Ipaul No 12 - Saint Paul Scholasticate Newsletter

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Quis nos separabit a caritate Christi? An gladius?

Saint Paul Scholasticate Newsletter

Year 5, No. 12 September 2010

Saint Paul Scholasticate Community Tagaytay City, Philippines Formation Year 2010-2011

1st row seated, from left to right: Fr. Michael Mancusi (Chancellor), Fr. Cirilo Coniendo (Treasurer), Fr. Frank Papa (Superior), Fr. Michael Sandalo (Rector/Father Master), Fr. Arvin Dagalea (Prefect of the Sacristy); 2nd row, left to right: Pat Golis, Joseph Bernales, Rey Carmelo Ausejo, Glenn Gaabucayan, Raphael Laotoco, Rito Oez, Jr., John Paul Osip, ArJohn Ignalig, Julimar Pulvera, Albino Vecina; 3rd row, left to right: Yohanes Koten, Clyd Autentico, Alfredo Dolog, Jr., Alvin Libay, Gerard Sala, Henry Pabualan, Cunan Adaro, Isagani Gabisan, Roxie Roflo, Mark Anthony Pondoc; 4th row, left to right: Jonathan Ramoso, Benedict Insigne, Thomas Tabada, Rosauro Valmores, Benjiemar Salvacion, Rolly Cascajo

No. 12

The joy of the Ordination continues

Newly ordained Barnabite priests Fr. Jose Nazareno Gabato and Fr. Arvin Dagalea celebrate their Thanksgiving Masses in their home parishes.
(Rev. Jonathan Ramoso, CRSP) assisted and Fr. Jecker delivered the homily in the Visayan language. The theologians and some college seminarians from Bohol of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Seminary provided the songs and music. Bro. Pat Golis sang the responsorial Psalm. After the Mass, the traditional kissing of the hands of the new priest followed. Fr. Joens family members and friends flocked to him to receive his blessing and kiss his newly anointed hands. Also present during the occasion was Miss Lenny Reyes, from Tagaytay, a dear friend of Fr. Joens and of the confreres. She came over to Bohol to participate in the said event. The fathers and scholastics were accommodated in the houses of Fr. Joses close friends and relatives. The Mass was followed by a reception and a cultural program presenting the passion for music of the Boholanos. Food was abundant, in fact, it was more than enough for the visitors. While all were busy eating and enjoying each others company, the singing sensation of Boholanos revealed the nature typical of them. The parish priest, Fr. Linuel Canizares gave an inspirational talk, and friends and family members dear to Fr. Joens also expressed some thoughts about his life. One of his friends

Fr. Joens offers his Thanksgiving Mass. From left: Fr. Jecker, Rev. Jonathan, Fr. Joens and Fr. Cirilo.

After the ordination to the Priesthood last 13 February of Fr. Jose Nazareno Joens Gabato and Fr. Arvin Dagalea, they both traveled to their home provinces to offer their thanksgiving Masses in their respective parishes. The thanksgiving Masses were special occasions for the two ordinandi to thank God for their priesthood and to the parish-community where they grew up for their support. Son of the Cortesinos: Fr. Joses Thanksgiving Mass On April 4th, Fr. Joens celebrated his thanksgiving Mass at Santo Nio Parish in Cortes, Bohol. The residents of the town, the Cortesinos, were so proud to have a newly ordained priest. The celebration started at 9:00 oclock in the morning in the artistically decorated church (the said church was constructed during the Spanish period and the ceiling was beautifully painted with biblical scenes). The Mass in the Visayan language was presided by none other than Fr. Joens and concelebrated by Fr. Jojo Laguros, the assistant parish priest, Fr. Michael Sandalo, CRSP, rector of St. Paul Scholasticate, Fr. Cirilo Coniendo, CRSP, treasurer of St. Paul Scholasticate and Fr. Jecker Luego, CRSP, treasurer of the Marikina seminary community. Rev. Jonathan

Group picture with Fr. Jecker (in black shirt), Miss Lenny Reyes (next to Fr. Jecker) and Fr. Cirilo (extreme right).

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Zamboangas Pride: Fr. Arvin Dagalea

All smiles! Enjoying the sights and sounds of Bohol with some friends of Fr. Joens.

told him: you made it to the priesthood in (sic) Gods grace! Likewise, Fr. Joens delivered his message of thanks. The Barnabite scholastics and college seminarians also rendered a song presentation. The thanksgiving celebration was not enough without an excursion to the beautiful and interesting places of Bohol. Fr. Jecker, however, because of an appointment in Manila opted to leave. Frs. Michael and Cirilo, the scholastics and Miss Lenny visited the old and Spanish-inspired churches in the towns of Baclayon, Dauis, Maribojoc, Loon, Calape and Tubigon. They also toured to Hinagdanan cave, downtown Tagbilaran City, the man-made forest in Loboc town and the Sagbayan peak where they saw one of the worlds smallest primate, the tarsier. The confreres also experienced the tourists taste of the floating restaurant on Loboc river. While the ferry was cruising the river, everyone was enjoying the songs (mostly Visayan), dances and a buffet of native dishes prepared by the townfolks. On the last day of their tour, they proceeded to Panglao island where they enjoyed its white sand and blue waters. It was a very memorable day for all. After the week-long celebration and tours, the confreres headed back to their home provinces to continue their summer apostolate in their respective parishes. The community of Saint Paul Scholasticate is, indeed, very thankful for the hospitality and kindness of the Gabato family, the friends of Fr. Joens and all the people of Cortes. Special thanks also to Fr. Linuel and his assistant parish priest for the warm welcome and for their generous help in making the occasion a huge success. To all of you, daghan salamat po!

On April 11, a week after the festivities in Cortes, Fr. Arvin Ma. Dagalea, CRSP offered his thanksgiving Mass in his home parish of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary in Bolong, Zamboanga City. Few days before the celebration, the confreres Rolly Cascajo, Glenn Gaabucayan and deacons Jonathan Ramoso and Clyd Autentico came over to witness the said event. They were accommodated in the house of the Dagalea family while the fathers stayed in the house of Fr. Arvins close relative. A week before the much-awaited thanksgiving Mass, Fr. Arvins parents, relatives and friends and the whole parish community of Bolong were busy in making the said occasion successful. A huge picture of Fr. Arvin printed on tarpaulin was placed at the churchyard. An hour before the celebration, there was a parade all over the barangay of Bolong and to other barangays that belonged to the parish. The said parade appeared like an election campaign as Fr. Arvin waived his hands at the crowds. At half past 10 in the morning, the holy Eucharist commenced presided by the newly ordained with concelebrants Fr. John Duka, the parish priest of Bolong, Barnabite fathers Fr. Richard Genetiano, parish priest of St. Anthony Ma. Zaccaria, San Mateo, Rizal, Fr. Michael Sandalo, Fr. Rudyson Nulo, rector of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Seminary, Marikina and Fr. Arvins long-time friend and spiritual director Fr. Giulio Mariani from the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME). Barnabite deacon Clyd Autentico sang the responsorial Psalm and Jonathan Ramoso proclaimed the Gospel.

Fr. Arvin (center) leads the faithful in offering the Holy Mass with assisting deacons Jonathan and Clyd.

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g{x cx ftvx
I AM YOURS, LORD When Im in solitude of night With a lonely heart In the breezy wind I think of my life . . . Where am I going? Will I find happiness? I walk through the night I try to scrutinize my life Why am I here? What am I looking for? Is there silver or gold? Is there wealth or money? What a question! What? Why? Whats wrong? I am! I am wrong! I ask so many questions! What a life! I am gone too far What a pity! I forget you, O Lord I am in the wilderness! I am lost from your love! Wealth and money surround me What a pity! Thinking of worldly things Is there way out for me? Is there light for my path? -Br. John Koten

From left: Br. Rolly Cascajo, Fr. Rudyson, Fr. Michael, Fr. Richard and Rev. Jonathan.

The Mass was in English but Fr. John Duka preached the homily in the local Chavacano language. Before the Mass ended, Fr. Arvin conveyed his message of thanks. He became emotional so that the parishioners also shed tears as they listened. After him, one of his friends and a high school classmate also delivered a short message and revealed Fr. Arvins secret: he is a jolly person, a good companion and friend, and most of all, one who used to play Chinese garter. Fr. John also expressed his felicitations and encouraged the parishioners to pray for Fr. Arvins perseverance. At the conclusion of the Mass, the kissing of the new priests hands followed. Then everyone proceeded to the church grounds for a sumptuous lunch. The tables were filled with dishes of Zamboangeo specialty. Though the day was hot and humid, the people who joined in the celebration left filled with joy for having a newly ordained priest from their home parish. The day after the thanksgiving Mass, Frs. Rudyson and Michael and the scholastics visited some places of interest in Zamboanga City: Pasonanca Park, Zamboanga National Museum, Fort Pilar and the Zamboanga Metropolitan Cathedral, a living witness to a century of Catholic faith of the Zamboangeos (the Archdiocese of Zamboanga has celebrated its 100th foundation anniversary). The confreres also went to the business district of Zamboanga and there they purchased some pasalubong and the famous malong. The community of St. Paul Scholasticate is very grateful for the hospitality of the Dagalea family and of the people of Bolong. Muchas gracias!

The love of God is indeed needed; , and the means of the love of God is the Love for our neighbor. -St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Sermon IV

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Isang Sulyap sa Kasaysayan Barnabite History

Fire in the Midst of Darkness: St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria and the Forty Hours Devotion
By Br. Rosauro Valmores, CRSP
At the outset of the Sixteenth Century, the Church and most of the progressive countries in the Western hemisphere had undergone a dramatic decline in their moral and religious aspects. This moral and religious profligacy is an upshot from the abuses that can be traced from an earlier epoch. The majority of the European countries during this period had suffered political, societal, and religious decadence. One of these was Italy. The Sixteenth Century had marked a chaotic atmosphere in Italy. The country had gone through many foreign aggressions and had faced the horrors of war which was perpetuated by the marauding armies of Charles V, the king of Spain who had dominated the battlefields on the Italian soil against Francis I of France. As a consequence of the political, societal and ecclesiastical turmoil, poverty, plague, the negligence in the ranks of secular and ecclesiastical leaders haunted most part of the country. Apart from the disaster that Italy had faced in its secular aspect, there also arose problems in the ecclesiastical scene. At this point of Italys history, the Church was not at her best in terms of her sacred duties. Church people had failed to proclaim and to show their authentic witnessing for reason that worldly preoccupations blinded the eyes and hearts of most of these Church leaders. The ministers, sacred by virtue of their call, gave less attention to their sacred duties to God and to the people, and they cared little for the holiness and modesty of religious rites as well. The faithful on the other hand had also failed to do their part as members of the Church. There were accounts written by some local historians which attest that during Sacred services, the silent observance, and the modesty of eyes and of attire were non-existent at that time. There were also some instances wherein the church was turned into a market place; as a result it created disturbance and disgusting irreverence to the sacred atmosphere and ceremonies of the church. It was not only in the Sacred actions of the Church that profanation was rampant, but even the mere respect to the Divine presence of God in the Holy Eucharist had been ignored. The Divine Eucharist, the most prized possession of the place of worship, the center and grandeur of the worship, was not kept with the required reverence and decorum. In some occasions the Divine Eucharist was not kept with high reverence in the tabernacle. There were awful details that were discovered by some missionaries regarding sacrilegious irreverence that permeated in many places in Italy concerning the custody of the Holy Eucharist. There were deplorable details regarding irreverence to the Sacred Host from a Jesuit missionary during a mission at Lavello. He related that he found the Holy Eucharist preserved in a wooden box, ugly beyond any description. According to this same missionary account, ants and other animals had been found in the box where the Holy Eucharist had been reposed. In the midst of this decadence, in the many aspects of mans engagements during the 16th century, God used His power in order to call ordinary people to do extraordinary work. He called them to sow fire in the hearts of the people in order to vanquish the obscurity that covered the earth. There are special qualities He looked for in them so that they would be able to withstand the challenges of the time and to carry-out the painstaking burden of the mission. These ordinary

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men made choices that are consistent not only with the highest expression of themselves, but with the greater good of the world. They were committed to setting an example for others. In spite of the gruesome decline in the morality of man, either in the secular or in the religious matter, God continued to work in order to rectify the failures of humanity. In the first half of the Sixteenth Century there existed a different array of new religious orders. These new religious families differed from the old one, such as the monks, for reason that the members of these new religious orders realized the necessity of an active apostolate and wanted to become assistants to the bishops and to exemplify the spiritual life of the diocesan priests. One of the religious orders that had thrived during the first half of the 16th century was the one founded by Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria, the Clerics Regular of Saint Paul commonly known as the Barnabite Fathers. At the outset of the Congregations foundation, there already arose a practice of devotion to the Divine Eucharist in some parts of Italy. Accordingly, this religious celebration, known as the Forty Hours, existed in the city of Zara, Dalmatia, in the year 1530. There was no written attestation that points to the origin of this pious devotion because the documents prior to this date are nonexistent conceivably due to the various forms of destruction the city was subjected to through the centuries. But in spite of this fact, there were founded traditions among the historians of the city Zara that this religious ceremony was attributed to Pope Alexander III, 1159-1181. In view of this fact, Pope Alexander III upon the request of some pious Church leaders of Zara granted special indulgences by allowing the faithful to their pious practice of worshiping the Blessed Sacrament during the last three days of Holy Week. Looking forward towards the fruits of this pious practice, the Pope furthermore granted the people of Zara that Christ in the Sacrament be not enclosed any longer in a sepulchre but be exposed to the faithful as a true and Eternal King of Glory and Conqueror of death. It is well to note here that the exposed Blessed Sacrament here means not fully exposed. Accordingly, in the early years of this pious practice in the city of Zara, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed and carried around the city covered with a black veil during the last three days of the Holy Week. But as the years passed by, there was an innovation as regards to this O Sacrament most Holy! O Sacrament Divine! pious practice. Consequently, the veil to cover the Holy Eucharist was changed from black to transparent. This prayer of the Forty Hours as practiced in the city of Zara was not the Forty Hours Devotion known today in the Catholic Church but it certainly had every indication of it. For instance, the supplication of the Forty Hours was a well established custom in the city of Zara. Accordingly, this custom entailed prayers for forty consecutive hours before the Blessed Sacrament. This Devotion was a pious custom of only one city, and restricted to only one church the church of St. Sylvester, and only during a specific part of the year. This gives an idea of its beginning. The first reference that was made concerning the Devotion of the Forty Hours outside of the city of Zara mentions the city of Milan under the date of 1527. It is quite well to note that Milan during this period was in severe distress because it was the first stopover for the armies coming down from the North. The Milanese Duchy was the center of discord between Charles V of Spain and Francis I of France. To these existing conditions must be added pillages, famine, and plague which funeral inheritances were culminating from wars during that period of time. What transpired the Forty Hours Devotion in Milan were the peoples wholehearted public practices of prayer and penance imploring the mercy of God for all the distress, dangers, and all that caused severities in life. It was Padre Antonio Bellotto, a pious and learned Augustinian priest who called men and women to keep a lamp burning in front of the Holy Eucharist, and to engage in prayer for Forty Hours four times a year in the church of the Holy Sepulcher in

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Milan. Two years after the first reference of the Forty Hours Devotion to the Holy Eucharist in Milan, another year of disaster and distress took place in the city. There were new herds of German mercenaries who created havoc in the city. To add to the general disorder, an epidemic broke out and the young were the preferred target of the disease. It was 1529 that a novelty to the pious practice of Forty Hours Devotion took place. It was Padre Thomaso Nieto, a Spanish Dominican priest who called the whole of Milan to a three days procession of penance with the Blessed Sacrament. It is interesting to note here that the Blessed Sacrament during the procession is placed in the Tabernacle and being carried by four priests during the procession. When the Tabernacle reached the altar of the cathedral, it would be placed at the top of the altar until evening and then later it would be returned to the sacristy after the Vespers. As time passed by, the pious devotion to the Holy Eucharist was no longer exclusive to one church either in Zara or in Milan. This devotion to the Holy Eucharist was extended to all the parishes in Milan. It is well to note also that there was some progress that had been made as regards to this pious practice. The prayer of the Forty Hours was not confined to the last three days of Holy Week but it was repeated at other times of the year. Up to the year 1529, the Devotion of the Forty Hours toward its definite establishment covered the following points; First, it was defiAdoration of the Blessed Sacrament, nitely a Eucharistic devotion in Zara and Milan. Second, the devoSt. John the Baptist Parish tion was performed with certain solemnity, in Zara. Third, it in Liliw, Laguna, Philippines could be repeated more than once during the year, in Milan. Fourth, it could be held in more than one church, in Milan. Based from these facts, what was lacking was someone who would incorporate the traditions of Zara and Milan, and who, out of love toward the Blessed Sacrament, would propel to disregard the existing customs and present the Sacred Host unveiled for the adoration for the faithful. During this time there lived in Milan a pious merchant by the name of Gianmarco Burigozzo who transcribed all the civil and ecclesiastical events that took place within the city. Accordingly, this Milanese merchant kept a faithful account of all the significant events that shaped his city in spite of the afflictions and distresses that took place during that time. For this very reason, it is quite well to note that during this time also the newly founded religious order of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria, the Clerics Regular of Saint Paul Barnabites, had also started its mission in the city of Milan. This Milanese chronicler did not know the name of the new religious order nor its founder, St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria; but, he indicated and singled out the person himself in his writings. In one of his accounts, Burigozzo noted that in 1532 the practice of ringing the bells during Friday at three in the afternoon in all the churches in Milan. According to this account, the exercise was suggested and promoted by men of such company who were considered to have a great degree of sanctity...They have obtained the permission that the Ave Maria be rung for a long time on Fridays at the hour when Christ died. Consequently, this custom (ringing of the bell on Fridays) was revived in 1532 by Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria. Burigozzo went on to mention some of the mortifications and public penances performed by men of such company. Thus he clearly identified for the historians the first Barnabites. With regard to the pious devotion to the Holy Eucharist, there were lots of stipulations from different historians in the annals of history as regards to the paternity of the Forty Hours Devotion in the modern way. There existed heated controversy as regards to this for reason that there also subsists an account written by Paolo Morigia, Superior General of the Jesuates, a religious order founded in the Fourteenth Century and now extinct, mentioned the year 1534 as the starting of the Forty Hours Devotion. This Paolo Morigia asserted that it was Fra Bono Cremonese who introduced in Milan the practice of Forty Hours Devotion. Many historians on the authority of Morigia attributed the foundation of the Forty Hours to Fra Bono in the year 1534. But the historical accounts of the Milanese chronicler Gianmarco Burigozzo remained uncontested for reason that the historians on the authority of Morigia have no more authority other than Morigia himself. If Morigias

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date of the beginning of the Forty Hours cannot be relied upon, no matter how many writers quoted him it still does not make it authentic compared that to the accounts written by Gianmarco Burigozzo. With this regard, who really then is the rightful founder or institutor of the modern way of Forty Hours Devotion? To solve this complicated problem, let us then go back to the accounts written by the Milanese chronicler Gianmarco Burigozzo. It would be good to note here that Fra Bono was not an unknown person to Burigozzo. In one of his accounts Burigozzo stated something with a touch of irony regarding Fra Bono. He said that although Fra Bono was a holy man, he was very peculiar...he was dressed of sackcloth but had good shoes. From this account we can validate the fact that Burigozzo knew Fra Bono very well. Accordingly, after his pilgrimage to the Holy Land and some shrines in Europe, Fra Bono retired to Cremona and led a hermits life. At that time, he came under the influence of Father Anthony Mary Zaccaria who at that time also started radiating fire through his zealous apostolic life in Cremona. According to Burigozzo, in the year 1530, the young priest Anthony Mary Zaccaria encouraged Fra Bono into apostolic life. It was in the same year that St. Anthony Mary took Fra Bono to Milan as a disciple and fervent coadjutor. Fra Bono did not persevere and he never became a priest nor a Barnabite. In order to establish the authenticity of Burigozzos accounts, it would be a great help if we note the relation of Fra Bono and St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria. There was written account from St. Anthony Mary which was addressed to one of his spiritual sons regarding Fra Bonos stay, and then later his withdrawal from the group. In his letter dated July 28, 1531, we can see how St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria was so saddened when Fra Bono left the group. On October 8, 1538, again a letter from the Holy Founder was addressed to Father Bartolomeo Ferrari in Vicenza that says; I would like that everybody know the goodness of our father Fra Bono because I know that the prayer of the 40 Hours and the other institutions would prosper. From this fact, we can then establish a clearer and a logical idea as regards to the accounts written by Gianmarco Burigozzo. When Burigozzo wrote his account about the Forty Hours Devotion in Milan, he never mentioned Fra Bono Cremonese but rather the men of such company. Perhaps one would ask how come Burigozzo did not mention the name of Fra Bono in contrast to Paolo Morigias accounts when in fact he knew Fra Bono very well. The reason for this argument is that, Fra Bono was one of the men of such company as what Burigozzo had fondly called them. Even Paolo Morigia called Fra Bono in his later work as a vigorous worker of Zaccaria. With this regard, Gianmarco Burigozzos account has much weight and is more substantial than what Morigia claimed. These men, to which Gianmarco Burigozzo insistently attributed the Forty Hours, have been identified by all historians as the first Barnabites and their Holy Founder St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria. The last thing that we need to remember also is that, in the years 1534 and 1537, the first Barnabite Fathers were on trial by the Inquisition and suspected of heresy. It is very vital to note that St. Anthony Mary employed Fra Bono especially in adorning the altars and preparing the churches for the Forty Hours in which he displayed his talents. In relation to this fact, conceivably the reason for the Congregations persecution was their modern way of preparing the Forty Hours Devotion. And most likely there were some envious Church leaders at that time who accused the early Barnabite Fathers of unorthodoxy or sacrilege because of their new practice of the Forty Hour Devotion. Finally, it is important to note that St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria and his first followers brought this breath of newness to this ancient and venerable tradition. The Saint took the Blessed Sacrament from the sacristy and placed it on a sublime throne in the center of the major altar of the church for exposition and adoration, and adorned it with resplendent lights, candles, and flowers. For the first time also, the faithful were now allowed to gaze at our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament with no veil to abstract their view. In this way, the Forty Hours Devotion was completely revolutionized. While always keeping the original character of Eucharistic Prayer, the Forty Hours was made to serve the purpose in a new and modern way. For this very reason, St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria is rightfully called the Modern Founder of the Forty Hours Devotion.
Source: The Origin of the Forty Hours Devotion and its Modern Founder by Fr. Peter Bonardi, CRSP

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Barnabite Spirituality

A Barnabite Perspective on Prayer: Know Yourself

By Rev. Fr. Michael M. Mancusi, CRSP
In the eighteenth chapter of his Constitutions, St. Anthony Mary states that prayer and meditation bring light. In other words, the fundamental effect of prayer is interior enlightenment. In the following chapter he says that our principal aim is the knowledge of our own self and the victory of our own self. Both these quotes reflect the monastic practice of recollection which St. Catherine of Siena, a contemporary of Zaccaria, interprets in a strict spiritual sense as the house of self-knowledge. (The Dialogues, 64) The reform is one of the most characteristic themes of the Zaccarian (Barnabite) spirituality. (Handbook of the Spirit, pg. 131) In order for us to reform and reshape our lives into the image of Christ (in, with, and through Whom we are created cf. John 1:3 and Colossians 1:16), we must learn honestly who we are and to overcome our ungodly ways. Praying to know ourselves as God knows us is to pray for enlightenment, courage, acceptance, and gratitude. Our life is penetrated with Gods knowledge and love here and now for the God of history and the universe is truly the God of the mundane experiences of our life as well. Occasions of spiritual growth for us occur when we take stock of ourselves and get in touch with the significance of an event in our life. We feel the sinfulness of being egocentered. We feel the graciousness of Gods work in us. We feel the closeness of the Lord and the call to a deeper authenticity in our life. Distractions are anything that call us away from prayer. Daydreaming, reminiscing, and planning for projects are good examples of distractions. Experiences, which call forth emotions are really not distractions but rather areas or content for prayer. Our experiences are more than just only our sense awareness. It includes who I am now as the person who has had this sensory awareness. It includes all the feelings, memories, and desires that are generated by the awareness. Praying is offering in honesty and surrendering the reality of myself and my life history to the Lord. In todays terminology this form of prayer is known as praying our experiences. Praying from our experiences is more than daydreaming, reminiscing, planning, or pouting. It is getting in touch with who I am as the person who has had an experience. Our prayer becomes the offering and the surrendering of that who to God through reflection on that experience. We do not pray only our good and joyful experiences but ALL our experiences. It could degenerate into self-centeredness; however, this form of prayer can ultimately lead to a depth of self-knowledge that purges our narcissistic tendencies. When we rationalize and manipulate our experiences they tell us what we want to hear. If our life is being lived with reverence and singleness of heart (purity of heart), then the life stance with which we we approach reflection, rather than the reflection itself, will cause the reflection to be reverent, pure and honest of heart as well. Authentic reflection is not the problem but part of the solution in that it helps us to discern the extent to which selfishness and rationalization

In seeing the truth of self we need to give the Holy Spirit a little more cooperation to more frequently take time out to reflect on just what was happening in our lives. By praying our experiences our prayer is really searching for the truth. Anytime we search for truth, we are really searching for God.

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control our life. Our narcissism and rationalization can cause us to be Pharisaical. It may be best to explain this concept of self-knowledge in prayer by praying our experiences by means of giving an example. A friend once told a business man, who travels a lot, that what he was doing (his extra-curricular activities during his many travels) was not right. One afternoon the man was routinely driving on a highway to meet a client. The remark of his friend came back to him. He felt some inner resistance, but turned off the car radio and began to think. Instead of arguing with himself or trying to justify himself, he let the entire matter of his business trips, his drinking, and one-night sexual encounters surface in his awareness. He remembered the pattern of his actions during those times; he recalled the anticipation, the dissatisfaction. He noticed the feelings of anxiety, fear, and embarrassment welling up in him. He noticed his rising desire to blame circumstances and his family for what he was beginning to see as a personal weakness. He realized he wanted to forget the whole thing, to decide firmly to start over and let the past be the past. He even began to recall a prayer he had memorized as a child. Then he realized he was trying to get rid of the pain that was surging up in him as the reality of the truth of these incidents became more and more clear. The memory and feelings associated was agonizingly painful, and he hated the pain. But he also knew that there was a truth to be found in it. As he drove he let the pain come on him; he waited. He resisted turning on the radio or daydreaming. He just waited in the fear and pain. There was nothing dramatic, but there was certain clarity. He then knew that the remark by his friend had really been Gods way of giving him a stiff kick. That is when he decided to get some help. The man acted upon his decision by going to confession and began seeing a counselor. The man never considered his reflection as prayer since that was something you did in church, or with memorized formulae, or something read out of a book, or something pious to say to God. In seeing the truth of self we need to give the Holy Spirit a little more cooperation to more frequently take time out to reflect on just what was happening in our lives. By praying our experiences our prayer is really searching for the truth. Anytime we search for truth, we are really searching for God. ("I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. John 14:6) In praying our experiences the Holy Spirit is praying within us in ways that we do not even know. (The Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groaning. Romans 8:26). Prayer is searching for and coming to the truth of who we are in the presence of God. It is not a matter of formulae or pious thoughts. It is a matter of honesty and searching for the meaning, the Truth of our experiences, however painful that may be. The painful reality of this reformative prayer is very real. I know for I have gone through it. For a long time while trying to meditate the name of someone from my past kept popping into my head. I avoided it as I thought it was a distraction. One day, when this so-called distraction became present again, I thought that maybe the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me something. I allowed myself to go with whatever was to happen at least so I thought. An incident that had taken place between us came to mind. It was not a good memory as it was the last time we had spoken friendly with each other. As I recalled some of the conversation and the event that had taken place I no longer wanted to deal with it. I shut it out of my mind and went back to reading something from the Hours. The next day the event came back to mind. I struggled whether or not to allow myself to delve deeper. I knew ahead of time that this illumination was going to hurt. Finally, if I was to

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truly call myself Christian, I would have to allow this painful self-knowledge to penetrate my being. Facing the reality of my words, actions, and attitude, I saw how self-centered I had been. This opened up into other areas of my life as well. My stomach was aching. The core of my being was in pain. Still, I knew I had to be in that pain and offer it up and surrender it to God as who I was. I could have allowed myself just to admit that this exists within me and just keep going; however, my Prayer is searching for and Barnabite Spirituality also made me realize coming to the truth of who we are that I could allow Gods Spirit to reform and in the presence of God. transform me by dying to this part of me. I took the time to go to confession and It is not a matter of formulae or pious to speak with my spiritual director. Together thoughts. It is a matter of honesty and we came up with a plan of action so that I could overcome my own self and be victorious searching for the meaning, the Truth of our experiences, however with the Lord Jesus. It is an area of my life that I am still am working upon to this day but painful that may be. I am able to see the light within the darkness. The Light of the Truth of Self-Knowledge brought forth a reforming quality to my prayer which transfigures me into whom I was created to be in the image of Jesus Christ. This perception of prayer for self-Knowledge allows the Spirit of Truth to bring a new and truth-filled illumination to the experiences of life. Only in the unfolding of the history of our lives and its events is the eternal plan of God revealed to us. (Pope John Paul II Christifedeles Laici, number 58) Christ knows peoples histories, their strengths and weaknesses, their destinies, He has a purpose in mind for each one. This reformative Barnabite sense of prayer suggests to make these distractions of our experiences the content of our prayer. Not in order to solve problems, to forward our projects, to worry, to plan, or to lick our wounds in self-pity. We are to focus on our experiences to get in touch with their revelatory power by hearing Gods Word in them and our response to that Word. In accepting them as an integral part of our prayer, then our prayer can take on new aspects and power. We might not generate pious thoughts or use theological language, or read the Scriptures; but, in sensing the peace and the call that we know are the signs of yielding to Gods presence in our life; however, we know we are praying. This type of praying will challenge us to growth through purifying self-knowledge. Saint Teresa of Avila, another contemporary of St. Anthony Mary, says that this path of self-knowledge must never be abandonedSelf-knowledge and the thought of ones sins is the bread which all must be fed. The Lord wants the offering of ourselves not in some abstract way with pious words, but rooted in the acceptance of the concrete details of our life, of our lived experience because this alone is ourselves. Authentic self-knowledge is not knowledge about our superficial ego but the knowledge of our true self in relationship with humans, creation, and God. Authentic selfknowledge refers to the awareness of ourselves as we are in Gods eyes; therefore, there is no depth of knowledge without a depth of faith. In praying our experiences as a means of self-knowledge and self-reformation, we become more aware of our giftedness and our brokenness.

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Zaccaria. While the people were enjoying snacks, the musical band performed modern and traditional music. The celebration finished around 5:00 oclock in the afternoon. (Br. Rey Carmelo Ausejo)

Ten novices profess the Religious Vows

The Clerics Regular of St. Paul in the Philippines had been blessed with the First Profession of Vows of ten young and promising men. The profession was held last May 31, 2010, the feast of the Visitation at St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Parish in Silangan, San Mateo, Rizal. The said event was incorporated within the Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr. Joselito Ortega, delegate superior of the Philippine delegation. Other Barnabite priests also concelebrated and some priests-friends of the brothers. The said event was graced by the presence of the family and friends of the professandi. Also present were the college seminarians, the professed brothers of St. Paul Scholasticate, the affiliates and different congregations of sisters. After the Mass, lunch was served at St. Anthony Ma. Zaccaria Seminary in Marikina. The brothers who professed the Vows were composed of two nationalities, Filipino and Indian. Bro. Roxie Ma. Roflo, CRSP, Bro. Rito Ma. Oez, CRSP, Bro. Raphael Ma. Laotoco, CRSP, Bro. Ar-John Ma. Ignalig, CRSP, Bro. Benjiemar Ma. Salvacion, CRSP and Bro. Julimar Ma. Pulvera, CRSP are all from the Philippines.

The confreres make the renewal of Vows, 13 May.

The 13th of May and renewal of Vows

The Barnabite community in Tagaytay celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Fatima last 13th of May. As usual, many attended the celebrationthe lay faithful, youth, children, the Merciful Sisters and the Hospitaler Sisters. There were also visitors from Marikina Barnabite Community particularly some members of the Laity of St. Paul. The celebration started around 2:00 oclock in the afternoon. It began with a solemn Mass presided by Fr. Joselito Ortega, CRSP and concelebrated by the Barnabite Fathers in Tagaytay. Within the Mass, the renewal of Vows of seventeen (17) brothers in temporal Vows was also held. Two were from the fourth year of Theology (John Koten and Pat Golis), five (5) from the third year (Rosauro Valmores, Joseph Bernales, Albino Vecina, Isagani Gabisan and Henry Pabualan) and ten (10) from the second year (Alfredo Dolog Jr., Rolly Cascajo, Benedict Insigne, Glenn Gaabucayan, Alvin Libay, Rey Carmelo Ausejo, Cunan Adaro, Gerard Sala, Mark Anthony Pondoc and John Paul Osip). A procession was held after the Mass with the musical band, caracol dancers and the assembly. The rosary was prayed throughout the procession and the brothers took turns in carrying the statue of our Lady. As the statue approached the chapel, the hymn Salve Regina was sung. Fr. Joselito enthroned the image on the main altar and led the faithful in offering flowers to our Lady. After the ceremonies, snacks were served in the Sala

The brothers take turns in carrying the statue of Our Lady of Fatima during the procession.

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From India include Bro. Benny Thomas Ma. Pachanal, CRSP, Bro. Jackson George Ma. Kattamkotil, CRSP, Bro. Maria Joseph Ahilan Alphonse, CRSP and Bro. Lawrence Ma. Sulvai, CRSP. It was, indeed, a great blessing for the congregation to have these Indian brothers. Fr. Varghese Poulouse, who is now in India, was the last to be admitted in the congregation of the Barnabites. Now, the congregation is further enriched by these four new Indian members. While the members of the Philippine Delegation increased in number with the profession of six young and promising men. The Indian brothers flew back to India two days after the profession to continue their theological studies, while the Filipino brothers transferred to St. Paul Scholasticate in Tagaytay. At present, the total sum of Professed Brothers in St. Paul Scholasticate climbed to twenty-three (23) and three deacons. Hopefully, the congregation would continue to flourish and may the Lord send more workers to His vineyard. (Bro. Julimar

Barnabites include: Julimar Pulvera (Malitbog, Southern Leyte), Roxie Roflo (Balingasag, Misamis Oriental), Rito Oez, Jr. (Catigbian, Bohol), Benjiemar Salvacion (Kinogitan, Misamis Oriental), Ar-John Ignalig (Medina, Misamis Oriental), and Raphael Laotoco (Claveria, Misamis Oriental). Another important event was the birthday of the Rector Fr. Michael Sandalo, on June 3rd. While he was fast asleep, the brothers rendered him wonderful songs through their angelic voices at exactly 12 midnight. They expressed heartfelt greetings to him. It was, indeed, another nice and an emotional experience that deepened their bonding and relationship. The outing was another unforgettable and enjoyable experience for the community of St. Paul Scholasticate. (Bro. Ar-John Ignalig)

Barnabite scholastics cream of the crop

The Divine Word School of Theology has released the new roster of Deans Listers for the second semester of school year 2009-2010. The St. Paul Scholasticate is very proud to have three confreres who have been included in the list of the schools cream of the crop. Two are from the first year class and one from the third year class. From the first year class, topnotcher Bro. John Paul Osip garnered an average of 95.07 percent while Bro. Mark Anthony Pondoc was on the 10th place with a total average of 91.32 percent. Deacon Thomas Federick Tabada, from the third year class, was on the fifth spot with an average of 92 percent. Congratulations and keep up the good work brothers! (Bro. Gerard Sala)

Scholasticate community welcomes six new members and hit the road for the annual excursion
Last June 2nd and 3rd, the St. Paul Scholasticate community had the annual outing. It was a two-day, overnight celebration. The fathers, the professed seminarians and seminary personnel spent time together at Maryland beach resort in Nasugbu, Batangas, Southwest of Manila. The purpose of the said yearly activity was to enrich community living and to deepen family spirit. It was also an opportunity to welcome the new members of the community. The confreres hit the road after the 6:30 a.m. Mass. They arrived at Maryland beach resort after almost an hour-and-a-half travel. The said place had a swimming pool, a sing-along karaoke bar and spacious rooms. Four air-conditioned rooms were hired to accommodate the confreres. After assigning the rooms, the confreres immersed themselves into the pool while some preferred the blue sea. They also organized volleyball games, some went for sight-seeing and still some showed-off their singing talents. The outing was also an occasion for the community to welcome six new members. They concluded their canonical year of the novitiate last 31 May with the first profession of Vows. The newly professed

The ten newly professed Barnabites pose with the priests concelebrants.

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eighty (80) children under the care of specialists and social workers in the said institution. The aim of the apostolate program is to offer services to those who are in great need. In doing so, the brothers are to share their time and availability to render service. As candidates to the priesthood, the apostolate prepares them for apostolic commitment which the congregation has always valued. (Bro. Mark Anthony


Barnabite scholastics serve at Nuncios Mass

One big family! The scholastics of St. Paul Scholasticate received the honor to assist in the Eucharistic celebration presided by the Popes Ambassador to the Philippines. In the morning of 27th of June, the Barnabite brothers and deacons traveled to LAnnunziata Parish in Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila to participate in the Perpetual Profession of Vows of three sisters of the Congregation of the Hospitaler Sisters of Mercy. It was also the congregations 25th foundation anniversary in the Philippines. The Barnabites were requested by the sisters to assist at the aforementioned ceremony presided by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Edward Joseph Adams, Titular Archbishop of Scala and the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines. The Barnabites arrived in the parish church at 8 oclock and proceeded to the church sacristy after having breakfast. The nuncio arrived at exactly 9:45 together with his two secretaries and security escorts. Security was tight throughout the church premises. The parish community welcomed the nuncio with flags of the Philippines and the Vatican State. The sisters who made the perpetual profession of Vows were Sr. Maria Fe E. Apacionado, SOM, Sr. Maria Teresa E. Apacionado, SOM and Sr. Melanie G. Faduhilao, SOM. Their profession was accepted by the very Reverend Mother Paola Iacovone, SOM, the Mother General of the Hospitaler Sisters together with two witnesses namely Sr. Ma. Jardiolyn Amador, SOM, the 3rd general counselor of the congregation and Sr. Yolanda Sirilan, SOM, the mother delegate of the Hospitaler Sisters Philippine delegation. Mother Paola, with some Italian sisters, flew to Manila from Rome to take part in the festivities. The Bishop of Paraaque, the Most Rev. Jesse Mercado, the two secretaries to the nuncio, the provincial superior of the Order of St. Joseph (OSJ) and a number of OSJ fathers and Franciscan

Barnabites in new apostolate areas

As part of apostolic/pastoral formation of the confreres, three new areas of apostolate were introduced in this formation year. The new mission fields are Bahay San Rafael in Amadeo, San Jose Bahay Kalinga Home for the Aged in Indang and the Chosen Children Village in Silang, all in the province of Cavite. The said activity formally started last June 19, 2010 and the brothers from the second and third year classes are the ones assigned in the said areas. The whole Saturday is dedicated to the said activity. The duration of the apostolate is semestral and so new assignments will be given next semester. The fourth year class, however, have different apostolic activities for they are assigned in the parishes of the Diocese of Imus. Rev. Jonathan Ramoso is presently working in the parish of Our Lady of the Way in Magallanes; Rev. Clyd Autentico and Br. John Koten are assigned in St. Joseph Parish, Kaytitingga; Rev. Thomas Tabada serves in Sacred Heart Parish, DBB-C, Dasmarias City; and finally, Br. Pat Golis assists in the Barnabite parish of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria in San Mateo, Rizal, in the Diocese of Antipolo. The deacons and the brothers will serve in their respective parishes for four months and will receive new assignments. Bahay San Rafael is a house for the abandoned handicapped children. It is managed by the Hospitaler Brothers of St. John of God. San Jose Bahay Kalinga is an orphanage for abandoned children and elderly. It was established by Miss Rose Galea who dedicated the said institution for the care of the sick and abandoned elderly people. The Chosen Children Village is a home for special children. At present, there are approximately

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Zaccarian family celebrates the Solemnity of St. Anthony Mary


Conventuals all concelebrated at the two-hour Mass. Rev. Jonathan Ramoso read the gospel while Rev. Clyd Autentico and Rev. Thomas Tabada assisted the nuncio. Fr. Michael Sandalo, CRSP, the rector of the scholastics and Br. Rosauro Valmores served as the masters of ceremony. There were also many religious congregations in attendance like the Merciful Sisters, the professed brothers of the Oblates of St. Joseph and, of course, the families and friends of the sisters and the parishioners. Before the Mass concluded, one of the secretaries of the nuncio read the letter from Pope Benedict XVI congratulating the sisters who professed the Perpetual Vows and the Hospitalers for their silver jubilee anniversary. After the Mass, all proceeded to the sisters convent for lunch. The nuncio, Bishop Mercado and the priests likewise stayed for the midday meal. A cultural program was held after lunch in the convent gymnasium where the children, youth and the postulants of the Hospitaler Sisters performed beautiful Filipino folk dances and songs. They also wore colorful Filipino native dresses. It was, indeed, an afternoon of songs and dances. The Barnabites stayed for an hour and headed back to Tagaytay. They also received gifts from the sisters: a T-shirt and a mug designed with the logo of the silver jubilee celebration. The Barnabite scholastics were indeed very privileged to serve at such a great and rare occasion. It was their first-time experience to assist the Nuncioan event in the life of the St. Paul Scholasticate that it will always remember and treasure. The Barnabites thank the Hospitaler Sisters for the honor and privilege. (Rev.

Thomas Federick Tabada)

July 5th was a remarkable and an important day for the Zaccarian family as it celebrated the Solemnity of their holy founder, St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria. As part of the preparations for the celebration, the brothers of St. Paul Scholasticate organized a vigil on July 4th. The vigil started at 7:00 oclock in the evening and concluded at 12:00 midnight. The brothers divided themselves into four groups and each were assigned an hour of adoration. The neighboring community of sisters, the Merciful Sisters and the Hospitaler Sisters of Mercy, together with some lay friends of the scholastics likewise devoted an hour of prayer and participated in honoring the Founder of the Zaccarian family. On July 5, the community of St. Paul Scholasticate traveled to Marikina City to take part in the celebration organized by the community of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Seminary. The festivity started with the procession of the relic of the Founder followed by the Holy Mass. The Eucharistic celebration was presided by Fr. Jimmy George Anastacio, the newly nominated superior of the Marikina seminary community and novice master of St. Alexander Sauli novitiate. Other Barnabite priests concelebrated. Fr. Michael Sandalo delivered the homily. After the Mass, a simple meal was shared by all those present: the Angelic Sisters of St. Paul, the Sisters of the Little Workers, the Dominican Sisters, the Lay of St. Paul and the college seminarians and novices. In the afternoon, friendship games in volleyball and basketball between the college seminarians and the professed brothers were organized. The college seminarians won in the volleyball while the brothers won in basketball. Snacks were served after the games. The feast day ended with the Vespers and supper. The confreres went back to Tagaytay after a day of solemn but exciting feast day. (Bro. Gerard Sala)

Ah! I urge you, sons and stock of Paul Do not make yourselves inferior to the vocation to which you have been called.
Through Him, with Him and in Him Barnabite deacons Clyd (left) and Thomas (right) assist the nuncio.

-St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Letter VII

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Fr. Joselito Ortega installed as the second parish priest of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Parish



The St. Paul Scholasticate community witnessed the installation ceremonies of Fr. Joselito Ortega as the second parish priest of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Parish succeeding Fr. Richard Genetiano. The Eucharistic celebration and the rites of installation were presided by the Bishop of Antipolo, the Most Reverend Gabriel Reyes. The vicar forane of the vicariate of the Immaculate Conception and the Filipino Barnabite fathers were all in attendance and concelebrated at the two-hour Mass. During the ceremonies, Bishop Reyes questioned Fr. Joselito of his willingness to carry out his duties as pastor and collaborator of the bishop. After the scrutiny, Fr. Joselito proclaimed the profession of faith and read the formula declaring his firm resolve to serve the people of the parish. It was followed by the handingover of the key of the tabernacle symbolizing the pastors task of safeguarding the Blessed Sacrament and faithful celebration of the sacraments. Bishop Reyes delivered a homily that centered on parish life. Deacons Clyd and Jonathan assisted in the Mass while the choir of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Seminary under the direction of Fr. Jimmy Anastacio provided the songs and music. The parish church was packed with a big number of parishioners, religious sisters and seminarians. The parishioners welcomed their new parish priest with eagerness. At present, the parish of St. Anthony Mary is served by three Barnabite fathers: Fr. Joselito Ortega, parish priest; Fr. Ferdinand Dagcota, parochial vicar/ assistant parish priest; and Fr. Jose Nazareno Gabato. To date, the parish has a Catholic population of approximately eighteen thousand (18,000) and nine (9) chapels/ecclesial communities scattered in three barangays (villages) and a number subdivisions. After the Mass, lunch was served in the parish convent. The bishop, the fathers, the scholastics, the seminarians and the Merciful Sisters all stayed for the midday meal. The Lay of St. Paul and some friends of Fr. Joselito were also in attendance. After lunch, the scholastics accompanied by Fr. Michael, proceeded to downtown Manila and went to SM Mall of Asia, one of the largest shopping malls in the Philippines. The Merciful Sisters also joined them. Fr. Michael bought some books and sports materials while the brothers enjoyed strolling in the mall. It was, indeed, another day of relaxation.

A pose with the Bishop of Antipolo, Most Reverend Gabriel Reyes

Changing of the guard in CRSP Pilipinas

The change of assignments among the Barnabite priests in the Philippines is one of the traditions annually done by the Congregation. For this year, Fr. Joselito Ortega was appointed superior of the religious community and parish priest of St. Anthony Ma. Zaccaria in Silangan, San Mateo, Rizal. The other members of the parish community include Fr. Ferdinand Dagcuta and Fr. Jose Gabato, who is due to leave for the U.S. In the Marikina seminary community, Fr. Jimmy George Anastacio was nominated superior of the community and novice master of St. Alexander Sauli Novitiate. He was also elected as delegation consultor. Fr. Jesus Allado is the new vice master of the novices. Fr. Virano Ladra was also transferred in the said community. While Fr. Jecker Luego is the treasurer of the same community. Fr. Frank Papa is the new superior of St. Paul Scholasticate and Fr. Cirilo Coniendo was nominated delegation treasurer. The rest of the fathers retained their posts. The changes took effect after the delegation meeting last May 29. (Br. Rey Ausejo)

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The MVPs! (Most Valuable Players)

Walk the Talk: DWSTSA Sportsfest 2010

The Divine Word School of Theology Students Association (DWSTSA) organized the annual sports competitions with the theme: Walk the Talk: Lets Level Up for Christ. The two-day sports activities were held within the school grounds last August 26-27. The occasion started in the afternoon of the 26th with a parade and street dancing contest. The students were divided into groups according to their year levels. Each presented the native Filipino dance assigned to them. The 1st year class performed the Ati-atihan dance, the 2nd year did the Cavite-native Caracol, the 3rd year showed their talents in presenting the Dinagyang dance and the 4th year performed the Sinulog . After the street dance competition, the students gathered in the school gymnasium where the opening ceremonies were held. The dean of studies, Fr. Alexander Muaa, SVD led the students in the ceremonial lighting of torch and the oath of sportsmanship. The games immediately followed. All the students showed off their best sports abilities in basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, chess, scrabble, and games of the generals. Academic contests were also held such as improptu speech, essay writing and quiz bee where the students demonstrated their intellectual prowess. All the questions in the said contest dealt with Theology. The Barnabites did not only take active part in the games but they also grabbed awards and dominated the competitions. For the second time since last year, John Paul Osip was again declared champion in badminton singles while Rolly Cascajo and Glenn Gaabucayan were also the undefeated champions in badminton doubles. Roxie Roflo, Julimar Pulvera and

Ar-John Ignalig, with their teamwork and agility, made their First year class the overall champion in volleyball. Isagani Gabisan and Rosauro Valmores, with their expertise in basketball, enabled their Third year class to dominate the basketball match. The other Barnabite confreres also gave up their very best in their own sports events: Rey Carmelo Ausejo in the essay writing; Benedict Insigne in chess; Jonathan Ramoso and Clyd Autentico in badminton doubles; Rolly Cascajo, Alfred Dolog, Glenn Gaabucayan, Alvin Libay, Mark Pondoc, Gerard Sala, Benjiemar Salvacion, Rito Oez proved themselves to be basketball titans; Cunan Adaro and Albino Vecina, showed up their best in volleyball; and Thomas Tabada excelled in the games of the generals. Even Fr. Arvin Dagalea served as referee for the volleyball. The sportsfest concluded in the evening of the second day with the awarding of prices in the school gymnasium. The winners received medals and trophies while those who placed second and third place received certificates of recognition. Supper was also served after the concluding ceremonies to celebrate victory, camaraderie and sportsmanship. (Br. Raphael Laotoco)

Scholastics elect new set of officers

The scholasticate community elected its new set of officers for the school year 2010-2011. The community elected brothers in-charge of the following offices: dean, vice dean/secretary, liturgy chairman, sports chairman, cultural chairman, prefect of the infirm and librarian. Those nominated in the aforementioned offices are tasked to organize programs and activities for community animation. They have responsibilities in keeping seminary life alive and active. The following is the new set of officers for the formation year 2010-2011: Dean: Rosauro Valmores Secretary/vice dean: Benedict Insigne Liturgy Chairman: Rito Oez, Jr. Sports Chairman: Ar-John Ignalig Cultural Chairman: Roxie Roflo Librarian: Raphael Laotoco Prefect of the infirm: Alvin Libay Quis nos separabit a caritate Christi?

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St. Paul Scholasticate welcomes new superior
Barnabite community of St. Paul Scholasticate welcomed last June 5 its new superior in the person of Fr. Frank Papa. He replaced Fr. Joselito Ortega who was assigned as parish priest of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Parish in Silangan, San Mateo, Rizal and superior of the same religious community. Fr. Frank is no stranger to formation because he has been a formator for the past twenty (20) years. In fact, all the Filipino Barnabite fathers became priests thanks to his enthusiasm and example. He is fondly called tatay by the seminarians. Welcome to the family Fr. Frank! (Br.

Saint Paul Scholasticate Newsletter

Saint Paul Scholasticate

THE CLERICS REGULAR OF SAINT PAUL BARNABITES Purok 163, San Jose Tagaytay City, Cavite, the Philippines Mailing Address: P. O. Box 32, 4120 Tagaytay City, Philippines Tel. & Fax: +63 46 413-2837 Email: saintpaulscholasticate@gmail.com Director: Fr. Michael Sandalo, CRSP Editor-in-Chief: Br. John Paul Osip, CRSP Associate Editor: Br. Mark Anthony Pondoc, CRSP Staff Writers: Rev. Jonathan G. Ramoso, Rev. Thomas Federick S. Tabada, Br. Gerard Sala, Br. Rey Carmelo Ausejo, Br. Julimar Pulvera, Br. Ar-John Ignalig, Br. Raphael Laotoco Contributors: Fr. Michael Francis Mancusi, Br. John Koten, Br. Rosauro Valmores Typeset in the Philippines by the Saint Paul Scholasticate, September 2010

Rey Carmelo Ausejo)

Spiritual exercises at the Scholasticate

The scholastics had the annual weeklong retreat last May 24-28 at the Bukal ng Buhay retreat house of the FMM sisters. The retreat master was Fr. Gil Alinsangan, SSP, a well-known Filipino Biblicist and writer. Fr. Gil dealt with St. Pauls teachings on the religious Vows. Last September 4, the scholastics had a day of recollection with Fr. Frank Papa as recollection master. Fr. Frank led the confreres in meditating on the value of humility and maturity in the Christian life.

DWST opens the academic year with the Mass of the Holy Spirit
To begin the school year 2010-2011, the academic community of the Divine Word School of Theology (DWST) offered the Mass of the Holy Spirit last June 15, 2010. The Mass, which started around 5:15 in the afternoon, was presided by Fr. Steve Baumbusch, rector of the seminary of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME). The priest-professors and rectors of different formation houses of the students also concelebrated. A good number of students enrolled in the said school also took part in the occasion. After the Mass, the professors, together with the students gathered at the Aula Magna for supper and the vin dhonneur. Fr. Alexander Muaa, SVD, the dean of studies of the institution led the toast for the new school year. (Bro. Mark Anthony Pondoc)

Quis nos separabit a caritate Christi? An gladius?

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