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Inspected by:

No Check Points Yes No NA

Detailed “Night Time Work Plan” submitted for approval by

Formal written approval obtained from PMC’s Country Project
Manager to carry out the night work activities.
Lighting plan available at site, showing the layout of light towers
3 including spacing, luminary height, lateral placement and
anticipated illuminance provided.
All the personnel involved in the work activities are physically
and medically fit for night work.
All the personnel involved in the work activities have had
5 adequate rest and have not been working on a normal shift on
the same day prior to the night work activities.
Work Clearance Form (WCF), Job Hazard Analysis (JHA), Permit
6 to Work and related documents have been duly filled in and/or
checked for validity.
Security personnel (for non-operating sites) or site
7 representative (for operational sites) have been briefed on the
night work activities.
All safety and hazard signs have retro-reflective sheeting, kept
clean and are visible at all times
All lightings are in working condition and the entire site is
adequately lighted with sufficient signs.
All workers are wearing the appropriate PPE including light
10 coloured clothing and have reflective material added to their
hard hats which is visible from all sides
All vehicles and moving machinery in the work area have a
11 rotating or flashing incandescent amber light visible in 360
degrees around the vehicle.
All work vehicles have red and white reflective tape applied to
all sides of the vehicle.
Boom-type mobile cranes have their load hooks and working
areas adequately illuminated.
All luminaries are located and directed in such a way to
minimize glare to workers, general motorists and work vehicles.

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