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1. Andri : Do you want me to carry these books to your room?

Tiwi : No, thanks.

Andri : Let me bring your bag then.
Tiwi : .............
A. Thank you very much
B. Yes, of course
C. It is up to you
D. That’s right
2. Ann : It is getting late. I must go now. I still have one more class.
See you on Wednesday, ................
Bruce : Good bye, Ann.
A. Good to see you, good bye.
B. How do you do, Bruce?
C. I am happy to see you
D. Nice to see you again.
3. Anggita : Did you hear that you got a scholarship for this semester, Ris?
Haris : Yes, I feel great for the news.
From the dialogue, we know that Haris express his .............
A. Sadness
B. Admiral
C. Awareness
D. Happiness
4. Complete the following sentence with the appropriate conjuction!
I am vegetarian, ........ I don’t eat any meat.
A. But
B. For
C. So
D. Or

This text is for questions 4 to 7

One day, in an Arabian city, a women went to the market bought a beautiful
hen. A few das later, to her surprise, the hen se bought a laid silver egg. If the hen
could only be persuaded to lay more than egg each day, the woman was sure she
would never have to work again.
So the woman decided to make the hen eat more, so that it could lay more egg.
But the only result was that the hen died of indigestion and did not lay more eggs at
5. What is the best title of the text?
A. A Kind Women and a Silver Egg
B. A Kind Women and a Beautiful Hen
C. A Greedy Women and a Beautiful Egg
D. A Greedy Women and a Magic Chicken
6. Why did a women go to the market?
A. She bought a laid golden egg
B. She bought a beautiful hen
C. She found a laid silver hen
D. She found a lot of eggs
7. What the result after the woman gave more feed to the hen?
A. The hen laid more egg
B. The hen laid one egg
C. Then hen died
D. The hen ate

This text is for questions 8 to 10

A long time ago, there was a live men named Malin Kundang. He is a hard
worker. Someday, he went to another village to look for money. But after he has got
succeeded, he forgot his mother. After that, his mother become angry and cursed him
to be a stone.
8. The purpose of the text above is to ..................... the reader.
A. Entertain
B. Explain
C. Describe
D. Inform
9. Malin Kundang was cursed to be ....................... by his mother.
A. Fire
B. Water
C. Sea
D. Stone
10. “.....went to another village to look for money. “
The underlined word synonym with ..........
A. Get
B. Seek
C. Took
D. Catch
11. Look at this picture and answer the question
What notice will you see in this area?
A. Don’t make noise.
B. Don’t write on the table.
C. Don’t disturb each other.
D. Don’t speak each other.
12. Look at this picture and answer the question
What notice goes with this picture?
A. Warning! It is hot area
B. Warning! High voltages!
C. Warning! It is working area!
D. Warning! No smoking in this area!
This text is for questions 13 to 15

To : Sisi

Dea and I will go to the mall this evening after school, if you are free, you can join
us. Meet us at Cinema 21. Do not bring any snack. Dea will treat us. It is her


13. Where will the meeting be held?

A. School
B. Cinema 21
C. Neny home
D. Sisi home
14. Who is the sender of the message?
A. Sisi
B. Dea
C. Neny
D. The writer
15. “Dea will treat us”
The underlined is synonymous with .........
A. Pay
B. Loan
C. Bring
D. Borrow
This text is for questions 16 to 18

To: All students of SMALB

We are going to leave for Pemalang Sikucing Campsite on:

Day : Monday to Saturday
Date : February, 15 to 20, 2016
Time : 07.00 a.m.
Please gather at school on time

16. The purpose of the text is about .........

A. Discuss
B. Invite
C. Entertain
D. Announce
17. The announcement is addressed to all students of .......
18. The text above contains the announcement of ................
A. School gathering
B. School camping
C. School
D. Climbing
E. School cycling

This text is for questions 19 to 21

Many people have known this tame and cute animal. It is calle Panda. Pandas
have a white coat with black fur around their eyes, on the ears, muzzle, legs, and
shoulders. It’s weight is about 100-150 kg. A panda eats bamboo leaves, stems, etc.
Panda lives in mainly bamboo forests at high mountains of western China.
They can also swim and climb trees. But when panda have a defend it can
certainly fight back. Giants pandas will display aggression by lowering their heads
and string directly at the opponent.

19. The text talks about ...............

A. People
B. Panda
C. Bamboo
D. Forest
20. How panda defend it self?
A. By lowering their heads to the opponent
B. By climbing the high mountains
C. By eating the bamboo trees
D. By swimming on the river
21. “Many people have known this tame and cute animal. “
The synonym of the underlined words is.............
A. Fierce
B. Small
C. Cute
D. Wild
22. Look at this picture and answer the question
The notice means ..............
A. You may touch the surface
B. You can put your hand on the surface
C. You may sit on the surface even it is hot
D. You cannot touch the surface because it is hot
23. The signs means ..............
A. No stop
B. No run
C. No entry
D. No walk
24. The signs means you are not .......... to swim.
A. Rejected
B. Allowed
C. Warned
D. Avoided
This text is for questions 25 to 28

Guava is cultivated in many tropical and sub tropical countries for its edible
fruit. Guava fruit usually 2 to 4 inches long, is round or oval depending on the
species. Varying between species, the skin can be any thickness, it is usually green
when unripe, but becomes yellow or maroon when ripe. The flesh of guava fruit is
sweet or sour.
The colour of the flesh may be white, pink, yellow, or red, with seeds in the
central part of the flesh. The seeds are numerous but small. Guava fruits is rich with
vitamins A and C, omega-3 and omega-6, gatty acid and high levels of dietary fibre.

25. What is the text about?

A. Guava’s colour
B. Guava’s fruit
C. How to grow guava
D. How to cultivate guava
26. What colour is the guava when it is not ripe?
A. Yellow
B. Maroon
C. Green
D. Pink
27. According the text, guava is ...............
A. Healthful
B. Colourful
C. Delicious
D. Sweet
28. “ The seeds are numerous but small. “
The underlined word means .............
A. Countable
B. Tiny
C. Abound
D. Divided

This text is for questions 29 to 31

Iswahyudi ( 1918 – 1947 )

Iswahyudi is the first Indonesian Air Marshall who died on duty. After
graduating from Algemene Middelbare School ( AMS ), a high school in Malang, he
went to medical school. However, in his third year, he gave up his studies because he
became interested in aviation. In 1941, he became a cadet of the Luchtvaart
Opleidings school, an aviation school. When the pacific war broke out he continued
studies in Australia
Returning to Indonesia in 1943, Iswahyudi made a great landing in Lojodo,
south Blitar. Soon after landing, Iswahyudi was arrested by the Japanese military
police. He was first imprisioned in Karangmenjangan, Surabaya, then was put under
house arrest but was later allowed to continue his activity in Surabaya.
Iswahyudi played an important role during Revolution. When Japan was
defeated by the allies, he successfully saved several Japanese airplane including their
equipment. He also promptly assisted Adisucipto as a pilot instructor when the first
national aviation school was established.
29. What the text about?
A. Iswahyudi, saviour of Japanese airplanes
B. Iswahyudi, the first Indonesian air Marshall
C. Iswahyudi, the first pilot instructor
D. Iswahyudi, a cadet of Indonesian Aviation School
30. Why was Iswahyudi arrested by Japanese Military police?
A. He attacked the police
B. He continued his study
C. He was interested in aviation
D. He made a great landing in Lodojo
31. “When Japan was defeated by the allies ...”
The underlined words means ..............
A. Lose
B. Won
C. Killed
D. Caught

This text is for questions 32 to 34

How to Make Pancake

 2 cups of flour
 2 or 3 eggs
 1 cup of milk
 1 teaspoon of baking powder
 2 tablespoon of sugar
 A pinch of salt
 First, crack the eggs into a bowl and beat until creamy
 Add in the dry ingredients such as flour, baking powder, some melted
butter, sugar, milk and a pinch of salt. Stir it gently
 Heat the frying pan and adding some butter
 Pour about 3 tablespoon of the mixture to the frying pan
 Cook about 2 minutes or until the pancake is golden and remove
 Finally, pancake is ready to eat and you can add some syrup, peanut butter,
or jelly as the toping.

32. What is the text about?

A. The ingredients of pancake
B. The price of pancake
C. How to buy pancake
D. How to make pancake
33. What do we conduct after adding the dry ingredients?
A. Cooking the other side of the pancake until golden
B. Cooking it about 2 minutes
C. Pour about 3 tablespoon of the mixture to the frying pan
D. Heating the frying pan and adding some butter
34. “Stir it gently “
The synonym of underlined word is......................
A. Easily
B. Softly
C. Fatly
D. Strongly
For question 35 and 36, complete the following text with the appropriate word

A secretary is someone who keeps record, (37) .................... correspondence, or

does the administration for an organizer or person.
The secretary must be qualified and able to speak English fluently. There are
certain types of duties that a secretary is responsible of such as making appointments,
receiving orders, making reservations for manager, sending letters of congratulations
condolence , sending invitations, etc. She also makes an agenda for the manager.
An office usually has more than one secretary who are always (38) ....................
doing their duties.
35. A. Decides
B. Handles
C. Check
D. Able
36. A. Drowsy
B. Easy
C. Busy
D. Lazy
37. Arrange the following words into correct order.

English very is important in language world modern

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The correct arrangement is ...............
A. 1-3-6-2-4-5-8-7
B. 1-3-4-6-2-5-8-7
C. 1-3-5-2-4-6-8-7
D. 1-3-2-4-6-5-8-7
38. Arrange the following words into correct order.

four has in bag book she her

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The correct arrangement is ...............
A. 6-2-5-3-7-4-1
B. 6-2-4-3-1-5-7
C. 6-2-1-5-3-7-4
D. 6-2-1-4-3-7-5
This text is for questions 39 to 41

English Speech Contest

For all students of SMALB Karya Bhakti

Time : Sunday , 6 March 2017
Place : Hall of SMALB Karya Bhakti
Each class should register at least one student
Topics is Independent Day
CP : Neny 085726520670

39. What is the text about?

A. Informing the speech contest
B. Informing the topics of speech
C. Inviting the students come to the hall
D. Inviting the students to oin the speech contest
40. How should all students join the competition?
A. Register at least one student
B. Go to SMALB Karya Bhakti
C. Meet student SMALB Karya Bhakti
D. Meet Nany at the school hall
41. “ Each class should register at least one student “
The underlined words is synonymous with ............
A. Send
B. Join
C. Enter
D. Enrol
42. The instrument for typing in a computer called..............
B. Printer
C. Keyboard
D. Scanner
43. Mother fries all ingredients with ..............
A. Glass
B. Stove
C. Microwave
D. Frying pan
44. Mother needs a .............. to sew the cloth
A. Ruler
B. Needle
C. Scissors
D. Measurement
45. To fix and remove the bolt an nut, we need .....
A. Box wrench
B. Socket wrench
C. Open end wrench
D. Adjustable wrench

This text is for questions 46 to 50

There are 6 steps to print a file as follows :

1. Turn ON the printer.
2. Open the file on the computer.
3. Click “file“ and choose “print”.
4. Check the “printer’s name” and “pages”.
5. Select the numbers of copies.
6. Click “PRINT”.

46. The purpose of the text above is to ........... the steps of printing a file.
A. Entertain
B. Amuse
C. Discuss
D. Explain
47. The first step is ...........
A. Turn ON the printer
B. Open the file
C. Select the number of copies
D. Click “ PRINT ”
48. To print the numbers of file printed, you must ................
A. Turn ON the printer
B. Open the file
C. Click “file“ and choose “print”.
D. Select the numbers of copies.
49. The text above is about how to ........
A. Open a file
B. Print a file
C. Save a file
D. Delete a file
50. The synonym of TURN ON is ...............
A. Put on
B. Relay on
C. Switch on
D. Move on

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