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             14th    May  2022  
Respected  Ma’am  /  Sir,  
Warm  greetings  from  the  Heartfulness  Institute!  
“You  cannot  do  kindness  too  soon,  for  you  never  know  how  soon  it  will  be  too  late.”  —Ralph  Waldo  Emerson  
What  better  time  than  now,  for  youth  of  our  county  to  unite  under  one  roof  to  spread  kindness?    
Heartfulness  and  UNESCO-­‐MGIEP  is  happy  to  invite  students  from  your  esteemed  organization  to  participate  
in  the  upcoming  International  Youth  Summit  at  Kanha  Shanti  Vanam,  Hyderabad.    


In   the   midst   of   darkness   that   seems   to   be   plaguing   the   world   we   see   hope.       When   disasters   strike   -­‐-­‐   like   a  
global  pandemic  or  climate  change  -­‐  many  immediately  see  the  compassion  of  humans  coming  together  as  one.  
These  acts  of  kindness  are  often  overshadowed  by  the  darkness  of  catastrophes;  it  is  time  we  spotlight  these  
moments  of  kindness.  In  these  tough  times,  many  of  us  are  also  learning  how  to  show  kindness  to  ourselves,  
through  the  adoption  of  wellness  practices  that  help  us  feel  more  grounded  in  our  own  energy.    

'Rising  with  Kindness'  is  an  opportunity  to  celebrate  these  moments  of  kindness,  to  continue  to  foster  
camaraderie,  and  to  get  creative  with  how  we  'self-­‐care'.  Join  us  for  an  immersive  conference  experience  in  
Kanha  Shanti  Vanam,  the  World  Headquarters  of  the  Heartfulness  Institute  in  Hyderabad,  India,  where  we  will:    
Spotlight  moments  of  kindness  
Build  community  with  like-­‐minded  people  from  around  India  
Connect  with  our  inner  self  through  meditation,  yoga,  and  a  myriad  of  other  wellness  practices  that  can  help  all  
of  us  feel  grounded    
We  have  witnessed  millions  of  incredible  acts  of  empathy  and  compassion  that  have  brought  relief,  created  
and  strengthened  bonds,  and  helped  build  lasting  solutions  as  the  world  accepts  its  new  normal.  Together,  
let's  continue  that  momentum  by  Rising  in  Kindness.    
Heartfulness  Institute  is  a  global  non-­‐profit  organization  offering  simple  &  effective  Heart-­‐based  practices  to  
aspirants   &   communities,   enabling   expansion   of   human   consciousness   &   holistic   individual   development.    
Heartfulness  practices  of  relaxation,  meditation,  rejuvenation  &  inner-­‐connect  along  with  various  other  micro  
practices   are   universal,   secular   and   delivered   globally   in   130+   countries   through   a   team   of   over   13,000  
certified   Heartfulness   Trainers.   With   over   4   million   practitioners   globally,   Heartfulness   Institute   is   also  
recognized   as   a   Leading   Yoga   Institute   under   the   aegis   of   the   Yoga   Certification   Board   of   India,   Ministry   of  
AYUSH.  We  are  also  a  United  Nations  Consultative  NGO  and  NITI  Aayog  Registered  NGO.  
Heartfulness  has  a  MoU  signed  with  AICTE.  
The  Mahatma  Gandhi  Institute  of  Education  for  Peace  and  Sustainable  Development  (MGIEP),  in  New  Delhi,  
India  was  established  with  the  support  of  the  Government  of  India  and  is  an  integral  part  of  UNESCO.  It  is  the  
first   and   only   category   1   Research   Institute   in   Asia   Pacific   and   focuses   on   achieving   the   Sustainable  
Development  Goal  (SDG)  4.7  towards  education  to  foster  peaceful  and  sustainable  societies.  
We   whole-­‐hearted   invite   participation   from   Universities   and   Colleges   from   across   India   in   this   landmark  
Participants  may  REGISTER  for  the  summit  on  the  following  link-­‐    
Date  of  the  event:  12th  –  14th  August  2022    
Good  to  arrive  date  and  time:  11th  August  2022  before  4:00  p.m.  
Venue:  Kanha  Shanti  Vanam,    
                                                 13-­‐110,  Kanha  Village,  Nandigama  Mandal,  Ranga  Reddy  District,  Hyderabad,  Telangana  509325  
We  would  encourage  having  1  faculty  accompanying  every  20  students.  Food  and  accommodation  will  be  
sponsored  by  Heartfulness.  Travel  cost  will  have  to  borne  by  the  participants.    
Our   University   Relations   representative/s   shall   also   be   contacting   you   &   you   may   feel   free   to   reach   out   to  
them,  in  case  of  any  queries/clarifications.  
Looking  forward  to  your  participation  and  support.  
With  best  regards  
Ramesh  Krishnan  
               Director  –  Heartful  Campus  Program  
Heartfulness  Education  Trust                                

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