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I would like to apply my knowledge and learning to deliver towards the company’s requirements
and goals and in turn to have an opportunity for myself to continuously learn and develop as a
person and a professional.

Presently working as 'Faculty Engineer' at ELITE Institute of Technology Davangere.

● Theory of Elasticity by S. Formulas for Stress and Strain by Roark
● Metallic Material Properties, Development and Standardization (MMPDS)
● Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures by E. F. Bruhn
● Air-Frame stress analysis and sizing by Michael C. Y. Niu
● Theory of Elasticity by S. Timoshenko
● Formulas for Natural Frequency and Mode Shape by Robert D. Blevins
● FEA Tools: MSC Patran/ Nastran, Hypermesh
● Software Tools: MS Excel – VBA (Advanced)

● Course: in Machine Design | Graduated from: University B.D.T College of
Engineering, Davanagere | University VTU Belagavi | CGPA: 7.58 [2020-2022]
● Course: B.E Mechanical Engineering | Graduated from: GM Institute of Technology,
Davanagere | University VTU Belagavi | CGPA: 7.32/10 [2016-2020]

 Good knowledge on structures and Materials.
 Motivated, quick learner with strong analytical and problem-solving capabilities.
 Hands-on experience on HYPERMESH, MSC/PATRAN, and MSC/NASTRAN.
 Intended to learn new concepts.

1. Design of a tractor tow hook and stress analysis using finite element method:
Tools used: Catia V5, Hypermesh, MSC. Patran/Nastran, MS Excel – VBA.
Tow hooks fail due to stress concentration and also has issues such as cost, weight and over
material consumption. Hence study of stress induced in them helps us to understand better how to
prevent failure and choosing a proper to design a tow hook model to overcome these issues. Hence
in the present work tow hook made of Spheroidal graphite 700/2 iron and also for AISI4140 is
designed and analyzed the stress and displacement pattern using Hypermesh and Nastran software
package and theories of failures are used to predict whether the designed model is safe or eminent
to fail and obtained results validated using curved beam theory as an analytical approach.

2. Non-Linear Static Analysis of a Tractor Tow Hook:

            Tools Used: Catia V5, Hypermesh, Patran/Nastran, MS Excel – VBA.
Linear static analysis shows unrealistic and very high magnitude of stress after crossing yield point.
But in Actual practice the component survives for considerable duration. When nonlinear analysis
of the part is Carried out it confirms the practical observations and shows stress higher than yield
but lower than Ultimate. In linear static analysis the design or working stress exceeds the yield
strength of the material. To find True behaviour of the material nonlinear static analysis is carried
out and in this case the stress obtained is below the yield strength and the hook model shows the
elastic behavior. The non-linear results are validated using Ramberg Osgood and Neuber

3. Lug strength analysis of linkage at critical load condition:

            Tools used: MSC Patran/Nastran, Excel- VBA
The discretization of lug components has been carried out by using iso-parametric shells as well as
solid (brick) elements using MSC/PATRAN.  The analysis was carried out to evaluate VonMises
and Max Principal stress and the structural hand calculation of strength of the lug was made
referring to E. F. Bruhn, Michael Niu and Ekval, the corresponding calculations and curve
generation, curve fitting and extraction of strength coefficient was involved.

4. Extraction of Natural Frequencies of plate subjected to different Boundary condition:

   Tools used: MSC. Patran/Nastran, MS-Excel - VBA
Effect of aspect ratio and boundary conditions on the natural frequencies of plate were analyzed by
modelling the plate in Patran using CQUAD4 elements subjecting to different boundary conditions.
The results were in agreement with the theoretical calculations carried out using Blevin’s formulas.
5. Extraction of Intercept stress value from true stress-strain curve using Cozzone’s
Tools used: MS-Excel
Modulus of Rupture was found out using Cozzone’s Equation, for which the intercept stress was to
be found out. The intercept stress-strain curve was plotted using step-wise integration. The obtained
ultimate modulus of rupture was used to find the bending moment in beams. The obtained bending
moment is compared with the design bending moment to evaluate whether the structure is safe.

6. Load transfer through fastener in a Lap joint assembly:

Tools used: MSC Patran/Nastran, Excel- VBA.
 The structural hand calculation of load transfer through fastener in a lap joint assembly was
done by referring Les-Bent by solving displacement compatibility equations and
equilibrium equation, user form created to compute load transfer through fastener by excel
 The discretization of plate was carried out by using Iso-parametric shell using HyperMesh.
C-bush element used in order to model fastener, then compared the load results from
Nastran with structural hand calculation.

7. Large deflections of uniformly loaded rectangular plate.

 Here the discretization of flat plate is carried out by iso-parametric shell elements in
MSC Patran. The rectangular plate is clamped on all side and surface load is uniformly
applied. Output result maximum displacement is extracted by using SOL 106 for
nonlinear static analysis. The result of the same is validated by structural hand
calculations by referring to S. TIMOSHENKO and S. WOINOWSKY-KRIEGER. Here
deflections are graphically represented. To extract the graph the data points were
obtained from digitizing the graphs from the reference texts.
 The co-ordinates of the graph were plotted and to find the corresponding curve
equations, Lagrangian Interpolation Method was used. Later on, this was done using
Excel’s trend line option.

8. Buckling constant for flat rectangular plate with hole under shear load with different
boundary conditions. * Remember
The presence of the hole in the plate will cause a nonuniform stress distribution that will result in
peak stresses around the hole. The validity of the analysis presented here is limited to elastic
buckling that is buckling where all the stresses in the plate remains in the elastic range.

9. Stress Invariants to determine Principal stress:

Tools used: MS-Excel – VBA.
In order to get the Eigen values from the stress invariants using characteristic equation to find out
the principal stress we use GOAL SEEK function to approximate the first root i.e., the first
principal stress, to find out the other two roots (principal stresses) by means of synthetic division.

10. Crippling analysis of plate by GERARD METHOD:

Tools used: MS-Excel – VBA.
The local buckling stress of composite sections when loaded in compression. Tests of short lengths
of sections composed of flange-plate elements often show that after the section has buckled locally
in other words. For cases where local buckling occurs at low stress, the crippling or failing stress
will be higher. In this work determination of crimpling stress is predicted for the different
fabricated cross section.

11. Elastic and Inelastic buckling of flat plate:

Tools used: MS-Excel.
The critical elastic buckling stress is determined on the basis of buckling coefficient which depends
on edge boundary conditions and plate aspect ratio. If the buckling or instability occurs at a stress
in the inelastic or plastic stress range, thus a plasticity correction factor is calculated by finding
secant modulus (Esec). so, need to find the inelastic buckling stress by multiplying plasticity
correction factor to elastic buckling stress.

12. Static Strength of Screwed Fasteners.

Tools used: MS-Excel – VBA.
Estimate the tensile strength and stripping strengths of the screwed connection in fastener
arrangement are presented in terms of the probability of failure. Based on the different type of
threads in fasteners and also diameter of the fastener the fastener failure is determined. This method
is nothing but estimation of static strength of the fastener.

13. Stress Concentration Factors for Axially Loaded Lugs with Clearance-Fit Pins:
Tools used: MS-Excel – VBA.
In addition to lug geometry the pin/hole clearance significantly affects the stress concentration for
different types of lugs like round-ended, square-ended, waisted lugs with and without slots what is
the amount of stress concentration geometry is determined.


1.  Langrangian Interpolation used to interpolate the alpha & beta values for non-standard
aspect ratios of plates to calculate the stress using reference of  ‘Formulas for stress-strain
concentration” by Roark.
2. Analysis of Plate with hole subject to Tension loads: Validation of stress obtained from
MSC/Nastran-Patran through Haywood Approximation, Peterson and Roarks.
3.  Extraction of Beam Natural Frequency using Robert-D Blevin relations incorporated using
excel user-forms.
4. Interaction Curves for extraction of Critical Load for Buckling of Plates (shear, axial,
bending) referring to E.F. Bruhn and Michael Niu using curve fitting to extract User-forms
to compute the Second moment of area.
5. Extraction of shell forces and moments from .f06 and .rpt files to Excel sheets using VBA.
6. Interaction curve for combined tension and shear load on bolts.
7. Here by using Newton-Raphson method we calculate reserve factor (RF) and margin of
safety (MS). From the calculated RF/MS value we can conclude that the fastener is safe or
eminent to eminent to fail.
8. Calculation of Load distribution of fasteners by using different flexibility methods namely
Swift (Douglas), Huth-Schwarmann, Tate & Rosenfeld formulas by using matrix concept.

 Father’s Name : Rajashaker K

 Date of Birth : 12/March/1998

 Languages known : English, Kannada and Hindi

 Nationality : Indian

 Permanent Address : Door No: 797/1, 1st main road, 12th cross, KTJ Nagar, Davangere


I hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my Knowledge.

Place: Davangere

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