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MAM Company Hiring managers related management position

The assignment is interviewing a manager and identify at which level f

management he/she is performing which managerial function he/she is
performing how many roles he/she performing? Explain with example. Which
managerial skills is relatively important at his/her level?

What your name and tell me about your educational background?

My name is Jaffar Hussain, I am from Lahore, my degree in management sciences help me
developed the research skills for a job in management in company. For example, for my senior
project, I researched the modern management sciences in company how to handle decision
making and intrapersonal skill benefit for the employ. My ability to find and read a variety of
sources will allow me to help employee.

How do you handle the pressure and how do you motivate yourself?
I stay calm under pressure and handle it well. My complete focus is on the job done. I am very
self-motivated. I enjoy my work, so I am always looking for new ideas to bring to the table. With
my passion being the work that I do, I am always giving my full potential to all my tasks.

What is the most challenging thing about being a manager?

The most challenging thing about being a manager is also the most rewarding. It is easy to
handle your performance, however, as a manager, you are responsible for your teams. So you
must continually measure their performance, set clear expectations, goals, motivate them, and
keep them focused. It is a great feeling to be able to accomplish this.

Why did you apply for this position?

I wanted to join a company like MAM (Malik Auto Manufacturer) that values their employees
and helps them achieve their potential. This position is a great fit for my current skills, so I will
be able to contribute to the company immediately. There is also an opportunity to continue to
develop my abilities to the next level and help in company’s continued success.
What do you think your employees would say about your management style?
They would say that I’m straight-forward and my actions are aligned with the goals of the
company. They would say that I am an open communicator and give them the tools they need to

What are qualities of a successful manager?

A successful manager must also be a leader because that is how you can motivate and influence
your employees to perform at their peak ability. A manager must also have the vision to take the
team and company.

How do you delegate an important assignment to others while ensuring that it

will be completed successfully?
I try to match up the strengths of my employees with the task or if it is something they are
learning. If it is the latter, I will provide support and check in to ensure that it’s completed
correctly. With an employee that is strong in the task, I will check in periodically. Either way, I
set up milestones for the employee to let me know how they are progressing.

What are some of your weaknesses and What is your greatest strength?
I have started multiple projects at one time. I know that it is more productive to complete one
task at a time. So anytime I catch myself doing this, I take a step back and prioritize my work.
My greatest strength would be my ability to drive my team to excellence. I give them all the
tools they need to be successful, communicate on an open level, and constantly evaluate

How do you build trust in your team?

I spoke with the team about the nearest workload projections and their capacity. The situation
didn’t look good. We usually would’ve filled in a temporary worker position, but it happened
that there’d been a recruitment freeze for a while then. I spoke openly with the team about the
freeze and that it wouldn’t be possible to add a headcount at that moment. I suggested preparing
training sessions for volunteers in other departments about matters they could quickly help us
with. In addition, I dedicated a few hours a day to help out with the project. The team was
pleased with how we navigated the difficult circumstances. And they appreciated that I
contributed to reducing the team’s workload.

How do you handle conflict between team members?

There are always two sides to every story, which is why it’s so important to me to remain as
neutral and open-minded as possible whenever I hear of conflict between teammates. I was in a
situation a few years ago where two members of my team were clearly unhappy with each other.
Rather than let it fester or ignoring it with the hope that they would be able to work it out
themselves, I sat down with them individually and asked them to explain what was going on.
We discussed reasonable and professional solutions that worked for both parties and the matter
was resolved.

Give an example of a tough decision you had to make?

When making professional decisions, I like to keep in mind the good of the company before I
consider personal feelings. A few years ago, I was in a situation where I was responsible for
hiring a new team member for a large project we were working on. I had managed to narrow the
selection down to two candidates; a new hire who was perfect for the job and another,
established employee who was not quite the right fit for the position but whom I considered a
personal friend. While I would have loved to hire my friend, it wouldn’t have been the right
choice for the company, so I hired the new employee. When my friend asked me why I had
made that decision, I explained it to him. We discussed other opportunities that he would be a
better fit for. At the time it wasn’t an easy decision, but it was the right one and one I would
make again.

Why should we hire you?

I have eight years of experience as the operational/HR Manager for a manufacturing firm with a
workforce about the size of your own—around 1200 employees. During my tenure, I’ve lowered
our turnover rate by 60%, sourced more cost-effective workers’ benefits packages that have
rescued over $8K for our bottom line, and have introduced internal training programs so that we
can promote from within rather than recruit from outside.

How many roles from the previous company you are performing?
Intrapersonal management roles:
Leader: This is where you provide leadership for your team, your department or perhaps your
entire organization; and it's where you manage the performance and responsibilities of everyone
in the group.

Liaison – Managers must communicate with internal and external contacts. You need to be
able to network effectively on behalf of your organization.

Decisional management roles:

Disturbance Handler – When an organization or team hits an unexpected roadblock, it's the
manager who must take charge. You also need to help mediate disputes within it.

Resource Allocator – You'll also need to determine where organizational resources are best
applied. This involves allocating funding, as well as assigning staff and other organizational

Negotiator – You may be needed to take part in, and direct, important negotiations within
your team, department, or organization.
Examples of Intrapersonal and decisional management roles:
 Keep your word. When you say you will do something, do it.
 Act with consistency, no matter who your audience is. If you act the same way with team
members and upper management, people can trust you.
 Be transparent whenever possible. Don’t hide your actions or motivations from others.
 Take responsibility for your actions and words, even if you are not proud of them

 Managers act as liaisons when making contacts with people outside of their area of
responsibility, both inside their organization and outside in the world at large. Being a
liaison involves networking, but it is far more than just amassing the most friends on
your profile.

Disturbance Handler – When an organization or team hits an unexpected roadblock, it's

the manager who must take charge. You also need to help mediate disputes within it. ...
Negotiator – You may be needed to take part in, and direct, important negotiations within your
team, department, or organization.

Resources allocator
 In the resource allocator role, you are responsible for managing and distributing
resources. You make the decisions on how those materials will best be used or applied
throughout the organization or team. These resources will vary, from funding to
equipment to staff members

 When two people cannot see eye to eye, it's time to bring in a negotiator. When two
businesses are merging, they can use the help of a negotiator to work out details of the

Which managerial skill is relatively important at his designation?

Communication skill is most important skill in my opinion because they communicate internal
and external matters.

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