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Karla Chacon 6-723-433

1- White the he / she / it for the following verbs

a. Go goes g. pull pull m. read reads s. dance dances
b. Do Does h. want wants n. get gets t. swim swins
c. Study studies i. have has o. finish finishes u.cry cries
d. Walk walks j. drink drinks p. pick picks v. wash washes
e. Eat Eats buys q. wait waits w. meet meets
f. Push pushes l. play plays r. need needs x. open opens

1- Complete the sentence with the affirmative for of the verb in Brackets

a. I(read) : read the newspaper every day

b. She (like) : liked computers and going to the cinema
c. They ( go ) : go to school by bus
d. We ( want) : want ice cream now ¡
e. He ( study) : studying French , german and english
f. You ( walk) : walked very fast
g. I ( play): playing Football and basketball
h. She (finish): finished her homework quickly
i. It ( work) : work very slowly

2- Putt the words in order to make a sentence

a-go they early home always: They always go home early
b-never sweets eats she: She never eats sweets
c- we cinema usually Saturdays go the to on: we usually go to the cinema on Saturdays
d- sometimes warm winter in is it: It is sometimes warm in winter
e- football often with Friends his plays he: He often plays football with his friends
f- always january it rains in: It always rains in january
g-dancing usually Fridays on go they: They usually go dancing on fridays
h- often music listen to he evening the in: He often listens to music in the evenings

3- Use the prompts and a verbs from the box in the correct form to White full sentences
Get watch play do go rain cook wear drink
a- We / for our Friends (sometimes): We sometimes cook for our friends
b- She / her homework (always): she always do homework
c- They / tennis at the weekend (often): they often play tennis at the weekend
d- I / on holiday in june (usually): I usually go on holiday in june
e- He/coffee for breakfast (always): He always drink coffee for breakfast
f- You/up early in the morning (never): You never get up early in the morning
g- She/TV before dinner (sometimes): She sometimes watch tv before dinner
h- We/jeans at the weekend (usually): We usually wear jeans at the weekend
i- It/in the summer (sometimes): it sometimes rain in the summer
1- White the -ing form of the verbs
a- Enjoys enjoying e-play playing i-stop stopping
b- Hit hitting f - heat heating j- shut shutting
c- Shoot shooting g-organize organizing k-buy buying
d- Smoke smoking h-use using l-tidy tidying

2- Use the prompts to write full sentences

a- I/eat dinner : I am eating dinner

b- You/do your homework: you are doing your homework
c- She/go to the park: she is going to the park
d- John and Steven / buy new trainers: John and Steven are buying new trainers.
e- My parents / talk to my teacher: my parents are talking to my teacher
f- We/listen to CDs: we are listenig to CDs
g- He/write a book: he is writing a book
h- It/rain today : It is raining today
i- I/work hard: I am working hard

3- Underline the correct form

a- I´m happy today, everything goes / is going well

b- Just a minute, I´cant hear you. I´m listenig / I listen to the radio, let me turm it off
c- A lot of people speak / are speaking, spanish in the USA
d- On this space shuttle misión They Study / are studying the effects of gravity in space
e- He is doing / He does his homework now
f- I´m liking / I like the new sport hall, Do you ?
g- Wake up ¡ The teacher is asking / asks you a question
h- You know / you are knowing my friend Cindy
i- That´s the book I´m Reading / I read at the moment

4- Use the prompts and verbs from the box to write either present simple or present
continuous sentences
Stay do look watch listen know understand
a- I/ this question: I understand this question
b- She/ to music now : she is listen to music now
c- They/ maths homework now: they are do maths homework now
d- You/a lot about computer: you know a lot about computer
e- Manuela and sam / Tv at the moment: manuela and sam are watch Tv at the moment
f- We/ in a hotel near the beach: We are Stay in a hotel near the beach
g- I/ for Jack, do you know where he is : I look for Jack , do you know where he is
Practice 10. Simple present and present progresive
Direction: complete the sentences with does, do, is, are, or

1- A mosquito is flying around Sams head

2- Mosquitoes are pests
3- They do bother people and
4- does A male mosquito bite

5-No, male mosquitoes do not bite?

6-Only famale mosquitoes are bite animals and people

7- A famale mosquito is lays 1000 to 3000 eggs each year

8- How long are mosquitoes live?

9-A famale mosquito do lives for 30 days

10- A male mosquito do not live as long as a famale

11- How long are a male mosquito live?

12- It is Dies after 10 or 20 days
13- Beverly does wearing mosquito repellent

14- The mosquito repellent are smells bad, but it is Works

15- The mosquito repellent is effective
16- Mosquitoes does Stay aways from
people who is wearing mosquito repellent

17- Do You ever wear mosquito repellent?

18- Does Mosquito repellent work?

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