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A brief biography of Hazrat Syed Abdul Mohiuddin

Quaderi Hyderabad

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.,
Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid Eldin Attar
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A brief biography of Hazrat Syed Abdul Mohiuddin

Hazrat was born in Hyderabad. And his genealogical link is
shown as follows.
Syed Abdul Mohiuddin bin Syed Mohiuddin Thani bin Shah
Abdul Latif Laubali bin Syed Shah Taher al-Hamvi bin Syed
Alauddin Zahed bin Syed Hashim bin Syed Qutubuddin Ahmed
bin Syedna Emaduddin bin Abi Saleh Nasar bin Qutub al-Afaq
Syedna Tajuddin Abdul Razzaq Quaderi Baghdadi
Hazrat was a person who trusted Allah and was content, and he
was regular in performing five prayers daily. His ancestor was a
disciple and caliph of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Laubali. Hazrat
was away from worldly matters as well as from the world's
relationships. Hazrat was peerless in bravery and strength. And
he was a man of miracles and supernatural acts. He was married
to the daughter of Hazrat Meeran Hussain Thani, who was
among the ancestors of the grandsons of Shaikh Abdul Quader
Jilani and her name was Syeda Sultan.
Hazrat’s famous and well-known miracle: One time a canon
of conveyance of Sultan Abdulla Qutub Shah fell down in the
middle of the river Musi in Hyderabad. The people of attempted
to assist with pairs of oxen, but there was no movement from the
cannon. By chance, Hazrat was found there. Hazrat was dragged
out of the cannon by his own strength and, due to the strength of

Hazrat, the cannon came out of the Musi's river water. The
cannon was taken up by Hazrat to 14 yards from the river. Upon
seeing this great miracle, people were surprised by this matter
and were convinced of its miracle.
Death: Hazrat left this mortal world on the 12 th of Jamad Awwal
in the year 1085 Hijiri, which corresponds to 1674 A.D. during
the rule period of Sultan Abul Hasan Tana Shah, and a funeral
prayer was performed by his father. His grave is situated near
his grandfather-in-law's, whose name is Syed Mohammed, also
known as Syed Raje Quaderi, son of Hazrat Meeran Hussain
Hamvi Baghdadi, buried in the Langar house area. The names of
his two sons are as follows:
1. Darwesh Mohiuddin, 2.Syed Mohammed Madni. Please
see page 599 of the book Auliya Deccan vol. 1.
Hazrat's Grave: Hazrat’s grave is situated in the Langer house
area at the foot of the tomb of Hazrat Ghouse Thani, and
opposite of the well, on a platform. On the platform there is a
stone floor, and it is surrounded by a permanent wall on four
sides. There is only one door on the north side. The dimensions
of the platform are as follows:
This platform is 24 feet and 4 inches long from east to west, and
27 feet and 4 inches long from north to south. Six flint stone
graves were found on this wall, surrounded by a platform. A
Choukandi (Urdu) tomb from an early Islamic cemetery was
built with the help of these stones, and this is the grave of
Hazrat. Hazrat’s grave is made of flint stone. And its dimensions
are as follows:

In length, it is 6 feet and 6 inches, and in width, it is 4 feet and 6

inches, and its height is 2 feet and one inch. On the walled
surrounded area at the foot of the Hazrat's grave, there is one
tamarind and one neem tree, and both trees provide shade on the
The tablet is found on the door of the entrance in the surrounded
area, and on the other side of the tablet is written the Islamic
creed in the Arabic language.
The legal heirs of the person buried in the grave are the sons of
Hazrat Shah Syed Musa Quader of Hyderabad's Purana Pul and
they are residents of the Purana Pul area. Perhaps they used to
recite Fataha verse at their residence, so for this reason, there
was no performance of the Urs or annual death anniversary in
the Lungar house area in Hyderabad.

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