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Report on conversational interview

Yogith Allu

This report is based on the conversational interview given by Mr. Manoj,

who is an entrepreneur and leader for sangeet sastra.
he has been working in Gipper company before and has shifted to become an entrepreneur.
Manoj is very hardworking person who is very well talented at very young age, consistently striving
for his company growth.

Even though his education is petroleum engineering, his later interest towards running an
organisation has made him start-up a company.
he is one of the youngest entrepreneur.

according to him we need to prepare a team always with different skillsets, because when there are
similar skills and characteristics of work, there will be only work done on one basis and the work
with skill required by an individual is left behind. Also, if there are similar skills in a group, there will
be excess of competition and there will be hurdles in completing the given work.
also over competition will lead to irregularity in productivity.
Work can be upsetting. For a worker who doesn't stand apart from the pack, a serious working
environment can expand the nervousness felt in the working environment. Outreach groups are
frequently loaded up with extremely serious people, who are glad to attempt to knock the top
person off the competitor list.
With groups that are as of now battling with great collaboration and correspondence, a serious work
environment could additionally lessen camaraderie. This is likewise obvious on the off chance that
one individual is a stand-apart worker, and each impetus and grant go to him. Directors can't utilize
rivalry alone to fuel greater efficiency, since groups that have unfortunate bonds will depend on
manipulating and sabotaging ways of behaving to keep others from getting the benefit. At the point
when a group loses spirit, their group efficiency likewise goes down. Serious conditions should be
cultivated with interchanges and group building work.

how to avoid conflicts in teams as a leader,

in few situations, the conditional leader of group could end up confronting a gathering of
disappointed teammates. The contention could be a response to a disliked change in strategy that
was as of late reported, or it very well may be the consequence of general disappointment with
working circumstances. The value-based leader ought to endeavour to raise confidence by
presenting an arrangement of remunerations and acknowledgment for greatness. These could go
from expressions of recognition or cards to say thanks for a task well to done to monetary rewards.
Naming a representative of the month or organizing an off-site get-together additionally can raise
confidence and less

and coming up next, we spoke about the team, now let’s analyse what happens when there is no
proper leader,
so when there is no proper leader accurate in a current group with certain aspects required for
maintaining a group, the team cannot be run in a desired way.
There are not many things more regrettable for a group member than strolling into work and
reaching a stopping point of pessimism that encompasses the working environment. Negative
leaders can carry undesirable analysis to a worker's work and frequently cause representatives to
feel that there's little they or the organization can do that is correct. Work environments by and
large respond ineffectively to negative directors.

major factor that will overall affect the teamwork majorly depends on cohesiveness
Cohesiveness alludes to the degree and strength of relational fascination among individuals from the
gathering or in a certain team.
Serious level of union is profoundly propelling in accomplishing the gathering objectives.
Cohesiveness is recognized by mentalities, for example, dependability to the gathering, consistence
with group standards, cordiality, a sensation of job liability regarding collective endeavours and
eagerness to guard the gathering against outside unfortunate impedance.

The degree of cohesiveness relies on many variables, including the similarity of individual objectives
with group objectives. The more the individuals are joined to one another and the more the
gathering objectives line up with their singular objectives, the more prominent the gathering's

Group regulation or norms are the casual rules of conduct and a set of principles that gives a request
to group exercises and tasks.
These rules are supposed to be trailed by all the gathering individuals. When the rules for group
participation is good for everyone, the productivity will be enhanced.
more the group rules formed comfortable to team, the flexibility can be created for the working
These unwritten assumptions for the most part grow slowly as gathering individuals advance with
respect to what ways of behaving are important for the gathering to really work.

These gathering standards might be concerning participation, execution, relational association,

clothing regulation, etc. The gatherings uphold consistence with standards in numerous ways. They
can remunerate individuals who consent to group standards by valuing them, by paying attention to
them in a deferential way and by making them heads of the gatherings.

synergy in a group is very important, synergy in simple words mean 2+2=5

which means individual work combines together in team in greater result.
synergy can be easily altered in a group through external factors, but with greater bond between the
employees or team members.
right members are important in a group, it is also stated that right member in a group to work will
increase team power and effectiveness with regard to cost, power and production.

Motivation in team is not much important as per Manoj, motivation is temporary, in the long run
motivation may be lost and one may feel demotivated, for longer run purposes we need to provide
teams with inspiration.
inspiration and motivation is very important and will result in overall efficiency in a team.
The management will take full advantage of the likely limits of its HR just when every individual in
the association is an individual from at least one really working work bunches that have a serious
level of gathering devotion, viable abilities of collaboration, and elite execution objectives.
as a leader I will take the following steps to create a positive work culture among the team with
steps to resolve the challenges.

firstly, main base in a team is, individuals come from different communities and linguistic groups,
so making bond between different community people seem difficult.
Make a positive, comprehensive work culture by inviting people from all foundations and
communities and praising their disparities.
I will Urge the representatives to impart their differences to the remainder of the group to advance
and consider laying out a board of trustees to add to variety drives in group.
we need to Work with the HR division to make variety a piece of your enlistment procedure and
guarantee variety and consideration keep on being essential components as your association

allowing for place of refreshment and humour is very crucial for making a healthy workplace.
Work has its distressing minutes and having the option to make a tough spot more carefree is a
priceless expertise.
Obviously, a definitive objective ought to be to determine the issue, yet a new viewpoint and
inspirational perspective is more useful than the other option.
during this period every teammate may also open up and speak freely about the progress they are

taking up feedback and considering them from team point of view is important as a leader.
Instead of believing it to be demonstrative of something you're fouling up, consider it the inverse —
your representatives care such a great amount about the association and its prosperity that they are
attempting to assist with improving it (change of perspective). They're deciding to draw their trouble
spots out into the open and it offers you the chance to fix them rather than the worker stewing over
them and in the long run avoiding the organization with regards to dissatisfaction.

coming to the style of leadership, every leader has his or her own style of managing their team.
every style has their own strategy and design.
most effective leadership style according to me is the coach-style leadership,
when the leader will make effective bond with the team they will progress accordingly without any
hesitation of dominance or higher authority.

described by coordinated effort, backing, and direction. coaching leaders are centred around
drawing out the best in their groups by directing them through objectives and obstructions. This
initiative style is a lot of inverses to despotic authority, which is centred around hierarchical
hierarchical or top to bottom decision making is not preferred as it will hurt the lower class of
employee level. Also, the decision made will be favour to one side and the majority decision will be
made on top notch level considering only the level of position in organisation.
leaders should also follow Laissez-faire,
Laissez-faire leaders have a mentality of trust and dependence on their workers. They don't
continuously hover over or get excessively involved, they don't give a lot of guidance or direction.
Rather free enterprise pioneers let their workers utilize their inventiveness, assets, and experience
to assist them with meeting their objectives.
this will reduce the feeling of dominance on the team.

Content - 1505 words

headings and extra text – 15 words


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