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Lesson Plan 8

Subject: Theme: World of Knowledge Class: Date:

( READING ) Topic: Module 4 : Celebration (10.10 a.m. – 11.10 (Thursday)
Learning Standard Code : Moral Value Cross Curricular Links:
Appreciate the traditions  Multiple Intelligences
 Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
and history of other  Constructivism
Reading 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple texts cultures  Entrepreneurship
 Knowledge Acquisition
of one or two paragraphs  Patriotism
 Information and Communication Technology
Reading 3.2.2 Understand specific information and Skills (ICT)
 Creativity and Innovation
details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs.  Values and Citizenship
 Learning How to Learn Skills
 Moral Education
 Mastery Learning
Student Aspirations
Knowledge / Thinking Leadership Bilingual / Ethics & National
Skills Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Learning Objectives: Success Criteria: We are able to :
We are learning about celebrations and 1. Answer True or False to at least 9 out of 10 statements correctly.
talk about future plans. 2. Read and say at least 2 out of 3 future plans correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Resources:

Stay up, money, fireworks, decorate, Get Smart Plus 4 Student’s Book
barbecue, give
What are you going to dress up as?
I’m not going to ____.
She isn’t going to ____.
They aren’t going to ____.

Lesson Outline Impact/ Reflection

Starter Set Induction: WARM UP
• starter activity to engage
students Activities carried
• inform students of the 1. Ask What are special days we have learnt together this out can arouse
learning objective week? pupils’ interest
• stimulate recall of prior 2. Show a picture of a celebration and ask: Inform the pupils
about LO and SC
• Look at this picture, what celebration do you think Relate their
is this? knowledge with
• What are they going to do on that special day? previous lesson

Pupils are informed of the Classroom Rules, Learing

Objectives and Success Criteria
Main Activities Vocabulary:
• explanation of the
1. Have pupils open their books to page 40 and point Explanation on
• modelling and out the words in the vocabulary section. content of the
demonstrating 2. Play CD1-Track 59 and have pupils point to the lesson
• practise opportunities words and repeat. Examples and
• guidance and feedback demonstrations
• cater for different
3. Say the words again in random order and have Opportunity to carry
learning styles
• appropriate challenge pupils repeat and point. out task
for all learners Continuous
• opportunities to learn Activity 1: CLS: IDEA-RUSH guidance and
collaboratively 1. Ask a question and set a time limit: What are the feedback for various
• on-going guidance and
feedback (Assessment celebrations in other countries that you know? Write learning styles
for Learning) as many as you can in 30 seconds. The task is suitable
2. In table groups, pupils quickly write an idea on a to pupils’ ability
small piece of paper/sticky note. Chances for
3. Pupils state the idea aloud, and place their paper on collaborative
a larger, central sheet of paper. No other member of learning styles
the group can now write the same idea. Continuous
4. Pupils continue until they have no new ideas for 30 guidance and
seconds. feedback (learning
5. Tell pupils to choose: Choose celebrations that and assessment)
celebrate only by Malaysians. Pupils discuss and
Lesson was carried
move the ideas on the paper, organising according
out successfully
to criteria given by the teacher or agreed by the
table group.


1. Have pupils look at the pictures and try to guess
what celebration each child talks about.
2. Play CD2-Track 60 and encourage pupils to shadow
3. Give pupils 2 minutes to read in pairs.
4. Ask pupils questions to check comprehension:
• When is Lunar New Year?
• What are they going to do?
• Is she going to sleep early this year?
• What is she going to do?
• What are Lin’s parents going to give her?
• When is Tom going to celebrate Independence
• What are Tom and his family going to do?
5. Ask pupils to close their books.
6. Explain that they are going to listen to a series of
sentences about the article and they will have to
respond with gestures.
7. Pupils put their hands on their heads when they hear
true sentences and fold their arms in front of them
when they hear false sentences.
• Lin is from China. She is going to celebrate The
Lunar New Year in two months.
• Lin is going to decorate her house with a
Christmas tree.
• On New year’s Eve, Lin is going to have a big
family dinner.
• This year, Lin is going to bed early. She is not
going to stay up to watch the fireworks on TV.
• On New Year’s Day, Lin’s friends are going to
give her money as a present.
• Tom is from the US. He is going to celebrate the
US Independence Day in two weeks.
• Tom is going to have barbecue.
• Tom’s dad is going to cook hot dogs.
• In the evening, Tom and his family are going to
watch the fireworks at the park.
• For Tom, Independence Day is not great!

Grammar box
1. Direct pupils’ attention to the grammar box at the
top of page 41.
2. Read the sentences out loud and have pupils repeat.
3. Explain the negative form of sentences to pupils and
give them more examples, e.g.:
• I’m not going to go to a party tonight.
• He isn’t going to watch TV.
• We aren’t going to play football.
4. Refer pupils to the Grammar reference at the back
of the book.


1. Direct pupils’ attention to the children in the picture
and ask What do you think the children are talking
2. Play CD2-Track 62 and have pupils to shadow read.
3. Explain to pupils that they have to read the four
sentences and refer to reading text to correct them.

1. Check the answers as a class.

Pupils check the Learning Objective and Success

Criteria to make sure that they had achieve it.
Looking Back: review and
assessment of learning 1. Teacher summarizes the lesson for today. / pupils were
Looking Forward: identify next 2. On a signal, teacher says the checklist for today’s able to complete
steps for learning the task and achieve
An activity to provide closure. lesson. Pupils show their thumbs up or down to
the learning
agree or disagree with the checklist:
• Today, I know.... This lesson was
 about a celebration celebrates by the Chinese postponed and will
 about activities on US Independent Day be carried forward
celebration to the next lesson
 how to write the negative statement using be
not going to

Pupils recall and reflect the Learning Objective and

Success Criteria
Students to follow-up: Reinforcement: Enrichment:
Remedial: Pupils complete workbook page 32
Pupils are given extra guidance
when needed

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