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DAPA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Dapa, Surigao de! Norte Quarter 2 Assessment Science 9 res : sy 2020-2021 Name:Frangiieh _8-co Score: - Yr. & Section — Gems, A=WAEy Subject Teacher cae Read the questions carefully and write the LETTER of the correct answer before the number Fine prass numberof atoms is the number of ‘a. protons ‘protons plus the number of electrons . neutrons 4. protons plus the number of neutrons. do t does the atomic number of an atom represent? ‘a. neutrons ‘protons plus number of electrons b. . protons 4. protons plus number of neutrons itis @ segion of space in which thera is a high probability of finding the electron in an atom 2. shell b, atomic orbital c. nucleus @. energy level ay ns have a positive charge. _b_ negative charge. ©. no charge. 4. positive and negative ‘Tpe-lum pudding model of an atom was formulated by: e ‘a. Dalton , Democritus ©. Rutherford d. J, Thomson 3. How many covalent bonds does carbon form? ‘a, None, it does not form covalent bonds b2 23 a4 The structure normally associated with ionic bonding is 2. a giant lattice ¢. a giant molecuie. b. a simple molecule &. a regular arrangement of ions surrounded by a sea, or cloud, of electrons Jail the substances listed are solids al room temperature. Which substance has a simple molecular structure? of) 2. Sodium b. lodine . Carbon (graphite) , Strontium © (5/taaggestum is in group 2 in the periodic table, Which of the following formulas for magnesium wy Compéunds is correct? \ a. MgO2 b. MgS2 ©. MgF2 d.Me20 Zo wich of te following substances does not conduct electricity? = 2. Brass 'b Copper ©. Carbon (graphite) 4, Carbon (diamond) Enis atthe folowing does not contain ionic bonds? ich of the folowing does not contain covalent bonds? oO '2. Carbon (graphite). Carbon (diamond) cHCI(9) 4. NaCl(s) On eee as bate een vhost an et cond shh? 'a. The bonding in the substance is not ionic. . The bonding model in the substance does not have free electrons. 1e bonding model does not have ions which are free to move, or free electrons. a The bonding model does not have ions or free electrons. O\ 44 mmanuel Juan, a fisher man, went home with some of his catch and told his son to cook the fish. But his son ‘Zaid, “father the stove ran out of fuel already’. Then his father told him to buy some so that they could start cooking the fish. WWaich organic compound do you think the boy will buy? 4 2 kerosene ® gatine ubrictng ol 4. isopropyl alcoho! _2. se Fiich tthe lowing pars of organic compounds is highly flammable? soln, acetone reat opropy! alcoho % Ao tiny alot & quoted pavoloum gas, kerosene © CK geedine boy was being scolded by his store manager fr smoking in the vicinity of the gasoline station. Why do you think the manager scolded his employee? ‘2 because gasoline is volatile ¢ because gasoline is viscous because gasoline is flammable _. all of the above © (Dwmnisereteanic compound is used as a cleaning agent? c 'a gasoline 'b kerosene c. liquefied potroloum gas (LPG) __a. ethyl alcohol Zaivagc hes to remove the red paint in the paintbrush so that he could sill use it again next time, What orgarve Tomppc?a should he use to remove the paint in the paintbrush? b ‘a acetic acid ©. lubricating oil kerosene 4 formaldehyde > .Xwmigrecgenie compound is used by embalmers in treating human cadavers? : ‘a. acetic acid formaldehyde. methyl alcohol 4. acetone © 20Fracry car stopped atthe middle ofthe road. She found out that her ear hae ran ou of us, Which com ‘mast she buy? ‘a. kerosene b, gasoline pound ¢ lubricating ol! 4. water Scanned with CamScanner a.gasoline —_b. water ©. lubricating oil d. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) iguel wants to protect his bicycle's parts from rusting fast. Which of the following material do you think will ‘use? jinegar _b. isopropylalcohol _¢. kerosene 4d. lubricating oi) sit important to know the properties of common liquid materials? ‘a. To know the uses of the liquids. ©. To know how these liquids affect people ». To know possible danger from these kind of material 4. all of the above +124, Cheska measured the mass of 10 pieces of each of the following materials: marble, pebble, and balipen cap. What ‘wil be her fnéngs based on the data she obtained? Bocca . Different materials have different masses. b. Materials of different kinds differ in amount, color, and texture, c. The same number of materials has different colors and appearance. 4. The same number of materials of different kinds has different masses. = Crepe ‘are representative particles of matter: which among them represents a covalent compound? 28K ‘a. atom molecule ion d. particle unit iow many particles are equal to 1 mole? 4, 6.02 x 10 particles ©, 6.02 x 10particles 6.02 x 10 particles 4d. 6,02 x 10* particles 27. Which of the following units is used in expressing the amount of substance in terms of the number of particles? a. liter b. mole c. gram: d. Celcius ne ‘among the folowing students describes the result ofthe activity on counting by weighing correcty? inn ~Difierent sets of materials having the same mass have different number of pieces. Dan —Different sets of materials have the same number of pieces and the same mass. |. Tom Arte same sets of materials, have the same number of pieces but different masses. ‘Ann b.Tom ©. Dan 4. none of them ~— 25 Wny is mole concept important? 3, Itis useful when converting between grams and atoms or molecules. It gives us a convenient way to express large numbers « Itcan be applied to any type of particle representative ‘ 6. All of the above —A0. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3 Molar Mass = 100.09 gimole) is an antacid used to neutralize extra acid in the stomach. Lorie is prescribed by the doctor to take 250mg tablet of CaCOsthree times a day. How many moles of Lorie consume for 3 days? 2. 0.0252 moles 0.0242 moles ©, 0.0225 moles 4. 0.0235 motes @® ove Luar elccu Btess @ ‘Over Printed Name Scanned with CamScanner DAPA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Dapa, Surigao del Norte Quarter 2 Assossment Science 9 82020-2021 Name: Nota_Noe_T Score 16 . 8 Section ic Subjeci Teacher Diroctio : Read the questions carefully and write the LETTER of the correct answer before the number. BO the mass numer of atoms isthe number of __ 2. protons protons plus the numberof electrons Ba Gratien d. protons plus the number of neutrons 1 doas the atomic numberof an atom represent? @ neutrons ©. protons plus number of electrons D aargercions 6, protons plus number of neutrons <7 its a region of space in which there isa high probably of fining the electron in an atom A ence ». atomic orbital . nucleus &. energy evel A_sCoations nave 0 @. positive charge. __b. negative charge. cc. no charge. d. positive and negative —D_/the plum pudding model ofan atom was formated by 0 phon 2a D. Democritus ©. Rutherford 4. JJ. Thomson —1_g/ tow many covalent bonds does carbon form? A a. None, it does not form covalent bonds. b 2 e3 a4 |_2-Ahe strucure normally associated with ionic bonding is 2. a gant lattice, a giant molecuie » B. a simple molecule 4, @ regular arrangement of ons surrounded by a sea, or cloud. of electrons |-5 Til the substances listed are solds at room temperature, Which substance has a simple molecular structure? ¢C a. Sodium b. lodine ¢ Carbon (graphite) d. Strontium Magnesium is in group 2 in the periodic table. Which of the following formulas for magnesium ‘compounds is correct? ¢ a. MgO2 b. Mgs2 c MgF2 4. Mg20 —C_Dwnich ofthe fotiowing substances does not conduct electricity? Bory @ Brass b Copper ©. Carbon (graphite) d. Carbon (diamond) Donic he totoving des not conan ie bonds? 2 Sue dont Sedum onde. Siver onde 4, Srontum oe © @omjeretine towing doos ne cura covelnt bon? a Carton raph). Caron amend) exci 4. nai) ©. s2-Gihich ofthe folowing gives the best explanation for why a substance does not conduct electNty? 3 The bonding inthe substance isnot on b The bonding model inthe substance does not have free electrons € The bonding mosel does nat have ions whic ate fee to move, or free elecvons, The bonding model does not have ons or fee electrons Bh s4Emmanel duan, fisher man, went home with some of his calc and tld his son to cook he fish But his son ad, faer tho stove ran out of fel already Then his father tld him to buy some 0 that they could star cooking the ih. Wich organi compound do you rink the boy wil Buy? a. kerosene . gasoline ¢. lubricating oil 4. isopropy! alcoho! )Which of the following pairs of organic compounds is highly flammable? ‘a. gasoline, acetone ©. lubricating oil, isopropyl alcohol > water, ethyl alcohol 4. liquefied petroleum gas, kerosene D_{6)a gasoline boy was being scolded by his store manager for smoking in the widinity of the gasoline station. Why do you think the manager scolded his employee? ‘a, because gasoline is volatile ¢ because gasoline is viscous ne, b. because gasoline is flammable d.allof the above ‘Wich organic compound is used as a cleaning agent? c. 2. gasoline b kerosene liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) __d.ethyl alcohol Salvador hes to remove the red paint in the paintbrush so that he could stil use it again next time. What orgare Compound should he use to remove the paint in the paintbrush? k 8. acetic acid © lubricating oi ©. kerosene 4. formaldehyde Tg )rmat organic compound is used by embalmers in treating human cadavers? D a. acetic acid formaldehyde. methyl alcohol 4, acetone — §0) Marcy's car stopped atthe middio of the road. She found out that her car has ran out of fuel. Which corpour must she buy? ‘a kerosene b. gasoline © lubricating of 4. water Scanned with CamScanner ee

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