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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas :

Nama :

I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf A, B, atau C pada jawaban

yang paling benar !

1. The color of blood is red.

Red artinya ………..

a. Merah

b. Biru

c. Hijau

2. The color of sky is Blue.

Blue artinya ………..

a. Merah

b. Biru

c. Hitam
3. The color of chocolate is brown.

Brown artinya ………..

a. Coklat

b. Merah

c. Hitam

4. The color of grass is green.

Green artinya ………..

a. Hijau

b. Biru

c. Hitam

5. The color of banana is yellow.

Yellow artinya ………..

a. Ungu

b. Kuning

c. Putih

6. Our national flag is ………. and ………………

a. Blue, white

b. Red, white

c. Red, black
7. I am SMA students of Karya Bhakti, our uniform color is …………

a. White and red

b. White and yellow

c. White and blue

8. I’m an insect. I likes eat nectars. I live in a hive.

People usually take honey from us.

I am bee. Bee artinya ………..

a. Nyamuk

b. Lebah

c. Lalat

9. It is white or brown or black.

It has four legs, long tail, and gives us milk.

It is cow. Cow artinya ………..

a. Kambing

b. Sapi

c. Ayam

10. It is big and grey. It has short tail, but they have long nose.

It is elephant. Elephant artinya ………..

a. Domba

b. Harimau

c. Gajah
11. They have wings, but they cannot fly.

They have two legs, and they give us them eggs.

They are hen. Hen artinya ………..

a. Harimau

b. Lebah

c. Ayam betina

12. They have four legs and two long ears.

They likes to eat carrot. They are rabbit.

Rabbit artinya ………..

a. Kelinci

b. Ayam

c. Burung

13. They eat leaves. They have a long neck.

They are very tall. They are giraffe.

Giraffe artinya ………..

a. Jerapah

b. Singa

c. Kelinci
14. Mr. Anwar makes a table, a chair,

and everything from woods.

He is a ………..

a. Carpenter

b. Bricklayer

c. Teacher

15. Mr. Kasan works in the rice field.

He plants rice and also plowing the rice field. He is a farmer.

a. guru

b. Dokter

c. Petani

16. A person who teach us is teacher.

a. Murid

b. Guru

c. Kepala sekolah

17. A person who take care patients in the hospital is nurse.

a. Pasien

b. Perawat

c. Dokter
18. My father is a mechanic.

He works at a ………….

a. Barber shop

b. Repair shop

c. Book shop

19. My mother is a teacher.

She works in the………..

a. Bank

b. School

c. Hospital

20. Budi is a Police, he works on the………

a. Hospital

b. Fire department

c. Police office

II. Isilah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan tepat!

1. My favourite fruit is ……….

2. This is a …………..
3. …………… contains many vitamin A.

4. Sinta doesn’t like to eat ……………

5. This is a …………

6. I can smell something with my …………..

7. I use my ……… for watching the film.

8. We kick the ball with our ………..

9. I can taste how the sour of lemon with my ………..

10. I can chew my bubblegum with my ……..

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