Essay Ge15 Unfinished

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If I were to choose what title best suitable for the picture that was being provided it would be

undetermined times because we will never know what tomorrow will come, how the present will

change your future, and everything you do now has a consequence of your tomorrow. In my

opinion the actions of humanity will have a great effect on what will happen to its surroundings

such as the environment, animals, and world. Humanity’s action will either make the world a

better place for animals and plants or will the action of humanity will ruin the world and

endanger the animals and plants. As of the current status today we are facing what we call

climate change. It is a big problem we face today because it endangers the life of polar bears that

live in the ice land wherein, they can only survive in the ice. It becomes hotter day by day and it

is not good for us humans and animals because we can’t adapt to this really hot climate and our

resources will become limited if this situation continues. As a student, I am encouraging

everyone to save what resources they have and always throw your trash in its respective bins.

Deforestation is one of the causes of global warming so it is important to not to cut down trees

and if those people who were caught cutting trees without planting a replacement for what they

have cut down will face consequences given by the government. Protecting our environment is

our number one priority right now, it is not too late to save our mother earth and this problem is

not a trend that some of you people may forget as time goes by. Now we are facing the

consequences that we have done back then all the trash that we throw anywhere, unable to save

water and electricity, cutting trees to be able to build a building or what so ever, and many more.

This generation will face its consequences and we are having a big problem now that we have to

fix before it becomes too late.

Evolution is a natural selection that generates changes in a species' features over numerous

generations. There are species that gradually evolve overtime. The reason why there is evolution

is because we are adapting to our environment to combine different species and resulting in a

new species. This also helps other species to easily adapt to its surroundings. There is also

competition in evolution wherein there are species that they can find the same resources in the

same area and at the same time which competition occurs. Organisms compete with each other to

be able to survive because of limited resources in the specific environment. Genetics are a branch

of biology which is a variation, and how these features are transmitted along from generation to

the next generation. The role of genetics in evolution is Genetic variations can result from gene

variants or from a normal process in which genetic material is altered when a cell prepares to

divide. Only hereditary variations can influence evolution for the reason that it occurs in an egg

or sperm cell which can be passed from generation to next generation; this is a way they can

contribute to evolution.  Natural selection is a process which raises the frequency of favorable

hereditary characteristics and decreases the frequency of negative inherited traits within a

population. After the natural selection process has been done the mutation will take over, it plays

an important role in evolution because it is the ultimate source of all genetic variation. It

generates a new DNA sequence for a specific gene, resulting in the formation of a new variant.

As a criminology student, it is aligned in my chosen field because we also be having science in

criminology, we will be studying the non-legal aspect of crime such as psychological thinking of

the suspect why did he/she done a certain crime, running test on blood and finger prints that has

been found in the crime scene. There are so many uses of science in Criminology

In the field of criminology there is also science related, the three branches of criminology for

example the first branch is sociology of law where in it examines how laws are being made and
enforced, second is criminal etiology in which it studies the cause of a crime, and third is

penology which it addresses the community’s respond to a crime. Contemporary criminology is a

self-identified as a science. It places a strong focus on empirical investigation and scientific

technique. There is a other side of criminology where there are specific criminologist are

assigned in the measuring of fingerprint, toxicology, photograph, and DNA they are called

criminalistics or scientific crime detection. It was previously being excluded from the

criminology for the reason that it only does focus on the criminal’s behavior rather than on the

increased the awareness of crime and criminals. Criminology later they expanded their

knowledge about the criminal and victim in which they allocate to victimology in which they

study the victims of the crime how they respond to the crime, the relationship between the

criminal and victim, and the role of the victim in the events of crime.

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