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Mariah Brown


Mariah Brown

Core Values (TIU3)

Compassion Resilience

Learning Styles (TIU4) Learning styles with 2 examples – place a star by your preferred styles

Style: Auditory Style: Visual Style: *Kinesthetic

ex. ex. ex.

Learning through songs YouTube videos Playing a game

ex. ex. ex.

Re-reciting information Power point presentations Role playing scenarios

Activate the Brain – The R’s (TIU7)

1. Relationship 4. Retrieval 7. Re-exposing

2. 5. Routing 8.
Rigor Rehearsing
3. 6. 9.
Relevance Retaining Recognizing

Teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

1. Word Walls 3. Word Games

2. 4.
Wheel of Fortune Password

Strategies for Differentiation (SS2)

Strategies for Success (SS2-7) Provide 2 examples of each
1. Graphic Organizers/Mind Maps 3. Student Conversations/Discussions in small
Mariah Brown
Strategies for Success (SS2-7) – Provide 2 examples of each

Example 1 Example 2

Cooperative Grouping Four Corners Jigsaw

Graphic Organizers
Fishbone graphic organizers Brainstorming webs

Advanced Organizers
KWL Chart Connect 4 Thinking

Similarities / Differences
Rank ‘em T-Chart

Summarizing & Notetaking

Cues & Questions

Blooms Verbs (SS8 and SS9)

Create Explain, summarize, create, collect, and reconstruct.


Evaluate Critique, compare, support, evaluate, and justify.


Analyze Contrast, dramatize, interpret, relate, and separate.

Practice, demonstrate, predict, write, and sketch.

Explain, summarize, infer, identify, and explain.

Name, order, outline, memorize, and match.

Mariah Brown
Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM5)

1. What where you doing?

What were you supposed to be doing?

What are you going to do about it?
What happens if you break the rules again?

Modifications and Accommodations (E6)

Quantity Time Level of Support
Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the number of items that the
learner is expected to learn or the Adapt the time allotted and allowed Increase the amount of personal assistance to
for learning, task completion, or keep the student on task, to reinforce or prompt
number of activities students will the use of specific skills. Enhance adult-student
complete prior to assessment for testing. relationships; use physical space and
mastery. environmental structure.
Example Example Example
Break up the number of vocabulary Set a timer for each learning station. Ask groups Go from group to group to monitor
terms students must learn between all if they are done after the timer goes off. Allow progress. Offer assistance when I see
3 learning stations. for 3 extra minutes to complete the task. students struggling or in need of reteaching.

Input Difficulty Output

Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the way instruction is Adapt the skill level, problem type, or Adapt how the student can respond to
delivered to the learner. the rules on how the learner may instruction.
approach the work.

Example Example Example

Each station is divided into Students will be allowed to reference Students will be able to verbally or
kinesthetic, auditory, and visual their note cards while completing their visually describe what they have learned
component to address all learning descriptive writing. depending on need.

Participation Notes:
Definition I will keep in mind the learning style, level, and accommodations needed for each
Adapt the extent to which a learner is student and be flexible with during the lesson.
actively involved in the task.
Because students will be working in
groups students will be allowed to divide
tasks amongst each other that they are
comfortable with completing.
Mariah Brown
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12)

1. Keep school supply requirements to a minimum. 4. Don’t make comments about students clothes or
appearance unless it’s a violation of dress code

2. Keep expectations high. 5. Take time to explain rationale for rules and

3. 6.
Arrange a bank of shared supplies for students to borrow. Provide access to computers, magazines, books ect.
while at school.

Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy Skills (R8)

Strategy name When / how to use it Define it

1. Concept Maps During reading/ individually, small groups, A visual organizer that can enrich
whole class. students understanding of a new
Paired Reading During reading/small groups Students take turns reading aloud
to eachother to improve fluency.
3. Word Walls During reading and class/whole class setting Definition of vocabulary words is displayed
in class to provide a reference point for

Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)

Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

1. Prepare the lesson

Outlines, graphic organizers, highlighted text.
2. Build background
Word walls, personal dictionaries, vocabulary self-selection.
3. Make verbal communication understandable
Appropriate speech, explain academic tasks, power point presentations.

4. Learning strategies (this one should be easy!)

Mnemonic devices, illustrate new learning, graffiti write.
5. Opportunities for interaction
Flexible small groups, class discussions, wait time, writing headlines, step interviews.
6. Practice and application
Discussions, working with partners, incorporate reading, speaking and writing.
7. Lesson delivery
Pacing, encourage student engagement, allocate time, state learning objectives.

8. Review and assess

Review vocabulary, informal assessments, formal assessments.

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