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San Jose de Buenavista, 5700 Antique
In SAC, we care!

Name: Ruby R. Santillan BSN-2C

General Directions:

● Write your name, year and section in every worksheet.

● Pass it before the deadline
● Be truthful in your answer
● Make yourself safe always


Question 1.

List and show in a graphic organizer the significant projects and programs of the different international
financial institutions and discuss how their objectives shape the global economy.
San Jose de Buenavista, 5700 Antique
In SAC, we care!

The World Bank makes grants, interest-free credit, and low-interest loans available. It focuses on
improving infrastructure, health, and education. It also utilizes money to modernize a country's banking
system, agricultural sector, and natural resource management. The declared purpose of the Bank is to
"bridge the economic gap between poor and affluent nations; it has a long-term vision to achieve
sustained poverty reduction; it accomplishes this by transforming rich country resources into poor
country growth."

The Asian Development Bank's principal purpose is to promote development and collaboration among
states in the Asia-Pacific region. The company was founded in 1966 in Manila, Philippines.

The ADB provides loans, grants, loans, technical assistance, and equity investments to its members and
partners in order to foster social and economic development. The ADB has overseen important projects
in the area and generates funds on a regular basis through global borrowing markets. The ADB relies on
three sources of money to run its operations in addition to member contributions, retained earnings
from lending, and loan repayments.

By the end of 2025, the Caribbean Development Bank aims to reduce inequality and halve the epidemic
of extreme poverty by supporting inclusive and sustainable growth and promoting good governance of
borrowing member countries. I am.


Watch the film: “The Corporation” and answer the question, "What makes a global corporation?"

The narrative follows the development of the cutting-edge business organization from a legitimate
element that started as an administration sanctioned establishment intended to influence explicit public
capabilities to the ascent of the cutting edge business foundation qualified for a large portion of an
individual's lawful privileges. A mental profile that runs all through the film uncovers that the cutting-
edge enterprise shows a powerlessness to keep up with enduring connections, a foolish negligence for
the security of others.

Without adhering to a single, universal standard of behavior, businesses can be integrated into global
markets. Additionally, they are not required to have active affiliates everywhere. Companies can
compete on a global scale without leaving their home base thanks to the free flow of people and goods.

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