.”

“I know that this can’t go on. In addition, I heard the two kidnappers cursing. They seemed to be
saying that the Yan Family had called the police. I felt that I couldn’t continue like that.”
“I don’t know if they think that I’m too young to escape or something else. They didn’t tie me up.”

“This room wasn’t that clean back then. It was filled with wooden planks and bricks that had just
been removed.”

“I found something that looked like a rope and tied it at the two ends of the door. This door is pulled
open outwards. Basically, anyone who enters will be tripped by the rope.”

“I found a few small pieces of the wood planks from the wooden boards. They’re not big, but there
are many nails behind the door.”

“Then, I sat back and howled loudly.”

“The Yan Family had called the police. The kidnappers would definitely panic when I howled like
that. With the darkening of the sky and them panicking, they couldn’t see clearly. Hence, they didn’t
pay attention to their feet. They tripped over the rope and fell onto the wooden boards filled with

“The kidnappers were quite skilled. They avoided the planks quickly and weren’t very seriously
injured. I picked up the brick on the ground and knocked him out before he could react.”

Yin Jiujin’s eyelids twitched when he heard that.

“The first one was easy to resolve, but the second one was difficult. Fortunately, I was lucky. That
person slipped and fell on the wooden board. I knocked him out again.”

She said it lightly, but it made Yin Jiujin’s heart pound.

She was just a child, and she was fighting with an adult. Furthermore, she had knocked out a man.
Most probably, she was already exhausted then.

Moreover, that man was skilled. It was obvious how dangerous the situation was then!
Yin Jiujin didn’t dare to think too much about it.

He tightened his grip on her hand.

Yan Jinyu, who sensed the change in his mood, gave him a big smile. “Brother Nine, don’t worry. It’s
all in the past.”

“Later on, I left here and met people from Ghost Slaughter Island.”

“That was what happened then.”

Yin Jiujin looked at her deeply before pulling her into his embrace and hugging her tightly.

Yan Jinyu was about to say that it was over when she realized that his arms that were hugging her
seemed to be trembling. Yan Jinyu’s body couldn’t help but stiffen, and she sighed inwardly.

Yin Jiujin wasn’t like the famous Yin Jiujin that others knew at all.

The Yin Jiujin that everyone knew was dignified and ruthless.

“I’m sorry,” Yin Jiujin said.

Yan Jinyu looked up at him in confusion, “Sorry for what?”

“You’re my fiancée. I have the responsibility to protect you, but I failed you.”

Yan Jinyu chuckled, “Brother Nine, what are you talking about? How old were you back then?”

“Eight years old.”

“Yes, you were only eight years old. You were still a child.”
“I was a child when I was eight. What about you when you were two? How scared and desperate
were you then?”

Yan Jinyu tightened her grip on the corner of his shirt.

Fear and despair…

No matter how smart she was, she was only two years old. Under such circumstances, of course, she
would have those emotions.

However, Yin Jiujin was the first person to say that out loud.

Even after she returned to the Yan Family and met so many people who either hated or cared about
her, no one asked or mentioned that to her.

Of course, it could also be because those who hated her were too lazy to mention it while those who
cared about her were afraid that if they mentioned it, it would remind her of her unhappy past.

“Besides, I was not young when I was eight years old. I even knew what kind of person I wanted to
be and what kind of life I wanted to have.” He joined the army when he was eight years old.

The Yin Family didn’t have any military background even after tracing back to their ancestors.

He found the direction of his life by himself.

Although later on… at the beginning, it was indeed a path that he thought he would take for the rest
of his life.

“I only blame myself for not seeing you sooner and being interested in you earlier.”

“It’s not too late now,” Yan Jinyu said. “Just treat me well in the future.”
Yin Jiujin looked at her. “Yes, I’ll treat you well in the future.”

With that, the kiss landed again.


At the North City airport, Bai Shuangshuang, who was about to board the plane, suddenly received a

Nobody knew what the other party said, but she suddenly stopped in her tracks. “What?! She’s
gone?!” Chapter 153: The Gentle Second Young Master

If she was not at the airport, and there were so many people around, and she needed to maintain
her image, Bai Shuangshuang’s voice might be even louder, and she might even look angrier.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Shuangshuang suppressed her anger, “Find a way to find her first, I’ll go
back to the capital now!” After saying that, she hung up.

Qin Bailu, who was following behind her, was puzzled.

She had never seen her mother so angry outside in her life. Her mother had always taught her that
she had to maintain the bearing of an influential family’s daughter and not lose her bearing.

But now, her mother…

“Mom, is something… wrong? Who can’t be found?”

Bai Shuangshuang turned back to look at her, “The hospital called. Qiu Jian is missing.”

She had just called to get rid of Qiu Jian three hours ago, and now, she was gone. She didn’t think
that with Qiu Jian’s serious injuries and the Qiu Family no longer cared about her, she could still
disappear from the capital’s hospital silently!
She didn’t know how much Qiu Jian knew about Qin Bailu being used by others. What if…

She didn’t know how much Qiu Jian knew about Qin Bailu being used by others. What if…

“She’s gone?” Qin Bailu was surprised.

However, why would the hospital call her mother when Qiu Jian was missing?

Although she was puzzled, it was not what she was most concerned about now.

Her mother would never do anything to harm her.

“Why did she disappear? Did the hospital say who took her away? Or because she knew that I was
going to… so she escaped?”

“That’s possible. I only had this thought today. Other than Mom and me, no one else knows. Qiu Jian
definitely wouldn’t know.”

“Besides, even if she knew, she was seriously injured and her hands and feet were covered in
plaster. How could she have left the hospital alone?”

“Can’t it be a friend or relative who came to take her away?” Bai Shuangshuang couldn’t not care.
The other side was saying that they were already prepared. Just as they were about to make a move,
Qiu Jian had disappeared.

She was already worried that Qiu Jian had disappeared on her own. If someone with ulterior motives
had taken Qiu Jian away…

“No! After the Qiu Family went bankrupt, the people that Qiu Jian got to know in the past had long
stopped interacting with her. No one would offend Master Nine for an unimportant Qiu Jian.” She
didn’t dare to either. She only relied on her status as the daughter of the Qin Family, but she knew
that someone like Master Nine definitely wouldn’t find trouble with her just because she helped Qiu
Jian pay for the medical fees when she couldn’t even pay the hospital bills.
Of course, these words were all told to Qin Bailu by Bai Shuangshuang.

No matter what Bai Shuangshuang’s purpose for saying this to Qin Bailu was, this was not wrong. Yin
Jiujin wasn’t so free as to pursue Qin Bailu, who was also unimportant to him, because of an
unimportant person like Qiu Jian.

Bai Shuangshuang knew Qiu Jian’s recent situation, so she naturally believed Qin Bailu’s words. She
only asked this because she hoped that Qiu Jian was only taken away by friends or family.

“Let’s go back to the capital first.”


In the basement of a villa in the capital.

Qiu Jian, whose arms and legs were covered in plaster, lay on the white bed and slowly woke up.

The moment she opened her eyes, she saw a man in a white coat with his back facing her. At that
moment, the man was fiddling with the various bottles on the shelf in front of him.

The moment she opened her eyes, the man turned to look at her.

He was a very good-looking man who gave people a gentle feeling.

He had a smile on his face and looked very gentle.

However, when he smiled at her, she felt her scalp tingle.

She knew this person—Min Rufeng, the illegitimate son of the Min Family!

Didn’t they say that Min Rufeng wasn’t very capable and was someone who only relied on his family
and woman?
If he was really such a useless person, how could he have brought her out of the capital’s hospital

She remembered that at the last second before she fainted, he suddenly appeared in her ward and
waved at her. She simply fainted at that!

No matter how silly she was, she could guess that she must have been drugged.

She should not think about this for now. Why did the Second Young Master of the Min Family
specially bring her here? It couldn’t be that Second Young Master Min had some perverted fetish
and wanted to use her to practice, right?

When she saw Min Rufeng holding something that looked like a bottle of medicine in one hand and a
scalpel in the other, Qiu Jian felt that it was very possible. She was so frightened that she could rely
on her waist strength to sit up!

She moved back until her back was against the wall behind the white bed’s curtain. There was no
way to back anymore!

Her eyes were filled with fear. “W-What are you trying to do? W-Why am I here?”

Min Rufeng’s expression did not change at all when he saw her actions. He calmly and elegantly put
the medicine bottle and scalpel back on the nearby shelf before turning his gaze to her again. His
eyes were calm and he had a smile on his face. “You’re awake?”

He pulled a chair at the side and sat down. His posture was a little lazy and vaguely noble. “Since
you’re awake, I should ask what I want to know.”

“W-What do you want to know? You can ask me whatever you want to know in the hospital. Why
did you bring me here? Second Young Master Min, I have never interacted with you before, nor have
I made any grudges with you. The Qiu Family is also gone. I don’t think there’s anything on me that’s
worth you spending so much effort to bring me out of the hospital for!”

“You should be glad that I happened to pass by and you happened to have some value. Otherwise,
you…” Min Rufeng smiled gently.” You would have been a dead body long ago. ”
Qiu Jian’s body turned cold. “D-dead body?”

“S-someone wants to kill me? Could it be that Master Nine wants to kill me? Or is it Yan Jinyu?”

Min Rufeng’s warm smile faded slightly. “You’re rather shameless.”

“Even if it’s the Qiu Family, Yin Jiujin only had to use his mouth to make it disappear from the capital
completely. You’re a daughter that the Qiu Family no longer cares about. Are you worthy of Yin Jiujin
killing you? Or worthy of Yan Jinyu killing you?” The last sentence was the main point.

Not worthy.

Qiu Jian knew that very well.

Not to mention Master Nine, even Yan Jinyu probably disdained to kill her.

If Yan Jinyu wanted to kill her, she would have killed her when she ran to North City to find trouble
with her. She wouldn’t have only injured her.

Later on, she was in the capital’s hospital. If she wanted to kill her, there were many chances.

But she was still alive.

“Then, then who wants to kill me? I didn’t offend anyone.” [Or are you lying to me? No one wants to
kill me?]

Of course, Qiu Jian didn’t dare to say the rest.

“You have to ask yourself that then.

“…Could it be Qin Bailu? No matter how petty Qin Bailu is, she’s not so petty that she would kill me
because I fall out with… her.”
At this point, Qiu Jian suddenly paused, and then her face turned pale.

“Perhaps, Qin Bailu really wants to kill me. Since she wants to protect her good reputation and
doesn’t want to care about me, the best solution is to kill me. Then, she will utilize her identity as my
good friend and shed a few tears. This way, not only will her reputation not be affected, but she
might also gain a lot of connections and make her good reputation rise even higher.”

The more she spoke, the colder Qiu Jian’s heart became.

She had a self-deprecating smile on her face.

“You’re wrong about that. I heard that Qin Bailu is in North City now.” Fengling told him this. Just
before he happened to see someone attacking Qiu Jian, Fengling called him and told him about what
happened after she arrived in North City.

This included meeting Yin Jiujin and confirming that Yin Jiujin had really taken a fancy to Little Yu.

Under the circumstances where Qin Bailu was so frightened that she fled, how could she have the
mood to plot and kill? Even if she did, Qin Bailu, the Second Missy of the Qin Family, wasn’t capable
enough to do as she pleased in the Min Family’s territory.

The Imperial Capital Hospital was part of the Min Family’s territory as they held an 80% share of it.

Qin Bailu was in North City?

Qiu Jian was slightly stunned.

Then, if someone really wanted to take her life today, the possibility of it being Qin Bailu was not

“If it’s not Qin Bailu, who could it be…”

As she spoke, she looked increasingly shocked. Obviously, she had suddenly thought of something.
“Could… could it be…”

“Who is it?” If Qiu Jian wasn’t someone that Yan Jinyu wanted to keep even after she tried to
assassinate her, Min Rufeng really wouldn’t care if she was dead or alive.

He knew that Yan Jinyu might still have a use for Qiu Jian like Qin Bailu.

Since she was still useful, and he happened to bump into her at the capital’s hospital, he naturally
had to keep Qiu Jian alive first.

Furthermore, the person who wanted to kill Qiu Jian was…

Qiu Jian was already worthless now, but that person didn’t hesitate to spend so much effort to kill
her. Perhaps, he could ask something useful out from Qiu Jian.

“I-it’s Aunt Bai?!”

Meeting Min Rufeng’s gaze that was looking over calmly, Qiu Jian hurriedly calmed down and
explained, “Aunt Bai is Qin Bailu’s mother, Bai Shuangshuang, the wife of the head of the Qin

Hearing that, Min Rufeng smiled gently. “Oh?”

Since when did the wife of the head of the Qin Family have such a good relationship with his father?
Chapter 154: The Value Of The Information

She actually made Min Guili not hesitate to destroy the surveillance cameras on the entire floor in
his hospital and seriously plan to kill a small fry like Qiu Jian.

However, it seemed like Qiu Jian didn’t know that the person who really attacked her was not Bai
Shuangshuang, but Min Guili.

“Why did she want to kill you?”

Seeing her hesitation, Min Rufeng continued to smile warmly and said, “Of course, you can choose
not to tell me. If you leave here, what awaits you is death.”

He had such a gentle expression, but the words he said were so frightening.

Qiu Jian looked at Min Rufeng and a sense of fear slowly rose from the bottom of her heart.

“I-I can tell you, but you have to guarantee my safety.” Qiu Jian mustered up the courage to say this
because the fear she had for Min Rufeng was real.

“Are you qualified to negotiate with me?”

Qiu Jian’s expression froze and turned pale.


She had no right to negotiate with him!

“Either you tell me or leave now. The choice is yours.”

“…I’ll talk! But before that, I have something to ask Second Young Master Min.”

Min Rufeng signaled her with his eyes.

Qiu Jian gritted her teeth, “Why did Second Young Master Min save me?” Min Rufeng didn’t have
any relationship with her, so it was impossible for him to simply save her. And Min Rufeng didn’t
know that Bai Shuangshuang wanted to kill her, so naturally, he wouldn’t have saved her because
she was the person Bai Shuangshuang wanted to kill.

Min Rufeng suddenly decided to be kind and do the right thing?

That was even more impossible.

Min Rufeng might look gentle, but in fact, after just a short interaction, she could already sense that
he was not a kind person.

“Miss Qiu, you must have forgotten that the Imperial Capital Hospital belongs to the Min Family. If
someone wants to kill someone in the Min Family’s territory, isn’t it akin to provoking the Min
Family’s authority? Since I’m a member of the Min Family and happened to see it, how can I ignore
it?” Min Rufeng said very casually, making Qiu Jian completely unable to tell if his words were true
or false.

Looking at him suspiciously, Qiu Jian said, “I don’t know the exact details. One day, I was in a bad
mood and I asked the nurse to find a wheelchair to push me out of the ward. I saw Bai
Shuangshuang at the corner of a corridor and was about to call her. However, I heard that she
seemed to be talking to someone, so I didn’t disturb her.”

“But the more I listened, the more I felt that something was wrong. So, I sent the nurse away and
continued listening.”

“Who was the person talking to her?” Min Rufeng asked.

Qiu Jian shook her head. “I couldn’t see him. They were standing at the corner of the staircase.”

Min Rufeng didn’t probe further and quickly changed the topic. “What did she say?” It was as if that
earlier question was just a spur of the moment.

Qiu Jian couldn’t read his mind at all.

“He said let Qin Bailu test the water first and find out what Master Nine thinks about Yan Jinyu. If
Master Nine doesn’t care about Yan Jinyu, then let Qin Bailu settle Yan Jinyu first. They don’t have to
touch her themselves. If Master Nine values Yan Jinyu and attacking Yan Jinyu has angered Master
Nine, Qin Bailu will be the one to suffer too.”

“She even said that even if Qin Bailu can’t deal with Yan Jinyu, she still has a lot of uses. There are
countless ladies in the capital who are coveting the position of the Yin Family’s Second Young
Madam. Let Qin Bailu be the one to get rid of them.”
Qiu Jian could not understand why Bai Shuangshuang would treat Qin Bailu like this.

No matter what, Qin Bailu was Bai Shuangshuang’s biological daughter, but Bai Shuangshuang

At the same time, she felt Qin Bailu deserved it while feeling sorry for her at the same time.

She had heard that on the day she officially fell out with Qin Bailu. She wanted to tell Qin Bailu about
it, but Qin Bailu actually fell out with her.

She knew that Qin Bailu trusted Bai Shuangshuang, her mother, deeply, and after knowing that
someone was using her as a tool, she would definitely tell Bai Shuangshuang. At that time, Bai
Shuangshuang would definitely know that she had heard something that she shouldn’t have, and
would definitely not let her off easily.

It was also because she was so angry with Qin Bailu that day that she said everything to make herself
happy. She regretted it after that.

At first, she was a little worried, but nothing happened. In addition, the Qiu Family’s members kept
coming to make trouble for her every other day, so she slowly ignored this matter.

“Bai Shuangshuang wants to kill me probably because she’s afraid that I’ll tell Qin Bailu about this.”

“There are many wealthy young ladies in the capital who are coveting the position of the Yin Family’s
Second Young Madam?”

Qiu Jian was stunned.

She couldn’t understand what Min Rufeng’s focus was. She had said so much, but Min Rufeng only
heard that? Could it be that the other things she said weren’t more important than this? Also, wasn’t
the fact that many young ladies in the capital wanted to marry into the Yin Family and Master Nine,
well known by all?

After all, with the Yin Family’s background and Master Nine’s dazzling character…
Besides, what did the fact of the wealthy young ladies coveting the position of the Yin Family’s
Second Young Madam have to do with him, the Second Young Master of the Min Family?

He was a man, so it was impossible for him to have any designs on Master Nine.

Was it because of his half-sister, Min Sisi?

No, Min Rufeng and Min Sisi’s relationship did not seem to be that good.

However, regardless of why Min Rufeng cared more about this, she couldn’t and didn’t dare to ask
further now. She suppressed her emotions and nodded. “Yes, there are many. Qin Bailu is the most

As for Min Sisi, she didn’t seem to have any feelings for Master Nine.

Even though Min Sisi was Madam Yin’s candidate for her daughter-in-law.

Although Min Rufeng was still smiling, the emotions in his eyes were a little ambiguous. “The
wealthy young ladies? Don’t they know that Yin Jiujin has a fiancée?”

Yin Jiujin…

This was not the first time she had heard Min Rufeng call Master Nine by his full name.

Not many people in the capital dared to call Master Nine by his full name.

“Everyone knows that Master Nine is engaged to the eldest daughter of the Yan Family in North City.
However, although the Yan Family is the number one family in North City, it’s not influential enough
in the capital. Furthermore, the eldest daughter of the Yan Family, Yan Jinyu, grew up in the
countryside and wasn’t liked by her parents… Perhaps, no one takes her seriously at all.”

Before she was seriously injured by Yan Jinyu, she was also one of those people who didn’t take Yan
Jinyu seriously.
In the end…

No, even until now, she still felt that Yan Jinyu wasn’t worthy of Master Nine!

However, due to Master Nine’s protection of Yan Jinyu and the inexplicable fear in her heart towards
Yan Jinyu, coupled with the fact that the Qiu Family was gone and Qin Bailu was such a hypocritical
fake, she was already very disappointed.

She no longer had the mood to care about Master Nine and Yan Jinyu anymore.


Min Rufeng’s ambiguous sneer frightened Qiu Jian. She thought that her words had angered him.

She looked up at him carefully.

“They don’t take her seriously? Yin Jiujin is the one who isn’t worthy of her!”

Qiu Jian looked at Min Rufeng in a daze.

If she didn’t know that Min Rufeng had a lover , she would have thought that Min Rufeng liked Yan
Jinyu when she heard him say that!

After a long while, Qiu Jian asked hesitantly, “Second Young Master Min… knows Yan Jinyu?”

Min Rufeng did not respond and simply glanced at her.

With just one look, he successfully made Qiu Jian shut her mouth. “I’m sorry, Second Young Master
Min. Take it that I didn’t ask.” She wasn’t stupid. How could she not see that Min Rufeng really knew
Yan Jinyu?

She was puzzled and shocked.

What puzzled her was that Min Rufeng had also been missing for a few years. Did he and Yan Jinyu
get to know each other during the years that she was missing?

What was shocking was that the Second Young Master of the Min Family, who everyone thought
was useless, actually had such a different side to him. The way he could make people feel cold simply
by smiling and chatting. And Yan Jinyu the country bumpkin, who everyone thought was useless in
the countryside, was also not normal.

Was there a connection between the two of them?

Qiu Jian didn’t dare to think further.

She knew that if the two of them were really related, it would definitely be extraordinary if they
could hide themselves from everyone at the same time. It might even be beyond her understanding.

“I-I’ll sell Second Young Master Min one more piece of information. Could Second Young Master Min
give me a sum of money and send me overseas…” Cold sweat broke out, but she still mustered up
the courage to finish saying,” Don’t be in a hurry to reject me. I’ll tell you my information first. If you
think that my information is worth this price, then it won’t be too late to agree. If you think that it’s
not worth it, just treat it as a joke and just listen to it casually. There’s no need to take it seriously. ”

“It’s information about Master Nine!”

Qiu Jian was taking a gamble.

Whether Min Rufeng continued to trap her in this basement or let her out, it was not what she

She didn’t want to be trapped here for the rest of her life, nor did she want to lose her life the
moment she went out so she had to take a gamble for herself!

She could tell that Min Rufeng didn’t care about Master Nine, but Yan Jinyu!
He cared about Yan Jinyu, and Master Nine was Yan Jinyu’s fiancé. He would definitely be interested
in Master Nine’s information!

Min Rufeng said calmly, “You’re a smart person.”

“If you had been so smart earlier and not provoked someone whom you shouldn’t have, you
probably wouldn’t have ended up like this.”

Qiu Jian was silent.

She was really stupid in the past. She treated Qin Bailu so well and even personally went to North
City to look for Yan Jinyu so that Qin Bailu wouldn’t feel sad for carrying a torch for someone

However, in the end, her home was gone, and Qin Bailu’s hypocritical nature was exposed.

The person she hated the most was not Master Nine or Yan Jinyu, but Qin Bailu!

However, she had already seen through a lot of things since she arrived today and would no longer
pick a losing battle.

She couldn’t beat Qin Bailu and could be in danger at any time.

All she could do now was try her best to survive and watch Qin Bailu court death step by step and
end up in a worse state than her!

Of course, she didn’t hate Yan Jinyu the most, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t hate her.

Everything that she was suffering now was caused by Qin Bailu and thanks to Yan Jinyu!

No matter if it was Qin Bailu or Yan Jinyu, she didn’t want either of them to have a good life!

Min Rufeng glanced at her calmly. “Tell me about it.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t take your information for nothing. If your information is valuable enough, I’ll
give you a sum of money and send you overseas.”

“The Lingering Garden. The person in Master Nine’s heart is staying in the Lingering Garden.”

After saying that, Qiu Jian hurriedly looked at Min Rufeng’s expression, but she couldn’t see anything
from his face.

He simply leaned lazily against the back of the chair and tapped his fingers on the armrest.

“Is that so?” he said.

It was emotionless, but inexplicably frightening.

“Y-yes. Qin Bailu and I went to the Lingering Garden once and saw it with our own eyes.”

Min Rufeng looked up at her calmly and asked with a smile, “What did you see?” Chapter 155:
Jinyu’s Gift

“I saw her crying in Master Nine’s arms, but Master Nine didn’t push her away. If Master Nine didn’t
really care about that woman, how could he possibly allow her to cry in his arms?”

“What were they talking about?”

“I was too far away to hear them.”

“That woman is from the Yin Family?”

Qiu Jian hurriedly shook her head. “No, there was no girl among the younger generation of the Yin
Family. Besides, that woman is an actor in the garden. If she’s a member of the Yin Family or is
related to the Yin Family, why would she be an actor in the garden?”
The Lingering Garden Garden was the largest Beijing opera garden in the capital.

“Moreover, as long as Master Nine returns to the capital, he will definitely go to the Lingering
Garden for a while. This is something that everyone who knows Master Nine in the capital knows

Min Rufeng knew about this too.

Even after he brought Little Yu back to North City some time ago and passed by the capital after
leaving North City to deal with the trouble Huo Xuan created, Yin Jiujin had also gone to the
Lingering Garden once.

Min Rufeng’s warm smile deepened as he thought about it.

It was best that it wasn’t. Otherwise…

“What’s that woman’s name?”

“Yu Qingwan! Her name is Yu Qingwan!”

“It’s said that she was an orphan and was adopted by the owner of the Lingering Garden. She grew
up in the Lingering Garden. On the surface, she’s the star of the Lingering Garden, but in reality, her
status in the Lingering Garden is equivalent to that of the eldest daughter.”

Seeing that he was interested, Qiu Jian couldn’t help but say more. After all, this was her only

“Do you know the consequences of lying to me?”

Looking into his smiling eyes, Qiu Jian couldn’t help but shiver. She hurriedly said, “I know! I know! I
swear I didn’t lie to you. I really saw it with my own eyes!”
Min Rufeng glanced at her and stood up. “Rest here for the night. I’ll get someone to send you
overseas tomorrow morning.”

He was about to walk out of the basement after speaking.

Qiu Jian was so shocked that she didn’t even have time to be happy. She hurriedly said, “Second
Young Master Min!”

“Anything else?”

Sweeping a glance at the gloomy basement, Qiu Jian’s face was filled with fear, “C-can I not live
here? This place is t-too scary.”

“I can get someone to send you out and even send you back to the hospital.”

Qiu Jian’s face turned pale, “…I-I’m sorry. I’ll have to trouble Second Young Master Min to send me
overseas tomorrow morning as promised.”


After leaving the basement, Min Rufeng didn’t stay in the villa for long. He drove away and headed
for his and Xi Fengling’s apartment.

The apartment was in the city. It was neither big nor small.

It was already nine in the evening when he came out from the bathroom after taking a shower.

Min Rufeng sat on the sofa and turned the ring on his left middle finger. No one couldn’t see what
he was doing, but at a certain moment, a faint light suddenly flashed on the ring. Then, a female
voice sounded, “Second Young Master Min, what’s the matter?”

Min Rufeng leaned lazily on the sofa. “Can’t I look for you if there’s nothing?”
Before the other party could speak, he said, “Little Yu sent me a message in the evening. Did you

The other party was silent for a long time before saying coquettishly, “Aiya, Fengfeng, there’s no
such thing. Don’t listen to Beauty Yu’s nonsense. I quit it long ago.” Her voice was charming and

Hearing that, Min Rufeng’s Adam’s apple moved, “When are you coming back?”

“In a few days.”

Min Rufeng said nothing.

She quickly corrected herself. “I’ll be back the day after tomorrow!”

Min Rufeng still did not speak. She gritted her teeth and said, “I’ll go back tomorrow! I’ll go back
tomorrow! This smoking matter will be over from now on!”

Min Rufeng remained silent, but the other party was getting impatient. “Min Rufeng, don’t push
your luck. Do you believe that I won’t go back for a year and a half! Hmph, you know that as long as I
want to hide, you won’t be able to find me at all!”

“Come back tomorrow and there won’t be a next time.”

“Let’s make this clear first. You’re not allowed to bring up old scores when I go back! It’s not like you
don’t know how good your stamina is. I can’t withstand your torture!”

Min Rufeng’s lips curled up, and his warm smile became a little dirty. “Yes, I won’t torture you.”

“I don’t believe your nonsense! You always say that, but when did you really do it? Every time you
won’t stop till you torture me to death!”

“I promise not this time.”

Xi Fengling snorted coldly, obviously not believing him.

“Let’s get down to business.”

“What business? Did that female doctor in your hospital ask you out for a meal again? If you dare to
eat with her while I’m not in the capital, you’ll be finished!”

Min Rufeng smiled helplessly. “How long has it been? Why do you still remember it?”

“It was only two weeks ago. How was it long? Did she ask you out way earlier?”

“You’re already so old, yet you’re still jealous of something that doesn’t exist.”

“Min Rufeng, don’t think that I can’t tell. You’re indirectly saying that I’m old! I’m only 23. How am I

“Yes, you’re not old anywhere.”

“…” Xi Fengling was silent for a few seconds.

“Let’s get down to business!”

Min Rufeng told her roughly what he learned from Qiu Jian.

After hearing that, Xi Fengling wasn’t as calm as Min Rufeng. “You said that Yin Jiujin has a woman
he likes?!”

“Don’t get excited yet. I’m not sure yet.”

“How can I not be excited! They’ve already hugged. Even if she’s not the woman Yin Jiujin likes, it’s
still unforgivable! Our Beauty Yu is a beautiful young lady who’s only 18 years old. She hasn’t even
been in a relationship before. She hasn’t even held a boy’s hand. What a huge loss!”
“You men are always like this! You’re all unsatisfied with what you have!”

“…” Min Rufeng was scolded for others’ mistakes.

She would only throw a tantrum in front of him.

However, on second thought, outsiders would only see her charming and strong side. Only he could
see her like this, so he let her be.

After patiently listening to her rant, Min Rufeng said, “Don’t tell Little Yu about this first.”

“Do you think I’m stupid? It wasn’t easy for me to see Beauty Yu like this. Would I spout nonsense
before I’m 100% sure? Speaking of which, Yin Jiujin doesn’t seem to be the kind of person who will
change his mind easily.”

Min Rufeng said calmly, “You’ve only met him once and yet you know him quite well.”

“Yo, yo, yo. Where did this strong sour smell come from? Min Rufeng, you’re even jealous of this.
You’re really good. That’s Beauty Yu’s man!”

“Not yet. He’s not someone who treats Little Yu wholeheartedly. He’s not worthy to be with Little

“That’s right. He’s not Beauty Yu’s man yet. I’ll go back tomorrow morning. I want to investigate Yu
Qingwan personally! I want to see who it is that actually dares to burrow into Beauty Yu’s man’s

“…Yin Jiujin isn’t yet.”

“I know, I know! Oh right, you were talking about Qiu Jian just now. I seem to remember that she
has caused trouble for Beauty Yu. Would you be so kind as to send her safely overseas?”

“It’s an equal exchange. I’m not someone who would take advantage of others.”
“ bullshit! How can I not know who you, Min Rufeng, are? Tell me, what exactly are your plans?”

“Some people might not be better alive than dead. Little Yu is lazy and doesn’t want to pursue
someone who tried to take her life, but I can’t just let it go.”

“I’ll decide where to send her overseas. I’ll also decide what kind of life she’ll lead in the future.”

“Hmph! That’s more like it!”

“Right, what’s going on with that Bai Shuangshuang and your so-called father?”

He had said so much, but she only remembered what was related to him at the end. She deserved a
lesson from him.

“I’m not sure yet. I still have to investigate.”

“Alright, wait for me to go back and investigate together. Min Rufeng, do you think Bai
Shuangshuang is one of your father’s close female friends?”

“Who knows?”

“It would be interesting if she is.”

“If that old woman from the Min Family finds out, the capital will probably be in a tizzy. The key is
that the other party is still the wife of the head of the Qin Family! I originally thought that Bai
Shuangshuang didn’t treat Qin Hao and his sister well, and because of Bai Shuangshuang, Qin
Chongwen didn’t treat the two of them well either. In the future, when Little Rain marries into the
Qin Family, she might feel stifled, but I didn’t expect Bai Shuangshuang to send such a huge handle

“Min Rufeng, your father is such a playboy. Don’t tell me you could inherit it from him?”

“I’ve given you all my love life.”

“…” Xi Fengling


In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

On this day, Yan Jinyu woke up an hour earlier than usual. She took something out of the drawer and
leaped from her balcony to the balcony of Yin Jiujin’s room.

It was dawn.

Her vision wasn’t very clear.

She fumbled around and silently slipped in through the open window in Yin Jiujin’s room.

Ever since they came back from the abandoned factory in the southern suburbs, their relationship
had become even better.

In Mount Jing, the two of them were almost always together. Occasionally, Yan Jinyu would go to
the company with Yin Jiujin and they would kiss and hug whenever they had the chance.

Anyway, people like Lin Zimu and Cheng Lin, who often followed Yin Jiujin, had to watch them being
lovey-dovey every day.

Yan Jinyu finally polished and modified the ring that she wanted to give Yin Jiujin. After thinking for a
long time, she finally thought of giving it to him in such a special way.

Yes, it was even Yin Jiujin’s birthday today.

Originally, Yan Jinyu wanted to give the ring to him after midnight last night. However, Yin Jiujin was
a little busy yesterday and came back from the company very late. Yan Jinyu thought that he was
tired from being busy for the entire day, so she let him rest first. That was why she didn’t disturb him
in the middle of the night.
She waited till this morning.

After she slipped into the room, she could see Yin Jiujin sleeping soundly in the faint morning light.

She crept over.

She crouched by his bed and looked at him with her chin propped up on her hands.

She had undergone special training. After adapting to the environment in the room, she could
already see clearly with the faint light from the window.

Hence, she could see Yin Jiujin’s face clearly now.

The more she looked at him, the brighter the smile on her face became.

They had known each other for so long, but why did she still feel astonished every time she saw his

Yes, breathtaking. She hadn’t shown it in the past, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t stunned by
Yin Jiujin’s handsome face.

It was just that she was used to not revealing her true emotions most of the time.

She stared at him for a long time before picking up his left hand and putting the ring on his left
middle finger. She then lowered her head and kissed his fingertips. “Brother Nine, Happy Birthday.”

She knew that Yin Jiujin was awake.

He was so alert. How could he not notice her after she had sneaked into his room for so long? He
must have already woken up when she leaped onto the balcony of his room.
Indeed, when she kissed his fingertips, Yin Jiujin’s closed eyes slowly opened.

He stared at her quietly.

The next second, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto his bed gently.

He rolled over and trapped her under him, looking down at her. “Little girl, you’re really bold. You
actually dared to sneak into my room in the morning. Do you know what the consequences will be?”
Chapter 156: Breakthrough In Their Relationship

However, Yan Jinyu didn’t retreat. Instead, she raised her hands and wrapped them around his neck.
She smiled brightly, “What consequences will there be?”

Yin Jiujin caressed her face with one hand. “What do you think?”

And then the kiss.

Just as Yan Jinyu thought, Yin Jiujin had woken up when she leaped from the balcony of her room to
the balcony of Yin Jiujin’s room.

However, he did not panic. Up until now, no one had ever sneaked into Mount Jing, let alone into his

He guessed that it was her when he recalled that the first sound on the balcony came from the
balcony of her room.

He had been thinking that the young lady lived in Mount Jing and met Aunt Cheng every day, Aunt
Cheng would prepare many dishes in advance every year when it was almost his birthday. This year
was no exception. It was impossible for the young lady not to know that today was his birthday.

However, when he came back from work yesterday, the young lady returned to her room without
saying anything after he had dinner with her. She even told him to rest early after a tiring day.

At that time, he was even a little depressed.

So this was the surprise.

The girl had previously said that she would polish him a ring, but there was nothing for a long time.
There were a few times when he almost couldn’t help but remind her, but he swallowed his words
just as he was about to say them.

He did not expect that the young lady had secretly polished the ring.

Regarding that, the young lady’s skills were better than his. During the past few days, he didn’t see
any scars from polishing anything on the young lady’s hands.

She crouched beside his bed and stared at him. She simply put the ring on his hand and even kissed
his fingertips and said “Happy Birthday” to him. God knew how excited he was back then.

His heart was racing.

He wasn’t calm at all. He was like a young boy who had just fallen in love.

However, he didn’t show it on his face.

Following his heart, he pulled her onto the bed.

Actually, what Yin Jiujin didn’t know was that in order to give him a surprise, Yan Jinyu would
secretly hide in the room and polish the ring every day. In order not to let him notice, she was very
careful and tried her best not to get injured.

That was why it took so long to prepare a ring.

The kiss continued.

Yan Jinyu wasn’t stupid. Of course, she knew what would happen if she just walked over like that.
She did it on purpose.
The two of them had been together for so long. Every time they made out, Yin Jiujin would always
control himself. She knew that he didn’t want to hurt her, but he was someone she trusted. While
she indulged him, she naturally felt bad for him.

Since he was not taking the initiative, it was her turn to take the initiative.

She woke up early in the morning to take a shower and change into a pink fluffy princess dress that
didn’t match her taste.

Yin Jiujin had personally picked this dress for her on the day he brought her back to North City.

She hadn’t worn it once.

After so many kisses, Yan Jinyu had already completely mastered the breathing technique. This kiss
only ended after about 20 minutes.

After the kiss, Yin Jiujin placed his weight on her and buried his face in her neck. His breathing was
very heavy.

Yan Jinyu still had one hand around his neck, and the other slipped into his loose sleeping robe and
wrapped around his waist.

She only felt that his figure was very good.

She had a great time touching him.

After a long while, when her breathing calmed down a little, she turned her head and whispered into
his ear, “Brother Nine.”

“Mmm?” His voice was low and hoarse.

Sexy and seductive.

Yan Jinyu’s gaze was faint. Where was the clear and innocent look in her eyes now?

The corners of her lips curled up into a devilish smile.

Unfortunately, Yin Jiujin buried his face in her neck and didn’t see her.

“It’s too dark. Do you want to turn on the lights? Look at the ring and… look at me too?”

Upon hearing her words, Yin Jiujin’s grip on her slender waist tightened. She still said such words
under such circumstances. This young lady was really…

She was trying to kill him!

“…I’ll see you later.”

Yan Jinyu’s smile widened and she touched his ear lightly. “But Brother Nine, I’m wearing the pink
princess dress that you picked for me that day. Don’t you want to see it?”

Yin Jiujin’s body was already a little stiff, and his fingertips trembled when he heard her words.

He wanted to see it!

He really wanted to!

But in this situation, he knew that he could not look at her!

In front of her, his strong self-control was useless.

He had long realized that.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, he really wanted to.

However, the young lady was still young.

Just as Yin Jiujin was silent and motionless, Yan Jinyu exerted force and the two of them changed

At this moment, the sky was brighter than before. Yin Jiujin could see her clearly now that they had
changed position.

She was indeed wearing a pink princess dress. Her wavy black hair, which reached her waist, was
loose and free. Because of the kiss earlier, her dress and hair were a little messy.

Instead, it was such a mess and coupled with the faint smile on her lips, it made her linger between
purity and devilish.

It was very seductive.

Yin Jiujin felt that Yan Jinyu was bewitching, but Yan Jinyu also felt that Yin Jiujin was bewitching.

His pajamas had already been undone, and his eight-pack was exposed to her.

He was already handsome, and because of this kiss, there was a hint of desire in his obscure eyes.

He was even more seductive.

Yan Jinyu looked down at him, and her hand finally landed on his abs which she had been coveting
for a long time.

Yes, it felt good.

“Brother Nine, don’t you want to see me?”

Yin Jiujin’s fingers curled up. After a long while, he raised his hand and held her waist. “I’ve already
seen you.”

Yan Jinyu smiled. “You can take a closer look at me.”

Then, she picked up his left hand and pecked it. Then, she placed his hand on her heart and repeated
her words slowly, “You can still take an even closer look.”

Yin Jiujin had been trying his best to endure it, so how could he endure it now?

The young lady was really silly when she was silly, but she was really seductive when she was flirting.

He exerted force on her waist and the two of them changed their position again.

The kiss landed on her lips.

This time, it wasn’t just a kiss.

They became even more entangled.

In the end, Yan Jinyu’s fluffy pink princess dress was thrown to the floor.

However, Yin Jiujin ultimately had his own insistence. He forcefully endured it and didn’t break
through the last barrier.

However, they did everything else.

The sky was already bright when he stopped and pulled her into his arms.

The two of them were already naked.

“Why don’t you…”

Yan Jinyu lay in his arms and raised her shimmering eyes to look at him. She was about to ask when
his finger pressed against her lips.

He stared at her for a while before pecking her forehead gently. “It’s not time yet.”

“But Brother Nine, aren’t you uncomfortable?” The sweat on his forehead could clearly see his

“I may feel uncomfortable now, but I’ll get it back from you in the future.”

“Actually, Brother Nine, you don’t have to do this. Even if you don’t feel uncomfortable now, you can
do whatever you want in the future.”

“…” Yin Jiujin. This damn indulgent tone.

However, she was still staring at him with her pair of big round eyes when she said this. She looked
very sincere.

“Are you feeling sorry for me?”

Yan Jinyu nodded hurriedly. “Yes, I feel sorry for you.”

Yin Jiujin placed his palm on her face. “Since you feel sorry for me, help me then.”

Yan Jinyu was stunned, “Huh? How? You don’t want to…”

However, her eyes lit up and she said in realization, “Oh, I know how to help you. Other than being
skilled, killers are also very knowledgeable.”

“…” Yin Jiujin.

On this day, the two of them didn’t wake up early to run as usual.

They didn’t even get up early to have breakfast.

Aunt Cheng was someone who knew the rules. If one of them didn’t go downstairs, she might call
and ask first. She would only go upstairs to take a look if they didn’t pick up the phone.

She didn’t even call them when both of them didn’t go downstairs.

She returned the cold breakfast to the kitchen with a smile.

She tidied up and prepared to make lunch.

She specially stewed an old hen raised on Mount Jing.

At eleven o’clock, the stewed old hen was done. Suddenly, the sound of a car engine came from the
small courtyard. Aunt Cheng, who was cutting vegetables, and Uncle Cheng, who was assisting her,
looked at each other.

Uncle Cheng looked serious. “I’ll go take a look.”

The only people who could enter Mount Jing without informing them were the Yin Family.

Today was Second Young Master’s birthday. They, who had watched Second Young Master grow up,
naturally hoped that the Yin Family could come to celebrate his birthday with him.

However, the premise was that they were only here to celebrate Second Young Master’s birthday.

“I’ll go and see who it is. Don’t disturb Second Young Master first.”

Aunt Cheng nodded. “Yes.”

Of course, she would not disturb them. Even if the gods came, she would not disturb them. After
being together for so many days, she liked the innocent, beautiful, and innocent Miss Yu even more
than when she first saw her. She wished that Second Young Master and Miss Yu would cement their
relationship before they returned to the capital.

It would be best if they returned to the capital after Miss Yu reached her legal age and gotten their
marriage certificate. At that time, they would see what those people who wanted to interfere would

However, Aunt Cheng knew that it was obviously impossible to return to the capital after Yan Jinyu
turned 20 years old.

Yin Jiujin had long made plans to return to the capital.

If not for Yan Jinyu’s appearance, Yin Jiujin’s plan to return to the capital wouldn’t have been “within
one year, at most two years”.

Instead, he would return to the capital at most within half a year.


In Yin Jiujin’s black-and-white room, the two people on the bed were still hugging each other tightly.

The two people who were sound asleep opened their eyes at the same time when they heard the
sound of the car engine.

At that moment, their eyes were sharp.

It was not directed at anyone. It was just a habit that they had developed over the years.

When they saw the environment and the person lying beside them, the sharpness in their eyes
“Brother Nine, who can enter Mount Jing as they please?”

Yin Jiujin pinched her fingertips. “Someone from the Yin Family.”

“Don’t be afraid. You’re the mistress of Mount Jing. No one can bully you. If anyone makes you
unhappy, you can exercise your rights as the mistress.”

Yan Jinyu’s lips twitched. “Brother Nine, don’t you know enough about me? Are you afraid?”

“Speaking of which, Brother Nine, you’re the first person who can sleep soundly beside me.”

Yin Jiujin’s hand that was pinching her fingertips paused as he looked at her deeply. “Other than me,
who else was lying beside you?”

Yan Jinyu rolled her eyes. “…Is that important?”

Yin Jiujin let go of her fingertips and turned to gently pinch her chin. “Of course!” Chapter 157:
Moving In Together

“You’re mine. The person lying beside you can only be me!”

“Yes, yes, yes. It can only be you.” Yan Jinyu’s tone sounded a little helpless.

“However, Brother Nine, there were so many people on Ghost Slaughter Island in the early years.
The place where everyone slept was narrow and simple. It’s really impossible not to have someone
beside you.”

Before Yin Jiujin could say anything, Yan Jinyu smiled faintly and said, “However, after I was about six
years old, there weren’t many people left from my batch. The venue became more spacious, so no
one dared to lie beside me anymore. Not only that, but those people all looked like they wanted stay
as far away from me as possible.”

“There was a time when I suspected if I looked very scary. Later on, I specially went to ask Meimei
about it. Meimei looked at me strangely and didn’t say anything.”
“I was just asking casually. I didn’t get any results after asking, so I never asked again. However,
when I didn’t do anything, everyone seemed to think that I was easy to bully so I don’t think I look

Upon hearing her words, Yin Jiujin had no mood to be jealous.

He only felt sorry for her.

“You don’t look scary,” he said.

Not only did she not look scary, most of the time, she looked silly.

Yes, she was still a little cute sometimes.

“However, you do look easy to bully.”

Looking at Yan Jinyu’s slightly stunned expression, Yin Jiujin said, “It should be said that you don’t
look like you’re easy to bully. You’re really easy to bully. With your experience, how can you be so
careless toward a man? Not only did you sneak into someone else’s room, but you even allowed
others to bully you. Aren’t you afraid that you’ll really be taken advantage of and the other party
won’t take responsibility?”

“Also, aren’t you worried that I will harm you if you just lie beside me and sleep soundly?”

Yan Jinyu blinked and smiled at him. “But Brother Nine, will you?”

“Will you harm me? Will you not be responsible for me?”

“No,” Yin Jiujin said without hesitation.

“But even if I won’t, you’re a girl. You’re only 18 years old. You can’t trust others so easily…”
“So, Brother Nine, do you mean that you want me to not believe you and be wary of you?”

“…” Yin Jiujin.

“I’m talking about someone else!”

“But Brother Nine, you’re not anyone else. Besides, I’m only treating you like this. Who asked you to
be my fiancé?”

Suddenly, the smile on her face deepened. “Besides, Brother Nine, you won’t be stupid enough to be
irresponsible to me or even attack me. That won’t do you any good. Because even if that person is
you, it won’t be easy to kill me. And if you’re not responsible or even disadvantageous to me even
when I trust you so much. What do you think I’ll do?”

“Brother Nine, you’re my man. You’re still mine even when you’re dead.”

“So, Brother Nine, don’t give me a chance to attack you.”

“…” Yin Jiujin felt extremely complicated.

There was joy and shock.

But in short, he was still overjoyed.

She was so determined to make him her man and even said that he would be hers even if he died.

It was good that she had this awareness.

Although she was silly, she still had the number one killer’s aura when she was imposing.

She was the only one who dared to threaten him like this.
However, he enjoyed it.

He lowered his head and kissed the tip of her nose. “Yes, I’m yours.”

“I won’t give you a chance to attack me either.”

Yan Jinyu hugged his neck in satisfaction and kissed his chin. “Brother Nine, you can lie beside me in
peace in the future. I won’t hurt you. I’ll protect you.”

Yin Jiujin’s heart suddenly felt warm.


“Are you moving over?”

“Move to your room?” Yan Jinyu’s eyes lit up. Without thinking, she said, “Sure!”

Afraid that he would not be able to control himself and do something to her?

That didn’t exist at all.

She had wanted to give herself to him from the beginning, but he forced himself not to.

Since she was not even worried about that, what was wrong with living with him?

She could even rub his abs every day.

“You… agreed just like that?” Yin Jiujin didn’t expect her to agree so quickly. His feelings became
complicated again.

He was happy and yet at the same time, felt that she was silly.
Yan Jinyu smiled. “Yes, I agreed.”

“Brother Nine, aren’t you going to look at the ring I gave you?”

Upon hearing that, Yin Jiujin took his left hand out from under her head and looked at the ring on his
middle finger.

Actually, he had already taken a good look at this ring after she fell asleep from exhaustion.

There was a faint golden color in the silver, and the style was a little different from the one he had
given her. His ring looked more simple and elegant than hers, but one could still tell at a glance that
the two rings were a pair.

The inside of the ring he gave her was engraved with the letters “J & Y”, and the one she gave him
had the letters “Y & J”.

She had put in a lot of effort, be it in terms of material or design.

The ring that she had personally made had been modified according to what she had said.

Although he had figured out what modifications she had made in a short while, it was actually very
difficult to modify them on a tiny ring.

Yan Jinyu held his hand in hers. She explained as she demonstrated, “I put three things on the ring.”

“Firstly, it’s a locator. I don’t have to keep an eye on you all the time. You have to move the patterns
on the ring so that I can locate you. If you’re in danger and it’s inconvenient for you to communicate,
you can tell me your location through this.”

“The second is the communication device. You move the ring like this.”
Then, Yan Jinyu’s left wristwatch flashed with an inconspicuous light. She raised her hand to show it
to him. “Look, I can receive your message over here. We can talk now.”

She held the ring around her neck with her other hand. “I wanted to put my communication device
on the ring you gave me, but I remembered that you made the ring yourself. I wanted to maintain
the original appearance of the ring, so I modified my wristwatch slightly.”

“However, we can’t use this kind of communication often. It’s easy to be exposed. We shall use our
phones to contact each other under normal circumstances. This will only be used when there are
special circumstances.”

“The third is this.” Yan Jinyu changed the pattern on the ring again. Suddenly, something as sharp as
a blade popped out from the ring.

“This material is special. It’s sharp and will not be stained with blood. When necessary, it can be used
as a weapon for self-defense. This way, if you encounter danger and don’t have a weapon at hand,
you won’t be at a disadvantage bare-handed.”

“Yes, I remembered them.”

She looked up and met his deep eyes.

There was a meaningful look in his eyes.

Yan Jinyu’s heart couldn’t help but tremble.

“D-do you remember everything?”

“Yes.” Yin Jiujin’s thumb swiped across the ring on his middle finger. The blade-like item was
retracted and returned to the original slightly beautiful and slightly simple ordinary ring.

In the next second, Yin Jiujin rolled over and kissed her lips again.
He had actually figured out the mystery of this ring when the girl was asleep. At that time, he was
not calm.

Every assembly on this ring was the girl’s effort for him.

At that time, he couldn’t hold it in anymore. He ignored the fact that the girl was asleep and his lips
landed on hers.

Now that he heard it from the young lady again, he was still excited. Or rather, he was even more
excited than when he figured out the mystery on the ring himself.

He just wanted to kiss her.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get enough of it.

How could there be such a likable girl?


It was already two hours later when Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin showered, changed, and went

Four people from the Yin Family came. The four of them sat on the sofa in the living room and
waited for two hours.

They knew that Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin were upstairs, but who dared to call for them?

The four of them had different emotions.

However, three of them were rather calm. They were either drinking the tea Aunt Cheng made or
eating the fruits Aunt Cheng cut.

Only one of them had an increasingly ugly expression.

However, for some reason, she suppressed her anger and did not let Aunt Cheng go upstairs to call

This person was none other than Yin Jiujin’s mother, Min Qinglan.

A 52-year-old elegant wealthy lady.

Other than Min Qinglan, Yin Jiujin’s father, Yin Wuzhan, Yin Jiujin’s elder brother, Yin Yuhan, and his
sister-in-law, Qin Jianjia, were sitting in the living room.

Yin Wuzhan had been in a high position for a long time. He looked gentle, but he actually carried a
fierce aura.

Compared to Yin Jiujin, Yin Yuhan looked more similar to Yin Wuzhan.

They were both gentle people, but there was a sharp aura in their bones.

Yin Jiujin joined the army when he was young. He joined the business world after he was 16 years
old. Yin Yuhan walked the path of Yin Shuguo and Yin Wuzhan. He was only 28 years old now and
was already considered outstanding in his field.

He didn’t disgrace his status as the eldest son of the Yin Family.

As for Qin Jianjia, she was the typical daughter of a wealthy family.

There was always a standard smile on her face. She looked very easy to get along with, but when
they interacted, she would give people a difficult feeling to get close to. This kind of difficult feeling
was not because she was putting on airs and was difficult to get close to, but after interacting with
her, one would automatically feel that they were not on the same level as her.

She was indeed the eldest daughter of the Qin Family. She was full of natural elegance.

She could hold her status as the granddaughter-in-law of the Yin Family.
When Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin came down from upstairs, they saw the four of them sitting quietly on
the sofa in the living room.

The television was on but the volume was soft.

Yin Wuzhan and Yin Yuhan were watching the news channel. Qin Jianjia was elegantly eating fruits
while Min Qinglan sat on the sofa with a sullen expression. Just as she was about to lose her cool,
she picked up the teacup on the coffee table in front of her and took two sips.

The atmosphere was rather harmonious.

As the two of them came down the stairs, the four people on the sofa looked up at them.

They saw the two of them walking down the stairs side by side. Yin Jiujin had one hand around Yan
Jinyu’s waist and his posture was very intimate.

The four of them were stunned.

Holding back the surprise in her eyes, Min Qinglan put on the posture of a strict mother. “An hour in
the morning is worth two in the evening. You’re alone in North City with no family to guard you.
Jin’er, are you leading a life that you sleep until late in the morning?”

Yin Jiujin looked up calmly. Although the emotions in his eyes didn’t change, for some reason, Min
Qinglan couldn’t maintain the sternness on her face anymore.

Her expression fell a little, and there was even a hint of fear growing in her heart.

She moved her gaze away and didn’t dare to look at Yin Jiujin again. Chapter 158: The People From
The Yin Family

Therefore, she didn’t see a hint of sadness flash past Yin Jiujin’s eyes the moment she looked away.
Of course, this emotion quickly flashed past Yin Jiujin’s eyes. Even if Min Qinglan stared at him, she
might not notice it because the other three people in the living room didn’t notice it either.

However, Yan Jinyu did. She had sensed the change in his mood from the change in Yin Jiujin’s grip
on her waist.

When she looked at Min Qinglan with smiling eyes, her gaze was a little cold.

She had always only acknowledged the person she wanted to protect. She wouldn’t care about the
other party’s identity.

Not to mention others, she even looked at Old Master Yin with a dimmed gaze when she found out
that he had a conflict with Yin Jiujin.

If it wasn’t for the fact that she later saw Old Master Yin and Yin Jiujin’s way of interacting, as well as
the fact that Old Master Yin treated her completely like a grandfather treating a granddaughter, her
attitude towards Old Master Yin wouldn’t have changed.

Min Qinglan didn’t dare to meet Yin Jiujin’s gaze, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t dare to look at
Yan Jinyu.

After looking away from Yin Jiujin, her gaze landed on Yan Jinyu.

The weather was turning cold, but there was an air conditioner in the room, so the girl was wearing
a pink long dress. Her long hair reached her waist, and she looked pretty good. She had a very clean
smile on her face, and at first glance, she gave people a good impression.

She was not as unpresentable as she thought.

However, this was not enough. A marriage without a compatible family background, how many of
them could last?

Besides, apart from her family background, this girl was also not worthy of the Yin Family.
A girl who had led a wandering life for many years and grew up in the countryside without her
parents’ love and only had a junior high education. No matter how good her appearance was, she
wasn’t compatible with her son.

Jin’er was born in the Yin Family. His brother had shouldered the family’s mission. What he needed
to do was grow up under the endless love of his family.

However, Jin’er was an accomplished person. He insisted on joining the army at the age of eight and
even became famous in the army.

Although Jin’er insisted on retiring later on, he had also made a name for himself after transferring
to the business world. Up until now, others respected Jin’er even more than his father and brother.

The word “outstanding” was not even enough to describe such a Jin’er.

Only a girl with a good family background was worthy of him.

As she thought about it, Min Qinglan already didn’t think highly of Yan Jinyu. Her gaze then landed
on the bruise on her neck.

She frowned deeply.

The daughter of a good family wouldn’t be so loose!

When she saw that there were also marks on Yin Jiujin’s neck and collarbones, Min Qinglan’s “still
okay” attitude towards Yan Jinyu went to “dislike” and then finally to “disgust”.

Her son was very disciplined. He had never played outside for so many years.

How long had it been since the eldest daughter of the Yan Family returned to North City? Not only
did they start to cohabit, but she even made her son become like this!

When had Jin’er ever slept until noon?

They had rushed over from the early morning flight in the capital, but he was still not up!

She was only 18 years old. What would happen if she really married into the Yin Family in the

She looked pure, but she did not expect her to be so seductive. It seemed like her inner self wasn’t
as simple as she looked.

She had seen many pretentious girls in this circle.

They could only cheat the men.

They could not cheat her!

“Are you the eldest daughter of the Yan Family, Yan Jinyu?” With Old Master Yin passing on Yin
Jiujin’s words previously, no matter how much Min Qinglan disliked Yan Jinyu, she didn’t dare to
show it on her face.

Yan Jinyu looked at her and was about to speak when someone beat her to it.

Qin Jianjia stood up and smiled kindly and elegantly at Yan Jinyu, “You’re Yu’er? You’re indeed as
Grandfather said. You’re very beautiful and likable.”

Min Qinglan glanced at Qin Jianjia, but she didn’t say anything in the end.

She knew that Qin Jianjia was reminding her of the words Old Master had told her before they set
off for North City.

He said that if anyone provoked Yan Jinyu in North City and angered Jin’er, they would get lost from
the Yin Family.

She didn’t know what Old Master liked about Yan Jinyu. She was clearly just a daughter from a small
family who wasn’t even favored!
It was all the old lady’s fault. Why did she have to arrange a betrothal for no reason! Fine, it was
settled. Why did she go for such an unpresentable small family?

There were many families in the capital that were more suitable for marriage than the Yan Family!

Of course, she wasn’t going to force Jin’er to accept the girl that she preferred. After all, Jin’er was
her son. She could still tell who was more important to her.

She just wanted Jin’er to choose a girl with a good family background.

She might not have to be what she liked, but she had to be what she felt was worthy of Jin’er.

“I’m Qin Jianjia, Jin’er’s sister-in-law. You can call me sister-in-law like Jin’er.”

Min Qinglan was about to voice her disapproval after Qin Jianjia finished speaking. Qin Jianjia
hurriedly shook her head at her before she reluctantly retracted the words that she was about to

Of course, Yan Jinyu saw their interaction, but she wasn’t concerned. She glanced at Yin Jiujin and
saw that he wasn’t unhappy after hearing Qin Jianjia’s words.

In other words, he actually had a good relationship with his sister-in-law Qin Jianjia, or even more
precisely, with his brother Yin Yuhan.

She then smiled at Qin Jianjia, “Hello, Sister-in-law. I’m Yan Jinyu.”

Her confident attitude stunned Qin Jianjia, and the kind and dignified smile on her face became
more sincere. “You and Jin’er should be hungry, right? I think Aunt Cheng has already cooked. We
shall talk after you and Jin’er have eaten.”

“Yes, Sister-in-law, you guys haven’t had lunch either, right? If you don’t mind, we can all eat
If someone was kind to her, she would repay with kindness.

However, when she said this, not only was Qin Jianjia stunned, but everyone present, including Yin
Jiujin, stared at her.

She spoke casually, and it was just because of her using such a casual tone to say these words, she
brought out the air of the mistress of the house. As for Qin Jianjia and the others, they seemed to be
just guests of Mount Jing.

Qin Jianjia didn’t say anything, but she had a better impression of Yan Jinyu.

It was precisely because she had the airs of a mistress and did not give in that she wouldn’t be at a
disadvantage when she married into the Yin Family in the future, regardless of whether she faced
the Yin Family or outsiders.

Indeed, Qin Jianjia was an understanding person. Or rather, she knew Yin Jiujin well enough to know
that since Yan Jinyu was someone he had decided on, no one could influence his decision.

Rather than making a scene like eight years ago, it was better to follow Jin’er’s wishes.

Speaking of eight years ago, she had yet to marry into the Yin Family. To her, Jin’er was one of her
own, while the other members of the Yin Family were outsiders.

Because Jin’er was her younger brother’s best friend, and she wasn’t with Yin Yuhan at that time.

Yin Wuzhan and Yin Yuhan only glanced at Yan Jinyu. They didn’t say anything and their emotions
didn’t change much.

Only Min Qinglan disliked Yan Jinyu even more. She felt that Yan Jinyu couldn’t recognize her
identity. She had yet to marry into the Yin Family, but she was already putting on airs. The people
whom she was treating as an outsider were still Jin’er’s family!

As for Yin Jiujin, as he looked at Yan Jinyu’s exquisite side profile, the bad feeling that he had
suppressed in his heart earlier dissipated just like that.
There was a faint smile in his eyes. Clearly, he was very satisfied with Yan Jinyu, who had
unintentionally put on airs of the mistress.

“Of course not. It’s been a long time since I ate Aunt Cheng’s food. I’m craving it.”

“Jin’er,” Yin Wuzhan said indifferently to Yin Jiujin.

Yin Jiujin didn’t respond. He only slowly looked up.

His expression was calm.

“Are you planning to celebrate your birthday alone if we don’t come to North City? It’s already been
so many years, but you still remember what happened back then? You haven’t returned to the Yin
Family for your birthday in eight years.”

“I’m not alone,” Yin Jiujin said.

He pulled Yan Jinyu to his side. “I have my fiancée accompanying me.”

While Yin Wuzhan was stunned, Yin Jiujin spoke again with a serious tone, “Let me formally
introduce you. My fiancée, Yan Jinyu. She is also the wife I will spend the rest of my life with in the

It was an introduction, but also a disguised reminder and warning.

Yin Wuzhan and Yin Yuhan finally began to seriously size Yan Jinyu up.

Old Master Yin went back and told them that Yan Jinyu was Yin Jiujin’s acknowledged fiancée. The
impact on them wasn’t as big as when Yin Jiujin personally said that.

Furthermore, Yin Jiujin had said it in such a serious tone.

The two of them understood Yin Jiujin and knew that since he had taken a fancy to her, she
definitely wasn’t too bad.

Indeed, Yan Jinyu’s expression didn’t change at all when she saw the sharp gazes of the father and
son. She still had a smile on her face.

A sincere and clean smile.

Such a person was either very innocent or very unfathomable and kept her thoughts to herself.

Either way, it was very satisfying.

An innocent person had her advantages while a shrewd person had her advantage too. Both were
better than being a schemer without brains.

After all, she would not cause trouble if she wasn’t shrewd. She would have the ability to protect
herself if she was. She wasn’t like someone who was scheming and yet had no brains. She would
only cause trouble but had no ability to resolve it.

The two of them were satisfied, but Min Qinglan was not.

She felt that Yin Jiujin had been bewitched by Yan Jinyu.

However, no matter how dissatisfied she was, she didn’t dare refute Yin Jiujin at this moment.

“She’s a good girl,” Yin Wuzhan said.

Then, he looked at Yin Jiujin and continued, “Dad trusts your judgment. Since you’ve decided, find a
time to bring her back to the Yin Family for a visit.”

Without waiting for Yin Jiujin to reply, he smiled and asked Yan Jinyu, “Little girl, do you want to go
to the Yin Family to take a look?”
After Yin Wuzhan asked that, the three of them, including Min Qinglan, all looked at Yan Jinyu.

Min Qinglan couldn’t care less about her dislike for Yan Jinyu. Her eyes were filled with anticipation
when she looked at her.

They all knew that if Yan Jinyu said that she wanted to go, she definitely wouldn’t be going alone.

At that time, Yin Jiujin would return to the Yin Family.

Qin Jianjia exchanged a look with Yin Yuhan and quickly struck while the iron was hot. “That’s right.
Does Yu’er want to go to the Yin Family to play for a few days? I was just worried that I wouldn’t
have anyone to talk to at home every day. I grew up in the capital and am familiar with the capital. I
can even bring you to some fun places.” She had her own job. She was actually making it up by
saying that no one would talk to her at home.

“Jin’er lived at home until he was eight years old. There are many photos of him when he was young
at home,” Yin Yuhan answered.

At first, Yan Jinyu didn’t have any reaction after hearing what the others said. However, after hearing
Yin Yuhan’s words, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Photos of Yin Jiujin when he was young?

She really wanted to see them! Chapter 159: Disregarding Others

Seeing Yan Jinyu looking at him with glowing eyes, Yin Jiujin raised his hand and flicked her forehead.

This was the first time he had seen the girl so interested in anything other than yogurt.

“I’ve never liked taking photos. It was the same when I was young.”

“Oh.” Yan Jinyu raised her hand and rubbed her head that was hurting from his flick. She answered
gloomily. It was obvious that she felt that it was a pity.
She blinked and looked at him in anticipation. “But Brother Nine, are there really no photos? Not
even one?”

Yin Jiujin couldn’t stand her gaze. Who could bear to reject her gaze?

He looked away slightly. “No.”

Yan Jinyu didn’t suspect anything. Didn’t she have none as well?

Perhaps, there were some photos of her when she was two years old and still living in the Yan
Family. However, after her grandparents passed away, no one treasured her photos. Now, there
were probably no more photos of her left in the Yan Family.

“He’s lying to you,” Qin Jianjia said with a smile.

“Yu’er, don’t listen to his nonsense. Even if he doesn’t like to take photos, it’s impossible for him to
not have one. Not to mention the Yin Family, even the Qin Family has a photo of Jin’er and Hao’er.”

“Oh, you probably don’t know Hao’er yet. Hao’er is my younger brother. Didn’t Rainy go to North
City with Jin’er to meet you some time ago? Hao’er and Rainy have been engaged since they were

Yan Jinyu smiled. “I know. He’s the young master of the Qin Family.”

Qin Jianjia was stunned for a moment before she chuckled, “You know?”

“Yes, I get along very well with Little Rain. I’ve heard her mention it before.”

Now, Qin Jianjia was surprised.

She had interacted with Huo Siyu a few times. To be honest, she was not an easy person to interact
with. It was not that Huo Siyu’s personality was bad, but she could vaguely make people feel that
she was unapproachable.
Usually, it was her who gave people the impression that she was easy to get along with but was
actually hard to get close to. However, Huo Siyu was even worse than her.

It was hard to imagine that Huo Siyu would talk about her fiancé with others.

However, there was no need for Yan Jinyu to lie to her.

Moreover, she had indeed heard that after Huo Siyu arrived in North City, she seemed to be very
close to Yan Jinyu.

Could it be that the two of them had led a wandering life for many years and felt that they were in
the same boat?

As she thought about it, Qin Jianjia couldn’t help but look at Yan Jinyu more seriously.

No matter what the reason was, Yan Jinyu actually got along well with Huo Siyu, whom even she
found difficult to get close to. This meant that Yan Jinyu should be quite good herself.

Actually, putting everything else aside, the first time she saw Yan Jinyu, she felt that she was a likable

How should she put it? She probably felt that her smile was sincere and not fake.

Her smile was bright and her eyes were pure.

She did not seem to have so many roundabout thoughts, making people subconsciously lower their
guard against her.

In their circle, it was rare to see such a girl who gave people such good feelings at first sight.

Take her half-sister, Qin Bailu, for example.

She looked like a kind person who knew how to speak, had good manners, and maintain her status
as the Second Missy of the Qin Family. However, she knew exactly what Qin Bailu was thinking.

It was laughable that Qin Bailu naively thought that she was stupid and could not tell anything.

Last time, Qin Bailu specially called her because she wanted a legitimate reason to meet Jin’er.

Did she really think that she couldn’t tell? She even “foolishly” asked Grandma Wu to prepare two of
Jin’er’s favorite dishes for her to deliver to North City.

Naive. She did it on purpose.

Because she knew Jin’er’s temper. Not to mention Qin Bailu wasn’t a good person, just the fact that
Qin Bailu’s mother had flaunted her power in the Qin Family and caused her and Hao’er to be
ignored, it was impossible for Jin’er to have a good attitude towards Qin Bailu. Even if she had a
legitimate reason to meet Jin’er, Qin Bailu would definitely not be able to get any benefits.

Qin Bailu wanted to use her name to get close to Jin’er. Alright, she would fulfill her wish! As for
whether Qin Bailu could endure the consequences of infuriating Jin’er, it was none of her business.

Huo Siyu and Yan Jinyu got along well. If it wasn’t because they pitied each other, perhaps Huo Siyu
was like her and felt that Yan Jinyu was likable at first glance.

“I see. The two of you are about the same age. You should have a lot of common topics to talk
about. You can contact each other more often. Of course, you can also go to the capital to look for
Rainy to play.” As she spoke the second half of the sentence, Qin Jianjia looked at Yin Jiujin.

“The topic has been pulled away. Let’s talk about Jin’er’s childhood photos. Don’t believe Jin’er. I
saw Jin’er in Yin Yuhan’s childhood photo album. Jin’er was so much cuter back then.”

“Don’t you want to take a look?”

She naturally wanted to, but she was on Yin Jiujin’s side. Since Yin Jiujin seemed to have a barrier
with the Yin Family, she naturally wouldn’t undermine him at this time.
Anyway, she would get to see Yin Jiujin’s childhood photos sooner or later.

Even if she didn’t have the chance to see it, she would create her own opportunity.

Yan Jinyu smiled. “I do, but I’m not in a hurry. It won’t be too late to visit you all when I go to the
capital with Brother Nine in the future.”

She had a bright smile on her face, and no one could tell what she was thinking.

At least, that was what Yin Wuzhan and Yin Yuhan felt.

However, Qin Jianjia and Min Qinglan didn’t think too much about it.

They only felt that although Yan Jinyu was a little interested in looking at Yin Jiujin’s photos when he
was young, she didn’t seem to be very enthusiastic about it.

Towards this, Qin Jianjia simply smiled.

Min Qinglan’s face darkened.

Her impression of Yan Jinyu had worsened.

Yin Jiujin glanced at them and then said to Yan Jinyu, “Let’s eat.”

Without mentioning anything else, he was actually in a very good mood today. The young lady had
slipped into his room and even gave him a ring. Uh, she was even prepared to give herself to him.

This was the best birthday present he had received in all these years. Although they didn’t go all the
way, he couldn’t deny his good mood.

After all, the two of them had everything except the last step.
He didn’t want to affect his good mood today because of someone else.

Moreover, the girl was still growing and he had already caused her to miss breakfast. She should be
hungry already. Now, nothing was more important than letting the girl eat.

Yan Jinyu smiled at Yin Jiujin. “Alright.” She could roughly guess what he was thinking.

Since he was still concerned about her, it meant that his emotions were not affected much by the
appearance of the Yin Family.

She was relieved.

And she was indeed a little hungry.

The meal was very quiet, but the Yin Family members at the dining table were not calm at all.

No, not being calm was not enough to describe their current feelings.

It should be called shock.

As they sat down at the dining table and started to pick up their chopsticks, they saw Yin Jiujin
picking up food for Yan Jinyu. He didn’t just pick up food once, but he kept picking up food for her.

It could be said that Yan Jinyu had never picked up any food herself throughout the meal.

That wasn’t all. They even saw Yin Jiujin taking a tissue and gently wiping Yan Jinyu’s lips when her
food touched the corner of her lips. At that moment, there was still a doting smile in his eyes.

Although it was not obvious, it was undoubtedly a smile.

They had almost forgotten how many years it had been since they saw Yin Jiujin smile, let alone
smile so dotingly.
Besides that, Yin Jiujin’s temperament had always been indifferent and cold, and he was completely
unfathomable. Before this, they utterly didn’t expect him to have a gentle and patient side.

Moreover, not only was Yan Jinyu not surprised, she even looked very natural. It must have been a
long time since the two of them interacted like this.

How could they not be shocked?

Qin Jianjia and Yin Yuhan looked at each other and saw the same shock in each other’s eyes. They
tacitly suppressed that shock and didn’t say anything.

Yin Wuzhan didn’t show it on his face, but when he saw the smile in Yin Jiujin’s eyes, his eyes
couldn’t help but turn red.

Fortunately, he had a calm and stable personality. Otherwise, he probably wouldn’t have been able
to suppress his emotions.

After so many years…

Even Min Qinglan was silent.

However, her silence was only because she saw Yin Jiujin’s smile again after so many years. It didn’t
mean that her attitude towards Yan Jinyu had improved.

On the contrary, seeing how Yin Jiujin doted on Yan Jinyu, she disliked Yan Jinyu even more.

After dinner, Yin Jiujin put down his chopsticks. As he took out a tissue and elegantly wiped his
mouth, he asked Yan Jinyu, “Where do you want to go to play later?”

Yan Jinyu also put down her chopsticks and looked at him when she heard that, “Today is your
birthday. Shouldn’t I be asking you this question? You’re the protagonist today.”
“Yes, I’m the protagonist today.” The corners of Yin Jiujin’s lips curled up slightly. “However, I’m
usually busy with work. I don’t know where it’s fun. Why don’t you help me arrange it?”

The three people who were familiar with Yan Jinyu knew that she was very lazy. She was so lazy that
she couldn’t even be bothered to pick out the dishes that she liked from a complicated menu.
Sometimes, she was so lazy that she didn’t even want to think.

Yin Jiujin had really made things difficult for her by asking her to arrange their itinerary today.

However, since even such a lazy Yan Jinyu was willing to meticulously prepare a birthday gift for Yin
Jiujin, after hearing Yin Jiujin’s question, she naturally had to use her brain to seriously plan it.

Hence, Yan Jinyu thought for a while and said, “Why don’t we not go anywhere and stay in Mount
Jing? It’s your birthday today. Shall I make a cake for you personally?”

Yin Jiujin’s heart skipped a beat when he heard that.

He stared at her exquisite and a little silly face and moved his fingers.

He resisted the urge to hug her and kiss her completely. “You know how to bake a cake?”

Yan Jinyu chuckled. “No.” She said it as a matter of course.

“But I can learn. I learn things very quickly. I’ve thought about it. This is my first birthday with
Brother Nine after all. I have to make it more meaningful. Besides, we have guests at home. It’s not
polite to leave the guests here and go out alone.”

“…” The four people who were completely ignored. So she still remembered them. They thought
that they were being completely ignored!

However, guests?

Also, at home?
It seemed like this was her home and they were her guests!

Regarding Yan Jinyu’s words, Yin Wuzhan, Yin Yuhan and their wives only looked at her with
complicated expressions in silence.

In comparison, Min Qinglan was not that calm.

“We’re all Jin’er’s family, and we’re Jin’er’s closest family members. When did we become guests?!
Furthermore, even if you’re engaged to Jin’er, you’re not married yet. Do you think it’s appropriate
for you to put on airs in Jin’er’s place and act like a host to Jin’er’s parents and siblings?” Chapter
160: Domineering And Protective

Was that appropriate?

Of course, it was!

They were really guests to Yan Jinyu. This was even on the account that they were Yin Jiujin’s family.
If they weren’t Yin Jiujin’s family, they wouldn’t even be considered guests to her.

Of course, if there was no estrangement between them and Yin Jiujin, as Yin Jiujin’s mother, Min
Qinglan hadn’t have treated Yin Jiujin with an unfriendly attitude and even said that they led an ill-
disciplined lifestyle,

she would have treated them differently.

Today was Yin Jiujin’s birthday. As his mother, Min Qinglan had rushed over from the capital. The
first sentence she said to Yin Jiujin was actually so unpleasant. It even made Yin Jiujin’s emotions
change for a moment. She couldn’t ignore that.

Moreover, Min Qinglan’s dislike for her was so obvious. Did she have to treat someone who disliked
and even hated her as family?

Tsk, she was not a good person who would repay evil with kindness.
After her parents treated her like that, she didn’t even want them anymore, let alone the Yin Family
who were not related to her by blood.

Most importantly, they had clearly done something to anger Yin Jiujin.

That was the most unforgivable thing.

“Look at what Auntie is saying. I live on Mount Jing, but you guys don’t. So when we’re in Mount
Jing, aren’t you guests?”

“Also, since Auntie said that you’re Brother Nine’s closest kin, dare I ask, has Auntie ever uttered a
‘happy birthday’ to Brother Nine since stepping into Mount Jing?”

“No. Not only that, Auntie even scolded Brother Nine the moment you saw him.”

“Sleep until late in the morning? No matter how busy Brother Nine is every day, he will wake up at
six o’clock sharp the next day. He only woke up a day late, and it was on his birthday.”

“Auntie didn’t ask Brother Nine where he was feeling unwell when we first met. You didn’t care if
Brother Nine woke up so late because he was too tired from work. You also didn’t say happy
birthday to Brother Nine. So Auntie, this is your so-called Brother Nine’s closest kin?”

Who was Yan Jinyu?

The number one killer in the world of killers had been on the brink of death countless times. She had
never lost a mission and had killed countless people.

Even if she cared about Yin Jiujin, she would never compromise for Yin Jiujin in front of others, even
if those people were his family.

That was not her character, nor was it her style as the number one killer.

Furthermore, she couldn’t bear to see Min Qinglan treat Yin Jiujin like this.
Min Qinglan was speechless.

“I…” Min Qinglan moved her lips and was momentarily at a loss for words as she looked at Yin Jiujin,
who was sitting there with his usual indifferent expression.

Obviously it was not. Not like this.

She said those words because she saw Jin’er and Yan Jinyu go downstairs with such an intimate
attitude and she didn’t like Yan Jinyu, so… . She didn’t not care about Jin’er…

S-she didn’t not care?

Min Qinglan was suddenly uncertain.

Her initial anger was why she had ignored Jin’er in the beginning, but after so long, she actually still
didn’t wish Jin’er a happy birthday!

Did she forget? Or…

Didn’t dare?

Yes, she didn’t dare to.

Not only did she not dare to say happy birthday, but she also did not dare to do many other things.

She didn’t dare to meet Jin’er’s gaze for many years. She didn’t even dare to stay in the same space
as Jin’er.

That was not even from eight years ago. It was from the second year after Jin’er joined the army.
He had returned to spend the New Year at the end of the year. She met the criminal when they were
buying New Year goodies. She had seen with her own eyes how the 10-year-old Jin’er had killed the
criminal with a blade and a ruthless glare. At that time, the criminal’s blood had sprayed on her face.

She knew that Jin’er was acting bravely for a just cause, but Jin’er had really frightened her.

Then, when Jin’er reached out to help her up, she avoided his hand in shock.

She still remembered Jin’er’s gaze when he looked at her. It was filled with disbelief and hurt.

She had regretted it after the incident, but every time she saw Jin’er, she would remember the scene
of him killing without blinking with an expressionless gaze.

She was just being a coward. She wasn’t targeting Jin’er. Anyone would be afraid if someone killed a
person in front of them.

“I… Jin’er, I…”

Yin Jiujin swept a glance at her and the three people who had complicated expressions on their faces
at the dining table. Finally, he fixed his gaze on Yan Jinyu’s face. “Why are you saying this? I’ve said
that you’re the mistress of Mount Jing. You can decide who can step foot on Mount Jing and who

“Don’t affect your mood for no reason.”

Yin Jiujin’s words made the hearts of the Yin Family members turn cold, especially Min Qinglan.

Especially after she sensed that Yin Wuzhan and Yin Yuhan were looking at her with emotions that
she did not quite understand.

Her heart turned cold.

“Do you want to start making the cake now?”

Yan Jinyu stared at him and then smiled at him, “There’s no hurry. It’s still early. We’ve just eaten.
Let’s go for a walk to digest our food.”

Yin Jiujin was stunned for a moment before the expression in his eyes softened. He raised his hand
to rub the top of her head. “Yes, wait for me downstairs first. It’s cold outside. I’ll go upstairs and get
you a jacket.”

The young lady didn’t want to go for a walk to digest her food. She clearly saw that he didn’t want to
face the Yin Family now and specially found a reason for him to go out and take a walk.

“Alright, I’ll wait for you in the living room. Hurry up.”

Yin Jiujin glanced at them again before holding Yan Jinyu’s hand and leaving the dining room. He
personally brought her to the living room. “Wait for me here.”

The Yin Family members who witnessed this scene felt extremely complicated.

No matter how stupid they were, they could tell that Yin Jiujin was guarding against them. He was
afraid that they would bully Yan Jinyu when he left for a short while.

Were they so untrustworthy in his heart?

Especially Qin Jianjia. After seeing Yin Jiujin’s thoughts, the corners of her lips twitched.

She felt especially miserable because she had been implicated by the Yin Family.

Thinking about the past, how much did Jin’er trust her before she married into the Yin Family?

Even with such a cold personality, he still “obediently” called her Big Sister Jian Jia.

If she didn’t marry into the Yin Family, Jin’er would have trusted her.
She glared at Yin Yuhan as she thought about that.

Yin Yuhan was feeling complicated when he was glared at by Qin Jianjia.

He was also a little stunned.

He didn’t say anything. Why was she glaring at him?

Qin Jia glared at him again, then she snorted coldly and stood up. “I’ll go talk to Yu’er.”

As she spoke, she hesitated for a moment before turning her gaze to Min Qinglan, who was sitting
there. “Mom, don’t blame me for saying too much. You were really in the wrong this time.”

“You know very well what kind of person Jin’er is. He gave up his comfortable life when he was eight
years old and ignored the objections of his family to seek his own life and dreams. He even made a
name for himself, although later…”

“After Jin’er entered the business world, he also made a name for himself. All of this didn’t happen
for no reason. No matter how talented Jin’er is, it’s impossible for him to come into contact with a
brand new industry in a few years and reach his current state.”

“No one knows how much Jin’er has suffered during this period of time. Even if we don’t live with
Jin’er often, I know that Jin’er must be leaving early and returning late every day. Speaking of which,
it’s rare for him to be willing to relax and rest for a day. As his family, we should be happy. Mom,

“I’m a junior. It’s indeed not appropriate for me to say these words to you, but I really treat Jin’er as
my biological younger brother, even if I haven’t married into the Yin Family.”

“Seriously, my heart aches for him.”

“It’s fine with Dad and Yuhan. They’ve never been people who express their emotions. You’re
different. You’re Jin’er’s mother. On his birthday, since you’re willing to specially rush over from the
capital, why would you be stingy with saying ‘happy birthday’?”
Even she had found a chance to say happy birthday to Jin’er, but she was only his sister-in-law. How
could she be as important as his mother?

“And Yu’er… Mom, anyone with eyes can tell how much Jin’er values Yu’er. The two of them are
engaged, and the marriage was decided by Grandmother herself. You should… not interfere too

“To put it bluntly, if you continue to do this, you’ll probably lose Jin’er forever. It’s fine if you lose a
son, but don’t let the Yin Family lose a Second Young Master.”

Just as Qin Jia spoke, Min Qinglan’s mood was complicated. She didn’t have much of a reaction and
even felt that what she said made sense.

However, the more she listened, the darker her face became. Not only because of these words, but
also because the person who said these words to her was her eldest daughter-in-law!


“Enough.” Yin Wuzhan calmly looked up at Min Qinglan. “Before I came to North City, I told you not
to interfere too much. Go back after quietly celebrating Jin’er’s birthday. Do you have to make Jin’er
not go home?”

“I don’t care how much trouble you make in the capital or which family’s daughter you prefer. As
long as you don’t bring the person you preferred to Jin’er and make him unhappy. Just treat it as if
you’re bored usually and find a junior who you like to talk to.”

“But we’re in Jin’er’s place now. Jin’er is obviously interested in that little girl. Can’t you have some
tact? Or do you want you and your son to become strangers?”

Qin Jianjia nodded slightly at Yin Wuzhan and walked towards the living room.

Min Qinglan was not in the mood to pay much attention to her. Instead, her face turned red and
white after hearing Yin Wuzhan’s words. In the end, she still said what she wanted to say.
“But this daughter of the Yan Family isn’t worthy of Jin’er at all! Not to mention her family
background, just look at her. She grew up in a rural area and only graduated from junior high school.
How can she be the Yin Family’s Second Young Madam?”

“Alright, let’s not talk about this anymore. After all, it’s not like she can control her own past.
However, which family’s respectable daughter would move to someone else’s house before getting

“Alright, we won’t pursue the matter of cohabitation either. I also know that her parents didn’t like
her after she returned to the Yan Family. With the engagement, it’s understandable for Jin’er to take
care of her. But look, just her and Jin’er…”

“I’m embarrassed to say it. Do you really think that they slept until noon because they were tired
from work?”

“It’s fine usually, but we specially rushed here from the capital today. They haven’t even gotten up
yet. What are they doing!”

“Jin’er used to be such a disciplined person. Look at him now. He’s most likely bewitched. This
daughter of the Yan Family looks innocent and pure, but her heart…”

Yin Wuzhan could no longer listen to her and interrupted her angrily, “Min Qinglan, you’re really
something. You’re meddling in your son’s private affairs!”

“Do you want your son to be single for the rest of his life because he’s not interested in women? Or
do you want him to bring home a son-in-law for you?” Chapter 161: People Change

Yin Yuhan’s lips twitched when he heard that.

His father was considered a big shot. He was usually such an old-fashioned person, but he actually
said such words. It seemed like he was indeed very angry.

He was initially angry too, but after hearing this, his anger dissipated.

He stood up. “Dad, Mom, I’ll go accompany Jianjia.”

Yin Wuzhan glanced at him and didn’t interfere. He continued to look at Min Qinglan and said,
“Jianjia is right. It’s fine if you lose a son, but don’t let the Yin Family lose a Second Young Master.
Isn’t the lesson from that incident back then enough?”

“Dad has always been a man of his word. Since he said that whoever provoked Jin’er during this trip
to North City will get out of the Yin Family, he’s not joking.”

“Besides, if you really don’t know your limits and anger Jin’er, making him distance himself from us
even more, even if Dad doesn’t pursue the matter, I won’t let it go.”

Min Qinglan’s eyes widened, “Yin Wuzhan, what do you mean by that?!”

“I think you should understand.”

“You! How can you treat me like this! You clearly didn’t treat me like this in the past!”

Yin Wuzhan looked at her with a complicated expression. “Min Qinglan, you weren’t like this in the
past either.”

They didn’t marry for family alliance, but for love.

Although Min Qinglan was the one who pursued Yin Wuzhan first in the beginning, it was undeniable
that Yin Wuzhan really liked her and that was why he got together with her.

Yin Wuzhan was the head of the Yin Family after Old Master retired. Someone who could prop up
the Yin Family after Old Master and maintain the Yin Family’s status couldn’t be simple.

And such a Yin Wuzhan, Min Qinglan, whom he had taken a fancy to in his early years, was naturally
not like this before either.

Perhaps, everyone would change at a point in their lives.

A lifetime was so long. Some people might change at any time.

Yin Wuzhan’s words stunned Min Qinglan. She was actually speechless for a long time.

After saying that, Yin Wuzhan fell silent.


In the living room, Yan Jinyu was waiting for Yin Jiujin when she suddenly heard footsteps behind

She turned around and saw Qin Jianjia walking towards her.

Qin Jianjia smiled gently. “Yu’er.”

Yan Jinyu smiled back at her. “Sister-in-law.”

“Don’t treat Sister-in-law as an outsider. Before I married into the Yin Family, I treated Jin’er as my
biological younger brother.”

“I know.” She really knew. She couldn’t find more information about the Yin Family, but she had
found out about Yin Jiujin and the Qin Family’s Eldest Young Master, Qin Hao. She naturally knew
about Qin Jianjia, Qin Hao’s sister.

Including her attitude towards Yin Jiujin, her biological brother’s good friend.

Qin Jianjia didn’t know if she really knew or was pretending to know. However, it seemed like she
didn’t take her anger out on her.

This was good.

“The many photos of Jin’er when he was young that we mentioned previously are true. You really
have to go to the Yin Family to take a look when you’re free…”
As she spoke, Qin Jianjia paused for a moment before continuing to look at Yan Jinyu. Her expression
became more serious, “Jin’er hasn’t returned to the Yin Family for more than half a year. The last
time he went back was during the New Year. He didn’t stay long when he went back and he left after
eating the New Year’s Eve meal.”

“After Jin’er turned 16, he only returned to the Yin Family at most three times a year. There were
two years when he only returned once.”

“And Jin’er is actually a very family-oriented person. If it wasn’t for the incident back then…”

As she spoke, she met Yan Jinyu’s smiling clear eyes. Qin Jianjia was puzzled and couldn’t help but
ask, “Aren’t you curious about what happened back then that made Jin’er so distant from his

Yan Jinyu smiled and shook her head. “I’m not curious.”

She was naturally curious, but she didn’t investigate, so she naturally didn’t intend to ask from

If Yin Jiujin wanted her to know, he would naturally tell her.

Her answer surprised Qin Jianjia.

Not curious?

Of course, she didn’t believe her. However, Yan Jinyu’s expression looked really… hard to tell.

She smiled. “Let’s not talk about that first. If you’re free, go take a look at the Yin Family.”

“If you go to the Yin Family as a guest, Jin’er will definitely not feel at ease letting you go alone…”

“Little Yu,” Yin Jiujin, who had taken a beige windbreaker from the stairs, suddenly interrupted Qin
He simply glanced at Qin Jianjia indifferently.

Qin Jianjia shut up sheepishly.

It seemed like the conversation was over.

At this moment, Yin Yuhan also walked over. Looking at Yin Jiujin, who was holding a windbreaker
and personally putting it on Yan Jinyu, Yin Yuhan was surprised, but he didn’t show it on his face.

He only said, “Mom is like that. Don’t take her words to heart.”

Yin Jiujin helped Yan Jinyu put on her windbreaker. When he heard that, he glanced at Yin Yuhan and
replied with a “Mmm” without any emotions. Then, he gently pulled Yan Jinyu’s long hair out of the
collar of her shirt and helped her tidy it up.

Without caring if anyone was present, he lowered his head and pecked her on the forehead before
holding one of her hands. “Let’s go.”

“Do you mind if we go together? Your brother and I haven’t come to Mount Jing for a long time,”
Qin Jianjia replied.

Yin Jiujin’s gaze swept past her. “Up to you.”

He held Yan Jinyu’s hand and was about to walk out.

Just as they was about to walk to the entrance, they saw Aunt Cheng carrying something that looked
like a soup bowl. “Miss Yu.”

Yan Jinyu looked at the things she was carrying and her smile deepened. “Aunt Cheng, are you…”
She thought that Yin Jiujin had secretly taken medicine from Min Rufeng behind her back again.
“Oh, this is chicken soup. I specially prepared it for you. I saw that you didn’t drink it at the dining
table just now, so I specially prepared a bowl for you.”.

Hearing that it was chicken soup and not medicine, Yan Jinyu couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief.
She raised her hand and took it. “Thank you, Aunt Cheng.”

She didn’t think much of it when she tilted her head back and drank it. However, Yin Jiujin saw the
bruise on her neck because of her action of tilting her head back and then glanced at the chicken
soup she was drinking.

His gaze was meaningful. Chapter 162: Problem With The Photos

Yan Jinyu, who was drinking the soup, sensed his gaze. Her body stiffened slightly, and she stuck out
an eye from the soup to look at him.

There was a faint warning in her eyes.

She wanted him to remember their surroundings.

Yin Jiujin’s thoughts stirred when he suddenly saw her sticking half of her face out and glaring at him
with a ferocious gaze. However, she didn’t look scary at all and his naughty thoughts suddenly

He only felt that she was so cute.

He personally took the soup bowl that she had finished and handed it to Aunt Cheng.

He couldn’t help but pinch her face.

“Brother Nine, what are you doing?” Yan Jinyu glared at him accusingly. She grabbed his wrist and
wanted to remove his hand.

“Don’t keep pinching my face. It’s going to get deformed by you.”

“It’s light.” Yin Jiujin meant that he didn’t use much strength.

“Do you think I don’t know if it’s light or not? You’re pinching my face. I am the one who is hurting.”

“Forget it. It’s your birthday today, so I won’t argue with you.” She slid her hand down and held his
hand. “Let’s go for a walk.”

Yin Jiujin looked at his hand which was held by hers and turned his gaze to her face. He smiled.

He let her lead him out.

The sky had already turned cold. Even if the weather was good today, the sun was not scorching.

The two of them held hands and walked out of the villa towards the sea of flowers that was already
past its peak.

In the house, Yin Yuhan and Qin Jianjia looked at each other as they watched the two of them walk
away together.

“Shall we go for a walk too?” Yin Yuhan asked.

Qin Jianjia nodded and placed her hand in his outstretched palm.

Looking at the backs of the two people in front of her, Qin Jianjia said with a sigh, “It seems like
Jin’er really cares about the Yan Family’s daughter. I’ve known Jin’er since I was young. Not to
mention him later, even eight years ago, I didn’t see him look at anyone with such a gentle gaze.”

Yin Yuhan didn’t say anything, but he clearly agreed with Qin Jianjia’s words.

“By the way, are you angry with me for talking to Mom like that just now?”
Yin Yuhan shook his head. He naturally wouldn’t be angry since she was right. After all, even he was
quite angry with his mother back then.

Looking at her, he said, “But don’t do this next time. We’re family after all. If things get too awkward,
your life in the Yin Family won’t be easy either.”

Qin Jianjia smiled when she heard that, “Why? Are you still afraid that Mom will bully me?”

Yin Yuhan didn’t answer her directly. He only said, “Mom seems to have become more and more
unreasonable in the recent years.”

Qin Jianjia saw the sadness in his eyes, but she didn’t expose him. “How can you say that about your
mother? Alright, let’s not interfere in the matters of the elders. We just have to keep an eye on Mom
and not let her anger Jin’er again.”

Yin Yuhan looked at her deeply and his expression softened. “Yes.”

Looking at the two people walking in the sea of flowers in front, her gaze stopped on Yan Jinyu. Qin
Jianjia suddenly asked, “What do you think of the eldest daughter of the Yan Family?”

“I don’t comment on my sister-in-law.” This didn’t mean that Yin Yuhan didn’t value Yin Jiujin, his
younger brother. Instead, it was because he gave Yin Jiujin enough respect.

He believed that Yin Jiujin had his own judgment, so he didn’t interfere in Yin Jiujin’s private matters.

Qin Jianjia fell silent. “You’re right. I won’t comment on it. Jin’er has had his own opinions since he
was young. He also relied on himself to attain his current status. How can he be easily bewitched?
Since he isn’t bewitched, it means that he really has feelings for the Yan Family’s daughter.”

“With Jin’er’s outlook, the girl he likes shouldn’t be too bad.”

“I just didn’t expect the real Yan Jinyu to be like this. It’s a little different from the rumors. Let’s not
talk about anything else. Just based on her bearing and courage when facing the few of us, she
doesn’t show any fear at all. She’s not like a little girl who grew up in a rural orphanage and dropped
out of school early to work.”
Yin Yuhan also looked up at Yan Jinyu’s back view in front of him. His gaze paused slightly, “Not
many rumors are trustworthy.”

Qin Jianjia sighed. “That’s true. Rumors can’t be easily believed. Perhaps it’s because of her
background. Be it her bearing or courage, they’re all hidden in her bones.”

“And I can tell that she treats Jin’er very well. I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but for a moment, I
actually feel that she dotes on Jin’er very much. Just now, she was so protective of Jin’er. For Jin’er,
she even didn’t hesitate to offend her future mother-in-law.”

As she spoke, Qin Jianjia couldn’t help but chuckle. “I should be thinking too much. Even if she’s a
little different from the rumors, she’s only an 18-year-old girl in the end. In terms of experience,
she’s countless times more innocent than Jin’er. She looks so innocent and carefree like a child who
hasn’t grown up and doesn’t know the evil intentions of others. How could she possibly dote on

“Even if she treats Jin’er differently, she should still rely on Jin’er.”


She wasn’t the only one to sense that. He sensed it too.

Yin Yuhan thought.

However, it was really impossible for an ordinary girl to dote on Jin’er.

The famous “Master Nine” could scare a group of people just by mentioning his name. Jin’er had
such an imposing presence and a powerful aura. Yan Jinyu was already considered bold if she didn’t
show fear in front of him. How would she dare to overestimate herself and “pamper” Jin’er?

If that was true, there were only two possibilities.

Firstly, Yan Jinyu was so innocent that she didn’t know what the words “Yin Jiujin” meant.
Secondly, Yan Jinyu was extremely capable and could even match Jin’er.

That possibility was almost zero.

Yan Jinyu didn’t look like someone who was stupid enough to overestimate herself and “dote” on
anyone, so…

“Perhaps, she’s just more protective of the people she cares about.”

As he spoke, Yin Yuhan sighed softly. “That’s good too.”

“Yes, that’s good too. It’s just that Mom…” At this point, Qin Jianjia couldn’t help but frown.

This matter really couldn’t be ignored.

If they were careless, Jin’er would gradually drift away from the Yin Family.

“Don’t worry. Dad will watch over her.” After a pause, Yin Yuhan said, “Besides, Mom isn’t stupid to
the point of getting out of hand. Unless she really doesn’t want Jin’er as her son.”

“That’s true, but I’m still worried…”

She wasn’t worried about Yan Jinyu, but Yin Jiujin.

Qin Jianjia really treated Yin Jiujin as her biological younger brother.

“Her family background cannot be changed. At least, she should make sure that Mom can’t find
anything else to pick on her. I heard that the Second Miss of the Yan Family, who is also Yu’er’s twin
sister, is in her third year of high school now. It seems like it was the winter break recently. North
City is indeed much warmer than the capital. We’re still always wearing the big cotton-padded
jackets in the capital. Unlike North City where it’s only slightly chilly and we can wear so little to go
out in this season.”
“Back to the topic. Yu’er’s twin sister is in her third year of high school. If Yu’er goes to school
normally, she should be in her third year now. Why don’t we get Jin’er to find her a school?”

“It’s not that we have to let her learn much. After all, Jin’er’s money is enough to support her for a
few lifetimes. However, girls should enrich themselves more even if they don’t have their own
careers in the future. Not only for themselves, but also to make others unable to find an excuse in
this aspect.”

“It’s not that I have to let her learn much. After all, Jin’er’s money is enough to support her for a few
lifetimes. However, girls should enrich themselves more even if they don’t have their own careers in
the future. Not only for themselves, but also to make others unable to find an excuse in this aspect.”

“Grandfather mentioned this before,” Yin Yuhan replied.

Qin Jianjia was stunned. She didn’t know that.

Yin Yuhan looked at her and explained, “Grandfather mentioned this to them the last time he came
to North City. Yan Jinyu seems to be very against going to school.”

“Why? Is she worried that she can’t keep up?”

“So what if she can’t keep up? It’s not like we want her to get first place. There are many lousy
students in school. Even if she goes to school, she might not be the worst.”

Qin Jianjia, who had been a top student since she was young, didn’t know much about hating school.

“If she’s worried that she can’t keep up, we can get her a few tutors. Otherwise, Jin’er can teach her
himself. Or I can teach her. My grades were good when I was in school, and I’m too busy at work.”

“Don’t interfere. Do you think I don’t know if you’re busy with work? We’ve rearranged our travel
schedule for a few times because you can’t get away from work. You’re even busier than me.”

This tone…
Although it was not obvious, it was indeed an accusation.

Qin Jianjia smiled apologetically, “Alright, then I won’t interfere anymore. About the trip… How
about I arrange the itinerary and we go out to play for a few days? When will you be free?”

Yin Yuhan stopped in his tracks and stared at her. “I have annual leave. I can go anytime.”

Qin Jianjia smiled. “Alright, I’ll arrange it then.”

“However, you can persuade Yan Jinyu to go to school. You’re both girls, so it’ll be easier for you to
talk to her.”

“I know.”

Forget it. Qin Jianjia sighed softly. “I really don’t understand. Why would anyone hate school?
What’s so difficult about studying?”

The two people walking in front didn’t know what they were talking about.

“Brother Nine.” Yan Jinyu swung their hands that were entwined. She jumped forward and walked
backwards to face Yin Jiujin.


Yan Jinyu blinked her clear big eyes. “Do you really not have photos from your childhood? Not even

She still had such an expectant expression on her face that it made his heart soften.

Yin Jiujin tightened his grip on her hand.


Yan Jinyu stopped walking. She suddenly stopped and looked up at him with anticipation, “Really?”

Yin Jiujin stopped as well. The two of them stood very close. He lowered his eyes and looked at her.
“Do you want to see it that much?”

Yan Jinyu nodded repeatedly. “Yes, yes, I want to see it. I really want to see it!”

Suddenly, her eyes lit up. “So, Brother Nine, you actually do have photos of your childhood?”

“There’s always one or two…”Chapter 163: Master Nine Is Lovey-Dovey

Before he could finish speaking, Yan Jinyu excitedly stepped forward and hugged his arm,
interrupting him coquettishly, “Where is it? Where is it? At Mount Jing?”

Seeing that she was hugging his arm and swaying coquettishly, a smile appeared in Yin Jiujin’s eyes.

The excitement in Yan Jinyu’s eyes dimmed. She was obviously very disappointed, “Huh? Not here?”

“Although the photo isn’t at Mount Jing, I can get someone to send it over if you really want to see

Yan Jinyu’s eyes that had just darkened lit up again, “Really?”

“However, I have a condition.”

“What condition? Brother Nine, tell me. I’ll agree to any condition.”

“Including you continuing to go to school?” With Yin Jiujin’s brain, even if he couldn’t hear what Yin
Yuhan and Qin Jianjia were saying, he could roughly guess their conversation.
He didn’t want others to bother his girl with this matter anymore.

Besides, he had always had the intention of letting the young lady return to school.

He just wanted her to have an ordinary life like other girls her age. Even if he wasn’t involved in her
past, he could roughly guess what it was like.

He didn’t want the young lady’s life to only have an unpleasant past.

He thought that whatever other young ladies had, his young ladies should have too.

Even if it was just to experience school life.

When Yan Jinyu heard his words, her expression froze slightly. “Brother Nine, isn’t this topic already
over? Why are you still mentioning it?”

“You’re at the age where you should go to school.” Yin Jiujin already planned to persuade her.

Yan Jinyu saw his determination and knew that it wasn’t so easy to get away with it this time. She
blinked, and a hint of cunningness flashed past her eyes. “Brother Nine, do you dislike me?”

Yin Jiujin was stunned. He flicked her forehead. “What are you talking about?”

“How could I possibly dislike you?” He couldn’t have liked her more.

Yan Jinyu wasn’t in the mood to care that he had flicked her forehead. She was scheming inwardly.

“If you don’t dislike me, why do you always want to send me to school? I already said that I want to
accompany you.”

“…You want to accompany me forever? Little girl, it’s enough to say such coaxing words once. If you
really want to accompany me, why didn’t you follow me when I went to the company? I leave early
and return late every day. I don’t get to see you much.”

…was the truth.

However, why did she find it so strange when he said that?

Was the person in front of her who sounded aggrieved really the famous Master Nine that even she
was afraid of?

“Didn’t Grandpa Yin say that it’s not appropriate for me to follow you to the company every day?”

“So what if he says it’s not appropriate? I have the final say in my company. So what if you follow me
every day? Who dares to say anything?”

“Of course, no one dares to say anything. It’s just that I don’t think it’s good. I’m not worried that
others will gossip. I’ll affect your work if I stay in your office every day.”

“But aren’t you my bodyguard?”

“…” Yan Jinyu. For some reason, she felt like laughing.

“Yes, I’m your bodyguard. However, Grandpa Yin said that you have many skilled people around you.
You’ve also trained for a few years, so it’s obvious that I’m useless as your bodyguard. So, didn’t I put
a locator on the ring I gave you? If you encounter danger, turn on the locator. I’ll save you.”

Yin Jiujin pulled her into his embrace and leaned his chin on her shoulder. He rubbed his face against
hers. “In the end, you just don’t want to stay by my side.”

“…When did I?” Yan Jinyu said.

He felt that Yin Jiujin was especially strange today. Could it be that the two of them were closer? Or
was it because his mood had been affected after seeing the Yin Family today and he had become
abnormally weak?
Look at what she was saying. She even had to use such an indescribable tone.

He was simply like a different person from the usually calm and dignified Yin Jiujin.

“Haven’t I been waiting for you to get off work? You can see me every day when you go home. If I
don’t want to stay by your side, why would I wait for you at home?”

At home…

He liked her saying that.

“Besides, I didn’t go to the company with you recently because I wanted to give you a surprise. I
have to secretly prepare a ring for you while you’re not at home.”

Yin Jiujin’s arms that were hugging her paused slightly before hugging her tighter.

It was quite a surprise.

He was so surprised that his heart was pounding like a young boy who was in a relationship for the
first time.

“Aunt Cheng said that you actually spend most of your time sitting on the sofa in the living room
drinking yogurt and watching television when you’re home.”

“…” Yan Jinyu. Her slack life was due to the Yan Family a while ago.

She would sit cross-legged on the sofa with yogurt in hand and drink as she watched television. She
looked extremely carefree.

There were five bottles of yogurt in the fridge every day. Although she could already control herself
from drinking so much, a habit was a very scary thing.
She was more used to drinking yogurt than drinking tea and plain water.

She had to drink something while watching television, so…

Occasionally, for a few days, she would actually finish the five bottles of yogurt in the fridge.

“…That’s because the ring I wanted to give you is done. There’s nothing else to do. I’ve wandered all
over Mount Jing. I can only watch television.”

“If you don’t have anything to do, why don’t you accompany me to the company?” Yin Jiujin let go of
her slightly and wrapped his arms around her. He lowered his head to look at her. “So, since you
have nothing to do and you don’t want to accompany me to the company, why don’t you want to go
to school?”

“I’ll go to work while you go to school. You will return after I get off work. It’s no different from now.
You can still accompany me.”

He had said so much because he wanted her to go to school.

Yan Jinyu sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Brother Nine, why do you insist on making
me go to school? Didn’t I say that I can get whatever education qualification that I want?”

Yin Jiujin held her waist with one hand and held her face with the other. He lowered his head and
kissed the corner of her lips. “It’s probably because my heart aches for you.”

Yan Jinyu froze.

Actually, she knew why he insisted on letting her go to school. However, her heart still trembled
when she heard it from him.

Hence, how could she not treat Yin Jiujin well?

“Do you like yogurt a lot?” He left her lips and looked down at her.
She didn’t really like it, but perhaps she was used to it. Compared to other drinks, she preferred

So she nodded.

“You like to watch television? Especially cartoons.”

She didn’t really like it either. She was just bored so she turned the television on to watch it. As for
cartoons, because compared to other television programs, it didn’t take much brain power, so she
didn’t have to think. Hence, when she turned on the television, she would usually switch to the
channel that was broadcasting cartoons.

Hence, she nodded again.

“You should be in school at your age. Which school do you want to go to?”

“…” Yan Jinyu. The topic changed a little too quickly for her to react.

She didn’t answer.

Uh, she simply ignored it.

“If you go to school obediently, I’ll fill the top shelf of the fridge at home with yoghurt and you can
watch cartoons every day.”

Actually, this wasn’t very attractive to Yan Jinyu, but her eyes couldn’t help but light up.

Perhaps it was because when she was drinking yogurt without a limit in the past, the three of them
always gave her a limit, making her have an inexplicable obsession with hoarding more yogurt.

As for cartoons, she could still kill time when she was bored.

It was the standard of her carefree life.

“It’s my birthday today. Can you bear to reject me, hmm?”

Yan Jinyu fell silent.

She couldn’t bear to.

However, she still did not want to go to school!

Hence, she chose to remain silent.

“If you agree to go to school, I’ll show you the photos from when I was young. How about that?”


Yan Jinyu’s eyes were no longer just glowing. They were almost starry.

“Can I see it immediately? Don’t I have to wait for the mail?”

The corners of Yin Jiujin’s lips curled up into an imperceptible smile. “I might be able to find one or
two in Mount Jing after searching through the villa.”

“Alright, deal!”

How should he describe the way she looked now?

It actually made people feel like she was “bending her back for a favor”.

Her black eyes were wide open and her exquisite face was tense. She looked silly and cute.

With her ability, if she really wanted to see the photo, how could she not find it?
It was not difficult for people like them to investigate on their own, let alone find a few photos.

The young lady was really…

Perhaps, the young lady was only like this in front of him.

As he thought about it, Yin Jiujin couldn’t help but raise his hand and pinch her little face. He
lowered his head and touched the tip of her nose intimately. “Then, it’s settled?”

“Yes.” She had the final say on whether she should go to school on time every day.

She would agree first as it was more important to look at the photos.

“Which school do you want to go to?”

“Brother Nine, you shall decide.”

“Boyu High School, then? Your sister is also at that school. The school is not far from Mount Jing. You
can still live at home.”

The young lady had just agreed to move in with him. Of course, she had to live on Mount Jing.

“Yes.” Of course, she had to stay at home. She still had to satisfy her eight-pack addiction every

“Good girl.”

“…” Yan Jinyu didn’t have the chance to refute him for using the word “good” on her which violated
her dignity as the number one killer. She felt his lips land on hers.

This kiss was very gentle.

But it was also very long.

“…” Lin Zimu, who was walking past with a pile of documents, happened to see this scene.

Ever since Miss Yu moved into Mount Jing, the people around his boss were subjected to their lovey-
dovey every day. They were always intimate. Was this still the boss he knew?

Boss, where’s your chill and calmness?

He had fallen, fallen!

He retracted his gaze silently, not daring to look. Otherwise, with the boss’s sharp senses, he would
throw another glare at him later.

On the other side, Yin Yuhan and Qin Jianjia, who saw Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin stop, also stopped.
They didn’t go forward.

They didn’t turn around to leave either.

Hence, they witnessed the entire process of the two of them being intimate.

Although they were far away and could not hear what they were saying, they could not ignore the
sweet atmosphere between the two of them.

Their emotions were very complicated.

However, they now had a clearer understanding of Yan Jinyu’s importance in Yin Jiujin’s heart.

This was probably not as simple as “cared for” anymore.

They could feel such strong emotions even from so far away. Chapter 164: Scheming Jinyu

Later on, Yin Yuhan and Qin Jianjia returned to the villa.

Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin walked outside for more than half an hour before returning hand in hand.

After stepping into the villa and seeing the Yin Family members sitting on the sofa in the living room,
Yin Jiujin’s emotions were no longer affected.

He was in a very, very good mood now.

The corners of his lips curled up slightly, and his eyes were gentle.

Perhaps Yin Wuzhan’s words had worked, Min Qinglan simply looked up at them. Even though her
gaze would still be unhappy when it swept past Yan Jinyu, she didn’t speak again and quickly
retracted her gaze.

It was as if what she didn’t see couldn’t hurt her.

Min Qinglan wasn’t stupid either. Everyone was standing on her opposite side. Once she objected,
she would become the public enemy. Even if she had any objections to Yan Jinyu, she wouldn’t say it
out publicly.

Yan Jinyu looked at them. When they looked over, especially when the three people other than Min
Qinglan looked over, she nodded slightly and retracted her gaze.

She looked up at Yin Jiujin. “I’ll go make you a birthday cake now. Are you going upstairs to rest?”

She remembered that she went to wake him up at five.

However, she forgot that they hugged and slept for a while after that.
“I’ll accompany you,” Yin Jiujin said.

“There’s no need to. If you accompany me when I’m baking a cake for you, won’t it be equivalent to
you baking with me? This is the cake that I want to make for you. Wouldn’t the meaning be different
if you interfere?”

“I told you, this is my first birthday with you. I want it to be more meaningful.”

Wouldn’t it be more meaningful if the two of them baked the cake together?

However, Yin Jiujin didn’t say that. He only raised his eyebrows indifferently and said, “I won’t
interfere. I’ll accompany you by the side.”

Yan Jinyu looked at him deeply.


Since she had already decided on him, she naturally had to indulge him a little.

He was so clingy, so she let him be.

Anyway, she was actually quite happy to see the awe-inspiring Master Nine clinging to her in front of

“Then let’s make a deal. Don’t interfere.”


Yin Jiujin took off her jacket and hung it on the clothes hanger at the side. He led her to the kitchen
and personally picked up the new apron Aunt Cheng had prepared for her to put on.

Yes, a pink apron.

Yan Jinyu no longer had the energy to complain about this color.

She was actually slowly getting used to it.

That was true. Even she was surprised.

Aunt Cheng pointed the ingredients to Yan Jinyu and left the kitchen.

Of course, her aunt smiled.

In the kitchen, Yan Jinyu took out her phone and searched for the steps to bake a cake. She then
simply swiped a video of baking a cake and handed the phone to Yin Jiujin, who was leaning lazily
against the kitchen door and looking at her.

“Brother Nine, I’m going to start now.”

Yin Jiujin smiled and nodded. “Yes.”

At first, it was fine. Yin Jiujin’s expression was gentle, and his gaze was locked on Yan Jinyu. However,
the more he looked, the more Yin Jiujin’s eyelids twitched.

Can you imagine the scene of a thin “golden thread” flying out from her wrist and accurately landing
on the eggbeater without her even turning back to take out the eggbeater?

He wondered how long she had practiced to excel at such a precise technique.

He then saw her stirring the flour and putting the mixture into the oven after she was done beating
the eggs. As she cut the decorative fruits, she spun the kitchen knife skillfully on her palm.

Then, just from the sound of the kitchen knife landing on the chopping board, one could tell that her
knife skills were extraordinary.
Yin Jiujin suddenly recalled the calluses on her hands when he first met her.

Now since he had nourished her hands, the calluses had become very faint.

Presumably, the weapons she needed to familiarize herself with on Ghost Slaughter Island shouldn’t
be limited to the thin “golden thread” on her hand only.

At the thought of this, Yin Jiujin’s heart constricted uncontrollably, and the smile in his eyes couldn’t
help but disappear.

If the Ghost Slaughter Island had not been destroyed, he would definitely make Ghost Slaughter
Island pay the price!

Yan Jinyu, who was cutting fruits, sensed the change in his mood. She turned to look at him,
“Brother Nine, what’s wrong?”

Yin Jiujin restrained his emotions and smiled faintly. “Nothing. I just feel that you don’t look like
you’re making a cake for the first time. You seem to be very familiar with it.”

“This is my first time making it. Brother Nine, didn’t you see me searching for the steps on my phone
just now? Not only is this my first time making a cake, but it’s also my first time entering the kitchen
to make something personally. I’ve said that I learn things very quickly, so even if it’s my first time
making it, I can still do it very well.”

She raised her chin slightly and said proudly, “Brother Nine, I’ve told you many times that I’m very
formidable. Do you believe me now?”

She looked like she desperately wanted to be acknowledged again.

She was so childish.

The expression in Yin Jiujin’s eyes softened. “Yes, I believe you now.”
Yan Jinyu, who had finally obtained his recognition, grinned happily. She turned around and ran
towards Yin Jiujin, kissing him on the cheek.

It was supposed to be a scene that was filled with “pink bubbles”, but Qin Jianjia was still shocked by
it when she decided to come to the kitchen to take a look after hesitating for a while.

Because Yan Jinyu was still holding a sharp kitchen knife!

The way that she pounced at Yin Jiujin made Qin Jianjia think that she was going to stab Yin Jiujin
with the kitchen knife.

She was so frightened that she broke out in cold sweat!

When she saw Yan Jinyu’s actions, her suddenly tensed-up heart finally relaxed.

She sighed inwardly. If she had known earlier, she wouldn’t have taken the risk of being a third
wheel. She was originally a little worried that Yan Jinyu didn’t know how to bake a cake, so she came
over to take a look and give her pointers…

Alright, this was her retribution for trying to be a third wheel.

After kissing Yin Jiujin, Yan Jinyu naturally saw Qin Jianjia, who had appeared outside the kitchen.
She, who was blocked by Yin Jiujin, stuck her head out and looked at Qin Jianjia. “Sister-in-law, why
are you here?”

At that moment, she was still holding the kitchen knife.

Qin Jianjia’s eyelids twitched.

“Y-Yu’er, don’t hold the kitchen knife like that. Be careful so you don’t hurt yourself.”

Yan Jinyu looked at her and then at the kitchen knife in her hand. “Oh, Sister-in-law, you don’t have
to worry. I’m very familiar with using the knife. I won’t hurt myself.” After saying that, she hooked
her fingers on the handle of the knife and swung the knife beautifully in her hand.
“…” Qin Jianjia.

An expert!

If this wasn’t a kitchen knife but a long sword, she would definitely look very awesome.

But… this was a kitchen knife!

She could even swing the kitchen knife so handsomely. H-how did she train that skill?

Alright, it seemed like even a longsword wasn’t that easy to master either.

“Yu’er, have you practiced before?”

Yan Jinyu smiled, looking like she didn’t know what she was asking. “What?”

“I say, y-you’re so good at using a kitchen knife. Have you practiced it before?”

“No, who would practice a kitchen knife for no reason? It’s just that when I was in school in the past,
I liked to turn the pen in class and figured out the trick.” As she spoke, Yan Jinyu glanced at Min
Qinglan, who was standing behind Qin Jianjia with a smile on her face.

Yes, she did it on purpose just now. Chapter 165: The Lingering Garden Was Mentioned

They were sitting in the living room and couldn’t see her actions in the kitchen. Of course, she could
not see them sitting in the living room either.

She was so happy that she simply wanted to kiss Yin Jiujin just now. She didn’t expect Qin Jianjia to
walk over.
Qin Jianjia didn’t have any ill intentions towards her, so her attitude towards Qin Jianjia was
naturally good. She had intended to pop her head out to greet Qin Jianjia, but she didn’t expect Min
Qinglan to follow her.

Min Qinglan’s gaze was still very unfriendly when she looked at her.

Did she really think that she was easy to bully?

Considering that Min Qinglan was Yin Jiujin’s mother after all, she really didn’t want Min Qinglan to
force her to make a move. Since she didn’t want Min Qinglan to force her to make a move, and she
wanted to feel happy, she naturally had to let Min Qinglan know that she wasn’t someone to be
trifled with and make her stop looking for trouble with her.

Indeed, Min Qinglan was very timid.

Look, she was already so frightened before anything happened.

“Y-yes.” The corners of Qin Jianjia’s lips twitched. Obviously, she didn’t believe her words. However,
other than Yan Jinyu’s saying that she had figured out the trick by spinning the pen, she really
couldn’t figure out how Yan Jinyu’s “smooth” knife skills came about.

Could it really be trained?

“Yes.” Yan Jinyu smiled.

Yin Jiujin, who was suddenly pounced on by her and kissed on the cheek, was slightly stunned. After
seeing her actions and seeing her say such words without changing her expression, he was instantly

“I can still spin it even more smoothly. Sister-in-law, do you want to take a look?” In front of others,
Yan Jinyu wasn’t the kind of person who was anxious to show off. To be precise, she had only ever
been anxious to show off in front of Yin Jiujin and desperately wanted to gain his approval.
Of course, she didn’t really want to show off to Qin Jianjia now. She just wanted Min Qinglan to
deepen her understanding that she was not to be trifled with.

Hence, without waiting for Qin Jianjia to reply, she hooked her fingers on the handle of the knife and
made another beautiful spin.

That was not all. When she was playing with the kitchen knife, she even looked at Min Qinglan with
a smile.

Min Qinglan took two steps back in fear.

Yes, fear!

Min Qinglan didn’t know why, but she felt like the kitchen knife in Yan Jinyu’s hand was about to fly
towards her in the next second.

Clearly, she was just spinning with the kitchen knife a little more smoothly. Moreover, there was a
faint smile in her eyes. She didn’t look scary at all!

Besides, Yan Jinyu was just a little girl. Would she still dare to kill anyone?

She was simply scaring herself!

After hinting herself psychologically, Min Qinglan managed to barely calm down. When she looked
up again, Yan Jinyu had already moved her gaze away.

Because Yin Jiujin had grabbed her wrist.

Yin Jiujin took the kitchen knife from her and said in a rather helpless tone, “Cut it out. Be careful.
Don’t get hurt.”

Yan Jinyu looked at her wrist in his hand, then at the kitchen knife that he had snatched away,
before finally looking up at him. “Brother Nine, you know that one kitchen knife isn’t enough to hurt
Although she said that, she did not snatch the knife back.

After saying that, she turned to Qin Jianjia. “Sister-in-law, why are you here?”

Qin Jianjia’s gaze was a little strange. What did she mean by “a kitchen knife isn’t enough to hurt

Before she could think carefully, her thoughts were called back by Yan Jinyu’s voice. She smiled
gently, “I wanted to come and see how your cake is doing and whether you need someone to help
you. Now it seems like there’s no need.”

“I’ll go back to the living room to continue watching television.”

Then, she looked at Min Qinglan. “Mom, do you want to go back to the living room together?”

Meeting Min Qinglan’s unhappy gaze, Qin Jianjia continued with a smile without changing her
expression, “It seems like Yu’er is very skilled. With Jin’er here, it’s obvious that we won’t be needed.
Why don’t Mom return to the living room with me and continue watching television?”

“Speaking of which, our family members are usually busy with their own things. It’s rare for us to sit
down quietly to watch television and chat.”

Min Qinglan had her own job too. Like Yin Wuzhan and Yin Yuhan, she was part of the system too.

Min Qinglan was about to lecture Qin Jianjia because she had pretended to unintentionally oppose
her time and time again before suddenly meeting Yan Jinyu’s smiling eyes.

For a moment, the rebuke that she wanted to say was stuck in her throat.

At the same time, Yin Jiujin’s cold gaze landed on her.

She glared at Qin Jianjia and turned to walk to the living room without saying a word.
Seeing this, Qin Jianjia didn’t care if Min Qinglan glared at her and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

She smiled and nodded at Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin before turning to return to the living room.

Yin Jiujin didn’t say anything. He raised his hand and rubbed the top of Yan Jinyu’s head. He walked
over and put the kitchen knife down.

They were all smart people. In addition, after interacting with each other for this period of time, they
had some understanding of each other. How could Yin Jiujin not see through Yan Jinyu’s series of

He just didn’t expose her.

After that, Yin Jiujin continued to accompany Yan Jinyu in the kitchen. Yan Jinyu quietly prepared
according to the steps. Occasionally, she would chat with Yin Jiujin, as if Qin Jianjia and Min Qinglan
had never come to the kitchen.

After baking the cake, Yan Jinyu turned around and pushed Yin Jiujin out of the kitchen. “Brother
Nine, go outside and wait.”

Looking into Yin Jiujin’s puzzled eyes, Yan Jinyu smiled and explained, “What other surprises can I
give you if you watch to the end?”

Yan Jinyu’s long hair had been tied up when Yin Jiujin put on the apron for her. There were still a few
strands of hair on her shoulders.

He raised his hand and tucked the strands of hair behind her ear. Yin Jiujin said softly, “I’ll wait for
you in the living room.”

Yin Jiujin went to the living room and saw the four people sitting on the sofa. Without saying a word,
he walked over and sat down on an independent sofa.
Aunt Cheng didn’t say much. She only made him a cup of tea and left.

Yin Jiujin took the tea and took a sip. He still didn’t utter a word.

The Yin Family’s father and sons were not talkative people. They had nothing serious to do, so Yin
Wuzhan and Yin Yuhan naturally didn’t say anything at this time.

Yin Yuhan was replying to his work message on his phone. Yin Wuzhan glanced at Yin Jiujin and
moved his lips as if he wanted to say something, but he didn’t say anything in the end.

He retracted his gaze, which was looking at Yin Jiujin dimly.

Min Qinglan broke the silence. “…Jin’er, this is your birthday present. Happy birthday.” At the same
time, she took a gift box from the sofa behind her and handed it over.

Yin Wuzhan had bought the gift with her.

Yin Jiujin’s hand that was holding the teacup paused as he looked up at her.

His eyes were calm.

At least, in Min Qinglan’s opinion.

However, when Min Qinglan met his calm eyes, her hand that was holding the gift box suddenly
froze. She almost retracted her hand and the gift.

She was petrified.

She had a heartfelt fear for Yin Jiujin.

Seeing this, Yin Jiujin’s eyes suddenly darkened, making it difficult for others to see the emotions in
his eyes. “Thank you. Leave it.”
“…” The four members of the Yin Family.

Such a distant tone made them feel uncomfortable as if something had choked up their hearts.

The atmosphere was a little strange.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Jianjia said, “You don’t lack anything. Your brother and I don’t know what
gift to prepare for you either. We bought a property for you beside the Imperial Capital University.
We thought that it might be useful when you bring Yu’er back to the capital.”

“Yu’er can’t be like this forever. She’s still young. Since the Yan Family doesn’t want to care about
her and you’re her fiancé who’s a few years older than her, you should consider her more. It’s
always right to learn more while you’re young.”

Old Master Yin had mentioned the matter of the school district’s properties. Old Master Yin had
originally planned to settle it himself. When Qin Jianjia and Yin Yuhan found out, they took over the

It was also a good way to use this to start a topic and persuade Yin Jiujin to continue sending Yan
Jinyu to school.

“This is the key to the house.”

Yin Jiujin glanced at Qin Jianjia and Yin Yuhan before receiving the keys. “Thank you for your

He seemed less distant with this reply.

Qin Jianjia heaved a sigh of relief again.

“We’re family.” Yin Yuhan meant that there was no need for them to be too formal as a family.

Yin Jiujin didn’t answer.

“I heard from Grandfather that Yu’er seems to dislike school very much. Do you need me to talk to
her alone?” Qin Jianjia looked at Yin Jiujin and asked.

“There’s no need for that.”

He had the intention to send Yan Jinyu to school, but he said that she didn’t have to talk to Yan Jinyu
alone. He must have his own way of persuading her.

Qin Jianjia no longer mentioned this matter.

“Jin’er, about that girl from the Yan Family…”

After hesitating for a long time, Min Qinglan still wanted to ask the question that she had wanted to
ask for a long time. It was undeniable that she had to muster up all her courage to ask.

Her tone was probing, as if she was afraid of infuriating Yin Jiujin.

However, Yin Jiujin’s expression darkened as soon as she spoke.

Yin Wuzhan glanced at Min Qinglan warningly and interrupted her by changing the topic. “When are
you returning to the capital?” He was asking Yin Jiujin.

He actually wanted to ask when he would return to the Yin Family, but he didn’t in the end.

It was good enough for him to return to the capital. As long as he returned to the capital, he would
return to the Yin Family one day.

It was better than him staying in North City for another eight years.

Yin Jiujin glanced at Min Qinglan with an unknown expression and looked at Yin Wuzhan. “It
“Actually, even if you don’t return to the capital, even if your career focuses on North City, you can
still return to the Yin Family to take a look occasionally.” Yin Wuzhan’s words had an inexplicable
sense of heaviness.

She continued, “I heard that you went to the capital to settle some matters and then to the Lingering
Garden. You even went to the Lingering Garden, so why can’t you return to the Yin Family? Don’t
you have more memories in the Yin Family than in the Lingering Garden?”

“The Yin Family has unpleasant memories, but Lingering Garden doesn’t.”

Yin Jiujin’s emotionless words made Yin Wuzhan pause.

He didn’t know how to respond to that.

Because he knew that Yin Jiujin was telling the truth.

Forget it. He sighed softly and didn’t stay on this slightly heavy topic for long. He changed the topic.
“I heard that you’re very close to a female lead in the Lingering Garden? No matter if this is true or
not, or if you’re unwilling to return to the Yin Family, you’re still a descendant of the Yin Family. I
won’t ask about your past, but since you’ve brought your fiancée back now, you should pay more
attention. Our Yin Family doesn’t have any two-timing men.”

“What two-timing?” Yan Jinyu, who was walking out of the kitchen with the cake, asked. Chapter
166: Master Nine’s Panic

Yin Jiujin frowned when he heard Yin Wuzhan’s words, and his expression clearly darkened.

Hearing Yan Jinyu’s voice, he slowly suppressed his anger. He put down the teacup and walked
towards Yan Jinyu. His gaze landed on the cake she was holding.

The cake was not big. Even with the cream on it, it was only 15 centimeters in diameter.

The fruits on the cake were very exquisite. Other than the fruits, the cake also had the tiny words
“Happy 25th Brother Nine” on it that were written with chocolate.

Yin Jiujin’s heart softened.

The young lady was really fast. He had only left the kitchen for less than 10 minutes, but she had
already made the baked cake like this.

It was unknown how much she had trained herself to do things so quickly.

“Shall I hold it instead?”

“No, I’ll hold it myself. Shall we go to the dining room?”

Yin Jiujin nodded.

After taking two steps, Yan Jinyu suddenly turned back. “Oh right, what were you guys talking about
just now?”

Yan Jinyu didn’t hear much. Probably because she was worried that she would hear it, Yin Wuzhan
deliberately lowered his voice when he said this. She only heard a few vague words when she
walked out of the kitchen. This was still thanks to her sharp hearing.

She wasn’t usually someone who was very curious. She would ask because Yin Wuzhan’s words were
clearly directed at Yin Jiujin.

She couldn’t ignore anything that concerned Yin Jiujin and what the Yin Family said about him.

She was worried that Yin Jiujin would be in a bad mood because of the Yin Family again. After all, she
had clearly sensed the change in Yin Jiujin’s mood at that instant. If his mood became bad, and she
didn’t know anything, she wouldn’t be able to comfort him even if she wanted to.

Hence, she had to find out what they were talking about.

Qin Jianjia panicked and was about to say “nothing” when Yin Jiujin interrupted her. “It’s an
unimportant person. Others might have misunderstood that she’s related to me.”

Yin Jiujin spoke frankly. He even frowned deeply when he mentioned that person.

“A woman?” Yan Jinyu raised her eyebrows.


“Don’t overthink. She’s not someone important.”

“Brother Nine doesn’t like that person?” Perhaps, it was even disgust?

She could tell from Yin Jiujin’s subtle change in expression.

“The definition of ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ could only be used on someone who matters.” In other words,
that person was not even qualified to have his “dislike”.

Now, Yan Jinyu could confirm that Yin Jiujin really hated that woman.

However, the word “hate” was not used on someone who didn’t matter.

In short, that woman was definitely involved with Yin Jiujin.

Tsk, it was really annoying to use the words “involved” on Yin Jiujin and another woman.

Even if it wasn’t a good relationship.

Seeing the smile in her eyes disappear, Yin Jiujin, who hadn’t felt anything, suddenly felt his heart
constricted. He hurriedly held onto her shoulders and made her look at him.

“Little Yu, that’s really not someone important. Don’t you trust me?”
Yan Jinyu narrowed her eyes and smiled. “Of course, I believe you.” However, even though she
believed him, she was still unhappy.

“Have some cake first. It’s your birthday today, so let’s not talk about this.”


Before Yin Jiujin could explain, he saw her turn around and walk to the dining room with the cake.
He was extremely flustered.

He quickly chased after her.

He looked so flustered that everyone in the living room was shocked.

They had never seen Jin’er so flustered since he was young.


Even back then, when they had contradicted his thoughts, other than frowning in anger, he didn’t
show any signs of panic when he reminded them three times, or rather, pleaded with them three

But now…

Yan Jinyu had just placed the cake on the dining table when Yin Jiujin immediately grabbed her wrist.
“Girl, I only have you. There’s no one else.”

The grip on her wrist was a little strong, and Yan Jinyu felt a little pain. When she heard his words
and saw the intense panic on his face, Yan Jinyu’s heart suddenly felt a little heavy.

It was stifling.
Yin Jiujin, Master Nine, who could scare everyone just by mentioning his name. Even she had been a
little wary of him previously.

Why would he be so flustered over such a small matter?

She didn’t say that she didn’t believe him. She was simply unhappy that there was such a woman
involved with him.

And the reason why he looked so flustered was all because of her.

It was only because he cared about her.

“Of course I believe you.”

“But you…”

“I’m simply unhappy. Brother Nine, since she’s an unimportant person, you shouldn’t even hate

Yin Jiujin’s brows suddenly frowned deeply when he heard this, and his eyes were filled with a dark
gleam. Obviously, he was already on the verge of rage.

She didn’t know what he was thinking.

He reached out and pulled Yan Jinyu into his embrace. The darkness in his eyes dissipated a little.

“She’s an unimportant person. I didn’t even look at her, let alone have any emotions on her.”

“She disgusts me.” When Yin Jiujin said this, he buried his face in Yan Jinyu’s neck. He actually gave
her a sense of grievance.

Yan Jinyu’s heart softened. “Huh?”

“I don’t want to talk about it. It makes me feel sick just thinking about it.”

Yan Jinyu suddenly smiled, “If you don’t want to say it, then don’t. Shall we eat cake?”

Yin Jiujin let go and stared at her. “You’re not angry anymore?”

“I’m not angry. I’m just unhappy that someone has taken up so much of your emotions.” Yan Jinyu
was a little helpless.

However, she could tell that Yin Jiujin was really different from before.

He was too emotional and not as stable as before.

Upon hearing her words, Yin Jiujin’s nausea due to remembering Yu Qingwan, dissipated a little.

She didn’t even want to share his disgust with others. The young lady’s possessiveness…

He was very satisfied.

Since Yan Jinyu had realized that Yin Jiujin was different today, Yin Jiujin naturally realized it too. He
didn’t know the reason either. However, he didn’t hate this feeling, so he followed his heart.

“Try the cake I made for you.”

Looking at the cake on the table, Yan Jinyu felt that she was still missing something. Suddenly, her
eyes lit up. She turned back and called, “Aunt Cheng.”

Aunt Cheng wasn’t far away. When she heard the shout, she hurriedly walked over, “Miss Yu, do you
need anything?”

“Yes, are there any candles in the house?”

“Yes, I’ll get it.”

After a while, Aunt Cheng brought over the candles and Yan Jinyu took two candles from her. After
all, the cake wasn’t big. “Thank you, Aunt Cheng.”

Yan Jinyu put the candle on the cake.

At this moment, the four people in the living room also stood up and walked towards the dining

They only dared to come over after they were certain that there was no estrangement between Yan
Jinyu and Yin Jiujin because of the woman they had suddenly mentioned.

The two of them looked at the four people walking over at the same time.

Yan Jinyu was fine, but Yin Jiujin frowned slightly, especially when his gaze swept past Yin Wuzhan.

If he hadn’t mentioned the woman in the Lingering Garden for no reason, nothing would have

Fortunately, the young lady trusted him. Otherwise…

Yin Wuzhan knew that he had almost done something wrong out of kindness, so he looked a little

He really should not doubt his son’s character.

At the end of the day, it was all because he had heard some rumors. As the saying goes, “weakness
lends wings to rumors”. There should be some basis for someone to dare to spread Jin’er’s gossip.

He was also reminding him to prevent the two of them from getting into a conflict because of that
person. Who knew that Yan Jinyu would hear it?
He had clearly planned everything. She should not have heard him at that distance.

Could it be that young people nowadays had better hearing?

Min Qinglan pursed her lips and looked at them. In the end, her gaze landed on Yan Jinyu.

She said nothing.

No matter how silly she was, she could tell that Yan Jinyu was no longer just a little special in her
son’s heart. Instead, Yan Jinyu’s importance had completely exceeded her understanding!

Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin retracted their gazes and lit the candles.

“Brother Nine, blow out the candles and make a wish.” As for singing a birthday song? It didn’t
match her dignity as the number one killer…

Just as she thought that, she met Yin Jiujin’s gaze.

“You’re not going to sing for me?”

“…” Yan Jinyu. She missed that cold and distant Brother Nine.

She couldn’t stand being stared at by him like this, Yan Jinyu finally opened her mouth slowly.
“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you…” Her voice was very pleasant. It was the same
feeling she gave people when she looked at her. It was very clean.

The corners of Yin Jiujin’s lips curled up slightly.

There were six people at the dining table, but the two of them made them feel like they were alone.

Qin Jianjia wanted to sing the birthday song together with Yan Jinyu, but her voice suddenly froze.
She felt that she would feel uneasy if she ruined such a warm atmosphere between the two of them.

Also, she actually felt that the four of them were like four big third wheels!

Actually, it wasn’t only Qin Jianjia who had this feeling. The other three people also had this feeling.

“Brother Nine, you don’t want to make a wish?” After singing, Yan Jinyu saw that Yin Jiujin was still
staring at her. He didn’t have any intention of making a wish.

“Do you believe in something as illusory as wishing?”

Yan Jinyu shook her head decisively without thinking.

Of course not. She had always only believed in herself. If she could get what she wanted just by
making a wish, why would she have experienced so much in the past?

However, on the day of her coming-of-age ceremony, in order not to ruin the atmosphere… or
rather, to not affect Yan Jinyun’s mood for her birthday, she closed her eyes with Yan Jinyun when
she lit the cake and candles on Mount Jing’s birthday.

Of course, she only acted like she made a wish. Actually, her mind was blank at that time.

“That’s it.”

“I’ve always only believed in myself. I’ll get whatever I want.”

The four Yin Family members fell silent after hearing his words.

Only Yan Jinyu looked at him and smiled very brightly.

There were actually many similarities between them. Chapter 167: Pouncing Into His Arms
“However, Brother Nine, you’re wrong about one thing. You’ll get whatever you want yourself. That
was in the past. I’ll help you get whatever you want in the future.”

Yin Jiujin was taken aback.

“Don’t you doubt it. I mean it. You know, I’m good.”

Wasn’t she afraid that the Yin Family would suspect her by voicing it out like this?

Of course, she was not afraid. They could not guess her identity anyway.

“It’s not that I don’t believe you.” Yin Jiujin raised his hand and pinched her face. “You’re right. You’ll
help me get whatever I want in the future.”

The young lady was indeed silly. She gave her all to him and did not know how to hold back at all.

After blowing out the candles, Yin Jiujin cut the cake under the complicated gazes of the four Yin
Family members.

However, she sat down and brought the cake in front of her. She looked up at the four people
standing there. “You don’t have a share of the cake that my fiancée made for me.”

Then, he took a bite himself and fed Yan Jinyu another bite.

Min Qinglan, who disliked Yan Jinyu, couldn’t stand their lovey-dovey anymore. She turned around
and walked out of the dining room. “I’m going out for a walk.”

The other three people also found an excuse to leave.

However, when they left the restaurant, Yin Wuzhan and Yin Yuhan clearly took a double-look at Yan
With their experience and Yan Jinyu’s words, they naturally didn’t think that it was all a joke.

They didn’t know Yan Jinyu, but they knew Yin Jiujin.

They had seen with their own eyes that after Yan Jinyu said those words, Jin’er was obviously
stunned. He was shocked and not suspicious.

In other words, in Jin’er’s opinion, Yan Jinyu wasn’t boasting.

They had already investigated the eldest daughter of the Yan Family, Yan Jinyu, when Jin’er brought
her back.

She didn’t have any outstanding ability.

Investigate again?

No, after seeing that Jin’er valued her so much, there was no need for them to investigate further.

Firstly, they believed in Jin’er’s judgment of people.

Secondly, there was no need for them to anger Jin’er again just to investigate Yan Jinyu.

They couldn’t help but think more highly of Yan Jinyu.

No matter what, as long as she wasn’t scheming or evil, they would not pursue the matter too much.

Not long after finishing the cake, Yin Jiujin went to the study to deal with the document that Lin Zimu
had sent over at the last minute. In order not to disturb him, Yan Jinyu didn’t follow him.

She didn’t want to be alone with the Yin Family either.

It was not that she was afraid of them, but she was afraid that if Min Qinglan looked for trouble with
her again, she would not be able to restrain herself and make a move against her.

She was actually a little frustrated when she thought of the woman whom Yin Jiujin hated so much.

It was fine with Yin Jiujin by her side as her frustration was suppressed. Once Yin Jiujin wasn’t by her
side, her frustration appeared again.

Hence, Yan Jinyu took a bottle of yogurt from the fridge and went upstairs to her room.

She did not stay in the room. Instead, she walked to the hanging chair on the balcony and sat down.
She took out her phone and dialed a number. “Meimei.”

“Beauty Yu, what’s up?”

“Help me investigate someone.”

Xi Fengling was stunned. Beauty Yu was asking her to help investigate someone?

Beauty Yu usually wouldn’t tell them anything that she could resolve on her own.

Did something big happen?!

Xi Fengling’s expression turned serious. “Who are we investigating?”

“The Lingering Garden in the capital. A woman who might be related to Yin Jiujin. I want to know
what relationship she has with Yin Jiujin.” She even heard the words “Lingering Garden” from Yin

It wasn’t difficult to guess that the woman who had some connections to Yin Jiujin was related to
Lingering Garden.
After returning to North City, she didn’t investigate Yin Jiujin again. As for before returning to North
City, she wanted to get close to Yin Jiujin, so she naturally had to investigate.

However, she had only found some superficial information about Yin Jiujin.

She didn’t want to investigate Yin Jiujin, but she couldn’t ignore that woman no matter what.

Hence, she had to investigate this.

“Yu Qingwan from the Lingering Garden?”

As soon as Xi Fengling finished speaking, she regretted it. Wasn’t she clearly telling Beauty Yu that
she knew of such a person’s existence?

She knew, but she didn’t tell Beauty Yu beforehand…

Based on Beauty Yu’s personality, she probably wouldn’t let this matter go so easily.

She felt like Beauty Yu was going to hold a grudge again.

“Meimei, do you know about her?”

“…Not really. After all, I’ve lived in the capital for three years and investigated the Min Family with
Min Rufeng for so many years. As I investigate, I can always find some secrets.”


Yan Jinyu enunciated every word clearly. Even if she couldn’t hear her emotions, Xi Fengling’s heart
trembled when she heard it.

“I’m talking about other secret matters. Second Young Master Yin and Yu Qingwan aren’t considered
secret matters.” Xi Fengling coughed dryly and made up a story. “We knew that Second Young
Master Yin was your fiancé, so when we found out that it was related to him, Min Rufeng and I
investigated in detail.”

Yan Jinyu leaned lazily on the hanging chair. She held her phone in one hand and tapped lightly on
the hanging chair with the other. She looked very nonchalant.

“What did you find out?”

Xi Fengling became serious.

“It’s like this. I heard it from someone else. They said that Yu Qingwan is the person in Second Young
Master Yin’s heart, so I went to investigate. I didn’t expect to find something even bigger.”

“The person… in his heart?”

Xi Fengling’s lips twitched. “Beauty Yu, you don’t seem to have caught the main point. Ahem, that Yu
Qingwan isn’t actually Second Young Master Yin’s lover. Don’t worry.” If it was true, she would have
told Beauty Yu long ago. Why would she wait until now?

How could she and Min Rufeng not have found out about someone after a month?

“I’m talking about something else. That matter might be related to why Second Young Master Yin
retired from the military in his early years and why he left the capital and enter the business world.”

Yan Jinyu’s hand that was knocking on the hanging chair casually paused, “What’s the matter?”

“We’re still investigating the exact details. We’ve only found some superficial information. Beauty
Yu, you know that such a big matter that has something to do with Second Young Master Yin is
actually not easy to investigate.”

“I heard that before Second Young Master Yin retired, other than Qin Hao, he had a very close
comrade in the army. However, that comrade died on a mission, and Yu Qingwan seems to be
related to that comrade.”
“You’re saying that Yin Jiujin always goes to the Lingering Garden to take care of his comrade’s old
friend?” There was actually another reason why Yan Jinyu was so concerned. She knew that Yin Jiujin
had to go to the Lingering Garden every time he returned to the capital.

“That’s not it.”

“Beauty Yu, don’t be anxious. Listen to me slowly.” As she spoke, she sighed inwardly. Beauty Yu was
such a calm person in the past. Look at her now…

She did not know if it was good or bad that her mood could be affected so easily.

“Second Young Master Yin’s trip to the Lingering Garden has nothing to do with Yu Qingwan. It’s said
that when Second Young Master Yin was very young… which is before he joined the army, he often
accompanied Old Madam Yin to the Lingering Garden to watch the shows. Second Young Master Yin
often goes to the Lingering Garden to commemorate Old Madam Yin.”

“Second Young Master Yin goes to the Lingering Garden no less than 20 times a year, but the
number of times he meets Yu Qingwan can be counted on one hand.”

“I’ve seen her so few times. Where did Yin Jiujin’s disgust for her come from? Could it be because of
his good comrade?”


“It should be unrelated to Second Young Master Yin’s comrade because according to the information
I found, Yu Qingwan and Second Young Master Yin’s comrade have an extremely good relationship.
Since she’s an old friend of Second Young Master Yin’s comrade, even if Second Young Master Yin
doesn’t take care of her much, he shouldn’t hate her.”

“Could it be because Yu Qingwan pounced…” Xi Fengling suddenly paused.

She didn’t want to hide this from Beauty Yu because she was also very angry when she heard from
Min Rufeng. However, she didn’t dare to say it when she thought that Beauty Yu would definitely
not feel good if she knew about this.

Even if it was nothing, it was still very annoying!


Xi Fengling knew that she couldn’t hide it from her anymore. Since that was the case, she might as
well tell her everything she knew so that she wouldn’t have to waste her time investigating.

“S-she cried in Second Young Master Yin’s arms…”

The smile in Yan Jinyu’s eyes faded slightly, and her gaze turned colder. “Pounced… into his arms?
And cry?”

“Beauty Yu, don’t be anxious. I’m not doing this for Second Young Master Yin. I just don’t want there
to be any unnecessary misunderstandings between the two of you.”

“Think about it. With Second Young Master Yin’s temperament, if he really had something going on
with Yu Qingwan, would he not keep her by his side? He has gone to the Lingering Garden hundreds
of times in all these years, but the number of times he has met Yu Qingwan can be counted on one
hand. How could Second Young Master Yin possibly have anything going on with Yu Qingwan?
Besides, didn’t you say just now that Second Young Master Yin hated Yu Qingwan?”

“Even so, it seems a little unforgivable. With Yin Jiujin’s skills, if he wasn’t willing, would Yu Qingwan
have easily pounced into his arms? Yin Jiujin even allowed her to cry in his arms?”

Xi Fengling couldn’t refute that.

Because no matter how she investigated, that had really happened.

“Beauty Yu, don’t be anxious or excited. If you really have doubts, ask Second Young Master Yin. If
he can’t give you a reasonable explanation, y-you just don’t want him. There are so many men in the
world. Without him, you can still find someone else…”

Yan Jinyu smiled. “How can that be?”

“If I believe him and trust him, then he’s mine. Even if he dies, he’s still mine.”
“…” Xi Fengling

Just as she was thinking about what to say to persuade her, Yan Jinyu said, “What does the sacrifice
of a comrade have to do with Yin Jiujin retiring and leaving the capital?”

Her tone was normal, as if they had never talked about such a serious and shocking topic.

“I haven’t found out about that yet. I simply had this guess from the time Second Young Master Yin
coincidentally retired and left the capital shortly after the sacrifice of his good comrade. Min Rufeng
and I will continue to investigate. I’ll tell you when I have news.”

“Beauty Yu, it’s really not a small matter if it is investigated thoroughly. The estrangement between
Second Young Master Yin and the Yin Family is probably related to this too.”

After hesitating for a moment, Yan Jinyu said, “Investigate it slowly. There’s no hurry. Meimei, you
and Feng have to be careful. I’m afraid this news will alert Yin Jiujin and Qin Hao. Forget about Yin
Jiujin. He’s a businessman. He doesn’t have so much responsibility. Even if he knows our identities,
he won’t care too much. However, Qin Hao is different…””

“If it’s really dangerous, don’t investigate. Wait until I get to the capital.”

“Beauty Yu, don’t worry. We’ll be careful. It wasn’t easy for us to escape from Ghost Slaughter Island
and gain freedom. We still have a good life ahead of us. We’ll retreat if there’s danger.”

“On the other hand, Beauty Yu, if you really want to find out what’s going on, go and ask Second
Young Master Yin. Ask calmly, don’t be agitated first.”

“Meimei, do you think I’m agitated now?”

At that moment, someone knocked on the door.

Yan Jinyu, who had finished the bottle of yogurt in one go, narrowed her eyes and looked at the door
through the floor-to-ceiling window.
She did not know who it was, but they were very good at finding trouble for themselves.

“Someone is knocking on the door. That’s all for now.”

“Beauty Yu, wait.”

Yan Jinyu’s hand that was about to hang up stopped. “Is there anything else?”

“If, I mean if, Second Young Master Yin really didn’t give you a reasonable explanation and you’re
really angry. Endure it for a while and call us. We’ll make a move when we get there. This way, the
chances of winning and the chances of you escaping unscathed will be higher.”

“What are you talking about? We’re civilized people. Why are we making a move?”

“…” Xi Fengling. She was still in the mood to joke. It seemed like things were still manageable.

After hanging up, Yan Jinyu held the phone in her hand. She got up and returned to her room. She
accurately threw the yogurt bottle into the trash can before opening the door.

Seeing Min Qinglan standing in front of the door, the smile on Yan Jinyu’s face deepened.

“You’re blocking the door. Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

Yan Jinyu opened the door and let her in.

She pointed at the pink sofa beside her. “Please sit.”

Min Qinglan walked over and sat down. Yan Jinyu leaned lazily against the door. “Auntie, what’s the
Min Qinglan frowned when she saw her like this, “Look at you. Why are you standing like that! You
looked ill-bred! Come over and sit properly!”

Yan Jinyu smiled, “Auntie, have you forgotten whose territory this is? You came to my room to scold
me. Aren’t you afraid that you won’t be able to leave this room unscathed?” Chapter 168:

She had a smile on her face, but her eyes were cold.

She stood lazily by the door and yet she had an inexplicable imposing aura.

It was shocking and a little frightening.

Min Qinglan was a little frightened. She sat on the sofa in a daze for a long time. “Y-y-you…”

She couldn’t utter a complete sentence for a long time.

Finally, she forced out, “What nonsense are you talking about!”

She couldn’t leave this room unscathed?

How dare a little girl who grew up in the countryside say such words!

However, at this moment, she had a feeling that she was not boasting. That was the scariest thing.

Her limbs turned cold unknowingly.

Yan Jinyu chuckled, “Auntie, do you think I’m talking nonsense?”

“You’re Brother Nine’s mother. On account of Brother Nine, I call you Auntie. Do you really think
that you’re my elder who can put on airs to teach me a lesson? Tsk, the person who can teach me a
lesson is no longer in this world.”
“You don’t like me? Can’t you hide it in your heart if you don’t like me? Why do you have to come
and find trouble with me? I don’t intend to do anything to you on the account that you’re Brother
Nine’s mother. Of course, the premise is that you don’t come to find trouble with me.”

“You’re really good at finding trouble. You came when I’m feeling frustrated.”

“You…” Min Qinglan was about to say something when Yan Jinyu’s smile faded slightly. She stood up
straight and walked towards her step by step.

She was less than 10 steps away, but every step she took gave Min Qinglan an inexplicable sense of

She panicked and instinctively wanted to retreat, but she was sitting on the sofa and could not
retreat at all.

Yan Jinyu retracted her clear smile, and her eyes were cold.

Not to mention the timid Min Qinglan, even if it were anyone else, they would probably be

She pressed her back against the back of the sofa and looked at her warily, “W-What are you trying
to do?!”

Her lips curled into a devilish smile and her killing intent suddenly appeared. “Tell me, what do I
want to do?”

Min Qinglan’s face instantly turned pale.

Yan Jinyu stopped three steps away from Min Qinglan. Looking at her frightened expression, Yan
Jinyu sneered, “You’re so timid, but you still dare to look for me.”

Yan Jinyu pressed her tongue against the back of her molars and looked down at her. “If you weren’t
Brother Nine’s mother, you would probably be a corpse now. Understand?”
Min Qinglan looked terrified.

“Be sensible. Don’t provoke me. I can pretend that you don’t exist.”

“Oh, I heard that you even found a partner for Brother Nine in the capital? Are you not afraid of
death, or are those wealthy young ladies not afraid of death?”

“Alright, I don’t want to kill you now. Go back to where you came from.” It was quite troublesome to
kill her now. Yan Jinyu knew this very well.

Once she said that, Min Qinglan stood up in a panic. She even knelt on the ground because her legs
were weak. Then, she was probably too afraid. She didn’t care about being embarrassed and
scrambled out of Yan Jinyu’s room.

She even bumped into Qin Jianjia, who had found out that she was looking for Yan Jinyu and was
worried that something would happen. Qin Jianjia hurriedly went upstairs to take a look.

“Mom, what are you…”

Before she could finish speaking, Min Qinglan grabbed her hand tightly. “Go back to the capital, go
back to the capital! Now!”

“What’s wrong? Mom, what happened?” When Qin Jianjia saw that she was so frightened, she
became anxious. Qin Jianjia thought that something had happened to Yan Jinyu because Min Qinglan
had come out of Yan Jinyu’s room.

“Mom, did something happen to Yu’er?”

She was about to push her hand away as she spoke, but Min Qinglan held onto her tightly and
refused to let go. “Let’s go back to the capital. We’ll go back now…”

Qin Jianjia was stunned because she actually saw pleading in Min Qinglan’s eyes.
Although she and her mother-in-law weren’t incompatible, they weren’t that close either. Because
of her status as the eldest daughter of the Qin Family and she was also outstanding, her mother-in-
law rarely picked on her flaws, but even so, her mother-in-law always acted like an elder in front of
her. This was the first time she had seen her mother-in-law speak to her in a pleading tone.

Now, Qin Jianjia was even more flustered. She felt that something must have happened to Yan Jinyu.
Otherwise, how could her usually overbearing mother-in-law be so frightened?.

“Mom, let go of me first. I’ll go and see Yu’er…”

“What’s wrong with Little Yu?” Yin Jiujin’s study was on the second floor. Although it was at the
corner, how could he not hear such a huge commotion upstairs?

Just like Qin Jianjia, he thought that Min Qinglan was here to look for Yan Jinyu.

In fact, that was indeed the case.

Although he knew Yan Jinyu’s ability, Yin Jiujin was still worried.

“I don’t know. Go take a look. I’ll bring Mom downstairs first.” Qin Jianjia was the eldest daughter-in-
law of the Yin Family and had many things to take care of.

On the one hand, she was worried that something would happen to Yan Jinyu. On the other hand,
she was worried that Yin Jiujin would explode after something happened to Yan Jinyu and Min
Qinglan would probably get into trouble here.

Hence, she had to bring her downstairs first.

Without waiting for Yin Jiujin to reply, she brought Min Qinglan downstairs.

Yin Jiujin frowned slightly and hurriedly walked towards Yan Jinyu’s room.

The door wasn’t closed. Seeing Yan Jinyu sitting quietly on the sofa, Yin Jiujin’s heart finally relaxed
However, his heart skipped a beat the next second.

He saw Yan Jinyu sitting on the sofa looking up and smiling at him. “Brother Nine, you’re here. Sit.”

It was clearly a very normal smile, but Yin Jiujin could clearly sense that there was something strange
about it.

She was indeed very abnormal now.

They had been interacting with each other for so long, their relationship had also proceeded to the
next level, it was even his birthday and they had just finished eating the cake in the dining room
happily. Now that she saw him, she should have pounced at him with her usual happy expression.

But she didn’t.

She sat there quietly and greeted him normally. She asked him to sit there normally.

Holding his breath, Yin Jiujin walked towards her. He didn’t sit down but stood in front of her. He
raised his hand to rub her head, but she avoided him.

“Sit,” she said with a smile.

Yin Jiujin’s hand froze in midair. He looked calm, but his heart was already flustered.

This was the first time she had avoided him.

Even on the day he brought her back to North City, when they were still not familiar with each other,
she didn’t avoid him.

He retracted his hand and curled his fingers.

“W-What’s wrong?” He had tried his best to remain calm, but his voice was still trembling.
“Sit,” Yan Jinyu said again, the smile on her face unchanged.

Yin Jiujin tried his best to suppress the panic in his heart. Just as he was about to sit down beside
her, she said, “Sit over there.” She pointed at the other sofa nearby.

Yin Jiujin froze for a moment before sitting down beside her without any hesitation. He reached out
and trapped her in his arms. “Girl, don’t be like this.”

“If you have anything to say, say it clearly. Don’t alienate me like this.”

Although the two of them had never fought before, in terms of skills, they were probably not much

Yan Jinyu didn’t want him to trap her, so he naturally couldn’t trap her either.

With a light movement, she retreated from Yin Jiujin’s embrace and sat on the other sofa.

Yin Jiujin wanted to get up and hug her again, but he met her faint smile. “Sit down first. I don’t want
to fight you.”

Hence, Yin Jiujin couldn’t help but panic.

Clenching his fists gently, he sat back down. “D-did my mother say something to you?”

At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

It was Aunt Cheng. The tray in her hand had 10 bottles of yogurt.

Seeing that Yin Jiujin was in Yan Jinyu’s room, Aunt Cheng was stunned for a moment. However, she
didn’t ask further and greeted him politely, “Second Young Master.”

Then, she looked at Yan Jinyu, “Miss Yu, the yogurt that you wanted.”
“Thank you. Let’s leave them here.”

Aunt Cheng was slightly stunned. Usually, Miss Yu would smile when she saw her. She would also
happily take it and give her a sweet smile whenever she was getting the yogurt for her.

Now, although she was also smiling, she felt that something was different.

Why did Miss Yu want so much yogurt? Could she want to finish it in one go?

Originally, when Miss Yu called her, she had said that there wasn’t so much yogurt in the fridge, but
Miss Yu didn’t care. She only said, “Ten bottles. I’ll have to trouble Aunt Cheng to send them to my
room. Thank you.”

Then, she hung up.

She couldn’t read Miss Yu’s mind, but she was still considered a servant in this family. She sensed
that something was wrong, so she hesitated for a moment before deciding to follow Miss Yu’s

Also, Miss Yu and Second Young Master…

The atmosphere was obviously not right.

However, Aunt Cheng also knew that this wasn’t something she could interfere in. She only went
forward and placed the yogurt on the small coffee table in front of Yan Jinyu. Then, she left the room

Seeing that Yan Jinyu had specially asked Aunt Cheng to bring so much yogurt over, Yin Jiujin’s face
tensed up, and the alarm in his eyes turned to panic.

He had limited the amount of yogurt in the fridge at home. There were only five bottles in total.
He saw that the young lady had entered the kitchen to get one bottle when he went upstairs earlier
but now, Aunt Cheng could even bring up 10 bottles.

It meant that this was the young lady’s request, and it was an unquestionable request.

Otherwise, Aunt Cheng wouldn’t have ignored his instructions.

Seeing that Yan Jinyu had picked up a bottle of yogurt and opened it, Yin Jiujin probably wanted to
say something to make her drink less. He moved his lips, but in the end, he didn’t say anything.

After drinking a bottle of yogurt in one go, Yan Jinyu felt that the frustration that was about to burst
out was suppressed a little.

Seeing that she was about to open the second bottle after finishing the first one, Yin Jiujin finally
couldn’t help but say, “Little Yu, don’t drink in such a… hurry. Drink it slowly.”

Yan Jinyu’s hand that was about to open the yogurt paused for a moment, but then she still opened

She didn’t drink it and just held it in her hand. She smiled at him. “Brother Nine, how many women
have you hugged?”

Yin Jiujin was stunned. He didn’t expect her to suddenly ask this. His expression turned cold. “Did
someone say something to you?”

He thought that Min Qinglan had said something when she came to Yan Jinyu’s room earlier.

“So, Brother Nine has really hugged another woman before?” After saying that, she drank another
bottle of yogurt in one go.

She was afraid that she might not be able to control herself if she didn’t drink yoghurt.

Yin Jiujin hurriedly said, “No, just you!”

“Don’t drink so much. We can talk things out slowly. Your stomach will feel uncomfortable.”

Suddenly, he heard a low laugh. Yan Jinyu looked up at him with a slightly cold gaze, “Only me? Are
you sure?” Chapter 169: Barely Reasonable

“Of course.”

“Little Yu, if you’ve heard something from someone, don’t take it seriously. I, Yin Jiujin, am not the
kind of person who is fickle-minded. Before I brought you back, I never even thought that the person
I wanted to spend the rest of my life with would appear.”

“Before you, not to mention hugging another woman, no matter if it’s a man or a woman, others
can’t easily get close to me. You should have heard of this.” Or rather, she should have found out.

Even if he didn’t ask or investigate, Yin Jiujin knew that Yan Jinyu had definitely investigated him
before she returned to North City.

To a certain extent, they were the same kind of people.

If it were him, he wouldn’t easily let someone who he didn’t know nothing stay by him either.

“Brother Nine, why are you saying all this? The famous Master Nine, how can the word ‘heard’ be
accurate when it comes to information related to you? Not to mention hearing about it, even if I
investigate personally, I might not be able to find much.”

The flustered Yin Jiujin frowned deeply. “Don’t say that.” He felt stifled and uncomfortable hearing

“Master Nine is used by others, not you.”

Yan Jinyu couldn’t be bothered to talk about the first time they met. She looked at him with her cold
eyes, “Let me ask you one last time. Have you hugged any other woman before?”
“Brother Nine, I don’t know how much you know about the number one killer, ‘Chi’, but I want to
tell you now that ‘Chi’ isn’t a patient person.”

“It’s an exception for me to ask a question a second time. I won’t ask a third time. So, answer after
you’ve thought it through.”

Yin Jiujin could tell that she wasn’t joking. He had a feeling that if his answer this time wasn’t as she
wished, he might lose her forever…

It was precisely because of this that he did not say “no” immediately.

Even though he was extremely sure of his answer.

“Don’t worry. Let me think… I hugged my mother and grandmother when I was young. Does that

When did the frightening Master Nine ever be so humble and… ridiculous?

If it wasn’t Yan Jinyu sitting opposite him, the anger in her heart would have dissipated when she
saw him like this.

Yan Jinyu had never been an indecisive person. Since she was so concerned about this matter, she
naturally had to ask thoroughly.

After all, if she didn’t resolve it now, this matter would be like a thorn stuck in her heart.

She glanced at him calmly.

“Let me think about it…”

In the end, Yin Jiujin held his breath and braced himself. “I really didn’t. My memory has always been
very good. Other than you and a woman who doesn’t know what’s good for her and threw herself
into my arms, I…”
At this point, Yin Jiujin suddenly paused. When he saw Yan Jinyu’s expression, he instantly
understood. “You’re talking about that disgusting woman?”

To be able to make a calm and noble person like Yin Jiujin use the word “disgusting” so many times,
it seemed like she had really disgusted him.

“I heard that she cried in your arms?”

At the mention of this, Yin Jiujin’s expression turned very ugly. If it wasn’t for this, he wouldn’t have
used the word “disgusting” on an unimportant person.

“Y-yes. That did happen…”

Seeing that Yan Jinyu no longer had any smile on her face, there was a hint of coldness in her
indifferent eyes. Then, she placed her right hand on her left wrist. Yin Jiujin hurriedly said, “Girl,
don’t be anxious. Let me explain first.”

The young lady was really silly when she was silly. The young lady was really seductive when she was
flirting, and the young lady was really ruthless when she was ruthless.

He had lived for more than 20 years, and all his calm and self-control had been destroyed by her.

No one had ever forced him to this extent.

He had long realized that he had lost himself to her for the rest of his life.

“That day, I went to the Lingering Garden as usual to sit. I didn’t expect her to be the one serving
tea. I didn’t take an unimportant person to heart. I just thought that she was like an ordinary

“After she poured the tea, I thought that she had already left and didn’t care. I didn’t expect her to
sob softly. I was a little unhappy, but I didn’t chase her out.”
“Why didn’t you chase her out?” Yan Jinyu saw that his expression seemed to have changed. It had a
complicated look that she couldn’t understand, and her heart softened as she asked.

“That day was her fiancé’s death anniversary. I almost forgot about it if she didn’t mention it.”

“Her fiancé is your comrade who sacrificed himself on that mission?”

Yin Jiujin was surprised. “You… knew?”

If Yan Jinyu still couldn’t tell that the person he cared about was actually that comrade, then she
would be too stupid.

“I’m not sure, but I know a little. So, because she’s your comrade’s fiancée, you allowed her to fall
into your arms because she was sad and crying?”

“Of course not!” Taking advantage of her softened attitude, Yin Jiujin hurriedly got up and sat beside
her. He ignored her struggles and carried her to sit on his lap, trapping her tightly.

The more she struggled, the tighter he held her. Yan Jinyu simply gave up and said, “Put me down

“No.” He leaned his chin on her shoulder. “Say what you want to say like this.”

He could not control the panic in his heart if he was too far away from her.

“Let go of me.”

Yin Jiujin rubbed his face against her neck gently. “Girl, can I just hug you and explain to you like
this? I don’t feel good thinking about the past.”

Impressive. He even knew how to act coquettishly.

However, it was obvious that his move had worked on Yan Jinyu. Seeing him like this, Yan Jinyu’s
heart couldn’t help but soften.

She would just treat it like sitting on the sofa.

Yan Jinyu said calmly, “Go ahead.”

“I didn’t expect her to suddenly throw herself into my arms as she cried. I was distracted by
something else at that time and didn’t pay attention…”

“Then why didn’t you push her out after you reacted?”

“Didn’t I say that I was distracted by something else? I’ve come so far and there are countless people
who want to kill me. That day, someone had sneaked into the Lingering Garden.”

“There seems to be quite a number of them.”

Meeting her gaze, Yin Jiujin heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time, his heart warmed. “Don’t
worry. A few people can’t do anything to me.”

Yan Jinyu snorted softly, “Who’s worried about you?”

“If I push her out, I’ll alert the enemy and that woman might die on the spot. It’s fine if it’s
somewhere else, but that’s the Lingering Garden. No matter if that woman dies or those people who
want to kill me create a commotion in a panic, the Lingering Garden will be affected.”

“That’s not what I want to see.”

“The Lingering Garden belongs to Grandmother.”

Yan Jinyu was stunned. She didn’t know that.

The largest Beijing opera garden in the capital actually belonged to Old Madam Yin.
“After Grandmother left, she transferred it to me.”

“The Lingering Garden is Grandmother’s favorite place when she was alive. It’s also a property under
my name. Naturally, I can’t let its reputation be damaged.”

“After the subordinates received my instructions to get rid of those people silently. I couldn’t take it
anymore and pushed that woman out.”

“I really pushed her out. You have to believe me. At that time, she hit the table beside her. I heard
that her back almost broke. She stayed in the hospital for a few days.”

“…” Yan Jinyu.

“Even now, I still feel disgusted.”

“After I went back that day, I took a bath for the entire night. The clothes I wore that day were
burned by the servants.” That was not a lie.

His lips landed beside her ear. “So, girl, stop scaring me for such an unimportant person, okay?”

“…Then why is she still in the Lingering Garden now?”

“She’s the adopted daughter of the director. The director is an old employee of Grandmother’s.
Since he begged me, I naturally have to give him some face.”

“Not because she’s your comrade’s fiancée?”

At the mention of that comrade, Yin Jiujin paused his kiss on her ear, and his eyes darkened. “No.”

“Do you want to know what happened back then?”

Yan Jinyu turned her head and looked into his eyes.
“You don’t want to talk about it.” An affirmative tone.

“Since you don’t want to talk about it, don’t force yourself.”

Yin Jiujin’s heart trembled slightly as he looked at her. He simply raised her chin and kissed her.

She was always so understanding.

He really didn’t want to talk about it. He didn’t want to recall what happened back then.

This kiss was very light and quickly ended. Yin Jiujin didn’t dare to go overboard, afraid that she
would still be angry.

“Are you still angry?”

“I just want a reasonable explanation. Since I think this explanation is reasonable, I naturally won’t
pursue it.”

“Then don’t scare me like that again.”

“So easily frightened? Did you inherit your mother’s courage?”

Yin Jiujin’s expression froze slightly as if he had thought of something. However, he quickly
recovered. “Did she come to find trouble with you?”

“It couldn’t be considered as looking for trouble. She just happened to bump into me when I’m in a
bad mood and didn’t get any benefits.”

“Don’t take it to heart with her. Other than being a little timid, she usually likes to poke her nose into
other people’s business and always uses her ‘compatible family’ standards to do things. She’s not an
evil person. If you don’t want to bother with her, just ignore her.”
“If she comes to look for you again, just tell me. I’ll handle her.”

“She probably wouldn’t dare to look for me anymore.”

Hearing her say that, Yin Jiujin roughly guessed it. After all, that person was so timid that she was
even afraid of her biological son.

“That’s good too.”

He lowered his head and kissed her again. He glanced at the yogurt on the coffee table. “If you get
angry again in the future, don’t vent your anger on your body. If you drink too much yogurt, your
body won’t be able to take it.”

“It’s not that I don’t want you to drink but don’t drink so much of it.”

“If you really can’t control it, you can kiss me. Other than you, no one has touched my lips before.
The situation of people overestimating themselves and pouncing over to touch me will definitely not
happen. You won’t be at a disadvantage. I know that you can actually control your emotions by
kissing me.”

“…” Yan Jinyu. He was indeed the sharp Master Nine. He could even notice that. Chapter 170: Little
Rain Calls


After Qin Jianjia and Min Qinglan went downstairs together, she saw that Min Qinglan was flustered
and kept mumbling something.

Yin Yuhan frowned and quickly stood up to ask, “What’s wrong, Mom?”

Yin Wuzhan also stood up from the sofa.

Qin Jianjia shook her head. “I don’t know.”

When Min Qinglan saw Yin Yuhan, she let go of Qin Jianjia’s hand and went over to grab his arm,
“Han’er, let’s go back to the capital. We’ll go back right now!”

“Why do you suddenly want to go back? It’s Jin’er’s birthday today. Didn’t I say to have a good meal
with Jin’er and return tomorrow morning? Besides, it’s already so late.” Yin Wuzhan’s tone was
slightly unhappy.

It was already past five in the afternoon. Even if they could book the latest flight, it would be very
late when they reached the capital.

“I don’t care. I want to go back now!”

“You’re simply unreasonable. Are you a child? You’re already so old, but you’re still so willful. Today
is your son’s birthday!”

“Dad, don’t be angry first. Something must have happened to Mom.”

As he spoke, Yin Yuhan looked at Qin Jianjia. “Is that Jin’er?”

Although she didn’t ask in detail, Qin Jianjia understood what he meant.

He was asking her if she was frightened by Yin Jiujin’s sudden anger.

Qin Jianjia shook her head. “No, when I went upstairs, Mom just came out of Yu’er’s room. Jin’er was
still in the study at that time. Weren’t you and Dad sitting in the living room? Why didn’t you look
after Mom and let her go upstairs?”

Without caring if Min Qinglan was present, Qin Jianjia simply said what she wanted to say.

She had only gone to the kitchen to help and see what dishes she wanted to make for the evening. In
that short while, she heard that her mother-in-law had gone upstairs.
It was Yan Jinyu’s room. It wasn’t convenient for the two men to look in it, so they let her go upstairs
to take a look.

Hearing her words, Yin Yuhan and Yin Wuzhan were speechless.

They clearly saw Min Qinglan going out for a walk. They did not know how she sneaked back and
went upstairs.

By the time they realized it, she was almost upstairs.

“Jin’er went to visit Yu’er. There’s no commotion now. She should be fine.”

“Then, why is Mom… so frightened?”

Just as Yin Yuhan finished asking, Min Qinglan shouted in shock and fear, “She wants to kill me! She
wants to kill me! Return to the capital immediately. Return now. I don’t want to stay here any

“What?!” The three of them exclaimed in shock.

If the three of them had not heard it at the same time, they would have thought that they had heard

After calming down, Qin Jianjia’s lips twitched. That smiling girl wanted to kill someone?

“Mom, did you see wrongly?”

Min Qinglan glared at her. “I didn’t. She wants to kill me! No, she’s threatening me. She said that if it
wasn’t for the fact that I’m Jin’er’s mother, I would have long been a corpse. She’s not as simple as
she looks at all. Her gaze is sinister and terrifying. She’s obviously killed someone before. Our Yin
Family… I don’t care anymore. I don’t care about their matters anymore. I want to return to the
capital now!”
The three of them looked at each other.

How frightened was she that she had forgotten all about matching status? Did she give up on
meddling in her son’s marriage?

They were still thinking about how to guard against her in the future.

However, the three of them did not think that she was lying when she said that.

She was so frightened that she couldn’t have made it up.

However, they didn’t believe that Yan Jinyu wanted to kill someone. They only felt that Yan Jinyu had
a temper and Min Qinglan was simply bullied and threatened by her.

Hence, even though they were surprised, the three of them did not suspect anything.

“Since you said that you don’t care, remember what you said. Don’t look for trouble all day long.”

Although it was a little beyond his understanding, Yin Wuzhan already felt that Yan Jinyu, who Yin
Jiujin had taken a fancy to, wasn’t simple. At this moment, he was only shocked at the beginning
when he heard Min Qinglan’s words. He didn’t think much of it after he reacted.

It was good for her to have some temper and courage since she was going to marry into the Yin
Family in the future. She would not be bullied outside. After all, she did not have a family
background to back her up. If she did not have any courage, her life in the capital would be very

“We’ll talk about returning to the capital tomorrow. If you really don’t want to stay here, Little You
will get someone to clean the guest room in the small building at the back and you shall go back to
your room to rest first. I specially rushed over from the capital for my son’s birthday. How could we
go back without having a meal? Is this how you behave as his mother?”

Of course, the lunch did not count. At that time, they didn’t know that they were coming over and
didn’t prepare much food. In addition, the atmosphere at that time…
After all, to the Yin Family, it was not an official meal.

However, she did not know which of Yin Wuzhan’s words touched Min Qinglan, but she suddenly fell

The fear in her eyes had yet to dissipate. “I-I’ll go and rest first. Get someone to call me later.”

“I’ll send Mom back to her room.” Qin Jianjia walked forward and gave Yin Yuhan a look, asking him
to pay attention to the situation upstairs.

Yin Yuhan felt a little helpless. How was he to pay attention to the situation upstairs?

It was not convenient for him to go up.

However, he still gave Qin Jianjia a reassuring look.

Only Yin Wuzhan and Yin Yuhan were in the living room. The two of them sat back on the sofa.

“Dad, what do you think about this?”

“Don’t worry about it. With your mother’s personality, she deserves to be treated like this.”

“But I keep feeling that it’s a little too much. No matter how different a young lady is from the
rumors, she shouldn’t be able to say that ‘she’s already a corpse’. Besides, she looks so innocent and

“If even we think that she’s innocent and harmless on the surface, but she’s actually someone who
can scare my mother with just a few words, then isn’t she very scheming…”

Yin Yuhan did not continue.

He suddenly realized it was inappropriate for him to talk about his brother’s fiancée like that.
“What’s wrong with being scheming? Must she be like your mother? Fortunately, she grew up in the
Min Family and then married into the Yin Family. Otherwise, how could she have survived until now
with her stupid brain?”

Yin Yuhan’s lips twitched. He couldn’t respond to that.

Although it was not appropriate for his son to say that, he still felt that his mother was indeed a little
confused sometimes.

Their family was very careful, afraid that they would anger Jin’er again. However, she was the one
who was always doing the opposite. Those who didn’t know better would think that she wished to
become enemies with Jin’er.

“Then… should we just leave it like this?”

“Jin’er knows his limits,” Yin Wuzhan said. “The little girl simply has a temper. She couldn’t take it
and said some harsh words in a moment of anger. How could she really dare to kill someone? Your
mother is just making a fuss over nothing. Think about it. Back then, Jin’er could even scare her to
such an extent when he handled the criminal. It’s obvious how timid she was.”

“I’ve never seen a mother who’s afraid of her son. Your mother… Forget it. Whenever I talk about
this, I get a headache. I wonder what I liked about your mother back then.”

Yin Yuhan, “…Perhaps, my mother’s personality was more direct when she was young. She was clear
about her likes and dislikes?” If she liked someone, she liked them. If she didn’t like someone, she
just didn’t like them. She didn’t even want to pretend. Wasn’t her just being honest about her true

“You sure know how to use words. What do you mean by distinguishing between her like and
dislike? She’s just stupid. She can’t tell if the situation is good or bad and she can’t judge clearly.
Let’s get Jianjia to watch over her more. Don’t let her find trouble for no reason. The longer she
lives, the stupider she gets. She’s not even as sensible as her own daughter-in-law!”

“…” Yin Yuhan.

With Qin Jianjia’s help, Aunt Cheng prepared the dinner. Yin Jiujin led Yan Jinyu downstairs after
dinner was ready.

When they arrived at the dining room, the Yin Family members were already sitting at the dining
table. Min Qinglan was naturally there too.

However, Min Qinglan mostly lowered her head. Even if she raised her head occasionally, she didn’t
dare to look at Yan Jinyu. Even if she accidentally met Yan Jinyu’s gaze, she would still avoid it in a

The meal ended “peacefully” just like that.

The next morning, the Yin Family returned to the capital.

It was still dark outside when they left.

Anyway, Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin didn’t get up.

Yan Jinyu had moved to Yin Jiujin’s room last night. The two of them hugged each other and slept
until dawn.

Hearing the sound of the car engine starting, Yan Jinyu woke up. She rubbed her eyes and got out of
Yin Jiujin’s embrace. She pressed the watch on her left wrist with her right hand. The screen lit up,
and she could see the time on it.

5:40 am.

Yin Jiujin woke up as soon as she woke up. He leaned over and pecked her forehead. “What time is

“5:40 am. Your parents seem to be leaving. Aren’t you going to send them off?”

“No.” They probably didn’t want to see him since they left so early.
However, Yin Jiujin didn’t say that.

“Sleep a little longer?” He pulled her into his arms.

Yesterday should have been the most emotional day Yin Jiujin had ever experienced. Even now, he
still had a lingering fear.

Hence, he was exceptionally clingy.

To be precise, he was exceptionally clingy to Yan Jinyu.

“I can’t sleep anymore. You go back to sleep.”

She wanted to get up as she spoke, but Yin Jiujin refused to let go. “Sleep with me for a while

He nudged the tip of his nose against her cheek as he said. There was a hint of coquettishness in his
intimacy. Yan Jinyu sighed and lay back down.

“Then I’ll sleep for another 20 minutes.”

Yin Jiujin kissed her face in satisfaction. “Okay.”

20 minutes was indeed 20 minutes. Not a minute more or less, because Yan Jinyu’s phone on the
bedside table rang.

The call came at six o’clock sharp. The caller obviously knew her schedule.

Yin Jiujin wasn’t asleep. When he heard the phone ring, he reached out to help her take her phone.

Yin Jiujin frowned when he saw that the caller ID was “Little Rain.”
It seemed like he had to call Qin Hao and ask him to control his woman and not disturb others when
they were sleeping.

He had originally planned to not wake up early today and sleep in with the girl in his arms.

“Who’s calling?”

“Huo Siyu.” He was unhappy, but his tone did not show it.

After all, they had already learned their lesson.

Yan Jinyu paused before taking the phone from him.

There must be something important for Little Rain to call at this time.

“Little Rain.”

“Beauty Yu, are you up?”

“Yes. You called me at this time so what’s the matter?”

“Beauty Yu, I think you’re coming to be my companion. Then, we’ll suffer together.”

“…?” Yan Jinyu.

“Beauty Yu, go to school. Then, come to the Imperial Capital University to keep me company.”

Yan Jinyu, “…Did you call me early in the morning to say this?”
“Hehehe, of course not. I’m just saying something to ease the tension before we talk about the
serious topics.”

“The tension hasn’t been eased by you.”

“Alright, alright. I know you don’t like school as much as me.”

Then, Huo Siyu became serious. “Alright, let’s get down to business.” Chapter 171: A Visit From The

“Beauty Yu, do you still remember the target whom you became famous for after carrying out that
mission at the age of 10?”

“Yes, the head of the Jones Family in Country Y.” It was a mission from the Smith Family in Country Y.

It was said that before she accepted that mission, 19 people had already accepted it. One of them
was even the number one killer on the Assassin Ranking at that time.

All 19 of them had failed, which was why she became famous after that battle and ranked first on
the Assassin Ranking.


“After you killed the head of the Jones Family, the Jones Family was quickly suppressed by the Smith
Family. They fell from the top family in Country Y to a second-rate family. You know that right,
Beauty Yu, right?”


“But recently, the Jones Family seems to be on the rise.”

“So?” Yan Jinyu was very calm. She had carried out so many missions, and the targets of each
mission were all not ordinary people. If she had to pay attention to the subsequent development of
every mission target’s family, wouldn’t she be extremely busy?
Killers were only responsible for accepting missions and receiving money after completing missions.
Other disputes were not something the killers should care about.

“The current head of the Jones Family is Lane Jones’s only son. It’s said that he was only about 10
years old when Lane Jones died. At that time, he took over the Jones Family.”

“Not long after Lane Jones died, his wife also died of illness. Lane Jones’s son ruled the huge family
alone. Although he was suppressed by the Smith Family and became a second-rate family, the Jones
Family still survived under his leadership.”

“At that time, he was not only an orphan, but also a child around 10 years old.”

“Now that the Jones Family is on the rise, it must be his doing.”

“Are you worried that he will seek revenge on me?”

Yin Jiujin didn’t interrupt her call, but he could roughly tell what was going on.

He had also heard a little about how the number one killer became famous.

Hearing that the Jones Family might come to take revenge on her, his grip on her instinctively
tightened. Yan Jinyu sensed it and raised her hand to touch his face comfortingly.

He continued on the phone, “If he really has the ability, the person he wants to take revenge on
won’t be me, but the Smith Family. Since he can protect the family under the suppression of the
Smith Family, he should have some understanding.”

“The Jones Family has struck on the Smith Family first in order to rise again. Under normal
circumstances, the Smith Family naturally wouldn’t be so easy to suppress. However, a few days ago,
the head of the Smith Family died in an accident, and the children he left behind were all fighting for
the inheritance. Now that the Smith Family is in trouble internally and externally, it shouldn’t take
long for them to be suppressed by the Jones Family.”
“That’s not the most important thing. The most important thing is that I received news that the
young head of the Jones Family seems to be a student of Boyu High School in North City.”

“I suspect he’s after you.”

“However, judging from the current situation, he didn’t do anything. I think he still can’t confirm
your identity. However, since he has gone to North City, he must have some confidence. Isn’t your
sister at Boyu High School? I’m worried that if he confirms your identity, he will harm your sister.”

Yan Jinyu nudged Yin Jiujin away and sat up with a frown.

Yin Jiujin sat up as well and leaned against the headboard to hug her.

However, Yan Jinyu wasn’t asking about the young head of the Jones Family. Instead…

“You said that the head of the Smith Family is dead. How did he die?”

How difficult it was to kill the head of the Jones Family back then, was exactly how difficult it was to
kill the head of the Smith Family now.

Huo Siyu was indeed Yan Jinyu’s companion for years. Their tacit understanding made Huo Siyu
understand what Yan Jinyu meant the moment she heard her words. She quickly sat up on the bed.
“The Smith Family said that he passed away from an illness. Beauty Yu, are you suspecting that his
death was unusual? Or are you suspecting that he also died in a killer’s hands?”

“Passed away from an illness?” Yan Jinyu smiled. “Just as the Jones Family rose again? How can
there be so many coincidences?”

“Find out the cause of his death. If he didn’t die of illness and was killed by someone, that person
would at least be as capable as me as he could kill the head of the Smith Family.”

“No, I’ll investigate this myself.”

“There’s no need for that. Beauty Yu, focus on North City. Didn’t I say that the current head of the
Jones Family might be a student of Boyu? I’ll investigate the cause of the death of the head of the
Smith Family. You know that I’m almost bored to death. I have to find something to do.”

“Little Rain, you’ll be easily exposed as you’re around Young Master Qin.”

“It’s fine. So what if I’m exposed? Can I hide it from him for the rest of my life? If Second Young
Master Yin can accept you, can’t Qin Hao accept me? If he can’t, tsk, forget it then. Anyway, it’s not
like I have to make do with him.”

“Don’t mess around. This isn’t a matter of whether you want it or not. Qin Hao’s identity isn’t like Yin
Jiujin’s. You’ll be in danger.”

“Aiya, Beauty Yu, I’m not as weak as you think, okay? If Qin Hao knows that my identity is
disadvantageous to me, would I be waiting for him to deal with me foolishly? Besides, Beauty Yu,
have you forgotten that there’s the Huo Family behind me?”

“If Qin Hao dares to do anything to me, the Huo Family will definitely take it to heart. You have to
know that the head of the Huo Family, who is also my brother, is someone who dares to go against
Second Young Master Yin.”

“Besides, I’ll be careful. I won’t be easily exposed.”

“That’s settled then. I’ll investigate it. Focus on that Jones in North City. The information I received
only said that he’s Boyu’s student, but it didn’t say if he’s new or has always been in Boyu. However,
according to his age, he should be in his second or third year.”

“To be honest, Beauty Yu, I actually don’t want you to go to school because of this. This will increase
the chances of your identity being exposed. But I understand you. You won’t let your sister face
danger alone.” This was also the main reason why she called.

Yan Jinyun was obviously a family member whom Beauty Yu acknowledged. If anything happened to
Yan Jinyun because of Beauty Yu, Beauty Yu would probably never let go for the rest of her life.
Besides, since Jones could find out about North City, it was only a matter of time before he found
out about Beauty Yu’s identity. Instead of waiting for someone to find her, it was better to turn the
situation around.

“So, Beauty Yu, you still have to suffer the same fate of being controlled by school like me.”

Actually, it was good for Beauty Yu to go to school.

To experience school life.

Just like her, didn’t she get used to it after experiencing it?

Uh, even though she was in university now and often took leave to skip classes.

Anyway, it was impossible for her to fail the subject, so there was nothing to learn. It did not matter
if she skipped class or not.

“By the way, Beauty Yu, I’m on winter break now and I’m in South City. Do you want to come to
South City to play? I’ll bring her along to teach them a lesson.”

“Your adopted sister?”

“Yes, yes. All she knows is to ruin my reputation and badmouth me behind my back. You don’t know
this, but when I returned to South City this time, my parents reprimanded me as soon as I entered.
They made me feel baffled.”

“Little Rain…”

“Aiya, Beauty Yu, don’t worry. I don’t have a fragile heart. How can I be sad after being
reprimanded? What kind of hard life have we not experienced? Why would we care about such a
small matter?”

Yan Jinyu wanted to say that it was ultimately different.

Just like her. Even when she knew what kind of people her parents were, didn’t her emotions got
affected too when she returned to the Yan Family?

Furthermore, Little Rain’s parents actually treated her very well.

“Beauty Yu, it’s going to snow in South City. You can’t see it in North City, right? Do you want to
come over and take a look?” North City was in the south while South City was in the north. North
City’s winter wasn’t cold, but South City’s winter was similar to the capital’s. Cold winds and heavy
snow were not uncommon.

Yan Jinyu looked at Yin Jiujin. She knew that he had heard everything.

Yin Jiujin was feeling sorry for Yan Jinyu because of Huo Siyu’s words, “What hard life have we not
experienced?” Now that he saw her looking at him questioningly, he naturally nodded. “If you want
to go, go and play for a few days.”

The young lady had been suffering all these years, so he couldn’t selfishly keep her by his side. He
had to let her go through some carefree days that she had never had before.

For example, hanging out with friends.

Even though he still felt a little uncomfortable.

“Why do I seem to hear Second Young Master Yin’s voice? Beauty Yu, why Second Young Master Yin
beside you so early in the morning? Why are you up so early?”

Yan Jinyu chuckled. “Mm-hm.” She didn’t say much.

“So Second Young Master Yin approves of your coming to South City?”

Before Yan Jinyu could reply, Huo Siyu said excitedly, “Beauty Yu, when are you coming? Why don’t I
book a flight for you and you can come over today?”

“…She’ll go in a few days.” Yin Jiujin replied. She was pushing her luck!
Yan Jinyu glanced at Yin Jiujin and smiled. “Yes, I’ll go in a few days.” She didn’t know if she was
talking to Yin Jiujin or Huo Siyu.

“Alright, Beauty Yu, call me. I’ll pick you up. There’s no hurry for Jones. Isn’t your sister on vacation
too? Jones should have returned to Country Y. She won’t be in any danger for the time being.”

“Yes.” She was actually not very worried.

She was just more interested in how the head of the Smith Family died.

After hanging up, Yin Jiujin took the phone and placed it back on the bedside table. He wrapped his
arms around her and let her lean on him. He leaned his chin on the top of her head. “That Jones… Do
you need me to settle it?”

It was a question and not a direct action. It was a form of respect for Yan Jinyu.

He was protecting her, but not like he was protecting her like a tiger. He was treating her as an

He knew that she must have her own pride to have gotten to where she was today.

Yan Jinyu looked up at him. “There’s no need to. Brother Nine, don’t worry. I can handle it. If I really
can’t, I’ll tell you.”

“Then I’ll arrange for you to go to school after the new year starts?” If Huo Siyu understood her, how
could he not?

In the past, she would definitely think of ways to not go to school. Now…

She was indeed very concerned about her sister.

Yin Jiujin’s heart ached again.

“I promised Brother Nine that even if this didn’t happen, I would still go…” Yan Jinyu suddenly
widened her eyes and looked at him.” Brother Nine, where are the photos you promised to show
me? ”

“…” Yin Jiujin. Chapter 172: The So-Called Fate

In the end, under Yan Jinyu’s pestering, Yin Jiujin helplessly went to the study to find a photo
without even washing his face first.

Yan Jinyu followed him to the study room. She kept tugging at the sleeping robe at the back of his
waist, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

“Did you find it? Did you find it?”

Yin Jiujin reached out and took out a small wooden box from the top of the bookshelf. He turned
around and flicked her forehead. “What’s the hurry? It’s not like I’ll owe you anything.”

Yin Jiujin didn’t flick too hard, but Yan Jinyu still glared at him accusingly. She raised her hand and
rubbed her forehead. “Brother Nine, if you treat me like this again, I’ll retaliate!”

Yin Jiujin raised his eyebrows and quickly lowered his head to kiss her forehead. “It won’t hurt after a

“…” Yan Jinyu snatched the wooden box from his hand and couldn’t be bothered with him.

“Is the photo inside?”

“Yes. Wait for me while I look for the keys…”

As soon as he finished speaking, she opened the lock on the wooden box.
This time, Yin Jiujin could see clearly that a golden thread as thin as a hair had popped out of the
“watch” on her left wrist. However, the length of the golden thread wasn’t long. It was about 15
centimeters long and was only enough for her to pick the lock.

The corners of Yin Jiujin’s lips twitched imperceptibly. It seemed like this killing weapon was rather

She even said proudly as she opened the wooden box, “It’s open. Brother Nine, don’t worry. My
technique is very precise. The lock isn’t broken.”

Yin Jiujin had an indescribable expression as he raised his hand and rubbed the top of her head.

Then, she ignored him and walked to the sofa with the wooden box. She sat down and opened the
wooden box on her lap.

Not only were Yin Jiujin’s photos in the wooden box, but there were also some other older photos.
Other than that, there were also a few letters and cards.

Yan Jinyu wasn’t interested in letters and cards, so she picked out the photos.

She looked at them one by one. The first two photos weren’t Yin Jiujin’s. They seemed to be a photo
of Old Master Yin and Old Madam Yin when they were young. Yan Jinyu took a quick glance at them
before putting them down.

The third photo was Yin Jiujin’s.

He was about four or five years old and was wearing a long robe. The background was an old
residence. It looked like the Yin Family’s old residence.

He had exquisite features and a smile on his face.

It was a smile that came from the bottom of his heart.

Yin Jiujin had already walked over and sat down beside her. Yan Jinyu looked at the photo and then
at Yin Jiujin.

The Yin Jiujin now would only curl his lips most of the time even if he was smiling. His smile was not
obvious, and he looked serious for the rest of the time.

Yan Jinyu suddenly felt complicated.

He was the Second Young Master of the Yin Family and was born with a golden spoon in his mouth,
but he did not have to shoulder the family’s mission. He should have been born carefree, so it was
good that he did not grow up to be a hedonistic son.

Not only was he not a good-for-nothing, but he had also become so outstanding.

Putting that aside, his personality…

No one’s temperament would change drastically for no reason. He had definitely experienced a lot
when he went from a smiling person to a cold and dark person later on.

As she thought about it, Yan Jinyu held the photo in one hand and caressed his face carefully with
the other hand. “Brother Nine, you looked good when you were young. You look even better when
you grow up. You didn’t become ugly.”

“…” It was precisely because he saw that her expression was a little complicated that Yin Jiujin, who
had thought of something, instantly felt complicated when he heard her words.

“Fortunately, you didn’t become ugly. Otherwise, I might not have taken a fancy to you.”

“…”?So you have a thing for good-looking people?

“After all, your reputation and status are there. You have a sense of superiority wherever you go. If
you don’t look good enough and your fiancée is beautiful, you’ll probably feel inferior. That won’t
match your aura.”
“…” He held her hand on his face and pinched her fingertips. “You’re quite narcissistic.”

“I’m not being narcissistic. I’m confident.” With this change, the heavy mood from before dissipated.

What happened in the past was not important. What he had experienced was not important either.
With her around in the future, she would always make him smile more.

Looking at her proud appearance, Yin Jiujin couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yes, confident.”

Yan Jinyu glared at him again. How dare he tease her.

She broke free from his grip and continued to look at the photos. Yin Jiujin let her be and reached
out to hold her waist. He lazily leaned on the sofa with her and looked at the photos with her.

Yan Jinyu couldn’t help but look at the photo again.

Indeed, Yin Jiujin didn’t like to take photos. Other than two photos of him alone, there were only
three group photos with his image.

One was taken with Old Madam Yin. The background was like a stage. Yan Jinyu guessed that it was
probably taken in the Lingering Garden.

One was a photo of the Yin Family. Qin Jianjia wasn’t in it. At that time, Qin Jianjia shouldn’t have
married into the Yin Family yet.

One was a group photo of three people in camouflage uniforms.

Yan Jinyu’s gaze landed on it.

Yin Jiujin should be 14 or 15 years old then. The space between his brows was no longer like when
he was young, and it revealed a cold and fierce aura.
He stood in the middle. The person on the right was about the same height as him and also had a
cold face. However, this cold face revealed an honest feeling. His eyebrows were a little similar to
Qin Jianjia’s, so he should be the eldest son of the Qin Family, Qin Hao.

The youth on Yin Jiujin’s left was slightly shorter than him. He wasn’t bad looking, but he was slightly
inferior when compared to these two outstanding and noble people.

All these were not important. What was important was that she had seen this person before!

Her memory had always been very good. Even if she didn’t deliberately remember someone, as long
as she took a look, she would remember them. Furthermore, to her, this person wasn’t as simple as
just taking a look.

This was someone who had entered Ghost Slaughter Island at the same time as her. He suddenly
disappeared in the third year after they arrived at Ghost Slaughter Island.

She recognized him when she saw him again after so many years.

He was already a man in camouflage uniform with a group of comrades.

She recognized him because she had seen him in her early years. This was someone who had seen
her face. To put an end to future troubles, this person had died at her hands.

Yan Jinyu’s hand froze when she recalled that.

This was… the comrade that Yin Jiujin cared about?

Upon seeing this photo, Yin Jiujin’s expression clearly changed.

His eyes were deep with emotions that others could not understand.

Perhaps it was because he was thinking about other things, Yin Jiujin, who was naturally sharp,
didn’t notice that there was something wrong with Yan Jinyu.
Yan Jinyu wasn’t someone who would run away when she encountered a problem. After adjusting
her emotions, she turned back to look at Yin Jiujin. She pointed at the person in the photo and
asked, “Brother Nine, this person is…”

When she looked over, Yin Jiujin’s complicated expression had already been restrained. He took the
photo from her hand. He ignored the fact that the photo was old and his strength was so strong that
the photo even wrinkled.

“He’s not important,” Yin Jiujin said.

“Let’s see what else.”

He casually threw the photo on the coffee table in front of him and picked out one from the stack of
photos in her hand. “This is a photo of your grandmother and my grandmother when they were
young. Look, you really resemble your grandmother.”

This obvious change of topic made Yan Jinyu fall silent.

As long as she was willing to use her brain, she was an extremely smart person. No matter how well
Yin Jiujin hid it, she could still tell that his attitude towards his comrade in the photo was especially

She glanced at the photo he had picked out.

In the old black-and-white photo were two girls around 17 or 18 years old. Both of them were
holding two books. They were dressed like university girls during the 1920s to1930s.

They were two beautiful young girls.

One of them did look like her.

Yan Jinyu was naturally interested, but she wasn’t someone who was easily distracted, especially
now that she cared more about Yin Jiujin’s comrade.
Hence, she moved her gaze away from the old photo in Yin Jiujin’s hand and looked at the slightly
wrinkled photo on the coffee table. She said, “I killed that person.”


Yan Jinyu stared at him and pointed at the photo. “I killed the person standing on your left in the
photo.” That was eight years ago. She had just become famous then.

Then, Yan Jinyu saw Yin Jiujin’s expression change at a visible speed.

There was surprise and shock. Other than that, there were also some emotions that she couldn’t

Then, she saw Yin Jiujin put down the photo in his hand and placed the photos and the wooden box
on her lap onto the coffee table. In the next second, she was pressed onto the sofa by Yin Jiujin.

Before she could react, his lips landed on hers.

This kiss was very ruthless. It was the first time Yan Jinyu felt that she couldn’t withstand the kiss
since they were intimate.

Yan Jinyu didn’t know how long it lasted. She only knew that when the kiss ended, she was dizzy.

Her nightdress was already in a mess.

Clearly, Yin Jiujin wasn’t content with just kissing during this ruthless kiss that had lasted for a long

After the kiss, Yin Jiujin had no intention of stopping. He slid down and buried his face in her neck.

Yan Jinyu pushed him gently and that stopped him.

He buried his face in her neck and did not move.

After he had adjusted his breathing, Yan Jinyu pushed him up so that the two of them could see each

Yin Jiujin didn’t get up. He simply placed his hands by her sides and looked into her eyes.

His gaze was too aggressive, and Yan Jinyu felt a little unnatural under his gaze. “W-What’s wrong?”

Yin Jiujin caressed her face gently. “It’s fine. It’s just some doubts that have plagued me for many
years. They’re resolved.”

“You went to Crescent Jungle eight years ago?”

“Yes, I went to pick herbs with Feng.”

“In other words, you once appeared so close to me?” Yin Jiujin’s voice trembled.

“If you were also among the group of people who went to destroy that area in Crescent Jungle, I
think so.”

Yan Jinyu blinked and looked at him. “Brother Nine, I killed your comrade.”

“You saved my life!”

Yan Jinyu was surprised and then looked puzzled.

Wasn’t that his very close comrade? Why did killing the other party mean saving his life?

Oh, that person seemed to have come from Ghost Slaughter Island too.
It wasn’t so easy to escape Ghost Slaughter Island. At least, the four of them had tried and failed to
escape from Ghost Slaughter Island countless times.

In other words, from the beginning to the end, that person was from Ghost Slaughter Island?
Chapter 173: Another Suspicion

After thinking about it, Yan Jinyu suddenly grabbed his arm. “He wanted to kill you at that time?”

It was easy to avoid an open attack, but it was difficult to guard against a hidden attack. That person
seemed to be very trusted by Yin Jiujin. If she hadn’t happened to appear there at that time and
happened to recognize that person had entered Ghost Slaughter Island at the same time as her, and
he had wanted to kill Yin Jiujin, would Yin Jiujin have been able to avoid him under the
circumstances in which he had trusted him completely?”

Probably not.

After all, they were in hiding at that time. They couldn’t possibly pay attention to their comrades
behind them!

She was afraid but also extremely glad.

Yin Jiujin didn’t answer directly. He only said, “I heard gunshots behind me. I thought it was an
enemy attack. I turned back and saw him pointing a gun with a silencer at me. He was shot, and I had
already sensed it and avoided it in time, so…”

Yin Jiujin frowned deeply.

He must have thought of something unpleasant.

“He died on the spot. I didn’t even have the time to ask him why he betrayed me. But why did he
look relieved when he clearly betrayed me then?”

Yin Jiujin looked at her before sitting up straight. “I don’t understand.”

He looked a little dispirited.

Yan Jinyu also sat up and casually tidied her nightdress. She leaned over and wrapped her arms
around his waist. “Perhaps you can understand if you ask me why I killed him.”

Yin Jiujin was stunned before realizing that he had been neglecting this.

She was not on the same side as the group of people in Crescent Jungle. She was just passing by
while picking herbs and did not recognize him. With her status, there was no need for her to risk
saving an unimportant person.

Because of her identity, she was not someone who would make things difficult for others when she
saw them harming their teammates from the back.

Yan Jinyu hugged him like this and actually felt like she was hugging him from behind. Seeing that he
was looking at her in confusion, Yan Jinyu leaned her chin on his shoulder and leaned over to peck
the corner of his lips before saying, “You should have guessed it too. I’ve seen that person before.”

“He came out of Ghost Slaughter Island.”

After a moment, Yin Jiujin’s eyes darkened. “Ghost Slaughter Island is quite ambitious.”

They dared to plant people everywhere!

“So what if they’re ambitious? Didn’t we ruin everything?”

Yin Jiujin placed his hand on her waist and looked at her. “Yes, you’re very formidable.”

Yan Jinyu’s eyes lit up. “So Brother Nine, you’re finally willing to admit that I’m awesome?”

He didn’t know why she was so obsessed with this.

Hence, she was sometimes a child who desperately wanted to be acknowledged.

Yin Jiujin smiled. “Yes.” He let go of her hand and made her sit on his lap.

“Tell me in detail.” He was referring to his comrade from Ghost Slaughter Island.

“What’s his name?” Yan Jinyu asked.

On Ghost Slaughter Island, they didn’t have names, only code names. Of course, it wasn’t like Yan
Jinyu who had a code name called “Chi”.

Before she debuted, this code name did not belong to her.

On Ghost Slaughter Island, they used numbers as code names.

“Liu Junqing is an orphan.” Yin Jiujin’s eyes couldn’t help but darken when he mentioned this person.

His expression was complicated.

“Liu?” Yan Jinyu was slightly surprised.


Yan Jinyu was only a little surprised. She had already restrained her emotions, but her heart wasn’t

“This generation’s Ghost Slaughter is surnamed Liu.”

Ghost Slaughter was the person in charge of Ghost Slaughter Island. Of course, not everyone knew
what his surname was.

Yin Jiujin was also a little surprised.

“However, that doesn’t mean that they’re really related,” Yan Jinyu said. “However, Liu Junqing is
obviously from Ghost Slaughter Island.”

“He’s from Ghost Slaughter Island. Then, his fiancée… Brother Nine, do you know when Liu Junqing
and his fiancée, Yu Qingwan, met in the Lingering Garden?”

“I heard that they’ve known each other since they were young. The two families had long been
engaged, but both their parents had an accident at the same time. The two of them became orphans
and wandered outside. Liu Junqing found Yu Qingwan through connections after he made a few
contributions in his missions. At that time, Yu Qingwan had already been adopted by the Lingering
Garden’s director.”

“How old was Liu Junqing when he joined the army?”

“Nine years old.”

“Who’s older? You or him?”

“I’m two years older than him.”

“Then, you were 11 years old when he joined the army. You joined the army at eight years old. Then,
when he joined the army, you had already been in the army for three years. In other words, I’ve
been in Ghost Slaughter Island for three years too.”

“It matches the time when he suddenly disappeared from Ghost Slaughter Island.”

“I just don’t know if Yu Qingwan knows what he experienced before he joined the army. To be more
precise, no one knows if Liu Junqing and Yu Qingwan really got separated.”

“Although it’s a little complicated to think that way, it’s not impossible. After all, no one knows what
intentions Ghost Slaughter Island had in the beginning.”

After hearing Jinyu’s words, Yin Jiujin’s expression darkened slightly. “I’ll get someone to keep an eye
on her in the Lingering Garden.”
If Yu Qingwan was also related to Ghost Slaughter Island, wouldn’t that mean she had designs on the
Yin Family by entering the Lingering Garden?

The Lingering Garden belonged to his grandmother.

Yan Jinyu nodded. “Mm-hm.”

“However, if there’s really a problem with Yu Qingwan, she hasn’t done anything for so many years,
there shouldn’t be any big movements for a while. Brother Nine, there’s no need to be anxious.
Besides, whether it’s Liu Junqing or Ghost Slaughter Island, haven’t they been settled by me?”

Yin Jiujin looked at her and suddenly chuckled. “Yes, if Ghost Slaughter Island really has any big
ambitions, they’ve been mostly disturbed by your unforeseen event.”

“That’s true. The person who brought me to Ghost Slaughter Island can be said to be the greatest
sinner on Ghost Slaughter Island. If he’s still alive now, I wonder how much he’ll regret it.”

After hesitating for a moment, Yan Jinyu still looked at him and asked, “But Brother Nine, since Liu
Junqing is a traitor, does your retirement have anything to do with him?”

Yin Jiujin paused when he heard that. “There’s some connection.”

“He once saved my life when I was carrying out a mission in my early years. In all the missions, other
than shooting me in the back that time, he actually didn’t do anything to harm the army. Just treat it
as returning him the favor of saving my life and protecting his last dignity.”

If Liu Junqing hadn’t risked his life to save him, with his temper, he would never have such a
relationship with Liu Junqing.

Saving his life?

Yan Jinyu narrowed her eyes. She wanted to say that if he had long had a plan, perhaps even Liu
Junqing’s scheme to save his life was part of it.
It was not that she thought too badly of others, but it was indeed possible.

However, Yan Jinyu didn’t say that out loud.

It would have made Yin Jiujin feel even worse.

“I don’t want to talk about the details for now. I’ll tell you slowly when I have the chance in the

Since he wasn’t willing to tell her, Yan Jinyu naturally wouldn’t ask further.

That was a matter which caused the falling out with the Yin Family after all. She knew that Yin Jiujin
didn’t want to mention it.

“Yes, let’s talk about it later.”

“Speaking of which, if we met in Crescent Jungle back then, would you have attacked me, Brother
Nine?” Yan Jinyu asked with a smile.

She asked casually and eased the slightly heavy atmosphere.

However, after she asked, Yin Jiujin actually answered decisively, “No.”

“Why? Brother Nine, you were on a mission back then. Aren’t you afraid that I’m an enemy?”

“I’ll detain you, but I won’t attack you immediately.”

He had seen a photo of her grandmother. At that time, even if she was only 10 years old, she should
still be similar to her grandmother in terms of looks. Although he had never seen her before and
didn’t have any special feelings for her, he knew that he had a fiancée called Yan Jinyu.

How could he attack her before confirming her identity?

Regardless of whether he recognized the engagement between them or not, his grandmother was
looking for her. If he found her, he naturally had to bring her back.


Yin Jiujin chuckled. He didn’t intend to tell her the real reason, lest he mentioned that the elders
were looking for her in the past and made her sad again.

“Perhaps I want to keep you as a hostage?”

Yan Jinyu rolled her eyes secretly. Obviously, she didn’t believe him.

However, she did not intend to ask further. She had said this to ease the atmosphere and not to
know his answer.

“Do you still want to look at the photos?”


Yin Jiujin handed the photos on the coffee table to her. His gaze happened to sweep past the slightly
wrinkled photo, and he frowned.

He saw Qin Hao in the photo.

“Actually, there’s no need for you and Huo Siyu to worry too much. Qin Hao isn’t someone who can’t
tell right from wrong. Besides, he might have feelings for Huo Siyu.”

Yan Jinyu was stunned, “Huh?”

Then, she realized what he was saying and couldn’t help but ask, “Brother Nine, do you mean that
Young Master Qin has feelings for Little Rain and it isn’t only because of the engagement?”
“I’m not him. I don’t know what he’s thinking. It’s just that Qin Hao doesn’t easily have designs on
little girls.”

“Besides, although he’s a little evil, his character isn’t too bad.”

Yin Jiujin wasn’t someone who spoke without thinking. If he dared to say this to her, at least he
would have 90% confidence that Qin Hao wouldn’t attack Little Rain even if he knew Little Rain’s

Yan Jinyu suddenly felt relieved.


A week later, Yan Jinyu went to South City under Huo Siyu’s invitation.

She was not here to play, but to accompany Huo Siyu as she tortured the scum. Chapter 174: The
Same Flight

When she was about to set off, Yin Jiujin didn’t want to let her go at all. It made Yan Jinyu feel like he
wanted to abandon his work and follow her to South City. After comforting him for a while, Yin Jiujin
reluctantly sent her to the airport himself.

The plane ticket Yin Jiujin got someone to book for her was naturally first class.

After boarding the plane, someone was already sitting on the seat beside Yan Jinyu’s. It was a 17 or
18-year-old teenager. He was wearing earphones and looking out of the window.

Yan Jinyu came over. He retracted his gaze and glanced at her.

He retracted her gaze after one quick glance.

He continued to look out of the window.

Yan Jinyu didn’t care either. She only glanced at him indifferently when he looked over and then sat
She took out her phone to play games. In order to deal with the two hours on the plane, she
specially downloaded a game that she could play without the Internet.

Yes, the game looked a little boring and stupid.

Because she had been playing this game the entire time she was on the plane, she did not sleep or
do anything else. This made the young man, who was wearing earphones and had even taken out a
book to read midway, look at her twice.

However, he had no intention of talking to her.

He was a quiet and cold teenager.

When the plane was about to reach South City, he put the book back into his bag. Yan Jinyu’s hand,
which was playing games, paused when she saw the student ID card that fell out of his bag.

It was a Boyu High School’s student pass with a name and class on it.

Yuan Xi, Year Three Class 1.

It was Yan Jinyun’s class.

After learning from Huo Siyu that the head of the Jones Family might be at Boyu High School, Yan
Jinyu had gone through the simple information about all the students and teachers at Boyu High

She naturally knew about Yuan Xi.

The eldest grandson of the Yuan Family, who was second only to the Huo Family in South City.
He had just transferred from Country Y to North City this semester, and the time he returned to
North City was about the same as the time she returned to North City.

He had been studying in Boyu for half a semester.

He was Yan Jinyu’s number one suspect.

However, he was also the eldest grandson of the Yuan Family…

The Jones Family in Country Y was not related to the Yuan Family in South City. Of course, it was also
possible that Jones was pretending to be the eldest grandson of the Yuan Family.

Did she not suspect him just because he looked clean and cool?

Did Yan Jinyu look like the number one killer?

Hence, even though she saw him with her own eyes, Yan Jinyu didn’t dispel her doubts about him.

Moreover, he was the eldest grandson of the Yuan Family in South City. Why would he go to a school
in North City for no reason? Did South City lack that elite school?

Yuan Xi naturally noticed that she was paying attention to his student ID.

She had been playing games and nothing had distracted her. It was hard for Yuan Xi not to notice
that she had suddenly noticed his student ID.

After a moment of hesitation, Yuan Xi put away his student ID and asked her, “Are you also Boyu’s
student?” After asking, his expression froze, as if he was frustrated.

She did not know if he was upset that he was talking to an unknown girl abnormally or annoyed that
he had asked such a stupid question.
The girl was very beautiful. If she was Boyu’s student, she would definitely be an influential person in
school. Even if he did not interact much with others, he would more or less hear about her.

“I’m not, but my younger sister is.”

Yan Jinyu smiled, looking very innocent and harmless. With such an expression on her beautiful face,
it was very easy for people to let down their guard in front of her.

The cold and taciturn youth couldn’t help but speak again, “Your younger sister?”

“Yes, my sister’s grades are very good. You should have heard of her.”

“Oh, she seems to be in the same class as you.”

“My sister’s name is Yan Jinyun.”

Hearing that, Yuan Xi looked at her more seriously.

Yan Jinyun was the top socialite in North City, the school belle of Boyu, and in the same class as him.
How could he not know her?

It turned out that the girl in front of him was the eldest daughter of the Yan Family, who had become
very famous in North City in recent months.

He didn’t expect the girl that Master Nine valued so much to be like this.

She was indeed beautiful. However, it was hard to imagine that this was the girl who was rumored to
have charmed Master Nine to the point that he had to bring her along even when he went to the

When he heard those rumors about Master Nine bringing the eldest daughter of the Yan Family to
the company, he thought that the eldest daughter of the Yan Family was charming and seductive.
“So you’re Eldest Miss Yan.”

Yan Jinyu smiled as a response.

She continued to play the game.

Her action stunned Yuan Xi.

Under normal circumstances like this, didn’t she usually have to make some small talk before finding
a topic to talk about? Was that all she was going to do?

Was it because he had not interacted seriously with others for too long, and everyone’s way of
communication was different now? Or was Yan Jinyu actually different from the others?

However, he wasn’t a talkative person. Seeing that Yan Jinyu didn’t have any intention of chatting,
he retracted his gaze and put on his earphones again.

They arrived in South City shortly.

Huo Siyu came to the airport personally to pick her up.

She looked like she was afraid that she would miss Yan Jinyu. She stood at the exit looking out for

She could have contacted her with a phone call.

As soon as she saw Yan Jinyu coming out with a pink suitcase, Huo Siyu hurriedly jumped up and
waved, “Beauty Yu, over here!”

After knowing that South City was cold, Yan Jinyu had already put on a down jacket when she got off
the plane.

A pink down jacket.

Chosen by Yin Jiujin.

She was dressed in pink and had long hair that reached her waist. Her looks were also very
outstanding. In addition, with Huo Siyu’s huge commotion, Yan Jinyu successfully attracted the
attention of a group of passers-by.

Yuan Xi, who was walking behind her, was a little surprised to see Huo Siyu waving excitedly.

At the Huo Family’s engagement party a year ago, the young mistress that the Huo Family found was
clearly an elegant beauty. Why was she so…

…so lively now?

Although he was puzzled, he did not probe further.

Yan Jinyu walked towards Huo Siyu. If one looked closely, they could still see a faint helplessness in
her eyes.

Huo Siyu took her luggage. “Beauty Yu, how is it? The weather in South City and North City are very
different, right? I still feel cold wearing so much.”

“I’m fine. Where are we going now?”

“Let’s go back to the Huo Family first. I’ll get the Huo Family’s chauffeur to send me to the airport.
Everyone in the Huo Family knows that you’re coming over as a guest. My mother instructed the
kitchen to prepare dinner and asked me to bring you to the Huo Family as soon as possible.” Yan
Jinyu’s flight was after noon. It was almost five o’clock in South City now.

“Your Master Nine is still the most influential one,” Huo Siyu teased.

Yan Jinyu looked at her and chuckled, “I don’t call him Master Nine. That’s what others call him.”
“Alright, alright. Whatever you say. I wonder when our Beauty Yu became like this. She even learned
to bask in happiness.”

Yan Jinyu chuckled and didn’t answer her.

“Shall we go over now?”

Just as Huo Siyu was about to respond, she saw Yuan Xi walking behind Yan Jinyu. Her smile faded
slightly. She looked like an elegant beauty. “Young Master Yuan.”

Yuan Xi, who had witnessed her change in attitude, was speechless. “Miss Huo.”

“Young Master Yuan just came back from North City?”

“Yes, I stayed in North City for a few more days after the holiday.” Yuan Xi looked at them and said,
“So Miss Huo knows Eldest Miss Yan.”

Huo Siyu didn’t know that he was sitting beside Yan Jinyu on the plane. When she heard that, the
smile in her eyes faded a little.

Just like Yan Jinyu, Yuan Xi was also her number one suspect.

“I met Second Young Master Yin at the Huo Family’s banquet and was on the same flight with
Second Young Master Yin when I went to North City from the capital last time so we know each
other. Coincidentally, Beauty Yu went to the airport to pick Second Young Master Yin up, so Second
Young Master Yin introduced his fiancée to me. Beauty Yu and I hit it off very well. We’re already
good friends now.”

“I invited Beauty Yu to South City as a guest.”

Beauty Yu…

Yuan Xi glanced at Yan Jinyu. It was quite appropriate.

“I see.”

“The Yuan Family’s chauffeur is here. I’ll make a move first. I’ll visit you again another day.”

Huo Siyu nodded with a smile.

After Yuan Xi left, Huo Siyu returned to her original appearance and smiled casually. “Let’s go,
Beauty Yu.”

The two of them walked out of the airport. Huo Siyu looked at Yuan Xi, who was walking not far
away, and said seriously, “Beauty Yu, you should know about Yuan Xi, right?”

“Yes, I know. He sat beside me on the plane just now.”

Huo Siyu glanced at her angrily. “That’s not what I’m talking about.”

Yan Jinyu smiled. “I know. I just want to tell you that he only knew my identity on the plane. Of
course, we can’t rule out the possibility that he knew long ago and was just pretending not to know.”

“The Jones Family is currently in a heated fight with the Smith Family now. As the head of the Jones
Family, the chances of Jones appearing in the country are not high. Hence, I don’t suspect this young
master of the Yuan Family so much anymore after meeting him.”

Huo Siyu thought for a moment and said, “You have a point, but we still can’t let our guard down.”


After leaving the airport, the two of them got into the Huo Family’s car and headed straight for the
Huo Family.

Yan Jinyu suddenly felt that the Huo Family was the real wealthy family when they arrived at the
Huo Family’s residence.
The entire mansion was like a castle. It would take another 20 minutes for the car to reach the main
building from the Huo Family’s gate.

Moreover, the buildings in the Huo Family’s mansion… could not even be described as buildings.
They were architecture.

They were luxurious and grand.

Yan Jinyu looked like a country bumpkin as she leaned against the car window. Most importantly,
she even said, “Little Rain, your house is really big!”

Huo Siyu’s lips twitched. “It’s just so-so.” She spoke as if she had never seen the world. What good
places had Beauty Yu not been to when she was on her missions?

She was clearly used to going to an unfamiliar place to observe the terrain, but she made herself
look like a country bumpkin.

“Beauty Yu, when you see the Huo Family later, you can ignore them if you don’t want to. Anyway,
you have such a fiancé. Even the Huo Family won’t dare to offend you easily.”

Only Huo Xuan dared to challenge Yin Jiujin in the Huo Family. As for the others in the Huo Family…

Yes, they were also very afraid of Yin Jiujin.

The Huo Family…

Yan Jinyu retracted her gaze and glanced at her. Then, she smiled, “Mm-hm, I know. Don’t worry
about that. You know that I’ve never been the kind of person to suffer.”

“Besides, this is your home. Will you let me suffer here?”

Yan Jinyu’s tone was nothing special, but Huo Siyu knew that she was emphasizing the word “your
This was the tacit understanding that they had developed over the years.

Looking at her deeply, Huo Siyu suddenly smiled. “That’s a must.” Chapter 175: First Visit To The Huo

The car stopped in front of the main building.

The Huo Family went out to welcome them personally.

Other than Huo Siyu’s parents and Huo Siyu’s adopted sister, Huo Sisi, there were also the Huo
Family’s maids.

Yes, in front of the palace-like main building, the maids stood facing each other in two rows. There
were about 40 of them.

Yan Jinyu fell silent.

Yes, a wealthy family.

“Welcome to the Huo Family, Eldest Miss Yan!” The maids bowed 90 degrees and shouted loudly.

However, in Yan Jinyu’s opinion, it was a little… unbearable to look at.

No one knew who came up with the welcome method.

She glanced at Huo Siyu.

Huo Siyu immediately understood what she meant and shook her head to show that she did not
know either.

Obviously, she was also a little “frightened” by this scene.

She even felt a little embarrassed.

“So you’re Jinyu. I’ve heard Rainy mention you before. Welcome to the Huo Family.” Huo Siyu’s
mother, Sun Xiangxiang, was a typical gentle and wealthy lady.

After Huo Siyu returned to the capital from North City, she mentioned Yan Jinyu to Sun Xiangxiang
on the phone.

“Hello, Auntie. Sorry to disturb you.” She handed over the gift box that she had taken out from her
luggage in advance. “It’s a small gift. I hope you and Uncle won’t mind.”

Yin Jiujin hadn’t instructed someone to prepare the gift for her. Instead, she had specially gone to
the Empire Mall to choose it.

Huo Siyu’s parents had treated Huo Siyu sincerely, so Yan Jinyu naturally treated them more

“It’s enough for you to just come. Why did you bring a gift?”

Sun Xiangxiang took it from her personally. “Thank you.”

“We can’t be happier that you came to the Huo Family as a guest. Why would you be disturbing us?
Rainy has been home for more than a year but she hasn’t invited any friends home as guests yet.
Auntie is very happy that Rainy hit it off with you.” As she spoke, Sun Xiangxiang’s eyes turned red.

Yan Jinyu could tell that Sun Xiangxiang didn’t welcome her so graciously because she was Yin Jiujin’s

She knew Little Rain’s personality.

It was actually very difficult for people like them to really get close to anyone. In this aspect, Little
Rain was even more so than her.
Huo Siyu did not feel that comfortable seeing Sun Xiangxiang like this.

The first person she accepted in this family was her mother.

However, when she came back from her vacation previously, she was scolded by her mother for no
reason the moment she stepped into the house. It forced her to take back the step that she had
taken so much effort to move forward.

She could be easily instigated and scold her without asking for any reason…

She also knew that her parents loved her, but compared to her, they were obviously closer to Huo
Sisi and trusted her more.

She could only blame herself for not curry favor like Huo Sisi.

Yan Jinyu smiled at Sun Xiangxiang before looking at Huo Lin, who was standing beside Sun
Xiangxiang. She greeted him politely, “Hello, Uncle.”

Compared to Sun Xiangxiang, the way Huo Lin looked at her wasn’t that simple.

He treated her as Yin Jiujin’s fiancée, not Huo Siyu’s friend.

He was a little cautious.

However, he still acted like an elder on the surface and nodded slightly. He was neither warm nor
distant. “Yes, you’re Rainy’s friend. You can treat the Huo Family like your own home. You don’t
have to be reserved. Sisi, who is Rainy’s sister, grew up in South City. She also studied in South City’s
university and is very familiar with South City. You can let her bring you and Rainy around.”

Yan Jinyu then looked at Huo Sisi, who was standing there with a polite smile and a very delicate

She looked quite pretty and her body’s constitution was similar to Yan Jinyun. They both didn’t look
very robust. However, Yan Jinyun didn’t look like this even when she wasn’t in very good health.
How should she put it? They were both daughters of wealthy families, but Yan Jinyun lived up to her
name as the number one socialite. Although she was faking it most of the time, she made them look

Huo Sisi was different. She looked pretentious.

Could it be that because Yan Jinyun was her younger sister so she had a filter for her? She felt that
Yan Jinyun wasn’t hateful, but she couldn’t bear to stand Huo Sisi.

Or was it because Little Rain had bad mouthed her before?

Tsk, anyway, she simply didn’t like Huo Sisi at first glance.

Yan Jinyu sized her up and retracted her gaze silently. She smiled at Huo Lin, “Alright, thank you,

At this moment, Huo Sisi stepped forward. “Hello, I’m Huo Sisi. I’m Rainy’s elder sister. You can call
me ‘Sister’ like Rainy.”

“Tsk, who called you Sister?” Huo Siyu interrupted Huo Sisi as soon as she finished speaking.

Huo Siyu’s reaction stunned the Huo Family.

In the past, Huo Siyu wouldn’t speak like this. At most, she would ignore Huo Sisi. Huo Siyu would
always look easy to get along with, but she was actually very distant from others.

Of course, she had never called Huo Sisi ‘Sister’ either.

However, the Huo Family all thought that she didn’t call Huo Sisi because she wasn’t close to Huo
Sisi, and not because she didn’t like Huo Sisi.

Her reaction now wasn’t dislike, but disgust.

Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang were shocked after being stunned, but Huo Sisi’s expression froze after
being stunned.

She clenched her fists tightly at her stomach.

Then, she lowered her head and didn’t speak. She looked like she was about to cry.

She said it best when she had said nothing at all!

Yan Jinyu sighed inwardly.

With Huo Sisi’s level, how could Little Rain’s straightforward personality be a match for her? Unless
Little Rain didn’t want her family anymore, otherwise…

Tsk tsk, the Huo Family would probably always side with Huo Sisi and not Little Rain.

Look, as soon as she did that, Sun Xiangxiang reprimanded Little Rain, “Rainy, what are you saying?
Sisi is my daughter too. She’s older than you, so you naturally have to call her ‘Sister’!”

Looking into Huo Siyu’s smiling eyes, Sun Xiangxiang’s voice froze. She didn’t dare to meet her eyes.
“Y-you shouldn’t be so rude even if you don’t call her ‘Sister’!”

“And you did it in front of your friend.”

“I wouldn’t have bothered to argue with her if it wasn’t in front of my friend. Otherwise, no one
would stand on my side once this matter blows up.”

Huo Siyu’s words stunned Yan Jinyu.

Forget it. She sighed inwardly.

Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang were also taken aback.

“W-What nonsense are you talking about! What do you mean no one is on your side? In our hearts,
you sisters are the same. We will side with whoever is in the right. Now that you’re in the wrong, we
will naturally side with your sister…”

Huo Siyu interrupted Sun Xiangxiang, “She’s not my sister!”

“I’m not being reasonable? I’m simply asking when did I ever call her ‘Sister’. How is that being
unreasonable? Ever since I returned to the Huo Family, have you ever heard me call her ‘Sister’? I’m
just telling the truth.”

“You will side with whoever is right? Then, why did you and Dad scold me without even asking when
I came back happily during my break some time ago? Why did you say that I only know how to play
and not go to class?”

“Alright, I admit that. I really didn’t go to class much. But have you asked me why I didn’t go to class?
Have you asked our counselor why I didn’t go to class?”

“No, you didn’t.”

“I don’t go to class because I don’t have to. If I can still get first place in my major even if I don’t go to
class. After such a long break and the release of our test results, you and Dad didn’t even ask me
about that.”

“Oh, you might think that I could enrol in the Imperial Capital University because of your connections
and that I didn’t get into it by my own abilities. You might think that I’m not good at studying.”

“I said I didn’t want to go to school when I returned to the Huo Family back then. I can understand
why you wanted to send me there. After all, I would want my children to be outstanding too.
However, you didn’t allow me to take the exam myself when I said that I wanted to.”

“If you don’t want to let me take the exam, so be it. I’m too lazy to take the test anyway. But just
because I don’t want to take the test doesn’t mean that I can’t.”
“Actually, if you have paid more attention to me, you should have known about my situation in
school. I rarely go to class, but whenever I go to class, be it a small test or a professor’s question,
there’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“So scold me if you want to. It’s fine with me.”

“But I can’t be kind to this person who only knows how to drive a wedge between us. Sorry, I simply
can’t do it”

She looked at Huo Sisi. “Besides, Huo Sisi, you didn’t just do that, right?”

“I didn’t take it to heart in the past. Firstly, I couldn’t be bothered to waste my time. Anyway, I
wouldn’t be in the Huo Family for long. I’ll marry into the Qin Family when I’m old enough. Secondly,
I’m in the capital and don’t have the time to find evidence.”

“Do you think I’ll let go of that scheme at the banquet a year ago?”

“You… Rainy, did you misunderstand something? Didn’t Big Brother investigate that matter clearly?
The main culprit was also dealt with by Big Brother. H-how is it related to me?”

Huo Sisi’s eyes turned red. She looked like she wanted to cry but was trying her best to hold it in. She
looked very pitiful.

Hearing Huo Siyu’s words, Sun Xiangxiang remained silent for a long time with a guilty expression.

After Huo Sisi spoke, she then said hesitantly, “…Rainy, you have to have evidence when you accuse
someone. If you don’t have evidence, it’s slander.” She didn’t even dare to speak too harshly.

Rainy’s words and outburst made her shocked and guilty.

Some time ago, when Rainy came home from school, she really did scold Rainy without asking

Rainy was even saying that “she came back happily”.

She came back happily but was scolded by her parents for no reason the moment she stepped into
the house. No one would feel good about that. At that time, Rainy didn’t even explain before she
dragged her luggage upstairs.

Couldn’t she explain?

At that time, Rainy must have been utterly disappointed in them, that was why she didn’t even want
to explain.

So scold me if you want to. It’s fine with me…

She actually made her daughter say such extremely tragic words. She…

“I don’t have any evidence. Anyway, there will always be a second time when it comes to harming
others. I’ll always be able to catch them. However, Huo Sisi, if you want to scheme against me again,
remember to be smarter. I won’t go easy on you this time.”

Actually, her plan didn’t succeed either. She let herself get drugged on purpose so that she could use
the simplest method to find out who was behind it.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Qin Hao brought her away and she wanted to tease him. She wouldn’t
have had to soak in the ice water for the entire night because of that kiss which caused her trouble.

However, she didn’t lose out either. Whether it was to tease Qin Hao or to tell at a glance that Huo
Sisi was the mastermind, she had achieved her goal. Chapter 176: Huo Xuan’s Reprimand

Looking into Huo Siyu’s smiling eyes, Huo Sisi felt a chill down her spine.

What did she mean by… going easy on her?

Did Huo Siyu fall for it on purpose?

But why?

Huo Lin remained silent.

No one knew what he was thinking.

“I-if Rainy insists on thinking that I did it, fine, I’ll admit it then. I only hope that you can have a happy
relationship with Dad and Mom. All these years that you were missing, Dad and Mom had really
missed you. In order to find you, Dad even handed the Huo Corporation to Brother to take over. Dad
and Mom only want to find you.”

“Because they missed you, Dad and Mom specially went to the orphanage to adopt me, who’s about
the same age as you and looks a little similar to you. If you really don’t like me, I can move out of the
Huo Family tomorrow. I won’t be an eyesore to you.”

“Sisi, what nonsense are you talking about! You’re the daughter of the Huo Family. Why are you
moving out? Just stay at home!”

It had to be said that Huo Sisi’s “techniques” were too high-level. Sun Xiangxiang was convinced by
her again.

After all, she had raised her for so many years and Huo Sisi was good at coaxing people.

“Rainy, don’t think that your sister… Just because Sisi has a good temper… It’s not that Mom doesn’t
trust you, but you have to have evidence. It’s irresponsible to say something without evidence.”

“Jinyu is still here. Don’t let her see you as a joke.”

Sun Xiangxiang didn’t give Huo Siyu a chance to reply. She quickly said, “It’s so cold outside. Let Jinyu
enter the house first. I’ve already gotten someone to prepare Jinyu’s room. It’s right beside your
room. Bring Jinyu to put the luggage away first. We’ll sit down and talk later.”
“Little Rain,” Yan Jinyu said slowly.

She interrupted at the right time.

That’s right, she deliberately didn’t interrupt them earlier.

Little Rain needed such an outburst. Otherwise, her relationship with the Huo Family would never

Huo Siyu looked at her. “Beauty Yu…”

As killers and top killers furthermore, they knew very well that tears were the most useless thing.
Therefore, they usually would not cry.

There were no tears in Huo Siyu’s eyes now, but it made Yan Jinyu’s heart clench.

Especially when she called out “Beauty Yu” in such a slightly aggrieved tone.

Yan Jinyu walked over and patted her shoulder. “Bring me to my room.”

“What’s there to feel aggrieved about? Won’t I always be on your side?”

“So what if you don’t have evidence? If others don’t believe you, I will.”

Huo Sisi was quite capable. She did things so cleanly that even Huo Xuan couldn’t find anything on
her. If Huo Xuan couldn’t find anything, Little Rain might not be able to find anything even if she
went to investigate.

Huo Siyu looked at her and suddenly grinned. “Beauty Yu, can I hug you?”

Yan Jinyu stared at her with wide eyes.

Huo Siyu chuckled and pounced over to hug her. “Beauty Yu, you’re the best. Otherwise, I won’t stay
in the Huo Family. I’ll go with you. You’ll take care of me.”

“…Yin Jiujin supports me. How dare you let me use his money to support you?” Nonsense. It wasn’t
like she was still young. Why was she still acting coyly?

That’s right. When she was young, Huo Siyu liked to act coyly. She would either do it to Yan Jinyu or
Xi Fengling.

Huo Siyu froze. That super jealous freak Yin Jiujin?

Forget it.

She let go of Yan Jinyu. “I was just joking. Let’s go. I’ll bring you upstairs to look at your room.”

As she spoke, Huo Siyu dragged Yan Jinyu’s luggage by herself. She didn’t let the servants take it, nor
did she care about Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang, who had complicated expressions on their faces. She
led Yan Jinyu upstairs.

The two of them had just taken a few steps when they heard someone call out “Young Master”.

Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu stopped in their tracks and turned back.

Huo Xuan didn’t look at anyone else. His gaze landed on Yan Jinyu’s face and he glanced at her
before his attention landed on Huo Siyu. “Rainy, what’s wrong?”

Huo Siyu smiled, but it was a forced smile. “It’s nothing. I’ll bring my friend upstairs to put her
luggage first.”

After thinking about it, Huo Siyu still introduced her, “Beauty Yu, this is my brother, Huo Xuan.”
Then, she introduced her to Huo Xuan, “Brother, this is my friend, Yan Jinyu. She’s the eldest
daughter of the Yan Family in North City. I’ve mentioned her to you before. She’s my good friend
Huo Xuan turned his gaze to Yan Jinyu, his expression ambiguous. “Eldest Miss Yan, I’ve long heard
of your name.”

Yan Jinyu smiled, “Young Master Huo, you’re too kind.”

After that, she didn’t have much interaction with Huo Xuan anymore. Yan Jinyu turned around and
followed Huo Siyu into the house and upstairs.

Huo Xuan looked at their backs as they walked into the house. He retracted his gaze and covered his
mouth as usual to cough lightly for a moment before turning his gaze to them under Huo Lin and Sun
Xiangxiang’s worried gazes. “Dad, Mom, what happened?” There was a sinister aura in his cold

Before they could reply, he said, “I heard the commotion the moment I got out of the car. Rainy has
such a gentle temper. Why would she be so angry?”

As he spoke, he swept a glance at Huo Sisi. “Also, what was it about the scheme at the banquet that
Rainy mentioned a year ago?”

Huo Sisi was shocked when she met his cold and sinister gaze. “B-Brother, I-I don’t know either.
Rainy just suddenly said that I had something to do with her getting drugged a year ago. How could it
have anything to with me? Didn’t you personally investigate and punish the culprit?”

“I’ve always felt that Rainy doesn’t like me. I thought that I was wrong. Now, it seems like it’s true.”

“Speaking of which, it’s only right that Rainy doesn’t like me. After all, I was the one who took
everything that should have belonged to her all these years while she led a wandering life.”

“I think Rainy is also young. Someone could have instigated her behind my back, coupled with the
fact that she doesn’t like me to begin with, maybe…”

“I’m not saying that Rainy is deliberately targeting me with false accusations. I’m saying that Rainy is
young and probably doesn’t have a strong sense of right and wrong. She will believe whatever
others say.”
“There’s also the matter of Rainy going to school. I thought that she might not be used to the
teaching style in the country and didn’t want to go to school after living overseas for so many years,
so I mentioned it to Dad and Mom so that they could talk about her when they had the time. After
all, she’s alone in the capital. If no one is keeping her in line, I’m afraid she’ll waste her studies.”

“I didn’t know that Rainy’s results were so good either. If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have said
those words to Dad and Mom. This is my fault. I should have found out the reason before this.”

“However, Rainy has some responsibilities too. If she had mentioned a little of it to the family, we
wouldn’t have—”

“Let’s not talk about this anymore. It’s all my fault after all. If Rainy really doesn’t like me, I’ll move
out of the Huo Family tomorrow so that she doesn’t get into trouble with Dad and Mom…”

“Oh, then remember to move out tomorrow. Pack your things and don’t leave anything behind. That
way, you won’t have to come to the Huo Family again.”

Huo Xuan’s sudden interruption and his words had successfully made Huo Sisi’s face turn pale.

She looked up at him in shock.

Then, Huo Sisi met Huo Xuan’s slightly evil sneer and she hurriedly lowered her head in panic.

“You even dare to drive a wedge between us in front of me. You’re getting bolder. I won’t interfere
with what happened to you in the past. After all, Mom and Dad seem to have been brainwashed by
you. It doesn’t matter if the Huo Family has to support your living expenses.”

“You seem to be putting in a good word for Rainy, but you’re defaming her both openly and secretly.
That’s fine, but you actually want to defame Rainy’s friend. Do you wish that Rainy can’t even have a
friend? Why don’t you take a look at who Yan Jinyu is? She’s someone that even Yin Jiujin cares
about. You actually dare to say that she instigated Rainy behind her back. I wonder who gave you the
courage to do so.”

“Do you think you can go against Yin Jiujin just because I dare to go against him? He would crush you
to death like he’s just crushing an ant to death. If you don’t believe me, try to provoke Yan Jinyu.
Let’s see if you have enough life to survive.”
There was one more thing he didn’t say. Even he couldn’t find out Yan Jinyu’s background.

She was definitely not someone to be trifled with.

Just now, he saw from afar that Yan Jinyu and Rainy’s relationship wasn’t as simple as just being
good friends.

This matter…

He might have to spend more effort investigating…

Forget it, it was better not to investigate. When he had the chance, he would ask Rainy. Otherwise,
Rainy was already not close to him to begin with. If he continued to investigate, Rainy would
probably become even more distant from him.

He had been sleeping in the company for the past two weeks. He would probably be busy until the
end of the year because of the trouble Yin Jiujin had caused him. He had rushed back to meet Yan
Jinyu when he heard that she had come to the Huo Family. He didn’t expect to encounter such a

“You’d better not let me find out that you were involved in Rainy being drugged at the Huo Family’s
banquet a year ago. Otherwise, you’ll definitely die a horrible death!”

Huo Xuan said too much in one breath. His face turned pale and he coughed heavily for a long time.

Huo Ning, his assistant, quickly came forward and handed him the medicine and water.

Huo Xuan didn’t take it. He waved his hand and Huo Ning retreated again. There was still worry on
his face.

Although Huo Xuan’s face was pale, his aura didn’t decrease at all.
Not only was Huo Sisi so frightened that her face was drained of all color, even Huo Lin and Sun
Xiangxiang were shocked that they were in a daze. Chapter 177: Let’s Compare Who’s More

“…Xuan’er, you…” After hesitating for a while, Sun Xiangxiang still spoke, but she suddenly didn’t
know what to say.

Compared to Huo Siyu and Huo Sisi, Sun Xiangxiang obviously trusted Huo Xuan more.

Not only because Huo Xuan was her son, but also because Huo Xuan was the head of the Huo

He was able to control a family business like the Huo Corporation and gain the trust of the entire
Huo Family, so his ability was already proven. Even Huo Lin had to listen to Huo Xuan sometimes.

In the end, she turned her attention to Huo Xuan’s coughing and his pale face, “You… Xuan’er, are
you alright? Do you want to take some medicine first? If you don’t want to take your medicine, go in
first. The wind is strong out here.”

Huo Xuan glanced at her and then at Huo Lin, “Do Dad and Mom really think that Rainy is the kind of
person who would slander others for no reason?”

“You should know very well what kind of personality Rainy has since she returned to the Huo Family.
A whole year has passed, but do you dare to say that Rainy has accepted you from the bottom of her
heart? Is this the daughter that you spent so much time and effort to find? If you treat her like this
after bringing her back, you might as well not bring her back from the beginning.”

As he spoke, he looked at Huo Lin. “It’s fine if it’s just mom, but Dad, are you so unreasonable too?”

“Let’s not talk about whether there’s any evidence for the matter Rainy mentioned. Just look at what
Huo Sisi said just now. Can’t you tell that she was trying to smear Rainy and sow discord between
us? Could it be that you’ve been resting at home for too long and have lost your basic judgment?”

Huo Lin glanced at him and remained silent.

There was no anger in her eyes either.

He simply flicked a glance at Huo Sisi.

Huo Lin wasn’t like Sun Xiangxiang. He was the head of the Huo Family in his early years. Although
he wasn’t as bold as Huo Xuan when he was in power, he still had some judgment.

He fell into deep thought after Huo Siyu’s outburst.

Indeed, the premise that Huo Sisi could sow discord in front of him was that he was really concerned
about Huo Siyu. He thought that Huo Siyu had really abandoned her studies in school and was
worried that she would be a good-for-nothing.

As for not caring about Huo Siyu’s studies and not asking about her results or what she was like in
school, it was indeed because he didn’t think highly of Huo Siyu. Thinking about how she had grown
up overseas and might not be able to adapt after returning to the country, he simply felt that she
was not good enough.


He didn’t expect her to be so outstanding. She didn’t even have to study to be the top in her class.

It was undeniable that at that moment, Huo Lin was proud.

That was his daughter, who was as outstanding as his son.

Most importantly, he actually made her say that she wouldn’t stay in the Huo Family for long and
would marry into the Qin Family when she reached her legal age.

Did she really treat the Huo Family as her family?

Or rather, did they really give her a sense of belonging?

Huo Sisi had been obedient since she was young. Their understanding of her was fixed on that. She
was very good at controlling her words and always made people feel angry. However, this anger
would never affect her. Instead, they would think that she was obedient and sensible.

However, the premise of all this was that no one openly pointed out her flaws, especially not
someone they trusted very much.

Now that Huo Xuan had said it, how could Huo Lin not notice anything?

“If Dad and Mom want Rainy to be disappointed with the Huo Family and leave the Huo Family
completely, just continue.”

“You actually made Rainy rather rely on an outsider than get close to her family.”

“When have you guys ever seen Rainy act so soft in front of anyone? The other party is even an 18-
year-old girl. We made Rainy rather rely on a girl younger than her than on her family…” Huo Xuan
saw this with his own eyes. When he walked over, he happened to see Huo Siyu throwing herself
into Yan Jinyu’s arms and acting coyly to her.

Yes, he was sore.

His sister had been home for more than a year and had never acted coyly with him. She even spoke
to him politely every time. He felt like an outsider.

Yan Jinyu, an outsider, had completely trusted Rainy. As her elder brother, how could he be inferior
to Yan Jinyu?

At the thought of this, and probably because he was too angry, Huo Xuan coughed heavily again.

After calming down, Huo Xuan looked at Huo Sisi with a cold gaze, “Remember to move out of the
Huo Family tomorrow.”

“Brother…” Huo Sisi was really panicking now.

Seeing that Huo Xuan had no intention of responding to her, she looked at Huo Lin and Sun
Xiangxiang, “Dad, Mom…” Without saying anything, she put on an aggrieved expression. The corners
of her lips trembled and her eyes turned red. She looked like she was about to cry,” Alright, I… I’ll
move out of the Huo Family tomorrow. I’m sorry. I’ve disturbed Dad, Mom, and Brother all these
years. ”

Huo Lin glanced at her, but his expression didn’t change. He only retracted his gaze and said to Huo
Xuan, “You decide for the Huo Family.” After saying that, he turned and entered the house.

“Xuan’er…” Sun Xiangxiang couldn’t bear to see Huo Sisi like this. As for whether she became
estranged from Huo Sisi because of Huo Xuan’s words, no one knew.

“Xuan’er, Sisi is the adopted daughter of the Huo Family. We personally brought her back to the Huo
Family. If we ask Sisi to move out not long after Rainy comes back and word of this gets out, it won’t
be good for the Huo Family’s reputation either. Others might use this to gossip about Rainy.”

“Besides, it’s not easy for Rainy to have a good friend. She specially invited her to our house as a
guest. It’s not good to make such a joke in front of the guests.”

As Sun Xiangxiang spoke, she looked at Huo Sisi, who had an ugly expression and was trying her best
to maintain her image. “Sisi, you too. Watch your words when you speak in the future. Fortunately,
Mom understands you and knows that you’re not a bad child. Otherwise, Mom would have thought
that you did that on purpose.”

“Rainy has been with Hao’er most of the year, and Jinyu is her only friend. Yet, you said that
someone is trying to sow discord between Rainy. Do you want to say that Hao’er that an honest
child is trying to sow discord between Rainy and us, or do you want to say that Jinyu who is the only
friend Rainy is willing to befriend, is the one?”

“Hao’er is the eldest son of the Qin Family, and he’s also very promising. Although the Yan Family
behind Jinyu is slightly inferior, she still has the Second Young Master of the Yin Family by her side.
Don’t say such irresponsible and offensive words and cause unnecessary trouble for Xuan’er and the
Huo Family in the future.”

Adopted daughter!

Huo Sisi’s fingernails almost dug into her palms.

This was the first time Sun Xiangxiang had said this to her, and it was with such an attitude!

She was clearly fine in the past, so why…

Huo Siyu did not have this attitude towards her previously. Why did she become like this when she
brought a friend home?!

Yan Jinyu must have said something to Huo Siyu. Otherwise…

No wonder she didn’t like Yan Jinyu the first time she saw her. She had such a seductive face, but she
still had to act innocent and ignorant. Wasn’t it because all men liked her like this?

No wonder she could charm Master Nine!

Yan Jinyu’s appearance in the Huo Family this time gave her an inexplicable sense of danger.
Especially when she saw her brother, who had been in the company for two months and had
suddenly returned home, her sense of danger intensified!

Big Brother even took the initiative to greet Yan Jinyu. Even if she was Huo Siyu’s friend, Big
Brother’s attitude towards Yan Jinyu was too abnormal!

Did Big Brother treat her this way because Yan Jinyu was Master Nine’s fiancée?


It wasn’t!

Big Brother and Master Nine were rivals in the business world. He definitely wouldn’t treat Yan Jinyu
so kindly because of Master Nine.

She understood her brother. This was clearly…

He was very interested in Yan Jinyu!

How could that do!

She had found all kinds of excuses to reject them when they could not find Huo Siyu in the early
years and the Huo Family wanted her to fulfill the engagement with the Qin Family. She did not
fancy a fool like Qin Hao!

Since she had entered the Huo Family, she had to stay in the Huo Family no matter what!

She lowered her head to hide the anger in her eyes. “Mom, I’m sorry. I’ll be careful with my words in
the future.”

“Yes, don’t mention moving out of the Huo Family again. Since the Huo Family has adopted you, it’s
not like we can’t afford to support you. Don’t let outsiders laugh at the Huo Family.”


“Let’s enter the house first. Watch the kitchen staff make dinner. Since you want to entertain the
guests, don’t be rude.”

“Alright, I’ll go in first.” She looked at Huo Xuan timidly with a hint of infatuation in her eyes. Then,
she quickly retracted her gaze, “Brother isn’t in good health and doesn’t like to take medicine. Mom,
keep an eye on him.”

Without waiting for a reply, she turned and walked into the house.

She had done it perfectly.

She cared about the other party but did not let anyone have the chance to refute or mock her. This
way, her concern would be magnified.

Of course, it didn’t cause much of a reaction with Huo Xuan. Instead, it made him frown.
He looked very disgusted.

Obviously, her move didn’t work on Huo Xuan. Only Sun Xiangxiang would think that she was
sensible and still cared about her brother at a time like this.

“Xuan’er, let’s go in first.”

Huo Xuan glanced at the gift bag in Sun Xiangxiang’s hand and covered his mouth as he coughed and
nodded, “Yes.”

However, seeing that his gaze landed on the gift bag, Sun Xiangxiang smiled and explained, “Oh, this
is a gift Jinyu specially chose for your father and me. Jinyu is also a thoughtful child. I can tell that she
and Rainy are really on good terms, so we could let Rainy can interact with her more.”

Not only could she tell that they were sincere in making friends, but she could also tell that Rainy
was relying on her from the bottom of her heart.

Sun Xiangxiang actually felt a little upset.

Her daughter would rather rely on a girl younger than herself than her mother.

It was also her fault.

“Only a gift for you and my father?” Huo Xuan suddenly asked with an unknown meaning.

However, Sun Xiangxiang was a little surprised. She looked at the gift bag in her hand. “There are
only two gift boxes so I think so.”

“Xuan’er, don’t tell me you also want Rainy’s friend’s gift? The little girl came all the way from North
City and has a fiancé. It’s already considered considerate for her parents’ gift. It’s not appropriate to
prepare a gift for you.”
“Speaking of which, you’re even a few months older than the Yin Family’s Second Young Master. He
has already had his fiancée by his side. Shouldn’t you also get a girlfriend? Or should I help you find

Huo Xuan coughed heavily. His face was still very pale and sickly pale, “Mom, I don’t know how long
my body can last. Don’t burden others.”

Sun Xiang felt a lump in her throat.

She felt a little stuffy.

“It’s all Mom’s fault. I didn’t take good care of you when I was pregnant, so I cause you…”

“Alright, Mom.”

Sun Xiangxiang looked at him with reddened eyes, “Xuan’er, don’t worry. Mom will definitely find a
famous doctor to treat you. If Old Master Min is still around… It’s all my fault. A few years ago, I
should have brought you to him when Old Master Min was still alive. Even if Old Master Min doesn’t
make a move easily, I should have begged him to make a move. Now…”

“Recently, I heard that Min Guili’s second son’s medical skills are actually very good. It’s also Old
Master Min who disregarded his identity as an illegitimate son and brought him back to the Min
Family. I think he really has some ability. Since Min Guili and his eldest son are both helpless about
your situation, shall we find an opportunity to look for Min Guili’s second son?”

“Mom will make the arrangements.” Huo Xuan’s casual attitude clearly showed that he didn’t have
much hope.

Or rather, he had hope countless times, but every single time, it would end in disappointment, so he
didn’t dare to easily have hope now.

Seeing him like this, Sun Xiangxiang felt even worse.

However, she still nodded repeatedly with reddened eyes. “Alright, alright. Mom will arrange it.”

“Why did you suddenly do that?” In the room, Yan Jinyu asked as she looked at Huo Siyu, who was
rolling around on the bed that she had arranged for her.

Huo Siyu stopped rolling around and sat up to look at her. She said seriously, “Beauty Yu, I think this
is my home. Even if I don’t want it, I can’t let that hypocritical fake abuse her power here.”

“Moreover, she actually dared to plot against me again and again. The last time was because I had
just returned and was not on guard, so I had no choice but to find out the mastermind in that kind of
situation. This time, she sowed discord behind my back because I can’t interfere in the South City’s
matters from the capital.”

“She’s going to keep doing that. I don’t want her to have a third chance to plot against me. At most,
I’ll leave the Huo Family after we fall out. It’s not like I don’t have a place to go.”

“If she wants to cause trouble, let’s all suffer together.”

“You’re silly.” Yan Jinyu walked over and sat down on the sofa at the side.

She sneered, “Who does she think she is? Is she worthy of you suffering together with her?”

“Rainy, you’ve probably really not done anything for a long time and have become rusty. The Huo
Family is your home. You don’t want to hurt your family and don’t want to leave a bad impression on
them. This is very simple. We don’t have to do anything. We can simply put on a false front. How can
we be inferior to others in this aspect? She’s pretentious and likes to be a people-pleaser. We’ll just
be more pretentious than her. What’s so difficult about that?”

Huo Siyu’s lips twitched. “It’s indeed not difficult, but that’s towards outsiders. I don’t think I can do
that to the Huo Family.”

“Then, we’ll treat the Huo Family as outsiders for the time being. After we get rid of Huo Sisi,
without her instigating things in front of your parents, your family will have a chance to develop a
healthy relationship.”

Huo Siyu thought about it and felt that it made sense.

She jumped up from the bed. “Let’s go, Beauty Yu. Let’s go downstairs and pretend!”

“She’s pretentious, but we’re even more pretentious than her!”

Yan Jinyu smiled. “Mm-hm.”

“Then, Beauty Yu, do you think I should change into a white dress and go downstairs? No, I don’t
seem to have a white dress. Do you have one? Can you lend it to me to wear? Shall I put on some
pitiful makeup? It’s the kind that looks soft and weak…”

Yan Jinyu’s smile froze. “…That’s enough.”

“South City is so cold. Why would I bring a white dress?” Oh, but she really had a white dress.

“The highest level of acting is to be able to perform the essence without makeup.”

Huo Siyu nodded in agreement when she heard that. “Yes, yes, yes, we can perform the essence!
Let’s go! Let’s go downstairs!” Chapter 178: The Hypocritical Little Rain

Huo Xuan and Huo Lin sat on the sofa while Sun Xiangxiang and Huo Sisi went to the kitchen to
watch the staff cook.

When the two of them went downstairs, Huo Sisi was coming out of the kitchen.

At that moment, Yan Jinyu had already taken off her bulky down jacket. She was wearing a light pink
floral dress with black stockings and a black pair of black leather flats. Her black hair reached her

She was slim and youthful.

Huo Siyu had also taken off her down jacket in the room. She was wearing a checkered sweater and
black pants. Her hair was still in a bun which she liked.
She exuded a youthful aura too.

Even the servants couldn’t help but stop and take a look when the two of them walked down the

They were too eye-catching.

Huo Sisi stood rooted to the ground. She almost couldn’t suppress the anger in her heart when she
saw them.

However, Huo Sisi was indeed someone who could make Huo Xuan and Huo Siyu fail to find any
evidence even when she schemed against Huo Siyu. Even when she was so angry that she wanted
Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu to disappear immediately, she still had a generous and appropriate smile on
her face.

“Rainy, Miss Yan.”

Yan Jinyu smiled at her, “Hello.”

Seeing this, Huo Siyu also smiled and looked at Huo Sisi. “I’m sorry. I was too agitated just now and
spoke too harshly. Please don’t take it to heart.”

Their attitude was as friendly as they possibly could.

However, Huo Sisi’s pupils constricted with shock.

The servant who was carrying the dishes to the dining room was so frightened that she almost
knocked over the dishes in her hand.

The servant quickly brought the dishes to the dining room in shock.
She was also one of the maids outside the main building and had witnessed the entire process of
Huo Siyu’s outburst. However, the servants of the Huo Family had their own set of rules and would
never interfere with the affairs of the family. In the Huo Family, it was best that the servants
pretended to be deaf and focused on their own matters.

However, this did not deny the servants’ understanding of Huo Siyu’s outburst.

Huo Siyu had just exploded not long ago, and she had even exploded in front of Huo Lin and Sun
Xiang. But why had she become so “friendly” after she had only gone upstairs for a short while?

Most importantly, even without her outburst earlier, Huo Siyu had never been so “friendly” in the
Huo Family.

It would be strange if the servants weren’t frightened.

Compared to the frightened servants, Huo Sisi was even more shocked.

She suddenly panicked. She felt that Huo Siyu would be very difficult to deal with if she behaved like

Yan Jinyu must have said something to Huo Siyu again!

As she thought about it, Huo Sisi looked at Yan Jinyu with hostility. Although it was only for a fleeting
moment, Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu still caught it.

The corners of Yan Jinyu’s lips curled up even more, and she smiled even brighter.

Yes, I’m not afraid of you causing trouble. I’m just afraid that you won’t.

“Rainy, you don’t have to apologize. I’m a few months older than you. Even if you don’t want to… I
won’t hold it against you. Just don’t misunderstand me next time. Otherwise, I’ll be very sad.”

“Yes, I won’t misunderstand again. Mom is right. It’s irresponsible to say that without evidence.” She
looked at Huo Sisi with a smile. “Even if I have to suspect you, I’ll show evidence. Don’t worry.”
Huo Sisi’s expression froze. “…Since you’re downstairs, accompany Miss Yan to the living room. The
dishes are ready very quickly.”

“Alright, thank you.”

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a crash. It was the sound of bowls and plates shattering.

She looked over and saw Sun Xiangxiang walking out of the kitchen with a plate of food.

Obviously, Sun Xiangxiang had heard Huo Siyu thanking Huo Sisi and she had said it in such a friendly
and smiling tone.

Sun Xiangxiang was shocked.

“Mom, are you…”

Just as Huo Sisi was about to step forward to show her obedient daughter’s side, a figure suddenly
flashed past her.

The next second, Huo Siyu held Sun Xiangxiang’s hand anxiously with a heartbroken expression.
“Mom, are you alright? Did you get burned?”

It was obvious that the black shadow that flashed past her was Huo Siyu, who had run over quickly.

Looking at her hand that was held by Huo Siyu, Sun Xiangxiang was flattered and a little panicked.
Her body even trembled subconsciously. “I-I’m fine.”

After saying that, she seemed to feel that such an answer was too cold and stiff. She quickly added,
“It was a stir-fry dish. There was no soup. It was knocked over just like that. It didn’t scald me.”

“It’s good that you’re fine. Mom, you scared me. Just let the servants do this in the future. Don’t do
it yourself.”
“…Alright, alright, alright!”

“Rainy, you…”

Huo Siyu looked up at her and smiled. “Mom, what’s wrong?”

“N-nothing. I’m just… happy.”

“Mom, I’m sorry. I was insensible previously.”

“It was my fault for talking like that outside just now. After I went upstairs, Beauty Yu told me that
we should get along well as a family. It’s fine as long as we make things clear.”

“You and Dad treated me so badly previously because you didn’t know me well enough. Speaking of
which, this is also my fault. Because I haven’t been home for many years and didn’t dare to be too
close to you. I didn’t dare to say anything to you but I won’t do this again in the future.”

“If I had told you from the beginning that I actually didn’t have to learn seriously and the school
exams wouldn’t have been difficult for me, you wouldn’t have misunderstood me just because of a
few words from others.”

“It’s all my fault. It won’t happen again.”

“No, no, no. It’s not your fault.”

Sun Xiangxiang could no longer hold back her tears. “It’s Mom and Dad’s fault. It’s us who didn’t care
enough about you. Mom and Dad were biased. If we hear anything in the future, we will definitely
call you immediately to confirm it. We won’t scold you again without asking for the reason. It was
Mom’s fault previously. Mom apologizes to you.”

Seeing this, an unknown emotion flashed past Huo Siyu’s eyes.

Others thought that she was pretending, and even for a moment, she thought that she was
pretending too.

However, when she thought about it carefully, when she saw her mother knocking over the dish
earlier, her worry and panic actually came from the bottom of her heart. She rushed over without
even thinking.

Oh, perhaps Beauty Yu knew. After all, she was so smart.

“We’re all in the wrong. Let’s forget about this. Don’t mention it again.”

“Yes, yes, yes. Let’s not talk about it anymore.”

The sound of something being knocked over alerted the two people sitting in the living room. They
stood up and walked over.

They happened to see Sun Xiangxiang wiping her tears and Huo Siyu holding her hand to comfort

Immediately, they stopped in her tracks and did not step forward.

“Mom, I’ve apologized to Huo Sisi. I was indeed in the wrong just now. You’re right. If I don’t have
any evidence, saying that would be considered slander. I’ve apologized to Huo Sisi, and Huo Sisi has
forgiven me. But Mom, I… I’m not used to calling her ‘Sister’. Can you please give me some time?”

“If you’re not used to it, don’t do it. There’s no hurry.” Sun Xiangxiang was only happy that Huo Siyu
was close to her now. She didn’t care about the rest so much.

“Are you hungry? We can start eating after two more dishes. Why don’t we go to the dining room
first? Jinyu should be hungry too. You’ve made a good friend. She’s so sensible at such a young age. I
wonder why the Yan Family… Sigh, in any case, bring her to our house often in the future.”

“Alright, thank you, Mom.”

As she spoke, Huo Siyu turned around and smiled smugly at Huo Sisi, who was frozen on the spot
with a smile on her face.

Yes, a smug smile.

Huo Sisi’s eyes widened in shock.

Huo Siyu!

So this was her plan!

Huo Siyu was the biological daughter of the Huo Family and she was the adopted daughter. No
matter how good her parents were to their adopted daughter, how could they be better to her than
their own biological daughter? Furthermore, she was adopted by the Huo Family because she was
around the same age as Huo Siyu and looked very similar to Huo Siyu when she was young!

The Huo Family’s love for her was all because of Huo Siyu!

Her status would definitely be affected when Huo Siyu returned to the Huo Family. It was even
possible that there would be no more place for her in the Huo Family. Hence, she wanted to
embarrass Huo Siyu and disappoint the Huo Family. That was why she plotted that event at Huo
Siyu’s debut party.

Unfortunately, Huo Siyu was lucky enough to avoid it!

She did not expect Huo Siyu to be so capable. She could still remain conscious after staying in the
same room with a man for so long despite being drugged.

Not only that, she even grabbed something to seriously injure that man!

These were not important. Huo Siyu was obviously not close to the Huo Family. She had also gone to
the capital to study in university and rarely returned to South City. This way, she would have even
more chances to ruin their impression of Huo Siyu in front of the Huo Family.
However, the premise was that Huo Siyu still maintained her previous attitude towards the Huo
Family and her “aloofness” and continued her disdain to pretend.

But now, Huo Siyu…

Huo Siyu had done everything that she wanted to do, so how was she going to make them feel good
about her?!

It was all Yan Jinyu’s fault. Why did she have to interfere in other people’s business!

As she thought about it, Huo Sisi glared at Yan Jinyu with an unfriendly gaze. However, just as she
turned her gaze over, she met Yan Jinyu’s smiling eyes.

She didn’t know if it was an illusion, but she felt that Yan Jinyu’s smile when she looked at her
seemed to have seen through all her thoughts!

Moreover, for some reason, she didn’t dare to meet Yan Jinyu’s eyes directly.

It was as if she definitely wouldn’t be able to maintain her current calmness when she met Yan
Jinyu’s eyes. She wouldn’t be able to control her emotions at all!

But how was that possible?

Yan Jinyu was only 18 years old. How could she have that kind of frightening gaze that made her lose
her composure?

Huo Siyu turned back and smiled. She successfully saw Huo Sisi’s expression change, so she
immediately retracted her gaze. “Alright, let’s go to the dining room first. I’m not hungry, but Beauty
Yu came from North City on such a long flight. She must be hungry.”

Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang didn’t notice the smile Huo Siyu gave Huo Sisi, but Yan Jinyu and Huo
Xuan did.
Yan Jinyu was very satisfied with this.

Not bad, she had the potential to be a hypocritical fake. Not only did she have the potential, but she
also knew how to scare the other party when she was successful and make them feel uneasy.

Huo Xuan raised his eyebrows.

Her lips even curled up.

Then, he turned to Yan Jinyu, who was standing at the side with a faint smile on her face.

His eyes darkened.

Indeed, this eldest daughter of the Yan Family was not simple. Rainy had not changed at all after
returning home for more than a year. The moment she came, Rainy had changed so much.

She was indeed someone that even he could not figure out.

However, judging from the current situation, she didn’t seem to have any ill intentions towards

This was good.

Was Rainy pretending? So what if she was? This was the Huo Family. She was the legitimate eldest
daughter of the Huo Family. In the Huo Family, she could do whatever she wanted.

Acting like this was, in fact, an action of a smart person.

His parents liked that.

His sister should be that smart.

“Alright, alright. Then, let’s go to the restaurant now.” After saying that, Sun Xiangxiang saw Huo Lin
and Huo Xuan standing there. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and smiled at them,
“Don’t worry. It’s nothing. I simply dropped a plate of food.”

“Just get the servants to clean up,” Huo Lin said.

Huo Xuan walked over and looked at Huo Siyu. He didn’t even give Huo Sisi an extra glance.

Huo Siyu actually felt like she had been seen through by him. However, she, Huo Siyu, was not a
timid person. She naturally let go of Sun Xiangxiang’s hand and smiled at him. “Brother.”

However, Huo Xuan didn’t say anything. He raised his hand to rub her head before turning his head
and covering his lips as he coughed lightly. Only then did he look at Huo Siyu and ask, “You called her
Beauty Yu?”

He glanced at Yan Jinyu.

Huo Siyu was still stunned that she had been touched on the head. Then, she saw that Huo Xuan was
coughing badly and a hint of worry flashed past her eyes.

Before she could recover from her worry, she heard Huo Xuan’s question.

She was slightly stunned, then she smiled. “Yes, I think this form of address suits Beauty Yu very
well! All these years, I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as Beauty Yu.” She added in her heart that
Sister Feng Ling was also very beautiful, but she was different from Beauty Yu’s beauty.

Anyway, the two sisters she was close to were both top beauties.

Only then did Huo Xuan size Yan Jinyu up carefully.

She stood there and looked into his eyes calmly with a faint smile.

Her posture was elegant and her smile was clear.

Her figure was slim and her looks…

Yes, she was indeed a beauty.

“It does suit her.”

It was rare to see him interested in a girl so Sun Xiangxiang was actually very happy. However, when
she thought about how Yan Jinyu was already engaged and the person she was engaged to was Yin

Sun Xiangxiang became suddenly disappointed. Chapter 179: Suffer A Silent Defeat

However, Sun Xiangxiang was still a little worried that Huo Xuan would really care about Yan Jinyu.
Hence, not only was he Yin Jiujin’s opponent in the business world, but he even would try to snatch
his fiancée from him.

If there was really a head in the Huo Family who would snatch someone else’s fiancée, then…

No, no way.

Sun Xiangxiang hurriedly interrupted Huo Xuan, who was staring at Yan Jinyu, “Xuan’er, lead your
sister and Jinyu to the dining room first.”

Huo Xuan didn’t notice that it was a silent interruption.

“Mom and Dad should go over too. I’ll keep an eye on here,” Huo Sisi suddenly said. It seemed like
she had calmed down.

“I’ll get the servants to clean up the place. Mom, don’t do it yourself next time. You really frightened
me just now.”
After saying that, she even heaved a sigh of relief, looking like she was indeed frightened.

Sun Xiangxiang smiled in satisfaction. “Alright, alright. Mom won’t do it next time. I’ll let the servants
do it. All of you, didn’t I simply smash a plate? Why are you all making such a fuss?”

“It’s lucky that Mom isn’t injured. How can you say that it’s a big deal?”

As she spoke, Huo Sisi looked at Huo Xuan and said gently, “Brother.”

Huo Xuan simply flicked a glance at her and then ignored her.

He looked at Yan Jinyu, “Eldest Miss Yan, this way please.”

After saying that, he walked past Huo Sisi. Just as Huo Sisi’s expression was about to change, Huo
Siyu, who had followed Huo Xuan over, stopped beside Huo Sisi. “You’ve worked very hard.”

Huo Sisi gritted her teeth!

However, she still had to smile because Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang were watching!

“It’s nothing. It’s what I should do.”

Just wait and see!

This kind of life would definitely not last long!

No matter if it was Yan Jinyu or Huo Siyu, she would chase them out of the Huo Family!


In the dining room, they sat down one after another.

Huo Siyu sat down beside Yan Jinyu. As soon as she sat down, Huo Siyu moved her stool closer to
Yan Jinyu and even bumped her with her shoulder.

Yan Jinyu looked at her, and Huo Siyu smiled smugly at Yan Jinyu. It seemed like she wanted Yan
Jinyu to praise her.

With someone else around, Yan Jinyu couldn’t say anything. She could only return her smile

Huo Siyu also knew that with others around, it was not good to reveal too much. Otherwise, her
previous actions which did not match her character would be wasted.

In reality, the so-called inappropriate actions were only what Huo Siyu felt. In Yan Jinyu’s opinion,
Huo Siyu, who said soft words to Sun Xiangxiang, was the real Huo Siyu. After all, Huo Siyu had acted
coyly in front of her many times.

Huo Xuan, who was sitting opposite them, saw their interaction.

Huo Xuan looked at them deeply and was even more certain that they hadn’t just met recently.

At the dining table, Huo Lin sat at the head of the table. Huo Siyu and Sun Xiangxiang sat on both
sides of the table. Huo Xuan was beside Sun Xiangxiang, and Yan Jinyu was beside Huo Siyu.

In that case, Yan Jinyu was sitting opposite Huo Xuan.

However, the Huo Family’s dining table was similar to the Huo Family’s mansion. It was very
luxurious and big, so although they were sitting opposite each other, they were actually not close to

Sun Xiangxiang asked Yan Jinyu to pick up her chopsticks and start eating. Yan Jinyu didn’t say that
she wanted to wait for Huo Sisi to join them either.

They ate for about 10 minutes before Huo Sisi came over.
Seeing the seating, Huo Sisi stopped in her tracks.

At first, there was anger in her eyes, but it quickly dissipated. Instead, her eyes lit up.

She walked straight to the seat beside Huo Xuan.

However, just as she was about to sit down, Huo Siyu spoke, “Huo Sisi, I’m sorry. I took your seat. I’ll
make way for you.”

As she spoke, she was about to stand up with the bowl in her hand when Huo Xuan stopped her.
“Make way? How can you make way in the middle of your meal? Sit down.”

Glancing at the seat beside Yan Jinyu, Huo Xuan didn’t look at Huo Sisi and simply said, “You sit in
that seat.”

How could someone as smart as Huo Xuan not sense what Huo Sisi was thinking about?

This was the main reason why he hated Huo Sisi.

There was no such thing as an adopted daughter marrying the head of the family in the Huo Family.
In his opinion, Huo Sisi was just muddle-headed and greedy.

If Huo Sisi knew her place, why would Huo Xuan care about her? The Huo Family didn’t lack the
money to support an additional person.

Huo Sisi, who was about to sit down, froze.

Her body was stiff, and her expression was stiff too.

Her body was stiff, and her expression was stiff.

Actually, Huo Siyu did it on purpose.

When she sat down, her parents did not say anything. This meant that in their subconsciousness,
this seat was not exclusive to Huo Sisi. Then, how could her parents not have anything against Huo
Sisi when she waited for her to come?

The Huo Family still had Beauty Yu as their guest.

Moreover, she was the biological daughter of the Huo Family, and she had only softened her attitude
to get close to her mother 10 minutes ago…

Or rather one should say she had just got closer to the Huo Family.

They were happy and were standing on her side.

As she thought about it, Huo Siyu suddenly felt that she had the potential to be a hypocritical fake

She would strike while the iron was hot.

“Why don’t I give the seat to you? This is your seat anyway.”

“What’s your seat and my seat? Just sit down and eat. Why do you have to change seats midway?
Our Huo Family doesn’t have such rules,” Huo Lin said.

“Sisi, sit beside Jinyu,” Sun Xiangxiang said.

Her attitude was not bad, and her tone was not bad either. It was her usual tone and attitude when
she spoke to Huo Sisi. However, Huo Sisi was extremely angry when she heard that. She felt that Sun
Xiang no longer treated her as her daughter.

“Dad, Mom, I’ll sit here.” Looking at the elegant man sitting at the side, Huo Sisi could not hide the
infatuation in her eyes.
Yan Jinyu, who was sitting opposite Huo Xuan, happened to notice it.

She raised her eyebrows.

Oh dear, she seemed to have discovered something incredible.

She had to work harder to stir up more trouble.

She kicked Huo Siyu under the table.

Huo Siyu looked at her, and Yan Jinyu glanced at her before turning her gaze to Huo Xuan and Huo
Sisi. Then, she winked at Huo Siyu.

Huo Siyu didn’t understand why Yan Jinyu kicked her at first. After Yan Jinyu’s action, she saw Huo
Sisi staring at Huo Xuan.

She instantly understood.

There was naturally shock, but there was more anger than shock.

However, Huo Siyu did not show it and hid her anger. Just as Sun Xiangxiang was about to speak, she
spoke first. She chuckled and pretended to speak casually, “Huo Sisi, the seat beside my brother is
reserved for my sister-in-law. As his sister, it’s not appropriate for you to sit beside my brother,

“Why are you glaring at me? Am I wrong? Or do you want to take over the position that belongs to
my sister-in-law? Oh my god, how can the Huo Family face anybody if our adopted daughter
becomes our daughter-in-law?”

Did Huo Sisi glare at her?

She had the final say.

Then, she said to Sun Xiangxiang with a shocked expression, “Mom, we didn’t have such a precedent
in our Huo Family, right? I grew up overseas and don’t know much about the rules in the country,
but even if I don’t, I’ve never heard of any adopted daughter becoming a daughter-in-law after
raising her up, especially someone like our Huo Family.” Chapter 180: Master Nine Calls

Sun Xiangxiang and Huo Lin’s expressions changed.

Seeing that they were looking at her with disbelief and disdain, the angry Huo Sisi completely

“Rainy, what nonsense are you talking about! I-I’ve never had such thoughts before.”

“You’re the daughter of the Huo Family, and I’m also the daughter of the Huo Family. This is my
elder brother. I’ll… y-you—” She looked so angry that she wanted to cry.

“Rainy, if you don’t like me, you can just say it. Why are you slandering me again and again?! You
slandered me for hurting you at the banquet. I can admit that as long as I can appease you, but you
actually slandered me for having… that kind of intention towards Big Brother! Are you trying to force
me to kill myself?”

“I already said that I would move out of the Huo Family and not be an eyesore to you. I’ll return
everything that originally belonged to you. It was Mom who said that if I really moved out, others
might laugh at the Huo Family and gossip about you in private. That’s why I stopped insisting.”

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. “Dad, Mom, don’t listen to Rainy’s nonsense. I
really didn’t!”

“I-I didn’t think too much. I just thought that Miss Yan was a guest at home. She would probably feel
uncomfortable if I sat beside her like this, so I wanted to sit beside Big Brother. I really didn’t think so

“So be it. Why are you so excited?” Huo Siyu interrupted her with a puzzled expression.

“I didn’t say anything particularly harsh. If you really don’t have the idea, just treat it as a joke and
just laugh it off. Is there a need to talk about death?”
“Do you know that you’re making yourself look guilty? I was just joking. Your intense reaction makes
me suspect that you really have such thoughts.”

Regardless of whether Huo Sisi had the intention or not, once she mentioned it, Huo Sisi had to keep
her thoughts to herself in the future. Because now that Huo Sisi was trying so hard to deny it,
wouldn’t it be a slap in the face if someone found out that she had the intention in the future?

Plotting against her brother and marrying into the Huo Family?

If Huo Sisi really had the ability to scheme against her brother, she wouldn’t mind if she
acknowledged Huo Sisi as her sister-in-law.

Most importantly, did Huo Sisi have that ability?

Anyway, she felt very happy now.

“I-I-I…” This was the first time Huo Sisi had suffered such a huge defeat since she was young. She did
not expect Huo Siyu to use her defense to stop her. Not only did her defense fail, but everyone
present even suspected her more!

Huo Siyu!

She would definitely not let this matter rest!

“Alright, stop arguing. Eat quietly,” Sun Xiangxiang said.

Although she said that, the way Sun Xiangxiang looked at Huo Sisi was obviously not as close as

Huo Lin didn’t say anything and just glanced at Huo Xuan.

Seeing that Huo Xuan’s expression was normal as he continued to eat.

Huo Lin trusted Huo Xuan completely. He believed that Huo Xuan could resolve these problems
himself. As for Huo Xuan’s feelings for Huo Sisi?

Anyone with eyes could tell that that was definitely impossible.

As long as Huo Xuan wasn’t interested in Huo Sisi, Huo Lin didn’t care what Huo Sisi thought about
Huo Xuan.

Because he had the same thoughts as Huo Siyu. Huo Sisi would never be able to scheme against Huo

“Mom, I-I really didn’t…”

“Brother, I-I… Please don’t listen to Huo… Rainy’s nonsense. I really don’t have such thoughts!” She
almost shouted Huo Siyu’s name in a panic.

Sun Xiangxiang looked at her and frowned. “Sit down and eat.”

“There are still guests around. Why are you crying? Don’t you find it embarrassing!”

As she spoke, Sun Xiangxiang smiled apologetically at Yan Jinyu. “We’ve made a fool of ourselves in
front of Jinyu.”

Yan Jinyu smiled back at her and didn’t say anything.

In the end, Huo Sisi walked to Yan Jinyu’s side angrily and sat down.

She didn’t feel at ease during the meal. She kept looking up to see Huo Xuan’s reaction, but she saw
that Huo Xuan’s expression was normal. Even if there were some changes occasionally, it was only
when he looked up at Yan Jinyu.

Hence, the anger in Huo Sisi’s heart was not only directed at Huo Siyu, but also at Yan Jinyu.
Why did her brother not even look at her when things were already like this!

It was fine if he didn’t look at her, but why did he have to pay attention to others!

Furthermore, he was still paying attention to Yan Jinyu, whom she didn’t like!

What right did Yan Jinyu have? It was clearly only Big Brother’s first time seeing her today!

In terms of looks, bearing, and manners, which part of her was not better than Yan Jinyu?!

No one could snatch her things, be it the status of the eldest daughter of the Huo Family or Huo

Huo Siyu and Yan Jinyu were considered capable of having forced her to this extent! Since that was
the case, don’t blame her for being ruthless!

She had grown up in South City and was more familiar with South City than Huo Siyu, who had just
returned to South City. It was easy for her to deal with someone in South City!

There was no hurry. She would let them be smug for a few more days. At that time, she would let
them know what it meant to be helpless!

There were two reasons why Huo Xuan always looked at Yan Jinyu unintentionally.

Firstly, he was indeed curious about Yan Jinyu.

Secondly, he had personally seen Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu interact before Huo Siyu said that Huo Sisi
had feelings for him.

This made it difficult for him not to pay much attention to Yan Jinyu.

As for Huo Sisi’s current emotions and thoughts, Huo Xuan didn’t care at all.

It was already dark after dinner.

Yan Jinyu didn’t intend to go out to play today. After eating, she and Huo Sisi walked around the Huo
Family’s mansion to digest their food. The two of them returned to their room together.

Huo Siyu’s room was close to the stairs. They reached her room first and then the room that the Huo
Family had prepared for Yan Jinyu.

Hence, after Huo Siyu entered the room, Yan Jinyu still had to walk for a while before she reached

However, Huo Xuan’s room was right opposite hers.

Just as Yan Jinyu was about to push open the door and enter the house, a voice came from behind.
“Eldest Miss Yan.”

She turned around and happened to see Huo Xuan leaning against the door frame of the room

Huo Xuan was wearing a white sleeping robe and his hair was still dripping with water. He must have
just taken a shower.

He leaned against the door frame lazily. His pale face could not hide his elegance.

He was seductive.

Of course, that was only in the eyes of others.

Even when she saw Huo Xuan like this, Yan Jinyu’s expression remained unchanged. She smiled and
greeted politely, “Young Master Huo.”
Huo Xuan was about to speak when Yan Jinyu’s phone rang.

Then, Huo Xuan saw with his own eyes the girl—who originally had an appropriate and polite smile
on her face, and looked very innocent and harmless, but whose eyes were actually cold—instantly lit
up her eyes when she took out her phone and took a look. She answered the call happily, “Brother

Brother Nine…

Yin Jiujin.

She was probably the only person in the world who dared to call Yin Jiujin that.

Furthermore, her attitude towards Yin Jiujin…

Tsk, the stinky smell of love.

Huo Xuan and Yin Jiujin didn’t get along, but he wasn’t the kind of person who wouldn’t disturb
others when they were making a phone call or deliberately cause a commotion to make the two of
them have a misunderstanding.

He waited quietly for Yan Jinyu to finish her call. Chapter 181: Huo Xuan’s Suspicion

Yin Jiujin probably asked something. Yan Jinyu nodded repeatedly and replied in a light voice, “Yes,
I’m here. I arrived long ago.”

“At the Huo Family.”

“Little Rain is here. Everything has been arranged. Brother Nine, you don’t have to worry.”
At that moment, in Mount Jing’s villa, Yin Jiujin was sitting at the desk in his study and making a call.

Hearing Yan Jinyu say that with Huo Siyu around, everything was arranged, he felt a little depressed.

She had arranged everything. He felt that she could live without him with Huo Siyu around.

“You saw Huo Xuan?”

When Yan Jinyu heard that, she looked up at Huo Xuan, who was still leaning lazily against the door
frame. She smiled and nodded, “Mm-hm.”

“Stay away from him.” Huo Xuan was a tactless person. He clearly couldn’t get anything good out of
him. Even if he was lucky enough to get something good out of him, he would still pay him back
double in the end. However, he still insisted on going against him in the business world. What was
he trying to do?

He was always going against him so he might have designs on his girl.

The young lady was so likable and Huo Xuan had been single for, like forever.

He had to guard against him.

“Yes, I know. Don’t worry, Brother Nine.” To be honest, she didn’t want to interact much with Huo
Xuan either. It wasn’t because Huo Xuan was capable, but because he was Little Rain’s brother.

If anything really happened, Little Rain would be in a difficult position.

“When are you coming back?”

To Yan Jinyu, Yin Jiujin’s words sounded very coquettish and accusing.

She was a little helpless. “Brother Nine, I’ve just arrived in South City.”
“…How long do you want to stay in South City?”

This clinginess.

“Didn’t I say it before I left? About a week.” Moreover, she remembered that she had said it more
than once and repeatedly promised that it would not be more than a week before he reluctantly
agreed to let her come to South City.

“Alright. A week. No longer than that.” But it could be shorter.

However, Yin Jiujin didn’t say that.

“Alright, alright. It’s only for a week.”

“Brother Nine, even if I’m not around, you have to eat and sleep on time, okay.” This “okay” was so

Huo Xuan almost had goosebumps when he heard that.

So this was how the two of them interacted.

Yan Jinyu was young, and she looked like an innocent girl from the outside. He didn’t expect her to
actually… dote on Yin Jiujin so much?

Was she doting on him?

Tsk, Yin Jiujin was really lucky. He was clearly a few months younger than him and didn’t have a
family business to inherit. He had completely started his business from nothing, but he was actually
able to get to his current status. Even he, the heir of the Huo Family business…

Yes, Yin Jiujin had almost overtaken him completely.

Now that he had such a good fiancée, what else could Yin Jiujin be but lucky?

The two of them got lovey-dovey for a while before Yan Jinyu hung up.

She calmly held the phone in her hand and returned to her faint and clear smile. She wasn’t so lively
as she was answering the call earlier.

For a moment, Huo Xuan actually felt that it was a pity.

However, this emotion came and went quickly, so Huo Xuan didn’t care very much.

“Young Master Huo is specially waiting here. What’s the matter?” The reason why she didn’t go into
the house to pick up the call was because she knew that since Huo Xuan specially waited here, there
must be something.

For a smart person like Huo Xuan, her and Little Rain’s actions probably couldn’t escape his eyes.

After she asked that, Huo Xuan’s expression became serious. He stood a little straighter and no
longer had the lazy and devilish attitude from before. He looked at her and said seriously, “Eldest
Miss Yan and Rainy should have known each other long ago, right?” His tone was firm.

Yan Jinyu wasn’t surprised by his question.

“Yes, we’ve known each other for a long time.” There was no need to deny it because even if she
did, Huo Xuan wouldn’t believe her.

She narrowed her eyes and smiled. “Young Master Huo, please don’t ask how could I have known
Little Rain, who grew up in Country F, when I grew up in an orphanage in a small town in the
country? Didn’t Young Master Huo investigate me after I raced in Young Master Huo’s territory that

Huo Xuan was slightly surprised, but he quickly restrained his surprise and smiled calmly, “Miss Yan
actually knows.”
“Yes, Miss Yan is someone whom even I can’t find out the background of, so it shouldn’t be strange
for you to know this.”

“I went to investigate Eldest Miss Yan’s matter without permission previously. I shall apologize to
you now. That’s because I’m curious about Eldest Miss Yan. Who asked Eldest Miss Yan’s
performance to be so different from the rumors?” Although he apologized, there was no hint of
apology on his face.

However, Yan Jinyu was the only one who could get Huo Xuan to apologize.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t find anything.”

“Of course, I’m not naive enough to think that Eldest Miss Yan would answer my questions in
person. I just want to know if Eldest Miss Yan and Rainy know each other because you met Rainy in
Country F before?”

Huo Xuan didn’t show it on his face when he asked this, but he wasn’t actually that calm.

From the bottom of his heart, he wanted her to answer “yes.”

However, the chances of that were very small.

Yan Jinyu stared at him, then smiled and asked, “What do you think, Young Master Huo?”

“That’s right. I did go to Country F before.”

This ambiguous answer…

If she hadn’t asked that question, Huo Xuan might have believed her.

Besides, she only said that she had been to Country F before and didn’t say that she got to know
Rainy in Country F.

Huo Xuan didn’t know how they met, but he already had a faint feeling that the truth might have
shocked him.

That was why he wanted to know so much.

“How’s Eldest Miss Yan’s relationship with Rainy?” No matter what, this was actually what he was
most concerned about.

“A life-and-death relationship.”

As soon as Yan Jinyu finished speaking, the person who walked out of the room stopped in her

It was none other than Huo Siyu.

She returned to her room and realized that it was still early, so she prepared to talk to Yan Jinyu.
Unexpectedly, she opened the door and walked out. She happened to hear this conversation and
Yan Jinyu’s “life-and-death relationship”.

She looked at Huo Xuan and fixed her gaze on Yan Jinyu again.

There was an unknown emotion in Huo Siyu’s eyes.

Wasn’t theirs just a life-and-death relationship?

Putting aside the countless trials and tribulations they had gone through, Beauty Yu had even saved
her life.

To be precise, if it wasn’t for Beauty Yu and Brother Feng, she would have died long ago. And
Brother Feng only saved her because of Beauty Yu..
Hence, seriously speaking, she was the closest to Beauty Yu.

It was a pity that she actually felt that Beauty Yu was soft and cute. Seeing that Beauty Yu was
surrounded, she ignored her serious injuries and wanted to rush out to save her.

Uh, in the end, of course she was saved by Beauty Yu.

“Beauty Yu…”

The moment she opened the door and walked out, Yan Jinyu and Huo Xuan sensed that and looked
at her.

After Huo Siyu called out, she calmed down slightly.

She looked at Huo Xuan, “Brother.”

“Why did you come out again after returning to your room?” Seeing that she hadn’t changed out of
her clothes, Huo Xuan frowned, “Why don’t you change into something more comfortable? You can
be more casual at home. You don’t have to be so tense.”

Her words reminded Huo Siyu that this was her home.

“I know. Thank you, Brother. I was thinking that Beauty Yu might not be used to being alone in the
Huo Family. Seeing that it’s still early, I came to chat with Beauty Yu.”

“Brother, are you… looking for Beauty Yu for something?” Although she had once thought of
matchmaking Beauty Yu and her brother, that was only a temporary thought. Now that Beauty Yu
and Yin Jiujin’s relationship was fine, she actually didn’t want her brother to have any thoughts
about Beauty Yu.

Even if she was curious or interested, she didn’t want it to happen.

Because feelings usually started from curiosity and interest.

“It’s fine. We happened to meet, so we chatted casually.”

“Since you’re here, let’s talk to your friend. However, you have to go back early to wash up and
sleep. Don’t stay up late.”

Huo Siyu smiled. “Alright.”

Huo Xuan turned his gaze to Yan Jinyu again and nodded slightly at her. He covered his mouth and
coughed as he returned to his room and closed the door.

Huo Xuan was actually shocked when he heard about the “life-and-death relationship”.

The two girls were only 18 or 19 years old now. They were even younger when they met. How could
two girls so young have so much “life-and-death” experience?

Thinking about Yan Jinyu’s driving skills…

It was one thing to have good driving skills, but it was another thing to not want to survive.

Not everyone had the courage to turn the situation around and even take the initiative to hit the
other party’s car.

If anything went wrong, she would be the one to die.

At that time, Yan Jinyu didn’t hesitate to bump into them. Wasn’t it because she didn’t want to

Perhaps, Rainy and Yan Jinyu’s past experiences were similar.

He didn’t dare to think further.

Although Rainy said that she was lost, he had actually found something after so many years of
She wasn’t lost. She was abducted on the street.

Even when the Huo Family immediately sealed the city and searched everywhere on the streets of
South City the moment she was lost, they couldn’t find her.

If it was just an ordinary trafficker who had kidnapped Rainy, with the Huo Family’s status in South
City and the huge commotion they caused, how could they not find her?

Besides, Rainy was already seven years old when she got lost. She was already at the age where she
could remember things. After she found Rainy, Rainy indeed still remembered the Huo Family.

Since she had led a wandering life in Country F and was adopted by an ordinary couple, that couple
even sent Rainy to school normally and treated Rainy as their biological daughter. Rainy would
definitely not be restricted wherever she wanted to go in the early years, so why didn’t she return to
the Huo Family earlier?

Why didn’t she come back earlier?

As long as Rainy stepped into the country, he would have a chance to find her.

With mixed emotions, Huo Xuan coughed even harder. In the end, his face turned pale and his body
felt weak. He needed to support himself.

He took out a bottle of medicine from the storage box on the bedside table with difficulty and took a
few pills before he felt better.

He took out his phone and dialed his assistant, Huo Ning. “Investigate Eldest Missy’s experiences all
these years. It’s not limited to Country F. Investigate wherever you can.”

Even if Rainy would blame him because of this, he had to investigate clearly because some things
seemed to have completely exceeded his understanding.

Since someone dared to touch the Huo Family, he definitely could not let the enemy hide in the dark
while he was in the open.
Otherwise, if Rainy was in danger again, wouldn’t he have no way to help?


Huo Siyu and Yan Jinyu entered Yan Jinyu’s room.

“Your brother seems to be suspicious. I’m afraid he’ll investigate you again,” Yan Jinyu said.

Huo Siyu walked over and sat on the sofa with a complicated expression. She said, “Let him
investigate then. My brother is able to take over the Huo Family at such a young age and convince
the entire Huo Family. He’s already very capable, so it’s expected that he will suspect us.”

“I’m his biological sister. I can actually sense how he treats me. I can’t guarantee that Qin Hao’s
attitude towards me will not change after my identity is discovered, but I can guarantee that my
brother will definitely not harm me.”

“But my brother’s body…”

Huo Siyu’s expression was complicated. It was not because Huo Xuan was suspicious and would
investigate her, but because she had seen Huo Xuan coughing non-stop and turning pale.

This was not the first time she had seen Huo Xuan like this.

Ever since she returned to the Huo Family, Huo Xuan had never been well when she saw him.

Huo Siyu looked up at Yan Jinyu, who was standing there. She said, “Beauty Yu, I heard that my
parents brought my brother to see countless famous doctors. They even met Brother Feng’s
scumbag father and brother, but my brother’s health hasn’t improved at all. I want to bring my
brother to see Brother Feng.”

“I haven’t seen anyone who can surpass Brother Feng in the field of medicine all these years.”
“Do whatever you want. Feng knows that he’s someone you care about, so he won’t ignore him,”
Yan Jinyu said. “Coincidentally, the Min Family’s matter is about to come to an end. It’s also Feng’s
big matter. We should take a look before he succeeds.”

“The new year is in a month. Brother Nine should return to the capital then. He definitely won’t let
me stay in North City. I would make a trip to the capital. Then, you can find a chance to bring your
brother to the capital and let Feng take a look.”

“Don’t think too much about it. It’s naturally good that Feng has a way to cure your brother. If
there’s no way, just treat it as if we’re having a gathering somewhere else. I haven’t seen Feng for a
long time.”

Huo Siyu’s expression changed slightly. “Beauty Yu…”

Beauty Yu wasn’t someone who liked to gather and make a fuss. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have not
seen them for a year. She didn’t go to the capital to have a small gathering with them. It was
completely for her to feel relieved.

Beauty Yu seemed to not care about anything, but she was actually very loyal.

“It’s settled then. We’ll go to the capital together.”

Yan Jinyu smiled. “Mm-hm.”

“Have you thought about where you want to go tomorrow?” Yan Jinyu asked.

Huo Siyu’s attention was mostly diverted by her question.. “Tsk, we don’t have to think too much
about it. Someone will take the initiative to bring us to ‘play’ tomorrow! Beauty Yu, let’s wait to
torture the scum!” Chapter 182: Going To The Ski Resort

The next morning.

Just as Huo Siyu had said last night, as soon as they finished breakfast, Huo Sisi suggested that she
bring them out to play.
Huo Siyu and Yan Jinyu looked at each other. Then, Huo Siyu agreed under the slightly disapproving
gazes of Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang.

Sun Xiangxiang and Huo Lin had discussed in detail last night when they returned to their room
whether Huo Sisi had feelings for Huo Xuan.

Their unanimous attitude was that it was best not to. Otherwise…

The Huo Family could not tolerate her anymore.

Because Huo Siyu had “unintentionally” mentioned it, the more Sun Xiangxiang thought about the
past, the more she felt that Huo Sisi really had feelings for Huo Xuan.

If Huo Sisi really had ulterior motives and tried her best to hide it, what about what Huo Siyu said
about her sowing discord and what happened at the Huo Family’s banquet a year ago?

Sun Xiangxiang naturally had her doubts too.

Hence, Sun Xiangxiang no longer trusted Huo Sisi that much.

If it wasn’t for Huo Siyu’s agreement, she didn’t even want Huo Siyu and Yan Jinyu to go out with
Huo Sisi. She was afraid that Huo Sisi had really schemed against Huo Siyu at the banquet a year ago.
If it was really Huo Sisi’s doing, would Huo Sisi bring them out to harm them?

This was what Sun Xiangxiang was worried about.

After all, in her opinion, no matter if it was Huo Siyu or Yan Jinyu, they were not as familiar with
South City as Huo Sisi, who had grown up in South City. Naturally, they did not know as many people
as Huo Sisi in South City.

“Rainy, don’t stay out too late. Come back early.” Sun Xiangxiang’s words seemed to be directed at
Huo Siyu, but they were actually meant for Huo Sisi.
Then, she looked at Huo Sisi, “Sisi, bring Rainy and Jinyu out to have fun. They’re not familiar with
South City. Bring them back as you bring them out, understand?”

Sun Xiangxiang’s words were filled with warning.

Huo Sisi’s expression froze for a moment, but it was only for a moment. She quickly recovered and
smiled obediently. “Mom, don’t worry. I will.” It was as if she didn’t understand Sun Xiangxiang’s

Huo Sisi had already guessed the consequences after Huo Siyu made a scene at the dining table last

Indeed, her parents’ attitude towards her had changed drastically when she woke up this morning.
They looked at her strangely.

She knew that it was impossible to achieve her goal slowly.

Since she did not want to take it slow, the first thing she had to do was to get rid of the stumbling

She heard movement in the room last night. She opened the door and looked out through the crack.
She happened to see her brother and Yan Jinyu standing in front of their respective rooms. Although
she was far away and couldn’t hear what they were saying, she could clearly see that the two of
them were obviously “chatting happily”.

Hence, her stumbling block was not only Huo Siyu, who could affect her status in the Huo Family, but
also Yan Jinyu!

She knew that they did not believe her and would guard against her, but did that matter?

As long as she could bring them out, she would have a way to achieve her goal.

She was not stupid enough to let others find evidence.

“Don’t stay out too late,” Huo Lin added.

As for Huo Xuan, he had gone to the office early in the morning and didn’t even eat breakfast at

He had been so busy that he had not been home for two weeks. He had specially squeezed out time
to come back yesterday, so he naturally had to go back to settle the other matters.

He wasn’t here now.

Didn’t he think that Huo Sisi would cause trouble?

Of course, he had thought about it, but if Huo Siyu was the only one around, he would still be
worried. Now that Yan Jinyu, who even he couldn’t find out anything about, was by Huo Siyu’s side,
he was more at ease.

Huo Sisi wasn’t Yan Jinyu’s match.

He still had the ability to tell that.

“Alright, Daddy,” Huo Siyu replied with a smile.

The three of them got into a long Lincoln and were sent out by the Huo Family’s chauffeur.

This car was said to be specially used to send Huo Sisi to school.

“Where are you bringing us to play?” In the car, Huo Siyu, who was sitting beside Yan Jinyu, asked
Huo Sisi.

“North City is warm. I think Miss Yan hasn’t skied before. I know a good ski resort and I want to bring
Miss Yan to try it. What do you think?”
These words not only implied that North City was warm and didn’t have a ski park, but they also
implied that Yan Jinyu was a country bumpkin who couldn’t even afford to go to a ski park.

North City was slightly south. The town that Yin Jiujin had found Yan Jinyu in was slightly north. It
was very cold in winter, and it didn’t look like a place that could afford to have a ski park.

Who were Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu? How could they not understand the meaning behind her words?
It was just that they were too lazy to expose her.

However, Huo Siyu still sneered inwardly. How dare she call Beauty Yu a country bumpkin? Not to
mention a ski resort, Beauty Yu had been to many places. Even if she was busy in the past and
couldn’t step foot in some places, what about the three years after Ghost Slaughter Island was

During those three years, Beauty Yu wandered around the world. No one knew where she had been
and what new things she had seen.

“Miss Yan, have you skied before?”

Yan Jinyu looked up at her and chuckled. “I did.”

Huo Sisi didn’t show it on her face, but her heart was already filled with disdain.


She was puffing herself up at her own cost!

“Is Miss Yan good at skiing?”

“I’m still alright.”

What a boast!

“That’s good. Otherwise, Miss Yan might not have a good time later.” She looked at Huo Siyu.
“Rainy, what about you? Did Young Master Qin bring you to ski?”

She was asking about Young Master Qin. Because in South City, Huo Siyu had never been to a place
like the ski resort. As for going with her classmates in university? It was even more impossible. She
had heard that Huo Siyu did not have any good classmates in university.

“No, Qin Hao is very busy. He doesn’t have the time.”

Was he really very busy? He was just a blockhead who did not know how to please girls.

Huo Sisi’s heart was filled with disdain.

“However, my adoptive parents in Country F had brought me there once or twice when they were
still alive,” Huo Siyu said again.

“That’s good. Only then will the place I choose be enjoyable. Otherwise, you guys will have to learn
from scratch. It won’t be so fun anymore.”

“By the way, I called a few friends over. Those friends are very good at skiing. I thought it would be
more fun to call them over. You don’t mind, right?”

Huo Siyu glanced at her and smiled. “I don’t mind. The more the merrier.”

Huo Sisi didn’t quite understand what she meant, but she still felt inexplicably uneasy.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the ski resort that Huo Sisi mentioned.

The ski resort was very big. It was even among the top few ski resorts in the country. It was also a
place where the rich kids in South City often came to play.
The Huo Family’s Lincoln stopped. The people whom Huo Sisi invited, were already waiting at the
entrance of the ski park.

There were five of them, three guys and two girls.

Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu were surprised when they saw the five people… or rather, one of the five

It was none other than their number one suspect, Yuan Xi, whom they had just met yesterday.

Yuan Xi seemed to be a little surprised to see them too.

“Sisi, over here!” One of the girls waved.

Other than Yuan Xi, the eyes of the others, be it the guys or girls, lit up when they saw Yan Jinyu and
Huo Siyu coming over with Huo Sisi.

Especially when they saw Yan Jinyu.

Only Yin Jiujin felt that Yan Jinyu looked like a silly and gullible child. In the eyes of others, she was a
perfect beauty.

However, this beauty’s smile was very clear and she looked very innocent.

In reality, such a beautiful and pure girl was precisely the easiest to attract people’s attention.

When the three of them approached, the girl who waved earlier spoke, “Sisi, aren’t you going to
introduce us?”

“This is my sister, Huo Siyu. You should have met her at my family’s banquet. This is my sister’s
friend, Yan Jinyu.”
South City was far from North City. In South City, other than some people who paid a lot of attention
to Yin Jiujin or people who had specially gone to understand the Yan Family in North City, very few
people knew Yan Jinyu.

Even if they knew, they wouldn’t think of this overly beautiful girl as the “country bumpkin” of the
Yan Family in North City for a while.

Among these people, only Yuan Xi knew Yan Jinyu’s identity. The others didn’t know and only
thought that she was Huo Siyu’s classmate in university.

Yuan Xi clearly had no intention of saying anything.

As she spoke, Huo Sisi introduced the others to the two of them, “This is the eldest daughter of the
Yuan Family, Yuan Yuan.” She was the one who had not spoken.

She smiled very graciously, “Hello, I’m Yuan Yuan.”

“This is my younger brother, Yuan Xi. He just came home yesterday. He’s too boring, so my mother
asked me to bring him out more often. You don’t mind having one more person, right?” This was
said to Huo Sisi. After all, today was Huo Sisi’s event.

“I don’t mind.” Huo Sisi looked at Yuan Xi and smiled appropriately, “Young Master Yuan, we meet

“Mm-hm.” Yuan Xi nodded calmly.

This attitude successfully made Huo Sisi’s expression stiffen. Probably in South City, she had never
encountered a man of similar age who was so cold to her.

Seeing this, Huo Siyu pursed her lips tightly.

She tried not to laugh.

She bumped Yan Jinyu’s shoulder and leaned over to say, “Beauty Yu, Huo Sisi’s expression is so
strange. It should be very rare for her to meet someone who treats her so coldly. Seriously, what’s
there to be angry about? Miss Yuan already said that her brother has a boring personality. In other
words, he’s more introverted.”

It sounded like a whisper, but it was actually not soft. Everyone present heard it.

Yuan Yuan was still feeling a little embarrassed by Yuan Xi’s cold attitude and was about to apologize
to Huo Sisi when she heard Huo Siyu’s words. She paused and looked at Huo Sisi coldly. “I’m sorry,
Sisi. My brother is like this. Don’t take it to heart.”

Huo Siyu, who had successfully sowed discord, retreated successfully.

She looked smug.

She made Yan Jinyu feel helpless. Chapter 183: Retired After Success

Actually, there was nothing to sow discord. Yan Jinyu could tell at a glance that Yuan Yuan and Huo
Sisi didn’t have a deep relationship.

As for why Huo Sisi invited Yuan Yuan over even though they clearly didn’t have a deep relationship,
perhaps it was… to cover her tracks?

“What are you talking about? I don’t mind at all. I’m just a little surprised. Yuanyuan, your brother’s
personality is really different from yours.”

Seeing that she was smiling as usual, Yuan Yuan hid the emotions in her eyes and smiled as usual.
“Yes, it’s probably because Xi’er followed Grandfather to Country Y when he was young and grew up
by Grandfather’s side.”

“Sisi, you should have heard about it too. My grandfather was in poor health in his early years and
had been recuperating in Country Y. Xi’er and I are the only two grandchildren in our family. Xi’er
was closer to Grandfather since he was young, so he went to Country Y with Grandfather.
Grandfather’s health improved recently, so he returned from Country Y with Grandfather.”
“Before he officially returned to the country, Xi’er would come back occasionally. Just last year,
when Miss Huo returned to the Huo Family, Xi’er happened to come back and even went to the Huo
Family to attend a banquet.”

“I know that. I did see Young Master Yuan at the banquet last year.”

As she spoke, Huo Sisi glanced at Yuan Xi again before saying to Yuan Yuan, “Young Master Yuan has
been back in the country for a while. Why haven’t I met him in South City?”

“Well, Xi’er went to school in North City after returning to the country. The principal of North City’s
Boyu High School is a good friend of my father’s in university. I heard that Boyu’s teaching quality is
very good, so my father sent Xi’er over.”

North City?

Huo Sisi glanced at Yan Jinyu and quickly retracted her gaze.

It seemed like she didn’t intend to tell them that Yan Jinyu was from North City.

However, when Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu heard Yuan Yuan’s words, their gazes met for a moment.

So this was why Yuan Xi lived in Country Y and then returned to the country. He also went to Boyu
High School for this reason. If the grandfather Yuan Yuan mentioned really existed, it would be very
difficult to fake Yuan Xi’s identity as the eldest son of the Yuan Family.

Surely, Old Master Yuan knew his grandson well.

They originally wanted to find a time to seriously investigate the reason why Yuan Xi went overseas
and returned home. They didn’t expect to find out before they even started investigating.

It saved them a lot of effort, but they still had to investigate. Who knew if Yuan Yuan’s words were
true or false?
Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu naturally noticed that Huo Sisi deliberately didn’t mention that Yan Jinyu was
from North City too.

Huo Sisi didn’t remind them. She probably didn’t want these people to know Yan Jinyu’s identity.

But why not?

Was it because she was afraid that they wouldn’t dare to complete the mission Huo Sisi had given
them after they found out?

After all, Yan Jinyu was someone who had been labeled as “Master Nine’s”.

“I see.”

She continued to introduce them to Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu. “This is the eldest son of the Xiang
Family, Xiang Qing. This is his cousin, Xiang Jie. This is the Second Young Master of the Cao Family,
Cao Ming.”

“They’re all my high school schoolmates. Xiang Qing and Cao Ming are older than me by a year.
Xiang Jie and Yuan Yuan are in the same year as me.”

Yan Jinyu didn’t say anything. She maintained her faint smile and continued to pretend to be a
“pretty vase”.

Huo Siyu nodded at them. “Hello.” Her attitude was neither warm nor distant.

“Hello, Second Miss Huo,” Xiang Jie said. She emphasized the words “Second Miss Huo” as if she was
reminding Huo Siyu that Huo Sisi was the eldest daughter of the Huo Family.

Huo Siyu smiled without saying a word. Xiang Jie could not read her mind.

“Hello, Miss Yan. I’m Xiang Qing. I heard from Sisi that you’re from the South and rarely ski. My
skiing skills are not bad. If you don’t mind, I can take care of you later. Oh right, I heard Second Miss
Huo call you Beauty Yu just now. This name suits you very well. Can I call you that too?”
He sounded like a rich young master, but his tone was actually very intrusive.



They spoke in unison. The former was Yan Jinyu, while the latter was Huo Siyu.

Huo Siyu was much more excited than Yan Jinyu.

“Our Beauty Yu doesn’t need you to take care of her!” As she spoke, Huo Siyu turned her gaze to
Huo Sisi, and the smile on her face completely faded.

“Huo Sisi, do you think that we’ve reconciled with you just because we came out with you? Dream
on. Others might not know what you’re thinking, but how can we not know?”

“You’d better take care of your friends. Don’t provoke someone you shouldn’t. Otherwise, I’m afraid
you won’t be able to bear the consequences.”

“Tsk, he still wants to call her Beauty Yu. Is Beauty Yu an address he could use?”

“Huo Sisi, if you want to die, don’t implicate the Huo Family!”

Huo Sisi’s expression turned ugly suddenly. Xiang Qing, who was ignored and insulted directly,
looked even worse.

“Rainy, why are you saying that? Xiang Qing is also kind and doesn’t have any ill intentions. Why
does it sound like Xiang Qing has ill intentions towards Miss Yan?”

Xiang Qing, that fool!

She had indeed called him over because Xiang Qing was someone who would definitely have evil
thoughts when he saw a beauty. However, she did not want Xiang Qing to show his evil thoughts so

Fortunately, she had made two preparations. Otherwise, she would have wasted her efforts today!

“It doesn’t matter if he has ill intentions or not. What’s important is that he dares to speak to our
Beauty Yu in such a disrespectful tone. He’s courting death! What does he take our Beauty Yu for,

“And you, Huo Sisi. You deliberately didn’t introduce our Beauty Yu’s identity. You know very well
what you’re planning! Your poor friends. They don’t even know that you’re using them.”

Xiang Qing, who was furious, heard Huo Siyu’s words and looked at Huo Sisi, “Sisi, what does she
mean? What’s her status?”

Huo Si thought that it was fortunate that she had always considered all the possibilities when she did
things and had thought of how to deal with any changes. Otherwise, she really wouldn’t be able to
smooth things over when Xiang Qing did this rashly.

“Didn’t I tell you before that Rainy’s friend is from the South? Since Miss Yan can be friends with
Rainy, the Second Missy of the Huo Family, her family naturally won’t be bad.”

“She’s from the South and her surname is Yan. Isn’t her identity obvious? There’s only one Yan
Family in North City in the south.”

“Besides, you should have heard of Master Nine from the Yin Family in the capital. Since you’ve
heard of Master Nine, you should have naturally heard that he has a fiancée from the Yan Family in
North City. Just like me, I didn’t ask much and knew that Master Nine’s fiancée was called Yan Jinyu.
I thought that you all knew too. Who knew…”

Hearing that, their pupils constricted, especially Xiang Qing, who had designs on Yan Jinyu just now.

“I-I’m sorry, Eldest Miss Yan. I didn’t recognize you earlier. I was rude.” Although he was someone
who would have indecent thoughts when he saw a beauty, he still had some tact as he was brought
up in a big family and knew who he could and couldn’t offend.
The Xiang Family was also in the business world. As a member of the Xiang Family, he knew very well
that the person the Xiang Family couldn’t offend the most was the business world’s God of
Slaughter, Master Nine.

Huo Sisi’s words seemed to make sense, but if one thought about it carefully, there were still many

For example, since Huo Sisi had thought of so many things, why didn’t she mention Yan Jinyu’s
identity when she called to ask them out? Wasn’t she worried that they might not recognize Yan
Jinyu and offend her and cause trouble for their family?

However, at this moment, other than Yuan Yuan, no one else thought too much about this because
they were all shocked by Yan Jinyu’s identity and had no time to think about anything else.

This was also within Huo Sisi’s consideration.

She didn’t care what they would think after the incident.

Once was enough for some people to be used.

Anyway, she had more than just these few people.

It didn’t matter if they fell out.

Only Yuan Yuan was naturally shocked, but her attention quickly turned to Huo Sisi’s words.

Huo Sisi’s intentions…

She just had to keep an eye on her brother later. She would not get involved in their conflict.

“Huo Sisi, you’re very capable. You can even make the dead alive. Your friends are really unlucky to
know someone like you.”
Looking at the trembling Xiang Qing, Huo Siyu snorted and said, “On the account that you’re quite
sensible, I’ll forget about it this time. However, did you really grow up in a big family? You didn’t
even know that you were used by others. I really don’t dare to describe you.”

“Beauty Yu, let’s go. Don’t bother about them. That’s not the only reason I invited you to South
City.” She was referring to more than just the torture.

She wanted to invite Yan Jinyu over to have fun.

Yan Jinyu hadn’t spoken since Huo Siyu spoke.

Not only did she wait quietly because someone was standing up for her, but she was also too lazy to
move her hands and mouth. Her attention was also attracted by something else, or rather, someone

From the beginning to the end, that person called Cao Ming did not say a word.

Although Cao Ming’s pupils constricted when he found out her identity and he was obviously
frightened, with her instincts and perception as the number one killer, she still found something

For example, Cao Ming’s infatuation with Huo Sisi seemed to have reached a sick level.

Cao Ming hid it very well, but he still couldn’t hide it from her eyes. Chapter 184: The Two Sauve

Usually, for people who were infatuated with someone until they were insane, he would do
whatever the other party told him to do no matter how dangerous it was.

Yan Jinyu sized her up quietly. No one noticed, including Huo Siyu.

“Mm-hm.” Compared to Huo Siyu, Yan Jinyu wasn’t someone who would be warm to others.
She simply followed Huo Siyu past these people and walked into the ski park. She had no intention of
paying them any attention.

As for Cao Ming…

Oh, she didn’t take him seriously at all.

Seeing the two of them walk into the entrance of the ski park, Xiang Qing and Xiang Jie looked at
Huo Sisi suspiciously.

“Sisi, Huo Si… What does Second Miss Huo mean? What do you mean by using us? Don’t tell me you
didn’t tell us Miss Yan’s identity on purpose? You know that my brother has always liked beautiful
women and will target beautiful girls when he sees them, but you didn’t tell us her identity…”

Before she could finish speaking, Huo Sisi interrupted, “Little Jie, do you believe her and not me? You
know very well that she has always had a bad relationship with me. You saw our way of getting along
just now.”

“You…” Huo Sisi pursed her lips in grief. Her eyes were red, but she held back her tears.” Forget it. I
wasn’t considerate enough this time. It’s only right that you suspect me. ”

Seeing her like this, Xiang Jie panicked. “Sisi, that’s not what I meant. I did believe you. I also…
Anyway, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have suspected you.”

Xiang Jie even pulled Xiang Qing along.

Xiang Qing didn’t say anything, but from his expression, he clearly didn’t blame Huo Sisi.

“…” Yuan Yuan, who had witnessed this change.

She quickly called Yuan Xi and walked into the ski park. She looked like she wanted to get away from
Huo Sisi as soon as possible.
Why didn’t she realize that Huo Sisi was so… fake?

Whoever got close to such a person would be unlucky! It was better for her to stay away from him.

“Sisi, let’s go in too. Don’t take others’ words to heart. It’s fine as long as I know you’re very kind,”
Cao Ming said. He looked gentle and understanding.

However, he did not notice the flash of disgust in Huo Sisi’s eyes.

She lowered her eyes to hide the emotions in them. “Yes, let’s go.”


Seeing that Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu were both holding skiboards, everyone, including Yuan Xi, was
very surprised.

Other than Xiang Qing, who claimed to be very good at skiing, Yuan Xi was the only one holding a

One had to know that a skiboard was completely different from double skis. Compared to a pair of
traditional double skis, a single skiboard was more inclined to the extreme sport, so it was naturally
more exciting and harder.

The two of them, who did not seem to know how to ski, were actually using skiboards!

Hiding the displeasure in her eyes, Huo Sisi hugged her two skis tightly. She said, “Rainy, isn’t it a
little difficult for you to take the skiboard? Of course, I’m not saying that your skills are bad. I
brought you out. I have to guarantee that I can bring you back safely. If anything happens to you, I
won’t be able to answer to Mom and Dad.”

Huo Siyu looked at her and smiled. “From what you’re saying, it seems like you’re very sure that
something will happen to us.”
Without waiting for Huo Sisi to reply, Huo Siyu said, “You don’t have to worry about it. The reason
why we’re taking the skiboards is because we can control it.”

She simply raised her eyebrows at Yan Jinyu, “Beauty Yu, want to compete?”

Yan Jinyu was also interested, “Alright.” She was lazy, and sometimes, she couldn’t even be bothered
to use her brain. However, that depended on the situation.

She was actually not lazy when she met something that she was interested in.

One of them was wearing a pink down jacket, while the other was wearing a light blue down jacket.
One of them let her hair down, and the other had a bun on her head. The two of them had
outstanding looks and they were standing at the starting point of the most dangerous ski route in
the ski resort.

Yes, the most dangerous ski route.

These two people were undoubtedly conspicuous.

Many people even stopped to watch them.

“Sisi, they’re… Aren’t you going to stop them? This is too dangerous.” After hesitating for a while,
Yuan Yuan, who was still in shock, decided to speak up.

It was really because one of them was the fiancée that Master Nine valued, and the other was the
young mistress that the Huo Family had just found. If anything happened to them, who knew how
many people would be alarmed?

“You saw it too. I tried to persuade them just now, but Rainy… I can’t persuade Rainy at all. Now, I
can only pray that nothing happens to Rainy and Miss Yan.” However, she was thinking in her heart
that she couldn’t wait for an accident to happen to the two of them so that she wouldn’t have to
waste her effort to deal with them!

“Besides, even if I wanted to persuade her, it seems too late now.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the two people standing at the starting point of the slide put the
skiboard on the snow and jumped on it!

That’s right, they jumped!

With a suave jump, the skiboard slid out!

Other than those people who were very good at skiing, people who usually came here to play rarely
dared to try such a dangerous route. The two of them actually dared to make a few consecutive
jumping, soaring, and spinning movements on the route!

In their shock, someone shouted, “Fuck! Awesome!”

“So suave! Where did those beautiful ladies come from? I want to get their contact numbers. Please
teach me!” It was a girl’s voice.

“Fuck! They’re experts!” This was the voice of a professional.

“S-Sisi, t-they…” Xiang Jie was so shocked that she could not complete her sentence.

“A-are they that good?” Yuan Yuan’s eyes widened.

Then, she asked Yuan Xi, who was also shocked, “Xi’er, you like such sports. Who’s better? You or

“I’m not sure. I’ll only know after we compete.”

“I’ll compete with them when they come back.” Although his emotions were not obvious, Yuan Yuan
could still see the excitement in his eyes.

She was a little happy. After all, it was rare to see him show such an expression.
However, this was too dangerous. “There’s no need… to compete.” After saying that, she was afraid
that it would dampen his rare enthusiasm. She deliberated and said, “Both Miss Huo and Miss Yan
don’t seem to be enthusiastic people. They might not agree if you ask them to compete.”

“It’s fine. I can try. I know them a little, so it should be easier for me to talk to them.”

Yuan Yuan asked, “…? You know them?”

“We met once.”

“I came back from North City yesterday on the same flight as Miss Yan. She sat beside me. Miss Huo
went to pick her up. We met at the airport.”

“Then… why didn’t you greet them just now?”

Yuan Xi glanced at her but didn’t respond.

His gaze continued to focus on the ski route.

“Brother, you’re so good at skiing. Do you have a chance of winning if you compete with them?” the
shocked Xiang Jie asked Xiang Qing.

Xiang Qing did not respond.

He tightened her grip on the skiboard.


He was on a completely different level from them!

The two of them were no longer skiing, but flying!

They were playing with their lives!

Even Cao Ming, who was very infatuated with Huo Sisi, couldn’t help but say, “Sisi, they’re very

Huo Sisi was already gritting her teeth in hatred. Even she, who was usually very careful and never
revealed her true emotions in front of others, could not hold it in at this moment.

Huo Siyu and Yan Jinyu!

They attracted everyone’s attention the moment they appeared. They must not be left alive!

Fortunately, Brother wasn’t here. Otherwise, when he saw Yan Jinyu like this, how could he still like
her, Huo Sisi!

She clenched her fists. “Yes! Very impressive!”

Suddenly, her eyes flickered. She seemed to have thought of something and reached out to pull Cao
Ming’s sleeve, “Rainy is so outstanding. In the Huo Family, I’m afraid everyone else can only see her.
Cao Ming, I’m only an adopted daughter. If Rainy is too outstanding and the Huo Family doesn’t
want me anymore, what should I do?”

Looking at her hand that was pulling his sleeve, Cao Ming’s eyes lit up. Then, he hurriedly held her
hand, “No, don’t worry. I won’t.”

Huo Sisi held back her disgust and didn’t retract her hand.

“I’ll help you guard the position of the eldest daughter of the Huo Family. Don’t worry.”

Huo Sisi pretended to be shocked as she looked at him, “Cao Ming, w-what do you want to do?”

“You don’t have to interfere.”

“Cao Ming, y-you better not mess around.”

“Don’t worry, I know my limits.” He held her hand tightly and even touched the back of it. “No
matter what I do, it’s to protect you. I won’t implicate you.”

“You just have to focus on being the eldest daughter of the Huo Family.”

“D-don’t mess around. If anything… happens to you, I-I’ll be worried.”

“With your words, anything I do is worth it.” He raised her hand and kissed it.

Huo Sisi struggled away in disgust, but she still had to pretend to be indifferent. “Someone’s here.”

“No one saw it. Besides, I can tell that you have feelings for me too. So what if you’re seen?
Wouldn’t it be fine if we get together legitimately?” Everyone’s attention was on the two beautiful
figures on the slide. Indeed, no one noticed this.

Huo Sisi bit her lip and didn’t say anything. Her face was flushed red.

Cao Ming thought that she was shy, but she was actually angry and disgusted.

“I’m leaving. Wait for me here.” As he spoke, Cao Ming grabbed the skis and walked towards the ski
route where Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu were! Chapter 185: Courting Death

Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu didn’t care about the commotion here. The two of them were only focused
on their competition.

After a leap, Yan Jinyu soared into the air and spun around. With a beautiful drift, she reached the
finish line first. However, Huo Siyu wasn’t much later than her. It was only a difference of a few
The ending was equally beautiful, but Huo Siyu wasn’t discouraged by the fact that she had lost the
competition. “Beauty Yu, it’s indeed very difficult to beat you!” No matter what they were

“You’re not bad either.” Yan Jinyu wasn’t stingy with her praise. “You’ve improved a lot.” Not only
did she improve in skiing, but she also improved in her skills.

In terms of skiing skills, it was impossible for them to do what the two ladies did.

Based on her previous standard, Yan Jinyu wouldn’t have only defeated Huo Siyu for a few seconds.

Of course, it was not that she had regressed, but Huo Siyu had improved.

Yan Jinyu was very happy about this.

As for whether she had improved or not, she did not care that much. Anyway, she had never been a
very ambitious person. In the past, if it was not for the sake of survival, she probably would not have
mastered so many skills.

However, she would never stop learning whatever she wanted to learn until she mastered it.

That was why she had today.

Huo Siyu grinned at her praise.

Then, she looked in the direction where the few of them were standing. “Beauty Yu, do you think
Huo Sisi specially brought us out just to get Xiang Qing to disgust us? I keep feeling that this isn’t her

Huo Sisi was such a ruthless person who wanted to destroy someone completely. Why did she only
find such a weakling? They didn’t even torture her and she was already dead.

Besides, if it was just a small fight, they wouldn’t be able to torture Huo Sisi back!
Diss her?

What was the point of dissing her? Huo Sisi was still jumping around like a clown.

Yan Jinyu followed her gaze and happened to see Cao Ming walking over on the two skis. She smiled,
“There’s no hurry. There will be a good show soon.”

Huo Siyu saw that she was looking at Cao Ming. At first, she was a little puzzled until she saw Cao
Ming walking straight towards them. Then, she saw Cao Ming’s gaze that occasionally turned back to
look at Huo Sisi.

She instantly understood.

“When I was skiing earlier, I unintentionally glanced over there. My vision is very good, and they
aren’t standing too far away so I saw very clearly. Huo Sisi reached out to pull Cao Ming, and then
Cao Ming grabbed her hand and kissed it.” Yan Jinyu was like an enthusiastic audience.

Huo Siyu had goosebumps after hearing her words.

“No way? Huo Sisi didn’t hesitate to seduce such a person just to deal with us?”?Let’s just assume
that Huo Sisi was a beauty.

“This Second Young Master of the Cao Family doesn’t look too bad, but compared to the
descendants of the other families, he’s too shabby. He also has shifty eyes. Compared to my

“It’s like the difference between heaven and earth! Huo Sisi has designs on my brother. Doesn’t she
feel the difference?”

“Also, doesn’t Huo Sisi feel disgusted?”

“Oh my god, I’ve really lived for so long that I can meet all kinds of weirdos. Fortunately, my brother
doesn’t have any feelings for her. Otherwise, with such a sister-in-law… my brother’s head might be
completely covered in?green1!”
“However, she didn’t hesitate to make such a huge sacrifice to achieve her goal. This is very… Uh,

“Let’s go, Beauty Yu. Let’s go for another two laps. Let’s not bother about him first.”

Such a small fry was not worth their efforts to deal with. Since they were here, they could just settle
him with violence.

Few people could compare to them in terms of violence.

They had bombed an island to smithereens and destroyed the nest of the Ghost Slaughter Island, the
most famous assassin organization in the killer world. What else could be more violent than that?

Yan Jinyu stepped on the skiboard and followed her with a beautiful jump. At the same time, she
threw a glance at Huo Sisi.

She frowned slightly.

According to Huo Sisi’s style of completely destroying Little Rain as soon as she made a move, as well
as Huo Sisi’s ability to prevent even Huo Xuan and Little Rain from finding out about her after she did
that, she had a feeling that Huo Sisi’s plan today was not limited to this.

It was impossible to completely destroy them just by getting Xiang Qing and Cao Ming here. Huo Sisi
should not be so naive.

However, she was actually not worried at all.

She retracted her emotions and continued to ski.

After skiing two rounds, the two of them went back to the starting point. Cao Ming, who was on the
same ski route, also slid back to the starting point.

Not only Cao Ming, Yuan Xi, who was watching the commotion, also walked towards them.
“Second Miss Huo, Miss Yan, I didn’t expect you guys to ski so well. Shall we have a match?” Cao
Ming looked at them with admiration.

Huo Siyu glanced at the two skis at his feet. “We’re using skiboard while you’re using double skis. Is
there a comparison?”

She had successfully made Cao Ming’s expression stiffen.

However, he had probably made up his mind. His displeasure was quickly restrained. “I’m better at
using skis. It’s such a dangerous slide, so I don’t dare to use a skiboard.”

“If you don’t dare to use the skiboard, why do you still want to compete with us? Can’t you just play
by yourself? I say, you’re really an interesting person. You want to compete with us but at the same
time you said that you’re not good at skiboard and even felt that the ski route we chose was
dangerous. It’s as if we’re forcing you to compete with us.”

“If you want to compete with us, then change to a skiboard. Otherwise, go wherever you want.” Huo
Siyu’s words were very impolite.

However, when she said that, the onlookers who were amazed by her and Yan Jinyu’s superb skiing
skills agreed with her completely. Many people even echoed after her when she finished speaking.

Cao Ming’s face turned bright red.

He was so embarrassed.

“Alright! I’ll go change to the skiboard!” Cao Ming left angrily.

At this moment, Yuan Xi walked over. “Miss Yan, Miss Huo.” His attitude was cold yet polite.

Yan Jinyu smiled and nodded.

“Young Master Yuan,” Huo Siyu greeted.

“Do you mind if I join your competition?”

This surprised the both of them.

“Young Master Yuan wants to join us too?” Huo Siyu asked.

Yuan Xi nodded, a hint of excitement in his eyes. “I preferred this kind of sport. It’s rare to find
someone of a similar strength to compete.”

Huo Siyu didn’t reply immediately. She looked at Yan Jinyu inquiringly.

“Sure,” Yan Jinyu said.

It was a good opportunity to test their guesses.

Then, Yan Jinyu saw a faint smile flash across Yuan Xi’s face. It quickly disappeared, and she almost
missed it.

Yuan Yuan was worried and followed him over, “Xi’er, why don’t we… forget it? It’s too dangerous.”

“It’s fine. Actually, it’s about the same as playing on my own.” After a pause, Yuan Xi still said,
“Sister, don’t worry.”


“I used to play this often in the past. My skills are not bad, and I’ve never been injured. Besides, both
the girls aren’t afraid. Why should I be afraid?”

Yuan Yuan wanted to say that they were really good at skiing. It seemed like they were familiar with
skiing in a ski park. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be so good.
However, thinking that she would sound like she was looking down on her biological brother, Yuan
Yuan did not say anything in the end.

Under her worried gaze, the three of them arrived at the starting point.

At this moment, Cao Ming, who had changed to a skiboard, came back.

The few of them stood alternately in a line. Yuan Xi stood on the leftmost, followed by Yan Jinyu,
then Cao Ming, and then Huo Siyu.

Huo Siyu jumped onto the skiboard and glanced at Cao Ming, “Shall we begin?”

For some reason, Cao Ming felt inexplicably uneasy when he saw the smile on Huo Siyu’s face.

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, he nodded. “Begin!”

The four of them flew out at the same time.

Perhaps because he was really not familiar with the single skiboard, Cao Ming’s body swayed when
he slid out.

Compared to the three of them, he was far too inferior.

With Huo Sisi watching, Cao Ming, who did not perform well, was filled with anger. He originally only
had the determination to seriously injure Huo Siyu, but now, he wanted to do more than that.

It wasn’t only Huo Siyu. Looking at Yan Jinyu, who had surpassed him by a small distance, a ruthless
glint flashed past Cao Ming’s eyes.

His limelight was actually stolen by two girls!

At this moment, it was unknown if it was because he was blinded by anger or because Yan Jinyu was
the most eye-catching among the four people in this match. Cao Ming actually gave up on attacking
Huo Siyu, who was closer to him, and suddenly accelerated towards Yan Jinyu.

He wasn’t as fast as Yan Jinyu. If he wanted to catch up to her, he had to ski desperately!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the stands exclaimed.

They were all exclamations like “Is he crazy”, “Does he want to die”, “Miss, be careful”.

Yuan Xi, who was a little behind Yan Jinyu, saw that and his expression changed drastically. “Be
careful!” After shouting, he wanted to ski over and help her block him.

However, Yuan Xi’s speed was too fast and they were also on the most dangerous part of the ski
route. It was impossible for him to quickly ski over and block Cao Ming while ensuring his safety at
the same time.

Cao Ming increased his speed ruthlessly and shouted, “Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get
out of the way!”

It was to make excuses and so he could say that he had lost control and caused the accident.

However, he didn’t expect that even if he could hurt Yan Jinyu, he wouldn’t be able to get away with
it unscathed. Chapter 186: A Terrible End

Only Huo Siyu didn’t panic when Cao Ming accelerated. Instead, she slowed down.

There were two reasons for it.

Firstly, she didn’t want to affect Beauty Yu’s performance.

Secondly, she knew why Beauty Yu had agreed for Yuan Xi to join in. She slowed down at the back so
that she could observe Yuan Xi seriously.
She was looking at Yuan Xi’s reaction and also observing if he had any extraordinary skills.

“Watch out!”

“Get out of the way!”


Just as Cao Ming was about to hit Yan Jinyu, shouts came from everywhere.

In the next second, everyone was stunned.

They saw an unbelievable scene.

Yan Jinyu had long known that Cao Ming was going to try something. However, her initial guess was
that he would attack Huo Siyu first. Hence, even though she was in front, she had been paying
attention to the situation behind her. She thought that if Huo Siyu couldn’t handle any sudden
changes, she would quickly go back and help.

She never expected that Cao Ming’s target would be her.

It seemed like none of the people Huo Sisi got to help her was capable!

She had sensed it long ago, but she did not dodge. If she dodged, she would have slipped away in an
instant. How could she teach the person who wanted to find trouble with her a lesson if she did

Hence, she waited until Cao Ming was about to collide with her before she leaped up with the
skiboard. She directly turned around and slammed the skiboard into Cao Ming. Then, she flew
around and landed steadily. She even slid over to pull Yuan Xi, who wanted to save her, but almost

As for Cao Ming, his skiboard split apart and he tumbled out.
At such a fast speed, it was obvious what would happen if Yan Jinyu “accidentally” bumped into him
while she was trying to save herself.

Yes, in the eyes of others, Yan Jinyu’s slam into Cao Ming completely unintentionally. Even Yuan Xi,
who had stabilized himself again, thought so too.

Was that it?

Of course not.

Huo Siyu, who was “frightened” by this scene, panicked. She couldn’t control the skiboard under her
feet at all. She shouted, “Get out of the way!” as she stumbled down and bumped into Cao Ming,
who had rolled over there!

The skiboard flew out and she “fell” onto the ski route.

However, she reacted quickly and knelt on one knee with her hand on the snow after a few rolls.

It seemed like she was not seriously injured.

However, her face was pale. She maintained this posture for a long time, seemingly frightened.

It was a ski route that tested one’s skills the most. Even if something went wrong midway, it would
be difficult to stop at such a fast speed. Yan Jinyu and Yuan Xi had no choice but to ski straight to the
finish line.

Everything, in fact, happened in just an instant.

The onlookers didn’t even have the time to exclaim that Yan Jinyu actually avoided it so handsomely
in such a dangerous situation before they saw Cao Ming being sent flying.
Before they could cry out in shock, they saw Huo Siyu being “frightened” to the point of losing her
balance. She directly banged into Cao Ming, who was lying there. Nobody knew if he was dead or

Yes, banged into him!

The collision was ruthless!

This scene was comparable to watching a blockbuster movie!

The people in the stands were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.

The staff was the first to react. “Call the ambulance!” They were all regular customers here. The staff
did not know Huo Siyu, but they knew Cao Ming, Huo Sisi, and the others.

They could not afford to offend them!

After that, before everyone could recover from their shock, they saw Yan Jinyu skiing towards Huo
Siyu on the skiboard.

That’s right, she skied upwards!

And it was on such a dangerous slippery ski route.

The spectators’ emotions could no longer be expressed by the word “shock”.

There were many people who shouted “fuck” and “awesome”.

Yan Jinyu stopped beside Huo Siyu and “worriedly” said, “Little Rain, are you alright? Are you hurt?”

Huo Siyu smiled smugly at her, then quickly recovered her “shocked” look. “Beauty, Beauty Yu, are
you alright? You scared me to death just now! I thought… I thought…”
“It’s fine. I’m fine. On the other hand, are you okay?”

“Wait a minute. I’ll go pick up the skiboard for you.” It was more convenient to use the skiboard on
the ski route.

Yan Jinyu skied over and glanced at Cao Ming, who was lying there but still conscious. She smiled, “If
you want to find trouble, you should think twice about your own worth first.”

She glanced at his leg. “Tsk tsk, Little Rain’s collision was much more ruthless than mine. I wonder if
these legs can still be recovered. Don’t be a cripple for the rest of your life for a woman.”

“You want to hurt Little Rain and me with Huo Sisi’s tricks? Tsk, we’re just playing with her out of

Seeing the unwillingness in his frightened eyes, Yan Jinyu continued, “You look very indignant?”

“So what if you’re indignant? What can you do to us? Do you want to teach Little Rain and me a
lesson so that you can get your lady love back? You’re so naive. Do you think Huo Sisi will like you?
Look, you’ve been down for so long, but Huo Sisi is still standing where she is. She doesn’t even have
the intention of checking on you.”

“Oh, that’s not all. Huo Sisi seems to be very angry now. She should be… angry at you for not doing
your job well.”

“Look at you. You almost lost your life trying to help her. Not only is she not worried about you, but
she’s also angry that you didn’t do your job well. What exactly are you trying to achieve?”

“If I were you, I wouldn’t be so stupid. Why would I risk my life for her? Since I like her, why
shouldn’t she stay with me forever?”

“You…” Cao Ming looked at her in shock.

“Are you surprised that I know that you like Huo Sisi? Anyone with eyes can tell, okay? Do you think
Huo Sisi doesn’t know what you’re thinking? She knew long ago and she was just using you.”
“By the way, do you think she was interested in you when she got close to you just now? Don’t
overthink. She was just using you. She already has someone else in her heart.”

“Are you very curious about who the person in her heart is? Do you think someone like Huo Sisi will
fancy someone lousy? I won’t say much about who that person is but he’s definitely better than you.
In Huo Sisi’s heart, you’ll never be able to beat him.”

“Don’t be silly. If you like her, just hold her in your hands. Huo Sisi is only the adopted daughter of
the Huo Family. If anything happens to her and damages the Huo Family’s reputation, do you think
the Huo Family will take care of her or the Huo Family’s reputation?”

Cao Ming stared at her with wide eyes. It seemed like he understood what she meant.

Yan Jinyu smiled in satisfaction.

That was more like it. She had not wasted her breath.

Since she had schemed against Little Rain and wanted to ruin her reputation, she would give her a
taste of her own medicine.

Who wasn’t a bad person?

“Be smart and grab what you want. Don’t overestimate yourself anymore. You can’t beat us. Aren’t
the injuries on your legs and body the best proof?”

When Yuan Xi followed suit and skied up, he happened to see Yan Jinyu bend down to pick up Huo
Siyu’s clipboard.

Yes, on such a steep ski route, she could still maintain her balance and bend down to pick up the

Such ability…
He couldn’t compare to her.

Moreover, they were both skiing upwards and they both set off at almost the same time. He only
arrived long after she did.

Although something happened and this competition didn’t end smoothly, he clearly realized that he
couldn’t compare to Yan Jinyu in skiing.

He wasn’t even Huo Siyu’s match.

Take Huo Siyu’s earlier accident as an example, if it were him, could he survive unscathed as Huo
Siyu did?

He wasn’t sure.

Under Cao Ming’s shocked and frightened gaze, Yan Jinyu hugged Huo Siyu’s skiboard and calmly
turned around, skiing towards Huo Siyu.

Huo Siyu took the skiboard and “used” Yan Jinyu’s outstretched hand to stand up and jump onto the

The two of them skied down just like that. They had no intention of going against the flow.

When she passed by Yuan Xi, Yan Jinyu paused for a moment, “Young Master Yuan, aren’t you

No matter the reason, it was true that Yuan Xi didn’t hesitate to take the risk to save her at that
critical moment.

Yuan Xi looked at her and then at Cao Ming, who was groaning in pain weakly. He retracted his gaze.
“Are you alright, Miss Huo?”

It seemed like he had no intention of helping Cao Ming.

Nobody knew if it was because he had realized Cao Ming’s thoughts from the beginning or if he
wasn’t someone who would poke his nose into other people’s business.

However, if he wasn’t someone who would poke his nose into other people’s business, why would
he specially follow Yan Jinyu back and even ask if Huo Siyu was alright?

Anyway, at this moment, Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu couldn’t understand him.

However, they were certain that he wouldn’t harm Yan Jinyu for the time being.

In other words, the possibility of him being Jones decreased again.

“It’s fine. Thank you for your concern, Young Master Yuan. Also, thank you for saving Beauty Yu at
such a critical moment, Young Master Yuan.”

“I didn’t help much.” He turned to Yan Jinyu.

Not only did he not save her, but he was also pulled back by the person he wanted to save.
Otherwise, how could he still stand here properly?

Huo Siyu smiled. “No matter what, I have to thank Young Master Yuan.” Chapter 187: Another Plot

“We can find a chance to compete again,” Yan Jinyu said to Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi was stunned for a moment before excitement flashed in his eyes, “Alright!”

He really wanted to have a good match and see how far away he was from them.

When the few of them skied back, the rescue team at the ski resort had already placed Cao Ming on
a stretcher and carried him back. The person in charge of the ski resort was nodding and apologizing
to Huo Sisi.
As soon as she saw them coming back, Huo Sisi hid the impatience and unwillingness in her eyes and
looked worried, “Rainy, are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“You’re only asking about me. Shouldn’t you care about your friend? He seems to be seriously

Others didn’t hear what Yan Jinyu said to Cao Ming, but Huo Siyu did.

Hence, she naturally wanted to add fuel to the fire!

Huo Sisi was far away, so she didn’t know if they had already seen that Cao Ming’s actions were
intentional. At this moment, someone like Huo Sisi, who had always been good at protecting herself,
naturally wouldn’t show too close to Cao Ming in front of them.

Just as Huo Siyu had expected, Huo Sisi quickly said, “You’re my sister, so I naturally care more about
you. Besides, Cao Ming is a boy. It’s fine if he’s injured. You’re a girl. If you’re injured, you definitely
won’t be able to withstand that pain.”

Huo Siyu smiled, “Is that so? But I think both Cao Ming’s legs are broken. Are you really not going to
take a look? No matter what, he’s someone you invited and your friend.”

The more Huo Siyu said this, the more vigilant Huo Sisi became. She felt that Huo Siyu was
deliberately setting a trap for her so that she could use her “concern” about Cao Ming to blame her
for what Cao Ming had done.

Hence, she said, “With the paramedics around, there’s no use for me to go over there. But Little
Rain, are you really fine?”

“I’m fine. I practiced martial arts for a few years when I was young. I reacted quickly just now and
wasn’t injured.”

As soon as Huo Siyu finished speaking, Xiang Jie, who was standing beside Huo Sisi, nudged her. “Sisi,
the paramedics brought Cao Ming over. Cao Ming seemed to have heard what you said just now and
misunderstood you. The way he looks at you is a little…”

However, Xiang Jie did not dare to say that. She only said, “It’s a little strange.”

Huo Sisi was shocked. She turned back and met Cao Ming’s smiling eyes, “Sisi, don’t worry. I’m fine.”

Huo Sisi couldn’t see through Cao Ming.

However, she had an indescribably strange feeling.

She kept feeling that Cao Ming seemed to have changed. He was no longer the Cao Ming who would
do anything for her just because she coaxed him.

“Don’t say too much. Let’s go to the hospital first.” She bit her lip tightly. “I-I didn’t expect things to
turn out like this. If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have called you over. I’m sorry.”

For someone like Cao Ming who liked someone to the point of being insane, that person would hold
the most weight in his heart, even more than himself.

Hence, when he looked at Huo Sisi now, he didn’t seem to feel that the injuries on his body were
very painful. A hint of ruthlessness flashed past his eyes quickly, and then he said gently, “It’s not
your fault. It’s just a small injury. I’ll be fine after resting for a while. If you really feel sorry, prepare a
pot of bone broth for me every day during my stay in the hospital and send it to me personally.”

Huo Sisi was stunned. She didn’t seem to expect him to say that.

However, after thinking about it, she still had to do it on account of saving her face. It was just bone
broth. She could just get the servants to make it.

She nodded. “Alright, go to the hospital first. I’ll visit you after I’m done here.” Then, she added, “I’m
sorry. If I didn’t invite you over, you wouldn’t be like this. I’m really sorry.”

After apologizing twice, she seemed distant from him.

This was for Huo Siyu and Yan Jinyu so that they would know that she wasn’t that familiar with Cao

As for whether Cao Ming would think too much about it, Huo Sisi’s thoughts were that she had
already expressed her concern just now. When she went to the hospital to visit him later, she would
coax him gently and carefully. Cao Ming should not suspect her anymore.


The ambulance brought Cao Ming away.

After such a thing happened, no matter how curious the onlookers were about Yan Jinyu and Huo
Siyu, they knew that it was not a good time to greet them. Especially after they saw that the person
in charge of the ski resort was nodding and apologizing to Huo Sisi, they knew that the identities of
this group of people were not simple. They were smart enough not to join in the fun.

However, not everyone had this understanding. A few young ladies boldly ran over to show their
concern to Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu. After confirming that they were not injured, they enthusiastically
expressed their admiration for the two of them. In the end, those young ladies left reluctantly after
Huo Siyu said that they still had to settle the aftermath of the incident with the ski park.

This was just a small interlude.

Actually, Huo Sisi had almost settled the matter once those young ladies left.

The ski park was unlucky as it had to bear all of Cao Ming’s medical fees.

“I’m sorry about today. I didn’t expect such a thing to happen and ruin everyone’s mood,” Huo Sisi
said apologetically.

“Our moods are not important. What’s important is that someone is injured. Shouldn’t we be most
concerned about Cao Ming’s injuries now?” Yuan Yuan’s tone wasn’t very polite.

She felt a lingering fear at the thought of Yuan Xi almost getting injured too.
She didn’t see the interaction between Huo Sisi and Cao Ming before Cao Ming went over to join the
competition. However, she saw that when Cao Ming couldn’t control the skateboard and knocked it
towards Yan Jinyu, Huo Sisi was obviously very agitated. She gave people the feeling that she
couldn’t wait for Cao Ming to hit her.

Then, when Cao Ming couldn’t hit Yan Jinyu and was sent flying instead, she unintentionally saw Huo
Sisi’s anger and indignation.

In that case, the chances of Cao Ming being instigated by Huo Sisi were very high.

Yuan Yuan didn’t care about the life and death of others. She only cared about Yuan Xi.

The thought of Yuan Xi almost getting implicated made her unable to give Huo Sisi a good attitude.

“Yuanyuan, are… are you angry? I’m sorry. I didn’t know that things would turn out like this. I even
almost harmed your brother. I just didn’t expect that although your brother is young, he knows how
to save the damsel in distress.” The last sentence seemed to be trying to divert the trouble away.

Yuan Yuan couldn’t tell, but Yuan Xi could.

“There’s no need to say such provocative words. I indeed want to save Eldest Miss Yan. Not to
mention that it was my choice and completely unrelated to Eldest Miss Yan, even if I wasn’t willing,
wasn’t it obvious that it was Eldest Miss Yan who saved me in the end?”

It was the first time Yuan Yuan had heard her younger brother say so much in one breath. She was a
little shocked. It took her a while to react and she hurriedly followed his words. “Indeed, my younger
brother was willing to save Miss Yan. You don’t have to sow discord. In the end, it was indeed Miss
Yan who saved my younger brother.”

“Thank you,” Yuan Yuan said to Yan Jinyu.

Yan Jinyu smiled. “I should be the one thanking you guys.”

Apart from that, nothing else.

Just as Yan Jinyu had thought, she didn’t think that Huo Sisi’s plan today was limited to this.

Now she was even more certain.

Because Huo Sisi had yet to suggest visiting Cao Ming in the hospital. She even had the intention of
stalling for time here.

It was obvious that when Yuan Yuan said those words, she only had to follow Yuan Yuan’s words and
suggest going to the hospital to resolve it. However, she had to say so much.

Was it because Huo Sisi cared about Yuan Yuan, her friend, and was afraid that Yuan Yuan and her
relationship would be distant that was why she tried to divert the trouble?

Obviously not.

Huo Sisi knew better than anyone that her relationship with Yuan Yuan was only so-so.

If Huo Sisi wasn’t stalling for time, what was she doing then?

Of course, it was also possible that Huo Sisi really didn’t want to have an unhappy relationship with
Yuan Yuan. However, from Yan Jinyu’s point of view, she was more inclined to the possibility that
Huo Sisi was stalling for time.

Why was she stalling? What was she waiting for?

Yan Jinyu was rather looking forward to it.

“Yuanyuan, you’ve misunderstood me. I didn’t mean to drive a wedge between us. I was just telling
the truth… Forget it. If you really want to misunderstand me, I have nothing to say. After all, so much
happened today because I invited you guys over.”

As she spoke, she pursed her lips and looked at Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu. “Fortunately, Miss Yan and
Rainy are fine. Otherwise… I’m afraid I won’t be able to escape the blame even if I die ten thousand
“Miss Yan, Rainy, I think you guys are quite frightened after today’s incident. Let’s get the driver to
send you back. I’ll hitch a ride with Xiang Qing to the hospital to visit Cao Ming.”

Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu’s gazes met.

Let them go back first? Meanwhile, she was going to the hospital with someone else?

If anything happened to them on the way back to the Huo Family, she had a good reason for being

“There’s no need to. We came out to play together and I’m partly responsible for Cao Ming’s
injuries. I was so frightened that I couldn’t control the skiboard. Didn’t I hit him? Logically speaking,
we should follow him to the hospital to take a look.”

“But Rainy, are you okay? You looked so frightened just now.”

Huo Siyu’s eyes flickered. Huo Sisi did not object strongly?

It seemed like Huo Sisi… was more complicated than she thought!

Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu thought of the same thing.

Yan Jinyu’s appraising gaze landed on Huo Sisi before looking at Huo Siyu.

Huo Siyu successfully understood what she meant. “I was indeed badly frightened just now, but I’ll
be fine after I calm down. Let’s go to the hospital to take a look. No matter what, we came here to
play together.”

“Alright, let’s go together.”

“What about Yuan Yuan and Young Master Yuan? Do you want to join us?”
Yuan Yuan said, “Of course.” If she said she wasn’t going now, wouldn’t she be contradicting herself?

Wasn’t that what she used to lecture Huo Sisi?

But she had a feeling she shouldn’t follow them.

“Sister, you can go to the hospital after you send me home,” Yuan Xi suddenly said.

“You want to go back?” She didn’t ask the driver to send them here. Yuan Yuan was the one who
drove them here.


“Why don’t you go to the hospital with me? It’s still early anyway. There’s nothing for you to do after
going back too.”

“I’m a little frightened. I want to go back and rest first.”

“…” Yuan Yuan.

“…” Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu. He was lying through his teeth.

However, they could tell that Yuan Xi seemed to have seen through something.

And he did not want to interfere.

“Besides, I’m not familiar with your friend either. It doesn’t matter if I go or not.”

“…I’ll send you back first then.” Chapter 188: Street Smart

In the end, Yuan Yuan sent Yuan Xi back first.

Huo Sisi actually didn’t say anything about this. She even said to Yuan Yuan with a smile, “See you at
the hospital.”

However, before she left, Yuan Xi looked at Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu deeply. She seemed to want to
say something, but in the end, she didn’t say anything.

After the Yuan siblings left, the few of them wanted to leave too.

As soon as they walked out of the ski park, they were blocked.

There were 10-odd young men who looked like hooligans.

However, they were not those street thugs but the kind of hooligans that even the descendants of
wealthy families dared not provoke.

The man in the lead had a cigarette in his mouth and looked very fierce.

This fierceness was not feigned. It came right from his bones.

He must have killed someone before.

The people who were blocked by them were not Yan Jinyu, Huo Siyu, or Huo Sisi, but Xiang Qing and
Xiang Jie.

To be precise, it was Xiang Jie.

As soon as she walked out of the ski resort and saw this group of people, Xiang Jie was frightened
and quickly hid behind Xiang Qing.

Xiang Qing was actually a little afraid too.

However, Xiang Jie was grabbing his clothes tightly. Furthermore, he was the only boy here. It would
be very embarrassing if he hid like this. He braced himself. “W-What do you want to do?”

That person spat out the cigarette in his mouth and stared at Xiang Qing, “What do I want to do? The
Xiang Family is so capable. You locked me inside for two months. Why? Have you forgotten that so

“I’ve finally caught you!”

“I… If you didn’t take my cousin away, our Xiang Family wouldn’t have treated you that way. You
took my cousin away, and our Xiang Family took revenge for my cousin and locked you up for two
months. This matter is considered even. We’ve already agreed with your elder brother previously.
W-Why did you—”

“Slap!” Before he could finish speaking, Xiang Qing was slapped across the face. The hooligan had
used a great deal of strength, and he made Xiang Qing spit out a mouthful of blood.

“Cut the crap! I hate it when people reason with me the most! I’ll kill you if you say another word!”

He pointed at Xiang Jie, who was trembling behind Xiang Qing. “Bitch, why are you hiding? Come out

Xiang Jie was so frightened that she cried. Seeing that Xiang Qing was unreliable, she turned around
to look at Huo Sisi and then hurriedly ran behind her. “Sisi, Sisi, what should we do? I’m afraid.”

Huo Sisi patted her arm comfortingly. “It’s fine.”

She looked at the hooligan leader. “Brother Chen, Little Jie is my friend. Please don’t take issue with
her on my account?”

The hooligan called “Brother Chen” lowered his head and sneered, “Miss Huo, your account isn’t
worth anything to me. If you’re not the woman my brother likes, I’ll kill you too. Do you believe

“Get lost if you know what’s good for you. I don’t want to fall out with my brother over a woman!”
“But, Brother Chen, Little Jie is my best friend. I can’t leave her behind.”

“So, Miss Huo, do you mean that you want to suffer together with her?” He sized her up with a light
gaze. “Miss Huo looks more voluptuous than this bitch. Perhaps, it’s worth falling out with my
brother for you.”

Huo Sisi paled. “I-I…”

“Don’t provoke me if you’re a coward. I won’t touch the woman that my brother likes. Get lost!”

“Little Jie, I-I’m sorry… I-I had no choice either.”

Looking at her hand that had been removed, Xiang Jie had a look of disbelief. “Sisi, y-you don’t care
about me? Who did I provoke this bully for?!”

“If his brother hadn’t been pestering you, would he have targeted me if I went to argue with his
brother for you?!”

“Huo Sisi, you’re actually leaving me behind!”

“Little Jie, I-I don’t have a choice either. You know that I’m actually not familiar with that person.”

Huo Sisi’s eyes reddened, and she looked like she didn’t want to do this either.

“Alright, Huo Sisi! Just you wait. As long as I’m not dead, I’ll get you for this!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

She walked away quickly and stood in front of Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu. “Brother Chen, I can’t
interfere if you want to take Little Jie away. I’ll leave immediately too, but I want to bring my sister
and her friend away!”
She looked as if Brother Chen wasn’t going to let Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu leave right from the

In fact, Brother Chen had indeed noticed the two of them. However, the two of them were walking
behind Huo Sisi and the Xiang siblings. Brother Chen thought that they weren’t together with Huo

It was undeniable that his eyes lit up when he saw the two of them. After all, the two of them were
very beautiful, especially the long-haired girl. Her aura was inexplicably attractive.

However, he quickly dismissed the idea of having any designs about the two of them.

Because when the two of them saw the group of “bullies”, not only did they not panic at all, they
even stopped and sized them up with interest.

He had been in South City for quite some time and he knew what he was doing very well.

He knew very well who he could provoke and who he could not.

He didn’t touch Huo Sisi not only because she was someone his brother liked, but also because she
was the eldest daughter of the Huo Family.

Not everyone could shake the Huo Family’s status in South City.

Especially since the Huo Family had a sickly but ruthless Huo Xuan.

However, he did not show his fear of the Huo Family outwardly, so Huo Sisi always thought that he
didn’t touch her because of his brother.

Huo Sisi’s younger sister?

Wasn’t she the daughter whom the Huo Family had lost and found after many years, Huo Siyu?
It was said that Huo Xuan doted on his sister very much. Huo Siyu was targeted at the Huo Family’s
banquet and Huo Xuan crippled that person.

Huo Siyu was also the fiancée of the eldest son of the Qin Family in the capital. She lived with the
eldest son of the Qin Family when she went to school in the capital.

Others might not know how formidable the young master of the Qin Family was, but people like
them knew very well.

He was someone that they could not provoke at all.

When Brother Chen didn’t know their identities, he already dispelled his thoughts just by looking at
their calm expressions. Furthermore, he now knew their identities.

“So it’s Second Miss Huo. It’s my pleasure to finally meet you.”

Huo Sisi’s expression froze.

She looked at the smiling Brother Chen and then at the smiling Huo Siyu.

How… did that happen?

But that shouldn’t be the case!

Wasn’t Chen Ye not afraid of the Huo Family at all? Even when she was the eldest daughter of the
Huo Family, Chen Ye had said many light words in front of her and had never been so polite to her!

Why was he so polite to Huo Siyu? And even a little fawning over her?!

It was because she knew Chen Ye’s character and knew that Chen Ye and Xiang Jie had grudges that
she specially invited Xiang Jie and Xiang Qing over. She also secretly sent the news of Xiang Jie’s
location to Chen Ye through many detours in order to borrow Chen Ye’s hands to destroy Huo Siyu
and Yan Jinyu.
One had to know that Chen Ye had captured Xiang Jie because she was rather beautiful.

Xiang Jie wasn’t as beautiful as Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu. She knew that Chen Ye would definitely not
let the two of them off when he saw them.

How could this happen?

What Huo Sisi did not know was that Chen Ye’s attitude towards her was completely different from
his attitude towards Huo Siyu for three reasons.

Firstly, although Huo Sisi was the daughter of the Huo Family, she was an adopted daughter and
wasn’t close to Huo Xuan.

Secondly, Huo Siyu was Qin Hao’s fiancée, and Chen Ye was afraid of Qin Hao.

Thirdly, Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu were just standing there watching the show. Chen Ye, who had been
around for so many years, had a feeling that they couldn’t be provoked.

“I’m Chen Ye, Chen Xiaotian’s younger brother. Second Miss Huo might not know us, but my brother
has interacted with Young Master Qin before.”

Huo Siyu smiled. “You’re quite street-smart.”

She thought that she and Beauty Yu could finally exercise their bodies.

She had indeed never heard of the name Chen Ye, but she had heard of the name Chen Xiaotian.

He was almost in the same circle as them.

However, they were killers, Chen Xiaotian wasn’t.

Chen Xiaotian had interacted with Qin Hao before, which meant that he was not a simple person.
As for Chen Ye, it was actually not entirely the Xiang Family who got him in. It was Chen Xiaotian who
wanted to teach him a lesson. He wanted to make him restrain his temper and so he had
deliberately ignored him.

Chen Ye naturally knew that Chen Xiaotian had tacitly agreed to that, but he could not take it lying
down. He had to settle the score with Xiang Jie.

Hearing Huo Siyu’s words, Chen Ye was even more certain that she could not be provoked.

Ordinary daughters of wealthy families would not have such an attitude towards outlaws like them.

“It seems like Mr. Chen and Miss Xiang have a personal grudge. How did Mr. Chen know that Miss
Xiang would appear here today?”

“Although I’m not talented, I still have some brothers under me. In South City, I can still find
someone’s whereabouts. I’ve embarrassed myself in front of Second Miss Huo.”

Upon hearing that, Huo Siyu glanced at Huo Sisi and said mysteriously, “I see.”

Huo Sisi was really capable. She actually couldn’t find out anything about her.

If not for Chen Ye being tactful and her and Beauty Yu being ordinary girls, they might really have
fallen into her trap.

Not only would Huo Sisi be fine, but she could also completely remove herself.

Amazing. If she had grown up in the Huo Family, she might not even be as capable as Huo Sisi.

“We’re together. I wonder if Mr. Chen can forgive Miss Xiang for now on my account? Of course,
after today, I won’t interfere with whatever Mr. Chen wants to do. It’s just that today is my good
friend’s first day in South City and it’s such a huge commotion. I’m worried that she will be
frightened and return home right away. It wasn’t easy for me to invite her over.”

Huo Siyu was spouting nonsense in all seriousness.

She was not a saint, but she had received Beauty Yu’s instructions.

Yes, Beauty Yu wanted to watch the dogs fight among themselves.

Since they couldn’t find any evidence against Huo Sisi today, it seemed like a good idea to watch a

Coupled with Beauty Yu’s words to Cao Ming at the ski park, Huo Sisi’s future would definitely not be

Xiang Jie’s eyes lit up when she heard Huo Siyu’s words.

As long as she was not taken away now and could return to the Xiang Family, her parents would
interfere and give them some benefits. Chen Ye’s elder brother would then control him and she
would not have any more trouble.

However, the premise was that she was not taken away right now.

No matter what Huo Siyu’s intentions were, she was grateful to Huo Siyu at this moment.

Chen Ye looked at the innocent and harmless Yan Jinyu who was standing there with a faint smile.
He didn’t rashly ask about her identity.

He frowned and glanced at Xiang Jie before saying, “Alright, I’ll give Second Miss Huo face today.”

“We…”?Let’s go!

Just as he was about to call his brothers away, he was interrupted by a voice, “Chen Ye.”

He turned back and another hooligan brought a few people over. “Why are you here?”

“Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that? Wang Quan, are you following me?”
“You’re thinking too much. I heard that Sisi is here and specially came to look for her.” Wang Quan
was Chen Ye’s “brother” who was interested in Huo Sisi.

After saying that, he looked at Huo Sisi with glowing eyes. Then, the rough-looking man straightened
his suit and made a very gentlemanly posture. He looked completely weird. “Sisi, long time no see.”

Huo Sisi was furious. Now that she saw the person she hated, her expression was hideous.

“I’m not familiar with you.”

Wang Quan was probably used to being treated like this by her. He didn’t get angry. Instead, he
smiled, “Sisi, I’m going to be sad if you say this. We’ve known each other for five to six years now. I
have chased after you for as long as we’ve known each other. Aren’t we considered close?”

As he spoke, Wang Quan suddenly saw Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu behind Huo Sisi. His eyes lit up again,
“Sisi, who are these two?”

Huo Sisi was angry. Seeing that a man who had pursued her for so many years had actually noticed
other women in front of her, and they were even the two people she hated the most, made her
even angrier.

“My younger sister and her friend!”

“Your younger sister?” Wang Quan frowned. “The daughter that the Huo Family found and has
snatched your position as the daughter of the Huo Family’s daughter?”

Huo Sisi’s eyes widened. “What nonsense are you talking about?” Another fool!

“Rainy is my sister. She’s the legitimate daughter of the Huo Family. What do you mean by snatching
my position as the daughter of the Huo Family? What trouble are you trying to cause me?”

“Alright, alright. Sisi, don’t be angry. If you don’t like me saying this, I won’t say it. I’m the one who
doesn’t like this daughter of the Huo Family. It has nothing to do with you.”
He raised his hand and waved. “Brothers, let’s invite this Second Miss Huo…” He looked at Yan
Jinyu,” And this friend of Second Miss Huo back to be our guest with Second Miss Huo! ”

“Pfft.” It was Huo Siyu who chuckled. “Huo Sisi, what kind of weirdos do you know? You’re such a
smart person. You’ve never left any evidence behind. Be it what happened at the banquet a year ago
or today, even my brother was not able to find out about you. Why are you always making friends
with these stupid teammates?”

Xiang Qing and Cao Ming were stupid, and Wang Quan was too.

Huo Siyu had no choice but to laugh.

She really couldn’t help it.

“Who are you calling a lousy teammate?!”

Huo Siyu looked over. “It’s whoever answers me.”

Her gaze turned cold. “If you have the guts, let your people continue to take a step forward.”

After saying that, she turned back to look at Yan Jinyu. “Beauty Yu.” This was Chen Xiaotian’s man. If
she attacked, it would probably be difficult to clean up the aftermath. Especially since Chen Xiaotian
knew Qin Hao.

She was asking Yan Jinyu if the trouble after the fight could be resolved.

Yan Jinyu chuckled. “Just do it. Chen Xiaotian still owes me a favor.” She meant to tell her that she
could just do it. The news wouldn’t reach Qin Hao’s ears.

Everyone was already frightened by Huo Siyu’s aura. When they heard Yan Jinyu’s words, they
stopped in their tracks.
Wang Quan was also a little afraid, especially since Yan Jinyu was so calm and Huo Siyu was so

However, this was in front of Huo Sisi, whom he had pursued for years. If he was frightened by the
two girls, where would he put his face?

He puffed a sigh. “Stop bluffing! My boss owes you a favor? You were probably still playing with mud
when my boss made his debut!”

“Brothers, go! Bring them back! How dare this bitch tries to scare me!” Chapter 189: Psychological

Chen Ye’s face darkened.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to stop Wang Quan, but he didn’t manage to do that in time.

He was already afraid of Huo Siyu. Now, he even heard another girl say that his brother, Chen
Xiaotian, owed her a favor.

Was she boasting?

Not necessarily.

Huo Siyu’s obvious inquiry showed that Huo Siyu trusted her and believed in her.

Then it was very likely that what she said was true.

He never expected that he would need to be wary of Huo Siyu, and even more so of Huo Siyu’s

“”Wang Quan! Stop!”

However, it was useless. The 10-odd people that Wang Quan brought went forward to arrest them.
The commotion was rather big, and Wang Quan could not hear Chen Ye’s reprimand at all.

As for the brothers that Wang Quan had brought with him, one or two of them had heard Chen Ye
and they paused for a moment. However, since they didn’t receive Wang Quan’s instructions, they
only hesitated for a moment before continuing to charge forward again.

Huo Sisi was naturally frightened because of Yan Jinyu’s words.

She knew Yan Jinyu’s identity but she didn’t take Yan Jinyu seriously. After all, she was just a girl who
grew up in the countryside. Other than her looks and ability to attract men’s attention could make
her feel a little threatened, she actually didn’t think highly of Yan Jinyu herself.

However, ever since she came into contact with her, she had long realized how difficult Yan Jinyu
was to deal with.

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that she could avoid such a dangerous moment on the ski

Moreover, Yan Jinyu’s fiancé was Master Nine.

She didn’t think that Yan Jinyu would be stupid enough to say something so easily exposed.

So, did Chen Xiaotian really owe Yan Jinyu a favor?

If that was true, then, then who did she provoke?

Also, what did Yan Jinyu mean by “just do it”?

Why did she sense that they did not take Wang Quan and the rest seriously and were very confident
that Huo Siyu would not be at a disadvantage in front of these people?

Could it be Huo Siyu…

Huo Sisi didn’t have a chance to continue thinking about it.

Because she, who had retreated to the back, saw a shocking scene.

Huo Siyu suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the wrist of one of those people were about to
catch them and twisted it!

She could clearly hear the sound of bones breaking.


It was the man’s scream. Then, he was thrown to the ground hard by Huo Siyu.

Then, Huo Siyu flew up and instantly disarmed four more people.

It was not the kind of disarming where they could still stand up after being kicked down. It was the
kind that after they fell to the ground, they could not stand up for a long time.

The men under Wang Quan had some skills too, but why were they so weak in front of Huo Siyu?

No! It was not that they were weak, but it was because Huo Siyu was too strong!

Then, Huo Siyu disarmed the remaining people without any effort.

That was not all. Without seeing her move, she quickly arrived in front of the stunned Wang Quan
and pressed something against his neck.

Taking a closer look, it was actually a lancet.

When did Huo Siyu have a lancet? Did she carry it with her?
The lancet was very sharp. There was a bloody wound on his neck even when she didn’t use much
force when it touched Wang Quan’s neck.

Huo Sisi was so frightened that she took a few steps back and almost fell.

“S-second Miss Huo…” Wang Quan was so frightened that he couldn’t speak properly.

Huo Siyu sneered, “Why are you trembling? Weren’t you very arrogant just now? Boy, do Beauty Yu
and I look so easy to bully? Do you still want to take us away?”

“Tsk, you’re overestimating yourself.”

“I thought I wouldn’t have the chance to exercise today. After all, Mr. Chen is very tactful. He didn’t
have any designs on Beauty Yu and me, but you insisted on coming to us.”

“You probably don’t know, but I haven’t exercised for too long and my hands are itchy.”

She glanced at the people on the ground and said, “Did you see that? You brothers probably have to
stay in the hospital for a long time before they can recover. That one was the first to make a move.
My technique is very precise. His hand will never recover.”

Wang Quan looked frightened while Huo Siyu continued to smile. “Oh, I even held back. No matter
what, it’s still broad daylight. It’s not good to kill someone.”

“However, if someone really dies, it’s not like I can’t resolve it. This is South City. As long as I give my
brother a call, he will be able to settle the matter quietly. Do you believe me?”

“Therefore, it doesn’t really affect me whether I take your life or not.”

“I’m very fast with my lancet. Do you want to try it?” As she spoke, she pushed the lancet forward.

Wang Quan was so frightened that he closed his eyes and shouted, “S-second Miss Huo, please
spare me! Y-yes, I have entertained angels unawares! I have entertained angels unawares!”
“…Please show mercy, Second Miss Huo!” Chen Ye recovered from his shock. Fortunately, he
reacted in time. Otherwise…

Indeed, as soon as he shouted, Huo Siyu’s hand that was holding the lancet paused and she looked
up at him lazily.

However, she had no intention of retracting her lancet.

“Wang Quan is used to being tyrannical and offended Second Miss Huo. I’ll represent him to
apologize to Second Miss Huo and…” He looked at Yan Jinyu, but he saw the smile in Yan Jinyu’s

His limbs turned cold. “…and this lady.”

Under such circumstances, her smile did not change at all. It was as if everything was within her
expectations. How could he not be shocked?

Huo Siyu was so skilled, but she still listened to her. What about her then?

Chen Ye did not dare to think further.

He was extremely glad that he trusted his intuition and had not provoked them.

Wasn’t he just as tyrannical as Wang Quan?

His big brother always told him to restrain himself. Otherwise, he might offend someone he
shouldn’t have at one point. They were already in the midst of changing careers. If they offended
someone, they would probably be in big trouble.

If he offended someone that even his big brother did not dare to offend, he would be finished.

He knew that his brother’s words usually made sense, but he just didn’t want to hear them.
It was only at this moment that he realized what kind of person he should not offend.

If he was not careful, he would lose his life.

It was obvious that Huo Siyu really dared to kill.

“Second Miss Huo, please spare Wang Quan’s life. I’ll bring him back and let my brother teach him a
lesson. Then, I’ll give you a satisfactory explanation.”

“Beauty Yu.” Huo Siyu didn’t let him go. Instead, she asked Yan Jinyu.

“One hand,” Yan Jinyu said to Chen Ye.

Chen Ye understood that she wanted Wang Quan’s hand.

No matter what, Wang Quan was his brother. He was about to plead for mercy, but the other party
didn’t give him a chance to speak.

The girl smiled faintly and said unhurriedly, “One life or one hand, choose for yourselves.” He
wanted to bring beautiful girls back whenever he saw them. Who encouraged this evil practice?

She wasn’t a kind person, but she couldn’t bear to see such a thing happen either.

Of course, if they hadn’t targeted them, she wouldn’t have bothered. However, since they had
tactlessly targeted them, she wasn’t a good person who repay evil with kindness. She couldn’t even
be bothered to take his life because she was lazy.

“Little Rain, three seconds. If the other party doesn’t give us their choice, attack. I’ll clean up the

Huo Siyu raised her eyebrows. “Three, two…”

“Alright!” Chen Ye gritted his teeth.

“I agree to your request! After I go back and meet my brother, I’ll definitely give your a satisfactory

“Thank you for showing mercy. We owe Miss Huo and this lady a favor this time.”

“There’s no need to owe me a favor.” Yan Jinyu looked up at him. “Chen Xiaotian still owes me a

A favor…

Now, Chen Ye believed that his brother might have really owed her a favor.

“How should I address you, Miss?”

“With your status in South City, it’s easy for you to find out who I am. Why bother asking? Even if I
say my name, your brother might not know. You just have to tell him that two years ago, oh, it
should be three years ago, Christmas Eve in Country M.”

“That’s all you have to tell him and he’ll know who I am.”

Chen Ye, who heard her words, was not calm anymore.

Christmas Eve three years ago…

He seemed to know what favor his brother had owed her.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, he said, “Alright, I’ll definitely tell my brother in detail.”

“However, we don’t want the favor. You can compensate us for the psychological damage. Little Rain
and I came out to play happily, but we were suddenly stopped by someone. We were so frightened
that our good mood was gone. It’s not too much for you to compensate us for the psychological
damage, right?”
Chen Ye’s current mood was a little indescribable.

Who exactly was frightened?

Even Huo Siyu’s face twitched.

Beauty Yu had said that they had already retired and would no longer take on missions. It would not
be so easy to earn money in the future. Then, she wouldn’t touch the money that she had saved
previously if she could, lest she didn’t have the money to retire.

She thought that Beauty Yu was just joking. After all, the assets in their hands couldn’t be spent in a
few lifetimes, let alone supporting their retirement.

Now, she realized that what Beauty Yu said back then did not seem to be a joke.

She really wouldn’t touch it if she could!

Beauty Yu had previously cheated the Qiu Family of the capital out of a sum of money. With Beauty
Yu’s current spending speed, that money was enough for her to spend for a long time.

Now, she was asking for compensation for psychological damage.

Uh, it could only be said that Beauty Yu was very good at making a living.

Hence, it was useless for them to keep an eye on Beauty Yu’s private account so that she couldn’t
buy more yogurt. Beauty Yu had too many ways to earn money.

Even if Beauty Yu didn’t do anything.

“I-I wonder how much you need us to compensate… for the psychological damage?” Only Chen Ye
knew how complicated he was feeling now.
“Think about the amount yourself. Just pay for what you think these lives are worth. Transfer the
money onto Little Rain’s account”


“Little Rain, let’s go.”

After saying that, Yan Jinyu glanced inconspicuously at a certain direction not far away. Chapter 190:
The Devil Who Protects His Sister

It was just a faint glance, as if it was unintentional.

And then she retracted her gaze.

The two people standing at the corner saw her looking in their direction and quickly retreated.

They heaved a sigh of relief when they saw that she was only looking over unintentionally and did
not seem to notice them.

These two people were Yuan Xi and Yuan Yuan, the siblings who had left first.

After their car drove for a while, Yuan Xi suddenly asked Yuan Yuan to stop by the side and he got
out of the car.

Not knowing what he was going to do, Yuan Yuan quickly got out of the car and followed.

Seeing that Yuan Xi was standing at a corner of the wall, she walked over and stood beside him. Just
as she was about to ask, she saw Yan Jinyu and the rest surrounded.

Yuan Yuan was so frightened that she almost exclaimed. It was only after Yuan Xi said “don’t make a
sound” that she covered her lips and kept quiet.
They had all seen what happened next.

Yuan Xi’s eyes were filled with shock, not to mention Yuan Yuan.

He was shocked by Huo Siyu’s skills and even more shocked that Yan Jinyu had the courage to
remain calm in such a situation and that she had actually interacted with Chen Xiaotian before.

Yuan Xi retracted his thoughts and said, “Let’s go back.”

“…Alright.” There was shock and curiosity, but Yuan Yuan wasn’t a nosy person, so she didn’t intend
to probe further.

After taking two steps, she stopped and looked at Yuan Xi, “Xi’er, let’s not interact with these people
in the future.”

Yuan Xi’s eyes flickered. “Alright.”


On the other hand, after hearing Yan Jinyu’s words, Huo Siyu slowly retracted her hand. With a turn
of her palm, the lancet in her hand disappeared. No one knew where she had hidden it.

This scene made Wang Quan even more afraid to speak up.

Even when he knew that his hand was going to be crippled.

However, compared to having his hands crippled, he didn’t want to die.

“Be careful in the future. Don’t have any designs on beautiful girls anymore. You might meet
someone like us who has trained for a few years, understand?”

Wang Quan covered the wound on his neck and nodded repeatedly with lingering fear, “Yes, yes,
yes, yes.”
Huo Siyu turned to look at the Xiang siblings, who were still in shock, before turning to Huo Sisi.

She smiled faintly, “Huo Sisi, looking at you. Are you frightened?”

“What’s there to be afraid of? Didn’t I say that I trained for a few years in Country F in the ski park
previously? On the slide, I was fine even when I fell at such a fast speed. It’s obvious that I’m quite

“Don’t overreact.”

“However, Beauty Yu is right. We were indeed a little frightened after being stopped by people. Even
if we weren’t frightened, our mood was also affected. So, I’m afraid we can’t go to the hospital with
you. You can take Young Master Xiang’s car.”

The more Huo Siyu spoke, the more Huo Sisi’s expression twisted.

The crux was that as soon as Huo Siyu finished speaking, Xiang Jie said angrily, “Who wants her to
ride in our family’s car!”

“Huo Sisi, you left me in the lurch. I won’t let this matter rest! Hmph, why go to the hospital? We’re
not familiar with Cao Ming. I’m not going!”

Xiang Jie looked at Xiang Qing, whose face was a little swollen, but was so shocked by everything
that he forgot about the pain. “Brother, let’s go home!”

She then turned to Huo Siyu. “Second Miss Huo, thank you for today. I’ll remember your favor.”

She dragged Xiang Qing away.

“What are you going to do now that they’re gone, Huo Sisi? Are you going back to the Huo Family
with us?” Before Huo Sisi could reply, Huo Siyu said, “Cao Ming is your friend. The Huo Family and
the hospital are in the opposite direction. If you go back to the Huo Family first, you’ll have to make
a big detour. Or are you not going to visit your friend today? If you don’t go, you were the one who
asked him out. I wonder if the Cao Family will go straight to the Huo Family to ask you for an

“If the Cao Family really go look for the Huo Family, Mom and Dad will probably be unhappy. Mom
and Dad seem to have taken my joke yesterday seriously. Now, Mom and Dad should already have
some opinions about you.”

“In that case, I think you should make a trip to the hospital first. Then, take a taxi yourself. Beauty Yu
and I will go back first.”

“Beauty Yu, let’s go.”

Yan Jinyu smiled and nodded. She didn’t look at Huo Sisi, whose face was twisted.

The two of them headed straight for the parking lot.

Looking at their backs as they left, Chen Ye called for people to bring those injured people away.
Looking at Wang Quan, who still looked like he was in a daze, he sighed softly, “Let’s go, Wang

Normally, Wang Quan wouldn’t have left Huo Sisi alone after pursuing her for so many years. But
now, how could he be in the mood to care about Huo Sisi?

He followed Chen Ye and went away.

However, Chen Ye looked at Huo Sisi sympathetically before he left.

He didn’t know what this Eldest Miss Huo was thinking that she actually dared to offend Second Miss

Just based on Huo Siyu’s words earlier, he also had some ideas after he calmed down and thought
about it.
It didn’t seem to be a coincidence that he suddenly received news that Xiang Jie was here. Someone
had deliberately done so.

Huo Sisi actually dared to use him!

He had more important things to do today, so he would let Huo Sisi off for the time being. After he
was done, he would slowly settle this score with her!


On the other side, Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu sat in the Huo Family’s car.

“Huo Sisi went to the hospital to visit her friend. She’s not coming with us.” This sentence stopped
the driver from asking.

The driver naturally favored Huo Sisi since he drove Huo Sisi to school.

However, since Huo Siyu had already said so, he did not dare to say anything.

“Alright, Second Missy.”

“I wonder where Second Missy and Eldest Miss Yan are going next?”

Return to the Huo Family?


Huo Siyu had invited Yan Jinyu over to bring her around South City. The excuse of returning to the
Huo Family earlier was just nonsense.

After giving the driver the location, he sent them over.

It was already dark when the two of them returned to the Huo Family.

Huo Sisi, who took a taxi to the hospital, arrived home earlier than them.

As soon as the two of them stepped into the main building of the Huo Family, they saw a group of
people sitting in the living room.

Other than Huo Lin, Sun Xiangxiang, and Huo Sisi, Huo Xuan was also present.

Of course, it wasn’t just them. There were two other people.

Chen Ye and a man in his late thirties.

He had a fierce look and was obviously not a kind person.

However, when he saw Yan Jinyu walking in, he immediately stood up in surprise. He even put on a
kind smile on his fierce face. “Eldest Miss Yan.”

Then, as if he felt that it wasn’t appropriate to only greet Yan Jinyu in the Huo Family’s territory, he
turned his gaze to Huo Siyu. “Miss Huo.”

It wasn’t “Second Miss Huo”, but “Miss Huo”.

It seemed like he was also a tactful person who could tell that in Huo Xuan’s heart, Huo Siyu was the
legitimate eldest daughter of the Huo Family.

“My brothers were insensible and offended you today. I specially came to apologize to the two of

This man was Chen Ye’s elder brother, Chen Xiaotian.

However, although Chen Xiaotian was greeting Huo Siyu, his gaze was always on Yan Jinyu.
Actually, the two of them had just arrived at the Huo Family. The Huo Family only knew that they
were here to apologize, but they didn’t know who they were apologizing to. They only thought that
they had an unhappy incident with Huo Xuan and specially came to apologize.

They didn’t expect that after seeing Huo Xuan, they only said polite words like “Sorry for disturbing
you” and nothing else.

At that moment, Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu returned.

“What do you mean by that, Boss Chen?” Huo Xuan asked with a pale face.

His gaze was sharp and his tone was unkind.

Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang’s expressions were a little ugly.

“I’m sorry. This is the fault of my brothers, but…”

Halfway through his sentence, Chen Xiaotian suddenly paused and looked at Huo Sisi, who was
sitting at the side. “Miss Huo was also present at that time. Didn’t she mention this to you guys when
she came back?”

This question was intentional.

Obviously, Chen Xiaotian had already found out about Huo Sisi’s scheme from Chen Ye.

“Sisi, why didn’t you say that something happened after you were back?” One could tell from her
tone that Sun Xiangxiang was very unhappy.

Huo Sisi had spent a lot of time dealing with the Cao Family in the hospital. If not for her status as
the eldest daughter of the Huo Family, Cao Ming’s mother would have slapped her on the spot.
However, even though she didn’t slap Huo Sisi, her son suddenly crippled his legs. The doctor even
said that it might be very difficult for him to stand up ever again. The Cao Family’s attitude towards
Huo Sisi was very bad, especially Cao Ming’s mother. She would scold all the unpleasant words.

In the end, the Cao Family only let Huo Sisi go after Cao Ming pleaded for her.

Cao Ming spoke up for her and then told her to go home and rest early. He told her to remember to
send him some bone soup early tomorrow and Huo Sisi naturally couldn’t reject him.

Just as she returned to the Huo Family angrily, Huo Siyu and Yan Jinyu didn’t come back. After being
questioned by Sun Xiangxiang, she roughly told them about the accident at the ski resort. She said
that she went to the hospital to visit her friend and wasn’t with them. Sun Xiangxiang kept calling
Huo Siyu and only stopped after she found out where Huo Siyu was.

However, she was still reprimanded by Sun Xiangxiang. She was saying that since she had brought
Huo Siyu and Yan Jinyu out to play, she shouldn’t have called those indecent people.

Huo Lin also lectured her.

Huo Sisi was even angrier.

Then, she saw Huo Xuan return.

Huo Sisi’s emotions were even more complicated when Huo Xuan, who was so busy that his feet
barely touched the ground, returned to the Huo Family. She was happy and angry at the same time.

She was happy that Huo Xuan was back and she could see him. She was angry that he obviously
didn’t come back because of her, but because of that extra guest at home!

Under such circumstances, how could she be in the mood to say anything? Furthermore, she was the
one who had done that today. She wasn’t stupid. Why would she take the initiative to mention it?

Who knew that Chen Xiaotian and Chen Ye would actually visit them personally!
“S-sorry. Too many things happened today. My friend might not be able to stand up for the rest of
his life. I was a little frustrated and forgot about it.”

“I wanted to say it, but Brother Chen and Boss Chen came. I-I didn’t have the chance to speak again.”

Huo Xuan threw a glance at Huo Sisi and his sharp and cold gaze frightened her.

Just as Huo Sisi was about to collapse and couldn’t sit still, Huo Xuan retracted his gaze.

However, even so, Huo Sisi would probably be so frightened that she couldn’t stand straight if she
wasn’t sitting on the sofa.

“Come and sit first.” Huo Xuan looked at the two people who had entered the house.

Then, he looked at Chen Xiaotian. “Tell me, what exactly is going on? How dare anyone touch my
sister in South City. This matter isn’t so easily resolved.” Chapter 191: Something To Tell You

Chen Xiaotian said nothing and looked at Chen Ye.

Chen Ye roughly explained what had happened today.

Of course, he was smart enough to avoid the main point.

For example, he did not mention that Huo Siyu was very skilled. He only said that Huo Siyu had some
skills and that their people did not hurt her.

Furthermore, he didn’t say that it was Yan Jinyu who asked for Wang Quan’s hand as an explanation
and compensation for the psychological damage. He only said that those were their sincerity in

“You’re saying that you took a fancy to my sister and her friend when you went to settle your conflict
with the Xiang Family’s daughter?” Huo Xuan said slowly, but when he said this, he looked sinister
and cold.
In short, Chen Ye felt inexplicably afraid.

In comparison, Chen Xiaotian was much better.

“It’s not my brother who has designs on her. It’s someone else under me. However, my brother also
said that Miss Huo has some skills and my brother stopped him in time. A huge mistake was

“There’s also one more thing that Young Master Huo seems to have neglected. There’s something
fishy when my brother said that he suddenly knew that the daughter of the Xiang Family would
appear there. It’s as if someone deliberately sent the news to him.”

“Shouldn’t Young Master Huo investigate this matter properly? Perhaps someone is deliberately
targeting Miss Huo and Miss Yan.”

“Boss Chen, you don’t have to worry about that. You should think about how to explain this to me.”

“Fortunately, my sister is fine. Otherwise…”

Looking at Yan Jinyu, who had come over with Huo Siyu and sat down beside her, Huo Xuan said,
“Oh, it’s fortunate that Eldest Miss Yan is fine. Otherwise, with Yin Jiujin’s temper, I’m afraid you
won’t be able to answer to him, Boss Chen.”

At the mention of Yin Jiujin, even Chen Xiaotian, who had been very calm, froze.

Especially when he knew Yin Jiujin and Qin Hao’s relationship.

Offending Yin Jiujin wasn’t just offending him alone. Qin Hao might even come knocking on his door.

Qin Hao had been trying to catch him.

To make things worse, one of them was Yin Jiujin’s fiancée, while the other was Qin Hao’s fiancée.
That wasn’t even the most important thing. The most important thing was that Yan Jinyu was his

One hand?

He wished he could kill Wang Quan.

Not to mention that the other party was his life savior, just based on the other party’s backing and
her own ability, if he really offended her, Chen Xiaotian would probably be implicated and finished

“That’s also why we brothers specially came to the Huo Family.”

“Wang Quan has been under me for many years. He didn’t cause any irreversible consequences. I’ll
compensate you with one of his hands and send him out of South City forever. Other than that, I’ll
also compensate Miss Huo and Miss Yan 50 million dollars for psychological damage each. Young
Master Huo, what do you think about this explanation?”

50 million each?

Yan Jinyu raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Huo Siyu.

He was quite generous.

Huo Xuan saw their interaction and his eyes darkened, “What do Rainy and Eldest Miss Yan think?”

Chen Xiaotian had Wang Quan under him. Wang Quan was not a kind person, but he could not do
anything to Rainy with a few people…

“Brother, let’s leave it at that. We weren’t injured in the first place. Let’s just treat it as a form of
good karma. Everyone is living in South City and we see each other often. It’s not good for everyone
to become enemies.”
When Huo Xuan looked at Yan Jinyu, Huo Siyu quickly said, “Beauty Yu also means that.”

Huo Xuan looked at her deeply.

Why did he have the feeling that Rainy didn’t want him to interact with Yan Jinyu?

“Since you don’t have any objections, let’s leave it at that.”

After saying that, Huo Xuan looked at Chen Xiaotian. He didn’t say anything, but it was obvious that
he wanted to send him off.

Nobody didn’t know if Chen Xiaotian understood what Huo Xuan meant, so he only said, “After I
change careers, I have some businesses that are related to the Yan Corporation. I wonder if I can
borrow the Huo Family’s place to speak to Eldest Miss Yan alone?”

He was asking Huo Xuan.

Huo Xuan looked at him and then at Yan Jinyu.

His gaze was unfathomable.

“Of course.”

“It’s cold outside. There’s a guest room I used for a video conference. We can go there.”

“I’ll accompany Beauty Yu,” Huo Siyu said.

Then, the Chen brothers, Yan Jinyu, and Huo Siyu stood up and walked to the guest room on the first
floor of the Huo Family’s main building.

After the four of them left, there were still four others sitting in the living room.
Huo Lin looked at Huo Sisi, “Sisi, do you have anything to say?”

“W-What should I say? Brother Chen… Didn’t Chen Ye say everything just now? Dad, w-what else do
you want to know? Ask away. I won’t hide what I know from you.”

“When you left in the morning, your mother and I told you to bring Rainy and Jinyu back the way you
brought them out. However, you left them behind and came back first after what happened. Yes,
you did go to see your friends, but since you brought Rainy and Jinyu out to play, why did you call
those hedonistic sons?”

“It’s fine if you’re friends with those hedonistic sons, but your mother and I won’t ask too much
either. After all, you’re not only friends with those hedonistic sons. You can get to know all kinds of
people. It’s also a good thing to have a lot of friends, as long as you don’t learn from them.”

“Rainy didn’t grow up in the Huo Family. Her thoughts aren’t as sensitive as yours. If she makes a
bad friend, it’s hard to guarantee that she won’t be affected by the other party.”

“Besides, from what you’re saying, that friend of yours almost bumped into Jinyu when she was
skiing. Jinyu dodged it and that’s why he was injured.”

Huo Sisi didn’t hide this matter.

There were so many people who had witnessed that scene at the ski park. They could find out with a
little inquiry. If she hid it from them, she would leave a handle to them.

“If anything happens to Jinyu, how are you, or even the Huo Family going to answer to Master

Hearing this, Huo Xuan’s lips twitched.

Even his father called Master Nine. Seriously…

However, it was undeniable that his father was right.

If anything really happened to Yan Jinyu, Yin Jiujin would definitely not let it go easily.

However, Yan Jinyu was obviously not so easily harmed.

It was this feeling of Yin Jiujin being above him that made him feel very uncomfortable.

His father called him Master Nine, so what should he call him then?


“I’m sorry, Daddy. It was indeed my mistake this time. Fortunately, Miss Yan is fine. Otherwise, I
really can’t forgive myself…”

“Then, what did Boss Chen mean by those words just now? Could it be that someone really told
Chen Ye that Xiang Jie was with you and would appear at the ski resort at that time?” Sun Xiangxiang
also suspected Huo Sisi.

Huo Sisi’s heart skipped a beat. “Mom, I really don’t know about that.”

“Mom, do you think I did this?”

“In Mom’s opinion, am I that stupid? I’m with Rainy. If I deliberately revealed Xiang Jie’s information
to Chen Ye, Xiang Jie and I are friends. Am I not in more danger than Rainy and the rest?”

“There are countless girls who have been destroyed by people like Chen Ye and Wang Quan. Even if I
wanted to scheme against someone, I wouldn’t have to sacrifice myself.”

“Why are you reacting so strongly? Did someone say that you did this?” Huo Xuan interrupted her

Huo Sisi was shocked. Her reaction just now was indeed a little too big.
She was also…

If they hadn’t changed their attitude towards her so drastically, she wouldn’t have lost control of her


“Or do you think that others don’t know that Wang Quan is interested in you?”

Huo Sisi’s expression changed drastically.

“It’s best if I don’t find out that you’re involved in this.” After saying that, Huo Xuan got up and went

Huo Sisi was left sitting there with a pale face.

Huo Lin looked at Huo Sisi with a deep gaze before getting up and going upstairs too.

As soon as he left, Sun Xiangxiang left too. She went to the kitchen to check on the servants’ dinner

She ignored Huo Sisi and couldn’t be bothered to talk to her.

Huo Sisi, who was completely isolated, clenched her fists tightly and her eyes were filled with

This situation could not continue!

With Huo Siyu’s skills, she couldn’t act rashly for the time being. And Yan Jinyu actually had a
relationship with Chen Xiaotian. Since her background was unknown, she couldn’t act rashly for the
time being.

Since she could not touch them now, she would not move for the time being.
If this went on, there would be no place for her in the Huo Family.

Perhaps, she should take a risk.


In the Huo Family’s guest room.

As soon as he entered and closed the door, Chen Xiaotian bowed 90 degrees to Yan Jinyu.

Chen Ye was slightly stunned before he also bowed.

“Miss Yan, I don’t know your identity, so I’ve never been able to express my gratitude to you. If you
hadn’t saved me three years ago, I’m afraid I would have died in a foreign land.”

Yan Jinyu didn’t avoid his bow and just looked at him. “At that time, I only heard you speak Chinese
and found out that you’re Chinese too. It was simply convenient.”

At that time, she happened to “wander” to Country M and came out for a walk at night. As she
walked, she walked into the dark alley and encountered an assassination.

She didn’t want to interfere, but she heard Chen Xiaotian say in Chinese, “Am I going to die here
today?” so she saved him.

After that, she had never wanted him to return the favor but Chen Xiaotian said that he owed her a
favor. If she needed help with something, she could come to South City to look for him.

Chen Xiaotian was considered a big shot, especially since he was in South City.

Huo Siyu wanted to return to the Huo Family. Yan Jinyu had investigated the Huo Family and also
investigated some influential figures in South City. Naturally, she had heard of the name Chen
At that time, she was still a little surprised. She had never thought of asking him for a favor, but after
he told her who he was, she said that she would look for him if she needed anything. It was
considered as agreeing to accept his favor.

The reason why she agreed was because she thought that Huo Siyu was in South City and might
need someone to help her resolve any trouble at some time.

“No matter what, it’s a fact that Miss Yan saved my life.”

“Sit down and talk.” Huo Siyu sat down first.

Chen Xiaotian looked at Huo Siyu.

Since Yan Jinyu had agreed for her to follow them in and had seen Yan Jinyu make a move, Chen
Xiaotian, who had roughly guessed Yan Jinyu’s identity, had a rough guess about Huo Siyu’s identity.

However, he did not expose her.

After Yan Jinyu sat down, he walked over and sat down too.

Yan Jinyu glanced at the guest room and looked at Huo Siyu, “Little Rain.”

Huo Siyu understood what she meant with one look.

She nodded and stood up. She found something to block the camera in the guest room.

The guest room wasn’t a private space and was also a place Huo Xuan often used to attend video
conferences. There were many documents in there so it was normal for there to be cameras.

Huo Siyu also knew that Huo Xuan wouldn’t look at it, but it was just a precaution.
As for when they first entered, it was because they did not expect Chen Xiaotian to bow so

It was just a bow, and they couldn’t hear anything. Even if someone saw the surveillance video here,
they wouldn’t make a connection to anything.

After Huo Siyu covered the camera and sat down, Yan Jinyu looked at Chen Xiaotian. “What’s the
matter? Speak.”

Chen Xiaotian was surprised, “How did Miss Yan know…”

He simply remembered her identity and understood.

He had almost forgotten that Miss Yan was very likely to be the number one on the Assassin

How could she not have any perception when she could reach that position?

“That’s right. I didn’t simply visit the Huo Family today to meet Miss Yan and apologize for Wang
Quan’s rudeness today. Most importantly, I have something to tell you.”

“I wanted to tell you about this a long time ago, but I didn’t know your identity or where you were,
so I couldn’t tell you.”

“For Boss Chen to visit the Huo Family so late at night to see Beauty Yu, it must be something

Chen Xiaotian looked at Huo Siyu when he heard that, “I wouldn’t dare to let you call me Boss Chen.
Miss Huo, just call me by my name.” He didn’t dare to let her call him Boss Chen because even Huo
Xuan called him by his name.

Chen Xiaotian was not someone without any ability. The reason why he was so polite to Yan Jinyu
was because he had guessed Yan Jinyu’s identity, but more importantly, Yan Jinyu had saved his life.
He was polite to Yan Jinyu. Knowing that Huo Siyu was someone Yan Jinyu trusted, he was naturally
more polite to Huo Siyu too.

“What’s the matter, Mr. Chen? Please say it.” Yan Jinyu was still smiling, and her tone was no
different from usual.

It was impossible to tell if she wanted to know or not.

Seeing this, Chen Xiaotian exclaimed in his heart again. As expected of the number one killer, “Chi”,
who was very likely to become famous at the age of 10. Her ability to hide her emotions was

“I wonder if Miss Yan has heard that I have many businesses in Country Y and have interacted with
many families in Country Y?” Chapter 192: Old Acquaintance From Ghost Slaughter

“I’ve heard a little about it.”

“What Mr. Chen wants to say is related to Country Y?”

Huo Siyu did not say anything and listened to them quietly. She did not show it on her face, but Huo
Siyu was actually not so calm.

From Chen Xiaotian’s attitude, he obviously knew Beauty Yu’s identity. However, he, who knew
Beauty Yu’s identity, had something important to tell her. He even mentioned the family in Country
Y that she and Beauty Yu had been paying attention to recently.


After some consideration, Chen Xiaotian said in a more tactful manner, “I’ve heard about the cause
of the death of the head of the Jones Family in Country Y back then.”

It was to tell Yan Jinyu that he had recognized her identity and knew about her conflict with the
Jones Family.
Yan Jinyu smiled. “So?”

“I don’t have any ill intentions. Miss Yan, please don’t be anxious.”

“Do I look very anxious?”

Chen Xiaotian was stunned. No, there was only a faint smile on her face. He couldn’t tell anything at
all. He shook his head. “No.”

“I just want to say that I don’t have any ill intentions. Miss Yan, you don’t have to be so vigilant.”

“I don’t have any dealings with the Jones Family, but I have some business dealings with the Smith
Family. I know something that the outside world doesn’t know about the sudden illness of the head
of the Smith Family some time ago.”

“Oh? Tell me about it.” This was akin to someone giving her a pillow just as she was dozing off?

No matter what, Yan Jinyu was very happy that Chen Xiaotian came looking for her because of this.

This meant that Little Rain did not have to investigate further.

Little Rain wouldn’t have to take the risk if she didn’t investigate.

Hearing this, Huo Siyu was also interested.

“The day before Smith passed away, he was still secretly discussing a business deal with me. So, it’s
impossible for him to have passed away from an illness.”

“There are all kinds of strange causes of death in the conflicts of big families. It’s not uncommon for
people to use illnesses as an excuse in the end. This doesn’t seem to be anything new.”
“Miss Yan, you might not know this, but because that business deal is a little big, I was worried that
the opponent was deliberately causing trouble and harm to Smith, so I went to investigate.”

Yan Jinyu paused and looked up at him. Her smile deepened, “What happened?”

“The cause of Smith’s death was indeed not an illness, but an assassination in his room. Of course,
I’m not sure if my opponent hired an assassin to assassinate him. However, you know that for a
family like Smith that has hundreds of years of history, the person in charge must be living in the
family’s mansion and kept safe. Not to mention people, even a fly would probably be difficult to
approach him.”

“However, Smith was assassinated. A bullet went straight through his head.”

“In the killer world, only an assassin from Ghost Slaughter Island can sneak into a room like Smith’s
and assassinate him silently. Ghost Slaughter Island was destroyed three years ago.”

“After that, I investigated again and found out that the head of the Smith Family was assassinated. It
wasn’t because someone put the mission to kill him on the corresponding website for someone to
pick up the job. In other words, it’s very likely that the killer wanted to kill him on his own.”

“After that, the Jones Family rose.”

“That’s what I want to say.” After saying that, he added, “I’m not saying this to repay you. I just feel
that there’s a need to tell you this. Just treat it as an apology for today’s matter. As for the favor I
owe you, it’s still available.”

“There’s no need for that. This matter is enough for you to repay the favor you owe,” Yan Jinyu said
with a meaningful gaze.


However, she was interrupted by Huo Siyu. “I think Mr. Chen has also guessed something. After
leaving this door, I don’t want to hear any rumors. Beauty Yu and I are having very peaceful lives
now. I hope you won’t make Beauty Yu regret saving you back then.”

It was a disguised warning.

Although she was smiling, the warning was very strong.

“Miss Huo, don’t worry. Although I, Chen Xiaotian, am not a good person, I’m not a shameless
person who repays kindness with ingratitude.”

“As for my brother, you don’t have to worry either. He’s timid. He doesn’t dare to provoke people he
can’t afford to offend. Besides, although he’s a little unreliable, he knows what he can and can’t do.
People like us who hang out in the underworld have always valued friendship more than anything

After hearing their conversation, Chen Ye, who had already guessed Yan Jinyu’s identity, was still in

The corners of his lips twitched when he heard Chen Xiaotian’s words.

If he wanted to praise him, just do it. Why did he have to put him on before praising him?

“Don’t worry. My brother’s life savior is my life savior. I’m also not the kind of person who will repay
kindness with ingratitude.”

“That’s for the best.”

Huo Siyu stood up. “Then I won’t keep you two any longer.”

Chen Xiaotian and Chen Ye had no intention of staying any longer. They stood up one after another.
“Please stay. There’s no need to send us off.”

After they left the Huo Family, Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu went upstairs to Huo Siyu’s room.

The two of them looked serious.

However, Huo Siyu’s expression was more serious.

“Beauty Yu, who do you think it is?”

Before Yan Jinyu could reply, she continued, “Didn’t we destroy Ghost Slaughter Island? Those
people were destroyed along with Ghost Slaughter Island. Why are there still people surviving?”

“There are only a few people in Ghost Slaughter who are skilled enough to infiltrate the Smith Family
and kill the person in charge silently. If they’re really from Ghost Slaughter, perhaps one of them was
lucky enough to survive.”

“There are only a few people in Ghost Slaughter who are skilled enough to infiltrate the Smith Family
and kill the person in charge silently. If they’re really from Ghost Slaughter, it’s just that one of them
was lucky enough to survive.”

“Taking a step back, even if he’s a killer, he might not be Ghost Slaughter’s killer.”

“However, according to Chen Xiaotian, the Jones Family rose after Smith died. It’s hard not to think
about Ghost Slaughter. After all, Old Jones died at your hands.”

“There’s no need to worry about that.” Yan Jinyu pointed at the other sofa. “Sit down first.”

Seeing that she was calm, Huo Siyu’s worries dissipated a little.

She walked over and sat down.

“So what if it’s really someone from the Ghost Slaughter Island? We’ve destroyed the entire Ghost
Slaughter Island, so why can’t we handle one or two people who were lucky enough to survive?”

Huo Siyu thought about it and agreed.

Back when they destroyed Ghost Slaughter Island, it was at its peak. Not only were there
experienced people, but there were also many talents among the newcomers.

Didn’t that many people also die at their hands? Even though they had planned for this for years.
At the thought of this, Huo Siyu’s last worry was gone.

“Then, Beauty Yu, what should we do next?”

“Let’s live our lives as usual. There’s no need to ruin our lives for this little change. I’ll go to Boyu to
meet Jones after the New Year.”

“However, since Chen Xiaotian has told us the cause of Smith’s death, you don’t have to take the risk
to investigate. Just focus on your studies.”

“…” Huo Siyu. She actually didn’t want to be a university student.

However, seeing that Beauty Yu was so calm, she was really not worried anymore.

“Alright, let’s not talk about this for now. Let’s talk about Huo Sisi.”

Yan Jinyu smiled. “What’s there to talk about her?”

“Aren’t we going to torture her? We need to have some ceremony. Otherwise, if Huo Sisi finds out
that we don’t even care about torturing her, won’t she die of anger?”

Huo Siyu continued, “After seeing what we did today, with Huo Sisi’s intelligence, she probably won’t
offend us again for the time being. She’ll probably target my brother next. After all, her status in the
Huo Family is now in danger. She’ll definitely do something to stabilize her status in the Huo Family.”

“Do you think she can scheme against your brother?”

“That’s why she’s getting closer and closer to death. Beauty Yu, stay in South City for a few more
days and go back after seeing Huo Sisi’s fate with your own eyes.”

“Just for a few days,” Yan Jinyu said. “She won’t let us wait too long. Or rather, that Cao Ming won’t
let us wait too long.”
“Cao Ming. Can he still do it since he’s so seriously injured?”

“Don’t underestimate a lunatic. His obsession with Huo Sisi actually made him no different from a
lunatic.” This was what Yan Jinyu had seen at the ski park.

At that time, Cao Ming’s injuries were very serious. Even someone with strong endurance would
probably find it difficult to be like him, who was clearly in so much pain that he broke out in cold
sweat, to still smile gently at Huo Sisi and say those comforting words.

Was Cao Ming a person with very high endurance?

Not really.

She stood beside Cao Ming on the ski track and could clearly hear the seriously injured Cao Ming
groaning. It was obvious that he was afraid of pain.

A person who was afraid of pain could completely ignore it in front of Huo Sisi.

She believed that there was nothing he could not do.

“Then, we’ll wait for the show.” After saying that, Huo Siyu asked Yan Jinyu, “Beauty Yu, should we
tell Sister Fengling and Brother Feng about the Smith Family and the Jones Family?”

Yan Jinyu paused for a moment before saying, “There’s no need to.”

“The Min Family’s matter is at a critical juncture. There’s no need to divert their attention. We’ll talk
about it in person in the capital when we go there later.” Chapter 193: Master Nine’s Words Of Love

Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu only came back after eating outside. They didn’t go downstairs to eat dinner.
After coming out of Huo Siyu’s room, Yan Jinyu met Huo Xuan standing in front of the door again.

This time, Huo Xuan didn’t change into his sleeping robe. He was still wearing the same clothes as
when he came home.

It seemed like he had been waiting here for a while.

“Young Master Huo, are you looking for me for something?”

Huo Xuan, who was standing in front of the door, watched as she walked over. There was a
complicated look in his eyes that Yan Jinyu couldn’t understand.

Huo Xuan turned his head and covered his lips as he coughed softly. He only looked at her after he
calmed down, “I have something to ask Miss Yan.”

Yan Jinyu stopped and gestured for him to speak.

“Eldest Miss Yan is familiar with Rainy. Did Rainy… learn martial arts in her early years?”

Yan Jinyu smiled. “Yes, I’ve learned it for a few years.”

According to Chen Ye, Rainy’s skills couldn’t be simply learned after “learning for a few years”.

“Rainy used to… Forget it. Eldest Miss Yan, rest early.” After saying that, he turned around and
returned to his room. He even quickly closed the door.

Yan Jinyu couldn’t help but laugh.

He was a good brother who cared about Little Rain.

She also opened the door and entered the room that the Huo Family had prepared for her.
After entering the room, Yan Jinyu went straight to the bathroom to wash up. She changed into her
pajamas and lay on the bed.

She switched off the lights in the room, leaving only the bedside lamp.

She lay there without feeling sleepy. She casually placed her phone beside the pillow.

She turned around and looked out at the dark night through the half-opened curtains. Her thoughts
suddenly drifted away.

Hearing Chen Xiaotian’s words, she actually did not appear to be so nonchalant in front of Huo Siyu.
She was just trying to ease Huo Siyu’s heart and pretend to be calm.

She cherished her life, but she was not afraid of death either.

However, just because she was not afraid of death didn’t mean that she wasn’t afraid of the people
around her.

They had thought that once Ghost Slaughter Island was destroyed, everything would be over and
they could live a peaceful life.

They were naturally not referring to her alone.

If Ghost Slaughter really had someone who was lucky enough to survive, she was not afraid that the
other party would come to find her directly. She was worried that the other party would attack Little
Rain, Feng Meimei.

Furthermore, she still had Yin Jiujin and Yan Jinyun.

Putting Yin Jiujin aside, with his ability, no one dared to touch him easily. But what about Yan Jinyun?

She was confident that she could protect Yan Jinyun because no one at the Ghost Slaughterhouse
was lucky enough to escape from the explosion.
Her past enemies weren’t able to hurt the people she wanted to protect.

But Ghost Slaughter…

She knew better than anyone else how capable the people in the Ghost Slaughter were, especially
since the other party had the ability to sneak into the Smith Family and kill the person in charge. His
skills were probably not much different from hers.

The key was that the enemy was in the dark while she was in the open.

Perhaps, she shouldn’t have gotten too close to Yan Jinyun from the beginning.

Indeed, there was a price to pay for being attached to something that was originally not there.

Was it that difficult for her to just live a carefree life?

Unfortunately, Yin Jiujin still wanted her to experience school life like an ordinary girl and make
friends of her age.

Not to mention that she did not like to be controlled and did not want to go to school, she did not
seem to have the good life to enjoy the school life of an ordinary girl.


She turned over and took her phone before dialing.

The call was quickly connected.

“Brother Nine.”

Yin Jiujin, who had just washed up and walked out of the bathroom, paused when he heard that.
The young lady’s soft and pitiful tone…

What happened?

“What’s wrong?” He walked towards the black-and-white bed.

He lay down on the bed and leaned against the headboard.

“Nothing. I just missed you a little.”

Now, perhaps only Yin Jiujin could make her yearn for him without any worries.

Yin Jiujin was very capable, so she didn’t have to worry about him being implicated by her at all
times. Furthermore, she usually stayed by his side. She could protect him immediately if anything

Upon hearing her words, Yin Jiujin’s thoughts stirred. He was a little happy, but at the same time, he
was even more certain that something had happened to her.

The young lady usually wouldn’t use such a soft tone to say that she missed him.

However, he did not expose her.

The young lady did not say anything because she did not want him to find out.

Then, he would pretend not to sense anything and go along with her words.

“You do miss me so you still have some conscience.”

“Did you have fun today?”

Yin Jiujin’s tone was very gentle, so gentle that Yan Jinyu’s heart softened when she heard it. Her
attention was also mostly diverted. “I’m happy. I went to ski and even tortured two people.”

“Tell me about it.”

“That’s Little Rain’s adopted sister. Needless to say, she’s indeed a smart and scheming person.
Fortunately, Little Rain isn’t an ordinary young mistress from a wealthy family who was found
outside. Otherwise, I’m afraid she wouldn’t be her match at all.”

“She actually made three preparations for a scheme. I’m a little impressed. However, no matter how
much she schemed, it’s not enough in front of absolute power.”

“It’s only been a day and she’d already been forced to the point of not being able to fight back by
Little Rain and me. There’s still a good show to watch.”

“Let’s not talk about the details. You’re probably not interested in such a small scheme, Brother
Nine. Anyway, we’ve decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. Since she had the intention of
destroying Little Rain from the beginning, we’ll use her method to deal with her.”

Yin Jiujin felt a little helpless.

She was clearly a small fry who could be easily dealt with, but she had to make it so complicated.

However, the young lady had probably been bored for too long and wanted to find something to do.

Forget it, as long as she was happy.

If there was really a situation where it couldn’t end nicely, he would just step in.

“When are you coming back?”

Yin Jiujin asked almost every time she called.

Yan Jinyu was also very helpless about this.

“I’ll be back in a few days.”

“Brother Nine, I’ve only been away for a day. Didn’t you live very well without me in the past?”

How could that be the same?

Yin Jiujin thought.

However, he did not say that.

“I’m almost done with my work. Shall I pick you up in South City tomorrow?”

Yan Jinyu fell silent for a moment, “Brother Nine, don’t think that I don’t interact with the business
world that I know nothing about it. You only have endless tasks on your hands. There’s definitely no
time to settle them all.”

“I didn’t spend money to hire so many people so that they would only take the money and not do
anything. If I had to do everything myself, why would I spend money to hire them?”

That made sense.

However…” Brother Nine, I’ll stay in South City for a few days. There’s no need for you to specially
come here to pick me up. If you have the time, stay in Mount Jing and rest well. ”

However, Yin Jiujin didn’t follow her words. Instead, he asked, “Have you seen Huo Xuan?”

Only then did Yan Jinyu remember what he said earlier about wanting her to stay away from Huo
Xuan. She thought that he was probably afraid that Huo Xuan, who was always going against him,
would attack her.
“I saw him. He’s at the Huo Family’s residence. Huo Xuan has been returning to the Huo Family after
work for the past two days. However, Brother Nine, don’t worry. I didn’t interact much with him. I
only treated him as Little Rain’s brother and would simply greet him when we met occasionally.
Other than that, there’s nothing else.”

She said that entirely to reassure Yin Jiujin that she really wasn’t too close to Huo Xuan and didn’t
have to worry unnecessarily.

However, just as she finished speaking, Yin Jiujin said, “He still has time to go home?”

“Oh, I heard from Little Rain that Huo Xuan has indeed been a little busy recently. However, no
matter how busy he is, he will still have time to go home. There’s nothing strange about that.”

There was nothing strange about that?

He had instructed someone to create Huo Xuan’s trouble. He knew best whether Huo Xuan was busy
or not.

From what he knew, Huo Xuan had been living in the company for a long time.

He had lived in the company for so long. He did not return to the Huo Family before or after, but two
days after his little girl visited the Huo Family.

Huo Xuan must have ulterior motives for taking the time to go back when the young lady was at the
Huo Family!

He had only said that he wanted to go to South City casually. Now, he felt that he needed to go to
South City.

“I’m flying to South City tomorrow morning.”

Yan Jinyu was stunned. Why didn’t she persuade him? Instead, the more she persuaded Yin Jiujin not
to come to South City, the more determined he became?
“Brother Nine…”

“Girl, I miss you too.”

Yan Jinyu’s words were stuck in her throat.

Mainly, Yin Jiujin’s tone made it impossible for her to reject him.

“Alright then, but let’s make things clear beforehand. You’re here for your own personal matter, so
don’t cause too much trouble with Huo Xuan for the time being. There will be a good show in the
Huo Family soon. Huo Xuan is extremely important, so we can’t let him be trapped by anything else.
I’ll only be at ease if we get rid of Huo Sisi at once and Little Rain stays in the Huo Family.”

Little ghosts were hard to deal with.

Although Huo Sisi’s schemes were all unpresentable, keeping her around was still a threat.

“I’ll do whatever you say.”

Hearing his words, Yan Jinyu’s heart skipped a beat.

What sweet words.

Who would have thought that the famous Master Nine was actually like this? He sounded like a
playboy who had mixed around with ladies all year round.

“…I’m hanging up. Goodnight, Brother Nine.”

Yin Jiujin chuckled softly, probably realizing that she was feeling uncomfortable. “Goodnight, baby.”

“…” Yan Jinyu.

Yin Jiujin’s hearty laughter came from the other end of the line.

Mocking! He must be mocking her!

Not only was he teasing her, he was also mocking her!


Yan Jinyu trembled violently and felt goosebumps all over her body.

Using such a form of address on her was extremely disrespectful to her, the number one killer!

However, after putting down the phone, Yan Jinyu thought about Yin Jiujin calling her “baby” and
couldn’t help but smile.

Yes, she was the only one in the business world who could get Master Nine to call her “baby”.

The frustration from earlier had disappeared without her knowing.

She switched off the lights and went to sleep.

It was a dreamless night.


The next day, Yin Jiujin arrived at the North City airport and was about to board the plane to South
City when he suddenly received a call.

He had no choice but to change the ticket at the last minute and head to the capital.
Because it was a private trip, Yin Jiujin didn’t bring his assistant along. Therefore, Lin Zimu, who had
been called over at the last minute, didn’t dare to get too close when he saw Yin Jiujin’s gloomy
expression. He didn’t dare to say anything and tried his best to reduce his presence.

He did not know which “hero” had the ability to make the boss’s face darkened and his body exuded
a frightening aura not long after he went out happily. Chapter 194: Another Wave Arises

After the plane arrived in the capital, Yin Jiujin got into the car that was waiting for him at the

Lin Zimu followed and sat in the front passenger seat. It was only now that he finally dared to speak,
“Boss, is something wrong?” He couldn’t ask others about it beforehand as the phone was in flight
mode on the plane.

The car headed straight for the Empire Group’s new building.

The Empire Group building was just built and not renovated yet.

They were going to the office building beside the Empire Group. The Empire Group’s office in the
capital was in this office building.

Lin Zimu dared to speak now because Yin Jiujin had just received Yan Jinyu’s call to ask if he had
arrived in the capital. His frightening aura had dissipated greatly.


Lin Zimu was indeed a top assistant. Yin Jiujin only said a word before he guessed what was going on.

He quickly took out his phone to search for news.

Accidents during the construction of buildings were not uncommon. Moreover, the Empire Building
had been completed for a while and was now in the renovation phase.
There was no major accident during the construction, but there was an accident during the
renovation. Five people died and eight were seriously injured.

This was not the most important thing. The most important thing was how dare someone report it
so fearlessly when this happened in the Empire Building!

The sudden accident was already strange, but it was actually reported immediately. Even the Empire
Group could not stop the news.

Was this a joke?

He had never seen anyone who dared to offend the Empire Group and its boss.

Under this piece of news, it was obvious that someone was guiding the public’s opinion towards the
Empire Group’s disadvantage.

Who was so capable? Who dared to touch the lion’s den?

As he was thinking, the news on Lin Zimu’s hand disappeared instantly.

It was obviously removed.

This news could not be removed when the Empire Group stepped in and now, it was removed. It was
as if this news had never appeared on the Internet. It was so clean that nothing could be found!

“Boss, the news on the Internet has been removed.”

Yin Jiujin’s expression darkened, and his beautiful eyes darkened.

It was obvious that he had nothing to do with the news being removed.

Lin Zimu was even more shocked.

So, what was the other party’s motive? To lure the boss back to the capital?

The news was not removed any other time, but as soon as the boss arrived in the capital. Other than
the fact that the other party’s purpose was to lure the boss back to the capital, he could not think of
any other possibility.

Why were they luring the boss back to the capital?

How could Yin Jiujin not have thought of this when Lin Zimu thought of it?

“Let’s go straight to the Mount West Villa,” Yin Jiujin said coldly. He was speaking to the driver.

Then, he looked at Lin Zimu. “Call Jiang Hao and ask him to invite everyone involved in this matter to
the Mount West Villa as guests!”

Jiang Hao, the general manager of the Empire Group.

An important subordinate of Yin Jiujin.

Lin Zimu was shocked. There were countless people involved in this matter. Not to mention others,
there were countless people who ignored the Empire Group’s warning and went ahead to publish
the news.

He had a hunch that there would probably be a huge commotion in the capital now after the boss
had been silent for many years.

So, what was the other party’s motive?

Was it to make the boss make a commotion and shock everyone so that they wouldn’t dare to
offend the boss?

Lin Zimu was shocked and called Jiang Hao.

Just as Lin Zimu and Jiang Hao finished relaying Yin Jiujin’s instructions and hung up, Yin Jiujin’s
phone rang.

He answered the call with a frown. “Speak.”

“Master Nine, the Lingering Garden is on fire.”


South City.

Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu left the house early in the morning. Yan Jinyu planned to accompany Huo
Siyu to shop for a while before she would go straight to the airport to pick Yin Jiujin up when he
came over.

She didn’t expect to receive Yin Jiujin’s call after shopping with Huo Siyu for a while. He said that he
had something to do and had to make a trip to the capital at the last minute. He couldn’t come to
South City for the time being.

At that moment, Huo Siyu saw the obvious disappointment on Yan Jinyu’s face.

Huo Siyu knew that Yin Jiujin was coming over. She also knew that Yan Jinyu had specially
investigated which hotel in South City was the best for Yin Jiujin. She had even booked the hotel.

After all, it was impossible for Yin Jiujin to stay in the Huo Family.

However, Yan Jinyu’s disappointment was quickly replaced by other emotions.

She received a call from Xi Fengling.

Xi Fengling told her about the accident at the Empire Building that was in the capital.

Yan Jinyu casually browsed the related news and then found an internet cafe nearby.
Even with her and Huo Siyu’s combined efforts, they could not completely remove the news on the
Internet. They only deleted a portion of it.

As for the other part, they couldn’t delete it which could only mean that someone with computer
skills above them was controlling it.

Among the four of them, Yan Jinyu was the best at controlling computers.

However, even Yan Jinyu couldn’t beat the other party.

The two of them sat in the internet cafe for a few hours. Only when Yin Jiujin arrived in the capital
did all the news that they couldn’t delete disappear at a certain moment, leaving no traces.

Yan Jinyu hung up and called Yin Jiujin. Huo Siyu, who was sitting in front of the computer, frowned
and asked, “Beauty Yu, could the other party be the same person who killed Old Smith?”

“I’m not sure,” Yan Jinyu said.

She looked serious.

If the other party was really the same person who killed Smith and had luckily escaped from Ghost
Slaughter Island, then he could have targeted her. Why did he have to target Yin Jiujin?

Could it be that Yin Jiujin had been implicated by her?

However, even so, was the other party that stupid? Didn’t the other party know that provoking Yin
Jiujin was only a momentary pleasure? He would definitely not be able to gain anything from Yin
Jiujin’s counterattack.

Then why did the other party put in so much effort?

Using this bit of news to crush Yin Jiujin?


If Yin Jiujin could be defeated so easily, he wouldn’t be Master Nine, who could intimidate a large
group of people with just his name.

“Regardless of whether they’re the same person, the other party’s intentions are really hard to
guess. What’s the purpose of causing such a huge commotion and making everything calm down in
such a short time? They can’t be playing with Second Young Master Yin, right?”

Huo Siyu was a little stunned.

“If he’s really playing with Second Young Master Yin, the price he has to pay is too high. I shiver a
little when I think about how Second Young Master Yin will take revenge in the future.”

“Won’t the capital be turned upside down now?”

“Second Young Master Yin’s name will probably appear in front of the people in the capital in an
extremely shocking manner again.”

“Could it be that the other party wants to see Second Young Master Yin use a fierce method to
intimidate everyone again so that no one dares to offend his dignity?”

Huo Siyu and Lin Zimu thought of the same thing, but clearly, both Lin Zimu and Huo Siyu felt that it
was impossible.

However, Yan Jinyu didn’t say anything.

It was possible.

If that was the case, what was the other party’s purpose?
Besides, she also thought of something else that even Huo Siyu did not expect.

However, it was only her guess. There was no evidence to prove it for the time being.

“Beauty Yu, do you want to go to the capital to take a look?”

Yan Jinyu looked at her.

Huo Siyu smiled. “Beauty Yu, don’t worry. I can deal with that scumbag Huo Sisi alone. I called you to
South City because I thought you were bored and wanted you to join in the fun. Besides, we’ve
almost finished torturing her. We’re just waiting to watch the show.”

Yan Jinyu glanced at her and said, “Alright, I’ll go to the capital first.”

“I’ll send you to the airport.”

They stood up and walked out of the internet cafe.

Just as the two of them stood up, Yan Jinyu’s phone rang again. This time, it was Min Rufeng.


“Little Yu, among those people whose computer skills are above yours, who do you think was the
one?” Obviously, Min Rufeng had also been handling this matter in front of the computer just like

Not for Yin Jiujin, but for Yan Jinyu.

Yan Jinyu stopped in her tracks. “Ghost Slaughter, Hei Yao and… Bai Ye.”

“But these people are all dead,” Yan Jinyu said without any emotions.
Huo Siyu, who was at the side, didn’t hear what Min Rufeng said on the phone. However, after
hearing Yan Jinyu’s reply, she roughly guessed the contents of their conversation.

She was a little shocked.

Beauty Yu’s expression was calm. She couldn’t tell what Beauty Yu was thinking at all.

When Min Rufeng heard her words, he was silent for a long time before saying, “You don’t have to
think too much about it for now. If it’s really one of the three people, based on the current situation,
we still can’t see his intentions yet. Let’s wait first.”

“Little Yu, with your intelligence, you should have thought that if the other party wants to target us
or you, they definitely won’t be stupid enough to attack Yin Jiujin. This won’t do them any good.”

“If this matter continues, not only will it not affect you at all, but it won’t affect Yin Jiujin eithera?| It
should be said that with Yin Jiujin’s usual style of doing things, his reputation will only grow after this

“From the looks of it, they don’t seem to be targeting Yin Jiujin and you. They seem to be helping

Yan Jinyu didn’t deny it.

If Yin Jiujin used harsh methods to make his reputation even more resounding in the capital, it would
only be more beneficial to her.

In the future, because they would be even more afraid of Yin Jiujin when she arrived in the capital,
even if she was only the “daughter of a small family who grew up in the countryside without any
backing”, no one would easily dare to look for her trouble.

“Feng, I have a guess about this.”

“What guess?”
Yan Jinyu was about to say something when another voice came from the phone. It was Xi Fengling.

She said, “I just received news that the Lingering Garden is on fire.”

Lingering Garden, which was Yin Jiujin’s grandmother’s asset, was now in Yin Jiujin’s hands.

It was something Yin Jiujin cared about.

Meanwhile, Yu Qingwan was in the Lingering Garden, whom she and Yin Jiujin suspected.

Xi Fengling continued, “It’s normal for an old building like the Lingering Garden to catch fire.
However, isn’t this too much of a coincidence? It didn’t catch fire before or after, but as soon as
Second Young Master Yin got off the plane. The news of the accident in the Empire Building was so
big previously. I keep feeling that someone is deliberately making a big deal out of it just to lure
Second Young Master Yin back to the capital.”

“You’re not the only one who feels that way,” Yan Jinyu said.

“Meimei, help me keep an eye on the situation in the Lingering Garden, especially Yu Qingwan. If she
does anything abnormal, there’s no need to hold back. Just settle it directly.”

“I’ll set off from South City to the capital now.”

Xi Fengling misunderstood her. “Yu Qingwan? Beauty Yu, didn’t I tell you before that she doesn’t
have that kind of relationship with Second Young Master Yina?|”

“That’s not it. She’s very likely related to Ghost Slaughter Island.” Chapter 195: Unwavering Trust

Considering that Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling wanted to settle the Min Family’s matter, Yan Jinyu
hadn’t told them about it before.

Of course, she didn’t tell Huo Siyu either.

The reason was simple. She did not want to disturb Huo Siyu’s peace with such an uncertain matter.
Besides, the Huo Family still had a restless Huo Sisi that Huo Siyu needed to settle.

“What?!” The three of them were shocked after hearing her words.

“Beauty Yu, why didn’t you tell us about this earlier?” Huo Siyu asked.

“It’s just a guess. I’m not sure yet. I wanted to tell you after I confirmed it. Let’s not talk about this
first. There are more important things to do now.”

Hearing this, Xi Fengling suppressed the shock in her heart. “Alright, I’ll keep an eye on her.”

After hanging up, Yan Jinyu called Yin Jiujin while getting into the car with Huo Siyu.

Huo Siyu drove her to the airport personally.

The call was picked up very quickly.

“Brother Nine, are you going to the Lingering Garden now?”

Yin Jiujin, who answered the call, wasn’t surprised that she knew. “Yes, I’m already here.”

“Alright, Brother Nine, be careful.”

With Yin Jiujin’s brain, Yan Jinyu wasn’t worried that he wouldn’t understand what she meant.

They could tell that it was too much of a coincidence that the Empire Group had an accident and
Lingering Garden was on fire. Yin Jiujin naturally could too.

She was reminding him to be careful of Yu Qingwan.

“There’s no need to worry, and there’s no need to specially rush to the capital. I’ll look for you after
I’m done. You can continue to play in South City first.” Yin Jiujin guessed that Yan Jinyu would go

“I can roughly guess who’s behind this.”

Yan Jinyu paused, “Did they do it to target Brother Nine?”

“Mm-hm.” When he answered, Yin Jiujin’s gaze paused slightly. If Yan Jinyu was beside him, she
would definitely notice something amiss. Unfortunately, she wasn’t around.

“Don’t worry. If anyone could hurt me, I wouldn’t be alive now.”

“I can pick you up in South City in three days at most.”

“Be good and stay in South City.”

“Mm-hm,” Yan Jinyu replied before Yin Jiujin hung up.

Huo Siyu did not hear their conversation, but now was not the time to ask.

“Beauty Yu, are we still going to the capital?” She didn’t hear it clearly, but she could still guess from
Yan Jinyu’s words.

Yan Jinyu looked up at her and chuckled, “Of course I’m going.”


The car headed straight for the South City airport.

Just as they were about to reach the airport, Yan Jinyu’s phone vibrated.
The car was very quiet. Huo Siyu, who was beside her, heard the vibration and stared at the phone in
Yan Jinyu’s hand.

Yan Jinyu unlocked her phone.

The smile on her lips deepened when she saw the content.

“Beauty Yu, this…”

There were three photos.

In the photo, there was a very gentle-looking woman.

The woman was very beautiful. She was a standard beauty.

She was wiping her tears with a handkerchief and crying pitifully. She looked very pitiful.

This wasn’t the most important thing. Most importantly, the person beside her was Yin Jiujin.

Of course, there were others other than Yin Jiujin. However, anyone who saw this photo could tell
that her crying was directed at Yin Jiujin.

Of course, there were others present beside Yin Jiujin. However, anyone who saw this photo could
tell that her crying was directed at Yin Jiujin.

She was in the process of throwing herself into his arms. She was only in the process.

The photo didn’t capture Yin Jiujin’s expression.

“Beauty Yu, who is this woman?”

“If I’m not wrong, it should be Yu Qingwan.” Yan Jinyu smiled. “It suits her name very well. She looks
gentle and even I find her pitiful.”

“Let’s go back. There’s no need to go to the capital.”

Seeing her smile, Huo Siyu was a little frightened. “…B-Beauty Yu, are you angry with Second Young
Master Yin? It’s just a few photos. Besides, they didn’t take any photos of her in Second Young
Master Yin’s arms. Why don’t you call Second Young Master Yin and ask him what’s going on?”

“There’s no need to. Call Meimei and tell her that there’s no need to keep an eye on the Lingering

Was she really angry?!

Huo Siyu carefully observed her expression. “Beauty Yu, this… Beauty Yu, you’re so smart. One look
and I can tell that this photo was sent by someone with ulterior motives who was deliberately trying
to drive a wedge between you and Second Young Master Yin. You believed it without any

Yan Jinyu looked at her and smiled. “Little Rain, if you can tell that the other party is trying to drive a
wedge between Brother Nine and me, how can I not tell?”

She had interacted with Yin Jiujin for so long. She knew better than anyone when Yin Jiujin was
happy, when Yin Jiujin was annoyed, and when Yin Jiujin was furious.

Even if the photo didn’t capture Yin Jiujin’s expression, she could tell from the half of his face that he
must have looked so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

Reaching out to catch Yu Qingwan?

She dared to say that Yin Jiujin definitely wasn’t reaching out to pick her up. He was pushing her

The other party probably didn’t know that she and Yin Jiujin had already made things clear about Yu
Qingwan. They also didn’t know how much trust she and Yin Jiujin had for each other. Of course, the
other party didn’t know that Liu Junqing, who had almost assassinated Yin Jiujin, had died at her

Before she saw these photos, she would still be a little worried. However, after seeing these photos,
she was completely relieved.

The other party’s goal was only to drive a wedge between her and Yin Jiujin. In other words, Yin
Jiujin wouldn’t be in danger for the time being. Then, why should she rush to the capital?

“If Ghost Slaughter’s people are really behind this matter, then they’re probably afraid that I have
Yin Jiujin by my side and want to drive a wedge between us.”

Yan Jinyu smiled. “After all, even the Ghost Slaughter in the past would be very afraid of Yin Jiujin
and me joining forces. Moreover, if any of them are lucky enough to survive till now, they’re only
bedraggled soldiers.”

“But Beauty Yu, isn’t this kind of discord too low-class? What can a few photos prove? Furthermore,
these photos were obviously sent to you by someone with ulterior motives. Could it be that in their
eyes, your intelligence isn’t enough to see through their plans?”

“The other party probably just wants to plant the seeds of doubt in my heart.”

“Little Rain, have you forgotten who we are?”

“People like us who have been on the brink of death countless times have to be vigilant even when
we sleep. We don’t know when we will be assassinated by others. People like us don’t easily trust
anyone. The other would have achieved their goal when a seed of doubt is buried in our hearts.”

“In other words, if I don’t trust Yin Jiujin completely now, their goal will have been achieved.”

Huo Siyu was speechless.

That was indeed the case. Beauty Yu wasn’t someone who would compromise. If she really
suspected Yin Jiujin, she would definitely ask him directly. In the eyes of outsiders, Yin Jiujin
definitely wasn’t someone who would tolerate women questioning him.
This way, it might drive a wedge between the two of them.

“But Beauty Yu, do you trust Second Young Master Yin that much?”

Yan Jinyu smiled quietly.

However, Huo Siyu understood what she meant.

She changed the topic. “In that case, Yu Qingwan might really be related to Ghost Slaughter.”

“That might not be the case.” Yan Jinyu smiled. “Perhaps Yu Qingwan has feelings for Yin Jiujin and
specially designed this to make me misunderstand.”

Huo Siyu rolled her eyes.

Yan Jinyu chuckled, “I mean, that’s possible too.”

“After all, my initial guess was that there were actually two groups of people behind this matter.”

Under Huo Siyu’s surprised gaze, Yan Jinyu said, “A group of people deliberately lured Yin Jiujin to
the capital.”

“Although Yin Jiujin cares about the Lingering Garden, the fire in the Lingering Garden isn’t enough
for him to specially rush back to the capital. Furthermore, only a room was burned, and the fire was
controlled very quickly.”

“This group of people led Yin Jiujin to the capital to make him appear in the Lingering Garden to sow
discord between Yin Jiujin and me.”

“The other group is helping Yin Jiujin.”

“Then, who is helping Second Young Master Yin? Why would they help him? Could it be that Second
Young Master Yin has been too low-profile all these years and they want to create an opportunity for
Second Young Master Yin to intimidate others? To make others fear Second Young Master Yin even

“But why?”

Yan Jinyu’s eyes darkened slightly.

She actually wanted to know the reason too.

“No matter what, at least for now, they aren’t enemies.” Yin Jiujin might know who the other party

“That’s still a smart person. They’re using someone else’s power to achieve their goal to the greatest

Since they were helping Yin Jiujin, the incident in the Empire Building definitely had nothing to do
with this group of people. Or rather, it had nothing to do with this person. Didn’t this person cause
such a huge commotion to achieve his goal to the greatest extent?

“What about now? Where are we going?” Huo Siyu asked.

“Let’s walk around.”


In the capital, the Lingering Garden.

As soon as Yin Jiujin arrived at the burning room, Yu Qingwan walked in front of him. At first, she
simply told him about the current situation, but as she spoke, she started crying. Her general
meaning was that if the Lingering Garden was gone, she would be homeless. Fortunately, the fire
was controlled in time.
Yin Jiujin felt frustrated listening to her.

However, the fire wasn’t completely under control. It was fine if he did not come. Since he was here,
he naturally could not turn around and leave immediately.

Just as he was about to ask Yu Qingwan not to run to him and cry, Yu Qingwan jumped into his

After being taught a lesson once, Yin Jiujin’s reaction was especially fast. He first raised his hands in
an attempt to push her away. However, he felt that it was disgusting to touch her, so he raised his
leg and kicked her away.

The commotion was not small, and everyone nearby was frightened.

Yin Jiujin’s face was severe and his eyes were dark. Without saying anything else, he instructed Lin
Zimu, “Cripple one of her hands and throw her out of the Lingering Garden.” Chapter 196: Crippled
Them Immediately

Yu Qingwan’s expression changed drastically.

How could she have the mood to care how painful this kick was? She quickly got up with difficulty
and knelt down to beg for mercy, “Master Nine, please spare me! Master Nine, please spare me!”

The people from the Lingering Garden nearby also wanted to come over and plead for mercy. Yin
Jiujin glanced over indifferently. “Whoever pleads for her will be chased out of the Lingering Garden

The Lingering Garden’s actors and staff were so frightened that they quickly retreated.

Yin Jiujin looked down at Yu Qingwan. “You did it once and you dare to attempt it again. It’s because
I’ve been too gentle in recent years that you’ve forgotten how I do things?”
Yu Qingwan begged for mercy in tears.

Lin Zimu waved his hand and got someone to bring Yu Qingwan down to settle it.

At this moment, an old man ran over and knelt in front of Yin Jiujin. He happened to be in front of Yu

“Master Nine, please be magnanimous and let Wan’er off this time. I’ve never had a son or daughter
in my life and only have Wan’er as my adopted daughter. I need her to take care of me in my old
age. Master Nine, on the account that I’ve been working under Missy all my life, please let her off
this time.”

This person was the director of the Lingering Garden. His surname was Meng, and his name was
Meng Zhao. He had the same surname as Old Madam Yin and was considered a servant from Old
Madam Yin’s era.

The Missy he was talking about was Old Madam Yin, Meng Xiangyu.

“Meng Zhao, you used this reason to plead for her the last time. I’ve already spared her once. Could
it be that in your opinion, your face is so valuable to me?”

“No, no, Master Nine. Meng Zhao doesn’t dare. I only ask that Master Nine forgive Wan’er this time.
I will take the initiative to resign from the position of director. However, other than the garden, we
father and daughter have nowhere to go. I hope Master Nine can allow us to continue living in the
garden. We will definitely live in seclusion in the future and try our best not to appear in front of
Master Nine.”

Although Meng Zhao was an old subordinate of Old Madam Yin, he didn’t dare to flaunt his seniority
in front of Yin Jiujin. This was because he had watched Yin Jiujin grow up and knew Yin Jiujin’s
temperament very well. Therefore, even though Meng Zhao had said this, he was actually already so
frightened that he broke out in cold sweat and his body trembled.

He was clearly so afraid, but he still braced himself to plead for mercy. It seemed like he was really
good to Yu Qingwan, his adopted daughter.
Meng Zhao wasn’t Yin Jiujin’s subordinate, so it was usually a little inconvenient for him to order him
around. After all, Yin Jiujin’s subordinates had never disobeyed his orders.

However, Meng Zhao was an elder in the Lingering Garden and an elder under Old Madam Yin. He
had a certain amount of prestige among the people left behind by Old Madam Yin.

If Yin Jiujin rashly replaced him, he would inevitably give people the feeling that he was a heartless

Now that Meng Zhao had suggested it himself, Yin Jiujin agreed.

Yu Qingwan was just a small fry. One of her hands was completely incomparable to the Lingering

You should not try your best to appear in front of me. Instead, you better don’t appear in front of me

“Yes, yes. We will never appear in front of Master Nine again.” After saying that, Meng Zhao paused
and carefully raised his head in joy. “M-Master Nine, do you mean that you’re willing to let Wan’er

Yin Jiujin didn’t respond to him. He only glanced at him indifferently. “Meng Zhao, on the account
that you’ve worked under my grandmother for many years, let me remind you. Don’t only realize
that you actually raised an ingrate in the end.”

Yu Qingwan trembled and lowered her head, not daring to look up.

“Lin Zimu, get someone to take over Meng Zhao’s position. Find out the reason for the fire in the
Lingering Garden. If it’s an accident, then forget it. If it’s not, then get whoever caused the fire to roll
around in the fire.”

Roll in the fire…

Could that person survive then?

Everyone was frightened. They all thought about whether they had anything to do with this matter.
Some people who had appeared nearby when the rooms were on fire were pale with fear.

“Yes, Boss.”

“Master Nine, we’ve caught someone.” At this moment, someone who looked like a martial arts
practitioner grabbed a shifty-eyed person and threw him to the ground. He even stepped on that
person, making him unable to move.

He respectfully handed over the thing in his hand. “Master Nine, this is the phone that I snatched
from him. He has been taking photos on it. I think he even sent them out.”

Yin Jiujin’s eyelids twitched. Without waiting for Lin Zimu to hand the phone over, he quickly walked
over and snatched it.

That person clearly didn’t have the time to delete the record. After reading it, Yin Jiujin’s eyes
darkened. He threw his phone on the ground and it shattered into several pieces with a loud bang.

Everyone, including Lin Zimu, was silent.

Yin Jiujin’s dark gaze swept over the person who was pinned on the ground. “Crippled him.”

The martial arts practitioner who had stepped on him heard Yin Jiujin’s instructions and answered
firmly, “Yes, Master Nine!”

“As for her.” As soon as Yin Jiujin’s gaze turned to Yu Qingwan, who was kneeling on the ground, Yu
Qingwan spat out a mouthful of blood.

Clearly, Yin Jiujin’s kick had injured her lungs. She had endured until now.

Meng Zhao also realized the seriousness of the matter. “I-I beg Master Nine to let Wan’er off.
Wan’er must have been possessed for a moment.”
Yin Jiujin glanced over coldly. “A moment of obsession? How dare she ask someone to secretly take
some photos that will easily cause misunderstandings and send them to my fiancée?”

“It’s best if there’s no misunderstanding. If there’s a misunderstanding, it won’t be enough even if

she dies 100 times!”

Yu Qingwan hung her head, her expression already twisted.


He actually valued that country girl so much!

As for Meng Zhao, his face was already pale.

He turned around and gave Yu Qingwan a slap. The force was strong and directly sent Yu Qingwan,
who was already injured, falling to the ground. “Wan’er, you’ve disappointed me too much!”

Yu Qingwan covered her face and got up with difficulty. She continued to kneel and shed tears
weakly. “Dad, no, I didn’t do it. I don’t know this person at all. I had nothing to do with his photos!”

“If you don’t believe me, Master Nine can investigate. What this person did really has nothing to do
with me!”

“Master Nine, you’ve got to believe me, I really don’t know this person! I know that Master Nine
sent someone to guard the Lingering Garden. It’s impossible to hide from Master Nine and take
photos here. How could I dare to find someone to take photos secretly? Master Nine, this really has
nothing to do with me!”

“Master Nine, Wan’er’s words make some sense. Although Wan’er… Although she overestimated
herself and committed a mistake, she didn’t dare to do such a self-destructive thing. I-if this matter is
really related to Wan’er, I will teach her a lesson even without you making a move, Master Nine. I
beg you to investigate.”

As he spoke, Meng Zhao gritted his teeth. “Master Nine, you have to call Miss Yu first. It’s best if
Miss Yu doesn’t misunderstand.” After saying that, he broke out in a cold sweat and didn’t dare to
look at Master Nine’s expression.
He was actually overstepping his boundaries.

However, he could tell that Master Nine valued Miss Yu a lot. At this time, perhaps only mentioning
Miss Yu could divert Master Nine’s attention.

He did not believe that Wan’er would be so stupid as to find someone to take pictures in the
Lingering Garden.

Hence, the most important thing now was to save Wan’er from Master Nine.

If this matter was really related to Wan’er, he wouldn’t let her off even if Master Nine did nothing.

He had been loyal all his life and would never allow his adopted daughter to do anything against his

Yin Jiujin indeed paused for a moment because of Meng Zhao’s words. His hands in his pocket
clenched into fists.

No one knew that he actually did not dare to make this call.

The young lady had already given him a fright previously because of the last misunderstanding. What

It had been a while since the photos were sent out. In other words, the young lady had already seen
it. Based on her personality, she would directly ask whatever questions she had. She would never
hide it. She should have called him to verify it by now.

However, she didn’t…

This made him even more uneasy.

Seeing that he was standing there without saying a word and his expression turned even colder,
Meng Zhao and Yu Qingwan were both frightened.
Especially Yu Qingwan, who was even more terrified.

She was furious and shocked.

She didn’t want to die, and she couldn’t die either!

Other than Yan Jinyu, she was the woman closest to Master Nine. So many women were coveting
Master Nine. As long as she stayed in the Lingering Garden, she would have an advantage over many

She had finally endured until now. As long as she could become Master Nine’s woman, she would be
able to completely escape her fate!

With this in mind, under Yin Jiujin’s unfathomable gaze, Yu Qingwan once again sobbed softly.
“Master Nine, please spare me this time on account of Junqing. I didn’t do it on purpose. I was really
so sad that I lost my composure and broke the rules. Also, I really didn’t arrange for that person to
take the photos. With Master Nine’s ability, you can find out with a little investigation.”

“Junqing and I have been engaged since we were young. If he was still alive, we would have gotten
married long ago. Junqing and I suffered a drastic change when we were young, and both our
parents had accidents. We relied on each other from the start, but h-he left me alone too early in
our lives.”

“Please spare me this time on account of Junqing and Master Nine’s friendship. I won’t be so rude to
Master Nine in the future.”

Yu Qingwan obviously didn’t know that Yin Jiujin had discovered Liu Junqing was a traitor long ago.

After all, Yin Jiujin had saved his reputation because Liu Junqing had once saved his life and he
remembered that other than that time, Liu Junqing had never done anything to betray the

Seeing that Yin Jiujin didn’t say anything after hearing her words and only looked at her with an
ambiguous gaze, Yu Qingwan suddenly felt very uneasy.
“M-Master Nine…”

“Now you remember your engagement with Liu Junqing.”

“Do you think Liu Junqing’s face is still so useful to me?” Yin Jiujin sneered. “Do you want to know
how Liu Junqing died?”

Yu Qingwan was shocked. “D-didn’t he sacrifice himself during a mission?”

Yin Jiujin sneered without any intention of saying anything.

It made Yu Qingwan feel even more uneasy.

“Meng Zhao, this is the last time. If I find out that this matter is really related to her, I won’t let her
off easily.”

With that said, Yin Jiujin turned and left. As he left, he took out his phone.

He dialed the number.

“Girl, did you… see the photos?”

His tone was gentle and also very careful, scaring everyone who happened to hear him.

Maybe she was terrified or furious, Yu Qingwan vomited another mouthful of blood and fainted.

Oh, it might have been because of Yin Jiujin’s kick.

Lin Zimu looked at Yin Jiujin’s retreating back and swept a glance at everyone. “Someone will take
over the Lingering Garden soon. You all know Master Nine’s temper. Master Nine is in a fit of anger
now. You all better not cause any trouble. Otherwise, no one can save you.”
Everyone quickly agreed.

Lin Zimu turned around and followed Yin Jiujin.. At the same time, he called Jiang Hao and asked him
to “invite” everyone involved in the Empire Building’s accident to the Mount West Villa. Chapter
197: The Yin Family

Yan Jinyu was still in Huo Siyu’s car when she received Yin Jiujin’s call. The two of them had yet to
reach their next destination.

Seeing that it was Yin Jiujin calling, Yan Jinyu smiled.

As expected.

“I saw them,” she said.

Yin Jiujin stopped in his tracks. “Then, you…”

“Brother Nine, are you afraid that I’ll misunderstand?”

Yin Jiujin heaved a sigh of relief when she said that.

It was good that there was no misunderstanding.

“Don’t think too much about unimportant people.”

“What happened in the end? How did Brother Nine deal with her?”

“I kicked her away. She’ll probably be in the hospital for a while.”

Yan Jinyu smiled. Why did his tone sound like that of a good child eager to be praised by an adult?

Hence, she did not hesitate to satisfy him. “Yes, Brother Nine did very well. If you meet such a
woman who tries to take advantage of you in the future, you’ll deal with her like this too.”

“Then, Brother Nine, go ahead and get busy. Call me when you’re done.”

Yin Jiujin answered and was about to hang up when Yan Jinyu suddenly asked, “Brother Nine, you
said that you roughly guessed who released the news of the Empire Building’s accident. Can you tell
me who did you guess it was?”

Yin Jiujin didn’t expect her to ask this. He pursed his lips tightly and said after a long while, “I’ll tell
you after I’m sure.”

Yan Jinyu smiled. “Mm-hm.”

Huo Siyu looked at Yan Jinyu, who was staring at the phone in her hand without saying a word after
hanging up the call. She didn’t know what she was thinking. She hesitated for a moment before
asking, “Beauty Yu, have you also guessed who it is?”

Yan Jinyu looked up and smiled at her, “Not yet.”


Following that, the capital became very “lively”.

It was said that there were nearly 100 people who were “invited” to the Mount West Villa by Yin

There was so much news on the Internet. It was not surprising that there were hundreds of people

They were interrogated for two days and two nights in the Mount West Villa.
Some people came back from the Mount West Villa unscathed, some came back with injuries, and
some disappeared.

However, regardless of whether they came back with injuries or intact, they were all very frightened.
Some people even hid in their houses and did not go out after they returned home.

At the same time, nearly 30 big and small family companies in the capital went bankrupt.

In just two days, the capital was filled with panic and shock. Some people who were involved in this
matter were worried that a disaster was about to happen to them.

From then on, Master Nine’s reputation became even greater and no one dared to offend him.

In the meeting room of Mount West Villa.

Yin Jiujin sat at the main seat. Other than Lin Zimu and Cheng Lin, there was also a young man who
was about 27 or 28 years old sitting at the meeting table.

Sitting with Lin Zimu and Cheng Lin, he looked even more serious and capable.

He was the general manager of the Empire Group, Jiang Hao.

“Boss, all the people involved say the same thing. They all received threatening calls saying that if
they don’t release the news according to the other party’s request, they will die.”

“During this period, there were people who didn’t believe in this threat and didn’t follow it. There
were also people who tried to tell us about this.”

“However, these people all met with misfortune.”

“Currently, be it the threatening phone calls they received or how those people met with
misfortune, we can’t find anything yet.”
“Continue investigating.” After a pause, Yin Jiujin said, “Investigate Ghost Slaughter Island.”

Other than Cheng Lin, who had seen Yan Jinyu attack, the other two people were stunned when they
heard Yin Jiujin’s instructions.

Wasn’t Ghost Slaughter Island destroyed?

Furthermore, when had Boss ever interacted with Ghost Slaughter Island?

However, they had never doubted Yin Jiujin’s words. They nodded and replied, “Yes.”

“Boss, we’ve found out about the Lingering Garden’s incident,” Lin Zimu said.

“It was indeed done by someone, but it wasn’t anyone from the Lingering Garden. The person who
sneaked in to take photos, started the fire. It has nothing to do with… Yu Qingwan.” The results of
the investigation were like this, but Lin Zimu actually didn’t believe that it really had nothing to do
with Yu Qingwan.

“Since when can anyone enter the Lingering Garden as they pleased? Let the person guarding the
Lingering Garden receive his punishment.”

The three of them were shocked.


Then, Lin Zimu continued to report, “As for the results of the interrogation, it’s similar to Jiang Hao’s.
They only acted after receiving a threatening call.”

“There’s obviously a group of people behind this. As for what their purpose is, we don’t know for the
time being.”

“It’s two groups,” Jiang Hao replied.

Since Jiang Hao could become Yin Jiujin’s number one subordinate and become the general manager
of the Empire Group, he naturally wasn’t weak.

He still had the ability to see through things.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the incident at the Empire Building had happened too suddenly and
seemed to have erupted in an instant, and that it might have involved someone who even Yin Jiujin
wasn’t afraid of, Jiang Hao wouldn’t have been in such a hurry to call Yin Jiujin.

Jiang Hao was the same as Lin Zimu. All these years, other than Huo Xuan who occasionally caused
trouble, they had never seen anyone who dared to openly offend Yin Jiujin. He had no choice but to
take them seriously.

Under Lin Zimu and Cheng Lin’s puzzled gazes, Jiang Hao explained, “One of them wants to lure the
boss back to the capital and bring the boss to the Lingering Garden. As for the purpose, we don’t
know for the time being. The other is to help the boss by blowing this matter up so that the boss can
shock those people who have already forgotten the boss’s style. As for the purpose, we don’t know
for the time being.”

“Could it be that those people who lured Boss back to the capital and then to the Lingering Garden
just want to drive a wedge between Boss and Miss Yu?” Lin Zimu said uncertainly.

It was really hard for him to believe that the other party had spent so much effort on such a small

Cheng Lin, who knew Yan Jinyu’s identity, was silent for a moment before saying, “Perhaps.” After
saying that, he carefully looked at Yin Jiujin’s expression. Seeing that he wasn’t angry or had no
intention of stopping him from continuing, he continued, “Miss Yu, actually, isn’t simply the Miss Yu
we see.”

These words sounded a little confusing, but Jiang Hao and Lin Zimu were both smart people. Coupled
with their years of working together and understanding of Cheng Lin, they roughly guessed

They did not show it on their face, but they were already shocked.
They recalled what their boss had said about investigating Ghost Slaughter Island.

Didn’t this mean that Miss Yu was related to Ghost Slaughter Island?

Did Ghost Slaughter Island spend so much effort to target her, or rather, to drive a wedge between
her and their boss?

After thinking this through, Lin Zimu didn’t need Yin Jiujin to instruct him. He said, “I’ll get someone
to keep an eye on Yu Qingwan.” Yu Qingwan was very suspicious.

“Jiang Hao will deal with the rest.” With that said, Yin Jiujin stood up.

He looked at Cheng Lin. “Let’s make a trip to the Yin Family.”

They were all smart people. Yin Jiujin had only returned to the Yin Family once or twice a year. At
most, he would return three times a year. However, he had suddenly returned at this moment. It
was definitely related to this matter.

Could it be that the other group was related to the Yin Family?

Watching Cheng Lin walk out of the meeting room with Yin Jiujin, Jiang Hao and Lin Zimu fell silent.

If it was really related to the Yin Family, it was not something that they, who worked under their
boss, could interfere in.

No matter what, the Yin Family was still the boss’s home. The Yin Family was also his family.


Half an hour later.

At the Yin Family’s old residence.

The old residence of a top-notch family in the capital like the Yin Family naturally covered a large

This entire piece belonged to the Yin Family.

The old residence was very old and it even had a vermillion door.

Although it was ancient, the security system was very complete. Yin Jiujin’s car was 50 meters away
from the Yin Family’s door when the Yin Family’s security room saw its image.

“It’s Second Young Master!”

The three people sitting in the security room stood up excitedly when they saw the car plate

It was really difficult for Yin Jiujin to return to the Yin Family once. He had suddenly returned, and it
was at a time when everyone in the capital was panicking.

Over the past few days, they had been in awe of Yin Jiujin even more, which was why they were so

“Call Butler Wu quickly.”

“Open the door quickly.”

After giving out instructions, they went about their own business.

Although it was a vermillion door, it was no longer like in the old days where one had to personally
run over to open the door. It was remotely controlled by a button.

The door opened and Cheng Lin drove straight into the Yin Family’s mansion.

The Yin Family’s mansion was even larger than the entire Mount Jing.
It was huge.

Cheng Lin didn’t drive to the main building. Instead, he followed Yin Jiujin’s instructions and headed
straight for the bamboo forest behind.


In the living room of the Yin Family’s main building.

As soon as they received the news that Yin Jiujin had returned, everyone in the Yin Family hurriedly
went downstairs and sat in the living room.

Yin Jiujin had caused such a huge commotion in the capital the past two days, so they weren’t in the
mood to go to work. They all sat at home and watched.

They wanted to ask but did not dare to. They did not know what was going on.

They were worried sick.

“Where do you think Jin’er has gone?” Yin Shuguo asked the old man standing beside him. The old
man’s surname was Wu, and he was the Yin Family’s butler.

“He went to the Bamboo Forest Elegant Abode.”

“He returned to his courtyard?” Qin Jianjia asked.

There were two courtyards in the Bamboo Forest Elegant Abode—Azure Garden and Elegant Court.

The Azure Garden was Yin Jiujin’s residence in the Yin Family.

As for Yin Shuguo, Yin Wuzhan, and Yin Yuhan, the eldest grandson of the Yin Family, they all lived in
the main building.
“Jin’er hasn’t been back for a long time, but he suddenly returned to his residence. Could it be that
he’s going to take something?” Qin Jianjia asked again.

“Why don’t I go over and take a look? Jin’er hasn’t been back for too long. Other than regularly
getting someone to clean his courtyard, no one else has stepped foot into it. If he needs anything,
I’m afraid he won’t be able to find it for a while. It’s good to have someone to help him.”

The Yin Family knew that other than the late Old Madam, Qin Jianjia had the best relationship with
Yin Jiujin in the Yin Family. Most importantly, when Yin Jiujin and the Yin Family were in conflict, Qin
Jianjia had yet to marry into the Yin Family. Furthermore, she was Qin Hao’s elder sister.

“Go ahead,” Old Master agreed.

He looked at Yin Yuhan, “Han’er will go over and take a look too.”

After the two of them left, Min Qinglan moved her lips to say something, but she didn’t say anything
in the end.

The aftereffects of being frightened by Yan Jinyu when she went to North City previously were still
present. In the past, she used to talk the most in the Yin Family, but now, she was especially quiet.

“Dad, hasn’t Jin’er caused too much commotion recently?” Yin Wuzhan asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yin Shuguo flicked a glance at him. “Why? Someone is bullying him.
Do you want your son to suffer silently? This is what my grandson should do. Let’s see if those
people still dare to provoke him!”

“Why? Can’t withstand the pressure?”

“Not really. Jin’er never lets us clean up the aftermath. You know that, Dad. It’s the same this time.
Han’er and I don’t have to help at all.”
“Jin’er has handled everything very well.” Chapter 198: A Gentleman

“I wonder who dares to do this in the capital.” Yin Wuzhan frowned.

Not only did they look down on Jin’er, but they also looked down on them, the Yin Family.

“You don’t have to interfere in this matter. Jin’er will investigate it himself. If Jin’er can’t find out,
you might not be able to either.”

Yin Wuzhan’s lips twitched.

A father who was not as good as his son.

He couldn’t refute that.

“I heard that this matter even reached the Lingering Garden?” Yin Shuguo asked.

Yin Wuzhan nodded. “Mm-hm.”

“I didn’t investigate the exact details. I was afraid that Jin’er would think that we had interfered in
his matters without his permission. However, I heard that the director of the Lingering Garden had
resigned. It seems to be related to his adopted daughter.”

“Meng Zhao?”


Yin Shuguo frowned. “Isn’t that adopted daughter of Meng Zhao the fiancée of Liu Junqing, who
almost harmed Jin’er?”

“Jin’er still kept her around?”

“It’s probably because she’s Meng Zhao’s adopted daughter that he gave Meng Zhao face.” Yin
Wuzhan actually wanted to say that there were still rumors outside that she was Yin Jiujin’s lover.

However, after thinking about it, he did not say it.

To prevent the Old Master from losing his temper.

The Yin Family did not allow men to be unfaithful.

Perhaps it had skipped a generation, Jin’er’s temper was more like the Old Master’s. It was only
because the Old Master was old and the Old Madam had already passed away that the Old Master’s
temper was restrained.

“It’s fine to keep her around. Don’t interact with her too much. Liu Junqing isn’t a good person. His
fiancée isn’t necessarily a good person either.”

Yin Wuzhan didn’t say anything, but Min Qinglan glanced at Yin Shuguo when she heard that.

It was as if she agreed that Old Master was really sharp-eyed.

The other members of the Yin Family didn’t investigate Yin Jiujin further. As a result, Min Qinglan
went to find out.

However, she didn’t ask openly. She only asked around secretly. She knew that Yu Qingwan seemed
to have tried to “seduce” Yin Jiujin and was almost crippled by him. In the end, Meng Zhao came out
to plead for mercy.

In the past, she had thought that Yu Qingwan was more presentable than Yan Jinyu. Now, she knew
that although Yan Jinyu came from a small family and didn’t grow up at home, she was still more
outstanding than some people.
However, Min Qinglan had never thought that the first time she saw Yan Jinyu. She felt that she had
charmed Yin Jiujin and made him neglect his job.

She was indeed frightened by Yan Jinyu.

She didn’t dare to have too much prejudice against Yan Jinyu now.

Min Qinglan now knew that since Yin Jiujin was so ruthless as to cripple Yu Qingwan, the rumors
outside about Yu Qingwan being his lover were only rumors.

“Dad, don’t worry. Since Meng Zhao had to plead for leniency and even exchange his position as the
Lingering Garden’s director, it’s obvious that Jin’er doesn’t care about Liu Junqing’s fiancée.”

Yin Shuguo snorted. “The people in the army won’t betray their comrades for no reason. There’s
obviously something wrong with Liu Junqing. Unfortunately, Jin’er doesn’t want us to interfere.

“There’s something wrong with Liu Junqing. That fiancée of his might not be clean either. Perhaps,
this matter is greatly related to her.”

Yin Wuzhan deeply agreed with this.


Yin Jiujin’s car headed straight for the Bamboo Forest Elegant Abode, but he didn’t enter the Azure
Garden that he lived in. Instead, he entered the Elegant Court on the other side.

Compared to the Azure Garden, the Elegant Court looked even more ancient.

The buildings in the Azure Garden were slightly more modern, but the Elegant Court was a real old
building. Even the door was made of wood, and there was a plaque above the door.

The words “Elegant Court” were written on the plaque.

The handwriting was very nice.

The bamboo forest surrounded them like a secluded place.

The person who lived here was indeed no different from living in seclusion. He didn’t go out of the
main building and didn’t even go to the main building to eat with everyone during the new year.

If he didn’t really live in the Yin Family’s mansion, even the Yin Family would have forgotten that
there was such a person.

The car stopped outside Elegant Court. Cheng Lin sat in the car and waited while Yin Jiujin got out

Yin Jiujin didn’t knock when he arrived at the wooden door. He simply pushed it open and walked in.

It wasn’t that he was being rude, but he knew that even if he knocked, no one would come to open
the door for him.

The courtyard was not big. Other than two buildings, there was only a garden.

In addition to growing flowers, there were also some vegetables and fruits planted in the garden.
However, in this season, be it flowers or fruits, they had all withered.

There were a few osmanthus trees in the courtyard.

On the other hand, the trees were evergreen.

Under one of the osmanthus trees, there was a bamboo recliner with a person lying on it.

Dressed in a long white jacket, he was carrying a hand warmer that had been left behind from an
unknown era. His face was covered by an old book, so others could not see his face.
If there was a sun today, it could be said that he was out in the late winter to bask in the sun and
warm up when he was lying in the courtyard like this. However, the wind today was so cold that
there was no trace of the sun.

Then, if he was lying in the courtyard like this, he was either mentally ill or waiting for someone.

“You’re here.” His voice was very pleasant, soft and gentle.

Just from his voice, one could tell that he was a very gentle person.

He removed the book on his face and sat up.

Only then could one see his face clearly.

He was a very handsome young man. He had a warm smile on his face, looking very much like the
gentle young master of a noble family in the ancient times.

It was mainly because he was wearing a long jacket and lived in such an antique courtyard. He
looked even more like it.

“You came a little later than I expected.”

“You interfered in my matters,” Yin Jiujin said indifferently. No one could tell if he was happy or

The man was still smiling warmly. “Yes and no.”

“Why pursue the matter so much? Anyway, this small matter can’t stump you. Speaking of which,
you haven’t stepped into my courtyard for eight years, right? In other words, we haven’t seen each
other for eight years. Since you’re here, why don’t you come in and have a cup of tea?” Eight years
ago was the time when Yin Jiujin and the Yin Family were at odds.

“I knew you would come, so I specially prepared some tea.”

“Feng Yun, do you know my fiancée?”

Feng Yun, who was about to walk into the house, stopped in his tracks with his back facing him.
“Who knows?”

“Whether you know her or not, don’t interfere in our matters in the future.”

However, Feng Yun did not respond to him. He turned back and smiled at him. “Aren’t you going in
for a cup of tea?”

Yin Jiujin’s eyes darkened. He stared at him and walked forward.

The two of them entered the house together.

Although it was a wooden building, it was much warmer inside with a charcoal fire.

The two of them sat opposite each other on the soft seats. In front of them was the equipment for
warming tea. The teapot on the charcoal fire was still steaming.

Feng Yun flipped the teacup over and poured a cup of tea for Yin Jiujin.


Yin Jiujin glanced at him before picking up his teacup and taking a sip. “The reason.”

Feng Yun poured himself a cup of tea too and smiled warmly. “Didn’t you already guess it? Why

“So you’re really doing this to let me intimidate others and clear the obstacles for my fiancée to
come to the capital?”

“Jin, you don’t have to emphasize that she’s your fiancée. I won’t snatch her from you.”
Yin Jiujin’s expression froze.

He felt unnatural as if someone had seen through his thoughts.

He was afraid that others would think about his girl. So what was wrong?

“That girl hates trouble. Isn’t that good? With your deterrence, there will be fewer people who dare
to look for trouble in front of her when she comes to the capital with you in the future.”

Yin Jiujin looked at him coldly. “Don’t call her so intimately. That’s my little girl, not yours!”

Feng Yun chuckled. “It’s rare to see you like this.”

“You make it sound like you see me often.”

“Isn’t it because you haven’t stepped into my courtyard for eight years?”

“If I don’t come in, can’t you go out?”

The warm smile on Feng Yun’s face froze for a moment, but it quickly disappeared. He looked at Yin
Jiujin as usual. “I might not be able to see you even if I go out. Ever since that incident eight years
ago, you rarely come home.”

“It’s not a big deal. Why are you still holding a grudge?”

Yin Jiujin fell silent. “Looking back now, it’s indeed not a big deal.”

Feng Yun was surprised.

He did not expect him to say that.

Didn’t it cause a huge commotion then…

“Whether this matter is big or not, doesn’t depend on the matter itself. However, I have my own
decisions regarding this matter. I don’t want others to interfere too much in spite of my wishes.”

“At the end of the day, you were in your rebellious phase eight years ago.”

“…” Yin Jiujin.

“I don’t have that kind of phase.”

“Regardless of whether you did or not, eight years is enough. No matter how great the favor you
owe, you should have repaid it long ago. Besides, that’s a traitor.”

“…Someone who hasn’t left the courtyard for 10 years doesn’t have the right to lecture me.”

Feng Yun choked.

Yin Jiujin stood up. “I’m not asking about your matters. Whether it’s the matters after you return to
the Yin Family or the matters before you return, I won’t ask too much. Similarly, don’t interfere too
much in my matters, especially those related to my fiancée.”

“I’ll protect my own people. You don’t have to interfere too much.”

Feng Yun looked up at him and smiled. “I’m just repaying you. Why are you making things so

“I don’t care if you’re repaying me. Don’t interfere in our matters in the future.”

After turning around and taking two steps, Yin Jiujin stopped again, but he didn’t turn back. “If you
have the time to interfere in other people’s business, why don’t you investigate if your enemies are
all dead?”
“What favor are you repaying if your enemy isn’t dead!”

After saying that, she left without looking back, leaving Feng Yun who was no longer smiling.

He had actually found out something about the fact that his enemy was not dead.

He didn’t expect his cousin to still be able to guess so much even though he didn’t say anything after
he returned to the Yin Family. Chapter 199: A Disgusting Person

As soon as Yin Jiujin walked out of the Elegant Court, he saw the three people standing outside the

One of them was Cheng Lin, who had gotten out of the car to greet the two people when he saw
them. The other two were Yin Yuhan and Qin Jianjia.

They thought that Yin Jiujin had returned to the Azure Garden where he lived, but they didn’t expect
him to come to Elegant Court.

The two of them didn’t go in. They probably knew that Feng Yun didn’t like people stepping into his
courtyard without permission, so they waited outside.

“Jin’er, you… saw Yun’er?” Speaking of Feng Yun, Qin Jianjia had only heard of his name and had
never seen him before.


“Did you return to the Yin Family to specially visit Yun’er?”

Just as Qin Jianjia finished asking and before Yin Jiujin could reply, Yin Yuhan continued, “Why did
you come to see Yun’er?”

“To see if he’s dead.”

“…” The three of them.

Cheng Lin knew why Yin Jiujin was here. In that case, the incident in the Empire Building was related
to the “Yun’er” they were talking about?

But who was Yun’er?

He had been by his boss’s side for so many years, but he didn’t know that there was such a person in
the Yin Family.

Yin Yuhan was speechless inwardly, but he didn’t intend to ask further, “Is Yun’er alright?”

“He eats and drinks well, and lives comfortably. What’s wrong with being bored?”

“…” Yin Yuhan. Why was he so short-fused?

Yin Jiujin glanced at them. “I’ll get going first.”

“Aren’t you going to stay for dinner before leaving?” Qin Jianjia asked.


“Aren’t you going to see Grandfather when you’re back?” Yin Yuhan asked.

Yin Jiujin stopped in his tracks. “…Next time.”

“What do you mean next time? Do you have to be so calculative when you come home?” Yin Yuhan
didn’t get angry easily but he was indeed a little angry this time.

Yin Jiujin looked up at him. “I’ll bring Little Yu over later.”

He forced Yin Yuhan’s anger back.

However, Yin Yuhan and Qin Jianjia were delighted to hear his words.

Qin Jianjia said, “Then it’s settled. Remember to bring Yu’er over. The new year will be in a month.
Bring Yu’er home for the new year then.”

Yin Jiujin paused slightly. “Alright.”

“I’m going.”

“Alright, go ahead. No matter how busy you are with work, you have to rest. Your body is your
capital. Don’t just focus on work and waste your body. That’s something that you can’t get back no
matter how much money you earn.” Qin Jianjia nagged like an old mother. She was still shouting
when he got into the car and the car drove away.

Yin Yuhan felt a little helpless. “They’re all gone.”

Qin Jianjia retracted her gaze. “It wasn’t easy for him to come back. Why didn’t he leave without
eating a meal? It’s also you guys’ fault. If you all knew his personality, why did you guys ignore his
wishes and go against him then? Even Hao’er with old-fashioned temper didn’t think of stopping

“You’re already here. Aren’t you going to visit your cousin?” She was referring to Feng Yun.

Yin Yuhan looked up at the wooden door in front of them and paused before saying, “No.”

“Order the servants to take care of the Elegant Court. Send the food and drinks over on time. If
Yun’er has any instructions, just do it. There’s no need to ask for permissions.”

Qin Jianjia nodded. “Yes, I will.”

“It’s just that your cousin can’t stay like this for long. Didn’t you think of persuading him not to stay
cooped up in the courtyard?”
“I tried to persuade him a few years ago, but it was useless. He even got someone to send the
mourning clothes to Elegant Court when we were mourning for Grandmother.”

Yin Yuhan said, “This is a psychological problem.”

Qin Jianjia fell silent. A psychological problem.

She didn’t ask further what kind of psychological problem it was.

“He doesn’t want to see anyone but he seems to be willing to see Jin’er?”

“Yun’er is only a few months older than Jin’er. When he was young and Aunt and Uncle were busy
with work, he was always in the Yin Family and often played with Jin’er. They had the best
relationship. Later on, Jin’er suddenly joined the army. Yun’er’s should be a part of the reason.”

“I don’t know about that. I thought Jin’er wanted to take that path himself.”

“He did want to take that path, but in the end…”

Then, both of them fell silent.


Another day passed.

At noon that day, in the South City Hospital.

Huo Sisi brought Cao Ming a stewed bone soup as usual.

This was already her fourth day delivering soup to Cao Ming. She was filled with impatience.
When they arrived at the VIP ward, there was no one else in the ward other than the nurse the Cao
Family hired for Cao Ming. She was peeling fruits for Cao Ming who was lying on the bed.

Huo Sisi had already restrained the anger on her face when she pushed the door open and entered.
“Where’s your family?”

An unknown gleam flashed in Cao Ming’s eyes when he saw her.

He waved the nurse out.

“My father has work to do and has gone to the company. My mother has been taking care of me for
a few days and is a little tired. I told her to go back and rest first. As for the others, I told them to go
back and rest too.”

“It’s been hard on you, Sisi. You send me soup every day.”

“We’re friends. You’re… you’re injured because of me. I’m just sending you soup. It’s only right.”

Huo Sisi walked to the bed and sat down, but she placed the soup aside.

“Sisi, there’s no one else here. Please pour the soup for me.”

An impatient look flashed past Huo Sisi’s eyes, but she quickly hid it. However, she was still noticed
by Cao Ming, who was obsessed with her to the point of being crazy.

He smiled brightly.

It was eerie.

Seeing that Huo Sisi had finished pouring the soup and handed it to him directly, Cao Ming smiled,
“Sisi, I’m a patient. Aren’t you going to feed me?”
“I was injured because of you. You know that I didn’t tell anyone else in order not to implicate you. If
I tell the truth, be it my parents or your Huo Family, I’m afraid…”

“I’ll feed you!” Huo Sisi looked like she was gritting her teeth.

If she wasn’t worried that Cao Ming would spout nonsense these few days, why would she send
bone soup to the hospital every day? Every time she came, she would be scolded by the Cao Family.
She had never suffered so badly!

However, she endured it.

Not only was the Cao Family angry with her, but Xiang Jie had also gone crazy. She had stopped her
on the street and scolded her twice. She had lost all her face.

Not only did she stop her and scold her on the streets, she even called her to scold her. Other than
that, she also badmouthed her in their high school and university group chat.

She was thoroughly annoyed.

Indeed, one could not offend a villain!

It was already annoying enough to see Huo Siyu and Yan Jinyu at home every day, but her brother…
actually came home every day too!

In the past, she would be happier than anyone else to see her brother every day. However, recently,
no matter how silly she was, she could tell that her brother had only squeezed out time to go home
because of Yan Jinyu.

The key was that she couldn’t scheme against them for the time being, because be it Huo Siyu or Yan
Jinyu, they were obviously not simple.

The more she thought about it, the angrier Huo Sisi became. The soup spilled on Cao Ming’s hospital
“Sisi, is there something on your mind?”

Huo Sisi came back to her senses and saw that his clothes were wet. “I’m sorry, I’ll get a tissue to
help you wipe it.”

“There’s no need to wipe it. The soup is a little hot. I seem to be scalded. Help me take off my

“…I’ll call the nurse over for you.”

“There’s no need for that. I’ve already told the nurse that she can go back if someone comes over.”

Cao Ming looked at her with a creepy smile that made Huo Sisi feel uneasy.

Hiding her uneasiness, Huo Sisi said, “I’ll go call the nurse.”

“Sisi, aren’t you willing to help me with such a small favor? It’s just taking off my clothes. It’s not a
big deal. That day, I…”

“I’ll help you!”

Huo Sisi leaned over and helped him undo his buttons one by one. However, she did not see Cao
Ming’s expression as he closed his eyes and sniffed her hair.

“You’re not scalded…” As soon as she finished speaking, her wrist was grabbed.

In the next second, she was pressed onto the bed by Cao Ming.

She didn’t know how Cao Ming got the strength when his legs were clearly broken and covered in

This was probably proof of Yan Jinyu’s words. There was nothing wrong with being a lunatic.
“What are you doing?!” Huo Sisi looked terrified. “Let go of me!”

“Sisi, don’t you know how much I like you. Didn’t you tell me that you have feelings for me at the ski
resort that day?”

“In that case, we’re in love. A man and a woman who are in love are lying on the same bed. What do
you think we should do?”

Huo Sisi was really frightened because she realized that Cao Ming’s grip on her hand was so strong
that she could not break free at all.

“C-Cao Ming, I-I obviously have the same thoughts about you, b-but aren’t we being too anxious?
You’re still injured and we’re in a ward. What if your wounds are torn open or someone suddenly
pushes the door open?”

“Since you like me, can you recover first? I don’t feel good seeing you lying on the hospital bed all

“Also, I’m the eldest daughter of the Huo Family. I-if someone suddenly bumps into you and me…
the Huo Family won’t tolerate me. Can’t you think about me?”

If Cao Ming did not see through her, he might really be persuaded by her pitiful appearance and
words which sounded very reasonable.

However, Cao Ming had seen through her.

“Sisi, don’t be afraid. The doctor said that my legs probably won’t recover, so it doesn’t matter if I
take good care of them or not. As for whether someone will suddenly push open the door and come
in, you don’t have to worry about that. So what if they bump into us? I’ll marry you. The Huo Family
can’t tolerate you, so I will take care of you.”

He kissed her lips.

The more she struggled, the harder Cao Ming kissed her.
“How can you compare to the Huo Family! Ptui! You’re a cripple. You still want to take care of me?
I’m afraid you can’t even take care of yourself! You’re out of your league! Cao Ming, I’m warning
you. If you dare to touch me today, I’ll kill you!”

“‘If you die under a peony, you’ll still be a playboy’. Haven’t you heard of that?”

“Huo Sisi, you’re destined to be mine!”

Cao Ming was still injured. Huo Sisi managed to push him away with all her might.

She got out of bed and was about to run away. Cao Ming did not stop her. He just lay on the bed in a
disheveled state and looked at her back, which was about to reach the door of the ward. He smiled
and said, “Huo Sisi, if you dare to step out of this door, Young Master Huo will immediately hear
about you making me deliberately hurt Huo Siyu in the ski resort. At that time, will the Huo Family
still tolerate you?”

“If you don’t leave, make me comfortable for once. If you don’t say it and I don’t say it, who is going
to know? After leaving this door, you’ll still be the high and mighty eldest daughter of the Huo

Huo Sisi stopped in her tracks.

She turned around and glared at him angrily. Chapter 200: Jealousy and Vengeance

Cao Ming smiled, “That’s more like it. The Sisi I know has always been a smart person. She will
always know what choice is best for her.”

“Come over yourself. I’m injured. You’ll do it.”

“Cao Ming, I’ll remember this. We’ll wait and see!” She still walked back.

There was quite a commotion in the ward. Huo Sisi was really taking the initiative.

At first, she was still filled with anger, but later on, she was probably excited…
Outside the ward, Xiang Jie had followed Huo Sisi to scold her as usual, but she did not expect to see
this scene.

From the initial shock to the subsequent disgust, she endured the nausea and took out her phone to
record the entire process.

She would send the people who came over occasionally, away too.

Since Huo Sisi dared to leave her in a lurch, she would never let Huo Sisi have an easy time!

However, she did not expect that Huo Sisi, who usually looked aloof, was actually a loose person
deep down. Look at how satisfied she was at the end.

If this video got out, Huo Sisi would definitely become a famous person in South City.

The more she thought about it, the more excited Xiang Jie became.


In the evening, at the Huo Family.

It was snowing in South City.

Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu didn’t go out today. They were building snowmen in the Huo Family’s

Through the window, he watched the two of them happily building the snowmen. The usual evil
smile on Huo Xuan’s face was now very normal.

It was just an ordinary, gratified smile.

No matter what they had experienced in the past, at least now, their lives were stable and beautiful.

They were just ordinary girls around 18 or 19 years old.

They also had the innocence that girls their age should have.

Over the past few days, no matter how much he investigated, he only received the same results as
before. However, Huo Xuan didn’t give up. He still got his subordinates to continue investigating.

“Sir, the wind is strong. You’re not feeling well. Don’t always stand by the window to enjoy the
wind,” Huo Yu said.

However, he only spoke after a long hesitation.

Because he was really worried.

This was Huo Xuan’s study on the second floor of the Huo Family’s main building.

“This is the hot ginger soup that Miss Rain instructed the kitchen to make for you. She said it’s to
ward off the cold and asked me to send it over to you. Sir, do you want to drink it now or?”

Huo Xuan closed the window and glanced at the two people in the courtyard outside before walking
over and sitting down, “Give it to me.”

Huo Ning quickly handed it over.

After Huo Xuan finished drinking, he quickly handed the medicine and thermos over, “Sir, this is your
medicine. Miss Rain personally filled the thermos for you.”

Looking into Huo Xuan’s smiling eyes, Huo Ning’s legs felt a little weak.
From the day before, he realized that every time Sir took medicine or anything else, as long as one
item was prepared by Miss Rain, Sir would take the medicine that he usually couldn’t be bothered to
look at. He would…

However, Miss Rain really instructed the kitchen to boil the ginger soup today. The water in the
thermos was indeed filled by Miss Rain.

He was right, but why was he so conscious when he met Sir’s gaze?

“Miss Rain asked me to watch you take the medicine. Sir, I can tell that Miss Rain has become much
closer to you recently.” She was also much closer to the Master and Madam.

However, he was smart enough not to say that.

Otherwise, the effect would definitely not be as simple as saying “Miss Rain has become much closer
to you”.

Indeed, after hearing Huo Ning’s words, Huo Xuan nodded seriously and retracted his gaze. He took
the medicine and water and swallowed them.

“By the way, Sir, the butler asked me to ask you just now. He said that Miss… Miss Sisi has been out
for a day and hasn’t returned yet. Do you want to call and ask why she’s not back yet?”

“There’s no need for that.” Huo Xuan sneered, “That kind of person who has a stomach full of evil
tricks is usually the one to scheme against others. What could happen? Even if something happens,
she has asked for it then.”

“How’s the investigation that I asked you to do?”

“It’s true that we couldn’t find out if Miss Sisi was related to what happened at the banquet a year
ago. However, We have some leads about how Chen Ye found out about Xiang Jie’s whereabouts a
few days ago and investigated it layer by layer. However, the number that first sent the information
out was an empty number. We still can’t find out who it was.”

“However, this is enough to prove that someone deliberately did this.”

“Speaking of which, if not for Boss Chen and Chen Ye’s full assistance, we wouldn’t have found out
about this outcome so quickly. We didn’t have a deep relationship in the past either. It seems like
they really want to apologize this time, that’s why they’re helping us so hard.”

After hearing Huo Ning’s words, Huo Xuan said mysteriously, “Is that so?”

Huo Ning didn’t dare to respond to him. In fact, he didn’t know how to respond.

He didn’t understand what Sir meant by that question.

Was it disapproval of his words?

Not really.

As he was thinking, he heard Huo Xuan ask, “What about Yin Jiujin?”

“There was a huge commotion in the capital. It’s not an exaggeration to say that everyone was in
danger. Master Nine… was really angry this time and shocked and awed everyone again.”

“I wonder who’s so stupid to offend Master Nine even though they know that they won’t get
anything out of it…” As he spoke, Huo Ning suddenly paused.

His Sir seemed to be such a person…

Because of that, he couldn’t resolve the trouble that Master Nine had created even after working for

Huo Xuan glanced at him indifferently, and Huo Ning hurriedly said with a stricken heart, “However,
according to the information we received, Master Nine only dealt with some people and businesses.
I heard that they didn’t find out who the mastermind is.”

Huo Ning sighed.

He really couldn’t think of anyone that Master Nine couldn’t find out.

“As for what the mastermind’s intentions are, we don’t know yet.”

“This isn’t something you should be concerned about. It’s exactly what I like when someone’s
looking for Yin Jiujin’s trouble. If I hadn’t been too busy recently, I would like to teach Yin Jiujin a
lesson too.”

“…” Huo Ning. Sir really didn’t mean what he said. They didn’t even care about the endless work on
their hands and had to spare some people to help investigate when the Empire Group first caused
such big news. But now, he was saying such words.

Undeniably, Sir and Master Nine did have business competition, but that was legitimate competition,
unlike this current event…

It was obvious that someone was deliberately defaming the Empire Group.

However, the other party was thinking too simply. The Empire Group was not so easily defamed.

“However, Yin Jiujin has been very angry recently. Instructed our people to quietly do their own
things. Don’t keep an eye on the Empire Group for the time being, lest Yin Jiujin turned his focus
onto us.”

Actually, even Huo Xuan was a little frightened by Yin Jiujin’s ruthless methods.

Most importantly, Yin Jiujin had only spent two days causing such a huge commotion, and it was in
the capital.

Yin Jiujin had caused such a huge commotion, but he was not affected by it at all.

If he asked himself honestly, Huo Xuan felt that if it were him, he could still do it in South City. If it
were in the capital, he definitely wouldn’t be as fast, ruthless, and free from trouble as Yin Jiujin.
The Yin Family was in the capital, and the Huo Family was in South City?

Yin Jiujin had never relied on the Yin Family for anything.

“Yes, Sir.”


“It’s done. Beauty Yu, stand over there. I’ll take a photo for you,” Huo Siyu said as she took off her
thick gloves and took out her phone from her pocket.

“No, you go over and I’ll take it for you.”

Yan Jinyu didn’t like to take photos.

Of course, Huo Siyu knew that too.

“Go ahead, Beauty Yu. It’s such a rare opportunity. I’ll take a photo and send it to you. Then, you can
send it to your Brother Nine.”

“Based on my understanding of you, your Brother Nine shouldn’t have any photos of you in his
phone, right? You have to take a beautiful photo and send it to him. Get him to set it up on his
phone’s desktop so that he can stare at your beautiful face every day. Then, he won’t be able to see
other women.”

“Even if there aren’t any photos, he still won’t be able to see other women,” Yan Jinyu said with a

She sounded very confident.

Huo Siyu was speechless. However, on second thought, the Beauty Yu she knew was extremely
This was also one of Beauty Yu’s characters.

“I don’t care. Go over and stand still. I want to take a photo for you.”

Yan Jinyu smiled. She didn’t reject her this time.

She stood beside the snowman.

Although Yin Jiujin wouldn’t have looked at other women without the photo, the photo constantly
reminded him that he had an “owner”. It seemed like a good idea.

Speaking of which, it wasn’t just Yin Jiujin who didn’t have her photo. She didn’t seem to have Yin
Jiujin’s either.

Yes, she had to pull Yin Jiujin aside to take a few photos when she returned to North City.

It would be a pity if she didn’t take a photo of Yin Jiujin’s handsome face and save it.

However, she did have photos of Yin Jiujin when he was young. She had taken them from the two
old photos with her phone.

She didn’t think much of them previously, but she had been flipping through them often these few

“Beauty Yu, smile.”

“Ain’t I smiling?”

“You’re not smiling right. Just take it that Second Young Master Yin is standing in front of you and
smile at him.”

Then, Huo Siyu saw Yan Jinyu’s eyes light up. Her eyes curved into crescents as she grinned.
She looked so silly.

But it made her heart ache.

Hmph! Beauty Yu actually treated her so differently from Yin Jiujin!

She did not even show her her silly side.

Actually, Huo Siyu was thinking too much.

Other than a hint of surprise, Yan Jinyu’s smile wasn’t much different from usual. Especially when
compared to when she was in front of Huo Siyu and the other two.

As for others, it was hard to say.

“Alright, Beauty Yu, take one for me too. Then, let’s take a picture together.”

Yan Jinyu didn’t reject her.

However, Huo Siyu did not take a single photo. Instead, she had posed a few more times.

In the end, she got the servant to take a photo of them.

“Rainy, Jinyu, come in and warm your hands first. You’ve been playing for so long,” Sun Xiangxiang
said with a chuckle as she looked at the two people who were having fun.

Huo Siyu, who was looking at the photos with Yan Jinyu, heard the shout and looked up. When she
saw the happy smile on Sun Xiangxiang’s face, she instinctively said, “Mom, do you want to take a
photo too?”

Sun Xiangxiang was stunned, and so was Huo Siyu.

Yan Jinyu took the phone from her hand, “Auntie, let me take a picture for you and Little Rain.”

Hence, Huo Sisi, who had returned in a sorry state, saw such a warm scene as soon as she came

Huo Siyu and Sun Xiangxiang stood beside the snowman while Yan Jinyu helped them take photos.
Huo Lin stood under the shelter and looked at them with a smile. Beside the window on the second
floor, Huo Xuan also had a smile on his face.

It was a stark contrast to her sorry state.

At that moment, Huo Sisi’s anger was about to burst out, and her eyes were filled with hatred.

With their sharp senses, how could Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu not sense such obvious malice?

The two of them glanced at Huo Sisi at the same time. Then, they retracted their gazes and smiled at
each other.

The show was about to begin. Chapter 201: The Edge Of Courting Death

Huo Xuan, who was beside the window on the second floor, also saw Huo Sisi, but he didn’t pay
much attention to her. He only glanced at her briefly before retracting his gaze. Even though his
vision was good enough, he could clearly see the bruise on Huo Sisi’s neck at a glance, so he didn’t
take it to heart.

He turned to continue watching the warm scene beside the snowman.

His gaze suddenly landed on Yan Jinyu’s beautiful smile.

Yan Jinyu played a huge role in making his younger sister so close to their family.

This girl was clearly only 18 years old.

Her own experience was not very good either. She had been missing for many years and returned to
the Yan Family, but she was treated harshly by her biological parents. Not only did she not blame
anyone, but she also always had a smile on her face and looked very cheerful.

She didn’t have a dark heart and wished for others to be disliked by her family like her. She even
very warmly helped Rainy build a good relationship with her family.

She was a very kind girl.

She was also a girl who was very protective of her friends.

And she was a girl who was so sensible that she didn’t look 18 years old.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Yin Jiujin was lucky.

Why did such a good girl belong to Yin Jiujin?

Suddenly, Huo Xuan thought of something and the light in his eyes darkened.

Even if she wasn’t Yin Jiujin’s, she would still be someone else’s. Anyway, such a girl wouldn’t be his
no matter what.

He did not know when his body would collapse.

It was not suitable for him to think about things that he should not.

Otherwise, he would only tire himself out and others.

Huo Sisi tried her best to suppress the jealousy and hatred in her heart. She smiled and said, “Dad,
Mom.” However, this smile looked a little sinister.

Anyway, it made people feel uncomfortable.

Sun Xiangxiang looked at her and frowned slightly. She clearly sensed Huo Sisi’s strangeness.

“Sisi, you’re back?”

“Why are you only back now?” Huo Lin frowned.

They knew that Huo Sisi went to the hospital to visit Cao Ming.

It was understandable for her to visit her injured friend who was hospitalized, but for a girl to visit a
boy who was hospitalized regularly every day, and the other party was the second-generation heir of
the Cao Family, Cao Ming, Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang were a little dissatisfied with this.

Huo Sisi had been out for so long today. She left around 10 in the morning and only came back when
it was almost dark.

Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang were even more dissatisfied.

“After visiting Cao Ming in the hospital, a friend asked to shop with her. The friend wanted to choose
a birthday present for her mother and asked me to be her adviser. Mom, you know that I will
seriously choose a gift for you on your birthday every year. Among those friends, I’m the best at

Sun Xiangxiang didn’t say a word.

She was probably thinking about the past.

It had to be said that Huo Sisi was indeed very good at currying favor. It was not without reason that
Sun Xiangxiang liked and trusted her so much in the past.
She was always meticulous and no one could find fault with her.

At the mention of this, Sun Xiangxiang’s heart softened again. “The weather is so cold. Don’t play
until so late out there in the future.”

Sun Xiangxiang’s heart softened, but Huo Lin didn’t. He looked at Huo Sisi, “You’re the eldest
daughter of the Huo Family. Even if the other party is your friend, it’s normal for you to visit him
occasionally after he’s hospitalized. But what would happen if word got out that you went to the
hospital every day?”

“Could it be that you’ve taken a fancy to that son of the Cao Family?”

“Dad!” At the mention of Cao Ming, Huo Sisi recalled what happened in the ward today and burned
with anger.

“How could I possibly like Cao Ming!”

“Something happened to him because I invited him to go to the ski resort. Before this, I promised to
send him soup every day. I couldn’t go back on my words, so I went to the hospital every day. Dad,
you don’t want others to say that the Huo Family is untrustworthy, right?”

“I’m the daughter of the Huo Family, so I naturally have to consider the Huo Family’s interests. I
definitely won’t do anything that would disgrace the Huo Family. I only went to the hospital every
day after careful consideration.”

Huo Lin was not convinced by her words. Instead, his frown deepened. “Compared to keeping my
word, I don’t want others to mistakenly think that my daughter has taken a fancy to that useless son
of the Cao Family. I can’t afford to lose face like this.”

“Besides, only a few people know that you promised to deliver soup to him every day. Even if you
don’t deliver it every day or get a servant or friend to deliver it for you, what will others say?”

“It’s fine if you don’t care about your reputation. Don’t ruin the Huo Family’s reputation!”

With that, Huo Lin didn’t wait for her to reply and turned to enter the house.
With Sun Xiangxiang and the others watching, no matter how angry Huo Sisi was, she didn’t dare to
show it at that moment. She clenched her fists tightly. “I understand, Daddy. I’ll pay attention in the

Huo Xuan could see the bruise on Huo Sisi’s neck on the second floor, so how could Huo Lin, who
was the closest to her, not see it?

Hence, Huo Lin’s anger was actually reasonable.

He did not expose her because he did not want to expose her in front of the guests. He also did not
want to publicize their family’s scandal.

As for this matter, Huo Lin planned to talk about it slowly after Yan Jinyu left the Huo Family.

He kept mentioning Cao Ming and telling her not to go to the hospital just to remind Huo Sisi, but
Huo Sisi used such dignified words to refute him.

It would be a wonder if Huo Lin was happy.

“Let’s go in first,” Sun Xiangxiang said as she looked at Huo Siyu and Yan Jinyu.

“Sisi, come in too. Although your father’s words are a little harsh, they’re also reasonable. If you
don’t like that second son of the Cao Family, try not to interact with him as much as possible. Of
course, you can visit him occasionally, but not so often.”

“Rumors could be spread just with the mouths. If this goes on, your reputation might be ruined.”

“I’ll take note of that, Mom.”

Huo Siyu walked to Huo Sisi and suddenly stopped in her tracks. She smiled at her, “Huo Sisi, why
were you fine when you left the house in the morning? Why do you look so haggard when you come
back at night?”

Huo Sisi’s pupils were constricted. “I-is it?”

“Yes, especially.”

“T-that’s probably because I was out in the cold wind. That’s why I look so haggard. I’ll go back to my
room and take a hot shower. I’ll probably feel better.”

“That’s good.”

After saying that, Huo Siyu smiled at her mysteriously.

Huo Sisi’s heart skipped a beat.

She had a feeling that Huo Siyu seemed to know something.

But was that possible?

Before she came back, she specially bought a concealer to cover her traces. She had bought it at a
cosmetics shop that wasn’t very good at the last minute, so the effect was not very good. The darker
traces could not be covered, but it was not obvious anymore. Furthermore, it was winter and she
was wearing thick clothes, so how could Huo Siyu possibly tell?

Not only Huo Siyu, but Yan Jinyu also smiled at her when she walked past her.

Yan Jinyu’s smile looked no different from usual, but Huo Sisi was still a little uneasy.

With this uneasy feeling, Huo Sisi entered the house and went upstairs.

She returned to her room to take a bath.

She didn’t soak for long. She changed and went downstairs.

She went to the kitchen as usual to watch the servants cook.

“Hello, Eldest Missy.” The three servants in the kitchen greeted her in unison as soon as she walked

The servants’ attitude towards her depended on Sun Xiangxiang and Huo Lin’s attitude towards her.

Hence, the servants who used to be very respectful to her were all very perfunctory when they
greeted her now.

This made Huo Sisi even angrier.

In the living room, Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu were watching television.

The remote control was in Huo Siyu’s hand. She turned on a channel that was playing “Tom and

Yan Jinyu took a few more glances.

Huo Siyu, who was sitting beside her, shifted again and again until she was beside her. She bumped
her shoulder and gestured for her to look into the kitchen. “Beauty Yu, Huo Sisi will definitely be a
good wife and mother in the future. Look, she went into the kitchen to inspect their work again.”

When Sun Xiangxiang, who was sitting on the other sofa, heard that, she threw a glance at her
angrily. “What are you talking about?”

Huo Siyu smiled. “Mom, I didn’t say anything wrong either.”

“Beauty Yu, are you thirsty? Shall I get you a glass of water?”
Yan Jinyu looked at her and chuckled, “Thank you.”

She smiled at Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang who were looking over. Huo Siyu asked, “How about Mom
and Dad? Do you want to drink water? I’ll pour it together.”

Sun Xiangxiang finished the tea in her hand in one go. “Yes, pour a cup for your father and me too.
I’m thirsty.”

Huo Lin glanced at the teacup Sun Xiangxiang had placed on the coffee table and raised his

He nodded too.

“Alright, I’ll pour a glass for each of you.”

Getting glasses of water was just an excuse. She was there to observe.

Huo Sisi still had the mood to go to the kitchen to inspect after experiencing such a thing?

She did not believe it.

As for why she was so sure about what Huo Sisi had experienced, it was not because she could tell,

She had received a video from Xiang Jie and had seen it in her room with Beauty Yu.

Otherwise, how could they be in the mood to build snowmen?

She was too happy and pulled Beauty Yu to build a snowman to express her joy.

The video was very interesting.

It was similar to watching a movie.

She didn’t expect Huo Sisi to be so… Uh, bold?

As for whether she had any sympathy for Huo Sisi after watching that video, she could say with
certainty that she did not!

Putting aside the fact that Huo Sisi had planned to use such a method to destroy her a year ago,
regarding the matter between Huo Sisi and Cao Ming, it was completely Huo Sisi who took the
initiative later on. Cao Ming only said a few threatening words. If Huo Sisi had loved herself a little
more, Cao Ming, who was lying on the hospital bed and unable to move, would not have been able
to do anything to her.

Unfortunately, Huo Sisi…

After a while, Huo Siyu came over with three cups of warm water on a tray, one for each of them.

She turned around and put the tray back.

However, be it when she was pouring or putting the tray down, she kept glancing into the kitchen

After dinner was ready, Huo Xuan didn’t come downstairs to eat.

The reason was that he had eaten outside and had work to do.

This made Huo Sisi very distracted during the entire meal.

Since Huo Xuan wasn’t at the dinner table, his medicinal meal naturally wasn’t brought out to the
After dinner, Huo Sisi volunteered to send some food upstairs for Huo Xuan. Although Huo Lin and
Sun Xiangxiang, who suspected that she was interested in Huo Xuan, were unhappy, they didn’t say
anything in the end.

Huo Siyu and Yan Jinyu looked at each other, but they didn’t say anything.

Huo Sisi carried the tray upstairs and knocked on Huo Xuan’s study door, but no one answered.

“Brother, are you there?”

No one answered, so Huo Sisi pushed the door open and walked in.

The next second, a black gun was pointed at her head.

Huo Sisi was so frightened that she almost knocked over the medicinal soup in her hand.

“B-Brother…”Chapter 202: A Tragic End

Huo Xuan crossed his legs and sat lazily on the sofa. The one who was pointing a gun at Huo Sisi was
Huo Ning.

Huo Sisi was shocked. She didn’t expect Huo Ning to still be around at this time. Didn’t Huo Ning
usually go back at this time?

That was not important. What was important was that she could be killed by a bullet at any

“I-I saw that Brother didn’t go downstairs to eat tonight. I only came to send you something to eat. I-
I didn’t mean anything else.”

Huo Xuan sat on the sofa with one hand on the back of the sofa and the other playing with his

He looked up at her calmly. “Huo Sisi, you’re quite bold.”

Huo Sisi, who was carrying the tray, trembled in fear and her face turned pale. “B-Brother, I don’t
quite understand what you mean. I’m just here to deliver food to you. I didn’t…”


Huo Sisi immediately knelt down.

Huo Ning snatched the tray from her hand and placed it on the ground. He pointed the gun at her
with one hand and took out his phone with the other. “Get someone to the study to investigate if
something was placed in Sir’s food.”

Huo Sisi almost fainted when she heard that.

H-how did they know?

She had been so careful.

After saying that, Huo Ning turned on his phone and placed the image in front of Huo Sisi. “Do you
see what this is?”

It was an extremely familiar scene.

Wasn’t it just her and Cao Ming in the ward…

Huo Sisi widened her eyes in fear, “B-Brother, no, it’s not like that. I-I was forced. I didn’t do it
willingly. Brother, you have to seek justice for me…”

Huo Sisi was already so flustered that she didn’t know what to do. She knew that she was finished.

This surveillance video was obviously taken in the ward. In other words, all of this was done by Cao
Ming. He had actually installed the surveillance camera before that!
“Just a few minutes ago, this video was all over the Internet. If I hadn’t handled it in time, do you
know how much the Huo Family would have been implicated and lost?” Huo Xuan exuded an evil
aura that made people shiver.

Huo Sisi was filled with fear, but she only managed to grasp the key words “The video is all over the

A few minutes. No matter how timely it was, it must have been seen by many people.

She was finished!

Without caring about the gun pointing at her forehead, Huo Sisi fell to the ground with a pale face.

However, she suddenly thought of something and her eyes lit up again, “Brother, you have a way to
help me, right? Cao Ming forced me. He really forced me…”

Before she could finish speaking, she was slapped to the ground by Sun Xiangxiang, who had rushed

Sun Xiangxiang was trembling in anger. “Y-you! You’re still denying it! I thought I was wrong when I
saw the video just now. I didn’t expect it to really be you!” Huo Ning’s phone was still playing the
video. She couldn’t see it, but the sounds could be clearly heard.

Sun Xiangxiang felt disgusted. “How did I raise such a shameless daughter like you!”

“Forced? Do you think we’re blind? We can’t see that it’s you… I’m embarrassed to say that because
I don’t have the face!”

Other than Sun Xiangxiang, Huo Lin, Yan Jinyu, and Huo Siyu were all standing on the stairs outside
the study.

Huo Lin’s expression was also dark.

Only Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu watched the show without changing their expressions.

“No matter what, I thought that at least you still cared about Xuan’er. I knew that Xuan’er was busy
with work and didn’t have time to eat, so I sent him food. So you actually had the intention of
making my son a cuckold!” Sun Xiangxiang glanced at the bowl of medicinal food angrily.

She had heard what Huo Ning said when he called to investigate if something had been planted.

She wished she could slap Huo Sisi to death now.

“Who gave you the guts to scheme against my son like this!” As she spoke, she slapped her again.

Huo Sisi’s face was swollen.

“Back then, I saw that you were pitiful and looked a little like Rainy, so I brought you back to the Huo
Family and gave you everything that a legitimate daughter of the Huo Family could have. I didn’t
expect you to be such a disaster!”

“Previously, Rainy said that you were evil and schemed against her at the banquet. I still thought
that you were a kind and sensible child and made many excuses for you. But what about you?”

“Even if I don’t have any evidence now, I still believe what Rainy said. Poor Rainy. She almost
suffered a huge calamity because I couldn’t see through a person!”

Huo Sisi didn’t dare to refute at all because the gun was pressed against her head. She didn’t dare to
act rashly. She knew very well how Huo Xuan handled things and it was entirely possible that he
would end her with one shot.

“Mom, I know I’m wrong. This time, even if I wish that it didn’t happen, it’d already happened. I’m
still the daughter of the Huo Family now. If, if this matter gets out, the Huo Family’s reputation will
also be damaged. I-I have to get rid of this matter…”

“Huo Sisi, you’re still saying such words now. You’re really thick-skinned.” Huo Siyu sneered.
“It was originally a family scandal. I thought that I would settle this privately and not let outsiders see
it as a joke. However, you’ve made an even bigger joke for me. The video has been spreading
everywhere. Now, I’m afraid all the families in South City who have interacted with the Huo Family
know about it.”

Huo Lin was telling Huo Sisi that he already knew about this.

Huo Sisi was terrified.

Huo Lin couldn’t be bothered to look at her anymore. He said to Yan Jinyu, “Jinyu rarely comes to
the Huo Family as a guest, but we’ve let you see such a thing. What a disgrace.”

“Uncle, you’re being too serious.”

Yan Jinyu smiled, “You guys go ahead. I’ll go back to my room first.”

How could she not tell that Huo Lin wanted to send her away so obviously?

She did not intend to come over initially. However, Little Rain acted coyly and pulled her along to
watch the show. She was helpless and could only follow.

Just as she was about to turn around, Huo Xuan, who was sitting on the sofa, said, “There’s no need
to hide.”

“Can’t others see what she did?”

“Besides, Eldest Miss Yan is Rainy’s friend. She’s not an outsider.”

After saying that, Huo Xuan ignored them and looked at Huo Ning, “If you find out that there’s
something in the medicinal cuisine, just kill her.”

“It’s fine if you usually do whatever you want, but you dare to ruin the Huo Family’s reputation and
even dare to target me. Aren’t you tired of living?”
“No, no, Brother. It’s not like that… I didn’t mean to ruin the Huo Family’s reputation. T-this
medicinal dish… I have no idea either. The servants in the kitchen prepared it and served it. I-I didn’t
do anything…”

Huo Xuan glanced over with an evil gaze, “Do you think I would care if you were the one who put
something in this medicinal dish? Or would I care if you really put something in it?”

Huo Sisi could tell that he wasn’t joking and was scared silly. She hurriedly kowtowed, “Big Brother,
Big Brother, I was wrong. Please forgive me this time. I won’t dare to do it again. I won’t dare to do it
again… I-I’m the daughter of the Huo Family. It’s not easy for the Huo Family to explain to the public
that I’ve suddenly disappeared…”

“What’s wrong with explaining it to the public?” Huo Siyu ignored Huo Sisi’s angry glare and said,
“Wouldn’t it be better to say that you felt insulted and have no face to live in this world and hung
yourself to protect your reputation?”

“This will not only save the Huo Family’s eldest daughter’s reputation, but also the Huo Family’s
reputation. Isn’t that good?”

This was indeed a good idea.

However, when Huo Siyu suggested this ruthless method, Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang were both a
little taken aback.

Only Huo Xuan’s gaze on Huo Siyu darkened.

Killing someone did not seem to be a big deal to Rainy.

Such understanding and temperament could not be nurtured overnight.

He instructed Huo Ning, “There’s no need to investigate the medicinal dish anymore. Deal with it as
Rainy said. Deal with the news and public opinion first before getting the Cao Family to give an

Under Huo Sisi’s ashen gaze, Huo Ning was about to fire the gun with a silencer when Huo Siyu
suddenly said, “I’ll do it.”
Huo Ning was stunned. He looked at the gun in his hand and then at her.

Was that what she meant?

Huo Siyu smiled. “Let me do it. Of course, I have to deal with the person who wants to harm me

She looked at Huo Sisi, “Huo Sisi, I’m afraid you didn’t even realize that I pretended to be drugged at
the banquet on purpose, right? Oh, I told you before that I let you off easy, right? In that case, do
you know that I did it on purpose?”

“Do you know why I deliberately pretended to be drugged?”

Huo Sisi’s eyes widened.

“Because I want to use the fastest way to find out who the mastermind is. You had the biggest
reaction among the group of people who rushed in when I was drugged. It’s just that other than me,
nobody’s attention was on you at that time.”

“You’re indeed very smart and cautious. You don’t let anyone have any evidence against you.”

“But so what? Didn’t you fall in the end too?”

“You always want to scheme against me. Unfortunately, your skills are not enough with me.”

“Isn’t it good if you’d know your place? You would still be the eldest daughter of the Huo Family. In
the future, you can use the Huo Family as your backing to marry into a good family and live a
carefree life. Why do you have to think about things that don’t belong to you?”

“What do you know!” Huo Sisi probably knew that she couldn’t turn the situation around, so she
burst out with all the resentment in her heart. “I’m the eldest daughter of the Huo Family, the only
daughter of the Huo Family. You’re already lost, but why did you come back to fight with me?”
“What equal treatment? An adopted daughter is still an adopted daughter. How can I compare to
the biological daughter? Sooner or later, my position will be replaced by you. There will be no place
for me in the Huo Family anymore!”

“It’s easy for you to say about marrying into a good family. In South City, who else can compare to
the Huo Family? Oh, not only South City, even in the capital, the Huo Family is comparable to the
three top families. Where can I find such a family?”

“Besides, why should I marry someone else? I like Big Brother!”

Huo Xuan’s expression darkened.

Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang had ugly expressions.

Huo Siyu smiled. “You’re quite ambitious. You even denied it when I said that you have such
thoughts about my brother. Now, you’re slapping yourself in the face, right?”

“Initially, you didn’t have to die in pain to end everything. Now, Huo Sisi, what do you think will
happen to you?”

“Give me the gun.” She reached out and Huo Ning was inexplicably frightened by her aura.

By the time he reacted, the gun was already in her hand.

Huo Sisi held the gun in her hand and weighed it in her hand. She curled her fingers and aimed it at
Huo Sisi’s leg.

Huo Xuan watched her actions.

His eyes darkened.

This was not the first time she had touched a gun. On the contrary, Rainy’s technique was very
“Huo Sisi, tell me. If I cripple your legs and let you marry Cao Ming, what will happen to you in the

“Rainy…” Sun Xiangxiang wanted to stop her.

It was not because of Huo Sisi, but because she did not want Huo Siyu to be tainted by blood.

Huo Siyu smiled at her. “It’s fine, Mom. It’s just a small matter.”

“Just leave these matters to your brother. Don’t scare your friend,” Huo Lin said hesitantly.

Hearing his words, Huo Siyu and Huo Xuan looked at Yan Jinyu, who was smiling calmly at the side.

Scare Beauty Yu?

Scare her?

She was probably braver than anyone else.

Didn’t you see that she was still smiling?

“There’s no need for that.”

“Huo Siyu, how dare you!”

“See if I dare.” She hooked her fingers and made two bangs.

Huo Sisi’s heartbreaking screams came from the study.

Sun Xiangxiang closed her eyes in shock.

Looking at Huo Siyu, who did not even blink and was even blowing on the gun with a hint of evilness
and killing intent, Huo Xuan did not say anything, but his heart felt uncomfortable.

He glanced at Huo Ning. “Shut her up and drag her out.”

“In addition, inform the Cao Family that if they don’t want their entire family to be destroyed, come
and discuss the marriage with the Huo Family.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Huo Sisi was gagged and dragged out.

At this moment, the professional who was checking if something had been added in the medicinal
dish arrived.

The results of the examination were that there was indeed medicine added and it was very strong.

Huo Sisi had probably even taken Huo Xuan’s self-control into consideration. In order to ensure that
she was successful, she had added in ten times the normal dosage.

Upon knowing this outcome, Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang, especially Sun Xiangxiang, were so angry
that her eyes turned red. She wished she could rush over and slap Huo Sisi twice.

“Xuan’er, make the decision yourself. I’ll bring your mother back to her room.”

Huo Xuan nodded, and Huo Lin left with Sun Xiangxiang.

Instantly, there were only three people left in the study.

“How did Rainy know that Huo Sisi had put something in the medicinal dish?” Huo Xuan waved the
phone in his hand.
It was obvious that Huo Xuan didn’t go downstairs to eat because he had received a message from
Huo Siyu, reminding him that Huo Sisi had done something.

Huo Siyu’s intention was to tell Huo Xuan to be careful when he ate.

However, Huo Xuan’s plan was to get rid of Huo Sisi in one go.

She specially waited in the study.

Huo Sisi indeed did not disappoint him. She brought the things upstairs.

“Even without my reminder, Brother wouldn’t have fallen for it, right?”

Huo Xuan smiled without saying a word.

If even Huo Sisi could scheme against him, how could he possibly convince the entire Huo Family
with such a sickly body?

“Brother, you can settle the rest. Beauty Yu and I will return to the room first.”

“Rainy,” Huo Xuan called out to her.

Huo Siyu stopped and turned back. She smiled and asked, “Brother, is there anything else?”

“You’ve touched a gun before?”

Huo Siyu smiled. “No, but I’ve touched many toy guns.”

After saying that, she turned and left.

Huo Xuan looked at their backs and was silent for a long time. Chapter 203: The Lovey-Dovey Scene
The marriage between the Huo Family and the Cao Family was quickly decided. Due to the fact that
Cao Ming was injured and hospitalized, the wedding was not grand. Huo Sisi’s legs were also injured,
so she was sent to the hospital to be hospitalized with Cao Ming.

In just two days, Huo Sisi looked extremely haggard.

After sending her to the hospital, she was naturally arranged to be in the same ward as Cao Ming.

On that day, Xiang Jie even went to the hospital to mock Huo Sisi. Huo Sisi actually did not refute
her, so Xiang Jie felt that it was meaningless and left.

However, after they closed the door, the Cao Family was very rude to Huo Sisi.

That was not all. After successfully getting the marriage certificate, Cao Ming’s attitude towards Huo
Sisi was not as good as before. He beat and scolded her at every turn.

This was even when Cao Ming was injured and could not get out of bed.

One could imagine what kind of life Huo Sisi would have after she was discharged and returned to
the Cao Family.

It must be very “lively” for a couple with crippled legs…

Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu didn’t care about this.

The two of them finally got rid of Huo Sisi and felt much better.

In addition, Yin Jiujin was coming to South City from the capital today, so Yan Jinyu’s mood was even

“Beauty Yu, do you really not need me to go to the airport with you?”
Yan Jinyu smiled faintly, “There’s no need to. Just lend me a car.”

Don’t ask how Yan Jinyu, who had just turned 18 years old and hadn’t gone for the exam, get her
driver’s license from. There was really no license that she couldn’t get if she wanted one.

And it was definitely genuine identification.

After helping her put her luggage in the trunk, Huo Siyu asked, “Are you not going back to the Huo
Family later?”

“No, I’ve booked a hotel. I’ll call you over for dinner tonight.”

“Alright, inform me when you book a restaurant.”

After putting down the luggage and closing the trunk, Huo Siyu looked at Yan Jinyu, “Beauty Yu,
actually, after settling Huo Sisi, I’m quite bored in South City.”

Yan Jinyu smiled, “Then you can go to North City or go on a vacation somewhere else?”

North City?

Huo Siyu’s lips twitched.

Better not.

She couldn’t stand Yin Jiujin’s jealous gazes.

Travel elsewhere?

She didn’t seem to be in the mood either.

“Forget it. I’ll stay at home for a few days. Beauty Yu, when do you plan to go to the capital? I’ll call
my brother along. I believe in another 10 to 15 days, we should be able to completely settle the
matter that trapped my brother. Speaking of which, your Brother Nine is really ruthless.”

“It’s right to seek revenge, but this is too ruthless.”

Yan Jinyu chuckled, “Little Rain, if you can’t stand it anymore, you can help your brother.”

Huo Siyu quickly shook her head. “No, no, no. I won’t get involved in the Huo Family’s business. Not
now, not in the future either. I want to be someone who only knows how to eat and play.”

Yan Jinyu shook her head and smiled. She opened the car door. “Let’s go.”

The car engine started and they left the Huo Family’s mansion in no time.

When Huo Siyu returned to the Huo Family’s main building, Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang were still
sitting in the living room.

Huo Xuan was also there.

Huo Xuan didn’t go to the office this morning.

Huo Xuan was standing upstairs watching when Huo Siyu sent Yan Jinyu off.

“Jinyu left?” Sun Xiangxiang asked.


She looked at Huo Xuan, “Brother, aren’t you going to the office today?”

“I’ll go later.”
“Come and sit,” Huo Xuan said.

He looked a little inscrutable.

Huo Siyu paused for a moment, but she still walked over and sat down.

Some things had to be faced.

Sun Xiangxiang looked at her. As she looked at her, her eyes turned red. “It’s our fault. If we didn’t
adopt Huo Sisi in the early years, there wouldn’t be so much trouble now.”

“Mom, you don’t have to apologize for this. You and Dad adopted Huo Sisi because you miss me,

“But if we didn’t adopt Huo Sisi, you wouldn’t have… Something almost happened at home when
you just came home. Why didn’t you say it out loud when you were suspicious? You actually took
the risk yourself. If we didn’t arrive in time in the end, you…”

Huo Siyu lowered her eyes and looked up at her with a faint smile. “Mom, if I said that Huo Sisi
wanted to harm me back then and I couldn’t produce any evidence, would you believe me or Huo

Sun Xiangxiang was stunned.

She looked regretful. “It’s Mom’s fault.”

“Since it’s already in the past, Mom, don’t mention it again.”

However, Huo Xuan suddenly said, “If you told me back then, I would believe you unconditionally.”

This time, it was Huo Siyu who was stunned. She looked at him and smiled. “Brother, don’t think too
much. Just take it that I’m still not familiar with you guys at that time and can’t give you all my trust.”
It was fine if she didn’t say that, but once she did, the three of them felt even more upset.

Huo Siyu also realized it and pretended to be relaxed. “Aiya, that’s all in the past. Why are you still
mentioning it? Speaking of which, if it wasn’t for these things, Mom and Dad probably wouldn’t have
realized that Huo Sisi was hiding her thoughts until now.”

“Speaking of which, it’s all Brother’s fault for being too outstanding. It’s inevitable that others will
covet you.”

“Mom, which family has a suitable daughter? Can you help my brother find a suitable one? I’m
already engaged, but Brother isn’t. It seems a little outrageous.”

Over the past few days, she had realized that although her brother and Beauty Yu did not have much
contact, the way his brother looked at Beauty Yu had slowly changed.

It was all Beauty Yu’s fault for being too charming. She was the one who made the most moves in
the Huo Family. Beauty Yu was obviously so low-key, but her brother still noticed her.

If Beauty Yu didn’t have any feelings for Yin Jiujin, it was also a good thing that her brother had
feelings for her. After all, one shouldn’t let benefits go to others. However, Beauty Yu cared about
Yin Jiujin very much.

This way, if her brother had any thoughts about Beauty Yu, he would only end up sad.

She didn’t want that to happen.

This was also one of the reasons Beauty Yu wanted to leave.

When she said that, not only Sun Xiangxiang and Huo Lin, but even Huo Xuan was stunned.

Huo Xuan seemed to have thought of something.

No one knew what he was thinking about.

Sun Xiangxiang knew that Huo Xuan didn’t want to talk about this. She glanced at Huo Xuan and said
to Huo Siyu hesitantly, “I-I’ll help your brother take note.”

“Don’t worry about me,” Huo Xuan said to Huo Siyu as he calmed down.

“I asked you here because I have something important to ask you.”


The smile in Huo Siyu’s eyes deepened.

“What do you want to ask me, Brother?”

Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang didn’t say anything. It was unknown if Huo Xuan had told them in
advance or if they had also seen something and guessed that Huo Xuan would ask.

“Since you said that you fell into Huo Sisi’s trap on purpose at the banquet, that means you knew
that there was something wrong with that glass of wine from the beginning.”

“Since you know, why did you drink it? Aren’t you afraid that something will really happen?”

“Didn’t nothing happen?” Huo Siyu replied carelessly.

“Why would Brother pursue something that didn’t happen?”

Huo Xuan looked at her deeply, “Alright, I won’t pursue this matter anymore. Then, how do you
explain the two gunshots you gave Huo Sisi? Not to mention that you’re skilled at holding a gun, how
could a teenage girl like you not even blink under such circumstances?”

“Brother, are you… questioning me?”

Looking into her smiling eyes, Huo Xuan suddenly panicked a little and hurriedly explained, “I’m not
questioning you. I just want to understand you better.” His tone softened a little.
“Rainy, don’t think too much. Your brother and we have no intention of questioning you. We just
want to understand you more. After all, all these years…”

Huo Siyu looked at them. “I know. You’re doing this for my own good.”

“Brother, why do you have to investigate further? You and I are biological siblings. Everyone knows
how you do things. Perhaps, I’m as ruthless as you in my bones?”

“Besides, Huo Sisi schemed against me. Do I have to repay evil with kindness and pity her? I’m not
that kind of person.”

Huo Xuan looked at her.

She knew that was not what he was asking…

Forget it.

If she didn’t want to say it, so be it. Don’t make the relationship that she had finally eased up with
them so distant again.

“Very good. You’re indeed my sister. You will do this in the future. You can’t show mercy to your

“…” Huo Siyu. So what was the point of asking her in such a serious tone?

“…” Huo Lin and Sun Xiangxiang.

In the end, Huo Siyu laughed dryly.

However, after this, she became even closer to these family members.

At the airport, Yan Jinyu found a parking spot and parked the car before walking towards the exit of
the airport.

It was cold in South City, so she was dressed a little too much. She was wearing a white down jacket
and a black hat on her head. Under the hat, her long hair was down. She had a black-and-white scarf
around her neck.

A scarf was wrapped around her face.

Even so, she was still very conspicuous standing in the crowd. From time to time, passers-by would
look in her direction.

It was probably because her aura could not be concealed.

Even passers-by had noticed her, let alone Yin Jiujin.

The moment Yin Jiujin walked out, he locked onto her.

He was wearing a black windbreaker, and the scarf around his neck was matching Yan Jinyu’s.

Some people were like this. They formed a nice scenery wherever they stood. Even though Yin Jiujin
wore sunglasses to cover most of his face, he was still the most conspicuous person among the
group of people on the same flight.

He dragged his black luggage and walked towards Yan Jinyu.

Yan Jinyu didn’t move. She just stood there and smiled as she watched him walk towards her.

After walking closer and letting go of the luggage, Yin Jiujin pulled her into his arms and hugged her
tightly. “Why are you still here on such a cold day? Didn’t you say that you would wait for me at the
Yan Jinyu shrank into his arms. “Didn’t Brother Nine personally come to South City to pick me up on
such a cold day too? Actually, you can go back to North City and wait for me. I can go back by

Yin Jiujin let go of her a little and flicked her forehead. “When will you go back if I don’t pick you up

Yan Jinyu rubbed her aching head and looked at him angrily, “It’s only been a few days.”

“And Brother Nine, you can’t flick my forehead like that anymore. Why are you still doing it?”

Her big round eyes were filled with accusation.

She even sounded a little coquettish.

Yin Jiujin’s heart stirred when he saw this. His fingers twitched before he finally raised his hand to
pinch her face. “Silly.”

He almost couldn’t help but kiss her in public.

He took her hand but realized that she was not wearing any gloves. He simply held her hands in his
and rubbed them together.

Yan Jinyu’s eyes were filled with smiles.

“Remember to wear gloves when you go out next time.”

Yan Jinyu looked at him and smiled foolishly. Then, in the next second, she stood on her tiptoes and
reached under his scarf, pressing her hands against his neck. “They are warm like this.”

Yin Jiujin let her be and looked at her through his sunglasses.
His eyes that were covered by his sunglasses were filled with doting smiles.

About a minute later, he took her hand out and held it in his palm. He held her hand with one hand
and pulled his luggage with the other. “Let’s go.”

The man was tall and the woman was petite.

The man held the girl’s hand steadily while the girl skipped along.

There was no overly intimate action, but it was filled with pink bubbles.

The passers-by at the side kept screaming “too lovey-dovey”. Chapter 204: His Love Rival Huo Xuan

At a five-star hotel in South City.

In the presidential suite.

The moment they entered the room, Yin Jiujin let go of the luggage. He took off his sunglasses and
casually threw them on the table at the side. Then, he removed the scarf that Yan Jinyu had used to
cover her face and kissed her.

The moment they entered the room, Yin Jiujin let go of the luggage. He took off his sunglasses and
casually threw them on the table at the side. Then, he removed the scarf that Yan Jinyu had used to
cover her face and kissed her.

It had only been a few days. How could he miss someone so much?

If he didn’t have something to settle later on, he would have rushed over when he saw the photo the
young lady sent him.

Actually, he had many photos of the young lady on his phone. Most of them were taken at Mount
Jing. There were photos of the young lady swinging the swing in the courtyard, photos of the young
lady sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching television, and photos of the young lady
sleeping soundly beside him.
Most of them were photos of the young lady sleeping soundly beside him.

Yes, there were also photos of them.

However, the young lady did not know.

He had taken it secretly.

It was a pity that the young lady foolishly thought that he did not have her photo in his hand. She
even specially sent him a photo and said that she wanted him to set it as his phone’s wallpaper so
that he could see her often.

Of course, he naturally had to do as the young lady requested.

The frontal photo taken with the young lady’s lively appearance was indeed more pleasing to the
eye than the photos he had taken secretly.

During the past two days, he was always taking out his phone to stare at the photo. As he stared at
it, the corners of his lips would subconsciously curve up.

He missed her even more.

When Yin Jiujin’s lips landed, Yan Jinyu also raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck.

Her passion for kissing had never been inferior to Yin Jiujin’s.

After a while, their scarves, hats, and heavy clothes fell to the ground.

They did not even enter the room and just kissed on the sofa in the living room.

Yin Jiujin didn’t go overboard. In the end, other than being a little messy, Yan Jinyu didn’t take off her
Yin Jiujin minded that a little.

This was a hotel. Although the environment was very good, he still felt a little conflicted inwardly.
Countless people had touched hotel beds and sofas. He did not want his girl to lie on them naked.

After the kiss.

Yin Jiujin sat on the sofa and placed Yan Jinyu onto his lap.

He leaned his chin on her shoulder and buried his face in her neck, kissing her from time to time.

Yan Jinyu would stop him in the beginning, but when she realized that she couldn’t stop him, she let
him be.

After a long while, Yan Jinyu put his hand on her waist and turned to look at him. “Brother Nine.”

“Huh?” Yin Jiujin slowly raised his head and stared at her. The emotions in his eyes were so strong
that Yan Jinyu felt like she was being stared at by a wolf.

Her heart skipped a beat.

She quickly covered his eyes. “Let’s get down to business.”

Yin Jiujin gently hugged her and made her sit on his lap. He removed her hand that was covering his
eyes. He held her fingertips in his palm and squeezed them. “You can even talk about serious
matters like this.”

Then, he lowered his head and pecked her on the lips.

Yan Jinyu glared at him angrily.

Yin Jiujin chuckled. “Tell me, I’m not teasing you anymore.”
He played with her fingers.

Yan Jinyu ignored him and said what she wanted to say, “Regarding the Empire Group this time,
Brother Nine was implicated by me.” Her tone was firm.

After hearing her words, Yin Jiujin frowned. “It’s true that it’s related to you, but ‘implicated’? Girl,
that word shouldn’t be used between us.”

“I used the wrong word.”

“Anyway, this matter is very likely related to Ghost Slaughter Island. Obviously, someone wants to
use this to sow discord between us.”

“Yes.” Yin Jiujin’s eyes turned sharp.

He was afraid that the young lady would really misunderstand him. How dare they sow discord
between them.

No matter who did this, he would not let them off easily.

It was best to hide it well and never let him find out. Otherwise…

The hand around her waist tightened as he stared at her. “Girl, as long as you trust me, they can’t
drive a wedge between us. So, no matter what, you can’t suspect me. Other than you, I don’t have
anyone else. Not in the past, and definitely not in the future.”

Yan Jinyu chuckled, “Yes, I believe you.”

“Then, Brother Nine, can you tell me who was the one who added fuel to the fire?”

Yin Jiujin paused in his actions and looked at her. “Do you want to know that much?”
“Not really.” She really didn’t want to know much. She just wanted to see if it was the same as her

“It’s not easy to explain for a while. I’ll bring you to see him when you return to the capital with me
in a few days.” Although he was jealous, Yin Jiujin still believed in Feng Yun’s character.

Others might be able to snatch their brother’s woman, but not Feng Yun.

Besides, he also wanted to know what relationship Feng Yun had with the girl.

Or rather, he wanted to know what Feng Yun had experienced when he was missing.

Actually, the person who said that he would enter the army to serve the country when he grew up
was Feng Yun and not him. If Feng Yun had not suddenly disappeared back then, he might have
joined the army too. However, he must have followed Feng Yun to join in the fun and not because
he wanted to go.

It was undeniable that he was influenced by Feng Yun when he decided to join the army.

Feng Yun was seven years old when he went missing. He wanted to find Feng Yun more than anyone
else, but at that time, he was too weak. He realized that no matter if it was looking for someone or
gaining the right to speak, only those who had enough ability were qualified to speak. Hence, he
entered the army to strengthen himself.


Yan Jinyu saw that the emotions in his eyes were a little complicated. She raised her hand and
caressed his face. “Brother Nine, you can tell me anything. I’m very tight-lipped. I won’t tell anyone.”

Rather than saying that she was tight-lipped, it was more appropriate to say that she was too lazy to
talk to others.

Yin Jiujin’s heart softened. He tilted his head and kissed her palm. “Yes, I’ll tell you slowly in the
future. Now, we have more important things to do.”
Yan Jinyu was stunned.

Yin Jiujin smiled and raised her chin before lowering her head to kiss her again.

This time, it was not as urgent as before. The gentle and quick kiss made it easier to move her

After a while, Yan Jinyu was brought into the mood. She wrapped her arms around his neck,
responding to him equally gently.


When Yin Jiujin arrived in South City, it was about 11 am. The two of them would reach the hotel at
most 11: 30 am. However, it was already five in the afternoon when they came out of the hotel.

They had both showered and changed.

They headed to the restaurant.

They were driving the Huo Family’s car. Yin Jiujin was driving while Yan Jinyu sat in the front
passenger seat.

“Yes, I’ve booked it. You can go over now.” Yan Jinyu was on the phone when Yin Jiujin turned to
help her buckle her seatbelt. He even pecked her on the cheek.

It was a little loud.

Yan Jinyu glared at him. When Huo Siyu’s “Beauty Yu, what was that sound earlier” came from the
phone, she hurriedly said, “See you later” and hung up.

Yin Jiujin placed his left hand on the steering wheel and looked at her with a smile in his eyes. He
habitually raised his right hand to caress the ring on his left middle finger.
This was a habit he had developed recently.

Every time he thought of the girl, he would caress this ring.

“What are you looking at? Let’s go.”

Yan Jinyu usually wouldn’t speak so coquettishly.

She didn’t realize that she was actually like this in front of Yin Jiujin.

She didn’t notice it, but Yin Jiujin did.

His smile deepened as he started the engine and headed for the restaurant.

In the winter, they ate hotpot.

It was a famous hotpot restaurant in South City. The venue was not easy to book. Yan Jinyu could
book it because of her superb computer skills.

There were only three people whose computer skills were better than hers.

In other words, she was actually very powerful herself.

However, those three people were only better at computer skills than her. However, when
compared to her in terms of overall strength …

In terms of overall strength, the ruthless man who had nurtured her, the current generation’s Ghost
Slaughter, was actually about the same as her.

Or rather, there were some aspects that were slightly better than hers, but she was unwilling to
admit it.
If he was really stronger than her, would he have fallen into her hands?

Although she was not sure if he was really dead, it was a fact that he had fallen badly in her hands.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the hotpot restaurant.

The two of them headed straight to the private room under the guidance of the waiter.

However, before they reached the private room, they met someone familiar.

“Miss Yan!” It was Chen Xiaotian and Chen Ye.

The two of them spoke at the same time. Their voices sounded obviously excited.

They didn’t seem to see Yin Jiujin. Their eyes were fixed on Yan Jinyu, and they looked like they were

At least, from Yin Jiujin’s point of view, that was the case.

He frowned deeply.

How did the young lady provoke these people in just a few days?

He didn’t know the young one, but he knew the older one.

Chen Xiaotian, the former underground overlord of South City, but had now switched careers.

He had been single for “10,000 years”.

They must be up to no good young lady as they stared at his girl with glowing eyes.
He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around Yan Jinyu’s waist, making her lean towards him.

Only then did Chen Xiaotian and Chen Ye notice the person standing beside Yan Jinyu. When they
saw the other party, Chen Ye didn’t have much of a reaction. However, Chen Xiaotian’s pupils
couldn’t help but constrict.

“Master Nine is here too. Nice to meet you.”

Only then did Chen Ye recognize Yin Jiujin.

He had only seen Yin Jiujin from afar, but he had never seen him up close.

Compared to Chen Xiaotian, he wasn’t so calm. He wanted to size up Yin Jiujin, but he didn’t dare to.

Because Yin Jiujin’s gaze was a little frightening at this moment, and coupled with the huge
commotion Yin Jiujin had caused in the capital recently, Chen Ye felt a little afraid when he saw him.

“Boss Chen, nice to meet you.”

“Boss Chen knows my fiancée?”

“We barely know each other.” Chen Xiaotian temporarily didn’t know if Yin Jiujin already knew Yan
Jinyu’s identity. His words were flawless.

“But Boss Chen didn’t look like you barely knew her with your reaction earlier.”

Yan Jinyu was helpless. She pinched his waist and Yin Jiujin looked at her.

“Brother Nine, we met in Country M three years ago.”

Three years ago, in Country M.

Yin Jiujin understood.

So he knew the girl’s identity. No wonder his attitude towards the girl was so strange. There seemed
to be something more in his enthusiasm… Like respect?

After Yan Jinyu said that, Chen Xiaotian also knew that Yin Jiujin knew Yan Jinyu’s identity.

He smiled and explained, “It’s like this. Three years ago in Country M, Miss Yan saved my life.”

“I didn’t expect the two of you to come to my shop. I’ll be your host today.”

“Your shop?” Yan Jinyu raised her eyebrows.

Chen Xiaotian smiled, “That’s right. Aren’t we changing jobs now? The results are quite good. We’re
involved in all kinds of industries.”

“Miss Yan, did you and Master Nine invite a guest? I can arrange a private room for you.”

“There’s someone else, but there’s no need for a private room. I’ve already booked it.”

As they were talking, Huo Siyu arrived.

She wasn’t alone. Huo Xuan was also here.

Yin Jiujin’s face suddenly darkened when he saw Huo Xuan.

He knew that Huo Xuan must be thinking about his girl. Chapter 205: Enemies and Friends

Huo Xuan held his handkerchief and coughed softly. He looked past Yin Jiujin and at Yan Jinyu, “I
came uninvited. Sorry for disturbing you.”
Huo Siyu also said, “My brother sent me here.” She did not intend to let her brother follow her. After
all, she did not want her brother to have any thoughts about Beauty Yu. Of course, the less he
interacted with her, the better.

However, her brother did not go to the company for the entire day. He was just settling work in the
study room. When she was about to leave, he suggested sending her there.

In the end, she could only let him send her.

She did not know why her brother did that.

Was he simply here to accompany her? Or did he want to see Beauty Yu?

Not to mention that Huo Siyu didn’t know the purpose of Huo Xuan following them, even Huo Xuan
himself might not know it.

At that moment, he simply wanted to come over. He really wanted to, so he did.

He did not think too deeply about the reason.

“I’ve been disturbing the Huo Family for so many days, so I should treat Young Master Huo to a
meal. I thought that Young Master Huo was busy with work, so I didn’t invite him. It’s naturally good
that Young Master Huo can come,” Yan Jinyu said truthfully.

“Miss Yan, you’re being too polite. You’re Rainy’s friend. We’re all very happy to have you as a guest
in the Huo Family. Come again if you have the chance.”

After saying that, she turned to Yin Jiujin and smiled sinisterly. “Second Young Master Yin, I trust
you’ve been well since we last met.”

Yin Jiujin glanced at him emotionlessly. “How have you been?”

Huo Xuan didn’t show his thoughts. If he didn’t let go and he would make his girl notice Huo Xuan,
he wasn’t that stupid.

“Thank you for taking care of my fiancée these few days.”


Huo Xuan paused.

Indeed, the elders of the two families had long decided on their engagement.

Very good. Yin Jiujin was considered very capable among the younger generation. From the looks of
it, they were very compatible.

Even though…

He chuckled. “The Huo Family should be thanking Eldest Miss Yan for taking care of Rainy. Second
Young Master Yin, you don’t have to be polite.”

“Young Master Huo,” Chen Xiaotian greeted.

“Boss Chen.”

Huo Xuan looked around, “I heard that this is Boss Chen’s shop. It seems like business is good.”

“It’s just a small business. I’ve embarrassed myself in front of Young Master Huo.”

After some small talk, they arrived at the private room.

The Chen brothers did not join them. They only instructed the waiters to entertain them.
There was an air conditioner in the private room, so Yin Jiujin naturally helped Yan Jinyu remove her
scarf. Yan Jinyu removed her jacket and naturally handed it to him.

Huo Xuan saw this scene and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Huo Siyu tsked inwardly as she took off her jacket and hung it up.

These two people were really…

They were so intimate that no one could interfere. It seemed like it was good for her brother to
accompany her on this trip.

It could make her brother give up.

Although the process was a little cruel.

It was better to suffer quickly.

She was indeed a heartless sister.

The four of them sat down.

Huo Siyu took the menu automatically and ordered many dishes without asking anything.

Then, she didn’t hand the menu to Yan Jinyu but handed it to Yin Jiujin.

Yin Jiujin looked at her deeply but didn’t take it. He only said, “Just order. I rarely eat hotpot. I’m not
particular about it.”

Be it Xi Fengling or Huo Siyu, they automatically ignored the girl when they ordered food.

And the food that Huo Siyu ordered was clearly more than one person could eat.
In other words, she had ordered everything that both she and the young lady liked.

She did the same as Xi Fengling.

Everyone knew how lazy the young lady was.

Every time he knew that these people knew the girl better than him, he felt a little upset. However,
at the same time, he was very glad.

He was glad that they were by the young lady’s side when she suffered.

Huo Siyu handed the menu to Huo Xuan. “Brother.”

“Just go ahead and order. We’ve had so many meals at home together. You should remember my

Huo Siyu did not know if it was an illusion, but she felt that her brother’s words sounded a little sour.

When Yin Jiujin heard that, he glanced at Huo Xuan imperceptibly.

So, was Huo Xuan jealous because Huo Siyu ordered food for the young lady?

Then his feelings for the young lady…

She could not understand.

In reality, it wasn’t that Yin Jiujin couldn’t understand, but even if Huo Xuan treated Yan Jinyu
differently now, she still couldn’t surpass Huo Siyu in Huo Xuan’s heart.

They had their dinner after ordering.

After eating for a while, Huo Xuan suddenly looked at Yin Jiujin and said, “I heard that Second Young
Master Yin has caused quite a commotion in the capital recently.”

“I simply taught some ignorant people a lesson.” Yin Jiujin’s words were a hint.

Of course, Huo Xuan understood, but he pretended not to.

“If I wasn’t so busy recently that I couldn’t leave, I might have joined in the fun.”

“Young Master Huo, if you don’t find it troublesome, just join in the fun.”

“I’m the least afraid of trouble. Unfortunately, I don’t have such an opportunity now.”

“If Young Master Huo feels that the Huo Corporation has enough to squander, you’ll have a chance
anytime.” This meant that he would entertain him anytime.

“The Huo Corporation doesn’t have anything else except a lot of money. We can squander it as we


The two of them kept talking, making Yan Jinyu and Huo Siyu rather speechless.

What kind of childish “open strife” was this?

Huo Siyu picked up some food for Huo Xuan. “Brother.”

Huo Xuan stopped his “argument” with Yin Jiujin and looked at her.

“It’s very likely that the person targeting Second Young Master Yin is targeting Beauty Yu. Beauty
Yu’s enemy is my enemy.”
When she said this, the people who heard it would only think that she had a good relationship with
Beauty Yu and treated Beauty Yu’s enemy as her enemy. However, Beauty Yu’s enemy was, in fact,
the same as hers.

She had said it so ambiguously on purpose.

However, Huo Xuan understood.

Because he had already guessed Huo Siyu and Yan Jinyu’s past.

Although he couldn’t guess anything concrete, he could tell from their relationship that they must
have lived together in the past.

Hence, those people who came for Yan Jinyu, would also target Rainy?

Huo Xuan frowned deeply.

“You’re my sister, so your enemy is naturally my enemy too. I was joking with Second Young Master
Yin just now. There’s no need to take it seriously.”

Of course, it wasn’t a joke. He and Yin Jiujin were really competitors in business.

However, if they had a common enemy, he did not mind a temporary truce.

Actually, Huo Siyu felt a little touched when she heard Huo Xuan’s words.

It made her suddenly have the feeling that other than these few companions who would go through
life and death with her together, her family was helping her unconditionally.

She smiled. “It’s good that you’re joking. Beauty Yu and I don’t know much about business either. I
just hope that Brother and Second Young Master Yin don’t fight like fire and water. Isn’t there
some… benign competition?”
Huo Xuan’s eyes were smiling as he raised his hand to rub the top of her head, “If you encounter any
trouble in the future or anything you can’t resolve, you can tell me.”


After dinner, they left separately.

However, at night, Yin Jiujin received a call from Huo Xuan.

Looking at Yan Jinyu, who was lying on his lap and watching television, Yin Jiujin caressed her face.
He said softly, “I’ll go and answer a call.”

Yan Jinyu sat up. “Go ahead.”

Yin Jiujin leaned over and pecked the corners of her lips before getting up and walking to the room
with his phone that kept ringing.

The call connected. “What’s the matter?”

“With Second Young Master Yin’s intelligence, you should have guessed why I called, right?” Huo
Xuan sat in the study room with his phone in one hand and the latest information Huo Ning had sent
over in the other.

It was about investigating Huo Siyu’s past.

He found more information than before.

For example, after careful investigation, they realized that most of the students in that school back
then did not know Huo Siyu when she was studying in Country F.

Although her education certificate was real, there was indeed such a person in the school records.
It further confirmed his guess.

“Young Master Huo, please speak frankly.”

“Sometimes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. Since the person who is targeting Second Young
Master Yin is very likely to be targeting Eldest Miss Yan, then they can be considered as Rainy’s
enemy. I wonder if Second Young Master Yin has found out the other party’s identity? If you have, I
hope you can tell me. One more person will be more useful.”

“I haven’t.”

Huo Xuan knew that since he had already said so much, there was no need for Yin Jiujin to lie about

After all, Yin Jiujin wasn’t a fool. On the contrary, Yin Jiujin was a very shrewd businessman. If he
contributed to this matter, it would be a gain for Yin Jiujin. Yin Jiujin wouldn’t be stupid enough to
reject him.

It was precisely because of this that Huo Xuan fell silent for a long time after hearing Yin Jiujin’s

An enemy that Yin Jiujin couldn’t find after causing such a huge commotion…

How did Rainy survive in the past?

“Does Second Young Master Yin have a suspect?”

“Yes, but I won’t tell you for the time being. Since you didn’t guess it, you probably don’t know your
sister well enough. You don’t have to find out from me. I won’t interfere.”

“Ask your sister if you want to know.”

“If you still can’t find out, you don’t have to interfere in this matter. Protect your sister. Don’t let my
people worry about her safety.” This was what Yin Jiujin wanted to say.
The young lady did not show it, but he could tell that the young lady was actually very loyal.

She cared more about others’ safety than herself.

He hoped that the young lady would think more about herself.

“On the account that your sister and my fiancée have a deep relationship, I’ll remind Young Master
Huo to look after your sister. This time, the other party is looking for trouble with us. Perhaps, they’ll
look for trouble with you next time.”

Huo Xuan paused in his flipping of the document and was silent for a moment before saying, “Thank
you for the reminder.”

After saying that, he hung up.

As soon as he hung up, there was a knock on his study door.

It was Huo Siyu who pushed the door open and entered. “Brother, are you busy? I came to talk to

Huo Xuan glanced at her and closed the document in his hand before placing it under the laptop on
the table.

He got up and sat down on the sofa. “Come and sit down.”

Huo Siyu walked over and sat down. Without hesitation, she went straight to the point. “Brother is
investigating me, right?”

Huo Xuan’s heart tightened.

“Brother, don’t be nervous. I have no intention of pursuing the matter. I only mentioned it to tell you
that since I know that you’re investigating, if I don’t want you to find out, you won’t be able to get
anything. Brother, you don’t have to waste your manpower and effort on this matter anymore.”

“You’re already busy with work and don’t have time to rest properly. If you continue to worry about
these things, how tiring will it be for you?” Chapter 206: An Ordinary Couple

“Brother, don’t worry. It’s just a small problem. I can still resolve it. Besides, with Beauty Yu and the
rest around, I’m not facing it alone.”

The rest…

Huo Xuan caught the word.

So, other than Yan Jinyu, was there anyone else beside Rainy?

“Brother, if you really want to help me, just take care of your body. When you recover, I’ll tell you
everything about me.”

“Of course, Brother, don’t feel pressured either. It’s not easy to build up your body.”

“If I really have trouble that I can’t resolve, I won’t keep it from you because I care about your body.
After all, I know that Brother cares about me. If anything really happens to me, Brother will definitely
feel uncomfortable.”

Huo Xuan was silent for a moment, “Actually, you don’t have to think so much. I know my body very
well. I won’t die anytime soon. I can support the entire Huo Corporation, so how can I not protect

“Of course I know what you’re capable of. I just want to take care of you.”

Huo Xuan’s heart suddenly softened. Indeed, a biological sister was different. She knew how to take
care of her brother.
However, he had forgotten that Huo Sisi actually cared about him a lot too.

He simply had double standards.

“Alright, since you don’t say it, I won’t ask further. If there’s any trouble, tell me immediately. You
have to know that no matter how close a friend is, they’re still just friends. Family members are the
closest people to you. Besides, your friends have their own lives. It’s not good to trouble them for

Huo Siyu was stunned for a moment before she smiled. “Brother, you’re right. They have their own
lives too.” She had always been like this. Whenever she encountered something, if it wasn’t
something she couldn’t resolve, she wouldn’t have thought of troubling others.

Of course, it didn’t count this time when she asked Beauty Yu torture Huo Sisi with her.

Her purpose this time was not to torture the scumbag, but to invite Beauty Yu to South City as a

“Brother, don’t worry. I’ll tell you if there’s any trouble. Besides, Beauty Yu is in more danger than
me now. Even if they want to target someone, they will mostly target her.” Beauty Yu was the boss
of the four of them.

However, she was only the boss in the big picture.

“Mm-hm,” Huo Xuan replied.

It seemed like Yan Jinyu was very important.

This wasn’t just deduced from Rainy’s words, but also from Rainy’s reliance on Yan Jinyu.

“By the way, Brother, after you’re done with your work, accompany me to the capital.”

“To the capital?” Huo Xuan was puzzled.

Rainy had studied in the capital for more than half a year. She had stayed with Qin Hao at the capital
for a period of time before attending school.

With Qin Hao in the capital, wasn’t Rainy used to relying on Qin Hao and not him?

Although he was very unwilling to admit it, Rainy indeed wasn’t close to him as compared to Qin Hao
in the past.

He didn’t know what was good about Qin Hao.

“That’s right. Let’s go to the capital. Beauty Yu will probably return to the capital with Second Young
Master Yin for the new year. Look, Huo Sisi looked for trouble with me, and Beauty Yu came to
accompany me to settle her. Of course, I have to accompany Beauty Yu so that she won’t be bullied
by the Yin Family.”

“Beauty Yu likes to be fast, ruthless, and accurate. If the Yin Family goes overboard and she can’t
help but make a move, it won’t be easy to clean up the mess.” Huo Siyu was right about this. Didn’t
Yan Jinyu use a fast, ruthless, and accurate method to settle Min Qinglan previously?

“I’m not saying that Beauty Yu should endure being bullied. I just want to have more people
supporting her so that others won’t think that Beauty Yu is easy to bully without a backer.”

Of course, this was only one of the reasons why they were going to the capital.

And it was not the main reason.

She still wanted to bring her brother to see Brother Feng.

Suddenly, Huo Siyu looked a little down. “If Brother is really busy…”

“I’m not busy. I’ll go with you.”

Then, in the next second, Huo Xuan, who was a little nervous, saw Huo Siyu grinning. “Alright, thank
you, Brother. Then, Brother, please settle the matters at hand first. You’ll be going to the capital in
about half a month.”

“I’ll make a move first. I won’t disturb you. Brother, don’t stay up too late either. Rest early.”

“You too. Rest early.”

Huo Xuan only reacted after Huo Siyu left the study.

Why did he feel that Rainy’s main intention was to persuade him to go to the capital with her?

After all this time, he still did not know Rainy’s background.

Not only that, after hearing Rainy’s words, he actually had the urge to stop investigating.

It wasn’t that he was afraid of wasting that bit of resources, but…

Since Rainy said that if she didn’t want to, he wouldn’t be able to find anything. He felt that Rainy
wasn’t boasting.

It wasn’t that he wasn’t confident enough, but he felt that as his younger sister, Rainy should have
such ability.


Yin Jiujin, who had hung up, walked out of the room.

He walked to Yan Jinyu’s side and sat down. He leaned back against the sofa and hugged her as she
leaned against him.

“A call from work?” Yan Jinyu asked casually.

“No, it’s Huo Xuan’s.”

Yan Jinyu was a little surprised. She leaned against his chest and looked up at him, “Why did he call

“To ask who your enemy is.”

“Does he know Rainy’s identity?”

“No, but he should be suspicious.” He pinched her tender cheek. “Don’t interfere in other people’s
matters. If she wants him to know, Huo Siyu will naturally tell him.”

“I know.” Little Rain had never told Huo Xuan much, so she naturally had her concerns.

“Don’t worry. No one can hurt you with me around.”

Yan Jinyu smiled when she heard that, “Brother Nine, which eye of yours can tell that I’m worried?”

Both eyes.

She wasn’t worried about herself, but about someone else.

However, Yin Jiujin didn’t say that. “Yes, you’re not worried. I know that you’re very capable.”

“Brother Nine, why do I feel like you’re mocking me?”

Yin Jiujin chuckled. “No, I’m praising you.”

Yan Jinyu rolled her eyes.

“We will take the 7:30 am plane to return to North City tomorrow,” Yin Jiujin said.
“So early?”

“It’s not early. Just rest early.”

“Going to sleep now?”

Yan Jinyu raised her left hand and looked at the time on her “watch”. “Isn’t it a little early to sleep
now? It’s not even 10 yet.”

Yin Jiujin stared at her deeply with his eyes and the corners of his lips curled up. “If you can’t sleep,
we can do something else.”

He ignored her and switched off the television with the remote control. He wrapped her legs around
his waist like he was hugging a child.

At the same time, his lips landed.

They kissed as he walked to the room.

Yan Jinyu was a little speechless, but she didn’t struggle. She raised her arms and wrapped them
around his neck.


At seven thirty the next day, the two of them boarded the plane on time.

In the first class cabin, she saw someone familiar again.

Yuan Xi.

However, he was not alone this time. There was Yuan Yuan too.
They sat at the side.

When Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin walked into the first class cabin, the two of them were already sitting
in their seats.

Yuan Xi and Yuan Yuan were stunned when they saw them.

Yuan Yuan greeted her first, “Eldest Miss Yan, what a coincidence.”

Yan Jinyu smiled and nodded, “It’s indeed a coincidence. Miss Yuan, are you going to North City?”

“Yes, I’m accompanying Xi’er. Xi’er left something in North City and needs to go get it.”

“If you have left something behind, just get someone to send it over. Why did you go personally?”
Yan Jinyu asked casually.

She wasn’t the kind of person who would interfere in other people’s business. Yin Jiujin, who knew
her, glanced at the Yuan siblings indifferently.

He wondered where the girl knew them from.

Yin Jiujin’s gaze paused on Yuan Xi’s face for a moment.

Why did he feel that this boy had been staring at his girl?

His gaze was even a little strange.

An 18 or 19-year-old boy who looked rather decent…

“Sit down first.” Yin Jiujin intentionally made Yan Jinyu sit in the seat by the window. Not only was
there an aisle between her and Yuan Xi, but there was also him between them.
“Oh.” Yan Jinyu sat down obediently and let Yin Jiujin help her buckle her seatbelt.

It was difficult for the Yuan siblings not to notice Yin Jiujin since Yan Jinyu was so obedient, let alone
Yin Jiujin’s aura.

The two of them did not size him up just now. Perhaps, they were subconsciously affected by his
scary aura and did not dare to size him up directly.

After sitting down, Yan Jinyu stuck her head out again as if she was waiting for Yuan Yuan’s reply.

Yuan Yuan quickly retracted her gaze and replied with a smile, “Oh, Xi’er’s the only one who has the
keys to his house over there. No one else can enter the house to get the things.”

“I see.”

After a moment of hesitation, Yuan Yuan asked, “This is…”

Actually, she already had a guess.

However, before Yan Jinyu could reply, Yuan Xi said, “You must be Master Nine. I’ve long heard of
your name. I’m Yuan Xi, from the Yuan Family in South City.”

Yin Jiujin glanced at him indifferently.

He nodded slightly as a response.

There was no other response.

Yan Jinyu glanced at Yuan Xi and smiled at Yuan Yuan. “This is my fiancé, Yin Jiujin.”

“So it’s Master Nine. I’ve heard so much about you.”

After saying that, she looked at Yuan Xi’s expression. Seeing that he wasn’t affected by Yin Jiujin’s
attitude, Yuan Yuan felt slightly relieved.

Speaking of which, it was quite rare to get a nod from this person.

She heard that this person had always been cold and distant to others.

However, the following scene shattered Yuan Yuan’s understanding.

She saw that the cold and distant Yin Jiujin actually put down the book in his hand and turned to
watch Yan Jinyu play games.

Occasionally, he would even guide Yan Jinyu with a gentle voice.

If she did not hear wrongly, that was a very retarded game.

“Brother Nine, don’t keep giving me pointers. I know how to play. Just watch quietly. Why don’t you
read your book? You’re affecting my thoughts.”

Yin Jiujin flicked her forehead and leaned over to kiss her lips punishingly. “How dare you despise

“You still need to use your brain for such a low IQ game. You’re indeed a silly girl.”

Yan Jinyu glared at him. “If you knew that it was a low IQ game, why were you still instructing me?
So Brother Nine, you’re also silly. No, I should say that you’re even more silly.”

Yin Jiujin smiled. If she wasn’t silly, then what was? In that case, didn’t she also think that she was

“Yes, we’re both silly.”

“The next round is starting.”

“I know, I know. Brother Nine, don’t say anything.”

Yuan Yuan, who heard this conversation, felt that her worldview had been impacted.

Even Yuan Xi was surprised.

The two of them seemed no different from ordinary couples when they were together.

Forget about Eldest Miss Yan, but the other person was the famous Master Nine! He had caused
such a big commotion in the capital a few days ago. Now, who wouldn’t be filled with respect
whenever he was mentioned?

If they knew Yan Jinyu’s identity, they would probably be even more anxious. Chapter 207: Master
Nine’s Heart Aches

In the end, Yan Jinyu didn’t interact much with the two siblings from the Yuan Family. After the plane
reached North City, she left after bidding farewell to them.

Yan Jinyu didn’t interact much with the Yuan siblings, so with Yin Jiujin’s personality, it was even
more impossible for him to pay attention to them.

However, Yan Jinyu glanced at Yuan Xi twice when they said goodbye to each other.

It was always hard to ignore the fact that he had just returned to South City a few days ago and then
returned to North City to retrieve his things.

However, she only paid attention to that for a moment but did not pursue the matter.

Of course, Yin Jiujin, who had sharp senses, didn’t give her a chance to pursue the matter. Yin Jiujin
was a little angry when she took a double look at Yuan Xi.

Cheng Lin drove straight to the airport to pick them up. They got in the car and headed straight to
Mount Jing.
In the car, Yin Jiujin was still angry. He ignored Yan Jinyu and leaned against the car seat to rest his

Yan Jinyu felt helpless.

“Brother Nine.”

She reached out to hold his hand on his lap and shook it. “Are you ignoring me?”

Yin Jiujin glanced at her. “No.”

Then, he closed his eyes again, but he did not retract his hand.

Yan Jinyu felt that it was rare. She pursed her lips and smiled, “You still said that you didn’t. You
don’t even want to look at me anymore.”

Yin Jiujin opened his eyes again and stared at her. He seemed to be looking at her out of spite,
making Yan Jinyu ecstatic.

She held his hand and looked at him. “Brother Nine, are you jealous?”

Cheng Lin, who was driving in front, tried to lower his presence.

Fortunately, he had been by Master Nine’s side recently and had seen many exceptions that Master
Nine made for Miss Yu. Otherwise, he really couldn’t remain calm.

Master Nine was jealous…

Who would believe that?

“If you’re jealous, you have to tell me. Otherwise, I can’t tell.”

“I’m not jealous.”

“You’re still denying it. You’re already angry. Brother Nine, you’re simply too jealousy. I’m not the
kind of woman who likes every man she sees. I’m very loyal.”

Yin Jiujin looked at her smiling exquisite face and held her hand. He held her hand in his and
caressed her calloused palm. “I naturally believe you.”

“I just like you too much. I’m afraid that others will have designs on you.”

His sudden confession stunned Yan Jinyu. She stared at his deep and affectionate eyes, and her heart
started to pound.

The two of them were so familiar with each other, so why was her emotions still so easily affected by

Perhaps, she saw a hint of unconfidence in Yin Jiujin’s deep love?

He wasn’t confident because he cared about her too much.

As she thought about it, she reached out to wrap her arms around his waist and leaned against him.
“Brother Nine, don’t worry. Not to mention that no one is thinking about me, even if there is,
Brother Nine is the only person I want.”

As if afraid that he wouldn’t believe her, Yan Jinyu blinked and stared at him. She said seriously,
“Really, Brother Nine, you gotta believe me.”

Seeing her like this, Yin Jiujin’s jealousy had long dissipated. He held her waist with one hand and
said, “Yes, I believe you.”
He lowered his eyes to look at her. “Even if I believe you, it’s not a reason for you to keep staring at
others. Tell me, why are you staring at that brat from the Yuan Family? You’re not someone who will
easily be curious about others.”

“Alright, since Brother Nine asked, I won’t hide it from you.”

She looked at him in amusement. “Otherwise, you’ll be jealous again.”

The young lady actually teased him. Yin Jiujin felt a little uncomfortable.

“Little Rain and I suspect that Yuan Xi is Jones.”

Seeing that Yin Jiujin’s expression had suddenly become serious, Yan Jinyu hurriedly smiled and said,
“It’s just a guess. There’s no substantial evidence. Moreover, most of his suspicion was removed

“How did you get rid of the suspicion?”

“In South City, Huo Sisi was looking for trouble. She got someone to create trouble at the ski resort.
Yuan Xi disregarded his own safety to help me. Brother Nine, don’t worry. I’m fine. It’s just a small
trick. It can’t hurt me.”

“Although Yuan Xi didn’t help me stop the other party in the end, he did try to at that time. If he was
Jones and I was his father’s killer, why would he risk his life to save me?”

“It’s just that we’ve already eliminated all the suspects. He just returned to South City for a few days
and then came to North City again. It’s always hard to not care.”

However, Yin Jiujin acted as if he didn’t hear her last sentence. He stared at her and asked, “Why did
he disregard his own safety to save you?” He was grateful that the other party had saved the young
lady, but although he was grateful, he still cared about it.

Yan Jinyu was stunned. She didn’t expect him to ask this.
She thought for a moment and said, “Perhaps, he has a high empathy and is willing to sacrifice
himself for others?”

Yin Jiujin snorted inwardly.

He had only met him once, but he could tell that that boy was definitely not a warm-hearted person.

“No matter what, we can’t let our guard down,” he said without any selfishness. He was just stating
the facts.

That was what Yin Jiujin thought anyway.

“Of course I know.”

“Do you need me to investigate?”

“There’s no need to.” Yan Jinyu looked up at him. “Isn’t Brother Nine investigating the person behind
the Empire Group’s accident?”


“Then, Brother Nine should focus on that. If Yuan Xi is really Jones, it’s very likely that the person
behind her is the same person, or… the same group of people.”

“On the other hand, Brother Nine, you have a lot of capable people under you. Can you lend me a
few people to use for a while?”

Looking at him, Yan Jinyu lowered her eyes calmly. “I’m worried that the other party will start with
Yun’er. I can’t always stay by Yun’er’s side. I want Brother Nine to lend a few skilled people to
protect her secretly.”

Yin Jiujin seemed very happy.

“I’ll arrange it.”

He raised a hand to cup her face and made her look at him. “I’m glad you thought of asking me for

He raised a hand to cup her face and made her look at him. “I’m glad you thought of asking me for

Yan Jinyu looked at him and bit her lip tightly.

At this moment, her eyes were actually a little teary.

All these years, other than occasionally doing things with the three of them, she had mostly relied on

She did not have the habit of relying on others either.

This wasn’t because she wanted to rely on Yin Jiujin, but because she trusted Yin Jiujin. Yin Jiujin
indeed had some useful people under him. Since they were Yin Jiujin’s subordinates, their credibility
would be higher, and she didn’t have to worry too much about their abilities.

Upon hearing Yin Jiujin’s words, she actually felt tired for a moment…

This kind of weak emotion was fatal to someone like her who had lived on the edge of danger all
year round.

How could Yin Jiujin not sense Yan Jinyu’s emotions?

He did not say much and only kissed her forehead dotingly. Then, he covered her eyes and held her
in his arms.
Yan Jinyu couldn’t see anything. Other than Yin Jiujin’s unique scent, there was nothing else in her

It was comforting.

“Don’t think too much. It’s not difficult for me to protect someone in North City.” Compared to the
capital, North City was Yin Jiujin’s territory.

“You have to learn to rely on me. I’m your fiancé. I’ll be your husband in the future, not anyone

After a long while, Yan Jinyu, who had buried her face in his arms, answered gloomily, “Mm-hm.”

It was unknown if Yan Jinyu had suddenly figured out something and relaxed her mood or something
else, but when they arrived at Mount Jing, Yan Jinyu fell asleep in Yin Jiujin’s arms.

Yin Jiujin carried her out of the car and went straight upstairs to his room.

When they entered the building, Aunt Cheng was a little excited to see them. After all, they hadn’t
seen each other for a few days. She was about to greet them when Yin Jiujin stopped her with a

When they entered the building, Aunt Cheng was a little excited to see them. After all, they hadn’t
seen each other for a few days. She was about to greet them when Yin Jiujin stopped her with a

He covered her with the blanket but did not leave immediately. Instead, he sat on the bed and
looked at her.

The young lady’s face was only the size of a palm. She was only 18 years old, but she had
experienced so much.

She looked innocent, but her thoughts were so deep that others could not see through her.
She had probably never experienced the feeling of having someone to rely on in her life.

It was undeniable that she did have a few trusted partners, and they were the kind that one could
completely trust with one’s life.

However, partners were only partners in the end. They could be one another’s backup, but they
could not completely relax and rely on the other party.

Everyone had times when they were tired, let alone an 18-year-old girl.

She had been too tense all these years.

Once again, Yin Jiujin regretted not looking for her earlier.

After sitting by the bed for a long time, Yin Jiujin got up and left for the study.

He first arranged for someone to protect Yan Jinyun in the dark before making a call.

“Let’s work together.”

Feng Yun, who suddenly received the call, was stunned.

It had been a few years since his phone last rang, and only a few people knew the number.

Oh, Yin Jiujin had given him the phone when he returned to the Yin Family. At that time, Yin Jiujin
was still in the army and had no conflict with the Yin Family.

“Cooperate about what?”

“Feng Yun, don’t pretend to be stupid. You know what I want to cooperate about? I won’t ask about
your matter. Of course, even if I ask, you might not say much. Our cooperation is only limited to
information sharing. I know that you have more ways to find out about Ghost Slaughter’s people
than me.”
“What… happened to you?”

“My heart aches for my girl. Can’t I? I just want to get rid of these troubles as soon as possible so
that my people can live a carefree life.”

“That’s naturally good, but Jin, don’t you think you’ve overprotected that girl? Not to mention years
ago, even Ghost Slaughter Island at its peak could be destroyed by her. She can completely handle
such a small problem.”

“I know she can handle it, but I feel sorry for her.”

“She’s only 18 years old. She shouldn’t have to endure so much.”

Feng Yun fell silent.

Indeed, an 18-year-old should not have endured so much.

However, who hadn’t suffered a lot at 18 years old?

Jin did, and so did he.

“Alright, I agree to cooperate. However, Jin, don’t show your emotions to others. In that case,
everyone can tell that that girl is your weakness.”

“Fortunately, the little girl is not a delicate flower. Otherwise, you won’t be so invincible in the
future. The little girl will become your enemy’s bargaining chip to deal with you.”

“You don’t have to teach me that.” Then, Yin Jiujin said, “If you want to put on the airs of an elder
brother to teach me, wait until you have the ability to walk out of your courtyard.” Chapter 208: The
Proud Little Sister

Feng Yun paused and said, “Tell me everything you know. Of course, I’ll tell you everything I know
Yin Jiujin snorted in disdain at such an obvious change of topic.

She told him everything she knew.

Yin Jiujin also knew a lot from Feng Yun.

For example, if someone from Ghost Slaughter survived, who it was most likely to be and who had
the ability to sneak into the Smith Family and kill the person in charge before escaping unscathed.

After hanging up, both of them looked serious.

Especially Feng Yun.

He received a message from Yin Jiujin that Ghost Slaughter Island’s initial plan might not be as
simple as nurturing a world-class top killer.

His mother was the daughter of the Yin Family, so he was considered half a member of the Yin
Family. In that case, didn’t that mean that the three top-notch families in the capital and the Huo
Family in South City were targeted by Ghost Slaughter Island?

He didn’t know how others got to Ghost Slaughter Island, but he…

…was abducted.

It couldn’t be that the other party was kind enough to help these families nurture talents, right?

No matter what the reason was, since there were still people alive on Ghost Slaughter Island other
than those four people, he still had the chance to take revenge personally.

He wanted to take revenge for the few years that he had been on the brink of death when he was
abducted to Ghost Slaughter Island. He also wanted to take revenge on them for killing his parents!
If possible, he would rather still be on Ghost Slaughter Island and leave his life to fate! Perhaps in the
end, he could completely leave Ghost Slaughter Island like the four of them and not use his parents’
lives to exchange for freedom!

How could it be so easy to save someone from a place like Ghost Slaughter Island?

Furthermore, his parents had only suddenly received the news back then and were not sure if he
was really on Ghost Slaughter Island.

Although they tried their best to bring him out in the end, his parents were shot countless times…

When her grandfather received the news and rushed over, they were already dead. Only he was still
breathing. He had been in the hospital for more than half a year before he was saved.

He ignored the interrogations of his grandfather and the others and did not tell anyone what he had
experienced and how his parents had died.

Because he had been to Ghost Slaughter Island before and knew how difficult it was to deal with it,
he didn’t want the Yin Family to get involved in this mess.

Hence, he planned for many years alone and wanted to take revenge personally.

However, before he could do anything, Ghost Slaughter Island was destroyed.

Feng Yun stood at the same spot for a long time. When the hatred in his heart was mostly
suppressed, he took out his phone and made a call.

He had planned for many years, so he naturally had some subordinates working under him.

Even if he did not leave the house.

He got someone to investigate the Smith Family and the Jones Family first.

Yan Jinyu didn’t know what Yin Jiujin had done.

She only woke up in the afternoon that day. Yin Jiujin didn’t go to the office. He was handling work in
the study.

After Yan Jinyu woke up, she didn’t go downstairs directly. Instead, she went to the study to look for

The way the two of them interacted didn’t change because Yan Jinyu gradually opened up to Yin
Jiujin and became more dependent on him. It was still the same as before. Whenever there was a
chance, they would stick together.

After sticking together for two days, Yin Jiujin left Mount Jing to go to the company. Yan Jinyu
wanted to go out too.

She received Yan Jinyun’s call.

She said she had been busy during this period of time and was finally free. Feng Yuan had booked a
private room at Elegant Bamboo Clubhouse and asked a few familiar people to go have fun with him,
so he asked her to join them.

Yan Jinyu thought that since she would be going to the capital soon, she would probably only be able
to see Yan Jinyun after the New Year. Although Yin Jiujin had arranged for someone to protect Yan
Jinyun secretly, Yan Jinyu still wanted to take a look at Yan Jinyun personally to feel at ease.

Yin Jiujin knew that she was going out, so he didn’t leave early. Instead, he waited for her to come

It had been two days since he went to the company. It did not make a difference if he was late by a
day or half.

He would send Yan Jinyu to Elegant Bamboo first before going to the Empire Group.
“Master Nine, we’re here,” Cheng Lin said.

Yin Jiujin looked up from the laptop on his lap and looked at Yan Jinyu. “Don’t drink.”

“I know, I know. Brother Nine, you’ve emphasized it a few times before we left. Don’t worry, I don’t
like to drink. Besides, I’ve been trained in my early years. Ordinary alcohol won’t make me drunk.”

She said it lightly, but it sounded grave to Yin Jiujin’s ears.

However, it was true that Yan Jinyu didn’t like to drink.

Compared to alcohol, she preferred yogurt that she was used to.

“If you leave early, call me. I’ll get someone to pick you up and send you to the office. Call me too
even if it ends later. I’ll pick you up and bring you home.”


“Then, Brother Nine, I’m leaving.”

Yin Jiujin stared at her. “Are you leaving just like that?”

Yan Jinyu laughed and leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Can we go now?”

The corners of Yin Jiujin’s lips curled up slightly. “Yes, be careful.”

“I know. Elegant Bamboo is our own people’s territory. I don’t have to do anything.”

“Yes.” Yin Jiujin still trusted her skills, but he was still worried. After all, there were still enemies
eyeing them from the shadows.
“Sister, over here!”

Yan Jinyu got out of the car. Yan Jinyun, who was standing outside Elegant Bamboo’s gate, waved at

Yan Jinyun was a cool beauty. Even if she smiled normally, she exuded a sense of purity. However,
her smile now was like a little sister who had just met her older sister.

The smile on her face was filled with joy.

Yan Jinyu walked over and asked with a smile, “It’s so cold. Why don’t you go in first?” It was the end
of the year, and the winter in North City would occasionally feel a little more wintery.

“I just arrived too.”

Seeing her flushed face, Yan Jinyu didn’t say anything.

Winter in North City was completely incomparable to winter in South City. In South City, one’s face
would turn red from the cold if they stood outside for a while. However, in North City, with such
weather, one would not freeze in less than half an hour.

“What about the others?”

“Feng Yuan is entertaining the others upstairs. There aren’t many people either. Sister, don’t worry.”

Yan Jinyu glanced at her.

She looked very worried?

She didn’t care who was here. She was only here to see Yan Jinyun today. As for the others, it was
best if they knew their place. If they didn’t…

She had some free time too.

As she was thinking, Yan Jinyun suddenly reached out her hand that was wrapped in a scarf. “This is
for you.”

Yan Jinyu looked at the thing that she handed over and her eyes paused slightly.

“It’s hot. I only brought it over after I warmed it up.” Yan Jinyun’s expression looked a little
unnatural. She had probably never done such a thing before.

Yan Jinyu looked at the yogurt that she handed over and didn’t move.

Seeing that Yan Jinyu didn’t move for a long time, Yan Jinyun said angrily, “Do you want it or not?”
Without waiting for Yan Jinyu to reply, she stuffed it into her arms. “If you don’t want it, just throw it

Then, she turned and entered Elegant Bamboo, ignoring Yan Jinyu.

Yan Jinyu looked at the yogurt in her hand. It was indeed warm.

Looking at Yan Jinyun’s back as she walked into Elegant Bamboo, her eyes curved and she smiled.

She opened the yogurt and took a sip before covering it and holding it in her hand. Then, she
entered the Elegant Bamboo.

Tsk, it clearly tasted the same. Why did she think that this packet of yogurt tasted better?

If she remembered correctly, Yan Jinyun had said that yogurt was unpresentable, right?


Hence, even if she knew that she shouldn’t be attached to her, she couldn’t bear to lose Yan Jinyun,
her sister.
Even though she knew that contact with Yan Jinyun would bring danger to her, she still came over as
soon as she received Yan Jinyun’s call.

On this point, she was actually a very selfish person.

There were indeed not many people in the private room that Feng Yuan had booked. Other than
Feng Yuan and his good friend Xu Gui, there was also the eldest daughter of the Luo Family, Luo Qiu.
Other than that, there was also Luo Yikun.

Luo Yikun was sitting beside Luo Qiu.

On the other side of Luo Yikun sat Zhao Yue, whom Yan Jinyu had not seen for a long time.

Yan Jinyun was a little surprised to see Zhao Yue. Obviously, she and Feng Yuan didn’t call her over.
They didn’t even invite Luo Yikun.

Luo Yikun came with Luo Qiu.

Zhao Yue, who was holding Luo Yikun’s hand and refusing to let go, was stunned to see Yan Jinyu
and Yan Jinyun pushing the door open and entering. She instinctively let go of Luo Yikun and sat

She wasn’t afraid of Yan Jinyun, but Yan Jinyu.

She had only been discharged two days ago after the previous racing accident. The chauffeur had
personally sent her to Elegant Bamboo, so she gave up on her clutch and insisted on walking to the
private room.

Because she knew that there was a gathering here and that Luo Yikun would be here.

If she had known that Yan Jinyu would come, she definitely wouldn’t have come.

She couldn’t afford to offend Yan Jinyu, let alone Master Nine!
Everyone in North City knew that Master Nine doted on Yan Jinyu a lot.

Other than Zhao Yue, only Feng Yuan had the biggest reaction when he saw Yan Jinyu, “Jinyu, you’re
here? It’s been a while since we last met, right? I heard from Yun’er that you went to South City to
play some time ago?”

Yan Jinyu raised her eyebrows.

He was already calling her Yun’er.

Didn’t he always call Yan Jinyun by her full name in the past?

It seemed like Yan Jinyun had taken him.

“I asked Yun’er to come up, but she insisted on waiting for you downstairs.” As he spoke, he took a
hot water bag from somewhere and walked towards Yan Jinyun. He personally held her hand and
placed the hot water bag in her hand.

His actions were natural as if he had done it countless times.

The others were used to it. Only Yan Jinyu smiled and took a few more glances.

Actually, many people were shocked when they first saw Feng Yuan, the person who disliked Yan
Jinyun the most in school, sending her breakfast every day, waiting for her to have lunch together,
and occasionally seeing the two of them holding hands in less crowded places.

Because of this, many of Yan Jinyun’s followers and Feng Yuan’s admirers had tried to find trouble
with the two of them. However, due to their families and their influence in school, coupled with the
fact that the two of them had entered their own companies, especially Yan Jinyun, who even
controlled the entire Yan Corporation, no one dared to find trouble with them. At most, they would
only be able to gain some benefits verbally.

Feng Yuan, who was the most handsome boy in the school, was also one of the school’s overlords.
After teaching those people a lesson a few times, no one dared to come and find trouble with them
Slowly, everyone began to get used to the way the two of them interacted.

If someone asked if they were together, both Feng Yuan and Yan Jinyun would say no, but who
would believe them?

They were already holding hands and kissing.

Only Luo Yikun would stare at Feng Yuan strangely and size him up for a long time every time he saw
him. He seemed to be saying, “What right does Feng Yuan have to be liked by Yan Jinyun? She’s the
person he has been eyeing for many years but still didn’t dare to make a move on.”

Feng Yuan couldn’t be bothered with him.

However, Yan Jinyun’s face turned red when she heard Feng Yuan’s words. She stomped on his foot
and glared at him, “What are you talking about?”

Then, she looked at Yan Jinyu. Seeing Yan Jinyu smiling at her, Yan Jinyun’s face turned even redder.

It was embarrassing.

Yan Jinyu could tell that she was feeling uncomfortable. She smiled faintly and looked away before
answering Feng Yuan, “Yes, I went to South City to play for a few days.”

“Come and sit first. I ordered a lot of food. There’s no one else coming today. Yun’er has been very
busy recently. It’s rare for her to be free so she came out to relax.”

“Enough, stop showing off,” Luo Yikun said.

However, as soon as he spoke, someone continued, “You’re still talking about others. I wonder who
it is. The women around him change every day. It’s as if he can’t live without a woman.”
It was Xu Gui. Chapter 209: Yun’er The Parent

Speaking of Xu Gui, he used to be very afraid of Luo Yikun.

Moreover, he was Feng Yuan’s brother and Feng Yuan had always been at odds with Luo Yikun. He
and Luo Yikun were actually considered to be on opposite sides and rarely interacted.

Even if he wasn’t afraid of Luo Yikun, he wouldn’t speak to Luo Yikun so strangely.

However, that was in the past.

He was not so afraid of Luo Yikun anymore ever since he bumped into Luo Yikun, who had been
drugged while playing in the bar some time ago. He suddenly decided to step forward kindly and
help Luo Yikun back to his bachelor apartment.

On the contrary, he began to dislike Luo Yikun every time they met.

Xu Gui was extremely glad every time he thought about that night.

If he hadn’t pushed Luo Yikun away with all his might and knocked him out before dragging him to
the bathroom and soaking him in cold water for the entire night on such a cold day, he would have
lost his virginity.

Luo Yikun looked at him. “Why do you care?”

Xu Gui was so frightened that he had goosebumps. “Who cares? It’s not like I’m crazy!”

“Since you don’t care, what are you saying all that?”

“I’m free. Can’t I?!”

Luo Yikun looked at him and retracted his gaze after one glance, making Xu Gui feel puzzled.
After sitting down, Feng Yuan asked curiously, “Xu Gui, what conflict did you guys have?”

“Who has a conflict with him? I’m simply bored!”

“Have you eaten explosives? Why are you so angry?” Feng Yuan sized him up inexplicably, “Speaking
of which, Xu Gui, you’ve been very strange recently. You seem to be very angry, especially when you
see Luo Yikun. You don’t have such a deep relationship with him, right? Why do you have to scold
him every time we meet?”

Actually, what Feng Yuan wanted to say was,?You aren’t that bold, right? You even dare to provoke
Luo Yikun now.

On second thought, they were brothers after all. He would not be giving him face by saying that.

“And Luo Yikun, have you changed your character recently? I haven’t seen any female creatures
around you for a while. Also, when did you become so good-tempered? Xu Gui has dissed you so
many times, but you didn’t get angry? This isn’t like you!”


Feng Yuan looked at Xu Gui, “What are you afraid of? So what if you diss him. We aren’t afraid of

“Feng Yuan, you’re wrong. Am I not a woman?” As Zhao Yue spoke, she wanted to sit forward and
hold Luo Yikun’s hand, but Luo Yikun avoided her.

He looked at her. “I don’t have the habit of turning back. You’re really not my woman now.”

At this moment, Zhao Yue couldn’t understand Luo Yikun’s gaze. She was a little frightened by him.

She didn’t dare to go up and hold his arm again.

However, she didn’t want to be embarrassed in front of so many people. She pretended to glare at
him coquettishly. “Second Young Master Luo, you’re being heartless now.”
“Besides, I simply just started to pursue you then. I’ve never been with you before. How can I be
considered as turning back?”

Luo Yikun looked at her with a faint smile.

Zhao Yue’s expression froze.

Xu Gui snorted coldly in disdain. Luo Yikun looked at him again.

Xu Gui sat further away with goosebumps all over his body.

Seeing this, Luo Qiu covered her lips and chuckled, “Young Master Xu, don’t take it to heart. My
Second Brother was indeed a little fickle in the past. He has mellowed down recently. You’ve seen it
too. There are no women around my Second Brother recently.”

Xu Gui glared at her too. “What does it have to do with me?”

Luo Qiu shrugged and didn’t argue with him.

Luo Yikun glanced at Xu Gui again with an unknown meaning. He retracted his gaze and looked at
Yan Jinyu, who was sitting in the corner. “Eldest Miss Yan, long time no see.”

He suddenly greeted Yan Jinyu, and everyone looked at him.

In comparison, Yan Jinyu was the calmest.

She looked up at him calmly. “It hasn’t been long either. I only met you the last time I discussed a
collaboration with Miss Luo.” It had only been half a year since she returned to North City.

However, Luo Yikun’s sudden greeting surprised her.

Ever since Luo Yikun had sent her two messages telling her about Luo Yilin’s whereabouts, she knew
that Luo Yikun was not a simple person.

She was even more certain that Luo Yikun wasn’t simple when she negotiated with Luo Qiu

She didn’t want to interact with him too much.

It was not that she was afraid, but she was too lazy to provoke trouble.

“Is that so? I just feel that it’s been a long time.” After saying that, he didn’t say anything else,
making everyone present very puzzled.

Would Luo Yikun dare to say that he had taken a fancy to Yan Jinyu and had designs on her?

Who had the guts to snatch a girl from Master Nine?

Perhaps someone did, but that person was definitely not in North City.

Only Yan Jinyu looked at Luo Yikun with a smile in her eyes before retracting her gaze.

She opened the yogurt that Yan Jinyun had given her and took another sip.

Actually, she hadn’t been drinking yogurt recently.

She did not know if it was because there had been nothing that had been too unpleasant recently, so
she no longer felt frustrated and her emotions were controllable.

Seeing that she had drunk the yogurt, Yan Jinyun smiled imperceptibly.

Yan Jinyun then “unintentionally” pushed the snacks in front of her to her. “It’s almost the new year.
Do you want to go back to the Yan Family for the new year?”
Yan Jinyu paused in her actions of picking up a snack with her chopsticks. She didn’t look at her and
replied calmly, “No.”

Yan Jinyun clenched her fists. “It’s good that you’re not returning.” She didn’t have to feel frustrated.

Actually, after she became the head of the family, she had already gotten someone to build a villa in
the Yan Family’s mansion area and specially hired a team to design it. That villa and the courtyard
were all prepared for Yan Jinyu.

However, she did not say much about it. Even Feng Yuan did not know.

“Then where will you spend the New Year? Mount Jing?”

Yan Jinyu looked up and smiled at her, “No, I’ll probably go to the capital with Brother Nine.” It
wasn’t to show off, but the atmosphere was heavy. She didn’t like it, so she used her smile to ease
the heavy atmosphere.

It was also to inform Yan Jinyun that she would be going to the capital for a period of time.

“To the capital?” Yan Jinyun frowned slightly, “The Yin Family?”

“I guess so.”

“Will the Yin Family… make things difficult for you if you go to the Yin Family?”

Yan Jinyu saw that she was extremely worried and smiled, “Don’t worry, I’ve met the Yin Family.
They treat me quite well.” The only person who would make things difficult for her, Min Qinglan, had
also been frightened by her once. She probably wouldn’t dare to find trouble with her again.

Of course, Yan Jinyun didn’t believe her.

The wife of the head of the Yin Family valued family status the most. How could she possibly treat
Yan Jinyu well?
Yan Jinyu must have lied to her because she didn’t want her to be worried.

“I’ll manage the Yan Corporation well.” These words sounded like a promise.

She didn’t elaborate, but Yan Jinyu understood.

She felt a little complicated. She didn’t know if she was more happy or worried.

She was happy that Yan Jinyun was indeed a soft-hearted person. She even wanted to develop the
Yan Corporation and be her backing.

She was worried that Yan Jinyun would be in danger if she got too close to Yan Jinyun.


She wondered when life would be simpler.

“Of course, it’s your responsibility to take over the Yan Corporation.”

“…” Yan Jinyun. She was so heartless. Couldn’t she tell what she was trying to say?

“Do you want me to prepare gifts for you when you go to the Yin Family? After all, this is your first
time visiting. It’s not good to go empty-handed.”

Yan Jinyu couldn’t help but laugh. She looked at her, “Yun’er, don’t tell me you really think you’re my
parent? Why do I need you to consider these things for me? Are you my younger sister or not?”

“…I’m the head of the Yan Family. To outsiders, you’re representing the Yan Family by visiting
someone else’s house. You can’t embarrass the Yan Family!”

“Alright, then you’ll prepare them. I’ll go to the capital in about 10 days. Get someone to send them
to Mount Jing when you’re ready.” After saying that, Yan Jinyu chuckled again.
Zhao Yue clenched her fists when she saw how they interacted.

Yan Jinyun used to act like she didn’t like Yan Jinyu very much in front of her, but now, she was so
“close to her”!

It was indeed the highest level of being a hypocritical fake person!

Hmph, she couldn’t afford to provoke Yan Jinyu and the Yan Family. Then, she would just wait to
watch the show!

She wanted to see how long this sisterhood could last!

However, Luo Yikun’s eyes flickered when he saw the two of them interacting like this.

“Is Eldest Miss Yan going to the capital too?”

Everyone looked at him again.

Luo Yikun chuckled. “Qiu’s maternal family is in the capital. We’re preparing to make a trip to the
capital soon. In that case, we’re really fated.”

Luo Qiu frowned slightly.

She didn’t seem to have said that she was going to the capital.

However, since she had taken over the Luo Family, she really should take some time to visit her real
grandfather in the capital.

After acknowledging a thief as her mother for so many years, she had let down her mother and her

All these years, she had not even visited her aged grandmother once.
At the thought of this, she didn’t interrupt Luo Yikun.

Luo Yikun had obviously expected that she wouldn’t interrupt.

He smiled at her as if he had already arranged everything.

At this moment, Luo Qiu had even fewer objections. She had a good relationship with Luo Yikun, and
Luo Yikun had even helped her a lot by seizing the power of the Luo Family.

Now that Luo Yilin was lying in the hospital in a vegetative state, Zhang Mei had been detained in the
police station and would be in prison for the rest of her life, and her father was shocked and locked
himself up in his room, the person she trusted the most was Luo Yikun.

Of course, she had no objections to Luo Yikun’s arrangements.

Yan Jinyu chuckled, “Is that so? Then we’re indeed fated.”


After that, the small gathering ended very calmly.

It was still early, so Yan Jinyu didn’t call Yin Jiujin. Instead, she called a car and headed to the Empire

Yin Jiujin was a little surprised to see her in the office.

Naturally, they made out again.

Half a month passed calmly. Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin boarded the plane and headed to the capital.
Yan Jinyu even brought a few gifts that Yan Jinyun had meticulously prepared.

She didn’t meet the Luo cousins on the plane dramatically.

She didn’t meet the Luo cousins, but she met someone else.

She didn’t know Yan Jinyu, but Yan Jinyu knew her. Chapter 210: Jinyu Acting Coyly

It wasn’t accurate to say that she knew her. Yan Jinyu had only seen her photo.

Xi Fengling had sent it to her when she was complaining.

She heard that her name was Yu Chen, an aloof female doctor in the capital’s hospital. She was the
one that the eldest son of the Min Family, Min Nan, had failed to win her heart after chasing after
her for many years. According to Xi Fengling, Yu Chen seemed to have taken a fancy to Min Rufeng.

Yan Jinyu’s gaze wasn’t very obvious. She retracted her gaze after taking a look.

However, even though she wasn’t looking at her, she was staring at her.

Oh, no. She was staring at Yin Jiujin.

The cold beauty was probably used to being pursued by others. Even so, her eyes couldn’t help but
light up when she suddenly saw an outstanding man like Yin Jiujin.

Although the other party only took a glance before looking away, the surprise in her eyes was so
obvious. Most importantly, after she looked at Yin Jiujin in shock, she glanced at Yan Jinyu, who was
beside Yin Jiujin, and there was a hint of regret in her eyes.

She seemed to be lamenting that he was already taken.

If he wasn’t taken, would she hit on him?

Don’t ask Yan Jinyu how she found out so much. As long as she wanted to, it was easy to observe
someone’s emotions.

She didn’t know if it was because of Xi Fengling’s influence, but Yan Jinyu didn’t like Yu Chen at all.

Don’t ask in detail. If one asked in detail, she was simply biased.

She didn’t like anyone that Xi Fengling didn’t like either.

Yan Jinyu tugged at Yin Jiujin’s clothes.

Yin Jiujin looked down at her. “Why?”

“Sit inside.”


“There’s no reason. Sit inside.” Of course, it was because she wanted to sit outside and block Yu
Chen’s vision.

She could keep an eye on her, but not on him.

Seeing that Yin Jiujin was standing still and looking at her in confusion, Yan Jinyu raised her arms and
pushed him in. “Go sit inside.”

She sounded a little coy.

Like those pretentious girls.

Yin Jiujin was delighted when he heard that. After all, he liked that she was different in front of him.
However, when others, especially the cold beauty, Yu Chen, heard that, she frowned.
She glanced at Yan Jinyu.

She looked clean, pure, and beautiful, but her personality was…

She wondered what was wrong with men nowadays. They liked seductive girls with such coquettish

The man in front of her was so outstanding. Not to mention his looks, just based on his aura, he was
noble and stable. With one look, it was obvious that he came from a good family and his
achievements must be extraordinary. However, he liked such a girl.

Looking at Min Rufeng again, he clearly had such an outstanding family background and medical
skills that others could not compare to. He actually liked Xi Fengling, that seductive woman.

Yin Jiujin rubbed her head and chuckled before sitting inside.

With his sharp senses, how could he not sense that someone was sizing him up?

The young lady was clearly jealous.

It was good to know that she was jealous.

Yan Jinyu sat down too.

Yin Jiujin still leaned over to help her buckle her seatbelt. He quickly pecked her lips intimately and

Yan Jinyu ignored him. She took out her phone and started playing games.

Yu Chen frowned again.

Hence, she just could not understand what was so good about liking such a little girl. She was
pretentious and heartless. Look, the man cared about their intimacy, but she only wanted to play

Yu Chen could look at her, but her gaze was getting more and more unfriendly. Yan Jinyu couldn’t
tolerate that.

Yan Jinyu looked away from the phone and looked at her. She narrowed her eyes and smiled. “Miss,
you keep staring at me. Do we know each other?”

She looked away, but her hands were still on her phone playing games. There was no mistake.

However, no one saw this except for Yin Jiujin.

Yin Jiujin was a little proud. She was indeed his woman. She was so good at playing games.

He followed Yan Jinyu’s gaze and when his gaze landed on Yu Chen, there wasn’t any gentleness in
his eyes.

His gaze was sharp and dark.

Seeing him look over, Yu Chen, who was busy acting like a goddess, was shocked.

Wasn’t this man so gentle and considerate to that girl just now? She thought that he was a gentle
and outstanding man. Why, why was his gaze so frightening?

She didn’t even dare to look at him directly anymore. She couldn’t help but look away.

She looked at Yan Jinyu with a cold expression and maintained her cold attitude. “I don’t know you. I
just think you’re very cute. I couldn’t help but take a few more glances at you. I hope I didn’t disturb
Yan Jinyu’s eyes curved into crescents, and she smiled brightly. She looked extremely innocent and
harmless. “Oh, I see. I thought you knew me, or we… had a feud. The way you’re staring at me
makes me feel uncomfortable.”

Her expression and her words stunned Yu Chen.

Such a harmless smile made her words sound like a joke.

But was she really joking?

And that man’s faint glance at her. Why was it even more frightening?

Her palms were actually covered in cold sweat.

She calmed herself down and tried her best to remain calm, “Little girl, you must have felt wrong.
We don’t know each other. Why would I stare at you with eyes that make you feel uncomfortable
for no reason?”

After saying that, she was shocked. Her gaze was not obvious, but this girl could actually sense it!

Did she really sense it? Or was she simply finding fault with her because she didn’t like her?

“That’s good.”

She smiled. “Of course, it’s best to keep it and not show it. I don’t like it. And anyone who comes to
find trouble with me and make me dislike them will not have a good ending in the end.”

She smiled. “Miss, don’t be nervous. I’m just joking. Besides, you didn’t really look at me like that.
It’s not like you’re looking for trouble with me.”

Yu Chen looked at her and moved her lips. In the end, she didn’t say anything.
This girl looked clearly innocent and coy. She looked like the kind of delicate girl who did not have
any schemes and only knew how to act coquettishly with men. Why…

Why did she have the feeling that this girl was actually a demon?

After saying that, Yan Jinyu ignored her and continued to play the game.

However, Yin Jiujin raised his eyebrows slightly.

Based on his understanding of the young lady, the young lady didn’t care about unimportant people.
So, did the young lady know this woman?

She was even a little resentful?

Although he could tell, Yin Jiujin didn’t ask further. Even if he wanted to ask, he would only ask when
there was no one around.

Hence, Yin Jiujin stared at Yan Jinyu as she played games and wanted to guide her again.

Yan Jinyu looked up at him and gave him a faint glance. Yin Jiujin coughed dryly and calmly took out
a book to read.

Forget it. The young lady didn’t like him to talk too much when she was playing games.

Seeing him like this, Yan Jinyu’s eyes were filled with smiles.

As she played games, she asked him, “Brother Nine, where are we going when we reach the

“Mount West Villa.”

Speaking of the Mount West Villa, it wasn’t a villa. It was Yin Jiujin’s residence in the capital. As for
its size… it wasn’t smaller than Mount Jing.
Even the training bases of the people under Yin Jiujin were at the Mount West Villa.

Of course, there was a training base, so naturally, there were also places like interrogation rooms.

Mount West Villa was just a term for a venue.

Yan Jinyu knew all these.

However, she had never found out what was in the Mount West Villa.

Yu Chen’s eyebrows twitched when she heard the words “Mount West Villa”.

Wasn’t that Master Nine’s territory?

Could this man be one of Master Nine’s subordinates?

The reason why Yu Chen didn’t think that Yin Jiujin was “Master Nine” was because in her
understanding, a figure like Master Nine should have a private plane whenever he flied. It was
impossible for him to appear on such an ordinary plane, even though it was first class.

“Or do you have somewhere else to go?”

Yan Jinyu smiled and shook her head. “No, I’ll go wherever Brother Nine goes. As for Meimei and the
rest, I’ll see them tomorrow.”

She had been to the capital a few times, but she had never had the habit of settling down anywhere.
It was probably because she felt that a home without a family was not considered a home. Hence,
she did not have any property, even if there was a lot of money in her private account that was
scattered in different banks overseas.

However, although she didn’t have any real estate, Meimei had bought a villa for her and Little Rain
each in the first year they settled in the capital. It was beside Meimei’s villa.
Meimei’s thoughts at that time were probably that if she came back, she would have somewhere to

Hence, seriously speaking, she actually had a place to go in the capital.

“I’ll accompany you tomorrow.”

“Alright.” Yan Jinyu didn’t reject him. “Speaking of which, you’ve seen all the others, but you’ve
never seen Feng. It’s time for me to introduce you guys.”

Yin Jiujin’s eyes flickered as he looked at her. “Is Feng very important to you?”

Yan Jinyu didn’t say it out loud. She only smiled at him, “Among the few of them, I knew Feng the

At that time, she was the one who saved Feng’s life. Of course, it was also Feng’s superb medical
skills that saved her almost crippled hand. Later on, he even gave her a bottle of medicine to get rid
of the scar on her arm.

Hence, she and Feng could be considered as saving each other.

As for friendship.

Feng was the first person she trusted, before Meimei and Little Rain.

Although her feelings for them could not be differentiated, in her opinion, Feng was still different
from Meimei and Little Rain.

Meimei and Little Rain were girls. She had to take care of them more, but Feng…

He was like a brother.

It was mostly him taking care of her.

Or rather, he was mostly taking care of the three of them.

Yin Jiujin could deeply sense how important Min Rufeng was to her.

He felt a little upset and complicated.

There were always so many people around the young lady when he wasn’t with her. It was fine if it
was a woman, but there was also a man.

However, he was grateful that these people had been by the girl’s side.

Forget it. Min Rufeng was also someone with a partner. On the account that Min Rufeng had
experienced so much with the young lady in the past, shouldn’t he be more generous to Min

“I’ll accompany you to meet them tomorrow.” Although he was generous, he still wanted to meet
this person.



It was unknown if it was because she was frightened by Yan Jinyu or because she felt that Yin Jiujin
was someone under “Master Nine” and she was afraid of him, Yu Chen didn’t interact much with
them. After getting off the plane, she took her luggage and left.

She didn’t even look at them.

Of course, it was more likely that she didn’t dare to look at them.
Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin were going to the Mount West Villa, but there were two cars waiting for
them outside the airport.

One was Cheng Lin, who had arrived in the capital early, and the other was Yin Yuhan.

Qin Jianjia was still sitting in Yin Yuhan’s front passenger seat.

In the end, the two of them got into Yin Yuhan’s car under Qin Jianjia’s expectant gaze.

They headed for the Yin Family. Chapter 211: Arriving At The Yin Family

This was Yan Jinyu’s first time visiting the Yin Family’s old residence.

Yin Yuhan’s car entered the Yin Family’s mansion without any obstruction and stopped outside the
main building.

They got out of the car one after another. A servant came out to help with the luggage. As for the
greeting gifts Yan Jinyun had prepared for the Yin Family, Yin Jiujin was the one carrying them.

Yan Jinyu wanted to help, but Yin Jiujin didn’t let her.

Qin Jianjia, who was watching by the side, said, “Yu’er, don’t worry about it. Let Jin’er take it.
Speaking of which, it’s already good that you’re here, why did you still bring gifts?”

“My family members prepared them,” Yan Jinyu said with a faint smile.

Family members?

The Yan Family?

But weren’t her parents…

Although she was puzzled, Qin Jianjia didn’t ask further.

“I’m a little embarrassed that you’re doing this. The last time I went to North City, I thought that it
was to celebrate Jin’er’s birthday, so I only prepared a gift for him. I didn’t pick a gift for you. How
about this? I’ll bring you around in two days. I’ll buy whatever you like.”

Yan Jinyu smiled and thanked her, “Thank you, Sister-in-law.”

“You’re welcome. We’re family.”

“Let’s go in first.” Qin Jianjia was the eldest daughter of the Qin Family and the granddaughter-in-law
of the Yin Family. Usually, it was others who chased after her, so she rarely showed enthusiasm to

Not only because Yan Jinyu was Yin Jiujin’s fiancée, but also because she liked Yan Jinyu from the
bottom of her heart.

Although she did not know where this liking came from.

Probably from her first impression?

The first time she saw Yan Jinyu, she gave her a very good impression.

Yan Jinyu walked towards the Yin Family’s main building with her. Yin Jiujin and Yin Yuhan walked
behind them while the servants carried their luggage to the Bamboo Forest Elegant Abode at the

When they reached the Yin Family’s entrance, Yan Jinyu suddenly stopped and turned to look at Yin

Indeed, he had a tense expression on his face.

She couldn’t tell if he was happy or angry, but she did not like that.
Under Qin Jianjia’s puzzled gaze, Yan Jinyu smiled at Yin Jiujin and turned to walk towards him.
“Brother Nine, I’ll help you carry some of them.”

With that said, she took the two gift bags from his left hand and placed them in her left hand. Before
Yin Jiujin could react, her right hand reached into his left palm.

She held his hand. “Brother Nine, it’s my first time in the Yin Family. I’m a little nervous. Hold my
hand, please.”

Yin Jiujin stopped in his tracks and lowered his eyes to look at her. He saw her bright and dazzling
smile. He pursed his thin lips slightly and then held her hand tightly.

His heart softened.

In nearly nine years, this was the first time he felt that stepping into this door made his mood less
heavy and complicated.

In Feng Yun’s words, that matter was indeed not a big deal at that time, but to him at that time, it
was a big deal.

The people closest to him were all standing against him and making the opposite decision. They all
said that it was for his own good.

Undeniably, their intentions were indeed for him.

However, their actions contradicted his wishes.

They did that despite his repeated objections.

Qin Jianjia, who had stopped, fell two steps behind them. Looking at their backs as they walked into
the door together, Qin Jianjia and Yin Yuhan looked at each other.

They saw relief in each other’s eyes.

It was good that he had softened his attitude. There would always be a second time after this.

Jin’er wouldn’t be so distant from them in the future.

In the living room of the Yin Family’s main building.

Yin Wuzhan was not around. Only Yin Shuguo and Min Qinglan were around. Yin Wuzhan had
something to do at the last minute and could not leave.

When she stepped into the main building and walked into the living room, Yan Jinyu had already let
go of Yin Jiujin’s hand.

She could feel that his mood had been stabilized by her and was no longer as heavy as before.

Upon seeing Yin Jiujin, the emotions in Yin Shuguo and Min Qinglan’s eyes fluctuate slightly.

“You’re back? Have a seat,” Yin Shuguo said as he calmed down.

Min Qinglan looked like she wanted to say something, but after her gaze inadvertently turned to Yan
Jinyu, she met Yan Jinyu’s smiling eyes. The words that she wanted to say were stuck in her throat.

She didn’t like Yan Jinyu, but she was afraid of Yan Jinyu too.

“Little Yu is here too?”

“Grandpa Yin,” Yan Jinyu greeted him with a polite smile.

Then, she handed over the gift in her hand. “This is the greeting gift the Yan Family prepared for me.
Sorry for disturbing you.”

“What are you talking about? Our Yin Family doesn’t care about these things,” Yin Shuguo said and
looked at Min Qinglan. “Let’s accept our future in-laws’ kind intentions.”
Yin Shuguo wanted Min Qinglan to accept them personally and not the butler or servants because he
wanted to show how much the Yin Family valued this marriage.

As for whether the gift was really prepared by the Yan Family’s elders, Yin Shuguo didn’t care. He
knew very well what the Yan Family was like.

How could Yan Jinyu not understand Yin Shuguo’s thoughts?

Without saying anything, she handed everything to Min Qinglan, who was walking towards her.

However, Min Qinglan seemed to be trembling when she took the things from her and Yin Jiujin.

She lowered her head and didn’t look at her or Yin Jiujin.

It was fine with her, but she was actually afraid of Yin Jiujin, her biological son…

Yan Jinyu’s heart ached for Yin Jiujin again.

She looked up stealthily, but she saw that Yin Jiujin’s eyes were obscure and his emotions couldn’t
be seen.

She restrained the emotions in her eyes and followed him to sit down.

Yin Shuguo looked at Yin Jiujin. “Since you’re back, stay at home for this period of time. Jianjia
arranged for someone to clean your courtyard. She even specially arranged a room for Little Yu in
your courtyard.”

He smiled kindly at Yan Jinyu, “Little Yu, go and take a look later. If there’s anything you don’t like,
tell Jianjia and she’ll get someone to adjust it.”

“Alright, thank you, Grandpa Yin.” She looked at Qin Jianjia, who was also sitting on the sofa. “Thank
you, Sister-in-law.”
Yin Jiujin didn’t say a word. What room?

If he was going to stay in the old residence, the young lady would naturally stay in his room.

“Let the past be in the past. No one shall mention that ever again in the future. It’s enough that
you’ve stayed away from home for an outsider for so many years.”

Yin Shuguo didn’t say anything else. He was probably afraid that he would anger Yin Jiujin again and
make him leave.

Yin Jiujin glanced at him in silence.

Was that conflict what he had minded all these years?

Actually, not entirely.

“Your father has something to do and won’t be home until late. Bring Little Yu to your courtyard to
take a look at her room first. Come over later for dinner.”

After he said that, Yin Jiujin nodded and led Yan Jinyu away.

Yin Yuhan and Qin Jianjia didn’t follow.

Min Qinglan stood up.

The moment she got up, three pairs of eyes looked at her.

It successfully made Min Qinglan’s expression stiffen. “Why are you all looking at me like that? I’m
just going to the courtyard for a walk!”

“I’ve said everything that needs to be said. If you continue to be stubborn and end up making your
son an enemy, you can’t blame anyone else.”
“Dad, I’ve said it before. I won’t interfere in Jin’er’s matters in the future. I’m not joking. Why are
you still guarding against me like you’re guarding against a thief? No matter what, I’m still the wife of
the head of the Yin Family. If the people below see me like this, where will I put my face?”

“If you know your place, who will say anything about you? I can’t be bothered to say anything about
you. If I say too much, you’ll think that I, as your father-in-law, interfere too much.”

“I’ll go back to my room to take an afternoon nap. Call me when it’s time for dinner,” Yin Shuguo
said to Butler Wu.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Mom, I’ll accompany you if you want to go to the courtyard?” Qin Jianjia asked with a smile.

“What’s there to accompany? It’s rare for you to be on leave at home. Why should your time be
occupied by your mother-in-law? You’ve been married for almost three years and your stomach has

The word “yet” was blocked by Yin Yuhan’s indifferent gaze.

Qin Jianjia’s smile remained unchanged. “I’ve made Mom worry.”

Min Qinglan glared at her and turned to leave the living room.

She really did not know what sins she had committed in her previous life. Her sons were both
strange. Han’er looked gentle, but he was actually someone she could not afford to provoke.

She had only said a few words. Which mother-in-law would not nag at such a question?

Besides, she was right. They had been married for almost three years, and her stomach had nothing
at all.

After Min Qinglan left, the servants in the living room left one after another to busy themselves.
Only Yin Yuhan and Qin Jianjia were in the living room.

“I’m sorry,” Yin Yuhan said.

“If it wasn’t because I don’t want to have a child for the time being, I wouldn’t have implicated you
and made you keep being nagged by Mom.” It wasn’t like Yin Yuhan hadn’t explained it to Min
Qinglan before.

However, who would believe him?

“Why are you apologizing to me?” Qin Jianjia smiled gently.

“I know you’re busy with work and are focused on investigating the cause of my aunt and uncle’s
death, so you don’t have the time to worry about anything else, And I don’t want the child to trip me
up now.”

“However, you’re investigating without a clue all these years. I’m afraid you won’t be able to find
anything. Why don’t you talk to Yun’er? Or discuss it with Jin’er? Jin’er has been outside all these
years and has come into contact with more things. Perhaps, he might have a better solution than
you in this aspect?”

Yin Yuhan sighed, “Yun’er won’t say anything. He probably doesn’t want us to be implicated.”

“You can discuss it with Jin’er.”

“Jianjia.” Yin Yuhan suddenly held her hand.

Qin Jianjia looked at him, “If you have something to say, just say it. Why are you so serious?”

“It’s a good thing that Jin’er has softened his attitude and came home. In the future, if Mom doesn’t
make a fuss anymore, the atmosphere at home isn’t so solemn anymore, I can’t be so selfish either.
Let’s leave the child’s matter to fate.”
The smile on Qin Jianjia’s face froze, “You mean…”

It wasn’t a family marriage alliance, but a marriage formed by the two of them having feelings for
each other. Although she didn’t mention it, Qin Jianjia actually hoped to have a child in her heart.

“If you do get pregnant, we shall have the baby then.”

Qin Jianjia was a young lady from a wealthy family. She carried the bearing of the future wife of the
Yin Family and was usually very careful about herself. She would definitely not do anything that
would harm her status.

For example, crying.

At this moment, she could not control herself and her eyes got red.

Yin Yuhan was filled with self-reproach. He thought that she didn’t care that much. After all, she had
never shown it on usual days. He didn’t expect…

He hugged her. “I’m sorry. I was selfish.”


Bamboo Forest Elegant Abode, Azure Garden.

A courtyard and a small vintage villa.

Located in the bamboo forest.

“Brother Nine, is this where you lived when you were young?” Yan Jinyu let go of him and looked
around the courtyard curiously.
Yin Jiujin looked at her, and his heavy mood because of his return to the Yin Family suddenly


“What about the courtyard beside it? It’s the courtyard where we saw a plaque with the words’
Elegant Court’ on it when we came over just now. Who’s living there? Big Brother and Sister-in-law?”
Chapter 212: Jinyu’s Effort

Did Yan Jinyu really think that Elegant Court was Yin Yuhan and Qin Jianjia’s residence?

Of course not.

The Yin Family’s matters were not easy to investigate, and even she could not find out much.
However, in such an old courtyard with the door tightly closed, it did not seem to be lively at all.
Based on her intuition, she would not think that it was the Yin Family’s eldest son’s courtyard.

She had a lot to do on this trip to the capital.

Accompanying Yin Jiujin back to the Yin Family for the New Year; watching Feng take over the Min
Family; accompanying Little Rain to lead her brother to treat Feng; settling scores with Qin Bailu and
the others who wanted to kill her; and…

Verifying her guess at the Yin Family.

She hadn’t forgotten the reason why she had followed Yin Jiujin back to North City.

She had to investigate the cause of Bai Ye’s death at the Yin Family and returned the favor that Bai
Ye had once taken a bullet for her.

Cause of death…

Was Bai Ye really dead?

“No,” Yin Jiujin said.

He walked over and held her hand. “Go in and pack your luggage first. I’ll bring you to meet the
owner of the Elegant Court later.”

Yan Jinyu held his hand tightly and smiled at him. “There’s no hurry.”

“We’ll stay here for a while. There’ll be plenty of chances.” Today, she wanted to accompany him

“Let’s go, Brother Nine. Bring me to the place where you lived when you were young.”

Yin Jiujin chuckled and led her to the small building.

The small building wasn’t big. After all, Yin Jiujin lived alone.

The first floor was the small kitchen and the living room, and the second floor was the study and

It was about the size of Yin Jiujin’s villa on Mount Jing.

The room that Qin Jianjia had arranged for Yan Jinyu was also on the second floor.

In the living room on the first floor, there were many Yin Jiujin’s certificates of honor and medals.
Most of them were from his time in the army.

Yan Jinyu couldn’t help but walk closer to take a look.

From the honorary certificates and medals that were placed properly, it was obvious how much Yin
Jiujin valued this profession in his early years.

She suddenly wanted to know why he had retired.

However, she didn’t ask immediately. Instead, Yin Jiujin led her around his room and study. Yan Jinyu
only asked after she saw the room Qin Jianjia had arranged for her and returned to the living room
to sit down.

However, in Yan Jinyu’s opinion, Yin Jiujin’s room and study room were no different from Mount

It was the same style.

However, there were many models on the bookshelf in the study.

They were mostly military equipment models.

Of course, he didn’t buy them. Yin Jiujin had assembled them himself in the early years.

Sitting on the sofa, Yin Jiujin switched on the television. It was a habit he had developed recently.
When Yan Jinyu was around, he didn’t watch the news and financial channels that he often watched.
Instead, he turned it to Yan Jinyu’s favorite cartoon channel.

The television was not loud.

Yan Jinyu was leaning against Yin Jiujin with one of his arms around her. Yan Jinyu retracted her gaze
from the television and looked up at him.

But she only saw his chin.

“Brother Nine.”

Yin Jiujin lowered his head. “Mmm?”

“Since you like the army so much, why did you retire from it?”

“And what about you and the Yin Family?”

Yan Jinyu didn’t mean to probe, even though she was indeed very curious.

However, there were some things that could become a thing of the past after he said it out loud.

She didn’t want Yin Jiujin to be trapped by those things forever.

“Do you want to know?”

“Yes, can you tell me?”

Yin Jiujin held her hand over his heart and pinched her fingertips. “As long as you want to know, I can
tell you anything.”

“There’s nothing you can’t know from me.”

Yan Jinyu smiled happily. He said sweet nothings again.

“There’s more than one reason for leaving the army.”

Yan Jinyu listened to him quietly.

“I’ve mentioned Liu Junqing to you before. Although he betrayed us, overall, he didn’t do anything
harmful to the organization, nor did he really hurt me. Of course, this is all thanks to your timely

“But no matter what, Liu Junqing didn’t harm the organization. On the contrary, I’ve carried out
many missions with him. His contributions to the organization are actually not less than mine.”

“But no matter what, Liu Junqing didn’t harm the organization. On the contrary, I’ve carried out
many missions with him. His contributions to the organization are actually not less than mine.”
“In addition, I once owed him my life. No matter what, I should protect the reputation he had
exchanged with his blood countless times.”

“I know. Military discipline is iron-clad. A mistake is a mistake. You should be punished.”

“Just take it that I’m a selfish person too. Even if I don’t want to, I have to admit that I did have a life-
and-death relationship with him in the early years.”

At this point, Yin Jiujin’s emotions fluctuate greatly.

Actually, the reason why Yin Jiujin disregarded military discipline to protect Liu Junqing’s reputation
was because of the relieved smile on Liu Junqing’s face when he died.

He always felt that Liu Junqing had his difficulties.

However, after he handed his back over to him without worry, Liu Junqing had almost shot him in
the back. It had indeed dealt him a huge blow.

He was utterly disappointed.

“And I know the strict rules of the military. Since I’ve saved the reputation of a traitor, I naturally
have to pay the price for it. Only then can I give my former comrades an explanation.”

“I retired and gave up everything that I spent eight years building.”

“This is my explanation to the others.”

“It’s also one of the reasons why I retired.”

“What about the rest?” She was asking about the other reasons for his retirement.
“Probably because… I don’t want the violent aura on me to be too strong that even my family is
afraid of me.” Yin Jiujin said these words in a calm tone, but Yan Jinyu felt uncomfortable when she
heard them.

So, it was Min Qinglan again?

“Brother Nine, I don’t know what the others are like, but no matter what you are, I won’t be afraid of

Yin Jiujin looked at her, and his slightly depressed mood dissipated.

Of course, she was not afraid of him. It was because others were afraid of her whenever her name
was mentioned.

Actually, there was another reason why he had retired. Yin Jiujin didn’t say it.

That was when Feng Yun returned to the Yin Family and became distraught.

He joined the army because Feng Yun’s disappearance had dealt him a huge blow. He actually had
no way to deal with Feng Yun’s disappearance.

He did not even have the right to participate in the search because he was too young.

At that time, he knew how important it was to be strong and have the right to speak. Hence, he
joined the army.

At that time, he knew how important it was to be strong and have the right to speak. Hence, he
joined the army.

That year, he and Feng Yun were 14 years old.

At the same time, his aunt and uncle were dead.

After Feng Yun came back from the hospital, he shut himself away.

To outsiders, Feng Yun was not considered autistic because there was no problem with Feng Yun’s
communication with others. However, in his opinion, Feng Yun, who used to like to jump around and
cause trouble, had become extremely quiet. He had become unwilling to even take a step out of the
courtyard. He was unwell.

He began to doubt the meaning of his joining the army.

Liu Junqing’s incident was actually just an opportunity for him to retire.

“What about you and the Yin Family? What happened?”

Yin Jiujin paused for a moment before saying, “Now that I think about it, it’s not a big deal. It’s just
that there were many things that happened back then. Furthermore, my temperament wasn’t as
mature as it is now, so that ended up badly.”

“I want to protect Liu Junqing’s reputation. They somehow found out that Liu Junqing had once
wanted to kill me so they didn’t want to protect Liu Junqing’s reputation. Their stand is the opposite
of mine.”

“I want to protect him. They want Liu Junqing to pay the price.”

“So, we have been in conflict all these years.”

Yan Jinyu understood.

At that time, Yin Jiujin didn’t know why Liu Junqing had betrayed him. He still had many doubts
about Liu Junqing’s betrayal. Furthermore, he had suffered the blow of a comrade’s betrayal. Not
only did his family not stand by his side to comfort him, but they even went against him. Coupled
with Min Qinglan’s fear and desire to control Yin Jiujin, it seemed understandable that the 16-year-
old Yin Jiujin had been forced to fall out with them.
“What happened after that? After so many years, have you never thought of trying to ease your
relationship with them?”

“It’s not that I haven’t thought about it, but my mother… Forget it, let’s not talk about her.”

“At that time, I told them three times not to interfere because I had my own plans for that matter,
but they ignored it. Hence, it blew up.”

“Speaking of which, if I hadn’t so decisively stopped them by leaving home, I’m afraid someone
would have interfered in my matters now.”

“She can interfere, but she has to at least act like an elder. What right does a mother who is afraid of
her own son have to criticize her son?”

Therefore, the conflict between Yin Jiu and the Yin Family had never been resolved after all these
years. Was Min Qinglan the reason?

Yan Jinyu thought about it carefully and realized that it seemed to be true. Although Yin Jiujin’s
attitude towards everyone in the Yin Family was a little indifferent, in fact, other than Min Qinglan,
there seemed to be no big problem with his interactions with the others.

“Although I wasn’t in the capital all these years, I’ve more or less heard about her actions.”

He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned on the top of her head. “She always goes around
looking for a wife for me. What right does she have to do that when she didn’t even treat me as her

Yin Jiujin was like a wronged child.

“Do you mean that if your mother has the right, the wife that she looked out for, will count?”

When Yin Jiujin heard that, his hug froze. He hurriedly said, “Of course not. I’m engaged. Someone
booked me not long after she was born.”
Yan Jinyu smiled. Of course, she didn’t believe Yin Jiujin’s words.

Yin Jiujin had actually not taken this engagement to heart in the past. Otherwise, why would he have
ignored her all these years?

However, she didn’t mind. After all, Yin Jiujin had never seen her in his early years and didn’t have
any feelings for her.

Of course, it would be another matter if Yin Jiujin had seen her before she was two years old.

Therefore, Yin Jiujin should be glad that he hadn’t been to the Yan Family before she went missing
and she hadn’t accompanied her grandmother to the Yin Family to visit Yin Jiujin. Otherwise…

She really could not have ignored that.

She had only said this to ease the heavy atmosphere. She didn’t care how Yin Jiujin answered.

“Alright, I’ll believe you for now.”

“What about now? Why are you trying to ease the tension?”

Yin Jiujin let go of her and held her face with both hands to make her look at him. He stared into her
eyes and said seriously, “I have to officially bring you home.”

It didn’t matter if he returned to the Yin Family or not. He was the Second Young Master of the Yin
Family, and this would never change. However, she was different. If she didn’t come to the Yin
Family to meet the elders personally, even if they got married in the end, she would still be an
unofficial person in the eyes of outsiders.

He would not let her suffer like this.

Yan Jinyu was so smart that she completely understood his intentions.
“Besides, you’re very capable. With you by my side, if anyone wants to interfere in my matters or
make me unhappy, you’ll stand up for me, right?”

Yin Jiujin was clearly teasing her. Yan Jinyu could tell that he was teasing her, but she still nodded
seriously. “That’s right.”

Then, she looked at him and said seriously, “Brother Nine, I only acknowledge you and no one else.
I’ll treat your close ones as my family. I’ll still teach those who treat you badly a lesson. Don’t blame
me for not giving you face when the time comes.”

Her thoughts were very simple. In the Yin Family, she only protected her people.

As for the others, she wouldn’t care.

“Ever since I acknowledge you as my fiancé, you’ve been the one I’m protecting.”

Yin Jiujin chuckled. “Silly.”

She had been trying to protect him at all costs. If she wasn’t stupid, then what was she?

But he was happy.

Yan Jinyu glared at him. “I’m not stupid.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and used the force to sit on his lap. She leaned over and
kissed his chin. “Then, Brother Nine, do you feel better after saying these things?”

Yin Jiujin was taken aback.

It turned out that this was the young lady’s plan.

Indeed, after saying these things, he felt much more relaxed.

When he thought about those things again, his heart was no longer as heavy as before.

The hand that was holding her face grabbed her waist when she sat on his lap to prevent her from
falling. Hearing her words, he raised his hand to hold her chin. “Mm-hm.”

“Since you’re in a good mood, don’t think about these things anymore in the future?”


Then he lifted her chin.

The kiss landed. Chapter 213: Elegant Court’s Owner

Yin Jiujin led Yan Jinyu to pack her luggage and they appeared in Elegant Court two hours later.

Looking at the tightly shut wooden door in front of her, Yan Jinyu turned her gaze to Yin Jiujin.

Yin Jiujin didn’t push the door open this time. Instead, he raised his hand and knocked on the
wooden door.

The wooden door opened from the inside after the second knock.

Yan Jinyu’s gaze was fixed on the wooden door. The moment the door opened, she saw the person
standing in the courtyard.

Dressed in a long white jacket, his handsome face was warm.

There was a faint smile on his face.

He looked even more refined.

He looked similar to the face in her memory, but his temperament was completely different.

This wasn’t the most important thing. Most importantly, Yan Jinyu had confirmed her guess.

In the end, she was right.

Bai Ye, who had once helped her take a bullet, was not dead but had returned to the Yin Family. No
wonder Meimei and the others found out that Bai Ye’s death was related to the Yin Family.

Actually, the reason why she had such a guess was because she had combined Yin Jiujin’s
explanation that he had already guessed who it was, as well as the fact that the other party was
clearly not targeting them. Coupled with the fact that Yin Jiujin’s aunt, Yin Xiaoxiao, and uncle, Feng
Li, had passed away unexpectedly, it matched the time when Bai Ye had disappeared from Ghost
Slaughter Island.

Yin Jiujin was surprised that Feng Yun would open this door so quickly.

However, on second thought, it was reasonable.

It was precisely because he felt that it was reasonable that his expression wasn’t very good now.

Feng Yun obviously knew that the young lady had come to the Yin Family and specially waited here.

Yan Jinyu looked at Feng Yun and greeted him with a smile, “Bai Ye, how have you been?”

She did not say that she came back to investigate the cause of his death. She did not even think of
mentioning it to Bai Ye.

After all, if Bai Ye wasn’t dead, there was no need to investigate his cause of death. Besides, she
really didn’t think much of it later on.

“Little girl, you’ve grown up after so many years.”

Yan Jinyu’s smile didn’t change. “My name is Yan Jinyu. If you’re not used to calling me that, you can
call me “Number 99″ like you did on the island.”

99 was her number among the people who had entered Ghost Slaughter Island.

Speaking of this number, it was also very laughable.

Based on their sequence of entering the island, everyone had a number. The person who arrived
earlier was the number in front, and the person who arrived later was the number in the back.

On Ghost Slaughter Island, there was no human rights at all.

Feng Yun was not affected by her distant smile. He seemed to be used to her attitude towards

However, her expression changed slightly when she mentioned the number.

“Alright, if you don’t like it, I’ll call you by your name. Jinyu.”

“I don’t like the form of address Bai Ye either. Call me by my name, Feng Yun, in the future, or you
can also call me Cousin like Jin.”

Yin Jiujin, who felt that he couldn’t get between them at all, had already darkened his face. When he
heard that, he glanced at Feng Yun with an unfriendly gaze. “She’s not going to calling you cousin.
Don’t flatter yourself!”

Bai Ye?

He had never heard of this name before.

According to their killer’s rules, he hadn’t “debuted”.

However, didn’t everyone who hadn’t debuted only have numbers? Just like the young lady…
What Yin Jiujin didn’t know was that there were exceptions on Ghost Slaughter Island.

Ghost Slaughter Island would pick a few outstanding people to nurture as the successor of Ghost
Slaughter and the right-hand men of the next generation Ghost Slaughter.

Such a person did not need to debut.

Of course, such a person had to be absolutely loyal. Who knew what “Ghost Slaughter” was
thinking? He actually dared to choose Feng Yun as the next generation’s “Ghost Slaughter” ‘s right-
hand man to nurture.

Even Yan Jinyu couldn’t figure out what “Ghost Slaughter” was thinking after knowing that Bai Ye
was Feng Yun.

Could it be that “Ghost Slaughter” was confident that no one on Ghost Slaughter Island would dare
to rebel against them?

It was undeniable that before Ghost Slaughter Island was destroyed, no one dared to rebel. Even Yan
Jinyu didn’t dare to at that time.

Because Ghost Slaughter Island’s methods of dealing with the rebels were incomparably cruel. Even
killers who had lived on the edge of death and had experienced countless cruel training to survive
the survival of the fittest felt their scalps tingle and their hearts turn cold just by looking at such

Yan Jinyu had seen Ghost Slaughter Island deal with the rebels with her own eyes.

It was the execution of a thousand cuts in public with a dagger.

Did they think that a thousand cuts was just a thousand cuts?

Not really.
Instead, the dagger was stained with medicine that hurt more than salt and chili. After each cut, they
would place the dagger into the basin containing the spicy medicine.

They would not stop until the person was dead.

And how could death be so easy?

There were many talents on Ghost Slaughter Island, so it was not difficult to develop medicine which
could keep a person alive.

That kind of torture where one was at the edge of death, was extremely painful, and they even had
to use medicine to keep them alive. Even Yan Jinyu couldn’t eat for two days.

As for escaping from Ghost Slaughter Island after rebelling, that was even more impossible.

At the peak of Ghost Slaughter Island, there were too many capable people.

They were all people who were making a living at the edge of death, so they did not have so many
relationships to speak of. Furthermore, everyone was trapped in hell. What right did any of them
have to escape from hell alone to gain freedom?

No one on Ghost Slaughter Island would pity the rebels.

If Ghost Slaughter Island was not destroyed, they would be found no matter where they fled to.

Collude with others to rebel?

They were all people who had crossed swords with each other. Nobody was trustworthy.

And once they had the intention to rebel and were discovered, their outcome would be no different
from that of a rebel.
Hence, Yan Jinyu actually took a huge risk when she teamed up with the three of them to plan to
deal with Ghost Slaughter Island.

Of course, from this, it could be seen how deep their relationship was.

“You can’t even change the fact that I’m your cousin.”

“Come in first. Let’s sit down and talk.”

Just as Feng Yun finished speaking, Yin Jiujin held Yan Jinyu’s hand. Feng Yun chuckled inwardly.

He was so possessive that even he was wary of him. How would he manage that outside?

Furthermore, the girl was only 18 years old. He heard that she was to go to school. If he didn’t
restrain his possessiveness, he would have to suffer in the future.

Yan Jinyu sat beside Yin Jiujin while Feng Yun sat opposite her on the soft seat on the ground. A
stove was between them.

He calmly poured them each a cup of tea. “Have some hot tea to warm yourself up first.”

Seeing that Yin Jiujin had picked up the teacup and taken a sip, Yan Jinyu also took a sip. She put
down the teacup and smiled faintly. She said to Feng Yun, “Thank you for the incident at the Empire

“Cousin, don’t do such a thing again.”

She called him cousin so smoothly that Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, and Yin Jiujin’s gaze landed on
her with complicated emotions in his eyes.

“These small conflicts in the capital can’t do anything to me, so there’s no need for Brother Nine to
intimidate me. Of course, since Cousin has helped me out with so much effort, I won’t accuse Cousin
without knowing what’s good for me. I’ll accept Cousin’s kindness and treat it as I owe you a favor.”
“In that case, I owe you two favors.”

Yin Jiujin looked at her in puzzlement before looking at Feng Yun.

Even Feng Yun was a little puzzled. He smiled and said, “Take it as a favor this time. Although I don’t
need it, what about the other favor? Where did that come from?”

Even Feng Yun was a little puzzled. He smiled and said, “Take it as a favor this time. Although I don’t
need it, what about the other favor? Where did that come from?”

When Yin Jiujin heard that, he suddenly reached out and grabbed her hand tightly.

Yan Jinyu smiled at him comfortingly and patted the back of his hand. “Brother Nine, don’t worry.
Actually, even if Cousin doesn’t help me block it, I can still dodge it. You’ve seen me attack. I can
even shatter the bullets that come at me. How can those people hurt me?”

Yin Jiujin pursed his thin lips tightly as he stared at her and held her hand tightly.

He didn’t say anything either.

He admitted that he was frightened again.

Even though he knew that such a dangerous thing was common for young girl in the past.

Yan Jinyu was helpless. She thought that she would comfort him later, so she turned her gaze to
Feng Yun again. “That was considered a favor.”

Feng Yun sighed softly when he saw the two of them, especially Yin Jiujin’s expression.

In the past, he felt that with Ah Jin’s proud and stubborn personality, it was good to have someone
he cared about. At least, he wouldn’t be lonely in the future.
However, seeing that he already cared so much about this girl, he suddenly didn’t know if it was
good or bad.

Let’s just take it as good. At least for now, the two of them had become each other’s support.

The little girl was actually very pitiful.

Looking at Yan Jinyu, he smiled gently, “You still remember that incident?”

“How can that count as you owing me a favor? I was already seriously injured back then. Speaking of
which, you saved my life.”

“If you really want to calculate so carefully, I owe you even more.”

“I’m not the kind of person who would sacrifice myself for others. If it were someone else, I wouldn’t
have helped block that bullet. You’ve saved me many times.”

“I arrived at Ghost Slaughter Island a year earlier than you, but my skills are actually not the best
among my peers. I was lucky to survive.”

“You weren’t lucky. I know that. Your grasp of computers is far above many people. You were
specially trained in this aspect by Ghost Slaughter.”

Feng Yun didn’t deny it. “Indeed, but it’s precisely because of this that my skills are inferior to

“On Ghost Slaughter Island, there’s no such thing as specially protecting someone’s life. It was very
dangerous for me to leave that training room.”

“And you’ve actually saved me four times.”

“I didn’t save you,” Yan Jinyu said confidently.

“If I really saved you, it must not have been intentional. Those people should be looking for trouble
with me too. I’m not someone who will stand up for injustice.”

Feng Yun fell silent.

That was indeed the case.

Her looks were too deceptive. She was young and looked especially easy to bully.

On Ghost Slaughter Island, many people’s hearts were twisted. In such a dark place, many people
would have evil thoughts when they suddenly saw a clean, innocent, and beautiful girl.

It was indeed disgusting.

But those people died at her hands every time.

Of course, she also saved him.

“You’re quite direct. But no matter what, seriously speaking, you don’t owe me a favor. Instead, I
owe you.”

As Feng Yun spoke, he clenched his fists and continued, “You even destroyed Ghost Slaughter Island
and helped me take revenge for my parents.”

Yan Jinyu fell silent.

Yin Jiujin didn’t say a word either.

After a long while, Yan Jinyu said, “They’re not all dead yet. You still have the chance to take revenge
“However, since you said that I don’t owe you anymore, I don’t owe you anymore. I actually don’t
like to owe others favors either.”

“Your enemy is also my enemy. We can work together.”

“So, Cousin, I’m going to find Feng and Meimei to discuss a strategy tomorrow. Do you want to join

Feng Yun and Yin Jiujin were stunned. Chapter 214: Mei Feng Bar

Actually, Yan Jinyu didn’t have any deep feelings for Feng Yun.

She didn’t even trust Feng Yun. This was obvious from the way that she only drank the tea after
watching Yin Jiujin drink it without any reservations when Feng Yun poured them tea.

This meant that Feng Yun was someone Yin Jiujin trusted.

And she trusted Yin Jiujin.

That was all.

On the way from the Azure Garden, Yin Jiujin didn’t mention a lot about the owner of Elegant Court,
but he still said a little about him.

For example, the owner of the Elegant Court had not left the courtyard for 10 years.

Based on her understanding of Yin Jiujin, she could naturally tell that Yin Jiujin and Feng Yun’s
relationship was extraordinarily deep. Or rather, Yin Jiujin cared about Feng Yun extraordinarily.

Since he was someone Yin Jiujin cared about, she naturally wanted to help him as much as she could.

Although it might not be useful.

She simply asked casually. She did not want to focus on bringing Feng Yun out of the courtyard. She
only said that they wanted to cooperate and discuss a solution together.

In Feng Yun’s opinion, that was what she meant.

Feng Yun even thought that she did not know that he had not left the courtyard for many years.

However, Yin Jiujin didn’t think so.

Yin Jiujin’s expression quickly returned to normal, but his heart was burning.

The young lady always treated him well without showing it.

It really confirmed her words. She had decided that he was the person she was protecting.

She was so protective that she even took notice of the people he cared about.

She was the one who should be protected.

Forget it. If she wanted to protect him, he would just let her.

Anyway, he liked the feeling of being protected by her.

“So, does Cousin want to go with us?” Yan Jinyu smiled faintly and asked again.

The surprise on Feng Yun’s face slowly faded. He smiled gently at her. “Next time. I believe you
haven’t seen them for a long time. I won’t disturb you this time.”

“So, Cousin agreed to cooperate?”

Her words really sounded like she cared more about cooperation. He could not tell that she actually
wanted Feng Yun to walk out of this courtyard.
If it wasn’t for the fact that he had already understood her well enough during the past few days, Yin
Jiujin would have suspected that he had thought wrongly.

Feng Yun glanced at Yin Jiujin.

They were indeed a couple. They even mentioned cooperating with him.

He nodded at Yan Jinyu, “Yes, the more the merrier. Moreover, there are four of you. I’m the one
who gained the most by cooperating with you.”

“Jin has my number. Call me if you need anything.”

“Since we’re going to cooperate, we naturally have to discuss our countermeasures in person. Even
if we don’t discuss it in person, we have to meet each other before it counts. I believe that you’ll
cooperate with you, but not the others.”

“If Cousin is really sincere about cooperating, let’s meet up sometime.”

“We should be in the capital until the new year. Little Rain will also come over in two days. She will
only return to South City on New Year’s Eve. If Cousin is sure that you want to cooperate with us,
you can take this time to meet her.”

Then, she stood up and didn’t give Feng Yun a chance to say anything. “Then, Brother Nine and I
won’t disturb Cousin anymore.”

Yin Jiujin looked at her and then at Feng Yun. He also stood up and said to Feng Yun, “It’s Little Yu’s
first visit to the Yin Family. We’ll be having dinner at the main building.”

After saying that, he held Yan Jinyu’s hand and turned to walk out of the small building.

Watching their retreating backs, the smile on Feng Yun’s face faded again. He clenched his fists
In the end, Feng Yun still did not walk out of the Elegant Court’s door to go to the main building to
eat together. However, no one knew what struggle he had made in his heart during this period of

However, at the dining table, Yin Shuguo and Qin Jianjia had indirectly tried to find out about what
happened after Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin went to Elegant Court.

Everyone in the Yin Family was a little surprised that Yin Jiujin had brought Yan Jinyu to Elegant Court
to see Feng Yun so quickly. However, on second thought, they felt that it was reasonable.

After all, Yin Jiujin had the best relationship with Feng Yun in the entire Yin Family.

After dinner, the two of them returned to the Azure Garden early. No one came to disturb them, and
the night passed peacefully.

The next morning, the two of them woke up at six as usual. They ran and practiced in the courtyard
of the Azure Garden and did their usual morning exercises.

Qin Jianjia, who had brought breakfast over, was a little surprised to see the two of them exercising
in the courtyard.

Forget about Jin’er. After all, he came from the army. It was normal for him to wake up early to
exercise, but Yu’er…

Did Jin’er forcefully wake her up to train her?

Based on Jin’er’s temper, he could really do such a thing.

Seeing Qin Jianjia holding a thermos box, the two of them stopped.

“Sister-in-law,” Yan Jinyu greeted sweetly.

“I’m here to deliver breakfast to you. Of course, sending breakfast is just an excuse. It’s the weekend
today, so I’m not going to work. I’m here to ask Yu’er out to shop.”
Yan Jinyu walked over and took the thermos box from her. “Thank you, Sister-in-law.”

“Come in and sit?”

“There’s no need for that. If you don’t have any other arrangements today, call me when you’re
done. I’ll bring you out for a walk.”

Yan Jinyu lied without changing her expression, “I’m afraid not today. Little Rain will bring her
brother to the capital for a physical examination today. I promised to pick her up at the airport.”

“Little Rain? Rainy?” Qin Jianjia was a little surprised.

She knew that the two of them knew each other, and it was Jin’er who introduced them. She didn’t
expect their relationship to be so good.

Oh, some time ago, Yu’er seemed to have been invited by Rainy to go to South City to play for a few

It was a good thing for them to have a good relationship. They were family anyway.

“Alright then, it’s the same if we meet another day. Anyway, there are many opportunities.”

“There’s no need for another day. Let’s do it tomorrow. Sister-in-law usually has to work, so you only
have time on the weekend. It happens that tomorrow is Sunday.”

She was not someone who did not know what was good for her. Qin Jianjia did not look like
someone who liked to shop. It was obvious that she wanted to bring her out to let her familiarize
herself with the capital.

Although she had been to the capital a few times and was not unfamiliar with it, in the eyes of Qin
Jianjia and the others, she was still a country girl who had never seen the world.
Fortunately, Qin Jianjia was a generous and magnanimous person. If it were anyone else, it would
have been good enough for them to not mock a future sister-in-law, who was “unpresentable”, let
alone think for her.

Of course, perhaps Qin Jianjia treated her well largely because Yin Jiujin cared about her.

But no matter what, Qin Jianjia was always kind to her.

“Alright, it’s settled then. Let’s go shopping tomorrow.”


“I won’t disturb you anymore. Go take a shower and have breakfast. Otherwise, your breakfast will
get cold.”

The breakfast actually wouldn’t go cold so fast in the thermos box.

She then instructed Yin Jiujin, “Jin’er, Yu’er isn’t familiar with the capital. If you’re not busy,
accompany her to the airport to pick them up. That young master of the Huo Family seems to have
interacted with you a lot in business. You should be more familiar with him.”

“That Eldest Young Master of the Huo Family has a hard life. His background, talent, and looks aren’t
bad either. He took over the Huo Corporation at such a young age and even managed it so well.
However, he was born with a weak body.” This was completely Qin Jianjia’s lament.

“Remember to go with Yu’er.”

“I know.”

“Then I’ll be leaving now,” Qin Jianjia said and turned to leave. At the same time, she murmured,
“Speaking of which, Rainy is Hao’er’s fiancée. At a time like this, Hao’er should be the one to pick her

“Is Hao’er too busy to leave?”

After saying that, she looked worried.

She was probably worried that Qin Hao would not be able to rush to his fiancée’s side immediately if
something happened to her. She wondered if this marriage would go smoothly.

Hearing that, Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin were speechless.

With Qin Hao’s current status, if he didn’t have a huge mission to carry out, he wouldn’t have been
restricted from going out. He was independent and had a group of people under him. There were
only a few people who could control him.

Besides, Yan Jinyu’s words about picking Huo Siyu up were completely fabricated.

Yin Jiujin took the thermos box from Yan Jinyu’s hand and raised his hand to tidy up the few strands
of her hair that were drenched in sweat. “Go and take a shower. Then, come downstairs for

Yan Jinyu nodded, “Brother Nine, is Sister-in-law okay? Will she be worried for the entire day? If I
had known earlier, I would have thought of another excuse.”

“It’s fine. She’s used to worrying. She’ll forget about it when she gets to the main building.”

Yin Jiujin was right. When they arrived at the main building, Qin Jianjia had indeed forgotten about
this because she had other things to do.

Min Qinglan didn’t take care of anything, but there were many things in the Yin Family that Qin
Jianjia had to take care of.


After breakfast, the two of them went out alone.

Yin Jiujin drove by himself.

Mei Feng Bar.

Mei Feng Bar was the largest bar in the capital. Not only in the capital, but also in other cities.

The boss was Xi Fengling.

As it was morning, there were not many people in the bar.

Other than a few people who were hungover and lying in the bar for the entire night, there were
only the staff.

When the two of them pushed open the glass door and walked into the bar, the yawning
receptionist almost choked on her yawn when she saw them. Or rather, when she saw that it was
Yin Jiujin. She hurriedly stood up. “Hello, Master Nine!”

As the receptionist of the largest bar in the capital, what she needed to do the most was to
remember the faces of some big shots in the capital.

This way, not only would she leave a good impression, but she would also cause less trouble for the

Seeing that the two of them were holding hands, the receptionist was very tactful. She hid the
surprise in her eyes and said respectfully, “Hello, Miss Yu!”

The lady boss had specially instructed that if Master Nine brought a girl who was exceptionally
beautiful, pure, had a good temperament, and he treated her differently, she would definitely be
Master Nine’s fiancée, who was also their lady boss’s close friend.

Looking at it this way, she really looked like the girl in the photo that the lady boss had shown them.
It was just that the girl in the photo seemed to be younger. Furthermore, her eyes were dull and she
looked a little silly. The key was that she exuded a country bumpkin aura.

She was a little different from the smart and elegant girl in front of her.
Yan Jinyu didn’t like to take photos. The photo in Xi Fengling’s hand was taken when Yan Jinyu
created fake information to return to North City.

In order to match her character, the photos she took had to be silly and old-fashioned.

It wasn’t strange that the smart receptionist didn’t recognize her at that moment. It was really
because that photo didn’t have any similarities with Yan Jinyu other than her looks.

“A-are you here to look for the lady boss?”

These words were obviously meant for Yan Jinyu, but after saying that, before Yan Jinyu could say
anything, she hurriedly said, “I-I’m being stupid. The lady boss said that there would be guests
coming over early.”

However, she did not expect them to arrive so early. It was not even 10am yet. It was indeed very
early for a bar where people party through the night.

“I’ll bring you and Master Nine to see the lady boss now.”

The front desk was about to lead the way when a voice sounded, “Little Yu.”

Yin Jiujin’s eyebrows twitched. Little Yu? Chapter 215: Meeting Feng

She turned around and saw Min Rufeng walking into the bar with two sets of breakfast.

This was the first time Yin Jiujin and Min Rufeng had truly met.

When Min Rufeng’s gaze turned from Yan Jinyu’s face to Yin Jiujin, the smile in his eyes was still
there. However, the hint of joy from seeing Yan Jinyu earlier was gone, and he became more serious.

Yin Jiujin, the Second Young Master of the Yin Family, the famous Master Nine.
He gave people a strong sense of danger simply by just standing there.

However, at a glance, Yin Jiujin was still worthy of Little Yu. At least in terms of looks and aura, he
had never seen anyone in the younger generation who could compare to Yin Jiujin.

He was sizing Yin Jiujin up, and Yin Jiujin was sizing him up too.

The Second Young Master of the Min Family was rumored to be living off a woman. He was the
illegitimate son of the Min Family who had no ability and no real power.

Relying on a woman for a living?

Yin Jiujin sneered inwardly. Min Rufeng dared to stare at him and size him up without any fear of
her. Min Rufeng was stronger than many people.

Even Min Ting, who had some ties with him, did not dare to be so bold in front of him.

It could be seen that Min Rufeng and the young lady had a very good relationship. When Min Rufeng
saw the young lady just now, the joy in his eyes didn’t seem to be fake.


Min Rufeng addressed the young lady.

Little Yu…

Before this, he thought that he was the only person in the world who called her that.

He felt uncomfortable.

He had to think of a more unique form of address. He couldn’t let others be the same as him.
“Second Young Master Yin, I’ve long heard of your name.”

“Me too.”

A distant and formal greeting.

The front desk saw Min Rufeng and quickly greeted, “Young Master Min.”

It was not Second Young Master Min, but Young Master Min.

Her attitude was very respectful.

The people outside all thought that Min Rufeng was not bullied in the capital because of Xi Fengling
and he was a freeloader. Only the “staff” of Mei Feng knew how capable Min Rufeng was.

Those “bouncers” in their bar were almost all trained by Min Rufeng. Furthermore, many of their
lives were saved by Min Rufeng’s superb medical skills.

Min Rufeng nodded slightly. “Go and get busy.”


He looked at Yan Jinyu, “Have you eaten breakfast?”

“I’ve eaten. I ate at the Yin Family.” Yan Jinyu smiled. “Feng, you’re about to become Meimei’s slave.
There are so many people at the bar. Why does she need you to buy breakfast personally?”

“Her taste is tricky. Others can’t serve her well.” Looking at the breakfast in his hand, Min Rufeng’s
eyes were filled with a hint of doting.

Yan Jinyu smiled and didn’t say anything.

However, in Yin Jiujin’s opinion, her smile was much more sincere than her smile towards others.

“Let’s go upstairs,” Min Rufeng said.

He walked into the elevator first and they headed straight for the fifth floor of the bar.

The bar only operated on three floors. The fourth floor was the staff’s office, and the fifth floor was
Xi Fengling and Min Rufeng’s usual resting lounge. It was also their office.

Occasionally, the two of them would stay at the bar when they were busy till the late hours.

Last night was so.

The elevator reached the fifth floor quickly.

After walking out of the elevator, Min Rufeng walked to a door and stopped. He turned back and
said to them, “We’re here.” However, he saw Yin Jiujin hugging Yan Jinyu’s waist in a domineering

Min Rufeng glanced at Yin Jiujin indifferently and didn’t say anything.

He pushed the door open and entered.

They entered the living room. It did not look like an office place, and instead, it looked like a small
apartment. It was also decorated very warmly. There was a living room, a kitchen, and a bedroom.

Xi Fengling was wearing a fiery red dress. She was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed in the
living room. Even without the heavy makeup she had on outside, she still looked very charming and

It was as if her charm and seductiveness came from her bones.

Seeing her like this, Min Rufeng’s eyes darkened.

However, he quickly hid it.

People like them were best at restraining their emotions.

Seeing Yan Jinyu, Xi Fengling’s eyes lit up. “Beauty Yu!” Then, she jumped up and wanted to run
towards Yan Jinyu as if she wanted to give her a big hug.

However, Min Rufeng held her wrist. “There’s an outsider here. Don’t rush. Sit down and eat
breakfast first.”

Xi Fengling pushed his hand away and glared at him, “How can there be outsiders here? Can’t I be
happy to see Beauty Yu? This is Beauty Yu’s first time coming to my territory. I’ve been looking
forward to this day for a long time.”

Min Rufeng didn’t say anything, and Yan Jinyu’s smile froze.

Then, she said, “Meimei, have breakfast first.”

“Alright, take a seat then.” She took the breakfast from Min Rufeng and walked to the dining table to
put it down. At the same time, she instructed Min Rufeng, “Pour a cup of tea for Beauty Yu and the

Min Rufeng really went to pour two cups of tea. However, the tea he gave Yan Jinyu was obviously
different from the one he gave Yin Jiujin.

Seeing the tea, or rather, smelling the tea, Yan Jinyu’s face scrunched up. “Feng, why is it such a
horrible tea again? You might as well pour me a cup of water.”

Xi Fengling gloated at her misfortune, “Beauty Yu, just enjoy it. How often do you drink it? I have to
drink it every other day. And that’s the treatment I get after struggling.”
“Mine tastes completely different from yours. Feng is biased towards you. What he gave you is much
better than this,” Yan Jinyu complained.

Min Rufeng, who was standing at the side, smiled helplessly. “Stop arguing. It’s medicinal tea
concocted according to your individual physiques. The taste will naturally be different.”

“Little Yu, you drank too much yogurt in your early years and injured your spleen and stomach. You
didn’t take your medicine according to the doctor’s instructions. I have to keep an eye on you more
when I can.”

“It’s been a long time since I drank yogurt. I’ve already recovered.”

Min Rufeng didn’t say anything and just shook his head and smiled.

He then walked over to have breakfast.

Yin Jiujin’s eyelashes lowered slightly to hide the emotions in his eyes. No one knew what he was

However, Yan Jinyu naturally sensed the change in his mood the moment she sat beside him, even if
he hid it very well.

Yan Jinyu looked at his side profile intently and didn’t say anything. She just moved closer and
reached out to hook his pinky on his knee.

Yin Jiujin was even jealous of Little Rain. He must be feeling uncomfortable seeing them interact like

He would probably think that he had become an outsider.

Seriously, if he was an outsider, she wouldn’t have brought him here.

Master Nine was famous and respected by many people. Couldn’t he have the magnanimity of a big
shot? He was so petty.
However, other than feeling helpless, she found it interesting to see him like this.

Yin Jiujin sensed her movements. He looked at his finger that was hooked by her and then turned his
gaze to her.

However, she grinned at him foolishly. “Brother Nine, why don’t I change with you?”

He flicked her forehead with his other hand. “Nonsense.”

Although he felt upset, he knew Min Rufeng’s intentions very well.

Min Rufeng was a doctor and he knew the young lady’s situation better than him. Since it was
beneficial to the young lady, he naturally wouldn’t be unreasonable.

Didn’t he not show it even though he felt uncomfortable just now?

Based on his usual temper, he wouldn’t have tried so hard to hold back his anger.

Yin Jiujin raised the cup of medicinal tea on the coffee table in front of her and handed it to her.
“Drink it. Don’t waste Second Young Master Min’s efforts.”

“Brother Nine, don’t listen to Feng’s nonsense. I’m really fine. I’m healthy.”

“I know. Although I don’t know much about medicine, I still know about medicinal tea. They can
treat illnesses when one is sick and nourish the body when one is well.”

Yan Jinyu’s lips twitched.

It was another line about selling fake medicine.

It was fine if Feng said that, but Yin Jiujin actually said that too.
“Besides, the medicine in Mount Jing was even worse than this. Didn’t you drink it too?”

Yan Jinyu stared at his handsome face for a long time. “Alright, I’ll drink it.” However, she didn’t raise
her hand to take it. Instead, leaned over to drink it while Yin Jiujin held onto it.

It looked like Yin Jiujin was feeding her.

Yin Jiujin was indeed feeding her.

However, Yin Jiujin’s gaze couldn’t help but darken when he saw her profile and moistened lips.

“Finish it,” Yin Jiujin said.

Yan Jinyu looked up and glared at him, but she still finished it in the end.

As soon as she finished drinking, Yan Jinyu snatched the cup from Yin Jiujin’s hand and placed it on
the coffee table. She leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

They had to act so naturally as if they were the only ones in this space.

Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling, who were eating breakfast on the other side, looked surprised.

Obviously, they had never seen such a “bold” Yan Jinyu.

They had never seen Yan Jinyu so obedient when she drank medicine.

They looked at each other and saw relief and mixed emotions in each other’s eyes.

They stopped looking and ate their breakfast quietly.

Yin Jiujin had already made up his mind. Even if Yan Jinyu didn’t come over, he would probably kiss
her regardless of the occasion.

He was not the kind of person who would care about the occasion.

Yan Jinyu’s action suited him perfectly.

He held her waist with one hand and the back of her head with the other.

The kiss was very thorough.

It seemed like this was the only way he could feel that this person completely belonged to him.

He really did not like the familiar and natural atmosphere between her and the others which he
could not interrupt at all.

Yan Jinyu had the intention of comforting him, so she naturally let him do whatever he wanted.

It had been too long since she had seen Feng, so she didn’t pay much attention to whether their
interactions would make Yin Jiujin, this jealous man, flare up.

Actually, it would have been fine if he was just jealous, but she clearly felt that at that instant, Yin
Jiujin’s emotions had a hint of frustration.

That was the last thing she wanted.

After a long while, the kiss ended.

Yin Jiujin pulled Yan Jinyu into his arms. Yan Jinyu leaned in his arms and said in a voice that only the
two of them could hear, “Brother Nine, they’re my trusted partners. I only brought you to see them
because I’ve decided on you.”
She looked up at him. “You’re the one who’s going to spend the rest of my life with me, not anyone

Yin Jiujin was indeed comforted by her.

He hugged her tightly and leaned his chin on the top of her head. He answered softly, “Yeah.”

After hugging for a while, he let go of her.

Because Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling came over after having their breakfast.

“Let me formally introduce myself. I’m Min Rufeng.” He reached out his hand to Yin Jiujin.

Yin Jiujin also reached out to shake his hand. “Yin Jiujin.”

“Thank you for taking care of my fiancée all these years.”

“We’re family. There’s no need to stand on ceremony. Second Young Master Yin, please take a seat.”

As soon as they sat down, someone knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Xi Fengling said.

Someone pushed the door open and entered. It was someone in a bar waiter’s uniform.

“Lady Boss, Young Master Min, the Eldest Young Master and Third Young Master of the Min Family
are here.”

Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling frowned at the same time.

Xi Fengling said, “What are they doing here at this time?”

It was fine with Min Ting. After all, they were partners and he had a good relationship with Yin Jiujin.
It was understandable that he specially rushed over after knowing that Yin Jiujin was here, but Min

“Eldest Young Master Min said that he’s here to look for Young Master Min. As for Third Young
Master Min, he didn’t say anything. He looks like he’s here to join in the fun.”

Min Rufeng smiled slightly. “They’re our guests. Invite them up.”

The waiter acknowledged and left.

Min Rufeng then explained to Yan Jinyu, “Recently, there has been some commotion. Min Nan
already can’t sit still. This time, he probably came specially to confront me.”

As for how big the commotion was, Min Rufeng didn’t elaborate.

Actually, Min Rufeng’s medical skills were praised after successfully performing a few surgeries in
the Imperial Capital Hospital.

There was one surgery that even Min Nan and Min Guili were helpless about.

After that, be it the shareholders in the Imperial Capital Hospital other than the Min Family or the
other shareholders in the hospital under the Min Family, they all favored Min Rufeng more. In
addition, the cause of Old Master Min’s death was deliberately spread by Min Rufeng, Xi Fengling
and Min Ting. Min Guili and Min Nan suffered a lot of doubts.

Min Nan panicked when Min Rufeng successfully threatened Min Nan’s status as the heir of the Min

“Do you need my help with this matter?” Yan Jinyu asked.

Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling chuckled and shook their heads. “Nope.”
“This matter should have been wrapped up long ago. However, the more we investigate, the more
complicated it is, so we delayed it until now. However, Min Rufeng and I can completely handle it.
Beauty Yu, don’t worry about it.”

Yan Jinyu listened and looked at Xi Fengling in confusion, waiting for her to continue. Chapter 216:
Talking About Being Thick-Skinned

Xi Fengling smiled and said, “We don’t know exactly how complicated it is yet. I’ll tell you when we
figure it out. If possible, I might even be able to bring you along to watch a show.”

Since Xi Fengling had already said so, Yan Jinyu naturally wouldn’t ask further.

Moreover, ever since Xi Fengling told her that Old Master Min’s death was very likely related to
Ghost Slaughter, and thinking that Ghost Slaughter might still have someone who survived the
explosion, she had expected that the Min Family’s matter wouldn’t be so easy to end.

If someone from Ghost Slaughter survived, it would not be targeted at her alone, but at the four of

If Ghost Slaughter had long been in contact with the Min Family, how could they let go of such a
helper like the Min Family under such circumstances where their strength had decreased drastically?

“Meimei, pay more attention when you and Feng deal with the Min Family’s trouble.”

The two of them looked at her.

Yan Jinyu continued, “There’s something I didn’t tell you, but I think you should have guessed it too.”

“There are still people alive,” they both said.

They all sounded certain.

Yan Jinyu nodded. “Mm-hm.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll pay more attention. The Min Family is almost under our control now. If the other
party comes into contact with the Min Family, we’ll know immediately. On the other hand, Beauty
Yu, you have to be careful,” Xi Fengling said as she looked at Yin Jiujin.

Yin Jiujin understood what she meant.

He didn’t say anything and simply glanced at Xi Fengling.

Xi Fengling fell silent.

Alright, there was no need for her to say anything more.

She felt much more at ease with Yin Jiujin by Beauty Yu’s side.

Yan Jinyu saw their actions and smiled faintly.

She touched the “watch” on her left wrist and said, “Don’t worry. There are many people who want
to kill me, but not many can.” She was still confident about this.

She could escape from the two kidnappers when she was two years old, let alone now.

Speaking of the kidnappers back then, now that she was in the capital, she could also investigate

However, she was not in a hurry. Since the other party wanted to get rid of her, even if she did not
look for them, they would come to look for her.

As they spoke, the waiter brought Min Nan and Min Ting up.
Among the three brothers of the Min Family, Min Rufeng was gentle, Min Ting was ostentatious, and
Min Nan was… a little gloomy.

In terms of looks, Min Ting’s face was more exquisite than a woman’s. Min Rufeng was second, and
Min Nan… was last.

The two of them were a little surprised to see that there was someone else in the living room other
than Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling. When they saw who it was, they were even more surprised.

No, it could no longer be described as “surprised”.

It should be called shock.

Not only Min Nan, but Min Ting was also very shocked.

So, did he really guess that Yan Jinyu and Xi Fengling knew each other?

Don’t ask why he only felt that Yan Jinyu and Xi Fengling had a relationship and not anything else
when Yan Jinyu and Second Brother were both around.

It was impossible for Second Brother to have any relationship with Xi Fengling and Min Rufeng. Even
if they worked together without him knowing, their relationship definitely wasn’t so deep that
Second Brother would personally visit them so early in the morning.

All these years, he had never seen Second Brother specially visit anyone. It was always others who
thought of ways to meet Second Brother.

Min Ting was already shocked, let alone Min Nan.

The eldest son of the Min Family had naturally met Yin Jiujin before.

Not to mention that Yin Jiujin had caused such a huge commotion recently, Min Nan had been very
afraid of Yin Jiujin since he was young.
As for the reason, it was because Min Nan had seen Yin Jiujin killing someone on the streets when he
and Min Qinglan were doing their new year shopping then.

It was not too accurate to say that he was young. Min Nan was already twelve years old then.

From then on, Min Nan was very afraid of Yin Jiujin.

Upon seeing Yin Jiujin, he stopped in his tracks. His urge of wanting to rush in and question Min
Rufeng was gone.

“Master… Second Young Master Yin is also here?” He wanted to call him Master Nine, but he
suddenly remembered that the Min Family and the Yin Family had equal status in the capital. He was
also the heir of the Min Family. If he called the Second Young Master of the Yin Family as Master
Nine, wouldn’t that be lowering his status?

Hence, he braced himself and called him “Second Young Master Yin.”

Yin Jiujin glanced at him indifferently without any intention of paying attention to him.

Min Nan’s expression was very ugly in front of his competitor, Min Rufeng.

He always felt that Min Rufeng was looking at him as a joke. However, the truth was that Min Rufeng
usually looked so smiley like that.

However, Xi Fengling chuckled.

It was mocking.

It was blatant.

“I wonder what the two young masters of the Min Family are coming here to my territory in such a
hurry? Seeing that you guys are so imposing, could it be that you’re trying to thrash my place?”
“Boss Xi, don’t misunderstand. I’m a regular at Mei Feng Bar after all. How could I come to cause
trouble? I heard that my Second Brother is here, so I came to discuss something with him.”

The Second Brother he was referring to was not Min Rufeng, but Yin Jiujin.

Everyone knew that.

They were clearly cousins but one addressed Yin Jiujin as Second Young Master and the other
addressed Second Brother.

Min Nan’s expression darkened even more.

Due to his fear of Yin Jiujin, he had almost forgotten that Yin Jiujin’s mother was his nominal aunt.

Of course, they didn’t believe Min Ting. Other than them, no one else knew that Yan Jinyu and Yin
Jiujin had come here.

Min Ting also knew that they wouldn’t believe him.

It did not matter if they did not believe it. It was fine as long as Min Nan believed it.

They were just putting on a show for Min Nan to see so that he would not know that they had
already cooperated.

“As for why Eldest Cousin is here, I have no idea.”

Min glared at him.

He had no idea? Didn’t he know that he was coming to find Min Rufeng to question him?

Min Rufeng had been fooling around with Xi Fengling all day and rarely returned to the Min Family.
He had also taken two days off and didn’t go to the hospital, so he specially rushed over early in the
morning to look for them.
Why didn’t he come at night?

There were many customers at Mei Feng Bar at night, and most of them were friends with Xi
Fengling. If he rushed over to look for Xi Fengling’s man at night, wouldn’t he be surrounded and
attacked by them?

He wasn’t that stupid!

Min Rufeng only had this much ability. He had to rely on a woman!

“I’m here to look for Min Rufeng.”

He looked at Min Rufeng. “Can we talk in private?”

“You shouldn’t be asking me that.” Min Rufeng glanced at Xi Fengling, who was sitting seductively,
and said to Min Nan with a smile, “You should be asking Fengling. I’m her kept man. I’ll listen to her
in her territory.”

He sounded so confident.

It was as if he didn’t find it embarrassing to be kept by a woman.

Min Ting’s lips twitched. After interacting with him for this period of time, he thought that he
already knew Min Rufeng well enough. He didn’t expect that he still didn’t know him well enough.

Even he, a well-known playboy in the capital, felt inferior to him.

“Min Rufeng, you’re the Second Young Master of the Min Family. It’s fine if you let a woman take
care of you, but you’re actually proud of that instead of being ashamed. What do you take the Min
Family’s face for?” The key was that she was even such a beautiful and seductive woman! He didn’t
know what Xi Fengling liked about Min Rufeng.
Min Nan was furious. He had even forgotten that there was Yin Jiujin here whom he couldn’t afford
to offend.

Of course, he wasn’t angry that Min Rufeng was a freeloader, but that he was actually angry that
Min Rufeng, who relied on a woman, had threatened his position as the heir of the Min Family.

“Brother, what are you so excited about? Haven’t I been kept by Fengling for three years? Who in
the capital doesn’t know that? What’s the point of saying this now?”


“Brother, you don’t have to say anything. If you have anything to say to me, ask Fengling first. If
Fengling agrees, I’ll go out with you. If Fengling doesn’t agree, there’s nothing I can do. I took leave
for the past two days to fulfill my obligations to serve her.”

Xi Fengling’s lips twitched.

Serve her?

No one knew who was serving whom!

Meeting Xi Fengling’s disapproving gaze, Min Rufeng smiled.

This smile was very aggressive.

However, it quickly disappeared, and only Xi Fengling saw it.

She instinctively trembled.

Every time Min Rufeng smiled at her like that, he would “torture” her later.

She quickly looked away at Min Nan. She was still very imposing to others.
She smiled seductively, “Logically speaking, I should give you face since Eldest Young Master Min
personally came to visit. However, I had guests today, and Eldest Young Master Min saw it too. If my
guests see Eldest Young Master Min charge into my territory and ask for a person and I simply allow
you to do that, where will I put my face in the future?”

“So, Eldest Young Master Min, just go back to where you came from. If you want to talk to Min
Rufeng about something, wait for him to walk out of my territory.”

Min Nan was still a little afraid of Xi Fengling.

He had once caused trouble for Min Rufeng and was beaten up by a group of people sent by Xi
Fengling. He was hospitalized for three months and it was still fresh in his mind.

Of course, he had thought of destroying Xi Fengling later, but no matter what he did, Xi Fengling
easily resolved it.

This made him even more uncertain about Xi Fengling’s background. From then on, he no longer
dared to openly find trouble with Min Rufeng. He would only say a few nasty words even if he
occasionally tried to find trouble.

Because he had once seen some rich kids in the capital mocking Min Rufeng, after Xi Fengling found
out, she got a group of people to beat up those rich kids and they ended up in the hospital.

Ever since then, Xi Fengling’s cruelty had seeped into his heart.

“Boss Xi, you’re so protective of Min Rufeng because he’s the man you’re keeping. What if he’s
hooking up with another woman behind your back? Will you still be so protective of him?”

Xi Fengling raised her eyebrows and smiled even more charmingly, “Oh? There’s such a thing?”

Without waiting for Min Nan to reply, Xi Fengling said, “There’s actually a woman who can snatch
my man from me, a woman who has looks, figure, money, power, and influence? This makes me
very curious. I wonder what kind of woman is more charming than me?”
Min Nan’s expression froze.

Why was Xi Fengling’s reaction different from what he had expected?

Even if this kind of strong woman didn’t really care about Min Rufeng, shouldn’t she dislike others
coveting the person who belonged to her?

Moreover, did Xi Fengling not hear him?

He was saying that Min Rufeng was seducing another woman! Not another woman seducing Min

This was no longer a matter of Min Rufeng’s charm. It was about Min Rufeng preferring a new
woman and wasn’t loyal to her.

Didn’t she care about that?

“Eldest Young Master Min, why don’t you tell me in detail so that I can meet that woman who’s even
more charming than me?” Chapter 217: Jinyu Is Angry

Min Nan was not stupid after all. From Xi Fengling’s words, he could tell that she did not believe him
at all.

“Boss Xi, you don’t trust me?”

“It’s not that I don’t believe you. I’m just curious what kind of woman is actually more charming than
me.” The smile on her face faded slightly, “On the other hand, if Eldest Young Master Min didn’t say
anything, could it be that you’re playing with me? Actually, there’s no such person at all?”

After she retracted her smile, she exuded a cold aura that shocked Min Nan.

He knew Xi Fengling’s methods very well.

Back then, Xi Fengling didn’t hold back at all when she got those people to beat him up. She wanted
to beat him to death.
He was afraid that if Xi Fengling was unhappy, she would find someone to beat him up again.

After all, this was Xi Fengling’s territory and he was alone.

“Of course!”

“Boss Xi should have heard of that person too. She’s the eldest daughter of the Yu Family and my
university classmate. She’s currently working in the Imperial Capital Hospital and is a famous
beautiful doctor in the hospital. She has many suitors. To be honest with you, Boss Xi, I’m also one of
her many suitors. I’ve pursued her for many years.”

He had not failed to win over a woman’s heart after pursuing her for many years, but Min Nan
actually dared to disregard his status and admit that. Min Nan was actually quite respectable for this.

“She has already wavered in my pursuit. If nothing goes wrong, she will be my wife in the future.”

As he spoke, he glared at Min Rufeng with an unfriendly gaze. “However, Min Rufeng interfered at
this moment!”

“Min Rufeng can coax Boss Xi to devote to him wholeheartedly, so it’s obvious that he’s usually very
good at sweet-talking. Yu Chen, who was about to agree to my request, was bewitched by his sweet-

“I came here to warn Min Rufeng not to covet what doesn’t belong to him. Otherwise, the Min
Family won’t tolerate him anymore!”

“As for how Boss Xi wants to see this, it’s all up to Boss Xi.”

“I’ve said everything that needs to be said. Boss Xi, you can choose to believe me or not!”

At this moment, Min Rufeng spoke and looked at Min Nan with a smile in his eyes, “The Min Family
can’t tolerate me? Did Eldest Brother say this, or did someone else in the Min Family say it?”
“Brother, why are you lying to yourself? Outsiders don’t know what’s going on with the Min Family
now, but how can I not know?”

“Brother already came here in a panic to threaten me. So, does the Min Family not tolerate me or
Eldest Brother?”

Min Nan’s expression changed drastically.

Min Ting, who had already walked over and sat down, answered at this time, “Speaking of which,
I’ve heard a lot of rumors recently that there’s actually another reason for Grandfather’s death. And
this reason seems to be greatly related to Eldest Uncle, Eldest Aunt, and Eldest Cousin. I wonder if
it’s true?”

Min Ting’s seemingly casual question filled Min Nan with shock.

However, he could still remain calm and did not show it on his face.

However, the change in his expression at that moment had already given Min Ting the answer.

Min Ting’s smile faded slightly.

It was really them!

He still had a trace of hope that his grandfather’s death wasn’t really related to them initially. After
all, they were family, and he didn’t want them to fight to the death.


Forget it. There was no need for him to be soft-hearted with such heartless people.

“Ting’er, where did you hear this rumor from? Isn’t your grandfather my grandfather? How could my
parents and I have harmed Grandfather? Grandfather died of illness. As for how Grandfather fell
He swept a glance at Min Rufeng and snorted coldly, “You have to ask Min Rufeng that! A 10-year-
old can actually get lost! You made Grandfather fall sick!”

Hearing his words, Min Rufeng’s eyes flickered.

However, it was only for a moment. When he looked up again, the ripple in his eyes was no longer

“Ask me what? Ask me how I got lost when I followed you and your mother out when I was 10 years
old? Do you want me to carefully recall how I got lost back then? Or do you think I really don’t know
anything about what Meng An did?”

Min Nan’s expression changed.

No! That was impossible!

How could Min Rufeng possibly know? Back then, his mother had already arranged for those
traffickers who had criminal records and it wasn’t her mother who contacted them either. Her
mother only brought Min Rufeng to the place where the traffickers often appeared and left Min
Rufeng there. Even if he investigated, he couldn’t connect it to his mother at all!

In fact, Min Rufeng really didn’t find anything either.

He was taken away by Ghost Slaughter Island. What was there to investigate?

He said this to trick Min Nan, even though he had already guessed what Meng An was planning to do
when he was 10 years old.

At ten years old, he was already sensible.

With his intelligence, he easily avoided the traffickers who had designs on him. In fact, because of his
actions, the traffickers were arrested not long after.
If he had not met someone from Ghost Slaughter Island, he could have returned to the Min Family

He did not expect that with this deception, he really managed to get something out of it.

It could only be said that Min Nan was too weak.

It was really a miracle that a big family like the Min Family could nurture an heir like Min Nan who
couldn’t even hide his emotions.

Compared to Min Nan, who had a good reputation, the playboy in everyone’s eyes, Min Ting, was
more like the heir of a big family.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“It doesn’t matter if you understand or not. It’s fine as long as I understand. You just have to
remember that the truth always comes out. Sooner or later, what you’ve done will be exposed to
the world.”

“Also, don’t accuse me of something I didn’t do. I don’t like the woman whom you’ve been pursuing
with no results.”

“To be honest, I’m very curious where you got the confidence to say those words. Anyone can find
out if I’ve hooked up with another woman after investigating, but why are you so sure that Fengling
will believe me? Could it be that you think Fengling is so innocent and gullible?”

Xi Fengling glared at him.

Did he mean that she was very scheming!?

Min Rufeng gave her a comforting and helpless smile and continued, “Or is it that my taste is really
so bad that I can’t tell who’s more outstanding between the eldest daughter of the Yu Family and
“In Fengling’s words, she has looks, figure, and power. Why should I choose a woman who can’t
compare to Fengling other than her medical skills?”

Min Nan blushed because he realized that Min Rufeng was telling the truth.

He tried to say something to make his words more convincing, but Min Rufeng didn’t give him a

“Could it be that I’ve taken a fancy to that woman’s medical skills? In terms of medical skills, I don’t
think anyone can surpass me.”

“Min Rufeng, don’t talk to me about this! You like Yu Chen because she’s from a famous family. She’s
a legitimate daughter of a famous family. You can marry her in the future, but Xi Feng… Boss Xi…”

“What about me?” Xi Fengling crossed her legs and supported her chin with her hand on her lap. She
smiled charmingly, “Am I not from a respectable family? Am I not allowed to enter a big family like
the Min Family?”

“Tsk, do you really think that everyone wants to enter the Min Family?” If Min Rufeng wasn’t really a
member of the Min Family, who would care to look at the Min Family?

Min Rufeng no longer had a smile on his face. He was obviously angry.

Xi Fengling said this because she was angry with Min Nan’s words and also to calm Min Rufeng

They had endured for so long. If Min Rufeng couldn’t hold it in and attacked at the last moment,
their previous patience would be wasted.

Min Rufeng still wanted Old Master Min’s cause of death to be exposed in front of others so it was
still useful to keep Min Nan around.

“I’m not talking about Boss Xi. I’m just revealing Min Rufeng’s intentions.”
“Boss Xi, I’m not afraid of hurting you. No matter how capable you are, you don’t have the right to
marry into the Min Family, even if Min Rufeng is just an illegitimate…”

The last sentence was stuck in his throat.

This was because when Yan Jinyu—who had been silent all this while— heard this, she casually
picked up the fruit knife on the coffee table and threw it over.

It flew past Min Nan’s ear and left a bloody mark on it. The fruit knife sank deep into the wooden
door behind him!

Min Nan was so frightened that his legs went limp and he fell to his knees.

Yan Jinyu patted the corner of her shirt and stood up calmly.

Her cold gaze landed on Min Nan.

Min Nan’s limbs turned cold.

H-how was that possible? It was just a look!

This was clearly a 17 or 18-year-old girl. Ever since he stepped into this room, other than thinking
that she was beautiful and pure, he had not paid much attention to her.

It was mainly because she was sitting beside Yin Jiujin.

He thought that this should be the hillbilly daughter from the Yan Family in North City who had led a
wandering life for many years.

He did not take it to heart at all!

However, was this the gaze of a hillbilly?

It was so cold and frightening!

There was also a strong killing intent!

It was as if killing him was nothing to her!

And her skills…

He was about 10 meters away from her and she wasn’t looking in his direction. She simply picked up
the fruit knife and threw it casually.

Was her technique really that precise or was it a coincidence?

If it was a coincidence, how could it be explained that the knife plunged into the wooden door so
deeply when they were so far away?

Yan Jinyu walked over slowly and looked down at him, “What did you want to say just now?”

“Illegitimate child? Tsk.”

“Do you want me to remind you how Min Guili coveted Feng’s mother’s beauty back then and hid
his identity and marital status to deceive Feng’s mother?”

“Oh, you weren’t born then, so you naturally didn’t know. Why don’t you go home and ask Min
Guili? Or you can ask Meng An. Meng An knows about it too.”

Min Nan was shocked.

Not only was he shocked by the fear that he had for Yan Jinyu, but he was also shocked by Yan
Jinyu’s words, “Y-you…”

“How did I find out?”

Yan Jinyu sneered, “Isn’t it easy to investigate these few things?” The Min Family’s status in the
capital seemed to be on par with the Yin Family, but in reality, it was completely incomparable.

She couldn’t find out much about the Yin Family, but it was very easy to find out about the Min

“Only Feng and Meimei will wait so long. If it were me, I would have finished you off long ago. Why
did they still allow you to come here and talk sh*t?”

“Don’t curse,” Yin Jiujin and Min Rufeng said at the same time.

Then, the two of them looked at each other.

Yan Jinyu looked at them but didn’t care.

She especially ignored Min Rufeng.

It was fine if he did not get rid of Min Nan right away, but he actually allowed others to come in and
say such nonsense.

Min Nan dared to come knocking on their door now when the Min Family’s situation was already like
this. So, what about before?

Wasn’t Feng badly bullied by the Min Family?

How embarrassing!

Min Rufeng stopped talking when she glared at him.

In the past three years, in order to patiently investigate the cause of his grandfather’s death, the Min
Family had indeed bullied him a lot. And for the sake of the overall situation, he had endured all of it.
Fengling couldn’t stand it and reacted on his behalf many times.

“Does such a person really think that he’s someone important? How dare he come here to bully us?”

“What can the death of a young master in the Min Family do to us? Even if it could affect us, that
was the Min Family in the past. Do we still need to care about the current Min Family so much?”

Her cold gaze swept across the pale Min Nan. “If you’re unhappy, just kill him.”

Hence, with a casual wave of her left hand, the fruit knife that had sunk into the door frame went
back into her hand!

It was so fast that Min Nan, who was closest to her, couldn’t see what was going on!

“M-Magic?!” Chapter 218: Talking About Bai Ye

Min Ting, who was already shocked by Yan Jinyu’s actions, almost spat out when he heard Min Nan’s

What damn magic!

It was clearly Yan Jinyu sweeping the fruit knife back with something she threw out from her hand!

Was Min Nan joking?

Yan Jinyu held the fruit knife in her hand. Seeing Min Nan’s frightened look, she spun the fruit knife
in her hand.

She sneered, “How dare you come looking for trouble with that little courage?”

When Xi Fengling saw this, she sighed softly, “Beauty Yu, it’s enough to just scare him. Don’t let his
blood dirty my place.” She had already endured for so long, so she didn’t mind letting Min Nan live
for a while longer.
Most importantly, with Min Nan around, she could still keep an eye on Yu-whatever-Chen in the
hospital and not let her pester Min Rufeng.

Yan Jinyu didn’t intend to really kill him, although it was fine even if she did.

After all, this was Xi Fengling’s territory. If someone died here, and the other party was the eldest
son of the Min Family, there would indeed be a lot of trouble.

Hearing Xi Fengling’s words, she looked down at Min Nan. With a twist of her finger, the fruit knife
flew to the floor and steadily sank into the floor in front of Min Nan.

Min Nan shuddered in fear.

“Throw him out,” Min Rufeng said.

As soon as he spoke, two male waiters came in from outside and dragged the frightened Min Nan
out of the bar.

Looking at Yan Jinyu, who had returned to sit beside Yin Jiujin, Xi Fengling chuckled. “Beauty Yu,
don’t think that Min Rufeng and I are so cowardly that we won’t do anything even if someone comes
to bully us. Actually, it’s only this time. In the past, Min Nan was often taught a lesson by me.
Otherwise, why would he be so obedient and not find trouble with Min Rufeng?”

“Besides, keeping him alive is indeed useful.”

“Isn’t there a beautiful doctor pursuing Min Rufeng?” Xi Fengling said and looked at Min Rufeng with
a faint smile.

Min Rufeng chuckled. “Why do you care about such an unimportant person?”

Xi Fengling snorted lightly and glared at him before continuing to say to Yan Jinyu, “Yu Chen is
someone that Min Nan has been pursuing for many years. She didn’t agree to Min Nan’s pursuit, but
because of Min Nan’s status, she didn’t dare to reject it too obviously. With Min Nan around, she
would be more careful and not pester Min Rufeng so much.”

“Of course, that’s only one of the reasons. Min Nan is Min Guili and Meng An’s precious. He’s still
very useful.”

“Besides, after being frightened by you, he will also remember and won’t dare to find trouble with
Min Rufeng for the time being. He actually tried to sow discord so unskillfully. I wonder what he’s
thinking. Could it be that in his eyes, I’m really that stupid?”

“I just don’t know if he’ll say anything when he gets out after you made this move.” It wasn’t that Xi
Fengling hadn’t thought of directly getting rid of him to prevent future trouble. Indeed, Min Nan was
still useful.


The three of them spoke at the same time.

Yan Jinyu, Yin Jiujin, and Min Rufeng.

Yan Jinyu was confident that she had frightened Min Nan. Coupled with her relationship with Yin
Jiujin and Min Nan’s fear of Yin Jiujin, he wouldn’t dare to say anything.

Yin Jiujin’s thoughts were similar to hers.

As for Min Rufeng, it was entirely based on his understanding of Min Nan.

He knew that Min Nan had been frightened. On top of that, Min Nan knew nothing about Yan Jinyu
at all and even thought that she had “magic”. Hence, Min Rufeng was sure that he wouldn’t dare to
say anything.

Besides, what happened just now could be said to be Min Nan’s unsavory experience. Min Nan
wished that others didn’t know it, so how could he possibly tell others?
Taking a step back, so what if Min Nan said it?

Other than making Little Yu even more untouchable in the capital, what else could it do?

Would others still think of Little Yu as the number one killer, “Chi”?

Little Yu was only 10 years old when “Chi” became famous. Who would have thought that a 10-year-
old child was so capable?

Min Nan was not like the only outsider here, Min Ting, who had good eyesight and could tell how
Little Yu attacked at that time.

However, even Min Ting didn’t dare to think that she was the number one killer. He only felt that
Yan Jinyu was a martial arts practitioner and had an extraordinary past.

However, Min Ting was a smart person. It was obvious that these people were not afraid that he
would know the truth. He would accept that they treated him as one of their own for the time being.
If he needed to pretend to be stupid, he would pretend to be stupid. He would not say or ask more.

Xi Fengling shrugged indifferently. “Alright, let’s not care about him then.”

“It’s rare for Beauty Yu to come to my territory. Let’s not let an outsider affect our mood.”

“And you, Min Rufeng. You’d better stay away from Yu Chen. I don’t care if she’s pestering you or
you’re seducing her. If you don’t handle it well, that means you’re unable to say harsh words to her.”

“You’re being unreasonable.”

“Do I look like someone who cares about other women?”

“I don’t care if you look like that or not! Will she still pester you if you’ve really rejected her
Min Rufeng was innocent.

How did he know that woman would still find excuses to ask him out again and again when he had
already said coldly that he had a woman and would not go out alone with another woman?

“I’ve seen Yu Chen before,” Yan Jinyu said.

They knew each other very well. Yan Jinyu didn’t think that Min Rufeng was someone who
deliberately gave Yu Chen false hope. Of course, Xi Fengling didn’t think that she was simply jealous.

Seeing that they were looking over, Yan Jinyu smiled and said, “She’s indeed… not a likable person.”

They were puzzled, but Yan Jinyu didn’t intend to say anything more.

“So Meimei, you can’t blame Feng. If you really don’t like it, you can just go up to give her two slaps
to warn her. It’s similar to those legitimate wives hitting the mistresses.”

Min Rufeng chuckled helplessly. “What nonsense are you talking about? What mistress?”

Yin Jiujin rubbed Yan Jinyu’s head helplessly.

“Let’s get down to business,” Min Rufeng said.

Hearing this, Min Ting hesitated for a moment and decided to say, “Um, you guys want to talk about
serious business now? Do I need to avoid it?”

After saying that, he smiled awkwardly. “I saw Min Nan coming over angrily so I followed him to see
how he would get tortured. I’m just here to join in the fun.”

Xi Fengling raised her eyebrows charmingly, “Third Young Master Min, aren’t we on the same side
“In certain matters, we’re indeed on the same side, but it’s hard to say for the rest. The less I know,
the longer I live. I still understand this logic.”

“Third Young Master Min, you don’t have to be so careful. Don’t you already know what you should
know and shouldn’t know? You already saw our Beauty Yu make a move.”

“So?” Min Ting was stunned.

He looked at Yan Jinyu. “It’s true that I saw Eldest Miss Yan make a move, but is this a big deal? Boss
Xi is the boss of North City’s Elegant Bamboo Clubhouse. Shouldn’t you know that I’ve seen Eldest
Miss Yan’s racing video? I’ve long known that Eldest Miss Yan isn’t as simple as she looks on the
surface. Other than confirming my previous guess, is there anything else today?”

The few of them understood what Min Ting meant.

He didn’t guess Yan Jinyu’s identity at all.

Yin Jiujin flicked a glance at him mysteriously.

He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but Min Ting felt that Second Brother was looking at him like he
was an idiot.

“Ignore him,” Yin Jiujin said.

This was to prove to them that Min Ting was one of them.

Xi Fengling suddenly said these words to Min Ting to test how much Min Ting had guessed and
whether she should guard against him. However, with Yin Jiujin’s words, she was relieved.

Yin Jiujin wouldn’t harm Beauty Yu.

“Little Yu, tell us everything you know so that we can be mentally prepared,” Min Rufeng said.
Since things had already come to this, there was no need for Yan Jinyu to hide it from them. It would
be more beneficial for them to know more about the situation.

Then, she told them about the Smith Family and the Jones Family in Country Y that she and Huo Siyu
knew about, as well as their guesses. She even mentioned Yuan Xi, who they were very suspicious of.

The more they listened, the more serious Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling’s expressions became.

Although Yin Jiujin’s expression didn’t change, his gaze clearly became sharper.

Only Min Ting was shocked the entire time.

If he still could not guess their identities after hearing this, he would be really stupid.

He was “trembling”.

They were all big shots here!

He quickly recalled if he had bullied or mocked Min Rufeng in the past. He only heaved a sigh of
relief when he realized that he had not.

How could Eldest Uncle’s family be enough for Min Rufeng to torture if he didn’t want to find out
the truth?

They would have probably already been tortured beyond recognition.

Actually, Min Ting was exaggerating.

He was quite capable himself. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have such a relationship with Yin Jiujin. It was
just that he was too shocked to suddenly find out their identities.

Most importantly, it was still understandable that Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling had such identities,
but Yan Jinyu…
No matter how Min Ting looked at it, this 18-year-old girl—who was sitting obediently beside Yin
Jiujin with a faint smile and looked very innocent with eyes that were very clear most of the time—
didn’t look like the famous top killer of the killer world!

He had thought that she was not simple, but he didn’t expect her to be so not simple!

Min Nan was really lucky to have survived just now!

He stared at Yan Jinyu as if he had been struck by lightning. Of course, Yan Jinyu could sense it. She
looked up and smiled at him.

Min Ting was shocked.

It was fine if he didn’t know her identity. He could even lie to himself and hint to himself that she
was an innocent girl.

After knowing the other party’s identity, he felt that even her harmless smile was cold and it made
his scalp tingle.

“Beauty Yu, then you…”

“When Ghost Slaughter Island was at its peak, they wanted to kill me but they couldn’t. What can
they do to me now? Don’t worry, they won’t dare to look for me openly.”

She smiled and looked at Yin Jiujin. “Besides, I have Brother Nine by my side now. They will only be
more afraid of me. Look, a few days ago, they even tried to use that method to sow discord between
Brother Nine and me so that Brother Nine wouldn’t be a huge help to me.”

The three of them understood immediately.

So that was the purpose of the other party’s commotion.

“Just pay attention to your surroundings and don’t let the other party take advantage of you.”
“I know. Beauty Yu, don’t worry so much. But Beauty Yu, now that you mention it, regarding the
aftermath of the incident at the Empire Building, that key character, Yu Qingwan…”

Xi Fengling glanced at Yin Jiujin and then at Yan Jinyu. Seeing that there was no change in their
expressions, she understood that Yu Qingwan didn’t affect them.

“Could Yu Qingwan be related to Ghost Slaughter Island?”

“She’s very suspicious, but there’s no evidence. Brother Nine got someone to keep an eye on her.
Don’t worry about her for the time being.” Even if they were related, Yu Qingwan was just a small

There was nothing to worry about.


“However, weren’t there two groups of people behind that incident? Who was the other person?”

Yan Jinyu smiled at Xi Fengling. “That’s what I’m about to tell you.”

“I met Bai Ye.” Chapter 219: Angry and Grateful

“What?!” Xi Fengling was surprised.

Min Rufeng didn’t say anything, but his surprise could be seen from his expression.

Xi Fengling, who had always been calm and composed, was too shocked to speak. “Isn’t Bai Ye dead?
Isn’t your return to North City…”

However, she reacted quickly and quickly stopped talking.

However, who was Yin Jiujin?

He was a person who was so sharp that he could sense someone peeping behind an ordinary wall
with the back of his head, and it was even when the other party were trying their best to breathe
lightly and hide.

How could he not notice Xi Fengling’s words?

However, Yin Jiujin hid it very well and didn’t show any emotions. Even Yan Jinyu didn’t notice it.

Min Rufeng glanced at Yin Jiujin when Xi Fengling said this. Just as Xi Fengling stopped speaking, he
immediately asked, “Where did you meet him?”

“The Yin Family.”

The three faces froze.

This included Min Ting, who had already guessed the identity of “Bai Ye” after hearing their

The Yin Family?

Who was it?

They all looked at Yan Jinyu.

Yan Jinyu didn’t say it immediately. Instead, she turned her gaze to Yin Jiujin.

Yin Jiujin wasn’t looking at her, but after sensing her gaze, he said, “My aunt’s son, Feng Yun.”

Feng Yun.
Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling had naturally heard of this person. Didn’t they say that when the eldest
daughter of the Yin Family, Yin Xiaoxiao, and her husband passed away, Feng Yun had also died with

It was precisely because of this that they didn’t think that Bai Ye was still alive and was living in the
Yin Family.

“If there are no accidents, Bai Ye will cooperate with us.”

“Thus, even if there are still people from Ghost Slaughter alive, we are not the only ones who want
to take their lives.”

Xi Fengling wanted to ask since Bai Ye was still alive, did he intend to help Yin Jiujin or Beauty Yu
when he interfered previously?

However, she felt that there was no need to ask.

It didn’t matter whoever he helped as long as the other party was not an enemy.

“Can you ask him out to meet you?” Min Rufeng asked.

Yan Jinyu fell silent. “Not for now. Maybe after a while.”

Although they were puzzled, the two of them did not ask further.

“Little Rain’s flight will land in the capital in the afternoon.”

“Little Rain is very worried about her brother’s illness so she’s bringing him here to look for Feng.”

She looked at Min Rufeng. “Little Rain said that she’ll come back to the capital today. She’ll settle
down and rest for a day tomorrow and go to the Imperial Capital Hospital to look for you the day
after tomorrow.”
Min Rufeng understood that this meant that she was temporarily not letting Huo Xuan know about
their relationships and identities.

He nodded. “Alright.”

“In that case, since we’re almost done, we’ll make a move first. See you the day after tomorrow.”
Yan Jinyu laughed lightly.

“You’re leaving now?”

“Leaving so soon? Aren’t you going to stay for a meal?”

The two of them spoke at the same time. The former was Min Rufeng, while the latter was Xi

Both of them frowned deeply.

Yan Jinyu smiled, “Let’s wait for Little Rain to come before we go for a meal together. I made an
excuse when I left the Yin Family today. Brother Nine’s sister-in-law specially asked me out to shop,
but I rejected her with the excuse, so I have to go back early.”

With that said, she said to Yin Jiujin, “Let’s go, Brother Nine.”

“I-I’ll go with you guys too.”

As Min Ting spoke, he was about to stand up when Yan Jinyu turned back and smiled at him. “Since
Third Young Master Min is here, shouldn’t you discuss the Min Family’s matter with Feng? The Min
Family’s matter isn’t over yet.”

“Y-you’re right. There are indeed some matters to discuss.”

He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but he felt that Yan Jinyu’s smile just now contained a very strong
She was warning him not to follow her.

However, she was right. Now that they were in a cooperative relationship, he really had to discuss
the Min Family with Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling.

However, he couldn’t calm down from the shock when he suddenly found out that they were all big
shots. He didn’t want to talk about anything else today and wanted to leave first to take a breather.


Forget it, let’s just discuss it.

He, who had taken Min Nan’s car over, didn’t want to follow these two and then watch their lovey-
dovey alone.

“You guys can leave first. I’ll get my assistant to pick me up later.”

Yan Jinyu smiled and nodded. “Alright.”

She turned around and held Yin Jiujin’s hand. She said to Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling, “Goodbye.”

As soon as the two of them walked out of the room, Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling’s expressions
changed slightly.

“Min Rufeng, there seems to be something wrong with Beauty Yu.”

Min Rufeng narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

Of course, he could sense it too.

They all knew very well that Little Yu didn’t care how the Yin Family treated her at all.
Even if she and Yin Jiujin had indeed made an excuse when they came out today, so what? Why did
they have to rush back so early?

Perhaps Little Yu had changed for Yin Jiujin and that her actions were no longer the same?

That was even more impossible. Judging from Little Yu’s temper as she attacked Min Nan when she
was unhappy just now, they could tell that Little Yu was still the Little Yu that they were familiar

She did not have any scruples.

She attacked quickly, ruthlessly, and accurately.

Besides, everyone knew how “close” Yin Jiujin was to the Yin Family.

Little Yu didn’t have to be so accommodating to the Yin Family because of Yin Jiujin.

They were all smart people and quickly figured out the problem.

“It’s all my fault. Why did I have to mention that?” Xi Fengling blamed herself.

Min Rufeng sighed softly. “It’s not your fault either.” Anyone would be shocked to hear that the
person they were sure was dead was actually still alive.

“It’s good that you’ve said it. It’s better to say it now than to have a bigger conflict in the future.”

Xi Fengling thought about it carefully after hearing Min Rufeng’s words.

That seemed to be the case.

She felt less guilty.

“That’s true.”

Xi Fengling was still a little worried. “But if that’s the case, will they…”

“So what? Is Little Yu unwanted? It’s fine if he makes a fuss, but he still has to make Little Yu care
about his feelings. Does Little Yu owe him anything? We let Little Yu stay by his side because Little Yu
has decided on him, and also because Little Yu is indeed happier staying by his side than before.”

“If Little Yu is unhappy by his side, even if he is someone Little Yu has chosen…”

Min Rufeng didn’t say the last sentence, but Xi Fengling could understand.

Even if he was someone Beauty Yu had chosen, they would not let Beauty Yu suffer by his side.

Besides, she didn’t think that Beauty Yu would suffer.

“I-I don’t understand what you’re talking about?” Min Ting, who was at the side, was really
trembling now.

He really couldn’t understand what they were saying, but he could still guess the main characters of
their conversation.

That was clearly his Second Brother and Yan Jinyu!

So, did they mean that Yan Jinyu and Second Brother had a conflict just now?

Forgive him for his poor eyesight. Why couldn’t he tell?

And why was there a conflict?

Was it because of what Xi Fengling had said?

Oh, Xi Fengling did seem to have said that Yan Jinyu returning to North City was… related to Feng

Idiot. He actually only realized it now!

Given how much Second Brother cared about Yan Jinyu, how could he not mind this!

That wasn’t the main point. The main point was that Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling actually said that if
Yan Jinyu was unhappy staying by Second Brother’s side, they would…

That was the only person Second Brother cared about in all these years. Second Brother cared about
her so much that he, who was so cold and indifferent, did not hesitate to show off his love at all
times. What would happen if it was gone?

The two of them looked at him with unfriendly gazes.

Min Ting understood. They were taking their anger out on him.

He felt that he was rather unlucky. Why did he come with Min Nan to watch the show for no reason?
In the end, not only was he frightened when he found out about the shocking secret, but he was also
warned by Yan Jinyu and treated like a scapegoat by Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling.

“Pretend I didn’t say anything.”

“I don’t think it’s a good time to talk today. Why don’t we meet again another day?”

“Call Second Uncle along next time we meet,” Min Rufeng said.

Hearing this, Min Ting instantly became serious. He looked at him, and the nervousness on his face
was gone. He no longer had his usual cynical look. “Didn’t we agree that I would cooperate with you
and we won’t implicate my father?”
“Do you think Second Uncle still doesn’t know about the situation at this point? Don’t be stupid. The
person behind Min Guili is very likely Ghost Slaughter. It’s best to let Second Uncle know the
situation. Although he might not be able to help, at least he won’t ruin the situation if he knows. You
don’t want Second Uncle to be the second person after Grandfather to be eliminated by Min Guili
and Ghost Slaughter, right?”

Min Ting was shocked, “What do you mean by that?”

What did he mean by Eldest Uncle and Ghost Slaughter?

Could it be that Grandfather’s death was not only related to Eldest Uncle’s family, but also Ghost

Xi Fengling looked up at him and smiled charmingly, “Since Third Young Master Min knows, why

“Third Young Master Min isn’t that naive to think that Old Master Min’s death was only caused by
Min Guili’s family of three, right?”

“If that’s really the case, would Min Rufeng and I spend three years without finding any evidence?
Min Guili’s family isn’t that capable.”

Min Ting moved his lips, wanting to say something to refute, but he couldn’t say anything in the end.

Because he knew that if Min Rufeng and Xi Fengling were really the two of the top three killers who
went missing with the number one killer, his uncle’s family wouldn’t be their match at all.

The four of them were not ordinary killers. They were the top four killers on the Assassin Ranking.
This was not the most shocking thing about them.

What was most shocking about them was that they had destroyed Ghost Slaughter Island at its peak
with just the four of them!

Back then, the destruction of Ghost Slaughter Island had shocked many people.
That was an organization that many factions couldn’t destroy even if they wanted to. Many people
couldn’t even find out where Ghost Slaughter Island was.

And they did it with just four people!

“Alright, I’ll talk to my dad. I’ll contact you after the time is set.”

Then, he turned and left.


One of the signs of prosperity in the capital was its crowded traffic.

On a certain main road, a car was slowly driving forward.

Among these crowded cars, one of the people sitting in it was Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin, who had come
out of Mei Feng Bar.

After the two of them got into the car, neither of them spoke.

The road was congested, so they could only stop and wait.

“Brother Nine, do you have anything to ask me?”

Yin Jiujin looked at Yan Jinyu, who was sitting in the front passenger seat. “No.”

He retracted his gaze after taking a look.

“But you’re angry.”

She didn’t sense it at first. She only sensed it when she mentioned to Feng and the others that she
had seen Bai Ye and Yin Jiujin actually didn’t give her a look in response when she looked at him.

Ever since Yin Jiujin brought her back, this was the first time he didn’t respond when she looked at

“Of course I’m angry. That’s because I care about you.”

“I can’t accept it whenever I think about the fact that you followed me back to North City because
you wanted to investigate the cause of someone’s death. Does this mean that if you didn’t want to
investigate the cause of his death, you wouldn’t have shown up and let me find you? And you
wouldn’t have come back with me?”

After roaring softly, Yin Jiujin seemed to be deflated again, and he looked dejected.

“But at the same time, I’m very grateful.”

“I’m very grateful to have such a person who makes you willing to come back. That’s why I had the
chance to meet you.” Chapter 220: Not Letting Go

“I’m indeed angry now, but not at you. I’m angry at myself.”

Yan Jinyu paused and looked at him. “Brother Nine…”

However, she did not know what to say.

If he was angry with her, she could just explain.

However, he was angry with himself. Or rather, he blamed himself.

He blamed himself for not caring about her in the early years and so he didn’t hold any weight in her
heart. He even blamed himself for not looking for her in the early years and letting her experience

Yan Jinyu knew all these.

After a long while, Yan Jinyu sighed softly, “Brother Nine, just treat this as fate’s arrangement for us
to meet again.”

“Perhaps you should thank Brother Nine. No, it should be said that we should all thank Bai Ye for his
existence. If Feng hadn’t suddenly contacted me and said that he had found out that the death of Bai
Ye, whom I owed a favor to, might have been related to the Yin Family and made me think of coming
back, you might not have been able to see me now…”

After being in a daze for three years, she had long felt that it was meaningless. If she didn’t cherish
her life too much… Oh, during the period when Feng contacted her, she didn’t seem to cherish her
life as much as before. Three years without any goal could easily wear down one’s willpower.

And her only remaining will was to cherish this life.

If even this was worn away, then she…

If Feng had not contacted her at that time and happened to tell her this, giving her a little motivation
to live, she would now…

Yan Jinyu retracted her thoughts and smiled at Yin Jiujin. “Of course, I’m afraid I won’t be able to
meet Brother Nine either.”

However, Yin Jiujin stared at her and asked very seriously, “What do you mean by that?”

A wisp of fear and panic actually arose in his heart for no reason.

Perhaps it wasn’t for no reason. Yin Jiujin had actually already guessed something, but he refused to
believe it inwardly.

Yan Jinyu smiled. “What else could it be? It’s just that if I don’t investigate the cause of Bai Ye’s
death, I probably won’t come back. And if I don’t want to come back and deliberately hide my
whereabouts, others won’t be able to find me, even you, Brother Nine.”
“If you can’t find me, naturally you won’t get to see me.”

“What you said just now isn’t that I couldn’t meet you, but… I wouldn’t get to see you.”

His gaze was sharp, and the emotions in his eyes were complicated. Yan Jinyu moved her gaze away
without a trace and stopped looking at him. “Don’t they all mean the same thing?”

She then looked up and met his gaze again. “What I want to say is that you actually don’t have to
think so much. The fact that we met again is actually a kind of fate. It’s destined. As for the rest, why
do you have to pursue it?”

“Besides, speaking of our fate, wasn’t Liu Junqing, who wanted to kill you, dying in my hands in
Crescent Jungle back then the best proof?”

Yin Jiujin stared at her.

In silence.

He knew that she wasn’t telling the truth, but he really hoped that it was that simple.

“Brother Nine, actually, you can’t blame anyone for this.”

“Before I returned to North City, I was indeed more familiar with Bai Ye than you. And at that time,
in your eyes, I was only a missing fiancée who you only knew her name. Even if you heard my other
name, you would only think that she was someone who had nothing to do with you. Even if she was
related, you would at most be worried about whether she would become an enemy in the future.”

“It’s already heaven’s blessing that we met.”

Yan Jinyu, who only believed in herself and didn’t believe in fate, actually used the words “heaven’s
blessing”. It was obvious that she was glad to have met Yin Jiujin.

Yin Jiujin knew her identity. When he suddenly heard her say this, he couldn’t calm down for a long
There were some things that they couldn’t deny their existence even if they could hint that they
were not like that.

Yin Jiujin knew all of this.

Perhaps the young lady had really…

If that was really the case, where would he find such a likable, occasionally silly, wise, occasionally
fierce and smart girl?

At the thought of this, he was only grateful to Bai Ye.

He deliberately separated Bai Ye and Feng Yun because he could not blame Feng Yun at all. Based on
their blood relationship, he still had to thank the young lady for her efforts for Feng Yun.

He didn’t want to do that.

That was why he was angry. Actually, he was more angry at himself.

“Brother Nine, don’t be angry, okay?”

He could no longer be angry.

However, he was so stifled that he felt flustered. He felt that he probably owed Feng Yun in his
previous life.

Yin Jiujin sighed softly and raised his hand to rub her head. He said seriously, “Stay by my side in the
future. You’re not allowed to go anywhere. I’ll accompany you and protect you for the rest of your

Yan Jinyu paused for a moment before taking his hand down. She held it with both hands and
grinned. “Of course. I’ll be relying on Brother Nine for the rest of my life.”
She had said this to Feng on the phone when she first returned to the Yan Family. She said that since
she didn’t know why she was alive, she would protect Yin Jiujin for the rest of her life…

She didn’t expect Yin Jiujin to say the same thing now.

Furthermore, even if she didn’t say it out loud, she knew that Yin Jiujin had guessed some things.

The car behind them honked, indicating that they could finally move forward.

Yin Jiujin retracted his hand and looked at her silly smile. As he sighed inwardly, he couldn’t help but
raise his hand and pinch her tender cheek. “Yes, remember what you said.”

The car continued to move forward. Yan Jinyu asked, “Brother Nine, where are we going now?”

“It’s still early. I’ll bring you to Mount West Villa to take a look.”

However, a few seconds ago, the person sitting in the car that passed by them happened to see Yin
Jiujin pinching Yan Jinyu’s cheek intimately.

Her face twisted.

The driver in front was so frightened that he didn’t even dare to breathe loudly. He was trembling all
the way.

The person in the backseat was none other than Qin Bailu.

Ever since she returned to the capital from North City, Qin Bailu had been investigating Qiu Jian’s
whereabouts for a long time, but there was still no news of her at all.

Then, her mother told her that since Master Nine would go to the Lingering Garden every time he
returned to the capital, Yu Qingwan might really be very important to Master Nine.
With her mother’s support, she naturally had to teach Yu Qingwan a lesson before Master Nine
returned to the capital.

However, there were many people from Master Nine guarding the Lingering Garden. Not to mention
teaching Yu Qingwan a lesson, it was difficult for her to even get close to Yu Qingwan. Furthermore,
she had two ballet competitions to attend. Hence, she had no time to do anything else.

When she finally came back from the competitions, Master Nine had caused such a huge commotion
in the capital. She was so frightened that she didn’t dare to do anything for a period of time. She was
afraid that Master Nine, who was angry, would catch hold of something and she would end up in a
miserable state.

Until yesterday, when her mother told her that Master Nine had brought Yan Jinyu back to the
capital and even brought her back to the Yin Family, she couldn’t sit still anymore.

However, facing Master Nine, who was so ruthless and crippled so many enterprises in the capital in
a fit of anger to teach so many people a lesson, she didn’t dare to act rashly at all.

However, she was really indignant.

What did it mean when Yan Jinyu followed Master Nine into the Yin Family?

It meant that Yan Jinyu had already received the Yin Family’s approval!

Didn’t Mrs. Yin have a potential daughter-in-law candidate? Why would she allow Yan Jinyu to enter
the Yin Family?!

In order to understand the situation, she restrained her anger and got her mother to ask Mrs. Yin

Her mother wanted to see Mrs. Yin alone, but she really wanted to know Mrs. Yin’s attitude towards
Yan Jinyu. She couldn’t sit still at all.

She wanted to follow her mom.

However, it was a small gathering between the elders, and it was not appropriate for a junior like
her to follow. After thinking about it, she decided to call Min Sisi along.

Min Sisi agreed. After all, on the surface, her relationship with Min Sisi was not bad.

Now, she was going to the Min Family to pick Min Sisi up.

She didn’t expect to bump into Master Nine and Yan Jinyu on the road. The two of them were even
so intimate!

Indignation! Jealousy!

She was the Second Missy of the Qin Family. How could she not be better than Yan Jinyu, a country

Why did Master Nine treat that country girl so well but not even want to look at her?

Obviously, her indignation and jealousy had completely made Qin Bailu forget the last time she fled
when she was frightened by Yan Jinyu.

“Second Missy, we’ve arrived at the Min Family.”

Outside the Min Family’s mansion, Qin Bailu, who was immersed in anger, indignation, and jealousy,
was woken up from her angry daze by the driver’s voice.

Just as she was about to take out her phone to call Min Sisi, she saw a car dash out from the road
behind them and almost hit a big tree. Fortunately, the driver reacted in time and braked.
Otherwise, Qin Bailu would probably have witnessed the process of the accident.

She was so frightened that she almost dropped her phone.

Because she recognized whose car it was.

It was the eldest son of the Min Family, Min Nan’s car.

Was this drunk driving?!

Otherwise, how could a mature, stable, successful, and good driver like Eldest Young Master Min
make such a low-level mistake?

Qin Bailu, who had gone to the competitions, didn’t know what had happened to the Min Family
now. In her understanding, Min Nan was the outstanding heir of the Min Family. Min Rufeng was an
illegitimate son who relied on women, and Min Ting was a hedonistic son.

As for Min Nan’s driving skills, it was because she had seen Min Nan and Min Ting race together

Although Min Nan’s driving skills were far inferior to Min Ting, the fun-loving playboy, many people
who liked to race could not compare to him.

That was why Qin Bailu felt that his driving skills were good.

“Second Missy, it seems to be Eldest Young Master Min’s car.”

“I know. Go get someone from the Min Family. I’ll go take a look.”

Of course, Qin Bailu was not worried about Min Nan’s life. She just did not want anything to happen
to Min Nan at this time, or else, she would have made this trip for nothing.

If anything happened to Min Nan, Min Sisi, as Min Nan’s biological sister, would definitely not leave
Min Nan behind and follow her out.

If Min Sisi wasn’t with her, what excuse should she find to attend the elders’ gathering and figure out
Mrs. Yin’s attitude towards Yan Jinyu?

She got out of the car and walked to Min Nan’s car. She saw Min Nan sitting in the driver’s seat.
Min Nan did not look injured, but his face was pale. His forehead was covered in cold sweat and his
body was trembling.

She knocked on the half-opened car window. “Brother Min, what’s wrong with you? Do you have a

Min Ting looked up and saw his gaze. Qin Bailu instinctively took two steps back.

She was not frightened, but shocked.

If she was not wrong, was there… deep fear in Min Nan’s eyes just now? Chapter 221: The Person
She Likes

What could have happened to cause that fearful gaze appeared on the mature and steady Young
Master Min?

Did he see a ghost?

“Brother Min, you…”

“Magic… not human…”

“What?” Qin Bailu thought that she had heard wrongly. She actually heard Min Nan say something
like “magic” or “not human”.

Wouldn’t that be bumping into a ghost?!

How could he bumop into a ghost in broad daylight?

For some reason, Qin Bailu suddenly recalled Yan Jinyu’s gaze when they were in North City…

He couldn’t help but shiver.

“B-Brother Min, what did you say?”

On the way back, he stumbled and almost got into an accident several times. Coupled with the fact
that he almost hit a tree outside the Min family’s mansion and Qin Bailu’s interference, Min Nan had
actually barely regained his senses.

He could not let others see him in such a sorry state.

However, he was really afraid. Hence, even though he tried his best to maintain his composure, he
wanted to bring out his usual mature and steady side.

Hence, his expression looked weird.

“Nothing. Why did Bailu come to the Min family?”

Qin Bailu took two steps back. She was shocked.

She felt that Min Nan wanted to smile but could not. It was very scary for him to talk to her with a
pale face and trembling eyes.

“I-I asked Sisi out so I’m here to pick her up.”

“You’re not going in?”

“Nah, I was just about to call her so I’ll just wait for her outside.”

“Okay, then you have to come over to the Min family’s house to have some fun sometime.” After
saying that, he started the car.

Qin Bailu looked at him. “Brother Min, are you okay with this?”
“I’m fine. It’s just that my stomach suddenly feels uncomfortable. I feel much better now. I’ve made
a fool of myself in front of Bailu.”

It was fine if he didn’t smile, but Qin Bailu found his smile even more frightening.

“It’s good that Brother Min is fine. We’re all acquaintances. What’s there to laugh about? Then,
Brother Min, go back and rest early.” In front of outsiders, Qin Bailu was the gentle and sensible
daughter of a big family. This could be seen from how she had fooled Qiu Jian in the past.

The moment Min Nan’s car started moving, people from the Min Family who the Qin family’s
chauffeur called for had arrived. Qin Bailu said, “Brother Min suddenly had a stomachache and had
an accident. He’s fine now.”

At that time, Min Nan’s car drove past smoothly, and the Min family’s security guard thanked them
and left.

Qin Bailu stood where she was and watched as Min Nan drove into the Min family’s mansion. She
was full of doubts.

When Min Nan saw her chauffeur bring out four or five security guards from the Min family, why did
he not stop to get out of the car and ask about the situation?

Was he really frightened by a ghost? Did he not have the time to bother about others?

In fact, Qin Bailu was not entirely wrong. Min Nan was really frightened. He forced himself to talk to
Qin Bailu for a while. Now, the fear in his heart overwhelmed him again. He could not care about
anyone else.

He didn’t even see those security guards.

However, he was not frightened by a ghost but by a human.

Qin Bailu had doubts in her heart, but she didn’t think too much about it. The intimate scene
between Yin Jiujin and Yan Jinyu left her angry, indignant, and jealous.
She made a call to Min Sisi and sat back in the car. About ten minutes later, Min Sisi arrived.

Min Sisi’s looks were slightly better than Qin Bailu’s.

She was an obedient girl who wore a pair of round black glasses.

She didn’t look like a bookworm. Instead, the pair of glasses made her look scholarly.

Apart from that, she also carried a small black backpack and held a medical book in her hands. It
seemed like she had taken time out of her busy studies to accompany Qin Bailu.

Qin Bailu frowned when she saw Min Sisi like this.

They were going out so what was the point of bringing books?

What an act!

She rolled down the window and smiled brightly. “Sisi, you’re here?”

“Yes.” When Min Sisi smiled, she looked warm and gentle like a lady from a wealthy family.

“Bailu, why are you suddenly going out? Or are you going to join the elders? I was planning to stay at
home and read for the day.”

Holding the book with one hand, she adjusted her glasses with her gloved hand and looked down at
the book in her hand. “I planned to finish memorizing this book in two days. I originally planned to
not go out for the next two days.”

Qin Bailu’s smile froze.

Did she just say that she had disturbed her reading?
Who knew if she was really reading or pretending?

She put on a fake smile and said, “Sorry for wasting your time.”

“Sisi, you know that I have been participating in competitions outside for this period of time. After I
came back, I wanted to go out for a walk. But Jianjian… the only friends I have are you and Jianjian. I
don’t know where Jianjian is now. I really don’t know who to ask for a meet up.”

“Don’t say that. I didn’t say that you’re wasting my time. I’m just curious. If you want to go out for a
walk, we can go shopping or play by ourselves. Why do you want to join the elders?”

Qin Bailu had already thought of a reason.

She said shyly, “It’s like this. I’m already 19 years old. My parents told me to show my face in front of
all the ladies whenever I have the chance and leave a good impression. Maybe I can make a good
marriage alliance in the future.”

“As you know, being born in a family like ours, we will have to marry for an alliance in the future.”

“Since we can’t escape the fate of marriage alliance, we should try our best to leave a good
impression in front of our future mother-in-law. We can also find out from the elders which family’s
descendants are more outstanding and choose a good marriage partner to make our future better.”

“But I often participate in training competitions outside and rarely have the chance to interact with
the elders. I just want to take this opportunity…”

“Sisi, I know that the elders like you very much, and you’re more familiar with them than I am, so I
thought of asking you to come along. That way, since the elders like you, perhaps they will like me as

After that, she spat inwardly.

She didn’t think Min Sisi was better than her. Min Sisi was just better at currying favor than her,
that’s all.
“And I have a little gossip I want to talk to you about. Don’t stand outside. Get in the car first. We’ll
talk in the car.”

Min Sisi nodded, opened the door of the backseat and got in.

She placed the medical book on her lap and placed her hands on top of the book. She was prim and

Qin Bailu was disgusted.

“Sisi, Mrs. Yin is your aunt and she likes you very much. Have you heard about what happened in the
Yin family yesterday?”

Min Sisi smiled and asked, “What do you mean? Is it about Second Cousin returning to the Yin
residence, or about Second Cousin bringing his fiancée back to the Yin residence?”


Qin Bailu clenched her fists!

Min Sisi was such a fool. To think that she didn’t care that she was Mrs. Yin’s chosen daughter-in-law
at all!

“So you knew, Sisi. Of course, I’m not talking about this. I’m talking about what happened just now.
Guess who I met on the way to your house?”

“Who did you meet?”

“Master Nine and Yan Jinyu! Their car brushed past me. I saw them.”

“To be honest, this is the first time I’ve seen Master Nine treat a girl so well. Master Nine even
pinched Yan Jinyu’s face intimately. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it.”
Qin Bailu tried her best to suppress her anger, trying to show that she was indeed gossiping.
“Is that so?”

“I didn’t expect my strict second cousin to have such a side.”

“Old Madam Yin should be at ease now that she knows about it. After all, she was the one who
arranged the marriage for Second Cousin. The two of them getting along well should be what Old
Madam Yin wants to see the most.”

She looked at Qin Bailu. “But Bailu, don’t gossip about my second cousin anymore. It’s fine if you
gossip with me, but we’re friends. I won’t harm you, but if you gossip with others and my second
cousin hears about it…”

“You know my second cousin’s temper…”

“I’m afraid you’ll be in big trouble by then.”

“Even if you just came back from the competition, you should have heard about what happened not
long ago in the capital. My second cousin… will not show mercy to those who provoke him. Now, in
the capital, many people are still trembling in fear.”

She kept calling him Second Cousin as if she was very close to Master Nine. Did Master Nine
remember someone like Min Sisi?

How dare she lecture her!

Min Sisi was really shameless!

“I only dared to tell you because I’m on good terms with you. If it were someone else, I definitely
wouldn’t say much.”

A scheming glint flashed across her eyes. “Sisi, you’re so outstanding and Mrs. Yin likes you so much.
Have you ever thought of marrying into the Yin family?”

Min Sisi glared at her. “What nonsense are you spouting!”

“That’s my cousin!” She seemed a little angry.

“Besides, I’m determined to be the best doctor in Imperial Capital Hospital. I don’t want to think
about anything else for the time being apart from learning and improving my medical knowledge.”

“Bailu, aren’t you very outstanding too? My aunt likes you very much too. Haven’t you thought
about it? Moreover, my second cousin is such a good man…”

“But even if you have the intention, I’m afraid it won’t work. My second cousin already has an
engagement and he’s so concerned about Miss Yan. I’m afraid you won’t have the chance.”

Qin Bailu almost lost her composure.

“What are you talking about, Sisi?!”

“That’s Master Nine. I’m a coward so I don’t dare to have any ideas! I just feel pity for you. In the
entire capital, who is more worthy of Master Nine than you? Furthermore, Mrs. Yin likes you so

“Don’t say such things in the future. If Second Cousin hears about it… Bailu, don’t cause trouble for
me. Don’t think that Second Cousin and I are cousins, but actually, I’m quite afraid of him.”

“I know, I know. Who in the capital isn’t afraid of Master Nine?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t say it again.”

“What kind of man do you want to marry in the future, Sisi?”

Min Sisi suddenly revealed a smile that Qin Bailu had never seen before.

It was dazzling, confident and sure.

“Naturally it will be the most dazzling man in my eyes.”

Qin Bailu was stunned for a moment. Then, she calmed herself down and asked with a smile, “Sis, do
you… have someone you like?”

“Bailu, I’m already 19 years old. Is it strange that I have someone I like in my heart? I said that I want
to be the best doctor in the Imperial Capital Hospital, but I didn’t say that I won’t marry in the
future! Besides, I was born in the Min family. It’s impossible that I won’t marry for the rest of my

“Then, Sisi, the person you like is…”

Min Sisi smiled. “It’s a secret.”

“Alright, since you don’t want to tell me, I won’t ask anymore. I’ll only ask you one question. Are you
confident that you can marry the person you like?”

“Of course!” Min Sisi replied without any hesitation. She sounded very confident.

“The person who will accompany him for the rest of his life can only be me!”

“Sisi, you really can’t tell me who it is?”

“I can’t. You’ll find out eventually, so what’s the rush?”

She looked out of the car. “Are we not there yet?”

Qin Bailu looked at her deeply and didn’t pursue further.

Who cared who Min Sisi liked? As long as it wasn’t Master Nine.

This way, she would have one less strong competitor!

“It’s almost time. We just need to take a turn along this road.”

Qin Bailu had checked the route before she came.

She had to know Mrs. Yin’s attitude towards Yan Jinyu today! Chapter 222: Target Competition

At the Mount West Villa in the capital.

The Mount West Villa wasn’t like Mount Jing, in which half of the mountain belonged to Yin Jiujin.
The entire mountain belonged to Yin Jiujin.

In front of them were two silver doors.

They were made of materials that even bullets were not able to penetrate.

The entire villa area was surrounded by tall walls. There were also high-voltage protective nets on
the walls.

After Yan Jinyu habitually observed them, she couldn’t help but lament.

The security here was even tighter than in Mount Jing.

With her ability, she could definitely sneak into Mount Jing, but she wanted to sneak into Mount
West Villa quietly…

…that was going to be incredibly hard.

As the car approached, the doors automatically opened.

They couldn’t see anyone when they entered the gate.

At first glance, it looked like an ordinary luxurious house.

There were swimming pools, fish ponds, artificial mountains, and so on in the courtyard.

The main building was a black-and-white villa, but it was much larger than the mansion on Mount

Beside the villa were small villas that looked like the servants’ accommodation.

However, there was no one in the main building or any other visible areas.

Yan Jinyu didn’t ask further.

Yin Jiujin parked the car in the garage of the main building and led her to the first floor.

From the outside, it looked like an ordinary villa. It was very big.

But Yan Jinyu didn’t expect it to be so big.

After pushing open the main door and passing through the living room, Yin Jiujin pushed open a
secret door. Behind the secret door was a long corridor.

This corridor was not dark. On both sides of the corridor were trees.

The environment was very good.

They walked along the corridor to the innermost part of the house. After leaving the boulevard, their
vision suddenly became clear.

This must be the interior of the Mount West Villa.

It was a perfect training base.

Someone was training right now.

There were not many people, only about 100 of them.

However, their training programs were different.

There were all kinds of training.

Beside the base, there were small buildings for accommodation and an interrogation room for

Looking at everything in front of her, Yan Jinyu thought that it was no wonder Yin Jiujin was so scary.
It was not without reason that even she was afraid of him in the past.

He did not want to have a private army. He just wanted to train everyone under him into elites.

Quality was more important than quantity.

It was obvious from the fact that there were only about 100 people training in this huge base.

An enormous corporation like the Empire Group held great weight in the country and even the
world. There were countless employees under it, but how many of them could gain Yin Jiujin’s trust
and enter this training base?

Among the people who were training, Yan Jinyu saw a familiar face.

Cheng Lin.

When the others saw them, they hurriedly stopped what they were doing and stood upright. Then,
they said respectfully, “Master Nine!”
Then, they looked at Yan Jinyu, who was beside Yin Jiujin. Although they were curious, they didn’t
show it. They greeted her respectfully, “Miss Yu!”

It was obvious that they were all people Yin Jiujin trusted. They all knew that the girl standing beside
Yin Jiujin could only be Yan Jinyu.

Yan Jinyu smiled and replied, “Hello, everyone!”

She was beautiful and her smile was sweet, giving people a pure and beautiful feeling. The group of
trainees, regardless of gender, were all captivated by her sweet smile.

Of course, it was mostly because she was standing beside Yin Jiujin and Yin Jiujin had to bring her
here. They had absolute trust in Yin Jiujin and naturally treated Yan Jinyu as one of their own. That
was why they were captivated by her so quickly.

At this moment, Cheng Lin and another man walked over.

Yan Jinyu knew this person. No matter what, she had investigated Yin Jiujin in the past. She naturally
had some knowledge about the upper echelons of the Empire Group.

The general manager of Empire Group, Jiang Hao.

“This is Jiang Hao.” Yin Jiujin didn’t introduce him. He knew that Yan Jinyu knew about him.

“Greetings, Miss Yu.” Jiang Hao didn’t try to curry favor with her, nor did he examine her.

At least, that was what it looked like.

However, inwardly, he was naturally shocked.

Even after seeing Yan Jinyu’s photo, he still found it hard to believe that such a weak and delicate
little girl would be the number one killer in the world when he saw her in person.
Ever since Yin Jiujin didn’t deliberately stop them previously, Jiang Hao and Lin Zimu learned Yan
Jinyu’s identity from Cheng Lin.

Both of them were extremely shocked when they first found out.

Yan Jinyu smiled lightly. “Hello.”

“Go ahead and get busy,” said Yin Jiujin.

Yan Jinyu’s gaze landed on the shooting range.

Her eyes lit up. “Brother Nine, why don’t we have a match?” She had actually wanted to spar with
Yin Jiujin for a long time, but she hadn’t found an opportunity.

Of course, it was mostly because she was too lazy to compete. Moreover, Yin Jiujin wouldn’t agree
to compete with her in martial arts, so she never mentioned it.

He followed her gaze and saw the excitement on her face. Yin Jiujin raised his brows slightly. “Do you
really want to compete?”

It was rare to see her so interested.

Usually, when the two of them were together, other than the morning exercise, she wouldn’t stand
if she could sit, or sit if she could lie down.

She was so lazy.

“Fine, then let’s compete? What will happen to the loser?”

Yan Jinyu rolled his eyes and chuckled. “The long corridor that we walked over just now is quite long.
The loser will carry the winner back. How about that?”

“…” Yin Jiujin.

He did not dare to imagine the little girl carrying him back.

Other than Cheng Lin and Jiang Hao, everyone else looked at Yan Jinyu speechlessly.

Miss Yu was really…

With her small body, how could she carry Master Nine?

Couldn’t she think of a bet that ordinary people can understand?

Obviously, they weren’t optimistic about Yan Jinyu winning against Yin Jiujin.

Only Cheng Lin and Jiang Hao held back.

Although they were well aware of Master Nine’s strength, Miss Yu… was the top assassin in the
world who became famous at the age of 10!

How could the skills of a killer, especially the top killer, be bad?

Even if a gun wasn’t a trademark weapon of “Chi”, how could an assassin from Ghost Slaughter
Island not have good marksmanship?

“So, Brother Nine, do you dare to compete?”

Yin Jiujin raised his hand and flicked her forehead. “Why wouldn’t I, Yin Jiujin, dare? Why don’t we
change the bet? You might not be able to beat me in marksmanship.”

“That may not be true.”

Everyone saw that she had made up her mind to compete. Although most of them felt that she was
just here for fun, they were still looking forward to it.
It had been a long time since they saw Master Nine make a move.

If they wanted to have the chance to witness Master Nine’s superb marksmanship again, they would
definitely look forward to it.

At this moment, a woman who was training below walked over.

The woman had a serious look on her face. She looked very capable and experienced. Her aura…

…looked a little like Jiang Hao.

“Miss Yu, I’m the manager of Mount West Villa, Liu Ying. If you want to compete with Master Nine.
Do you need me to bring you to change into a set of lightweight clothes?”

It was winter, and the capital was very cold. Yan Jinyu was wearing a thick pink down jacket, a scarf,
and a hat. She was even wearing gloves.

Yin Jiujin had insisted on putting on the gloves for her when she left the house in the morning.

She looked like a penguin and it was not easy to move around at all.

Yan Jinyu smiled. “There’s no need to. The enemy won’t give you a chance to change when you’re
fighting them.”

Liu Ying and the others who heard Yan Jinyu’s words were stunned.

They didn’t expect an 18-year-old girl to say such words.

And she even used such a calm tone to say things like “fighting the enemy”.

Why did it sound like she was used to “fighting enemies”?

And what she said did make sense.

When facing an enemy, the enemy indeed would not give you a chance to change your equipment.

Then, the people under Yin Jiujin couldn’t help but give Yan Jinyu more recognition.

They had previously acknowledged Yan Jinyu entirely because they respected Yin Jiujin and didn’t
want to disobey him. Towards Yan Jinyu, this little girl who had never seen the dark side of the
world, they more or less felt that she wasn’t worthy of Yin Jiujin.

Liu Ying looked at her deeply and retracted her emotions. She replied respectfully, “Yes.”

“Let’s go, Brother Nine!”

Yin Jiujin was about to reach out to hold her hand.

After all, they were standing on the high platform now. The stairs were on the other side, and they
had to take a small detour. They planned to jump down from here, and Yan Jinyu’s boots were three
to four centimeters high. He was afraid that she would sprain her ankle.

However, before he could extend his hand, Yan Jinyu jumped lightly and landed steadily.

She even looked up at him in confusion. “Brother Nine, why are you in a daze? Come down.”

Yin Jiujin chuckled.

Yes, other than being the precious that he cherished, she was also the famous number one killer.

How could a small obstacle make her sprain her foot?

Only he had always felt that she was silly and delicate.
“Just do it.”

They jumped down and walked to the shooting range.

Cheng Lin, Jiang Hao, and Liu Ying followed.

The guns on the shooting range were all heavy. Liu Ying went forward, “Miss Yu, I’m afraid these
guns are not suitable for you to use. None of the girls’ training programs here today have guns so the
guns are more suitable for men. I’ll help you find…”

“There’s no need to.” Yan Jinyu took off the glove on her right hand and held it in her left hand. She
picked up the gun in front of her with one hand.

It was the kind of gun that men had to use both of their hands to hold.

But she picked it up easily and even smiled brightly at Liu Ying.

“…” Liu Ying. She was so strong.

Of course, Yan Jinyu couldn’t use a submachine gun to compete with Yin Jiujin. She put it back and
took a smaller gun. However, it was indeed a little heavier than the guns that the other women here
often trained with.

“Do you really not need to change anything else?” Yin Jiujin picked one that was the same as the one
in her hand and asked with a faint smile.

“There’s no need for that.”

Yan Jinyu curled her fingers and spun the gun in her hand.

That action was clearly something that only someone who was very familiar with guns could do.
Liu Ying suppressed the shock in her heart and retreated to Jiang Hao’s side.

They watched quietly.

Miss Yu was clearly a martial arts practitioner. She was so close, so she could see that clearly.

“Although it’s not very handy, it’s still fine.”

Yin Jiujin’s eyes were filled with indulgence. “Your opponent is me. You can’t be careless.”

“Of course, I’ve never underestimated Brother Nine.”

Yin Jiujin pursed his lips and chuckled. The young lady looked a little serious, so it was obvious that
she didn’t underestimate him.i

There were not many people who could be treated so seriously by her, the number one killer. He
should be happy.

“Shall we begin then?”


Then, she raised the gun in her hand.

The two of them didn’t aim. They raised their guns and pulled the trigger at the same time. “Bang,
bang, bang…” In less than five seconds, the 10 shots ended.

Someone reported the results at the same time.

“Master Nine, 100 points!”

“M-Miss Yu…”Chapter 223: Sticky and Sweet

“Miss Yu, 100 points!” The voice that reported the results was trembling. It was obvious how
shocked this person was.

“That can’t be real, right?!”

The onlookers were also in disbelief.

Yan Jinyu glanced at the target not far away and smiled at Yin Jiujin. “I lost. Indeed, I haven’t touched
a gun for too long. I’m rusty.”

“W-why did you lose? Miss Yu, don’t you have the same results as Master Nine?” Cheng Lin was a
little uneasy, even though he had long known Yan Jinyu’s identity.

Liu Ying looked at Cheng Lin and then at Yan Jinyu, “So, Miss Yu’s results are really 100 points? Did I
hear correctly?”

“You’ve heard correctly,” Cheng Lin said.

She looked at Yan Jinyu, “However, it’s clearly the same result. Why would you say that you’ve lost,
Miss Yu?”

“You’ll know when you get closer,” Yan Jinyu said with a smile.

The person who reported the results walked closer to take a look and then compared them.

Yin Jiujin’s every shot hit the bullseye. There was only one bullet hole.

Although Yan Jinyu only had one bullet hole, one of her shots was slightly off. Although it wasn’t
obvious, one could still tell if they looked closely.

“One of Miss Yu’s bullets is slightly different from the other bullets.”
The person who reported the results did not measure the exact difference.

It wasn’t a formal competition and Master Nine didn’t say anything, so he naturally didn’t dare to
measure it himself.

One had to know that Miss Yu was their future mistress.

However, this description was enough to shock everyone.

It wasn’t just 100 points. Almost all the bullets hit the same hole.

This was even when the gun wasn’t suitable for her and she didn’t aim carefully. She just raised her
hand and shot continuously!

What did that mean?

It meant that other than Master Nine, everyone else’s marksmanship was inferior to Miss Yu’s here!

Indeed, many people here could hit 100 points out of 10 bullets, but that was only when they were
seriously aiming. They were not at such a high level as Master Nine and Miss Yu, who could hit the
bullseye so easily.

Now, they were convinced by Yan Jinyu.

Yin Jiujin looked at her and chuckled. “If you exchange it for a gun that you like, you might not have

“Should we change to another gun and compete again?”

Yan Jinyu hurriedly shook her head. “No, I’m indeed inferior to you in marksmanship.”
“Then let’s compare the rest? Otherwise, you’ll have to carry me back.” After saying that, Yin Jiujin
couldn’t help but smile.

However, Yan Jinyu looked excited. “No, I want to carry you back.”

“…” The others.

Imagine Miss Yu carrying Master Nine…

They all shuddered.

They couldn’t imagine that at all.

“…” Yin Jiujin. His emotions were complicated.

Yin Jiujin walked towards Yan Jinyu and pinched her face. “How can I let you carry me? It’s a draw.”

However, Yan Jinyu grabbed his hand and hugged his arm. “No, I admit defeat. I’m not a sore loser.”

“I admit defeat.”

“No, we’ve already competed. You only admitted defeat after the results are out. Are you looking
down on me?”

“…” Yin Jiujin.

“That’s why I said we’ll compete again and let you win.”

“No, we’ll decide the winner in one round. A loss is a loss. Let’s go, Brother Nine. I’ll carry you back.”

Yin Jiujin raised his other hand and flicked her forehead. He said dotingly, “You’re actually a pervert,
Yan Jinyu rolled her eyes. “No, I’m not a pervert.”

“Brother Nine, look at you. You won’t let the loser fulfill the bet. Your behaviour is very bad!”

Yin Jiujin: “…That was not how one described bad behavior.

She shook his arm. “I don’t care, I don’t care. Anyway, Brother Nine agreed to the bet.”

“Do you really want to carry me that much?”

Yan Jinyu glared at him with her round eyes. “Look at what Brother Nine is saying. How can you say
that I just want to piggyback you? I’m clearly willing to lose and fulfill my bet.”

Other than when Yin Jiujin was young, she must be the first person to carry him.

Even if someone had carried him when he was injured on a mission, the person carrying him was
definitely not a woman.

He was the one carrying her every time. She had to find a chance to regain the dignity of the number
one killer.

Piggybacking Yin Jiujin back…

No, she had to hold back her laughter.

Who was Yin Jiujin? How could he not see the smugness in her eyes? He pinched her face. “Little
Yu’er, did you lose on purpose?”

Yan Jinyu glared at him and said seriously, “Brother Nine, what are you saying! I was very serious
during the competition. Wasn’t deliberately losing to you equal to going easy on you? That’s
disrespecting you as an opponent!”
“Alright, whatever you say.”

“Don’t interrupt me! I haven’t asked you yet. What the hell is Little Yu’er?”

Yin Jiujin caressed her face and lowered his eyes to look at her. His eyes were filled with gentleness.
“It’s not a joke. It’s a new nickname I came up with for you.”

After saying that, he chuckled softly.

“…” Yan Jinyu. What kind of nickname was that!

She glared at him, “Little Yu’er doesn’t sound nice. Can’t you call me that like before?”

“No, someone else has already used that.”

“…” Yan Jinyu. This jealous man.

He even had to be calculative about a form of address.

“Then you can call me Beauty Yu.”

“Someone else did too.”

“Then, you call me Beauty?”

“…” Yin Jiujin looked at her with a complicated gaze.

She was really narcissistic.

Yin Jiujin’s eyes flickered, and his lips curled up slyly. “Then, why don’t I call you baby?”
Yan Jinyu shuddered violently. “Little Yu’er will be Little Yu’er!” It was better than “baby”!

How could she face being called “baby” all day long?

Although “Little Yu’er” also violated her dignity as the number one killer.

No, she had to regain her composure. “Let’s go, Brother Nine. I’ll carry you back!”

Master Nine would lose face if she carried him back in public!

Of course, Yan Jinyu was only thinking about it. How could she let Yin Jiujin lose face in front of his

There were trees on both sides of the corridor, so no one could see them when they walked in.

As long as she felt that she had regained her dignity!

Yin Jiujin chuckled. “Alright, I’ll listen to Little Yu’er.” He let her pull him along.

The two of them were walking on the stone steps now.

“…” The others.

Hence, not only did Master Nine shock them by bringing Miss Yu over, but he also had to force them
to watch them show off their love?

Also, was Master Nine swapped with someone else?

Was this gentle and doting person in front of them really their cold and indifferent Master Nine?

Everyone was stunned.

Cheng Lin, who was used to it, was the first to come back to his senses. He coughed dryly. “Get busy
with your own things!”

Jiang Hao and Liu Ying recovered from their shock.

Cheng Lin looked at the two of them like he was experienced. “Get used to it.”

“As long as we who work under Master Nine know that Master Nine values Miss Yu very much, it’s

The two of them glanced at him.

They could tell without him saying anything.

Liu Ying said, “Master Nine and Miss Yu came to the Mount West Villa. There’s no one there to take
care of them. I’ll bring a few people back.” Liu Ying was the manager of the Mount West Villa. The
women who trained here together were maids in the Mount West Villa.

“I’m going to the company too,” Jiang Hao said.

Cheng Lin said, “Me too.”

Hence, the three of them, together with the three women Liu Ying had called, made a total of six
and walked back.

However, as soon as they walked up the stone steps and saw the scene on the corridor covered by
the shadows of the trees, they froze on the spot.

So, why were they in such a hurry to follow them as third wheels when they knew that Master Nine
and Miss Yu had just left not long ago?

On the other side, Yan Jinyu walked in front. She stopped and stretched out her hands. “Brother
Nine, come up. I’ll carry you.”
Yin Jiujin stopped in his tracks and smiled as he looked at her back.

Sensing no movement, Yan Jinyu turned back and urged, “Hurry up! Brother Nine, do you want me
to be a sore loser?”

“Turn your face away,” Yin Jiujin said.

“Brother Nine is still shy! Don’t worry, don’t worry. I won’t look at you.” After saying that, she turned
her face back.

“…” The “shy” Yin Jiujin.

He wondered what she had been thinking about all day.

“Brother Nine, hurry up.”

Yin Jiujin chuckled and slowly walked over. However, he reached out and wrapped his arms around
her from behind.

He wrapped her in his arms.


As soon as she spoke, Yin Jiujin held her waist and turned her around to face him. He lowered his
head and kissed her.

He had wanted to hug and kiss her tightly ever since he came out of Mei Feng Bar.

Yan Jinyu knew that he wanted to deny the bet, so she wasn’t that obedient and kept struggling.
However, the more she struggled, the tighter he hugged her and the harder he kissed her.

In the end, Yan Jinyu couldn’t take it anymore and softened. She grabbed the corner of his shirt and
let him.
The kiss was very long.

From the beginning’s intensiveness to the gentleness at the end.

Anyway, when it ended, Yan Jinyu’s legs felt a little weak.

If she hadn’t grabbed Yin Jiujin’s collar, she probably wouldn’t have been able to stand steadily.

Yin Jiujin hugged her waist tightly and chuckled.

Yan Jinyu glared at him angrily.

It was all his fault. He actually had the cheek to mock her!

However, she did not know how agitated he was when she glared at him with her rosy expression.

He tried his best to hold it in.

“Have you stabilized yourself?”

His voice was low and hoarse.

Yan Jinyu, who had stabilized herself, almost went limp again. She glared at him again, “Yes!”

“I’ll let go if you are steady.”

Yan Jinyu snorted and ignored him.

Yin Jiujin chuckled and let go of her. Then, he squatted down in front of her and turned to look at
her. “Come up. I’ll carry you.”
“Brother Nine, you’re cheating!”

Yin Jiujin’s beautiful eyes were filled with smiles. “How can this be considered cheating? It’s because
I want to pamper you.”

“Come up, Little Yu’er.”

Yan Jinyu ignored him.

“Come on up, baby.”

The next second, Yan Jinyu jumped onto his back. “Brother Nine, don’t call me with such a disgusting
term again. Really, I’m covered in goosebumps!”

“I’ll let you carry me!”

“Hmph! You shameless dog!”

“…” Yin Jiujin the shameless dog. Only this young lady dared to say that about him.

Forget it. He had spoiled her so he would just endure it.

Yin Jiujin weighed her up. “Why are you so light?”

Yan Jinyu stared at the side of his face faintly, “Brother Nine, are you being sarcastic? I’m wearing so
much, but you actually said that I’m light. Are you implying that I’m heavy?”

Yin Jiujin turned to look at her and chuckled. “What are you trying to interpret? You’re simply too
light. You’re not heavy at all. Eat more in the future.”

“I can’t gain weight.” Yan Jinyu was a little smug.

“I’m a beauty with looks and figure.”

“Yes, yes, Beauty.”


Only when Yin Jiujin carried Yan Jinyu away and couldn’t be seen anymore did the few people
standing at the same spot dare to move.

They had actually seen such a scene.

Although they were shocked, they felt that it was very sweet!

Master Nine really doted on Miss Yu extraordinarily. It was not an exaggeration to say that he
allowed Miss Yu to behave “atrociously”.

In the future, they wouldn’t dare to slight Miss Yu.

Only Cheng Lin, who had “seen the world”, looked at them with disdain.

They were ruffled so easily?

They didn’t see how clingy Master Nine and Miss Yu were in North City. Master Nine wished he
could attach Miss Yu around his waist at any time.


There were not many people at the ladies’ tea party in the capital, but the place they chose was
high-end and elegant.

The receptionist didn’t know Qin Bailu, but she knew Min Sisi, who often followed Min Qinglan here.
“Hello, Miss Min!” The receptionist greeted her politely with a fawning smile.

Min Sisi crossed her arms and smiled gently. “Hello.”

“Miss Min, are you here to attend the ladies’ tea party?”

“That’s right, but I came here with a friend.” As she spoke, she looked at Qin Bailu, who had an ugly
expression. “This is the Second Missy of the Qin Family.”

“Mrs. Qin organized the tea party.”

The receptionist hurriedly greeted respectfully, “So it’s Second Miss Qin. Sorry, I didn’t recognize you
due to my poor eyesight.”

He called a waiter over, “Bring the two ladies over.”

Usually, the service staff wouldn’t allow anyone to enter such a tea party without an invitation, even
if it was Min Sisi whom they knew.

However, there was also Qin Bailu, the biological daughter of the tea party’s host, Bai

“Misses, this way please.”

They walked through the hall and around a few roundabout corridors before reaching their

The environment here was indeed elegant.

“This is it.”
After speaking, the waiter knocked on the door and pushed it open. “Mrs. Qin, Second Miss Qin and
Eldest Miss Min are here.” Chapter 224: Strange Attitude

The people inside sat on the ground on both sides.

There was a short table in front of each of them with a tea set on it.

The theme of the tea party today was to brew tea.

Of course, brewing tea was only secondary. The most important thing was the idle chat between the
brewing of tea.

Hearing the waiter’s words, Bai Shuangshuang frowned slightly, but hearing the end, her frown
could not help but loosen.

She didn’t expect anyone else other than Qin Bailu.

“I’ve embarrassed myself in front of you ladies. My daughter doesn’t know any rules. Perhaps she’s
bored at home and wants to join in the fun.”

“What are you talking about, Mrs. Qin? Speaking of which, we’ve long heard that Mrs. Qin has an
obedient, sensible, and outstanding daughter, but we’ve never had the chance to meet her. We can
take this opportunity to meet her,” one of the ladies said.

Although these people looked polite, did they really not think that Qin Bailu was rude?

Of course not.

They didn’t really like Bai Shuangshuang, who was the third party and had a low status, but because
of the Qin Family’s status, and she was the wife of the head of Qin Family, they did not show it on
their faces.

Couldn’t Bai Shuangshuang tell what these ladies were thinking?

Of course not.

She just didn’t care what others thought of her, nor did she care what they thought of Qin Bailu. She
was already the wife of the head of the Qin Family and had a higher status than many other ladies.
As for whether Qin Bailu would leave a bad impression in the hearts of these ladies, would she care?

She was someone who had pushed Qin Bailu into the open to be used.

“Everyone, you’re flattering me. How is my daughter as good as you say? On the other hand, the
daughter of the Min Family, Sisi, is really sensible and obedient. Bailu must have known that it was
very rude for her to suddenly come over like this. She was afraid of being scolded, so she called Sisi

As she spoke, Bai Shuangshuang looked at Min Qinglan, “I heard that Mrs. Yin has always liked Sisi?”

“I grew up in the Min Family. Sisi is the daughter of my elder brother. I have more interaction with
her,” Min Qinglan glanced at her and replied ambiguously.

She did not know if it was an illusion, but Bai Shuangshuang always felt that Min Qinglan was
especially strange today.

In the past, she would not talk to others so indifferently.

Was she in a bad mood?

Because Master Nine brought the daughter of the Yan Family back to the Yin Family?

“That’s true.”

She said to the waiter, “Invite them in. Since they’re here, let them learn from the elders. Give them
two seats.”

“Alright, Mrs. Qin.”

The waiter moved away and invited them in.

Min Sisi walked in calmly. “Sorry to disturb all of you, Aunties.”

Then, she looked at Min Qinglan. “Aunt.”

“Since you’re here, learn more from the elders.” Min Qinglan did not invite her to sit beside her
warmly as usual.

Min Sisi was a little surprised, but she quickly restrained her emotions. “Yes.”

Compared to Min Sisi’s calmness, Qin Bailu was more nervous, especially after she felt that Bai
Shuangshuang’s gaze was a little unfriendly.

“Hello, ladies.”

Then, she looked at Bai Shuangshuang timidly, “Mom.”

“Didn’t I tell you that I was the one entertaining the ladies today? You’re a junior, so it’s not
appropriate for you to follow me? Don’t you know this rule?”

“I-I’m sorry, Mom. I-I just haven’t appeared on such an occasion before. I wanted to come and see
and learn more from the elders.”

“You know very well if you’re here to learn or you’re actually so bored that you can’t sit still and
want to join in the fun!”

After saying that, she looked at Min Sisi with a completely different attitude. “Sisi, don’t mind me.
Auntie is just habitually lecturing Bailu. I don’t have any intention of not welcoming you. Since you’re
here, accompany the elders.”

Min Sisi looked up at her. “Thank you, Mrs. Qin.”

Bai Shuangshuang’s hand that was holding the tweezers paused.

“There’s no need to be so polite. You’re Bailu’s friend. Just call me Auntie.”

Min Sisi looked at her deeply and then lowered her eyes. “Alright, Auntie.”

At this moment, a lady came out to smooth things over, saying that Qin Bailu was just a child, and
such a likable child. She treated it as them accompanying these elders for a chat and telling Bai
Shuangshuang not to scold her anymore.

Bai Shuangshuang symbolically expressed that she was ashamed, saying that the daughter she raised
was so insensible and made everyone laugh at them.

The two seats that the waiter had added were also arranged.

The two of them sat down.

It was all those ladies chatting. Min Sisi and Qin Bailu were juniors, so it was not appropriate for
them to speak on such an occasion.

Min Sisi looked unchanged, but Qin Bailu was anxious.

She did not come here to cultivate her character today!

She kept winking at Bai Shuangshuang, but Bai Shuangshuang ignored her.

Bai Shuangshuang always looked at Min Sisi from time to time and even asked her occasionally, “Sisi,
I heard that you’re in your first year of university this year. Are you under a lot of pressure to study
at the Imperial Capital University’s medical school?”

“I’m still fine.”

“Did Bailu delay your studies by calling you out today? I see that you still have books with you.”
“This is the mission I assigned to myself. I’m trying to memorize this book in two days. I’ve
embarrassed myself in front of Auntie.”

“Finish memorizing it in two days? Such a thick book? How tiring would that be?”

“Fortunately, I’m almost done memorizing. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come out with Bailu. I
brought the book because I wanted to flip through it in the car.”

“What a sensible child.”


The two of them chatted like this, mostly it was Bai Shuangshuang who was enthusiastic, while Min
Sisi’s response was a little cold.

“Mrs. Qin, you seem to like Sisi a lot?” one of the ladies asked.

Qin Bailu couldn’t hold it in anymore.

Her mother had never been so gentle and patient with her!

She was actually so good to Min Sisi. Was Min Sisi really that outstanding?

And these ladies all clearly liked Min Sisi very much!

“That’s what I wanted to ask too.”

Min Qinglan said, “Mrs. Qin seems to like Sisi very much.”
Bai Shuangshuang smiled and actually did not hide it, “Of course I like her. Who wouldn’t like such
an outstanding and obedient child? Don’t Mrs. Yin and the other ladies also like Sisi very much?”

“That’s true, but according to what I know, Bailu is also very outstanding. Why do I feel that Mrs. Qin
doesn’t like Bailu very much?” Min Qinglan valued status and had never liked someone like Bai
Shuangshuang, who came from a humble background and was a mistress before she married into
the Qin Family.

Compared to the other ladies, Min Qinglan wouldn’t give Bai Shuangshuang so much face. She would
insult her as she pleased.

Originally, she did not intend to accept Bai Shuangshuang’s invitation, However, it was mainly
because everyone at home was guarding against her like they were guarding against a thief, so she
did not want to stay at home, and coupled with the fact that Bai Shuangshuang was now the lady of
the Qin Family, she should at least give the Qin Family some face, so she accepted the invitation to
attend the appointment.

How could Bai Shuangshuang not tell that Min Qinglan was looking for trouble?

Although she was angry inwardly, the smile on her face remained unchanged. “Mrs. Yin, you must be
joking. Which family doesn’t scold their children? If I keep praising Bailu in front of everyone, won’t
you all think that I’m shameless?”

[Which family doesn’t scold their children?]


This was considered to be Min Qinglan’s sore spot.

She had two sons but she was the one who was scolded every time.

Moreover, one of those two sons was more eccentric than the other. She couldn’t afford to offend
the bad-tempered one, nor the good-tempered one.

“Just like the two young masters of the Yin Family. Didn’t Mrs. Yin never praise them in front of
Min Qinglan looked at her. “Do I still need to praise my two sons? My eldest son is mature, stable,
and successful in his career. He took over his grandfather and father’s job. Now, even if his father
retires, he can still support the entire family. As for my second son, I don’t think I need to say
anything more. In the entire capital, who among the young generation can compare to him?”

Her words…

No one dared to refute her.

Even though they were very jealous.

Why could Min Qinglan raise such an outstanding son, but not them?

How was Min Qinglan more outstanding than them?

“Oh, Jianjia’s younger brother can compare to Jin’er, but the two of them are in different fields. In
addition, the two of them have been on good terms since they were young and were comrades who
fought side by side in the past. There doesn’t seem to be anything to compare with.”

“I almost forgot. Jianjia and Hao’er are also children of the Qin Family, and Mrs. Qin is their
stepmother. I’ve never been someone else’s stepmother, so I don’t know what a stepmother should
be like. Jianjia has been married into the Yin Family for three years now, but I’ve never seen Mrs. Qin
visit the Yin Family once.”

Bai Shuangshuang’s expression froze.

She was embarrassed and angry.

Qin Bailu hurriedly said, “Aunt Yin, you might not know this, but my brother and sister… don’t have a
very good relationship with my mother. Everyone knows that very few stepmothers and stepchildren
get along well with each other.”

“This doesn’t mean that my mother doesn’t care about my siblings enough. She just doesn’t know
how to interact with them.”
“My mother didn’t go to the Yin Family to visit Sister. But didn’t I go to the Yin Family a lot? Actually,
I always go to the Yin Family. Other than my good relationship with Sister, it’s also my mom’s

“I’m mostly visiting Sister on Mom’s behalf.”

Of course, that was not the truth.

She wanted to use the excuse of visiting Qin Jianjia to go to the Yin Family more to get close to
Master Nine!

In fact, her mother didn’t like Qin Jianjia, and she didn’t like her even more!

Especially recently, when she said that she wanted to visit Qin Jianjia at the Yin Family residence, Qin
Jianjia actually told her not to go. She said that the Yin Family was busy recently and didn’t have the
time to entertain guests!

It was such an obvious rejection!

Qin Jianjia was up to something.

If it wasn’t for Qin Jianjia not letting her go to the Yin Family, why would it be so difficult for her to
probe Mrs. Yin?

Min Qinglan looked at her mysteriously. “Is that so?”

“Perhaps I misunderstood Mrs. Qin.”

“It’s nothing. This was normal anyway. Being a stepmother is difficult,” Bai Shuangshuang sighed

Then, she glanced at one of the ladies.

The lady received her hint and said, “It’s a happy gathering today. Let’s not raise such depressing
topics. Let’s talk about something happy.”

“Mrs. Yin, I heard that Master Nine brought the eldest daughter of the Yan Family back to the Yin
Family yesterday. I wonder if it’s true?”

“Speaking of the eldest daughter of the Yan Family, we’ve heard a lot of rumors about her. However,
no matter how many rumors there are, we’ve never seen her with our own eyes. I wonder what kind
of girl she is? She can actually be valued so much by someone like Master Nine?”

As she spoke, she smiled embarrassedly. “Look at what I’m saying. No matter how formidable
Master Nine is, he’s still Mrs. Yin’s son.”

“Mrs. Yin is really lucky to have such an outstanding son.”

Min Qinglan was initially unhappy that she mentioned Yan Jinyu, but when she heard the last
sentence, her anger dissipated a lot. “Mrs. Yu sure knows how to talk.”

“No, no. I’m telling the truth. Who present doesn’t envy Mrs. Yin for your two outstanding sons?”

“Yes, yes. We’re very envious too…” They didn’t dare to say that they weren’t envious. With the Yin
Family’s status, they didn’t dare to offend Min Qinglan.

Furthermore, they were indeed very envious.

Mrs. Yu continued, “Why don’t you tell us what kind of girl the Yan Family’s eldest daughter is? Or
you can find an opportunity to bring her out for us to take a look. We’re all very curious.”

“To be liked by Master Nine so much, she must be a beautiful, sensible, and obedient girl.”

Min Qinglan’s expression changed slightly.

She was beautiful, but sensible and obedient…


How could that kind of evil girl be sensible and obedient when she talked about taking someone’s

“After all, Old Madam has chosen her for Jin’er. It doesn’t matter what kind of person she is. What’s
important is that Jin’er likes her himself. As elders, it’s not good for us to interfere too much.”

Most importantly, she could not interfere either!

When Min Qinglan said that, not only Qin Bailu, but everyone present, including Min Sisi, was

They all thought inwardly,?Min Qinglan clearly didn’t have such an attitude in the past. Why is she…

Didn’t she advocate matching families?

Didn’t she look down on people from small families?

Didn’t she already have a suitable daughter-in-law candidate?

Could it be that the eldest daughter of the Yan Family really had something so outstanding that even
Min Qinglan was convinced?

Everyone looked at her in surprise. Min Qinglan’s expression froze.

She knew what they were thinking.

“Why are you all looking at me like that? Am I wrong?”

“Putting aside the fact that Jin’er likes that daughter of the Yan Family, even if he didn’t like her,
she’s the granddaughter-in-law of the Yin Family that the Old Madam has decided on. As her
daughter-in-law, how can I deny this marriage simply because the Old Madam is no longer alive?”
Chapter 225: Plotting Against Each Other

She could not interfere in this matter. Since that was the case, she naturally had to protect her
dignity in front of others.

She wanted everyone to think that she had acknowledged this daughter-in-law. Otherwise, if she
didn’t acknowledge her, wouldn’t she be slapping herself in front of everyone when Jin’er still
marries Yan Jinyu in the end?

“Other than the fact that the little girl’s background is a little bad and her experiences make people
lament, she didn’t do anything wrong. Our Yin Family isn’t someone who goes back on our word. The
engagement naturally has to be valid.”

Min Qinglan felt very aggrieved when she had to praise the person she didn’t like so blatantly.

“That’s true…”

After a long while, someone answered.

However, from their expressions, it was obvious that they were not calm.

Although the chances were very slim, many families still had the intention of marrying into the Yin
Family, or rather, marrying Yin Jiujin.

It was obviously impossible to start with Yin Jiujin. The only breakthrough point for these families
was Min Qinglan. Now that the only breakthrough point had such an attitude, it would be strange if
they felt good about that.

The ones who were the most affected here were Qin Bailu and Bai Shuangshuang.

How could this be?!

This was what the two of them were thinking.

Suppressing her anger, Bai Shuangshuang said, “Although it’s the intention of the elders, Mrs. Yin’s
son is so outstanding. Not everyone is worthy of him. Mrs. Yin must also want a daughter-in-law who
is worthy of her son. Now that she thinks so highly of that girl from the Yan Family, she must be very

“How likable can an uncouth girl who doesn’t come from a good family and grew up outside be?”

If Min Qinglan hadn’t said those words previously, others might have believed that she didn’t like
Yan Jinyu. However, she had previously said that she acknowledged Yan Jinyu as her daughter-in-
law, so now that she said this, others would think that it wasn’t that she didn’t like Yan Jinyu, but
that she treated Yan Jinyu as her own family member.

She seemed to be scolding her, but her tone was actually filled with indulgence.

Even if Min Qinglan was indeed scolding Yan Jinyu.

“Now that Mrs. Yin has said that, we’re even more curious about the Yan Family’s daughter. Since
it’s still early, why don’t you call her out for us to take a look?” It was Mrs. Yu again.

“Of course, we don’t have the right to comment on the granddaughter-in-law that Old Madam Yin
has decided on. We just want to meet her to satisfy everyone’s curiosity. Master Nine is famous and
everyone is very curious about his fiancée that he personally brought back.”

Min Qinglan glanced at Mrs. Yu unhappily.

Call Yan Jinyu out?

Not to mention that she didn’t know where Yan Jinyu and Jin’er had gone early in the morning. Even
if she knew, was Yan Jinyu someone she could order around?

Jin’er wouldn’t agree for her to call Yan Jinyu out alone, and Yan Jinyu wasn’t someone she could
order around.
This Mrs. Yu was really rubbing salt into her wound!

Why? Was she mocking her for not being able to order her son and daughter-in-law around?

However, Mrs. Yu didn’t understand her gaze.

“Why are you asking a junior to join the elders’ gathering?”

As soon as she finished speaking, many people looked at the two juniors present.

They all looked a little embarrassed.

Min Qinglan glanced at Min Sisi and said hesitantly, “I’m not talking about Sisi and Bailu. We
watched the two of you grow up. Just treat it as if you’re here to chat with us. Of course, it’s

Min Sisi chuckled and said, “Aunt, you’re protecting our dignity by saying that. We came over
without informing you all today. It’s indeed my and Bailu’s fault. I hope we didn’t disturb the elders.”

“Sisi is so sensible. She even said that she was rude. We’re all family. How can there be so many
rules between us?” one of the ladies said.

Min Sisi smiled embarrassedly and looked at Min Qinglan, “Aunt, we really shouldn’t disturb the
elders’ gathering, but since we’re all here and all the aunties don’t mind, including Miss Yan
shouldn’t be a big deal either. Why don’t you call her over so that we can get to know each other?”

“Eldest Miss Yan is about the same age as us. After we get to know each other, she’ll be in the capital
during this period of time. Bailu and I can even bring her out for a walk to familiarize ourselves with
the capital.”

“It’s easier to talk to people their age.”

“Sisi is a kind child,” Min Qinglan praised her generously.

She felt a sense of regret.

Such a sensible child was supposed to be the candidate for her daughter-in-law, but Sisi had no
feelings for Jin’er and Jin’er…

Forget it.

“It’s not about kind. I’m just thinking that Eldest Miss Yan is from North City and isn’t familiar with
the capital. Second Cousin is busy with work, so I’m afraid he can’t care so much. I thought that since
we’re about the same age, we might be easier to get along with.”

“You’re a good child because you have a kind heart. If that girl is half as good as you…”

Min Qinglan suddenly paused and changed the topic, “It’s just that I’m afraid I really can’t call her
out today. She went out with your second cousin early in the morning. I think she’s either in the
company or at the Mount West Villa now.”

“You know your second cousin’s temper too. If he wants to bring her along with him, I can’t snatch
her away.”

Min Sisi fell silent.

So, they really went out together. She thought that Qin Bailu was trying to provoke her by making up
a story.

“I see. Let’s do it next time then. We’ve been on holiday at home recently too. We have a lot of

Qin Bailu glanced at Min Sisi and echoed with hidden anger, “Sisi is right. We’re on vacation. We
have a lot of time. Yan Jin… Eldest Miss Yan can look for us to play when she’s in the capital.”

As long as she could lure Yan Jinyu out, she would have the chance to “teach” her a lesson!
The killers last time didn’t kill Yan Jinyu because Master Nine was around. If the girls of their age
went out alone, could Master Nine still follow them?

She didn’t want to take the risk again, but Mrs. Yin actually had this attitude towards Yan Jinyu!

How could she still sit still in such a state!


When Yan Jinyu was gone, she would see if this engagement could still be her stumbling block!

“Bailu is also a kind child,” Min Qinglan said.

“If you can’t do it today, you can do it tomorrow if you guys want to.”

“I heard from Jianjia that she will bring that girl out for a walk tomorrow. Jianjia is a few years older
than you after all. I’m afraid she won’t be able to get along with that girl as well as you do. If you
have time, you can go together.”

She thought to herself that since she had already planned for that girl so much, she wanted to see if
they would still guard against her like they were guarding against a thief when she returned to the
Yin Family!

She already said that she wouldn’t interfere anymore, so why didn’t they believe her!

She didn’t dare to provoke a crazy and ruthless girl like Yan Jinyu!

Qin Bailu clenched her fists tightly as a scheming look flashed past her eyes. “Alright, I’ll contact
Sister later.”

“I don’t often contact my eldest cousin-in-law. Bailu, call me after you make an appointment,” Min
Sisi said.
Bai Shuangshuang glanced at them and did not say anything.

Two hours later, the tea party ended.

She sent everyone away.

Min Sisi came out in Qin Bailu’s car and was about to take a taxi back when Min Qinglan said to send
her home.

Like this, after sending the guests away, only Qin Bailu and Bai Shuangshuang were left.

With a bang, Qin Bailu was slapped hard by Bai Shuangshuang, “Why did you ignore my words?”

Qin Bailu covered her face and burst into tears. “Mom…”

“Don’t call me Mom. I don’t have a daughter like you! Don’t you know who I invited today? Have you
fed the rules I taught you to the dogs?”

“You even learned to drag others down with you. Is this what I taught you?!”

Qin Bailu was indignant. “Mom, didn’t you tell me not to stand out when I do things? If I want to
achieve my goal, I’ll push others out? That’s how I treated Qiu Jian in the past. Didn’t you say
nothing then? Why can’t it be Min Sisi?”

“Mom, you like Min Sisi very much, right? You don’t have to lie to me. I can see for myself. You’ve
never been so gentle and patient with me as you are with Min Sisi!”

After saying that, she was slapped again.

“You’re getting bolder and bolder now. You even dare to criticize me!”

“Can Qiu Jian be the same as Sisi? Can the Qiu Family compare to the Min Family? Are you stupid?
You don’t even understand this?”
“So what if I can’t compete? I didn’t do it very obviously. Min Sisi can’t tell at all, let alone expose the
Min Family! Besides, those ladies didn’t say anything. Why is Mom so angry?”

“They didn’t say anything because it’s my event today. They can’t embarrass me! Do you really think
they have no objections to this? Idiot!”

Qin Bailu widened her eyes as if she didn’t expect her to scold her so badly.


Meeting her disbelieving and angry gaze, Bai Shuangshuang’s eyes flickered slightly, and she said,
“I’ll forget about it this time. You still have some brains, and know how to find an opportunity.”

Looking at her face, he said, “Go back and put some ice on it. Don’t go with a swollen face tomorrow
and lose your dignity.”

“I didn’t expect Min Qinglan to actually acknowledge this engagement. This is a troublesome

Bai Shuangshuang could really grasp Qin Bailu’s thoughts. With that said, Qin Bailu’s anger towards
her indeed shifted to Yan Jinyu.

“What do you plan to do tomorrow?”

Without waiting for Qin Bailu to reply, Bai Shuangshuang said, “Don’t blame me for not reminding
you. Don’t treat Sisi like you treat Qiu Jian. Sisi isn’t as easy to deceive as Qiu Jian. If you use Sisi as a
shield, the one who will be unlucky in the end will only be you.”

“I know. Mom, don’t worry. Min Sisi is still useful. I won’t push her out for the time being. Don’t we
still have Qin Jianjia? That idiot Qin Jianjia will believe whatever I say. She’s very easy to fool.”

She looked at Bai Shuangshuang, “But Mom, why do I feel that you seem to be very biased towards
Min Sisi?” She even called her “Sisi” so intimately.
“Who doesn’t like obedient and sensible children? Look at those ladies. Who doesn’t like Sisi?”

That was right, but Qin Bailu found it strange.

Was her mother the kind of person who would like someone else’s child just because she was
sensible and obedient?

Moreover, why was Mom so happy when Min Sisi mentioned that those ladies liked her? She even
seemed to be… proud?

“Don’t think about this nonsense. I did go overboard by hitting you today, but you know that I’m
doing this for your own good. I don’t want you to leave a bad impression on these ladies.”

“Fortunately, Min Qinglan still likes you. This is very beneficial for you to marry into the Yin Family.”

“But she prefers Min Sisi.”

Bai Shuangshuang paused, “Why are you thinking so much? Sisi doesn’t have any feelings for Master
Nine. Looking at it this way, your advantage is still the greatest.”

“As for the daughter of the Yan Family.” A ruthless glint flashed past her eyes. “The dead have no
right to compete with the living.”

Qin Bailu’s eyes were equally ruthless.

“I know!” Chapter 226: They’re All Actors

At the same time, Huo Siyu and Huo Xuan arrived in the capital.

Qin Hao went to pick them up personally.

After walking out of the airport and seeing Qin Hao’s car, Huo Xuan ignored it. He grabbed Huo
Siyu’s wrist and walked towards the car that the Huo Family branch had prepared for him.

Qin Hao just looked at them, or rather, at Huo Siyu without saying a word.

He had a straight face and looked proper and honest.

Huo Siyu couldn’t bear to see Qin Hao like this. “Brother.”

Huo Xuan was forced to stop, “What?”

“Qin Hao specially rushed to the airport from the army to pick me up. Even if I don’t take his car, I
should greet him first.”

Huo Xuan didn’t respond.

“Brother, you can’t bully him just because he’s honest and quiet.”

Huo Xuan sneered. It was true that he spoke little, but honest?

Forgive his poor eyesight!

He couldn’t tell!

How could an honest person deceive his sister into cohabiting? He had clearly bought an apartment
for his sister near the Imperial Capital University, but his sister was unwilling to stay there!

Would an honest person make such a name in the army?

Would an honest person be close to Yin Jiujin?

To think that he still felt that his sister’s past was not simple. She was so easily deceived. She was
clearly very innocent.

No, he had to watch her more!

He couldn’t let his sister be deceived by Qin Hao, this fake person!

However, he still let go of Huo Siyu’s hand.

Seeing Huo Siyu running towards Qin Hao’s car, Huo Xuan felt very upset.

His sister was about to become someone else’s before he could even get her to warm up to them.

Huo Siyu leaned against the window of Qin Hao’s driver’s seat and asked with a smile, “Qin Hao, why
are you here? Didn’t I say that I’m with Brother and you don’t have to pick me up?”

“I’m on leave today.”

“Aren’t you going back tonight?” Qin Hao asked naturally, as if that villa had long been their home.

“No, I’m staying at the apartment Brother bought tonight. It’s the apartment near the school. I
brought you there last time.”

“How long will you stay in the capital?”

“We’ll be in the capital before the new year.”

However, Qin Hao acted like he was asking casually and didn’t ask further. He only said, “Get in. I’ll
send you there.”

“But my brother called someone to pick us up.”

Qin Hao stopped talking and just looked at her.

An honest person would not express their grievances, but Huo Siyu could tell.

Her heart softened. “Alright, I’ll talk to Brother and take your car over.”

However, Qin Hao suddenly grabbed her hand and Huo Siyu was stunned.

In the next second, Qin Hao lightly kissed the back of her hand.

Huo Siyu was so frightened that she quickly retracted her hand.

However, she met Qin Hao’s smiling eyes.

When he smiled…

How should she put it? He no longer looked prim and proper. His eyes seemed to have magic as they
sucked people in.

Huo Siyu suddenly felt that the back of her hand was burning hot, and so was her ears.


It wasn’t that there were no more intimate actions than this. The two of them lived together, so how
could there not be some hugging and kissing? However, she was the one who took the initiative
every time. She felt that teasing an honest person like Qin Hao was especially interesting.

Especially when she saw Qin Hao’s honest face turning red from her teasing, she felt that it was
especially fun.

Why did Qin Hao…

…become so seductive?

Was he flirting?

His gaze was no longer dull. It was also inexplicably attractive, making her mind almost sucked in.

However, when she looked up again, it was still the familiar Qin Hao.

Did she see wrongly just now?

“Do you… not like it? If you don’t like it, I won’t do it next time…”

“No, no, no… I’ll go call my brother.”

She turned and fled, but she didn’t see the faint smile on Qin Hao’s lips.

Hence, an honest persona was actually rather useful.

She did not suspect anything.

However, he could not remain proper and honest forever. Otherwise, she might forget that she had
a fiancé.

She did not inform him in advance when she returned to South City.

If he had not investigated her whereabouts in private and found out that she had booked a flight to
the capital today and called her last night to pretend to ask, she probably would not have planned to
tell him that she had come to the capital this time.

Since she dared to provoke him, she had to be prepared to be tied to him.

She couldn’t ignore him like this.


Huo Xuan, who had personally witnessed Qin Hao taking advantage of Huo Siyu, glared at Qin Hao
with fiery eyes. Qin Hao actually didn’t avoid his gaze and smiled at him smugly.

“…” Huo Xuan.

He dared to provoke him after taking advantage of his sister!

If he had known earlier, he wouldn’t have let Qin Hao take Rainy away when she was drugged…

At the thought of this, Huo Xuan’s expression froze.

If he didn’t let Qin Hao take her away, wouldn’t his sister be taken advantage of by others? Qin Hao
was at least legitimate…

Hmph, even if it was legitimate, even if he had allowed Qin Hao to take Rainy away back then, he still
disliked Qin Hao!


Huo Siyu coughed dryly. She was a killer after all. She had restrained the uneasiness that arose
because of Qin Hao just now. She did not look abnormal.

“It’s like this. Since Qin Hao is here, why don’t we take his car over? Otherwise, he’ll have made a
wasted trip.”

“Who cares about him!” Huo Xuan felt extremely jealous.

They were not even married, but she was already siding with outsiders.

“Let’s go!” He pulled her towards the car that was waiting for them.

Huo Xuan didn’t say anything and just held his lips and started coughing.

This cough was terrible and he couldn’t stop at all. It was as if he was about to pass out from
coughing and his face was frighteningly pale.

Huo Siyu was so frightened that she was at a loss for what to do. She quickly patted his back.
“Brother, what’s wrong? Are you alright? Why are you suddenly coughing like this? Weren’t you fine
just now?”

“I-I’m a little cold. I-I’ll get in first.”

“Alright, alright. Get in the car first.”

She quickly opened the car door and helped him into the car.

The moment he sat down, Huo Xuan, who was coughing non-stop, felt better.

Huo Siyu heaved a sigh of relief. “Is Brother feeling better?”

“Don’t worry. I’m much better.”

“Since Young Master Qin wants to pick us up so much, out of courtesy, we should greet him first.
Roll down the car window.”

Huo Siyu was about to raise her hand when the driver rolled down the car window.

They were Huo Xuan’s subordinates. Other than being a little worried when they saw Huo Xuan, they
didn’t say much.
The car window rolled down and Huo Xuan held his handkerchief to his lips and coughed twice
before smiling “reluctantly” at Qin Hao in the other car, “Young Master Qin, thank you for making
this trip specially. I won’t take your car today. If Young Master Qin is really not busy, just follow
behind. Let’s have a meal later. My treat!”

After saying that, he glanced at the driver. The driver received the instructions and hurriedly rolled
up the car window and started the engine.

The car drove away.

Qin Hao chuckled.

His car followed.

He didn’t expect Huo Xuan to be an “actor”.

They naturally could not eat dinner together. Qin Hao followed them to the apartment and returned
to the army after saying goodbye.

He still had some matters to attend to.


That night, Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin didn’t return to the Yin Family. Instead, they stayed at the Mount
West Villa.

When Yin Jiujin brought Yan Jinyu back from touring the Mount West Villa, the servants had already
prepared dinner under Liu Ying’s arrangements.

As she ate the food Yin Jiujin had placed in her bowl, Yan Jinyu glanced around and asked, “Brother
Nine, have you always lived here in the capital?”

Yin Jiujin paused in his actions. “Yes.”

He then picked up some food for her. “With you around in the future, it doesn’t matter where I live.”

Looking into his affectionate eyes, Yan Jinyu paused for a moment before smiling. “Yes, I’ll be around
in the future.”

“Come, Brother Nine, let’s eat first.” She also picked up some food for him.

It was very warm and touching.

Not far away, Liu Ying looked and suddenly felt that this cold West Mountain Villa seemed to have
become more lively.

Miss Yu was a gentle and petite person. She was cute and had extraordinary skills.

She could accompany him when he was safe and stand side by side when he was in danger.

The people around Master Nine should be like this.

“By the way, Brother Nine, I have something to tell you.”

Yin Jiujin looked at her and waited for her to speak.

“Sister-in-law called me just now and said that the agreement for tomorrow’s shopping is still the
same. But the people who are going shopping… Hehe, have increased from two people to four.”

Her laughter was very devilish.

Yin Jiujin didn’t ask further. He only smiled helplessly and said, “Don’t worry and play. I can take care
of any commotion you cause in the capital.”

“Brother Nine, aren’t you going to ask who else are going?”
“It doesn’t matter who it is. As long as the other party dares to harm you, you don’t have to hold

After saying that, Yin Jiujin chuckled. “Can’t I tell what you’re thinking? It must be some ignorant
people who want to find trouble with you again and you’re bored.”

“Do you need me to send two people to follow you secretly?”

Yan Jinyu felt that she was being looked down on and she stared at him

“Since you don’t want to, forget it.”

“Be careful. You can’t be careless just because the other party isn’t a cause for concern.”

“If you didn’t want to join in the fun, I…”

“Alright, Brother Nine. She’s just an ordinary daughter of a wealthy family. What can she do to me?
Just take it that they’re here to relieve my boredom.” In fact, she wasn’t just joining in the fun.

She didn’t want to let Qin Jianjia down and also wanted to use this to see if she could find out which
family in the capital wanted to kill her so badly.

“Relieve your boredom? Do you feel bored with me?” Yin Jiujin suddenly asked.

“…” Yan Jinyu.

She looked at him speechlessly.

“Why are you talking about this?”

Looking into his eyes that were staring straight at her, Yan Jinyu felt that it was funny. “Brother Nine,
I’m not bored at all being with you. Ain’t I just going to meet Sister-in-law?”
She knew it. Yin Jiujin was very clingy. Sometimes, his temper was like a child’s.

He would act coquettishly, get angry, and get unreasonable.

Who would believe her if she told those people who were trembling in fear when they heard Yin
Jiujin’s name that Yin Jiujin was actually like this?

She would not believe it either in the past.

“Brother Nine, are you really not going to ask who else is going with us?”

“It’s not important.”

Yan Jinyu smiled. “From what Sister-in-law is saying, it seems like they are her stepsister and… the
good partner that your mother is seeking on your behalf, the eldest daughter of the Min Family, Min

“Everyone knows how Qin Bailu feels about you. As for Min Sisi, what do you think she feels about

“I’m not familiar with her,” Yin Jiujin said.

As if he was afraid that she wouldn’t believe him, he repeated, “I’m not familiar with either of

“So be it. Brother Nine, why are you so nervous?”

I’m just afraid that you would think too much.

Yin Jiujin flicked her forehead. “Don’t speak. Eat quietly.”

“I know, I know. Brother Nine, just say it. Can you stop flicking my forehead? How many times have I
said it? I’ll become silly.”

“You’re silly to begin with.” Chapter 227: A Smart Person

The next day, Yin Jiujin personally sent Yan Jinyu to the Empire Mall to meet Qin Jianjia. He then
went to the Empire Group’s office in the capital.

Yan Jinyu didn’t let him stay after dropping her off. She let him leave after sending her to the exterior
of the mall.

She just didn’t want Qin Bailu or Min Sisi to have a chance to meet Yin Jiujin.

Yin Jiujin could tell what she was thinking. He couldn’t help but get out of the car. He hugged her and
kissed her.

Coincidentally, this scene was seen by Min Sisi and Qin Bailu.

Min Sisi was fine. Other than being a little surprised, she did not show much abnormality. However,
she was probably embarrassed to stare at them and retracted her gaze after taking one brief look.

In comparison, Qin Bailu wasn’t as calm as her. Her eyes seemed to be filled with poison as she
glared at Yan Jinyu fiercely.

Such an eager and affectionate kiss!

Master Nine really cared about Yan Jinyu!

This was the first time Qin Bailu realized so clearly that if Yan Jinyu didn’t die, she definitely wouldn’t
have the chance to marry into the Yin Family!

“Bailu! Bailu!”
When Qin Bailu looked at Min Sisi, the ruthlessness in her eyes had yet to be completely restrained.
It was unknown if Min Sisi saw it or not, but she didn’t mention it.

“Are you very shocked? I’ve already called you a few times, but you didn’t react at all.”

Then, Min Sisi looked at the two intimate people not far away and said with a sigh, “I didn’t expect
Second Cousin to like Eldest Miss Yan so much. I wonder what kind of person Eldest Miss Yan is to
actually make Second Cousin like her so much.”

[A person who would not live long!]

Qin Bailu replied inwardly.

“I went to North City some time ago because I had something to do. After my sister found out, she
asked me to send two home-cooked dishes made by the Yin Family’s Grandma Wu to Master Nine.
I’ve seen Yan Jinyu before. She’s quite good-looking. As for her personality, I can’t really tell. Perhaps
she grew up in a small place and is especially innocent.”

Of course, Qin Bailu didn’t think so.

She was someone who fled in fear from Yan Jinyu’s gaze.

Moreover, Yan Jinyu had even warned her not to have any designs and not to try to get close to
Master Nine!

She had said that on purpose to let Min Sisi feel that she was friendly to Yan Jinyu. This way, she
could only remove herself from blame after Yan Jinyu really got into trouble.

“Master Nine has been in the business world for so many years and has seen too much deception. I
think he likes such innocent and good-looking girls.”

“Her personality… is innocent.” Min Sisi seemed to be mumbling, but she also seemed to be
following Qin Bailu’s words.
Qin Bailu thought that Min Sisi didn’t believe her and said again, “From the outside, she’s indeed
very innocent.”

“You’ll know when you see her later, Sisi.”

On the other side, how could the two equally sharp people not sense these two obvious gazes?

In the beginning, Yan Jinyu still cared a little. After all, she had decided not to let them see Yin Jiujin.
However, gradually, she couldn’t care less after Yin Jiujin brought her into this kiss.

So be it. It would be best if she could see who this person was.

After the kiss, Yin Jiujin pulled Yan Jinyu into his arms and hugged her for a while before helping her
tidy her hair. When he lowered his head to look at her, his eyes were so gentle that they looked like
they were about to drip water. “I’m leaving.”

Yan Jinyu’s eyes curved into crescents. She jumped up and kissed him on the cheek. That lively and
innocent behavior really made her look a little naive.

“See you later, Brother Nine.”

Yin Jiujin smiled and pinched her face. “See you later.”

Then, he got into the car and left.

Yan Jinyu only retracted her gaze after the car left.

She swept a quick glance at the two people not far away and narrowed her eyes. When she looked
up again, her eyes were clear and she looked like an ignorant and naive girl.

She did not walk towards the two of them. Instead, she took out her phone from her sling bag and
called Qin Jianjia. After knowing that Qin Jianjia was waiting for her in the lobby of the Empire Mall,
she walked straight to the mall’s entrance.
However, just as she reached the entrance of the mall, the two of them walked towards her.

“Eldest Miss Yan,” Qin Bailu said. Although she was trying very hard to control her anger, one could
still hear her gritting her teeth.

She stopped and looked up at the two of them.

She smiled faintly. “Oh, so it’s Second Miss Qin.”

Her attitude shocked Qin Bailu.

Was Yan Jinyu so good to her?

No! She wasn’t!

But now…

Was Yan Jinyu doing this on purpose to express her goodwill so that she could scheme against her
after she lowered her guard ?

With that in mind, Qin Bailu froze on the spot and didn’t dare to go forward.

Min Sisi looked at her strangely before retracting her gaze. She looked at Yan Jinyu and adjusted her
glasses. She smiled very friendly, “You’re Eldest Miss Yan, right? Let me introduce myself. I’m Min
Sisi. Your fiancé is my second cousin. I heard that you and my eldest cousin-in-law are coming to
shop, so I came along to join in the fun. I hope I don’t disturb you.”

“So you’re the eldest daughter of the Min Family.”

“Miss Min, why are you asking this? Do you think you’ll go back now if I say that you’re disturbing
me?” Yan Jinyu smiled brightly. She seemed to have said this unintentionally.
She continued to smile and said, “It seems like you won’t. Since you won’t, why ask, Eldest Miss

Min Sisi’s expression froze.

However, Yan Jinyu said, “I’m joking. You guys contacted my Sister-in-law. Since Sister-in-law doesn’t
have any objections, I naturally have no objections either. Since we met here, shall we go in
together? Sister-in-law is waiting in the lobby.”

Min Sisi looked at Yan Jinyu deeply.

However, she realized that she could not see through her.

Why would she say such words if she was innocent and ignorant?

However, she didn’t look like she was scheming and didn’t like them either.

She had long heard that the eldest daughter of the Yan Family was not as simple as she looked on
the outside. Now that she saw her, indeed…

She heard that Qiu Jian from the Qiu Family went to North City to cause trouble and even competed
with Yan Jinyu in a car match. In the end, she was seriously injured.

She didn’t know if Yan Jinyu’s driving skills were really outstanding or if it was because of luck.
However, she was certain that Yan Jinyu wasn’t as ignorant as the rumors said.

Moreover, she was very brave.

After all, she was someone that Second Cousin valued. How bad could she be?

Qin Bailu actually wanted to lie to her and say that Yan Jinyu’s personality was innocent. Did she
really think that she didn’t know anything and only knew how to study?
“Sure.” Min Sisi smiled. “Miss Yan, please go first.”

Yan Jinyu didn’t stand on ceremony either. She gave Min Sisi a clean and flawless smile and walked
into the mall first.

This Min Sisi…

Although she couldn’t tell if she was friend or foe, she could tell that Min Sisi was much smarter than
Qin Bailu after such a short interaction.

However, regardless of whether she was friend or foe, she was the daughter of Min Guili and Meng
An. She was destined to only be an enemy.

It was a pity. It was rare to see such a big family raise a smart person.

Walking behind, Qin Bailu glared at Min Sisi and whispered, “Why are you so good to her? You’re the
eldest daughter of the Min Family. She’s just a daughter from a small family. Why are you so humble
in front of her?”

Qin Bailu’s eyes flickered when she met Min Sisi’s gaze. “I know that we can’t look down on others
just because we’re from a high family, but our background is right there. We can just be polite to
others, but there’s no need to be so humble.”

“Bailu, aren’t you being too calculative? When did I lower myself? Isn’t it just normal politeness? I
treat everyone like this.”

“Besides, no matter how low her background is, she’s still my second cousin’s fiancée. She might be
my second cousin-in-law in the future. What’s wrong with me treating her better and being more

“Hmph! It’s not certain that she will be your second cousin-in-law!”

Min Sisi chuckled. “Indeed.”

Her voice was a little soft, but Qin Bailu, who was beside her, still heard it. As for Yan Jinyu, who was
walking in front, her five senses had been trained. She was much sharper than ordinary people, so
she naturally heard it too.

She smiled slightly.

This smile was a little evil, but it quickly disappeared. No one saw it.

“What did you say?” Qin Bailu asked.

Min Sisi actually didn’t deny it and smiled at her. “I say, with so many young ladies from influential
families targeting my second cousin, it’s really hard to say who will marry into the Yin Family in the

“I hope Eldest Miss Yan can make it to the end.”

So that was what she meant.

Qin Bailu heaved a sigh of relief.

She thought that Min Sisi only said that because she had feelings for Master Nine.

She was not afraid of being competitors with others, but Min Sisi…

It wasn’t that Min Sisi was more outstanding than her, but Min Sisi was someone who was used to
putting on an act. Her reputation was very good in front of the elders of the various families in the
capital, and Mrs. Yin especially favored Min Sisi.

If Min Sisi really wanted to compete with her, she didn’t have much of a chance of winning.

There was one thing that Qin Bailu automatically filtered out, and that was that she felt that her
mother, Bai Shuangshuang, also favored Min Sisi very much.
This was the biggest reason why she was not confident in front of Min Sisi.

Looking at Yan Jinyu’s back in front of her, Qin Bailu sneered, “If only she can do that.”

Yan Jinyu, who had heard their conversation, didn’t say anything. She walked straight to Qin Jianjia,
who was sitting on the sofa in the lobby.

Qin Jianjia stood up as soon as she saw them.

However, she didn’t look at the other two people. She sized Yan Jinyu up. “Mm-hm, you’re dressed
rather well. It’s rare that Jin’er knows how to take care of people.”

Yan Jinyu chuckled, “How did Sister-in-law know that he was the one who took care of my thick
clothes and not me?”

Although Yin Jiujin had found her a down jacket to wear, Yin Jiujin had personally put on the scarf,
hat, and gloves for her.

Speaking of this, Yan Jinyu couldn’t help but sigh again.

It was still fine on Mount Jing when Yin Jiujin had prepared the clothes from the few cabinets for her
in a hurry. After coming to the capital, he had prepared a huge cloakroom for her at the Mount West
Villa. He had even prepared a lot of clothes for the four different seasons.

Yan Jinyu felt that she wouldn’t have to buy clothes for the next few years.

However, Yin Jiujin definitely wouldn’t let her wear these clothes for a few years.

Fortunately, Yin Jiujin still had a conscience. He didn’t prepare any pink clothes for her, even though
most of them were pink.
Qin Jianjia wasn’t stunned by Yan Jinyu’s question. Instead, she said matter-of-factly, “He’s so many
years older than you. Of course, he has to take care of you.”

“I was still thinking that Jin’er wouldn’t have thought of preparing clothes for you to change into
when you stayed at the Mount West Villa last night.” Chapter 228: Can’t Wait Anymore

“Sister-in-law, you’re thinking too much. Brother Nine is very active in this aspect. I think the
cloakroom in the Mount West Villa should have been prepared by him long ago.”

Regarding Yin Jiujin helping her arrange everything that she only needed to care about living her life
in peace, it made Yan Jinyu feel warm in her heart, but it also made her feel a little helpless.

She felt that Yin Jiujin was treating her like a child.

Stay at the Mount West Villa?

Brother Nine?

Qin Bailu and Min Sisi looked at Yan Jinyu at the same time.

Did that mean that the two of them stayed together alone last night?

No, not just last night. The two of them had already moved in together in North City.

Then, did they…

Two adults living together would kiss on the streets, let alone when the two of them were alone at

That was what Qin Bailu was thinking.

The more she thought about it, the more jealous Qin Bailu became.
As for Min Sisi…

She looked very shocked. It seemed like she was shocked by how Yan Jinyu addressed Yin Jiujin.

“That’s good.”

“However, since you’ve returned to the capital, you and Jin’er should stay at home more in the
future. Try not to stay at the Mount West Villa as much as possible. I’ve been to Mount West Villa
twice. I keep feeling that it’s cold and not lively at all.”

Yan Jinyu smiled. “That should be because Brother Nine is often in North City and doesn’t often
return to the capital. That’s why Sister-in-law feels that way.”

It was undeniable that the Mount West Villa was indeed not very lively, but after having traces of her
and Yin Jiujin living together, it was actually not that cold and deserted.

Didn’t they feel very at home after staying there for a night?

Hence, it was obvious that it was not the place itself which was cold and uninhabited, but the people
who lived there should be blamed for it.

She felt that as long as the place had her and Yin Jiujin together, it was very good.

She felt a sense of belonging.

It made her feel that she was no longer the person who was drifting outside. She clearly did not lack
money, but her heart had nowhere to rest.

The expression in her eyes surprised Qin Jianjia.

She felt that there were too many emotions in her clear eyes.

Qin Jianjia didn’t understand, but she felt inexplicably sad.

“No matter what, our family is very lively. Besides, home is also where Jin’er grew up. He has many
memories there.”

“I know. Thank you, Sister-in-law. We’ll go back more often in the future.”

Qin Jianjia smiled and then looked at the two people standing at the side. “Bailu and Sisi are here

“Eldest Cousin-in-law.”


The two of them greeted her.

Min Sisi was polite.

Qin Bailu was a little perfunctory.

Qin Jianjia didn’t care and her attitude was just right.

It was neither intimate nor distant.

“Since you’re here, let’s shop together. Yu’er is a year younger than you guys, and she’s about the
same age as you guys. Compared to me, she should have more common topics with you guys. Yu’er
isn’t familiar with the capital, so I’ll have to trouble you two to take care of her in the future.”

These were completely polite words. In her heart, Qin Jianjia didn’t want Yan Jinyu to interact with
them too much.

She didn’t know Min Sisi well, but Qin Bailu…

…wasn’t a good person.

No one knew how evil a person raised by Bai Shuangshuang could be.

Yu’er looked like someone who trusted others easily. She didn’t guard against anyone so she didn’t
want her to be fooled by Qin Bailu’s hypocritical appearance.

As for how Qin Jianjia could tell that Yan Jinyu trusted others easily, it was naturally from Yan Jinyu’s
attitude towards her.

Qin Jianjia knew that Yan Jinyu was quite bold. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to scare Min
Qinglan so badly at Mount Jing. However, in her opinion, Yan Jinyu might be being bold but she
might not be very scheming. It wasn’t impossible for her to be deceived by someone’s hypocritical

“You’re welcome, Eldest Cousin-in-law.”

“Sister, you’re regarding me as an outsider. We’re all family. Of course, we should take care of her.”

Qin Jianjia smiled faintly and didn’t continue, “Let’s go upstairs to shop first.”

“If Yu’er sees anything you want to buy, just tell Sister-in-law. There’s no need to save money for
Sister-in-law. This is Jin’er’s place. Sister-in-law has a limited edition membership card. It won’t cost
much to buy things here. Otherwise, we can charge to Jin’er’s account. Anyway, he doesn’t lack this
bit of money. You don’t have to save it for him.”

Qin Jianjia said this because she was afraid that Yan Jinyu would be embarrassed to spend her
money and wouldn’t buy anything she liked.

“Of course, if there’s really nothing you like, just treat it as shopping and familiarizing yourself with
the environment.”

Yan Jinyu smiled and nodded, “Thank you, Sister-in-law.”

The few of them got into the escalator and went to the second floor.
The second floor was dedicated to jewelry.

After shopping through that entire floor, Yan Jinyu simply looked around but didn’t buy anything. On
the other hand, Min Sisi and Qin Bailu chose two things each.

“Yu’er, is there really nothing you like?” When she walked out and was about to go to the third floor,
Qin Jianjia couldn’t help but ask.

“No, I’m just looking at these things. I’m not very interested in these jewelry.”

“You said that you’re not interested. Why are you wearing that necklace all the time?” Qin Bailu said

When she was trying on the necklace, Qin Jianjia insisted on letting Yan Jinyu try one too. Yan Jinyu
couldn’t withstand her enthusiasm, so she removed the scarf. Only then did Qin Bailu see the
necklace on her neck.

Even when Yan Jinyu tried the necklace, she didn’t remove the one on her neck. The pendant was
hidden in her clothes, so no one else saw it.

Yan Jinyu smiled at her, “Of course, I’ll always wear it because this necklace is Brother Nine’s 18th
birthday present for me.”

“Brother Nine gave it to me. Of course, the meaning is different.”

Qin Bailu was even more jealous.

Master Nine’s coming-of-age gift!

“Hmph! What are you so smug about? Isn’t it just a necklace? I don’t think that necklace is very
expensive. Master Nine probably bought it at the mall. It might even be something Master Nine got
someone to casually prepare for him. It might not take much effort…”
“Bailu!” Qin Jianjia interrupted her unhappily. “What are you talking about!”

This was the first time Qin Jianjia was cold to her. Qin Bailu was shocked.

She was so angry that she almost forgot that Qin Jianjia was still here.

Qin Jianjia was still useful. She couldn’t let Qin Jianjia see through her thoughts for the time being.

“I’m sorry. I was angry when I saw that Sister was so enthusiastic about helping her choose, but she
didn’t like anything.”

“What’s wrong with that? If she doesn’t like anything, it means that Yu’er hasn’t seen something she
likes. Who said that we have to buy something whenever we go window-shopping? That’s just
wasting money if she just buys something when she doesn’t see anything she likes. Yu’er will be
someone who knows how to support her family when she gets married to Jin’er in the future.”

“…” Yan Jinyu.?You’re flattering me.?She simply didn’t like anything.

She would buy whatever she liked no matter how much money she had to spend. She had done this
a lot in the past, but she usually bought things at an underground auction.

Those things that she liked and bought at a high price were all extremely valuable. They had to be
stored in the bank’s safe.

She didn’t seem to know how to control the family budget very well like this.

“Yu’er, don’t listen to Bailu’s nonsense. We know Jin’er’s personality very well. He’s not the kind of
person who will choose a gift for others. Usually, when the elders at home celebrate their birthdays,
he will get the mall to send a gift of good value over. He won’t personally prepare a gift for anyone.”

“I can tell at a glance that Jin’er meticulously chose this necklace for you.”

Was that really the case?

Of course not.

Qin Jianjia had made it up to ease her mind. She was afraid that she would think too much.

Indeed, she could tell that the necklace that Yan Jinyu was wearing was just an ordinary expensive

She didn’t think that Yin Jiujin had spent a lot of effort to prepare it.

In fact, the value of this necklace was something that they could never guess.

“I know,” Yan Jinyu said with a smile.

“Miss Yan, can you show us the necklace? After all, according to my sister, Master Nine’s’
meticulously prepared ‘gift is very rare.”

Yan Jinyu turned to Qin Bailu and smiled at her. “Why should I show it to you?”

“Speaking of which, it’s just a look. It’s not a big deal. But I don’t like your attitude towards me just
now, so even if it’s not a big deal, I don’t want to do it.”

“I just don’t want to show it to you. What can you do?”

“Are you even more curious about what gift Brother Nine gave me?”

“Then just keep on being curious.”

“…” Qin Bailu.

“…” Qin Jianjia.

She actually said it so directly. If she didn’t like it, she didn’t like it. If she was unhappy, she was
unhappy. She dissed the other party in public without giving her any face.

This temper…

…was indeed formidable.

She couldn’t be bothered to feign civility.

No wonder even her mother-in-law was so frightened.

However, this might not be bad. At least, she wouldn’t suffer when others bullied her.

Furthermore, Yu’er’s words were very insulting!

Only Min Sisi looked deeply at Yan Jinyu, who was smiling as she said this.

Usually, people like Yan Jinyu were the hardest to deal with because you didn’t know what she
would do in the next second.

Which young lady of the influential families would be like Yan Jinyu, who didn’t give anyone a face in

Even the most unruly daughter of a wealthy family might not speak like her. Be it for herself or for
her family, most people would choose to maintain a superficial friendliness with others.

Did Yan Jinyu really not know the pros and cons of this, or was she too fearless and didn’t care if she
would offend someone?

It would be fine if it was the former, but if it was the latter, what was she relying on to do that?

Relying on her second cousin as her backing?

There was also another thing. Yan Jinyu actually had a smile on her face when she said these
insulting words. It made people unable to tell if she was joking or really angry.

As Min Sisi was thinking, Yan Jinyu suddenly looked at her and smiled with narrowed eyes. “Miss
Min, do you want to take a look? You’re not as annoying as Qin Bailu. Anyway, it’s not a big deal. If
you want to take a look, I can show you.”

“After all, it’s very difficult for you to have the chance to see Brother Nine’s meticulously prepared

Min Sisi looked at her and smiled faintly. “There’s no need to. Bailu will be angry with me then.”

“Bailu, you’re really too much. We agreed to accompany Miss Yan and shop together. We chose a
few items when Miss Yan didn’t buy anything. It’s already rude, but you still said such rude words.”

“Everyone’s personal preferences are different. Perhaps, Eldest Miss Yan doesn’t like these jewelry.
The Empire Mall is very big. If we shop slowly, we will definitely see something of Eldest Miss Yan’s

“Also, that’s my second cousin’s birthday present to Miss Yan. It’s too rude of you to ask her to show
it to you so directly.”

“It’s just a look. How am I being rude?” Qin Bailu snorted inwardly. Min Sisi was like that. She was
used to pretending to be a good person!

“It’s indeed not considered rude, but I’m just unwilling to show it to you. What can you do about it?”


Qin Bailu gritted her teeth and was about to raise her finger to point at her when she met Yan Jinyu’s
smiling eyes. She froze and couldn’t raise her hand.

It was like this the last time!

Yan Jinyu was looking at her with such a gaze that made her flee in fear.

And now, she was cold from fear again.

She kept feeling that Yan Jinyu’s gaze was very scary!

No! She couldn’t wait anymore!

She couldn’t wait a second longer!

She felt that something would happen if she waited any longer! Chapter 229: The People Who
Caused Trouble

She placed her hand behind her back stiffly and gestured in a certain direction.

The next second, someone shouted, “Catch the thief! Catch the thief!”

Then, there were people chasing after them.

A group of people chased after someone.

They were coming towards them.

Qin Bailu, who was feeling smug, didn’t see the faint smile on Yan Jinyu’s lips.

She had done that on purpose. She did not want to be surrounded by people talking strangely while

She wanted her to show her the necklace. Who the heck was Qin Bailu?
She couldn’t be bothered to wait anymore.

Qin Bailu couldn’t help but lose her cool with just one glance.

It was good that she had made a move. She wanted to see if there was anyone else besides Qin Bailu
who came to find trouble with her.

She wanted to see if she could find out the person behind the kidnapping many years ago.

“Yu’er, move!”

A group of people rushed over. They were standing at the staircase entrance of the second floor
where the escalator was going to the third floor. Beside them was a railing. The railing wasn’t high,
so it was very dangerous for this group of people to rush over. Qin Jianjia panicked, and as she
spoke, she reached out to pull Yan Jinyu.

As for Min Sisi and Qin Bailu, they were standing in the corridor. Even if someone bumped into
them, they would at most be knocked down the stairs.

“Catch the thief! The people over there, help catch the thief!”

Qin Bailu stopped in the middle of the road to “help stop the thief” when she heard the shout.

In the end, Qin Bailu was naturally knocked away and pounced towards Yan Jinyu.

The scene was extremely chaotic and crowded.

However, Yan Jinyu wasn’t affected at all.

She frowned slightly.

Was this all there was to it?

She had a feeling that it was more than that.

A slight turn and Qin Bailu fell onto the railing. She didn’t fall on her. At the same time, Yan Jinyu
even accidentally bumped behind her. Her elbow hit the back of Qin Bailu’s neck, and she gritted her
teeth in pain.

However, Yan Jinyu ignored her.

Indeed, her feeling was right. Someone in the crowd took out a sharp dagger and quickly stabbed it
at her.

In such a crowded situation, the other party felt that she was a weak person who could easily take
her life.

Unfortunately, they had underestimated her.

She easily grabbed the person’s wrist. The dagger was in her hand.

The next second, the dagger was aimed at the man’s neck. The man looked shocked.

The people who were chasing the thief quickly ran past, and the corridor became much emptier.

Other than the four of them and the person Yan Jinyu had captured, there were four other men
standing at the side.

Hence, this scene was especially obvious.

Many people saw it.

They were definitely shocked.

They stopped chasing the thief and stopped to look. Probably because they were too shocked, no
one said anything for a long time.

Qin Bailu was also shocked.

She held her aching neck and looked at the dagger in Yan Jinyu’s hand in surprise.

She clearly only said that she would knock Yan Jinyu down the stairs without a trace. She didn’t let
these people use the knife openly. Why…

This was the Empire Mall, Master Nine’s territory. She would be stupid to be so obvious!

Did these people make their own decisions, or did Mom have other plans?

No matter what was going on with these people, now was not the time for her to think too much.

Her goal was to kill Yan Jinyu, but Yan Jinyu was obviously not harmed at all. Her people were
controlled by Yan Jinyu instead!

It was too crowded. Was Yan Jinyu lucky to not be injured and happened to snatch the other party’s
dagger, or did Yan Jinyu really have some skills?


However, those people’s goal was to kill Yan Jinyu. Seeing that not only was Yan Jinyu fine, but she
had also restrained their people, of course, they couldn’t just leave.

They all stopped in their tracks and looked at Yan Jinyu warily.

From Qin Bailu’s reaction, Yan Jinyu had already gotten the answer she wanted.

However, none of that mattered.

Most importantly, these people were not the only ones who wanted to kill her!

They were quite bold to attack openly in the Empire Mall!

However, it was an unexpected gain for her.

She smiled at Qin Jianjia comfortingly. “Sister-in-law, don’t worry. It’s fine. Brother Nine taught me
two moves. Just now, when there were many people, the other party underestimated me and I
gained the upper hand.”

Then, she moved closer to Qin Bailu surreptitiously.

Then, with a wave of her left hand, something flew out from her left wrist and blocked the thing that
was heading towards Qin Jianjia’s head.

She was so fast that Qin Jianjia couldn’t see her clearly.

However, she saw that the thing that was shattered was a bullet!

Someone in the crowd had a gun!

And they even wanted to kill her!

If it wasn’t for Yu’er, would she have…

Her legs went limp and she almost slid down to sit down. Fortunately, she had cultivated a
temperament for many years. Coupled with her background and experience, she was not
inexperienced, so she stabilized herself.

Before she could be shocked, in the blink of an eye, she saw Yan Jinyu kick the man in front of her
away. At the same time, the dagger in her hand flew towards the crowd!
“Argh—” It hit someone!

Yan Jinyu also leaped out. With a kick at each of them, those people were kicked to the ground. She
then went into the shocked crowd.

She stepped on the person who had been stabbed and bent down to pick up the small gun in his

She spun it in her hand and looked down at the person she had stepped on. “You’re quite bold.”

It had actually not even been half a minute since Yan Jinyu blocked the bullet, subdued these people,
and snatched the gun!

Other than her, everyone had yet to recover from their shock. It was obvious how fast she was.

“There’s a gun!” someone in the crowd exclaimed.

Yan Jinyu glanced over. “Be quiet.”

No one dared to speak again.

The few people standing beside the gunman hurriedly retreated when they saw the dagger suddenly
flying towards the man’s heart and falling to the ground.

They were all frightened.

That was a gun! The person with the gun was standing beside them!

It was too scary!

There was a silencer on the gun. If the other party fired a shot secretly, they wouldn’t have known!
It seemed like the gun was not fake!

They broke out in cold sweat.

Yan Jinyu aimed the gun at that person’s head and asked, “Whose men are you?”

The man held his chest which was stabbed and did not answer her question. He only looked at her in
fear, “Y-you are…”

Yan Jinyu raised her eyebrows slightly.

He didn’t know her before, but he only recognized her after she blocked the bullet?

From the looks of it, that seemed to be the case. However, they would only know if it was true after
the interrogation.

After all, if he didn’t know her, he wouldn’t have attacked Qin Jianjia first to divert her attention so
that she wouldn’t notice him immediately. Unfortunately, he had underestimated her strength. He
didn’t expect her to stop him from firing his second shot immediately.

At this moment, the person in charge of the Empire Mall led a group of people up.

They arrived in less than two minutes. That was considered fast.

“Who dares to cause trouble in the Empire Mall!”

The person-in-charge shouted. The first thing he saw was the frightened crowd. Then, he saw the
five men who were lying there and Min Sisi and Qin Bailu, who were staring at Yan Jinyu in shock.
Then, he saw Qin Jianjia.

Startled, he hurriedly stepped forward. “Eldest Young Madam Yin, are you alright? Why…”
Before he could finish asking, he saw Yan Jinyu holding a gun with a silencer and stepping on

He was completely shocked. “M-Miss Yu?”

This person-in-charge was a member on the training ground at the Mount West Villa yesterday. He
had seen Yan Jinyu.

Yan Jinyu looked up and nodded slightly. “Mmm.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Yu. We let you encounter such a thing in your own homeground.” He didn’t ask
what had happened first, but instead stated that he had failed his duty.

Yan Jinyu retracted her foot calmly.

“You can’t be blamed for this. These people came with a plan.”

“Bring them all back to the Mount West Villa and interrogate them slowly.”

“I want to see who instigated them to cause trouble at the Empire Mall.” She did not say that they
were targeting her, but the person in charge of the mall was not stupid. He naturally could tell.

The reason why Yan Jinyu didn’t say anything was because she didn’t want to disturb these
customers too much.

“Also, check the surveillance cameras and bring back the thief who caused trouble and the people
who might be his accomplices.”

Hence, someone in the crowd turned pale.

Some were frightened because they were guilty, while others were completely afraid of being
Even though most of them were ordinary citizens, there were very few people in the capital who
didn’t know Master Nine’s name, especially when Master Nine caused such a huge commotion in the
capital a while ago.

He was the person in charge of the Empire Mall in the capital after all. She still had some courage.
“Bring anyone who runs away in a panic away!”

“Everyone, don’t panic. No one wants to see such a thing happen in the mall. We won’t let anyone
who dares to cause trouble in the Empire Mall go. However, if you’re not someone who had caused
trouble and were frightened because of this, as compensation, all expenses in the Empire Mall today
will be 20% off.”

“Of course, this is only part of the compensation. Those who have a mall membership or are willing
to go on an in-name basis will have three chances to get a 10% discount when they come back to the
Empire Mall to spend in the future.”

“Is it really 20% off? All the merchandise?” a rich lady in the crowd asked.

“Yes, 20% off for all the merchandise.”

Everyone was in an uproar.

All the products were 20% off!

There were even three more chances to get a 10% discount for all expenses in the future!

This was not just one or two items being discounted, but all the merchandise!

The things sold in the Empire Mall were not cheap. Any discount could save a lot of money!

Who would care if they were frightened?

“However, before that, no one is allowed to leave the Empire Mall for half an hour. After we check
the surveillance cameras and catch all the suspicious people, you can go anywhere you want. It
won’t take long. Half an hour is enough.”

“Of course, we won’t force them to stop us. If anyone leaves the Empire Mall in half an hour, it’s
hard to say if they’ll be arrested as suspects or be on the Empire Mall’s blacklist forever.”

Carrot and stick.

There was a saying that the discount might not be a loss. They could even make more with the
increase in sales volume.

These customers had been frightened, so they might not dare to come to the Empire Mall again.
Hence, he would use 10% off for the next three shopping trips to keep them. Perhaps, in order to
take advantage of that small discount, these people would call their family and friends over to buy as
much as they could for the next shopping trip.

This method was indeed smart.

Yan Jinyu thought, No wonder Yin Jiujin could expand his business so big in just a few years.
Everyone under him was capable, so how could his business not be big?

Yes, she was a little smug.

Such a formidable person was hers. Chapter 230: Can’t See Through It

“Of course. Not to mention half an hour, I think I’ll stay in the mall for the rest of the day.” It was
that rich lady again.

She was a regular shopper. She was excited to have such a huge discount.

“I hope that everyone won’t spread what happened today.”

Everyone quickly replied, “Of course.”

They couldn’t afford to offend Master Nine, so they naturally didn’t dare to spread it.

“Then, let’s disperse.”

After this commotion, many people recognized Yan Jinyu’s identity. However, the current situation
wasn’t the time to make a good impression through connections.

However, they had a new understanding of Yan Jinyu.

Didn’t they say that Master Nine’s fiancée was an uncouth girl who grew up in a rural orphanage?
Didn’t they say that even if she came from a famous family, she was still a country bumpkin?

But who could tell them that such a beautiful and skilled person with such a beautiful grace was a
country bumpkin?

Thinking about it, how could someone whom Master Nine treated differently be bad?

However, although they understood in their hearts, they didn’t dare to say anything out of fear for
Master Nine after leaving this mall.

“Miss Yu…” The person in charge waited for Yan Jinyu’s instructions.

“Go ahead.” As she spoke, she threw the gun in her hand to him.

“Then Miss Yu…” He glanced at Qin Jianjia and the others, who were quite frightened.” Do you need
me to send a few people to protect you? ”

“There’s no need for that.”

“I wish Miss Yu and Eldest Young Madam Yin a happy shopping trip, then.”

After saying that, he led a group of people and brought away the people who had been kicked to the
ground by Yan Jinyu.

Now, there were only four of them left.

People looked at them from time to time.

Qin Jianjia looked at Yan Jinyu with a complicated gaze and exhaled lightly. “Let’s find a quiet place
to sit for a while.”

“I’m afraid we won’t be able to go,” Yan Jinyu said with a smile.

Then, she looked at Qin Bailu, who was holding the back of her neck and looking pale with fear.
“Second Miss Qin seems to have been injured. Aren’t you going to the hospital to take a look?”


“Why? Why would I have skills?”

“Second Miss Qin, you’re from a top-notch family after all. You can’t be so naive, right? Do you think
Brother Nine would let me walk around freely if I didn’t have any self-defense skills? He values me so
much. Isn’t he afraid that his enemies will catch me and then threaten him?”

“Of course, Brother Nine taught me my skills personally when I lived in Mount Jing for the past few
months. How is it? Am I very talented in martial arts? I’ve only studied for a few months, but I
already have such skills. Brother Nine said that if I joined them a few years ago, I would probably
become an expert.”
Who would believe her?

Perhaps Qin Bailu would believe her, but Min Sisi and Qin Jianjia, who had seen her block the bullet,
would definitely not believe her.

Min Sisi did not believe her because she knew that no matter how formidable someone was, it was
impossible for them to train to such formidable skills in just a few months.

She could still defeat a few people after training for a few months, but when she sensed that
someone was hiding in the crowd with a gun, she could accurately find them and casually throw a
dagger at that person. Such sharp perception and precise technique was impossible without a few
years of effort.

Moreover, Yan Jinyu was already 18 years old. Her bones were already stiff. No matter how good her
foundation was, it was impossible for her to learn martial arts so effectively.

Although Qin Jianjia didn’t have any skills, she knew that not everyone could block a bullet, let alone
shatter a bullet.

She was so formidable after only learning for a few months?

Who was she kidding?

Furthermore, Jin’er’s subordinates were actually so respectful to Yu’er. She didn’t think it was all
because Yu’er had Jin’er’s protection.

And the reaction of the gunman after Yu’er subdued him.

He seemed to know Yu’er?

“Why didn’t you say that you’re so skilled?!” Qin Bailu said angrily.

If she had known that Yan Jinyu was so skilled, how could she have designed this so carelessly?
They couldn’t even kill Yan Jinyu, who was so skilled, with a dagger or a gun, her initial plan of
creating a scene and letting someone knock Yan Jinyu down the stairs in the chaos would be even
more impossible!

Yan Jinyu looked at her as if she was looking at an idiot. “Why should I tell you that I’m skilled? Is
there something wrong with your brain? Are we so familiar that we can talk about this?”

After saying that, she gave a faint smile. “Speaking of which, did Second Miss Qin bump into me in
the chaos just now? If I didn’t have some skills to quickly dodge, I’m afraid I would have fallen
straight down.”

She looked down from the railing. “If I fall from here, I’ll lose my life, right?”

She then looked at Qin Bailu and chuckled. “Second Miss Qin, do you want to kill me?”

Qin Bailu wanted to refute, but Yan Jinyu didn’t give her a chance to speak. “Why do you want to kill
me? Is it because I don’t want to show you the necklace Brother Nine gave me? Or is it because…”

“I’m in your way?”

Yan Jinyu smiled, but Qin Bailu looked terrified.

“Qin Bailu, I told you in the main hall of the North City Empire Group that you shouldn’t have any
underserved thoughts.”

“It’s already unforgivable that you’re thinking about my man and now you even want to get rid of

“You’re quite ambitious.”

“W-What nonsense are you talking about? Who had the intention to kill you? I was careless just
now. Under such circumstances, how would I know if I would hit someone? I was hit by someone.
Besides, didn’t I not hit you? I was injured too…”
Yan Jinyu interrupted her, “Enough, don’t talk about this. I don’t like to reason with others. Whether
you have any thoughts or want to kill me, you’ll naturally know when I interrogate those people

“As for you saying that you didn’t hit me, that’s because I’m good at dodging. It has nothing to do
with you. As for you being injured, that was done on purpose. Can’t you tell?”

Qin Bailu held the back of her neck. “Y-you…”

“Stop saying ‘you’. I’ve already shown mercy. Otherwise, your neck would have been broken long
ago. Do you believe me?”

Her smile was very harmless, but to Qin Bailu, she looked like a demon.

However, Yan Jinyu suddenly stopped smiling. “I’m warning you one last time. Don’t think about my

“Of course. If you want to kill me, I’ll entertain you anytime, as long as you can live until then.”

“Qin Bailu, pray that those people really have nothing to do with you. If they really have something
to do with you, do you think the Qin Family can protect you? Don’t forget, I have someone
protecting me. Do you think the Qin Family is afraid of my Brother Nine?”

Qin Bailu wanted to refute, but she couldn’t.

Because those people were indeed related to her.

Her legs went limp and she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, she held onto the railing.

“I-I didn’t! It has nothing to do with me!”

“Don’t be anxious. I didn’t say that it’s really related to you. Didn’t I say that I still have to go back to
interrogate those people? I don’t want to do anything to Second Miss Qin immediately either. Didn’t
I persuade Second Miss Qin to go to the hospital first?”

“You were the one who injured me! I haven’t settled the score with you. You…”

Yan Jinyu chuckled, “Second Miss Qin, aren’t you a little too naive? You believed me so easily when I
said that I was the one who injured you?”

“Would others believe you if you told them? I was busy dealing with those people just now. How
could I be in the mood to care about you?”

“Y-you clearly didn’t say that just now! You admitted it yourself and said that you bumped into me!”

Yan Jinyu smiled. “Even I was the one who knocked you down. What can you do about it?”

Min Sisi couldn’t understand her explanation, let alone Qin Bailu.

Qin Bailu was choked.

Yes, what could she do?

Could she still fight Yan Jinyu? But could she beat Yan Jinyu?

Besides, she indeed didn’t have any evidence. Instead, Yan Jinyu had something on her. She… might
be in big trouble!

What should she do now?

Suddenly, Qin Bailu’s eyes lit up when she saw Qin Jianjia, who was standing at the side silently.
“Sister, don’t believe Yan Jinyu’s nonsense. I’m not. Those people really have nothing to do with
Qin Jianjia retracted her gaze that was sizing Yan Jinyu up and looked at Qin Bailu. “Bailu, go to the
hospital first. It’s best if it really has nothing to do with you. If it’s related to you, not to mention
Jin’er and Yu’er, even your brother and I won’t let you off.”

“You know that your brother and Jin’er have a very good relationship. You also know your brother’s
temper. He’s businesslike and upright. The thing he can’t tolerate the most is people hiring killers
and murdering people.”

“If it’s really related to you, Bailu, you’ll die very badly.”

“Sister-in-law, when you mentioned hiring someone to murder, I suddenly thought of something.”

Looking at the frightened Qin Bailu, Yan Jinyu smiled faintly and said, “In North City, there were five
or six killers who wanted to take my life. Fortunately, Brother Nine was around, so I was fine. After
the interrogation, I found out that the other party was hired by Qiu Jian.”

“Second Miss Qin is very familiar with Qiu Jian, right? Guess what I found out from Qiu Jian later?”

Of course, the person who asked Qiu Jian was not Yan Jinyu, but Min Rufeng.

After getting the results, Min Rufeng called Yan Jinyu the next day.

Including the news from Qiu Jian that Qin Bailu was used by her biological mother, Bai
Shuangshuang, and Min Rufeng had told Yan Jinyu about Bai Shuangshuang and Min Guili’s
extraordinary relationship.

Yan Jinyu also knew that Min Rufeng had sent Qiu Jian away. As for where she was sent to, she
didn’t care.

Qin Bailu widened her eyes. “You took Qiu Jian away!”

“It’s not accurate to say that we’re taking her away. We’re just exchanging the information she has
in exchange for sending her overseas.”
“On the other hand, Second Miss Qin actually has the mood to care who took Qiu Jian away now. Do
you think Qiu Jian wouldn’t say anything?”

“I won’t let go of the person who wants to kill me so easily. I won’t pursue Qiu Jian because she’s not
the mastermind. Second Miss Qin hired those killers and Qiu Jian is missing. Isn’t Second Miss Qin
worried that we already know who wants to kill me?”

“Don’t be nervous. Actually, I already knew that you did this. Didn’t I still keep you alive until now? I
won’t make you pay for the time being.”

“As for when I’ll make you pay the price, that’s hard to say.”

“Speaking of which, you’re a pitiful person too.”

“W-What do you mean by that?!”

Yan Jinyu blinked. “Didn’t Qiu Jian tell Second Miss Qin anything?”

“…No, no!” She did. Qiu Jian would say that she had been used!

“If she didn’t, so be it. Second Miss Qin is a pitiful person, but I’m a hard-hearted person. I won’t
show you mercy just because you’re a pitiful person.”

“I’ll bring Bailu to the hospital,” Min Sisi suddenly said. Chapter 231: Suspicious Of Min Sisi

“Wait first,” Qin Jianjia suddenly said.

Her gaze landed on Qin Bailu, and Qin Jianjia’s expression was not very good. “You really hired
someone to kill us?”

Qin Jianjia didn’t think that Yan Jinyu’s words were nonsense.

In other words, did Qin Bailu really find killers to assassinate Yu’er?
Not only was this matter related to Qin Bailu, but Qin Bailu had done this before.

Although hiring killers and finding people to cause trouble and attack Yu’er in the chaos was both
intended to kill Yu’er, their natures were very different. Furthermore, according to Yu’er, Qin Bailu
had hired five to six killers!


She had never seen Qin Jianjia’s face turn cold. Normally, Qin Bailu would be frightened, but now,
Qin Bailu was already very frightened by Yan Jinyu’s words.

In comparison, Qin Jianjia’s cold face didn’t affect her that much.

However, the moment Qin Jianjia spoke, she noticed Qin Jianjia again. She wanted to grab onto this
life-saving straw. “Sister, I didn’t. You have to believe me!”

“Sister, you know best whether I’m bold or not. Not to mention hiring someone to kill, I don’t even
dare to step on an ant.”

“Eldest Miss Yan, I don’t know what Qiu Jian said to you. I just want to say that whether it’s this time
or the killers you mentioned, it has nothing to do with me…”

Before she could finish speaking, she was slapped hard by Qin Jianjia.

With a loud slap, Qin Bailu’s face was reddened.

Qin Bailu glared at her angrily. “How dare you…”

“Qin Bailu, it’s not up to you to decide if these matters have anything to do with you. You better pray
that they’re really unrelated to you. Otherwise, you’ll die very miserably.”
Yu’er said that she was fine because Jin’er was by her side when they hired killers to deal with her.
Didn’t that mean that Jin’er was facing those killers at that time?

One or two killers would be still fine given Jin’er’s skills, but five or six…

Although she had little contact with them, she knew that killers were professionally trained.

Some formidable killers could even sneak into the heavily guarded big families to kill people and
escape unscathed. Sometimes, when a killer didn’t deliberately leave the killer’s mark after they
killed someone and left, no one would know that it was done by them.

Just like the head of the Jones Family in Country Y many years ago. Didn’t he die at the hands of an
extremely formidable killer? It was said that that killer was the number one killer in the killer world.

If the killer Qin Bailu hired was this powerful, didn’t that mean that Jin’er was also in grave danger?

Even if she couldn’t interfere in this matter for the time being, she had to slap Qin Bailu to give her a
lesson first. As for the subsequent matters, Jin’er probably wouldn’t let her interfere too much.

“Qin Bailu, I’ll say it again. Be it the hired killers that Yu’er mentioned or this matter, it’s best if it
really has nothing to do with you. Otherwise, it won’t be as simple as a slap.”

She looked at Min Sisi. “Alright, since Sisi wants to bring her to the hospital, bring her there.” She
asked them to wait because she wanted to teach Qin Bailu a lesson.

“Are you scared just now, Eldest Miss Min?” Yan Jinyu suddenly said with a smile. She was very
friendly and looked like she was really concerned about Min Sisi.

Min Sisi looked up at her and paused for a moment before saying, “Speaking of that, I’m not afraid
of being laughed at by Eldest Miss Yan. Although I’ve grown up in the capital’s Min Family, I’ve never
encountered anything as dangerous as just now. I’m indeed a little frightened. It’s just that my
upbringing prevented me from being rude outside, so I tried my best to maintain my composure.”

“Excuse me. I’ve embarrassed myself in front of Eldest Miss Yan and Cousin-in-law.”
As she spoke, her face turned pale.

Yan Jinyu looked at her and smiled without saying a word.

Min Sisi, on the other hand, other than looking a little pale and indeed looking a little frightened, did
not show any abnormal behavior. Instead, she sighed with emotion, “I didn’t expect Eldest Miss Yan
to be so skilled. It seems like Eldest Miss Yan is indeed a good seedling to learn martial arts.”

“I can’t do it. I’ve been in poor health since I was young. I wanted to learn a few self-defense moves
from a martial arts teacher but my family didn’t agree, so I could only read and write quietly.”

“It’s good to read and write. It’s good to cultivate our body and character. Unlike me, who has led a
wandering life for all these years, I barely managed to get a junior high education. I could only do
some manual labor to support myself. After I came back, I could only learn things like martial arts
that only needed me to use my limbs and not my brains.”

Min Sisi couldn’t guess what Yan Jinyu meant.

Not to mention that she didn’t believe Yan Jinyu’s words at all, even if she did, their relationship
wasn’t close enough to talk about this.

She couldn’t tell Yan Jinyu’s intentions.

“Miss Yan, you’re being too humble.”

“Then, we shall go first. We’ll meet again next time.”

Yan Jinyu chuckled, “Take care.”

Hearing that, Min Sisi paused and looked at Yan Jinyu deeply before supporting the angry and
uneasy Qin Bailu and leaving.
It was only when they took the escalator to the first floor that Qin Jianjia retracted her gaze and
looked at Yan Jinyu. Her eyes were filled with doubts, “Yu’er, are you… Is there something wrong
with Sisi?”

Yan Jinyu smiled as usual, “No, why would Sister-in-law ask that?”

“It’s just that your attitude towards Sisi seems a little strange.”

Yan Jinyu blinked. “Really?”

Was it not?

Qin Jianjia thought about it carefully and realized that there was indeed nothing strange about it.

Throughout the entire process, Yu’er was talking to Qin Bailu and didn’t communicate with Min Sisi.
Only when Min Sisi suddenly said that she wanted to bring Qin Bailu to the hospital did Yu’er
communicate with Min Sisi.

But why did she feel that something was wrong?

Forget it. If she couldn’t figure it out, she wouldn’t think about it for the time being. After all that had
happened today, her mind was actually a little messy.

Especially since she had walked through the gates of hell and was still feeling a lingering fear.

At the thought of this, Qin Jianjia said hesitantly, “Yu’er, just now, you…”


Looking into Yan Jinyu’s smiling clear eyes, Qin Jianjia suddenly couldn’t continue to ask anymore.

What was she going to ask? Ask her if that person had really fired a gun? Did she really block the
What if Yu’er said yes? What else did she want to ask?

Get to the bottom of it?

What happened after that?

What good would it do her to know Yu’er’s background? She couldn’t interfere in Jin’er’s matters
either. Other than treating Yu’er as one of her own, what else could she do?

Judging from the reaction of the people under Jin’er when they saw Yu’er, they didn’t seem to be
surprised that Yu’er had skills and was quite skilled. In other words, they knew.

How could Jin’er not know what his subordinates knew?

Since that was the case and they would not become enemies anyway, she might as well know less
and worry less.

Let’s simply assume that Jin’er had taught Yu’er her skills personally.

Besides, Yu’er had just saved her life.

She smiled faintly. “Nothing.”

“Where are we going now?” Qin Jianjia asked.

“Of course, I want to continue shopping. Didn’t Sister-in-law decide to bring me around today to
familiarize myself with the capital?” Yan Jinyu smiled. “Of course, I can’t let Sister-in-law down.”

However, after gaining a new understanding of you, I don’t think you still need me to familiarize you
with the capital.

Qin Jianjia thought.

However, she did not say that out loud.

“There’s always a chance to shop. I don’t want to waste your time. You’re planning to go to the
Mount West Villa to interrogate those people personally, right?”

“There’s no hurry.” Yan Jinyu smiled. “Brother Nine has gone to the company. Let’s wait for him to
come back.”

“I can’t interrogate people. Let’s leave it to Brother Nine.”

In reality, Yan Jinyu’s plan was naturally not like this.

It was not that she could not interrogate someone.

Other than competing their brains, the interrogation was also a competition of ruthlessness.

She lacked neither brains nor ruthlessness.

Yan Jinyu was just making those people who wanted to attack her feel uneasy for a day.

To the people who wanted to kill her, it was too light a punishment to return with the same method.
No matter what, she had to make the other party feel uneasy and anxious for a while before she

As for what Qin Jianjia asked her, was there something wrong with Min Sisi?

The answer was that Min Sisi really had a problem.

However, it was good that Qin Jianjia didn’t know certain things.

Otherwise, Qin Jianjia might often encounter dangerous situations like the one earlier.
Yan Jinyu wasn’t someone who cared if others would be frightened, nor was she someone who had
the mood to talk so much to Qin Bailu. Her attitude towards Min Sisi and her nonsense to Qin Bailu
were just to further confirm her guess.

Just now, when the group of people chasing the thieves swarmed over, Min Sisi was actually not
bumped by anyone in such a chaotic situation.

This was not what a weak daughter of a wealthy family could do.

Even Qin Jianjia was knocked twice.

With Yan Jinyu’s judgment, she could tell how Min Sisi managed to remain standing steadily under
such circumstances with a casual glance.

Min Sisi was obviously skilled.

Of course, it was fine to have some skills in such a big family. After all, the children of big families
would learn martial arts from one or two martial arts teachers as self-defense when they were

However, Min Sisi said that she had been in poor health since she was young and could only read
and write…

Why was Min Sisi hiding her skills for no reason?

Moreover, the information that Yan Jinyu had in the past didn’t mention anything about Min Sisi’s
skills. Yan Jinyu dared to say that Min Rufeng definitely didn’t know either.

Min Rufeng had returned to the capital and investigated the Min Family with Xi Fengling for three
years. If even he didn’t know that Min Sisi was skilled, then it was very worth pondering about.

“Since you’ve said so, let’s walk around again. However, after making such a big commotion just
now, I’m afraid many people have remembered us. It’s not suitable for us to stay in the Empire Mall
anymore. Shall we change places?”
“Anything is fine. Sister-in-law, just arrange it.”

After that, the two of them changed places to shop.

The capital was very big. The Empire Mall was not the only good place.

However, their main goal in the afternoon was not shopping but delicious food.

Qin Jianjia brought Yan Jinyu to eat a lot of delicious food.

They had fun, but Qin Bailu was in trouble.

The back of her neck was slightly fractured. If she came to the hospital a second later, she would
become a cripple.

Other than that, Qin Bailu was also scolded by Bai Shuangshuang.

If not for the fact that the head of the Qin Family, Qin Chongwen, was also present, Bai
Shuangshuang probably would not have simply scolded Qin Bailu. She would definitely have given
her a few slaps.

In front of Qin Chongwen, Bai Shuangshuang told Qin Bailu that she expected better from her. She
said that she roughly knew the situation from Qin Jianjia and even said that it was best if the matter
really had nothing to do with Qin Bailu. If it was related to her, she wouldn’t be able to protect Qin
Bailu either.

Qin Bailu was already terrified and uneasy, and hearing Bai Shuangshuang’s words, she felt even
more uneasy.

Qin Bailu wanted to refute that Bai Shuangshuang knew that she did all these things.
However, when she met Bai Shuangshuang’s cold gaze, she did not dare to say it.

“You stay here and keep watch first. I’ll send Sisi home. This child personally sent Bailu to the
hospital. Logically speaking, I should thank her in person. At the same time, I should ask her how
things are going. It’s also good to think of a way to deal with the problem now,” Bai Shuangshuang
said to Qin Chongwen, who was sitting by the bed. Chapter 232: The Hospital’s Corridor

Qin Chongwen nodded. “Mm-hm.”

After Bai Shuangshuang left, Qin Chongwen stood up to pour water for Qin Bailu, “Have a glass of
water first.”

“Your mother’s tone was a little harsh just now. Don’t take it to heart. She’s doing this for your own
good. Say, why did you join in the fun for no reason? Now that something has happened, not only
are you implicated and injured, but you’re also suspected.”

“Daddy, do you trust me?”

“Drink some water first.”

Qin Bailu glanced at Qin Chongwen and took a sip of water.

After she finished drinking, Qin Chongwen took the glass and put it away. He said, “Of course, Dad
trusts you. You’ve always been obedient. How could you possibly do anything to harm others?”

“You’re more obedient and sensible than your siblings. This time, you went out with your sister.
Who knows if your sister could have deliberately framed you because she has a grudge against

Hearing his words, Qin Bailu lowered her eyes and clenched her fists. A ruthless glint flashed across
her eyes.

No one was reliable now. Since her father was so biased towards her, perhaps only her father could
protect her in the end.
When she looked up again, she had an aggrieved expression. “Daddy, Sister isn’t such a person.”

If she didn’t show this expression, Qin Chongwen might still believe her. However, she sounded
extremely aggrieved when she said this. It was as if Qin Jianjia had done it while she had covered it

“Hmph! You don’t have to put in a good word for her. I know best what kind of temper she and Qin
Hao have. Although they don’t say it, they hate me for marrying your mother back then. They don’t
dare to show it in front of me, so they can only target you in private.”

“But Daddy, Sister really didn’t…”

“Alright, you don’t have to put in a good word for her anymore. You’re just too kind-hearted to be
bullied like this. Take care of your injuries first. Daddy will settle the rest and won’t let the Yin Family
make things difficult for you.”

“But Daddy, will the Yin Family listen to you? And Master Nine… Are you really confident that you
can protect me in front of Master Nine?”

Qin Chongwen’s expression froze.

Due to their status, the others in the Yin Family wouldn’t be too much, except Yin Jiujin.

It had been two years since he retired and Old Master had passed away 10 years ago.

Ever since the Old Master passed away, the Qin Family’s status had been getting worse year by year.
It was only after his inflexible son made a name for himself in the army that the Qin Family gradually
recovered to its former glory.

The current Qin Family… was supported by Qin Hao, who didn’t know how to adapt. It was already
difficult for them to face the Yin Family, let alone Yin Jiujin…

Yin Jiujin didn’t have so many scruples when he did things. He didn’t even mind making a fuss when
the Yin Family wasn’t to his liking. Furthermore, he had made a fuss for so many years, let alone
dealing with an outsider like him.
He didn’t think that Yin Jiujin was someone who would give him face.

Besides, Yin Jiujin and Qin Hao had a very good relationship. Qin Hao would definitely not side with
him when he had to go against Yin Jiujin.

“Of course!” He knew it in his heart, but he couldn’t admit it on the surface.

“Don’t worry, Daddy will settle it.”

Of course, Qin Bailu didn’t believe that he could really settle it.

Not to mention Master Nine, Daddy was even a little afraid of that honest person, Qin Hao. After all,
Daddy had already retired for two years and didn’t have any real power in his hands.

To think that her father had also retired from the army when he was actually afraid of that honest
and simple person, Qin Hao! She was not afraid, nor did she care about Qin Hao.

However, even if she didn’t believe him, she could only rely on her father now.

She didn’t know if she was too sensitive, but she felt that her mother’s attitude towards her wasn’t
the attitude a mother should have towards her daughter.

It was only right for parents to scold their children when they did something wrong.

However, wasn’t what she did allowed by her mother? Moreover, it was already like this. Shouldn’t
her mother be thinking of ways to protect her from being pursued by Master Nine? Even if she didn’t
want to do that, shouldn’t she care about her injuries first when she saw that she was injured?

Instead, she scolded her the moment they met.

“Daddy, you have to protect me. I really didn’t do it. I didn’t know that someone would hide in the
crowd and harm Yan Jinyu. I’m standing with Yan Jinyu. If I really wanted to scheme against her,
would I be so stupid?”
Qin Bailu paused at that.

How could she have forgotten about that!

Previously, she thought that they were in the Empire Mall, Master Nine’s territory, so she didn’t dare
to make too much of a commotion. She only created chaos and got someone to knock Yan Jinyu
down the stairs during the chaos. She didn’t ask anyone to use a knife. This meant that other than
her, those people were very likely to have received orders from others.

Didn’t this mean that even if Master Nine interrogated those people, he might not be able to find
out about her? Even if he found out, her fault wouldn’t be the greatest?

At least someone else would be taking the blame?

At that moment, Qin Bailu suddenly wished that it wasn’t those people who made the decision on
their own. Someone had given them another order.

“Daddy knows. Of course, Daddy trusts you.”

“Daddy, don’t you think that my mother’s attitude towards me is very strange?”

Qin Chongwen’s face darkened. “What are you talking about!”

“Is your mother’s attitude towards you strange because she scolded you for your own good? You
have to know that all parents in the world care about their children. Even if they beat and scold
them, it’s for the good of their children.”

“Your mother is the same. She scolded you for your own good. Who asked you to join in the fun for
no reason? If you want to shop, you can just ask a few friends out. Why do you have to follow your
sister and the Yin Family’s second son’s fiancée?”

“The second son of the Yin Family knows that he’s making enemies everywhere, but he still dares to
let his fiancée go shopping so openly. Isn’t it just giving others a chance to make a move? Who can
he blame?”
“Speaking of which, I’m actually a little curious about this daughter of the Yan Family in North City.
With the temper of the second son of the Yin Family, he actually values her so much. Have you seen
her before? Have you discovered anything outstanding about her?”

“Daddy, don’t you stay at home all day? How do you know that Master Nine values her?”

He valued her!

Qin Bailu gritted her teeth.

“Daddy is staying at home, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t care about what’s going on outside.
Recently, the second son of the Yin Family has caused such a huge commotion in the capital. It’s
hard for me not to know. Moreover, the news that he brought back the daughter of the Yan Family
who had been missing for 16 years has also spread like wildfire. How can I not hear anything about

“What is she like?”

After being threatened by Yan Jinyu and having the back of her neck injured by her, she didn’t want
to hear anything about Yan Jinyu at all now. However, even her father kept mentioning Yan Jinyu!

Qin Bailu didn’t want to admit that the reason why she didn’t want to hear anyone mention Yan
Jinyu was actually not only because she didn’t like Yan Jinyu, but also because she had an
indescribable fear for Yan Jinyu.

Hence, Qin Bailu said impatiently, “What else? She’s just a good-looking face!”

“So she’s just pretty.”

“All men like beauty. I didn’t expect that the second son of the Yin Family, who has a strange temper
and behaves irrationally, would be no exception either. I thought that he, who has no woman by his
side all these years, would be an exception.”

Qin Chongwen looked like a gossipy woman in the marketplace.

Qin Bailu frowned slightly. “Daddy, now isn’t the time to care about this. You should think of a way
to see what to do so I can be fine.”

Qin Bailu didn’t tell him that Yan Jinyu had deliberately hit the back of her neck.

One of the reasons was that it was very painful. Furthermore, the doctor said that she would have
been paralysed if she came to the hospital later. It frightened her, so she was not in the mood to say

Another reason was that Bai Shuangshuang had scolded her the moment she arrived at the hospital,
causing her to forget about this completely.

Bai Shuangshuang had chased after Min Sisi when she remembered.

Coupled with Bai Shuangshuang’s attitude towards Qin Bailu, Qin Bailu knew that others might not
believe her even if she said it, so she couldn’t bother to say it.

“Daddy knows. Daddy was just curious so I asked a few more questions.”

“Rest first. Daddy will go make a call and get someone to investigate.”


At the corridor of the VIP ward, Bai Shuangshuang caught up with Min Sisi.


Min Sisi frowned slightly and stopped. She turned back. “Auntie, is there anything else?”

“N-nothing. I just wanted to ask you if you were injured in today’s situation.” Her tone was a little
Bai Shuangshuang was a seductive and proud person. After marrying into the Qin Family, she mostly
looked down on people and rarely took the initiative to curry favor with anyone.

Of course, Bai Shuangshuang was accomplished in ballet, so when facing outsiders, her aura was

She looked pure on the outside but was seductive on the inside. This was also the reason why Qin
Chongwen liked her so much that she could climb to her current status with her background.

“No, thank you for your concern, Auntie.”

Bai Shuangshuang looked around. Seeing that there was no one around, she said, “Sisi, there are no
outsiders here. You don’t have to call me Auntie.”

Min Sisi sized her up from top to bottom, then sneered, “If I don’t call you auntie, what should I call
you? Don’t tell me you want me to call you mother? Bai Shuangshuang, you’re really shameless.”

Bai Shuangshuang had an incredulous expression, “Sisi, w-what’s wrong with you?”

“Why do you have to make such an incredulous expression? Haven’t I always been like this since I
was young?”

“Oh, it can’t be said that ever since I was young, my body wasn’t well when I was young. My mother
had once asked someone to take care of me for a few years. During that period of time, I didn’t see
any outsiders, so I didn’t have the chance to treat you with such an attitude.” However, at that time,
the Min Family said to the outside world that she wasn’t in good health and would stay at home to
recuperate for a few years before going to school.

Because she would occasionally come back and show her face, it did not arouse anyone’s suspicion.

“Sisi, didn’t your father and I tell you that Meng An isn’t your mother but I am? It’s fine in front of
strangers, but you shouldn’t call her Mom in front of me?”

Min Sisi looked at her and sneered, “Why are you still bothering me? Bai Shuangshuang, where did
you get your confidence from? Do you think you’re more qualified than Meng An to be my mother?”
“What are you saying! I gave birth to you and I’ve planned for you for so many years. Why am I not
qualified to be your mother?!”

Min Sisi put her index finger to her lips. “Shh.”

Under her spectacle frame, the pair of eyes were smiling. They were no longer gentle and generous
like before. Instead, they were a little sinister. “Auntie, you’re so loud. Aren’t you afraid that your
nominal husband will hear you?”

“If he hears that, Auntie, you’ll be in big trouble.”

“Speaking of which, Auntie, you’re also a capable person. You can deal with two out of three of the
heads of the top three families in the capital. Tsk tsk.”


Bai Shuangshuang’s face turned red. She didn’t believe that she could really say such horrible words.

Min Sisi looked at her with a hint of mockery. “What about me? Am I wrong?” Chapter 233: Layers of

“Auntie, don’t talk about planning for me. I don’t need you to plan for what I want.”

“What do you mean? Are you not taking what your father and I have done for you seriously? Don’t
you know what your father and I have done for you all these years?”

“So, what’s the result of all that you’ve done?”

“You can’t even kill a two-year-old child. What can you accomplish?”
“Not only did you not kill her, you even gave me a strong opponent. You can’t accomplish anything
but ruin everything!” Min Sisi’s attitude was not like Bai Shuangshuang’s daughter, but more like Bai
Shuangshuang’s master.

It made Bai Shuangshuang freeze.

When she realized what Min Sisi had said, she hurriedly asked, “What do you mean by that? What
do you mean by a strong opponent? Even if that daughter of the Yan Family didn’t die and came
back, she’s just a little girl who grew up in the countryside. How is she a strong opponent?”

As she spoke, she thought of something and fell silent..

Then, she said angrily, “Who knew that Master Nine would be so concerned about her! With Master
Nine’s favoritism, she’s indeed a strong opponent!”

Min Sisi’s face darkened. “Who told you that the strong opponent I’m talking about is because of


“Sisi! I’m your mother! How can you talk to me like that!”

“Look, you’re getting excited again. I don’t mind being heard by others. Anyway, I won’t be the one
to suffer in the end. As for you, Auntie…”

Bai Shuangshuang’s face turned pale, and she hurriedly looked around. Seeing that there was no one
around, she felt relieved.

“It’s fine if you can’t kill a two-year-old child, but you didn’t even investigate the background of the
other party after she came back alive.”

At that time, she was focused on avoiding the people who swarmed over, so she didn’t see Yan Jinyu
make a move immediately. However, she knew that the gunman’s gun was obviously fired.
He had fired, but no one was shot. There were no traces of a bullet either, which puzzled her.

Looking at Yan Jinyu’s subsequent actions, she guessed that the bullet that flew out and disappeared
must be related to Yan Jinyu somehow.

Not to mention that Yan Jinyu had the ability to avoid bullets, just based on Yan Jinyu’s ability to get
rid of those people in half a minute, she was definitely not an easy person to deal with.

“I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

Bai Shuangshuang felt that she understood, but she felt that it couldn’t be what she thought.

“Isn’t Yan Jinyu just a country girl who grew up in an orphanage in a rural town?”

Min Sisi sneered, “Can that country girl seriously injure Qiu Jian when she was racing?”

“But when we investigated again, the results were no different from what we found previously. Yan
Jinyu was a wild girl who grew up in an orphanage in a rural town and even dropped out of school to
work for three years.”

“That’s where she’s good at! How many people have investigated her background and all ended up
with the same results? What does this mean?”

“But, since you’re suspicious, why didn’t you say anything when we got the results again?”

Min Sisi’s expression froze.

Then, her eyes turned sharp.

That was because she didn’t take Yan Jinyu seriously at all. Even if Yan Jinyu had a side that didn’t
match the information she found, she didn’t care much.
It was only when she saw Yan Jinyu in person, saw the scene of the two of them hugging and kissing
on the street, then saw Yan Jinyu make a move, and witnessed Yan Jinyu’s unfathomable actions
that she finally valued Yan Jinyu!

“Why should I tell you? Who are you to me?”

“I’ll remind you one last time. You’re not my mother. Don’t speak to me with such an attitude next


Min Sisi glanced at her coldly, and Bai Shuangshuang quickly changed her words, “Alright, alright,
whatever you say. Sisi, don’t be angry.”

“Mom… I was thinking too simply. I wanted Qin Bailu to be in the forefront and get rid of her. We
don’t have to touch her. I didn’t expect Yan Jinyu to be so difficult to deal with. I’m afraid we can’t
protect Qin Bailu this time.”

She wasn’t worried about Qin Bailu’s safety. All she felt was displeasure at losing a chess piece that
she had nurtured for many years.

“However, Sisi, don’t worry. Your father and I will get the best for you. When you marry into the Yin
Family in the future, you will have the support of the three big families. You will be the most
respected woman in the capital.”

Min Sisi looked at her with disdain. “You don’t have to interfere in my matters. I’ll get whatever I
want myself. Don’t think that dragging me down is the greatest help to me. If you have the time to
interfere in my matters, why don’t you use it to control yourself!”

“Yan Jinyu sent Qiu Jian away. Why is it such a coincidence that she took her away when you wanted
to attack Qiu Jian? Haven’t you thought of that?”

“Aren’t you worried about what Qiu Jian knows and what she had said to Yan Jinyu?”

She snorted. “You haven’t even settled your own matters yet and you still want to interfere in my
After saying that, she turned to leave, but Bai Shuangshuang was delighted and called her, “Sisi!”

Min Sisi turned back with an impatient expression. “Are you done!”

“Sisi, were you concerned about me just now? Are you reminding me because you’re afraid that I’ll
be in trouble when the Qin Family and Qin Bailu find out?”

“You’re so shameless! Care about you? Do you think you’re worthy? I just don’t want you guys to
ruin my plans!”

“Don’t tell me you’re not smart enough to understand what I’m trying to say?”

Bai Shuangshuang’s smile froze.

She wanted to be angry but didn’t dare to. Her expression looked a little twisted.

“Sisi, do you have to talk to me like that?”

“Talking to you like this is already giving you a lot of face. Bai Shuangshuang, if the pawn that you
raised is useless, just get rid of it. Don’t let her find out the truth and cause trouble in the end. I don’t
like this kind of trouble.”

“Do you understand what I mean?”

“Also, don’t say strange things in such an open area in the future.” She looked up at a certain spot on
the wall of the stairs. “There’s a surveillance camera there. Can’t you see it?”

“Of course, I don’t care. Anyway, if the matter is exposed, the person in trouble isn’t me.” After
saying that, she no longer cared about Bai Shuangshuang, who was staring at the surveillance
camera in the corridor with a panicked expression. Min Sisi sneered in disdain and went downstairs.

At the same time, she took out her phone and operated it with both hands. The surveillance video
was deleted just like that.
She did not believe that Bai Shuangshuang had the ability to delete the surveillance cameras in the
Imperial Capital Hospital.

Indeed, she was not worried that the matter would be exposed. After all, even if they went to do a
paternity test, she had nothing to do with Bai Shuangshuang.

However, now was not the time to attract too much attention.

Everything was going according to her plan, but Yan Jinyu, who was beyond her expectation,

She had to think about what to do next.

The phone rang just as the screen returned to normal.

She answered, “Mom.”

“Sisi, where are you?”

“In the hospital.”

“Hospital? Didn’t you go to find out about that uncouth girl from the Yan Family? Why are you in the

“Qin Bailu failed to accomplish anything and was injured. I sent her to the hospital.”

“Send her to the hospital? What does her life and death have to do with you? Isn’t it better for Bai
Shuangshuang’s foxy daughter to die?”

“I used it as an excuse to leave. Yan Jinyu gives me a very complicated feeling. I keep feeling that if I
continue to stay with her, she will notice something.”
Meng An was puzzled. “What’s going on?”

“I can’t explain it over the phone. I’ll tell you in detail when I get back.”

“Alright, come back then. Oh right, Sisi, have you seen that vixen?”

“Yes.” Min Sisi mocked, “She’s still as self-righteous as ever. Since she has decided that I’m her
daughter, let her clear the obstacles for me.”

“You did the right thing. Since she wants to pave the way for the Min Family’s daughter so much, let
her do it. If she does it well, it will be beneficial to us. If she doesn’t do it well, we can also get rid of

“If not for the fact that… Mom would have fallen into their trap back then. Their expressions would
definitely be very interesting when they find out the truth and I really want to see it!”


“Alright, alright. Mom knows. Mom won’t be rash. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have endured so many
years without saying anything.”

“Yes, Mom, don’t be anxious. One day, you’ll have a chance to slap their faces.”

Compared to Bai Shuangshuang, Meng An was much smarter. She had really endured for so many
years just because she asked Meng An to endure it.

Fortunately, Meng An knew how to endure. Otherwise…

“Mom is waiting for that day. Sisi, do you want Mom to send a car to pick you up?”

Just as she was about to agree, Min Sisi suddenly saw someone walking towards the parking lot not
far away. “There’s no need to. I still have something on. I’ll go back later.”
“Alright, take care of your own safety then.”

“Mm-hm.” Min Sisi hung up and walked towards the person.

She walked closer, adjusted her glasses and she was the gentle and obedient daughter of the Min
Family again. “Sister Yu.”

The woman in a white coat and 10-centimeter high heels stopped and turned back when she heard
the shout.

She was a little surprised to see a girl wearing a white down jacket and a pair of glasses with her long
hair tied up. “Sisi?”

“Why are you here?”

“I was shopping with Bailu. I sent her to the hospital when she was injured accidentally. I’m going
back now.”

“Bailu? The one from the Qin Family?”

Min Sisi nodded.

“Why is she injured?”

“We met a thief in the mall. Someone accidentally bumped into her while chasing after a thief.
However, her injuries aren’t serious. She should be discharged after a few days of observation in the

“Sister Yu, are you off work now?”

“I’m on leave today. I left something in the office so I came to get it.”

“I see. Does Sister Yu want to go home or somewhere?”

“Let’s go home. Is anyone from the Min Family coming to pick you up? If not, come with me.” The
Min Family’s residence and the Yu Family’s residence were very close.

“Isn’t this too troublesome for Sister Yu?”

“Why are you talking about being troublesome? You’re treating me like an outsider.”

“Speaking of which, if it wasn’t for the fact that you were in poor health and often didn’t go out
when you were young, we would definitely be very close since we were only a few years apart. I’m
quite familiar with your brothers. I was even in the same class as your brother in university.”

“I know. I often heard my eldest brother mention Sister Yu. He said that Sister Yu is beautiful and
outstanding and is very popular with everyone.”

As they spoke, the two of them got into the car.

Yu Chen drove while Min Sisi sat in the front passenger seat.

When Min Sisi said this, Yu Chen’s expression changed for a moment and quickly recovered. Yu Chen
thought that Min Sisi didn’t see it.

However, she did not see Min Sisi’s lips curl into a faint smile when she opened the door of the front
passenger seat.

There was disdain and mockery.

After the car drove out of the Imperial Capital Hospital, Min Sisi suddenly looked at Yu Chen and said
as if she was chatting, “By the way, Sister Yu, you work in the Imperial Capital Hospital too. You
should have seen my second brother, right?”

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