Author's Declaration-Cum-Copyright Transfer Certificate

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Author’s Declaration-cum-Copyright Transfer Certificate

We Anita C. Solanke., P.B.Patel., Sagar K. Jadhav, R.D. Vekariya & Pooja.K.Patel,
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,Navsari Agricultural University,Navsari,Gujrat

The Authors of the manuscript entitled “...Analysis of heritability and genetic advance
for yield and yield contributing traits in aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes.” which has
been submitted to Applied Biological Research  for publication, solemnly declare
as under: 

i)  The work or the essence of the work presented in the above

manuscript has neither been published previously elsewhere (except
in the form of an abstract or as a part of lecture or academic
thesis) nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere. The
manuscript has exclusively been submitted to this journal only.
ii) The manuscript is the original work of above author(s) and not
copied (in whole or in part) from any other work.
iii) The manuscript presents the work conducted by the authors as a
part of Ph.D. thesis research submitted to Navsari Agricultural
University,Navsari,Gujrat all the Funding Agencies have duly been
acknowledged in the manuscript (Strike off the part not applicable).
iv) We certify that all the Authors have practically contributed to
the research work described in the above manuscript and their
practical contribution in the research work presented.
v) We also certify that the manuscript has been seen and approved by
all the authors as well as tacitly or explicitly by the responsible
authorities at the Institute/University where the work has been
carried out.  
vi) If and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, we all the
authors agree to the Automatic Transfer of the Copyright to the
Publisher i.e. “Centre for Advancement of Applied Sciences, Srinagar,
Jammu & Kashmir (India).
vii) The manuscript as such or its any part will not be published by the
authors elsewhere in any language without the consent of the
copyright holders.
viii)  Written permission for the materials/information used from
other copyrighted sources has been obtained by the authors and that
any costs associated with obtaining this permission are the author’s
responsibility. No material/information submitted as a part of this
manuscript infringes the existing copyrights, or the rights of a third
ix)  If any of the above information is found incorrect, the Editorial
Board may initiate any action against the authors, including the
outright rejection of manuscript, blacklisting of authors, requesting
the concerned Institution/University to initiate appropriate action
against the authors for their unethical acts.
Signature of each author with name, designation and date

Sr. Author Name Designation Signature

1. Dr. Anita C. Solanke Assistant professor,NAU, Navsari
2. Dr. Pathik B. Patel Associate Professor ,NAU, Navsari
3. DR. Sagar K. Jadhav Assistant professor ,NAU, Navsari
4. Dr. R.D.Vekariya Assistant professor, NAU, Navsari
5. Dr. Pooja K.Patel Ph.Scholar, NAU, Navsari

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