Community Language Learning (CLL) : Group Assignment

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Community Language Learning (CLL)

Arrange by :

Name & Ac. No. : 1. ROSSA ITO HUTAHAEAN 2001030006



Subject : AMT of TEFL

Lecturer : MELDA VR MUNTHE S.Pd., M.Pd

English Education Study Program

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

University of HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar



First of all, thanks to The One Almighty God because of the help, writer finished writing the
paper entitled “Community Language Learning” right in the calculated time.

The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mrs. Melda Veby
Ristella Munthe M.Pd., as the lecturer of AMT of TEFL course in HKBP Nommensen
Pematang Siantar.

In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with help of
many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. Writer also realized there are still many
mistakes in process of writing this paper.

Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process of
writing this paper. Hopefully, God replies all helps and bless you all.

The writer realized that this paper still imperfect in arrangement and the content. Then the
writer hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper.

Last, but not the least hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge
about AMT of TEFL.

4th Group

Pematang Siantar, April 9, 2022

Table of Contents

Cover ..............................................................................................................................................1

Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................2

Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................................3

CHAPTER I ....................................................................................................................................4


A. Background .........................................................................................................................4
B. Problems .............................................................................................................................4

FISH BONE.....................................................................................................................................5

CHAPTER II...................................................................................................................................6


A. DEFENITION ....................................................................................................................6
B. GOALS ...............................................................................................................................6
C. ROLES ...............................................................................................................................6
D. CHARACTERISTIC ..........................................................................................................7
E. CLL PRINCIPLE ...............................................................................................................7
F. CLL TECHNIQUES ..........................................................................................................8
G. SKILL APLIED ..................................................................................................................8
H. STRENTH and WEAKNESS .............................................................................................9

CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................................10





A. Background
The origins of Communicative Language Learning (CLL) are to be found in the
changes in the British language teaching tradition dating from the late 1960s. Until then,
Situational Language Learning represented the major British approach to teaching English as
a foreign language. In Situational Language Learning, language was taught by practicing
basic structures in meaningful situation-based activities. But just as the linguistic theory
underlying Audiolingualism was rejected in the United States in the mid-1960s, British
applied linguistics began to call into question the theoritical assumptions underlying
Situational Language Teaching.

This was partly a response to the sorts of criticisms the prominent American linguist
Noam Chomsky had leveled at structural linguistic theory in his now-classic book Syntactic
Structures (1957). Chomsky had demonstrated that the current standard structural theories of
language were incapable of accounting for the fundamental characteristic of language – the
creativity and uniqueness of individual sentences. British applied linguistics emphasized
another fundamental dimension of language that was inadequately addressed in approaches to
language teaching at that time – the functional and communicative proficiency rather than on
mere mastery of structures.

B. Problems

1. What is CLL?

2. What are the goals of CLL?

3. What is the principles of CLL?

4. What is the characteristic of CLL

5. What is the technique of CLL?

6. What are the strength and the weakness of CLL?


Strength Techniques Characterisctics Goals


Weakness Skill Applied Principles Roles



CLL is a method to react the sensitivity of learner for learning communicative intent.
And it should be noted that communicative intent is sometimes forced by the number and
knowledge of learners. It has made CLL places unusual demands on teachers of language.
They have to be highly fluent and sensitive to atmosphere in both L1 (Native language) and
L2 (Foreign language).


Teachers who use CLL want their students to learn how to use the target language
communicatively. In addition, they want their students to learn about their own learning, to
take increasing responsibility for it, and to learn how to learn from one another. All of these
goals can be achieved in a non-defensive manner if teachers and students treat each other as
whole persons, respecting thoughts and feelings.


The teacher's initial role was primarily as a counselor. This does not mean that
teachers are therapists, or that teachers do not teach. On the contrary, it means that the
teacher realizes how threatening new learning situations can be for the adult learner, so he
skillfully understands and supports his students in their struggle to master the target
language. At first, students are very dependent on the teacher. However, it is recognized that
by continuing to learn, they become more and more independent. The Community
Language Learning Methodology has identified five stages in this movement from
dependence to mutual dependence on teachers. In Stages I, II, and III, teachers not only
focus on language but also support learners in their learning process. In Stage IV, as
students are more secure in the language and prepared to benefit from correction, teachers
can focus more on accuracy. It should be noted that accuracy is always the focus even in the
first three stages; However, it is subject to fluency. The opposite happened in Stages IV and


In relation to the psychological state of students, Curran said there are six elements
that need to be considered in the learning process:

a. Security (calm)
b. Aggression (actively involved)
c. Attention
d. Reflection
e. Retention (memory)
f. Discrimination

From these six things, it can be concluded that this method wants to create a sense
of security in the students' learning environment so that they dare to be actively involved in
the classroom, a teacher must pay attention to their students.

There are five stages that students go through in using this approach.

First, the Embryonic/birth stage is the stage where students are still using their first
language to convey their hopes and desires (student dependence on the teacher is 100 or
close to 100%).

Second, the Self-Assertion Stage is the stage where students have received moral support
from their peers or from their teachers so that students begin to dare to use their second
language in class even in a simple form.

Third, the Separate-Existence Stage, when students gradually begin to reduce their use of
their mother tongue and dare to express things in their second language, and assume that
everyone in the class understands the expression.

Fourth, the Reversal Stage where students get used to using a second language freely and
there is a communication relationship with other students (in the learning process students
are no longer silent and are already actively talking).

Fifth, the Independent Stage, which is the stage where students have mastered all the
material to be discussed, and students have been able to expand their language and can
become mentors to guide the second language to other students.


In CLL, students are considered as 'whole persons' or a whole (individual), meaning

that the teacher does not only pay attention to the feelings and intelligence of students but

also the relationship with fellow students and students' desire to learn. According to Curran
(1986:89), students feel uncomfortable in new situations.

By understanding students' feelings of fear and sensitivity, teachers can remove students'
negative feelings into positive energy for learning. In addition, a student is sometimes afraid
to look stupid in front of the class so they tend to be passive in class activities. Therefore, a
teacher must position himself as a counselor who will understand the feelings and problems
faced by his students.

The existence of a teacher is not seen as a threat that exposes students' faults and
limitations, but becomes a counselor who focuses his attention on students and their needs.

This method emphasizes the role of the affective domain in cognitive learning. So in his
approach, a teacher must see his students as a group that needs therapy and counseling in
which the social dynamics in this group are very important.

When a student feels comfortable and familiar with the teacher and friends in his group,
then he can express and express himself. In addition, the affective filter that is in him
(which makes him feel nervous and doesn't dare to speak) will begin to decrease because he
has felt close to his group environment.


a. Tape-recording Student Conversation

b. Transcription
c. Reflection on Experience
d. Reflective Listening
e. Human Computer
f. Small Group Task


This method can be used in teaching speaking and listening skill. However, below
is the way how to teach integrated speaking and listening skill using Community Language
Learning (CLL) in the classroom. The most important skills are understanding and
speaking. The language at the beginning, with reinforcement through reading and writing.


Strength community Language Learning

Strengths of Community Language Learning are:

a. Learners appreciate the autonomy.

b. The affective advantages are evident.
c. Teachers allow the learner to determine the type of conversation and toanalyze the
foreign language inductively.
d. The student-centered nature of the method can provide extrinsicmotivation and
capitalize on intrinsic motivation.
Works well with lower level students who are struggling in spoken English, lower
students anxiety and overcome threatening affective filter, it create a warm
sympathetic and trusting relationship between teacher and learners, train students
become independent, counselor allow to learners to determine.

Weakness Community Language Learning

Some learners find it difficult to speak on tape, in order to student become

independent, teacher might neglect the need for guidance, teacher has t be highly proficient
in target language and in the language of students, it is time consuming to carry out,
translation is an intricate and difficult task.


We could note that CLL (Community Language Learning) is a method to react
the sensitivity of learner for learning communicative intent. And it should be noted that
communicative intent is sometimes forced by the number and knowledge of learners. It has
made CLL places unusual demands on teachers of language. They have to be highly fluent
and sensitive to atmosphere in both L1 (Native language) and L2 (Foreign language). And
the goal of its was teachers who use CLL want their students to learn how to use the target
of language communicatively. In addition, they (every teachers) want their students to learn
about their own learning, to take increasing responsibility for it, and to learn how to learn
from one another.


Brown, H. Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach

toLanguage Pedagogy. San Francisco: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.Richards, Jack C.
and Theodore Rodgers. 2002. Approaches and Methods inLanguage Teaching.
Cambridge University



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