Design of Anchor Bolt & Reinforcement in Concrete Column (Per ACI-318-08) - 54m

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Structural Design Report for 54m-High Self-Supporting Tower Date Submitted:

V=290Kph Exposure D
Truncated: NIL Rev.

Design of Anchor Bolt & Reinforcement In Concrete Column

(Per ACI 318-08)

I - System Used Metric (by Default)

A.) Meterials Specification:

a.1.) Anchor Bolt = ASTM 307 (Type B)

a.2.) Concrete Compressive Strength = Type 1, Portland Cement ASTM C-150, C39/C39M 3000PSI
a.3.) Main Reinforcement = ASTM 615M (Grade 60)
a.4.) Secondary Reinforcement = ASTM 615M (Grade 40)
a.5.) Standard Mild Steel ASTM A36

B.) Design Assumptions:

b.1.) Tension is equally distributed among all anchors.

b.2.) Shear Force is assumed to be carried by
b.3.) No sleeve is used for anchor bolts.
b.4.) The tension and shear forces are transferred to the longitudinal rebars and shear reinforcement, respectively, which will restrain the concrete
failure prism (per D.4.2.1). Therefore, the concrete breakout strength in tension and shear (D.5.2. and D.6.2) will not be checked.

b.5.) The concrete pryout strength (per section D.6.3 ) is usually critical for short and stiff anchors, hence, is assumed OK in this case.

b.6.) Anchor Strength shall be that of equal or exceeds the effect of Load Factors and Load Combinations (per D.3.2). Applicable load factors &
combinations shall be of that latest ACI [ Sect. 9.2 & C.9.2].
b.7.) It is assumed that Ld of anchor reinforcement will be satisfactorily designed to develop on either sides of concrete breakout surfaces [ Fig.
RD.5.2.9]. Otherwise, Ldh is used.
b.8.) For Structural Member under compression (see Sect. 10.9.1), e.i. pedestal, the permissible min. & max. steel-to-concrete ratio [ρ] (at a
section) is 1% and 8%, respectively.
b.9.) Grout-pad is used, and the nominal strength under shear is multiplied by 0.8
b.10.) Since Tension-controlled member, and the capacity is governed by yielding of anchor's reinforcement, the nominal strength is multiplied by
the resistance factor 0.9 [Sect.].

C.) Design Requirements:

c.1.) Check Steel Strength of Anchor in Tension (Per Section 5.1.2).

c.2.) Check the Pull-out Resistance of Anchor in Tension (Per Section D 5.3).
c.3.) Check the Side-face Blowout Resistance of Anchor in Tension (Per Section D 5.4).
c.4.) Check the Interaction Equation (Section D 7).
c.5.) Check the Transfer of Anchor's Load to Vertical Rebars (Section D 5.2.9).
c.6.) Check the Embedment Analysis of Deformed Bars (As per ACI 318-08, sect. 12.2).
c.7.) Check if the Longitudinal Reinforcement is developed on either side of the breakout-surface (Section D 5.2.9).

D.) Loads:

d.1) Maximum Total Factored Loads Of One Anchor:

Tension, NUZ = 2000 KN
Shear In X-Direction, VUX = 200 KN
Shear In Y-Direction, VUY = 200 KN
E.) Resistance Factors (Section D 4.4):

Tension, φT = 0.75
Shear, φV = 0.75

F.) Concrete Column Data:

Bolt Diameter
Concrete Compressive Strength, fc' = 21 Mpa Edge Distance 1, C1 = 262 mm
Number Of Reinforcement, Nb = 20 Edge Distance 2, C2 = 400 mm
Height Of Pier, HP = 2500 mm Anchor Spacing 1, S1 = 139 mm
Width Of Pier, WP = 700 mm Anchor Spacing 2, S2 = 139 mm
Length Of Pier, LP = 700 mm Top Concrete Cover, CTOP = 50 mm
Embedment Depth of Anchor Rod, hef = 1700 mm Side Concrete Cover, Cside = 50 mm
Bottom Concrete Cover, CBOTTOM = 50 mm

G.) Anchor Rod Data:

Specification: ASTM A307, Grade 5.8

Steel Yield Strength, fYA = 420 Mpa
Tensile Strength, fUTA = 560 Mpa
Bar-size, dA = 50.8 mm
No. Of Anchor, NA = 8
Width Across Flats, Wf = 81.661 mm ===> Type: < 0 - Wf >
Pre-fabricated Flat Head, Wfpre-fab = mm < 1 - Wfpre-fab >
No. Of Threads Per mm, nT = 5
No. Of Threads Pitch, P = 5

F.) Reinforcing Bars Data:

Specification: ASTM A615, Grade 60

Steel Yield Strength, fYb = 415 Mpa
Tensile Strength, fUTb = 500 Mpa
Vertical Or Longitudinal Bar-size, db = 25 mm Longitudinal Bar-area, Ab = 490.8739 mm2
Shear Reinforcement Or Transverse Bar-size, dt = 10 mm Transverse Bar-size, At = 78.53982 mm2

<=== Design Processes ===>

C.1.) Check Steel Strength Of Anchor In Tension (Per Section 5.1.2):

Bar-size, dA = 50.8 mm

Effective Cross-sectional Area of Anchor Bolt [ RD 5.1.2]:

For Threaded-bolt, ANSI/ASME B1.1D.1

ASE, N = IF(System Used="English";0.7854*(dA-0.9743/nT)^2;0.7854*(dA- ; = 1669.792 mm2


The Available Steel Strength Of Anchor (Per Section D 5.1.2):

(This governed by Steel Achor itself)

fUTA = MIN(futa;1.9*fya;860) ;= 560 Mpa

NSA = ASE, N*fUTA*(1/1000) ; = 935.0834 KN. (Eq. D-3)

Available Tensile Strength Per Anchor: φT*Nn = φT*NSA = ; = 701.3125 KN.

Applied Tensile Force Per Anchor: NUA = NUX / NA = ;= 250 KN.

Check_Tension = IF(φT*Nn≥NUA;"OK";"Not OK") Check_Tension = OK

The Available Steel Strength of One Anchor In Shear (Per Section 6.1.2b & D 6.1.3):
(Note: Since grout-pad is used, the nominal strength is multiplied by 0.8)

Type: < 0 - grout pad > 0

< 1 - other >


VSA = 0.8*0.6*ASE, V*fUTA*(1/1000) ;= 448.84 KN.

The Available Shear Strength Per Anchor: φ*VN = φV*VSA ; = 336.63 KN.

The Applied Shear Force Per Anchor: VUA = max(VUX:VUY) ;= 200 KN.

Check_Shear = if(φ*VN≥VUA;"OK";"Not OK") Check_Shear = OK

Interaction_Ratio = (NUA/φNN + VUA/φ*VN) ; = 0.950599

Check_Interaction = if(Interaction_Ratio ≤ 1.2; "OK";"Not OK") Check_Interaction = OK

c.2.) Check the Pull-out Resistance of Anchor in Tension (Per Section D 5.3):

Bearing Area Of Anchor Head: Abrg = IF(Wf>=Wfpre-fab;((0.866*(Wf^2))-(0.785*dA^2));((0.866*(Wfpre- ; = 3749.135 mm2


Assumed the concrete is uncracked, the modification factor of pull-out resistance (per D 5.3.6):

ΨC,P = 1.4

The pull-out resistance of Anchor in Tension for Headed Bolt (per D 5.3.4):

NP = ΨC,P*Abrg*fc'*NT*(1/1000) ; = 551.1228 KN. (Eq. D-15)

Strength Reduction Factor for Anchor governed by concrete breakout, side-face blowout, pull-out or pryout strength for Condition A (per D4.4C):

φ= 0.75

Available Pull-out Resistance: φ*NPN = φ*NP = ; = 413.3421 KN.

Applied Tensile Force Per Anchor: NUA = NUX / NA ;= 250 KN.

Check_Pull-out = if(φ*NPN≥NUA;"OK";"Not OK") Check_Pull-out = OK

c.3.) Check the Side-face Blowout Resistance of Anchor in Tension (Per Section D 5.4):

Bearing Area Of Anchor Head: Abrg = 3749.135 mm2

For a single headed anchor with deep embedment close to an edge:

Note: λ= 1.00 (Normal Weight Concrete)

NSB = 13*min(C1;C2)*SQRT(Abrg)*λ*SQRT(fc')*(1/1000) ; = 955.6961 KN. (Eq. D-17)

NSB_Modified-1= if 1≤ C2/C1 ≤ 3; NSB*(1+(C2/C1) / 4); NSB ; = 603.6936 KN.

For Group headed achors with deep embedment close to an edge:

NSB_Modified-2 = [1+(SQRT(S1^2+S2^2))/(6*C1)]*NSB ; = 1075.204 KN. (Eq. D-18)

Available Side-face Blowout Strength: φ*NSB = φT*min(NSB_Modified-1;NSB_Modified-2) ; = 452.7702 KN.

Applied Tensile Force Per Anchor: NUA = NUX / NA ;= 250 KN.

Check_Side-face Blowout = if(φ*NSB≥NUA;"OK";"Not OK") Check_Side-face Blowout = OK

c.4.) Check The Interaction Equation (Section D 7):

φT*NN = min(φT*NSA;φT*NNP*φT*NSA) ; = 413.34 KN.

Interaction Ratio = (NUA/φT*NN)+(VUA/φV*VN) ;= 1.20

Check_Interaction Ratio = if(Interaction_Ratio ≤ 1.2; "OK";"Not OK") Check_Interaction = OK

c.5.) Check The Transfer of Anchor's Load To Vertical Rebars (Section D 5.2.9).

As per Section D 5.2.9, if anchor reinforcement is developed in accordance with Chapter 12 on either sides of the breakout surface, the design strength of
anchor reinforcement can be permitted to be used instead of the concrete breackout strength. Only the reinforcement/s that is/are located less than 0.5hef
from the center of anchor rod should be considered effective for resisting anchor tension.

Rebar Strength Analysis (As per ACI 318-08, Section 12.2)

Number of Rebars contributing to each anchor rod within a distance "g" to the achor rod: Ng = Nb / NA 3.5

Since the breackout concrete for anchor bolt is not evaluated or load factor effect is much greater (per RD 5.2.9). All
vertical rebars are assumed to have a full stress Fy. Hence, the design of Ng is the Total Number Of Rebars divided by
Number Of Anchor Bolts. So the definition of 0.5hef did not dictate as obvious in this case. The majority consideration of
this design is governed with a full uplift tension and not with tension from base-plate bending under compression loading
with the eccentricity e.
b.) As is then be checked considering all steel in a section. As is then the Area of Rebars plus the Area Of Bolts.

The Capacity That Governed By Yielding Of Bars: φ= 0.9

Nominal Strength Of Rebars: Rebar_Strength = φ*fyb*Ng*Ab*(1/1000) ; = 641.69 KN.

Anchor Strenght: φT*NN = min(φT*NSA;φT*NNP*φT*NSA) ; = 413.34 KN.

Check to ensure that rebars strength is sufficient for the anchor rod:

Rebar Strength_Status = if(Rebar_Strength ≥ Anchor_Strength; "SUFFICIENT";"NOT SUFFICIENT") ; = SUFFICIENT!

Anchor_Strength =
Rebar Strength
c.6.) Check The Embedment Analysis Of Deformed Bars (As per ACI 318-08, sect. 12.2).

For deformed bars, ld:

Ψt = 1.00 Reinforcement Location Factor (Use 1.0 for Vertical bars)
Ψe = 1.00 Coating Factor (Used 1.0 for Uncoated bars)
λ= 1.00 Light-weight Aggregate Factor (Use 1.0 for Normal-weight Concrete)
Ktr = 1.00 Transverse Reinforcement Index (Conservatively 0)

Length required to develop maximum strength of rebar:

if db ≤ 0.75in or 19.05mm

Ld_max = fyb*Ψt*Ψe*λ (db) = 1078.1 mm

if db ≥ 0.75in or 19.05mm

Ld_max = fyb*φ*Ψt*Ψe*λ (db) = 1331.771 mm


Ld_max = 1331.771 mm

Required Development-length for the "Group of Rebars" (reduction in the development length is permitted where there are multiple
rebars, or where they provide excessive strenght, as per ACI 318-08, Section 12.2.5):

Ld_req = Anchor_Strength ( Ld_max ) = 857.8486 mm

Rebar Strength
Bolt Diameter Wf Nth P H TL
(in) (mm) mm mm
1/2 12.70 22.225 13 10.8458
5/8 15.88 22.225 11 2
3/4 19.05 31.75 10 2.5
7/8 22.23 31.75 9 2.5
1 25.40 41.275 8 3 22.5298 57.15
1 1/8 28.58 41.275 7 3 25.3746 63.5
1 1/4 31.75 41.275 7 3.5
1 3/8 34.93 41.275 6 4
1 1/2 38.10 60.325 6 4
1 3/4 44.45 60.325 6 4.5 39.116
2 50.80 81.661 5 5
2 1/4 57.15 85.725 5 5.5 49.784
2 1/2 63.50 98.425 4 6
2 3/4 69.85 98.425 4 6
3 76.20 117.475 3 6

Pre-fabricated Flat Head, Wfpre-fab:

10 3.375 0.375
12 1.89
16 85.725
20 48.006

57.15 28.575


57.15 52.85


At Anchor Plate:
D1 D2
640 390

AAnchor plate 49087.38521234

Dia N
50.8 8
Anchor Bolt 16214.63933112

Dia N
25 28
Rebar 13744.46785946

As = 79046.49240292

B= 1100
Ac = 1210000

P= 6.53%
At Anchor Only: At Rebars Only:

Dia N Dia N
50.8 8 50.8 8
Anchor Bolt 16214.63933112 Anchor Bolt 0

Dia N Dia N
25 28 25 28
Rebar 13744.46785946 Rebar 13744.4678595

As = 29959.10719058 As = 13744.4678595

B= 1100 1100
Ac = 1210000 Ac = 1210000

P= 2.48% P= 1.14%

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