2 04 I Wonder 2 Sounds Words

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Sounds and Words

Module 1: ‘ch’ words

1 Colour the ‘ch’ words.

2 Unscramble the letters and write the words. Match them to the pictures.

1 cpish ___________

2 cesehe ___________
c b
3 clathoceo ___________

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Sounds and Words

Module 1: Words
3 Which pictures have got the same beginning sound? Colour.

a b

4 Write the words. Circle the odd one out.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Sounds and Words

Module 1: Sight Words

5 Underline the sight words. Then look and number.

1 It’s cold.
2 It’s cold and the children are in the garden.
3 Call the children out of the cold, Mummy chicken!
4 The children are in the kitchen. Look at the cake on the chair!
5 Cut the cake, Mummy chicken!
6 Mummy chicken, the cake tastes great.

a c e

b d f

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Sounds and Words

Module 2: ‘sh’ words

1 Find and circle the ‘sh’ words.

2 Complete. Match.
a c

1 __ h __ es

2 __ hel __

b 3 s __ __ p d
4 s __ a __ k

3 Tick (✔) the correct sentence.

The fish and the shell

1 are on the ship.

2 The fish and the shark

are on the ship.

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Sounds and Words

Module 2: Words
4 Tick (✔). Then circle the correct word.

sh ch
a ship

c cheek

d touch

5 Use the code and colour the picture.

shark = yellow
fish = red
ship = blue
shell = orange
chocolate = green
chips = purple

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Sounds and Words

Module 2: Sight Words

6 Underline the sight words. Then put the pictures in the correct order.

The snail can’t walk fast. It hasn’t got a shell.

The fish and the jellyfish look for a shell for the snail.

“Wow! How many shells are there?” says the fish.

Now they’ve got a shell for the snail.

“Here’s your shell!” says the fish and the jellyfish.

The snail is happy now.

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Sounds and Words

Module 3: “bl”, “cl”, “pl”, “br”, “gr” words

1 Connect and write.

c ock

1 l
p othes

g ocolli

2 b

p ay

3 l
b astic

2 Read and draw. Then colour.

1 2

A green brick. A blue clock.

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Sounds and Words

Module 3: Words
3 Follow the path to the right pictures.

4 Circle. Then tick (✔) the right picture.

p b r i c k g m b p l a s t i c

1 3


c b s h e l l l g r t o u c h b

2 4


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Sounds and Words

Module 3: Sight Words

5 Read, choose the correct sight words and complete.

 floor  two  this  under  these  let’s

1 Can you see the plastic toy on the __ __ __ __ __ ?

2 Is __ __ __ __ house made of stone?
3 The clock is __ __ __ __ __ the bed.
4 Can we play with __ __ __ __ __ green bricks?
5 What’s __ __ __ plus one?

6 __ __ __’__ play chess!

 Complete the word with the letters 1-4. Draw and colour.

b __ __ __ g __
1 2 3 4

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Sounds and Words

Module 4: ‘s’, ‘c’ words

1 Look, circle and write.

1 s c 3 s c

2 s c 4 s c

2 Use the code and colour.

red: ‘s’ as in salt yellow: ‘c’ as in cereal

blue: ‘c’ as in cake green: ‘s’ as in cheese

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Sounds and Words

Module 4: Words
3 Help the mouse go to the cheese. Colour the words that have
S and/or C in them.

cake apple chips chicken broccoli

green juice orange plastic ship fish

water crisps pear banana shell pineapple

blue carrot cola cheese biscuit sandwich

touch tomato potato play milk ice cream

cheek onion chocolate rice salt cereal

chair fruit toast popcorn cocoa

4 Look, read and complete. Then match.

1 The mice have got some .

2 The snake doesn’t like in its sandwich.

3 The cat can make a great cake.

4 The rabbit eats for breakfast! Yum!

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Sounds and Words

Module 4: Sight Words

5 Find and colour the sight words.

 give

 we

 or

 eat

 now

 for

 What’s the secret picture?

It’s an __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __!

6 Use the sight words and complete. Then match.

1 Mum, can I _____________ my chocolate, please? a No, we haven’t.

2 Would you like rice _________ chips with your fish? b Here you are!
3 Does Paul like cereal _______________ breakfast? c Yes, please!
4 Would you like some juice __________________ ? d Yes, he does!
5 Can you _________________ me the salt, please? e Chips, please!
6 Have ________________________ got any crisps? f Yes, you can!

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Sounds and Words

Module 5: ‘long a’, ‘long i’ words

1 Circle and write.

1 2
1 3

ame am ime im ite it

2 Write the rhyming word.

1 What is the name of the __________________________ ?

2 Can you make a ___________________________________ ?

3 Do you like my new _______________________________ ?

4 I’m flying my white _________________________________ ?

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Sounds and Words

Module 5: Words
3 What’s missing? Read and draw.

The snake is on the cake. The time is nine.

4 Look, read and write yes or no.

1 Pam and Sam are
playing the same game. ______

2 Tim can tell the time. ______

3 Kit is flying a kite. ______

Pam Sam


5 Change the beginning sounds to make new words.

1 fine − ____________ 2 name − ____________

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Sounds and Words

Module 5: Sight Words

6 Match.

1 gam 2
1 si 3 we
1 4 b
1 5 s
1 6
1 re

a ng
1 b
1 ay c1 est d
1 ll e ad
1 1f e

 Use the words in Ex. 6 and complete the text.

This is Jake the snake.

Jake likes games. Look! Can you 1) _______________ the name of his
favourite 2) _______________?
Jake can 3) _______________ and he can 4) _______________ well, too.
There isn’t anything Jake can’t do.
He is special, he’s the 5) _______________!
He isn’t like all the rest!

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Sounds and Words

Module 6: ‘ow’ ‘ou’ words

1 Look and complete.

1 2 3 4

t __ __ n h __ __ se d __ __ n ar __ __ nd

2 Look, read and number.

1 mouse 3 town
2 cow 4 house

b d

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Sounds and Words

Module 6: Words
3 Complete the crossword puzzle.


3 4

2 6 6

4 5

4 Help the cow go home. Follow the ‘ou’ and ‘ow’ words.

chips mouth
clock salt
time town


cheek cow
cheese shell


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Sounds and Words

Module 6: Sight Words

5 Read and complete the text with the sight words. Then colour.

see ride around up so street

Look at Mike!
Mike has got a nice bike.
He can 1) ____________ his bike 2) __________
and down the 3) ____________ .
He can ride his bike all 4) ____________
the town.
Can you 5) ____________ him on his bike?
Can you see him by the pool?
It’s really hot, he says, 6) ____________
he jumps in the pool.

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Sounds and Words

Module 7: Long ‘i’ words

1 Unscramble the letters and write. Then match.

1 [miet] _______________

2 [trewi] _______________

3 [gtnih] _______________

4 [eikb] _______________

5 [rigftieehfr] _______________

6 [ehtiw] _______________

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Sounds and Words

Module 7: Words
2 Say the words. Do they have a long i sound? Circle yes or no.

1 2 3 4
write ship time dinner
white think bike hospital

yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no

3 Help the firefighter go to the fire. Circle the long ‘i’ words.

night fin big this

fighter bird police chicken

time write this rabbit

listen bike white rice

hospital think chimney mice

biscuit cinema helicopter kite

4 Change the beginning sounds to make new words.

1 right _____________ 2 fight _____________

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Sounds and Words

Module 7: Sight Words

5 Read, unscramble the letters and write.

The boys are in the forest.

They find some wood to 1) githl __________ a fire.

‘Oh, no! I can’t light the 2) iefr __________’ says Tom.

The boys 3) ytr __________ but they can’t light the fire.

Then they see an old man.

The 4) idnk __________ old man helps them light the fire.

‘Look! This is the 5) itgrh __________ way to light a fire,’ he says.

The boys thank the kind old man and wave 6) ybe __________ .

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Sounds and Words

Module 8: ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ words

1 Circle and write.

1 2 3 4
ee ee ee ee
ea ea ea ea

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

2 Find and circle. Write.

1 2 3 4

w a k s e c
1 ___________________
s e a s o n
e f o i d l 2 ___________________

e w e e k e 3 ___________________
d g a s m a
4 ___________________
s e d s h f

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Sounds and Words

Module 8: Words
3 Look, read and complete.

1 The ___________ is by the ___________ .

2 There is a ___________on her ___________ .

3 ‘Let’s ___________ soon’, says the ___________ .

4 Is this the ___________ we plant ___________ .

4 Use the code and colour the pictures.

ee = yellow

ea = green

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Sounds and Words

Module 8: Sight Words

5 Find the sight words and help the bee go to the hive.

leaf leave
keep  sleep
season read  keep
feet re  feet

eat teacher sheep  sheep

 street
 tree
tree sleep

6 Read, unscramble the letters and write the sight words. Then look and

1 The bee can (psele) _________________ in the (eter) _________________ .

2 The queen with the big (tefe) ____________ is in the (rtetes) ____________ .

3 Lee can (ekpe) ______________ the (sephe) ______________ for one week.

a b c

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Sounds and Words

Module 8: Sight Words

7 Read, choose and complete.

 keep  tree  feet  sheep  street  sleep

Betty Bee and Shelly 1) _______________ are friends.

Betty Bee has got a hive in a big 2) _______________ .
They play and dance all day under Betty Bee’s tree.
‘I’ve got an idea! Let’s go to the sea!’ says Shelly Sheep.
So they leave the tree and cross a big 3) _______________ .
‘Look, the sea!’ says Shelly Sheep and puts her 4) ______________ in the water.
‘Let’s swim!’ she says to Betty Bee.
‘I can’t swim,’ says Betty Bee.
So Shelly Sheep finds a leaf for Betty Bee to sit on.
‘This is fun!’ says Betty Bee. ‘Let’s 5) _______________ the leaf and come back
next week.’
Later, they go home and 6) ________________ under Betty Bee’s tree.

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