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1. What is the correct syntax for creating a link on a webpage?

a. <A HREF = "login.html">

2. If you have written a CSS3 rule starting with p.myTag then which element are you targeting
on the HTML page?
a. all the paragraphs that have the class myTag
3. Which method of fs module is used to write data into a file text txt
a. fs.writeFile , fs.readFile , fs.openFile ,fs.file

4. What does the following selector do ?

a. input[type=”text” ]
5. Select input text controls
6. As a developer for social blogging website , you are planning for accessibility and need to
implement ARIA what ARIA stands for ?
a. Accessible Rich Internet Applications
7. In your project you have been given the task of creating a form the username and
a. =>get() , fetch() , none , post()

8. Select the true statements about component and directive choose all that apply…
a. =>123 , 234 , 13 , 24
9. Which of the below is true about the ngoninit() Life cycle hook
a. ngOnInit is a life cycle hook called by Angular to indicate that Angular is done
creating the component.
10. Which of the following statements selectors selects all paragraph elements whose…


11. Var mongodb = require(“mongodb”);

a. var mongoclient …..

=>Mydb and employees

12. Which of the following is true about package json ?

 all
13. Const express = require(“express”);

Const port = 3000;

14. Which of the below are true about the inline and block…
15. Var myVar = 12;
myVar = “test”;
=> error
16. What is the value of x ?
Var y;
Var x = “100” + y; =>error
17. You are requesting for students data from the server …
18. It is a proxy for a value that will eventually become available….
19. Which of the following query will list the user in ascending …?
20. Assume that you are developing an online E-commerce application
 Sessionstorage is read only , closing tab
21. Katie is developing a web application for online training….
 Trainings.filter(
22. Import { injectable } from ‘@angular/core’;
provideIn: ‘root’,…
in the above code snippet, the provided property in the @injection
=>declares that this service should be created by the root application injector
23. Airway intl. is a leading airways in the asia ….
=>app.use(express.json()) , app.use(express.urlextended({extended:true})
24. Considering the below. Which of the options will create a HTTP server ?
Var http_server = require ..
=> http_server.createServer
25. What is the response from the server if the request url is …
Var http = require…
 Login successful
26. You are working as backend developer for a music application …
27. How do you print value of an environment variable NODE_ENV …
28. Let ivar=50;
If(true){ let ivar=90; }
 50
29. The ___ module is to be imported … [{ngModule}]
 formsmodule
30. The command to check the globally installed dependencies using npm is ___
=> npm list -g -
31. How you can have a one way of passing data …
 By adding an @input property on child
32. Choose the option to change the text in a paragraph dynamically . …
33. What would be output generated by …
Employees = { fname : ‘Sam’…
34. … having a positive integer for start in slicepipe ?
=> return the item at start index and all items after in the list or string expression
35. Function f1(…list) // … is the SPREAD Operator ..
 undefined
36. Galaxy cinemas wants to develop … MEAN full stack
37. Which of the below will copy a file test.file into newFile.file in Node.js ?=>createReadStream
38. Var v1 = 10;
v2 = 20;…

=> v1 =30 v2 =20

39. Var a;
Function fun1(a) ….
40. Seema would like to understand….
a. =>block element starts a line
41. Fill the blank
X = document…
 catch(err) {
message.innerHTML = "Error: " + err + ".";
42. Which statement is true about media queries in CSS3?
43. Ankit is a UI developer


44. Fill the blank to display an error message ..

<div *ngIf=”name….”>…
=> names.errors.required
45. An angular application that you are working … CatalogItem . ….
=>using @input and @output
46. In a game that you are developing …
For example, if the player’s score is 2
return Math.pow(value,expo)
47. Consider the below code snippet.
Which of the following statements is true ..
48. Const asyncFunction() { …
a. =>
49. Let Employee = function (empno …
a. => code produces output hello

50. Which tag should be used to add a row in a table?

=> <tr>: The Table Row element
51. Find the equivalent of the below expression in angular.
a. <img src=”{{ imageUrl }}”
b. =>
52. The second callback passed to the .subscribe() method is the …
=> The second signature for subscribe() takes the next() callback function. ·
53. With the mongoose.model method, what is the first argument for?
a. =>
54. What is the correct way of applying background color to a heading
a. => h1{background-color:black}
55. John wants to print a variable
a. =>
56. Identify the correct output of currencypipe exp
57. Predict the output of the following mongoDB …
 Sets the filterType as least price for all the documents whose price is less than or
equals to 5000
58. Consider the below modules \
a. Mymod.js
b. =>
59. It is a proxy for a value that will eventually become available


60. Select all the options that helps..

a. =>
61. Const foo=___//1
a. Const obj=___//2 …
b. =>
62. The registration page contains a text box with id txtName
a. =>
63. Aniket is a ui developer ..
=> will perform the toggle functionality in the sideNav component
64. The parent component is rendering the child …
65. Sujan would like to develop ..
a. =>
66. In a game that you are developing …
Return Math.pow(..) → not clear
67. Adam is new to angular material …

a. =>

68. What is the correct syntax for creating a link on a webpage?

 <a href=”Login.html”>

69. In an express application where are the route parameters stored?

 Request.params

70. What is the output of having a positive integer for start in slicepipe?
 Return an item at start index and all items after in the list or string exp.
71. What is output of below code
Let ivar=50;
Let ivar=90;
 50
72. What type do most methods on Httpclient return?
73. From below code snippet,identify the database name and collection name

Var mongodb=require(‘mongodb’);

 Database Name is mydb, and collection name is employees

74. The … module is to be imported in order to use[(ngModel)]
 FormsModule
75. Shilpa wants to improve efficiency..
 Fs.readFile(‘’/etc/hosts’,function(err,contents){
Console.log(“Doing something else”);

76. A webpage that you are developing will accessed from various types of devices.
 @media screen and (min-width:100px)and (max-width:480px)
77. You are requesting for stundents data from the server using XMLHttpRequest. There are 100
78. Which of the foll is true about pipeline streams
 All of the above
79. Which of below is correct HTML markup to check if a valid three-digit number is supplied as
 <input id=”txtValue” type=”text” pattern=”[0-9}{3}”/>
80. Katie is developing a web application for online training…….which csss property does she
need to set?
 Padding
81. Dinesh is a developer working on front-end angular application for book store…
 Line 1
82. Katie is developing a web application for online training…which of below values if set to
position property allows her to do fix elements in the desired place?
 Absolute, fixed
83. Which of following is the correct output for the javascript code
Var grade=’Z’
Var result=0……
 0
84. Which statement is true about media queries in CSS3?
a.Define rule..
b.The media type “printer”
 Both A and B
85. Annie is a full stack developer working on the mean stack set of technologies..
 res.sendFile()
86. Assume that you have been assigned with a task of including a checkout page in online
shopping portal
 Routeparams
87. What is the output of below code snippet when executed

Let Employee=function(empno,empname,age,salary){



 The code produces the output “Hello”

88. In a game that you developing you are expected to implemented…to increase a players
 Transform(value:number, exponent=1): number{
return math.pow(value,exponent);
89. You have to control the alignment of div element through a component class property…
 <div [align]=”alignment”>
This is a test statement

90. Which of following query will list the user in ascending order of their names
 db.users.find({}).sort({name:1})
91. import{injectable} from ‘@ngular/core’,
export class Productservice{
In above code snippet , the provided property in the @injectable decorator

 declares that this service should be created by the root application injector
92. predict output for following MongoDB command
 sets the filtertype as least price for all the documents whose price is less than or
equals to 5000
93. Galaxy cinemas wants to develop…… arun is new team member assigned to work in server
side of galaxy cinemas..
 In line 3, we are compiling schemas into model so that we can construct the
94. You are developing a feature to display list of players of respective team using angular. ..
Which of the lifecycle hook methods can be used in players component
 ngOnChanges()

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