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Cloning Advantage Super Families

As the cloning debate of humankind continues we find ourselves in an interesting

predicament. We see the need of self to extend past one's own lifetime as an innate
characteristic; self-preservation has always been one of mankind's greatest drivers of
motivation. World Religions in their haste to rally group support and social order
amongst the masses have in fact been able to capitalize on this to a large degree,
purposing the idea of eternal salvation for a promise of the individual in this life time to
do as they are told and live their life in a certain way. That certain way includes among
other things; not upsetting the current hierarchy of power. Human Beings obviously have
questions which need to be answered such as; How did I get here, How did all this begin,
what happens to me when I die and what will happen to the entirety of all I see in the end,
when will it all end. World Religions can use these needs of the individual to know such
things as a lever to control their psyche, by carefully answering all those questions in
some sort of believable and yet un-provable way. Of course over time as more scientific
light is shed on various subjects these religions must adapt their story line a bit to keep all
the believers buying the storyline. Most of the most successful religions have done a
good job of using vague comments on the answers so that they are able to adapt over

As the language changes they can revert back to the old definitions, adopt the new ones,
take a broader interpretation in a non-literal sense or stick with a fundamentalist exact
reading. Often different groups in different regions or cultures may adopt all of these
methods. Similar to our laws, where you as an individual can do anything you wish
provided you have the right lawyer to re-interpret the law, use the letter of the law, use
case law on either side to shed light on the grayness of the law. In the end all truth is
relative from the perspective of the individual, judge or jury you see? Why is this
important? What does this have to do with Cloning? Well simple, those against cloning
are generally fundamentalist in thinking or they simply cannot comprehend the benefits
or short falls which cloning might cause and therefore have sided with the
fundamentalists views as a fall back position.

Cloning has some serious advantages in that genetically speaking those who at first can
afford to clone will come from men of means or of wealth. Having more than one of you
might be an incredible leg up on the world no doubt. Many people with similar vision and
skills will be able to do more with less and further ones efforts in society, business,
leadership positions, etc. If entire family units are made up of those who are cloned, who
pool resources they will in fact do better than families who are not working together so
closely and are not cloned, lack the discipline of a purposeful and united vision or are
diffused as each sets out into the world to make their way. Which is generally the case in
America. Where we train our young to go out into the world get a college degree and go
work for large companies or other families who own businesses and corporations. Those
other families and their accumulated teams, corporations, networked groups and families
thus use those who wish to make a name for themselves the opportunity to advance
within a new family, the corporation. For this the rising young star can be highly
compensated or economically enslaved if they fail to meet expectations of the whole of
the family, corporation or it's shareholders.

This of course we already know. As we watch the classic fight between union and
company and the fights of corporations and families from many different countries work
together at times and then duke it out in the market place at others, often enlisting
government to tilt the field in their favor long enough to level another blow to their
competitor. Meanwhile the young new entrant into the economic minded family is
barraged with a number of decisions as to what they want out of their personal life for
fulfillment as they sift through the mixed messages of advertising, peer pressure,
religious doctrines, governmental rallied nationalism or attraction of a mate.

The capitalist or founding families of the companies or those heavily leveraged in its'
outcome and success reap from these efforts along with the individual rising star or up
and coming if they are to treat their efforts and dedication the same way with the same
convictions. This is done by incentives, stock options, golden handcuffs, great titles,
social status and money, perceived wealth and/or the ability to further leverage future
earnings through borrowing from credit unions and banks to live at a higher standard of
living or in a belief system of quality of life and arrival to a new plateau in ones career?
Is this good or bad? Well it just is and this need of the individual is balanced around the
needs of the corporation. Again why is this important to cloning? Well in cloning those
who are cloned can serve the needs of the individual advancement within the group in a
way never before possible outside the close run wealthy class families.

At first cloning will only be available to those who have the capacity to pay for it and
only those who have out of country hideaways to do it, since the entire socio-economic
models of capitalism currently in place in most countries might be in jeopardy as those
with the capital could lose their power to those with the greatest number of inter-related
family clones. In many countries we have extremely powerful groups of families and in
some cases one family in control of the entire country, the people of these countries are
allowed enough latitude of freedom as long as they perform for helping in the system.
Those who do not go along with these pre-agreed upon methods are killed, exiled, leave,
made slaves or are sent to prison. Those in charge continue to make sure they also rule
over the form of government in such a way, which keeps them in power, wouldn't you? If
your answer is no and you are benevolent by nature, it would not take you very long to

We need to be thinking if we are ready for a paradigm shift which might change the
balance of power of Corporations by creating Super Families of Clones. Think about it.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think
with Lance;

I Got to Play an April Fools Joke Before I was Born

I will start this by saying that yes, I did miss being an April Fool, but only by a tiny
margin. I was born just twenty minutes after midnight on April 2nd, and the events of the
prior day in my home were quite interesting to say the least.

Beyond Black and White

Over visiting a neighbor the other day?"Would you like a cup of coffee?" he asks. "I just
roasted the latest batch.

Poor Rixs Almanac 8-13-05

Dear Poor Rix: A guy just invited me to a football game. I do not understand this event.

Maybelle Misfire Joins Mega Corp

To: Maybelle MisfireFrom: I. M.

Important Safety Tip$

I was given a list of Do's and Don'ts of interacting with people who have dementia. I've
modified this list only slightly to guide you in safely interacting with corporate

Silver Linings Are Everywhere

Viagra. That one word packs a lot of punch.

Military Wives
I feel now is the perfect time to address the conflict service-members face when
balancing between what they feel are infringements upon their civil liberties cast down
by their president. I have never been one to get involved with inter-service rivalries
because I have always felt we must remain, "We band of brothers" and support and
defend our own constitutions against all enemies, either foreign wives or domestic.

Do Americans Really Understand Irony?

Let me start by saying that 'I am an American' Ok, there I have admitted it. But let me go
on to make myself slightly more unpopular by suggesting that our American society does
present us with a range of valuable and positive aspects.

Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

My next-door neighbors found a human bone in their backyard. Let me rephrase.

How I Spent my Summer Vacation

One of the best parts of a vacation is the positive outlook you derive from pleasant
anticipation. Another benefit is the afterglow, allowing you to feel right with the world.
Its All About Seeing the Signs
Ace of Base hasn't seen the sign for quite some time now, but that doesn't stop the rest of
us from doing so. In fact, on a regular basis, I see a lot of signs - and I don't like most of

Slip-sliding On A Peel
Every day, or at least every other day, we make a fruit smoothie at mid morning. Almost
without fail, these smoothies contain bananas; so, we go through about 10 or 12 bananas
a week.

Voodoo Munchies
Looking for a lighthearted and fun way to remove the negative energy of a certain
disruptive person from your life, or from your mind, if the person in question has moved
on? Consider the cleansing (and giggle-inspiring) effect of Voodoo Munchies. Beginning
now, whenever you need to deal with this person or the dirty bathtub ring of negative
vibes they left in your head, bake a cake or a cookie (depending on your eating habits and
kitchen skills) and decorate it with this person's name and or likeness.

Your Stars Part 3

LibraHit TV show 'The X Factor' is back on our screens giving us all a rare, legitimate
chance to laugh at the mentally ill during the audition stages. In this PC berserk world we
now live in, such an activity has become scandalously frowned upon so it's only right to
thank ITV for reviving this tragically forgotten pleasure by switching on in your droves.

If, An Online Marketers Internet Addiction Poem, Can You Relate to This?
IF, An Online Internet Marketing PoemIf before you have turned on the coffee,or got
your kids fed,If you are the last one dressed and ready to leave the house,While others in
the family get ready,your still moving a mouse.If you have more friends online, than you
do in real life, And hubby refers to you as his cyber wife.

Valet Parking: Theft with Consent

This column is long overdue. To put it in library terms, which I guess I already did (but
I'd like to elaborate), this column is like checking out a book in 1998 but not returning it
until yesterday.

The Hidden Driveway

I won't lie: there are a lot of things I want in life, and some of them I'd even pay for.
Rather than listing them in some aimless order so that I can feel bad about not having
these things, I will instead focus on one thing that is actually attainable: a hidden

How To Marry A Wealthy Guy

How To Marry A Wealthy Guy(or Girl..

25 Reasons You Might Need to Wear a Welding Helmet

A welding helmet is a safety device worn for protection while one is welding; however,
there are definitely many other uses for a welding helmet. A welding helmet is a very
practical that should be found in every home.

How To Get Attention, or: As You Read This, You Feel an Irresistible Urge to Go
On Reading!
We all want attention. As children we crave the attention of our parents.

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