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Global DNA methylation levels are modulated by

mitochondrial DNA variants

Aim: In the present study, we investigated whether global DNA methylation levels are affected by
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variants, which are known to modulate mitochondrial functions. Materials
& methods: Global DNA methylation levels were evaluated in peripheral blood DNA collected from adult
subjects and in vitro using the DNA of cybrid cells harboring mtDNAs of different haplogroups. In these
cells, mRNA expression of genes involved in DNA methylation processes, and ATP and reactive oxygen
species levels were also analyzed. Results: The ana­lysis revealed that methylation levels were higher in
the subjects carrying the J haplogroup than in non-J carriers. Consistently, cybrids with J haplogroup
mtDNA showed higher methylation levels than other cybrids. Interestingly, we observed overexpression
of the MAT1A gene and low ATP and ROS levels in J cybrids. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that
mtDNA-specific interactions between mitochondria and the nucleus regulate epigenetic changes, possibly
by affecting oxidative phosphorylation efficiency.

KEYWORDS: ATP n cybrid cell lines n global DNA methylation n MAT1A gene Dina Bellizzi‡,
n mitochondrial DNA variability n ROS
Patrizia D’Aquila‡,
Marco Giordano,
Mitochondria hold a central position between physiological or pathological phenotypes has Alberto Montesanto
energy uptake and energy production. As a con- gradually emerged. The first strong evidence & Giuseppe Passarino*
sequence, they play a key role in a wide vari- demonstrating such a functional consequence Department of Cell Biology, University
ety of both pathological (e.g., aging, cancer, came from the association between the J hap- of Calabria, 87036 Rende, Italy
*Author for correspondence:
neuro­degenerative diseases and diabetes) and logroup and Leber hereditary optic neuropathy Tel.: +39 0984492932
non­pathological (e.g., heat production, reac- (LHON) [9] . Subsequently, mtDNA variants Fax: +39 0984492911
tive oxygen species [ROS] generation, apopto- have been found to affect the quality of aging,

Authors contributed equally
sis and cellular differentiation) traits [1–3] . Over sperm motility and the susceptibility to late-
the past two decades, many studies have focused onset pathologies, such as neurodegenerative
their attention on the influence of variability of and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and can-
mito­chondrial DNA (mtDNA), whose genes cer [10–17] . However, other studies have reported
are responsible for the synthesis of 13 enzy- inconsistent results, suggesting the existence of
matic subunits of the oxidative phosphoryla- complex interactions among mtDNA genotype,
tion (OXPHOS) complex, on mitochondrial nuclear background and environment [18–22] . It
f­unction and on the above-mentioned traits. has been widely reported that mtDNA molecules
mtDNA variants define specific mtDNA belonging to different haplogroups may differ in
haplotypes. Haplotypes with a common phylo- the degree of oxidative phosphorylation activity,
genetic origin are categorized into haplogroups and in turn, result in different percentages of
which display a continent-specific distribution. oxygen consumption, ATP and mitochondrial
For example, approximately 99% of the mtDNA ROS production or heat generation [23–30] . On
of the European population falls within nine the other hand, there is also evidence that differ-
different haplogroups (H, J, U, X, T, I, K, W ent mtDNA haplogroups may maintain similar
and V) as identified by Torroni et al. [4] . More efficiency in OXPHOS performance through
recently, sequencing of the complete mtDNA the fine-tuning of ROS production and mito-
genome has allowed the subdivision of haplo­ chondrial biogenesis [31,32] . It has also been pro-
groups into smaller subhaplogroups [5] . The posed that the variants which alter OXPHOS
mtDNA haplogroups were initially considered as coupling efficiency, thus inducing less ATP and
being neutral and used only for phylogeny ana­ more heat production, are more frequent in cold
lysis and population studies [6–8] . Afterwards, areas where they purportedly confer an advan-
a series of experimental evidence suggested tage, thus suggesting that climatic selection has
that they are not in fact neutral, and an asso- played a role in shaping the present worldwide
ciation between common mtDNA variants and distribution of mtDNA variation [33–35] . part of

10.2217/EPI.11.109 © 2012 Future Medicine Ltd Epigenomics (2012) 4(1), 17–27 ISSN 1750-1911 17
Research Article Bellizzi, D’Aquila, Giordano, Montesanto & Passarino

Functional differences between haplogroups blood DNA collected from adult subjects and in
have also emerged from in vitro studies carried DNA samples extracted from cybrid cell lines
out in cybrid cell lines, which were first described which have identical nuclear DNA but harbor
by King and Attardi as sharing the same nuclear mtDNA molecules of different haplogroups
genome but as having different mitochondrial (H, J, U, X and T). In addition, using these cell
genomes [36] . These cells are generated by the lines we analyzed the expression profiles of dif-
fusion of mtDNA-depleted cells (Rho0 ) with ferent genes involved in methylation processes
enucleated cells harboring particular types as well as ATP and ROS levels, major products
of mtDNA molecules [36,37] . In particular, in of mitochondrial activity and of the commu-
these cell models, intracellular calcium dynam- nication network between mitochondrial and
ics, mtDNA copy number, mitochondrial ROS nuclear genomes.
production and the expression levels of several
nuclear-encoded genes were demonstrated to be Materials & methods
influenced by mtDNA variability [38–44] . For „„ Population sample
example, differences in mtDNA and mRNA A total of 354 (163 men and 191 women) unre-
levels, mitochondrial membrane potential, cyto- lated adult individuals participated in the present
chrome oxydase activity, growth capacity and study. The Ethics committee of the University
oxygen consumption were observed between of Calabria, Italy approved the recruitment and
cybrids harboring haplogroups H and UK [28] . the use of the information gathered, as well as
By contrast, no difference in bioenergetic capac- the use of the biological specimens collected on
ities and coupling efficiencies was ­identified 9 September 2004. All subjects lived in Calabria
between H and T cybrids [31,45] . (south of Italy) and their origin in the area was
More recently, the importance of the inter- ascertained up to the grandparents’ generation.
actions between mitochondrial and nuclear A more detailed sample description can be found
genomes has also emerged from studies on elsewhere [56] . Health status was ascertained by
epigenetic changes and, more specifically, on medical visit and, at that time, peripheral blood
the DNA methylation of cytosines. In fact, samples were also obtained. Before the inter-
the efficiency of mitochondrial energy pro- view each subject provided informed consent for
ducing machinery and mitochondrial metabo- her/his phenotypic and genetic data to be used
lism can modulate the activity of MAT, the anonymously for genetic studies.
enzyme responsible for SAM synthesis from
l-methionine and ATP [46–50] . It follows that „„ Cell lines & culture conditions
dysfunctions in mitochondrial activity may 143B.TK- osteosarcoma and cybrid cell lines were
have direct effects on epigenetic markers and, grown, in a water-humidified incubator at 37°C
consequently, disrupt gene expression pat- in 5% CO2 / 95% air, in Dulbecco’s Modified
terns and cellular and organism functioning Eagle Medium (DMEM, Invitrogen, CA, USA)
[51–53] . Recently, Smiraglia et al. reported that containing 4.5 g/l glucose, 110 µg/ml pyruvate
the depletion of mtDNA (Rho0 cells) induced and supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum
changes in DNA methylation of different genes (Invitrogen). Rho0 cells, obtained by culturing
and that these changes were partially reversed 143B.TK- with 50  ng/ml ethidium bromide,
by the re-introduction of mtDNA into these were grown in the above medium supplemented
cells [54] . As mitochondrial functions strongly with 50 µg/ml uridine (Sigma, MO, USA).
rely on proteins that are coded by the nuclear Cybrid production was carried out as
genome, epigenetic changes in the methyla- described elsewhere [37,40,42] . Briefly, platelets
tion status of nuclear genes, and thus in their were isolated through differential centrifuga-
expression, may affect mitochondrial function tions from blood samples of five donors, pre-
with the onset of a vicious cycle [55] . Although viously characterized for their mtDNA hap-
it has not been completely elucidated, this com- logroup. 106 Rho0 cells, collected by low-speed
plex interplay between mitochondrial function centrifugation and resuspended in DMEM,
and epigenetic modifications appears to have were mixed with an equal number of platelets
i­mportant consequences on many traits [48] . and the culture medium was eliminated by cen-
On the basis of these observations, we carried trifugation. Cells were resuspended in 100 µl of
out population and in vitro studies to investi- 42% polyethyleneglycol 1500 (PEG 1500) and
gate the relationship between epigenetic modi- seeded in standard DMEM for 48 h, and then
fications and mtDNA variability. Global DNA in selective uridine-free DMEM supplemented
methylation levels were measured in peripheral with 10% fetal bovine serum. After 2–3 weeks,

18 Epigenomics (2012) 4(1) future science group

Global DNA methylation levels are modulated by mitochondrial DNA variants Research Article
distinct colonies emerged which were isolated by (KPL) were added and the samples were incu-
trypsinization in cloning rings and propagated. bated at room temperature for 30 min. The
We routinely assessed the cellular state of the detector block solution was removed through
native Rho0 and cybrid cell lines by carrying four consecutive washes with biotin wash solu-
out control experiments including proliferation, tion 1× (KPL). After a 2-min incubation at room
quantification of mtDNA (quantitative-compet- temperature in presence of 150 µl of LumiGLO®
itive PCR) and mitochondrial membrane poten- Chemi­luminescence substrate (KPL), the chemi­
tial (MMP) assays (cytofluorimetric ana­lysis of luminescence emitted from each sample was
cells stained with MitoTracker® Green, Invitrogen quantified using a Lumat LB9507 luminometer
and tetramethyl rhodamine methylesther), which (EG&G Bertold, Wildbad, Germany). Each
have been fully described ­elsewhere [40,42] . sample was analyzed three independent times
in triplicate. In order to determine the possible
„„ DNA samples ‘background effect’ and to calculate the net
Each subject had 6 ml of venous blood drawn. luminescence for each sample, a control lacking
Plasma/sera were used for routine laboratory enzyme was also analyzed. The data were calcu-
analyses, while DNA was extracted from blood lated as global DNA methylation index (GDMI)
buffy coats following standard procedures. by dividing the mean net luminescence values for
DNA samples from 143B.TK- osteosarcoma, the HpaII enzyme by the mean net luminescence
Rho 0 and cybrid cell lines were obtained by values for the MspI enzyme. The GDMI values
phenol/chloroform purification. The DNA con- inversely correlate to the global DNA methyla-
centration and 260/280 absorbance ratio were tion levels, whereby high GDMI values indicated
determined spectrophotometrically. lower methylation level, while low GDMI values
indicated hypermethylation.
„„ Restriction ana­lysis of DNA samples A subsample (108 samples) of the entire
A total of 100 ng of population sample DNA study group was also analyzed by using Sigma’s
and DNA extracted from cell lines were incu- Imprint® Methylated DNA Quantification Kit
bated separately with 5 U of HpaII and 5 U according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
of MspI restriction endonucleases in a total
volume of 30 µl overnight at 37°C and subse- „„mtDNA ana­lysis
quently at 65°C for 20 min to inactivate the two Haplogroup typing was carried out by restriction
endonucleases. analyses of mtDNA according to Torroni et al.
and De Benedictis et al. [4,10] .
„„ Measurement of global DNA
methylation levels „„ Gene-expression ana­lysis
Global DNA methylation levels of population Expression levels of the following genes were
sample DNA and DNA extracted from cell lines analyzed: DNMT1, DNMT3A, DNMT3B,
were estimated using the CpGlobal method [57] . MAT1A, MAT2B, MBD2 and MBD4. Total
A total of 2 µM of both biotin-11-dCTP (Perkin RNA was extracted from cells using RNeasy ®
Elmer, MA, USA) and biotin-11-dGTP (Perkin Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). The
Elmer) were added to the digested DNA samples RNA concentration was measured for each
in 20 µl final volume containing biotynilation sample using a spectrophotometer and purity
buffer (40 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 20 mM Tris- of the sample evaluated using the 260/280 nm
HCl and 50 mM NaCl) and 2 U of Sequenase™ absorbance ratio. RNA samples were treated
(USB Corporation, CA, USA). After incubation with DNA-free DNase to remove any residual
at 37°C for 30 min, the samples were incubated genomic DNA contamination. Reverse transcrip-
on an orbital platform at room temperature over- tion (RT) was carried out using the ImPromII
night in presence of 100  µl of Reacti-BindTM Kit™ (Promega, WI, USA). A RT mix includ-
DNA Coating Solution (Pierce, IL, USA). The ing 500 ng of total RNA and 0.5 µg of oligo-dT
solution was removed through three consecu- primers was preheated at 70°C for 5 min. The
tive washes with Dulbecco’s phosphate buffered reaction was carried out in a 40-µl final volume
saline (Sigma). Samples were then incubated containing 1× RT buffer, 0.5 mM of each dNTP,
at room temperature for 30 min in presence of 3 mM MgCl2, 20 U RNase inhibitor and 5 U
200 µl of the detector block solution (KPL, WA, reverse transcriptase. The mix was incubated at
USA). After the removal of the solution, 150 µl of 25°C for 5 min, then at 37°C for 1 h and suc-
the detector block solution containing 0.5 µg/ml cessively, at 95°C for 10 min to inactivate the
of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) streptavidin reverse transcriptase. The cDNA obtained was

future science group 19

Research Article Bellizzi, D’Aquila, Giordano, Montesanto & Passarino

then used as a template for real-time PCR car- ATP extraction, the trichloroacetic acid in the
ried out with the SYBR® Green qPCR Master samples was neutralized and diluted by adding
Mix (Promega) in a StepOne Plus™ machine tris-acetate buffer pH 7.75. Last, the biolumines-
(Applied Biosystems, CA, USA). Forward and cence emitted from samples was assessed using a
reverse primers were as follows: DNMT1For luminometer. For all luminescence assays, blank
5´-AGA ACGGTGCTCATGCTTACA-3´; values were subtracted from measurement val-
DNMT1Rev 5´-GGGGCTAGGTGA AGG ues. Concentration values of ATP produced in
TCAG-3´; DNMT3AFor 5´-CCGATGCTG our cell lines (nmoles of ATP) were obtained by
GGGACAAGAAT-3´; DNMT3ARev 5´-CCC fitting luminescence values to a standard ATP
GTCATCCACCAAGACAC-3´; MAT1AFor curve, constructed by analyzing series of dilu-
5´- C AG T G T G C A AG AC C G G C AT-3´; tions ranging from 1 × 10 -13 to 1 × 10 -6 M of the
MAT1ARev 5´-TAGCCGATGTGCTTGATG ATP stock standard supplied in the kit.
AGCAAAGGAAGC-3´; MAT2BRev 5´-GCT „„ Total ROS/superoxide detection
C C T A G A T T G T T C T C C A G G A C - 3´; Intracellular ROS were quantified using two
MBD2For 5´-CCCACA ACGA ATGA AT fluorescent dye reagents: oxidative stress detec-
GAACAGC-3´; MBD2Rev 5´-TGAAGACCT tion reagent (green), which reacts directly with
TTGGGTAGTTCCA-3´; MBD4For 5´-CC a wide range of ROS/reactive nitrogen species
CCACCGTCACCTCTAGT-3´; MBD4Rev (RNS) species; and superoxide detection reagent
5´-GTAGCACCA A ACTGAGCAGA A-3´; (orange), which reacts specifically with super­
GAPDHFor 5´-ATGGGGAAGGTGAAGGT oxide (O2-) (total ROS/Superoxide Detection
CG-3´; GAPDHRev 5´-GGGGTCATTGATGG Kit, Enzo Life Science, NY, USA).
CAACAATA-3´. 143B.TK-, Rho0 and cybrid cells (5 × 105 each)
The PCR mixture (10 µl) contained 1 µl of were seeded in 6-well plates. In the exponential
cDNA, 1× GoTaq® qPCR Master Mix, 0.2 µM growth phase, cells were washed with 1× wash
of each primer and 1× CXR reference dye. The buffer (Enzo Life Science), collected and cen-
thermal profile used for the reaction included a trifuged at 400 g for 5 min. Pellets were washed
2-min heat activation of the enzyme at 95°C, with 1× wash buffer (Enzo Life Science), and
followed by 40 cycles of denaturation at 95°C for the cell suspensions were centrifuged at 400 g
15 s and annealing/extension at 60°C for 60 s, for 5  min. The supernatant was discarded
followed by a melt ana­lysis ramping at 60°C and the cell pellet was resuspended in 500 µl
to 95°C. All measurements were taken in the of ROS/superoxide detection mix (Enzo Life
log phase of amplification. Negative controls Science). The cell suspensions were incubated
(in which water instead of cDNA was added) for 30 min at 37°C in the dark. In all analy-
were also run in each plate. StepOne Software ses a minimum of 1 × 104 cells per sample were
V 2.0 was used to analyze data. Gene expres- acquired and analyzed with Cell Quest Software
sion values were normalized to GAPDH gene (BD Bioscience, CA, USA).
expression, used as internal control. In addition,
the normalized values measured in the 143B.TK- „„ Statistical ana­lysis
cell line were used as reference values (relative Descriptive statistics for continuous and categor-
­quantification) for the other cell lines. ical variables were used to describe the charac-
teristics of the analyzed samples. For continuous
„„ Measurement of ATP levels variables (GDMI, gene expression levels, ATP
ATP measurement was performed using and ROS/superoxide quantification) measures of
ENLITEN® ATP assay system bioluminescence central tendency and dispersion, including mean,
detection kit for ATP measurement (Promega), median and standard error of the mean were
according to the manufacturer’s protocol. reported. Departures from normality assump-
Briefly, 1 × 106 143B.TK-, Rho0 and cybrid cells tion were tested using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov
were seeded in 6-well plates. In the exponential normality test. One-way ana­lysis of variance for
growth phase, cells were washed with phosphate multiple comparisons and student’s t-test for
buffered saline, trypsinized and counted on a pair-wise comparisons were adopted to compare
hemocytometer with an inverted light micro- continuous normally distributed variables with
scope. A total of 5 × 105 cells were collected and respect to the mtDNA haplogroup classification.
centrifuged at 400 g for 5 min at 4°C. Then, the In case of evidence of non-normality, the cor-
intracellular ATP was extracted by resuspending responding nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis or
pellets in 100 µl 0.5% trichloroacetic acid. After Mann–Whitney tests (as appropriate) were used.

20 Epigenomics (2012) 4(1) future science group

Global DNA methylation levels are modulated by mitochondrial DNA variants Research Article
Categorical variables were examined by ana- the global DNA methylation levels, we can
lyzing the relevant frequency distributions. infer that the J haplogroup carriers have higher
Monte Carlo approximation to Fisher’s exact global DNA methylation levels with respect to
test (based on 10,000 random permutations) the non-J haplogroup carriers.
was adopted to compare haplogroup frequency A subset of the whole sample analyzed with
distributions between the sexes [58] . Sigma’s Imprint Methylated DNA Quantification
Statistical analyses were performed using Kit gave consistent results (data not shown).
SPSS 15.0 (SPSS Inc., IL, USA). A significance
level of 0.05 was chosen for all tests. „„ Global DNA methylation level
ana­lysis in cybrid cell lines
Results In order to better clarify the influence of the
„„ Global DNA methylation level mtDNA variability on global DNA methylation,
ana­lysis in population DNA samples we carried out an in vitro study by applying the
Global DNA methylation levels were determined CpGlobal assay to cybrid cell lines which were
as GDMI values by applying the CpGlobal assay constructed by repopulating 143B.TK- Rho 0
developed by Anisowicz et al. to DNA collected cells with mitochondria derived from platelets
from human individuals who were previously of healthy human donors harboring mtDNA of
analyzed for their mtDNA variability [57] . As a H, J, U, X and T haplogroups. At the begin-
quality control, in each assay we also evaluated ning of all experiments, these cells were carefully
the global methylation levels of unmethylated, evaluated for proliferation rate, number of cop-
fully and partially methylated samples of human ies of mtDNA and MMP as previously reported
genomic DNAs. Specifically, in the experimental [40,42] . We did not observe any significant differ-
conditions we adopted, we observed that fully ence in the above parameters among cybrids and
methylated control human DNA was digested by between any of them and the parental 143B.TK-
MspI but not by HpaII, fully unmethylated con- cell line (data not shown). As expected, MMP
trol human DNA was totally digested by both was lower in the Rho0 cells.
enzymes, whereas the DNA sample obtained Results we obtained indicated that global
by mixing an equal ratio of unmethylated and DNA methylation levels were different among
methylated control human DNA showed an cybrids (Figure 1 ; p < 0.001), with the J cybrids
intermediate result. As expected, the GDMI showing lower GDMI values and, thus, higher
values in the fully methylated, in the mix of methylation levels than each of the other lines
methylated and unmethylated, and in the fully (p < 0.05 in all comparisons). Since mtDNA is
unmethylated control DNAs were about 0.1, 0.5 the sole variant among the cybrid lines, these
and 1.0, respectively. We maintained that the results demonstrate a correlation between
above results allowed us to validate effectiveness mtDNA variability and global DNA methyla-
of the experimental conditions [59] .�����������
The distri- tion levels, thus confirming the evidence emerg-
bution of the GDMI values in our population ing from the population study. Moreover, the
sample was not normally distributed as indi- comparison between the global methylation lev-
cated by the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test result els of the 143B.TK- and Rho0 cell lines demon-
(p = 0.007; Supplementary Figure 1, www.futuremedi- strated that these levels are also associated with Table 1 the depletion of mtDNA as Rho0 cells exhib-
reports for each gender the frequency distribu- ited higher levels with respect to the native line
tion of mtDNA haplogroups with the relevant (p = 0.009).
mean values of age and GDMI in the analyzed Methylation in cybrids was also tested with
sample. The frequency distributions observed in Sigma’s Imprint Methylated DNA Quantification
the present study were in agreement with those Kit and gave consistent results (data not shown).
previously reported for the Calabrian population
[10] . We found no significant age and sex differ- „„ Gene-expression ana­lysis
ence with respect to the haplogroup classification Once we determined that the global DNA
in the analyzed sample (p = 0.783 and p = 0.534, methylation status was increased in the J cybrid
respectively). In addition, we observed that in line, quantitative real-time PCR assays were
both sexes subjects carrying mtDNA belonging carried out in order to identify which of the fol-
to the J haplogroup exhibited lower GDMI val- lowing genes, DNMT1, DNMT3A, DNMT3B,
ues than those carrying mtDNA belonging to MAT1A, MAT2B, MBD2 and MBD4, involved
non-J haplogroup (p = 0.019 in males; p = 0.002 in DNA methylation processes, were respon-
in females). As GDMI inversely correlates with sible for the hyper­methylation profile. By

future science group 21

Research Article Bellizzi, D’Aquila, Giordano, Montesanto & Passarino

Table 1. Global DNA methylation index values of the population samples according to the mito­chondrial DNA
Haplogroup Males Females Total
n Rel. Age GDMI n Rel. Age GDMI n Rel. Age GDMI
Freq. (years) Freq. (years) Freq. (years)
H 47 0.29 ± 83.15 ± 0.52 ± 73 0.38 ± 83.38 ± 0.51 ± 120 0.34 ± 83.29 ± 0.51 ±
0.04 1.80 0.03 0.04 1.52 0.02 0.03 12.69 0.19
I 5 0.03 ± 88.80 ± 0.42 ± 3 0.02 ± 81.33 ± 0.54 ± 8 0.02 ± 86.00 ± 0.47 ±
0.01 5.03 0.12 0.01 8.84 0.11 0.01 12.42 0.23
J 10 0.06 ± 85.50 ± 0.39 ± 15 0.08 ± 86.53 ± 0.36 ± 25 0.07 ± 86.12 ± 0.37 ±
0.02 4.05 0.08 0.02 3.95 0.05 0.01 14.09 0.21
K 18 0.11 ± 85.44 ± 0.55 ± 18 0.09 ± 84.06 ± 0.53 ± 36 0.10 ± 84.75 ± 0.54 ±
0.03 3.28 0.05 0.02 3.39 0.05 0.02 13.95 0.21
Others 21 0.13 ± 83.43 ± 0.53 ± 18 0.09 ± 90.00 ± 0.52 ± 39 0.11 ± 86.46 ± 0.53 ±
0.03 2.74 0.05 0.02 2.78 0.03 0.02 12.49 0.17
T 20 0.12 ± 86.55 ± 0.52 ± 18 0.09 ± 81.78 ± 0.53 ± 38 0.11 ± 84.29 ± 0.52 ±
0.03 2.86 0.05 0.02 2.88 0.05 0.02 12.59 0.23
U 23 0.14 ± 87.17 ± 0.52 ± 17 0.09 ± 81.94 ± 0.50 ± 40 0.11 ± 84.95 ± 0.51 ±
0.03 2.91 0.04 0.02 2.61 0.04 0.02 12.80 0.19
V 1 0.01 ± 96.00 0.99 4 0.02 ± 75.00 ± 0.56 ± 5 0.01 ± 79.20 ± 0.64 ±
0.01 0.01 2.80 0.13 0.01 10.57 0.30
W 7 0.04 ± 74.57 ± 0.54 ± 15 0.08 ± 84.73 ± 0.50 ± 22 0.06 ± 81.50 ± 0.51 ±
0.02 2.74 0.10 0.02 2.63 0.06 0.01 10.36 0.23
X 11 0.07 ± 90.64 ± 0.57 ± 10 0.05 ± 83.90 ± 0.55 ± 21 0.06 ± 87.43 ± 0.56 ±
0.02 3.29 0.05 0.02 4.18 0.05 0.01 12.25 0.17
Total 163 – 84.96 ± 0.52 ± 191 – 83.96 ± 0.51 ± 354 – 84.42 ± 0.51 ±
0.99 0.02 0.92 0.01 12.67 0.20
These values, which represent means of three independent triplicate experiments, are also reported by age and gender.
GDMI: Global DNA methylation index; mtDNA: Mitochondrial DNA; n: Absolute frequency of the individuals belonging to the haplogroup class ± standard error of
the mean; Rel. Freq.: Relative frequency of the individuals belonging to the haplogroup class ± standard error of the mean.

comparing the mRNA levels of the above genes ATP and ROS levels, major products of mito­
among cybrids, a significant difference was chondrial activity and regulators of cross sig-
observed only for the MAT1A gene ( Supplementary naling between mito­c hondrial and nuclear
Figure 2 & Figure 2 ; p < 0.001). More specifically, genomes. The J  cybrids showed lower intra-
the J cybrids showed higher mRNA levels of cellular ATP (Figure  3A) and lower ROS levels
the MAT1A gene than each of the non-J cybrids (Figure 3B ; p < 0.05 in all comparisons) than each
(p<0.05 in all comparisons). These results sug- of the non-J cybrids. Interestingly, Rho0 cells
gested that the mtDNA variability may mod- exhibited lower ATP levels but higher ROS levels
ulate the expression of MAT1A and that the with respect to the parental cell line.
overexpression of this gene might be involved
in the hypermethylation status of the J cybrids. Discussion
The role of mtDNA in modulating the expres- The aim of the present study was to investigate
sion profiles of the above genes was also sup- whether mtDNA variants could affect global
ported by the comparison of the Rho0 cells with DNA methylation profiles. Indeed, while it is
the parental cell line. Indeed, as the J cybrids, the quite clear that these variants are able to regu-
Rho0 cells showed higher MAT1A mRNA levels late several intracellular functions as well as to
than the parental cell line (Figure 2 ; p = 0.011). induce changes in nuclear gene expression, no
data has been documented to date about their
„„ Measurement of ATP & ROS levels influence on epigenetic processes. From our
To investigate the molecular mechanisms under- population association study and in vitro analy-
lying the differences in the MAT1A expres- ses, it has emerged that the subjects and cybrid
sion profiles previously reported between J cells harboring mtDNA molecules belonging
and non-J  cybrids, we measured intracellular to the J haplogroup have higher global DNA

22 Epigenomics (2012) 4(1) future science group

Global DNA methylation levels are modulated by mitochondrial DNA variants Research Article
methylation levels than non-J carriers. These
data indicate a clear correlation between 0.7
mtDNA variability and global DNA methyla- 0.6
tion. The above correlation might be explained 0.5
by a differential activation of signaling pathways

involved in the crosstalk between nucleus and
mito­chondria, widely described in the litera- 0.3
ture. These pathways, by acting either directly 0.2
on energy production efficiency or indirectly by
interacting with nuclear genes, could be respon-
sible for qualitative and quantitative differences 0
143B.TK Rho0 H J U X T
in living cells in a mtDNA-specific manner
[60,61] . What is more, the difference in DNA Cell lines
methylation levels between native and Rho 0
cells we observed are in line with data reported Figure 1. Global DNA methylation index values determined in 143B.TK-,
by Smiraglia et al. and provide additional evi- Rho0 and cybrid cell lines. The values represent the mean of three independent
dence for the above interactions, thus confirm- triplicate experiments with standard errors of the mean.
Analysis of variance test p < 0.001; Student’s t-test: 143B.TK- vs Rho0 p =  0.009;
ing the existence of a retrograde response in
J vs H p = 0.011; J vs U p = 0.008; J vs X p = 0.002; J vs T p= 0.005.
human cells [54,62] . Interestingly, it has been GDMI: Global DNA methylation index.
repeatedly reported that the variants defining
the J haplogroup have functional consequences This hypothesis is also confirmed by observ-
on several complex traits, including LHON, ing that Rho 0 cells, which exhibit minimum
multiple sclerosis and longevity [10,12,17,63–66] . levels of ATP, have a global methylation pat-
The data we present here may highlight a novel tern similar to that displayed by J cybrids. We
function for this haplogroup implying that retain that the presence/absence of the mtDNA
its phenotypic effects may partly be due to its or the variability of its sequence affects the global
effects on e­pigenetic changes. methylation levels by regulating ATP levels. It
We are aware that the CpGlobal method is likely that the effect of the ATP on methyla-
relies on measurements of luminescence fol- tion may be threshold-dependent and that the
lowing DNA digestion with HpaII and MspI ATP levels of both Rho0 cells and J cybrids are
enzymes, and thus is dependent on their cut- below this threshold. Further studies are needed
ting efficiency, and that a large debate exists to evaluate this hypothesis.
regarding the technical manipulations leading to The low ATP levels and the above-men-
cybrid production and its effect on casual chro- tioned association with different cellular
mosomal rearrangements. Conversely, we are phenotypes of the J haplogroup have been
confident of the reliability of our results since: a
series of control experiments demonstrated the
effectiveness of the CpGlobal method [40,42] ; the 7.0
global DNA methylation levels determined by 6.0
the CpGlobal assay were confirmed by adopt-
ing an independent method on a subset of the
entire study group; all significant differences 4.0

between cybrids were re­plicated three times on 3.0

i­ndependent cybrid clones.
Gene-expression studies reported in this paper 2.0
also demonstrate that the hypermethylation 1.0
observed in the J cybrids might be due to the
MAT1A gene which is overexpressed in these 0
143B.TK Rho0 H J U X T
cells with respect to the other cybrids.
Cell lines
How could the mtDNA sequence-dependent
genetic information be responsible for the reg-
Figure 2. mRNA levels of MAT1A gene measured in 143B.TK-, Rho0 and
ulation of the MAT1A gene, and thus, of the cybrid cell lines. These levels are reported as the means of RQ values, measured in
hypermethylation in the J cybrids? It is pos- three independent triplicate experiments, with standard errors of the mean.
sible that such effects are mediated by the lower Analysis of variance test p < 0.001; Student’s t-test: 143B.TK- vs Rho0 p = 0.011; J vs
ATP levels we observed in the J cybrids than in H p = 0.001; J vs U p = 0.002; J vs X p = 0.001; J vs T p = 0.005.
non-J cybrids. RQ: Relative quantification.

future science group 23

Research Article Bellizzi, D’Aquila, Giordano, Montesanto & Passarino

extensively ascribed to the low OXPHOS effi- OXPHOS efficiency in cybrids harboring the
ciency, given that the variants clustered in J J and T haplogroups, although they share a
haplogroup mainly fall within mitochondrial common root in the mitochondrial tree, such
complex I (ND1 subunit) and complex III as the 4216/ND1 and 15542/cytb variants.
(cytochrome b) [24,29,30,67–70] . In line with this Second, we observed differences in OXPHOS
hypothesis, oxygen consumption has been efficiency between J and non-J cybrids, but not
reported to be lower in individuals from the J among non-J cybrids, all of them character-
haplogroup with respect to the H haplogroup, ized by different clusters of mtDNA variants
as well as the T4216C transition, character- (S upplementa ry Ta ble 1) . Last, according to pre-
izing the J haplogroup, has an effect on the viously reports, we did not observe any dif-
structural integrity of the ND1 complex and, ference in OXPHOS efficiency between H,
subsequently, on its activity [24–26] . In addition, ‘tightly coupling OXPHOS’ and U, X and T
Arning et al. reported that haplogroup J varia- haplogroups, which harbor variants that are
tions “partially uncouple OXPHOS” [29] . Here, thought to be ‘partially uncoupling’ OXPHOS
the demonstration that J cybrids produce lower [29,45] . Scenarios we described induce us to also
ATP levels than the non-J cybrids adds further consider the role of nonsynonymous ‘private’
experimental evidence of the uncoupling effect variants for which a functional role has yet to
of this haplogroup on oxidative phosphoryla- be determined. These variants are thought to
tion, although some considerations need to contribute to overall phenotypic variance of
be outlined. First, we observed differences in each haplogroup through complex interactions
with the environment and nuclear background.
We retain that, in our study, the role of private
350 variants on the functional effects of the J hap-
300 logroup is quite irrelevant. This assumption
250 comes from both the consistence of results we
obtained in population and in vitro studies and
nM of ATP

200 by the sequence ana­lysis of the whole mtDNA

150 of our J cybrids demonstrating that they do not
100 harbor private variants [40] .
By combining our results with published
data, we hypothesize that ATP levels affect
0 - MAT1A gene transcription. Such effect may
143B.TK Rho0 H J U X T
be obtained either by chromatin epigenomic
Cell lines
remodeling or by modulating the methylation
levels of its promoter region, which is known
to be regulated by epigenetic changes [71–73] .
Alternatively, ATP may regulate the activity of
ROS-positive cells

Percentage of

1.2 transcription factors involved in MAT1A gene

1.0 expression. In this regard, it is important to
0.8 note that factors, such as AP1, CRE-BP, E2F
0.6 and CAAT, have several motif binding sites
0.4 located within the MAT1A promoter region,
0.2 exhibit activity correlated to ATP levels and
0.0 are also involved in the cross-signaling between
143B.TK Rho0 H J U X T nucleus and mitochondria [74,75] . We are cur-
Cell lines rently carrying out experiments which could
clarify the involvement of MAT1A in the hyper-
Figure 3. Measurement of ATP and reactive oxygen species levels in 143B. methylation of the J cybrids and confirm one
TK-, Rho0 and cybrid cell lines. (A) ATP levels are reported as nM determined in or the other hypothesis.
three independent triplicate experiments with standard errors of the mean. Analysis With regards to ROS levels, we found con-
of variance test p < 0.001; Student’s t-test: 143B.TK- vs Rho0 p < 0.001; J vs H flicting results: low levels of ROS correlated
p = 0.027; J vs U p = 0.003; J vs X p = 0.040; J vs T p =0.046. (B) ROS levels are
represented as percentage of ROS-staining positive cells. Data represent the means
with high DNA methylation in J cybrids and
of three independent experiments with standard errors of the mean. Analysis of high levels of ROS correlated with high DNA
variance test p < 0.001; Student’s t-test: 143B.TK- vs Rho0 p < 0.001; J vs H methylation in Rho0 cells. This might suggest
p = 0.032; J vs U p = 0.028; J vs X p = 0.031; J vs T p = 0.038. that ROS are not predictors of DNA meth-
ROS: Reactive oxygen species. ylation status, although we need to highlight

24 Epigenomics (2012) 4(1) future science group

Global DNA methylation levels are modulated by mitochondrial DNA variants Research Article
that Rho0 cells are in an ‘artificial state’ due to Financial & competing interests disclosure
mitochondrial dysfunction caused by mtDNA The research leading to these results has received funding
depletion and to the consequent ­compensatory from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme
mechanisms [76] . (FP7/2007-2011) under grant agreement n 259679 and
from ‘Fondi di Ateneo’ of the University of Calabria. The
Conclusion authors have no other relevant affiliations or financial
On the whole, our data provide evidence that involvement with any organization or entity with a finan-
mtDNA variability modulates global DNA cial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter
methylation levels, possibly via the regulation or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those
of OXPHOS efficiency. This may represent an disclosed.
alternative mechanism for the remodeling of No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
gene expression that commonly occurs dur- this manuscript.
ing lifetime. Conversely, whether the observed
epigenomic differences due to mtDNA vari- Ethical conduct of research
ability are epiphenomena or part of the causal The authors state that they have obtained appropriate insti­
pathways leading to biological functions is still tutional review board approval or have followed the princi­
largely to be determined. Future studies seek- ples outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki for all human
ing to determine the methylation levels of spe- or animal experimental investigations. In addition, for
cific mitochondrial genes will need to clarify investi­gations involving human subjects, informed consent
this point. has been obtained from the participants involved.

Executive summary
ƒƒ Several published studies report evidence for mitochondrial functions affecting DNA epigenetic changes during a human’s lifetime.
ƒƒ Variants of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) contribute to the interindividual variability in mitochondrial function by a network of signaling
between the nucleus and mitochondria.
ƒƒ The results reported in this study aim to determine whether global DNA methylation levels are affected by mitochondrial DNA
ƒƒ Population and in vitro results we obtained demonstrate a clear correlation between J mtDNA haplogroup and global DNA
methylation levels.
ƒƒ The above correlation seems to be associated with differences in ATP levels and in MAT1A gene expression.
ƒƒ This work indicates that mtDNA-specific interactions between mitochondria and the nucleus regulate epigenetic changes, possibly by
changes in oxidative phosphorylation efficiency.

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