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Comparative and Historical Analysis Report

Name Of Student
Name Of Group
Roll No
Organisation / Company Name
Industry Type

1 Industry Analysis

Introduction of Company

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Vision of Company

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Mission of Company

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Quality Objectives or Objectives

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company
Hierarchy Of company

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Nature of Competition

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Names of Competitors

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Market Share 3 Top and 3 Bottom Players (Excluding Selected Company)

Organization / 1st Top 2nd Top 3rd Top 1st Bottom 2nd Bottom 3rd Bottom
Company Name
Industry Type

Classification Players of 3 Top and 3 Bottom selected.

1st Top 2nd Top 3rd Top 1st Bottom 2nd Bottom 3rd Bottom
Organisation /
Company Name

Industry Type

Demand Supply analysis: Key Factors affecting demand

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Key Supply side constraints:

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Online Presence:

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

2 Promotion

Information of Promoters of Players of 3 Top and 3 Bottom selected

1st Top 2nd Top 3rd Top 1st Bottom 2nd Bottom 3rd Bottom
Organisation /
Company Name

Industry Type

Brief Profiles of Key Positions with career highlight. (Like CMD, CEO,VP,AVP,RM,ARM,AM etc.)

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

CSR Policy
1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Corporate Governance initiatives

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Initiatives towards social inclusion

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Initiatives towards environment conservation.

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

3 External Environments

Controller or regulator if any

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Regulatory actions by SEBI Competition commission of India, MRTP etc. (with respect to selected company)

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Regulatory policies for State, National, Global and its impact if any.

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company
Key Issues affecting industry (State, National, Global)

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Initiatives of Govt. To promote industry

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Environmental Issues

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

4 Financials

Profitability, Revenues, Margins, of Top 3 and bottom 3 players over last 3 years.

1st Top 2nd Top 3rd Top 1st Bottom 2nd Bottom 3rd Bottom
Organisation /
Company Name

Industry Type

Key factors contributing cost.

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company
Ratio analysis 3 top 3 bottoms – for last 3 years

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

5 Recent Trends

Impact of key relevant provisions of fiscal policy on industry

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Key Alliances in the past 5years …and impact on industries.

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Mergers and Acquisitions if any in (respective selected industry)

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company

Corporate war and feuds if any in industry.

1st Company 2nd Company 3RD Company 4th Company 5th Company




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