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Sealand Academy




Client: SRT-EON Security Services Sdn Bhd (86334-X)

Date: 27th November 2020

Table of Content
1.0 Overview 3.2 Our Subject

1.1 The Objective 3.3 Training & Assessment

2.0 Our Proposal 3.4 Timeline for Execution

2.1 Occupational Area Analysis(OAA) 3.5 Expected Result

2.2 Definition of Competency Level 4.0 Training Programme

2.3 Job Competencies 5.0 Pricing

3.0 Execution Strategy 6.0 Qualification

3.1 Technical/Project Approach 7.0 Conclusion

8.0 Appendix

CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy


Sealand Academy (SA) is a subsidiary company of Total Sealand Security Sdn Bhd. The business
operation is to provide security training services and Self-Development courses to government
agencies, statutory bodies, private sector and individuals. Other than training, SA is able to provide
security services consultation, Cyber Security activities, Skill Certification and Self-Development

SA is pleased to submit this proposal for services to support SRT-EON Security SDN BHD in
achieving its goals for improving customer satisfaction by providing human resources training and
post-deployment support for its new order entry and fulfillment our customers system. We have
partnered with several government agencies such as JPK, CIAST, HRDF and TVET in order to
improve customer human resource experience and certify skill certification.

1.1 The Objective

● To provide, promote, review and coordinate training programmed organized by the public and
private Guard & Security Services training centres for skilled security operation workers and
security operation services supervisors;
● To accredit and certify skilled Security Operation Services works personnel.


● Course Title: Professional Security Training Programme (Certification Course Level II)
● Type of Course: Professional Certification (Including technical and non-technical)
● Reference Number: PROPOSAL/SSOL2/SA/SRT-EON/27112020/001
● Training Methodology: Classroom, Coaching
● Skill Area: Armed/Unarmed Security Guard Services
● Duration: 6 Weeks (288 hours)
● Certification Body: Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK), Skill Malaysia, Human
Resources Development Fund (HRDF)
● Program Code – DS-010-2:2013

SRT-EON security has a well-deserved reputation for quality customer service. However, faced with
changes in technology systems, economic impacts, level of skill and knowledge of human resource
SA would like to offer:

SA has developed solutions to help businesses stay ahead and proposed that SRT-EON Security
SDN BHD implement a certification solution focused on security and technology in the delivery
process. Our solution easily integrates students with a certification from the government of Malaysia.
Most importantly, we provide the training and support for this solution that ensures your staff can
ramp up quickly and realize concrete improvements in security customers satisfaction.

CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy

These pre-requisites are in line with minimum requirements set for the Security Services Industry by
Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) and Kementerian Sumber Manusia (KSM). With respect to the
regulating bodies, the roles are as follows:

Security operation services industry requirement:

● To promote and stimulate the development, improvement and expansion of Security Operation
Services works;
● Security Operation Services operation works critical value added activity for the services
● To provide consultancy and advisory services with respect to Security Operation Services
● To promote professional practices in Security Operation Services works;
● To initiate and maintain Security Operation Services works information systems;
● To encourage the standardisation and improvement of Security Operation Services works
techniques and materials;

2.1 Occupational Area Analysis (OAA)



Occupational structures for Guard & Security Services

2.2 Definition of Competency Level

The NOSS is developed for various occupational areas. Candidates for certification must be
assessed and trained at certain levels to substantiate competencies. Below is a guideline of each

CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy

NOSS Level as defined by the Department of Skills Development, Ministry of Human Resources,

Malaysia Skills Certificate: Competent in Competent in performing a range of varied work

performing a range of varied Level 1 activities, most of which are routine and
Malaysia Skills Certificate: Competent in Competent in performing a significant range
performing a range of varied Level 2 of varied work activities, performed in a
variety of contexts. Some of the activities
are non-routine and required individual
responsibility and autonomy.
Malaysia Skills Certificate: Competent in Competent in performing a broad range of
performing a range of varied Level 3 varied work activities, performed in a variety of
contexts, most of which are complex and
nonroutine. There is considerable responsibility
and autonomy and control or guidance of others
is often required.
Malaysia Skills Diploma: Level 4 Competent in performing a broad range of
complex technical or professional work activities
performed in a wide variety of contexts and with
a substantial degree of personal responsibility
and autonomy. Responsibility for the work of
others and allocation of resources is often
Malaysia Skills Advanced Diploma: Level 5 Competent in applying a significant range of
fundamental principles and complex techniques
across a wide and often unpredictable variety of
contexts. Very substantial personal autonomy
and often significant responsibility for the work
of others and for the allocation of substantial
resources features strongly, as do personal
accountabilities for analysis, diagnosis,
planning, execution and evaluation.

2.3 Job Competencies

CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy

A Security Operation Services Operation in Level 2 personnel is competent in performing the

following core competencies

● Premise Access/ Exit Control

● Security Patrolling
● Workplace Security & Safety Control
● Security Risk Situation Handling

It is compulsory for Security Services Operation level two (2) to complete all core competency units
training before pursuing elective competency units training.

Optionally The Security Operation Services Operation in Level 2 personnel is competent in

performing the following elective competencies:-

● Unarmed Close Protection (Bodyguard)

● Armed Protection
● Cash & Valuable In Transit (CVIT) Handling
● Security Transportation

Other related occupations with respect to employment opportunities are:

● Bodyguard
● Escort
● Private investigator
● Any other organization using Guard and Security Services personnel.

3. Execution Strategy
Security Operation Services recognized globally as a huge growth area and there is a need for
properly trained personnel at Level 2 as well as upper levels. This will provide a structured career
path and career guidance for individuals and organizations alike. Having a suitably skilled workforce
will improve Malaysia as a center of excellence in the region and help towards inward investment in
the country.

CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy

This NOSS provides first-hand information to the workers regarding Security Operation Services
working environment inclusive of good security operating practice, good security procedural practice,
security uniform requirements and safety practices enforced by KDN and other regulatory bodies.
This NOSS also provides a career path and employment development for those involved in this

Our execution strategy incorporates proven methodologies, extremely qualified personnel, and a
highly responsive approach to managing deliverables. Following is a description of our project
methods, including how the project will be developed, a proposed timeline of events.

3.1 Technical/Project Approach

SA committed to ensuring the smooth running of the services and training provided. Therefore, a
dynamic monitoring and validation system should be in place in order to continuously maintain the
service reputation to the clients.

A dynamical system will be adopted as our working ethic. The system incorporating both client and
SA as to ensure the security services is to be successful and willing to communicate openly with
each other as to share the success and mishaps. By adopting the execution, evaluation and
validation processes.

3.2 Our Subject

3.3 Timeline for Execution

Key project durations are outlined below.


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy

CA 1

CA 2






Training schedule for Professional Security Training Programme (Certification Course Level II)

***Monday to Saturday: 0800-1800 (8 Hours Learning and Training Programme + 1 Hour Rest)

Duration of Co-curriculum

3.4 Training & Assessment


Week Subject

1 Core Ability

2 Premise Access/Exit Control

3 Security Patrolling

4 Workplace Security & Safety Control

5 Security Risk Situation Control

6 Unarmed Escort (Bodyguard)

6 Assessment

The training & assessment of Security Operation Services personnel must be committed in
accordance with JPK policy and in adherence to security Operation Services rigorous process and
standard as follows:

● The final assessment of competency must include the combination of documented continuous
assessment conducted by the facilitator during training and the results of post-training
● The post-training examination must be practical in nature and involve demonstration &
application of the duties of the competency units and work activities utilizing real equipment and
real-world examples;

CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy

● The competency and curriculum unit as outlined in this NOSS must be assessed throughout the
training program and during a post-training examination;
● The learning environment and facilities need to be in accordance with the requirements of the
Security Services Operation industry;
● The development and assessment of the competency and curriculum unit profile must
demonstrate transferable skills;
● The development and assessment of the competency unit & competency profile must include
documentation by candidates both during training and examination;
● All training and assessment materials must be mapped and verified to be in accordance with the
NOSS for Security Services Operation by a panel of industry subject matter experts appointed
by JPK with the support of the Security Services Operation Industry.

CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy



1. Premise Access/Exit Control The person who is competent in this CU a) Perform administrative functions.
a) Perform administrative functions. shall be able to conduct security officer’s b) Handle customer requirements.
b) Handle customer requirements. duties and offer assistance to customers, c) Handle people entering premise/
c) Handle people entering premise/ provide premise access/exit control to restricted area.
restricted area. ensure responsibilities of entry to d) Handle organization’s key control.
d) Handle organization’s key control. premises is verified and movement of e) Conduct freight check.
e) Conduct freight check. people, vehicles and freight are in control f) Conduct property movement
f) Conduct property movement inspection. and register details according to inspection.
g) Carry out pilferage handling. requirements and take prompt action in g) Carry out pilferage handling.
h) Conduct Security Post Housekeeping according to security Industry Standards h) Conduct security post
and regulatory requirements. housekeeping.

2. Security Patrolling The person who is competent in this CU a) Prepare for patrolling duties.
a) Prepare for patrolling duties. shall be able to provide excellent service b) Perform security patrolling and
b) Perform security patrolling and clocking. using patrolling procedures so that clocking.
c) Perform physical threat assessment premises are patrolled and observed c) Perform physical threat
d) Carry out security surveillance according to schedule and at the same assessment.
e) Maintain log books & Security Incident time security and safety matters are d) Conduct property movement
Report (SIR) verified according to requirements and inspection.
prompt action is taken according to e) Carry out security Surveillance.
industry standards. f) Maintain log books & Security
Incident Report (SIR).

3. Workplace Security & Safety Control The person who is competent in this CU a) Carry out workplace regulation
a) Carry out workplace regulation shall be able to provide excellent enforcement
b) Handle security violation and ]incident workplace security/ safety control, handle b) Handle violation and crime incident
c) Handle Safety Violation safety/security violation and crime c) Handle safety violation
d) Participate in Workplace Emergency incident and also emergency respond & d) Participate in workplace emergency
evacuation and conduct crowd respond & evacuation
e) Conduct crowd / traffic control. control/traffic control. e) Conduct crowd control/ traffic

CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy

4. Security Risk Situation Control The person who is competent in this CU a) Perform First Aid & CPR.
a) Perform First Aid & CPR shall be able to provide excellent b) Handle basic firefighting.
b) Handle basic Fire Fighting workplace security and safety control and c) Conduct contiguous symptom
c) Conduct Contiguous Symptom to handle professionally the entry/ exits of screening
Screening the customers’ premises, vehicles, d) Perform safety hazard check.
d) Perform Safety Hazard Check property and equipment. In the event of e) Handle risk/ threat situation.
e) Handle risk/ threat situation emergency, appropriate action is taken in f) Perform safety/security equipment
f) Perform safety/security equipment accordance with authority given in their serviceability /functionality check.
serviceability / functionality check job function and workplace security and
safety requirements, to provide excellent
security risk situation control and is
responsible to identify victims, control risk
situation, protect victims and perform first

5. Unarmed Escort (Bodyguard) The person who is competent in this CU a) Identify unarmed escort duties.
a) Identify unarmed escort duties shall be able to provide excellent b) Prepare for unarmed escort duties.
b) Prepare for unarmed escort duty. unarmed escorting duties professionally c) Execute unarmed escort duties.
c) Execute unarmed escort duties. following unarmed escorting procedures d) Returned to base.
d) Returned to base outlined by the organization in e) Update unarmed escort duty report.
e) Update unarmed escort duty report. accordance with terms and condition
provided by client. Prior knowledge on
martial art and self-defense is preferred
for personnel who are interested in
unarmed escort.

6. Armed Protection The person who is competent in this CU a) Handle firearm safety requirements.
a) Handle Fire Arm safety requirements shall be able to ensure the responsibilities b) Prepare for armed protection
b) Prepare for armed protection duties to prepare and perform armed protection duties.
c) Perform armed protection duties. duties undertaken. The handling and c) Perform armed protection duties.
d) Perform Fire Arms Returning retuning of fire arms are perform in d) Perform firearms returning.
accordance with organizational and fire
arms rules and procedures.

7. Cash & Valuable In Transit (Cvit) The person who is competent in this CU a) Prepare for Cash & Valuable In
Handling shall be able to carry out Cash & Valuable Transit (CVIT) duties.

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CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy

a) Prepare for Cash & Valuable in Transit in Transit (CVIT) collection and delivery of b) Test CVIT vehicle security system.
(CVIT) duties. cash and valuables from/ to the client c) Carry out CVIT Collection.
b) Test CVIT vehicle security system according to the CVIT standard operating d) Carry out CVIT delivery to client.
c) Carry out CVIT Collection procedures during collection and e) Return CVIT team to base.
d) Carry out CVIT delivery to client disembarking process.
e) Return CVIT team to base

8. Security Transportation Handling The person who is competent in this CU a) Check security/ CVIT/ escort
a) Check security/ CVIT/ escort vehicle shall be able to provide security vehicles condition.
condition transportation to ensure transportation b) Perform advance driving technique.
b) Perform advance driving technique responsibilities are conducted in c) Handle security/ CVIT/ escorting
c) Handle security/CVIT/ escorting vehicle. accordance with road transport vehicle.
d) Handle Pilot vehicles department (RTD) and regulatory bodies c) Handle pilot vehicles.
e) Conduct vehicle breakdown drill. to manage transportation vehicle d) Conduct security/ CVIT/ escort
f) Conduct security/ CVIT/ escort vehicles according to requirements and prompt vehicles breakdown drill.
accident drill. action is taken according to security e) Conduct security/ CVIT/ escort
industry standards. vehicles accident drill.

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CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy

4.0 Training Programme

1. Professional Security Training Programme (Certification Course Level II)

Training Module
 Core Ability
 Premise Access/Exit Control
 Security Patrolling
 Workplace Security & Safety Control
 Security Risk Situation Control
 Unarmed Escort (Bodyguard)
 Assessment and Portfolio Analysis
6 Weeks Intensive Course
Hostel, Food & Beverages, Polo Tees,
Baton, Cap, Blow Whistle, Notebooks,
Stationary, Lanyard, Training Module,
Certificate & Transcript, Sanitizer & Face
2. Advance Security Training Programme (Certification Course Level II)
Training Module
 Core Ability
 Premise Access/Exit Control
 Security Patrolling
7 Weeks Intensive Course
 Workplace Security & Safety Control RM2,999.00
 Security Risk Situation Control Hostel, Food & Beverages, Polo Tees,
 Unarmed Escort (Bodyguard) Baton, Cap, Blow Whistle, Notebooks,
 Armed Protection Stationary, Lanyard, Training Module,
 Cash and Valuable in Transit (CVIT) Certificate & Transcript, Sanitizer & Face
 Security Transportation Handling Mask
 Assessment and Portfolio Analysis
3. Prior Achievement Certification Programme
 Minimum two (2) years working experience in the related field.
 Proficiency in Bahasa Melayu

5.0 Pricing
The following table details the pricing for certification programme outlined in this proposal:
Programme Participant Price/Head Price (RM)
Professional Security Training Programme 25 2,499.00 62,475.00
(Certification Course Level II)
Advance Security Training Programme 25 2,999.00 74,975.00
(Certification Course Level II)
CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy

Prior Achievement Certification Programme 1 799.00 799.00

Terms and Condition:

1. All prices are in Ringgit Malaysia and valid within 30 days from Quote Date.
2. Confirmation: 60% of deposit is required
3. Prior certification ceremony: 40%

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CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy

6.0 Qualifications

SA is continually proven to be an industry leader for high quality/guaranteed product/service in the

Security Training Certification

7.0 Conclusion

We look forward to working with SRT-EON Security and supporting your efforts to improve your
sales cycle with certified skilled security employees, improved customer service and overall
company management.

If you have questions on this proposal, feel free to contact Capt (R) Hj Abd Malek bin Md Daud RMN
at your convenience by email at or by phone at +60125152073. We
will be in touch with you to arrange a follow-up conversation on the proposal.

Thank you for your consideration.

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CONFIDENTIAL Sealand Academy

Appendix: Specific Request Quotation

Professional Security Training Programme (Certification Course Level II) (25 Participants)

Item Unit Total Unit Price (RM)


Instructor’s Fee 50.00 288 Hours 14,400.00

Allowance (Accommodation) 150 42 Days 6,300.00

Training Materials

Training Module & Examination Papers 25 RM 500.00 12,500.00

Certificate and Transcript 25 RM 20.00 500.00

Total 33,200.00

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