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Alay Shah


Mobile: 9925001693

• Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati Guwahati, IN
B.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering; GPA: 8.38/10 2018 – 2022
Relevant Coursework: Data Structures and Algorithms,Probability Theory and Random Processes, Elementary
Number Theory and Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Options Trading Strategies, Database Management Systems,
Operating Systems.

• Cisco (Offered PPO) | Software Engineering Intern May 2021 - July 2021
◦ Worked on the tool which bridges the gap between testers and developers by providing first level analysis of reported
errors and made it more user friendly.
◦ Automated the basic debugging steps to provide meaningful technical triages to start with before filing a bug.
◦ Technical Skills: Flask, Python, Regular Expression.
• Analyze timing attacks using ML and DL models on RSA algorithms | Bachelors Thesis Project (BTP)
◦ Comapared the RMS, MAE and Adjusted r-squared between various ML and DL models used to analyze timing
attacks on RSA algorithms
◦ Compapred the performances of the models after applying blinding (Timing attack remedy) on RSA algorithm.
• Cab Sharing Application | Coding Club, IIT Guwahati April 2020 - May 2020
◦ Developed an Android application in Java using Firebase as database where one can find people to share a cab with.
◦ Key features: Google authentication, adding trips, filtered trip search, real-time messaging and editable profile.
• SplitEveryBit App | Self Project Dec 2019 - Jan 2020
◦ Developed an Android application in Java using Firebase as database which helps in keeping track of their shared
expenses and balances with groups.
◦ Key Features: Add groups and friends, split expenses, record debts, calculate total balances, suggests repayments.
• 2-Pass Assembler and Linker Loader | Course Project Feb 2021 - March 2021
◦ Implemented a two-pass assembler and linker loader in C++ for SIC/XE machine architecture to generate
relocatable object code along with modification, define and refer records.
• Secured All India Rank 439 in JEE Advanced among 160,000 candidates. (2018)
• Secured All India Rank 632 in JEE Mains among 1.35 million candidates. (2018)
• Codeforces Rating : Highest rating of 1721 (Expert) on Codeforces (handle : alayshah 007).
• Recipient of Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) fellowship. (2018)
• Secured 2nd international rank in NSO (National Science Olympiad conducted by SOF). (2018)

Programming Skills
• Programming Languages: C++, Python, JavaScript, Java • Database management: MySQL, Firebase
• Technologies: Django, Flutter, Android, Flask • Miscellaneous: LaTeX, Shell Scripting
• Department Activity Mentor, 2019: Served as a student mentor for the CSE department first year students and
helped them to get acquainted with the college studies and environment.
• City Representative, Technothlon 2019: Organised Technothlon in Ahmedabad City for 900+ participants.
• Secured First Position in Bio-Medical Hackathon in the inter-hostel technical event (Kriti).
• Secured Gold Medal in Hockey in the inter-hostel sports event (Spardha).

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